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  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers


    The Laser Printer Tech Quarterly

    FALL 2010







    CM1312, CM2320, CP1210, CP1510



  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers



    For HP, Lexmark, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.



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    Available 8-6 CST

    LP is oering clients a remanuactured op-tion or three additional using assemblies:

    HP LJ 5200


    HP LJ M5025/M5035


    Lexmark 65x


    As with every LP remanuactured printerassembly, these users are individually tested andinspected. Call your LP account rep to order us-ing the toll-ree numbers below, or call 888-444-8778 i you don't know who your rep is.


    B&W is 'Where It's At!'Which is more im-

    portant or the printerservice industry, color or

    black and white printers?Color certainly has

    power. Blue calms and redexcites us, it is said. A lit-tle color on an otherwisemonochrome page seizes our attention. Because it canbe used to manipulate us, color is a persuasive orce.

    Most business printing, however, does not need tobe gorgeous, but rather legible and economical. Teseneeds are met perectly by monochrome laser printers.Tey print aster than color laser printers, are more

    reliable, last longer, have ewer maintenance parts andhave, best o all, a lower cost-per-page. Tis is why sixout o seven HP users and maintenance kits we sell atLP are or monochrome printers.

    Oce printing is integral to society and will remainso or a long time. Whether you need parts or coloror monochrome HP, Lexmark, Oki or Samsung laserprinters, Liberty Parts eam is your wholesale partssource.



    Tree Remanuactured Fusers

    added to Liberty line

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers

    3/12Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619



    Calibrating the ouch ScreenDisplay On HP LaserJets

    Te control panels o the larger HP multi-unctionprinters (MFPs) are touch screens: instead o pressingbuttons to navigate printer menus, you touch dier-ent areas on the glass display itsel. Occasionally, thesedisplays become unresponsive and require calibration torestore unctionality. Despite the act that service man-uals routinely overlook this issue, there is a standardprocedure or monochrome and color MFPs released byHP since 2004.

    Standard ouch Screen Calibration (or LaserJetM3027, M3035, 4345 MFP, M4345, M5025/5035,9040/50 MFP, M9040/9050, Color LaserJet 4730MFP, 9500 MFP and the 9200C digital sender).

    1. Press and hold the number (#) and C keys whilepowering on the printer.

    2. Release these keys when a small dot or square ap-pears in the upper let corner* o the display.

    3. Precisely touch the small dot or square with apointed, but not sharp, object. Te manuals suggest astylus or a pencil eraser, but a pen cap will do do notuse anything that will scratch or mark the screen.

    4. A second small dot or square will appear in the

    lower right corner* o the display. ouch this dot in thesame way.

    5. Ater a ew seconds, the printer will resume its nor-mal boot sequence. Once it reaches the Ready state, itshould operate normally.

    *Te details vary on some models. I both dots appearat once, touch the upper let dot rst, then the lowerright dot. I they appear in dierent corners than de-scribed above, touch the dots in the order that theyappear. I the second dot does not appear, redo the cali-bration procedure.

    9000 MFP ouch Screen Calibration

    Tis printer has its own procedure. Its successors,the 9040 MFP and 9050 MFP, use the standard one.

    1. Hold down 1, 2 and 3 on the keypad while pow-ering on the printer

    2. Release the keys when crosses appear in the cor-ners o the display.

    3. Gently touch each cross with a thin object.ouching them makes them disappear.

    4. Power o the printer once all our crosses are re-moved in this way. Ten power the printer on again.

    5. Use the diagnostic menu to access the controlpanel. Select the OUCH SCREEN option.

    6. Zigzagging squares appear on the display. Count-ing rom the let, press the second square so that itdarkens. Ten press the seventh and the seventeenth. I

    they do not darken when touched, repeat the calibra-tion process.

    7. You are nished. Press Start.

    I you come across an HP printer with an unrespon-

    sive touch screen, and it is not listed above, check themanual or that printer. I the manual does not mentionthis issue, try the standard touch screen calibration, es-pecially i the printer model was released since 2004.


    When you touch the dot correctly,

    a second dot appears

    Standard Touch Screen Calibration

    Press each cross, making it disappear.Then cycle the power

    9000 MFP Touch Screen Calibration (1)

    Pressing squares darkensthem. First, press thesecond from the left.

    Then press the seventh

    and seventeenth (in red).

    9000 MFP Touch Screen Calibration (2)

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers



    For HP, Lexmark, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.


    5200 Fuser Drive Gear Available!Eight Easy Steps to a quiet printer

    Te rollers o a using assembly turn because a user gear isbeing turned by a user drive gear in the printer. Meshedtogether, these gears eventually wear out, become noisy andshould be replaced.

    Until now, the user drive gear or the LaserJet 5200Printer was unavailable, which means there are a lot onoisy printers in the feld today. Happily, an OEM userdrive gear is fnally available, part number RU5-0577.Call Liberty Parts eam to order.

    Te ollowing instructions, devised by LP's Craig Kalten-berg, will help you make the repair quickly.

    Replacing the 5200 Fuser Drive Gear1. Right Cover. Simply slide the right cover toward

    the back o the printer to remove it.

    2. Lower Back Cover or Duplexer.A. Duplexer: I the printer has a duplexer, remove

    it by pulling it out (at the back o the printer)until it stops, then liting slightly and pulling itout the rest o the way.

    B. Lower Back Cover: I there is no duplexer,remove the lower back cover by inserting youringer into the hole and pulling toward you.

    3. Face-Up Bin.A. Open the ace-up bin and loosen two recessed

    screws (Figure A). Note that these are captivescrews and cannot be completely removed.he screw on your let will be easier to accessi the ace-up bin is opened all the way. o dothis, irst release the user nip (the black plastic

    A. Two screws

    E. Top cover: two screws

    B. Two screws

    C. Unplug cable

    D. Remove top cover: tab

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers

    5/12Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619


    H. Left cover: two tabs

    G. Left cover: tab

    I. Left cover: removal

    section o the bin) by slightly closing the binand then pulling the two sections apart. Nowthe ace-up bin will open all the way.

    B. Once the screws have been loosened, close thebin, grasp the bottom o it, and gently pull outand up to remove it.

    4. op Cover.

    A. Remove two screws in the back (Figure B).B. Open the print-cartridge door, remove two

    more screws in the ront (Figure E), and releasethree retaining tabs one each on the let,center, and right, along the ront edge o thecover (Figure D shows the rightmost retainingtab).

    C. Now you should be able to lit the cover oo the printer. Beore you can get it very ar,though, you will have to unplug the displaycable on the right side (Figure C) and unwind it

    rom the cable guides on the cover.5. Let Cover.

    A. Removing the let cover is accomplished byreleasing ive retaining tabs in the proper order:1. in the center o the top edge (Figure F);2. in the lower let rear corner (Figure G);3. in the tray 2 cavity, about 5 inches in rom

    the ront o the printer;4. *under the rear end o the handle;5. *under the ront end o the handle. (*Tese

    last two are accessed rom the bottom o

    the printer, and are shown in Figure H).B. Once all ive tabs are released, the cover can be

    easily lited o, rotating it as in Figure I.

    6. Fuser.A. Remove two screws (at the top, just below the

    white plastic o the delivery assembly), one oneach side, and pull the user straight out theback.

    7. Fuser Drive Plate.A. he black plastic at the upper ront corner o

    the user drive plate has two arms attached to it,one on the outside o the printer (Figure J) andone on the inside (Figure K). Use a needle nosepliers to detach both arms rom the captiveplastic.

    B. Now remove seven screws (Figure L) and pullthe user drive assembly away rom the printer.Be careul several o the gears on the inside othis plate are not captive and can all o i it istilted the wrong way. For best results, keep theinner surace tilted upward. J. Fuser Drive Plate: uncouple arms

    F. Left cover: tab

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers



    For HP, Lexmark, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.

    M. The fuser drive gear

    N. White pin, side view

    8. Fuser Drive Gear.A. Figure M shows the inner surace o the user

    drive plate with the user drive gear (the blackgear). his gear is not captive, so you can simplyslide it on and o the shat. Note that it is notsymmetrical the center hub protrudes artheron one side o the gear than on the other.When installing this gear, the longer protrusionshould ace into the drive plate assembly, withthe shorter protrusion acing outward.

    Reverse the above steps to re-assemble the printer.

    Important Note: When re-installing the user driveassembly, make sure that the black plastic part o theassembly gets properly coupled to the small white pinin the printer body. Te coupling controls the userentrance fap, which should rotate up when the ront

    door is closed. Figure N shows this coupling rom thelet side o the printer; Figure O shows it rom the rearwith the fap up; Figure P shows the rear view withthe fap down. Note that the user is removed in thesephotos. I the black plastic and the white pin are notcoupled properly, this fap will always be down, causingprint quality issues and paper jams.


    L. Fuser drive plate: seven screws

    O. Rear view of white pin (circles, with close-up); fuser

    entrance ap is up (blue arrow)

    P. Rear view of white pin (circles, with close-up); fuser

    entrance ap is down (blue arrow)

    K. Fuser drive plate: uncouple arms

    Making the Unavailable Available

    Parts mentioned in this article.LJ 5200 Fuser Gear : RU5-0577-N

    o order, call toll-ree (888) 444-8778

    LJ 5200 Fuser Drive Gearcontinued rom page 7

    Service Edge is the quarterly laser printer tech bulletin of Liberty Parts Team, Inc. Editor-in-Chief: David K. Reinke; Editor: Robert Reinke; Writers: Dennis Kos-

    terman, Robert Reinke; Research: Dennis Kosterman, Craig Kaltenberg, Sean Heil. 2010 Liberty Parts Team, Inc.

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    7/12Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619


    D. Two screws


    Replacing the Fuser DriveGear in the P4015 series

    Tis series o printers is HPs replacement or theLaserJet 4200/4300 series. It is a similar design, andhas similar problems, including a tendency or the userdrive gear to wear out. In the 4200/4300 printers, youcould oten get away with replacing just one gear (rath-er than the whole swing plate assembly), and there wasa shortcut procedure or doing this. Tis shortcut is notavailable in the P4015 series, but it is still possible toreplace the user drive gear. A step-by-step procedureollows (unless stated otherwise, let-right designationsare as viewed rom the ront o the printer):

    1. Remove the toner cartridge and paper cassette.

    Make sure to put the toner cartridge in a dark placeor cover it prolonged exposure to ambient lightcan damage the drum.

    2. Remove top accessories or top-accessory cover.Remove any output accessories (stacker, mailbox,etc.). I there are none, remove the top-accessorycover (toward the back o the printer, on top) bysimply liting it up. Tere are retaining tabs on eachside, but they will release themselves as you pull upon the cover.

    3. Remove the duplexer or duplex accessory cover.

    Simply pull the duplexer or the cover out o theprinter (rom the back) to remove it.

    4. Remove the tray 2 extension door (in back oprinter). Careully fex the door to release the hingepin near the power cord side o the printer. Tenrotate the door to the horizontal position and pullup on the remaining hinge pin to release the door.

    5. Remove the rear output bin. Open the bin andsqueeze the right hinge pin (on your let i you arebehind the printer) out o its mounting hole. Tenrotate the bin away rom the printer to release the

    other hinge pin.6. Remove the user. Squeeze the blue user-release

    tabs (one on each side) and pull the user straightback and out o the printer. When re-installing theuser, make sure to push it in until these tabs snapinto place.

    7. Remove the ormatter. First remove the plastic or-matter cover (right side o the printer, toward theback) by simply grasping it and sliding it straightback. o remove the metal ormatter cage, remove

    F. Gear shaft (blue arrow,gear not present) and four screws

    B. Power supply PCA guide, two screws (bluecircles). Power supply: 4 screws (red circles) &grounding screw (yellow circle).

    A. Two tabs on top of printer

    E. Two screws

    C. Unplug ve cables (checked)

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers



    For HP, Lexmark, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.

    the two thumbscrews, then use the nger holes onthe side to grasp it and slide it straight back. Tiswill require some orce, as you are also unplugginga connector. When reinstalling the board/cage, youmay want to open the metal door on the side o thecage so that you can visually veriy correct seating othis connector.

    8. Remove the top cover. Open the print-cartridgedoor and the ront cover. Use needle-nose pliers torelease the print-cartridge drive arm rom the rightside o the cover, and then push the arm down intothe printer (remember to re-attach this arm whenre-installing the cover). Remove our screws, one ineach o the our corners o the cover. Now partiallyclose the print-cartridge door, release two tabs (Fig.A), and lit the cover o the printer. ake care toproperly reseat these two tabs when re-installingthe cover. Also note that the accessory pin (in thelet-rear corner o the cover) is not captive; take

    care not to lose it.9. Remove the right-side cover. Release three tabs

    one along the top edge, directly above the an vent;one at the upper rear corner, and one at the ronto the ormatter cavity. Ten slightly fex the coverto release the ront edge, rotate the top edge awayrom the printer, and lit up to remove it. Whenre-installing the cover, make sure that the plasticpower switch (on the cover) couples properly to themetal power switch rod (in the printer).

    10. Remove the let-side cover. Open the ront cover

    and gently fex the retainers to separate them romthe tray 1 arms so that you can open the cover allthe way (this is to provide clearance or the let cov-er). Now release two tabs (one along the top edge othe let cover, and one along the ront edge), rotatethe top o the cover away rom the printer, and litup to remove it.

    11. Remove the power supply PCA guide (right sideo printer, toward the back). Remove two screws,release the retaining tab, and slide the guide towardthe rear o the printer to remove it (Fig. B).

    12. Remove the power supply. On the right side othe printer, remove our screws and one ground-ing screw (Fig. B). Ten unplug ve cables (Fig. C)rom the DC Controller. Feed these cables throughthe hole in the chassis into the paper tray cavitybelow the power supply. Unhook the power-switchrod rom the chassis, and then pull down to re-move it rom the power supply (note that the rodattaches to the power supply inside the paper traycavity observe this beore removing it so you willknow where to re-attach it later). On the let side o

    the printer, remove two screws to remove the an-cover plate (below the an). Tis gives you access tothree cables. Unplug them, and remove our screwswhich correspond to our screws on the other side(Fig.B). Now grasp the power supply rom behind,lit it slightly, and slide it out the back o the printer.NOE: When removing and re-installing the pow-er supply, take care not to dislodge the small rubber

    belts and plastic rollers on the eed-guide assembly(mounted to the top o the power supply).

    13. Remove the RW crossmember plate: Tis is ametal piece that attaches to the rear edge o themetal plate that supports the laser/scanner. o re-move it, it is necessary to remove our screws. woo these are easily accessed rom the rear (Fig. D).Te other two (Fig. E) are accessed rom the bot-tom by inserting one's arms through the paper traycavity .

    14. Remove the user drive assembly. Tis is attachedto the inner surace o the right wall o the printerchassis by our screws, one in each corner. o ac-cess the lower ront screw, you will need to removea gear (Fig. F) simply pry the retaining tab awayrom the shat and slide the gear o. Ten removethe our screws and pull the drive assembly awayrom the chassis, taking care not to let any o thenon-captive gears all o.

    15. Replace the user drivegear. Tis is the largebrown gear at the rear end

    o the user drive assembly.Tere are no retaining tabs simply lit it o the shatand replace it with the newone. Note that the twosides o the gear are notidentical. Te ridged sideshould ace up and awayrom the metal plate o the drive assembly.

    Reverse the above steps to re-assemble the printer.


    Making the Unavailable Available

    Parts mentioned in this article.P4015 Fuser Drive Gear: RU6-0171

    Call toll-ree (888) 444-8778

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers

    9/12Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619



    Replacing Rollers inthe CM1312, CM2320,

    CP1210/1510 & CP2025With most laser printers, replacing the pickup,

    eed, and separation rollers is simple and intuitive, butit is more involved with the printers we will be discuss-ing here: HP LaserJet models CM1312, CM2320,CP1210/1510 series (CP1215, CP1515, andCP1518) and CP2025.

    Tese models require you to use the printer menusto rotate the rollers into the correct position or re-placement. Tis article will explain the procedure using

    the CM1312 as our primary example. Te other mod-els are similar, and the key dierences are noted at theend o the article.

    1: Go into the menu(s) and rotate the roller(s):

    NOE: I there is paper in the cassette, the roller rota-tion will pick up one piece o paper, so you may want toempty the cassette beore perorming this step. However,the cassette must be installed or the procedure to work.

    a. On the CM1312, start by pressing the Setup but-ton (it has an image o a wrench on it). Tis brings youto a menu listing, but the menu we want (2ndary Ser-

    vice) is not among those listed.b. Now press both the let arrow button (on the squaresurrounding OK) and the Cancel button (X) at

    the same time, and then release them.Tis brings back the main Ready

    screen. Now press Setup again,and we are back to the menu listing,but now our desired menu is listed.

    c. Use the arrow buttons to scroll to2ndary Service and press OK to

    select it. Now use the arrow buttons toscroll to Pick Roller (Fig. B.) and press OK to selectit.

    d. Press OK a second time to rotate the roller.

    e. When the roller has nished rotating (you should beable to hear it), turn the power o and then unplug theprinter (disconnect both the power cable and the data/interace cable).

    Step 2: Remove/replace the pick roller:

    a. Remove the paper cassette, and then careully placethe printer ront-side up (back side resting on the ta-

    A. Pick Roller, not yet rotated for removal

    B. Menu to rotate pick roller for removal

    C. Pick Roller ready for removal

    D. Roller cover for Separation Roller

    E. Removing the Separation Roller

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers



    For HP, Lexmark, Samsung and Okidata printer parts, call Liberty Parts Team: 888-444-8778.

    F. Removing the Separation Roller

    G. Flat spot on roller

    Helping you in a hundred ways.

    Parts mentioned in this article.Pickup roller: RM1-4426

    Separation Roller, CM1312,CP1210/1510, RM1-4425

    CM2320, CP2025, RM1-4840o order, call toll-ree (888) 444-8778

    ble). CAUION: In this orientation, the ADF and scan-ner cover are not captive and can open suddenly. Alwayssupport these pieces beore placing the printer ront-side up.Also note that debris on the work surace can scratch theprinter covers, so beore placing the printer ront-side up,clean the work surace and/or cover it with a clean, drycloth. Te roller should look like Fig. C. (i it looks likeFig. A., it has not been rotated and you may need to re-

    peat Step 1 above).b. Release the two white plastic locking tabs (one oneach side o the roller) and remove the roller. I also re-placing the separation roller, it is best to do that beorere-installing the pickup roller.

    3. Remove/replace the separation roller.

    a. First remove the black plastic roller cover (Fig. D. ) byreleasing the two locking pins (one on each end).

    b. Now you should be able to pry the let end o theseparation roller and its holder ree by slightly spread-

    ing the surrounding plastic on that side (Fig. E., F.).c. Once the let end is ree, you can lit the entire rollerassembly out. Note that the new roller does not in-clude the plastic holder, so you will have to transer theholder rom the old roller to the new one. Also notethat both the roller and the holder are asymmetrical.Te roller only ts in the holder one way. Te fat spoton the let end o the roller shat (Fig. G.) must ace upso that the retaining clip o the holder ts over it. I itdoesnt seem to t properly, try rotating the holder 180degrees it will t properly in one orientation but notthe other. Te roller/holder assembly also only mounts

    into the printer one way with the larger end o theshat to the let. Once the separation roller is mountedin the printer, re-install the roller cover and the pickuproller (this also ts one way only i it doesnt want toseat, try turning it 180 degrees).

    When the machine is powered back on, the rollershould automatically rotate back into the normal posi-tion. It is a good idea to go into the Reports menu andprint a demo page or conguration page to make surethat the rollers are properly installed and positioned.

    Variations in the procedure or other printer models:

    CM2320 and CP2025: o get to the 2ndary Servicemenu rom the Ready state, simultaneously pressthe Let Arrow button and the Cancel button, thensimultaneously release them. Menu operations are asdescribed above. When the roller has rotated, rst un-plug the power cord, then place the power switch in theo position. Roller removal is as described above, butto access the rollers, just lit the ront o the printer. Donot tip it all the way back onto its rear surace, as thiscan cause contamination o the laser/scanner. Ater re-

    placing the rollers, plug the power cord in rst and thenpower on.

    CP1215: With the printer power o, press and holdthe Resume button. Continue holding this buttonwhile powering on. Wait at least 30 seconds (but lessthan 40 seconds) beore releasing the button. I this isdone correctly, the control-panel LEDs will cycle on

    and o, indicating that the roller has moved to the re-quired position. Now power o. Roller removal proce-dures are as described above or the CM1312.

    CP1515/1518: o get to the 2ndary Service menurom the Ready state, simultaneously press the LetArrow button and the Cancel button, then simultane-ously release them. Menu operations are as describedabove. Ten power o. Roller removal procedures are asdescribed above or the CM1312.

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers

    11/12Liberty Parts Team, Inc. 3517 W Beltline Hwy., Madison, WI 53713 608-268-7600 FAX 608-268-7619


    Optra S Optra 610/612, 614/616 620, 622

    520/522 630, 632/634 640, 642, 644

    420 E232/240 W820

    LP oers two alternatives to expensive OEMLexmark users: remanuactured and third party.Tird-party Lexmark users are careul copies o OEMversions created by independent actories. All the com-ponents are new, and because none o them are OEM,the savings is substantial.

    Tird-party parts have had a critical place in theprinter parts industry since it began in the late 1980s.Our veteran sta knows how to select the best availablepart. Some time ago, LP switched 3rd-party vendorsand has been very satised with the improved con-

    sistency and quality. o ensure customer satisaction,every user is inspected and every heating element isohm-checked.

    Benefts o third party users

    Individually inspected and ohm-metered

    New components

    Aordably priced



    Lexmark Fusers:Te 3rd Party Option

    Tird-party fusers for Lexmark printers

    E23X, E240 40X4194-EN-A

    Optra S12xx 99A1185-EN-A

    Optra S16xx/18xx m. kit 99A0967-EN-A

    Optra S24xx 99A1190-EN-A

    T420, X65XE 56P0648-EN-A

    T520/T522 99A2423-EN-Amaintenance kit 99A2420-AA

    Optra T610/T612 99A1969-EN-Amaintenance kit 99A1970-AA

    Optra T614/T616 99A1977-EN-Amaintenance kit 99A1978-EN-A

    T620 99A2402-EN-Amaintenance kit 99A2408-AA

    T622 99A2405-EN-Amaintenance kit 99A2411-AA

    T630/T632 56P2542-EN-Amaintenance kit 56P1409-EN-A

    T634 56P1859-EN-Amaintenance kit 56P1855-AA

    T640, T642, T644 40X2592-EN-Amaintenance kit 40X0100-AA

    T65X, X65XE 40X4418-EN-A

    W820/Xerox N4525 12G4184-EN-Amaintenance kit 12G4182-EN-A

    W840 40X0647-EN-Amaintenance kit 40X0956-EN-A

  • 8/2/2019 Remove FUSER Printers


    Grab a RakeLPTwishes your printerservice organization a

    prosperous Fall 2010. Tisissue oService Edgeofersour new printer tech articlesas well as exciting product an-nouncements.


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