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INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on TROPICAL CYCLONES (IWTC-9) December 3 – 7, 2018, Hawaii, USA Topic 5: TC Analysis and Remote Sensing Sub-Topic 1: New and Existing Methods to Estimate TC Surface Wind Structure Rapporteur/s: Thomas Meissner and Lucrezia Ricciardulli, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, USA, [email protected] , [email protected] . Working Group: Jeff Hawkins 1) , Matthew Kucas 2) , Mary Morris 3) , Alexis Mouche 4) , Nicolas Reul 4) , Kimberly Woods 5) 1) Retired 2) Joint Typhoon Warning Center, USA 3) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA 4) IFREMER, France 5) Mississippi State University, USA Abstract: The rapport describes and compares various existing and new methods to estimate tropical cyclone (TC) surface wind structure from spaceborne sensors. We discuss scatterometers, L-band radiometers, C- band synthetic aperture radars, reflectometers and microwave sounders. We describe the TC wind structure analysis at the JTWC and the DAV technique for determining wind radii. 5.1.1 Introduction The report is organized as follows: Section 5.1. deals with the classical co-polarized C-band and Ku-band scatterometers. L-band radiometers (SMOS and SMAP), which are a relative new technology for determining intensity and size of TC, are described in Section 5.1. and their capabilities are compared to the classical co-polarized scatterometers. The subject of Section 5.1. is the dual polarized C- band synthetic aperture radar and its capability to determine TC structure. Another new technology, reflectometry, with focus on the CYGNSS instrument, is described in Section 5.1.. Section 5.1. deals with the microwave sounding technique. Section 5.1. gives an account 5.11

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December 3 – 7, 2018, Hawaii, USA

Topic 5: TC Analysis and Remote Sensing

Sub-Topic 1: New and Existing Methods to Estimate TC Surface Wind Structure

Rapporteur/s: Thomas Meissner and Lucrezia Ricciardulli, Remote Sensing Systems, Santa Rosa, CA, USA, [email protected], [email protected].

Working Group: Jeff Hawkins1), Matthew Kucas2), Mary Morris3), Alexis Mouche4), Nicolas Reul4), Kimberly Woods5)

1) Retired2) Joint Typhoon Warning Center, USA 3) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA4) IFREMER, France5) Mississippi State University, USA

Abstract: The rapport describes and compares various existing and new methods to estimate tropical cyclone (TC) surface wind structure from spaceborne sensors. We discuss scatterometers, L-band radiometers, C-band synthetic aperture radars, reflectometers and microwave sounders. We describe the TC wind structure analysis at the JTWC and the DAV technique for determining wind radii.

5.1.1 Introduction

The report is organized as follows: Section 5.1. deals with the classical co-polarized C-band and Ku-band scatterometers. L-band radiometers (SMOS and SMAP), which are a relative new technology for determining intensity and size of TC, are described in Section 5.1. and their capabilities are compared to the classical co-polarized scatterometers. The subject of Section 5.1. is the dual polarized C-band synthetic aperture radar and its capability to determine TC structure. Another new technology, reflectometry, with focus on the CYGNSS instrument, is described in Section 5.1.. Section 5.1. deals with the microwave sounding technique. Section 5.1. gives an account of how these sensors are used in the TC wind structure analysis at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Section 5.1 describes the DAV technique of estimating wind radii. Summary and conclusions are given in Section 5.1. and some recommendations are made in Section 5.1..

5.1.2 Scatterometers

Scatterometers are spaceborne radars used to measure the ocean surface wind speed and direction. They operate at microwave frequencies/wavelengths of about 14 GHz/2 cm (Ku-band, VV and HH-pol: NSCAT, QuikSCAT, OSCAT-1, RapidScat, ScatSat), 5 GHz/5 cm (C-band, VV-Pol: ERS, ASCAT). Some of these instruments and missions are described in detail in Naderi et al. (1991), Attema (1991), Lungu and Callahan (2006), Figa-Saldana et al. (2002), Durden


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and Perkovic-Martin (2017), Wentz et al (2017). The incident waves resonate via Bragg scattering with ocean capillary waves, whose wavelengths range from a few millimeters to a few centimeters, and a signal is backscattered to the scatterometer. The intensity of the backscatter relative to the transmitted intensity depends on the wind speed and direction, and on frequency, polarization and Earth incidence angle. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mission QuikSCAT operated continuously from 1999 to 2009 and has been very useful for wind data assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. Current scatterometer missions used in NWP are the EUMETSAT ASCAT on MetOp-A (since 2007) and MetOp–B (since 2012), and the ISRO ScatSat. The actual resolution of these data is 25-50 km.

The scatterometer wind retrieval algorithms are based on empirical models which are developed by matching the observed backscatter signal as a function of frequency, polarization, and Earth incidence angle to collocated ground truth wind measurements (Wentz and Smith, 1999; Verspeek et al., 2010; Ricciardulli and Wentz, 2015; Soisuvarn et al., 2012; Stoffelen et al., 2017). At wind speeds below 30 ms-1, the ground truth is represented by buoys, by other well-calibrated satellite measurements or by NWP models, e.g. NCEP GDAS or ECMWF. For very high winds (above 30 ms-1) the model is typically extrapolated and tuned to make the retrieved winds match winds in storms observed by aircraft-mounted instruments.

Scatterometer measurements are impacted by rain (Stiles and Yueh, 2002; Tournadre and Quilfen, 2003; Draper and Long, 2004; Hilburn et al., 2006; Weissman and Bourassa, 2008; Portabella et al, 2012). At winds greater than 20 ms-1, rain significantly attenuates the backscattered signal, and it distorts the wind vectors by artificially shifting them to a direction perpendicular to the satellite track. For this reason, scatterometer wind measurements are of limited use for TCs as a significant portion of the wind field in the storm is affected by rain. This has been a shortcoming for the QuikSCAT and RapidScat observations in TCs, but less for ASCAT, as rain affects the high frequencies measurements (Ku-band) much more than lower ones (C-band).

Another important issue is that the wind speed signal of single polarized scatterometers (VV or HH-pol) loses sensitivity and starts to saturate above 35 ms-1(Donelan et al., 2004; Hwang et al., 2013; Hwang and Fois, 2015; Sapp et al., 2016), which makes accurate wind speed estimates in intense TCs difficult. This shortcoming will be mitigated by adding a cross-polarization channel (VH-Pol) to the C-band scatterometers, as on the Sentinel-1 SAR and on the future MetOp SG, planned for launch in 2022 (c.f. Section ).

5.1.3 L-Band Radiometers

It has been a long-standing challenge for satellite sensors to accurately measure high wind speeds, as found in tropical or extratropical cyclones. The reasons are: 1) in most sensors, the signal saturates when wind speed reaches ~33 ms-1 - the strength of category-1 hurricanes, and 2) the signal is attenuated by heavy rainfall that typically accompanies the majority of high wind events. Both of these factors can result in large errors at very high wind speeds.

The recent availability of spaceborne L-band radiometers, which operate in the low range microwave frequencies (1 – 2 GHz), overcomes the shortcomings which affect TC observations from most of the currently operating instruments. L-band radiometers are minimally affected by rain or frozen precipitation (Wentz, 2005; Reul et al., 2012). The signal they receive remains sensitive to increasing wind even in wind speeds up to 70 ms-1 (Reul et al., 2012; Yueh et al., 2013; Meissner et al., 2014; Reul et al., 2016; Fore et al., 2016; Meissner et al., 2017), the strength of category-5 tropical cyclones. Both the European Space Agency (ESA) Soil Moisture


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and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) L-band radiometers are able to provide very reliable measurements of extreme ocean wind speeds at a spatial resolution of 40 km (Reul et al., 2016, 2017; Yueh et al., 2016, Meissner et al., 2017).

SMOS (Kerr et al. 2010, Mecklenburg et al. 2012) is a synthetic aperture radiometer that measures effectively the spatial Fourier transform of the emitted brightness temperature, which is referred to as visibility. This visibility function is then converted into scene brightness temperatures, from which the surface wind speed can be retrieved. SMAP (Entekhabi et al. 2010, 2014) has a real aperture consisting of a spinning mesh antenna of 6-meter diameter. Achieving the desired spatial resolution of 40 km with the low L-band frequency requires either a large antenna or the utilization of the synthetic aperture technique. Wind speeds are processed and distributed for both sensors (,, /missions/smap ).

Figure 5.1.1 Time series of intensity, 34-kt (gale force), 50-kt (storm force) and 64-kt (hurricane force) wind radii of Hurricane FLORENCE in September 2018. The red circles are the values from SMAP (40 km spatial resolution), and the blue squares from RSS ASCAT (25 km). The green dashed lines are the Best Track (BT) estimates from the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC). The BT intensity values have been scaled from 1-minute to 10-minute sustained winds (Harper et al., 2010). The radii are shown for the NE sector.

For wind speeds below 15 ms-1, the performance of L-band radiometers to measure scalar wind speeds is not as good as that of higher frequency radiometers or scatterometers (QuikSCAT, ASCAT, RapidScat, ScatSat). The L-band radiometers have larger radiometer noise and lower sensitivity to wind speed below 15 ms-1. However, at high wind speeds, above 25 ms-1, L-band radiometers have a distinct advantage over most of these other instruments. This applies, in


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particular, under heavy precipitation, as found in TCs. The signal of the L-band radiometer shows no sign of saturation or sensitivity loss even in extreme winds. The reason for this is that the microwave emission from the wind roughened ocean surface is caused by sea-foam (whitecaps), which keeps increasing approximately linearly with wind speed (Nordberg et al., 1971; Monahan and O’Muircheartaigh, 1980; Reul and Chapron, 2003; Anguelova and Webster, 2006) and for many years was the basis for visible estimation of surface wind speeds (Neumann, 1952). This advantage of radiometers at low-frequency over scatterometers in measuring extreme wind speeds had already been suggested by Jones et al. (1981) in their pioneering aircraft flight into Hurricane Allen.

Figure 5.1.2 Surface wind speed retrieved from SMOS data (40 km resolution) as the satellite swath intercepted Super-Typhoon JEBI on 02 SEP 2018. The wind speed contours from SMOS wind (pink) at 34-kt (left), 50-kt (middle) and 64-kt (right) are superimposed with ATCF wind-radii forecasts (thick black).

Figure 5.1.3. Rapid intensification of Typhoon TRAMI observed by SMAP (40 km spatial resolution). The observed intensity changed from 43 ms-1 (Category 2) on 2018-09-23 08:47 to 61 ms-1(Category 4) on 2018-09-24 09:25 within less than 25 hours. The lines show the 34-kt, 50-kt and 64-kt wind radii in the various sectors.


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Figure 5.1.1 shows the time series of intensity and radii of Hurricane Florence observed by SMAP and RSS ASCAT (Ricciardulli, 2016; Ricciardulli and Wentz, 2016) and compared to Best Track (BT) data. The maximum winds need to be sustained for at least 10 minutes in order to produce the roughness that the satellites observes. Therefore, the Best Track intensity data have been scaled down from 1-minute to 10-minute sustained winds to be representative of the scales observed by satellite (Harper et al., 2010). Further examples are shown in Figure5.1.2 (SMOS wind field of Super-Typhoon JEBI) and Figure 5.1.3. (Rapid intensification of Typhoon TRAMI from SMAP).

The L-band radiometers are able to detect the phases of rapid intensification at least up to wind speeds of 60 ms-1 and show good correlation with the BT intensities and radii. Currently, the major limiting factor of the L-band radiometers to measure winds in tropical cyclones is their spatial resolution (~ 40 km). In many cases, this does not allow to resolve the structure around the eye of the tropical cyclone, in particular for small compact systems. It also puts a limitation on how close to the coast accurate ocean wind speed measurements can be performed. However, combined data from SMOS and SMAP do provide new and very regular estimates of wind radii at 34-kt, 50-kt and 64-kt for each given storm (Reul et al., 2017).

Estimates of storm intensity and sizes are being produced in near-real time from SMOS ( and SMAP ( /missions/smap ). The Joint Typhoon Warning Center has started using these in their forecasting via their Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Systems (ATCF) (Sampson and Schrader, 2000). These estimates (e.g., Figure 5.1.1 – Figure 5.1.3.) are critical for both real-time estimates of wind radii (Bender et al., 2017) and guidance development (Knaff et al., 2018).

5.1.4 C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar

The C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems are the only active microwave sensors able to observe ocean surface night and day and through clouds at high resolution (50 m) with a wide coverage (400 km swath). This unique combination opens perspectives to characterize the inner core storm structures, such as, the eye-wall and radius of maximum wind speed, and the rain band locations. High resolution also allows measurements in coastal areas without any land contamination.

Since the launch of the first satellite SAR mission SEASAT in 1978, the application of SAR for ocean surface wind retrieval has become mature for moderate wind speeds (Monaldo et al., 2003; Dagestad et al., 2012), with noticeable efforts for hurricane monitoring (Gonzales et al. 1982; Katsaros et al., 2000). Up to very recently, and as for scatterometer missions, most of the SAR were only operating in co-polarization (antenna emits in V or H polarization and receives in H or V polarization). SAR wind measurement principle is thus very similar to scatterometers. It relies on the sensitivity of the backscattered intensity from the ocean sea surface to the ocean surface wind speed and direction. Consequently, SAR suffers from the same limitation for extreme winds: a decrease in sensitivity for winds higher than 35 ms-1. Yet, several improvements and new methodologies have been seen in recent years. Radarsat-2 (launched in 2007 by the Canadian Space Agency) pioneered the capabilities to measure the signal both in co-polarization and cross-polarization (antenna emits in V polarization and receives in H; or vice versa). In particular, the higher sensitivity (with no apparent saturation) of the cross-polarization (w.r.t. to co-polarization) to the ocean surface wind speed for extreme winds enables to improve the wind speed accuracy in TCs (Zhang et al., 2012; Horstmann et al., 2015; Hwang et al., 2015).


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Thanks to the space component of Copernicus (the European Union's Earth Observation Programme), a constellation mission consisting of two SARs is now operational since April 2014 for Sentinel-1A and April 2016 for Sentinel-1B. The extension of Sentinel-1 mission is already planned and agreed by the European Commission and the ESA with Sentinel-1C and -1D. They will ensure the continuity of Copernicus service at least until the end of 2030. As it was the case with Radarsat-2, the Sentinel-1 SARs can acquire simultaneously over the same area in both co- and cross- polarizations. Mouche et al. (2017) focused on the quality assessment of the new cross-polarization channel and its possible benefits for extreme wind measurements. They propose to combine both co- and cross- polarizations to measure ocean surface wind vector at 3-km resolution over TCs. When compared to SMAP radiometer measurements, very consistent results have been obtained with bias and RMS respectively lower than 3.5 and 5.0 ms-1 for wind speeds larger than 30 ms-1 (Mouche et al. 2017). At the same resolution (40 km), the linear relationship found between L-band ocean surface roughness brightness temperature and C-band cross-polarized backscattering over extreme winds explains the similar performances of the two different sensors (Zhao et al. 2018).

Figure 5.1.1: Wind speed as obtained (a) with SAR using the two polarization channels at 3-km resolution, (b) at 40 km resolution with the SMAP radiometer wind speed from the RSS algorithm (Meissner et al. 2017).

Figure 5.1.1. shows a comparison between Sentinel-1 SAR and SMAP radiometer ocean surface wind speed retrieved in the case of Typhoon Lionrock (2016/08/27) as obtained (a) with SAR


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using the two polarization channels at 3-km resolution and (b) SMAP radiometer wind speed from the RSS algorithm (Meissner et al., 2017). As observed, typical parameters such as TC eye diameter or radius of maximum wind can only be accurately derived from high resolution products. Recent work has also shown the capability of Sentinel-1 to measure wind speeds up to 75 ms-1 over Irma the 7th of September 2017 in close agreement with SFMR (Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer) airborne measurements (Mouche et al. 2018). Finally, the analysis of backscattered signal can also provide information on the wind rolls alignments in the TC (Foster et al., 2004).

The differing sensitivity between contemporaneous co- and cross-polarized SAR signals is thus the main advantage of new SAR missions to infer local information about the TC structure. To first order and because of its high-resolution capabilities, SAR measurements can thus accurately document the ocean surface response in and around TC eyes. However, at C-Band and at high resolution, the impact of rain in case of extreme wind is still uncertain with possible increase or decrease of the backscattered signal.

5.1.5 Reflectometry

Global Navigation Satellite System-reflectometry (GNSS-R) is a remote sensing technique that uses navigation signals—specifically, those that reflect from a surface—opportunistically for science applications (Zavorotny et al. 2014). The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) mission employs a constellation of eight microsatellites, each with a 4-channel GNSS-R radar receiver capable of measuring Global Positioning System (GPS) L1 signals scattered from the surface (Ruf et al. 2016a,b; 2018). CYGNSS provides frequent observations of near-surface ocean wind speed in all precipitating conditions and represents the first science-driven GNSS-R satellite mission.

Figure 5.1.2: A CYGNSS overpass of Hurricane Florence on 11 September 2018. Left: In color, CYGNSS young seas limited fetch (YSLF) wind speed. A dashed-cross line denotes the best track center location, with the red dots denoting the interpolated center position at the CYGNSS coverage time for this plot. Middle: CYGNSS YSLF wind speed, again in knots, but projected in storm centric coordinates, with the closest-in-time best track wind radii estimates visualized for comparison. Right: An example of a CYGNSS parametric model retrieval in the SE quadrant.

Contrasting the large swaths provided from scatterometers and radiometers, CYGNSS delivers wind speed observations via collections of tracks across the ocean surface (See Error:Reference source not found) (CYGNSS, 2017; Ruf and Balasubramaniam, 2018; Ruf et al., 2018) The sampling properties of the CYGNSS constellation are a function of the orbit properties of the spacecraft and GPS satellites, and are therefore a function of latitude, and time and space window choices (Bussy-Virat et al., 2018). Morris and Ruf (2017a,b) developed


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methods that objectively estimate TC intensity, wind radii, radius of maximum wind speed, and integrated kinetic energy from simulated CYGNSS level-2 wind speed estimates. Morris and Ruf’s parametric model algorithm smartly interpolates across tracks of CYGNSS observations through a storm, leading to objective estimates of TC metrics. Using the best-track datasets as validation, these methods are applied and validated using the first set of CYGNSS TC observations (Morris, 2018; Chu et al., 2002; Landsea and Franklin, 2013). Error: Referencesource not found shows a preliminary example of a CYGNSS storm overpass, with the resulting parametric model retrieval. In the example shown in Error: Reference source not found, Hurricane Florence is not completely sampled, but where there are observations, objective estimates of TC metrics are possible. Notably, CYGNSS wind speed estimates capture the storm structure asymmetry documented in the closest best-track analysis. The methods developed in Morris and Ruf (2017b) are currently being applied to on-orbit data, with one retrieval example shown in Error: Reference source not found.

5.1.6 Microwave Sounders

A Hurricane Intensity and Structure Algorithm (HISA) based on microwave sounder derived temperature (T) and moisture (Q) profiles has been created to estimate TC intensity (max winds [Vmax] and minimum sea level pressure [MSLP]) as well as the radius of 34 (gale), 50 (damaging), and 64 (hurricane/typhoon) kt surface winds. This Cooperative Institute of Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) technique (Chirokova et al., 2017) was initially developed in 2004 to produce TC intensity estimates using low earth orbiting (LEO) microwave sounder data (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit – AMSU) (Demuth et al., 2004, 2006; Bessho et al., 2006). 3-D profiles of T, Q and cloud liquid water (CLW) (Boukabara et al., 2013) provide the environmental thermodynamics in and around the TC regardless of cloudy conditions (a major advantage over Infrared (IR) based sounders) and map the warm core temperature anomaly aloft that is highly correlated with storm intensity.

Figure 5.1.3: Block diagram of statistical model to estimate surface values.

NOAA’s Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) provides T and Q profiles from multiple AMSU sensors (NOAA-15, 16, 18, 19, MetOp A, B) and the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS, SNPP, JPSS1-soon) in near real-time once the Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting (ATCF) aid tells it the TC’s location. Using NOAA’s global model (GFS) data for boundary conditions, a downward hydrostatic integration is performed, a geopotential height field is derived and subsequently a 3-D wind field is produced at standard pressure levels for a 12-degree TC centered box. Finally, a statistical model is used to estimate surface values, including Vmax, MSLP, R34, R50, and R64 as noted in the block diagram Figure 5.1.3.

Note the T and Q profiles can capture TC asymmetries that can be caused by a variety of environmental influences (interactions with ridges, troughs, island/land terrain, other TCs, shear, sea surface temperatures, dry air entrainment, etc.). A 2-D wind field at standard pressure levels is then available for multiple applications. Figure 5.1.4 highlights an example of 850 hPa winds from TC Marcus illustrating the asymmetric winds.


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Verification of these satellite-derived wind radii have been done using NHC and JTWC “best track” data sets from 2012-2016 for TCs in the Atlantic, East Pacific, and Western Pacific basins (Table 5.1.1). The sample storms range from tropical storms to Cat 5 (Super Typhoons). Note the number of cases for gale wind radii (> 34 kt) will be larger than either R50 or R64 cases, since not all TCs reach 50 or 64 kt respectively. Ongoing work is focused on adding TC structure predictors and updating coefficients using a much larger data set. Note that ATMS’s superior resolution can better handle smaller storms and compact gradients.

Figure 5.1.4: 850 hPa winds from TC Marcus.

Table 5.1.1: Verification of satellite-derived wind radii from “best track” data.

5.1.7 Tropical Cyclone Wind Structure Analysis at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center

JTWC generates and distributes Significant Tropical Weather Advisories, Tropical Cyclone Formation Alerts, and TC track, intensity, and wind field forecasts for U.S. Government customers in the North Pacific, South Pacific, and Indian Ocean basins. Significant Tropical Weather Advisories classify the potential for monitored disturbances to develop into significant TCs within a 24-hour forecast period as “low,” “medium,” or “high.” Tropical Cyclone Formation Alerts provide a geographical area for potential TC formation of each disturbance at the “high” classification level. TC warnings cover a 120-hour forecast period unless dissipation, subtropical transition (STT) or extratropical transition (ETT) is expected to occur earlier. If dissipation, STT or ETT is predicted, the JTWC warning will cover the period up to and including the anticipated dissipation, STT or ETT. Forecasts are issued every six hours. The maximum sustained wind speed for initiating TC warnings is 25 knots in the North Pacific and 35 knots in the North Indian Ocean and Southern Hemisphere, with allowance to “warn early” for timely protection of resources and human life.

JTWC forecasters analyze the radius of 34-knot, 50-knot and 64-knot winds (R34, R50 and R64, respectively) in the northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest quadrants of all North


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Pacific, South Pacific and Indian Ocean basin TCs. These wind radii represent the maximum over-ocean area within which TC-induced sustained wind speeds equal to or greater than the indicated threshold may be observed. Estimating wind radii for TCs that develop within such an expansive geographic area that encompasses large, data sparse regions, without the aid of aerial reconnaissance, is a major challenge1. However, JTWC has made solid progress toward improving the accuracy of these estimates over the past several years with the ongoing support of various researchers and partner organizations. Because accurate verification data are essential to statistical analyses of existing and potential wind radii estimation techniques, JTWC has partnered with the Naval Research Laboratory to conduct post-storm reviews of 34-knot wind radii for all western North Pacific TCs since 2013 (Sampson et al., 2017).

Figure 5.1.5: ATCF interactive wind radius analysis radial display plot for TC 25W (2018) showing 34-, 50- and 64-knot best track wind radii, by quadrant, along with a variety of individual 34 knot wind radius estimates (top). ATCF interactive 34-knot, northeast quadrant wind radius time history plot for TC 25W (2018) (bottom).

1 Aircraft observations for TCs that pass near Taiwan are occasionally available from the DOTSTAR program. More information on DOTSTAR is provided later in this report.


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Figure 5.1.6: ATCF map display of TC 25W (2018) best track 34-, 50- and 64-knot wind radii superimposed over a 31 August 1817Z SSMI 85 GHz microwave satellite image. 34-knot wind radii roughly encompass the outer convective bands, while the 50-knot and 64-knot radii encompass the inner core.

JTWC uses the Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting (ATCF) system to analyze TC best track wind radii estimates for current and past cyclones (Sampson and Schrader, 2000). ATCF provides an interactive radial display of 34-, 50- and 64-knot best track wind radii and individual wind radii estimates derived from various techniques and methods. Interactive, single-quadrant time history plots of 34-knot wind radii, which also include the individual wind radii estimates displayed on the radial plot, are also available to the forecaster in ATCF (Figure 5.1.5). ATCF calculates and pre-populates first-guess R34/R50/R64 values using an automated, objective consensus of available wind radii estimates (OBTK) at each synoptic time (every six hours), which is displayed as a dashed line on the time-history plots. Forecasters use both the radial and time history displays to view available data and “hedge” best track wind radii to be slightly larger or smaller than the objective consensus based on the concentration of available guidance. Deviations from the consensus may be larger when high-quality data, such as wind observations from on-shore stations, ships or buoys or wind speeds derived from a scatterometer (e.g., ASCAT, WindSat or ScatSat-1) overpass, are available around the analysis time. Indeed, scatterometers provide more routinely available, high-accuracy TC wind field data than any other data source in the JTWC forecast area, and mean OBTK errors are reduced when scatterometer-based wind radii estimates are incorporated (Sampson et al., 2018). Additionally, forecasters often visually compare their best track wind radii estimates with available satellite imagery, particularly images derived from microwave sensors and scatterometers, to determine whether best track wind radii estimates are consistent with a cyclone’s overall convective structure (Figure 5.1.6).

Individual, real-time wind radii estimates available in ATCF for active cyclones may include:

34-, 50- and 64-knot wind radii estimates manually derived from ASCAT, WINDSAT or ScatSat-1 scatterometer data by JTWC Satellite Analysts (included in OBTK).


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34-knot wind radii estimates objectively derived from ASCAT scatterometer data (included in OBTK) (Sampson et al., 2018).

34-, 50- and 64-knot wind radii estimates derived from GFS, HWRF and COAMPS-TC model six-hour forecasts (included in OBTK) (Sampson et al., 2017).

34-, 50- and 64-knot wind radii estimates based on Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) data (included in OBTK) (Bessho et al., 2006).

34-, 50- and 64-knot wind radii estimates derived from combined, multiple-satellite-platform TC surface wind analyses (included in OBTK) (Knaff et al., 2011).

34-, 50- and 64-knot objective wind radii estimates derived from subjective Dvorak fix intensity and structure evident in coincident infrared-satellite imagery (included in OBTK) (Knaff et al. 2016).

34-, 50- and 64-knot wind radii estimates derived from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) sensor data (included in OBTK) (Meissner et al., 2018; Meissner et al., 2017).

Surface and upper-air observations, including planetary boundary layer wind speed data measured by dropwindsondes launched from DOTSTAR program aircraft, which sample the peripheral flow around tropical cyclones near Taiwan (Wu et al., 2005).

Additionally, NRL and JTWC will examine wind field data from the TROPICS (, CYGNSS (Morris and Ruf, 2017), SMOS (Kerr et al., 2010; Reul et al., 2017) and other missions for potential future ingest into ATCF as they become available within the next few years. Although R50 and R64 are more challenging to accurately estimate than R34 due to the low density of TC core observations, remote-sensing signal attenuation and other issues, JTWC is optimistic that access to additional data from L-band sensors will enable forecasters to improve inner TC wind radii estimates.

5.1.8 Wind Radii Estimation: DAV Technique

The deviation angle variance (DAV) technique (DAV-T; Piñeros et al. 2008) objectively evaluates the axis-symmetry of a tropical system via infrared brightness temperatures by comparing the temperature gradient vector at each pixel to a radial line. The radial reference center is the center of a tropical disturbance or TC, and the metric is the variance of all deviation angles within a preset distance. Lower DAV values correspond to more axisymmetric structures and thus stronger TCs. This metric has been applied to estimate TC intensity (e.g., Ritchie et al., 2012, 2014), detect tropical cyclogenesis (Wood et al., 2015), and track cloud clusters over time (Rodríguez-Herrera et al., 2015).

The DAV application has recently been expanded to estimate the extent of TC wind fields (Dolling et al., 2016). By using each pixel in a satellite image as the reference center, the DAV-T produces a map of variances, and this map exhibits high correlation with the two-dimensional wind field. Via linear regression of these values in combination with sea surface temperature, TC age, and current intensity, wind radii values are estimated with relatively low errors compared with other techniques. Ongoing work with DAV-T wind radii estimates has supported a reanalysis of TC wind fields in the Australian region with the eventual goal of producing an objective, consistent, satellite-derived best track dataset (Stark et al., 2018).

5.1.9 Summary and Conclusions


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Radiometers are an important spaceborne remote sensing tool for determining TC features complimentary to the classical co-polarized scatterometers. L-band radiometers (SMOS, SMAP) do not suffer from signal saturation at high wind speeds and are minimally affected by rain.

Although reflectometry is a less mature technique compared to others, CYGNSS provides valuable rapid revisit, high resolution, near-surface wind speed data, which are uninhibited by rain contamination.

The spatial resolution of research-grade microwave imagers remains 2-3 times better than operational sensors. Microwave sounder resolutions need improvement to adequately resolve warm core anomalies associated with smaller TC eyes.

CubeSats have shown value recently in specifying TC wind fields and multiple missions in the next 1-5 years will greatly aid in identifying their true capabilities and future roles.

5.1.10 Recommendation

We recommend considering using wind fields from L-band radiometers (SMOS and SMAP) for determining intensity and 34-, 50, and 64 kt radii in TC. Proper scaling of the intensity of the satellite measurement to 10-minute sustained winds is necessary.

SAR-derived ocean surface wind speed can complement radiometer measurements for a better sampling. However, the high resolution of SAR images makes this sensor unique for inner core analysis, including the estimate of the radius of maximum wind speed or the TC eye diameter and morphology.

We recommend further investigation of the use of CYGNSS data for determining TC size, strength and structure. While CYGNSS data are currently not available with a latency to support real-time, operational activities, the Naval Research Laboratory, serving as liaisons to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, plan to jointly validate and assess potential impact of CYGNSS-derived size and structure estimates if they were available in an operational, real-time environment.

Accurate validation of satellite-derived surface wind speeds are sorely needed to calibrate algorithms, thus we strongly support the growing WPAC programs sponsored by multiple countries.

Temporal sampling is problematic using LEO sensors, thus we encourage the global community to collaborate on the optimal mix of legacy sensors along with small satellites and CubeSats.

Current satellite platforms are a mix of operational and R&D, thus future research efforts should include near real-time data streams to permit operational applications after successful cal/val.


We acknowledge funding by NASA contracts NNH17CA04C (SMAP Science Utilization), NNH14CM09C (Ocean Vector Wind Science Team), by ESA SEOM, element of EOEP4 program, and by the CYGNSS science team. SMOS NRT winds are developed under ESA contract N°4000122821/17/I-EF. Results and conclusions regarding C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar are based on Sentinel-1 data (2016-2018) from Copernicus and RADARSAT-2


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data from the Canadian Space Agency. RADARSAT-2 data have been obtained by GIS-BreTel. A portion of this research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with NASA.

Acronyms used in the report:

AMSU Advanced Microwave Sounding UnitASCAT Advanced ScatterometerATCF Automated Tropical Cyclone ForecastingATMS Advanced Technology Microwave SounderBT Best TrackCIRA Cooperative Institute of Research in the AtmosphereCLW Cloud Liquid WaterCYGNSS Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite SystemDAV-T Deviation Angle Variance TechniqueECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastsESA European Space AgencyETT Extra-Tropical TransitionGNSS-R Global Navigation Satellite System - Reflectometry GFS Global Forecast SystemGPS Global Positioning SystemHISA Hurricane Intensity and Structure Algorithm JTWC U.S. Joint Typhoon Warning CenterMetOp EUMETSAT Meteorological Operational satellitesMiRS Microwave Integrated Retrieval SystemMSLP Minimum Sea Level PressureNASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)NCEP U.S. National Centers for Environmental PredictionNHC U.S. National Hurricane Center NRL U.S. Naval Research Laboratory NWP Numerical Weather PredictionOBTK Objective R34, an equally weighted average of R34 estimatesQ atmospheric moisture profile R34, R50, R64 34-ft (gale force), 50-kt (storm force), 64-ft (hurricane force) wind radiiSAR Synthetic Aperture RadarSFMR Stepped Frequency Microwave RadiometerSMAP Soil Moisture Active and Passive (NASA mission)SMOS Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (ESA mission)STT Sub-Tropical TransitionT atmospheric temperature profileTC tropical cycloneVmax maximum wind speed


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