remote access ... plc

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  • 7/31/2019 Remote Access ... PLC



    Remote AccessRev: 3.30, 8/03

    Table Of Contents

    Welcome to Remote Access ..................................................................................................... 1Using Remote Access............................................................................................................ 1

    Using Remote Access ............................................................................................................... 3Selecting an OPLC model...................................................................................................... 3Communication-PC Settings.................................................................................................. 3Remote Access via Modem................................................................................................... 3Modems: Setting Up .............................................................................................................. 4Online Mode........................................................................................................................... 6

    PC Com Parameters (non-modem)........................................................................................... 7Run, Reset, Initialize.................................................................................................................. 9Get Com Parameters and PLC status..................................................................................... 11Check Network Status............................................................................................................. 13Remote Access via Modem..................................................................................................... 15

    Modems: Setting Up ............................................................................................................ 15Operand Access ...................................................................................................................... 19M90 Downloader...................................................................................................................... 23Information Mode..................................................................................................................... 25

    Using Information Mode....................................................................................................... 25Index........................................................................................................................................ 29 -Unitronics Plc

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    Welcome to Remot e Access

    Remote Access enables you to use a PC to access a remote controller. During a RemoteAccess session, the remote controller is displayed, on-line, on your PC screen. You canpress keypad keys and touch-screen objects, check system status and run-time values, aswell as test and troubleshoot problems in remote controllers and applications. You can


    Stand-alone controllers that are directly connected to the PC via a cable.Controllers within a network.Either stand-alone or networked controllers via GSM or landline modem.Devices with IP addresses, via Ethernet.

    Remote Access can be used with either Vision or M90/91 controllers. Vision controllersrequire O/S versions 2.96 and higher; M90/91 require V3.00 and higher.

    Using Remote Access

    The Remote Access package includes additional utilities:

    M90 DownloaderOperand AccessData Tables -Unitronics Plc

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    Using Remot e Access

    Selecting an OPLC model

    Select the controller model from the Configuration menu.

    Note Vision model controllers:Select the model. If the controller is in a network, open Communication-PC Settings fromthe options menu, and select the controller's ID number.M90/91model controllers within a network:Select which type of network, and then select the controller's ID number.

    Communication-PC Settings

    This enables you to check communication parameters and perform certain actions.PC Communication SettingsRun, Reset, Initialize

    Get Com Parameters and PLC statusCheck Network Status

    Remote Access via Modem

    To access either stand-alone or networked controllers via GSM or landline modem: -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access


    Modems: Setting Up

    PLC-Modem Connection -Unitronics Plc

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    Using Remote Access


    PC Modem Configuration

    Open PC Modem Configuration from the Configuration menu. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access


    Online Mode

    Once you have configured Remote Access, enter Online mode by clicking the button .

    In this mode, you can:

    Use your cursor to operate the controller keypad and activate touch-screen objects(relevant models).Use your PC keyboard to operate the controller keypad (numeric keys, function keys to ). Note that the Vision key is on the PC keyboard, and that is reserved for activating Online mode.

    Enter Information Mode by pressing the key with your cursor.Select a View .

    Note The Zoom option on the View menu can be activated only if you select HideKeys. Zoom cannot be used with M90/91 or V280 controllers. -Unitronics Plc

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    PC Com Parameters (non-m odem)

    Display the current communication settings by selecting Communication - PC Settings fromthe Options menu.


    Use the drop-down arrow to se lec t ser ia l or E thernet .

    PC ComParameters

    Por t , Ret r ies and Time-Out are the communicat ion set t ings betweenRemote Access and the cont ro l le r . Note that i f you are work ing wi th anetwork , the TimeOut should be greater than 1 second.

    Communicatewith OPLC

    Use these opt ions to communicate wi th networked cont ro l le rs .Direc t Connect ion : se lec t th is to communicate wi th any cont ro l le r thati s connected to your PC v ia the download cab le , inc lud ing a networkbr idge.Within Network :se lec t th is to communicate wi th a cont ro l le r that i sin tegrated in to a network , then se lec t the cont ro l le r ' s ID number

    Vision OPLCInformat ion

    C l i ck Get OPLC Information to d isp lay in format ion about the cont ro l le ryou have se lec ted in Communicate with OPLC. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access

    8 -Unitronics Plc

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    Run, Reset, I nit ialize

    Note When youclick a button, your PCwill access the

    controller selected inPC CommunicationSettings.

    Set RTC These are the va lues o f your PC's c lock . Cl i ck Set RTC to importthese va lues in to the RTC of the cont ro l le r .

    Get VisionRTC CurrentValues

    Cl ick to v iew the current PLC set t ings

    Run Cl ick to run the current program in the PLC.

    Stop Cl ick to s top the current PLC program.

    Reset Cl ick to reset the PLC, and re ins ta l l any va lues preset in theprogram, such as Timers .

    Reset &Initialize

    Cl ick to reset , re ins ta l l any preset va lues , and in i t ia l i ze a l lmemory operands -Unitronics Plc

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    Get Com Param eters and PLC stat us

    Select Get to viewcommunication parametersand PLC status in the controller

    you are currentlycommunicating with.

    This is the controller selectedinPC Communication Settings. -Unitronics Plc

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    Check Netw ork Status

    The network status is checked via the bridge. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access via Modem

    To access either stand-alone or networked controllers via GSM or landline modem:

    Note The PC-modem cable is not the same type of cable used to connect between the

    controller and the modem. Ensure that the cable used to connect the PC to the modemprovides connection points for all of the modem's pins.

    Both PC and controller must use the same type of modem: either landline or GSM.

    Internal modems must be used in conjunction with the driver provided by the modem'smanufacturer.

    If call are routed via a switchboard, note that the switchboard settings may interferewith communications. Consult with your switchboard provider.

    Modems: Setting Up

    PLC-Modem Connection -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access


    PC Modem Configuration

    Open PC Modem Configuration from the Configuration menu. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access via Modem (PC-Modem Configuration)

    17 -Unitronics Plc

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    Operand Access

    Operand Access is located on the Tools menu. This utility enables you to access operandsin a local or remote controller and perform the operations listed below.

    View remote operands in the Operand Access table, then define and nameregions.

    To define regions:

    1. Click and drag the cursor over regions to select them.

    2. Click the Add New Region button.

    Save region definitions in .vxt files. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access


    In order to open a .vxt file, you must select the controller series (Configure>OPLCmodel, either Vision or M90/91) which was selected when the .vxt file was saved.

    View real-time operand values in Online mode.

    1. Click the Online icon; real-time values appear in blue.

    Read operand values from the controller.

    1. Click the Read icon; all values are read in all of the defined regions. -Unitronics Plc

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    Operand Access


    Write MB, MI, ML and DW values to the controller.

    Note You can also write values to the M90 Database integers.

    1. Enter values, then click write; all of the values in all of the defined regions arewritten to the controller.

    Use the Windows Clipboard to Cut/Copy/Paste values to/from the OperandAccess table and third-party editors such as Excel.

    Note The Paste destination within Operand Access must be large enough tohold the Clipboard contents. Clipboard contents are pasted to the right and down. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access


    Export/Import Operand values to/from an Excel spreadsheet customized toUnitronics' PLC Data Types.

    Within Excel, values can be edited, imported to Operand Access, then written tothe controller

    To export real-time values from the PLC to Excel:

    1. Create a region containing the operand values you wish to export.

    2. Select Read Regions in order to update those values,.

    3. Select Export to Excel.

    Note Not all operand values are updated with real-time values when you run OnLine mode. When you run On Line mode, only the values that are displayed withinthe Operand Access window are updated. Operands that are not displayed in the

    Operand Access window during On Line are not updated.

    Therefore, running On Line mode immediately before Export to Excel does notguarantee the export of all updated operand values. -Unitronics Plc

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    M90 Dow nloader

    M90 Downloader enables you to install control applications in local or remote M90/91controllers. These applications are in .d90 format.

    The utility is located on the Tools menu.

    To download files:

    1. Select a work mode. The Network definitions are set in the Remote Access PC ComParameters (non-modem)

    2. Click Select File; the Select file box opens.

    3. Navigate to the desired.d90 file, then click Download to install the application in thecontroller. -Unitronics Plc

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    I nformation Mode

    Information Mode is a utility that is embedded in the operating system of the controller. ViaInformation Mode, you can view data on the LCD screen, use the controllers keyboard todirectly edit data, and perform certain actions such as resetting the controller. You canenter Information Mode at any time without regard to what is currently displayed on the

    LCD screen.

    Enter Information Mode by pressing the key for a few seconds. The default password is1111.

    Viewing data does notaffect the controllersprogram. Performingactions, such asinitializing thecontroller, caninfluence the program.

    Note When youuse Information Mode,the keyboard isdedicated to thatpurpose. The keysreturn to normalapplication functionswhen you exitInformation Mode.

    Using Information Mode

    1. To enter Information mode, press the button on the Visions keyboard.

    2. Enter your password. The default password is 1111. This password remains ineffect until you change it via the Information Mode screen described in the tablebelow.

    3. The controller enters Information Mode, showing the first category, Data Types.

    The controller will block entryinto Information mode until thecorrect password has beenentered. This is why you mustrecord any password you setfor your controller.

    The data in Information Mode

    is arranged in Categories.Each Category containsseveral Subjects. Younavigate Information Mode byusing the keyboard buttons.

    To exit Information mode,press the button on theVisions keyboard. Eachpress returns one level up.Press the number of timesnecessary to exit.

    Note When you reenter Information Mode, the controller will return to the last Categoryviewed. -Unitronics Plc

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    Remote Access


    The table below shows the categories of information that can be accessed in this mode.

    Category Subject Possible Actions

    Data Types Memory B i ts View b i t s ta tus

    Sys tem Bi ts Change b i t s ta tus (Set /Reset )

    Memory In tegers

    Sys tem In tegers

    Memory Longs

    System Longs

    Memory DoubleWords

    System DoubleWords

    View in teger / long in teger /double word va lue.

    Change va lues

    Toggle Base: v iew the va lue in dec imal orhexadec imal form.


    View input s ta tus .

    Force input s ta tus to 1 (FR1) or 0 (FR0).Forced va lues s tay in e f fec t unt i l Normal mode

    (NRM) is se lec ted, or unt i l the cont ro l le r i sin i t ia l i zed or reset .

    N o t e Forced va lues do in f luence yourprogram. Th is can be usefu l in tes t ing theef fec t o f an input condi t ion on an outputs ta tus .

    Outputs View output s ta tus . Force output s ta tus to 1 (FR1) or 0 (FR0).

    Note that forced output va lues do not a f fec tyour program.

    Set /Reset output s ta tus .

    Timers Enter a Preset T imer va lue. View the current t imer va lue and s ta tus by

    se lec t ing the R.T. opt ion.

    Sys tem Model & O/S Ver Check the cont ro l le r s model number andoperat ing sys tem vers ion.

    Check whether the cont ro l le r i s in Run or Stopmode .

    Work ing Mode Check whether the cont ro l le r i s in Run or Stopmode .

    Reset the cont ro l le r . Th is res tar ts yourprogram; res tor ing power-up va lues to a l l datatypes except for those protec ted by the bat tery

    memory backup. In i t ia l i ze the cont ro l le r . Th is res tar ts your

    program and in i t ia l i zes a l l va lues , res tor ing 0va lues to a l l data types .

    Time & Date View the Real T ime Clock (RTC) set t ings .Note that the RTC set t ings cont ro l a l l t ime-

    based func t ions .

    Change the RTC set t ings v ia the cont ro l le r skeyboard.

    Uni t ID The Uni t ID number ident i f ies a networked cont ro l le r .You can:

    Change the ID number. The new ID numberwi l l remain in e f fec t unt i l the cont ro l le r i s

    reset . Burn the ID number in to the cont ro l le r s FLASH -Unitronics Plc

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    Information Mode


    memory . Th is i s a permanent change.

    Ser ia l Por t 1Ser ia l Por t 2

    View and ed i t communicat ion set t ings . Selec t to Change or Burn the new set t ings .

    CANbus Baud Rate Change the CANbus baud ra te .

    Func t ionBlock

    Reserved forfu ture use

    Password New Set a New Password

    HardwareConf igurat ion

    Check i f I /O Expans ion Modules are ins ta l led.Note that I /O Expans ion Modules are

    represented by le t ters . Ident i ca l module typesare represented by ident i ca l le t ters as shownbelow.

    Shows i f an I /O module i s shor t -c i rcu i ted. -Unitronics Plc

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    IndexCCom Parameters.......................................7IInitialize.....................................................9NNetwork...............................................7, 13

    OO/S........................................................... 7RRemote Access............................ 3, 19, 23Reset........................................................ 9RTC settings ............................................ 9 -Unitronics Plc