remni august 17 · 2020. 8. 17. · and a macchi mc202 on 26/07/1942, and shared the downing of a...

August 17 remembrance ni Tony Lovell, Portrush’s decorated air ace Wing Commander Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell was a decorated ace who served in the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain and throughout the war. He died on 17/08/1945 only three days after the surrender of Japan. Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell, known to family and friends as "Tony" was a fearless fighter pilot ace. During his five years in the Royal Air Force, he saw action at Dunkirk, in the Battle of Britain, Malta, Italy, and Egypt. Page 1

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Page 1: REMNI AUGUST 17 · 2020. 8. 17. · and a Macchi MC202 on 26/07/1942, and shared the downing of a JU88 on 28/08/1942. RAF 603 Squadron disbanded on 02/08/1942 with the pilots joining

August 17

remembrance ni

Tony Lovell, Portrush’s decorated air ace

Wing Commander Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell

was a decorated ace who served in the Royal Air Force during the Battle of Britain and throughout the war. He died on 17/08/1945 only three days after the surrender of Japan.

Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell, known to family and friends as "Tony" was a fearless fighter pilot ace. During his five years in the Royal Air Force, he saw action at Dunkirk, in the Battle of Britain, Malta, Italy, and Egypt.

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Page 2: REMNI AUGUST 17 · 2020. 8. 17. · and a Macchi MC202 on 26/07/1942, and shared the downing of a JU88 on 28/08/1942. RAF 603 Squadron disbanded on 02/08/1942 with the pilots joining

August 17

Wing Commander Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell was born on 09/08/1919. he served with the Royal Air Force during World War Two. Over the course of five years with the Royal Air Force, he flew Spitfires and claimed many victories over the enemy.

Born in British Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) on 9th August 1919, he was the son of Henry Stuart Cuthbert Anthony Lovell and Clare Mary Lovell (née O’Neill). The family left from the Port of Rangoon, India and arrived in the United Kingdom on 12th November 1923. Young Tony spent his formative years in Portrush. His elder brother was Flight Lieutenant SJ Lovell, killed over Guipavas Airfield, Brest, France on 29th January 1944 aged 27 years old.

As a young man, Tony Lovell attended Ampleforth Abbey College, North Yorkshire. Expected to train for the priesthood, the North Irish man boarded at the Catholic college but on graduation joined the Royal Air Force.

Records show he remained a devout Catholic throughout his time in the RAF. While other pilots lived lives of excess and debauchery, Lovell was not one to party. His quieter lifestyle may be the reason that little is mentioned in the record books. From 1941 onwards, though, Tony Lovell excelled in the skies.

On 5 operational tours he claimed 16 solo victories and 6 shared victories. Add to this 2 probable victories, 9 planes damaged, shared damage of 4 more and one grounded plane destroyed, it makes quite a record.

After leaving Ampleforth, Lovell enlisted with the Royal Air Force on a short service commission on 25/10/1938.

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August 17

Wing Commander ADJ Lovell of Portrush, Northern Ireland, receives the American Distinguished Flying Cross from Brigadier General Thomas C D'Arcy, Commanding General of XII Tactical Air Command, 15th USAAF. He scored his first victories during the Battle of Britain in 1940 with Fighter Command's 41 Squadron. Copyright Mediterranean Allied Air Forces.

By 06/01/1938, he had taken to the skies at No. 6 Flying Training School, RAF Netheravon, Wiltshire.

He became an Acting Pilot Officer and by 20/08/1938, had joined RAF 41 Squadron at RAF Catterick, North Yorkshire. With World War Two still a year away, they flew Hawker Fury biplanes.

By 25.10/1938, Tony had his wings and Pilot Officer Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell took to the skies. 1939 saw the continuation of training with a parachute course at RAF Mantson, Kent in March. On 22/07/1939, Lovell began

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August 17

Operational Duties attached to Station Headquarters at RAF Catterick, North Yorkshire.

The outbreak of war meant a return to the air for Lovell. On 20/11/1939, he rejoined RAF 41 Squadron, moving from the Hawker Fury to the new Supermarine Spitfire. This would be the plane in which Lovell would excel.

The Battle of Britain

On 25/05/1940, he received a promotion to Flying Officer. Three days later, RAF 41 Squadron moved to RAF Hornchurch, Essex. Lovell saw his first action over the English channel and at Dunkirk. On 31/05/1940, Lovell scored his first shared victory. An early morning patrol over Dover, Kent with wingman Flight Lieutenant John T Webster put him up against a Heinkel HE111. Both men claimed half a victory.

The next day, he shared a second victory, downing another Heinkel HE111 over Dunkirk with Pilot Officer Oliver B Morough-Ryan. As the Battle of Britain escalated, Lovell continued to score victories. He downed a Junkers JU88 south-east of Scarborough, North Yorkshire on 08/07/1940.

On 28/07/1940, Lovell’s Spitfire came under attack from Major Werner Molders of JG51. With a damaged plane, the Irish man made a crash landing at RAF Manston, Kent from where he went to Margate Hospital with a thigh wound.

Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell took to the skies again on a sortie on 04/08/1949. His next victory came on 15/08/1940 as he downed a Messerschmitt ME110.

At the height of the Battle of Britain on 5th September 1940, the Luftwaffe once again shot Lovell down. He baled out

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August 17

unhurt over the Thames Estuary while Spitfire R6885 crashed and burned at Kimberley Road, South Benfleet, Essex. On the same date, he became temporary commander of B Flight.

The victories continued to rack up with an ME109 downed on 06/09/1940 and two more on the 15/09/1940. On 29/09/1940, he became confirmed commander of B Flight. He celebrated the following day by going out and damaging a Dornier DO17.

Lovell received a promotion to Acting Flight Lieutenant with RAF 41 Squadron on 01/10/1940. That day he damaged another Messerschmitt ME109. He destroyed another on 20/10/1940. He damaged another ten days later. He downed yet another on 17/11/1940 and two more ten days later. That brought 1940s tally to 10 confirmed victories.

In the middle of the Battle of Britain, he received the Distinguished Flying Cross. Gazetted on 26th November 1940, the citation read:

This officer has flown continuously on active operations against the enemy since war began. He has shown a fine fighting spirit and has led his flight and on occasions his squadron with great courage, coolness and determination. He has destroyed seven enemy aircraft.

Move to RAF 145 Squadron

With the Battle of Britain over, the aerial combat lessened a little in 1941. Lovell damaged a Heinkel HE111 on 22/01/1941. He destroyed a Junkers JU88 on 30th March 1941 and damaged another Heinkel HE111 two days later.

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August 17

Imperial War Museum Photo: CH 1871 (Part of the Air Ministry Second World War Official Collection). Men of RAF 41 Squadron at RAF Hornchurch Essex. Flying Officer John McKenzie, Flight Lieutenant Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell, Squadron Leader DO Finlay, Flight Lieutenant N Ryder, Pilot Officer R Ford with a Mk IIA Supermarine Spitfire. Photo taken by Flight Lieutenant Bertrand John Henry Daventry - Royal Air Force Official Photographer.

Move to RAF 145 Squadron

With the Battle of Britain over, the aerial combat lessened a little in 1941. Lovell damaged a Heinkel HE111 on 22/01/1941. He destroyed a Junkers JU88 on 30/03/ 1941 and damaged another Heinkel HE111 two days later.

On 23/05/1941, with his tour expired, he joined No. 58 Operational Training Unit as an instructor at RAF

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August 17

Grangemouth, Stirlingshire, Scotland. While there, on 25/05/1941, he earned promotion to Flight Lieutenant. In June 1941, he returned to RAF Catterick as Operations Room Controller.

October 1941 saw Tony Lovell posted to RAF 145 Squadron as commander at RAF Catterick. He continued to chalk up victories over Europe destroying a JU88 on 16/11/1941 and a JU88 on 19/01/1942.

Gazetted on 10/02/1942 was the citation for his second Distinguished Flying Cross. The award came in the form of a bar added to the ribbon of his first DFC medal.

This officer is a fearless and skillful fighter pilot. His keenness to engage the enemy, combined with fine leadership, both in the air and on the ground, have set an inspiring example. In November 1941, Squadron Leader Lovell shot down a Junkers 88 some 35 miles off the Yorkshire coast. In January 1942, in the same area and in difficult weather conditions, he intercepted another Junkers 88 and shot it down into the sea. This officer has personally destroyed at least 11 hostile aircraft and has damaged others.

February 1942 saw RAF 145 Squadron to the Middle East and they arrived in Helwan, Egypt in April that year. Frustrated by the lack of planes available to his squadron, he soon resigned command. He transferred to Middle East Headquarters in May 1942. There, he joined 252 Wing, promoted to Temprary Squadron Leader on 01/06/1942.

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August 17

Middle East and Malta

On 21/07/1942, Squadron Leader Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell joined RAF 603 Squadron in Malta. The following week saw him return to form in the Spitfire. He damaged two JU88s on 23/07/1942, damaged an ME109 and a Macchi MC202 on 26/07/1942, and shared the downing of a JU88 on 28/08/1942.

RAF 603 Squadron disbanded on 02/08/1942 with the pilots joining 1435 Flight. This became RAF 1435 Squadron and Squadron Leader Lovell took command. Showing no signs of slowing down, he claimed more victories over the coming months:

• 13th August 1942. Destroyed JU87. Destroyed SM84.• 14th August 1942. Shared JU87.• 1st October 1942. Damaged RE2001.• 11th October 1942. Damaged ME109.• 12th October 1942. Destroyed JU88.• 17th October 1942. Damaged JU88.• 26th October 1942. Damaged ME109.

He received a Distinguished Service Order on 3rd November 1942.

His courage and tactical knowledge had been an inspiration to all who had flown with him and were of a quality seldom if ever equalled.

The year ended with a JU88 destroyed on 07/12/1942 and a Savoia-Marchetti SM79 destroyed on the ground ten days later.

With another tour complete, Lovell rested again in early 1943. He took on controller duties at 8 Sector Operations

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August 17

Room, Malta. By 31/03/1943, he received a promotion to Acting Wing Commander in charge of the Malta Spitfire Wing. Further promotion to Temporary Squadron Leader came on 09/04/1943.

Between Spring 1943 and December 1943, Lovell came off operations and took on staff jobs. In December 1943 he became Wing Leader of 322 Wing, taking them to Corsica in March 1944.

The victories continued to mount:

• 3rd May 1944. Destroyed FW190. Damaged FW190.• 15th May 1944. Destroyed ME109.• 15th June 1944. Destroyed Fiat G55.

Italy and Egypt

On Corsica, there was a posting to No. 1 Mobile Operations Room on 14/08/1944. By November that year, Lovell was Wing Commander of 244 Wing in Italy.

On the 14/11/1944, he received a United States Distinguished Flying Cross.

“This officer is an outstanding squadron commander who has played a considerable part in the defence of Malta. One day in October, 1942, he led his squadron in an attack against six Junkers 88’s escorted by a number of fighters. In the combat, Squadron Leader Lovell shot down a Junkers 88, bringing his total victories to nine. On many occasions, his skilful leadership has enabled his squadron to intercept enemy air formations bent on attacking Malta. This officer’s gallantry and determination have set an example worthy of the highest praise.”

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August 17

The following month, he left Italy to go to No. 71 Operational Training Unit Ismailia, Egypt as Chief Flying Instructor.

On 23/02/1945, he received a second Distinguished Service Order. Again, this was a bar added to the ribbon of the first DSO.

Since the award of the Distinguished Service Order this officer has taken part in many more operational sorties and has destroyed at least a further three enemy aircraft, bringing his total victories to 19 enemy aircraft destroyed. He has led his wing on many low level attacks against road targets in the face of intense enemy fire. His enthusiasm and fine leadership have been reflected in the successes achieved by the wing since April, 1944, which has destroyed 30 enemy aircraft and over 1,000 enemy vehicles, besides damaging 50 enemy locomotives. Both in the air and on the ground, Wing Cdr. Lovell has set an inspiring example of courage, skill and devotion to duty.

Remembering Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell

June 1945 marked Wing Commander Tony Lovell’s return to the United Kingdom. That July, he took a role as a flying instructor at the School of Air Support at RAF Old Sarum, Wiltshire.

This would prove to be the location of Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell’s accidental and untimely death. He was only 26 years old when he took off in silver Supermarine Spitfire Mk XII EN234 at 1130hrs on 17th August 1945.

The experienced fighter ace performed some low-level aerobatics. After raising the undercarriage, he built up speed before performing a slow roll to the right at a height of

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August 17

around 100 feet. He gained a little more height and went to repeat the move. The Spitfire lost height, crashing through power cables at a height of around 20 feet. The right wing tip connected with the ground bringing down Lovell’s plane.

Witnesses from a nearby farm rushed to the scene around 1,000 yards from the airfield boundary. There was no fire but Lovell was dead in the cockpit. A shoulder strap of his safety harness had snapped in the impact. Helpers removed his body from the wreckage and laid out 15 feet from the plane. This led to rumours that the pilot was not strapped in during flight. The RAF declared the plane struck off on 28th September 1945.

Wing Commander Anthony Desmond Joseph Lovell’s grave is in Plot F, Grave 1153 of Ballywillan Cemetery, Portrush, Co. Antrim. The Royal Air Force Air Sea Rescue Unit took part in his funeral.

After a distinguished career in the Royal Air Force, Lovell’s death came only three days after the surrender of Japan in the Pacific. He was one of the longest serving RAF pilots with over 1,500 hours in five years of almost continuous combat flying. His story features in ‘Portrush: The Port on the Promontory’ by Hugh McGrattan.

Acknowledgment - Scott Edgar, Wartime NIOTD

On this day - August 17 1914


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August 17

Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald Ross MCSir Ronald Ross Bt MC

The first mobilized squadron ofthe North Irish Horse sailed in the transport Architect to Havre on the 17th August, 1914.

Among the officer were Major Lord Cole, afterwards Earl of Enniskillen, Captain Sir Emerson Herdman, Lord Jocelyn, later Earl of Roden, Lieutenants David Kerr, T Hughes, and Ronald Ross.

Another squadron followed shortly afterwards commanded by Major Lord Massereene, and included R A West, who obtained a VC, but was killed subsequently.

Several ex-service officers managed to get out with them, such as Major Barry, RHA, who did great service.

A heroic youth, Kenneth Greer, son of T M Greer DL, County Antrim, also contrived to embark with them, who was destined to fall while serving in the Irish Guards, after he had done deeds of reckless courage in France.

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August 17

17th August 1917 Belfast Newsletter

ULSTER BANK OFFICIAL KILLED. Patriotic County Derry Family Bereaved.

Company Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Ernest Toye, Royal Irish Rifles, killed in action on the 6th inst. was the third son of Mr. and Mrs. John Toye, Fortavon. Garvagh, and a nephew of Miss M. E. Wilson. Carnroe, Kilrea. Deceased, who is 26 years of age, was an accountant in the Ulster Bank prior to joining the colours on the formation of the Ulster Division. The following is an extract from a letter received from his chum, Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant W. Thornton :-

" Bob Toye has been killed. He was up with rations on the night of the 6th August, and while at the ration dump a shell exploded close to him and killed him instantaneously, along with another, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant Newel (Belfast). These two were my best friends. Bob joined with me, and was in stores with me almost all the time, so I can feel a little of the sorrow that his mother will feel. Will you please tell her that her grief is shared by the men of D Company, and by many others in the regiment who, like me, knew Bob to be a straight man and good friend. We are having crosses made, and later on, when they are erected, I will let you have all particulars."

Deceased was one of four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Toye serving their King and country. The eldest son, William Toye, an engineer in civil life, joined the Army in that capacity soon after the outbreak of war, end is now on H.M.S. destroyer Ranger. The second son, David A. Wilson Toye, is at present serving in France with Hawke's Bay Company, Wellington Infantry, New Zealand Imperial force, having recently returned to France after being wounded for the second time. The fourth son, Samuel Perry Toye, was invalided home to New Zealand in 1916 as unfit for further service, after being seriously wounded in Gallipoli, where he served in the Wellington Infantry.

Admin note:

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August 17

C.Q.M.S. Robert Ernest Toye, 13744, D' Coy. 15th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Age 26, Son of John and Elizabeth G. Toye, of Fortavon, Garvagh, Co. Londonderry. Killed in action 6th August 1917, deceased is buried in Wieltje Farm Cemetery, Belgium.

C.Q.M.S. George Frank Newel, 12102, D' Coy. 15th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, Age 26, Son of Henry Arthur and Helen Hunter Newel, of 362, Antrim Rd., Belfast. Killed in action 6th August 1917, deceased is buried in Wieltje Farm Cemetery, Belgium.

17th August 1918 Northern Whig

Lance-Corporal George Caddoo M.M., 16874, 9th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, died of wounds 28th July, 1918. Son of David and Rebecca Caddoo nee Cooper, of Tyghan, Greystone, Dungannon, County Tyrone. Deceased was 21 years of age and is buried in Arneke British Cemetery, France.

Roll of Honour - August 17

Representing their comrades who died on this day


+CUDDY, John

Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Private. 21910. Died 17/08/1915. Aged 21. Son of James Cuddy, of Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone. Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey

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August 17

+McILROY, William James

Royal Irish Rifles, 6th Btn. Corporal. 11276. Died 17/08/1915. Aged 30. Son of J and S McIlroy Bridge Street Downpatrick LOL 359. Helles Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey


+CLAXTON, CharlesRNR. Leading Seaman. 2090D. HM Yacht Zaida. Died 17/08/1916. Aged 40. HMY Zaida was built 1900. Hired by the RN as a Patrol vessel 26/05/16. Sunk 17/08/16 by gunfire from German submarine U35 in the Eastern Mediterranean. Husband to Annie Claxton, Quay Lane, Larne. Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Panel 23. Larne WM. St Cedma’s Parish Church WM

+McGOWAN James

Seaforths, 1/5th. Private. 4550. Died 17/09/1916. Eldest son of James McGowan, Hillmount, Cullybackey. Cite Bonjean Cem. Armentieres. Cuningham Mememorial and Cullybackey UF

+QUARRY, William Harold

Royal Fusiliers. Corporal. Died 17/08/1916. Age 25. Member of the QUB Training Corps 1914. Campbell College. Son of the late George Henry and May Quarry, Belfast. Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz

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August 17


+CRANSTON, Charles

Royal Irish Fusiliers, 7th/8th Btn. Private. 21673. Died 17/08/1917. Age 36. Son of the late Charles and Mary Jane Cranston, of Derrycrew, Loughgall, Co. Armagh. Tyne Cot Memorial

+GRAHAM, George Lyons

Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 6th Battalion attached 2nd Battalion. Second Lieutenant. Died 17/08/1917. Age 24. Killed during the very difficult fighting at Passchendaele. Member of the QUB Training Corps. Commissioned 03/09/1915. Born Ballymacfin. Son of Mr S. Graham, Dervock. Husband to Margaret Graham, Channing St, Castlereagh, Belfast and father of two children. Tyne Cot Memorial, Ballymoney WM, Carncullagh Presbyterian Church RH

+McCURLEY, Roderick

Royal Irish Fusiliers, 7th/8th Btn. Princess Victoria’s. Corporal. MM. 20962. Died 17/08/1917. Formerly 4378 Connaught Rangers. Born St Patrick’s, Co. Antrim (Could be Donegall St., Belfast). Hardinge St., Belfast. Tyne Cot Memorial, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Panel 140 to 141.

+WALLACE, George

Royal Irish Rifles, 8th Btn. Lance Corporal. 14/13813. Died 17/08/1917. Age 25. Son of Mrs. Margaret Wallace, of 1, St. Leonard's St., Belfast. Ypres Reservoir Cemetery, Belgium

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August 17


+BLACK, Robert Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, attached to 10 Indian Division Provost Unit. Lance Corporal. Died 17/081942. He is believed to have been lost at sea. Alamein Memorial. Enniskillen WM

+FLEMING, William Joseph Alexander RAFVR. Sergeant.1118705. Died 17/08/1942. Aged 28.154 Sqdn. Son of William A. and Catherine Fleming, of Londonderry. Runnymede Memorial, Panel 83


+PEDLOW, William

RAFVR. Flying Officer. 156773. Died 17/08/1944. Aged 27. 102 Sqdn. Son of William and Sarah Pedlow, of Finaghy, Co. Antrim. Runnymeade Memorial, Surrey. 502 (Ulster) Squadron WM, St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast

+TOPPING, Samuel

1st Btn. Royal Ulster Rifles (Airborne). Rifleman.7017020. Died 17/08/1944. Aged 39, after three years’ service. His home was at Millbrook Road, Lisburn, County Antrim; he was married with three children. His father had served with the Royal Irish Rifles in the First World War, being killed in August 1916. Ranville War Cemetery

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August 17


+LOVELL, Anthony Desmond JosephRAF. Wing Commander. 40402. DSO and Bar, DFC and Bar. DFC (American). Died 17/08/1945. Aged 26. Flew in Battle of Britain. Son of Stuart C. A. Lovell, and of Clare Mary Lovell of Portrush. His brother, Stuart James Lovell, also died on service. Ballywillan New Cemetery, Portrush.


Lieutenant-Colonel Adam Desmond Woods M.C. and Bar

Lt-Col Desmond Woods was serving with the Royal Ulster Rifles in Palestine during 1938 when he won the Military Cross.He was awarded a Bar to his M.C. in Italy in 1944.Woods was an instructor at Mons OCTU in 1942 and joined the 2nd Battalion, the London Irish Rifles at Termoli, Italy, the following year.

Shortly after taking command of H Company, Woods received orders to capture a bridge on the River Moro. Suspecting that the bridge was mined and that the Germans were there in considerable strength, he insisted on sending out a patrol to reconnoitre the position.After the patrol reported, the company attack was upgraded to a battalion attack and, following a visit by the brigadier, revised again to an attack in brigade strength.

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August 17

On May 11 1944, the Allies launched Operation Diadem in an attempt to unlock the stalemate south of Rome and the final battle began for the fortress of Monte Cassino, the key to the Gustav Line. The Germans had been preparing their defences behind the River Rapido for over a year. They had tanks, mortars, machineguns, and 88mm guns cemented into pill-boxes. The infantry were in the cellars of fortified farmhouses or in slit trenches in the gardens.

After a small bridgehead had been made over the Rapido, on May 15, at first light, three companies of the London Irish formed part of 78 Division's attack on the heart of the Gustav Line.

"Everything in the garden is not exactly rosy, sir," observed Woods's company sergeant-major, who had a distinctly quirky sense of humour. Advancing straight up the Liri Valley behind a heavy artillery barrage, H Company encountered fierce resistance, but the enemy strong points were overcome.

In the assault on the fortified village of Sinagogga, Woods took part of his company in ahead of the tanks, under intense small arms and shellfire, and neutralised the German anti-tank weapons.

H Company's capture of the village was largely responsible for the success of the operation but Woods lost two platoon officers and two-thirds of his company in reaching the objective. His outstanding leadership and skilful handling of

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August 17

his company was recognised by the award of a bar to his MC.

In July, Woods took part in an action at Lake Trasimene in which he was wounded in the leg by a stick grenade. He was mentioned in dispatches, but soon after was medically downgraded and moved to a holding centre near Caserta.

He died on 17/08/2002. Tullybrannigan Cemetery, Newcastle.(Based on information from The Daily Telegraph)

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August 17

remembrance ni

The remembrance ni programme is overseen by Very Rev Dr Houston McKelvey OBE, QVRM, TD who served as Chaplain to 102 and 105 Regiments Royal Artillery (TA), as Hon. Chaplain to RNR and as Chaplain to the RBL NI area and the Burma Star Association NI. Dr McKelvey is a Past President of Queen’s University Services Club. He may be contacted at [email protected]

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