remedial instruction


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Page 3: Remedial Instruction

CURRICULUM.. The secondary education commission says

“A curriculum does not mean only the academic subjects traditionally taught in the school but it includes the totality of experiences that a public receives through the manifold activities that go on in the school, workshop, playground, library, laboratory and in the informal contacts between teachers and pupils.”

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A curriculum is the instructional program where the pupils achieve their goals

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“ A curriculum is an attempt to communicate the essential principles and features of an educational proposal in such a form that it is open to critical scrutiny and capable of effective translation into practice.”

Stenhouse L (1975)

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: a statement that describes how to do something

: the action or process of teaching : the act of instructing someone

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is the process of collecting information by reviewing the products of student work, interviewing, observing, or testing.

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Key components of a successful remedial/developmental education program include

an effective organizational structure, mandatory

assessment and diagnostic testing, required orientation, a variety of instructional approaches,

integrated learning assistance,


advising and career/education planning, an effective monitoring system, well prepared faulty, and an

effective evaluation system.

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Required Orientation – The colleges should require students testing into

remedial/developmental courses to complete an orientation

that is scheduled before the start of classes. This orientation should include an introduction to developmental

education, an

introduction of remedial/developmental education faculty, counselors and student leaders (tutors, mentors, peer

leaders), and a tour of

the available learning support resources on campus. Doubly deficient students should be required to enroll in a Human

Development course designed to assist students in identifying their career and educational goals, personal strengths, college resources and service. In addition, it

should focus on helping students to develop effective time management, decision making, and study skills strategies.

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Direct Instruction

  is a method that is specifically designed to enhance academic learning time. Direct instruction does not assume that students will develop insights on their own. Instead, direct instruction takes learners through the steps of learning systematically, helping them see both the purpose and the result of each step. When teachers explain exactly what students are expected to learn, and demonstrate the steps needed to accomplish a particular academic task, students are likely to use their time more effectively and to learn more.

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The basic components of direct instruction are:

Setting clear goals for students and making sure they understand these goals.

Presenting a sequence of well-organized assignments.

Giving students clear, concise explanations and illustrations of the subject matter.

Asking frequent questions to see if the students understand the work.

Giving students frequent opportunities to practice what they have learned.

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Not all topics are amenable to direct instruction. Indeed, even within a single grade level or subject area it is possible that some learners will profit from direct instruction, while others will profit from a less direct approach to instruction

(Cole et al, 1993).

Direct instruction has proved especially effective in teaching basic skills (such as reading and math) and skills that are fundamental to more complex activities (such as

basic study skills or the prerequisite skills for long division).

Direct instruction is not as likely to be useful for teaching less structured topics, such as English composition or

discussion of social issues.

An excellent discussion of direct instruction can be found in Rosenshine (1986).

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Reinforcement Component

Reinforcement learning has 3 basic components:

agent: the learner or the decision maker

environment: everything the agent interacts with, i.e. everything outside the agent

actions: what the agent can do.