release notes hoogendoorn isii version 10 · 2019-11-13 · 5 release notes hoogendoorn isii...

Release notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10 SO NEW, SO CLEAR, SO FLEXIBLE, SO INTELLIGENT, SO Rev. 2 FVi/AV October 2019

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Release notes Hoogendoorn iSii

version 10


Rev. 2 FVi/AV October 2019

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2 Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 9

RIGHTS Copyright © Hoogendoorn Automatisering B.V., Vlaardingen 2011. All rights reserved. Names marked with a ® are registered trademarks of Hoogendoorn/Innocom. TERMS OF DELIVERY Hoogendoorn Automatisering B.V., registered office: ’s-Gravenzande, company reg. no. : 27213229. The Algemene Leveringsvoorwaarden Installerende Bedrijven 2007 (ALIB 2007) of Uneto-VNI apply to all our contractual relations. These terms of delivery can be viewed on our website and we will send you a free copy on request. In addition, supplementary contractual and/or general terms by your Hoogendoorn partner or installer may apply. In case of contradictions, the terms of the dealer/installer shall prevail. UNINTERRUPTED FUNCTION Supplementary to Hoogendoorn's Terms of Delivery, two additional items also apply to the iSii: 1. Do not install any other software on the iSii yourself which was not supplied by Hoogendoorn, unless such

software has explicitly been declared by Hoogendoorn in writing as: “Suitable for iSii” 2. An iSii must be connected to a computer network (LAN, WAN, Internet etc.) by a specially trained

professional IT supplier in strict compliance with the Hoogendoorn guidelines in this regard. These guidelines are available from the Hoogendoorn helpdesk. With respect to both items, Hoogendoorn accepts no liability whatsoever for any consequences of non-compliance with these points.

ADDITIONAL PROTECTION Critical processes must be additionally monitored by users themselves and/or protected by provisions outside your computer. 1. Many critical processes are involved in horticultural greenhouse operations, such as irrigation, reducing

peaks in gas and electricity consumption, CO2 supply, lighting etc. Monitoring critical processes apart from your computer can mean using devices which are not connected to the control computer or are independent from it, but also regularly undertaking personal (visual) checks. In addition, safety devices outside the computer should also be provided to prevent damage to installations due to inaccurate or unexpected computer control.

2. Hardware must be additionally protected against power surges and peaks. Hoogendoorn does not accept liability for damage caused by power surges and peaks.

PUBLICATIONS Hoogendoorn has taken the utmost care in preparing the text of this publication and the contents of its software and help screens. However, if you feel there are any inaccuracies in this publication or in the software, please advise Hoogendoorn accordingly. Nevertheless, Hoogendoorn is unable to accept any further liability other than the ones described in our Terms of Delivery mentioned above. The contents of this publication are subject to change without prior notification at any time.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Plant Empowerment .................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Consultancy, training and courses .............................................................................................. 5

2 Performance and security improvements ................................................................... 6 2.1 Security ........................................................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1 Switch on a Firewall .......................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Switch on Windows 7 update ............................................................................................ 6 2.1.3 Tips for security ................................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Online Back-up ............................................................................................................................ 7 2.3 Windows 10 ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.4 iSii Visualization 2.0 ..................................................................................................................... 8

2.4.1 Navigate from the visualisation ......................................................................................... 8 2.4.2 Suitable for smart phone with RDP ................................................................................... 8 2.4.3 Pictures added to the library .............................................................................................. 8

2.5 Other improvements .................................................................................................................... 9 2.5.1 Group Report – Performance, column width and alignment (since v9.0.2) ...................... 9 2.5.2 Browser on worksheet improved for IBS3 (since v9.1.2) .................................................. 9 2.5.3 Minimize setting list (since v9.0.2)..................................................................................... 9 2.5.4 Unjustified active alarm signal (since v9.1.2.0) ...............................................................10 2.5.5 Adjustable delay time for hardware / sensor error (new in v10) ......................................11 2.5.6 Irrigation with cycle amount of ZERO (since v9.1.2.0) ....................................................10 2.5.7 Uni Switch type Control Loop (since v9.1.2.0) ................................................................10 2.5.8 Weekly overview after restart IBS (since v9.1.2.0) .........................................................10 2.5.9 Configuration number in alarm overview (since v9.1.2.0) ...............................................10

3 New in Version 10 ........................................................................................................ 12 3.1 Recipe Library ............................................................................................................................12

3.1.1 Selecting parameters for a recipe ...................................................................................12 3.1.2 Retrieving parameters from a recipe ...............................................................................13

3.2 Connected screening .................................................................................................................14 3.3 MeteoScope ...............................................................................................................................16

3.3.1 Settings ............................................................................................................................16 3.4 Meteoradar ................................................................................................................................17

3.4.1 Setting the location of the greenhouse ............................................................................17 3.4.2 Meteoradar Settings ........................................................................................................19 3.4.3 Main screen .....................................................................................................................20

3.5 Add text fields to alarms ............................................................................................................21 3.6 Snooze function on alarms ........................................................................................................23

4 New sales features ...................................................................................................... 24 4.1 New module Vent position realization (vents and slave vents) .................................................24 4.2 Remote de-activation of license ................................................................................................24

5 Hoogendoorn Online ................................................................................................... 25 5.1 Online Desk ...............................................................................................................................25 5.2 Hoogendoorn AcadeMe .............................................................................................................26 5.3 Hoogendoorn Analytics..............................................................................................................26 5.4 Hoogendoorn Service Protection Plan ......................................................................................26

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4 Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 9

1 Introduction

Before you lies the publication “Release Notes” of version 10 of the Hoogendoorn iSii process computer software, that has been enhanced on dozens of points and extended compared to the previous issue. This concerns both large and small components, which are partly selected from a range of wishes, comments and suggestions from our users within The Netherlands and abroad. An important goal is to further improve the user friendliness of the control software. In addition to that our aim is to keep the control software in sync with the innovations in greenhouse installations, and include the latest insights for climate control, registration and signaling. With this new version 10 your iSii Hoogendoorn process computer is up to date again. This publication is only a first step to inform you about the new features of the iSii software. To make optimum use all new, but also the existing possibilities of iSii process controls, Hoogendoorn offers a variety of opportunities for consultation, education and training. Below is an overview.

1.1 Plant Empowerment

Last year the book Growing by Plant Empowerment was introduced by and Hoogendoorn. This concept is the international follow-up of Next Generation Growing. Starting point is the natural behaviour of plants related to the greenhouse environment described by the balances concerning energy, water, CO2 and assimilates. Monitoring these balances utilizing sensors, combined with crop measurements in a coherent framework based on physical and plant physiological knowledge and insights, provides hard facts required to control and improve the cultivation process. Environmental control technology is then operated to relieve an unwanted plant stress situation or to further enhance an opportune growth situation. Growing by Plant Empowerment has proven an enormous success that exceeds our expectations. Growers worldwide benefit from the principles explained in this book. You can order your copy or request training sessions. Further information can be found on

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

1.2 Consultancy, training and courses

This publication is just the first step to inform you about all new possibilities. While performing the update to version 10 our service engineer / consultant will give a brief oral presentation and demonstrate highlights specific for your situation. Additionally, you can rely on our helpdesk for information and advice and to resolve any problem you might encounter. Furthermore we draw your attention to the possibility of personal and company specific training and consultancy both in house and in the form of "webinars" via the Internet. The above types of consultancy are related to the operation and control of the iSii itself. But Hoogendoorn goes one step further. Masterclasses on climate control and plant physiology are intended to teach you the latest insights and developments in the area of crop growth, climate optimization and energy savings. Seasonal workshops are organized for growers that have already participated in the above mentioned Masterclass. In these workshops (one for each season) we teach you tips and tricks for your particular situation and circumstances. Hoogendoorn AcadeMe is the name of the new e-Learning platform by Hoogendoorn Growth Management. You will find more information on this subject in chapter 5 of this publication. More information on all our options for education and training can be found on our website:

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6 Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 9

2 Performance and security improvements

2.1 Security

Due to the increase of Ransomware incidents and other criminal activities on the internet, Hoogendoorn has taken several steps to better defend your iSii process computer against these attacks.

2.1.1 Switch on a Firewall

One of the measures to be taken is to enable the Windows Firewall. Hoogendoorn has investigated how to enable and configure the firewall so that iSii can perform its tasks safely.

2.1.2 Switch on Windows 7 update

A next possible measure for iSii Next Generation users is to run Windows Updates in a safe way. A document is available with the exact instructions for performing a Windows 7 update and a description of the procedure to undo a Windows 7 update when this update unexpectedly causes problems. Your Hoogendoorn partner can assist you if needed. Be aware that the first update session contains many updates (up to 80), which means that the IBS3 will not work for a long time (up to an hour). So choose a suitable time to perform the updates. Updates for Windows Vista (IBS1 and IBS2) are limited.

2.1.3 Tips for security

Multiple measures can be taken to protect your iSii from attacks by Ransomware. Below is an overview of these measures:

Make sure you have a recent backup, not connected to the Internet (i.e. on an external disk or in the cloud).

Turn on the firewall, instructions for this can be obtained from your partner.

Install an antivirus program. Preferably a paid version, and preferably a program that does not disturb computer performance.

Do not install an email program or other software on your climate computer.

Do not use the browser to browse the Internet, unless it concerns fixed (trusted) sites.

Make sure user iSii does not have administrator rights.

Use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer on IBS-1 and IBS-2.

Install Vista SP2 on IBS-1.

Do not use VNC or other Freeware to remotely operate your iSii, unlike TeamViewer, this software is often not safe.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

2.2 Online Back-up

In the Hoogendoorn Service Protection Plan, Hoogendoorn now offers the opportunity to automatically place an update in the cloud. This means that the iSii can be used to upload a complete data copy at regular intervals to a cloud server (AWS - Amazon Web Services), in a region of your choice. With this data copy all your settings and data are stored, in combination with an iSii program and a license you are back in the air within a very short time, without extra work and without loss of data. You can set the number of times and the moments you want to back up yourself, this may depend partly on the quality (speed) of your internet connection.

2.3 Windows 10

A Windows 10 upgrade for IBS-3 has been developed. The version selected is the most recent version Windows 10 2019 LTSC. Support for this version is guaranteed by Microsoft until January 2029. An upgrade to Windows 10 is not included in the iSii Maintenance and Update contract.

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8 Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 9

2.4 iSii Visualization 2.0

iSii version 9 already offered improvements in performance and usage of visualizations. We also introduced pictures that show the status of silos, pumps and valves. We promised to further improve our visualisations and to add pictures to the library. In version 10 we introduce Visualization 2.0. Visualization 2.0 has the following features: - Navigation as a web browser - Open worksheet items like setting list, (HF)graphs, reports, webpages - Suitable for smart phone with RDP - High performance - Complete set of animated symbols - ClipArt library - Quick in creating and modifying

2.4.1 Navigate from the visualisation

The most important enhancement is the possibility to navigate from one visualisation to another (like a web browser). It is also possible to open setting lists, graphs, high frequency graphs and webpages from a visualisation. In practice this means that the visualisation can be used as the centre of the user interface, as the starting point to navigate through all pages of the user interface.

Example silo symbol with 5 actions coupled (clockwise from top left corner webpage, setting list, HF graph, graph, centre is jump to other visualization)

2.4.2 Suitable for smart phone with RDP

Visualisations can now also be navigated from a tablet or smartphone. Also the performance has been drastically improved.

2.4.3 Pictures added to the library

Symbols have been added for energy, climate, alarms and uni switches. A ClipArt library can be filled with your own pictures. Creating of modifying a visualisation has been made much easier by adding more editing and presentation options. Align, rotate, zoom, etc. A separate instruction has been made to assist in creating smart visualisations. Instructions on how to make and use a visualization are available in the help centre of Hoogendoorn Online.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

2.5 Other improvements

Developments on the iSii software have continued during the year. Some of those improvements were already implemented in higher versions 9.

2.5.1 Group Report – Performance, column width and alignment (since v9.0.2)

The performance of the Group Report has been improved. You can now toggle between dynamic and static filter mode. In dynamic mode all screens are updated every 20 seconds. In static mode, only the groups currently on display are being updated every 20 seconds. The column with is adjusted automatically to the longest group name.

2.5.2 Browser on worksheet improved for IBS3 (since v9.1.2)

The browser now uses Chrome components instead of Internet Explorer. This only works for systems under Windows 7 and Windows 10 (IBS-3). Most websites will perform significantly better than before,, but also the online Release Notes.

2.5.3 Minimize setting list (since v9.0.2)

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2.5.4 Unjustified active alarm signal (since v9.1.2.0)

It is crucial that an alarm overview shows the correct number of alarms at all times. We have investigated some cases of the alarm signal being activated while no alarm was active. We found a solution for this rare issue and implemented it in this iSii version.

2.5.5 Irrigation with cycle amount of ZERO (since v9.1.2.0)

In previous versions, irrigation with an amount of 0 (zero) lead in some situations to rapid, unrestrained increase of parameter "counter cycles", thus influencing the daily watering regime in a negative way. This issue has been fixed.

2.5.6 Uni Switch type Control Loop (since v9.1.2.0)

New functionality has been introduced in the uni-switch type control loop. The feature is useful when automating controls with a positive feedback. An example of a control circuit with a positive feedback is cooling. In most control circuits, a too high measurement must lead to closed control, but for cooling the opposite is true: too high a (temperature) measurement must lead to open control, since more cooling is required. In iSii v9.1.2, the actuation factor of the uni control loop can be set negative to achieve this. The screenshot below shows the difference in control behaviour between a positive and a negative control factor.

2.5.7 Weekly overview after restart IBS (since v9.1.2.0)

If the iSii computer was restarted early in the morning, the weekly overviews showed identical values on different days. This issue has been solved.

2.5.8 Configuration number in alarm overview (since v9.1.2.0)

The iSii configuration number is a very important administrative number when a partner or customer has contact with Hoogendoorn (helpdesk, sales department, etc.). When we know this number we know more or less everything about the computer: the hardware and software supplied, history, updates, etc. Customers but also personnel from partners every often have no idea where to find the configuration number. We have now added this number (a 4 digit number) in the alarm overview. Easy to find for everybody.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

2.5.9 Adjustable delay time for hardware / sensor error (new in v10)

In some occasions the alarm overview gets overloaded with “hardware / sensor error” or “unit specific error”. Hundreds of those alarms can pop up on a day. Such an alarm overview becomes an issue when system performance goes down, but more importantly – it does not give a good overview of more important alarms. If solving the underlying problems takes longer, the overview continues to get overloaded. We have now introduced an adjustable delay time for the "hardware / sensor error" and "unit specific error" alarms. The value is set to 1 minute by default, the delay time that is actually used in iSii v8. By increasing the delay time , you can limit the number of alarms and thus prevent the alarm overview from filling up.

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3 New in Version 10

3.1 Recipe Library

There was a wish from many customers who wanted the possibility to “store” all settings at a certain moment, and be able to retrieve them for future use. Throughout the year different sets of settings are used, applicable in certain seasons or in certain stages of the crop. In order to be able to reuse settings of the previous year, growers now print overviews and store them in a binder. This process has now been automated in the iSii. In the iSii Explorer a button “Recipe” has been added. With this button Recipe Mode can be either abled or disabled (default).

In Recipe Mode Abled 3 buttons on the setting list tool bar can be used to add and save settings, and to retrieve them again.

3.1.1 Selecting parameters for a recipe

Click the button “Select Recipe”. Create a new folder (a folder is a recipe) and give it an appropriate recognizable name

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

The “*” button is used to select and deselect parameters. When selecting a parameter, the value turns blue. After selecting the desired parameters they can be saved to the recipe with the left button (closed book) The settings then turn to the normal colour black.

3.1.2 Retrieving parameters from a recipe

Click on the button “Select Recipe”. Open the folder/recipe that has to be retrieved. The button “open book” retrieves all parameter settings and makes the parameters blue. With the button with the three dashes recipes can be retrieved from other groups or even other iSii computers. This button opens a dialogue showing the names of the recipes that can be selected, the group name and the last change date. All parameters from the recipe are now blue, and can be checked or changed when necessary. Changed parameter settings can be save with the button “Apply changes”. The “Refresh” button with NO cancels the operation.

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3.2 Connected screening

The following additions have been made to the module Connected Screening:

1- Calculated saving through screening expressed in MJ / m2 per day / week / period Customer benefit: this allows us to quantify what has been saved compared to a situation if

screening was not used

2- Calculated screen% / reduction of irradiation at crop level through screening Customer benefit: This allows us to quantify how much light is screened away per day / week /


With these 2 values (energy saving versus light reduction) we can convince growers that a lot can be saved with little light loss. As an additional advantage, we also have an indicator for growers without a PAR sensor that indicates what they are screening at any time of the day.

3- With the new influence “Difference in temperature above screen heating temperature” we can open the screen at an optimum time in the morning. This was a wish of a number of customers who actively work with an aspirator box above the screen.

4- A new status "window opening" has been added with which we can customize the ventilation control to size, so that during this status opening of the windows is minimized before and during opening of the window. This prevents undesired cold falls.

With additions 3 and 4 we can actively communicate that an aspirator box above the screen can offer even more added value to growers.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

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3.3 MeteoScope

Data transfer from the weather forecast supplier MeteoGroup was until now done via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). This has now been changed to a more modern method of data transfer, via API (Application Programming Interface). The main advantages of using API instead of FTP is that information exchange is more secure, flexible, faster and less prone to errors.

3.3.1 Settings

The transition from FTP to API will be carried out during the version 10 update. Before being able to update to the API communication method, a new contract has to be signed between MeteoGroup and the grower. On the Settings page of MeteoScope subscription details have to be filled in during the update. The MeteoGroup username and key must be available.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

In addition to this transition, the following information is now available in MeteoScope:

- Expected Radiation Sum

3.4 Meteoradar

Meteoradar data will also be transferred via API. This gave the opportunity for MeteoGroup to improve the information, and for Hoogendoorn it gave to opportunity to drastically improve the quality and the user friendliness of the information:

- The forecast will be 30 minutes, with 5 minutes interval. - The precipitation intensity forecast is given in minimum, average and maximum (mm/hr) - The location of the greenhouse can be selected on OpenStreetMap - The area that should be taken in to consideration by Meteoradar can also be selected easily,

and does not have to be a square like previously - The user has a variety of factors to choose from when anticipating on a precipitation forecast:

intensity, wind direction factor, precipitation region.

3.4.1 Setting the location of the greenhouse

The main screen of Meteoradar shows the buttons Set Region and Settings,

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A region editor is available to select the exact location of the greenhouse on the map. When setting up Meteoradar for the first time, click on Set Region. Button 3 gives the possibility to click on the large map and find your greenhouse.

Zooming in on this map makes it easy to find the exact location. Button 2 (the pencil) gives the possibility to set the area of the greenhouse The area does not have to be an exact square or rectangle, but can be a multi-sided polynomial. By setting the region larger than the greenhouse, for example in the direction of the prevailing wind, you can improve the influence of Meteoradar on your specific location or circumstances.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

3.4.2 Meteoradar Settings

Click the Settings button on the main screen to go to the below window.

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Meteoradar gives 3 values every 5 minutes – the maximum, the average and the minimum expected rainfall. In the settings you can specify which value should be used. Do you want to be on the safe side, then take minimum. You can specify a threshold, the amount of rain in mm/hr that should lead to a closing of the windows. The lower you set this value, the earlier the windows close, the value you choose will mainly be determined by the sensitivity of your crop to rain. MeteoRadar gives 6 samples for the coming 30 minutes. You can select how many of these samples you will use to determine if you want the computer to take action and close the windows. In checkboxes on the main screen you can select or deselect samples. If you select “any”, this means that one sample indicating rain is sufficient to react, if you select “all” then the rain status will only become ON if all selected samples in the coming 30 minutes give a rain forecast. Default value is “any”, we strongly suggest to use this setting. The intensity colours have no meaning anymore, but they correspond to the values in the threshold level. We have added these colours for the users of the old Meteoradar as a visual help.

3.4.3 Main screen

The graph on the Meteoradar window shows on the right side the forecast in 5 minute samples, on the left the comparison between the forecasted values and the measured values by the rain intensity sensor. The forecast shows the threshold value, and the forecasted intensity of the minute samples. A text bar shows the time until the next value will be fetched, this time bar also shows when fetching of a 5 minute value has failed. The vent position of the sketched greenhouse visualize wether or not Meteoradar closes the vents.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

3.5 Add text fields to alarms

It is now possible to add text to alarm messages. The most important reason is to share information between employees, so everybody knows what to do in case of each specific alarm, and everybody treats an alarm in the same way. The alarm overview has an extra column “Help”. By clicking the icon the notes/help screen appears. There are three text fields available:

- The yellow paperclip. This means that the note is only valid for this instance/occurrence of the alarm. The next time this alarm pops up, the field is empty again. Example: Alarm checked, a mechanic is scheduled for this afternoon. These notes can only be added when the alarm is still active (no end time). Clicking F2 stores date and time in the notes. The information remains visible after closing the alarm.

- The green paperclip. This gives extra information for this alarm and for this group. This text is not available if the same alarm occurs in a different group. Example: This pump is different from the other pumps – you should do this to solve the issue. On each occurrence of this alarm the text is shown.

- The blue paperclip. This information is applicable to all groups. In addition to the 3 coloured paperclips:

- A grey paperclip. There are no notes and no help for this alarm.

The yellow paperclip – a note for this alarm instance only

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The green paperclip – help for this alarm type and this group

The blue paperclip – help for this alarm

When more than one text field has been filled in, the icon in the help column gets the colour of the most specific text: Yellow>Green>Blue>Grey. Inactive alarms have a grey magnifying glass. This means that no check has been carried out to check for notes or help. By clicking on the magnifying glass this check is done and the notes window opens.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

3.6 Snooze function on alarms

Another request from many customer is the possibility to snooze an alarm. If you do not have time to handle an alarm right now, but you want to be reminded after a certain period of time, you now have the snooze option. In case of an alarm, go to the alarm overview and select the alarm you want to snooze. Click on the bell button. A window pops up where you can select the snooze period out of 5 presets. In “custom snooze duration” a time can be set different from the presets.

A snoozed alarm is visible in the alarm overview, a new column has been added that shows the time a snoozed alarm will become active again.

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4 New sales features

4.1 New module Vent position realization (vents and slave vents)

The iSii software contained one software module 024107 Ventilation lee side and wind side with vent position realization. When using slave vents the only possibility was to purchase an additional software module, while only the Vent position realization was required. This made the software unnecessary expensive. The module has been split into 2 separate modules: 024109 Ventilation group lee side and wind side 024110 Vent position realization (vents and slave vents) Instead of 1 x 024107 you should now select 1 x 024109 + 2 x 024110. 024110 can be selected separately in case of slave vents.

4.2 Remote de-activation of license

This new function gives the possibility to de-activate a license from the Hoogendoorn office. De-activation can only be done in case of gross abuse of the license, the decision can only be taken by senior Hoogendoorn management. Before a license is de-activate a series of warnings is given.

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Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 10

5 Hoogendoorn Online

Hoogendoorn Online is a new service for registered iSii users (and users of other Hoogendoorn software packages).

In iSii version 9 a pup-up screen is included, to activate new user to register and this getting access to Hoogendoorn Online. After registration the pop-up will not show again, it can however also be found under the Help tab, in case other employees want to register as well.

For partners a separate HO environment will be created, with amongst others access to the partner website. Hoogendoorn Online for users includes:

5.1 Online Desk

Hoogendoorn Desk is the new help desk ticketing system, available 24/7 for Hoogendoorn customers and partners. All your telephone helpdesk questions are registered as "ticket" in this system, and you receive a confirmation when your ticket has been processed. Notifications via email are also registered in this way. What is new, however, is that you can also submit a ticket yourself directly into the system via the Hoogendoorn Online Portal. You get immediate access day and night, and you no longer enter the queue because the helpdesk employees are in conversation. But by far the greatest advantage of this is that you have direct access via Hoogendoorn Desk to the knowledge base present in Hoogendoorn Desk and to the overview of frequently asked questions (FAQs). A big chance that your question has already been asked, and that you will immediately find the answer with a targeted search. In addition to direct help questions, you can also enter complaints or wishes in Hoogendoorn Desk. You get an overview of the tickets that are still pending for you, with an expected handling time. As soon as your ticket has been processed you will be notified.

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26 Release Notes Hoogendoorn iSii version 9

5.2 Hoogendoorn AcadeMe

Hoogendoorn AcadeMe is the e-Learning portal of Hoogendoorn Growth Management. In this portal we have already introduced the first knowledge modules: - Quick Start modules iSii (Operations and Controls) - Quick Start iSii Compact - Quick Start Work-IT (part 1) - Basic Aquabalance training - Maintenance trainings for a number of sensors. Most modules are now only available in English, the iSii Quick Start also in Dutch. Other translations will follow in the course of 2018 and 2019. In the course of time, new modules will be constantly added. Hoogendoorn AcadeMe can be entered directly from the landing page of Hoogendoorn Online.

5.3 Hoogendoorn Analytics

Hoogendoorn Analytics is an additional service for Hoogendoorn iSii users. The package offers tools to analyse the situation in your greenhouse and present it on a management dashboard. In the basic version you will have access to the climate monitor and the RTR module (with which you can monitor whether you realize the correct 24-hour temperature-light ratio). This basic version is part of the Service Protection plan Advanced. Other modules are available on request.

5.4 Hoogendoorn Service Protection Plan

The Hoogendoorn Service Protection Plan replaces the existing iSii Maintenance contracts, but at the same time has undergone a number of important expansions. A special attention should be paid to the Online backup functionality.