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M.Ed Reading/ Reading Endorsement Program

Ed 698 Final Reading e-Portfolio Project

COURSE DATES/TIMES: May 24, 25, 26: 5:00 – 8:00 Wednesdays: 1:00 – 4:00

INSTRUCTOR: Mary-Claire Tarlow, Ph.D. Office: 907-796-6435

Juneau: 907-780-4075Tenakee: 907-736-2230

Email: [email protected]

MODE OF INSTRUCTION: ElluminateLive, email.

CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: Either a research paper or project jointly approved by the student’s graduate committee. The student research paper/project should coincide with the student’s professional objectives. The portfolio should document the required knowledge and ability to apply the standards set by the conceptual framework of the UAS School of Education. Students creating a portfolio should request portfolio criteria from the School of Education or their graduate advisor. An oral defense of either the paper/ project or the portfolio may be required by the student’s graduate committee. CREDITS: 3

COURSE OUTCOME:Create a professional portfolio organized around the Standards of the International Reading Association. (2010)that demonstrates competence in the Goals and Performances of the School of Education. The portfolio evidence should consist of program examples, or artifacts (unit plans, formal papers, classroom observations, etc.) as well as writing that articulates the relationship between the evidence and the standard. The evidence must include artifacts representing teaching and literacy leadership in K-12 classrooms. A sample of teaching that shows impact on K-12 student learning must be included as a portfolio program example.


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PREREQUISITES: ED671, ED674, ED675, ED676, ED677, ED 678, ED679, ED696, ED626, ED 628.

TEXTBOOK OR REQUIRED READINGS: None/ All previous textbooks as references.

TECHNOLOGY NEEDED: Computer, internet connection,


Course Objective

The candidate will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to:

SOE (Conceptual Fram


Grad (0r)Under-Grad Com


IRA Standard


Assessment Ensuring that the Objective has been met

Demonstrate knowledge addressed in all IRA Reading Professional standards and standards elements at a Reading Specialist/Coach level.

1 - 9 1 - 3 1 - 6 Final approval of portfolio

Demonstrate ability to implement all IRA Reading Professional standards and standards elements at a Reading Specialist/Coach level.

1 - 9 1 - 3 1 - 6 Final approval of portfolio

Demonstrate knowledge and skills addressed in all UAS School of Education Conceptual Framework Goals

1 - 9 1 - 3 1 - 6 Final approval of portfolio

RELATIONSHIP OF THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK TO STANDARDS:An increasing emphasis on professional standards for educators reinforces the relevance of the School of Education’s vision of an informed, reflective and responsive professional educator as the grounding tenants of our Conceptual Framework. As the lists of expected achievement indicators, competencies, and dispositions issued by government and professional groups become more extensive, only an informed professional who actively reflects on his/her teaching and is responsive to student, family and community needs will be capable of meeting the intent of those standards. The general theme of our vision is that each of these areas strives to nurture and prepare professional educators so that they can meet the needs of diverse learners. Efforts include continuous endeavors to creatively incorporate technology throughout individual subject area fields, promoting understanding and appreciation for diversity, and support of the development of literacy skills needed in an increasingly complex society.


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Assignment Points Due DateProfessional Portfolio 70 7-22-11Effective communication with instructor and peers 30 Throughout semester

GRADING SCALE: Pass: 71 – 100 Fail: 70 or below

ACADEMIC POLICY STATEMENT:Honesty in academic endeavors is a central tenet of the UAS philosophy. One may feel proud of accomplishments and success attained honorably through hard work. Knowledge gained in this way often leads to later success in professional pursuits and in personal life. Unfortunately, academic stress and anxiety sometimes impact the individual in ways that produce dishonest behavior, or taking an “easier” route to fulfilling academic responsibilities. Infractions of academic dishonesty can lead to serious consequences. Refer to the UAS Student Handbook for more details. Programs offered through the Learning Center and the Student Resource Center address topics such as study skills and time management to reduce stress and thus help to prevent dishonest behavior.

STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES:To aid college students who experience a documented physical, cognitive, and/or psychiatric disability. Disability Support Services are available on all UAS campuses. The University of Alaska Southeast is committed to equal opportunity and programmatic access for students with disabilities (See University of Alaska Regents Policy: For further information on disability support services and guidelines about documentation please visit our website at or:

In Juneau:(907)796-6000In Ketchikan:(907) 228-4505In Sitka:(907) 747-7716Early contact with this program promotes a positive educational experience


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CIVILITY AND HARASSMENT :Intellectual honesty, mutual respect, and freedom from discrimination, intimidation, harassment and violence against persons or property are central to the UAS mission. Acts of intolerance and abusive behaviors which violate these basic values will not go unchallenged within our academic community.

UAS is committed to standards promoting speech and expression that fosters the maximum exchange of ideas and opinions. Ideally, discourse is open, candid, and characterized by mutual respect and dignity.

It is the goal of the University to foster a campus climate which promotes the ideals of civility and appreciation for the uniqueness of each member of our academic community.


1. Abide by a philosophy of education and remain flexible to revising it based on new research and teaching experience.

2. Appreciate unique thinking processes of learners at different stages of development.3. Appreciate multiple perspectives and value individual differences.4. Commit to professional discourse about content knowledge and student learning of

content. 5. Value assessment and instruction as integrated processes.6. Commit to ensuring student well being and development of self-regulation and

group interaction skills.7. Recognize the school as an integral part of the community and value parents as

partners in promoting student learning.8. Value professional ethics, democratic principles, and collaborative learning

communities.9. Value technology as a tool for student and teacher lifelong learning.


The portfolio addresses the six IRA standards, and the nine School of Education Goals. It is organized into seven statements, with two artifacts for each statement that provide evidence of application.The portfolio rubric designates target, acceptable, and not acceptable levels for components of the portfolio. The portfolio will consist of:


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I. Foundational Knowledge 1.1Theories/Research Foundations 1/4 1.2 History 1/4 II. Instruction, assessment, curriculum, environment IIA. Instructional Practices 2.1 Design/implement integrated, comprehensive,balanced curriculum 5 2.2 Use range of inst. practices, approaches/methods 5 2.3 Range of texts & digital/online resources 5 IIB. Assessment, Diagnosis & Evaluation 3.1 Types of assessments and qualities 5 3.2 Select, use & interpret assessments 5 3.3 Use info to plan, evaluate & revise effective inst. 5 3.4 Communicate assessment results / implications 7 IIC. Diversity 4.1 Values diversity & importance to learning literacy 2/3 4.2 Positively impact students’ knowledge, beliefs & engagement 2/3 4.3 Use strategies that advocate for equity 7 IID. Literate Environment 5.1 Physical environment 6 5.2 Social environment 6 5.3 Routines; time management 6 5.4 Classroom configurations; grouping 6 IIE. Use of Technology ISTE: I Knowledge, skills & concepts related to technology 9 II Learning environments and experiences 9 III Integrate into curriculum, 9 III. Professional Behavior/ Professional Development 6.1 Foundational knowledge of Prof. Development; organizational change; school culture 8 1.3 Role of professional judgment 1/8 6.2 Dispositions 1 - 9 6.3 Design, lead & evaluate professional development 5/8 6.4 Policy decisions 8

School Of Education Goals:

1. Articulate, maintain, and develop a philosophy of education that they also demonstrate in


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practice2. Understand how human development affects learning and apply that understanding to

practice3. Differentiate instruction with respect for individual and cultural characteristics4. Possess current academic content knowledge 5. Facilitate learning by using assessment to guide planning, instruction, and modification

of teaching practice.6. Create and manage a stimulating, inclusive and safe learning community in which

students take intellectualrisks and work independently and collaboratively 7. Work as partners with parents, families and the community 8. Develop and maintain professional, moral, and ethical attitudes, behaviors, relationships,

and habits of mind 9. Use technology effectively, creatively, and wisely.

IRA Standards & Standard Elements:1. FOUNDATIONAL KNOWLEDGE: Candidates understand the theoretical and evidence-based foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction.

1.1 Understand major theories and empirical research that describe the cognitive, linguistic, motivational, and sociocultural foundations of reading and writing development, processes and components, including word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading-writing connections.1.2 Understand the historically shared knowledge of the profession and changes over time in the perceptions of reading and writing development, processes, and components.1.3 Understand the role of professional judgment and practical knowledge for improving all students’ reading development and achievement.

2. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION: Candidates use instructional approaches, materials, and an integrated, comprehensive, balanced curriculum to support student learning in reading and writing.

2.1 Use foundational knowledge to design or implement an integrated, comprehensive, and balanced curriculum.2.2 Use appropriate and varied instructional approaches, including those that develop word recognition, language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading-writing connections.2.3 Use a wide range of texts (e.g., narrative, expository, and poetry) from traditional print, digital, and online resources.

3. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION: Candidates use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading and writing instruction.

3.1 Understand types of assessments and their purposes, strengths, and limitations.3.2 Select, develop, administer, and interpret assessments, both traditional print and electronic, for specific purposes.3.3 Uses assessment information to plan and evaluate instruction.3.4 Communicate assessment results and implications to a variety of audiences.

4. DIVERSITY: Candidates create and engage their students in literacy practices that develop awareness, understanding, respect, and a valuing of differences in our society.

4.1 Recognize, understand, and value the forms of diversity that exist in society and their importance in learning to read and write.


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4.2 Use a literacy curriculum and engage in instructional practices that positively impact students’ knowledge, beliefs, and engagement with the features of diversity.4.3 Develop and implement strategies to advocate for equity.

5. LITERATE ENVIRONMENT: Candidates create a literate environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments.

5.1 Design the physical environment to optimize students’ use of traditional print, digital, and online resources in reading and writing instruction.5.2 Design a social environment that is low risk, includes choice, motivation, and scaffolded support to optimize students; opportunities for learning to read and write.5.3 Use routines to support reading and writing instruction (e.g., time allocation, transitions from one activity to another; discussions, and peer feedback.5.4 Use a variety of classroom configurations (i.e., whole class, small group, and individual) to differentiate instruction.

6. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AND LEADERSHIP: 6.1 Demonstrate foundational knowledge of adult learning theories and related research about organizational change, professional development, and school culture6.2 Display positive dispositions related to their own reading and writing and the teaching of reading and writing, and pursue the development of individual professional knowledge and behaviors.6.3 Participate in, design, facilitate, lead, and evaluate effective and differentiated professional development programs6.4 Understand and influence local, state, or national policy decisions.


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DATE FORMAT TOPICS ADDRESSEDTuesday, May 24 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Elluminate IntroductionsOverview of Portfolio FrameworkIRA Standards 2010Components of PortfolioThe Writing Process for Knowledge statementsGoals, calendar, plans, deadlines, Questions

Wednesday, May 255:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Elluminate Creating a Portfolio OutlineBrainstorming artifactsUploading your artifactsWriting an AbstractExamples of Knowledge StatementsYour first knowledge statement: Foundational KnowledgeThe Portfolio Rubric

Thursday, May 265:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Elluminate Questions, concerns, clarificationsManaging the Electronic PortfolioWriting your AutobiographyWriting the PrefaceThe Response Process Respond to Knowledge Statement: Foundational KnowledgeTechnology Issues

POSSIBLE TOPICS ADDRESSEDWednesday June 11:00 – 4:00 pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

Overview Review2.Curriculum and Instruction

Wednesday June 8

1:00 – 4:00 pmWeb Meeting via Elluminate

3.Assessment and Evaluation

Wednesday June 151:00 – 4:00 pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

4. Diversity

Wednesday June 221:00 – 4:00 pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

5. Literate Environment

Wednesday June 271:00 – 4:00 pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

6. Professional Learning & Leadership

Wednesday June 291:00 – 4:00pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

Autobiography & Preface


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Wednesday July 61:00 – 4:00pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

Questions/ Review

Wednesday July 131:00 – 4:00pm

Web Meeting via Elluminate

Questions (If needed)


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Summer application for graduation due registrar July 1st to registrar

Statement I: Foundational Knowledge statement, abstract & application example(s)

June 1 June 8 June 21

Statement IIA: Instructional Practices statement, abstract & application example(s)

June 8 June 15 June 22

Statement IIB: Assessment, Diagnosis & Evaluation statement, abstract & application example(s)

June 15 June 22 June 29

Statement IIC: Diversity statement, abstract & application example

June 22 June 29 July 6

Statement IID: Literate Environment statement, abstract & application example(s)

June 22 June 29 July 6

Statement IIE: Technology statement, abstract & application example(s)

June 29 July 6 July 13

Statement III: Professional Behavior/ Professional Development statement, abstract & application example(s)

June 29 July 6 July 13

Autobiography & Preface July 6 July 9 July 15Completed Portfolio –Submit complete Portfolio July 15Evaluation period for your e-Portfolio July 15th –

August 1Final grade of P or F to records and registration August 1