reformed missions japan

OPC JAPAN MISSION 日日 (Nippon ) The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear, and Turn Unto the Lord in Fear

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The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear, and Turn Unto the Lord in Fear

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How are we connected with Japan Mission?

We are Apple Valley Presbyterian Church in Neenah, WI

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Our Church is part of a bigger church!

We are part of the denomination called the

Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

It is divided up in the US into smaller regions.

They are called Presbyteries. We are in the Midwest Presbytery.

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God uses our church to help others be a part of His church! Both in the US and beyond!

Sometimes God leads people to move overseas to share the good news of His salvation. They are called missionaries.

Missionaries often have to learn a new language and leave behind friends and family.

They join the OPC denomination and are given money to help them do the work of a missionary.

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Prayer and Giving connect us with our missionaries!

All the OPC Churches pray for missionaries and give a part of their offering money each Sunday.

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How do I get to know our missionaries?

Series 1

Series 2

We can pray better for our missionaries when we get to know about them!

Tonight you will meet one of four missionary couples who work in the country of


First, let’s learn a little about Japan!

1. The country of Japan is located in the Eastern Hemisphere2. It is part of the continent of Asia. 3. It is a group of Islands.4. Buddhism and Shintoism are the two main religions.5. Protestant church attendance is somewhere around 0.2% - (2 for every 1000 people) for Japan as a whole.6. The population is 127 million. (336 people per square km)7. The language they speak is Japanese.

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Do you see Asia? Now find Japan. Can you find Tokyo? Sendai?

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Counting to Ten in Japanese

1 Iche

2 Nee

3 San

4 She

5 Go

6 Roku

7 Shichi

8 Hachi

9 Coo

10 Ju

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Our OPC Missionaries in Japan

Cal & Edie Cummings

Laurie & Woody Lauer

Murray & Tsuruko Uomoto

Kaz & Katie Yaegashi

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We introduce you to …Cal & Edie Cummings

• They live near Sendai

• Edie leads several Women’s Bible Studies• She teaches at a Catholic University

• Cal preaches regularly• He counsels many• He leads University outreach ministry

• He has played a vital role in leading disaster relief teams after Tsunami.

• Sendai, a city of one million, was closest to the epicentre of the earthquake.

• They help run the Nozomi Hope Center.

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Nozomi Hope Center: Church, Camp and CAFÉ!

*The building is used for a place of worship!

*Monthly worship service at the center is gradually increasing in attendance as well.

*About 4-6 unbelievers join the staff with a total of 15 gathering together to worship. 

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Nozomi Hope Center: Church, CAMP and CAFÉ!

* The same building is used for Camp! The spring camp for youth attracted nearly 100 elementary and junior high youth.

* 34 kids attended camp from the Nozomi Center. These unchurched children are still singing the gospel songs

they learned at the camp!!

*10-15 kids coming to the center nearly every day for

various activities.

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Nozomi Hope Center: Church, Camp and


The same building is used for a lunch gathering!

Our monthly Friends Lunch has been well attended at Nozomi center. 

About 35 men and women have been

coming regularly as we combine lunch

and Bible Study.

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Sometimes God uses events which change the focus of your ministry…

The Cummings did not know there would be a Tsunami in Sendai in 2011!

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Sendai Tsunami 2011

Sendai, a city of one million, was closest to the epicentre

of the earthquake. OPC sent relief teams soon after.

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How they connect with us…

Prayer letters: personal lives & prayer needs shared (via email)

Telenews: an email summary of prayer requests

Prayer cards: Available through your church

Photo Bulletin Board: Help please!

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Pray for Cal and & Edie Cummings

1. Pray for seekers Mr. Sakurai, Mr. Ohyama, Mrs. Kobayashi and son, Hisako, Akiko, Oh san, and Chie to truly believe and be baptized2. Increased attendance at our Nozomi Center worship.3. True peace to those who yet mourn from the disaster4. “We would also appreciate more workers to labor in the harvest of Japan” (email from last night!)5. Daughter Esther’s baby Gabriel who was born deaf and needs medical help6. Wisdom as we consider our plans for retirement.

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OPC JAPAN MISSION 日本 (Nippon=Japan)

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The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear, and Turn Unto the Lord in Fear