reflective in psychology

Modupe Sarratt Psyc 495 Section 7980 My Reflective Paper in Psychology Psychology has existed for centuries but only recently have we gained a stronger understanding of the biological foundation for the mind and its relationship to the external factors for the environment. My experience in the psychology program at UMUC have helped me to gain tremendous insight to how these different perspectives or viewpoints shed light upon behavior. The cognitive perspective, humanistic perspective, and sociocultural perspective for the psychodynamic of behavior. Cognitive Perspective The cognitive perspective is how the mind work to connect to the environment is the sensation for thought process for a behavior. Thought process is the empirical findings or the experiment for the biological foundation to a behavior are the functions of the nerves for the action potentials for transmitting sensation or information from the environment to the brain to analyze for action. An action then becomes a behavior created for specific event that can be remember for recognizing past event for awareness is the mind. The behavior then becomes the way we used to respond to a recognized event depending on the occurrence of event for the behavior. A behavior becomes a personality depending on the trend for use in the environment such as tendency for aggressive behavior can become a custom or practice for personality. According to primate behavior for aggression in human, Dr. Albert & (1994) indicates, The evidence suggests that human aggression has its biological roots in defense mechanisms” for awareness of event is consistence with the environment for the historical trend in psychology for the functions of the nervous system and the brain is the consciousness for events in the environment. The theoretical for cognitive is understood for biological foundation in Psyc 301 and sensation and perception in Psyc 310 are the correlation between environmental sensation and biological formation for behavior are the functions of action potential of the nervous system, NS and thought process in the central nervous system, CNS are the brain. The empirical findings are that the nerves are the stimuli for creating action potential to transmit information to the brain for awareness to produce behavior. The brain is the sensory organs or the intellectual for creating behavior for the information as a respond. The function for creating behavior is understood as the thought process in sensory section or the center of the brain, the CNS. The processes for thought is common understood to include the functionality of the five sensory organs that enable us to sense and view the stimuli or the sensation from the environment as a request to produce behavior. The sensory organs according to what I learned in biology are the eyes, ears, tongue, skin and nose that connect for gathering information from the environment to the brain as thought process for behavior. The basic or generic for thought process is fight or flight response as action or behavior.

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Page 1: Reflective in Psychology

Modupe Sarratt

Psyc 495 Section 7980

My Reflective Paper in Psychology

Psychology has existed for centuries but only recently have we gained a stronger understanding of the

biological foundation for the mind and its relationship to the external factors for the environment. My

experience in the psychology program at UMUC have helped me to gain tremendous insight to how

these different perspectives or viewpoints shed light upon behavior. The cognitive perspective,

humanistic perspective, and sociocultural perspective for the psychodynamic of behavior.

Cognitive Perspective

The cognitive perspective is how the mind work to connect to the environment is the sensation for

thought process for a behavior. Thought process is the empirical findings or the experiment for the

biological foundation to a behavior are the functions of the nerves for the action potentials for

transmitting sensation or information from the environment to the brain to analyze for action. An action

then becomes a behavior created for specific event that can be remember for recognizing past event for

awareness is the mind.

The behavior then becomes the way we used to respond to a recognized event depending on the

occurrence of event for the behavior. A behavior becomes a personality depending on the trend for use

in the environment such as tendency for aggressive behavior can become a custom or practice for

personality. According to primate behavior for aggression in human, Dr. Albert & (1994) indicates,

“The evidence suggests that human aggression has its biological roots in defense mechanisms” for

awareness of event is consistence with the environment for the historical trend in psychology for the

functions of the nervous system and the brain is the consciousness for events in the environment.

The theoretical for cognitive is understood for biological foundation in Psyc 301 and sensation and

perception in Psyc 310 are the correlation between environmental sensation and biological formation

for behavior are the functions of action potential of the nervous system, NS and thought process in the

central nervous system, CNS are the brain. The empirical findings are that the nerves are the stimuli for

creating action potential to transmit information to the brain for awareness to produce behavior. The

brain is the sensory organs or the intellectual for creating behavior for the information as a respond. The

function for creating behavior is understood as the thought process in sensory section or the center of

the brain, the CNS.

The processes for thought is common understood to include the functionality of the five sensory organs

that enable us to sense and view the stimuli or the sensation from the environment as a request to

produce behavior. The sensory organs according to what I learned in biology are the eyes, ears, tongue,

skin and nose that connect for gathering information from the environment to the brain as thought

process for behavior. The basic or generic for thought process is fight or flight response as action or


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The brain has different sections for events and how the brain coordinate events for storage and retrieval

are not completely understood for there is more to learn about the brain as the function of the mind.

The sections in the brain that were identified are reference as lobes. The four major lobes are the frontal

lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe and occipital lobe. The frontal lobe are the tissues associating with

gathering information from the environment to transmit to the center of the brain or the parietal lobe

for action is associated with thought process for awareness to create a behavior. When a behavior is

structured for an event, the behavior is transmitted for storage in the back of the brain or the occipital

lobe for retrieval in the case the event occurs again. The section for memory or remember is not clearly

identify as the temporal lobe, although the ability to retrieve information depend on what is we see or

hear about the experience of an event to connect to the memory are function in the temporal lobe.

To understand the function of the nerve and the brain for behavior, the researchers or the psychologists

used experimental techniques for “recording or imaging” of the nervous system and the brain activities

to interpret a behavior. For “some psychologists the tools or techniques such as MRI, CT scans or X-ray

beam to reflection or measure electrical activity of the nerve and the brain that can be used to analyze

how we learn, remember, and master event. ” For perception of event or environment, a functional

magnetic resonance imaging or “fMRI” is useful for echoing the functioning of the nerve to the brain for

evaluating how the brain interpret information for action that we use to use to communicate behavior.

(Nevid, p.43)

A behavior that becomes our character or persona is an action that compatible to the event in the

environment. An example for how behavior becomes a personality is living in a crime area or

environment for reoccurrence of an event that cause fear for worry. Worry is the basic term for anxiety

in psychology for science. Example is growing up in environment that screaming is action for indicating

fear with the prevalence of crime creates emotional state for screaming as part of our personality when

threaten or sensing fear.

Humanistic Perspective

The humanistic perspective is that behavior good or bad is the acquisition of knowledge for

understanding the environment for operational behavior. The notion is mistake is miscalculating the

environment for practical behavior. To change a behavior requires understanding a behavior is

unrealistic or impractical in a situation for make mistakes is to be a human. On the other hand, a

behavior that is bad in one situation may be okay in another situation depending on the occurrence of

event. In some event, aggression may not be bad. Also, living in a harsh environment, uncaring or

cruelty may be the normal for behavior in order to survive for being a human. A harsh environment

produce harsh behavior to indicate to be human is to learn what is practical for behavior.

The theoretical for humanistic perceptive “is a system of thought that is based on the values,

characteristics, and behavior that are believed to be best in human beings, rather on any supernatural

authority” according to Encarta Dictionary, (2013). The empirical finding is that the consciousness is for

calculating the environment for behavior to assign value for not ambiguous in our perception of the

environment and the other is human nature. To learn behavior is by trying and errors to realize what the

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environment demanded of you as a being for self-awareness of other. According to Carl Roger, “focused

on each individual's potential and stressed the importance of growth and self-actualization” (Roger,

1951) in conjunction to psychology online by Kendra Cherry (2013) that “the fundamental belief of

humanistic psychology is that people are innately good and that mental and social problems result from

deviations from this natural tendency.” Other Behaviorism such as John Watson in 1900 study avert

behavior in correlation to B. F. Skinner for operational conditioning as consequences to increase

behavior for acceptable is to reinforce and reward good behavior. On the other, operant or condition

behavior to decrease or remove bad behavior to contemplates for a change.

The historical trend in humanistic is that intelligence is the foundation for understanding behavior to

analyze our own action as to why we choose one behavior over the other for good or bad in order to

make a change. Humanistic is about reasoning for why to understand others behavior in certain

situation. According to Edward Thorndike, “the most basic intelligence is characterized by simple

stimulus and response association” To think intelligent is moral for good behavior is the knowledge of

the environment for behavior. In addition, the notion that knowledge is the power is associating with

experience of behavior for good and bad. To suggest, that human learned in association to the “primary

sensory” or the organs of perception are “the knowledge of the mental life of animals for equals to their

sense-powers, of their instincts or reactions performed without experience, and of their reactions which

are built up by experience” (Thorndike, 1998).

To understand behavior for being a human is to make mistakes to be able learn how to forgive other,

how other is able to forgive you, showing compassion and love to get along with others. In addition, to

include being a human is to make mistakes for the environment to teach us the acceptable behaviors.

The environment is teacher for behavior that allows the discovering of life major events to form an

action for responding to the environment is the nature of human.

I understood the Theories of Personality in Psyc 335 and Lifespan Development in Psyc 351 that the

goals of every human is being in harmony with the environment for longevity to suggest that to learn

about the environment is the beginning of knowledge to gain experience for behavior is the wisdom. In

addition, “Aging” is associated with the environment nurture to maturity that we id for wisdom for

going to our elder for advice. Moreover, I have learned that the conflict in humanistic is selfishness for

not wanting to change when the environment demand a change to suggest the best therapy is client-

centered approach for analyzing self for reason to make a change is for your good to accept the

environment that nurture you for survival is the best for you.

Sociocultural Perspective

The concepts for sociocultural are, behavior is observable for imitating others and following the rules of

the environment. In social environment, imitation of behavior is the means for interaction and taking

part in the social engagement for intimacy or for belongs to a group. In the cultural environment,

following the rules and obeying the orders of an event is for attachment or belonging to the

environment. The theoretical for sociocultural perspective is that behavior is relating to or involving

cultural and social factors according to Encarta Dictionary (2013).

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The empirical finding for sociocultural is that behavior is reciprocal of the environment. For intimacy in

social environment, attraction and grooming are the behaviors for event. For belonging in the culture

environment, learning and obeying the rules or orders are the behavior for activity or event. According

to Bandura, sociocultural is known for establishing the observational of learned behavior “through

watching what others do are trait for behavior, we learn through another by watching what other do”

(Nevid. 2007). In addition, according to Jeffrey Nevid, “Walter Michael” is best known for situational

factors in behavior and personality endorses the position that both environment (situational variables)

and characteristics of the individual (person variables) influence behavior and thus personality is

sociocultural approaches to social-cognition for recognizing the important of influence in a situation to

evaluate self and the environment for behavior. Moreover, stated by Nevid, “Bandura in conjunction

with Rotter’s” identified two expectation for sociocultural perceptive as,” (1) what the outcome of a

given behavior will be, and (2) whether our abilities are sufficient to carry the behavior.” In sociocultural,

a person behavior is more likely an influence that consistent with the attitude of people likewise feelings

often base on attitudes and beliefs that were predisposed by the people (p308-309).

The historical trend in psychology is that a behavior for sociocultural is as a sense of belonging for

relationship and attachment to conform to the environment. According John-Steiner,

(1994), Sociocultural approaches is “human intelligence develops from the start as an interpersonal

process to collaborative affair is lives in a world of meanings embedded in the practical and routine

activities of daily life that does not explicitly focus on instruction and guidance.” To suggest that

sociocultural is a behavior of the society that we imitate. I learned from social psychology in Psyc 321

and from interpersonal relationship in Psyc 334 that attraction is a behavior for interaction and intimacy

in social environment while following the rule or order is the behavior for interaction in the group or a

culture for interpersonal relationship.

My suggestion to group therapy is to include understanding of individual within a group to address

conflict. Helping individual to be self in a group is more positive for belonging from understanding you or

your behavior for the group. Special issues in sociocultural perspective for mental health is lack of self

for interpreting behavior according to Win (1994), “the views of language learning tasks and contexts

situated activities for influential upon individuals” for exhibiting the behavioral knowledge of others or

group for lack of self-awareness for knowledge.

Psychodynamic of a behavior

Psychodynamic perceptive is the notion of becoming a person that is best defined as “everything about

ourselves, our behavior, and our personality has been learned and is a consequence of our experience

with the environment” (Nevid, p311). The psychodynamic is the competence of a person for mastering

the environment is best describes with Benjamin Bloom Taxonomy for education is “knowledge,

comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation” (Bloom, 1984). Competences are

demonstrated behaviors for the knowledge of the environment. According to Bloom (1984), The

Taxonomy of Educational Objectives can be used as the taxonomy of psychoanalyzing behavior as


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Knowledge to observe and recall information, for remembering dates, events, places, for

mastery subject and comes up with ideas.

Comprehension for the understanding of information to grasp meaning, translate meaning into

new context, interpret facts, compare, contrast, order, and group, infer causes, and predict


Application for use information, use methods, concepts, theories in new situations, solves

problem using required skills or knowledge.

Analysis for seeing blueprint, recognizing hidden meanings, associating of event, identifying of

an event for a situations for classification.

Synthesis for use old ideas to create new ones, generalize from given facts, relate knowledge

from several areas to predict and draw conclusion.

Evaluation for able to compare and discriminate between thought and ideas, to be able to

measure what is valuable for behavior to present for self and others, able to make choices based

on reasoned argument from recognizing subjectivity and verify value for evidence.

What changes us or causes conflict is when a person is unable to identify where self went wrong in the

environment that mold us for psychotherapy for including my assessment paper for psychoanalyzing


Intellectual assessment

“Antisocial” as a behavioral disorder is not associated with substance abuse. Substance abuse is change

in behavior from the influence of the chemical. Therefore, antisocial associated with substance abuse is

different from being shy. Shyness is a variation of behavior in genetic makeup for individual perception

in relating to other. Cognition and thinking influence by environment is part of individual genetic

makeup. Example, the variation in my perception may be due to my upbringing for understanding

others. Perception is the interpretation of what we see, hear, or think for clarity. Gossiping as social

behavior is obnoxious abnormal behavior disorder but because there is no medication to treat gossiping

we ignore the disorder for DSM classification.

Behavior for “Antisocial/ADDDHD” in lame term is belligerent, inconsiderate, or selfish for disorderly. In

psychology term, it means withdrawn or shy for disorder in Axis II according Trull & Prinstein (2013,

p145) for mental retardation. The intellectual of antisocial is more of a desire of oneself and is limit to

only his or her view and things should happen according to his or her way for not thinking beyond to see

others perception that make it difficult to relate to others.

The behavior associated with thinking or cognition for intellectual of antisocial or shy person is cause by

frustration and fear from not knowing how to relate to other. I am antisocial when it comes to

interacting with the Black American than the white because of fear for not able to relate to black

American in particular way with my perceptions from my upbringing to shy away from expressing my

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thought out fear with avoidance behavior. Imagined as a Nigeria asking a black American what the idea

of slavery means in their term from thinking that other race beside black also experience slavery. In

addition, as a Nigerian, my perception or thought for slavery is somewhat similar to having servants. I

grew up in the family that some servants work in the farm, cooking meals, and caring for the children.

The assessment I will use for antisocial behavior is finding a common ground in individual with

measuring intelligence and achievement test for relating to peer. Difference in perception for

developing thought is the causes for misunderstanding that create the behavior for belligerent or

shyness among the peer for antisocial behavior. On the other hand, there is variation for antisocial

behavior with shyness for having respect for someone such as your parent, or your boss. The fear of not

being able to be yourself also can be the cause for shyness in some situations. Individual is not shy if

there is mutual understanding among peer. Intellectual assessment is a good test for identifying the

common pattern for perception to relate to peer. Besides, “shyness” as antisocial behavior is a pattern

of thought for cautionary not to offend other.

In my view, shyness is not a behavioral problem because it depends on situation for a situational

problem that depends on who, what, and when for the behavior, and shyness is not a personality

disorder for forming a behavior. The intellectual assessment is good for diagnosing antisocial behavior

with measuring intelligent and achievement. The measuring intelligence help to gathering individual

cognitive functioning while achievement help to identify learning disabilities. The behavior observation

for intellectual assessment can help to identify individual attentiveness, motivation, and frustration


Behavioral assessment

“Substance abuse” as antisocial behavior from the influence of the chemical is not related to cognition

or perception for developing thought. It is difficult to assess for intellectual under the influence of

substance. Although, I will use clinical IQ for assessing cognitive functioning because substance abuse

block the ability to thinking sensibly and lower ability to mentally solve problem. Therefore, what you

can observer is the behavior elicited with the use of substance. Example, a police may immediately

suspect a drunk driver for “alcohol abuse in Axis I” (Trull & Prinstein 2013, p146). Alcoholics Anonymous

identify some behavior for drunkenness as “dry drunk called stinkin thinking” with the symptom for

“unreasonable thinking such as irrational and self-centered that focuses on the negative and blames

others for everything” according to Marilisa Sachteleben (Feb 10, 2011).

Personality assessment

Personality assessment is my conclusion for what is not taught in psychology as abnormal or mental

disorder is “Gossiping” that alter the conscience or self-awareness for hateful thinking of others. I do

wish there is research to identify “Gossip” as a mental disorder for hateful thinking is lost of awareness

for other that beyond the notion for jealousy to assassinate the other person. However, I wonder what

type of treatment is possible because of alter conscience for dishonest to indicate it is harmless or just

charting for wanting to harm or destroy the other person. Gossip is atrocious mental behavior for evil.

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