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Post on 28-May-2017




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Page 1: Reflection



I had been assigned to carry out a project in a group of three. The three of us

are me, Husna and Atikah. When we got the task, we had a discussion first and

agreed to write our problems that we had observed in our life, be it at our old school,

the school around us or the problems we faced during our School Based Experience

(SBE) program. We started to resource the samples of certain case studies also from

the internet and how to write a case study. After that, Atikah offered herself to do the

problem statement because she had already thought of a problem she had observed

during her SBE program. What we learnt from this is with cooperation and being able

to contribute when others are clueless, will make the work complete faster.

One of the good signs of a successful task is discussion. Surely people will be

saying, completing task individually will be faster than in group, but in group work we

have to tolerate with every suggestion from the group member. We learn to be

tolerant and be more open minded towards ideas that are rather different from us and

perhaps not to our liking. Instead of building emotional barriers, we learn to push

aside our feelings and try to justify the advantages and the disadvantages of the

ideas from other people. We use our mind to consider the ideas that will lead our

group to success and not our emotion to disagree with people’s opinion and force

others to accept our opinion.

When Atikah had already done her part, I offered myself to do the causes of

the problems and Husna would be doing the solutions’ part. This is because Husna

can quote better and elaborate the solutions that are suggested by educationists in

order to help control the problems that happened in classrooms. We decided to write

the essay first. So, after writing my essay, we gave it to Atikah to be edited. This was

to make sure that no errors were committed and my essay fulfilled the requirement of

the assignment’s question. So I learnt to be careful in completing and editing my

assignment. Moreover, I made sure that my work had its quality by adding more

citations from the articles I referred to when making assignments. My essay would

look like academic writing rather than a chain of my own ideas when I added citations

because my argument would be valid when it was based on works from scholars.

Page 2: Reflection

After we had finished our essay, we started working on our Power Point

presentation. I tried to simplify my ideas. When I sent my part to Atikah, she asked

me to simplify my part again, as simple as possible. Then I learnt to be very simple

yet precise in my presentation by not adding too much information because our own

goal is to make our audience understand our case study.

When I got to read the problem statement, I learnt that young teachers are

always made as the targets of naughty pupils. As they are quite and some of them

are being nice to pupils, the pupils take advantage on them and fool the teachers. A

lot of troubles were caused in this case which would ruin the reputation of the

teacher. Perhaps parents and the society will never trust teachers to teach their

children again. A teacher once advised me to wear a fierce face whenever I start

entering a classroom so that pupils will never dare to be naughty in the classroom.

The second thing that I learnt from the case study is I should have proper time

management in preparing my class for a lesson. This is shown when the teacher was

going to set up the projector after she entered the class. She did not ask the help

from any technicians, which made her to spend a long time focusing on the projector.

Unintentionally, she lost control of the pupils. The pupils were not assigned with any

tasks to keep them at their place. So the pupils kept talking and going out from their

seats. So if I enter class next time, I will always check my time and prepare first

before starting my lesson.

The third thing that I learnt is it is okay to give pupils a bit sense of autonomy,

but not too much. For example, the teacher asked the pupils to decide the

punishment when actually she was the one who needed to decide the punishment.

Therefore, the punishment became unfair and one pupil was hurt in an accident.

Therefore, I must be moderate between being firm and being close with pupils so that

any unwanted incident will not happen during my lesson.

In conclusion, this task had taught me many things from the lessons I gained

from working in group until the efficient ways that I must take in handling classrooms.

Hopefully the experience that I gained can be used on my future days as a teacher.