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The right projection screen for your specific purpose Projection Screens

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The right projectionscreen for your specific purpose

Projection Screens

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The proper

projection screen

makes the

viewing a true

pleasure for kids

and adults alike.

Basics about the fabrics

If you want to present pictures or

information to an audience, be it in

the private or business sector, a per-

fect presentation is indispensable.

However, this can be achieved

only if projection device and screen

match each other. A slide projector,

e.g., needs a different screen than

a beamer. Before purchasing a

screen, you should therefore think

carefully about the intended purpose.

In the private sector, different

factors are decisive than when used

in the business world. When used at

home, the pure pleasure of watching

the presentation is in the foreground;

when the screen is not required it

should be hidden unobtrusively. In

the business area, a stable design

to withstand daily use and versatile

applications is required.

Basics about brightness

In order to view a projected pic-

ture, the picture must have a certain

brightness. This brightness, of

course, depends on the light in

the room and the picture must be

brighter than the surrounding light.

It is also clear that in bright rooms,

the pictures must be proportionately

brighter than in dark rooms. The

manufacturers of projectors specify

for their devices the luminous flux

in lumen which is the amount of

light that leaves the objective of a

projector. This light is distributed

on the projection surface.

The larger the projection sur-

face, the lower the amount of light

per surface unit since projectors –

irrespective of the size of a picture –

always produce the same amount

of light. To measure the brightness

of a picture, a unit is required which

specifies the luminous flux per m2

surface. This is the illuminance

measured in lux.

The fabric types

A projection screen does not only

refract the projected light but also

distributes it with a single goal:

send as much light as possible into

the direction of the audience.

There are two types of projection


■ diffuse (Basiclux/Valuelux)

■ reflective (Starlux/Silverlux)


Contents: Page

Fabrics for projection screens 2

Selecting the right screen 4

Explanation of symbols 5

Table screen Tavola 6

Landscape format screens 7

Portable tripod screens 8

Portable tripod wide screens 9

Cinemobil projection screens 10

Portable aluminum frame screens 11

Spring roller screens 12

Rectractable screens 12/13

Starlight projection screens 14/15

Cosmos projection screens 16

Customised projection screens 17

Cine projection screens 18

Plain projection screens 19

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Basiclux / Valuelux


■ Light (reflection of the picture

from the projector) is distributed

evenly both horizontally and


■ Gain = 1.2

■ Very large viewing angle (120°).


When the surrounding conditions

allow for a restricted gain only

(e.g. standard bright rooms in our

geographic area). This type of fabric

is also used in big conference

rooms or in auditories/lecture halls.

Fabric type: Lux

Silverlux / Starlux


■ Entrance angle of the picture

created by the projector

equals the reflecting angle of

the screen.

■ Higher gain = 2.2

■ Large viewing angle (80°).


Starlux: For projectors with weak

light emission or where a higher

gain is required.

Silverlux: Metallising screens.

Appropriate for stereoscopic 3D

projections and overhead projec-


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A. Trapezoid distortion

Front projections typically produce

a trapezoid distortion (keystoning).

The projected picture is larger at the

top of the screen than at the bottom.

This distortion is caused by an in-

clined projection onto a straight

hanging screen. Special overhead

projection keystone eliminators

allow for an inclined positioning of

the screen to provide for an appro-

priate means to avoid the trapezoid

distortion when using OHP. With the

modern data and video projectors,

the trapezoid effect can also be

avoided or reduced with the key-

stone eliminators.

B. Gain factor

The gain factor describes the lumi-

nance of a fabric or a projection

screen. The higher the gain, the

stronger the reflection of the screen

fabric. With an increasing gain fac-

tor, the viewing angle of the screen


C. Angle of view

The angle of view describes the

angle in degree where the picture on

the screen is still adequately visible.

It is measured with reference to

the normal of the screen center.

The double angle of view (= viewing

angle) thus describes the area

within which an audience should be


D. Selecting the right

fabric and screen

Selecting the right screen depends

on four variables:

1. Type of screen

■ Rear or front projection

(the latter is the most common


■ Mounted firmly or portable.

■ Operated electrically or manually.

2. Screen size

■ Depends on projection room and

seating arrangement.

■ Ideally, the following criteria are


• the width of the screen equals

1/6 of the distance to the farthest

spectator (X = 1/6 Y)

• the distance between floor and

bottom edge of screen (A) is

90 cm, preferrably 125 cm for

row seating

• the distance between screen

and the first row (D1) is about

twice the screen width (D1 = 2 X)

3. Screen format

It is determined by the projection

method. The format (also referred

to as aspect ratio) is defined by

the ratio of height to width of the

screen. Depending on the projection

type, the following formats are


• 1:1 for overhead projection

(also referred to as square)

• 4:3 for video projection (also

referred to as NTSC or video)

• 3:2 for slide projection

• 16:9 for widescreen projection

4. Type of fabric

The type of fabric is determined by

the following factors:

■ The projection method (front

or rear projection).

■ The position of the projector.

With suspended projectors

(mounted to ceiling), a fabric with

reflective properties should be


■ The projector. Each projector

has a specific luminous efficacy

(measured in ANSI lumen). If

several projection devices are

used (e.g. beamer and OHP), it is

recommended to match the lumi-

nance (gain factor) of the fabric

to the lowest ANSI lumen value.

■ The size of the projection room.

The size and the design determine

the seating of the audience. The

wider the seats are apart, the

larger the recommended viewing

angle of the screen

-> Basiclux.

■ The ambient light.

The lighting conditions of the

projection environment affect the

presentation quality. When the

lighting can be controlled, e.g. by

darkening or a high illuminance

of the projector, the "Basiclux"

fabric can be used.

The rule of thumb is: keep the am-

bient light away from the screen;

the brighter the ambient light,

the higher the illuminance of the

projector and/or reflection of the

fabric should be -> Starlux.

Rear projection is substantially

more insensitive to ambient



An interesting

lecture, the

correct technical

equipment and a

friendly atmos-

phere make your

presentation a

true success.

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E. Care of screens

Frequent use of a screen requires

an appropriate care. All screens can

be cleaned with a carefully applied

weak soapsud. When not in use, the

screens should be retracted to their

casing to protect them against de-

positing dust. Avoid to touch the

screen fabric with bare hands since,

in the course of time, dust will stick

better to the (greasy) imprints than

on clean spots.

Explanation of the symbols

used for the screens on the

following pages

Fabric qualityBasiclux

Fabric qualityValuelux

Fabric qualityStarlux

Fabric qualitySilverlux

Manual extension and retraction of the screen

Motor-driven extension andretraction of the screen

Screen is controlled viaremote control

Aspect ratio1:1 (square)

Aspect ratio4:3 (video)

Aspect ratio16:9 (widescreen)

The screen has a black border

Screen has black coatingon the rear

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Table screen TavolaProjection screen to be put up

quickly. Particularly suitable for

small projections in the office or

for a fast viewing at home. Can be

stored easily in a space-saving way

in the delivered bag.

Product details:

■ Basiclux fabric with 1.2 gain

and a projection area of

50 x 50 cm or 80 x 80 cm.

■ Carrying bag for easy trans-

portation and storing included. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

40750 Tavola Basiclux 50 x 50

40760 Tavola Basiclux 80 x 80

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Projection screen in landscape formatA high-quality fabric with a wide

viewing angle is used for this handy

projection screen simply hung to a


When rolled up, the landscape

projection screen can be stored at a

small space. When rolled out, it can

be hung everywhere. These are the

advantages which will be decisive

wherever cost-effective and flexible

projections are required.

Product details:

■ Basiclux projection fabric,

matte white with 1.2 gain.

■ Easy-to-care screen for every-

day use for fast and mobile appli-

cations. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

40191 Landscape format Basiclux 155 x 155

40211 Landscape format Basiclux 180 x 180

40221 Landscape format Basiclux 200 x 200

40261 Landscape format Basiclux 240 x 180

40251 Landscape format Basiclux 250 x 190

40271 Landscape format Basiclux 260 x 195

40281 Landscape format Basiclux 280 x 210

40231 Landscape format Basiclux 300 x 240

40241 Landscape format Basiclux 350 x 262

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Portable tripod screenWell-priced projection screen de-

signed for the fast portable use.

Product details:

■ Black metal tube in elegant

design, 7 cm diam.

■ Tripod for a secure stand with

anti-skid plastic leg caps.

■ Ergonomically designed handle

with lock.

■ Perfectly plain position of the

screen due to a tensioning

mechanism at the tube.

■ Continuously adjustable height

of horizontal tube and telescopic


■ Projection screen can be rotated

horizontally around 360° degrees.

■ Projection screen in Basiclux,

matte white, 1.2 gain and wide

viewing angle. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

40511 Tripod Basiclux 125 x 125

40521 Tripod Basiclux 155 x 155

40531 Tripod Basiclux 180 x 180

40572 Tripod Basiclux 125 x 125

40582 Tripod Basiclux 155 x 155

40924 Tripod Basiclux/Silverlux 125 x 125

40934 Tripod Basiclux/Silverlux 155 x 155

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Portable widescreentripod screenHigh-quality projection screen for

professional use. The screen was

designed to meet very high demands

regarding stableness, stability and

safety. Special emphasis was given

to secure and comfortable operation

as well as easy handling.

Product details:

■ Anodized aluminum tube in

elegant design, 7 x 7 cm.

■ High-quality, stable tripod

with anti-skid plastic leg caps.

■ Ergonomically designed handle

with lock in sturdy plastic.

■ Perfectly plain position of the

screen due to automatic tensioning.

■ Continuously adjustable height

of horizontal tube and telescopic


■ Projection screen can be rotated

horizontally around 360° degrees.

■ Large extendable overhead

keystone eliminator in the tripod

head to incline the screen for a

correct display of vertical lines.

■ Screen can be locked for a simple

and secure transportation.

■ Ergonomically designed operating


■ High-quality Basiclux

fabric with 1.2 gain. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

84031 Tripod widescreen Pro Basiclux 180 x 180

84051 Tripod widescreen Pro Basiclux 200 x 180

84071 Tripod widescreen Pro Basiclux 240 x 180

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CinemobilPortable projection screen in an

appealing design for all projection

types (slide, overhead, data and

video projectors).

To be installed on the floor or

on a table. Projection screen with

black border in 1:1 or 4:3 format

with light-proof rear is available in

various sizes.

Product details:

■ V-shaped tube in elegant design

with integrated carrying handle.

■ Easy and fast setting up

and dismantling.

■ Particularly suited for mobile

use since the fabric is perfectly

protected when retracted in the


■ Very plain position due to

tensioning mechanism (sturdy

roll-up mechanism).

■ Continuously adjustable and

easy-to-operate telescopic tripod.

It can be locked at the bottom

side for an easy transportation.

■ Continuous black border for

improved picture framing.

■ Light-proof rear coating for use

even in front of a window.

■ High-quality Basiclux fabric with

a large viewing angle. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

84214 Cinemobil Basiclux 120 x 90 (4:3)

84211 Cinemobil Basiclux 120 x 120 (1:1)

84224 Cinemobil Basiclux 160 x 120 (4:3)

84221 Cinemobil Basiclux 160 x 160 (1:1)


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Aluminum frame screenThe portable reflecta folding pro-

jection screen assembles in no time

to a professional wide projection

screen of several sqaure metres. No

help or tools required. The screen

can be used for slide, multivision,

overhead or video shows. It is parti-

cularly suited for widescreen video

or rear projections.

The high-grade and lightweight

materials of the reflecta folding pro-

jection screen make it ideal for an

easy and fast use.

Product details:

■ Folding screen complete with

screen foil, foldable aluminum

frame with height adjustment,

screen sheeth and transportation

bag, pack size 120 cm.

■ Tensioning frame and screen

fabric fit easily into the trans-

portation bag.

■ Optional with white front or rear

projection screen, with black

screen border.

■ Folding frame and post elements

in anodized aluminum profile

with lockable folding hinges

to keep in solid shape.

■ Screen foil is tensioned to

frame with snap fasteners.

■ Frame can be used with front

and rear projection foils.

■ Continuously adjustable keystone

eliminator available as optional

accessory. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

81401 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 210 x 21081402 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 250 x 25081403 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 300 x 30081404 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 350 x 35081405 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 400 x 40081411 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 210 x 16081412 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 240 x 18081413 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 280 x 21081414 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 320 x 24581415 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 360 x 27081416 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 400 x 30081421 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 240 x 16081422 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 310 x 21081423 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 370 x 25081424 Aluminum frame screen Basiclux 450 x 300

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R E L I A B L E A N D W E L L - P R I C E D

Spring roller screenThe proven and reliable reflecta

spring roller system offers high

functionality at a reasonable price.

The screen tube is safely mounted

to a wall. The tensioning system

guarantees a plain screen. The

safety inspected comfortable and

functional components make the

reflecta spring roller system ideal

for daily use in the educational and

training sector.

Product details:

■ Fixed projection screen;

tube 7 cm diameter.

■ Can only be mounted to walls.

■ Black profiled steel case.

■ Safe hanging of the screen.

■ Perfectly plain position of the

screen due to spring roller


■ Screen with high luminance

and large viewing angle.

■ To be used with all common

front projection types.

Manual and motorised The reflecta large projection screen

to be fixed permanently to a wall or

ceiling is mounted to an aluminum

profile case and is operated either

manually or motor-driven. The

screen can even be mounted to

media or functional furniture, in

ceiling recesses or behind curtain

rails to save space. The projection

screen is extended and retracted

with a space-saving and silent tube

motor with and integrated end po-

sition switch. With the delivered

switch, the screen can be stopped

at any desired position. As an op-

tion, the screen is also available

with a proven and well-engineered

spring roller mechanism where the

screen can be stopped at interme-

diate heights to adjust to various

projection formats. All components

of the reflecta large projection

screen are safe, comfortable and

functional which makes the screen

ideal for daily use in the educational

or professional sector. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

40821 Spring roller Basiclux 125 x 125

40822 Spring roller Basiclux 155 x 155

40823 Spring roller Basiclux 180 x 180

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Product details:

■ Mounted to wall or ceiling.

■ Motorised or manual operation.

■ Simple installation and easyhandling.

■ 7 x 7 cm large tube allows forspace-saving installation.

■ Large viewing angle.

■ To be used with all commonfront projection types.

■ High-quality screen in Basiclux

fabric with 1.2 gain.

(See next page � for available sizes)

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Rollo StarlightThe rectractable reflecta projection

screen has an 8 x 8 cm case in

white profiled aluminum to be

mounted to a wall or ceiling. The

screen can be stopped at any inter-

mediate height to adjust to the

various projection formats. The

light-proof rear allows for a use

even in front of a bright window

without affecting the projection

quality. The black border makes the

screen particularly suited for home


Product details:

■ Mounted to wall or ceiling.

■ Designed with manual retraction.

■ Simple installation and easy

handling due to well-engineered

retracting mechanism.

■ 8 x 8 cm large tube allows for

space-saving installation.

■ Large viewing angle.

■ To be used with all common

front projection types.

■ High-quality screen with

1.2 gain.

■ Light-proof rear with black


■ Black border makes the edge of

the picture appear straight,

perfect for the home theatre. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

80902 Rollo Pro Basiclux BB 155 x 160

80912 Rollo Pro Basiclux BB 180 x 190

80922 Rollo Pro Basiclux BB 200 x 210

80932 Rollo Pro Basiclux BB 220 x 180

80942 Rollo Pro Basiclux BB 240 x 180

Widescreen motorised screens*

80811 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 180 x 200

80821 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 200 x 210

80831 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 220 x 200

Widescreen motorised screens*

80841 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 240 x 200

80851 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 300 x 200

80861 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 300 x 225

80871 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 300 x 250

80881 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 300 x 300

80891 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 350 x 265

80801 Widescreen motor. Basiclux 350 x 300

Widescreen motorised screens 4:3*

80814 Widescreen motor. 4:3 Basiclux BB 180 x 165

80824 Widescreen motor. 4:3 Basiclux BB 200 x 180

80834 Widescreen motor. 4:3 Basiclux BB 220 x 195

80844 Widescreen motor. 4:3 Basiclux BB 240 x 210

80854 Widescreen motor. 4:3 Basiclux BB 300 x 255

Widescreen motorised screens 16:9*

80815 Widescreen motor. 16:9 Basiclux BB 180 x 130

80825 Widescreen motor. 16:9 Basiclux BB 200 x 145

80835 Widescreen motor. 16:9 Basiclux BB 220 x 155

80845 Widescreen motor. 16:9 Basiclux BB 240 x 165

80855 Widescreen motor. 16:9 Basiclux BB 300 x 200

* For screens up to a width of 220 cm, the tube dimension is 7 x 7 cm, as of 240 cm, it is 11 x 11 cm.

BB = Black border

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15 Type Fabric Dim. in cm

86901 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 158 x 158

86911 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 184 x 184

86904 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 158 x 120

86914 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 184 x 140

86934 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 220 x 169

86915 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 184 x 113

86935 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 220 x 134

86944 Rollo starlight Basiclux BB/BR 246 x 193

BB = Black border / BR = Black rear

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Cosmos projection screenTo be used in conference rooms or

in the private home theatre, the

reflecta screen, operated manually

or motorised, offers a high-quality

solution for large projections at a

reasonable price. Both the reflecta

motorised system and the crank

system live up to highest standards

through the conscious use of sturdy

and safe components.

Product details:

■ Fixed projection screen; with

mounting system for an easy

installation to the wall or ceiling.

■ The motorised projection screen

is available with switch operation

or infrared control (IR).

■ Fabric in Valuelux or Starlux


■ The screen is rolled up and out

via a tube motor installed to the

right of the steel shaft to save

space and reduce noise. The

motor has an integrated end po-

sition switch or is operated

manually via a high-quality,

smoothly running crank system.

■ Compact box cross-sections

from 10 x 10 cm to

15 x 15 cm are ideal to be in-

stalled in intermediate ceilings

or in concise places.

■ Aluminum tube with

white varnishing.

■ Amply designed precision steel

shaft ensures perfect plain

position and perfect rolling up

and out of the projection screen.

■ Flame retardant screen fabric

in accordance with DIN B1 4101-1.

■ The screens offer a

large viewing angle and are

particularly suitable for a colour

neutral picture presentation.

■ Design according to the latest

state of safety technology.

■ Format 1:1 / 16:9 / 4:3.

■ A light-proof rear allows to

install the screen even directly

in front of a window.

■ Optional continuous black

border to limit the picture area.

■ Customised sizes available up to

width of 600 cm, please contact


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17 Type Fabric Dim. in cm

Cosmos screens 1:181223 Manual BB Valuelux 150 x 15081233 Manual BB Valuelux 180 x 18080723 Manual BB Valuelux 200 x 20080263 Manual BB Valuelux 250 x 25081226 Manual BB Valuelux 150 x 15081236 Manual BB Valuelux 180 x 18080726 Manual BB Valuelux 200 x 20080266 Manual BB Valuelux 250 x 25086223 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 150 x 15086233 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 18086243 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 20086253 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 25086226 Manual BB/BR Starlux 150 x 15086236 Manual BB/BR Starlux 180 x 18086246 Manual BB/BR Starlux 200 x 20086256 Manual BB/BR Starlux 250 x 250

Cosmos screens 4:386423 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 150 x 11386433 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 13586443 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 15086453 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 18886426 Manual BB/BR Starlux 150 x 11386436 Manual BB/BR Starlux 180 x 13586446 Manual BB/BR Starlux 200 x 15086456 Manual BB/BR Starlux 250 x 188

Cosmos screens 16:986533 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 10286543 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 11386553 Manual BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 14186536 Manual BB/BR Starlux 180 x 10286546 Manual BB/BR Starlux 200 x 11386556 Manual BB/BR Starlux 250 x 141

Cosmos screens 1:180413 Motor. BB Valuelux 150 x 15080433 Motor. BB Valuelux 180 x 18080693 Motor. BB Valuelux 200 x 20080473 Motor. BB Valuelux 250 x 25080416 Motor. BB Starlux 150 x 15080436 Motor. BB Starlux 180 x 18080696 Motor. BB Starlux 200 x 20080476 Motor. BB Starlux 250 x 25087413 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 150 x 15087423 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 18087433 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 20087443 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 25087416 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 150 x 15087426 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 180 x 18087436 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 200 x 20087446 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 250 x 250

BB = Black border, BB/BR = Black border, black rear Type Fabric Dim. in cm

Cosmos screens 4:384433 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 13584693 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 15084473 Motor. BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 18884436 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 180 x 13584696 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 200 x 15084476 Motor. BB/BR Starlux 250 x 188

Cosmos screens 16:985433 Motor. BB/SR Valuelux 180 x 10285693 Motor. BB/SR Valuelux 200 x 11385473 Motor. BB/SR Valuelux 250 x 14185436 Motor. BB/SR Starlux 180 x 10285696 Motor. BB/SR Starlux 200 x 11385476 Motor. BB/SR Starlux 250 x 141

Cosmos screens 1:183013 Motor. IR BB Valuelux 150 x 15083023 Manual IR BB Valuelux 180 x 18083033 Manual IR BB Valuelux 200 x 20083043 Manual IR BB Valuelux 250 x 25083016 Manual IR BB Valuelux 150 x 15083026 Manual IR BB Valuelux 180 x 18083036 Manual IR BB Valuelux 200 x 20083046 Manual IR BB Valuelux 250 x 25083113 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 150 x 15083123 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 18083133 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 20083143 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 25083116 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 150 x 15083126 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 180 x 18083136 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 200 x 20083146 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 250 x 250

Cosmos screens 4:383423 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 13583433 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 15083443 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 18883426 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 180 x 13583436 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 200 x 15083446 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 250 x 188

Cosmos screens 16:983523 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 10283533 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 11383543 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 14183526 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 180 x 10283536 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 200 x 11383546 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 250 x 141

Customised projection screens:Customised sizes for fixed large projection screens are available up to a width of 600 cm. If you have special ideas regarding the tube colour,the fabric width or length or a black border, pleasecontact us. We shall be happy to advise you. !

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Cine projection screenProjection screen in a modern de-

sign with perforated metal tube and

halogen spotlight bar that can be

used as light source (indirect lighting

or illuminating a picture placed be-

low when the Cine screen). Projec-

tion screens with a high aesthetic,

yet highly professional value; appro-

priate for home theatres and con-

ference rooms. The screen is rolled

up and out using a silent motor

with an automatic stop mechanism

when extending or retracting. The

screen is mounted to the wall or

ceiling with integrated chromatised

brackets. The fabric is mounted to a

precision steel shaft and ensures a

perfectly plain position of the fabric.

The screen is a high-quality fabric

with a large viewing angle which

is available as Valuelux or Starlux

quality. These fabrics excel with an

outstanding neutral picture presen-


Product details:

■ Operated with delivered infrared remote control.

■ Continuously adjustable stopof the screen.

■ The halogen spots can be infraredremote controlled.

■ The screen is rolled up and out

via a tube motor installed to the

right of the steel shaft to savespace and reduce noise. The motor has an integrated end position switch or is operated manually.

■ High-quality screens

available in Valuelux (1.2 gain)

or Starlux (2.2 gain) quality.

■ Flame retardant screen fabric in

accordance with DIN B1 4101-1.

■ The screens offer a large viewing

angle and are particularly suitedfor a colour neutral picture pre-sentation.

■ Design according to the latest

state of safety technology.

■ Format 1:1 / 16:9 / 4:3.

■ A light-proof rear allows to

install the screen even directly in front of a window.

■ Optional continuous black

border to limit the picture area. Type Fabric Dim. in cm

Cine projection screen 1:185013 Motor. IR BB Valuelux 180 x 18085023 Motor. IR BB Valuelux 200 x 20085033 Motor. IR BB Valuelux 250 x 25085016 Motor. IR BB Starlux 180 x 18085026 Motor. IR BB Valuelux 200 x 20085036 Motor. IR BB Starlux 250 x 25085113 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 18085123 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 20085133 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 25085116 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 180 x 18085126 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 200 x 20085136 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 250 x 250

Cine projection screen 4:385443 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 180 x 13585453 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 200 x 15085463 Motor. IR BB/BR Valuelux 250 x 18885446 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 180 x 13585456 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 200 x 15085466 Motor. IR BB/BR Starlux 250 x 188

The Cine projection screen is also available in the aspect ratio 16:9.

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Plain 22In its standard design, the reflecta

projection screen Plain 22 is desi-

gned for a rigid wall mounting.

The elegant aluminum rectangular

profile (23 x 28 mm) in light grey

rounds off the reflecta Plain 22


The screen is ideal for video

and data projections. It is particu-

larly suited for the conference and

seminar sector and training and

information as well as large video


Product details:

■ High-grade coated

basic plate.

■ Elegant aluminum rectangular

profile 23 x 28 mm in light grey.

■ Rigid wall mounting. Type Dim. in cm

Plain 1:1

82501 Plain 22 180 x 180

82502 Plain 22 200 x 200

Plain 4:3

82503 Plain 22 250 x 200

82504 Plain 22 200 x 150

82505 Plain 22 250 x 140

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reflecta GmbH

Junghansring 70

D-72108 Rottenburg

Phone * 4 9 74 57/94 65-60

Fax * 4 9 74 57/94 65-72

[email protected]

Junghansring 70

D-72108 Rottenburg

Phone * 4 9 74 57/94 65-60

Fax * 4 9 74 57/94 65-72

As part of our continued efforts to improve quality of our products, we reserve the right

to change the specification of our products without notification. 72225, © reflecta Germany

The reflecta product rangePlease contact us for further information about our

entire product range:

■ Slide scanners

■ Projectors

■ Slide frames and magazines

■ Accessories for the world of slides

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