red stripe media measurment

1 Red Stripe Jamaican Lager Beer Rob Noble Micheal Fabiyi Tim Bedford-Bain

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Red Stripe Jamaican Lager Beer

Rob Noble Micheal FabiyiTim Bedford-Bain

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Media Measurement With in the UK Market

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What we’re looking at today... - A brief history of Red Stripe Jamaican Larger Beer, the roots of its culture.

- The beer market in the UK.

- Red Stripe’s target audience.

- The competition they face.

- The combination of media used currently by Red Stripe and their campaigns in the UK.

- The Gap in Red Stripes media.

- Recommendations for Red Stripe on how to improve there media going forward.

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Red Stripe

- Red Stripe is a Jamaican lager beer whose logo is a wide, diagonal red stripe. It is brewed by Desnoes & Geddes Limited, originally a soft drink manufacturer incorporated on July 31, 1918, by Kingston Jamaica natives Eugene Peter Desnoes and Thomas Hargreaves Geddes. In its current formulation Red Stripe is 4.7% alcohol by volume.

- The Jamaican Lager Beer has been as part of Diego International Group since 1993, which has been highly significant in the increase of International distribution.

- Diego is responsible for such brands as Johnnie Walker (Whisky), Smirnoff (Vodka), Baileys (Liquor), Captain Morgan, Guinness (Stout) and many more.

- Red Stripe became popular in Britain – first through Jamaican immigrants, then through people living in Jamaican areas. Like Handsworth and Moss Side. Chapeltown and Hackney, Brixton and Notting Hill.

- Red Stripe beer became part of the creative counter-culture. Enjoyed by bands and crowds at gigs. A mainstay of the Notting Hill Carnival. The beer of people with their own identity.

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The UK Beer Market

- Alcohol consumption in the UK is on the decrease year on year, meaning there are less consumers for manufactures to market too. This has been put down to heavy tax on alcohol and people leading healthier life styles.

- More and more people are taking to drinking in the home due to pubs not being able to compete with the supermarkets on price.

- There has been an increase in the consolidation of brewers in an attempt to cut running costs.

- Heineken UK purchased Scottish & Newcastle Uk in 2008 which gave them a market share of 28%

Source: Mintel

Estimated volume share of lager market, by company, 2008

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The UK Beer Market Continued

- Despite the decrease in consumption, the Larger Market has remain’s strong. In value sales it is worth more than any other drink sector, even wine.

- Despite this strength though it the value has fallen from £12.7 million (2004) to £11.4 million (2009) which is a 10% drop.

- The top 3 selling brands are Carling, Fosters and Stella Artois.

- Since the late 1990’s the larger market has been pushing too more premium brands of Larger.

- It is still very male dominated with twice as many 18+ me (65%) drinking larger than 18+ women (33%).

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Demographics and Current Target Audience- The target audience age group tend’s to vary between 20-30; a unisex product,

appeals more to festival goers not so much typical pub drinkers.

- It’s difficult to define categorically who Red Stripe’s target audience in a classic C1, C2, D, E format. This is due to the current underground or trendy nature of the beer leading it to be drunk by a wide variety of consumers.

- In the UK alcohol industry, Red Stripes are seen as an indie brand compared to their competitors (Wendy Fanarow, 2010), not a lot of people are aware of the brand.

- In the past there main target audience were people who enjoyed reggae/Jamaican culture, hence the reason why they have a partnership with Notting hill carnival.

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Types of audience Red Stripe are Attempting to engage with...

- The company are still keeping their core audience in mind, however, judging by their latest events/adverts, they’re trying to diversify their brand.

- Red Stripe are trying to factionalize their brand by focusing their advertisement efforts on more different types of young people, who show different interests in life.

- Therefore, their engaging with them through art, music and culture

- For example, Red Stripes are now trying to attract more hipsters by “mirroring their culture/lifestyle”, as they have the idea that hipsters are responsible for some product/service becoming trendy nowadays( Ash, 2010).

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Consumer Engagement

- We created a survey to gain an insight into what the public’s view and understanding of Red Stripe is...

Consumer Interaction with Media Channels

Have you ever seen a Red Stripe Advert

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Projection of boroughs', in London, where Red Stripe is Drunk




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Red Stripes Current Media Engagement

- Social media and Blogs - Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and YouTube.

- Magazines and newspapers through PR campaigns and events.

- Competitions on their website and other publications such as Q magazine.

- They are looking to get into TV advertisement, as diego pitched to UK Ad agencies in 2011, but nothing has come about of it since then. (Cassidy 2011)

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Red Stripe PR

- Red Stripe brought the PR company Taylor Herring on board at the end of 2011.

- There where involved in creating two projects; ‘Make art on the street’ and ‘Make music at the corner shop’.

- The brief was to attract new customers as well as cement Red Stripe as their ‘drink of choice’ with existing consumers.

- Inherent to the campaign’s aim was to target opinion formers who Red Stripes target audience are known to engage with.

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-This campaign was centred around elevating the brand awareness through media attention and a social media campaign.

-40ft Space Invaders game on the side of the manchester Town Hall.

-Created using road barriers and LED lights, which where controlled by a button in the square.

-Consumer engagement on a large scale.

-This created media attention from these outlets;

-Two vans where customised in a wear-house in London.

-Depth features where included in We Heart, Crack Magazine and Who’s Jack.

-Artist Interviews and photo shoot included.

-Two days where spent in London, Leeds and Bristol.

-The vans had features that the public could interact with.

-The tour worked with bars where drinks where available for people who got involved. In london, OLd Street, there was an event for 500 consumers.

Make with a Red Stripe

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Make Music at the Corner Shop

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- They have 11,720 followers

- In the Last year they have grown by under a 1,000 followers

- The Facebook page is used to engage with followers and promote events

- Notting Hill Carnival

- Make with a Red Stripe Campaign

- Red Strip Make Sessions

- Also music and artist that are interesting

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-3,080 Followers, Tweets are every 1-2 days. -They are engaging with the public, by encouraging responses with the #redstripe.

-They are pinning on the Jamaican roots of the beer, with the motto ‘Don’t worry, Beer Happy’.

-They also tweet at reggae events, and in trendy london areas such as Brixton. -Getting people to share their interesting moments for the weekend. -Through their twitter page they build up an association with art, music and sport as this is what their culture is pinned to as well as what they think their consumers are interested in as well as the events where they will be drinking it.

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The Gap

- What we have found out is that there is a wide variety of consumers who enjoy red stripe.

- There is a current lack of awareness for the brand amongst a lot of consumer sectors that could be exploited.

- They have used events and campaigns well, one of their most positive aspects of promotion.

- The current social media campaign needs more attraction and followers, there is not enough people talking about Red Stripe

- Print media Ads, theres nothing in any London publications.

- Attending beer events, to be able to engage with more beer bloggers, therefore raising more awareness.

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- Engaging Ap

- Instagram Campaign - Design your own Bottle, have a competition.

- Promotional Competition Instagram first 500 followers get an invite to secret event.

- Looking Print media, getting an ad in Metro (Friday Morning), Other local london publications. (Magazines)

- QR Code - promotional coupon Half Price of fist beer in participating venues. (relevant places

- With the events that they carry out to make sure they get more bloggers to the events so they can hopefully write more positive reviews.

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Thank you! Any Questions?

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- Ash. (2010) ‘Hipster Marketing - Does It work?’ [WWW] Accessed From; [Date Accessed 14/9/2012]

- Cassidy, A. (2011) ‘Red Stripe calls an ad pitch’ [WWW} Accessed From; [Date Accessed; 03/11/2013]

- Fonarow, W. (2010) ‘Ask the indie professor: Why do so many bands drink Red Stripe?’ [WWW] Accessed from; [Date Acessed 14/9/2012]

- Joseph, S. (2013) ‘Budweiser marketing push lifts UK sales’ Accessed From [Date Accessed [04/11/13]



