recruitment & selection policy - qpc · 2019-05-17 · recruitment & selection policy 1....

Version: R&S:001 Date: 31 October 2018 Recruitment & Selection Policy

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Page 1: Recruitment & Selection Policy - QPC · 2019-05-17 · Recruitment & Selection Policy 1. Introduction QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

Version: R&S:001

Date: 31 October 2018

Recruitment & Selection Policy

Page 2: Recruitment & Selection Policy - QPC · 2019-05-17 · Recruitment & Selection Policy 1. Introduction QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

Document history

Author Date Version Approved By Change Details

John Callegari 19/1/17 R&S:001 Meriel Rees-Pullman

New Document Creation (First Draft)

John Callegari 31/10/18 R&S:001 Meriel Rees-Pullman

Annual Review

Page 3: Recruitment & Selection Policy - QPC · 2019-05-17 · Recruitment & Selection Policy 1. Introduction QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.


Recruitment & Selection Policy .......................................................................................... 3

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3

2. Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 3

4. Appointing Manager’s Checklist ................................................................................................... 10

RECRUITMENT ............................................................................................................................... 10

SELECTION...................................................................................................................................... 10

5. Implementation of the Policy ....................................................................................................... 11

6. Monitoring Policy .......................................................................................................................... 11

7. Reviewing Policy ............................................................................................................................ 11

8. Policy Amendments ...................................................................................................................... 11

9. Additional Information ................................................................................................................. 12

Page 4: Recruitment & Selection Policy - QPC · 2019-05-17 · Recruitment & Selection Policy 1. Introduction QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

Recruitment & Selection Policy

1. Introduction

QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy.

The recruitment and selection decision is of prime importance as the vehicle for obtaining the

best possible person-to-job fit which will, when aggregated, contribute significantly towards

QPC's effectiveness. It is also becoming increasingly important, as the Company evolves and

changes, that new recruits show a willingness to learn, adaptability and ability to work as part of

a team. The Recruitment & Selection procedure should help managers to ensure that these

criteria are addressed.

This policy ensures our Recruitment and Selection Policy will:

• be fair and consistent;

• be non-discriminatory;

• conform to all statutory regulations and agreed best practice.

To ensure that these policy aims are achieved, all appointing managers will receive training in

effective recruitment and selection.

2. Procedure

The Recruitment Process

The following procedure will be used when a post is to be filled. The appointing manager must:

Define the role. If it is an existing post - is an exact replacement required or is this an

opportunity to revise the requirements. If it is a newly established post be clear on the exact

requirements, draw up a job description and consult the appropriate Director / Human

Resources Department in relation to the appropriate grade and / or salary.

Complete a Position Vacancy Form which confirms:

* details of the role

* final approval from the appropriate Director;

* in the event of the job being newly established, the approval of the Department Head,

and confirmation from the Finance Director, that funding is available.

Send the Job Vacancy Form to the Human Resources Department / Company Administration

Office for processing. No vacancy can be processed without this authorisation.

Ensure the Position Description and Person Specification are up-to-date and offer a true

representation of the vacant role, and the person you are looking for to fill this post

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

Collate an information package appropriate for the post. This package should include:

* position description and if appropriate, the person specification

* information on the department

* information on QPC

* terms and conditions of employment including salary

It is important that this pack is carefully put together in order to present a professional image of

the Company, therefore out of date or poorly presented information is not suitable.

Discuss with the Human Resources Department or appropriate Director the most effective

means of obtaining suitable permanent candidates. The following options should be explored

(in this order):

* Internal advert within the Company

* Examination of previous applications, or those held on file within the Human Resources


* External advert within the position centre

* External advert in the local press

* External advert online and/or press

* External advert in any appropriate technical / professional Journal

* In all posts the above will utilise the services of a recruitment agency

Approve the design of the advertisement. All advertisements must contain as much

information as possible to ensure the correct recruitment group is targeted and reduce

unsuitable applications, while remaining as cost-effective as possible.

External adverts should be submitted to the appropriate Director / senior manager with costings

for approval before being placed.

The Selection Process

Appropriate selection procedures must be used for each post. Procedures may vary, at its

simplest this may involve a straight forward interview and skills testing. For more senior posts

psychometric testing, presentations to the interview panel on a chosen topic and/or a series of

individual interviews on various topics may be included.

The appointing manager will approve the approach to relevant people to assist with shortlisting

and interviewing. At least two people should be involved in shortlisting and sit on the Interview


Page 6: Recruitment & Selection Policy - QPC · 2019-05-17 · Recruitment & Selection Policy 1. Introduction QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

The application forms received by the closing date will be vetted by the external recruitment

company and all appropriate applications forwarded to the appointing managers for

shortlisting. Applicants must be chosen against the Person Specification. It is the responsibility

of the appointing manager at this stage to record (in writing) the reasons why an applicant is not

shortlisted. All papers must be returned to the Human Resources Department / External

recruitment company, who will approve the invitation to candidates for interview, obtain

references and make the necessary housekeeping arrangements for the interview. This will

include timetabling the interviews and arranging all criminal and pre-employment checks.

Candidates who have not been shortlisted will also be informed.

At least one week prior to the interview, each panellist will receive an interview pack containing:

* copies of application forms and cv's

* blank interview report forms;

* a copy of the position advertisement;

* a copy of the position description;

* a copy of the person specification

The appointing manager will:

* decide on the interview format and determine which areas to concentrate on with the


* decide on who will chair the Interview Panel;

* ensure that the appropriate background & criminal record checks are carried out by the

external recruitment company used

* receive the references, criminal and pre-employment checks for candidates from the

External recruitment company, and be responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of these, and

for their safe return to the Human Resources Department / External recruitment company for


At the interview, the appointing manager will ensure that the Interview Report Form is

completed as fully as possible. When interviewing, they will ensure that Equal Opportunities

legislation is strictly adhered to, with no discrimination shown on any grounds.

When all candidates have been interviewed, the panel will score them appropriately, and based

on this decide on the most suitable person for the post. The appointing manager will arrange to

inform the successful candidate as soon as possible, agreeing a commencement date and

starting salary.

All interview packs must be returned clearly marked "private & confidential" to the Human

Resources Department for filing for future reference if necessary.

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

Upon return of the Interview Report Form, the Human Resources Department will:

* telephone all unsuccessful shortlisted candidates with outcome of interview within one

working day, this will be confirmed in writing;

* write to the appointee, offering the post providing satisfactory references, criminal and

pre-employment checks have been received by the external recruitment company used;

* the offer letter sent by QPC clearly states that the offer is contingent on production of an

original passport or visa giving the right to work in the UK so need to ensure that this is

understood by the applicant;

* initiate a personnel file and computer entry for the new member of staff;

* notify the Manager if the appointee refuses the offer, or if there are any other details to

be cleared.

* deal with any requirements for removal expenses or the finding of temporary

accommodation for the appointee if applicable.

The Human Resources Department will arrange, in conjunction with the appointing manager an

individual programme of induction for the new start which will be arranged and agreed at least

one week before the appointee commences.

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

Position Vacancy Form

Is this an established role:

Title of role:


Date when role becomes vacant:

Who will this be replacing:

Is the role permanent / temporary / fixed-term / contractor

(Give details e.g. length of fixed-term contract)

Salary range:

Full-time / part-time (give number of hours)


Signed (Appointing Manager)


Authorised by (Appropriate Director)

I confirm availability of funding

(Finance Director)

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.







Summary of Panel's comments on interviewees (including recommendation to appoint).


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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

Signed ................................................................... Interviewing Officer/Panel Chairperson

Page 11: Recruitment & Selection Policy - QPC · 2019-05-17 · Recruitment & Selection Policy 1. Introduction QPC is committed to implementing an effective Recruitment and Selection Policy

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

4. Appointing Manager’s Checklist


1. Review the position - is it necessary, does it need to be changed, can the duties be adequately covered elsewhere. If significant changes are required or it is a new position, please discuss the details in relation to grade and salary with the HR Department or appropriate Director

2. Complete a Job Vacancy Form ensuring approval of appropriate Director. If post is newly

established, then confirmation of funding from the Finance Director.

3. Review / complete the job description and person specification.

4. Put together an information pack for the vacancy.

5. Decide the most effective way to recruit to the position. For example, internal advert / job centre / / Online advert / national press etc.

6. Approve the design of the advert. This should be done in conjunction with the HR Department.

Decide on a closing date, method of application (e.g. C.V. or application form), whether a pre-interview visit will be required and who should be contacted for applicant enquiries.

7. The HR Department will arrange the advert through an external recruitment company, send out

information packs and collate applications ready for short-listing. SELECTION

8. Decide on the interview panel as soon as possible and arrange a suitable date with them.

9. Applications will be forwarded to you from the external recruitment company via the HR department on the closing date. These may be inspected at any time prior to this.

10. With at least one other member of the interview panel shortlist for the post against the person specification.

11. Decide whether it would be appropriate to use alternative selection methods, for example psychometric or skill testing and make arrangements for this

12. Let HR Department review short-list, they will arrange for the external recruitment company to contact the candidates and set up the interviews / tests etc. They should also approve the contact of the unsuccessful applicants.

13. At least one week before the interviews, the panel will receive an interview pack containing the applications and other details.

14. References should be collected from the HR Department immediately prior to the interviews.

15. Ensure arrangements are in hand to welcome candidates as they arrive, to escort them to the interview and any other events during the day e.g. testing.

16. Complete the interview, and taking account of the outcome of any testing, decide on the most suitable candidate. Contact them by phone and offer the post (conditionally when details such as references, criminal checks, medical etc. have to be confirmed – these will be provided by the external recruitment company used) agreeing verbally the salary and proposed start date.

17. Return all interview packs and references to the HR Department with the Interview Report Form. They will arrange for the external recruitment company to contact all other unsuccessful shortlisted candidates by phone the same day if possible, and undertake the necessary administration.

18. Set up an individual induction programme for the new appointment.

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

5. Implementation of the Policy

Overall responsibility for policy implementation and review rests with QPC senior management.

However, all employees are required to adhere to and support the implementation of the

policy. QPC will inform all existing employees about this policy and their role in the

implementation of the policy. They will also give all new employees notice of the policy on

induction to QPC.

This policy will be implemented through the development and maintenance of procedures for

appraisals and one-to-one meetings, using template forms, and guidance given to both

managers and employees on the process.

This Policy was approved & authorised by:

Name: Meriel Rees Pullman

Position: CFO

Date: 19th January 2017


6. Monitoring Policy

The policy will be monitored on an on-going basis, monitoring of the policy is essential to assess

how effective QPC has been.

7. Reviewing Policy

This policy will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or codes of

practice and organisational changes. Improvements will be made to the management by

learning from experience and the use of established reviews.

Policy review date: 19th January 2017

8. Policy Amendments

Should any amendments, revisions, or updates be made to this policy it is the responsibility of

QPC senior management to see that all relevant employees receive notice. Written notice

and/or training will be considered.

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Information Classification: Internal - Internal information can be shared within QPC, and with partners

and other individuals as necessary, where sharing presents little business risk to QPC.

9. Additional Information

If you require any additional information or clarification regarding this policy, please contact

your manager. In the unlikely event where you are unhappy with any decision made, you should

use QPC's formal Grievance Procedure.

To the extent that the requirements of this policy reflect statutory provisions, they will alter

automatically when and if those requirements are changed.