recovering silver from photographic processing solutions

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  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Eastman Kodak Company, 1999

    Kodaks health, safety,

    and environmental

    publications are available

    to help you manage your

    photographic processing

    operations in a safe,

    environmentally sound

    and cost-effective

    manner. This publication

    is part of a series of

    publications on silver

    management designed

    to help you optimize

    silver recovery. It will

    help you understand

    available silver-recovery

    EnvironmentI N F O R M A T I O N F R O M K O D A K

    J-215 $12.00


    Recovering Silver from

    Photographic Processing Solutions

    Silver halide crystals are a majorcomponent of photographic film orpaper. The chemistry of silverhalide image capture and thesubsequent chemical changes thattake place during processing

    represent the most efficient form ofhigh-quality image capture knowntoday. Although electronics arechanging the frontier of imagingscience, they will probably neverreplace all silver halide products,but will instead complement theimaging technology.


    As silver halide films and papersundergo the photographicprocessing steps, key changes takeplace in the form and location of thesilver. In color processes virtually100% of the silver comes out of thefilm or paper and remains in one orseveral of the processing solutions.With black and white processes thesilver is split between remaining in

    the processed image and migratinginto a photographic processingsolution.

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-2152

    Silver is recovered from thephotographic processing solutionsfor two reasonseconomic andregulatory (compliance). The tablebelow presents an overview of thethree most common types of silver


    The technique you choose and themethod you use depends on anumber of factors including: Whether you are recovering the

    silver for economic reasons or tocomply with stringent dischargecodes

    The volume of solution to betreated

    Your budget

    Comparison of Silver-Recovery Techniques

    Electrolysis Metallic

    Replacement Cartridges Precipitation

    Recovery Efficiency > 90% > 95% > 99%

    Advantages Can produce> 90% pure silver Initial costs are relativelyinexpensive; if used for

    compliance; ongoing costs

    can be high.

    Consistent low silverconcentration. Easy to

    monitor preformance.

    Disadvantages Relatively high final silver

    concentration; may require

    secondary recovery

    Difficult to know when to

    replace; discharges iron;

    limited by some sewer codes.

    In some cases, not consistent.

    Not available for all


    Applications All photographic processing

    facilities except

    very small facilities

    All photographic

    processing facilities

    Very small and

    large facilities

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-215 3

    The diagram below details thedifferences between terminalprimary silver recovery, terminalsecondary silver recovery, and in-line recirculation silver recovery.


    #2 Silver


    Comparisons of Primary, Secondary, and In-Line Silver Recovery

    Terminal Primary Silver Recovery(typically electrolysis)

    Solution Source

    (holding tank or processor)

    #1 Silver











    Silver Recovery

    and Drain

    In-Line Circulation Silver Recovery

    Terminal Secondary Silver Recovery(optional, typically MRC)

    The amount of silver found inoverflow photographic processingsolutions varies extensively fromsolution to solution. The table at theright shows some of shows theranges that are found in commonprocessing cycles.

    Silver Concentrations in Various Overflow Solutions

    Solution KODAK Process Silver Concentration



    (Washless Process) C-41 Minilab 5 200

    Bleach-Fix RA-4, NR 6,000 10,000

    RA-4, NT 3,000 4,000

    Fixer Black-a nd -White 3,0 00 7,000

    E-6, Tank 1 5,000 12,000

    E-6, Tank 2 1,000 3,000

    C-41 5,000 12,000

    RA-4, separate

    bleach and fixer 2,000 10,000

    Low Flow Washes RA-4, Tank 1

    Low Flow 1,000 3,000


    (Washless Process)


    Minilab 100 1,000

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-2154

    Electrolytic silver recovery is, inmany cases, the most cost-effectiveand efficient way to remove silverfrom silver-rich photographic

    processing solutions. However,silver concentrations out of theelectrolytic unit usually are in therange of 200 800 mg/L and sometype of secondary or tailingrecoverytechnique is necessary in order tomeet stringent regulatory dischargelimits. Trying to push mostelectrolytic equipment to treatsolutions lower than about200 mg/L: Is usually not energy or time


    May generate noxiousby-products

    Requires larger-than-normal cellsize (high cost)

    You can treat almost all fixers,bleach-fixes, low flow washes, andcombinations by electrolysis.


    There are three basic types ofelectrolysis cells: Fixed cathode

    Rotating cathode (or some well-

    designed fluid pump throughcells)

    In-line recirculation (either fixedor rotating cathode cells with theinstallation of special electroniccontrollers)

    Fixed cathode units generally areused for low-iron solutions such asProcess C-41 or black-and-whitefixers. Rotating cathode cells arecommon for solutions that contain ahigh level of iron chelate such as

    color paper bleach-fixes. The iron inthese solutions produces anelectrochemical reaction thatcompetes with the reduction ofsilver at the cathode; increased fluidmovement across the cathode isnecessary to produce a higherplating efficiency to offset thiscompetition and provide anadequate desilvering rate. Thedisadvantage of rotating cathodeunits is that they contain more parts,which adds to their cost and


    TYPES OF UNITSIn-line electrolytic fixer

    recirculation or closed-loop fixerrecirculation, is common in certainblack-and-white and Process C-41color applications. Either kind ofelectrolytic cell will work. The

    solution is continually desilveredand returned to the processor tank.The fixer tank is maintained at amuch lower silver level thannormal (0.51.0 g/L versus asmuch as 6.0 g/L or higher). Theresult is a reduced amount of silverbeing carried into the wash tank inthe next processor section.Therefore, you dont need toconcerned with silver concentrationin the wash discharge. Thereplenishment rate of the fixer may

    also be reduced by as much as 50%.A colorimetric silver test is an

    excellent tool used to adjust andmonitor in-line electrolyticrecirculation equipment to ensureoptimum performance. Too muchsilver being removed by the unitmay result in solution sulfiding anddeposits on the film or paper; toolittle silver being removed defeatsthe purpose of the equipment.

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-215 5

    Two of the major factors thatdetermine the correct electrolyticunit for a photographic processing

    facility to use are the type ofsolution(s) being treated and thedaily volume requiring treatment. Ifyou are going to treat largequantities of bleach-fix, low-flowwash following bleach-fix tanks, orE-6 fixer, you should use a rotatingcathode unit or pump-throughunit specially designed for thisapplication. If you are going to treatonly low iron solutions such asblack-and-white or Process C-41fixers, you can use a simpler (andusually less expensive) fixedcathode unit. Always pay carefulattention to the manufacturersadvertised rate of silver removal.Although occasionally optimistic,these specifications represent thebest approximation of how muchsilver can be removed per unit timeand therefore are key in determiningthe size of cell necessary to meet afacilitys needs. The examples on theright provide a method of

    calculation to size an electrolyticunit to your operation.


    Gallons per day of silver-richsolution.

    Nature of the Solution

    (chart at left).Silver Content (grams/litre) inthe Solution.

    Time available (daily, in hours)to run ESR.


    If Effluent is: Then B =



    1.1 ft=2




    4 x 8=

    AmpsRequired 20 x 3.785 x 4.5 10.6 x 4

    EXAMPLE #2

    8 hours per day.

    A radiography group produces 20 gallons of black-and-white fixer at 4.5 g/L; work time is only


    1.8 ft= =40

    35.5 x 2


    2 x 16

    100 x 3.785 x 3=


    ft 210.6amps






















    busy day. Average silver content is approximately 3 g/L with a second-shift operation.

    A consumer lab produces 100 gallons of combined Process RA-4, C-41, and E-6 effluent on a

    EXAMPLE #1


    Amps x B

    B x D

    A x 3.785 x C

    2Determine the Cathode Area Required (ft ) =

    Determine the Required Amperage (amps) =





    Bleach-Fix alone

    C-41, and/or E-6

    Bleach-Fix + Low Flow Wash,

    C-41 or E-6 Fixer

    Black-and-White Fixer



    D =

    C =

    B =

    A =


    Sizing an Electrolytic Silver Recovery (ESR) Unit

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-2156

    It is very important that you followthe installation/operation manual

    that comes with your new unit. Installthe electrolytic unit in a well-ventilated area with enough roomaround it to allow someone to serviceit. The electricity to the unit must besufficient to provide the voltage/current requirements specified for theunit. Follow the current and timerecommendations suggested in themanual for your type of solution ormixtures. Keep a log detailing criticalparameters (voltage, current,electrolysis time, preventive-maintenance service, generalcomments) to allow a process re-creation in the event troubleshootingbecomes necessary. Use the correctiveactions shown in the troubleshootingtable to optimize your process.

    The correct initial unit set-up isessential to good long-term

    performance, the quality of silverflake produced, and the ease ofremoving that flake from the cathode(sometimes referred to as mining thecathode). Some troubleshootingguides are included in table at theright. Generally, current adjustment isthe best tool. Surface preparation iskey to easy removal of the silver flakefrom the cathode. We recommendmildly polishing the surface with aScotch-Brite or similar pad prior to

    beginning electrolysis. In some cases,where good flake is being formed atthe correct deposition rate but is stilldifficult to remove from the cathode, avery thin coating of automotive waxprior to electrolysis will help. Consultyour equipment manufacturer fortheir advice in this area.Developments in electronics andequipment design over the pastdecade have significantly reducedproblems in this area.



    The table below provides a guide totroubleshooting various problems

    that can occur with electrolytic silverrecovery equipment.

    Proper pH is important foroptimum performance inelectrolytic desilvering; this is


    especially true for iron-containingsolutions. Increasing pH: Reduces the tendency for iron to

    interfere with reduction silverelectroplating.

    Makes the cathode reaction for

    silver plating energetically morefavorable.

    Electrolysis Troubleshooting

    Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

    Poor platinglow

    silver plating or lost


    Current too high

    Improper plating time

    Adjust current or plating


    Improper cathode surface


    Scour w/Scotch-Brite-like

    pad prior to electrolysis

    Sulfiding Current too high for silver


    Plating time too long

    Agitation too low

    Adjust current or plating


    Recovered silver not


    Current too high, resulting in


    Current is not appropriate for

    the type of solution being


    Adjust current or plating


    Match current neededwith

    the type of solution being


    Nodules on the

    cathode or sell

    shorts out

    Accumulated dirt in the bath

    plates or becomes occluded

    in the silver plate

    Make sure used fixer fixer

    is adequately filtered prior

    to electrolysis

    Silver sulfideformation

    (silver platingfalls off

    or silver collects in

    the bottom of the


    Low sulfide in solution To maintain plating effi-ciency from most fixers,

    the concentration of

    sodium sulfite should be

    8 10 g/L when the silver

    level is 1 5 g/L

    Platingcurrent toohigh orunit

    run too long

    Adjust current or time

    Solution not

    desilvered to proper


    Low pH Adjust pH

    Low current or insufficient


    Adjust current or time

    Electrical problems, bad


    Check connections,

    consult operation manual

    Very dark plate Initial silver concentration of

    solution is too low

    Adjust current

    Platingcurrent toohigh orunit

    running too long

    Adjust current or plating


    Always exercise care when working with corrosive chemicals

    (use proper eye protection, adequate ventilation, gloves, etc.)

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-215 7

    Generally, the higher the pH, thebetter. In practice pH should not beincreased above 7.8 8.0 due to theevolution of ammonia that takesplace in ammoniumbased fixers andbleach-fixes. You can use a strong

    base, such as sodium (orammonium) hydroxide or sodium(or potassium) carbonate, to adjustthe pH upward. The carbonates arethe safest to work with; thehydroxides are usually the leastexpensive. You can also use pHadjustment chemicals sold by manyswimming pool supply houses.Some examples are given in table onthe right.

    Always exercise care whenworking with these corrosive

    chemicals; use proper eyeprotection, adequate ventilation,gloves, etc.

    You can perform the adjustmentsatisfactorily using most brands ofpH measurement strips. Two typesof strips that perform particularlywell are: colorPHast Indicator Strips

    pH 0 - 14, by EM Science,Gibbstown, New Jersey.

    Baker pHIX, Universal pH Sticks,range 2.0 9.0.

    Obviously, a pH meter worksbetter than pH adjustment papers,but requires significant effort tocalibrate. Consult the video, UsingKODAK Control ToolsHow toMeasure pH(CAT No. 129 5914), for

    additional information on pHmeasurement and adjustment withmeters.

    If your facility plans to reuse thesolution being electrolyticallydesilvered or is experiencingdifficulty with the quality of silverflake formed, you may wish to add

    additional sodium sulfite to thebatch prior to electrolysis. A rule-of-thumb is to add the equivalent of1 g/L of additional sulfite for everyg/L of silver to be removed from thesolution. This will help to prevent

    the solution from being degradedand the cathode burned. Neveradd sulfite to Process RA-4 Bleach-Fix, since it significantly reduces theelectrolysis efficiency.

    Recommendations for Adjusting the pH of Iron-Containing Solutions

    Solution mL of Solution per Litre of

    Bleach-Fix Overflow*

    * Approximate mL required to raise EKTACOLOR RA-4 Bleach-Fix overflow pH to 7.5 8.0. Use a pHmeter or pH strip to determine exact amount required for your facilitys overflow.

    28% Ammonium hydroxide 10

    10N Sodium hydroxide 13

    45% Potassium hydroxide 14

    10% Sodium carbonate 200

    10% Potassium carbonate 300

    EKTACOLOR RA Developer Tank Overflow 900

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-2158

    A metallic replacement cartridgecontains metallic iron in a form thatphotographic solutions can passthrough in a controlled manner toallow the silver complexes in thesolution to react with the iron. Thesilver is reduced to its metallic formand stays in the cartridge while theiron is oxidized and passes intosolution. There are many forms ofiron that can be used in MRCs.Some include: Steel wool

    Iron filings

    Steel screen wire

    Iron filings on a rigid support

    Most photographic solutions canbe desilvered by the proper use of aMRC or MRC system. Someexceptions include: Black-and-white reversal bleach

    Fixer preceded directly byferricyanide bleach

    Seasoned ferric-ammoniumEDTA bleach

    Fixers with a highly alkaline pHCall Kodak Environmental

    Services for information on how todesilver these specific cases.

    Some of the pros and cons ofMRC use are shown in the followingtable.


    Pros and Cons of MRC Desilvering

    Pros Cons

    If used properly, can be very efficient for

    low silver compliance.

    MRCs are relatively inexpensive and

    work reasonably well with a broad range

    of solution types. The metallic replacement process is a

    simple technology not requiring a high

    degree of sophistication to perform.

    It is easy to monitor canister

    breakthrough, especially with a

    colormetric silver test.

    Breakthrough can be estimated by

    keeping records of time in service and

    volume throughout.

    Although capable of good efficiency, a

    less than optimum performance is


    Spentcanisters aremore costly to refine

    than silver recovered by othertechniques.

    MRCs are dependent upon contact time

    with steel media and therefore require

    good control of solution flow rate.

    MRCs frequently require a "break-in"

    period and work best when used

    continually with no breaks in service.

    Monitoring required to detect


    MRCs discharge iron to the effluent.

    The single biggest factor influencingthe performance of MRCs is theresidenceor dwell time of thesolution in the cartridge. In actualpractice, the cartridges are usuallyused in pairs for performance safety.You can control solution flow eitherby gravity feed through a flow-restricting orifice or by a meteringpump. Almost always, metering

    pump systems do a better job.Always follow the flow raterecommendations provided by themanufacturer of your MRC. If youmust, use a longer residence timerather than a shorter one. Althoughthis may dissolve the steel slightlyfaster than necessary and reduce theultimate capacity of the cartridge,too little residence time can lead tohigh silver discharges from thesystem.


    Each MRC has a fixed amount ofsteel in it. As this is consumed by thedesilvering process the MRC willeventually decrease in its capacity toremove silver from the solutions.MRCs are normally used in pairs(series)*, preferably with a samplingport placed between individualunits. Samples are taken from theport and silver concentrationmeasured by some convenient

    technique such as estimating paper,copper strips or a colorimetricmethod. (See KODAK PublicationJ-211,Measuring Silver inPhotographic Processing Facilities,for additional information onmeasuring silver.) When either ofthese tools detect silverthecolorimetric method is much moreaccurate and reproducibleyoushould replace the cartridges.


    * A few customers have used3 MRCs in series

    for added insurance.

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-215 9

    Generally, you remove the firstMRC, move #2 into the #1 position,and place a new unit in the #2position. If strict silver compliance isnecessary, you can replace bothcartridges at the same time.

    You can use Metallic ReplacementCartridges as a primary (and only)system or as a secondary or tailingsystem following electrolysis. Acommon misconception is thatcartridges will work much longerbefore replacement when they areused for the tailing operation (i.e.,due to less silver removal). This istrue, but the natural corrosivity tosteel of many photographicprocessing solutions consumes steelwool even when silver is not being

    removed. Always monitor thesystem to detect breakthrough, andreplace the cartridges on a regularbasis.

    You must monitor (and sometimescontrol) the pH of the solutionpassing through the system. Tooperate most efficiently, the pH ofthe solution needs to be acidic to

    encourage the steel wool to dissolve.Most photographic fixers andbleach-fixes have an acceptable pHrange. Ideally, the pH should bebetween 5.5 and 6.5. If the pH isbelow 5.0, the steel wool will becatalyzed to dissolve too rapidly andthe capacity of the cartridge could bereduced significantly. If the pH is


    basic (above 7), the steel wooldissolution reaction will be slow andoptimum silver removal may nottake place.

    You can adjust the pH upward ordownward with acetic acid or pH

    adjustment chemicals found atswimming pool supply stores.Again, pH papers are sufficient tomonitor this adjustment.

    MRCs work best when they are pre-conditioned by allowing to stand forseveral hours with a mildly acidicsolution such as fixer or bleach-fix inthem. This allows the steel wool to


    begin to etch or becomechemically activated for silverrecovery. At the very least, fill a newMRC with water to begin tochemically prepare the steel surfaceand minimize the potential to

    channel or form pathways that donot contact the steel wool once it isplaced in service.

    You will obtain the bestperformance and longest life bycontinuous use with approximatelythe same solution composition/mixture. Intermittent or infrequentuse of MRCs allows the steel wool tooxidize or rust. Once this processhas begun, it is very difficult topredict the useful life of thecartridge.

    MRC Troubleshooting

    Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action

    Cartridge becomes

    exhausted too quickly

    Flow rate too high

    MRC too small for


    Adjust flow rate

    Use larger MRC

    pH of solution too low Raise the pH

    Loss of recovery efficiency

    Lower silver yield thanexpected

    Highsilver concentration

    out of MRC

    Solution discharged is


    Solution pH too high

    Flow rate too high Cartridge not


    Solution flow pattern

    causes steel wool

    erosion to form a

    channel; solution is able

    to pass untreated. (This

    is a possible result of

    low volume or

    intermittent usage.)

    Lower the pH

    Adjust flow rate Soak with solution prior

    to installing

    Pre-condition MRCs

    before installation. Use

    a mildly acidic solution,

    fixer, bleach-fix, or at

    the very least, water

    Flow has become

    plugged allowing MRC


    Look for obstructions to

    flow; may be as simple

    as a "crimped tube"

    Plugged drain lines Precipitation of iron


    Use an acid-type drain

    cleaner when changing


  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-21510

    Chemical precipitation, or theaddition of a chemical to thephotographic processing solution tocause an insoluble silver salt to form,

    has not been popular in the pastexcept at large centralized waste-treaters. Over the past several years,Kodak has developed a newprecipitation technology based onTri-sodium 2,4,6-Trimercapto-s-triazine, more commonly called (forobvious reasons) TMT. TMTprecipitation technology wasinitially optimized for use assecondary treatment followingelectrolysis at large photographicprocessing facilities. The advantagesof the technique versus traditionalsecondary treatment with MRCs are: More consistent low silver results

    Lower cost over the long-term

    Reduced refining cost of theresulting silver sludge

    Less labor required

    PRECIPITATIONLarge-scale secondary recovery

    can be very simple. However, youshould follow certain procedures.You must use the proper TMTdosage for the silver level of themixture under treatment.

    Consistently mix the same solutions(day after day) and use acolorimetric silver test to determinethe correct dosing level. Typically,the silver concentration of thesolution mixture before treatmentshould not be below 300 mg/L.Choose the proper electrolysisconditions during primarytreatment. If you use the properTMT dosage level and do not obtainacceptable final silverconcentrations, consult the

    following table.

    Large-Scale Secondary Precipitation Troubleshooting

    Concern Probable Cause Corrective ActionFinal silver concentration

    too high

    Improper dosing Determine initial silver concentration of

    mixture and adjust dose

    Try to treat as consistent a mixture of

    overflow solutions as possible

    Insufficient settling time Optimize using a controlled study

    Silver concentration before treatment less

    than 300 mg/L

    Adjust electrolysis conditions with

    primary equipment

    Settled sludge volume exceeds stand-pipe

    height. (You may see excessive yellow solid

    getting to final filter.)

    Adjust stand-pipe height

    Line purge step has been skipped or


    Lengthen purge line

    Improper filter cartridge or improper


    Check filter type and installation

    Several manufacturers now makecustomized equipment forautomated secondary precipitationtreatment with TMT.

    In 1995, Kodak introduced a semi-automatic unit designed to serve as

    the primary silver-recovery unit forsmaller Process C-41, Process RA-4,and Process E-6 photographicprocessing facilities. This unit hassignificantly changed the way silveris recovered at many smallphotographic processing facilities.Some of the features of the unitinclude: More consistent low silver results

    Less labor (almost fully-automaticoperation)

    Lower refining cost of the

    resulting silver sludge

    Less floor space required

    Easy-to-monitor performance

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions


    Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions J-215 11

    The operation of the semi-automatic unit makes silverrecovery as simple as it can get;however, you must keep an eye onseveral very basic items. Like large-scale TMT recovery, proper dosing

    level is important with the semi-automatic unit. The Part B flocculantmust be mixed properly and withinmix age to ensure the formation oflarge "scrambled egg-like" particlesthat easily separate from the liquidphase of the treated solution. Toguarantee easy solution flowthrough the unit, you must rinse thesystem according to themaintenance schedule in theoperator's manual and you mustoccasionally clean the particle screen

    in the unit's hold tank. Althoughthese items may seem cumbersome,proper routine maintenance on theunit is by far the least time-consuming of any type of functionalsilver-recovery equipment today.

    Semi-Continuous Precipitation Troubleshooting

    Concern Probable Cause Corrective Action

    Final silver concentration

    too high

    Improper Part A dosing Determine initial silver

    concentration of mixture

    and adjust Part A dose.

    Always treat solutions in

    "as replenished" propor-

    tions. If you periodically

    dumpyour stabilizer tanks,

    try to blend this solution

    gradually with the other


    Part B is either not mixed

    properly or is very old.

    (Another clue is lack of

    formation of "large

    particles" in the reactor

    tubing prior to the filter.)

    Refill the Part B reagent

    tank with a fresh mix of

    Part B.

    Short filter life Equipment not forming

    large particles (i.e., a lotof"dust" instead of clumps).

    Check Part A & Part B

    delivery rates. Checkinitialsilver concentration to

    verify at least 1 g/L

    concentration. Modify

    procedure for stabilizer

    dump to increase silver

    concentration, if


    Slow flow-through


    Tubing is beginning to


    Rinse system according to

    Users Guide

    The screen on the pump

    suction line in the

    collection tank is plugged

    Clean screen per Users


    Pumps need calibratingorcheck valves require


    Check flow rate of eachpump using the calibration

    procedure in Appendix C

    of the Users Guide;

    remove and clean the

    check valve.

    Semi-automatic unit will

    not run, although

    plugged in and turned on

    Solution level in collection

    tank is low

    This is part of the normal

    operation; youdo not need

    to take any corrective


    Low level in Part A tank;

    not indicated by status


    Check solution level in

    Part A tank and refill, if

    necessary. Replace

    indicator bulb,if necessary.

    Low level in Part B tank;

    not indicated by status


    Check solution level in

    Part B tank and refill, if

    necessary. Replace

    indicator bulb, if


    High system pressure; not

    indicated by status light

    Check sludgelevel in filter.

    Replace, if full.

    Replace indicator light

    bulb, if necessary.

  • 8/12/2019 Recovering Silver from Photographic Processing Solutions



    Revised 7/99

    Recovering Silver from PhotographicProcessing SolutionsKODAK Publication No. J-215

    CAT 804 1576

    If you have environmental or safety questionsabout Kodak products or services, contact KodakEnvironmental Services at 1-585-477-3194,between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern time) or visitKES on-line at

    Kodak also maintains a 24-hour health hotlineto answer questions about the safe handling ofphotographic chemicals. If you need health-related information about Kodak products, call1-585-722-5151.

    For questions concerning the safetransportation of Kodak products, call Kodak

    Transportation Services at 1-585-722-2400.Additional information is available on the

    Kodak website and through the Canadafaxback system.

    The products and services described in thispublication may not be available in all countries.In countries other than the U.S., contact your localKodak representative, or your usual supplier ofKodak products.

    MORE INFORMATIONThe following publications are available from

    Kodak Customer Service or from dealers who sell

    Kodak products.

    J-210 Sources of Silver in Photographic Processing


    J-211 Measuring Silver in Photographic Processing


    J-212 The Technology of Silver Recovery for

    Photographic Processing Facilities

    J-213 Refining Silver Recovered from

    Photographic Processing Facilities

    J-214 The Regulation of Silver in Photographic

    Processing Facilities

    J-216 The Fate and Effects of Silver in the


    J-217 Using Code of Management Practice to

    Manage Silver in Photographic Processing


    For more information about Kodak Environmental Services,

    visit Kodak on-line at: technical support publications for

    Kodak products can be sent to your fax machine

    from the Kodak Information Center. Call:

    Canada 1-800-295-5531

    Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    If you have questions about Kodak products, call Kodak.

    In the U.S.A.:

    1-800-242-2424, Ext. 19, MondayFriday

    9 a.m.7 p.m. (Eastern time)

    In Canada:

    1-800-465-6325, MondayFriday

    8 a.m.5 p.m. (Eastern time)

    Kodak, Ektacolor, and e mark are trademarks.