recognizing patterns of organization[1]

Presented by: LaLinda Street DVR0061

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Page 1: Recognizing patterns of organization[1]

Presented by:LaLinda Street


Page 2: Recognizing patterns of organization[1]

What do you believe is the most significant reason people choose to overuse substances? What you think accounts for such trends in our community? What are the qualities needed for an individual to overcome excessive use of a substance?

Page 3: Recognizing patterns of organization[1]

What is the figure doing? What do you

notice about him?How do the parts of

a human being relate to the whole?

Is a human being the sum of his

parts, or more than his individual parts?

What do you think the artist’s

message is?

Page 4: Recognizing patterns of organization[1]

Structure for reading, subsection, a paragraph, or the interrelationship between ideas and sentences in a paragraph.

Help to determine the main details in a passage that support main point (aka Supporting details)

Page 5: Recognizing patterns of organization[1]

Transition words or signal words are words or phrases used by authors to introduce the reader to the thought pattern or pattern of organization, in the writing and between ideas within the writing.

Transition also called signals words or phrases because The signal how the author is arranging ideas.

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Then Because Also First Second Last (lastly) In addition

Another Similarly Furthermore In Short As a result

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Details that support the authors main points can be expressed by either major details or minor details

Major Detail – are the main points to support the overall point in the reading

Minor Detail – are more specific points that support the major points, usually by providing examples of the major details.

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Exercise 5 pp. 151

Lets read “Combating Stress”

Keys to Success:◦ Major details – may use transition words are often

broad ◦ Minor details normally convey specifics

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Simple listing, order of importance, chronological order, sequence and process, and spatial or place order

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All patterns, except for simple listing, include items that must be in a certain order to convey the meaning that the author intends.

Organizational patterns allows for readers to understand how an author has arranged information in a passage.

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Simple Listing Order of Importance Chronological/ Sequence or Process Spatial Example/Illustration Definition and Example Description Division/Classification Compare/contrast Cause/effect Problem solution

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Whereby the author lists items in order


Simple list should always be your last choice

Signal Words◦ Also, another, in addition, first, second, third, for

example; punctuation◦ (bullets, dashes, numbers-1-2-3, letters a-b-c)

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Means that particular items need to be in a set order to convey the author’s point

Example: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

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Used to inform readers about a topic by presenting information though events or steps in a chronological order using time.

Signal WordsFirst, second next not long

afterInitially then beforeFollowing when finallyPreceding after on (date)

Page 16: Recognizing patterns of organization[1]

Read the paragraph Underline the signal words Create a graphic organizer

Kate Barlow preserved peaches which lasted for years, and you can too if you follow these few simple steps. First check the jars for cracks or chips. Second place the lids in boiling water to sterilize. While the lids boil, wash the jars and rings in hot, soapy water. Next place the boiling hot peaches and syrup into the hot, sterilized jars. As soon as the jar is full within a half inch of headspace wipe the rim of the jar clean. Immediately cap the jar with the hot lid. Next place the jar in a steamer. After steaming for twenty minutes remove the jar from the steam bath. Once the jar has cooled you can store it until needed. The peaches will stay fresh for several years

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Demonstrates that certain steps must be followed in a specific order for it to make sense.

Example pp. 175

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Allows for authors to describe or make points about something using three dimensional space.

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Used to describe/define and explain the meaning of a term or concept.

Signal WordsFor instance for example alsoSuch as in addition firstAnother furthermore to


Exercise 5 pp. 175

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Read the paragraph on pp. 175 Identifying the class

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Used to illustrate the differences or similarities of the items being compared

Signal WordsDifferent from same as similar toAs opposed to instead of althoughCompared with however as well

asEither..or unless but

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Read the article on Coke v. Pepsi Taste Test Experiment

Underline the signal words Create a graphic organizer

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Used to show how the facts, events, or concepts result due to other facts, events, or concepts

Signal WordsConsequently may be due to sinceThis led to…so nevertheless if...thenAccordingly because of yetAs a result of in order to alsoFor this reason not only… but


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Read the paragraph on pp. 181 “Rabies” Underline the signal words Create a graphic organizer

Cause- the origin or source of the event or situation

Effect – what follows the cause

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Classification patterns divides a broad topic into categories. See pp. 183; Exercise 9

Widely used in academic subjects

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Used to present a problem and possible solutions to this problem.

Signal Wordsthe problem is the question is a solution one answer istherefore if….then

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Read the paragraph Create a graphic organizer

Immigrants expect to be welcomed warmly when they arrive in Israel. But even when Israelis want to be helpful, they do not always know how. The parents’ committee of one high school tried to help the newcomers. They organized the activities and gifts for the new immigrants, and gave them menorahs at Hanukkah. But when the kids were asked what they really wanted, the answer was simple: blue jeans. Blue jeans, so they could look like everybody else, so they could walk down the hall without feeling ‘different’. The answer was as simple as that.…

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Advertisements Announcements Brochures Book Jackets Editorials Essays Instructions

Journals Newspaper Articles Magazine Articles Reports Songs Speeches Textbooks

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Complete Exercise 11 & 12 on Pg. 186-190


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Description _____ is a kind of _____ that ….

Problem/Solution _____ wanted …, but …, so …

Sequence _____ begins with …, continues with …, and ends with …

Comparison/Contrast x and y are similar in that they are both …, but x …, while y …

Cause/Effect _____ happens because … or _____ causes ….

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________ are different from _________in ________ are different from _________in

several ways. First of all, ________ while several ways. First of all, ________ while

_________. Secondly, _____________ _________. Secondly, _____________

while ______. In addition, ___________ while ______. In addition, ___________

while ______. So, it is evident thatwhile ______. So, it is evident that
