recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges...

Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

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Page 1: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges

Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Page 2: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA


Image-based maps

Page 3: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

• Structure from motion (Sfm)

• Robust depth-map estimation

• Rendering

Key Steps

Page 4: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

• Structure from motion (Sfm)

• Robust depth-map estimation

• Image-based navigation

Recent results

A multi-stage linear approach to structure from motionSinha, Steedly & Szeliski, RMLE –ECCV workshop 2010

Piecewise planar stereo for image-based renderingSinha, Steedly & Szeliski, ICCV 2009

Image-based walkthroughs from incremental and partial scene reconstructions Kumar, Ahsan, Sinha & Jawahar, BMVC 2010

Page 5: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Sequential SfmFitzgibbon’98, Pollefeys’98, Nister’01, Schaffalitzky’02, Vergauwen’06, Snavely’06, Snavely’07, Agarwal’09, Gherardi’10

Page 6: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Sequential SfmFitzgibbon’98, Pollefeys’98, Nister’01, Schaffalitzky’02, Vergauwen’06, Snavely’06, Snavely’07, Agarwal’09, Gherardi’10

Initial seed pairPose estimation, triangulationRefinement

Page 7: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Sequential SfmFitzgibbon’98, Pollefeys’98, Nister’01, Schaffalitzky’02, Vergauwen’06, Snavely’06, Snavely’07, Agarwal’09, Gherardi’10

Initial seed pairPose estimation, triangulationRefinement

Page 8: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Contributions• Vanishing point (VP) constraints reduces drift in rotations

– more accurate than [Govindu’04, Martinec’07] for urban scenes.– Faster pairwise matching + geometric verification

• New practical linear structure and translation estimation– more stable than the known linear method [Rother’03]– robust to outliers in 2D observations– easy to parallelize– faster than sequential Sfm

– much faster than L∞ - methods

Linear multi-stage approach to structure from motion Sinha et. al. 2010 (ECCV-RMLE


Page 9: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Vanishing Point (VP) Detection

Pair Matching2 – VP + 2 point RANSAC VP tracks

relative rotationsFeature Extraction


interest pts




Linear Reconstruction

2-view Reconstruction

Robust Alignment

Global Scale & Translation


VP tracks

relative rotations

global cameraorientations

relative pose estimates

Full Sfm initialization Final Bundle Adjustment

Linear multi-stage approach to structure from motion Sinha et. al. 2010 (ECCV-RMLE


Page 10: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA


Page 11: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA


Page 12: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Break-up of Timings

Page 13: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Comparison with sequential Sfm

Page 14: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

STREET sequence

HALLWAY sequence

OURS (65 cams, 52K pts)

before Bundle Adjustment BUNDLER (65 cams, 22K pts)

BUNDLER (139 cams, 13K pts) OURS (184 cams, 27K pts)

Comparison with sequential Sfm

Page 15: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Piecewise Planar Stereo for image-based rendering

Graph-cut based energy minimization

Sinha et. al. ICCV 2009

Page 16: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Piecewise Planar Stereo for image-based rendering

Sinha et. al. ICCV 2009

Planar Stereo Results

Page 17: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

also handle non-planar scenes now ...

Piecewise Planar Stereo for image-based rendering

Page 18: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

• Skip global scene reconstruction (Sfm) step, • Generate several overlapping, partial

reconstructions instead.• During navigation, jump

between local coordinate frames.• Scales easily, also parallelizable• Incremental matching & reconstruction

(images appear over time)

Image-based walkthroughs from incremental and partial scene reconstructions Kumar et. al. BMVC


Fort sequence (~5800 images)

Page 19: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

• Accuracy vs. Connectedness• Reliable results from sparse, unstructured imagery

– wide-baseline matching is still difficult

• Representations: – metric vs. topological reconstructions ? hybrid ?

• Reconstructing Indoors– Bottlenecks: doorways, corridors.– fewer features, non-Lambertian surfaces

Existing issues in unstructured Sfm

Page 20: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

• Acquisition– Images vs. video– Short-term dynamics vs. long-term dynamics

• Need truly incremental Sfm– Start with scratch but keep going … ?– Interleaving matching, Sfm and dense stereo– Hybrid matching (2D—2D , 2D – 3D, 3D – 3D)

Dynamic Image-based Maps: Challenges

Page 21: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

• Temporal appearance changes– Illumination:

• day/night, seasons, weather, lights on/off• Cyclic, predictable

– Albedo changes• Store-fronts, ads-billboards,• irreversible

• Geometric changes: – temporary vs. permanent

• Mid-level features for higher level recognition

Dynamic Image-based Maps: Challenges

Page 22: Recent work in image-based rendering from unstructured image collections and remaining challenges Sudipta N. Sinha Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Questions ?