recce of location specific

Recce of location – specific We will be filming a tracking shot in this tunnel. This tunnel has as smooth bicycle path which will help with the steadiness of tracking shot. The lighting is During our film opening we will be using street signs to set the location for the audience. Although there are other shots that set the scene and location this will just make sure people understand are

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Recce Of Location Specific

Recce of location – specific

We will be filming a tracking shot in this tunnel. This tunnel has as smooth bicycle path which will help with the steadiness of tracking shot. The lighting is dimed which may add mystery to the shot.

During our film opening we will be using street signs to set the location for the audience. Although there are other shots that set the scene and location this will just make sure people understand are opening is set in London.

Page 2: Recce Of Location Specific

Towards the end of our film opening there will be various crowd shots of the football fans. These pictures show just a few locations of where these will be filmed. We look to achieve various angels to try and emphasis the amount of people who come out to watch football.

When carrying out Recce of location we also paid some thought into how we could practically film these shots and started to find areas where we could film without interruption. Small platforms like this allow us to get god angles and also secure steady filming.

Page 3: Recce Of Location Specific

using in our film opening. This station is small and therefore doesn’t get crowded. It has nice levels and will allow for good mise en scene. Please watch this video which will show you more of why we chose this location.

This street is just a short walk from are other locations in Finsbury park London. The reason we chose this street to film on is because it gives a negative perspective of London. In terms of practicality it has a well paved road which makes tracking (running) shots much easier. This video shows the whole street.