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ReadWriteServe Tutor Training. ReadWriteServe Programs of the Center for Adolescent Literacies at UNC Charlotte. What is ReadWriteServe ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Literacy PALS Tutor Training

ReadWriteServe Programs of the Center for Adolescent Literacies at UNC CharlotteReadWriteServe Tutor Training

1What is ReadWriteServe?ReadWriteServe--Partnership for Literacy Action Initiativesbrings together UNC Charlotte and community-based resources to address increasingly complex literacy needs of students and their families in the Southeastern U.S. through service, research and community-based programs that are culturally relevant and focused on community needs.

p. 22RWS Tutors ProvideHomework Help Reading SupportMentoring

A note about our terminology:Tutors-----UNC Charlotte student /staff volunteersLearners----the grades K-12 students receiving tutoring

3The RWS Commitment Set a time commitment that is reasonable and stick with it. We ask that you commit to meeting with a learner once a week if possible. Whatever your schedule, please keep your commitment to our student partners. Be ethical and responsible in all that you do in your work with student partners. You are mentors and role models.

p. 24Have questions? Need help?Check out the ReadWriteServe Tutor Blog at Get tutoring tipsLearn about upcoming events and trainingsAsk questions & join a conversation

Get to know each otherIce breaker & information3-2-1 Strategy3Three things you want to learn today2Two things you want us to know about you1One thing you believe about readingAssessment Overview of TutoringMeeting the LearnerSetting ExpectationsEvaluating the LearnerPlanning Tutoring Sessions

p. 5

Formal vs. Informal AssessmentINFORMAL ASSESSMENTFORMAL ASSESSMENTObservations of the learnerInterviews or conversation with the learner (what the learner says he or she wants and needs)Listening to a learner read or work a problemLearner think-aloud with class work, homework, a bookInput from teachers and parentsStudent retellings of a textStandardized tests (End-of-Grade and End-of-Course tests)Ability tests (IQ)Teacher created tests and quizzes

p. 9-10Informal AssessmentAssessment gives us information about what learners strengths and areas of needwhat they can do and what they need help with. Here are some informal methods of assessment: InterviewLearner Surveys5-finger assessmentRead AloudsRetellings

p. 10These are in your handbook. 10Our Approach: Guided LearningOur basic approach is to meet a learner at his or her point of need. You might help the learner with homework or in reading and writing. Most tutoring can be broken into this sim ple framework:Before Reading & LearningDuring Reading & LearningAfter Reading & Learning

p. 14Guided Reading & Learning

Guided Reading & Learning is a type of instruction in which a tutor guides at student (learner) through the process of reading. Tutors are mentors to students. They help students (learners) move from reading with help to reading independently.

Instructional SequenceRationaleBefore Reading & LearningPre-reading & LearningTo establish purpose, activate background knowledge, motivate & engage learner.Pre-reading activitiesPreviewing a book: Book Walk or Picture TalkKWLTalk about the subject or textDuring Reading & LearningReader-TextInteractionsScaffold reading and learning. Make learning active.During-reading activitiesShared reading: Choral or Part ReadingReread for fluencySay SomethingThink Pair ShareDouble Entry JournalAfter Reading & LearningPost reading & LearningTo extend and elaborate ideas from the textPost-reading activitiesRetellings and discussionJournalingConcept MapsMini-lessons (teaching concepts & strategies)

p. 14Example 1: Sam in 7th GradeInstructional SequenceActivitiesComments/NotesBefore Reading & LearningTo establish purpose, activate background knowledge, motivate & engage learner.Preview bookbook walk


Talk about text or subjectPre-view Social Studies homework (worksheet) and pre-read textbook with Sam. Point out headings, subheads, and key words. During Reading & LearningGuided reading and learning. Make learning active.Shared reading: Choral or parts

Reread for fluency

Use Strategies --ThinkPairShare--DE Journal, etcUse Say Something strategy while reading text to help Sam verbalize what he is reading. Post ideas on sticky notes to help answer questions.After Reading & LearningTo extend and elaborate ideas from the textRetellings & discussion

Journaling, concept maps

Mini LessonsGuide Sam in answering questions on worksheet. Check to see if he is using headings/subheads and notes to help answer questions.

p. 18Example 2: Rachel in 3rd GradeInstructional SequenceActivitiesComments/NotesBefore Reading & LearningTo establish purpose, activate background knowledge, motivate & engage learner.Preview bookbook walk


Talk about text or subjectIntroduce new books and Do a picture walk of the book that Rachel chooses to read. Have her make predictions. Point out a few words. New books:Three Questions, Lion and the Mouse, Strega NonaDuring Reading & LearningGuided reading and learning. Make learning active.Shared reading: Choral or parts

Reread for fluency

Use Strategies --ThinkPairShare--DE Journal, etcGuide reading. Ask recall questions and check for comprehension (Does that make sense?). Reread sections as needed to build fluency. Find 4 to 5 words to teachAfter Reading & LearningTo extend and elaborate ideas from the textRetellings & discussion

Journaling, concept maps

Mini LessonsAsk: Tell me about what you just read? Teach the new words and review sight words.

p. 19If time allowstry some planningInstructional SequenceActivitiesComments/NotesBefore Reading & LearningTo establish purpose, activate background knowledge, motivate & engage learner.Preview bookbook walk


Talk about text or subjectDuring Reading & LearningGuided reading and learning. Make learning active.Shared reading: Choral or parts

Reread for fluency

Use Strategies --ThinkPairShare--DE Journal, etcAfter Reading & LearningTo extend and elaborate ideas from the textRetellings & discussion

Journaling, concept maps

Mini LessonsLesson Activities & Mini-lessonsHere are some useful lesson activities and mini-lesson ideas:Book Walk or Picture Talks Guided Reading & LearningDictating Stories or LEAWord Families & Word SortsSight Word practiceTeaching Strategies

p. 17Book Walks & Picture TalksTutors guide students through a book by looking at the cover, title page, and pictures in the book. Point out a few key words and ask the learner questions like, What do you think is going on in the book? and What do you think will happen? During the guided reading and learning session (the heart of the tutoring process), the tutor can check with the learner to confirm predictions.

p. 17If time allowstry a book walkIf you have a book available, do a quick book walk or picture talk with a partner.Talk about picturesMake predictions Point out the title and a few words you think are important to the story

Picking Texts to ReadComprehension Word Work: Vocabulary & Sight Words Fluency Decoding

p. 21

Picking Texts to ReadYou can use any type of text to tutor from; however, if you get a chance to read for enjoyment, pick a good book (one that your student picks) that is not too difficult and enjoy reading for pleasure. Together with the student, you can choose reading material that interests the student and is at an appropriate reading level. One method for choosing a book is the five finger method.RememberWhenever possible, pick books that are interesting to the learnerFor tutoring, pick books are that at their Instructional Level (not too easy, not too hard)For independent (personal) reading, pick books at the Independent Level.

p. 22What to focus on in tutoringThere are four key areas that we most often focus on in literacy tutoring. Comprehension Word Work: Vocabulary & Sight Words Fluency Decoding ComprehensionComprehension is the so what of reading. Readers who comprehend understand and can answer questions about what theyve read. Here are some strategies that help with comprehension:Say SomethingDouble-entry JournalThinkPairShareKWL3-2-1Talking Drawings

p. 22Comprehension StrategiesSay SomethingDouble-entry JournalTake turns reading andMake a predictionAsk a questionClarify something you readMake a commentMake a connectionThoughts about the text before I readThoughts after I read

p. 23-24Comprehension StrategiesKWL ChartThinkPairShareWhat I KNOWWANT to knowWhat I LEARNED

p. 25By yourself, think about __________________Share your thoughts with a partner or tutorWrite down some new things you learned

Works great with math problemsIf time allowsTake a couple minutes and review pages 23 through 27 in your RWS Tutor Handbook. Think about the comprehension strategies and how you might use them.Look back at the lesson plan you created (if we had time) and think about strategies you might add. What strategies could you have used in tutoring in the past? Which strategies do you think youd use in the future. Word Work Sight words are the most common words that make up our spoken and written language. Fifty percent of all text is made up of the most common 100 sight words. Vocabulary refers to the meanings of words, not their spelling or pronunciation. Vocabulary is important to a readers success because comprehension breaks down when readers encounter too many words they do not know. Vocabulary words are new words that students must learn.

p. 28Sight WordsSight words are common words that a reader should recognize on "sight." These important words are also referred to as "high-frequency words. Sight words are a group of common words with a high-frequency of use that readers must know on sight, instantly, and automatically in order to develop into an efficient and smooth reader. Some examples of these important words are a, is, the, of, and, that, in, you, I, and to. We include a copy of the list of Dolch Sight Words in the back of this handbook on page 55.

p. 28VocabularyVocabulary strategies help readers with words they dont know and need to learn. We dont expect them to have to memorize these words like we hope readers will do with sight words. Readers need strategies to include but go beyond teaching definitions and include pictures and connections to the real world.

DosDontsTeach words that matterTeach words just because a learner doesnt know itTeach a few words at a timeTeach 10, 15, 20 words (lists) at a timeTeach words that the student will see and use againTeach words that you are unsure of

p. 28Sight Words & VocabularyRepetition is the key to teaching sight words. Try this:Play Sight Word bingoMake sight word flash cards and review them each

Here are some strategies that help teach vocabulary. Note that they move beyond simply teaching definitions. Vocabulary CardsVocabulary Self-Awareness ChartHow Well Do I Know These WordsTeach common pre-fixes and root words

Vocab Cards & How Well Do I Know

p. 30Vocabulary Self-Awareness Chart

p. 31If time allowsTake two minutes and review pages 28 through 32 in your RWS Tutor Handbook. Think about the vocabulary strategies and how you might use them.Try your hand at creating a vocabulary card for a content area term like solar or cylinder. FluencyFluency is the ability to read accurately, effortlessly, at the appropriate pace, and with expression. Because fluent readers do not have to concentrate on figuring out the words, they can focus their attention on what the text means. In other words, fluent readers recognize words and comprehend at the same time. Less fluent readers, however, must focus their attention on figuring out the words, leaving them little attention for understanding the text.

p. 30Fluency StrategiesHere are some strategies to help with fluency:Rereading. This is one of the best ways to help improve fluency.Echo Reading. Echo reading is a rereading strategy designed to help students develop expressive, fluent reading. In echo reading, the tutor reads a short segment of text (sentence or phrase), and the student echoes back the same sentence or phrase while following along in the text. Paying Attention to Punctuation. Some students read through periods. Point out end punctuation, model reading it, and have the learner reread.

Phonics & Decoding Phonics has to do with looking at the letters of a word, figuring out what sounds those letters make, and putting the sounds together to read the word. During phonics instruction we teach children the letter or letters that make each sound. Phonics instruction can also focus on patterns, such as the ight pattern and all of the words that you can make from that pattern (flight, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, sight, and tight). Spelling is similar to phonics except that instead of reading, you are writing.

p. 34DecodingEnglish has many irregular words. Consider these two:Ate and Eight

However there are many word patterns you can teach. Here are a few: Spelling Rules. Late: the /e/ makes the /a/ say its nameWord Families. ight words, -ate words (late, fate, crate), -ad words (mad, bad, had)

Note: Dont spend too much time on decoding. Be sure to help with comprehension, vocabulary and fluency. Decoding/Phonics StrategiesWord Family SortsSticky-note Word Family Books

p. 34-35

Tutoring ScenarioYouve just begun tutoring a new learner, Jose, a fifth-grader. You observe the following:Jose reads the words on the page well but as he says, I just dont get it. You ask Jose to read aloud and his reading sounds fine but when you ask him to do a retelling he has little to say. He also says that some of the words in his science book are difficult. What can you do?Reading with LearnersThere are many ways to organize readingread aloud, partner reading, silent reading. Here are some different ways to organize reading when you work with a student:Read Aloud (oral reading). Have the student read aloud to you. Buddy Reading. You and the student take turns reading sections of a text and talking about it. Great questions include: What do you think will happen next? or Does that make sense?Choral Reading. Another good strategy for struggling readers is to read a text aloud together in unison. Silent Reading. Yes, this works in tutoring as wellespecially for older students. You and the student read a text to an agreed upon stopping point and then discuss the passage.

Not all reading has to be out loud. Read aloud is useful but can be uncomfortable for some learners.

p. 36Create a lesson plan with a magazine article as a text to read with a student (need examples of articles or copies). Since we created the first plan as a group, have individuals or teams create this plan. 40If time allowsTake a minute and think about what weve talked about:Planning to meet a learner at his or her point of needUsing strategies to help learners with comprehension, words, & fluency. Select texts that are interesting and engagingProvide guided support and mentoringHow can you apply this in your work as a tutor?What questions do you have?

Getting to Know the LearnerSetting Expectations Evaluating the LearnerOur Approach (Planning)

p. 5Getting to Know the LearnerAt the first meeting or two, the tutor and learner need to get to know one another. This initial session is an important step towards building a positive rapport that will underlie the tutoring and learning experience. Use this first meeting to:Establish rapportSetting expectationsGet to know your learner

p. 6Ice BreakersIce Breakers are games or activities we use to get to know a learner or break the ice. Here are a few of these activities:Acrostic Name PoemThe Memory GameTwo facts and a lie

p. 5-7These are in your handbook. 44Acrostic Name PoemNAMEAbout meCCurious and loves to learnHHappy and has lots of friendsRReally loves scienceIInterested in music and wants to play guitarSSports fanatic

p. 7Setting ExpectationsIts important to establish expectations between the tutor and learner. You can do this through discussion or if you prefer, you can use the Literacy PALS Tutor-Learner Agreement that is in the back of your Literacy PALS Handbook. The main points are that both Tutor and Learner agree to:Come prepared to all tutoring sessionsArrive on timeListen and talk with each otherBe respectful of each other5 Finger Text AssessmentAllow the student to read-aloud about 100 words from a book or text. While the student is reading, count the number of errors made. When a child corrects his own errors, it doesnt count as an error.Errors include:Misread word said incorrectlyInsertion added a word different from textOmission skipped over or left out a word Keep track of these errors using the fingers on your hand.If you count more than nine or ten errors, then the book being read is at the childs frustration level.The tutor should then select an easier book to ensure greater reading success.

p. 13Tutoring ScenarioYouve just begun tutoring a new learner, Sam, a first-grader. You observe the following:Sam is very shy and doesnt seem very comfortable reading out loud.Sam struggles reading the book he has brought to the tutoring session. He tells you this is a book that he is reading for school.

What can you do?A word about mentoring

p. 40-41A word on mentoringMentors are guides. They lead us along the journey of our lives. We trust them because they have been there before. They embody our hopes, cast light on the way ahead, interpret arcane signs, warn us of lurking dangers, and point out unexpected delights along the way.

Student mentoring is defined as a one-to-one relationship between a youth and an adult that occurs over a prolonged period of time.The mentor provides consistent support, guidance, and concrete help to a student who is in need of a positive role model.Students involved in the mentoring program may be going through a difficult and/or challenging situation, a period of life in which they need extra support, or they may simply need to have another significant adult present in their life.The goal of student mentoring is to help students involved in the mentoring program to gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own futures

p. 40Web based resources like our websites and blogsWho to contact for help

p. 42-55Resources for TutorsThe Center for Adolescent Literacies offers the following resources:RWS Tutoring website

RWS Tutoring blog

Center for Adolescent Literacies website Need help? Have questions?ReadWriteServe Programs are a part of the Center for Adolescent Literacies at UNC Charlotte. If you have questions or need our help, call or email us:

Dr. Bruce TaylorJean [email protected] [email protected]