reading fluency powerpoint

Reading Fluency: A Discussion of the Qualms of a Fluent Reader Kaylin Griham Selena Jordan Remona Moore

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Post on 05-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Reading Fluency: A Discussion ofthe Qualms of a Fluent Reader Kaylin Griham Selena Jordan Remona Moore
  • 2. Whats known about readingfluency? Its well developed word recognition Its a critical component of skilled reading Its often neglected in the classroom Its developed from reading Two methods are agreed on Student reading with directed feedback Self-selected independent reading time Fluency can be developed in the classroom.
  • 3. Fluent ReadersIssomeone who can read with Speed Accuracy Proper expression
  • 4. Teachers Role in the process Teachers have a great role in helping students with fluency through: Guided oral reading with feedback Shared reading Peer reading Repetition Readers theater The use of songs and lyrics These are just some examples teachers can use.
  • 5. Is reading fluency important? Yes, but its not the only one essential component in measuring overall reading abilities. Students need to have guided instruction to help them with their reading fluency. Finding fun and functional ways to reach our older students is key to helping them become fluent readers. Finding what works for them.
  • 6. What works, what doesnt Repeated reading of passages increases fluency. Reading something more than 4 times shows it to become less significant Corrective feedback improves fluency. Some feel that this helps more than independent reading. Young people are motivated by music. Some computer programs have shown to help students reading fluency in the classroom.
  • 7. Key Intervention Elements forTeachers! Make sure students posses the necessary skills needed. Havingthe key people needed to help students. Follow the same schedule for consistency. Remember student need you!
  • 8. The Big Idea Students need to have many opportunities to work on fluency for them to become fluent readers. It is a key compliant in teaching but not the only important one for overall reading skills. For years teachers have left it out but have shifted to making it the most important element. There has to be an over all balance of all the elements with fluency being one of them.
  • 9. Selena says Allarticles were found using Education Research Complete Subjects range from fluency and the ESL student to learning disabilities
  • 10. Trends in Past Research There were two main points that were common: Motivation and confidence to promote fluency Use of a variety of instruction
  • 11. Trends in Current ResearchThe common thread that will promoteexcellence in fluency is the educator takingan active role by providing engaginginstruction.
  • 12. Remona says f8nf/Video%20Mar%2007%2c%209%2025%
  • 13. Conclusion NRP 1999 vs 2000Positive findings were made in the researchstudies used in both the 1999 and 2000 reportspresented by the National Reading Panel. Bothstudies determined that reading practice was astrong determining factor in a students fluencyand comprehension levels. The 1999 reportidentified over three hundred studies thatanalyzed the effects of guided oral reading aseffective instructional practices for fluencyinstruction.
  • 14. Conclusion NRP 1999 vs 2000However, only 16 studies met the researchcriteria. Within the 2000 report, the panelexamined 51 studies that focused onreading fluency instruction. The studiesdetermined a strong correlation thatteaching reading fluency would improveoverall reading achievement. The analysisalso determined that fluency instructionstrengthens students decoding and wordrecognition.
  • 15. Conclusion NRP 1999 vs 2000Research used in the 1999 report focused onindependent silent reading. The studiesindicated that independent silent reading wasnot a tool for assessing reading fluency due tothe findings that silent reading does not providestudents with specific feedback. Also, studiesusing silent reading did not actually assessfluency. Comprehension and changes invocabulary were the main focus of theresearch.
  • 16. Conclusion NRP 1999 vs 2000The 2000 report states quality fluencyinstruction must include oral readings asopposed to silent readings. Providingspecific feedback was determined to bean essential feature for student fluencygrowth within the studies used in the 2000report. Finally, the 2000 report includes theuse of technology as a tool in supportingstudents fluency improvements