read to succeed: a second chance for struggling readers liliana borrero, m. ed. costa rica, july 29,...

Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

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Page 1: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Read to Succeed:A Second Chance for Struggling Readers

Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Page 2: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Overview• History & Background

• Description

• Theoretical Foundations

• Methodology

• Referral Process

• Criteria for Graduation

• Conclusions

Page 3: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

• Read to Succeed (R2S) has been effectively implemented in Cold Lake, Canada

• Article in Educational Leadership (March 2001)

• Developed by: Dr. Bruce Joyce,Emily Calhoun, & Marilyn Hrycauk

History & Background

Page 4: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Description• R2S is a second chance for struggling readers

• R2S is offered in addition to the regular Language Arts class

• Students move in and out of the program

• R2S is a program adopted from Canada and adapted to embrace more research based instructional strategies and to satisfy our needs

• R2S can be offered to multi-grade level students

Page 5: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Theoretical Foundations

Multidimensional Literacy Progaram

Based on recommendations

of scholars inthe field

Current brainresearch findings


Liliana Borrero

Page 6: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

7 Dimensions1. Extensive reading at the developed level (fiction & non-

fiction)2. Build sight word vocabulary for reading and writing (PWIM)3. Phonetical, contextual, and structural strategies for decoding4. Writing extensively to consolidate, elaborate and share ideas5. Reading comprehension process and strategies6. Study the craft of writing7. Continuous formative assessment

(Calhoun, Hrycauk 2005)

Page 8: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Best Teaching PracticesOptimal Learning Model:

• Background

• Model

• Guided Practice

• Independent Practice

• Closure & feedback

Gradual release of responsability

Page 9: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading


1. PWIM: phonics, spelling, sight words, word analysis,

writing process

(whole group activity)

2. Guided reading: fluency, reading comprehension strategies

(small groups)

3. Mini-lessons: Letterland, Explicit Instruction,

Concept attainment &

Concept formation

(whole & small groups)

Page 10: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

PWIM: Picture- Word Inductive Model

- Developed by Emily Calhoun (1999)

- PWIM is an inductive model of teaching

(picture-word, categories-concepts)

- Making generalizations, students learn the

conventions of the language

- PWIM can be used effectively in mono

or bilingual literacy instruction

- Starts from the speaking and listening vocabulary

Page 11: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

PWIM Moves Rationale

1. Select a picture Source of information and visual of

vocabulary to be studied

2. Shake out words Sight words are from the listening and

speaking vocabularies

3. See, say, spell Words are recognized by how they are

spelled, provides repetition

4. Prepare cards Material for the study of words

5. Students read the cardsDevelops independent skills

Page 12: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

6. Students categorize Students form concepts and classify words by studying attributes,


7. Ongoing assessment Celebrate successes, to guide instruction identify needs

8. Students dictate titles Develops synthesizing skills

9. Students classify Students work on titles content

10. Students dictate Students develop sentences research skills

Page 13: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

11. Students categorize Students inquire into how sentences are


12. Teachers model Provides models for how to write writing

a paragraph

13. Students read Extensive reading paragraphs

14. Students write Extensive paragraphs writing

15. Formative assessment Assessment guides instruction

Calhoun, Emily. (1999). Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing with the Picture Word Inductive Model. ASCD: Alexandria, VA.

Page 14: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Guided Practice

- Word 3 cueing system Recognition

- Fluency guided oral repeated

readings of the same text

- Reading before Comprehension during


Page 15: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Concept Attainment

• Teacher chooses a concept that needs to be brought to the attention of the students

• Teacher selects and organizes material into positive and negative exemplars

• Teacher sequences the exemplars

• Students figure out the attributes of the category by comparing and contrasting to attain a concept formed in the teacher’s mind

(Joyce, Weil & Calhoun, 2004)

Page 16: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

LogisticsWho: students performing below grade level

in reading and writing

When: before school, in addition to the regular Language Arts class, 50 minutes block, 4 times per week

Where: in a classroom with walls for displays and desks

Staff: qualified tutors (one tutor per 1-2 students)

Page 17: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Referral Process

TEACHERBased on:

- Professional judgment - Performance

- Assessments 1 or 2





TEACHER phones parents

depends on


Teachers fill in format with relevant information

1st contact


2nd contact

Page 18: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Realistic Expectations- Self-confidence

- Develop the joy of reading

- Average length of program: 24 weeks

- Self-awareness of learning style

- Become active learners

- Reach grade level performance in literacy

- Committed and passionate staff

Page 19: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Criteria for Graduation

• 7th dimension: continuous formative assessment

• Assessment scores

• Homeroom teacher´s feedback

Triangulation of data

Page 20: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

Conclusions• Read to Succeed has been as effective at

CNG as it has been in Canada

• Despite the fact that more girls are referred to the program, both boys and girls made significant progress in R2S

• Entry scores do not seem to predict gains

• For some students with LD, R2S seems not to be enough

Page 21: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

ConclusionsReading is the single most important skill students will learn in school

Page 22: Read to Succeed: A Second Chance for Struggling Readers Liliana Borrero, M. Ed. Costa Rica, July 29, 2008 22nd World Congress on Reading

List of ResourcesBorrero, L. (2008). Enseñando a Leer: Teoría Práctica e Intervención.

Bogotá: Editorial Norma.

Calhoun, E. (1999). Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing with the Picture Word Inductive Model. Alexandria: ASCD.

Joyce, B., Hrycauk, M., & Calhoun, Emily. (2001). A Second Chance for Struggling Readers. Educational Leadership, March, 42-46.

Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E. (2004). Models of Teaching. Boston: Pearson.

Liliana Borrero Botero, M. Ed.Learning Center SpecialistRead to Succeed CoordinatorColegio Nueva Granada (American School)Bogotá, Colombia, South [email protected]