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Upload: carlos-molero

Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 Read This Straight Away!


    Note: With a file like this, trust is important. If you downloaded, please endorse it, so that the Nexus users know that it works. Thank you.

    ___________________________________________________________________________________________PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION!


    Introducing YassirX's Background Booster!

    This utility should allow an increased FPS. It will most likely reduce stuttering and lag in-game too.


    This Command script allows your computer to manually adjust the CPU T-F

    CPU Timer Frequency :

    This means that you increase output. I'm posting it here to make more people aware of it, as it works wonders for a game like Skyrim. However, it works in everygame. It's designed to increase computer performance.

    ___________________________________________________________________________________________HOW TO USE


    1. Download the file. (Extract it with a program like winrar :

    2. Run the EXE file run it. This will bring up a command box.

    3. Ignore the CMD box for now.

    4. Start up Skyrim normally.

    5, Whilst playing, you should see heightened fps and less lag.

    6. When your finished playing Skyrim, exit normally.

    7. Push any button to close the box, after you've finished playing.


    ___________WHAT IT'S DOING


    This nifty little CMD is using the old 'Windows media player trick' which some of you may be familiar with:

  • 7/27/2019 Read This Straight Away!


    So basically, this EXE is giving the benefits of running windows media player inthe background, without windows media player (which is CPU heavy) slowing yourgame down some.

    The CMD is essentially allowing your CPU to respond to how much use you can getout of it. It's something Microsoft hid in their software to make them superiorto their rivals, i.e. Itunes.

    The CMD cannot allow your frequency to go over the maximum limit. It simply allows your cpu to max out. This is why many who attempt to use this with lower endCPUs will not notice the difference.

    ___________________________________________________________________________________________Advanced use


    The single drawback with this is that you have to launch it before starting Skyrim, which let's face it, we can easily forget to do. Chaoko had the great idea of making a batch file.

    Here's how you can do the same:

    - Make sure that your FPS Booster.exe is under C:!- Click Start- Click Run (Windows 7 users Push windows button and R from desktop)- Type: notepad and press enter.- Once notepad is open, type the below lines in the file or copy and paste thebelow lines into notepad.

    ***ATTENTION! Check what version you need! All of the below are set to the C drive by default. You have to look for the correct files yourself!***

    If you use Skyrim on it's own:


    @echo offstart C:\"FPS Booster.exe"cd "C:\Program Files (x86)[INSERT SKYRIM DIRECTORY HERE]" < ---- On this line, you enter your Skyrim application directory. Launcher works fine too.start SkyrimLauncher.exe

    If you use Skyrim on it's own through Steam:


    @echo offstart C:\"FPS Booster.exe"cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim"start SkyrimLauncher.exe

    If you use Skyrim with Script extender:


  • 7/27/2019 Read This Straight Away!


    start C:\"FPS Booster.exe"cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim" < ----- This is the steam version. If you run it differently, change it manually.start skse_loader.exe

    If you use a third party software, in this example game booster:-------------------------------------------------------------------

    @echo offcd "C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\Game Booster 3"start GameBooster.exe -gamestart C:\"FPS Booster.exe"cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim"

  • 7/27/2019 Read This Straight Away!


    description. I'll ignore it, and one day"If you make things particularly and unncessarily hard for Nexus staff we may just decide to remove any/all your files and be done with you."And everyone will lose out on this amazing tool.



    This exe is a tweaked version of one by YassirX. Whilst I made what I feel is aslight improvement, it is essentially his file by all means. Thank you for thisamazingly handy tool. I post it here to share the love :)

    Massive thanks to Nexus.

    Massive thanks to Third Age Total War Team, the best mod ever made.

    Thanks to Camoway for the icon and picture design.

    Thanks to Chaoko for the batch file idea, and for the guide which I built mine on.

    Redistribution of this file in it's current form requires that you include all of the above credits.

    Happy Hunting
