read my mind - ella vines

Read My Mind Ella Vines Published: 2011

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Page 1: Read My Mind - Ella Vines

Read My Mind Ella Vines

Published: 2011

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Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Copyright, Ella Vines. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

Summerhouse Publishing


[email protected]

Cover Artist Celia Kyle

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

Smashwords Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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This story is inspired by a song from some time ago. “If You Could Read My Mind” by Gordon

Lightfoot, penned in 1969.

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Read My Mind

Another boring Friday at the office ended with a book in one hand and chocolate

in the other. Julia Rock snapped the novel shut at a high point where the hysterical

heroine needed a hero. The tattered cover and coffee stained pages told their own tales

of how many times her grandmother and mother had read this novel—a classic. Back

when romance was mostly good, clean fun.

Yeah, right. If good, clean fun included abduction and women at the mercy of sadistic


The thought brought a smile to Julia's face as she stretched and settled into bed,

shaking her head at the romantic themes in the novel and her appearance in contrast—

tattered cotton pajamas, frizzed hair, and a body with bumps in all the wrong places.

“I wouldn’t exactly be the helpless heroine men would swoop into rescue.” She

petted her cat Rigsby, and he yawned, as if in boredom. The monotonous, lonely

weekend stretched out before her, as she fell into a restless sleep.

* * *

Sometime during the night, Julia woke with a chill. Even though it was winter,

she always kept the heat up at night. She opened her eyes and stifled a scream.

Where in the world...?

She stood in darkness, a milky moon hanging overhead, lighting part of the view

in front of her. A hulking terror of a house loomed just a few yards ahead.

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Oh my. Okay, I’m going to wake up any minute now.

“Wait…I know this house. It's Raven's Claw from the novel.” Julia scared herself

with her whispered words.

Clouds flitted across the sky, and a wolf howled somewhere in the distance. She

shivered, wishing she hadn’t worn her cotton pajamas. Julia gasped, grabbing at her


I’m not wearing cotton pajamas. Instead, a long, filmy pink nightdress fluttered in

the night breeze.

“Holy crap.” She looked around, wanting to run, but dense fog settled in—from

behind—to both her left and right sides. Seeing in front was easy, though.

“Maybe if I go knock on the door to the spooky castle, I can get some help.” Julia

giggled, her grip on sanity feeling tenuous as the sights around her became more real

by the minute.

I'm losing it.

She gripped her sanity tightly as goose bumps puckered her arms, and exposed

cleavage, on her way to the door.

At least I’m not bored anymore…

After a few dozen faltering steps that felt like a mile, she reached the door. A

brass knocker with a snarling animal on it beckoned her.

Julia sucked in a shaky breath and dropped the knocker on solid wood twice.

The sound thunked and died.

"Nobody's home. Good. I'm sure I'll wake up soon.”

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Footsteps echoed from behind the door, and it opened wide.

“Ah, Julia. I've been waiting so long. I was afraid you would never come.” The

man standing in front of her made her heart dip in her chest. A well-structured face,

tousled brown hair and violet-blue eyes stared back at her. He towered over her a good

foot or so; not a tough feat for a man standing beside a woman who was only five-feet-

two-inches tall. His ruffled white shirt and strange pants made her stomach drop.

He's oh so 19th century...

“Oh.” She wanted to roll her eyes at her brilliant response to such a gorgeous

man, dream or real.

He grinned, showing rows of blinding white teeth.

“You’ve come to me.” He stepped closer to her, his eyes wide.

It’s time to wake up, Julia. Now. This is getting creepy.

“Um, yes. I guess I have.”

“Please come in. It's cold out tonight.” He ushered her inside, and the warmth of

the castle settled around her.

At least I won't freeze to death.

He led her to a seat on a brocade couch. Lord Ringgold—from the novel—sat

beside her, too close for her own comfort.

“So…you’ve left him?” He curled his lip.

“I guess. I don’t really know.” Julia swallowed, looking at his perfectly groomed


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He’s the best looking man I’ve seen in years. Just my luck, he’s a figment of my


“I knew he was treating you ill. Oh, Julia, I've waited so long for you to return to

me. Why did you ever marry him?”

“I—I don't know.” She decided to play along. Maybe the dream would end faster

that way.

The only problem was she didn't want it to end, really. What could a little

imagination hurt?

“I know it was more circumspect than choosing me. The wild rumors about

me—ah, but you knew they weren't true.” His face fell as he reached out for her.

“What's your first name?” Julia asked, stalling for time.

“Raven, of course. Darling, are you quite all right?”

“Yes, I think so.” Sitting next to him, she did feel all right, quite warm and alive.

Raven reached for her, and she moved toward him, unsure why.

It's just a dream. Why not?

He enfolded her in his arms and lifted her chin. “I won’t let you leave. You’re

mine, now.”

A frisson of fear shot through her.

Chill. It’s not real.

Raven kissed her, tugging gently at her bottom lip as his arms went around her.

He flicked his tongue over hers insistently, and she moaned in response.

This is some dream. The best I've ever had...

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The heat of his body traveled through her thin nightgown, arousing her.

“Julia,” he whispered between kisses. Her whole body tingled in answer, though

she couldn't speak. He dropped hot kisses down her neck until she could hardly

breathe. “I'll carry you to your room. I know you need your rest.”

Julia wondered about what he said as he carried her up a winding staircase. She

felt his erection pressing into her side, and she trembled.

I'm wide awake now, thank you very much.

He kissed her again, taking her breath away as he laid her on a canopy bed.

“I'll see you in the morning. I'm so glad you've come to me.” Julia heard what

she thought was raw emotion in his voice, and she touched his face, pulling him back

down to her as she arched up toward him, desperately grasping at his warm body. She

couldn't remember wanting any man, as she did Raven Ringgold, in her bed at that


He responded to her touch, pressing himself against her as she moaned at the

feel of his rigid member against her stomach. His kisses tasted like fine wine, and the

stubble on his face made bolts of lightning sizzle through her.

She moved her hand to the front of his breeches, rubbing it over his hard rod.

He moved out of her embrace. “Julia, you tempt me, but get your rest and we'll

talk tomorrow.” Raven trailed his fingers down the bodice of her dress, making her


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He left the room, and she ground her teeth in frustration. The hours ticked by,

and the dark room and the soft bed soon lulled her to sleep despite her arousal—or

dream sleep. No matter, it would all be over tomorrow.

* * *

Sunlight flooded the room, and a voice whispered in her ear, “Julia, wake up.

Thank God it wasn't just a dream. You're still here.” Raven pulled her close to his hot,

bare chest, and Julia knew she never wanted to leave.

“Can I stay here with you forever then?” She felt like a child, but she meant what

she asked.

“Of course, darling. I don't care what anyone thinks. A pox on society if they

don't like it.” His handsome face grew dark. “And if that scoundrel of a husband comes

around here, I'll run him through with a sword.”

Julia embraced him again, kissing him, not wanting to let another minute pass by

without his touch.

He groaned deep in his throat, and his hard shaft pressed against her stomach as

she laid down, urging him on top of her. She guided his hands to her nightgown, and

he pushed it up.

“Take me now. I don't want you to wait.” She breathed the words into his ear,

and he traced a finger over her lips.

“I can't wait any longer. Last night was a struggle.” He slid his breeches down,

freeing his cock. It was the most beautiful one she had ever seen.

“Julia, oh Julia. Are you ready, love?”

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He plunged between her thighs, and she wrapped her legs around him, wanting

all of him inside of her.

“Julia, you feel like heaven.” He pushed her hair back, capturing her lips under


“Raven, sweet Raven...” Julia's eyes rolled back in her head at the pleasure of his

fingers rubbing against her nipple.

He kissed her, making her dizzy with arousal. His mouth moved to her breasts,

and he teased them both as she gasped for air.

“Are you at your climax yet?” He continued to tease her nub as he slid in and out

of her.

“I'm so close.”

“Let go for me, Julia. I want to see your face. I want to read your mind and see

your pleasure.”

She spiraled into orgasm, stars bursting behind her eyes at the force of it.

He thrust into her and went rigid, shouting her name as he came, his warmth

pulsing through her.

She lay beneath him, stroking his back, her eyes closed in happiness.

“I love you, Julia.” He stayed inside her, and she wanted him to remain there


“Raven, I love you, and I always will.”

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The morning sun illuminated his face, and she stared lovingly into the eyes of a

hero come to life.

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About the Author:

Ella Vines is the pen name and alter ego of a gothic romance novelist and English

adjunct professor and tutor who earned her M.A. in 18th Century British Literature at

the University of Alabama at Birmingham. When she comes out on full moon evenings

and late at night when the muse beckons, Ella enjoys writing, cheesecake, and Texas

winters. She also loves to hear from fans.