reaching students with autism through the arts: implications for inclusive arts classrooms

Reaching Students with Autism Through the Arts: Implications for Inclusive Arts Classrooms Ryan Hourigan Ph. D. Ball State University

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Reaching Students with Autism Through the Arts: Implications for Inclusive Arts Classrooms. Ryan Hourigan Ph. D. Ball State University. 7 Jumps!!!. Everyone stand up!!. My Background. Ball State University 11 years in K-12 Music The Prism Project Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Understanding Children with Autism and the Arts

Reaching Students with Autism Through the Arts: Implications for Inclusive Arts ClassroomsRyan Hourigan Ph. D.Ball State University7 Jumps!!!Everyone stand up!!

My BackgroundBall State University11 years in K-12 MusicThe Prism ProjectResearchLearning conditions and children with autismPersonal backgroundOverview for TodayWhat is Autism?Communication and Children with AutismCognition Challenges for Children with AutismBreakEmotional Challenges and Children with AutismSensory Challenges and Children with AutismSocialization Strategies for Students with AutismConclusion and QuestionsWhat is Autism?autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a persons ability to communicate and interact with others

More often in boys than girls

Autism Society of America, 2012 Characteristics of AutismCommunication challengesRestrictive or repetitive behaviorsStruggle with socializationLimited joint attentionInability to read or understand body gestures or facial expressionsSensory sensitivity SpectrumAutism is a spectrum disorderEach individual is different

I have never worked with a two children on the spectrum that are the same

Use of the word spectrum Spectrum used often to describe someone with autism as well as that autism is a spectrum disorder as well as to describe at what level they are on the spectrum7Pervasive Developmental DisordersAutismPervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)Aspergers SyndromeRett SyndromeChildhood Disintegrative Disorder American Psychological AssociationRett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder of the grey matter of the brain[1] that affects girls almost exclusively. The clinical features include small hands and feet and a deceleration of the rate of head growth (including microcephaly in some). Repetitive hand movements, such as wringing and/or repeatedly putting hands into the mouth, are also noted. Girls with Rett syndrome are prone to gastrointestinal disorders and up to 80% have seizures.[2] They typically have no verbal skills, and about 50% of females are not ambulatory. Scoliosis, growth failure, and constipation are very common and can be problematic.

Childhood disintegrative disorder, also known as Heller's syndrome, is a condition in which children develop normally until ages 2 to 4, but then demonstrate a severe loss of social, communication and other skills. Childhood disintegrative disorder is very much like autism. Both are among the group of disorders known as pervasive developmental disorders, or autism spectrum disorders. And both involve normal development followed by significant loss of language, social, play and motor skills. However, childhood disintegrative disorder typically occurs later than autism and involves a more dramatic loss of skills. In addition, childhood disintegrative disorder is far less common than autism.

8Twice ExceptionalMany children with autism are twice exceptional

Diagnosed as Intellectually gifted as well as on the Autism Spectrum I have personally seen more often children with aspergers syndrome. Do you know the controversy? 9Person-first LanguagePeople do not want to be know by their diagnosis

Dignity and personhoodPL 94-142 or IDEASix Basic PrinciplesFAPE (Free and Appropriate Education)Nondiscriminatory evaluationsLRE (Least Restrictive Environment)IEPParents have rightsDue Process

Amended several times since (86,90,97,&04)11 Inclusion Philosophy Mainstreaming (older term)The inclusion of students with special needs into general education for a portion of the school day(Lewis & Doorlag, 2006, p. 424)InclusionMeaningful participation of students with special needs in general education classrooms (Lewis & Doorlag, 2006, p. 424)

Inclusion TheoryCulturally Responsive Classrooms

Support of children and accepting of difference

Difference is part of the learning environment(Banks et. Al, 2005)

Communication and Children with AutismAutism is characterized by severe disturbances in communication skills.

Ryan14CommunicationAreas of concern for students with autism

Receptive Language

Expressive Language

Cognitive Functioning


Eye Contact Joint AttentionEye Contact/Joint AttentionChallenges for children with autism

Joint Attention

Eye Gaze

EcholaliaSpeculations as to the causeReceptive LanguageReceptive language refers to the ability of a student to receive and process/decode information.

Receptive LanguageMany students with autism are challenges in the area of receptive language skills.

Think about how complicated our language can get in the arts. Whether its vocabulary, speed of delivery, implied or assumed vernacular

This is in line with what you learned last year UDL Principle I17Cognition (as it relates to communication and autism)Receive through sensory receptors (i.e. ears, eyes, etc.)Understand and Process InformationCommit to Long Term Memory Express Understanding

More under cognitive challenges:

18Expressive LanguageExpressive LanguageExpressive language is defined as the ability to use symbols of language to express thoughts (Lewis & Doorlag, 2006) In my experience, this is the biggest challenge for children on the spectrum. Leads to frustration, behavior issues, withdrawal, etc.

In line with UDL Principle II; Multiple means of Action and Expression

19Expressive LanguagePECS (Boardmaker)

Adaptations and Accommodations for Arts EducatorsProvide simple clear instructions. May need to provide individual instructions for a specific student.

Allow for longer processing time Partner written instructions with modeling (either by a peer or teacher).

Establish a communication journal between you, the other classroom teachers, the special education team, and the parents (if possible). Remember that students with autism cannot always go and tell these folks what has happened in a class21Adaptations and Accommodations for Arts EducatorsUtilize digital video and audio recordings for students to bring home and practice tasks and executive skillsWrite instructions to go with the video

Write down instructions as well as express verbally (for high-functioning students)

Allow for materials/equipment access outside of class (e.g. lunch./recess/after school) to practice

Peer support (included students)

Ish From the Prism ProjectSet up: Notice that we required less language and more action. Notice how the narration helped the students through the process23Reflective Question (with a partner)Discuss the following question with a partner near you:

How could you incorporate one of the communication ideas or strategies mentioned in this segment in your work with students on the autism spectrum?

Cognitive Challenges and Children with AutismCognitionThe ability of a student to receive, process, and commit information to memory

(Davis, Gfeller, and Thaut, 1999) Cognitive DomainOther Cognitive Challenges for People with AutismWeak Central Coherence/Central Coherence Theory

Children with autism have a tendency to focus on the local rather than the global aspects of an object of interest.

Joshua example (church organs)Other Cognitive ChallengesTheory of Mind

Some people with autism have trouble predicting another persons actions or intent by assuming their beliefs or state of mind.

Tone of voice

Often cannot get past their own state of mind

Often cannot understand looks, glances, figures of speech, tone of voice, etc. Might need to be decodedOther Cognitive ChallengesExecutive Function

Multi-step directions

Processing Delays

Remembering them from day to day

Motor planning and fine motor issues

UDL Principle II- Students with autism navigate the learning environment differently

Principle 2: Multiple Means of Action and Expression

30Adaptations and Accommodations for Arts EducatorsSelf-assess your delivery of materialVideotape your lessonsAre there ways to make the cognitive process easier for the the student (e.g. pace, modeling, directions, tasks)?

Are there interruptions in the cognitive process (e.g. receive, process, commit to memory)?If so, how might I change my lesson plan?

Principle I: Provide Multiple Means of Representation (the what of learning)I. Provide Multiple Means of RepresentationPerceptionLanguage, expressions, and symbolsComprehensionLearners differ in the ways that they perceive and comprehend information that is presented to them. For example, those with sensory disabilities (e.g., blindness or deafness); learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia); language or cultural differences, and so forth may all require different ways of approaching content. Others may simply grasp information quicker or more efficiently through visual or auditory means rather than printed text. Also learning, and transfer of learning, occurs when multiple representations are used, because it allows students to make connections within, as well as between, concepts. In short, there is not one means of representation that will be optimal for all learners; providing options for representation is essential.Principle II: Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression (the how of learning)II. Provide Multiple Means of Action and ExpressionPhysical actionExpression and communicationExecutive functionLearners differ in the ways that they can navigate a learning environment and express what they know. For example, individuals with significant movement impairments (e.g., cerebral palsy), those who struggle with strategic and organizational abilities (executive function disorders), those who have language barriers, and so forth approach learning tasks very differently. Some may be able to express themselves well in written text but not speech, and vice versa. It should also be recognized that action and expression require a great deal of strategy, practice, and organization, and this is another are in which learners can differ. In reality, there is not one means of action and expression that will be optimal for all learners; providing options for action and expression is essential.Principle III: Provide Multiple Means of Engagement (the why of learning)III. Provide Multiple Means of EngagementRecruiting interestSustaining effort and persistenceSelf-regulationAffect represents a crucial element to learning, and learners differ markedly in the ways in which they can be engaged or motivated to learn. There are a variety of sources that can influence individual variation in affect including neurology, culture, personal relevance, subjectivity, and background knowledge, along with a variety of other factors presented in these guidelines. Some learners are highly engaged by spontaneity and novelty while other are disengaged, even frightened, by those aspects, preferring strict routine. Some learners might like to work alone, while others prefer to work with their peers. In reality, there is not one means of engagement that will be optimal for all learners in all contexts; providing multiple options for engagement is essential.The pedagogical, neuroscientific, and practical underpinnings of UDL are also discussed at greater length in books such as Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age by Rose & Meyer (ASCD, 2002), The Universally Designed Classroom (Rose, Meyer, & Hitchcock, Eds.; Harvard Education Press, 2005), and A Practical Reader in Universal Design for Learning (Rose & Meyer, Eds.; Harvard Education Press, 2006).31Teaching Strategies for Arts EducatorsAllow for pull out time with a peer or team teacher to reinforce understanding

With a task analysis (see previous)

The Affective Domain part of what we do as artists may not be easily accessible:

Emotions, language, intent, non-verbal expression may need a literal explanation

Joshua sad crying or happy crying example

Other Teaching Strategies for Arts EducatorsTask Analysis

Take an activity that you teach and break it down into its smallest steps

Task Analysis Video ExampleNotice how there were only two simple directions. He forgets before he gets to the door. 34Reflective DiscussionSay hello to a new partner this time

Based on the information that was given, reflect on one aspect of your teaching that could be accommodated for children with autism who have cognitive challenges. Discuss this change with your partner.

Break Time!!!10 MinutesEmotional Challenges for Children with AutismEmotional ChallengesTypical cause of behavior outburstsFrustrationAnxietyFearImpulse control

Children with autism often have self-regulation challenges as wellMeltdowns/OutburstsTypical causes:

Communication disruptions

Disruption in routine

Regulating the emotions attached to above (UDL Principle III)Strategies for Arts Educators(Questions to ask yourself)If trying to curb a behavior that is disruptive, think of the following questions:Is there an antecedent to the behavior? Speak with classroom teachers/parents

Is the behavior due to impulse control or attention issues?Could sequence of lesson be changed?

Is the behavior interrupting the learning of other students in your classroom? If so, action must be taken. Seek assistance

Teaching Strategies for Arts EducatorsEstablish a clear routine for learning.

Be aware of anxiety with concerts, festivals, trips, and special events. This may lead to new behaviors.See task analysis. Rehearse the trip, festival, etc.

Understand the impulsivity of materials such as paint, drums, and other equipment. Plan in advance.

Try to praise appropriate behavior as well as ignore inappropriate behavior.

Attempt to use positive reinforcement (i.e. earning privileges) rather than negative (see next two slides).

Be aware of students who are introverted. Consult counseling staff when you have questions. These students may need assistance with socialization.Personal Behavior ChecklistFound my folder/bookSat in my seatFollowed DirectionsKept my hands to myselfInside VoiceXParticipated in musicLined up at the end of class5 Days of no xs = ???

4 Days of no xs = ???

Etc.Positive Individualized Behavior PlanLevel 4 Level 3Level 2Level 1Can have choice time with drums, computer, or music books

Can have choice time with drums or music books

Can have choice time with music books

No choice timeMove up:Move down:Scenario #1You are teaching a lesson on ballroom dance. In the first lesson, you try to match students with their partners. While you are doing this, Toby puts his hands over his hears a yells No way, I am not touching her!!. You try to calm him down and reason with him. In order to avoid the activity, Toby attempts to run out of the room.

With your group, discuss the steps you would take to curb this behavior in the future with Toby.The Result for the Prism Project-TobyToby is the leader in this example45Sensory Challenges for People with AutismAreas of Sensory ConcernsTactile Sensitivity (touch)

Visual Sensitivity

Aural SensitivityOTHER SENSORY ISSUES You may not have thought of Vestibular Sensory IssuesBalance and movement

Proprioceptive Body position

Sensory Integration Disorder

Often occurs in many persons with Autism

Seeking sensory inputHyper/hypo

Contributes to the issues previously (e.g. behavior)

Sensory Considerations for Arts EducatorsBe understanding when it comes to devices such as fidgets, weighted vests, and other sensory needs. These may be needed to regulate sensory needs.Adaptations and Accommodations for Arts EducatorsBe mindful of dynamics (extreme loud and soft dynamics). Student may need a warning before rehearsing.

Be aware of proximity to unpredictable sounds, instruments, lights (e.g. drums, sound systems, stage lights).

Again, be mindful of materials that have different textures (paint, drum heads, costumes, etc.). Students with autism can be hypo/hyper sensitive

Try to understand your learning environment from the students prospective (e.g. someone who has visual challenges) and make adjustments. Lesson preparation considerations (learning environment)Highlight, enlarge, extract parts (visual)

Headphones/Microphones for amplification (or DE amplification)

Be mindful of movement activities. Can they be simplified for students with autism?

Sunglasses/Lamps/Christmas Lights

Other technology

Adaptations and Accommodations (for all )(for students who are visually sensitive) set up room exactly the same way every day.

Understand that new environments (e.g. concert halls, museums, large studios) are different than classroom environments. Adjustments may need to be made.

Provide materials well in advance for those who have hearing or visual needs

Socialization of Children with AutismSocialization Challenges for People with AutismTheory of Mind (revisited)

Joint Attention (revisited)Age appropriate social interests

Affective Development

Because of theory of mind issues---connections/ same with joint attention55Strategies for Arts EducatorsMake eye contactMay seem insignificant, but its not

Encourage appropriate responses to simple social events (e.g. greetings)

Extend joint attention

Create an inviting social atmosphere that encourages acceptance

Other considerationsReverse Inclusion opportunities

Be aware of how you buddy up kids for activities

Again, extend joint attention and provide literal explanation of social cues

The Prism Project Rock Band ExperinceReflective Question #3With your partner on the right.

How could you create a more positive, inclusive social atmosphere in your classroom?ConclusionTeam Approach


Questions??Encore.?Ryan Hourigan Ph. D.Ball State [email protected] JumpsPhyllis WeikartiTunes 9.0.2, QuickTime 7.6.4