rdf by structured reference to semantics, the rs2 framework

An Approach to Emerge Semantic Web Khan Muhammad Nafee Mostafa | 0507007 Samiul Hoque Sourav | 0507035 Qudrat-E-Alahy Ratul | 0507037 Khulna University of Engineering & Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering Supervised by | Rushdi Shams | Lecture r CSE, KUET

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Current standard web documents are designed to be presented to humans. Machines have no idea about the information located in a web document. Semantic web is organized in a structured way so that it is meaningful to both machines and humans. In this presentation, we suggest a framework that will process the web documents and produce machine readable format in RDF (Resource Description Framework) collaborated with the OWL (Web Ontology Language). Our suggested framework, which we call RS2 (RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics), takes an HTML document as input, extracts the plain text from it. Natural language context of plaintext is then parsed to yield subject-object-predicate of each sentence. This data is used to lookup in the ontology and generate RDF graph which is the machine intelligible semantic equivalent to the original human recognized text.


Page 1: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework

An Approach to Emerge Semantic Web

Khan Muhammad Nafee Mostafa | 0507007Samiul Hoque Sourav | 0507035Qudrat-E-Alahy Ratul | 0507037

Khulna University of Engineering & TechnologyDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering

Supervised by |Rushdi Shams |

LecturerCSE, KUET

Page 2: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework


• Web » a horde of valuable but unorganized and scattered documents

• Web of document is not intelligible to machines but web of linked data is

• Semantic Web » web of data• RDF graph » semantics underlying the

document• bottleneck of emerging semantic web »

conversion of html to RDF

Page 3: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework


• Generate RDF from HTML document • Suggesting a framework titled ‘RDF by

Structured Reference to Semantics’ or RS2 framework to do so

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Overview: Web Versions



• Static Web



• Social Web• User-generated Content• people consume, produce & share info



• Semantic web• Collection of machine understanding data

and documents.



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Why Semantic Web

QUERY: Bangladeshi player played in IPLList of

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Why Semantic Web

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Semantic Web Stack









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Why RDF?• A simple RDF graph tells about who is the instance

of which class.

• What is the relation between two instance.• Ex:- Mashrafe play for Kolkata Knight rider.

Mashrafe’s nationality is Bangladeshi.


Player Cricket Team

Kolkata Nightrider

Instance of Instance of

play for



Instance of

Page 9: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework

Architecture of RS2 framework

Extract plaintext plaintext

Parse Natural Language TEXT Parse tree

Yield SPO



Lookup for Semantic

equivalentSemantic Web

entities for SPO

Generate RDF

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RS2 framework in action

RS2 framework

lexicon mapper ontology

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HTML to plaintext

Html tags don’t have sensible info

Strip them

Get the text that we actually read

Page 12: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework

Parse sentence

Separate sentences

Separate words

POS tagging

parse with a grammar

parse tree

Mashrafe plays for KKR

<noun/> <verb/> <preposition/> <name/>


Noun Phrase


Verb Phrase

Verb Phrase







Page 13: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework

Yield Subject-Predicate-Object

• first Noun Phrase traversed in the parse treeSubject

• Part of Verb Phrase that describes predicates, generally the part before the NP in VP


• Noun Phrase in the parse tree of first Verb PhraseObject

Page 14: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework

Lookup semantic web entities

KKR is located in Kolkata.

Kolkata Knight Rider is situated at west Bengal.

I think KKR and Kolkata Knight

Raider are different

Same anomaly occurred for predicate and object

Page 15: RDF by Structured Reference to Semantics, the RS2 framework

Lookup semantic web entities• Natural language subject, predicate and object is

not recognizable by the machine.• Convert it to a machine accessible way.

KKR is located in Kolkata.

Kolkata Knight Rider is situated at west Bengal.

Kolkata Knight Rider location Kolkata.

Natural Language

RDF Triple




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Generate RDFGenerate URI

Check Property Type in OWL

Lookup domain and range of the property in OWL

Create Instances if not created before in RDF Graph

Create the Triple with Subject, Predicate, Object in RDF Graph

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Web 3.0: Advantages

Playing song on the basis of users feedback.Tag based Application.

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Web 3.0: Advantages(2)

Automatic Air ticket reservationAutomatic data integrationDigital LibrarySemantic Web ServicesSearching

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Demo ApplicationOWL: English Premier LeagueTopic: Chelsea Football Club

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Demo Application

Conversion from HTML to RDF

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Demo Application

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Future Work and Benefits

• An application/framework to enhance Web Ontology from knowledge conceived from html document

• applications with Semantic Web featuresBenefit:• Emergence of Semantic Web• Automatic conversion of piles of html into RDF


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• A framework and a prototype application to convert html document into RDF• Eliminate the bottleneck in the

emergence of Semantic Web by RS2

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Thank you

RS2 fx O W L