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He was just another face in the crowd , but somehow he attracted my attention. menigte

The train was rather crowded so I couldn’t get a seat. druk

I'm busy - can I call you back at some other time? druk

There's a lot of demand for IT specialists these days. vraag

Managing the children demanded all my attention. vragen; vereisen

Her boss demanded an explanation for her lateness. eisen

You shouldn’t give in to his demands. eis

We require at least five more volunteers for the show. nodig hebben

This job requires a lot of concentration. vereisen

A basic knowledge of French is a requirement for this job. vereiste

At my former school we had to wear uniforms. vorige

He is known as the artist formerly known as Prince. voorheen

As a sixth-former you get certain privileges. -klasser

He was in bad form last Saturday - normally he plays a lot better. vorm

Could you get me that heart-shaped cake mould from the kitchen drawers? vorm

If you didn't look to closely the leaf indeed had the shape of a skull. vorm

He looks familiar to me - have I seen him before? bekend

I'm not very familiar with this machine - I just know how to switch it on. bekend; vertrouwd

I hate it when my boss acts all familiar with us and calls me 'sweetheart' and 'sugar'. familiair

Most of my relatives live in the UK, but I have an aunt who lives in Belgium. familieleden

The recent outbreak of violence is the direct result of the PM’s speech. geweld

His violent behaviour shocked us all. gewelddadig

In summer there are often violent thunderstorms in this area. zware

This is a very valuable ring, so take good care of it. waardevol

The true value of the stamps was much higher than we had expected. waarde

The books only had sentimental value because my grandma had given them to me; they weren’t worth very much.


I have always valued our friendship. waarde hechten aan

All meals are provided throughout the course. verzorgen

Could you provide us with more information about the contest? voorzien van

He came up with a steady supply of reasons why I shouldn't go. aanvoer

The soldiers carried the supplies to the mess hall. voorraden

My parents supplied me with all the advice I needed for life. voorzien van

His dad is an established architect who has designed several noteworthy buildings in the city.

gerenommeerd; gevestigd

The police are still trying to establish what happened. vaststellen

The orphanage was established in 1912, and became a school in 1959. oprichten

There is plenty of space here, so why not have the party in my house? heel veel

He drank copious amounts of water because the pizza had been rather too salty. overvloedig


We’ll have ample opportunity to talk on the train. meer dan genoeg; ruim voldoende

One bottle of water should be sufficient for this trip. voldoende

Our recent survey shows that most people support the building of a new sports field. recente

I haven’t seen him recently, but I think Charlie has. recentelijk

This is the latest issue; the magazine is released only once a month. nieuwste; meest recente

I haven’t been there lately, as I was too busy. recentelijk; de afgelopen tijd

I don't want to eat it all at once - it's much nicer to keep a bit for later. tegelijk

We have to go home at once after school has finished - our parents are expecting us. meteen

I only saw him once, so I don't really know him. één keer

Stand by for mayhem, in queues at the shops as well as on game consoles. wachtrij

Please queue behind the red line. een rij vormen

Please line up in a single file against the wall. rij

It’ll be a while before we reach our destination. We’re caught in a traffic jam. verkeersopstopping

There was a long queue before the counter where the tickets were sold. kassa, toonbank

Please wait in line behind the red line until you are called forward. in de rij staan

It looked like a beautiful place, with sun-drenched beaches, open-top cars, but also an excessive number of armed robberies and police chases.

uitermate groot

The rooms were filled with an excess of flowers, which perfumed the air so strongly that it was difficult to breathe.


Try not to exceed the speed limit. There’s a heavy fine on speeding in this country. overtreden, overgaan

He spent a disproportionate amount of time on those simple assignments. I don’t think he’ll be able to keep up with the rest of us if everything takes him this long.

onevenredig, niet naar verhouding

Please shut up! Your superfluous comments are no help whatsoever. overbodig

It is likely that GTA V will become, like its predecessor, the fastest-grossing entertainment product in history.

voorganger, voorloper

Do you know who preceded George Bush as president of the United States? voorgaan

He worked tirelessly to repair the damage his precursor had caused. voorganger

Her forerunner had left the company in complete disarray, so she had her work cut out for her.


The prior CEO of the company worked a lot harder than the current one! vorige

In 2008 GTA IV generated $500 million in sales in its first week. opbrengen, opleveren

Don’t react to her. She’s merely trying to generate an argument. creëren

We’re optimistic about the future. Surely this new product will render good profits. opleveren

He helped to engender as much publicity as possible for the event. creëren

Do you have an overview of the expected revenues for the upcoming three months? inkomsten

The GTA games are its (often notorious ) flagship. berucht

He earned his notoriety in the early years of the century, when his gang of thugs terrorised the city.

beruchtheid, slechte naam

Our history teacher is infamous for the bad grades she hands out. berucht


He’s from some obscure little hamlet in the west of Wales that no one has ever heard of.


Jane’s disreputable behaviour caused her parents a great deal of embarrassment. schandelijk, onfatsoenlijk

Bad guys had the run of the streets, stealing cars and sending pedestrians scattering. voetganger

Please keep to the pedestrian crossing when you cross the street. It’s much safer than crossing at other places.


The book is written in a pedestrian style that makes reading it extremely boring. doodgewoon

The pavement was too narrow for two people to walk abreast. trottoir, Brits Engels

They’re creating a sidewalk along that busy street. It’ll greatly improve pedestrians’ safety.

trottoir, Amerikaans Engels

The series hit its stride only in 2001 with the third outing on the then groundbreaking PlayStation 2.


He jumped up and strode from the room in a temper. met grote passen lopen

We were sauntering along, talking about a number of everyday things. slenteren

You can either climb the hill and go back that way, or amble back along the river the way you came.

kuieren, wandelen

We’re going hiking in the woods today. Do you want to come? wandelen

By the time of GTA III, accusations were made that the series encouraged copycat crimes.


He hit her in the face and accused her of cheating. beschuldigen van

I didn’t know what the charge against my brother was until the day of the hearing. aanklacht, beschuldiging

There have been several complaints about the way you have behaved yourself these past few weeks.


We cannot condemn him without sufficient evidence. veroordelen

Liberty City was a near photo-realistic depiction of modern urban America – tasteless, glamorous and sometimes very dangerous.


Add some salt to your soup. It’s quite tasteless in itself. smakeloos, weinig smaak hebbend

The room was decorated in tasteful shades of green and blue. smaakvol

The juice had a delicious tangy flavour that was very refreshing. smaak

The tacky decorations reminded me of a party I had been to several years ago. smakeloos, Amerikaans Engels

The room was painted in tawdry shades of pink and crimson that made my head hurt.

smakeloos, opzichtig

The details of the new game remain secret. blijven

The church burnt down years ago. All that remains is a ruin. overblijven, er nog zijn

He cleared away the remainder of the meal without a word. overblijfselen

You need to choose some things to throw away. You can’t retain them all. behouden

He nearly fell, but regained his balance just in time. hervinden

Dogs are even capable of detecting early signs of an asthma attack. in staat



You should definitely hire him. He’s one of the most capable people I’ve ever met! bekwaam, competent

Your words are capable of misunderstanding. Please explain more clearly what you mean.

vatbaar voor

I don’t think I’ll be able to jump that high, but I’m certainly going to give it a shot! in staat

He was unable to keep up with the others, so he fell behind. niet in staat

Ireland had broken her spine and would never walk again. ruggengraat

It takes a lot of spine to stand up to an entire group of people like that! ruggengraat

The book had clearly been read multiple times. The spine was cracked in a number of places.

rug, achterkant

She’s one of the most spineless people I’ve ever met. She has no opinion of her own and just copies what others are saying.

karakterloos, zonder ruggengraat

He is the backbone of the company. Without his efforts, it would’ve gone bankrupt years ago.

ruggengraat, steunpilaar

Come on, show some backbone! We’ve only just started and you’re already complaining.

ruggengraat, wilskracht

The way around has been sniffed out by a devoted German shepherd dog called Woolfie.


His devotion to his wife is well-known. He’d never cheat on her. toewijding

Try to devote your time to worthwhile pursuits. Don’t just hang around doing nothing!

wijden aan

She is dedicated to the cause. She would give her last money to support it. toegewijd

Amy is the most loyal friend I’ve ever had. She would never abandon me, I’m sure of it.

loyaal, trouw

He’s a faithful reader of Birdwatch magazine. He’s been reading it for over fifteen years.


It is no exaggeration to say the dog has given Ireland back her life. overdrijving

Please don’t exaggerate so much all the time. People will stop believing you. overdrijven

Saying that he was responsible for all of it is a bit of an overstatement, don’t you think?


Calling him a bit grumpy is quite an understatement. He’s always swearing and shouting at people.

te zwakke uitdrukking

The story got blown out of proportion by the press, and now everybody believes it’s much worse than it actually is.

opblazen, enorm overdrijven

Her charity, Canine Companions for Independence, began in Santa Rosa, California. goed doel

She does a lot of charitable work. I think she spends at least 10 hours each volunteering.


I’m planning to spend a couple of weeks working as a volunteer in the animal shelter this summer.


You can donate items of clothing and household goods to that charity, and they will make sure it all reaches people who really need it.


She felt a lot of compassion for the poor children who were begging on the streets. medeleven

He gave away half of all his money to charity. His generosity impressed everybody. vrijgevigheid


Volunteers look after them; familiarising them with trains, buses, shops, restaurants and other public places.

doen wennen aan

Are you familiar with this old movie? If not, you should watch it; it’s absolutely wonderful!


Don’t be too familiar with the manager. It’s considered rude in this company. vrijpostig, informeel

We tried to acquaint our dog with all sorts of people and environments, so that he wouldn’t be scared of them anymore.

kennis laten maken met

Labrador retriever crosses combine the loyalty and reliability of a Labrador with the more careful nature of a retriever.


He relies heavily on his sister’s advice. He should learn to stand on his own two feet! vertrouwen op, steunen op

She is one of the most reliable people I’ve ever met. You can trust her absolutely. betrouwbaar

Don’t lend him any money. He’s completely unreliable, he’ll never pay you back. onbetrouwbaar

I’ve found a company that appears to be trustworthy, but I’ll do some background research before I invest my money.


Dogs enjoy being assistance dogs. het leuk vinden, plezier beleven aan

May I see your tickets? Your chairs are over there. Enjoy! veel plezier

We spent a very enjoyable afternoon out on the lake in a rowing boat. plezierig

The girl’s enjoyment was clear on her face. She was positively glowing. plezier, vreugde

He delights in all the attention he receives from the girls in his year. het heerlijk vinden, veel plezier beleven aan

Some dogs are even capable of detecting early signs of an epileptic fit or hypoglycaemic attack.


The doorway is impossible to detect if you don’t know exactly where it is. ontdekken, bespeuren

I don’t think he’ll notice anything, but take extra care just to make sure. opmerken

She’s one of the most noticeable people in the crowd, because of her pink dress and extravagant hat.

opvallend, makkelijk op te merken

Columbus discovered America in 1492. ontdekken

He uncovered a conspiracy and saved the country from a disastrous war. onthullen

At first I thought it was just coincidence, but it’s happened too many times. toeval

The phone call coincided with the chiming of the bells, so we didn’t hear the phone ring.

samenvallen met

This all happened purely by accident, I had nothing to do with it! per ongeluk

Thankfully, he recovered quickly from the accident. ongeluk

I just can’t believe it all happened by chance. Someone must have planned it! toevallig

Biologist Paul Ehrlich is famous for his 1968 book The Population Bomb. bekend

The town of Gouda is famous for its cheese.

He always dreamed of being a famous footballer. beroemd .

He’s a prominent member of society. vooraanstaand, belangrijk

In intellectual circles, he’s very well-known. bekend


That man is an infamous killer. berucht

Ehrlich said that equal opportunities for women might be key to maintaining Earth’s population at a reasonable level.


Women claimed they were given unequal treatment. ongelijke

Five plus three equals eight. is (gelijk aan)

Ehrlich said that equal opportunities for women might be key to maintaining Earth’s population at a reasonable level.

acceptabel, redelijk

I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for her absence. goede reden

I’ll come back when you’re in a more reasonable mood! in je normale doen bent

He did reasonably well on his final tests. behoorlijk

Aren’t you making unreasonable demands on her time? onredelijke

To get our population gradually shrinking we should give full rights to all women. geleidelijk, trapsgewijs

Gradually add the flower to the milk while stirring. beetje bij beetje

Women with the same opportunities as men tend to have fewer children. neigen

We tend to take technology for granted nowadays. zijn geneigd

You have a tendency to avoid arguments. neiging

Whenever he can find the time, he likes to tend to his garden. verzorgen

My name is Jim, I’m your bartender tonight. barkeeper, kastelein

Those women were having fewer children than the number required to replace themselves in the next generation.


Email has largely replaced the traditional business letter. in de plaats gekomen van

He wasted little time in finding a replacement for me. vervanging

These computers are out-of-date and needs replacement. zijn toe aan vervanging

With present technologies you might be able to support 1.5 billion people permanently.


The present owners purchased the building in 1974. huidige

This book covers the history of Wales from the 15th century to the present day. tot heden

There’s no time like the present. heden, vandaag de dag

Unfortunately, I couldn’t be present at the memorial service. aanwezig

With present technologies you might be able to support 1.5 billion people permanently.

steunen, onderhouden

My friends have supported me the entire time. gesteund

I support Manchester United. Who do your support? supporteren

You might be able to support 1.5 billion people permanently on the planet. stellig, beslist

She complained of feeling permanently exhausted. voortdurend

The decision was made to close down the factory permanently. permanent, voorgoed



She suffered permanent brain damage as a result of the car crash. onherstelbaar

He’s offered me to stay in his guest room until I have found something permanent. vaste verblijfplaats

The police try to determine how the burglars entered the house. ontdekken; achterhalen

He was determined to beat his opponent. vastbesloten

Do you think aggressive behaviour is genetically determined? bepalen

She is not a very bright student, but she’ll pass because of her determination. vastberadenheid

I’ve reached only five of the eight targets I’ve set myself. doel

He’s a real bully, and he keeps targeting one particular girl. mikken op

You need to set yourself attainable goals, otherwise you’re bound to fail. bereikbaar

If winning this contest is your objective, you don’t stand a chance. doel

I only do the layout of the website; I don’t create or rewrite any content. inhoud

She browsed the table of contents to see if the book discussed Slovenia’s ten-day war.


He browsed the kitchen looking for something sweet but in the end contented himself with an apple.

tevreden stellen

The contents of the box had been changed into a pulpy mess by the rain. inhoud

I aim to finish my work in an hour’s time and then I will watch TV. van plan zijn

His aim was to become famous through clips on YouTube. doel

He aimed the gun at the bottle, shot, and missed. richten op

When she was lost in the wilderness she aimed for the river first. in de richting gaan van

Please ensure that you've locked the door properly - it was left open three times in the past week.

ervan verzekeren

He tried to assure her that he'd be there in time, but she still felt nervous. verzekeren

You can't insure yourself for everything - some bad things will still happen. verzekeren

It wasn't very reassuring to hear the panic in the pilot's voice. geruststellend

He gave an accurate description of the man who had robbed him. juiste; exacte

If you haven’t filled out the form accurately it will be sent back to you. accuraat; correct

Answer ‘a’ is correct: the writer says in the first paragraph that he was born in Paris. juist

You are under oath (onder ede) so remember to answer all questions truthfully. eerlijk; juist

The precise location of the missiles is kept a secret. exacte; precieze

The jury report stressed his brilliant dialogues and intriguing plot twists. benadrukken

Don’t put too much emphasis on teaching her how to read; she’s only four! nadruk

The dentist emphasised the importance of brushing your teeth at least twice a day. benadrukken

His emphasis on the word ‘if’ made clear that he didn’t think it would happen.

Nowadays petrol stations have cameras that record your number plate. registreren, vastleggen

All accidents have to be recorded in a special book. opschrijven


Last winter temperatures reached a record low of -12o C. record

The record was scratched so we heard the same line over and over again till Pete turned off the turntable.


It was on his recommendation that we went to see that film in the first place. aanraden; advies

The waiter recommended the trout so that's what we had. aanraden

Can you advise me on which laptop to buy? adviseren

I won't listen to his advice - he'll just tell me to buy a Mac and I can't afford to. advies

I wouldn’t know how to handle angry customers, so I’m glad I only have to work in the storeroom.


One of their clients sued them when they didn't deliver in time. klant

It's customary to take off your shoes before entering the house. gebruikelijk

I'm not used to the customs of this country yet. gebruiken

It took us ages to get through customs because John, as a prank, had decided to hide a bag of baking soda in his shoe.


There was a major shift after news came out that the oil leak was larger than expected.


His attitude towards drugs has shifted. veranderen, bewegen

She shifted from one seat to the other. bewegen, veranderen van plek

This key on my keyboard says SHIFT. What does it mean? SHIFT-knop om bijvoorbeeld hoofdletters te typen

She works the night shift as a nurse. nachtdienst

From her shifty eyes I could tell she was lying. liegen

This is essentially a good book, but the writer could have paid more attention to the situation in the 1920s.

in grote lijnen; hoofdzakelijk

She basically copied her old research and added some new data to make it look up-to-date.


Take only the most essential things; a sleeping bag, one change of clothes, a towel and some toiletries.

noodzakelijk; benodigd

Is it really essential to meet in London; can’t we just discuss the plans using e-mail? noodzakelijk

The waitress placed the bowl of pasta in front of him and she offered to grate over fresh parmesan.


Can you please wave at the waiter? He doesn’t seem to notice us. kelner

Waiting tables as a summer job can be really fun to do, but it doesn’t pay a lot of money.

in de horeca bedienen

Yet critic he undeniably is since the publication of his book. publicatie

All of these magazines are published by one organisation. uitgegeven

The results of the crime survey were published in June. bekend gemaakt

My father was the editor and publisher of a small local newspaper. uitgever

A.W. Bruna is the largest publishing house in the Netherlands. uitgeverij

She recommended me the Complete Guide to Sweden and it was very useful indeed. gids

Susan will guide you round the museum. rondleiden

He works as a tour guide during the summer. reisleider

I had only the stars to guide me home that night. de weg wijzen

Please read the quick start guide before using this machine. instructie

Adult reviewers get it wrong because they are distracted by things such as service and decor.


She was born in India but has spent most of her adult life in the UK. leven al seen volwassene

Admission is £5 for adults and £2 for children. volwassenen

In the Middle Ages, only half of all children born reached adulthood. volwassen leeftijd


He got his relatives to take him to various restaurants. familieleden

We only invited our near relatives to our wedding. naaste familie

The tiger is a distant relative to the domestic cat. verwante

She is in no way related to me. familie van mij

I didn’t know you two were related. famile van elkaar zijn

He would try the same dish at several restaurants. gerecht

The dish of the day is grilled salmon. menu van de dag

A fruit bowl is usually a large shallow dish. schaal / schotel

Who’s going to do the dishes tonight? afwas

There were countless satellite dishes installed on the roof of the building. satellite schotels

After graduation, he was awarded a scholarship to do further research. toegekend

Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a diploma. toekennen

The movie has won many awards. onderscheiding

The decor isn’t to his taste either. smaak

I love the taste of chocolate. hoe het smaakt

Have a taste of this steak, it’s fantastic! proef eens

Money can’t make for bad taste and bad manners. smaak

The decoration was very tasteful. vol smaak

He served a very tasteless piece of chicken. smakeloos

Apple recently introduced the new iPhone 5. geïntroduceerd, uitgebracht

I would like to introduce you to my friend Maria. aan je voorstellen

Introductions are unnecessary as you all know each other already. aan elkaar voorstellen

Please read the introduction of the book before coming to next week’s class. inleiding

Powerless people do the opposite – hunching and making themselves smaller. schouders intrekken

I have a hunch something bad is about to happen. I hope I’m wrong. voorgevoel

The young boy was crouching behind a bush, trying to remain hidden from view. hurken

He is so tall, he has to stoop in every doorway. bukken, voorover buigen

The children huddled in a corner, fearful to walk towards the big dog. bijeenkruipen

Dana Carney and I have conducted research showing that adopting these postures actually causes people to become more powerful.


His parents waited until he was twelve to tell him he had been adopted. adopteren

In a few months, he will take over my responsibilities in the workplace. overnemen

She naturally assumed her position as leader of the group. aannemen

They felt more powerful, were more willing to take risks, presented their ideas with greater confidence and enthusiasm…


I am not a naturally confident person, but over the years I have learned to stand up for myself.


I am confident he will meet your expectations. In fact, I think he’ll surpass them. vol vertrouwen

This information is confidential. Please don’t repeat it to anyone. vertrouwelijk

She seems quite self-assured, but in reality she’s actually rather insecure. She just hides it really well.




… inspired by students who were struggling to engage in class discussions… moeite hebben

Finishing it in time will be a struggle, but I’m going to do my very best! inspanning, iets wat veel moeite kost

Amy tried to pick up her niece, but the girl struggled and tried to run away. worstelen

In our company, we strive to keep our clients happy. If you have any complaints, please let us know so we can remedy things.

zich inspannen voor

He laboured tirelessly for months, until the task was finally completed. hard werken

I aspired to embolden the people suffering from what psychologists call ‘imposter syndrome’.

ernaar striven

It is my aspiration to own my own business within five years after graduating. streven, ambitie

He aims to graduate before the end of this year, but I’m not sure he’ll make it. erop mikken, zich erop richten

It’s good to have clear ambitions in life. It helps you stay focused. ambitie

Her objective is to become a lawyer within two years. I think she’ll succeed. doel, doelstelling

Try power poses in the elevator, a bathroom stall, the stairwell… lift

Try to elevate this weight by pulling this rope. omhoogbrengen

He climbed onto a small elevation to be able to look over the heads of the crowd. verhoging

The lift has broken down, so we need to use the stairs instead. lift

I’m not climbing all those stairs! Isn’t there an escalator? roltrap

I must admit, I never could have imagined the diverse range of situations in which people are using it.


I’m sorry, we cannot possibly admit anyone under 18. toelaten

Admittance after nine is not possible, so make sure you get there in time. het toelaten

I allow that I had my doubts about your. But you’ve turned out to be a wonderful help.


He confessed the truth to his sister, who was shocked by what he told her. opbiechten, toegeven

In short, I have heard from people who have encountered some kind of adversity and who have been searching for ways to successfully tackle their specific challenges and to prosper.

tegenstand, pech

I’m not adverse to commercials in general, I just don’t like this one. erop tegen

She beat her adversary in the last round of the match. tegenstander

I’ve encountered a number of hardships in my life, but I’ve always gotten through. tegenspoed

He had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. pech, tegenslag

I agree it’s unpleasant, but it’s hardly a calamity! ramp, calamiteit

But the kind of power I study should not cause people to recoil, because it is neither zero-sum nor about interpersonal dominance.

zich terugtrekken, wegtrekken

The recoil from the gun knocked me back two paces. terugslag

When the accident was shown on TV, she cringed. ineenkrimpen

He winced when the doctor touched his broken leg. ineenkrimpen

The child flinched when the needle was injected, but she did not cry out. terugdeinzen

What I believe is always true about power is that power always reveals. onthullen


The Queen herself will reveal this statue. Isn’t that amazing? onthullen

It was quite a revelation to hear the other side of the story. Apparently we had been lied to quite blatantly.

onthulling, openbaring

He refused to unveil his painting until the opening of the gallery. onthullen

I cannot disclose that information. Please call again in a few days, things may have changed by then.

bekendmaken, onthullen

Take two minutes to prepare by power posing in private. zichzelf voorbereiden

If you come over early, I’ll prepare you a meal. What kind of food do you like? bereiden, klaarmaken

The preparations will take months, so we’d better start in time! voorbereidingen

Please ready yourselves for an amazing experience! klaarmaken

There's a billion things wrong with that plan, but the fact that you put John in charge of it is the worst one.


What would you do if you were a billionaire? miljardair

He made his first million in Silicon Valley. miljoen

This package weighs a tonne - how could you lift it that easily? ton; 1000 kilo

You should add an ounce of vanilla sugar - not 100 grams! ounce: 28 gram

It's not cheating - what the British call a pound weighs less than the metric pound. pound: 454 gram

I have a large amount of work that still needs to be done. hoeveelheid

The amount of money you have on the bank is also important for your tax report. hoeveelheid

A large number of my friends showed up at the party. aantal

You’re wasting your time – he’ll never change his mind. verspillen

You shouldn’t gamble – it’s such a waste of money! verspilling

All organic waste should go into the green container. afval

The whole population of the island - all 53 people - protested against the building of a holiday resort.


The reserve is populated by at least 80 species of birds. bevolkt

He won the popular vote, but the jury wasn't that impressed by his act. van de mensen

It's not a very popular idea, but I guess raising taxes is the only option. populair; veel steun krijgend

You need a lot more practice before you can play like that. oefening

If I practise enough, I might be able to juggle with three balls by the end of the summer.


I've got band rehearsal this afternoon so I can't come. repetitie

There's not a lot of demand for this kind of work in our region. vraag

I demand an answer - did you or didn't you kiss her? eisen

It all depends on supply and demand - if no one wants it, you won't sell it. vraag en aanbod

I don't have much on offer at this moment - we don't get many free apartments till after Christmas.

in aanbod

If you have any queries about the product, please call our hotline. vraag; informatieverzoek


OK, maybe there is such a thing as a stupid question. vraag

If you have anything to add please interrupt me. toevoegen

Add the eggs one by one, beating them into the mixture. toevoegen

I'm not sure if it's a useful addition, but it's certainly a funny one. toevoeging

There are so many additives in bread - why do they put colorants and emulsifiers in it anyway?


All additional information can be found on our website. extra; toegevoegde

He's been under a lot of pressure lately to perform well. druk

The cabin is under pressure during the flight so no, you can't open any windows. druk

She pressured him into going to the party with her, which meant he misbehaved horribly.

onder druk zetten

He works for an agency that gives information to newly-arrived expats. agentschap; bedrijf

Her agent tried desperately to find her some more modelling jobs. agent

The police officer told us there was nothing to see and we had to walk on. agent

My memory is failing me -what's her name again? geheugen

I don't have enough memory in my computer for all my films. geheugen

You'll need to memorise your password - please don't write it down. onthouden; uit het hoofd leren

I knew all the formulas by heart by the time I had written them on my cheat note. uit het hoofd

Fish and beans contain a lot of protein. bevatten

This lemonade doesn’t contain any additives – no sweeteners, no colorants – nothing.


Whip the eggs and the cream in two separate containers before mixing them. bakje; kom

I couldn’t contain my anger when I saw how he treated her. beheersen; inhouden

I don't really fear rejection - I just fear total humiliation (vernedering). afwijzing

He rejected our offer of a ride, saying that he liked to walk. afwijzen

My computer refused to eject the DVD and it took me half an hour to get it to spit it out.


He shuddered by t he thought of having to eat worms. huiveren

She shivered for cold in her summer dress. rillen

The cat was trembling - you really scared it. trillen

The phone vibrated but didn't make a sound. trillen

She will require surgery for her back; the exercises didn't work. een operatie

The charity equipped the hospital with drugs and a surgery. operatiekamer

The surgeon is the one in the green coat. chirurg

The situation quickly became critical when the dishwasher broke down. kritiek

You are much to critical - they did a great job, considering they are six-year-olds. kritisch

My brother is a restaurant critic and he recommended this restaurant. beoordeler; recensent



They lived in utter misery in a small, leaking house built from straw mats. ellende

She was clearly in great distress – she cried and was unable to walk. leed; pijn

The children’s suffering broke my heart. leed; het lijden

He was utterly shocked and couldn't say a thing for minutes. totaal

It's utter madness to go out in this weather - we'll never find him. totaal

That's sheer nonsense - you can't get STDs from kissing someone or drinking from his glass.


There's a huge drop in youth unemployment, but I think that's mainly due to the government's new definition of when someone's unemployed.

val; daling

The price for the house dropped sharply when it became known why the owner wanted to sell.


Prices will decrease if there's little demand. dalen

I'm a patient of Dr Watford and I'd like to make an appointment. patiënt

Be patient - you'll solve it if you work on it for a bit longer. geduldig

As one of their most loyal customers I got a special discount. klant

One of their clients is a major pharmaceutical firm. klant

I spend a lot of time every day just deleting spam from my mailbox. besteden

We plan to spend the night at Susie’s place, and maybe order a pizza or so. doorbrengen

She spent all her pocket money on comics and sweets. uitgeven

Don’t waste your money on that nonsense! verspillen

Physics is my favourite subject at school – I especially love studying magnetism and electricity.

lievelings-; favoriete

I'm not in favour of his ideas, but the alternative is even more horrible. vóór

The weather conditions are very favourable - it's a great day for sailing. gunstig

Even having 700 Facebook friends didn't end his loneliness. alleen zijn; eenzaamheid

In the first few weeks after moving out, he felt terribly lonely at the student campus. alleen

I wanted to comfort (troosten) her, but she told me she wanted to be alone for a while.


He was the sole survivor of the horrific crash. enige

It's remarkable how much money he spent and how little useful he bought. opmerkenswaardig; bijzonder

That's a rather stupid remark - the two are not related at all. opmerking

'Besides,' she remarked, 'you can never tell if he comes - the last few times he also said he'd come, and he never showed up.'


The victim was a 25-year-old man from Washington DC. slachtoffer

I support the law on gun control; too many innocent people fall victim to guns. het slachtoffer worden van

She has been the victim of her sister’s ridicule since she was a little girl. slachtoffer


My grandmother taught (to teach - taught - has taught) my how to read when I was five years old.

onderwijzen; leren

It's hard to learn (to learn - learned/learnt - has learned/learnt) another language just like that.


He's a good teacher - he's patient and he understands which difficulties learners come across.

onderwijzer; docent

We should teach him a lesson and play one of his pranks on him. een lesje leren

There's a sharp increase in the sales of houses since that new law. stijging

The problems will continue to increase if we don't do anything. toenemen; stijgen

It became increasingly difficult to buy tickets for the party. in toenemende mate

He made me a promise to send me a card the moment he reached Scotland. belofte

Can you promise me one thing? That you'll call me the moment you get there? beloven

He's a promising player, but he still needs a lot of training. veelbelovend

Her promiscuous behaviour cost her her marriage. overspelig

He made jokes and came up with many funny examples - he really was a very confident speaker.


His seemingly exemplary behaviour made his parents proud, till they found out what he got up to in his bedroom.


You can find lactose in many products besides milk, for instance in biscuits, bread and all dairy.


The value of a product is largely dependent on how much someone is willing to give for it.


It's not very valuable but I still like it a lot. waardevol

The people fought to protect their civil rights. burger-

Civilians aren’t allowed at the army base. burgers

It's not very civil of him to enter the room without greeting anyone. beleefd

Ben Collins has recently featured in the latest Bond film.

Recently, the sun has been shining quite a lot. recentelijk

Have you seen him lately? onlangs

David is currently appearing in a play at the Carré Theater. momenteel

Recent research shows that women and men are very dissimilar in many ways. recent

Business has collapsed in recent times.

The book some very likeable characters. personage

Honesty is one of the aspects of Susan’s character I especially admire. karakter

Your password may be up to 15 characters. karakters, tekens

The football team showed real character in coming back from four goals down.

She is quite the character, isn’t she? zij is me er eentje

The rice fields that characterise the island stretch as far as the eye can see. karakteriseren

Playing a character shrouded in mystery is nothing new to the former Man In The White Suit.


The ceremony honoured all the former presidents who are still alive. vroegere


The former Soviet Union is now called Russia. van voorheen

Please review the previous chapter again for next week’s class. vorig

Mr Daniels was formerly a partner in a London company. voorheen

The Artist Formerly Known As Prince now goes by the name of The Artist. eerder bekend als

Can we talk about a different subject, please? onderwerp

I am having difficulties in school with various subjects, such as English, mathematics and biology.


In the sentence ‘Henry throws the ball’, ‘Henry’ is the subject. het onderwerp

Her husband subjected her to years of physical abuse. onderwerpen

She is the person responsible for hiring and firing. ontslaan

She squeezed the trigger, but the gun failed to fire. schieten

Reporters fired questions at him as he left the court house. afvuren

The former mayor claimed that he had been unfairly dismissed. ontslaan

I will hand in my resignation tomorrow. ontslag(brief)

If you have any questions left, please fire away! brand maar los!

They filed a court case seeking to ban the publication of the book. eisen

The boy’s parents sought damages from the health authorities. aansprakelijk stellen

Many single people are seeking that special someone. zoeken

Seek medical advice if your symptoms last more than a week. zoeken, vragen

The children are playing hide-and-seek in the garden. verstoppertje

I try to avoid conflict wherever possible. conflict, strijd

I just don’t like it when people fight. vechten, strijden

The issue provoked conflicts between the press and the police. spanningen

She is in conflict with her employer over sickness pay. heeft een arbeidsconflict

Our views on childcare often conflict. botsen

His account of the situation conflicted with reports received from other journalists. in strijd zijn

In the following conflict between the two parties, the F3 driver was attacked by his former colleagues.


They really had a go at him on Top Gear. aanvallen, met woorden bestrijden

It was shortly before midnight when the terrorists attacked.

We need to attack the problem now before it gets any worse. aanpakken

She was just about to attack a plate of spaghetti when the phone rang. zich storten op

The virus attacks the body’s red blood cells. doet een aanval op

He had his first heart attack at age 52. hartaanval

Ben Collins insists that Clarkson’s words can never be taken too seriously. aandringen

I really urge you to see a doctor. echt aanraden

She insisted that we stay at her house instead of a hotel. erop staan

The school insists that it is doing everything it can to cooperate. volhouden

Why do you insist on leaving your dirty clothes all over the floor? laat je steeds

There is so much comedy in the press around Jeremy because he always incites controversy.

humor, komedie



A black comedy deals with the unpleasant aspects of life, such as illness or death, in a humorous way.

zwarte humour / komedie

The characters in Shakespeare’s tragedies usually die at the end. tragedie

He sounds like a true comedian. komiek, grappenmaker, acteur

Obviously, they can sometimes overstep the mark, but most of the time it’s not a bad thing we have a free press.

duidelijk, blijkbaar

Van der Vaart and Sneijder were obviously disappointed at being left out of the team.

klaarblijkelijk, heel duidelijk

Clearly, they had expected to be selected. duidelijk

Voters have evidently loft faith in the government. duidelijk, blijkbaar

The most obvious explanation is not always the correct one. voor de hand liggend

He is the obvious man for the job at hand. aangewezen

They can occasionally overstep the mark. nu en dan, incidenteel

We go to the theatre only very occasionally. niet zo vaak

Cook the sauce for ten minutes and stir occasionally. af en toe

Sometimes, it’s so cold I don’t even want to leave the house. soms

Now and then, my father cooks, but usually my mother does it. weleens

I have had enough of your sarcastic comments. opmerking

I would welcome your comments on my paper. commentaar

Ellen later regretted her remarks about his private life. opmerking

I am not in a position to comment on this matter. reageren

Researchers who read the report commented that it had many errors. commentaar leveren

Despite the nasty court case, the stunt driver has said that now, all is forgiven. vergeven

John has never forgiven himself for the accident. geeft zichzelf niet langer meer de schuld

They’re nice boys, so we tend to forgive them their occasional bad behaviour. door de vingers zien

When she realised what she had done, she begged his forgiveness. vergeving

I might forgive and forget, but I am more likely to get mad and get even. vergeven en vergeten

To err is human, to forgive, divine. (Alexander Pope) Fouten maken is menselijk, vergeven is goddelijk

There was definitely a failure of humour when we were all facing each other in the high court.

beslist, absoluut

That’s definitely not the man I saw running away from the accident. helemaal niet

‘So we’ll see you on Sunday at 8 o’clock?’ ‘Definitely!’ zeker!

This book will be a definite bestseller. onbetwistbaar


One payment can transform their lives. transformeren, veranderen

They’ve transformed the old train station into apartments. verbouwd

We noticed a considerable transformation in his behaviour. verandering

One of India’s biggest fertility clinics is opposite a sweet shop. tegenover

A picture on the opposite page caught her attention. tegenovergestelde

This is a place where babies are created on a scale far greater than anywhere in Britain.


How do I create a new file in this directory? creëren, maken

Soft music often creates a relaxing atmosphere.

Her comments have created a lot of confusion. creëren, veroorzaken

The recently opened motorway should benefit the creation of new business in the area.

Painting is a creative process. creatief

This is a place where babies are created on a scale far greater than anywhere in Britain.


Is the government aware of the full scale of the problem? schaal, grootte

This map has a scale of 1:10,000. schaal

He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. weegschaal

The Indian women provide eggs and carry babies for Western couples. ter beschikking stellen, voorzien van

The tourist office can provide information on the local sights. informatie geven

The furniture store provides a supervised play area for children. voorzien in

The film provides new insights into the problems that women in the industry face. laat zien, toont

KPN is my Internet service provider. provider

Everyone is aware that this is a commercial transaction. bewust zijn van

As far as I’m aware, he never said anything like that. zo ver ik weet

They’re aware of the dangers involved in skydiving. kennen heel goed

Has anyone in your family had heart problems? Not that I’m aware of. niet dat ik weet

There is no doubting the joy experienced by the people who come to have surrogate children.

ondervinden, ondergaan, ervaren

‘Are your experiencing any pain?’ the ambulance nurse asked. heb je ergens pijn

Becoming a mother was the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced. meegemaakt

Older people experience a lot of discrimination when trying to find a new job. ondervinden, meemaken

You don’t need any experience to work here. ervaring

In my experience, very intelligent people can still make terrible mistakes. volgens mij

Dr Gour is an Indian-educated doctor who trained at the Hammersmith Hospital in London for four years.

opgeleid, geschoold

This is a dating agency for educated, professional people. goed opgeleide


If I had to make an educated guess, I would say the baby is a boy. pure gok

The facilities are equal to those anywhere in the world. gelijk aan

Management has agreed to treat all cases equally. gelijk

This recipe works equally well with frozen fruit. geldt voor

Seven plus five equals twelve. is

She equalled the record with a time of 11.6 seconds. evenaren, gelijkmaken

Photographs are also included in the details. bijgevoegd, ingesloten

The price includes dinner, bed and breakfast. inbegrepen

Two new songs are included on his Best Of album. toegevoegd

Four more countries applied to join the EU, including Sweden and Austria. inclusief

The price is £9,60, not including tax. meerekenen

The egg donors’ identity will never be known to their biological offspring. identiteit

The hospital was crammed with women who have visited to register. bezoeken

In the previous hour, six women had been impregnated with fertilised eggs. afgelopen

All the guests had arrived the previous day. vorig, voorgaand

Previously, on Elementary… (wat er eerder, in een vorige aflevering van Elementary, gebeurd is

We are very careful not to tell anybody about this delicate issue. voorzichtig, zorgvuldig

Babies are born through the surrogacy arrangement almost on a daily basis. regeling

They have an arrangement with another company to help them with the distribution.


My mother can make beautiful floral arrangements. schikking, opstelling

They arranged to go swimming the following day. afspreken

In India, arranged marriages are not an exception. uithuwelijking

The homosexual couple wanted their own genetic child. genetisch

He believes that shyness is in someone’s genes. genen

This corn is genetically modified to grow larger than regular corn. genetisch

It’s so great to see people fulfilling their dreams here on a daily basis. vervullen, bevredigen

We know which part of the human brain fulfils this function. verrichten

Do you fulfil the requirements for the course? beantwoorden aan

We headed out for new adventures into the snowy forest. naar buiten gaan; op pad gaan

I'll head for the market the moment I'm finished here. gaan naar

Who will head tonight's meeting? leiden; voorzitten



He's the head of our company, but he's a really easy-going guy. hoofd

The bakery managed to compete with the supermarket by offering high-quality breads.


My main competitor dropped out of the match because of a sprained ankle. tegenstander

He was competing against boys much older than him, but still he beat them. strijden

If you want to join the competition, you need to write down your name on the list. wedstijd; competitie

As a businessman, you have to be competitive. strijdvaardig

He tried to raise awareness for the problem by starting the internet campaign. bewustzijn creëren

The father of the bride raised his glass to toast the newly wedded couple. opheffen

They plan to raise taxes to deal with the deficit (tekort). verhogen

Please raise your hand if you have a question. opsteken

You’re supposed to rise when the judge enters court. opstaan)

The balloon was filled with hot air and gently rose into the sky. opstijgen

The cover of the book showed a picture of a tree in an empty, moonlit field. omslag

The company will cover all the costs for lunch, so just order what you like. betalen voor; dekken

This chapter covers the period from 1960 till 1972. omvatten

The snow had completely covered the garden. bedekken

My insurance doesn’t cover loss or breakage. dekken

He made a heroic attempt not to laugh at her short dress. heroisch; heldhaftig

The hero in our play is called Cedric, after the character in the Harry Potter books. held

It was very brave of you to stand up against your bullies. dapper

It was a courageous decision, though not one that many people will applaud (toejuichen).


The cattle was herded back into their stalls for the night. vee

Could you put the kettle on the fire? I'd like some tea. ketel

Most contemporary artists are hardly able to make a living. hedendaagse

I don't like modern art - it always looks like stuff my kidbrother could have made. moderne

We went off to pick flowers in the field. plukken

The child didn't realise that apples didn't come from the factory but could be picked from trees.


Just take your pick - you still have first choice. kies maar uit

He's a rather picky eater - he won't eat anything green. kieskeurig

I can pick up those books for you, I'll go to the library anyway this afternoon. oppikken; meenemen

Stop picking on him - he can't help it! bekritiseren

You may think this is a necessity, but I think it’s a luxury. noodzaak

Is it really necessary to describe the whole operation in detail? noodzakelijk; nodig


It is essential that you read the instructions carefully. essentieel, van groot belang

Food and clean water are some of the essentials of life. noodzaak, onmisbaar iets

I’ve tried to capture the essence of the story in my illustrations. de kern, het wezenlijke

I need to know the requisites of this job before I decide whether to apply or not. vereiste

The class was divided over the topic; some were in favour of Saturday classes, others preferred late hours during the week.


The town is divided by a river, the Danube. verdelen; in tweeën delen

Could you divide this pile of papers in old ones and recent ones? verdelen

That small stream over there forms the division between our land and that of our neighbour’s.


Whip the eggs and the cream in two separate containers before mixing them. verschillende; aparte

You should try to keep your private life and your work separate. gescheiden; uit elkaar

The teacher separated the fighting boys and sent them to the headmaster. scheiden; uit elkaar halen

My parents separated when I was eight. uit elkaar gaan

Most people have heard of albinism but few really know what it is. weinig

Can you lend me a few pounds? I need some money for the bus fare. een paar

Fewer people attended the event than last year. minder

He has little respect for his parents. weinig

Many people can tell you what this song is about. veel

They may have nystagmus, involuntary movement of the eyes. onvrijwillig

Participation is voluntary, but we would appreciate it if many of you were to attend. vrijwillig

He came of his own volition, we didn’t force him into anything! uit eigen vrije wil

We need a number of volunteers to help us with this project. vrijwilliger

He does volunteer work for the local animal shelter. vrijwilligerswerk

My parents have always treated me pretty much the same as my younger sisters. behandelen

The doctor treated the wound and gave the patient some pain medication. behandelen

His treatment of his parents is incredibly disrespectful, don’t you think? behandeling

You should try this cake. It’s a real treat! lekkernij

Which of your opponents is the biggest threat do you think? bedreiging

It really builds your confidence. zelfvertrouwen

I’m generally a confident person, but right now I’m really nervous. zelfverzekerd

He is very self-assured. He knows what he can do and that he can do it well. zelfverzekerd

Mike tends to be insecure in new situations. onzeker

I’m sure you’ll do great. Have faith in yourself! vertrouwen

Some people even think they can catch it. zelfs

He beat me once, but I beat him in the second match. Now we’re even. gelijk

Jim kept calling Sheila, even though she wouldn’t return his calls. hoewel, zelfs


Two, four and six are even numbers. even

Five, seven and nine are odd ones. oneven

Some people assume I’m not bothered by it, like I’m not a man. aannemen

She assumed a dramatic pose and started singing. aannemen

Your assumption that I wouldn’t care was completely wrong! I’m very upset. aanname

Jim isn’t here yet. I suppose his train was late. aannemen, veronderstellen

Don’t presume you know so much about me. You’ve only met me once. veronderstellen

Then a kid at school told me I’d die before everyone else. I was devastated. van mijn stuk, heel erg van slag

The fire devastated large parts of the city. vernietigen

The devastation left behind by the hurricane was immense. vernietiging

She was shattered by the news about her son’s car accident. zwaar geschokt

The children were overcome with grief after the death of their dog. overweldigen

… fancying all the pretty girls but being frightened of rejection and humiliation… afwijzing

I don’t want to reject your proposal outright, but I really need to think about it. afwijzen

She turned down his invitation to go out with him. afwijzen

Thanks for your invitation but I’m afraid I have to decline. I really can’t make it that day.

beleefd weigeren, afslaan

We’d be delighted to accept your invitation. We’ll see you next week. aanvaarden, accepteren

I felt terrible, but I’ve learnt to not let it hold me back. afschuwelijk

She is terribly clever and has an incredible memory. heel erg

He called me names and tried to hit me. I feel awful! afschuwelijk

What a horrible thing to say! You should demand an apology. akelig

His appalling behaviour shocked everybody in the room. ontstellend, erg slecht

I have had to learn the course by heart to be sure I don’t trip over. uit je hoofd

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so grateful for all you’ve done! uit het diepst van mijn hart

Please take my advice to heart. I really believe it can help you. serieus nemen

She isn’t afraid to say what she feels. She really wears her heart on her sleeve. het hart op de tong hebben

At heart I’ve always known he was up to no good. I just didn’t want to believe it. diep van binnen

He took a piece of chalk and wrote down the solution on the blackboard. krijt

It took us ages to rid the shower of the calcium deposits. kalk-

It’s a concrete wall so you’ll need special drills for it. betonnen

I don’t have any concrete plans yet – I just know I want to go hiking. concrete; vastomlijnde

The house had been made of red bricks and looked sunny and welcoming. baksteen

Of course you can’t glue the bricks in place – you’ll need to use cement! cement

The winding paths in the garden were covered with white pebbles. kiezels

The tarmac almost melted in the baking sun. asfalt



It’s a classic high school story – girl asks nerd on a date for a dare, and ends up falling in love with him.

klassiek; typisch

I used a classic recipe for my Christmas pudding. klassiek; traditioneel

This novel is a classic – you have to read it! klassieker

The story about Facebook deleting your pictures that circulated last week was a hoax.

rondgaan; de ronde doen

The hot water circulated through the heating system. rondgaan; circuleren

He drew a perfect circle on the blackboard. cirkel

It's 25 below zero and you want to go out? onder

I think your wallet is hiding just below that book. onder

The children had hidden underneath the table. onder

These sub-zero temperatures are really starting to annoy me. onder-

I hate it when people crowd around me like that. insluiten

The train was rather crowded so I couldn’t get a seat. nogal; tamelijk

I didn't see any familiar faces in the crowd. massa

He is a remarkable young man - incredibly smart, but so bad at keeping appointments.

bijzonder; merkwaardig

The baby made a remarkable recovery and left the hospital two days later. opmerkelijk

As a journalist you need to be very perceptive. opmerkzaam

She wore a very peculiar hat that actually quite resembled a huge high-heeled shoe. merkwaardig; vreemd

His remark was very true, but rather ill-timed (slecht gepland). opmerking

However, he remarked, it might be that we finish early. opmerken

I’ve always wondered how flies can walk on the ceiling without falling off. plafond

The roof of the house needs repair. dak

All plants are flourishing thanks to the warm weather. bloeien; het goed doen

He really blossomed when he was moved to the advanced maths class. opbloeien; tot bloei komen

The cats thrived on their diet of boiled fish and kitchen leftovers. bloeien; het goed doen

The companies prospered because of the economic climate in the country. bloeien

During the industrial era a lot of people's life changed radically. tijdperk

This writer lived in the Victorian age, which clearly shows in his writing. tijdperk

Which time period do you think would be most interesting to live in? periode

You can add an extra dimension to the card by adding some pop-up paperwork. dimensie

We had to wear those horrible 3D glasses to see the film. 3D; 3-dimensies

I don't see depth, so it's hard for me to estimate how deep it is. diepte


The creature had wings and a beak, but didn't seem to be able to fly. wezen

Aliens are usually drawn as humanoid creatures. wezen

They tried to create a safe haven for birds and small mammals. maken; creëren

Participation is voluntary, but if you join, we expect you to stay the whole day. deelname

If you want to participate just make sure you’re at the meeting place at 11am. meedoen

She claims it's a temporary solution, but that 'temporary' can mean anything up to three years.


The elevator is temporarily out of use - I think some weird physics experiment exploded in it.


I worked a few months as a temp before I was hired by the company I’m currently working for.


The kids tried jumping from the stairs, till one of them inevitably fell and started crying.


The clash was unavoidable; they’d been challenging each other for weeks. onvermijdelijk

He tried to avoid all controversial topics and found out he had nothing more to say. vermijden; ontwijken

Try to avoid the city centre - it’s jammed. ontwijken

I think he’s trying to avoid me; he seems to disappear every time I try to get close to him.


You should try to evade the meteors and the planets while navigating through space. ontwijken

Many spectators had dressed in the colours of their national team. toeschouwers

The audience consisted mainly of school children that afternoon. publiek

The book has clearly been written for a mature audience. publiek

The police appealed to members of the public to come forward with more information about the accident.


Could you clarify how you managed to spend so much money a year just on coffee? verklaren

We will have to ask the bookkeeper to clarify the balance - some figures are not clear to me yet.


Some further clarification is required. For instance, how did you get into the palace in the first place?

verklaring; uitleg

He tried to explain that it wasn't his fault he was late, but that the train service had been disrupted.


He tried to poison the rats but they just gobbled it up without even getting ill. vergiftigen

She claimed alcohol was poison and that we should never ever drink it. vergif

That's not a poisonous snake - it's perfectly harmless. giftige

When you’re in the jungle, your survival may depend on your knowledge of nature. het overleven

He is one of the people who survived the plane crash. overleven

There were only four survivors from the plane crash. overlevende

Aliens are usually drawn as humanoid creatures. wezen

The creature had wings and a beak, but didn't seem to be able to fly. wezen

They tried to create a safe haven for birds and small mammals. maken; creëren


It’s hard to connect to the characters in this book; they’re all very unpleasant. verbonden zijn met

What’s the connection between these two people? verband

You have to explain what links the four words in each circle. verbinden

The scientists were searching for the missing link between the two animals. schakel

He’s a good tennis player, and he has a particularly strong serve. vooral; speciaal

I wasn’t thinking of anyone in particular, though both Jesse and Martin would match the profile.

in het bijzonder

She is rather particular about her food – she won’t eat anything with carbs (koolhydraten).


I only have a limited knowledge of French. kennis

We played trivial pursuit and had to answer lots of general knowledge questions. algemene kennis

The project is aimed principally at teenagers. voornamelijk

The island’s principal export product is bananas. belangrijkste

He was sent to the principal for cheating. hoofdmeester; directeur; rector

According to this principle prices should fall if the supply increases. principe; theorie

It’s against my principles to cheat; I want to win fair and square. principes

The farmer provided us with a dry place to stay for the night. voorzien van

Our provisions had almost been eaten so we went to the market to buy new food. voorraad

They installed a provisional government to run the country till the elections. voorlopig; tijdelijk

They supplied every participant attending the congress with a bag containing a pen and notepad.

voorzien van

They have adapted old 1980s arcade games for modern game computers. aanpassen

The foxes quickly adapted to their new surroundings. zich aanpassen

Do you prefer the film adaptation or would you rather read the book? verfilming

He is our main source of information - he knows everything that happens in this area.


We'll trace the river back to its source. bron

You should take her on your mission; her resourcefulness might come in handy. vindingrijkheid

You need to be quite resourceful when you have so few means. vindingrijk

The common cold is a fairly harmless disease. ziekte

Research showed that half of the sheep at the farm were in fact diseased. ziek; aangetast door een ziekte

Peter won’t come to school today; he’s ill. ziek

I’m sick of hearing this song – how can anyone like it? ziek

He reported sick and went home. ziek melden

As a child I always got sick during long car journeys. misselijk

She was never the same after her mother’s decease. overlijden

I only have a limited knowledge of French. beperkt

Because we don’t have much money our options are rather limited. beperkt

Our movements at the airport were severely limited due to safety regulations. beperken



Are there any restrictions to the amount of foreign money you’re allowed to import? beperking

These new rules restrict the sales of alcohol at sports events. beperken; limiteren

She restricts herself to one glass of wine on Saturday evenings. beperken

How do they measure the weight of the Sun? meten

Note down the room’s measurements before you buy the wallpaper. maten; lengte en breedte

This measure seems rather harsh; it will hurt those who behaved well in the past just as much as those who misbehaved.


I have never really taken to her - she's nice and all, but just not really my type. leuk vinden; aardig vinden

They hired a domestic help because they both worked 40hrs a week. huishoudelijke

The secretary claimed these were domestic affairs and that other countries shouldn’t interfere.


Domestic violence remains a serious problem in many countries. huiselijk

I’d love to work for a national newspaper such as the Guardian or the Times. landelijke

He doesn’t look like a local – no people from around here would wear such clothes. plaatselijke bewoner

The local school only has forty students and is threatened with closure. plaatselijke

Climate change is a global problem: all countries need to get together to work on it.

Loads of students are just wandering around on a lazy, sunny day like this. rondlopen, rondhangen

They had worked for hours on end, so their minds began to wander. afdwalen, afgeleid worden

I wonder whether I can be of help zich afvragen

The wonder of it all is that she managed to make it in the end! het gekke, het wonderbaarlijke

The journalist reported on the crisis from the square in front of the bank. verslag doen

He reported sick and went home. ziek melden

She gave a factual report of what had happened that revealed little of her emotions. verslaggever

The reporter asked the economist for his view on the financial breakdown. journalist

It was brutally cold and we were frozen to the bone. heel erg

I'll be brutally honest with you - you simply aren't good enough to join the advanced course.

heel eerlijk; direct

The man had been brutally attacked in a dark alley while walking home. wreed

The history books described him as a brutal dictator who only thought of his own good.


The racing course was laid out through rough terrain in the dunes and over the beach, which made for heavy running.


Of course you can go there - it's up to you! natuurlijk

We should just let things run their natural course without interfering. loop; beloop


The survival training was very tough, but we enjoyed it anyway. zwaar

The steak was very tough so I didn’t really enjoy my dinner. taai

If you’re thinking of climbing that rocky mountain you need some tough boots. stevig

The judge said it had been a tough decision, but that only one person could win. moeilijk

As a politician you have to be tough or you’ll get crushed. sterk; gehard

Though they didn’t have much money, they had everything they needed. hoewel

Snails are perfectly edible - it's just that mental barrier you need to cross before eating them.

mentale; geestelijke

He has some physical problems but there’s nothing wrong with his brain. lichamelijke

She suffered from a mental illness. geestes-; mentale

The dancer moved his body to the music. lichaam

The editor of the magazine asked me to shorten my article by 200 words. redacteur

We'll have to edit the film a bit to make it more suitable for our target group. redigeren

In the editorial the paper explains why they decided to use those awful photographs. redactioneel artikel

I gave her a similar pair of earrings for her birthday. gelijksoortig

There was a striking similarity between the two girls. gelijkenis

These two books are identical, so how can you tell which one is yours? hetzelfde; identiek

The three sisters were similarly dressed. hetzelfde; gelijksoortig

I think a child’s environment determines his or her character. omgeving

If you care about the environment you shouldn’t throw your garbage onto the street!


He is a member of several local environmental groups. milieu-

I hadn't paid much attention to the surroundings while driving to the campsite because I was so focussed on the signs.


He could easily beat you at chess - if you won, it means he allowed you to win. verslaan

He beat the rhythm on a huge drum. slaan

Don't beat that horse - if it doesn't reply to your commands, you are doing it wrong, not he!


He beat the eggs till they were creamy and fluffy. kloppen

My heart missed a beat when he asked if he could talk to me for a while. slag

I'm not familiar with this concept - you just put food on your plate and then you pay by the weight at the check-out?

idee; concept

What's the idea behind this plan - do we really need that many volunteers, or is it just that we want to involve everyone?

idee; plan

I have no idea - he didn't explain to me where we were going. ik heb geen idee; ik weet het niet

Most of my fellow students hadn't heard about the test either. mede-

He's such a nice fellow - how come you don't like him? kerel; man

His co-workers all united to protest against his dismissal. mede-

The cat dropped from a 30ft roof, but it didn't have a scratch. voet- ongeveer 30 cm


I hurt my foot when I tripped over the sill. voet

Three feet is one yard. yard; ongeveer 90 cm

He's just an inch taller than me. inch; 2.54 centimeter

I think both ideas are equally bad; both only have a short-term effect. even

I believe all people are equal, though everybody has different abilities of course. gelijk

Five plus three equals eight. zijn; hetzelfde zijn als

Nelson Mandela fought for racial equality in South Africa. gelijkheid

She was always cheerful, but that day she seemed particularly happy. bijzonder

Is there anything in particular that you are looking for, or are you just browsing (rondkijken in een winkel)?


The hotel was sold to a private buyer. particuliere

There were only four survivors from the plane crash. overlevende

He is one of the people who survived the plane crash. overleven

When you’re in the jungle, your survival may depend on your knowledge of nature. het overleven

I spend a lot of time every day just deleting spam from my mailbox. besteden

We plan to spend the night at Susie’s place, and maybe order a pizza or so. doorbrengen

She spent all her pocket money on comics and sweets. uitgeven

Don’t waste your money on that nonsense! verspillen

A hidden explanation for Britain’s surprising job numbers… verklaring

His explanation of the concept was surprisingly easy to understand. uitleg

Please explain what you mean. I really don’t understand. uitleggen

Can you please give a description of the things that happened? beschrijving

This word will probably be unclear to most readers. Why don’t you add an explanatory footnote?


Six women in colourful headscarves grin as an instructor reads simple English phrases from a whiteboard.


It’s cold outside, so don’t forget to take your scarf. sjaal

Amanda chose to wear a veil when she got married, because she liked the way it looked.


He should be able to tie his own laces, don’t you think? veters

I bought a nice new pair of mittens yesterday. They’re really warm. wanten

It’s almost impossible to tie your shoe laces if you’re wearing gloves. handschoenen

Britain’s Bangladeshis and Pakistanis suffer from a huge penalty that is partly self-imposed.


The government are going to impose new taxes next year. We should all protest against this!


Are you sure you don’t mind my staying at your house? I wouldn’t want to impose on you.

zich opdringen

The president decreed that there was going to be a cease-fighting. bevelen, afkondigen



These laws need to be enforced, which will cost a lot of money. afdwingen, toezien op de naleving

Lack of a second income is the main reason why more than half of Bangladeshi and Pakistani families live below the official poverty line.


I’d like to lend you some money, but I’m penniless myself. blut, zonder geld

The financial crisis has left many people destitute. berooid, behoeftig

She is immensely wealthy, I wish I had only ten percent of her money! rijk

Grain is scarce in that area, so people don’t have enough food. schaars

Yet there are some encouraging signs of change. bemoedigend

We encouraged her to come with us, but she said she had a headache and wanted to make it an early night.


He tried to rally his classmates, but they didn’t share his enthusiasm for the project. op de been brengen

It is a comforting thought that we can call him at any time. That way, we know help is at hand if we need it.


She gave a reassuring speech in which she addressed people’s concerns and made it clear that there was nothing to worry about.


Many employers are reluctant to hire women they fear will leave to take care of children.


His reluctance to join us was clear from his body language. onwilligheid

The little boy was reluctant to help his mother, but she told him firmly that she needed his assistance.


She smiled reluctantly at his joke. aarzelend

He was loath to go out into the cold and wet, but he had no choice. afkerig, onwillig

According to the Labour Force Survey, the number trying to find work is increasing surprisingly fast.


You know the rules. Please behave accordingly. dienovereenkomstig

He expects to be accorded a certain amount of respect, but I feel respect has to be earned.


Salary will be according to age and experience. afgestemd op, passend bij

As stated by my colleague, we will be unable to prolong our subscription. zoals aangegeven door

More of these well-educated second- and third-generation young women enter the labour force every year.


He laboured for hours without even taking a break. He was exhausted by the end of the day.

zwoegen, hard werken

The US will send a force to the country to ensure that peace is kept. krijgsmacht

Recent developments on the job market have made it even more difficult to find a nice job.


His is well-educated, but forced to work in a menial job because he can’t find anything else.


… reckoning that home work can fit more easily around family commitments. verplichtingen


His commitment to his wife is obvious. He would never hurt her! toewijding

She is committed to helping the poor. She spends at least two days a week raising money and doing volunteer work.

toegeweid aan

They’re trying to have him committed, but he is fighting them tooth and claw. gedwongen opnemen

Who could possibly have committed such a horrible crime? begaan

Welfare is also being squeezed – all benefits are due to rise by less than inflation until 2015.


The paper is due at the end of this month. verwacht

You’ve paid 25% as a deposit. We expect the amount still due this week. verschuldigd

Can you let me know the due date for this loan? vervaldatum

Don’t worry, he’ll get his due in time! krijgen wat je toekomt

The confectionery pouring out of the family firm Swizzels Matlow is still tempting the nation’s sweet tooth.


I think I’d enjoy working as a confectioner. I love baking and I’m very creative. banketbakker

The child was given a bag of sweets. snoepjes, zoetigheid – Brits Engels

We went to the store and bought some candy. snoepjes, zoetigheid – Amerikaans Engels

The austere, flinty factory belies the magic that lies within. tegenspreken

She disguised her true intentions and acted all nice and friendly. verbergen, verhullen

The building’s outward appearance contradicts its comfortable and pleasant interior. tegenspreken

He deliberately misrepresented the facts because he wanted to appear innocent. verkeerd voorstellen

I got the impression that he was lying, but apparently I was wrong. indruk

Inside is a world where every day hot, melted chewy goo spills from taps. stevig, taai

I prefer savoury snacks over sweet ones. hartig

The drink had a wonderfully refreshing, tangy taste. scherp

I don’t like that dish. It’s a bit too tart for me. zuur

Michael really loves spicy food, but I don’t. kruidig, pittig

Giant rollers squeeze slabs of pastel-coloured chew into thin snakes. (samen)knijpen, persen

He squeezed her hand and smiled at her. (zachtjes) knijpen

We tried to squeeze ourselves into the elevator, but it just wouldn’t fit. persen

He told me to mash the potatoes after cooking them. fijnstampen

The heavy stone fell onto the boy’s leg and crushed his bone. verbrijzelen

Since Love Hearts were created in 1954, with an initial 30 messages… eerste

Please write down your initials and surname. initialen

The initial preparations were finished quite quickly. Now we have to wait for others to do their jobs.

begin-, eerste

We were happy to get to the final stage of the experiment. laatste

We’ll conclude the meeting with a question round. afronden, afsluiten


She is the company’s HR director and sits on the board along with Michael and Brian Dee.


Please board the train in an orderly fashion. Don’t push and shove. instappen

My mother is a board member at the biggest local factory. bestuurslid

A quick count revealed that there were only 29 people on board. aanwezig (in een voertuig

Everybody who is interested in joining the committee can sign up here. commissie, comité

The future is looking increasingly sweet. in toenemende mate, steeds meer

If your grades don’t go up you need to increase your efforts. groter maken

Try to decrease the amount of pressure gradually for the best result. verminderen

We’re always looking for ways to improve our service. If you have any comments please let us know!


I’m beginning to dislike him more and more. He’s always so obnoxious and mean! meer and meer, steeds meer

A lot of our purchases are by people who bought our products when they were younger.


We made several purchases at the shop and asked them to send the products over to our home.


He’s thinking of purchasing a new car, but he needs to save up some more money first.

aanschappen, kopen

Jenny acquired permission to skip classes for the next three weeks. verkrijgen

We’ve tried to maintain the fact that if you open a packet of Love Hearts they will taste the same now as they did when we started.


He maintained that he had nothing to do with the whole situation but nobody believed him.


It’s a lot of work to maintain the garden, but the results are worth it don’t you think? bijhouden, onderhouden

You need to call in an experienced mechanic for the maintenance of this machine. Otherwise it might get damaged.


There are a number of different ways to preserve foodstuffs. bewaren, goed houden

The factory is the largest employer in town. werkgever

The company employs over five hundred people. in dienst hebben

She spent several years working as an employee at a large firm before setting up her own company.


The company offers employment to eighty percent of the families in the village. werk

The management are very approachable and accommodating. benaderbaar

She’s very easy to approach. Just walk up to her and tell her you want a word. benaderen

We approached our goals very closely but didn’t quite make them. in de buurt komen, benaderen

Try a different approach if what you have been doing so far has yielded no results. benadering

The property is easily accessible via two different main roads. bereikbaar

She’s one of the most cordial people I’ve ever met. She’s so friendly and nice! hartelijk