raport tehnic parc fotovoltaic

Technical report - CONSTRUIRE PARC FOTOVOLTAIC PETRILA 1 Photovoltaic system Nominal power equal to 4897,44 kWp Project name: CONSTRUIRE PARC FOTOVOLTAIC PETRILA Locatedin PETRILA HALDA STERIL Customer CONSORTIUL PENTRU ENERGIE VERDE - PETRILA () Technicalreport Designer HUDA CONSTRUCT S.R.L. - BUCURESTI () Date: BUCURESTI, 21.09.2015

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Raport tehnic parc fotovoltaic


Page 1: Raport tehnic parc fotovoltaic


Photovoltaic systemNominal power equal to 4897,44 kWp

Project name:


Located inPETRILA




Technical report





BUCURESTI, 21.09.2015

Page 2: Raport tehnic parc fotovoltaic



The document gives the technical report of the photovoltaic system. In the document will be identified the plant, will be

provided project data, the characteristics of the materials used (photovoltaic modules, inverters), the criteria for the choice

of system solutions and design criteria of major components. In addition, they will be reported to preliminary calculations

needed to sizing, bill of quantities and drawings (circuit diagrams and layout of system).

Page 3: Raport tehnic parc fotovoltaic







City - PETRILA ()

Installation site

Location Petrila


Latitude 45,43ş

Longitude 23,39ş

Altitude 689 metri

Maximum temperature 27,55 şC

Minimum temperature 22,86 şC

Global irradiation on a horizontal plane 5,58 kWh/m˛

Irradiance data NASA-SSE

Albedo 20%

Electricity supply

Grid operator ENEL

Connection type BT - Tri

Nominal voltage 20.000,00 V

Available power 3,00 kW

Average annual consumption 0,00 kWh

Customer code

Contract number


The photovoltaic system of nominal power1 4897,44 kW will be located at PETRILA () HALDA STERIL and will be

connected to the electrical distribution grid in Low voltage Three-phase alternating current a 20.000,00 V the

responsibility of the grid operator.

1.1 Project data

The project data are reported below and relate to the customer, the installation site, the data on the electricity supply and

the presence or absence of objects shading.

The photovoltaic system will be connected to a user system served by a electrical supply having the following


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Electrical characteristics of the photovoltaic generator

Nominal power 4897,44 kWp

Number of PV modules 20406

Intercepting surface 34282,08m˛

Number of strings 1074

Maximum voltage @STC (Voc) 706,8 V

Voltage at maximum power @STC (Vmpp) 573,8 V

Short circuit current @STC (Isc) 3021,52 A

Current at maximum power @STC (Impp) 2849,68 A

Electrical characteristics of the strings

Number of PV modules in series 19

Nominal power 4,56 kW

Open circuit voltage (Voc) 706,8 V

Short circuit current (Isc) 8,44 A

Current at maximum power (Impp) 7,96 A

1.2 Description of the photovoltaic system

The photovoltaic system with nominal power 4897,44 kW will be connected to electrical distribution grid in Low voltage

Three-phase in alternating current of type Tri a 20.000,00 V competence of ENEL.

The characteristics of the system are summarized below, in particular in Figure 1 shows the electrical diagram single-wire

of system.

In it are distinguished:

The photovoltaic generator consists of:

• 1074 strings of 19 modules connected in series

• The group of conversion formed by 3 inverter Three-phase

• The group of interface

• The systems of measurement of energy

1.2.1 Photovoltaic generator

It will consist of:

- PV modules connected in series for the realization of the strings

- Electric cables for connection between modules and between these to electrical panels

Below are the characteristics of photovoltaic generator and of its main components, namely strings and modules.

In the case of the plant in question, the photovoltaic generator presents a single exposure (tilt angle, and azimuth angle

equal for all PV modules), namely:

Exposure of the PV generator:

Azimuth : 0°

Tilt : 37°

The photovoltaic generator of the nominal power of 4897,44 kW uses the series-parallel configuration and will be

divided into 1074 strings of modules connected in series. The following lists the compositions of the strings of the


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Construction data of the modules

Manufacturer SolarWorld AG

Model Sunmodule Plus SW 240 poly (2011)

Tecnology Si-Poly

Nominal power 240,00 W

Tollerance 2,10%

Open circuit voltage (Voc) 37,20 V

Voltage at maximum power (Vmpp) 30,20 V

Short circuit current (Isc) 8,44 A

Current at maximum power (Impp) 7,96 A

Area 1,68 m˛

Efficiency 14,3%

Construction details of the inverter

Manufacturer Siemens AG

Model SINVERT PVS2000 600Series IEC 60Hz M3S

Nominal power 2.052,00 kW

Maximum power 2.052,00 kW

Maximum efficiency 98,40%

European efficiency 98,30%

Maximum voltage from PV 820,00 V

Minimum voltage MPPT 450,00 V

Maximum voltage MPPT 750,00 V

Maximum input current 4.412,00 A

Number of MPPT 1

AC output voltage 288,00 V

Output Three-phase

Isolation transformer False

Frequency 60 Hz

Construction data of the modules:

1.2.2 Group of conversion DC/AC

The conversion group of the photovoltaic system will consist of 3 inverter Three-phase for a total output of about

4897,44 kW.

The main technical characteristics of the inverter are summarized below.

1.2.3 Electrical DC panels

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Electrical DC panel

Number of inputs 36

Max current for each input 84,40 A

Max input voltage 712,40 V

Max output current 3.021,52 A

Input device

Nominal current of the input device 0,00 A

Protection None

Nominal current protection 0,00 A

Blocking diode None

Nominal current of the blocking diode 0,00 A

Output device

Nominal current of the output device 0,00 A

Discharger Schneider PRD 40r-1000DC 2P

Category of discharger II

Discharger voltage 1.000,00 V

Electrical DC panel

Number of inputs 10

Max current for each input 8,44 A

Max input voltage 712,40 V

Max output current 84,40 A

Input device

Nominal current of the input device 0,00 A

Protection None

Nominal current protection 0,00 A

Blocking diode None

Nominal current of the blocking diode 0,00 A

Output device

Nominal current of the output device 0,00 A

Discharger Schneider PRD 40r-1000DC 2P

Category of discharger II

Discharger voltage 1.000,00 V

Electrical DC panel

Number of inputs 9

Max current for each input 8,44 A

Max input voltage 712,40 V

The photovoltaic system consists of 111 panels DC, as follows are listed the different compositions of the electrical panels

in the system:

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Max output current 75,96 A

Input device

Nominal current of the input device 0,00 A

Protection None

Nominal current protection 0,00 A

Blocking diode None

Nominal current of the blocking diode 0,00 A

Output device

Nominal current of the output device 0,00 A

Discharger Schneider PRD 40r-1000DC 2P

Category of discharger II

Discharger voltage 1.000,00 V

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2. Drawings

2.1 - Single-line circuit diagram

Figure 1: single-line circuit diagram

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2.2 - General layout of system

Figure 2: Placement of the PV generator and group conversion

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Geographic data of the site

Location Petrila

Latitude 45,43ş

Longitude 23,39ş

Altitude 689 metri

Maximum temperature 27,55 şC

Minimum temperature 22,86 şC

Irradiance data NASA-SSE







January 1,97 3,51 5,48

February 2,06 3,78 5,84

March 2,19 3,62 5,81

April 2,07 3,63 5,70

May 1,90 3,49 5,39

June 1,73 3,77 5,50

July 1,78 3,71 5,49

August 1,98 3,57 5,55

September 2,11 3,74 5,85

October 2,12 3,52 5,64

November 2,02 3,38 5,40

December 1,95 3,35 5,30

Yearly 1,99 3,59 5,58

3. Preliminary calculations

3.1 - Annual producibility

Site installation

The plant will be installed in locations PETRILA () HALDA STERIL.

The table below shows the main geographical data of the installation site.

At this location we have the following daily irradiation on a horizontal surface obtained according to the source


Considering the monthly average daily irradiation and the number of days which make up the twelve months of the year,

you can determine the value of the annual global irradiation on a horizontal surface for the location of PETRILA (). This

value is equal to 5,58 [kWh/m˛]..

Far shadings

Normally in a photovoltaic system the shading should be avoided because they cause loss of power and therefore of

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Temperature losses 3,00 %

Mismatching losses 2,00 %

Resistive losses 4,00 %

Losses for DC/AC conversion 1,70 %

Other losses 2,00 %

Shading losses 0,00 %

Total losses 12,09 %

energy produced. However, limited phenomena are be permitted where they adequately assessed.

In case of the plant in question not exist shadowing.

Calculation of producibility

The producibility of the system was calculated on the basis of data, derivates from source of climate data NASA-SSE, of

the installation site relative to the average monthly global of solar radiation incident on horizontal surface.

The procedure for the calculation of the energy produced by the system takes into account the nominal power (4897,44

kW), the angle of tilt and azimuth ( 37° , 0° ) of the PV generator, the losses on the PV generator (resistive losses, losses

due to difference in temperature of the modules, for reflection and for mismatching between strings), the efficiency of the

inverter as well as the coefficient reflectance of the ground in front of the modules (20%) (albedo).

Therefore, the energy produced by the system on an annual basis (Ep, y) is calculated as follows:

Ep,y = Pnom * Irr * (1-Losses) = 11.624.210,83 kWh


• Pnom = Nominal power of system: 4897,44 kW

• Irr = Annual irradiation on the surface of the modules: 2699,89 kWh/m˛

• Losses = Power losses: 12,09 %

The power losses are due to various factors. The table below lists these loss factors and their values assumed by the

procedure for the calculation of system producibility.

The graph below shows the trend of monthly production of energy expected during the year.

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Voltage limits Minimum voltage at module temperature of 65,05°C (469,06 V) > Minimum MPPT voltage (450 V)

Voltage limits Maximum voltage at module temperature of 22,86°C (579,4 V) < Maximum voltage of MPPT (750 V)

Voltage limits Open circuit voltage at module temperature of 22,86°C (712,4 V) < Maximum inverter voltage (820 V)

3.2 - Verification of proper electrical connections between the photovoltaic generator and the

group of conversion DC AC.

In order to choose an inverter is normally necessary to verify the compatibility between the inverters used and the PV


The verifications on inverters refer to the section in DC current of the photovoltaic system and concern:

• The verification of the DC voltage

• The verification of the DC current

• The verification of the power

Verification of DC voltage

The verification of the DC voltage is to check that the set of voltages supplied by the photovoltaic field is compatible with

the range of variation of the input voltage of the inverter.

In other words, it is necessary to calculate the minimum and maximum voltage of the photovoltaic field and verify that

the first is greater than the minimum input voltage acceptable for the inverter, and the second is less than the maximum

input voltage allowed by the inverter.

Verification of DC current

The verification of the DC current is to check that the short circuit current of the PV field @ STC is less than the

maximum permissible input current of the inverter.

Verification of the power

The verification on the power of is to check the nominal power of conversion group DC / AC (sum of nominal power of

the inverter) is more than 80,00% and less than 120,00% of the nominal power of the photovoltaic system (sum of

nominal power modules photovoltaic).

The following tables show the result of these verifications.

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Limits on current Short circuit current (3021,52 A) < Maximum inverter current (4412 A)

Power limits Sizing factor on power (80 %) < (80%) < (120 %)


Voltage limits Minimum voltage at module temperature of 65,05°C (469,06 V) > Minimum MPPT voltage (450 V)

Voltage limits Maximum voltage at module temperature of 22,86°C (579,4 V) < Maximum voltage of MPPT (750 V)

Voltage limits Open circuit voltage at module temperature of 22,86°C (712,4 V) < Maximum inverter voltage (820 V)

Limits on current Short circuit current (3021,52 A) < Maximum inverter current (4412 A)

Power limits Sizing factor on power (80 %) < (80%) < (120 %)


Voltage limits Minimum voltage at module temperature of 65,05°C (469,06 V) > Minimum MPPT voltage (450 V)

Voltage limits Maximum voltage at module temperature of 22,86°C (579,4 V) < Maximum voltage of MPPT (750 V)

Voltage limits Open circuit voltage at module temperature of 22,86°C (712,4 V) < Maximum inverter voltage (820 V)

Limits on current Short circuit current (3021,52 A) < Maximum inverter current (4412 A)

Power limits Sizing factor on power (80 %) < (80%) < (120 %)

For a single-phase line:











For a three-phase line:











3.3 - Electrical pipes

The sizing of the electric cables involves the following calculations:

• Calculation of the voltage drop

Calculation of the voltage drop

Known the length of the pipeline, type of cable and the maximum current on it, the calculation of the percentage voltage

drop for a cable in DC current it obtained with the relation:










L is the length of the pipeline in meters

Inom is the current in the cable @STC

Vnom is the voltage on the cable @STC

R is the resistance per km of cable at a temperature of 80 °C

Note the length of cable, type of cable and the maximum current, the calculation of the percentage drop voltage for the

cable in alternating current is obtained with the relations:

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Table of cables

Label Code Description Formation Voltage drop Length

C1 From: Main panel To: Electricity grid 0,00% 0 m

C2 From: Inverter:3 To: Main panel 0,00% 0 m

C3 From: EP-DC - Inverter:3:75 To: Inverter:3 0,00% 0 m

C4From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:111:111 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C5From: Str:1074 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C6 String cable: Str:1074 0,00% 0 m

C7From: Str:1073 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C8 String cable: Str:1073 0,00% 0 m

C9From: Str:1072 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C10 String cable: Str:1072 0,00% 0 m

C11From: Str:1071 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C12 String cable: Str:1071 0,00% 0 m

C13From: Str:1070 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C14 String cable: Str:1070 0,00% 0 m

C15From: Str:1069 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C16 String cable: Str:1069 0,00% 0 m

C17From: Str:1068 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C18 String cable: Str:1068 0,00% 0 m

C19From: Str:1067 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C20 String cable: Str:1067 0,00% 0 m

C21From: Str:1066 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:111:1110,00% 0 m

C22 String cable: Str:1066 0,00% 0 m

C23From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:110:110 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C24From: Str:1065 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C25 String cable: Str:1065 0,00% 0 m

C26From: Str:1064 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C27 String cable: Str:1064 0,00% 0 m

C28From: Str:1063 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C29 String cable: Str:1063 0,00% 0 m

C30 From: Str:1062 To: EP-DC - EP-DC - 0,00% 0 m


L is the length of the pipeline in meters

Inom is the current in the cable @STC

VAC is the voltage of Grid

R, X are the resistance and reactance of the line per km, at a temperature of 80 °C

The following tables show the list of cables used in the system.

For more details, please refer to the document "Bill of cables"

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C31 String cable: Str:1062 0,00% 0 m

C32From: Str:1061 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C33 String cable: Str:1061 0,00% 0 m

C34From: Str:1060 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C35 String cable: Str:1060 0,00% 0 m

C36From: Str:1059 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C37 String cable: Str:1059 0,00% 0 m

C38From: Str:1058 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C39 String cable: Str:1058 0,00% 0 m

C40From: Str:1057 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:110:1100,00% 0 m

C41 String cable: Str:1057 0,00% 0 m

C42From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:109:109 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C43From: Str:1056 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C44 String cable: Str:1056 0,00% 0 m

C45From: Str:1055 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C46 String cable: Str:1055 0,00% 0 m

C47From: Str:1054 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C48 String cable: Str:1054 0,00% 0 m

C49From: Str:1053 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C50 String cable: Str:1053 0,00% 0 m

C51From: Str:1052 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C52 String cable: Str:1052 0,00% 0 m

C53From: Str:1051 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C54 String cable: Str:1051 0,00% 0 m

C55From: Str:1050 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C56 String cable: Str:1050 0,00% 0 m

C57From: Str:1049 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C58 String cable: Str:1049 0,00% 0 m

C59From: Str:1048 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C60 String cable: Str:1048 0,00% 0 m

C61From: Str:1047 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:109:1090,00% 0 m

C62 String cable: Str:1047 0,00% 0 m

C63From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:108:108 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C64From: Str:1046 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C65 String cable: Str:1046 0,00% 0 m

C66From: Str:1045 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C67 String cable: Str:1045 0,00% 0 m

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C68From: Str:1044 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C69 String cable: Str:1044 0,00% 0 m

C70From: Str:1043 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C71 String cable: Str:1043 0,00% 0 m

C72From: Str:1042 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C73 String cable: Str:1042 0,00% 0 m

C74From: Str:1041 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C75 String cable: Str:1041 0,00% 0 m

C76From: Str:1040 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C77 String cable: Str:1040 0,00% 0 m

C78From: Str:1039 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C79 String cable: Str:1039 0,00% 0 m

C80From: Str:1038 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C81 String cable: Str:1038 0,00% 0 m

C82From: Str:1037 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:108:1080,00% 0 m

C83 String cable: Str:1037 0,00% 0 m

C84From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:107:107 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C85From: Str:1036 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C86 String cable: Str:1036 0,00% 0 m

C87From: Str:1035 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C88 String cable: Str:1035 0,00% 0 m

C89From: Str:1034 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C90 String cable: Str:1034 0,00% 0 m

C91From: Str:1033 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C92 String cable: Str:1033 0,00% 0 m

C93From: Str:1032 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C94 String cable: Str:1032 0,00% 0 m

C95From: Str:1031 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C96 String cable: Str:1031 0,00% 0 m

C97From: Str:1030 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C98 String cable: Str:1030 0,00% 0 m

C99From: Str:1029 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C100 String cable: Str:1029 0,00% 0 m

C101From: Str:1028 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C102 String cable: Str:1028 0,00% 0 m

C103From: Str:1027 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:107:1070,00% 0 m

C104 String cable: Str:1027 0,00% 0 m

C105 From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:106:106 To: 0,00% 0 m

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EP-DC - Inverter:3:75

C106From: Str:1026 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C107 String cable: Str:1026 0,00% 0 m

C108From: Str:1025 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C109 String cable: Str:1025 0,00% 0 m

C110From: Str:1024 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C111 String cable: Str:1024 0,00% 0 m

C112From: Str:1023 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C113 String cable: Str:1023 0,00% 0 m

C114From: Str:1022 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C115 String cable: Str:1022 0,00% 0 m

C116From: Str:1021 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C117 String cable: Str:1021 0,00% 0 m

C118From: Str:1020 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C119 String cable: Str:1020 0,00% 0 m

C120From: Str:1019 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C121 String cable: Str:1019 0,00% 0 m

C122From: Str:1018 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C123 String cable: Str:1018 0,00% 0 m

C124From: Str:1017 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:106:1060,00% 0 m

C125 String cable: Str:1017 0,00% 0 m

C126From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:105:105 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C127From: Str:1016 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C128 String cable: Str:1016 0,00% 0 m

C129From: Str:1015 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C130 String cable: Str:1015 0,00% 0 m

C131From: Str:1014 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C132 String cable: Str:1014 0,00% 0 m

C133From: Str:1013 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C134 String cable: Str:1013 0,00% 0 m

C135From: Str:1012 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C136 String cable: Str:1012 0,00% 0 m

C137From: Str:1011 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C138 String cable: Str:1011 0,00% 0 m

C139From: Str:1010 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C140 String cable: Str:1010 0,00% 0 m

C141From: Str:1009 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C142 String cable: Str:1009 0,00% 0 m

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C143From: Str:1008 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C144 String cable: Str:1008 0,00% 0 m

C145From: Str:1007 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:105:1050,00% 0 m

C146 String cable: Str:1007 0,00% 0 m

C147From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:104:104 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C148From: Str:1006 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C149 String cable: Str:1006 0,00% 0 m

C150From: Str:1005 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C151 String cable: Str:1005 0,00% 0 m

C152From: Str:1004 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C153 String cable: Str:1004 0,00% 0 m

C154From: Str:1003 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C155 String cable: Str:1003 0,00% 0 m

C156From: Str:1002 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C157 String cable: Str:1002 0,00% 0 m

C158From: Str:1001 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C159 String cable: Str:1001 0,00% 0 m

C160From: Str:1000 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C161 String cable: Str:1000 0,00% 0 m

C162From: Str:999 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C163 String cable: Str:999 0,00% 0 m

C164From: Str:998 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C165 String cable: Str:998 0,00% 0 m

C166From: Str:997 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:104:1040,00% 0 m

C167 String cable: Str:997 0,00% 0 m

C168From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:103:103 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C169From: Str:996 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C170 String cable: Str:996 0,00% 0 m

C171From: Str:995 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C172 String cable: Str:995 0,00% 0 m

C173From: Str:994 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C174 String cable: Str:994 0,00% 0 m

C175From: Str:993 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C176 String cable: Str:993 0,00% 0 m

C177From: Str:992 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C178 String cable: Str:992 0,00% 0 m

C179From: Str:991 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C180 String cable: Str:991 0,00% 0 m

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C181From: Str:990 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C182 String cable: Str:990 0,00% 0 m

C183From: Str:989 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C184 String cable: Str:989 0,00% 0 m

C185From: Str:988 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C186 String cable: Str:988 0,00% 0 m

C187From: Str:987 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:103:1030,00% 0 m

C188 String cable: Str:987 0,00% 0 m

C189From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:102:102 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C190From: Str:986 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C191 String cable: Str:986 0,00% 0 m

C192From: Str:985 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C193 String cable: Str:985 0,00% 0 m

C194From: Str:984 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C195 String cable: Str:984 0,00% 0 m

C196From: Str:983 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C197 String cable: Str:983 0,00% 0 m

C198From: Str:982 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C199 String cable: Str:982 0,00% 0 m

C200From: Str:981 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C201 String cable: Str:981 0,00% 0 m

C202From: Str:980 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C203 String cable: Str:980 0,00% 0 m

C204From: Str:979 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C205 String cable: Str:979 0,00% 0 m

C206From: Str:978 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C207 String cable: Str:978 0,00% 0 m

C208From: Str:977 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:102:1020,00% 0 m

C209 String cable: Str:977 0,00% 0 m

C210From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:101:101 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C211From: Str:976 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C212 String cable: Str:976 0,00% 0 m

C213From: Str:975 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C214 String cable: Str:975 0,00% 0 m

C215From: Str:974 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C216 String cable: Str:974 0,00% 0 m

C217From: Str:973 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C218 String cable: Str:973 0,00% 0 m

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C219From: Str:972 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C220 String cable: Str:972 0,00% 0 m

C221From: Str:971 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C222 String cable: Str:971 0,00% 0 m

C223From: Str:970 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C224 String cable: Str:970 0,00% 0 m

C225From: Str:969 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C226 String cable: Str:969 0,00% 0 m

C227From: Str:968 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C228 String cable: Str:968 0,00% 0 m

C229From: Str:967 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:101:1010,00% 0 m

C230 String cable: Str:967 0,00% 0 m

C231From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:100:100 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C232From: Str:966 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C233 String cable: Str:966 0,00% 0 m

C234From: Str:965 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C235 String cable: Str:965 0,00% 0 m

C236From: Str:964 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C237 String cable: Str:964 0,00% 0 m

C238From: Str:963 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C239 String cable: Str:963 0,00% 0 m

C240From: Str:962 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C241 String cable: Str:962 0,00% 0 m

C242From: Str:961 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C243 String cable: Str:961 0,00% 0 m

C244From: Str:960 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C245 String cable: Str:960 0,00% 0 m

C246From: Str:959 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C247 String cable: Str:959 0,00% 0 m

C248From: Str:958 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C249 String cable: Str:958 0,00% 0 m

C250From: Str:957 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:100:1000,00% 0 m

C251 String cable: Str:957 0,00% 0 m

C252From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:99:99 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C253From: Str:956 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C254 String cable: Str:956 0,00% 0 m

C255From: Str:955 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C256 String cable: Str:955 0,00% 0 m

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C257From: Str:954 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C258 String cable: Str:954 0,00% 0 m

C259From: Str:953 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C260 String cable: Str:953 0,00% 0 m

C261From: Str:952 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C262 String cable: Str:952 0,00% 0 m

C263From: Str:951 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C264 String cable: Str:951 0,00% 0 m

C265From: Str:950 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C266 String cable: Str:950 0,00% 0 m

C267From: Str:949 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C268 String cable: Str:949 0,00% 0 m

C269From: Str:948 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C270 String cable: Str:948 0,00% 0 m

C271From: Str:947 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:99:990,00% 0 m

C272 String cable: Str:947 0,00% 0 m

C273From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:98:98 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C274From: Str:946 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C275 String cable: Str:946 0,00% 0 m

C276From: Str:945 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C277 String cable: Str:945 0,00% 0 m

C278From: Str:944 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C279 String cable: Str:944 0,00% 0 m

C280From: Str:943 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C281 String cable: Str:943 0,00% 0 m

C282From: Str:942 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C283 String cable: Str:942 0,00% 0 m

C284From: Str:941 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C285 String cable: Str:941 0,00% 0 m

C286From: Str:940 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C287 String cable: Str:940 0,00% 0 m

C288From: Str:939 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C289 String cable: Str:939 0,00% 0 m

C290From: Str:938 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C291 String cable: Str:938 0,00% 0 m

C292From: Str:937 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:98:980,00% 0 m

C293 String cable: Str:937 0,00% 0 m

C294 From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:97:97 To: 0,00% 0 m

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EP-DC - Inverter:3:75

C295From: Str:936 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C296 String cable: Str:936 0,00% 0 m

C297From: Str:935 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C298 String cable: Str:935 0,00% 0 m

C299From: Str:934 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C300 String cable: Str:934 0,00% 0 m

C301From: Str:933 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C302 String cable: Str:933 0,00% 0 m

C303From: Str:932 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C304 String cable: Str:932 0,00% 0 m

C305From: Str:931 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C306 String cable: Str:931 0,00% 0 m

C307From: Str:930 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C308 String cable: Str:930 0,00% 0 m

C309From: Str:929 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C310 String cable: Str:929 0,00% 0 m

C311From: Str:928 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C312 String cable: Str:928 0,00% 0 m

C313From: Str:927 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:97:970,00% 0 m

C314 String cable: Str:927 0,00% 0 m

C315From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:96:96 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C316From: Str:926 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C317 String cable: Str:926 0,00% 0 m

C318From: Str:925 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C319 String cable: Str:925 0,00% 0 m

C320From: Str:924 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C321 String cable: Str:924 0,00% 0 m

C322From: Str:923 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C323 String cable: Str:923 0,00% 0 m

C324From: Str:922 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C325 String cable: Str:922 0,00% 0 m

C326From: Str:921 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C327 String cable: Str:921 0,00% 0 m

C328From: Str:920 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C329 String cable: Str:920 0,00% 0 m

C330From: Str:919 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C331 String cable: Str:919 0,00% 0 m

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C332From: Str:918 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C333 String cable: Str:918 0,00% 0 m

C334From: Str:917 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:96:960,00% 0 m

C335 String cable: Str:917 0,00% 0 m

C336From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:95:95 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C337From: Str:916 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C338 String cable: Str:916 0,00% 0 m

C339From: Str:915 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C340 String cable: Str:915 0,00% 0 m

C341From: Str:914 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C342 String cable: Str:914 0,00% 0 m

C343From: Str:913 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C344 String cable: Str:913 0,00% 0 m

C345From: Str:912 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C346 String cable: Str:912 0,00% 0 m

C347From: Str:911 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C348 String cable: Str:911 0,00% 0 m

C349From: Str:910 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C350 String cable: Str:910 0,00% 0 m

C351From: Str:909 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C352 String cable: Str:909 0,00% 0 m

C353From: Str:908 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C354 String cable: Str:908 0,00% 0 m

C355From: Str:907 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:95:950,00% 0 m

C356 String cable: Str:907 0,00% 0 m

C357From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:94:94 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C358From: Str:906 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C359 String cable: Str:906 0,00% 0 m

C360From: Str:905 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C361 String cable: Str:905 0,00% 0 m

C362From: Str:904 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C363 String cable: Str:904 0,00% 0 m

C364From: Str:903 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C365 String cable: Str:903 0,00% 0 m

C366From: Str:902 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C367 String cable: Str:902 0,00% 0 m

C368From: Str:901 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C369 String cable: Str:901 0,00% 0 m

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C370From: Str:900 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C371 String cable: Str:900 0,00% 0 m

C372From: Str:899 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C373 String cable: Str:899 0,00% 0 m

C374From: Str:898 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C375 String cable: Str:898 0,00% 0 m

C376From: Str:897 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:94:940,00% 0 m

C377 String cable: Str:897 0,00% 0 m

C378From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:93:93 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C379From: Str:896 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C380 String cable: Str:896 0,00% 0 m

C381From: Str:895 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C382 String cable: Str:895 0,00% 0 m

C383From: Str:894 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C384 String cable: Str:894 0,00% 0 m

C385From: Str:893 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C386 String cable: Str:893 0,00% 0 m

C387From: Str:892 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C388 String cable: Str:892 0,00% 0 m

C389From: Str:891 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C390 String cable: Str:891 0,00% 0 m

C391From: Str:890 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C392 String cable: Str:890 0,00% 0 m

C393From: Str:889 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C394 String cable: Str:889 0,00% 0 m

C395From: Str:888 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C396 String cable: Str:888 0,00% 0 m

C397From: Str:887 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:93:930,00% 0 m

C398 String cable: Str:887 0,00% 0 m

C399From: EP-DC - EP-DC - Inverter:3:92:92 To:

EP-DC - Inverter:3:750,00% 0 m

C400From: Str:886 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:92:920,00% 0 m

C401 String cable: Str:886 0,00% 0 m

C402From: Str:885 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:92:920,00% 0 m

C403 String cable: Str:885 0,00% 0 m

C404From: Str:884 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:92:920,00% 0 m

C405 String cable: Str:884 0,00% 0 m

C406From: Str:883 To: EP-DC - EP-DC -

Inverter:3:92:920,00% 0 m

C407 String cable: Str:883 0,00% 0 m