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CHI+IN{U � 1998

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Cuv`nt introductiv ............... 31. Structura organizatoric[ =i

atribu\iile AGEPI ................. 8

2. Protec\ia juridic[ aobiectelor de proprietate

industrial[ ......................... 16

3. Activitatea de]nregistrare ........................ 18

3.1 Inven\ii ................................ 20

3.2 Modele de utilitate ................. 223.3 M[rci de produse =i m[rci

de servicii ............................. 22

3.4 Desene =i modele industriale .. 264. Contracte de licen\[ =i

contracte de cesiune a

drepturilor ......................... 28

5. Preg[tirea cadrelor =i

ridicarea nivelului lor de

calificare ........................... 30

6. Informatizarea proceselor

tehnologice ......................... 32

7. Activitatea editorial[ –

informa\ional[ .................... 36

8. Colaborarea =i cooperarea

interna\ional[ ..................... 42

9. Anexe ................................ 50


Foreword ....................... 5

1. Organizational Structure and

Functions of the AGEPI .... 9

2. Legal Protection of Industrial

Property Objects ............ 17

3. Registration Activity ..... 19

3.1 Inventions ...................... 21

3.2 Utility Models ................ 23

3.3 Trademarks .................... 23

3.4 Industrial Designs ........... 27

4. License Agreements and

Rights Cession

Agreements .................. 29

5. Training of the

Personnel ..................... 31

6. Information Technological

Processing .................... 33

7. The Editorial Informational

Activity ....................... 37

8. International

Cooperation .................. 43

9. Annex ......................... 50


Ïðåäèñëîâèå ......................... 5

1. Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà èôóíêöèè AGEPI .................... 9

2. Ïðàâîâàÿ îõðàíà îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè ..................... 17

3. Ðåãèñòðàöèîííàÿäåÿòåëüíîñòü ....................... 19

3.1 Èçîáðåòåíèÿ ..........................213.2 Ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè ....................233.3 Òîâàðíûå çíàêè è çíàêè

îáñëóæèâàíèÿ ........................233.4 Ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è

ìîäåëè ...................................27

4. Ëèöåíçèîííûå äîãîâîðà è

äîãîâîðà îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ ..... 295. Ïîäãîòîâêà è ïåðåïîäãîòîâêà

êàäðîâ ................................ 316. Èíôîðìàòèçàöèÿ

òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõïðîöåññîâ ........................... 33

7. Èíôîðìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêàÿäåÿòåëüíîñòü ....................... 37

8. Ìåæäóíàðoäíîå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâîè êîîïåðàöèÿ ...................... 43

9. Ïðèëîæåíèÿ ....................... 50

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Eficien\a politicii economice, tehnico-=tiin\ifice =i sociale de stat este determinat[ ]ntr-o m[sur[ considerabil[ de sistemul activ de protec\ie a propriet[\ii industriale. Anume acestsistem constituie o inepuizabil[ surs[ de posibilit[\i pentru cre=terea poten\ialuluiintelectual-=tiin\ific, pentru dezvoltarea produc\iilor =i tehnologiilor ]nalt productive,pentru prosperarea \[rii. Decretul Pre=edintelui Republicii Moldova din 25 mai 1992,conform c[ruia a fost instituit[ Agen\ia de Stat pentru Protec\ia Propriet[\ii Industriale aRepublicii Moldova (AGEPI), a simbolizat piatra de temelie ]n dificilul proces de edificare asistemului na\ional de protec\ie a propriet[\ii industriale.

}n 1997 AGEPI a s[rb[torit 5 ani de la fondare. A fost o perioad[ de activitate intens[care s-a soldat cu: definitivarea structurii organizatorice a Agen\iei, elaborarea cadruluilegislativ =i metodico-normativ necesar pentru protec\ia drepturilor asupra obiectelor deproprietate industrial[, ini\ierea =i consolidarea rela\iilor de colaborare cu organiza\iileinterna\ionale =i oficiile de brevete ale multor \[ri, formarea bazei informa\ionale de brevete,automatizarea =i computerizarea proceselor de lucru interdepartamentale, crearea condi\iiloradecvate pentru ridicarea continu[ a nivelului de calificare =i aprofundarea preg[tiriiprofesionale a colaboratorilor AGEPI.

Instituirea AGEPI coincide ]n timp cu formarea =i consolidarea statalit[\ii RepubliciiMoldova, cu ]nceputul unor reforme radicale ]n economie. }n aceste condi\ii protec\iapropriet[\ii industriale a devenit un garant al siguran\ei economice a \[rii, al extinderiisferei rela\iilor de pia\[ =i al stabiliz[rii activit[\ii de antreprenoriat =i creative.

}n biografia AGEPI se disting dou[ etape relativ independente. Prima etap[, mai 1992- sf`r=itul anului 1995, c`nd are loc identificarea formelor optime ale structuriiorganizatorico-administrative, se caracterizeaz[ prin demararea procesului de elaborare abazelor de reglementare legislativ[ a protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale, prin perfec\ionareamecanismelor de ]nregistrare, de examinare =i eliberare a titlurilor de protec\ie etc. Anume]n ace=ti ani a intrat ]n vigoare “Regulamentul provizoriu privind protec\ia propriet[\iiindustriale ]n Republica Moldova”, au fost elaborate proiectele principalelor legi ]n domeniulprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale =i 37 de acte normative, cre`ndu-se posibilitatea de areduce substan\ial at`t cheltuielile, c`t =i durata procedurilor de brevetare a inven\iilor; afost ]nceput[ computerizarea proceselor tehnologice ale examin[rii de stat =i ]nregistr[riiobiectelor de proprietate industrial[, a fost elaborat[ structura re\elei computeriale locale aAGEPI =i structura bazelor de date conform tipurilor de obiecte ale propriet[\ii industriale;au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului de prelucrare a informa\iei;s-au extins rela\iile bilaterale =i multilaterale de colaborare =i cooperare cu organiza\iileinterna\ionale =i oficiile de brevete din str[in[tate etc. Aderarea la Conven\ia privindinstituirea Organiza\iei Mondiale de Proprietate Intelectual[ (OMPI), Conven\ia de la Parispentru protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale, Tratatul de la Budapesta privind recunoa=tereainterna\ional[ a depozitului microorganismelor ]n scopul asigur[rii protec\iei prin brevete,Tratatul de la Nairobi privind protec\ia simbolului olimpic, Tratatul de cooperare ]ndomeniul brevetelor (PCT), Aranjamentul de la Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ am[rcilor, Aranjamentul de la Haga privind depozitul interna\ional de desene =i modeleindustriale, precum =i ratificarea altor conven\ii interna\ionale importante au contribuit laintegrarea Republicii Moldova ]n sistemul interna\ional de protec\ie a propriet[\iiindustriale, oferindu-i-se calitatea de membru cu drepturi depline.

A doua etap[, cuprinz`nd anii 1996 - 1997, se caracterizeaz[, ]n special, prinimplementarea legisla\iei de proprietate industrial[ =i prin punerea ]n func\iune a tuturorinstrumentelor juridice de protec\ie oferite de ea. Legile adoptate de c[tre ParlamentulRepublicii Moldova =i armonizarea acestora cu normele ]n vigoare ale dreptului interna\ionalau creat condi\ii favorabile pentru desf[=urarea ac\iunilor organizatorice, tehnice, economice

Cuv`nt introductiv

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=i de alt ordin, orientate spre crearea unei infrastructuri menite s[ reglementeze =i s[stimuleze crea\ia intelectual[. Astfel, ]n Republica Moldova au fost puse bazele sistemuluide protec\ie a propriet[\ii industriale - unul din cele mai importante atribute ale statalit[\ii.

}n ace=ti ani structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI a fost supus[ unor modific[rijustificate, inerente ra\ionaliz[rii serviciilor func\ionale ale subdiviziunilor structurale =idiversific[rii direc\iilor de activitate. }n procesul de elaborare a actelor normative odeosebit[ aten\ie a fost acordat[ aprofund[rii =i extinderii cadrului legislativ al protec\ieidrepturilor asupra propriet[\ii industriale, armoniz[rii lui cu alte legi =i documente oficiale]n vigoare pe teritoriul republicii.

Substan\ial s-a dinamizat activitatea informa\ional[ a Agen\iei gra\ie cre[rii proprieibaze editoriale =i cre=terii num[rului de publica\ii oficiale; s-a procedat la completareafondului bibliotecii ]n conformitate cu spectrul multiplelor aspecte ale protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale =i ale activit[\ii inova\ionale. }n acest context un rol important a revenitsistemului informa\ional al AGEPI care include bazele de date “Inven\ii”, “M[rci”,subsistemul automatizat de gestiune a informa\iei economice =i subsistemul automatizat deeditare a publica\iilor oficiale ale AGEPI.

S-au produs schimb[ri esen\iale ]n sfera colabor[rii =i cooper[rii interna\ionale.AGEPI, ca reprezentant oficial al Republicii Moldova, a asigurat onorarea at`t aobliga\iunilor conform conven\iilor =i aranjamentelor interna\ionale multilaterale, c`t =i aobliga\iunilor conform acordurilor bilaterale. Republica Moldova a devenit arenadesf[=ur[rii mai multor reuniuni, seminare =i conferin\e interna\ionale. Aceasta denot[ c[pe mapamond sunt apreciate eforturile noastre ]ntru crearea unei baze legislative durabile =ia unui climat favorabil pentru solu\ionarea constructiv[ a dificilelor probleme de protec\ie apropriet[\ii industriale.

Aceste realiz[ri sunt rezultatul unei munci asidue a colectivului care datorit[profesionalismului =i permanentei atitudini creatoare =i-a c`=tigat o autoritate binemeritat[printre oficiile de proprietate industrial[ ale lumii.

Prezentul Raport dezv[luie activitatea AGEPI ]ncep`nd cu anul ]nfiin\[rii ei. }n opinianoastr[, con\inutul lui va prezenta interes nu numai pentru speciali=tii ]n domeniu, ci =ipentru conduc[torii de ]ntreprinderi, antreprenori, bancheri =i businessmeni, pentru cercullarg de cititori. Sper[m c[ el va oferi tuturor at`t prilejul de a ne cunoa=te mai bine, c`t =iposibilitatea de a ]n\elege complexitatea problemelor ce \in de proprietatea industrial[ ]nepoca reformelor economice.

Eugen Sta=covDirector General

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Ýôôåêòèâíîñòü ãîñóäàðñòâåííîé ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé,íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêîé, ñîöèàëüíîé ïîëèòèêè âçíà÷èòåëüíîé ìåðå îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ äåéñòâóþùåéñèñòåìîé îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.Èìåííî îíà âëèÿåò è ÿâëÿåòñÿ èñòî÷íèêîì ðîñòàèíòåëëåêòóàëüíîãî ïîòåíöèàëà, ðàçâèòèÿ íàóêîåìêèõè âûñîêîòåõíîëîãè÷íûõ ïðîèçâîäñòâ, ïðîöâåòàíèÿñòðàíû. Óêàç Ïðåçèäåíòà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà îò 25ìàÿ 1992 ãîäà, â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ êîòîðûì áûëîîáðàçîâàíî Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîå Àãåíòñòâî ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè(AGEPI) ïîëîæèë íà÷àëî ñîçäàíèþ ñèñòåìû îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà.

 1997 ãîäó èñïîëíèëîñü 5 ëåò äåÿòåëüíîñòèAGEPI. Çà èñòåêøèé ïåðèîä ñôîðìèðîâàëàñü åãîîðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà, ðàçðàáîòàíûîñíîâîïîëàãàþùèå çàêîíîäàòåëüíûå è íîðìàòèâíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèå äîêóìåíòû, îáåñïå÷èâàþùèå îõðàíó ïðàâíà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, íàëàæåíûóñòîé÷èâûå îòíîøåíèÿ ñ ìåæäóíàðîäíûìèîðãàíèçàöèÿìè è ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè ìíîãèõñòðàí ìèðà, ñôîðìèðîâàíà ïàòåíòíî-èíôîðìàöèîííàÿáàçà, îñóùåñòâëåíà àâòîìàòèçàöèÿ è êîìïüþòåðèçàöèÿâíóòðèâåäîìñòâåííûõ ðàáî÷èõ ïðîöåññîâ, ñîçäàíûóñëîâèÿ íåïðåðûâíîãî ïîâûøåíèÿ ïðîôåññèîíàëüíî-êâàëèôèêàöèîííîãî óðîâíÿ ñîòðóäíèêîâ AGEPI.

Ïî âðåìåíè îáðàçîâàíèå AGEPI ñîâïàëî ñîñòàíîâëåíèåì è óêðåïëåíèåì ãîñóäàðñòâåííîñòèÌîëäîâû, íà÷àëîì ðàäèêàëüíûõ ïðåîáðàçîâàíèé âýêîíîìèêå.  ýòèõ óñëîâèÿõ ýôôåêòèâíîñòü îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñòàíîâèëàñü ôàêòîðîìîáåñïå÷åíèÿ ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé áåçîïàñíîñòè ðåñïóáëèêè,ðàñøèðåíèÿ ñôåðû ðûíî÷íûõ îòíîøåíèé èñòàáèëèçèðóþùåãî âëèÿíèÿ íà ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñêóþè òâîð÷åñêóþ àêòèâíîñòü.

 äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI âûäåëÿþòñÿ äâàîòíîñèòåëüíî ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíûõ ýòàïà. Ïåðâûé ýòàï,ìàé 1992 ã. - êîíåö 1995 ã., êîãäà øåë ïîèñêîðãàíèçàöèè íàèáîëåå ðàöèîíàëüíîé ñòðóêòóðûóïðàâëåíèÿ, íà÷àëè ðàçðàáàòûâàòüñÿ îñíîâû ïðàâîâîãîðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ñîâåðøåíñòâîâàëèñü ìåõàíèçìûðåãèñòðàöèè è ïðîöåäóðû ïðîõîæäåíèÿ è âûäà÷èîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ è ò.ä. Èìåííî â ýòè ãîäû áûëîââåäåíî â äåéñòâèå “Âðåìåííîå Ïîëîæåíèå îá îõðàíåïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà”,ðàçðàáîòàíû îñíîâíûå ïðîåêòû çàêîíîâ â îáëàñòèîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è 37 íîðìà-òèâíûõ äîêóìåíòîâ, ïîçâîëèâøèå çíà÷èòåëüíîóäåøåâèòü è óñêîðèòü ïðîöåäóðó ïàòåíòîâàíèÿèçîáðåòåíèé; íà÷àòà êîìïüþòåðèçàöèÿòåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ ãîñóäàðñòâåííîé

ÏðåäèñëîâèåThe efficiency of the state economic and scientific-

technical policy is determined to a considerable extent bythe acting system of industrial property protection.

It namely influences and represents the source ofgrowth of intellectual potential, development of highlyintensive technologies and prosperity of the country. TheDecree of the President of the Republic of Moldova fromMay 25, 1992 on the establishment of the State Agencyon Industrial Property Protection of the Republic ofMoldova (AGEPI) made a start in the creation ofindustrial property system in the Republic of Moldova.

The AGEPI celebrated its fifth anniversary in1997. During the past years the organizational struc-ture was formed, basic legislative, normative andmethodical documents were elaborated according to whichthe protection of the rights on all objects of industrialproperty are ensured, stable relations were establishedwith many international organizations and patent officesof other countries of the world, patent informationcollection was set up, all inner-office processes andprocedures were computerized, conditions for permanentimprovement of professional skills of the AGEPI staffwere created.

The establishment of the AGEPI coincided with theformation and reinforcement of the Republic of Moldovaand with radical reorganization of national economy.

The efficiency of the industrial property protectionbecame in such conditions the factor of ensuring theeconomic security of the Republic, of extension of marketrelations and has a stabilizing influence on the entrepre-neurial and creative activities.

Two independent stages can be distinguished in theactivity of the AGEPI.

The first stage: May 1992 - end of 1995, the mostrational management structures were formed, the basisfor legal regulations on the protection of industrialproperty objects began to be elaborated, the mechanismsof registration, examination and granting procedureswere improved.

Just in that period of time “The ProvisionalRegulation on Industrial Property Protection in theRepublic of Moldova” entered into force, and the maindrafts of the laws in the field of industrial propertyprotection and 37 normative and legislative acts wereelaborated that offered the possibility to reduce and to


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ýêñïåðòèçû è ðåãèñòðàöèè îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ðàçðàáîòàíû ñòðóêòóðû ëîêàëüíîéêîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè AGEPI, áàç äàííûõ ïî îáúåêòàìïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè; ïðåäëîæåíûíåîáõîäèìûå ðåøåíèÿ ïî àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåññàîáðàáîòêè èíôîðìàöèè; ïîëó÷èëè ðàçâèòèåìíîãîñòîðîííèå è äâóñòîðîííèå ñâÿçè â ñôåðåñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà è êîîïåðàöèè ñ ìåæäóíàðîäíûìèîðãàíèçàöèÿìè è ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè äðóãèõñòðàí è ò.ä. Ïðèñîåäèíåíèå ê Êîíâåíöèè îáó÷ðåæäåíèè Âñåìèðíîé îðãàíèçàöèè èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîéñîáñòâåííîñòè (ÂÎÈÑ) è ê Ïàðèæñêîé êîíâåíöèè ïîîõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Áóäàïåøòñêîìóäîãîâîðó î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì ïðèçíàíèè äåïîíèðîâàíèÿìèêðîîðãàíèçìîâ äëÿ öåëåé ïàòåíòíîé ïðîöåäóðû,Íàéðîáñêîìó äîãîâîðó îá îõðàíå îëèìïèéñêîãîñèìâîëà, Äîãîâîðó î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè (ÐÑÒ),Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ î ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ðåãèñ-òðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, Ãààãñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ îìåæäóíàðîäíîì äåïîíèðîâàíèè ïðîìûøëåííûõîáðàçöîâ, ðàòèôèêàöèÿ ðÿäà ìåæäóíàðîäíûõêîíâåíöèé ñäåëàëè Ðåñïóáëèêó Ìîëäîâà ïîëíîïðàâíûì÷ëåíîì ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî ñîîáùåñòâà â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.

Âòîðîé ýòàï, 1996 - 1997 ãã., îñîáåííîñòüêîòîðîãî ñîñòîèò â òîì, ÷òî îõðàíà îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñòàëà îáåñïå÷èâàòüñÿñîçäàííîé çàêîíîäàòåëüíîé áàçîé. ÏðèíÿòûåÏàðëàìåíòîì Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà çàêîíû, èõãàðìîíèçàöèÿ ñ äåéñòâóþùèìè íîðìàìèìåæäóíàðîäíîãî ïðàâà ñîçäàëè ïðî÷íûé ôóíäàìåíòäëÿ ïðîâåäåíèÿ îðãàíèçàöèîííûõ, òåõíè÷åñêèõ,ýêîíîìè÷åñêèõ è äðóãèõ ìåð, íàïðàâëåííûõ íàñîçäàíèå èíôðàñòðóêòóðû, êîòîðàÿ ðåãëàìåíòèðóåò èñòèìóëèðóåò èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîå òâîð÷åñòâî. Òåì ñàìûìâ Ìîëäîâå çàëîæåíû îñíîâû èíñòèòóòà îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, ÿâëÿþùåãîñÿ îäíèì èçâàæíûõ àòðèáóòîâ ãîñóäàðñòâåííîñòè.

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accelerate the procedure of registration of inventions.The automation of technological processing of stateexamination and registration of industrial propertyobjects were carried out. Structure of the local networkand databases on all objects of industrial property waselaborated and essential resolutions on the automation ofdata processing were made. Multilateral and bilateralrelations were established with many internationalorganizations and patent offices of the world.

Joining the Convention Establishing the WorldIntellectual Property Organization, Paris Convention forthe Protection of Industrial Property, Budapest Treaty onthe International Recognition of the Deposit of Microor-ganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, NairobiTreaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol, PatentCooperation Treaty (PCT), Madrid Agreement Concerningthe International Registration of Marks, Hague Agree-ment Concerning the International Deposit of IndustrialDesigns and ratification of a number of other interna-tional conventions integrated the Republic of Moldovainto the world system of industrial property protection.

The second stage: 1996-1997 - protection ofindustrial property is carried out on the basis of newlegislation. The new laws that were adopted by theParliament of the Republic of Moldova and harmonizedwith the standards of international law made a solidfoundation for conducting organizational, technical,economical and other actions directed to the creation ofthe infrastructure that regulates and stimulates theintellectual work. Thereby, the foundation of theInstitute on Industrial Property Protection was laid outin the Republic of Moldova as an important stateattribute.

Organizational structure of the AGEPI waschanged in this period as a result of rationalization offunctional responsibility of structural subdivisions andnew directions of activity were developed. Priorityattention was paid to the expansion and deepening of thelegal activity in the field of industrial property protec-tion and national laws in the said field were coordinatedwith other legislative and standards acts of the Republicof Moldova.

The information activity of the Agency has beenconsiderably activated by the creations of its ownpublishing basis and increase of the list of official

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publications. The library funds were completed withmany publications in the field of industrial property andinnovation activity. The information system of theAGEPI consists of “Inventions” and “Trademarks”databases, automated management system of economicinformation issuing of official publications of the AGEPI.

Substantial changes took place in the field ofinternational cooperation. As an official representativeof the Republic of Moldova the AGEPI provided thefulfilment of obligations related to international organi-zations and treaties and with some foreign patent offices.The Republic of Moldova became the place for conductinginternational meetings, seminars and conferences.

All these lead to increase our authority and re-cognition of our efforts in the creation of stable legalbasis and favorable conditions were created that allowedconstructively to decide the complicated matters relatedto industrial property protection.

These achievements are the results of hard work ofour staff, of their highly skilled professionalism andcreative attitude towards their activity that contributedto win global respect among patent offices.

The present Annual Report reveals the activity ofthe AGEPI from the time of its establishment.

I hope this will be of interest not only to specia-lists in the field of industrial property protection but alsoto directors of enterprises, bankers, businessmen andwide sections of readers. At the same time, you have thepossibility closer to get to know us and to understand theacuteness of the problems related to industrial propertyin the period of economical reforms.

Eugen StashkovDirector General

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Crearea =i dezvoltarea institu\iei de proprietate industrial[, ridicarea rolului ei ]nformarea =i promovarea politicii de stat ]n domeniul protec\iei drepturilor =i valorific[riieficiente a poten\ialului intelectual, onorarea obliga\iunilor impuse de conven\iile =iaranjamentele interna\ionale la care Republica Moldova este parte, au condi\ionatprincipalele atribu\ii ale AGEPI - organul guvernamental specializat central, subordonatdirect Guvernului Republicii Moldova:

Ø elaborarea actelor legislative =i a propunerilor ]n vederea perfec\ion[rii sistemuluide func\ionare =i determinare a priorit[\ilor politicii de stat ]n domeniul protec\ieipropriet[\ii industriale, exercitarea controlului asupra respect[rii legisla\iei ]n domeniu;

Ø recep\ionarea, ]nregistrarea =i examinarea cererilor de brevetare/]nregistrare aobiectelor de proprietate industrial[, eliberarea titlurilor de protec\ie, ]nregistrareacontractelor de licen\[ privind transmiterea dreptului de exploatare a obiectelor deproprietate industrial[;

Ø gestionarea registrelor na\ionale de cereri =i titluri de protec\ie acordate pentruinven\ii, modele de utilitate, noi soiuri de plante =i rase de animale; gestionarea registruluide mandatari autoriza\i;

Ø asigurarea informa\ional[ =i activitatea editorial[ referitoare la protec\iapropriet[\ii industriale, completarea fondului de documente speciale ]n domeniul protec\ieipropriet[\ii industriale =i asigurarea integrit[\ii lui, perfec\ionarea sistemului de gestiune ainforma\iei =i asigurarea organizatorico-tehnic[ a lui;

Ø elaborarea unui complex de ac\iuni menite s[ stimuleze activitatea inventiv[ =icreativitatea, elaborarea recomand[rilor metodice =i instruc\iunilor cu privire lacomercializarea obiectelor de proprietate industrial[; participarea la elaborarea =iimplementarea programelor de stat de cercetare-dezvoltare =i expertiza proiectelor decercetare-dezvoltare;

I. Structura organizatoric[=i atribu\iile AGEPI

Schema 1

Director General Consiliulconsultativ

Comisia deApel

Prim-vice-director general

Consiliul metodologic





Sec\ia standarde=i marketing


Sec\ia examinareinven\ii =i modele

de utilitate

Sec\ia examinarem[rci =i modele



Birou bazede date




Serviciu personal=i secretariat

Serviciu cooperareinterna\ional[

Crearea =i dezvoltarea institu\iei de proprietate industrial[, ridicarea rolului ei ]nformarea =i promovarea politicii de stat ]n domeniul protec\iei drepturilor =i valorific[riieficiente a poten\ialului intelectual, onorarea obliga\iunilor impuse de conven\iile =iaranjamentele interna\ionale la care Republica Moldova este parte, au condi\ionatprincipalele atribu\ii ale AGEPI - organul guvernamental specializat central, subordonatdirect Guvernului Republicii Moldova:

Ø elaborarea actelor legislative =i a propunerilor ]n vederea perfec\ion[rii sistemuluide func\ionare =i determinare a priorit[\ilor politicii de stat ]n domeniul protec\ieipropriet[\ii industriale, exercitarea controlului asupra respect[rii legisla\iei ]n domeniu;

Ø recep\ionarea, ]nregistrarea =i examinarea cererilor de brevetare/]nregistrare aobiectelor de proprietate industrial[, eliberarea titlurilor de protec\ie, ]nregistrareacontractelor de licen\[ privind transmiterea dreptului de exploatare a obiectelor deproprietate industrial[;

Ø gestionarea registrelor na\ionale de cereri =i titluri de protec\ie acordate pentruinven\ii, modele de utilitate, noi soiuri de plante =i rase de animale; gestionarea registruluide mandatari autoriza\i;

Ø asigurarea informa\ional[ =i activitatea editorial[ referitoare la protec\iapropriet[\ii industriale, completarea fondului de documente speciale ]n domeniul protec\ieipropriet[\ii industriale =i asigurarea integrit[\ii lui, perfec\ionarea sistemului de gestiune ainforma\iei =i asigurarea organizatorico-tehnic[ a lui;

Ø elaborarea unui complex de ac\iuni menite s[ stimuleze activitatea inventiv[ =icreativitatea, elaborarea recomand[rilor metodice =i instruc\iunilor cu privire lacomercializarea obiectelor de proprietate industrial[; participarea la elaborarea =iimplementarea programelor de stat de cercetare-dezvoltare =i expertiza proiectelor decercetare-dezvoltare;

I. Structura organizatoric[=i atribu\iile AGEPI

Schema 1

Director General Consiliulconsultativ

Comisia deApel

Prim-vice-director general

Consiliul metodologic





Sec\ia standarde=i marketing


Sec\ia examinareinven\ii =i modele

de utilitate

Sec\ia examinarem[rci =i modele



Birou bazede date




Serviciu personal=i secretariat

Serviciu cooperareinterna\ional[



Page 9: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



I. Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿñòðóêòóðà è ôóíêöèè AGEPI

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Ø îñóùåñòâëåíèå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà ñ çàðó–áåæíûìè ãîñóäàðñòâàìè è ìåæäóíàðîäíûìèîðãàíèçàöèÿìè â îáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè;

Establishment and development of the Institute onIndustrial Property Protection, promotion of its role information and realization of the state policy in the fieldof protection of the rights and effective use of intellec-tual potential, fulfilment of obligations related tointernational agreements and treaties which theRepublic of Moldova joined determined the functions ofthe AGEPI - central specialized state authority that is inthe subordination of the Government of the Republic ofMoldova.

The main functions of the AGEPI are:Ø elaboration of legislative, standard acts and

proposals on the improvement of the state functionalsystem and determination of the priorities of the statepolicy in the field of industrial property protection andverification of the observance of the legislation in thesaid field;

Ø acceptance, registration and examination ofapplications on industrial property objects, granting oftitles of protection, registration of license agreements ontransfer of rights on exploitation of industrial propertyobjects;

Ø filling in the national registers of the applica-tions and titles of protection granted for inventions,utility models, new varieties of plants and animals andthe national register of patent attorneys;

Ø information maintenance and publication workrelated to the protection of industrial property, comple-tion of patent information collection and ensuring of itspreservation, improvement of information managementsystem and its organizational - technical security;

Øelaboration of complex measures directed to thestimulation of inventive and creative activity, ofmethodical recommendations and instructions related tothe commercialization of industrial property objects,participation of the AGEPI in the development andimplementation of state innovative programs andexamination of innovative projects;

Ø realization of the works related to automationand computerization of information and data processing,making access of national customers to domestic andinternational databases;

Ø establishment of cooperation with foreigncountries and international organizations in the field ofindustrial property protection;

I. Organizational Structureand Functions of the AGEPI

I. Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿñòðóêòóðà è ôóíêöèè AGEPI

Ñòàíîâëåíèå è ðàçâèòèå èíñòèòóòà îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïîâûøåíèå åãî ðîëè âôîðìèðîâàíèè è ïðîâåäåíèè ãîñóäàðñòâåííîéïîëèòèêè â îáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðàâ è ýôôåêòèâíîìèñïîëüçîâàíèè èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîãî ïîòåíöèàëà,âûïîëíåíèå îáÿçàòåëüñòâ, âûòåêàþùèõ èçìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèé è äîãîâîðîâ ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà, îáóñëîâèëè ôóíêöèè AGEPI êàêöåíòðàëüíîãî ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííîãî ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííîãîîðãàíà, ñ ïðÿìûì ïîä÷èíåíèåì ÏðàâèòåëüñòâóÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà:

Ø ðàçðàáîòêà çàêîíîäàòåëüíûõ àêòîâ, âûðàáîòêàïðåäëîæåíèé ïî ñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèþ ãîñóäàðñòâåííîéñèñòåìû ôóíêöèîíèðîâàíèÿ è îïðåäåëåíèåïðèîðèòåòîâ ãîñóäàðñòâåííîé ïîëèòèêè â îáëàñòèîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, îñóùåñòâëåíèåêîíòðîëÿ çà ñîáëþäåíèåì çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâà â äàííîéîáëàñòè;

Ø ïðèåì, ðåãèñòðàöèÿ è ïðîâåäåíèå ýêñïåðòèçûçàÿâîê íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè,âûäà÷à îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ, ðåãèñòðàöèÿëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ î ïåðåäà÷å ïðàâ íàèñïîëüçîâàíèå îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè;

Ø âåäåíèå íàöèîíàëüíûõ ðåãèñòðîâ çàÿâîê èîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ, âûäàâàåìûõ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ,ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè, íîâûå ñîðòà ðàñòåíèé è ïîðîäûæèâîòíûõ; íàöèîíàëüíîãî ðåãèñòðà ïàòåíòíûõïîâåðåííûõ;

Ø èíôîðìàöèîííîå îáåñïå÷åíèå è èçäàòåëüñêàÿðàáîòà, ñâÿçàííûå ñ îõðàíîé ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, êîìïëåêòîâàíèå ôîíäà ïàòåíòíîéäîêóìåíòàöèè è îáåñïå÷åíèå åãî ñîõðàííîñòè,ñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèå ñèñòåìû óïðàâëåíèÿ èíôîðìàöèè èåå îðãàíèçàöèîííî-òåõíè÷åñêîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ;

Ø âûðàáîòêà êîìïëåêñà ìåð, íàïðàâëåííûõ íàñòèìóëèðîâàíèå èçîáðåòàòåëüñêîé è òâîð÷åñêîéàêòèâíîñòè, ðàçðàáîòêà ìåòîäè÷åñêèõ ðåêîìåíäàöèé èèíñòðóêòèâíûõ äîêóìåíòîâ, ñâÿçàííûõ ñ êîì–ìåðöèàëèçàöèåé îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–ñòâåííîñòè; ó÷àñòèå AGEPI â ðàçðàáîòêå è ðåàëèçàöèèãîñóäàðñòâåííûõ èííîâàöèîííûõ ïðîãðàìì èïðîâåäåíèå ýêñïåðòèçû èííîâàöèîííûõ ïðîåêòîâ;

Ø ïðîâåäåíèå ðàáîò ïî àâòîìàòèçàöèè èêîìïüþòåðèçàöèè èíôîðìàöèîííûõ è òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõïðîöåññîâ, îáåñïå÷åíèå àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííîãî äîñòóïàïîëüçîâàòåëåé ê íàöèîíàëüíûì è èíîñòðàííûì áàçàìäàííûõ;

Ø îñóùåñòâëåíèå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà ñ çàðó–áåæíûìè ãîñóäàðñòâàìè è ìåæäóíàðîäíûìèîðãàíèçàöèÿìè â îáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè;

Establishment and development of the Institute onIndustrial Property Protection, promotion of its role information and realization of the state policy in the fieldof protection of the rights and effective use of intellec-tual potential, fulfilment of obligations related tointernational agreements and treaties which theRepublic of Moldova joined determined the functions ofthe AGEPI - central specialized state authority that is inthe subordination of the Government of the Republic ofMoldova.

The main functions of the AGEPI are:Ø elaboration of legislative, standard acts and

proposals on the improvement of the state functionalsystem and determination of the priorities of the statepolicy in the field of industrial property protection andverification of the observance of the legislation in thesaid field;

Ø acceptance, registration and examination ofapplications on industrial property objects, granting oftitles of protection, registration of license agreements ontransfer of rights on exploitation of industrial propertyobjects;

Ø filling in the national registers of the applica-tions and titles of protection granted for inventions,utility models, new varieties of plants and animals andthe national register of patent attorneys;

Ø information maintenance and publication workrelated to the protection of industrial property, comple-tion of patent information collection and ensuring of itspreservation, improvement of information managementsystem and its organizational - technical security;

Øelaboration of complex measures directed to thestimulation of inventive and creative activity, ofmethodical recommendations and instructions related tothe commercialization of industrial property objects,participation of the AGEPI in the development andimplementation of state innovative programs andexamination of innovative projects;

Ø realization of the works related to automationand computerization of information and data processing,making access of national customers to domestic andinternational databases;

Ø establishment of cooperation with foreigncountries and international organizations in the field ofindustrial property protection;

I. Organizational Structureand Functions of the AGEPI



Page 10: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Ø desf[=urarea lucr[rilor de automatizare =i computerizare a proceselor informa\ionale=i tehnologice, asigurarea accesului automatizat al utilizatorilor la bazele de date na\ionale =istr[ine;

Ø stabilirea rela\iilor cu statele lumii =i organiza\iile interna\ionale ]n domeniulprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale;

Ø analiza dezvolt[rii pie\ei de proprietate industrial[, efectuarea studiilor analitice =ielaborarea rapoartelor informa\ionale, organizarea seminarelor, conferin\elor, expozi\iilor,crearea bazelor de date ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale, aplicarea standardelor OMPI,prestarea serviciilor informa\ionale de brevetare =i altor servicii persoanelor juridice =i fizice.

m Atribu\iile exercitate au determinat structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI(Schema 1).

m La momentul ]nfiin\[rii structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI includea 7subdiviziuni: sec\ia examinare inven\ii =i modele de utilitate, sec\ia examinare m[rci =idesene/modele industriale, sec\ia ]nregistrare de stat =i cooperare interna\ional[, sec\iaorganizare =i metodologie, sec\ia juridic[, sec\ia economie =i sec\ia tehnic[. }n 1994 a fostformat[ o nou[ sec\ie - edi\ii =i sisteme informa\ionale. Ca rezultat structura organizatoric[cuprindea 8 sec\ii independente, r[m`n`nd neschimbat[ p`n[ ]n 1995 inclusiv.

m }n 1996 structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI a suportat modific[ri considerabile.S-a implementat un sistem de administrare ]n dou[ niveluri: sec\ii - departament. O atareadministrare este orientat[ spre a perfec\iona reglementarea rela\iilor interdepartamentale, aatribui subdiviziunilor structurale mai mult[ independen\[ =i responsabilitate ]n exercitareafunc\iilor =i a efectua un control riguros asupra execut[rii lor, av`nd ca scop excludereadubl[rii vreunor lucr[ri, simplificarea procedurii de transmitere a documentelor. }ncomponen\a departamentului examinare au intrat dou[ sec\ii active care au ]n atribu\iiexaminarea obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, ]n departamentul juridic ]mpreun[ cu sec\iajuridic[ activ[ au intrat dou[ sec\ii noi - sec\ia registre =i sec\ia standarde =i marketing, iar]n departamentul informa\ional - sec\ia informatic[, sec\ia edi\ii, biroul baze de date.

m }n subordonarea direct[ a Directorului General se afl[ sec\ia economie, sec\iatehnic[ =i dou[ sec\ii renovate - sec\ia cooperare interna\ional[ =i serviciul personal =isecretariat.

m Anul 1997 nu a fost marcat prin modific[ri ale structurii organizatorice aAGEPI.

m Agen\ia de Stat pentru Protec\ia Propriet[\ii Industriale a Republicii Moldovaeste condus[ de c[tre Directorul General, numit ]n func\ie de Guvernul Republicii Moldova.

+edin\a solemn[ consacrat[ anivers[rii a 5-ea a instituirii AGEPI.The solemn meeting dedicated to the 5th Anniversary of the AGEPI.Òîðæåñòâåííîå çàñåäàíèå â ÷åñòü ïÿòèëåòèÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ AGEPI.

Ø desf[=urarea lucr[rilor de automatizare =i computerizare a proceselor informa\ionale=i tehnologice, asigurarea accesului automatizat al utilizatorilor la bazele de date na\ionale =istr[ine;

Ø stabilirea rela\iilor cu statele lumii =i organiza\iile interna\ionale ]n domeniulprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale;

Ø analiza dezvolt[rii pie\ei de proprietate industrial[, efectuarea studiilor analitice =ielaborarea rapoartelor informa\ionale, organizarea seminarelor, conferin\elor, expozi\iilor,crearea bazelor de date ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale, aplicarea standardelor OMPI,prestarea serviciilor informa\ionale de brevetare =i altor servicii persoanelor juridice =i fizice.

m Atribu\iile exercitate au determinat structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI(Schema 1).

m La momentul ]nfiin\[rii structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI includea 7subdiviziuni: sec\ia examinare inven\ii =i modele de utilitate, sec\ia examinare m[rci =idesene/modele industriale, sec\ia ]nregistrare de stat =i cooperare interna\ional[, sec\iaorganizare =i metodologie, sec\ia juridic[, sec\ia economie =i sec\ia tehnic[. }n 1994 a fostformat[ o nou[ sec\ie - edi\ii =i sisteme informa\ionale. Ca rezultat structura organizatoric[cuprindea 8 sec\ii independente, r[m`n`nd neschimbat[ p`n[ ]n 1995 inclusiv.

m }n 1996 structura organizatoric[ a AGEPI a suportat modific[ri considerabile.S-a implementat un sistem de administrare ]n dou[ niveluri: sec\ii - departament. O atareadministrare este orientat[ spre a perfec\iona reglementarea rela\iilor interdepartamentale, aatribui subdiviziunilor structurale mai mult[ independen\[ =i responsabilitate ]n exercitareafunc\iilor =i a efectua un control riguros asupra execut[rii lor, av`nd ca scop excludereadubl[rii vreunor lucr[ri, simplificarea procedurii de transmitere a documentelor. }ncomponen\a departamentului examinare au intrat dou[ sec\ii active care au ]n atribu\iiexaminarea obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, ]n departamentul juridic ]mpreun[ cu sec\iajuridic[ activ[ au intrat dou[ sec\ii noi - sec\ia registre =i sec\ia standarde =i marketing, iar]n departamentul informa\ional - sec\ia informatic[, sec\ia edi\ii, biroul baze de date.

m }n subordonarea direct[ a Directorului General se afl[ sec\ia economie, sec\iatehnic[ =i dou[ sec\ii renovate - sec\ia cooperare interna\ional[ =i serviciul personal =isecretariat.

m Anul 1997 nu a fost marcat prin modific[ri ale structurii organizatorice aAGEPI.

m Agen\ia de Stat pentru Protec\ia Propriet[\ii Industriale a Republicii Moldovaeste condus[ de c[tre Directorul General, numit ]n func\ie de Guvernul Republicii Moldova.

+edin\a solemn[ consacrat[ anivers[rii a 5-ea a instituirii AGEPI.The solemn meeting dedicated to the 5th Anniversary of the AGEPI.Òîðæåñòâåííîå çàñåäàíèå â ÷åñòü ïÿòèëåòèÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ AGEPI.



Page 11: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


1 1

Ø àíàëèç ðàçâèòèÿ ðûíêà ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïîäãîòîâêà àíàëèòè÷åñêèõ îáçîðîâ èèíôîðìàöèîííûõ îò÷åòîâ, ïðîâåäåíèå ñåìèíàðîâ,êîíôåðåíöèé, âûñòàâîê, ôîðìèðîâàíèå áàíêà äàííûõïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè, èñïîëüçîâàíèå ñòàíäàðòîâÂÎÈÑ â äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI, îêàçàíèå ïàòåíòíî-èíôîðìàöèîííûõ è äðóãèõ óñëóã þðèäè÷åñêèì èôèçè÷åñêèì ëèöàì.

m Âûïîëíÿåìûå ôóíêöèè îïðåäåëèëè îðãàíè–çàöèîííóþ ñòðóêòóðó AGEPI (Cõåìà 1). Ñ ñîçäàíèåìAGEPI îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà âêëþ÷àëà 7ïîäðàçäåëåíèé: îòäåë ýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèé èïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé, îòäåë ýêñïåðòèçû òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâè ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé, îòäåëãîñóäàðñòâåííîé ðåãèñòðàöèè è ìåæäóíàðîäíîéêîîïåðàöèè, îòäåë îðãàíèçàöèè è ìåòîäîëîãèè,þðèäè÷åñêèé îòäåë, ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé îòäåë èòåõíè÷åñêèé îòäåë.  1994 ã. áûë îðãàíèçîâàí íîâûéîòäåë - èçäàíèé è èíôîðìàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì. Âðåçóëüòàòå îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà âêëþ÷àëà 8ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíûõ îòäåëîâ è â òàêîì âèäåïðîñóùåñòâîâàëà äî 1995 ã. âêëþ÷èòåëüíî.

m  1996 ã. îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà AGEPIïðåòåðïåëà ñóùåñòâåííûå èçìåíåíèÿ. Îíè ñîñòîÿò âòîì, ÷òî áûëà ââåäåíà äâóõóðîâíåâàÿ ñèñòåìàóïðàâëåíèÿ: îòäåëû - äåïàðòàìåíò. Òàêîå óïðàâëåíèåíàïðàâëåíî íà òî, ÷òîáû ïîâûñèòü óðîâåíüðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ âíóòðèâåäîìñòâåííûõ ñâÿçåé, ïðèäàòüñòðóêòóðíûì ïîäðàçäåëåíèÿì áîëüøóþñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîñòü è îòâåòñòâåííîñòü ïðèîñóùåñòâëåíèè ñâîèõ ôóíêöèé è ïîâûñèòü êîíòðîëüçà èõ èñïîëíåíèåì, èñêëþ÷èòü íåñâîéñòâåííîå îòäåëàìäóáëèðîâàíèå ðàáîò, óïðîñòèòü ïðîöåäóðûïðîõîæäåíèÿ äîêóìåíòîâ. Åñëè â ñîñòàâ äåïàðòàìåíòàýêñïåðòèçû âîøëè äâà ôóíêöèîíèðîâàâøèõ îòäåëà,çàíèìàþùèõñÿ ýêñïåðòèçîé îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, òî â þðèäè÷åñêèé äåïàðòàìåíò íàðÿäó ñôóíêöèîíèðóþùèì þðèäè÷åñêèì îòäåëîì âîøëè äâàíîâûõ - îòäåë ðåãèñòðîâ è îòäåë ñòàíäàðòîâ èìàðêåòèíãà, à â äåïàðòàìåíò èíôîðìàòèêè - îòäåëèíôîðìàòèêè, ðåäàêöèîííûé îòäåë, áþðî áàçûäàííûõ.

m  ïðÿìîì ïîä÷èíåíèè Ãåíåðàëüíîãî äè–ðåêòîðà îñòàëèñü ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé îòäåë, òåõíè÷åñêèéîòäåë è äâà âíîâü ñîçäàííûõ îòäåëà - ìåæäóíàðîäíîéêîîïåðàöèè è êàäðîâ è ñåêðåòàðèàòà.

m  1997 ã. îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà AGEPIïðèíöèïèàëüíûõ èçìåíåíèé íå ïðåòåðïåëà.

m Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîå Àãåíòñòâî ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòèâîçãëàâëÿåò Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð, íàçíà÷àåìûé íàäîëæíîñòü Ïðàâèòåëüñòâîì Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà.

Ø analysis of industrial property market, prepara-tion of analytical reviews and information reports,conducting of seminars, conferences, exhibitions,formation of patent information databases, application ofWIPO Standards in the activity of the AGEPI, renderingof patent information services to natural and legalpersons. The performed functions determined the neworganizational structure of the AGEPI (Annex 1).

m The organizational structure of the AGEPI atthe moment of its establishment consisted of sevendepartments: Patent and Utility Models ExaminationDivision, Trademarks and Industrial Designs Division,State Registration and International Cooperation DivisionMethodological and Organizational Division, LawDivision, Finance and Economy Division and TechnicalDivision. A new department-Information and EditorshipDivision was organized in 1994. Consequently, theorganizational structure with eight departments wasmaintained till the end of 1995.

m Organizational structure of the AGEPI wasradical changed in 1996. A two-level management systemwas introduced: Divisions and Departments. The saidmanagement system is directed to raise the adjustmentlevel of inner- office relations, to give more independenceto departments and divisions in performance of theirfunctions and to strengthen the control on their execu-tion, to exclude the double performance of work and tosimplify the procedure of documents.

m As the Examination Department was formed onthe base of the two acting Examination Divisions thenthe Law Department was formed on the base of Legal andon two new Divisions - Standards and Marketing Divisionand Registers Division. The Information SystemsDepartment was formed on the base of ComputerDivision, Data Processing Division and Editorial Divi-sion. Economic Division Technical Division, InternationalCooperation Division and Personnel and SecretariatDivision are under direct subordination of DirectorGeneral. The organizational structure was not changedafter 1997.

m The Director General of the State Agency onIndustrial Property Protection of the Republic ofMoldova was appointed by the Government of theRepublic of Moldova.

Ø àíàëèç ðàçâèòèÿ ðûíêà ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïîäãîòîâêà àíàëèòè÷åñêèõ îáçîðîâ èèíôîðìàöèîííûõ îò÷åòîâ, ïðîâåäåíèå ñåìèíàðîâ,êîíôåðåíöèé, âûñòàâîê, ôîðìèðîâàíèå áàíêà äàííûõïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè, èñïîëüçîâàíèå ñòàíäàðòîâÂÎÈÑ â äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI, îêàçàíèå ïàòåíòíî-èíôîðìàöèîííûõ è äðóãèõ óñëóã þðèäè÷åñêèì èôèçè÷åñêèì ëèöàì.

m Âûïîëíÿåìûå ôóíêöèè îïðåäåëèëè îðãàíè–çàöèîííóþ ñòðóêòóðó AGEPI (Cõåìà 1). Ñ ñîçäàíèåìAGEPI îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà âêëþ÷àëà 7ïîäðàçäåëåíèé: îòäåë ýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèé èïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé, îòäåë ýêñïåðòèçû òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâè ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé, îòäåëãîñóäàðñòâåííîé ðåãèñòðàöèè è ìåæäóíàðîäíîéêîîïåðàöèè, îòäåë îðãàíèçàöèè è ìåòîäîëîãèè,þðèäè÷åñêèé îòäåë, ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé îòäåë èòåõíè÷åñêèé îòäåë.  1994 ã. áûë îðãàíèçîâàí íîâûéîòäåë - èçäàíèé è èíôîðìàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì. Âðåçóëüòàòå îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà âêëþ÷àëà 8ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíûõ îòäåëîâ è â òàêîì âèäåïðîñóùåñòâîâàëà äî 1995 ã. âêëþ÷èòåëüíî.

m  1996 ã. îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà AGEPIïðåòåðïåëà ñóùåñòâåííûå èçìåíåíèÿ. Îíè ñîñòîÿò âòîì, ÷òî áûëà ââåäåíà äâóõóðîâíåâàÿ ñèñòåìàóïðàâëåíèÿ: îòäåëû - äåïàðòàìåíò. Òàêîå óïðàâëåíèåíàïðàâëåíî íà òî, ÷òîáû ïîâûñèòü óðîâåíüðåãóëèðîâàíèÿ âíóòðèâåäîìñòâåííûõ ñâÿçåé, ïðèäàòüñòðóêòóðíûì ïîäðàçäåëåíèÿì áîëüøóþñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîñòü è îòâåòñòâåííîñòü ïðèîñóùåñòâëåíèè ñâîèõ ôóíêöèé è ïîâûñèòü êîíòðîëüçà èõ èñïîëíåíèåì, èñêëþ÷èòü íåñâîéñòâåííîå îòäåëàìäóáëèðîâàíèå ðàáîò, óïðîñòèòü ïðîöåäóðûïðîõîæäåíèÿ äîêóìåíòîâ. Åñëè â ñîñòàâ äåïàðòàìåíòàýêñïåðòèçû âîøëè äâà ôóíêöèîíèðîâàâøèõ îòäåëà,çàíèìàþùèõñÿ ýêñïåðòèçîé îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, òî â þðèäè÷åñêèé äåïàðòàìåíò íàðÿäó ñôóíêöèîíèðóþùèì þðèäè÷åñêèì îòäåëîì âîøëè äâàíîâûõ - îòäåë ðåãèñòðîâ è îòäåë ñòàíäàðòîâ èìàðêåòèíãà, à â äåïàðòàìåíò èíôîðìàòèêè - îòäåëèíôîðìàòèêè, ðåäàêöèîííûé îòäåë, áþðî áàçûäàííûõ.

m  ïðÿìîì ïîä÷èíåíèè Ãåíåðàëüíîãî äè–ðåêòîðà îñòàëèñü ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé îòäåë, òåõíè÷åñêèéîòäåë è äâà âíîâü ñîçäàííûõ îòäåëà - ìåæäóíàðîäíîéêîîïåðàöèè è êàäðîâ è ñåêðåòàðèàòà.

m  1997 ã. îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà AGEPIïðèíöèïèàëüíûõ èçìåíåíèé íå ïðåòåðïåëà.

m Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîå Àãåíòñòâî ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòèâîçãëàâëÿåò Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð, íàçíà÷àåìûé íàäîëæíîñòü Ïðàâèòåëüñòâîì Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà.

Ø analysis of industrial property market, prepara-tion of analytical reviews and information reports,conducting of seminars, conferences, exhibitions,formation of patent information databases, application ofWIPO Standards in the activity of the AGEPI, renderingof patent information services to natural and legalpersons. The performed functions determined the neworganizational structure of the AGEPI (Annex 1).

m The organizational structure of the AGEPI atthe moment of its establishment consisted of sevendepartments: Patent and Utility Models ExaminationDivision, Trademarks and Industrial Designs Division,State Registration and International Cooperation DivisionMethodological and Organizational Division, LawDivision, Finance and Economy Division and TechnicalDivision. A new department-Information and EditorshipDivision was organized in 1994. Consequently, theorganizational structure with eight departments wasmaintained till the end of 1995.

m Organizational structure of the AGEPI wasradical changed in 1996. A two-level management systemwas introduced: Divisions and Departments. The saidmanagement system is directed to raise the adjustmentlevel of inner- office relations, to give more independenceto departments and divisions in performance of theirfunctions and to strengthen the control on their execu-tion, to exclude the double performance of work and tosimplify the procedure of documents.

m As the Examination Department was formed onthe base of the two acting Examination Divisions thenthe Law Department was formed on the base of Legal andon two new Divisions - Standards and Marketing Divisionand Registers Division. The Information SystemsDepartment was formed on the base of ComputerDivision, Data Processing Division and Editorial Divi-sion. Economic Division Technical Division, InternationalCooperation Division and Personnel and SecretariatDivision are under direct subordination of DirectorGeneral. The organizational structure was not changedafter 1997.

m The Director General of the State Agency onIndustrial Property Protection of the Republic ofMoldova was appointed by the Government of theRepublic of Moldova.


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1 2

Ion Daniliuc,Prim-vicedirector


dr. Victor Sosnovschi,director Departament


Boris Schi\co,director Departament


Vitalie Patlati,director Departament


Veaceslav Crecetov,=ef sec\ie examinare inven\ii

=i modele de utilitate

Oxana Panasenco,=ef sec\ie examinare m[rci

=i desene/modele industriale

Nadina Pripa,=ef sec\ieregistre

Andrei Moisei,=ef sec\iejuridic[

dr.Gherman Mamedov,=ef sec\ie standarde =i


Maria Cernobrovciuc,=ef sec\ie cooperare


Vitalie Cojocaru,=ef sec\ie


Raia Rohac,=ef sec\ie


Ludmila Rusnac,=ef birou

baze de date

Eudochia Chilari,=ef sec\ieeconomie

Valeria Ceban,=ef serviciu

personal =i secretariat

Nicolae Stratula,=ef sec\ietehnic[

Conduc[torii subdiviziunilorstructurale ale AGEPI

Ion Daniliuc,Prim-vicedirector


dr. Victor Sosnovschi,director Departament


Boris Schi\co,director Departament


Vitalie Patlati,director Departament


Veaceslav Crecetov,=ef sec\ie examinare inven\ii

=i modele de utilitate

Oxana Panasenco,=ef sec\ie examinare m[rci

=i desene/modele industriale

Nadina Pripa,=ef sec\ieregistre

Andrei Moisei,=ef sec\iejuridic[

dr.Gherman Mamedov,=ef sec\ie standarde =i


Maria Cernobrovciuc,=ef sec\ie cooperare


Vitalie Cojocaru,=ef sec\ie


Raia Rohac,=ef sec\ie


Ludmila Rusnac,=ef birou

baze de date

Eudochia Chilari,=ef sec\ieeconomie

Valeria Ceban,=ef serviciu

personal =i secretariat

Nicolae Stratula,=ef sec\ietehnic[

Conduc[torii subdiviziunilorstructurale ale AGEPI


1 2

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Structura organizatoric[ a sec\iei examinareinven\ii =i modele de utilitate

Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà îòäåëà ýêñïåðòèçûèçîáðåòåíèé è ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé

Organizational Structure of ExaminationDivision-Inventions and Utility Models

n +ef sec\ie w Head of the Division � Çàâåäóþùèé îòäåëîì

n Adjunct =ef sec\iew Deputy Head of the Division� Çàìåñòèòåëü çàâåäóþùåãî


n Grupele de examinarew Examination Groups� Ãðóïïû ýêñïåðòèçû

Biologie, medicin[,medicin[ veterinar[.Biology, Medicine,Veterinary.Áèîëîãèÿ, ìåäèöèíà,âåòåðèíàðèÿ.

Electronic[,electrotehnic[, auto-matic[, fizic[,telecomunica\ii, ener-getic[.Electronics, Electrical,Engineering Automation,Physics, Telecommunica-tions, EnergeticsÝëåêòðîíèêà,ýëåêòðîòåõíèêà,àâòîìàòèêà,ôèçèêà,òåëåêîììóíèêàöèè,ýíåðãåòèêà.

Construc\ie de ma=ini,metalurgie, construc\ii,transport.Mechanical- Engineering,Metallurgy, Construction,Transport.Ìàøèíîñòðîåíèå,ìåòàëëóðãèÿ, ñòðîèòåëüñòâî,òðàíñïîðò.

Industrie u=oar[,agricultur[, industriealimentar[.Light Industry, Agricul-ture, Food Industry.Ëåãêàÿ ïðîìûøëåííîñòü,ñåëüñêîå õîçÿéñòâî,ïèùåâàÿïðîìûøëåííîñòü.

Traduceri, deserviretehnic[.Translations,Servicing Group,Ïåðåâîäû, òåõíè÷åñêîåîáñëóæèâàíèå.

Chimie, farmacologie.Chemistry, Pharmacology.Õèìèÿ, ôàðìàêîëîãèÿ.

n Adjunct =ef sec\iew Deputy Head of the Division� Çàìåñòèòåëü çàâåäóþùåãî


Structura organizatoric[ a sec\iei examinareinven\ii =i modele de utilitate

Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà îòäåëà ýêñïåðòèçûèçîáðåòåíèé è ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé

Organizational Structure of ExaminationDivision-Inventions and Utility Models

n +ef sec\ie w Head of the Division � Çàâåäóþùèé îòäåëîì

n Adjunct =ef sec\iew Deputy Head of the Division� Çàìåñòèòåëü çàâåäóþùåãî


n Grupele de examinarew Examination Groups� Ãðóïïû ýêñïåðòèçû

Biologie, medicin[,medicin[ veterinar[.Biology, Medicine,Veterinary.Áèîëîãèÿ, ìåäèöèíà,âåòåðèíàðèÿ.

Electronic[,electrotehnic[, auto-matic[, fizic[,telecomunica\ii, ener-getic[.Electronics, Electrical,Engineering Automation,Physics, Telecommunica-tions, EnergeticsÝëåêòðîíèêà,ýëåêòðîòåõíèêà,àâòîìàòèêà,ôèçèêà,òåëåêîììóíèêàöèè,ýíåðãåòèêà.

Construc\ie de ma=ini,metalurgie, construc\ii,transport.Mechanical- Engineering,Metallurgy, Construction,Transport.Ìàøèíîñòðîåíèå,ìåòàëëóðãèÿ, ñòðîèòåëüñòâî,òðàíñïîðò.

Industrie u=oar[,agricultur[, industriealimentar[.Light Industry, Agricul-ture, Food Industry.Ëåãêàÿ ïðîìûøëåííîñòü,ñåëüñêîå õîçÿéñòâî,ïèùåâàÿïðîìûøëåííîñòü.

Traduceri, deserviretehnic[.Translations,Servicing Group,Ïåðåâîäû, òåõíè÷åñêîåîáñëóæèâàíèå.

Chimie, farmacologie.Chemistry, Pharmacology.Õèìèÿ, ôàðìàêîëîãèÿ.

n Adjunct =ef sec\iew Deputy Head of the Division� Çàìåñòèòåëü çàâåäóþùåãî




Page 14: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Structura organizatoric[ a sec\ieim[rci =i desene/modele industriale

Organizational Structure of ExaminationDivision Trademarks and Industrial Designs

Îðãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà îòäåëà òîâàðíûõçíàêîâ è ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé

n +ef sec\ie w Head of the Division � Çàâåäóþùèé îòäåëîì

n Adjunct =ef sec\ie m[rciu Deputy Head of the Division

on Trademarks Mattersl Çàìåñòèòåëü çàâåäóþùåãî

îòäåëîì ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì

n Adjunct =ef sec\ie desene/modele industriale

u Deputy Head of the Divisionon Industrial Designs Matters

l Çàìåñòèòåëü çàâåäóþùåãîîòäåëîì ïî ïðîìûøëåííûìðèñóíêàì è ìîäåëÿì

Grupa examinare cereriinterna\ionaleExamination Group ofInternational ApplicationsÃðóïïà ýêñïåðòèçûìåæäóíàðîäíûõ çàÿâîê

Grupa examinare cererina\ionaleExamination Group ofNational ApplicationsÃðóïïà ýêñïåðòèçûíàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâîê

Grupa eliberaretitluri de protec\ieGroup on Titles ofProtection GrantingÃðóïïà âûäà÷èîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ

Grupa examinare desene/modele industrialeExamination Group of Indus-trial Designs ApplicationsÃðóïïà ýêñïåðòèçû ïðîìûø-ëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé

Grupa tehnic[Servicing GroupÃðóïïà òåõíè÷åñêîãîîáñëóæèâàíèÿ

Grupa examinarepreliminar[Preliminary ExaminationGroupÃðóïïà ïðåäâàðè-òåëüíîé ýêñïåðòèçû

n +ef sec\ie w Head of the Division � Çàâåäóþùèé îòäåëîì



Page 15: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


1 5

l Legile Republicii Moldova ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industrialel Laws of the Republic of Moldova in the field of industrial property protectionl Çàêîíû Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà â îáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

t Publica\iile ofic ia le ale AGEPIt The off icial publications of the AGEPIt Îôèöèàëüíûå èçäàíèÿ AGEPI

Buletin Oficial de Proprietate Industrial[, Intellectus, AGEPI Info,AGEPI Consult[, AGEPI Expo, Bursa Inven\iilor


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1 6

Protec\ia drepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, rolul ei activ ]nreformele actuale social-economice =i tehnico-=tiin\ifice ale economiei constituie unul dinactivele de importan\[ strategic[ ale Republicii Moldova. }n activitatea de asigurare aprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale AGEPI are drept c[l[uz[ urm[toarele documente:

1. Constitu\ia.2. Legea privind proprietatea.3. Decretul preziden\ial cu privire la instituirea Agen\iei de Stat pentru Protec\ia

Propriet[\ii Industriale a Republicii Moldova nr. 120 din 25 mai 1992.4. Legea privind brevetele de inven\ie.5. Legea privind m[rcile =i denumirile de origine a produselor.6. Legea privind protec\ia desenelor =i modelelor industriale.7. Legea privind protec\ia soiurilor de plante.8. Hot[r`rea Guvernului cu privire la protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale ]n Republica

Moldova nr. 456 din 26 iulie 1993.9. Hot[r`rea Guvernului cu privire la Statutul Agen\iei de Stat pentru Protec\ia

Propriet[\ii Industriale a Republicii Moldova nr. 743 din 31 decembrie 1996.10. Hot[r`rea Guvernului cu privire la taxele pentru servicii cu semnifica\ie juridic[

]n domeniul protec\iei obiectelor propriet[\ii industriale nr. 774 din 13 august 1997.11. Hot[r`rea Guvernului privind aprobarea Regulamentului provizoriu cu privire la

mandatarii autoriza\i ai Republicii Moldova nr. 313 din 1 iulie 1993.O deosebit[ importan\[ ]n cadrul protec\iei juridice a propriet[\ii industriale prezint[

Legea Republicii Moldova privind limitarea activit[\ii monopoliste =i dezvoltareaconcuren\ei, Legea privind franchisingul, Legea privind investi\iile str[ine, Codul civil etc.care, pe l`ng[ faptul c[ extind cadrul legislativ, ridic[ nivelul de protec\ie a propriet[\iiindustriale ]n Republica Moldova.

Executarea legilor se realizeaz[ nemijlocit prin documentele normative elaborate laAGEPI. Actualmente sunt ]n vigoare Actele normative prezentate ]n Anexa 1.

Promovarea reformelor axate pe principiile economiei de pia\[, consolidarea pie\ei =icomercializarea propriet[\ii industriale, prevenirea importului ilicit de produse brevetate =ireprimarea concuren\ei neloiale, stimularea crea\iei inventive =i extinderea fabric[rii deproduse competitive au dictat ]n mod obiectiv necesitatea elabor[rii sistemului de garan\iijuridice ale statului menite s[ legifereze responsabilitatea pentru violarea drepturilorexclusive ale titularilor de proprietate industrial[, s[ contribuie la func\ionarea stabil[ a]ntreprinderilor din businessul mic =i cel mijlociu, s[ ]mpiedice scurgerea de informa\ieviz`nd realiz[rile tehnico-=tiin\ifice de perspectiv[ etc.

Sistemul protec\iei juridice a intereselor titularilor de proprietate industrial[ seconsolideaz[. Practica protec\iei juridice demonstreaz[ c[ mecanismul de examinare alitigiilor ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale, reclama\iilor prezentate at`t de c[tresolicitan\i =i titulari de brevete, c`t =i de ter\i, abia se formeaz[, iar legisla\ia ]n vigoaresatisface tot mai mult interesele titularilor de proprietate industrial[ ]n ceea ce prive=tesolu\ionarea divergen\elor =i acordarea garan\iilor.

Din 1994 ]n cadrul AGEPI activeaz[ Comisia de Apel. }n perioada de activitate acomisiei au fost depuse 48 =i examinate 35 de contesta\ii, lu`ndu-se decizii de respingere acererilor de brevet de inven\ie - 1 (2,9%), decizii de respingere a cererilor de ]nregistrare am[rcilor - 28 (80%) =i decizii de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor - 6 (17,1%).

Din num[rul total de contesta\ii depuse 26 (54,2%) au fost ]naintate de solicitan\i,iar 22 (45,8%) de ter\e persoane. Trei contesta\ii privind deciziile Comisiei de Apel au fostdepuse la Judec[toria Economic[ a Republicii Moldova.

II. Protec\ia juridic[ a obiectelorde proprietate industrial[

Protec\ia drepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, rolul ei activ ]nreformele actuale social-economice =i tehnico-=tiin\ifice ale economiei constituie unul dinactivele de importan\[ strategic[ ale Republicii Moldova. }n activitatea de asigurare aprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale AGEPI are drept c[l[uz[ urm[toarele documente:

1. Constitu\ia.2. Legea privind proprietatea.3. Decretul preziden\ial cu privire la instituirea Agen\iei de Stat pentru Protec\ia

Propriet[\ii Industriale a Republicii Moldova nr. 120 din 25 mai 1992.4. Legea privind brevetele de inven\ie.5. Legea privind m[rcile =i denumirile de origine a produselor.6. Legea privind protec\ia desenelor =i modelelor industriale.7. Legea privind protec\ia soiurilor de plante.8. Hot[r`rea Guvernului cu privire la protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale ]n Republica

Moldova nr. 456 din 26 iulie 1993.9. Hot[r`rea Guvernului cu privire la Statutul Agen\iei de Stat pentru Protec\ia

Propriet[\ii Industriale a Republicii Moldova nr. 743 din 31 decembrie 1996.10. Hot[r`rea Guvernului cu privire la taxele pentru servicii cu semnifica\ie juridic[

]n domeniul protec\iei obiectelor propriet[\ii industriale nr. 774 din 13 august 1997.11. Hot[r`rea Guvernului privind aprobarea Regulamentului provizoriu cu privire la

mandatarii autoriza\i ai Republicii Moldova nr. 313 din 1 iulie 1993.O deosebit[ importan\[ ]n cadrul protec\iei juridice a propriet[\ii industriale prezint[

Legea Republicii Moldova privind limitarea activit[\ii monopoliste =i dezvoltareaconcuren\ei, Legea privind franchisingul, Legea privind investi\iile str[ine, Codul civil etc.care, pe l`ng[ faptul c[ extind cadrul legislativ, ridic[ nivelul de protec\ie a propriet[\iiindustriale ]n Republica Moldova.

Executarea legilor se realizeaz[ nemijlocit prin documentele normative elaborate laAGEPI. Actualmente sunt ]n vigoare Actele normative prezentate ]n Anexa 1.

Promovarea reformelor axate pe principiile economiei de pia\[, consolidarea pie\ei =icomercializarea propriet[\ii industriale, prevenirea importului ilicit de produse brevetate =ireprimarea concuren\ei neloiale, stimularea crea\iei inventive =i extinderea fabric[rii deproduse competitive au dictat ]n mod obiectiv necesitatea elabor[rii sistemului de garan\iijuridice ale statului menite s[ legifereze responsabilitatea pentru violarea drepturilorexclusive ale titularilor de proprietate industrial[, s[ contribuie la func\ionarea stabil[ a]ntreprinderilor din businessul mic =i cel mijlociu, s[ ]mpiedice scurgerea de informa\ieviz`nd realiz[rile tehnico-=tiin\ifice de perspectiv[ etc.

Sistemul protec\iei juridice a intereselor titularilor de proprietate industrial[ seconsolideaz[. Practica protec\iei juridice demonstreaz[ c[ mecanismul de examinare alitigiilor ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale, reclama\iilor prezentate at`t de c[tresolicitan\i =i titulari de brevete, c`t =i de ter\i, abia se formeaz[, iar legisla\ia ]n vigoaresatisface tot mai mult interesele titularilor de proprietate industrial[ ]n ceea ce prive=tesolu\ionarea divergen\elor =i acordarea garan\iilor.

Din 1994 ]n cadrul AGEPI activeaz[ Comisia de Apel. }n perioada de activitate acomisiei au fost depuse 48 =i examinate 35 de contesta\ii, lu`ndu-se decizii de respingere acererilor de brevet de inven\ie - 1 (2,9%), decizii de respingere a cererilor de ]nregistrare am[rcilor - 28 (80%) =i decizii de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor - 6 (17,1%).

Din num[rul total de contesta\ii depuse 26 (54,2%) au fost ]naintate de solicitan\i,iar 22 (45,8%) de ter\e persoane. Trei contesta\ii privind deciziile Comisiei de Apel au fostdepuse la Judec[toria Economic[ a Republicii Moldova.

II. Protec\ia juridic[ a obiectelorde proprietate industrial[


1 6

Page 17: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


1 7

Îõðàíà ïðàâ íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè,åå àêòèâíàÿ ðîëü â ñîâðåìåííîì íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêîì èñîöèàëüíî-ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì ðåôîðìèðîâàíèè ýêîíîìèêèÿâëÿåòñÿ îäíèì èç âàæíûõ ñòðàòåãè÷åñêèõ àêòèâîâÌîëäîâû.  ñâîåé äåÿòåëüíîñòè ïî îáåñïå÷åíèþ îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè AGEPI ðóêîâîäñòâóåòñÿñëåäóþùèìè äîêóìåíòàìè:

1. Êîíñòèòóöèÿ.2. Çàêîí o ñîáñòâåííîñòè.3. Óêàç Ïðåçèäåíòà “Î ñîçäàíèè Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî

Àãåíòñòâà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”, ¹ 120 îò 25 ìàÿ 1992 ãîäà.

4. Çàêîí o ïàòåíòàõ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ.5. Çàêîí o òîâàðíûõ çíàêàõ è íàèìåíîâàíèÿõ ìåñò

ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ.6. Çàêîí oá îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé.7. Çàêîí oá îõðàíå ñîðòîâ ðàñòåíèé.8. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà ”Îá îõðàíå ïðî–

ìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà”, ¹ 456 îò26 èþëÿ 1993 ãîäà.

9. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà “Îá Óñòàâå Ãîñóäàð-ñòâåííîãî Àãåíòñòâà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûø-ëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”, ¹ 743 îò 31 äåêàáðÿ 1996 ãîäà.

10. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà “Î òàêñàõ çà þðèäè÷åñêèçíà÷èìûå óñëóãè â îáëàñòè îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”, ¹ 774 îò 13 àâãóñòà 1997 ãîäà.

11. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà îá óòâåðæäåíèèÂðåìåííîãî Ïîëîæåíèÿ “Î ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà”, ¹ 313 îò 1 èþëÿ 1993 ãîäà.

Âàæíîå çíà÷åíèå äëÿ ïðàâîâîé îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè èìåþò Çàêîíû Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà “Îáîãðàíè÷åíèè ìîíîïîëèñòè÷åñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè è ðàçâèòèèêîíêóðåíöèè”, “Î ôðàí÷àéçèíãå”, “Îá èíîñòðàííûõèíâåñòèöèÿõ”, “Ãðàæäàíñêèé êîäåêñ” è äð., êîòîðûå íåòîëüêî ðàñøèðÿþò ïðàâîâîå ïîëå, íî è ïîâûøàþò óðîâåíüîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â Ìîëäîâå.

Èñïîëíåíèå çàêîíîâ íåïîñðåäñòâåííî ðåàëèçóåòñÿ ÷åðåçíîðìàòèâíûå äîêóìåíòû, ðàçðàáîòàííûå AGEPI. Âíàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ äåéñòâóþò íîðìàòèâíûå àêòûïðåäñòàâëåííûå â ïðèëîæåíèå 1.

Óãëóáëåíèå ðûíî÷íûõ ðåôîðì, ñòàíîâëåíèå ðûíêà èêîììåðöèàëèçàöèÿ îòíîøåíèé â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïðåäîòâðàùåíèå íåñàíêöèîíèðîâàííîãîèìïîðòà çàïàòåíòîâàííîé ïðîäóêöèè è ïðåñå÷åíèåíåäîáðîñîâåñòíîé êîíêóðåíöèè, ñòèìóëèðîâàíèåèçîáðåòàòåëüñêîãî òâîð÷åñòâà è ðàñøèðåíèå âûïóñêàêîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîé ïðîäóêöèè îáúåêòèâíî îáóñëîâèëèíåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàçðàáîòêè ñèñòåìû ïðàâîâûõ ãàðàíòèéãîñóäàðñòâà, êîòîðûå óñòàíàâëèâàëè áû îòâåòñòâåííîñòü çàíàðóøåíèå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíûõ ïðàâ âëàäåëüöåâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, ñïîñîáñòâîâàëè áûóñòîé÷èâîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè ïðåäïðèÿòèé ìàëîãî è ñðåäíåãîáèçíåñà, ñòàâèëè áû çàñëîí óòå÷êå èíôîðìàöèè î íàèáîëååïåðñïåêòèâíûõ íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèõ äîñòèæåíèÿõ è ò.ä.

Ñèñòåìà ñóäåáíîé çàùèòû èíòåðåñîâ îáëàäàòåëåéïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè óêðåïëÿåòñÿ. Ïðàêòèêàñóäåáíîé çàùèòû ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò, ÷òî ìåõàíèçì ðàññìîòðå-íèÿ ïàòåíòíûõ ñïîðîâ, æàëîá êàê çàÿâèòåëåé è ïàòåíòîîáëà-äàòåëåé, òàê è òðåòüèõ ëèö òîëüêî ôîðìèðóåòñÿ, à äåéñòâóþ-ùåå çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâî âñå áîëüøå óäîâëåòâîðÿåò çàïðîñûâëàäåëüöåâ îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â ÷àñòèðàçðåøåíèÿ ðàçíîãëàñèé, à òàêæå ïðåäîñòàâëåíèÿ ãàðàíòèé.

Ñ 1994 ãîäà ïðè AGEPI äåéñòâóåò Àïåëëÿöèîííàÿêîìèññèÿ. Çà ïåðèîä åå ðàáîòû áûëî ïîäàíî 48 èðàññìîòðåíî 35 âîçðàæåíèé, ïî êîòîðûì ïðèíÿòû: ðåøåíèåîá îòêàçå â âûäà÷å ïàòåíòà íà èçîáðåòåíèå 1 (2,9%), ðåøåíèÿîá îòêàçå â ðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - 28 (80%) èðåøåíèÿ î ðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - 6 (17,1%).

Èç îáùåãî ÷èñëà ïîäàííûõ âîçðàæåíèé 26 (54,2%)ïðåäúÿâëåíû ñî ñòîðîíû çàÿâèòåëåé è 22 (45,8%) ñî ñòîðîíûòðåòüèõ ëèö. Òðè âîçðàæåíèÿ íà ðåøåíèÿ Àïåëëÿöèîííîéêîìèññèè áûëè ïîäàíû â ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé ñóä ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà.

II. Legal Protection ofIndustrial Property Objects

Protection of industrial property objects, its active role inmodern scientific, technical and social-economical reorganiza-tion of economy is one of the main point of the strategy of theRepublic of Moldova.

The industrial property protection is ensured by theAGEPI on the base of:

1. Constitution of the Republic of Moldova;2. Law on Property;3. Presidential Decree, Nr. 120 from May 25, 1992 on the

Establishment of the State Agency on Industrial PropertyProtection of the Republic of Moldova;

4. Law on Patents for Inventions;5. Law on Trademarks and Appellations of Origin;6. Law on the Protection of Industrial Designs;7. Law on the Protection of New Plant Varieties;8. Decision of the Government of Moldova Nr. 456 from

July 26, 1993 on Industrial Property Protection in theRepublic of Moldova;

9. Decision of the Government of Moldova, Nr. 743 fromDecember 31, 1996 on the Statute of the State Agency onIndustrial Property Protection of the Republic of Moldova;

10. Decision of the Government of Moldova Nr. 774 fromAugust 13, 1997 on the Application of Fees for Services in theField of Industrial Property Protection;

11. Decision of the Government of Moldova Nr. 313 fromJuly 1, 1993 on the Patent Attorneys of the Republic ofMoldova;

The following Laws of the Republic of Moldova have agreat significance for legal protection of industrial propertythat not only expand the legal actions but also increase thelevel of industrial property protection in the Republic ofMoldova:

Law on the Limitation of Monopoly Activity and Develop-ment of Competition, Law on Franchising, Law on ForeignInvestments, Civil Code et al. The execution of the laws arerealized through the normative and standard acts of theAGEPI (Annex 4).

Intensification of market reforms, formation of market,commercialization of services in the field of industrialproperty protection, prevention of forbidden import ofpatented production, stimulation of inventive creativity andincrease of competitive production stipulated the elaborationof legal state guarantees that determine the responsibilitiesfor the infringement of exclusive rights of the owners ofindustrial property, promote stable function of enterprises ofsmall and medium business and stumble the information leakon the most perspective scientific and technical achievements.

The system of judicial protection of the rights of ownersof industrial property is becoming stronger. The judicialpractice shows that the mechanism of examination of patentdisputes and appeals filed by applicants, patent owners andthird parties is in the stage of formation and the legislation inforce often satisfies the requests of owners of titles ofprotection when speaking about disagreements and guarantees.

Commission of Appeal of the AGEPI began its activity in1994.

48 oppositions were filed during the whole period and 35of them were examined on which refusal decision on the grantof patent -1 (2,9%), refusal decision on the registration oftrademarks - 28 (80%) and decisions of registration oftrademarks - 6 (17,1%). From the total number of oppositions26 (54.2%) were field by the applicants and 22 (45,8%) by thethird parties. Three oppositions on the Decision of theCommission of Appeal were filed to the Economical Court ofthe Republic of Moldova.

II. Ïðàâîâàÿ îõðàíà îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

Îõðàíà ïðàâ íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè,åå àêòèâíàÿ ðîëü â ñîâðåìåííîì íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêîì èñîöèàëüíî-ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì ðåôîðìèðîâàíèè ýêîíîìèêèÿâëÿåòñÿ îäíèì èç âàæíûõ ñòðàòåãè÷åñêèõ àêòèâîâÌîëäîâû.  ñâîåé äåÿòåëüíîñòè ïî îáåñïå÷åíèþ îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè AGEPI ðóêîâîäñòâóåòñÿñëåäóþùèìè äîêóìåíòàìè:

1. Êîíñòèòóöèÿ.2. Çàêîí o ñîáñòâåííîñòè.3. Óêàç Ïðåçèäåíòà “Î ñîçäàíèè Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî

Àãåíòñòâà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”, ¹ 120 îò 25 ìàÿ 1992 ãîäà.

4. Çàêîí o ïàòåíòàõ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ.5. Çàêîí o òîâàðíûõ çíàêàõ è íàèìåíîâàíèÿõ ìåñò

ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ.6. Çàêîí oá îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé.7. Çàêîí oá îõðàíå ñîðòîâ ðàñòåíèé.8. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà ”Îá îõðàíå ïðî–

ìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà”, ¹ 456 îò26 èþëÿ 1993 ãîäà.

9. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà “Îá Óñòàâå Ãîñóäàð-ñòâåííîãî Àãåíòñòâà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûø-ëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”, ¹ 743 îò 31 äåêàáðÿ 1996 ãîäà.

10. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà “Î òàêñàõ çà þðèäè÷åñêèçíà÷èìûå óñëóãè â îáëàñòè îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”, ¹ 774 îò 13 àâãóñòà 1997 ãîäà.

11. Ïîñòàíîâëåíèå Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà îá óòâåðæäåíèèÂðåìåííîãî Ïîëîæåíèÿ “Î ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà”, ¹ 313 îò 1 èþëÿ 1993 ãîäà.

Âàæíîå çíà÷åíèå äëÿ ïðàâîâîé îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè èìåþò Çàêîíû Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà “Îáîãðàíè÷åíèè ìîíîïîëèñòè÷åñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè è ðàçâèòèèêîíêóðåíöèè”, “Î ôðàí÷àéçèíãå”, “Îá èíîñòðàííûõèíâåñòèöèÿõ”, “Ãðàæäàíñêèé êîäåêñ” è äð., êîòîðûå íåòîëüêî ðàñøèðÿþò ïðàâîâîå ïîëå, íî è ïîâûøàþò óðîâåíüîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â Ìîëäîâå.

Èñïîëíåíèå çàêîíîâ íåïîñðåäñòâåííî ðåàëèçóåòñÿ ÷åðåçíîðìàòèâíûå äîêóìåíòû, ðàçðàáîòàííûå AGEPI. Âíàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ äåéñòâóþò íîðìàòèâíûå àêòûïðåäñòàâëåííûå â ïðèëîæåíèå 1.

Óãëóáëåíèå ðûíî÷íûõ ðåôîðì, ñòàíîâëåíèå ðûíêà èêîììåðöèàëèçàöèÿ îòíîøåíèé â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïðåäîòâðàùåíèå íåñàíêöèîíèðîâàííîãîèìïîðòà çàïàòåíòîâàííîé ïðîäóêöèè è ïðåñå÷åíèåíåäîáðîñîâåñòíîé êîíêóðåíöèè, ñòèìóëèðîâàíèåèçîáðåòàòåëüñêîãî òâîð÷åñòâà è ðàñøèðåíèå âûïóñêàêîíêóðåíòîñïîñîáíîé ïðîäóêöèè îáúåêòèâíî îáóñëîâèëèíåîáõîäèìîñòü ðàçðàáîòêè ñèñòåìû ïðàâîâûõ ãàðàíòèéãîñóäàðñòâà, êîòîðûå óñòàíàâëèâàëè áû îòâåòñòâåííîñòü çàíàðóøåíèå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíûõ ïðàâ âëàäåëüöåâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, ñïîñîáñòâîâàëè áûóñòîé÷èâîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè ïðåäïðèÿòèé ìàëîãî è ñðåäíåãîáèçíåñà, ñòàâèëè áû çàñëîí óòå÷êå èíôîðìàöèè î íàèáîëååïåðñïåêòèâíûõ íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèõ äîñòèæåíèÿõ è ò.ä.

Ñèñòåìà ñóäåáíîé çàùèòû èíòåðåñîâ îáëàäàòåëåéïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè óêðåïëÿåòñÿ. Ïðàêòèêàñóäåáíîé çàùèòû ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò, ÷òî ìåõàíèçì ðàññìîòðå-íèÿ ïàòåíòíûõ ñïîðîâ, æàëîá êàê çàÿâèòåëåé è ïàòåíòîîáëà-äàòåëåé, òàê è òðåòüèõ ëèö òîëüêî ôîðìèðóåòñÿ, à äåéñòâóþ-ùåå çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâî âñå áîëüøå óäîâëåòâîðÿåò çàïðîñûâëàäåëüöåâ îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â ÷àñòèðàçðåøåíèÿ ðàçíîãëàñèé, à òàêæå ïðåäîñòàâëåíèÿ ãàðàíòèé.

Ñ 1994 ãîäà ïðè AGEPI äåéñòâóåò Àïåëëÿöèîííàÿêîìèññèÿ. Çà ïåðèîä åå ðàáîòû áûëî ïîäàíî 48 èðàññìîòðåíî 35 âîçðàæåíèé, ïî êîòîðûì ïðèíÿòû: ðåøåíèåîá îòêàçå â âûäà÷å ïàòåíòà íà èçîáðåòåíèå 1 (2,9%), ðåøåíèÿîá îòêàçå â ðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - 28 (80%) èðåøåíèÿ î ðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - 6 (17,1%).

Èç îáùåãî ÷èñëà ïîäàííûõ âîçðàæåíèé 26 (54,2%)ïðåäúÿâëåíû ñî ñòîðîíû çàÿâèòåëåé è 22 (45,8%) ñî ñòîðîíûòðåòüèõ ëèö. Òðè âîçðàæåíèÿ íà ðåøåíèÿ Àïåëëÿöèîííîéêîìèññèè áûëè ïîäàíû â ýêîíîìè÷åñêèé ñóä ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà.

II. Legal Protection ofIndustrial Property Objects

Protection of industrial property objects, its active role inmodern scientific, technical and social-economical reorganiza-tion of economy is one of the main point of the strategy of theRepublic of Moldova.

The industrial property protection is ensured by theAGEPI on the base of:

1. Constitution of the Republic of Moldova;2. Law on Property;3. Presidential Decree, Nr. 120 from May 25, 1992 on the

Establishment of the State Agency on Industrial PropertyProtection of the Republic of Moldova;

4. Law on Patents for Inventions;5. Law on Trademarks and Appellations of Origin;6. Law on the Protection of Industrial Designs;7. Law on the Protection of New Plant Varieties;8. Decision of the Government of Moldova Nr. 456 from

July 26, 1993 on Industrial Property Protection in theRepublic of Moldova;

9. Decision of the Government of Moldova, Nr. 743 fromDecember 31, 1996 on the Statute of the State Agency onIndustrial Property Protection of the Republic of Moldova;

10. Decision of the Government of Moldova Nr. 774 fromAugust 13, 1997 on the Application of Fees for Services in theField of Industrial Property Protection;

11. Decision of the Government of Moldova Nr. 313 fromJuly 1, 1993 on the Patent Attorneys of the Republic ofMoldova;

The following Laws of the Republic of Moldova have agreat significance for legal protection of industrial propertythat not only expand the legal actions but also increase thelevel of industrial property protection in the Republic ofMoldova:

Law on the Limitation of Monopoly Activity and Develop-ment of Competition, Law on Franchising, Law on ForeignInvestments, Civil Code et al. The execution of the laws arerealized through the normative and standard acts of theAGEPI (Annex 4).

Intensification of market reforms, formation of market,commercialization of services in the field of industrialproperty protection, prevention of forbidden import ofpatented production, stimulation of inventive creativity andincrease of competitive production stipulated the elaborationof legal state guarantees that determine the responsibilitiesfor the infringement of exclusive rights of the owners ofindustrial property, promote stable function of enterprises ofsmall and medium business and stumble the information leakon the most perspective scientific and technical achievements.

The system of judicial protection of the rights of ownersof industrial property is becoming stronger. The judicialpractice shows that the mechanism of examination of patentdisputes and appeals filed by applicants, patent owners andthird parties is in the stage of formation and the legislation inforce often satisfies the requests of owners of titles ofprotection when speaking about disagreements and guarantees.

Commission of Appeal of the AGEPI began its activity in1994.

48 oppositions were filed during the whole period and 35of them were examined on which refusal decision on the grantof patent -1 (2,9%), refusal decision on the registration oftrademarks - 28 (80%) and decisions of registration oftrademarks - 6 (17,1%). From the total number of oppositions26 (54.2%) were field by the applicants and 22 (45,8%) by thethird parties. Three oppositions on the Decision of theCommission of Appeal were filed to the Economical Court ofthe Republic of Moldova.

II. Ïðàâîâàÿ îõðàíà îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè


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1 8

}n anii 1993 - 1997 AGEPI a ]nregistrat 25104 cereri de protec\ie a obiectelor deproprietate industrial[ ale solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i ale celor str[ini. Din ele 1707 (6,8%)constituie cereri de brevet de inven\ie, 22072 (87,9%) - cereri de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor,1292 (5,2%) reprezint[ cereri de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale =i 33(0,1%) - cereri de ]nregistrare a modelelor de utilitate.

Din num[rul total de cereri 8334 (33,2%) au fost depuse ]n conformitate cu procedurana\ional[, iar 16770 (66,8%) cereri au fost depuse ]n baza aranjamentelor interna\ionale lacare Republica Moldova este parte, inclusiv: 186 cereri - ]n conformitate cu Tratatul decooperare ]n domeniul brevetelor (PCT), 14442 cereri - ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul dela Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ a m[rcilor =i 1142 cereri - ]n conformitate cuAranjamentul de la Haga privind depozitul interna\ional de desene =i modele industriale.

}n Anexa 2 sunt prezentate datele ce caracterizeaz[ reparti\ia cererilor pe anii ]n careau fost depuse, obiectele de proprietate industrial[ =i tipul de procedur[.

Cre=terea multipl[ a num[rului de cereri depuse ]n 1994 este o consecin\[ a perioadeide re]nregistrare a titlurilor de protec\ie. }n urm[torii ani se men\ine o cre=tere stabil[ anum[rului de cereri noi de brevetare/]nregistrare a inven\iilor, desenelor/modelelorindustriale, m[rcilor. }n ce prive=te inven\iile, s-a atestat o instabilitate a depuneriicererilor. Pe parcursul ]ntregii perioade analizate raportul cererilor depuse ]n conformitatecu procedurile na\ional[ =i interna\ional[ s-a men\inut relativ stabil =i a constituit,respectiv, 35% =i 65%.

}n 1994 - 1997 procentul cererilor de brevet de inven\ie a crescut de la 4,3% p`n[ la7,0%, al cererilor de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale a crescut de la 1,4%p`n[ la 9,2%, iar al cererilor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor s-a redus de la 94,1% p`n[ la83,6%.

}n perioada de referin\[ au fost eliberate 5944 titluri de protec\ie ale RepubliciiMoldova, inclusiv 1223 (20,6%) solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 4721 (79,4%) solicitan\ilorstr[ini. Reparti\ia titlurilor de protec\ie eliberate pentru obiectele de proprietate industrial[este prezentat[ ]n Anexa 3.

Pe parcursul anilor 1994 - 1997 mai mult de 85% titluri de protec\ie eliberate revincertificatelor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor, iar 12,3% - brevetelor de inven\ie. Procentultitlurilor de protec\ie pentru desene/modele industriale =i modele de utilitate a constituit2,4%.

Bilan\ul anilor 1993 - 1997 denot[ c[ ]n Republica Moldova a ]nceput consolidareapie\ei de proprietate industrial[. O importan\[ prioritar[ ]n formarea acestei pie\e esteatribuit[ depozitelor de m[rci =i inven\ii.

III. Activitatea de ]nregistrare}n anii 1993 - 1997 AGEPI a ]nregistrat 25104 cereri de protec\ie a obiectelor de

proprietate industrial[ ale solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i ale celor str[ini. Din ele 1707 (6,8%)constituie cereri de brevet de inven\ie, 22072 (87,9%) - cereri de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor,1292 (5,2%) reprezint[ cereri de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale =i 33(0,1%) - cereri de ]nregistrare a modelelor de utilitate.

Din num[rul total de cereri 8334 (33,2%) au fost depuse ]n conformitate cu procedurana\ional[, iar 16770 (66,8%) cereri au fost depuse ]n baza aranjamentelor interna\ionale lacare Republica Moldova este parte, inclusiv: 186 cereri - ]n conformitate cu Tratatul decooperare ]n domeniul brevetelor (PCT), 14442 cereri - ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul dela Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ a m[rcilor =i 1142 cereri - ]n conformitate cuAranjamentul de la Haga privind depozitul interna\ional de desene =i modele industriale.

}n Anexa 2 sunt prezentate datele ce caracterizeaz[ reparti\ia cererilor pe anii ]n careau fost depuse, obiectele de proprietate industrial[ =i tipul de procedur[.

Cre=terea multipl[ a num[rului de cereri depuse ]n 1994 este o consecin\[ a perioadeide re]nregistrare a titlurilor de protec\ie. }n urm[torii ani se men\ine o cre=tere stabil[ anum[rului de cereri noi de brevetare/]nregistrare a inven\iilor, desenelor/modelelorindustriale, m[rcilor. }n ce prive=te inven\iile, s-a atestat o instabilitate a depuneriicererilor. Pe parcursul ]ntregii perioade analizate raportul cererilor depuse ]n conformitatecu procedurile na\ional[ =i interna\ional[ s-a men\inut relativ stabil =i a constituit,respectiv, 35% =i 65%.

}n 1994 - 1997 procentul cererilor de brevet de inven\ie a crescut de la 4,3% p`n[ la7,0%, al cererilor de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale a crescut de la 1,4%p`n[ la 9,2%, iar al cererilor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor s-a redus de la 94,1% p`n[ la83,6%.

}n perioada de referin\[ au fost eliberate 5944 titluri de protec\ie ale RepubliciiMoldova, inclusiv 1223 (20,6%) solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 4721 (79,4%) solicitan\ilorstr[ini. Reparti\ia titlurilor de protec\ie eliberate pentru obiectele de proprietate industrial[este prezentat[ ]n Anexa 3.

Pe parcursul anilor 1994 - 1997 mai mult de 85% titluri de protec\ie eliberate revincertificatelor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor, iar 12,3% - brevetelor de inven\ie. Procentultitlurilor de protec\ie pentru desene/modele industriale =i modele de utilitate a constituit2,4%.

Bilan\ul anilor 1993 - 1997 denot[ c[ ]n Republica Moldova a ]nceput consolidareapie\ei de proprietate industrial[. O importan\[ prioritar[ ]n formarea acestei pie\e esteatribuit[ depozitelor de m[rci =i inven\ii.

III. Activitatea de ]nregistrare


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1 9

During 1993-1997, 15104 applications for theregistration of industrial property objects were re-gistered with the AGEPI by national and foreignapplicants. 1707 (6,8%) of them are patent applications,22072 (87,9%) are applications for the registration oftrademarks, 1292 (5,2%) are applications for registra-tion of industrial designs and 33 (0,1%) are applicationsfor registration of utility models.

8334 (33,2%) from the total number of theapplications have been filed according to nationalprocedure and 16770 (66,8%) of applications have beenfiled under the International Agreements to which theRepublic of Moldova is a state member, including 186of applications - under the Madrid Agreement Concer-ning the International Registration of Marks and 1142applications - under the Hague Agreement Concerningthe International Deposit of Industrial Designs.

Data characterizing the applications’ distributionfor the years of filing on industrial property objectsand according to the procedures are represented inAnnex 2.

The increasing number of applications filed in1994 is the result of reregistration of the former USSRtitles of protection.

During the following years a stable increasing ofthe number of applications for registration of inven-tions, industrial designs, trademarks were maintained.As for the inventions, there has been certified aninstability of applications filing. During the analyzedperiod the number of the applications filed according tonational and international procedures has been main-tained relatively stable and constituted 35% of nationalapplications and 65% of international applications. In1994-1997 the percentage of the patent applications hasincreased from 4,3% to 7,0%, but the applications forthe registration of industrial designs has increased from1,4% to 9,2%. The number of the applications forregistration of trademarks has been reduced from 94,1%to 83,6%.

During the reference period, 5944 titles ofprotection of the Republic of Moldova have beengranted, including 1223 (20,6%) to national applicantsand 4721 (79,4%) to foreign applicants. The distributionof the titles of protection granted for the industrialproperty objects is shown in Annex 3.

During 1994-1997 more than 85% of the grantedtitles of protection are referred to the certificates forthe registration of trademarks and 12,3% - to patents.The percentage of the titles of protection for industrialdesigns and utility models constituted 2,4%.

The results of 1993-1997 denote that the indus-trial property market in the Republic of Moldova beganto consolidate. A great importance in the formation ofthis market is attributed to applications for the registra-tion of trademarks and inventions.

III. Registration ActivityÇà 1993-1997 ãã. â AGEPI çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî

25104 çàÿâêè íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè êàê íàöèîíàëüíûìè, òàê è èíîñòðàííûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè. Â èõ ñîñòàâå 1707 (6,8%) çàÿâîê íàèçîáðåòåíèÿ, 22072 (87,9%) çàÿâêè - íà òîâàðíûåçíàêè, 1292 (5,2%) çàÿâêè - íà ïðîìûøëåííûåðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè è 33 (0,1%) çàÿâêè - íà ïîëåçíûåìîäåëè.

 ñîñòàâå îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà çàÿâîê ïî íàöè–îíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå ïîäàíî 8334 (33,2%) çàÿâêè, à íàîñíîâàíèè ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèé, ó÷àñòíèöåéêîòîðûõ ÿâëÿåòñÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà - 16770(66,8%) çàÿâîê, â òîì ÷èñëå â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñÄîãîâîðîì î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè (ÐÑÒ) 186 çàÿâîê,Ìàäðèäñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì î ìåæäóíàðîäíîéðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - 14442 çàÿâêè èÃààãñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì äåïîíè–ðîâàíèè ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ - 1142 çàÿâêè.

 ïðèëîæåíèè 2 ïðèâåäåíû äàííûå, õàðàêòå–ðèçóþùèå ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê ïî ãîäàìïîäà÷è, îáúåêòàì ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè èïðîöåäóðå.

Ìíîãîêðàòíûé ðîñò ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê â 1994 ã.ñâÿçàí ñ ïåðèîäîì ïåðåðåãèñòðàöèè îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ.  ïîñëåäóþùèå ãîäû ñîõðàíÿëñÿóñòîé÷èâûé ðîñò êîëè÷åñòâà íîâûõ çàÿâîê ïî èçî–áðåòåíèÿì, ïðîìûøëåííûì ðèñóíêàì è ìîäåëÿì,òîâàðíûì çíàêàì. Ïî èçîáðåòåíèÿì îòìå÷àëàñüíåñòàáèëüíîñòü ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê.  òå÷åíèå âñåãîàíàëèçèðóåìîãî ïåðèîäà ñîîòíîøåíèå çàÿâîêïîäàííûõ ïî íàöèîíàëüíîé è ìåæäóíàðîäíîéïðîöåäóðàì îñòàâàëîñü îòíîñèòåëüíî ñòàáèëüíûì èñîñòàâëÿëî ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 35% è 65%.

Çà 1994—1997 ãã. äîëÿ çàÿâîê íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ ñ4,3% âîçðîñëà äî 7,0%, íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè — ñ 1,4% äî 9,2%, à íà òîâàðíûå çíàêèñíèçèëàñü ñ 94,1% äî 83,6%.

Çà àíàëèçèðóåìûé ïåðèîä áûëî âûäàíî 5944îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà, â òîì÷èñëå 1223 (20,6%) âûäàíî íàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿ–âèòåëÿì è 4721 (79,4%) – èíîñòðàííûì. Ðàñïðå–äåëåíèå âûäàííûõ îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ ïî îáúåêòàìïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ïðèâåäåíî âïðèëîæåíèè 3.

Çà 1994-1997 ãã. áîëåå 85% âûäàííûõ îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ ïðèõîäèòñÿ íà ñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà òîâàðíûåçíàêè è 12,3% íà ïàòåíòû íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ. Äîëÿîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè, ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè ñîñòàâèëà 2,4%.

Èòîãè 1993-1997 ãîäîâ ñâèäåòåëüñòâóþò, ÷òî âÐåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà íà÷àë ñêëàäûâàòüñÿ ðûíîêïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Ïðåèìóùåñòâåííàÿðîëü â åãî ñòàíîâëåíèè ñâÿçàíà ñ ïîäà÷åé çàÿâèòåëÿìèäîêóìåíòîâ íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè è íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ.

III. Ðåãèñòðàöèîííàÿäåÿòåëüíîñòü

During 1993-1997, 15104 applications for theregistration of industrial property objects were re-gistered with the AGEPI by national and foreignapplicants. 1707 (6,8%) of them are patent applications,22072 (87,9%) are applications for the registration oftrademarks, 1292 (5,2%) are applications for registra-tion of industrial designs and 33 (0,1%) are applicationsfor registration of utility models.

8334 (33,2%) from the total number of theapplications have been filed according to nationalprocedure and 16770 (66,8%) of applications have beenfiled under the International Agreements to which theRepublic of Moldova is a state member, including 186of applications - under the Madrid Agreement Concer-ning the International Registration of Marks and 1142applications - under the Hague Agreement Concerningthe International Deposit of Industrial Designs.

Data characterizing the applications’ distributionfor the years of filing on industrial property objectsand according to the procedures are represented inAnnex 2.

The increasing number of applications filed in1994 is the result of reregistration of the former USSRtitles of protection.

During the following years a stable increasing ofthe number of applications for registration of inven-tions, industrial designs, trademarks were maintained.As for the inventions, there has been certified aninstability of applications filing. During the analyzedperiod the number of the applications filed according tonational and international procedures has been main-tained relatively stable and constituted 35% of nationalapplications and 65% of international applications. In1994-1997 the percentage of the patent applications hasincreased from 4,3% to 7,0%, but the applications forthe registration of industrial designs has increased from1,4% to 9,2%. The number of the applications forregistration of trademarks has been reduced from 94,1%to 83,6%.

During the reference period, 5944 titles ofprotection of the Republic of Moldova have beengranted, including 1223 (20,6%) to national applicantsand 4721 (79,4%) to foreign applicants. The distributionof the titles of protection granted for the industrialproperty objects is shown in Annex 3.

During 1994-1997 more than 85% of the grantedtitles of protection are referred to the certificates forthe registration of trademarks and 12,3% - to patents.The percentage of the titles of protection for industrialdesigns and utility models constituted 2,4%.

The results of 1993-1997 denote that the indus-trial property market in the Republic of Moldova beganto consolidate. A great importance in the formation ofthis market is attributed to applications for the registra-tion of trademarks and inventions.

III. Registration ActivityÇà 1993-1997 ãã. â AGEPI çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî

25104 çàÿâêè íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè êàê íàöèîíàëüíûìè, òàê è èíîñòðàííûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè. Â èõ ñîñòàâå 1707 (6,8%) çàÿâîê íàèçîáðåòåíèÿ, 22072 (87,9%) çàÿâêè - íà òîâàðíûåçíàêè, 1292 (5,2%) çàÿâêè - íà ïðîìûøëåííûåðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè è 33 (0,1%) çàÿâêè - íà ïîëåçíûåìîäåëè.

 ñîñòàâå îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà çàÿâîê ïî íàöè–îíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå ïîäàíî 8334 (33,2%) çàÿâêè, à íàîñíîâàíèè ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèé, ó÷àñòíèöåéêîòîðûõ ÿâëÿåòñÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà - 16770(66,8%) çàÿâîê, â òîì ÷èñëå â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñÄîãîâîðîì î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè (ÐÑÒ) 186 çàÿâîê,Ìàäðèäñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì î ìåæäóíàðîäíîéðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - 14442 çàÿâêè èÃààãñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì äåïîíè–ðîâàíèè ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ - 1142 çàÿâêè.

 ïðèëîæåíèè 2 ïðèâåäåíû äàííûå, õàðàêòå–ðèçóþùèå ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê ïî ãîäàìïîäà÷è, îáúåêòàì ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè èïðîöåäóðå.

Ìíîãîêðàòíûé ðîñò ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê â 1994 ã.ñâÿçàí ñ ïåðèîäîì ïåðåðåãèñòðàöèè îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ.  ïîñëåäóþùèå ãîäû ñîõðàíÿëñÿóñòîé÷èâûé ðîñò êîëè÷åñòâà íîâûõ çàÿâîê ïî èçî–áðåòåíèÿì, ïðîìûøëåííûì ðèñóíêàì è ìîäåëÿì,òîâàðíûì çíàêàì. Ïî èçîáðåòåíèÿì îòìå÷àëàñüíåñòàáèëüíîñòü ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê.  òå÷åíèå âñåãîàíàëèçèðóåìîãî ïåðèîäà ñîîòíîøåíèå çàÿâîêïîäàííûõ ïî íàöèîíàëüíîé è ìåæäóíàðîäíîéïðîöåäóðàì îñòàâàëîñü îòíîñèòåëüíî ñòàáèëüíûì èñîñòàâëÿëî ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 35% è 65%.

Çà 1994—1997 ãã. äîëÿ çàÿâîê íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ ñ4,3% âîçðîñëà äî 7,0%, íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè — ñ 1,4% äî 9,2%, à íà òîâàðíûå çíàêèñíèçèëàñü ñ 94,1% äî 83,6%.

Çà àíàëèçèðóåìûé ïåðèîä áûëî âûäàíî 5944îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòà Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà, â òîì÷èñëå 1223 (20,6%) âûäàíî íàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿ–âèòåëÿì è 4721 (79,4%) – èíîñòðàííûì. Ðàñïðå–äåëåíèå âûäàííûõ îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ ïî îáúåêòàìïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ïðèâåäåíî âïðèëîæåíèè 3.

Çà 1994-1997 ãã. áîëåå 85% âûäàííûõ îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ ïðèõîäèòñÿ íà ñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà òîâàðíûåçíàêè è 12,3% íà ïàòåíòû íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ. Äîëÿîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè, ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè ñîñòàâèëà 2,4%.

Èòîãè 1993-1997 ãîäîâ ñâèäåòåëüñòâóþò, ÷òî âÐåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà íà÷àë ñêëàäûâàòüñÿ ðûíîêïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Ïðåèìóùåñòâåííàÿðîëü â åãî ñòàíîâëåíèè ñâÿçàíà ñ ïîäà÷åé çàÿâèòåëÿìèäîêóìåíòîâ íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè è íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ.

III. Ðåãèñòðàöèîííàÿäåÿòåëüíîñòü


1 9

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2 0

Fluxul cererilor de brevet de inven\ie ]nperioada 1993 - 1997 este prezentat ]n Anexa 4.

}n 1995 - 1997 fluxul cererilor a fostdeterminat eminamente de activizarea solici-tan\ilor na\ionali. Acestora le revin mai mult de76% din num[rul total al cererilor depuse.

Dinamica fluxului de cereri de lasolicitan\ii str[ini a fost extrem de instabil[.Acest fenomen este reflectat ]n Anexa 5.

}n perioada de bilan\ persoane fizice =ijuridice din 34 de \[ri ale lumii au depus cereri,prin care solicitau brevete ale RepubliciiMoldova. Un interes permanent fa\[ de RepublicaMoldova au manifestat solicitan\ii din SUA,Marea Britanie, Rusia =i Olanda. Acestora lerevin 39,6% din totalul cererilor de brevetdepuse. Un alt grup de \[ri constituit dinAustria, Elve\ia, Germania, Fran\a, Japonia adepus cereri doar timp de 4 ani din cei 5analiza\i. Ponderea lor ]n num[rul total alcererilor depuse a constituit 37,4%. Altor 25 de\[ri le revin 23 din toate cererile, ]ns[ din aceste\[ri s-a depus c`te o singur[ cerere.

Este de men\ionat activitatea redus[ a solicitan\ilor de brevet din \[rile CSI. }nace=ti ani au fost depuse cereri doar din Rusia =i Ucraina, num[rul lor constituind 5,7%.

Conform procedurii PCT au fost depuse 186 cereri sau 33,8% din totalul cererilordepuse de c[tre solicitan\ii str[ini. }n 1996 - 1997 cererile PCT au atins nivelul 95 - 79%.

De=i procesul depunerii cererilor de c[tre solicitan\ii str[ini se caracterizeaz[ printr-oanumit[ instabilitate, reprezentan\ii unor \[ri industrial dezvoltate ]=i consolideaz[ treptatpozi\iile de lider pe pia\a inven\iilor din Republica Moldova. }ncepe delimitarea grupurilorde \[ri ale c[ror pozi\ii pe pia\a republican[ sunt inegale, ceea ce va conduce implicit laacutizarea concuren\ei lor.

}n perioada 1994 - 1997 au fost eliberate 730 brevete de inven\ie, inclusiv 512(70,1%) solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 218 (29,9%) solicitan\ilor str[ini (Anexa 6).

P`n[ la sf`r=itul anului 1997 au fost eliberate =i erau valabile 730 brevete deinven\ie ale Republicii Moldova, 186 (25,5%)dintre ele au fost eliberate ]n scopul substituiriicertificatelor de autor. Pe an ce trece num[rulbrevetelor eliberate solicitan\ilor na\ionali cre=te,referitor la solicitan\ii str[ini se observ[, ]ns[, otendin\[ invers[. Reparti\ia brevetelor valabileale Republicii Moldova la sf`r=itul anului 1997,conform \[rilor, se caracterizeaz[ prin dateleprezentate ]n Anexa 7.

Structura brevetelor eliberate la ]nceputulanului 1998 cet[\enilor statelor str[ine reflect[eventualele investi\ii ]n economia RepubliciiMoldova. }nt`ietatea o de\in reprezentan\ii dinElve\ia, Fran\a, SUA, Germania, Marea Britanie=i Ungaria.

Reparti\ia brevetelor eliberate ]nconformitate cu sec\iunile Clasific[riiInterna\ionale de Brevete (CIB) este prezentat[]n Anexa 8.

3.1. Inven\ii

Fluxul cererilor de brevet de inven\ie ]nperioada 1993 - 1997 este prezentat ]n Anexa 4.

}n 1995 - 1997 fluxul cererilor a fostdeterminat eminamente de activizarea solici-tan\ilor na\ionali. Acestora le revin mai mult de76% din num[rul total al cererilor depuse.

Dinamica fluxului de cereri de lasolicitan\ii str[ini a fost extrem de instabil[.Acest fenomen este reflectat ]n Anexa 5.

}n perioada de bilan\ persoane fizice =ijuridice din 34 de \[ri ale lumii au depus cereri,prin care solicitau brevete ale RepubliciiMoldova. Un interes permanent fa\[ de RepublicaMoldova au manifestat solicitan\ii din SUA,Marea Britanie, Rusia =i Olanda. Acestora lerevin 39,6% din totalul cererilor de brevetdepuse. Un alt grup de \[ri constituit dinAustria, Elve\ia, Germania, Fran\a, Japonia adepus cereri doar timp de 4 ani din cei 5analiza\i. Ponderea lor ]n num[rul total alcererilor depuse a constituit 37,4%. Altor 25 de\[ri le revin 23 din toate cererile, ]ns[ din aceste\[ri s-a depus c`te o singur[ cerere.

Este de men\ionat activitatea redus[ a solicitan\ilor de brevet din \[rile CSI. }nace=ti ani au fost depuse cereri doar din Rusia =i Ucraina, num[rul lor constituind 5,7%.

Conform procedurii PCT au fost depuse 186 cereri sau 33,8% din totalul cererilordepuse de c[tre solicitan\ii str[ini. }n 1996 - 1997 cererile PCT au atins nivelul 95 - 79%.

De=i procesul depunerii cererilor de c[tre solicitan\ii str[ini se caracterizeaz[ printr-oanumit[ instabilitate, reprezentan\ii unor \[ri industrial dezvoltate ]=i consolideaz[ treptatpozi\iile de lider pe pia\a inven\iilor din Republica Moldova. }ncepe delimitarea grupurilorde \[ri ale c[ror pozi\ii pe pia\a republican[ sunt inegale, ceea ce va conduce implicit laacutizarea concuren\ei lor.

}n perioada 1994 - 1997 au fost eliberate 730 brevete de inven\ie, inclusiv 512(70,1%) solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 218 (29,9%) solicitan\ilor str[ini (Anexa 6).

P`n[ la sf`r=itul anului 1997 au fost eliberate =i erau valabile 730 brevete deinven\ie ale Republicii Moldova, 186 (25,5%)dintre ele au fost eliberate ]n scopul substituiriicertificatelor de autor. Pe an ce trece num[rulbrevetelor eliberate solicitan\ilor na\ionali cre=te,referitor la solicitan\ii str[ini se observ[, ]ns[, otendin\[ invers[. Reparti\ia brevetelor valabileale Republicii Moldova la sf`r=itul anului 1997,conform \[rilor, se caracterizeaz[ prin dateleprezentate ]n Anexa 7.

Structura brevetelor eliberate la ]nceputulanului 1998 cet[\enilor statelor str[ine reflect[eventualele investi\ii ]n economia RepubliciiMoldova. }nt`ietatea o de\in reprezentan\ii dinElve\ia, Fran\a, SUA, Germania, Marea Britanie=i Ungaria.

Reparti\ia brevetelor eliberate ]nconformitate cu sec\iunile Clasific[riiInterna\ionale de Brevete (CIB) este prezentat[]n Anexa 8.

3.1. Inven\ii


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2 1

Ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê íà âûäà÷ó ïàòåíòîâ íàèçîáðåòåíèÿ çà 1993-1997 ãã. ïðèâåäåíî â ïðèëî–æåíèè 4.

 1995-1997 ãîäû ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê îïðå–äåëÿëîñü, ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî, àêòèâíîñòüþ íàöèî–íàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé. Íà èõ äîëþ ïðèøëîñü áîëåå 76%îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâa ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê.

Äèíàìèêà ïîñòóïëåíèÿ çàÿâîê îò èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâèòåëåé áûëà êðàéíå íåñòàáèëüíà. Ýòî îïðå–äåëÿåòñÿ êàê ðàçëè÷íîé àêòèâíîñòüþ ïîäàííûõçàÿâîê îòäåëüíûìè ñòðàíàìè, òàê è ÷èñëîì ïîäà–âàåìûõ èìè çàÿâîê (ïðèëîæåíèå 5).

Çà ïÿòèëåòíèé ïåðèîä çàÿâèòåëè 34 ãîñóäàðñòâìèðà ïîäàëè çàÿâêè íà ïðàâî ïîëó÷èòü ïàòåíòÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà. Íàèáîëåå ïîñòîÿííûé èíòåðåñ êÌîëäîâå ïðîÿâèëè çàÿâèòåëè ÑØÀ, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè,Ðîññèè è Ãîëëàíäèè. Íà èõ äîëþ çà ãîäû ðåãèñòðàöèèïðèøëîñü 39,6% îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà ïîäàííûõçàÿâîê íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ. Äðóãàÿ ãðóïïà ñòðàí -Àâñòðèÿ, Øâåéöàðèÿ, Ãåðìàíèÿ, Ôðàíöèÿ, ßïîíèÿïîäàâàëè çàÿâêè 4 èç 5 îò÷åòíûõ ëåò. Èõ óäåëüíûéâåñ â îáùåì êîëè÷åñòâå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê ñîñòàâèë37,4%. Íà äîëþ äðóãèõ 25 ñòðàí ïðèøëîñü 23% âñåõçàÿâîê, íî ïîñòóïëåíèå îò íèõ çàÿâîê èìåëîïðåèìóùåñòâåííî ðàçîâûé õàðàêòåð.

Ñëåäóåò îòìåòèòü íèçêóþ àêòèâíîñòü çàÿâè–òåëåé èçîáðåòåíèé èç ñòðàí ÑÍÃ. Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäûîíè ïîñòóïàëè òîëüêî èç Ðîññèè è Óêðàèíû è èõ äîëÿñîñòàâèëà 5,7%.

Ïî ïðîöåäóðå ÐÑÒ ïîäàíî 186 çàÿâîê èëè 33,8%îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà çàÿâîê ïîäàííûõ èíîñòðàííûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè. Çà 1996-1997 ãã. äîëÿ çàÿâîê ÐÑÒ áûëàíà óðîâíå 95-79%.

Íåñìîòðÿ íà íåñòàáèëüíîñòü â ïîäà÷å çàÿâîêèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè, ïðåäñòàâèòåëè îòäåëü–íûõ ïðîìûøëåííî ðàçâèòûõ ñòðàí ïîñòåïåííîóêðåïëÿþò ñâîè ëèäèðóþùèå ïîçèöèè íà ðûíêåèçîáðåòåíèé Ìîëäîâû. Íà÷èíàþò ôîðìèðîâàòüñÿãðóïïû ñòðàí, ïîëîæåíèå êîòîðûõ íà ðåñïóáëè–êàíñêîì ðûíêå íå îäèíàêîâîå, ÷òî äîëæíî â áëè-æàéøèå ãîäû îáîñòðèòü êîíêóðåíöèþ ìåæäó íèìè.

Çà 1994-1997 ãã. áûëî âûäàíî 730 ïàòåíòîâ íàèçîáðåòåíèÿ, â òîì ÷èñëå 512 (70,1%) íàöèîíàëüíûìçàÿâèòåëÿì è 218 (29,9%) - èíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì(ïðèëîæåíèå 6).

Íà êîíåö 1997 ãîäà áûëî âûäàíî è äåéñòâîâàëî730 ïàòåíòîâ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà,186 (25,5%) èç íèõ áûëè âûäàíû â îáìåí íà àâòîðñêèåñâèäåòåëüñòâà. Èç ãîäà â ãîä âûäà÷à ïàòåíòîâ íàöèî-íàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì âîçðàñòàëà, òîãäà êàê äëÿèíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé èìåëà ìåñòî ïðîòèâîïî-ëîæíàÿ òåíäåíöèÿ. Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå äåéñòâîâàâøèõ íàêîíåö 1997 ãîäà ïàòåíòîâ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïîñòðàíàì õàðàêòåðèçóåòñÿ äàííûìè ïðèâåäåííûìè âïðèëîæåíèè 7.

Ñòðóêòóðà âûäàííûõ íà íà÷àëî 1998 ãîäàïàòåíòîâ, ïðèíàäëåæàùèõ ãðàæäàíàì èíîñòðàííûõãîñóäàðñòâ, îòðàæàåò âîçìîæíûå èíâåñòèöèîííûåîæèäàíèÿ â ýêîíîìèêó Ìîëäîâû. Ëèäèðóþùèåïîçèöèè ïðèíàäëåæàò ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿì Øâåéöàðèè,Ôðàíöèè è ÑØÀ, Ãåðìàíèè, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè èÂåíãðèè.

3.1. Èçîáðåòåíèÿ

The total number of patent applications filedduring 1993-1997 is shown in Annex 4.

In 1995-1997 the number of the inventions hasbeen determined mainly by the fact that nationalapplicants became more active. 76% from the totalnumber of the applications were filed by them. Thenumber of the applications filed by the foreign appli-cants was instable. This phenomenon is reflected inAnnex 5. During the whole period, applicants from 34countries of the world filed applications for which theyrequested patents of the Republic of Moldova. Appli-cants from the USA, United Kingdom, Russia and theNetherlands have manifested a great interest to theRepublic of Moldova. 39,6% from the total number ofthe applications were filed by them.

Another group of countries, among them Hun-gary, Switzerland, Germany, France, Japan has filedapplications only for 4 years. Their number from thetotal one constituted 37,4%.

23% from the total number of the applicationswere filed by other 25 countries.

It should be mentioned the fact that the number ofthe patent applications from CIS countries has beenreduced. Patent applications from Ru-ssia and Ukrainemade up only 5,7%.

Under the PCT procedure there have been filed186 applications or 33,8% from the total number of theapplications filed by the foreign applicants. In 1996-1997 the PCT applications have achieved the level of 95-79%.

Although, the application process by the foreignapplicants is characterized by instability, the representa-tives of some industrial developing countries aregradually strengthening their leader positions on theinvention market of the Republic of Moldova. Somegroups of countries have an unequal position on thenational market and that would lead to the appearanceof competition between them.

During the period 1994-1997, 730 patents forinventions have been granted, including 512 (70,1%) tonational applicants and 218 (29,9%) to foreign appli-cants (Annex 7).

At the end of 1997, 730 patents for inventions ofthe Republic of Moldova have been granted and were inforce. 186 (25,5%) of them have been granted in anexchange of author’s certificate. Every year, the numberof patents granted to national applicants is increasing.Concerning the foreign applicants, a reverse tendency isobserved. The distribution of patents of the Republic ofMoldova at the end of 1997, according to the countriesof origin is provided in Annex 10.

The analysis of patents granted at the beginning of1998 to the foreign applicants reflects the possibleinvestments in the economy of the Republic of Moldova.The first place is owned by the representatives ofSwitzerland, France, USA, Germany, United Kingdomand Hungary.

3.1. Inventions

Ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê íà âûäà÷ó ïàòåíòîâ íàèçîáðåòåíèÿ çà 1993-1997 ãã. ïðèâåäåíî â ïðèëî–æåíèè 4.

 1995-1997 ãîäû ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê îïðå–äåëÿëîñü, ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî, àêòèâíîñòüþ íàöèî–íàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé. Íà èõ äîëþ ïðèøëîñü áîëåå 76%îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâa ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê.

Äèíàìèêà ïîñòóïëåíèÿ çàÿâîê îò èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâèòåëåé áûëà êðàéíå íåñòàáèëüíà. Ýòî îïðå–äåëÿåòñÿ êàê ðàçëè÷íîé àêòèâíîñòüþ ïîäàííûõçàÿâîê îòäåëüíûìè ñòðàíàìè, òàê è ÷èñëîì ïîäà–âàåìûõ èìè çàÿâîê (ïðèëîæåíèå 5).

Çà ïÿòèëåòíèé ïåðèîä çàÿâèòåëè 34 ãîñóäàðñòâìèðà ïîäàëè çàÿâêè íà ïðàâî ïîëó÷èòü ïàòåíòÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà. Íàèáîëåå ïîñòîÿííûé èíòåðåñ êÌîëäîâå ïðîÿâèëè çàÿâèòåëè ÑØÀ, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè,Ðîññèè è Ãîëëàíäèè. Íà èõ äîëþ çà ãîäû ðåãèñòðàöèèïðèøëîñü 39,6% îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà ïîäàííûõçàÿâîê íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ. Äðóãàÿ ãðóïïà ñòðàí -Àâñòðèÿ, Øâåéöàðèÿ, Ãåðìàíèÿ, Ôðàíöèÿ, ßïîíèÿïîäàâàëè çàÿâêè 4 èç 5 îò÷åòíûõ ëåò. Èõ óäåëüíûéâåñ â îáùåì êîëè÷åñòâå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê ñîñòàâèë37,4%. Íà äîëþ äðóãèõ 25 ñòðàí ïðèøëîñü 23% âñåõçàÿâîê, íî ïîñòóïëåíèå îò íèõ çàÿâîê èìåëîïðåèìóùåñòâåííî ðàçîâûé õàðàêòåð.

Ñëåäóåò îòìåòèòü íèçêóþ àêòèâíîñòü çàÿâè–òåëåé èçîáðåòåíèé èç ñòðàí ÑÍÃ. Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäûîíè ïîñòóïàëè òîëüêî èç Ðîññèè è Óêðàèíû è èõ äîëÿñîñòàâèëà 5,7%.

Ïî ïðîöåäóðå ÐÑÒ ïîäàíî 186 çàÿâîê èëè 33,8%îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà çàÿâîê ïîäàííûõ èíîñòðàííûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè. Çà 1996-1997 ãã. äîëÿ çàÿâîê ÐÑÒ áûëàíà óðîâíå 95-79%.

Íåñìîòðÿ íà íåñòàáèëüíîñòü â ïîäà÷å çàÿâîêèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè, ïðåäñòàâèòåëè îòäåëü–íûõ ïðîìûøëåííî ðàçâèòûõ ñòðàí ïîñòåïåííîóêðåïëÿþò ñâîè ëèäèðóþùèå ïîçèöèè íà ðûíêåèçîáðåòåíèé Ìîëäîâû. Íà÷èíàþò ôîðìèðîâàòüñÿãðóïïû ñòðàí, ïîëîæåíèå êîòîðûõ íà ðåñïóáëè–êàíñêîì ðûíêå íå îäèíàêîâîå, ÷òî äîëæíî â áëè-æàéøèå ãîäû îáîñòðèòü êîíêóðåíöèþ ìåæäó íèìè.

Çà 1994-1997 ãã. áûëî âûäàíî 730 ïàòåíòîâ íàèçîáðåòåíèÿ, â òîì ÷èñëå 512 (70,1%) íàöèîíàëüíûìçàÿâèòåëÿì è 218 (29,9%) - èíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì(ïðèëîæåíèå 6).

Íà êîíåö 1997 ãîäà áûëî âûäàíî è äåéñòâîâàëî730 ïàòåíòîâ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà,186 (25,5%) èç íèõ áûëè âûäàíû â îáìåí íà àâòîðñêèåñâèäåòåëüñòâà. Èç ãîäà â ãîä âûäà÷à ïàòåíòîâ íàöèî-íàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì âîçðàñòàëà, òîãäà êàê äëÿèíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé èìåëà ìåñòî ïðîòèâîïî-ëîæíàÿ òåíäåíöèÿ. Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå äåéñòâîâàâøèõ íàêîíåö 1997 ãîäà ïàòåíòîâ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïîñòðàíàì õàðàêòåðèçóåòñÿ äàííûìè ïðèâåäåííûìè âïðèëîæåíèè 7.

Ñòðóêòóðà âûäàííûõ íà íà÷àëî 1998 ãîäàïàòåíòîâ, ïðèíàäëåæàùèõ ãðàæäàíàì èíîñòðàííûõãîñóäàðñòâ, îòðàæàåò âîçìîæíûå èíâåñòèöèîííûåîæèäàíèÿ â ýêîíîìèêó Ìîëäîâû. Ëèäèðóþùèåïîçèöèè ïðèíàäëåæàò ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿì Øâåéöàðèè,Ôðàíöèè è ÑØÀ, Ãåðìàíèè, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè èÂåíãðèè.

3.1. Èçîáðåòåíèÿ

The total number of patent applications filedduring 1993-1997 is shown in Annex 4.

In 1995-1997 the number of the inventions hasbeen determined mainly by the fact that nationalapplicants became more active. 76% from the totalnumber of the applications were filed by them. Thenumber of the applications filed by the foreign appli-cants was instable. This phenomenon is reflected inAnnex 5. During the whole period, applicants from 34countries of the world filed applications for which theyrequested patents of the Republic of Moldova. Appli-cants from the USA, United Kingdom, Russia and theNetherlands have manifested a great interest to theRepublic of Moldova. 39,6% from the total number ofthe applications were filed by them.

Another group of countries, among them Hun-gary, Switzerland, Germany, France, Japan has filedapplications only for 4 years. Their number from thetotal one constituted 37,4%.

23% from the total number of the applicationswere filed by other 25 countries.

It should be mentioned the fact that the number ofthe patent applications from CIS countries has beenreduced. Patent applications from Ru-ssia and Ukrainemade up only 5,7%.

Under the PCT procedure there have been filed186 applications or 33,8% from the total number of theapplications filed by the foreign applicants. In 1996-1997 the PCT applications have achieved the level of 95-79%.

Although, the application process by the foreignapplicants is characterized by instability, the representa-tives of some industrial developing countries aregradually strengthening their leader positions on theinvention market of the Republic of Moldova. Somegroups of countries have an unequal position on thenational market and that would lead to the appearanceof competition between them.

During the period 1994-1997, 730 patents forinventions have been granted, including 512 (70,1%) tonational applicants and 218 (29,9%) to foreign appli-cants (Annex 7).

At the end of 1997, 730 patents for inventions ofthe Republic of Moldova have been granted and were inforce. 186 (25,5%) of them have been granted in anexchange of author’s certificate. Every year, the numberof patents granted to national applicants is increasing.Concerning the foreign applicants, a reverse tendency isobserved. The distribution of patents of the Republic ofMoldova at the end of 1997, according to the countriesof origin is provided in Annex 10.

The analysis of patents granted at the beginning of1998 to the foreign applicants reflects the possibleinvestments in the economy of the Republic of Moldova.The first place is owned by the representatives ofSwitzerland, France, USA, Germany, United Kingdomand Hungary.

3.1. Inventions


2 1

Page 22: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 2

Cea mai mare parte de brevete eliberaterevine sec\iunilor “Necesit[\i curente alevie\ii”, “Chimie =i metalurgie”, de=iactivitatea inventiv[ ]n aceste domenii s-aredus sim\itor. Concomitent s-a relevattendin\a de cre=tere a num[rului debrevete eliberate conform sec\iunilor“Tehnici industriale diverse. Transport”,“Mecanic[. Iluminat. }nc[lzire. Motoare =ipompe etc.”, “Fizic[“, “Electricitate”.Aceasta reflect[, ]ntr-o anumit[ m[sur[,direc\iile restructur[rii economieina\ionale, rolul prioritar al renov[riiindustriei ]n plan tehnic =i tehnologic.

3.2. Modele de utilitateDepunerea cererilor =i eliberarea

certificatelor de ]nregistrare a modelelorde utilitate ale Republicii Moldova suntcaracterizate prin datele prezentate ]nAnexa 9.

Rolul modelelor de utilitate ]nformarea pie\ei de proprietate industrial[este neesen\ial din cauza num[rului redusde cereri depuse =i certificate eliberate.Fenomenul respectiv este cauzat de faptulc[ nu este ]nc[ suficient de con=tientizat[importan\a acestui obiect de proprietateindustrial[, iar avantajele protec\iei luijuridice nu sunt propagate pe larg.

Solicitan\ii str[ini depun episodiccereri de ]nregistrare a modelelor deutilitate. }n perioada de bilan\ Germaniaa depus 2 cereri =i Rusia - 1. Acesteaconstituie 9,1 % din num[rul total decereri depuse ]n 1993 - 1997.

Reparti\ia certificatelor eliberate ]nconformitate cu CIB este prezentat[ ]nTabelul 1.

3.3. M[rci de produse =im[rci de servicii

Fluxul cererilor de ]nregistrare am[rcilor de produse =i m[rcilor deservicii, inclusiv de ]nregistrareinterna\ional[ ]n conformitate cuAranjamentul de la Madrid, =i eliberareatitlurilor de protec\ie sunt prezentate ]nAnexa 10.

}n perioada 1993 - 1997 ]n total aufost ]nregistrate 22072 cereri, inclusiv7630 (34,6%) cereri conform proceduriina\ionale =i 14442 (65,4%) cereri conformprocedurii interna\ionale.

Num[rul cererilor depuse de c[tresolicitan\ii na\ionali cre=te pe an ce trece.}n 1994 ritmul a constituit 116,4%, ]n

Num[rul =i structura certificatelor de ]nregistrarea modelelor de utilitate eliberate ]n anii 1994 - 1997

Reparti\ia brevetelor eliberate ]n anii1994-1997 conform sec\iunilor CIB

Sec\iunile CIBIPC SectionsÐàçäåëû ÌÏÊ

Certificate eliberateGranted certificatesÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

}n % fa\[ de totalIn % according to the total % ê èòîãó

Necesit[\i curente ale vie\iiHuman necessitiesÓäîâëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõ ïîòðåáíîñòåé÷åëîâåêà

6 35,2

Tehnici industriale diverse; transportReforming operations; transportingÐàçëè÷íûå òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèå ïðîöåññû;òðàíñïîðò

2 11,8

Chimie =i metalurgieChemistry and metallurgyÕèìèÿ; ìåòàëëóðãèÿ

3 17,6

Construc\ii; mineritFixed constructionsÑòðîèòåëüñòâî; ãîðíîå äåëî

1 5,9

Mecanic[; iluminat; ]nc[lzire; motoare =i pompeetc.Mechanical; Engineering; Lighting; Heating;Weapons; Blasting and etc.Ìåõàíèêà; îñâåùåíèå; îòîïëåíèå; äâèãàòåëè èíàñîñû è äð.

2 11,8


1 5,9


2 11,8

The Number and Structure of the Certificatesof Registration of Utility Models granted in 1994-1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî è ñòðóêòóðà âûäàííûõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâíà ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè çà 1994-1997 ãã. Tabelul 1

Cea mai mare parte de brevete eliberaterevine sec\iunilor “Necesit[\i curente alevie\ii”, “Chimie =i metalurgie”, de=iactivitatea inventiv[ ]n aceste domenii s-aredus sim\itor. Concomitent s-a relevattendin\a de cre=tere a num[rului debrevete eliberate conform sec\iunilor“Tehnici industriale diverse. Transport”,“Mecanic[. Iluminat. }nc[lzire. Motoare =ipompe etc.”, “Fizic[“, “Electricitate”.Aceasta reflect[, ]ntr-o anumit[ m[sur[,direc\iile restructur[rii economieina\ionale, rolul prioritar al renov[riiindustriei ]n plan tehnic =i tehnologic.

3.2. Modele de utilitateDepunerea cererilor =i eliberarea

certificatelor de ]nregistrare a modelelorde utilitate ale Republicii Moldova suntcaracterizate prin datele prezentate ]nAnexa 9.

Rolul modelelor de utilitate ]nformarea pie\ei de proprietate industrial[este neesen\ial din cauza num[rului redusde cereri depuse =i certificate eliberate.Fenomenul respectiv este cauzat de faptulc[ nu este ]nc[ suficient de con=tientizat[importan\a acestui obiect de proprietateindustrial[, iar avantajele protec\iei luijuridice nu sunt propagate pe larg.

Solicitan\ii str[ini depun episodiccereri de ]nregistrare a modelelor deutilitate. }n perioada de bilan\ Germaniaa depus 2 cereri =i Rusia - 1. Acesteaconstituie 9,1 % din num[rul total decereri depuse ]n 1993 - 1997.

Reparti\ia certificatelor eliberate ]nconformitate cu CIB este prezentat[ ]nTabelul 1.

3.3. M[rci de produse =im[rci de servicii

Fluxul cererilor de ]nregistrare am[rcilor de produse =i m[rcilor deservicii, inclusiv de ]nregistrareinterna\ional[ ]n conformitate cuAranjamentul de la Madrid, =i eliberareatitlurilor de protec\ie sunt prezentate ]nAnexa 10.

}n perioada 1993 - 1997 ]n total aufost ]nregistrate 22072 cereri, inclusiv7630 (34,6%) cereri conform proceduriina\ionale =i 14442 (65,4%) cereri conformprocedurii interna\ionale.

Num[rul cererilor depuse de c[tresolicitan\ii na\ionali cre=te pe an ce trece.}n 1994 ritmul a constituit 116,4%, ]n

Num[rul =i structura certificatelor de ]nregistrarea modelelor de utilitate eliberate ]n anii 1994 - 1997

Reparti\ia brevetelor eliberate ]n anii1994-1997 conform sec\iunilor CIB

Sec\iunile CIBIPC SectionsÐàçäåëû ÌÏÊ

Certificate eliberateGranted certificatesÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

}n % fa\[ de totalIn % according to the total % ê èòîãó

Page 23: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 3

Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå âûäàííûõ ïàòåíòîâ â ñîîò–âåòñòâèè ñ ðàçäåëàìè ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïàòåíòíîéêëàññèôèêàöèèè (ÌÏÊ) ïðèâåäåíî â ïðèëîæåíèè 8.

Ïîäàâëÿþùàÿ äîëÿ âûäàííûõ ïàòåíòîâ ïðèõî–äèëàñü íà ðàçäåëû “Óäîâëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõïîòðåáíîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà”, “Õèìèÿ è ìåòàëëóðãèÿ”,õîòÿ èçîáðåòàòåëüñêàÿ àêòèâíîñòü â äàííûõ ðàçäåëàõçàìåòíî ñíèçèëàñü.  òî æå âðåìÿ íàìåòèëàñüòåíäåíöèÿ ðîñòà âûäàâàåìûõ ïàòåíòîâ ïî ðàçäåëó“Ðàçëè÷íûå òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèå ïðîöåññû; òðàíñïîðò”,“Ìåõàíèêà, îñâåùåíèå; îòîïëåíèå; äâèãàòåëè è íàñîñû è äð.”, “Ôèçèêà”, “Ýëåêòðè÷åñòâî”.Ýòî îòðàæàåò, â îïðåäåëåííîé ìåðå, íàïðàâëåíèÿñòðóêòóðíîé ïåðåñòðîéêè ýêîíîìèêè ðåñïóáëèêè,ïîâûøåíèå ðîëè òåõíèêî-òåõíîëîãè÷åñêîãîîáíîâëåíèÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà.

Distribution of patents granted according to theInternational Patent Classification (IPC) Sections isrepresented in Annex 8.

A great number of granted patents is attributedto “Chemistry and metallurgy”, although the inventivestep in these fields has been considerably reduced.Simultaneously, a tendency of increasing the number ofgranted patents has been noticed in the followingSections of the IPC: “Performing Operations, Transpor-ting”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “Lightning, Heating,Weapons, Blastings”, “Physics”, “Electricity”. Thisreflects to some extent the reorganizational directions ofnational economy, and technical technological renovationof production.

3.2. Utility modelsThe filing of applications and granting of the

certificates of registration of utility models in theRepublic of Moldova are shown in Annex 9.

The role of utility models in the formation ofindustrial property market is not important because ofthe reduced number of the filed applications and grantedcertificates. This phenomenon is caused by the fact thatthis object is of less importance and the advantages ofits legal protection are not widely propagated. Theforeign applicants seldom applied for the registrationof utility models in our country. During the wholeperiod Germany has only filed two applications andRussia one application. These constitutes 9,1% from thetotal number of the applications filed in 1993-1997.

The distribution of the certificates grantedaccording to the IPC is shown in Table 1.

The certificates granted related to the Section“Human necessities” prevailed.

This is manifested on a reduced inventive activitybackground within other IPC Sections.

3.3. TrademarksThe number of the applications for the registra-

tion of trademarks, including the international registra-tion under the Madrid Agreement and granted trade-marks certificates are shown in Annex 10.

During the period of 1993-1997, 22072 applica-tions have been registered. Out of them, 7630 (34,6%) ofthe applications were field according to the nationalprocedure and 14442 (65,4%) applications according tointernational procedure.

The number of the applications filed by nationalapplicants is increasing every year. In 1994 this numberconstituted 116,4%, in 1995 - 158,9%, in 1996 -166,9% and in 1997 - 169,9%.

3.2. Ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëèÏîäà÷à çàÿâîê è âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà íà ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëèõàðàêòåðèçîâàëàñü äàííûìè ïðèâåäåííûìè âïðèëîæåíèè 9.

Ðîëü ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé â ôîðìèðîâàíèè ðûíêàïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè íåçíà÷èòåëüíà èç-çàìàëîãî ÷èñëà ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê è âûäàííûõñâèäåòåëüñòâ. Ýòî ðåçóëüòàò íåäîñòàòî÷íîãî âíèìàíèÿê äàííîìó îáúåêòó ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè èèíôîðìèðîâàíèÿ ïðåèìóùåñòâ ïðàâîâîé çàùèòûïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé.

Èíîñòðàííûå çàÿâèòåëè ýïèçîäè÷åñêè ïîäàþòçàÿâêè íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè. Çàïðîøåäøèé ïåðèîä Ãåðìàíèÿ ïîäàëà 2 çàÿâêè èÐîññèÿ - 1. Ê îáùåìó êîëè÷åñòâó ïîäàííûõ çà 1993-1997 ãã. çàÿâîê ýòî ñîñòàâèëî 9,1%.

Ïî ðàçäåëàì ÌÏÊ ðàñïðåäåëåíèå âûäàííûõñâèäåòåëüñòâ âèäíî èç òàáëèöû 1.

Âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ ïî ðàçäåëó “Óäîâ-ëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõ ïîòðåáíîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà”ïðåîáëàäàåò. Ýòî ïðîÿâëÿåòñÿ íà ôîíå íèçêîéèçîáðåòàòåëüñêîé àêòèâíîñòè ïî äðóãèì ðàçäåëàìÌÏÊ.

3.3. Òîâàðíûå çíàêè è çíàêèîáñëóæèâàíèÿ

Ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ òîâàðíûõçíàêîâ è çíàêîâ îáñëóæèâàíèÿ, âêëþ÷àÿ ìåæäó–íàðîäíóþ ïîäà÷ó â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ìàäðèäñêèìñîãëàøåíèåì, è âûäà÷à îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâïðèâåäåíû â ïðèëîæåíèè 10.

Çà 1993-1997 ãîäû âñåãî áûëî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî22072 çàÿâêè, â òîì ÷èñëå ïî íàöèîíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå7630 (34,6%) çàÿâîê è ïî ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïðîöåäóðå -14442 (65,4%) çàÿâêè.

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè èçãîäà â ãîä âîçðàñòàåò.  1994 ã. òåìï ñîñòàâèë 116,4%,

Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå âûäàííûõ ïàòåíòîâ â ñîîò–âåòñòâèè ñ ðàçäåëàìè ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïàòåíòíîéêëàññèôèêàöèèè (ÌÏÊ) ïðèâåäåíî â ïðèëîæåíèè 8.

Ïîäàâëÿþùàÿ äîëÿ âûäàííûõ ïàòåíòîâ ïðèõî–äèëàñü íà ðàçäåëû “Óäîâëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõïîòðåáíîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà”, “Õèìèÿ è ìåòàëëóðãèÿ”,õîòÿ èçîáðåòàòåëüñêàÿ àêòèâíîñòü â äàííûõ ðàçäåëàõçàìåòíî ñíèçèëàñü.  òî æå âðåìÿ íàìåòèëàñüòåíäåíöèÿ ðîñòà âûäàâàåìûõ ïàòåíòîâ ïî ðàçäåëó“Ðàçëè÷íûå òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèå ïðîöåññû; òðàíñïîðò”,“Ìåõàíèêà, îñâåùåíèå; îòîïëåíèå; äâèãàòåëè è íàñîñû è äð.”, “Ôèçèêà”, “Ýëåêòðè÷åñòâî”.Ýòî îòðàæàåò, â îïðåäåëåííîé ìåðå, íàïðàâëåíèÿñòðóêòóðíîé ïåðåñòðîéêè ýêîíîìèêè ðåñïóáëèêè,ïîâûøåíèå ðîëè òåõíèêî-òåõíîëîãè÷åñêîãîîáíîâëåíèÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà.

Distribution of patents granted according to theInternational Patent Classification (IPC) Sections isrepresented in Annex 8.

A great number of granted patents is attributedto “Chemistry and metallurgy”, although the inventivestep in these fields has been considerably reduced.Simultaneously, a tendency of increasing the number ofgranted patents has been noticed in the followingSections of the IPC: “Performing Operations, Transpor-ting”, “Mechanical Engineering”, “Lightning, Heating,Weapons, Blastings”, “Physics”, “Electricity”. Thisreflects to some extent the reorganizational directions ofnational economy, and technical technological renovationof production.

3.2. Utility modelsThe filing of applications and granting of the

certificates of registration of utility models in theRepublic of Moldova are shown in Annex 9.

The role of utility models in the formation ofindustrial property market is not important because ofthe reduced number of the filed applications and grantedcertificates. This phenomenon is caused by the fact thatthis object is of less importance and the advantages ofits legal protection are not widely propagated. Theforeign applicants seldom applied for the registrationof utility models in our country. During the wholeperiod Germany has only filed two applications andRussia one application. These constitutes 9,1% from thetotal number of the applications filed in 1993-1997.

The distribution of the certificates grantedaccording to the IPC is shown in Table 1.

The certificates granted related to the Section“Human necessities” prevailed.

This is manifested on a reduced inventive activitybackground within other IPC Sections.

3.3. TrademarksThe number of the applications for the registra-

tion of trademarks, including the international registra-tion under the Madrid Agreement and granted trade-marks certificates are shown in Annex 10.

During the period of 1993-1997, 22072 applica-tions have been registered. Out of them, 7630 (34,6%) ofthe applications were field according to the nationalprocedure and 14442 (65,4%) applications according tointernational procedure.

The number of the applications filed by nationalapplicants is increasing every year. In 1994 this numberconstituted 116,4%, in 1995 - 158,9%, in 1996 -166,9% and in 1997 - 169,9%.

3.2. Ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëèÏîäà÷à çàÿâîê è âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

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Ðîëü ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé â ôîðìèðîâàíèè ðûíêàïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè íåçíà÷èòåëüíà èç-çàìàëîãî ÷èñëà ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê è âûäàííûõñâèäåòåëüñòâ. Ýòî ðåçóëüòàò íåäîñòàòî÷íîãî âíèìàíèÿê äàííîìó îáúåêòó ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè èèíôîðìèðîâàíèÿ ïðåèìóùåñòâ ïðàâîâîé çàùèòûïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé.

Èíîñòðàííûå çàÿâèòåëè ýïèçîäè÷åñêè ïîäàþòçàÿâêè íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè. Çàïðîøåäøèé ïåðèîä Ãåðìàíèÿ ïîäàëà 2 çàÿâêè èÐîññèÿ - 1. Ê îáùåìó êîëè÷åñòâó ïîäàííûõ çà 1993-1997 ãã. çàÿâîê ýòî ñîñòàâèëî 9,1%.

Ïî ðàçäåëàì ÌÏÊ ðàñïðåäåëåíèå âûäàííûõñâèäåòåëüñòâ âèäíî èç òàáëèöû 1.

Âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ ïî ðàçäåëó “Óäîâ-ëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõ ïîòðåáíîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà”ïðåîáëàäàåò. Ýòî ïðîÿâëÿåòñÿ íà ôîíå íèçêîéèçîáðåòàòåëüñêîé àêòèâíîñòè ïî äðóãèì ðàçäåëàìÌÏÊ.

3.3. Òîâàðíûå çíàêè è çíàêèîáñëóæèâàíèÿ

Ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ òîâàðíûõçíàêîâ è çíàêîâ îáñëóæèâàíèÿ, âêëþ÷àÿ ìåæäó–íàðîäíóþ ïîäà÷ó â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ìàäðèäñêèìñîãëàøåíèåì, è âûäà÷à îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâïðèâåäåíû â ïðèëîæåíèè 10.

Çà 1993-1997 ãîäû âñåãî áûëî çàðåãèñòðèðîâàíî22072 çàÿâêè, â òîì ÷èñëå ïî íàöèîíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå7630 (34,6%) çàÿâîê è ïî ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïðîöåäóðå -14442 (65,4%) çàÿâêè.

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè èçãîäà â ãîä âîçðàñòàåò.  1994 ã. òåìï ñîñòàâèë 116,4%,

Page 24: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 4

1995 - 158,9%, ]n 1996 - 166,9% =i ]n1997 - 169,9%. De=i num[rul de cereridepuse de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionali este ]nascensiune, solicitan\ii str[ini continu[ s[-=i men\in[ ]nt`ietatea dup[ num[rul totalde cereri depuse. }n 1994 direct la AGEPIau fost depuse 31,6% cereri din str[in[tate,conform Aranjamentului de la Madrid aufost depuse 68,4%, iar ]n 1997 acest raporta constituit, respectiv, 15,9% =i 84,1%.Depozitul cererilor parvenite din 10 \[ri cucel mai mare num[r de solicitan\i esteprezentat ]n Anexa 11.

}n anii de referin\[ la AGEPI au fostdepuse cereri de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor deproduse =i m[rcilor de servicii din 59 de\[ri ale lumii, pozi\iile dominante revenindSUA, celor mai dezvoltate \[ri din EuropaOccidental[ =i Japoniei. Celorlalte 49 de \[rile revin doar 8,7% din toate cererile depuse.Conform Clasific[rii interna\ionale aproduselor =i serviciilor fluxul cererilordepuse de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionali =i ceistr[ini difer[. De c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliau fost depuse 61,7% cereri de ]nregistrarea m[rcilor de produse =i 38,3% cereri de]nregistrare a m[rcilor de servicii.Solicitan\ii str[ini au depus, respectiv,89,8% =i 10,2%. Pe primele locuri ]n topulproduselor, pentru care se cere ]nregistraream[rcilor na\ionale, se situeaz[ clasele 33,16, 32, 29, 30, 31, ele constituind 32,5%

din num[rul total de clase men\ionate, ]ntimp ce solicitan\ii str[ini acord[ prioritate,respectiv, claselor 05, 09, 34, 03, 30, 16,32, 25, 01, 07, ele alc[tuind 58,2% dinnum[rul total de clase indicate.

}n pofida interesului viu manifestatde solicitan\ii str[ini fa\[ de pia\aRepublicii Moldova, pozi\ia solicitan\ilorna\ionali este foarte stabil[, ei av`ndposibilitatea s[ concureze cu reprezentan\iibusinessului din str[in[tate. Astfel, printre\[rile solicitante a celor 34 clase deproduse (segmente ale pie\ei) ]n 10 (29,4%)ei de\in ]nt`ietatea. Aceste clase sunturm[toarele: 06, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27,31 =i 33. 11 clase (32,4%) se plaseaz[ pelocul doi: 08, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28,29, 30, 32; 7 clase (20, 6%) - pe locul trei=i doar 6 (17,6%) din ele - pe locurile patru- opt (01, 03, 05, 12, 17, 34). }n cereriledin \[rile dezvoltate au predominat claseleindicate ]n Tabelul 2.

SUA US - 05, 09, 30, 16, 34, 32, 25, 29, 01Marea Britanie GB - 34, 05, 03, 04, 09Germania DE - 05, 03, 01, 09, 34Japonia JP - 09, 05, 07, 01, 14, 16, 12, 11, 10Fran\a FR - 03, 05, 41, 09, 25, 16, 32, 01Elve\ia CH - 30, 05, 29, 34, 25, 32, 09Danemarca DK - 05, 10, 30, 34Italia IT - 05, 12, 33, 30Olanda NL - 34, 25, 15Suedia SU - 07, 05

Tabelul 2


2 4

1995 - 158,9%, ]n 1996 - 166,9% =i ]n1997 - 169,9%. De=i num[rul de cereridepuse de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionali este ]nascensiune, solicitan\ii str[ini continu[ s[-=i men\in[ ]nt`ietatea dup[ num[rul totalde cereri depuse. }n 1994 direct la AGEPIau fost depuse 31,6% cereri din str[in[tate,conform Aranjamentului de la Madrid aufost depuse 68,4%, iar ]n 1997 acest raporta constituit, respectiv, 15,9% =i 84,1%.Depozitul cererilor parvenite din 10 \[ri cucel mai mare num[r de solicitan\i esteprezentat ]n Anexa 11.

}n anii de referin\[ la AGEPI au fostdepuse cereri de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor deproduse =i m[rcilor de servicii din 59 de\[ri ale lumii, pozi\iile dominante revenindSUA, celor mai dezvoltate \[ri din EuropaOccidental[ =i Japoniei. Celorlalte 49 de \[rile revin doar 8,7% din toate cererile depuse.Conform Clasific[rii interna\ionale aproduselor =i serviciilor fluxul cererilordepuse de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionali =i ceistr[ini difer[. De c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliau fost depuse 61,7% cereri de ]nregistrarea m[rcilor de produse =i 38,3% cereri de]nregistrare a m[rcilor de servicii.Solicitan\ii str[ini au depus, respectiv,89,8% =i 10,2%. Pe primele locuri ]n topulproduselor, pentru care se cere ]nregistraream[rcilor na\ionale, se situeaz[ clasele 33,16, 32, 29, 30, 31, ele constituind 32,5%

din num[rul total de clase men\ionate, ]ntimp ce solicitan\ii str[ini acord[ prioritate,respectiv, claselor 05, 09, 34, 03, 30, 16,32, 25, 01, 07, ele alc[tuind 58,2% dinnum[rul total de clase indicate.

}n pofida interesului viu manifestatde solicitan\ii str[ini fa\[ de pia\aRepublicii Moldova, pozi\ia solicitan\ilorna\ionali este foarte stabil[, ei av`ndposibilitatea s[ concureze cu reprezentan\iibusinessului din str[in[tate. Astfel, printre\[rile solicitante a celor 34 clase deproduse (segmente ale pie\ei) ]n 10 (29,4%)ei de\in ]nt`ietatea. Aceste clase sunturm[toarele: 06, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27,31 =i 33. 11 clase (32,4%) se plaseaz[ pelocul doi: 08, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28,29, 30, 32; 7 clase (20, 6%) - pe locul trei=i doar 6 (17,6%) din ele - pe locurile patru- opt (01, 03, 05, 12, 17, 34). }n cereriledin \[rile dezvoltate au predominat claseleindicate ]n Tabelul 2.

SUA US - 05, 09, 30, 16, 34, 32, 25, 29, 01

Tabelul 2

Page 25: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 5

Although the number of the applications filed bythe national applicants is increasing the foreignapplicants continue to hold the first place by the totalnumber of filed applications. 31,6% applications fromabroad have been filed with the AGEPI in 1994 andunder the Madrid Agreement there have been filed68,4%. In 1997 this ratio, respectively, constituted15,9% and 84,1%. The number of the applications filedby 10 Countries-Leaders is shown in Annex 11. Applica-tions for the registration of trademarks from 59countries of the world have been filed with the AGEPIduring the said period. The predominant positions areafter the USA and the most developed countries fromthe Western Europe and Japan. Only 8,7% from thetotal number of the filed applications are referred toother 49 countries. According to the InternationalClassification of Goods and Services the number ofapplications filed by the national applicants and theforeign ones differs. 61,7% of applications for registra-tion of trademarks and 38,3% of applications forregistration of service marks have been filed by thenational applicants. The foreign applicants haverespectively filed 89,8% and 10,2%. The most requestedclasses in the national applications for the registrationof trademarks are: 33, 16, 32, 29, 30, 31. They formed32,5% from the total numbers of the said classes, whilethe foreign applicants give priority to the followingclasses: 05, 09, 34, 03, 30, 16, 32, 25, 01, 07. Theyformed 58,2% from the total number of the mentionedclasses. In spite of the great interest manifested by theforeign applicants to the market of the Republic ofMoldova, the position of the national applicants is verystable. They have the possibility to compete with therepresentatives from abroad. Thus, amidst the applicantcountries of those 34 classes of goods (segments of themarket) 10 (29,4%) hold the first place. These classesare the following: 06, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31 and33. 11 classes (32,4%) are on the second place: 08, 16,18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32; 7 classes (20,6%) -on the third place and only 6 (17,6%) of them - on thefourth place - on the eighth (01, 03, 05, 12, 17, 34). Thefollowing classes were mentioned in the applicationsfrom highly developed countries (Table 2).

In the service field the national applicants are theleaders in the classes 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, while theforeign applicants prefer the classes 37, 38 and 41.From the number of foreign applicants 58% from allclass indications in the applications are attributed to theUSA, 8,6% to Germany, 8,3% - to United Kingdom,5,3% - to France. During 1994-1997 there have beengranted 5069 certificates of registration of trademarks,namely 593 (11,7%) to national applicants and 4476(88,3%) to foreign applicants. Within the make-up ofthe foreign applicants the number of the certificatesgranted to the USA representatives constitutes 23,4%,to Germany - 17,2%, France - 10,5%,Switzerland - 8,5%, Great Britain - 7,4%,Japan - 6,8%, Italy - 4,4%.

â 1995 ã. - 158,9%, â 1996 ã. - 166,9% è â 1997 ã. -169,9%. Íåñìîòðÿ íà âûñîêèå òåìïû ðîñòà ïîäà÷èçàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè, èíîñòðàííûåçàÿâèòåëè ïðîäîëæàþò ñîõðàíÿòü ñâîè ëèäèðóþùèåïîçèöèè â îáùåì êîëè÷åñòâå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê.  1994ã. íåïîñðåäñòâåííî â AGEPI ïîñòóïèëî 31,6% èíîñ-òðàííûõ çàÿâîê, à ïî Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ -68,4%, â 1997 ã. ýòî ñîoòíîøåíèå ñîñòàâèëî ñîîò-âåòñòâåííî 15,9 è 84,1%. Ïîñòóïëåíèå èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâîê èç íàèáîëåå àêòèâíûõ 10 ñòðàí ñ íàèáîëüøèìêîëè÷åñòâîì çàÿâîê äàíî â ïðèëîæåíèè 11.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû 59 ñòðàí ìèðà ïîäàëèçàÿâêè â AGEPI äëÿ ðåãèñòðàöèè ñâîèõ òîâàðíûõçíàêîâ è çíàêîâ îáñëóæèâàíèÿ, íî ñðåäè íèõãîñïîäñòâóþùèå ïîçèöèè çàíèìàþò ÑØÀ, íàèáîëååðàçâèòûå ñòðàíû Çàïàäíîé Åâðîïû è ßïîíèÿ. Íà äîëþäðóãèõ 49 ñòðàí ïðèõîäèòñÿ ëèøü 8,7% îò âñåõïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê. Ïî êëàññàì ìåæäóíàðîäíîéêëàññèôèêàöèè òîâàðîâ è óñëóã (ÌÊÒÓ) ïîäà÷à çàÿâîêíàöèîíàëüíûìè è èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìèðàçëè÷íà. Îò íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé 61,7% çàÿâîêïîñòóïàëî íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ òîâàðîâ è 38,3% íàðåãèñòðàöèþ óñëóã. Îò èíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé -ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 89,8% è 10,2%.  ñîñòàâå òîâàðîâðåãèñòðàöèÿ çàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè, âïîðÿäêå ïðèîðèòåòíîñòè, ïðåèìóùåñòâåííîïðèõîäèëàñü íà 33, 16, 32, 29, 30, 31 êëàññû, äîëÿêîòîðûõ ñîñòàâèëà 32,5% îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâàóïîìèíàíèé êëàññîâ, à ó èíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé -ñîîòâåòñòâåííî íà 05, 09, 34, 03, 30, 16, 32, 25, 01,07 êëàññû, íà äîëþ êîòîðûõ ïðèõîäèëîñü 58,2% îòîáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà óïîìèíàíèé êëàññîâ.

Íåñìîòðÿ íà àêòèâíûé èíòåðåñ èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâèòåëåé ê ðûíêó Ìîëäîâû ïîëîæåíèå íàöèî–íàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé äîñòàòî÷íî óñòîé÷èâîå è îíèñïîñîáíû êîíêóðèðîâàòü ñ ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿìèèíîñòðàííîãî áèçíåñà. Òàê, ñðåäè ñòðàí-çàÿâèòåëåé èç34 òîâàðíûõ êëàññîâ (ñåãìåíòîâ ðûíêà) â 10 (29,4%)îíè ïðî÷íî çàíèìàþò ëèäèðóþùåå ïîëîæåíèå. Ýòîêëàññû: 06, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31 è 33. Ïî 11(32,4%) - âòîðûå ìåñòà.  èõ ÷èñëî âõîäÿò: 08, 16, 18,21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32 êëàññû, ïî 7 (20,6%) -òðåòüè ìåñòà è ëèøü ïî 6 (17,6%) - ÷åòâåðòûå -âîñüìûå ìåñòà (01, 03, 05, 12, 17, 34 êëàññû). Âïîäàííûõ çàÿâêàõ âåäóùèõ ñòðàí ïðåîáëàäàëè êëàññûóêàçàííûå â òàáëèöå 2.

 ñôåðå óñëóã íàöèîíàëüíûå çàÿâèòåëèçàíèìàþò ïðåèìóùåñòâåííîå ïîëîæåíèå ïî35,36,39,40,42 êëàññàì, òîãäà êàê èíîñòðàííûåçàÿâèòåëè ïî 37, 38 è 41 êëàññàì. Èç ÷èñëàèíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé íà äîëþ ÑØÀ ïðèõîäèòñÿ58% âñåõ óïîìèíàíèé êëàññîâ â çàÿâêàõ,ñîîòâåòñòâåííî Ãåðìàíèè - 8,6%, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè -8,3%, Ôðàíöèè - 5,3%.

Çà 1994-1997 ãã. áûëî âûäàíî 5069 ñâèäå–òåëüñòâ íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè, â òîì ÷èñëå íàöèî–íàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì - 593 (11,7%) è èíîñòðàííûìçàÿâèòåëÿì - 4476 (88,3%).  ñîñòàâå èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâèòåëåé äîëÿ âûäàííûõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâ ïðåä–ñòàâèòåëåé ÑØÀ ñîñòàâëÿåò - 23,4%, Ãåðìàíèè -17,2%, Ôðàíöèè - 10,5%, Øâåéöàðèè - 8,5%,Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè - 7,4%, ßïîíèè - 6,8%,Èòàëèè - 4,4%.


2 5

Although the number of the applications filed bythe national applicants is increasing the foreignapplicants continue to hold the first place by the totalnumber of filed applications. 31,6% applications fromabroad have been filed with the AGEPI in 1994 andunder the Madrid Agreement there have been filed68,4%. In 1997 this ratio, respectively, constituted15,9% and 84,1%. The number of the applications filedby 10 Countries-Leaders is shown in Annex 11. Applica-tions for the registration of trademarks from 59countries of the world have been filed with the AGEPIduring the said period. The predominant positions areafter the USA and the most developed countries fromthe Western Europe and Japan. Only 8,7% from thetotal number of the filed applications are referred toother 49 countries. According to the InternationalClassification of Goods and Services the number ofapplications filed by the national applicants and theforeign ones differs. 61,7% of applications for registra-tion of trademarks and 38,3% of applications forregistration of service marks have been filed by thenational applicants. The foreign applicants haverespectively filed 89,8% and 10,2%. The most requestedclasses in the national applications for the registrationof trademarks are: 33, 16, 32, 29, 30, 31. They formed32,5% from the total numbers of the said classes, whilethe foreign applicants give priority to the followingclasses: 05, 09, 34, 03, 30, 16, 32, 25, 01, 07. Theyformed 58,2% from the total number of the mentionedclasses. In spite of the great interest manifested by theforeign applicants to the market of the Republic ofMoldova, the position of the national applicants is verystable. They have the possibility to compete with therepresentatives from abroad. Thus, amidst the applicantcountries of those 34 classes of goods (segments of themarket) 10 (29,4%) hold the first place. These classesare the following: 06, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31 and33. 11 classes (32,4%) are on the second place: 08, 16,18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32; 7 classes (20,6%) -on the third place and only 6 (17,6%) of them - on thefourth place - on the eighth (01, 03, 05, 12, 17, 34). Thefollowing classes were mentioned in the applicationsfrom highly developed countries (Table 2).

In the service field the national applicants are theleaders in the classes 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, while theforeign applicants prefer the classes 37, 38 and 41.From the number of foreign applicants 58% from allclass indications in the applications are attributed to theUSA, 8,6% to Germany, 8,3% - to United Kingdom,5,3% - to France. During 1994-1997 there have beengranted 5069 certificates of registration of trademarks,namely 593 (11,7%) to national applicants and 4476(88,3%) to foreign applicants. Within the make-up ofthe foreign applicants the number of the certificatesgranted to the USA representatives constitutes 23,4%,to Germany - 17,2%, France - 10,5%,Switzerland - 8,5%, Great Britain - 7,4%,Japan - 6,8%, Italy - 4,4%.

â 1995 ã. - 158,9%, â 1996 ã. - 166,9% è â 1997 ã. -169,9%. Íåñìîòðÿ íà âûñîêèå òåìïû ðîñòà ïîäà÷èçàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè, èíîñòðàííûåçàÿâèòåëè ïðîäîëæàþò ñîõðàíÿòü ñâîè ëèäèðóþùèåïîçèöèè â îáùåì êîëè÷åñòâå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê.  1994ã. íåïîñðåäñòâåííî â AGEPI ïîñòóïèëî 31,6% èíîñ-òðàííûõ çàÿâîê, à ïî Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ -68,4%, â 1997 ã. ýòî ñîoòíîøåíèå ñîñòàâèëî ñîîò-âåòñòâåííî 15,9 è 84,1%. Ïîñòóïëåíèå èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâîê èç íàèáîëåå àêòèâíûõ 10 ñòðàí ñ íàèáîëüøèìêîëè÷åñòâîì çàÿâîê äàíî â ïðèëîæåíèè 11.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû 59 ñòðàí ìèðà ïîäàëèçàÿâêè â AGEPI äëÿ ðåãèñòðàöèè ñâîèõ òîâàðíûõçíàêîâ è çíàêîâ îáñëóæèâàíèÿ, íî ñðåäè íèõãîñïîäñòâóþùèå ïîçèöèè çàíèìàþò ÑØÀ, íàèáîëååðàçâèòûå ñòðàíû Çàïàäíîé Åâðîïû è ßïîíèÿ. Íà äîëþäðóãèõ 49 ñòðàí ïðèõîäèòñÿ ëèøü 8,7% îò âñåõïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê. Ïî êëàññàì ìåæäóíàðîäíîéêëàññèôèêàöèè òîâàðîâ è óñëóã (ÌÊÒÓ) ïîäà÷à çàÿâîêíàöèîíàëüíûìè è èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìèðàçëè÷íà. Îò íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé 61,7% çàÿâîêïîñòóïàëî íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ òîâàðîâ è 38,3% íàðåãèñòðàöèþ óñëóã. Îò èíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé -ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 89,8% è 10,2%.  ñîñòàâå òîâàðîâðåãèñòðàöèÿ çàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè, âïîðÿäêå ïðèîðèòåòíîñòè, ïðåèìóùåñòâåííîïðèõîäèëàñü íà 33, 16, 32, 29, 30, 31 êëàññû, äîëÿêîòîðûõ ñîñòàâèëà 32,5% îò îáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâàóïîìèíàíèé êëàññîâ, à ó èíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé -ñîîòâåòñòâåííî íà 05, 09, 34, 03, 30, 16, 32, 25, 01,07 êëàññû, íà äîëþ êîòîðûõ ïðèõîäèëîñü 58,2% îòîáùåãî êîëè÷åñòâà óïîìèíàíèé êëàññîâ.

Íåñìîòðÿ íà àêòèâíûé èíòåðåñ èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâèòåëåé ê ðûíêó Ìîëäîâû ïîëîæåíèå íàöèî–íàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé äîñòàòî÷íî óñòîé÷èâîå è îíèñïîñîáíû êîíêóðèðîâàòü ñ ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿìèèíîñòðàííîãî áèçíåñà. Òàê, ñðåäè ñòðàí-çàÿâèòåëåé èç34 òîâàðíûõ êëàññîâ (ñåãìåíòîâ ðûíêà) â 10 (29,4%)îíè ïðî÷íî çàíèìàþò ëèäèðóþùåå ïîëîæåíèå. Ýòîêëàññû: 06, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27, 31 è 33. Ïî 11(32,4%) - âòîðûå ìåñòà.  èõ ÷èñëî âõîäÿò: 08, 16, 18,21, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32 êëàññû, ïî 7 (20,6%) -òðåòüè ìåñòà è ëèøü ïî 6 (17,6%) - ÷åòâåðòûå -âîñüìûå ìåñòà (01, 03, 05, 12, 17, 34 êëàññû). Âïîäàííûõ çàÿâêàõ âåäóùèõ ñòðàí ïðåîáëàäàëè êëàññûóêàçàííûå â òàáëèöå 2.

 ñôåðå óñëóã íàöèîíàëüíûå çàÿâèòåëèçàíèìàþò ïðåèìóùåñòâåííîå ïîëîæåíèå ïî35,36,39,40,42 êëàññàì, òîãäà êàê èíîñòðàííûåçàÿâèòåëè ïî 37, 38 è 41 êëàññàì. Èç ÷èñëàèíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâèòåëåé íà äîëþ ÑØÀ ïðèõîäèòñÿ58% âñåõ óïîìèíàíèé êëàññîâ â çàÿâêàõ,ñîîòâåòñòâåííî Ãåðìàíèè - 8,6%, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè -8,3%, Ôðàíöèè - 5,3%.

Çà 1994-1997 ãã. áûëî âûäàíî 5069 ñâèäå–òåëüñòâ íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè, â òîì ÷èñëå íàöèî–íàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì - 593 (11,7%) è èíîñòðàííûìçàÿâèòåëÿì - 4476 (88,3%).  ñîñòàâå èíîñòðàííûõçàÿâèòåëåé äîëÿ âûäàííûõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâ ïðåä–ñòàâèòåëåé ÑØÀ ñîñòàâëÿåò - 23,4%, Ãåðìàíèè -17,2%, Ôðàíöèè - 10,5%, Øâåéöàðèè - 8,5%,Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè - 7,4%, ßïîíèè - 6,8%,Èòàëèè - 4,4%.

Page 26: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 6

Colaboratorii sec\ieiexaminare m[rci, desene =i

modele industriale.Collaborators of the

Trademarks and IndustrialDesigns Division.

Ñîòðóäíèêè îòäåëàòîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ è

ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâè ìîäåëåé.

}n domeniul serviciilor solicitan\ii na\ionali de\in pozi\iile de lider ]n clasele 35, 36,39, 40, 42, ]n timp ce solicitan\ii str[ini prefer[ clasele 37, 38 =i 41. Din totalulsolicitan\ilor str[ini, 58% din toate cazurile de indicare a claselor ]n cereri revin SUA,8,6% - Germaniei, 8,3% - Marii Britanii, 5,3% - Fran\ei.

}n anii 1994 - 1997 au fost eliberate 5069 certificate de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor,inclusiv 593 (11,7%) - solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 4476 (88,3%) - solicitan\ilor str[ini. }ncomponen\a solicitan\ilor str[ini cota certificatelor eliberate reprezentan\ilor SUAconstituie 23,4%, Germaniei - 17,2%, Fran\ei - 10,5%, Elve\iei - 8,5%, Marii Britanii -7,4%, Japoniei - 6,8%, Italiei - 4,4%.

3.4. Desene =i modele industrialeFluxul cererilor de ]nregistrare =i eliberarea titlurilor de protec\ie pentru desenele =i

modelele industriale sunt prezentate ]n Anexa 12.Afluxul cererilor de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale este condi\ionat

de cre=terea stabil[ a num[rului de cereri depuse ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul de laHaga. }n anii 1993 - 1997 au fost depuse ]n total 1292 cereri, inclusiv 122 (9,4%) de c[tresolicitan\ii na\ionali =i 1170 (90,4%) de c[tre solicitan\ii str[ini. Din totalul cererilorparvenite din str[in[tate 97,6% constituie cererile depuse ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentulde la Haga =i numai 2,4% revin cererilor depuse nemijlocit la AGEPI. }n anii 1996 - 1997s-a remarcat o anumit[ ]nviorare ]n procesul de depunere a cererilor de c[tre solicitan\iina\ionali.

Pe parcursul anilor de bilan\ au fost eliberate ]n total 128 de certificate de]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale ale Republicii Moldova, inclusiv 100(78,1%) solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 28 (21,9%) solicitan\ilor str[ini. Structura depuneriicererilor =i eliber[rii certificatelor conform \[rilor este prezentat[ ]n Anexa 13.

}nt`ietatea ]n depunerea cererilor =i ob\inerea certificatelor de ]nregistrare adesenelor =i modelelor industriale revine Elve\iei, Germaniei =i Fran\ei.

Solicitan\i na\ionaliSolicitan\i str[iniConform Aranjamentuluide la Haga


2 6

Colaboratorii sec\ieiexaminare m[rci, desene =i

modele industriale.Collaborators of the

Trademarks and IndustrialDesigns Division.

Ñîòðóäíèêè îòäåëàòîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ è

ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâè ìîäåëåé.

}n domeniul serviciilor solicitan\ii na\ionali de\in pozi\iile de lider ]n clasele 35, 36,39, 40, 42, ]n timp ce solicitan\ii str[ini prefer[ clasele 37, 38 =i 41. Din totalulsolicitan\ilor str[ini, 58% din toate cazurile de indicare a claselor ]n cereri revin SUA,8,6% - Germaniei, 8,3% - Marii Britanii, 5,3% - Fran\ei.

}n anii 1994 - 1997 au fost eliberate 5069 certificate de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor,inclusiv 593 (11,7%) - solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 4476 (88,3%) - solicitan\ilor str[ini. }ncomponen\a solicitan\ilor str[ini cota certificatelor eliberate reprezentan\ilor SUAconstituie 23,4%, Germaniei - 17,2%, Fran\ei - 10,5%, Elve\iei - 8,5%, Marii Britanii -7,4%, Japoniei - 6,8%, Italiei - 4,4%.

3.4. Desene =i modele industrialeFluxul cererilor de ]nregistrare =i eliberarea titlurilor de protec\ie pentru desenele =i

modelele industriale sunt prezentate ]n Anexa 12.Afluxul cererilor de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale este condi\ionat

de cre=terea stabil[ a num[rului de cereri depuse ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul de laHaga. }n anii 1993 - 1997 au fost depuse ]n total 1292 cereri, inclusiv 122 (9,4%) de c[tresolicitan\ii na\ionali =i 1170 (90,4%) de c[tre solicitan\ii str[ini. Din totalul cererilorparvenite din str[in[tate 97,6% constituie cererile depuse ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentulde la Haga =i numai 2,4% revin cererilor depuse nemijlocit la AGEPI. }n anii 1996 - 1997s-a remarcat o anumit[ ]nviorare ]n procesul de depunere a cererilor de c[tre solicitan\iina\ionali.

Pe parcursul anilor de bilan\ au fost eliberate ]n total 128 de certificate de]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industriale ale Republicii Moldova, inclusiv 100(78,1%) solicitan\ilor na\ionali =i 28 (21,9%) solicitan\ilor str[ini. Structura depuneriicererilor =i eliber[rii certificatelor conform \[rilor este prezentat[ ]n Anexa 13.

}nt`ietatea ]n depunerea cererilor =i ob\inerea certificatelor de ]nregistrare adesenelor =i modelelor industriale revine Elve\iei, Germaniei =i Fran\ei.

Solicitan\i na\ionaliSolicitan\i str[iniConform Aranjamentuluide la Haga

Page 27: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 7

3.4. Industrial Designs 3.4. Ïðoìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêèè ìîäåëè

Ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ è âûäà÷àîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè äàíû â ïðèëîæåíèè 12.

Íàáëþäàþùèéñÿ ðîñò çàÿâîê íà ïðîìûø–ëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè îáóñëîâëåí ñòàáèëüíûìïîâûøåíèåì êîëè÷åñòâà çàÿâîê, ïîäàâàåìûõ âñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ãààãñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì. Çà 1993-1997ãã. âñåãî áûëî ïîäàíî 1292 çàÿâêè, â òîì ÷èñëå 122(9,4%) íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè è 1170 (90,4%)èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè. Èç îáùåãî ÷èñëàèíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâîê 97,6% ñîñòàâëÿþò çàÿâêè,êîòîðûå ïîäàíû â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ãààãñêèìñîãëàøåíèåì è ëèøü 2,4% çàÿâîê áûëî ïîäàíîíåïîñðåäñòâåííî â AGEPI.  1996-1997 ãã. îòìå÷àëîñüíåêîòîðîå îæèâëåíèå â ïîäà÷å çàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû âñåãî áûëî âûäàíî 128ñâèäåòåëüñòâ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà íà ïðîìûøëåííûåðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè, â òîì ÷èñëå 100 (78,1%)íàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì è 28 (21,9%) èíîñòðàííûìçàÿâèòåëÿì. Ïî ñòðàíàì ñòðóêòóðà ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê èâûäà÷è ñâèäåòåëüñòâ ïðèâåäåíà â ïðèëîæåíèè 13.

Ëèäèðóþùèå ïîçèöèè â ïîäà÷å çàÿâîê èïîëó÷åíèè ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè çàíèìàþò Øâåéöàðèÿ, Ãåðìàíèÿ è Ôðàíöèÿ.

The number of the applications for registration ofindustrial designs are shown in Annex 12.

The growth of the number of the applications forregistration of industrial designs is conditioned by thestable increasing of the applications number filed underthe Hague Agreement. During 1993 - 1997 there havebeen filed 1292 applications, namely 122 (9,4%) by thenational applicants and 1170 (90,4%) by the foreignapplicants. From the entire number of the applicationsthat are coming from abroad 97,6% are the applicationsfiled under the Hague Agreement and only 2,4% areattributed to the applications filed directly with theAGEPI. During 1996 - 1997 there has been remarked acertain refreshment in the filing process of the applica-tions by the national applicants. During the referenceyears there have been granted 128 certificates forregistration of industrial designs of the Republic ofMoldova, namely 100 (78,1%) to the national applicantsand 28 (21,9%) to the foreign applicants. The number ofthe applications filed and certificates granted accordingto countries of origin are shown in Annex 13.

The first place in the applications filing andgetting of certificates for registration of industrialdesigns is held by Switzerland, Germany and France.

Examinarea cererii de]nregistrare adesenului/modeluluiindustrialThe Examination ofapplication for registra-tion of industrial designÐàññìîòðåíèå çàÿâêèíà ðåãèñòðàöèþïðîìûøëåííîãîðèñóíêà/ìîäåëè


2 7

3.4. Industrial Designs 3.4. Ïðoìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêèè ìîäåëè

Ïîñòóïëåíèå çàÿâîê íà ðåãèñòðàöèþ è âûäà÷àîõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâ íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè äàíû â ïðèëîæåíèè 12.

Íàáëþäàþùèéñÿ ðîñò çàÿâîê íà ïðîìûø–ëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè îáóñëîâëåí ñòàáèëüíûìïîâûøåíèåì êîëè÷åñòâà çàÿâîê, ïîäàâàåìûõ âñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ãààãñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì. Çà 1993-1997ãã. âñåãî áûëî ïîäàíî 1292 çàÿâêè, â òîì ÷èñëå 122(9,4%) íàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè è 1170 (90,4%)èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè. Èç îáùåãî ÷èñëàèíîñòðàííûõ çàÿâîê 97,6% ñîñòàâëÿþò çàÿâêè,êîòîðûå ïîäàíû â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ãààãñêèìñîãëàøåíèåì è ëèøü 2,4% çàÿâîê áûëî ïîäàíîíåïîñðåäñòâåííî â AGEPI.  1996-1997 ãã. îòìå÷àëîñüíåêîòîðîå îæèâëåíèå â ïîäà÷å çàÿâîê íàöèîíàëüíûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû âñåãî áûëî âûäàíî 128ñâèäåòåëüñòâ Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà íà ïðîìûøëåííûåðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè, â òîì ÷èñëå 100 (78,1%)íàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì è 28 (21,9%) èíîñòðàííûìçàÿâèòåëÿì. Ïî ñòðàíàì ñòðóêòóðà ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê èâûäà÷è ñâèäåòåëüñòâ ïðèâåäåíà â ïðèëîæåíèè 13.

Ëèäèðóþùèå ïîçèöèè â ïîäà÷å çàÿâîê èïîëó÷åíèè ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè çàíèìàþò Øâåéöàðèÿ, Ãåðìàíèÿ è Ôðàíöèÿ.

The number of the applications for registration ofindustrial designs are shown in Annex 12.

The growth of the number of the applications forregistration of industrial designs is conditioned by thestable increasing of the applications number filed underthe Hague Agreement. During 1993 - 1997 there havebeen filed 1292 applications, namely 122 (9,4%) by thenational applicants and 1170 (90,4%) by the foreignapplicants. From the entire number of the applicationsthat are coming from abroad 97,6% are the applicationsfiled under the Hague Agreement and only 2,4% areattributed to the applications filed directly with theAGEPI. During 1996 - 1997 there has been remarked acertain refreshment in the filing process of the applica-tions by the national applicants. During the referenceyears there have been granted 128 certificates forregistration of industrial designs of the Republic ofMoldova, namely 100 (78,1%) to the national applicantsand 28 (21,9%) to the foreign applicants. The number ofthe applications filed and certificates granted accordingto countries of origin are shown in Annex 13.

The first place in the applications filing andgetting of certificates for registration of industrialdesigns is held by Switzerland, Germany and France.

Examinarea cererii de]nregistrare adesenului/modeluluiindustrialThe Examination ofapplication for registra-tion of industrial designÐàññìîòðåíèå çàÿâêèíà ðåãèñòðàöèþïðîìûøëåííîãîðèñóíêà/ìîäåëè

Page 28: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 8

Constituirea pie\ei de proprietate industrial[ =i a numero=i agen\i economici cu diverse formede proprietate, stabilirea noilor rela\ii de pia\[ au impulsionat comercializarea obiectelor deproprietate industrial[ care se bazeaz[ pe rela\ii contractuale de licen\[ =i se desf[=oar[ ]n form[ decomer\ cu licen\e.

}n Republica Moldova dinamica ]nregistr[rii contractelor de licen\[ =i a contractelor de cesiunea drepturilor se caracterizeaz[ prin datele indicate ]n Tabelul 3.

}n total ]n anii 1994 - 1997 aufost ]nregistrate 101 contracte, inclusiv73 (72,3%) contracte de cesiune adrepturilor, 23 (22,8%) contracte delicen\[ neexclusiv[ =i 5 (4,9%)contracte de licen\[ exclusiv[.

Din num[rul de contracte decesiune a drepturilor 58 (79,5%) au fost]ncheiate ]n vederea cesiunii drepturilorasupra certificatelor de ]nregistrare am[rcilor, 12 (16,4%) - asuprabrevetelor, 2 (2,7%) - asupra desenelor/modelelor industriale =i 1 (1,4%) -asupra unui model de utilitate.

}n componen\a contractelor delicen\[ neexclusiv[ figureaz[ 16(69,6%) contracte de licen\[ abrevetului, 6 (26,1 %) - a m[rcii =i 1(4,3%) - a modelului de utilitate. Din

contractele de licen\[ exclusiv[ 4 (80%) au fost ]ncheiate pentru m[rci =i 1 (20%) - pentru brevet.}ncheierea contractelor de licen\[ =i contractelor de cesiune a drepturilor asupra obiectelor de

proprietate industrial[ protejate s-a concentrat mai mult ]n domeniul m[rcilor (68 contracte sau67,3%) =i brevetelor (29 contracte sau 28,7%), ]n timp ce pentru desenele industriale =i modelele deutilitate s-au ]ncheiat doar c`te 2 contracte.

Reparti\ia conform domeniilor tehnicii este urm[toarea: 44,8% contracte de licen\[ au fost]nregistrate ]n industria tutunului, 20,7% - ]n industria alimentar[, 13,8% - ]n electronic[, 6,9% -]n construc\ia de ma=ini, ]n medicin[ etc.

Cotele de participare a p[r\ilor contractante ]n vederea transmiterii - ob\inerii prin licen\[ adrepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate industrial[ se caracterizeaz[ prin datele indicate ]n

Tabelul 4.Cei mai activi ]n transmiterea =i

ob\inerea drepturilor sunt agen\iieconomici din str[in[tate. Participarea]ntreprinderilor de stat la transmitereadrepturilor este limitat[ din cauza lipseide mijloace financiare pentru exploatareaobiectelor de proprietate industrial[nemijlocit la locul cre[rii acestora.Datele prezentate denot[ c[ ponderea]ntreprinderilor nestatale ]nachizi\ionarea obiectelor de proprietateindustrial[ este mai mare doar cu 3%dec`t ponderea lor ]n transmitereadrepturilor. }n acela=i timp pondereapersoanelor fizice ]n achizi\ionareaobiectelor de proprietate industrial[ estede dou[ ori mai mare dec`t ponderea lor]n transmiterea drepturilor, ceea ceconstituie o m[rturie a dezvolt[riibusinessului mic.


1994 1995 1996 1997

Contracte de cesiune a drepturilorThe rights cession agreementsÄîãîâîðû îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ

- 6 21 46

Contracte de licen\[ exclusiv[Exclusive license agreementsÄîãîâîðû èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè

1 - 2 2

Contracte de licen\[ neexclusiv[Nonexclusive license agreementsÄîãîâîðû íåèñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè

1 8 4 10

}n total contracte ]nregistrateTotal agreements registeredÂñåãî çàðeãèñòðèðîâàííûõ äîãîâîðîâ

2 14 27 58

IV. Contracte de licen\[ =icontracte de cesiune a drepturilor

Agen\i economiciAdministration agentsÕîçÿéñòâóþùèå ñóáúåêòû

Partea care transmite(licen\iar)The part who transfers(licenser)Ïåðåäàþùàÿ ñòîðîíà(ëèöåíçèàð)

Partea beneficiar[(licen\iat)The beneficiary part(licensee)Ïðèíèìàþùàÿ ñòîðîíà(ëèöåíçèàò)

Persoane fiziceNatural personsÔèçè÷åñêèå ëèöà

8,9 20,8

}ntreprinderi de statState enterprisesÃîñóäàðñòâåííûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ

15,9 4,0

}ntreprinderi nestataleNon-state enterprisesÍåãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ

16,8 19,8

Firme str[ineForeign companiesÈíîñòðàííûå ôèðìû

58,4 55,4

Total: Total: Èòîãî: 100 100

}nregistrarea contractelor de licen\[ =i contractelor de cesiune a drepturilor]n anii 1994 - 1997The registration of the license and rights cession agreements during 1994 - 1997Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è äîãîâîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ çà 1994-1997 ãã.

Structura p[r\ilor la contractele ]nregistrate ]n anii 1995 - 1997 (]n % fa\[ de total)The number of the registered agreements in 1995 - 1997 (in % due to the total)Ñòðóêòóðà ó÷àñòíèêîâ çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ äîãîâîðîâ çà 1995-1997 ã. (â % ê èòîãó)

Tabelul 3

Tabelul 4


2 8

Constituirea pie\ei de proprietate industrial[ =i a numero=i agen\i economici cu diverse formede proprietate, stabilirea noilor rela\ii de pia\[ au impulsionat comercializarea obiectelor deproprietate industrial[ care se bazeaz[ pe rela\ii contractuale de licen\[ =i se desf[=oar[ ]n form[ decomer\ cu licen\e.

}n Republica Moldova dinamica ]nregistr[rii contractelor de licen\[ =i a contractelor de cesiunea drepturilor se caracterizeaz[ prin datele indicate ]n Tabelul 3.

}n total ]n anii 1994 - 1997 aufost ]nregistrate 101 contracte, inclusiv73 (72,3%) contracte de cesiune adrepturilor, 23 (22,8%) contracte delicen\[ neexclusiv[ =i 5 (4,9%)contracte de licen\[ exclusiv[.

Din num[rul de contracte decesiune a drepturilor 58 (79,5%) au fost]ncheiate ]n vederea cesiunii drepturilorasupra certificatelor de ]nregistrare am[rcilor, 12 (16,4%) - asuprabrevetelor, 2 (2,7%) - asupra desenelor/modelelor industriale =i 1 (1,4%) -asupra unui model de utilitate.

}n componen\a contractelor delicen\[ neexclusiv[ figureaz[ 16(69,6%) contracte de licen\[ abrevetului, 6 (26,1 %) - a m[rcii =i 1(4,3%) - a modelului de utilitate. Din

contractele de licen\[ exclusiv[ 4 (80%) au fost ]ncheiate pentru m[rci =i 1 (20%) - pentru brevet.}ncheierea contractelor de licen\[ =i contractelor de cesiune a drepturilor asupra obiectelor de

proprietate industrial[ protejate s-a concentrat mai mult ]n domeniul m[rcilor (68 contracte sau67,3%) =i brevetelor (29 contracte sau 28,7%), ]n timp ce pentru desenele industriale =i modelele deutilitate s-au ]ncheiat doar c`te 2 contracte.

Reparti\ia conform domeniilor tehnicii este urm[toarea: 44,8% contracte de licen\[ au fost]nregistrate ]n industria tutunului, 20,7% - ]n industria alimentar[, 13,8% - ]n electronic[, 6,9% -]n construc\ia de ma=ini, ]n medicin[ etc.

Cotele de participare a p[r\ilor contractante ]n vederea transmiterii - ob\inerii prin licen\[ adrepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate industrial[ se caracterizeaz[ prin datele indicate ]n

Tabelul 4.Cei mai activi ]n transmiterea =i

ob\inerea drepturilor sunt agen\iieconomici din str[in[tate. Participarea]ntreprinderilor de stat la transmitereadrepturilor este limitat[ din cauza lipseide mijloace financiare pentru exploatareaobiectelor de proprietate industrial[nemijlocit la locul cre[rii acestora.Datele prezentate denot[ c[ ponderea]ntreprinderilor nestatale ]nachizi\ionarea obiectelor de proprietateindustrial[ este mai mare doar cu 3%dec`t ponderea lor ]n transmitereadrepturilor. }n acela=i timp pondereapersoanelor fizice ]n achizi\ionareaobiectelor de proprietate industrial[ estede dou[ ori mai mare dec`t ponderea lor]n transmiterea drepturilor, ceea ceconstituie o m[rturie a dezvolt[riibusinessului mic.


1994 1995 1996 1997

Contracte de cesiune a drepturilorThe rights cession agreementsÄîãîâîðû îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ

- 6 21 46

Contracte de licen\[ exclusiv[Exclusive license agreementsÄîãîâîðû èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè

1 - 2 2

Contracte de licen\[ neexclusiv[Nonexclusive license agreementsÄîãîâîðû íåèñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè

1 8 4 10

}n total contracte ]nregistrateTotal agreements registeredÂñåãî çàðeãèñòðèðîâàííûõ äîãîâîðîâ

2 14 27 58

IV. Contracte de licen\[ =icontracte de cesiune a drepturilor

Agen\i economiciAdministration agentsÕîçÿéñòâóþùèå ñóáúåêòû

Partea care transmite(licen\iar)The part who transfers(licenser)Ïåðåäàþùàÿ ñòîðîíà(ëèöåíçèàð)

Partea beneficiar[(licen\iat)The beneficiary part(licensee)Ïðèíèìàþùàÿ ñòîðîíà(ëèöåíçèàò)

Persoane fiziceNatural personsÔèçè÷åñêèå ëèöà

8,9 20,8

}ntreprinderi de statState enterprisesÃîñóäàðñòâåííûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ

15,9 4,0

}ntreprinderi nestataleNon-state enterprisesÍåãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ

16,8 19,8

Firme str[ineForeign companiesÈíîñòðàííûå ôèðìû

58,4 55,4

Total: Total: Èòîãî: 100 100

}nregistrarea contractelor de licen\[ =i contractelor de cesiune a drepturilor]n anii 1994 - 1997The registration of the license and rights cession agreements during 1994 - 1997Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è äîãîâîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ çà 1994-1997 ãã.

Structura p[r\ilor la contractele ]nregistrate ]n anii 1995 - 1997 (]n % fa\[ de total)The number of the registered agreements in 1995 - 1997 (in % due to the total)Ñòðóêòóðà ó÷àñòíèêîâ çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ äîãîâîðîâ çà 1995-1997 ã. (â % ê èòîãó)

Tabelul 3

Tabelul 4

Page 29: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


2 9

IV. License Agreements andRights Cession Agreements

The constitution of the industrial property market,the great number of economic agents with diverse formsof property, establishment of new market relations gavean impulse to the commercialization of the industrialproperty objects that are based on the license contractingrelations and are carried out in the form of licensetrade.

The dynamics of the license agreements and theregistration of rights cession agreements in the Republicof Moldova are reflected in Table 3.

In the period of 1994 - 1997, 101 agreements havebeen registered, including 73 (72,3%) rights cessionagreements, 23 (22,8%) non-exclusive license agreementsand 5 (4,9%) exclusive license agreements.

58 (79,5%) from the number of rights cessionagreements have been registrated as rights cession onthe base of certificates for registration of trademarks,12 (16,4%) on patents, 2 (2,7%) on industrial designsand 1 (1,4%) on utility model.

Among the non-exclusive license agreements are16 (69,6%) patent license agreements, 6 (26,1%)trademark and 1(4,3%) utility model. From the exclusivelicense agreements 4 (80%) have been registered fortrademarks and 1(20%) for the patent.

The registration of license and rights cessionagreements on the patented industrial property objectshas been related to trademarks (68 agreements or67,3%), patents (29 agreements or 28,7%) while forindustrial designs and utility models there have beenregistered only 2 agreements.

The distribution under the technical domains is thefollowing: 44,8% of license agreements have beenregistered in tobacco industry, 20,7% in food industry,13,8% in electronics, 6,9% in machine building,medicine etc.

The activity of the representatives of licenseagreements on the acquisition and transfer - obtaining ofrights for industrial property objects is shown in Table 4

The most active in the transference and acquisitionof rights are associates with economic agents fromabroad. The participation of state enterprises is limiteddue to the lack of financial means for the exploitation ofthe industrial property objects. The presented datadenote that the ponderability of the non-state enterprisesin the acquisition of industrial property objects is higherthan their ponderability in the rights transfer. At thesame time the ponderability of natural persons in theacquisition of industrial property objects is twice higherthan their ponderability in the rights transfer thatconstitutes a testimony of the small business develop-ment.

IV. Ëèöåíçèîííûå äîãîâîðà èäîãîâîðà îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ

Ñòàíîâëåíèå ðûíêà ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè è ìíîãîîáðàçíûõ òèïîâ õîçÿéñòâîâàíèÿ,áàçèðóþùèõñÿ íà ðàçëè÷íûõ ôîðìàõ ñîáñòâåííîñòè,ôîðìèðîâàíèå ðûíî÷íûõ îòíîøåíèé â ðåñïóáëèêåäàëè òîë÷îê ê êîììåð÷åñêîìó èñïîëüçîâàíèþîáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, êîòîðîåáàçèðóåòñÿ íà ëèöåíçèîííî-äîãîâîðíûõ îòíîøåíèÿõ èðåàëèçóåòñÿ â ôîðìå òîðãîâëè ëèöåíçèÿìè.

 Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà äèíàìèêà çàðåãèñòðè–ðîâàííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è äîãîâîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâõàðàêòåðèçîâàëàñü äàííûìè ïðèâåäåííûìèâ òàáëèöå 3.

Âñåãî çà 1994-1997 ãã. çàðåãèñòðèðîâàí 101äîãîâîð, â òîì ÷èñëå 73 (72,3%) îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ, 23(22,8%) - íåèñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè è 5 (4,9%) -èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè.

Èç ÷èñëà äîãîâîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ 58 (79,5%)çàêëþ÷åíû îá óñòóïêå ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà òîâàðíûåçíàêè, 12 (16,4%) – íà ïàòåíòû, 2 (2,7%) - íà ïðî–ìûøëåííûå îáðàçöû è 1 (1,4%) - íà ïîëåçíóþ ìî–äåëü.

 ñîñòàâå äîãîâîðîâ íåèñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëè–öåíçèè âõîäÿò 16 (69,6%) äîãîâîðîâ íà ïàòåíò, 6(26,1%) - íà òîâàðíûé çíàê è 1 (4,3%) – íà ïîëåçíóþìîäåëü. Ñðåäè äîãîâîðîâ èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè4 (80%) çàêëþ÷åíû íà òîâàðíûé çíàê è 1 (20%) - íàïàòåíò.

Çàêëþ÷åíèå ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è äîãî–âîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ íà îõðàíÿåìûå îáúåêòû ïðî–ìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè êîíöåíòðèðîâàëîñü,ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî, íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè (68 äîãîâîðîâèëè 67,3%), íà ïàòåíòû (29 äîãîâîðîâ, 28,7%), òîãäàêàê íà ïðîìûøëåííûå îáðàçöû è ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëèïðèõîäÿòñÿ ïî 2 çàêëþ÷åííûõ äîãîâîðà.

Ïî îáëàñòÿì òåõíèêè 44,8% çàðåãèñ–òðèðîâàííûõ ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ ïðèõîäÿòñÿ íàòàáàêîâîäñòâî, 20,7% - íà ïèùåâóþ ïðîìûø–ëåííîñòü, 13,8% - íà ýëåêòðîíèêó, íà ìàøèíî–ñòðîåíèå è ìåäèöèíó - ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 6,9% è ò.ä.

Àêòèâíîñòü ó÷àñòíèêîâ ëèöåíçèîííûõ ñîãëà–øåíèé â ïðèîáðåòåíèè è ïåðåäà÷å ïðàâ íà îáúåêòûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè õàðàêòåðèçóåòñÿäàííûìè, ïðèâåäåííûìè â òàáëèöå 4.

Íàèáîëüøóþ àêòèâíîñòü â ïåðåäà÷å èïðèîáðåòåíèè ïðàâ èãðàþò èíîñòðàííûå õîçÿé–ñòâóþùèå ñóáúåêòû. Ó÷àñòèå ãîñóäàðñòâåííûõïðåäïðèÿòèé â ïåðåäà÷å ïðàâ îãðàíè÷åíî èç-çàîòñóòñòâèÿ ó íèõ ôèíàíñîâûõ ñðåäñòâ äëÿèñïîëüçîâàíèÿ îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè íåïîñðåäñòâåííî ïî ìåñòó èõ ñîçäàíèÿ.Íåãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ íå òîëüêî ïðîÿ–âëÿþò äîñòàòî÷íóþ àêòèâíîñòü êàê ïåðåäàþùàÿñòîðîíà, íî â åùå áîëüøèõ ìàñøòàáàõ îíè âûñòóïàþòêàê ïðèîáðåòàþùàÿ ñòîðîíà. Ó ôèçè÷åñêèõ ëèöàêòèâíîñòü â ïðèîáðåòåíèè îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè áîëåå ÷åì â 2 ðàçà ïðåâûøàåò ðàçìåðûèõ ïåðåäà÷è, ÷òî ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò î ðàçâèòèè ìàëîãîáèçíåñà.


2 9

IV. License Agreements andRights Cession Agreements

The constitution of the industrial property market,the great number of economic agents with diverse formsof property, establishment of new market relations gavean impulse to the commercialization of the industrialproperty objects that are based on the license contractingrelations and are carried out in the form of licensetrade.

The dynamics of the license agreements and theregistration of rights cession agreements in the Republicof Moldova are reflected in Table 3.

In the period of 1994 - 1997, 101 agreements havebeen registered, including 73 (72,3%) rights cessionagreements, 23 (22,8%) non-exclusive license agreementsand 5 (4,9%) exclusive license agreements.

58 (79,5%) from the number of rights cessionagreements have been registrated as rights cession onthe base of certificates for registration of trademarks,12 (16,4%) on patents, 2 (2,7%) on industrial designsand 1 (1,4%) on utility model.

Among the non-exclusive license agreements are16 (69,6%) patent license agreements, 6 (26,1%)trademark and 1(4,3%) utility model. From the exclusivelicense agreements 4 (80%) have been registered fortrademarks and 1(20%) for the patent.

The registration of license and rights cessionagreements on the patented industrial property objectshas been related to trademarks (68 agreements or67,3%), patents (29 agreements or 28,7%) while forindustrial designs and utility models there have beenregistered only 2 agreements.

The distribution under the technical domains is thefollowing: 44,8% of license agreements have beenregistered in tobacco industry, 20,7% in food industry,13,8% in electronics, 6,9% in machine building,medicine etc.

The activity of the representatives of licenseagreements on the acquisition and transfer - obtaining ofrights for industrial property objects is shown in Table 4

The most active in the transference and acquisitionof rights are associates with economic agents fromabroad. The participation of state enterprises is limiteddue to the lack of financial means for the exploitation ofthe industrial property objects. The presented datadenote that the ponderability of the non-state enterprisesin the acquisition of industrial property objects is higherthan their ponderability in the rights transfer. At thesame time the ponderability of natural persons in theacquisition of industrial property objects is twice higherthan their ponderability in the rights transfer thatconstitutes a testimony of the small business develop-ment.

IV. Ëèöåíçèîííûå äîãîâîðà èäîãîâîðà îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ

Ñòàíîâëåíèå ðûíêà ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè è ìíîãîîáðàçíûõ òèïîâ õîçÿéñòâîâàíèÿ,áàçèðóþùèõñÿ íà ðàçëè÷íûõ ôîðìàõ ñîáñòâåííîñòè,ôîðìèðîâàíèå ðûíî÷íûõ îòíîøåíèé â ðåñïóáëèêåäàëè òîë÷îê ê êîììåð÷åñêîìó èñïîëüçîâàíèþîáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, êîòîðîåáàçèðóåòñÿ íà ëèöåíçèîííî-äîãîâîðíûõ îòíîøåíèÿõ èðåàëèçóåòñÿ â ôîðìå òîðãîâëè ëèöåíçèÿìè.

 Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà äèíàìèêà çàðåãèñòðè–ðîâàííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è äîãîâîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâõàðàêòåðèçîâàëàñü äàííûìè ïðèâåäåííûìèâ òàáëèöå 3.

Âñåãî çà 1994-1997 ãã. çàðåãèñòðèðîâàí 101äîãîâîð, â òîì ÷èñëå 73 (72,3%) îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ, 23(22,8%) - íåèñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè è 5 (4,9%) -èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè.

Èç ÷èñëà äîãîâîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ 58 (79,5%)çàêëþ÷åíû îá óñòóïêå ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà òîâàðíûåçíàêè, 12 (16,4%) – íà ïàòåíòû, 2 (2,7%) - íà ïðî–ìûøëåííûå îáðàçöû è 1 (1,4%) - íà ïîëåçíóþ ìî–äåëü.

 ñîñòàâå äîãîâîðîâ íåèñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëè–öåíçèè âõîäÿò 16 (69,6%) äîãîâîðîâ íà ïàòåíò, 6(26,1%) - íà òîâàðíûé çíàê è 1 (4,3%) – íà ïîëåçíóþìîäåëü. Ñðåäè äîãîâîðîâ èñêëþ÷èòåëüíîé ëèöåíçèè4 (80%) çàêëþ÷åíû íà òîâàðíûé çíàê è 1 (20%) - íàïàòåíò.

Çàêëþ÷åíèå ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ è äîãî–âîðîâ îá óñòóïêå ïðàâ íà îõðàíÿåìûå îáúåêòû ïðî–ìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè êîíöåíòðèðîâàëîñü,ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî, íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè (68 äîãîâîðîâèëè 67,3%), íà ïàòåíòû (29 äîãîâîðîâ, 28,7%), òîãäàêàê íà ïðîìûøëåííûå îáðàçöû è ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëèïðèõîäÿòñÿ ïî 2 çàêëþ÷åííûõ äîãîâîðà.

Ïî îáëàñòÿì òåõíèêè 44,8% çàðåãèñ–òðèðîâàííûõ ëèöåíçèîííûõ äîãîâîðîâ ïðèõîäÿòñÿ íàòàáàêîâîäñòâî, 20,7% - íà ïèùåâóþ ïðîìûø–ëåííîñòü, 13,8% - íà ýëåêòðîíèêó, íà ìàøèíî–ñòðîåíèå è ìåäèöèíó - ñîîòâåòñòâåííî 6,9% è ò.ä.

Àêòèâíîñòü ó÷àñòíèêîâ ëèöåíçèîííûõ ñîãëà–øåíèé â ïðèîáðåòåíèè è ïåðåäà÷å ïðàâ íà îáúåêòûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè õàðàêòåðèçóåòñÿäàííûìè, ïðèâåäåííûìè â òàáëèöå 4.

Íàèáîëüøóþ àêòèâíîñòü â ïåðåäà÷å èïðèîáðåòåíèè ïðàâ èãðàþò èíîñòðàííûå õîçÿé–ñòâóþùèå ñóáúåêòû. Ó÷àñòèå ãîñóäàðñòâåííûõïðåäïðèÿòèé â ïåðåäà÷å ïðàâ îãðàíè÷åíî èç-çàîòñóòñòâèÿ ó íèõ ôèíàíñîâûõ ñðåäñòâ äëÿèñïîëüçîâàíèÿ îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè íåïîñðåäñòâåííî ïî ìåñòó èõ ñîçäàíèÿ.Íåãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ íå òîëüêî ïðîÿ–âëÿþò äîñòàòî÷íóþ àêòèâíîñòü êàê ïåðåäàþùàÿñòîðîíà, íî â åùå áîëüøèõ ìàñøòàáàõ îíè âûñòóïàþòêàê ïðèîáðåòàþùàÿ ñòîðîíà. Ó ôèçè÷åñêèõ ëèöàêòèâíîñòü â ïðèîáðåòåíèè îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè áîëåå ÷åì â 2 ðàçà ïðåâûøàåò ðàçìåðûèõ ïåðåäà÷è, ÷òî ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò î ðàçâèòèè ìàëîãîáèçíåñà.

Page 30: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Ridicarea nivelului profesional al colaboratorilor constituie una din direc\iile prioritare]n activitatea conducerii AGEPI. }ntruc`t ]n republic[ nu exist[ institu\ii de ]nv[\[m`ntspecializate ]n formarea cadrelor pentru domeniul protec\iei juridice a obiectelor deproprietate industrial[, preg[tirea speciali=tilor se efectueaz[ preponderent ]n cadrulcolabor[rii interna\ionale.

}n anii de referin\[ au fost instrui\i =i =i-au f[cut stagierea peste hotarele republicii 104colaboratori, inclusiv:

Aten\ia deosebit[ acordat[ de AGEPI preg[tirii cadrelor se explic[ prin faptul c[ peste65% din colaboratori activeaz[ ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale de cel mult trei ani. }ncontext vom men\iona c[ vechimea ]n munc[ a examinatorilor de inven\ii =i m[rci constituie]n medie 11 ani =i c[ peste 46% din examinatori au o vechime ]n munc[ ]n domeniulprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale ce dep[=e=te 15 ani. Crearea unui corp de cadre performanteste principalul scop al activit[\ii de preg[tire =i ridicare a nivelului de calificare alspeciali=tilor.

La AGEPI au fost elaborate programe de instruire a consilierilor ]n proprietate indus-trial[, a mandatarilor autoriza\i, a agen\ilor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor, desenelor =i modelelorindustriale. }n anii de referin\[ ]n cadrul cursurilor au fost instrui\i 34 de colaboratori aiAGEPI, reprezentan\i ai firmelor specializate de mandatari autoriza\i, ai Camerei de Comer\=i Industrie, ai diferitelor institu\ii =tiin\ifice, ]ntreprinderi =i organiza\ii. Numai ]n anul1997 au fost preg[ti\i 9 consilieri ]n proprietate industrial[, 3 mandatari autoriza\i =i 124agen\i pentru m[rci, =i-au ridicat nivelul de calificare ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale speciali=ti din institu\iile juridice, notariale =i vamale. Pe parcursul anilor 1996 -1997 la AGEPI =i-au f[cut stagiul studen\i ai Universit[\ii de Stat =i ai Academiei de StudiiEconomice din republic[.

Organizarea seminarelor specializate, meselor rotunde, zilei u=ilor deschise la AGEPI,zilei tematice “Lecturi AGEPI”, la care au prezentat comunic[ri cei mai buni speciali=ti ]ndomeniu, constituie una din direc\iile de activitate viz`nd ridicarea nivelului de calificare alcadrelor ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale.

Poten\ialul de cadre realizat a asigurat executarea func\iilor AGEPI pe principaleledirec\ii ale activit[\ii sale.

La Organiza\ia Mondial[ de Proprietate Intelectual[ (OMPI), Elve\iaWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), SwitzerlandÂñåìèðíàÿ îðãàíèçàöèÿ èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè (ÂÎÈÑ), Øâåéöàðèÿ

7 persoane

La Institutul Interna\ional de Proprietate Industrial[, Fran\aCentre for International Industrial Studies, FranceÌåæäóíàðîäíûé èíñòèòóò ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Ôðàíöèÿ

5 persoane

La Oficiul de Stat pentru Inven\ii =i M[rci (OSIM), Rom`niaState Office for Inventions and Trademarks, RomaniaÃîñóäàðñòâåííîå âåäîìñòâî ïî èçîáðåòåíèÿì è òîâàðíûì çíàêàì (OSIM), Ðóìûíèÿ

24 persoane

La Institutul de Proprietate Intelectual[, Federa\ia Rus[Institute of Intellectual Property, Russian FederationÈíñòèòóò èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Ðîññèÿ

6 persoane

La Oficiile de brevete din Austria, Bulgaria, Polonia, Republica Ceh[, Federa\iaRus[, Ucraina, SUAPatent Offices of Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Chech, Russia, Ukraine, USAÏàòåíòíûå âåäîìñòâà Àâñòðèè, Áîëãàðèè, Ïîëüøè, ×åõèè, Ðîññèè, Óêðàèíû,ÑØÀ

24 persoane

}n cadrul programelor specializate (TACIS, ICON etc.)ICON and TACIS-Programmes of the EPOÂ ðàìêàõ ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ ïðîãðàìì (TACIS, ICON è äð.)

30 persoane

V. Preg[tirea cadrelor=i ridicarea nivelului lor de calificare



Ridicarea nivelului profesional al colaboratorilor constituie una din direc\iile prioritare]n activitatea conducerii AGEPI. }ntruc`t ]n republic[ nu exist[ institu\ii de ]nv[\[m`ntspecializate ]n formarea cadrelor pentru domeniul protec\iei juridice a obiectelor deproprietate industrial[, preg[tirea speciali=tilor se efectueaz[ preponderent ]n cadrulcolabor[rii interna\ionale.

}n anii de referin\[ au fost instrui\i =i =i-au f[cut stagierea peste hotarele republicii 104colaboratori, inclusiv:

Aten\ia deosebit[ acordat[ de AGEPI preg[tirii cadrelor se explic[ prin faptul c[ peste65% din colaboratori activeaz[ ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale de cel mult trei ani. }ncontext vom men\iona c[ vechimea ]n munc[ a examinatorilor de inven\ii =i m[rci constituie]n medie 11 ani =i c[ peste 46% din examinatori au o vechime ]n munc[ ]n domeniulprotec\iei propriet[\ii industriale ce dep[=e=te 15 ani. Crearea unui corp de cadre performanteste principalul scop al activit[\ii de preg[tire =i ridicare a nivelului de calificare alspeciali=tilor.

La AGEPI au fost elaborate programe de instruire a consilierilor ]n proprietate indus-trial[, a mandatarilor autoriza\i, a agen\ilor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor, desenelor =i modelelorindustriale. }n anii de referin\[ ]n cadrul cursurilor au fost instrui\i 34 de colaboratori aiAGEPI, reprezentan\i ai firmelor specializate de mandatari autoriza\i, ai Camerei de Comer\=i Industrie, ai diferitelor institu\ii =tiin\ifice, ]ntreprinderi =i organiza\ii. Numai ]n anul1997 au fost preg[ti\i 9 consilieri ]n proprietate industrial[, 3 mandatari autoriza\i =i 124agen\i pentru m[rci, =i-au ridicat nivelul de calificare ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale speciali=ti din institu\iile juridice, notariale =i vamale. Pe parcursul anilor 1996 -1997 la AGEPI =i-au f[cut stagiul studen\i ai Universit[\ii de Stat =i ai Academiei de StudiiEconomice din republic[.

Organizarea seminarelor specializate, meselor rotunde, zilei u=ilor deschise la AGEPI,zilei tematice “Lecturi AGEPI”, la care au prezentat comunic[ri cei mai buni speciali=ti ]ndomeniu, constituie una din direc\iile de activitate viz`nd ridicarea nivelului de calificare alcadrelor ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale.

Poten\ialul de cadre realizat a asigurat executarea func\iilor AGEPI pe principaleledirec\ii ale activit[\ii sale.

La Organiza\ia Mondial[ de Proprietate Intelectual[ (OMPI), Elve\iaWorld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), SwitzerlandÂñåìèðíàÿ îðãàíèçàöèÿ èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè (ÂÎÈÑ), Øâåéöàðèÿ

7 persoane

La Institutul Interna\ional de Proprietate Industrial[, Fran\aCentre for International Industrial Studies, FranceÌåæäóíàðîäíûé èíñòèòóò ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Ôðàíöèÿ

5 persoane

La Oficiul de Stat pentru Inven\ii =i M[rci (OSIM), Rom`niaState Office for Inventions and Trademarks, RomaniaÃîñóäàðñòâåííîå âåäîìñòâî ïî èçîáðåòåíèÿì è òîâàðíûì çíàêàì (OSIM), Ðóìûíèÿ

24 persoane

La Institutul de Proprietate Intelectual[, Federa\ia Rus[Institute of Intellectual Property, Russian FederationÈíñòèòóò èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Ðîññèÿ

6 persoane

La Oficiile de brevete din Austria, Bulgaria, Polonia, Republica Ceh[, Federa\iaRus[, Ucraina, SUAPatent Offices of Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Chech, Russia, Ukraine, USAÏàòåíòíûå âåäîìñòâà Àâñòðèè, Áîëãàðèè, Ïîëüøè, ×åõèè, Ðîññèè, Óêðàèíû,ÑØÀ

24 persoane

}n cadrul programelor specializate (TACIS, ICON etc.)ICON and TACIS-Programmes of the EPOÂ ðàìêàõ ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ ïðîãðàìì (TACIS, ICON è äð.)

30 persoane

V. Preg[tirea cadrelor=i ridicarea nivelului lor de calificare

Page 31: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


3 1

Colaboratorii AGEPI la stagiere ]n SUA.AGEPI Collaborators during their Training Course in the USPTO.Ñîòðóäíèêè AGEPI íà ñòàæèðîâêå â ÑØÀ.

V. Trainingof the Personnel

Training of the personnel is one of the priordirections in the AGEPI’s activity.

As there are no special Higher EducationalInstitutions in the Republic that will train the specialistsin the field of industrial property protection the trainingis carried out in the framework of international coopera-tion. 104 members of the AGEPI staff were trainedabroad.

A great attention is paid to training and improve-ment of professional skills of the AGEPI’s personnelbecause 65% of the staff have only more than three yearsof experience in the field of industrial property protec-tion. The average length of service of Experts who carryout examination of trademarks and inventions are morethan 11 years. But 46% of the Experts have a lenghth ofexperience in the field of industrial property more than15 years. The aim of the personnel training is to preparethem a worthy replacement.

Complex teaching programmes were elaborated fortraining of patent counsellors, patent attorneys, agentsfor trademarks and industrial designs registration.

During the past years, the AGEPI trained 34

V. Ïîäãîòîâêàè ïåðåïîäãîòîâêà êàäðîâ

Ïîâûøåíèå ïðîôåññèîíàëüíî-êâàëèôè–êàöèîííîãî óðîâíÿ ñîòðóäíèêîâ ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðèîðè–òåòíûì íàïðàâëåíèåì â äåÿòåëüíîñòè ðóêîâîäñòâàAGEPI. Òàê êàê â ðåñïóáëèêå íåò ó÷åáíûõ çàâåäåíèé,ñïåöèàëèçèðóþùèõñÿ íà îáó÷åíèè êàäðîâ â îáëàñòèïðàâîâîé îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–ñòâåííîñòè, òî ïîäãîòîâêà ñïåöèàëèñòîâ îñóùåñò–âëÿåòñÿ ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî â ðàìêàõ ìåæäóíàðîäíîãîñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû ïðîøëè îáó÷åíèå è ñòà–æèðîâêó çà ïðåäåëàìè ðåñïóáëèêè 104 ñîòðóäíèêà.

Áîëüøîå âíèìàíèå óäåëÿåìîå â AGEPI ïðèïîäãîòîâêå êàäðîâ ñâÿçàíî ñ òåì, ÷òî áîëåå 65%ñîòðóäíèêîâ ðàáîòàþò â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè íå áîëåå òðåõ ëåò. Âìåñòå ñ òåì, ñòàæðàáîòíèêîâ, îñóùåñòâëÿþùèõ ýêñïåðòèçó èçîáðåòåíèéè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ ñîñòàâëÿåò â ñðåäíåì 11 ëåò, à óáîëåå 46% ñïåöèàëèñòîâ-ýêñïåðòîâ ñòàæ ðàáîòû âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

ïðåâûøàåò 15 ëåò. Îáåñïå÷åíèå èìäîñòîéíîé çàìåíû ÿâëÿåòñÿ îñíîâíîéöåëüþ ïëàíîìåðíî îñóùåñòâëÿåìîéïîäãîòîâêè è ïåðåïîäãîòîâêè êàäðîâ.

 AGEPI ðàçðàáîòàíû ó÷åáíûåïðîãðàììû ïîäãîòîâêè ïàòåíòîâåäîâ,ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ, àãåíòîâ ïî ðå–ãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, ïðîìûø–ëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé. Çàïðîøåäøèå ãîäû îáó÷åíèå íà êóðñàõïðîøëè 34 ñîòðóäíèêà AGEPI, ðàáîòíèêèñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ ôèðì ïàòåíòíûõïîâåðåííûõ, Òîðãîâî-ïðîìûøëåííîéïàëàòû, íàó÷íûõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé,ïðåäïðèÿòèé è îðãàíèçàöèé. Òîëüêî â1997 ã. ïîäãîòîâëåíî 9 ïàòåíòîâåäîâ, 3ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ è 124 àãåíòà ïîòîâàðíûì çíàêàì, ïîâûñèëèêâàëèôèêàöèþ â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòèñïåöèàëèñòû îðãàíîâ þñòèöèè, íîòàðèàòà,

òàìîæåííûõ ñëóæá.  òå÷åíèå 1996-1997 ãã. ïðîõîäèëèñòàæèðîâêó â AGEPI ñòóäåíòû Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãîóíèâåðñèòåòà è Ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé àêàäåìèè ðåñïóáëèêè.

Îðãàíèçàöèÿ è ïðîâåäåíèå ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõñåìèíàðîâ, êðóãëûõ ñòîëîâ, äíÿ îòêðûòûõ äâåðåé âAGEPI, äíÿ “×òåíèÿ AGEPI”, íà êîòîðûõ ñ äîêëàäàìèâûñòóïàþò âåäóùèå ñïåöèàëèñòû - îäíî èç íàïðàâëåíèéïîâûøåíèÿ êâàëèôèêàöèè êàäðîâ â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.

Äîñòèãíóòûé òðóäîâîé ïîòåíöèàë îáåñïå÷èëâûïîëíåíèå ôóíêöèé, âîçëîæåííûõ íà AGEPI âñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ îñíîâíûìè íàïðàâëåíèÿìèäåÿòåëüíîñòè.

members of its staff, patent attorneys, specialists ofCommerce Chamber, scientific institutions, enterprisesand organizations. It should be mentioned the fact thatin 1997 only 9 patent counsellors, 3 patent attorneys and124 agents for trademarks and industrial designs weretrained and a great number of lawyers, notarial andcustoms specialists improved their professional skills inthe field of industrial property protection.

Students of the State University and Academy ofEconomical Studies of the Republic of Moldova havetheir probation period at the AGEPI in the time period1996-1997.

One of the main trend in training and improvementof professional skills is organization and realization ofspecial seminars, round - table conferences, open-days atthe AGEPI, day of AGEPI-Readings where highly skilledexperts give lectures.


3 1

Colaboratorii AGEPI la stagiere ]n SUA.AGEPI Collaborators during their Training Course in the USPTO.Ñîòðóäíèêè AGEPI íà ñòàæèðîâêå â ÑØÀ.

V. Trainingof the Personnel

Training of the personnel is one of the priordirections in the AGEPI’s activity.

As there are no special Higher EducationalInstitutions in the Republic that will train the specialistsin the field of industrial property protection the trainingis carried out in the framework of international coopera-tion. 104 members of the AGEPI staff were trainedabroad.

A great attention is paid to training and improve-ment of professional skills of the AGEPI’s personnelbecause 65% of the staff have only more than three yearsof experience in the field of industrial property protec-tion. The average length of service of Experts who carryout examination of trademarks and inventions are morethan 11 years. But 46% of the Experts have a lenghth ofexperience in the field of industrial property more than15 years. The aim of the personnel training is to preparethem a worthy replacement.

Complex teaching programmes were elaborated fortraining of patent counsellors, patent attorneys, agentsfor trademarks and industrial designs registration.

During the past years, the AGEPI trained 34

V. Ïîäãîòîâêàè ïåðåïîäãîòîâêà êàäðîâ

Ïîâûøåíèå ïðîôåññèîíàëüíî-êâàëèôè–êàöèîííîãî óðîâíÿ ñîòðóäíèêîâ ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðèîðè–òåòíûì íàïðàâëåíèåì â äåÿòåëüíîñòè ðóêîâîäñòâàAGEPI. Òàê êàê â ðåñïóáëèêå íåò ó÷åáíûõ çàâåäåíèé,ñïåöèàëèçèðóþùèõñÿ íà îáó÷åíèè êàäðîâ â îáëàñòèïðàâîâîé îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–ñòâåííîñòè, òî ïîäãîòîâêà ñïåöèàëèñòîâ îñóùåñò–âëÿåòñÿ ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî â ðàìêàõ ìåæäóíàðîäíîãîñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû ïðîøëè îáó÷åíèå è ñòà–æèðîâêó çà ïðåäåëàìè ðåñïóáëèêè 104 ñîòðóäíèêà.

Áîëüøîå âíèìàíèå óäåëÿåìîå â AGEPI ïðèïîäãîòîâêå êàäðîâ ñâÿçàíî ñ òåì, ÷òî áîëåå 65%ñîòðóäíèêîâ ðàáîòàþò â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè íå áîëåå òðåõ ëåò. Âìåñòå ñ òåì, ñòàæðàáîòíèêîâ, îñóùåñòâëÿþùèõ ýêñïåðòèçó èçîáðåòåíèéè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ ñîñòàâëÿåò â ñðåäíåì 11 ëåò, à óáîëåå 46% ñïåöèàëèñòîâ-ýêñïåðòîâ ñòàæ ðàáîòû âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

ïðåâûøàåò 15 ëåò. Îáåñïå÷åíèå èìäîñòîéíîé çàìåíû ÿâëÿåòñÿ îñíîâíîéöåëüþ ïëàíîìåðíî îñóùåñòâëÿåìîéïîäãîòîâêè è ïåðåïîäãîòîâêè êàäðîâ.

 AGEPI ðàçðàáîòàíû ó÷åáíûåïðîãðàììû ïîäãîòîâêè ïàòåíòîâåäîâ,ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ, àãåíòîâ ïî ðå–ãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, ïðîìûø–ëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé. Çàïðîøåäøèå ãîäû îáó÷åíèå íà êóðñàõïðîøëè 34 ñîòðóäíèêà AGEPI, ðàáîòíèêèñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ ôèðì ïàòåíòíûõïîâåðåííûõ, Òîðãîâî-ïðîìûøëåííîéïàëàòû, íàó÷íûõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé,ïðåäïðèÿòèé è îðãàíèçàöèé. Òîëüêî â1997 ã. ïîäãîòîâëåíî 9 ïàòåíòîâåäîâ, 3ïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ è 124 àãåíòà ïîòîâàðíûì çíàêàì, ïîâûñèëèêâàëèôèêàöèþ â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòèñïåöèàëèñòû îðãàíîâ þñòèöèè, íîòàðèàòà,

òàìîæåííûõ ñëóæá.  òå÷åíèå 1996-1997 ãã. ïðîõîäèëèñòàæèðîâêó â AGEPI ñòóäåíòû Ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãîóíèâåðñèòåòà è Ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé àêàäåìèè ðåñïóáëèêè.

Îðãàíèçàöèÿ è ïðîâåäåíèå ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõñåìèíàðîâ, êðóãëûõ ñòîëîâ, äíÿ îòêðûòûõ äâåðåé âAGEPI, äíÿ “×òåíèÿ AGEPI”, íà êîòîðûõ ñ äîêëàäàìèâûñòóïàþò âåäóùèå ñïåöèàëèñòû - îäíî èç íàïðàâëåíèéïîâûøåíèÿ êâàëèôèêàöèè êàäðîâ â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.

Äîñòèãíóòûé òðóäîâîé ïîòåíöèàë îáåñïå÷èëâûïîëíåíèå ôóíêöèé, âîçëîæåííûõ íà AGEPI âñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ îñíîâíûìè íàïðàâëåíèÿìèäåÿòåëüíîñòè.

members of its staff, patent attorneys, specialists ofCommerce Chamber, scientific institutions, enterprisesand organizations. It should be mentioned the fact thatin 1997 only 9 patent counsellors, 3 patent attorneys and124 agents for trademarks and industrial designs weretrained and a great number of lawyers, notarial andcustoms specialists improved their professional skills inthe field of industrial property protection.

Students of the State University and Academy ofEconomical Studies of the Republic of Moldova havetheir probation period at the AGEPI in the time period1996-1997.

One of the main trend in training and improvementof professional skills is organization and realization ofspecial seminars, round - table conferences, open-days atthe AGEPI, day of AGEPI-Readings where highly skilledexperts give lectures.

Page 32: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



VI. Informatizarea proceselor tehnologiceAsigurarea tehnic[ a procedurilor de examinare a inven\iilor, a m[rcilor =i denumirilor

de origine a produselor, a desenelor/modelelor industriale, prelucrarea informa\iei =iautomatizarea proceselor de lucru, transformarea datelor =i transportarea acestora prinintermediul h`rtiei =i purt[torilor electronici de informa\ie, implementarea =i darea ]nexploatare a sistemului de cercetare documentar[ ]n scopul asigur[rii accesului solicitan\ilorla informa\ia de brevete plus alte lucr[ri de automatizare au constituit direc\iile principaleale activit[\ii de informatizare a proceselor tehnologice ]n cadrul AGEPI ]n perioada 1993-1997.

}n vederea proiect[rii =i elabor[rii sistemului de informatizare s-au depus eforturiconsiderabile din partea speciali=tilor AGEPI, ]n aceast[ activitate sprijin importantconstituindu-l colaborarea cu speciali=tii de la organiza\iile =i oficiile din str[in[tate (OMPI,OEB, OBI din Grecia, OSIM din Rom`nia etc.).

Noile tehnologii informa\ionale care sunt ]n permanent[ dezvoltare au contribuit lamodernizarea ]ntregului sistem de calculatoare at`t la nivel hard, c`t =i la nivel soft, ]nspecial la implementarea noilor sisteme opera\ionale, dotate cu un set de func\ii maiperformante =i mai simple ]n exploatare.

Modernizarea re\elei de calculatoare din Agen\ie a oferit utilizatorilor =iadministratorilor de sisteme noi facilit[\i de programare =i utilizare, a contribuit laconsolidarea sistemului de protec\ie, la unificarea sistemelor opera\ionale, precum =i la

crearea bazei pentru noi proiecte de informatizare.Direc\iile principale ale activit[\ii de

informatizare au fost:1. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare a

procedurilor de examinare M[rci – crearea bazei de datena\ionale.

2. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare aprocedurilor de examinare Inven\ii – crearea bazelor dedate:

2.1 Cereri de brevet de inven\ie;2.2 Brevete de inven\ie acordate;2.3 Registrul solicitan\ilor;2.4 Registrul inventatorilor;2.5 Registrul titularilor.3. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare a

procedurilor de examinare Modele de Utilitate – creareabazei de date na\ionale.

4. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare aprocedurilor de examinare Design Industrial – crearea

bazei de date na\ionale.5. Sistemul de cercetare documentar[ pe discuri optice.6. Sistemul de cercetare documentar[ ]n bazele de date din exteriorul oficiului cu

utilizarea resurselor re\elei INTERNET.7. Sistemul de eviden\[ a fondului bibliotecar =i de automatizare a procedurilor de

gestionare a fondului de literatur[.Toate sistemele enumerate au fost deja proiectate =i elaborate, ele, pe parcursul

exploat[rii, perfec\ion`ndu-se ]n conformitate cu necesit[\ile utilizatorilor.}n ce prive=te asigurarea cu tehnic[ de calcul, trebuie men\ionat faptul c[ toate

posturile din Agen\ie sunt dotate cu tehnic[ modern[ =i dispun de sistemele necesare pentrusimplificarea unor proceduri de lucru, efectuarea cercet[rilor documentare etc.

Colaboratorii sec\iei baze de date.Collaborators of the Database Division.Ñîòðóäíèêè îòäåëà áàçû äàííûõ.



VI. Informatizarea proceselor tehnologiceAsigurarea tehnic[ a procedurilor de examinare a inven\iilor, a m[rcilor =i denumirilor

de origine a produselor, a desenelor/modelelor industriale, prelucrarea informa\iei =iautomatizarea proceselor de lucru, transformarea datelor =i transportarea acestora prinintermediul h`rtiei =i purt[torilor electronici de informa\ie, implementarea =i darea ]nexploatare a sistemului de cercetare documentar[ ]n scopul asigur[rii accesului solicitan\ilorla informa\ia de brevete plus alte lucr[ri de automatizare au constituit direc\iile principaleale activit[\ii de informatizare a proceselor tehnologice ]n cadrul AGEPI ]n perioada 1993-1997.

}n vederea proiect[rii =i elabor[rii sistemului de informatizare s-au depus eforturiconsiderabile din partea speciali=tilor AGEPI, ]n aceast[ activitate sprijin importantconstituindu-l colaborarea cu speciali=tii de la organiza\iile =i oficiile din str[in[tate (OMPI,OEB, OBI din Grecia, OSIM din Rom`nia etc.).

Noile tehnologii informa\ionale care sunt ]n permanent[ dezvoltare au contribuit lamodernizarea ]ntregului sistem de calculatoare at`t la nivel hard, c`t =i la nivel soft, ]nspecial la implementarea noilor sisteme opera\ionale, dotate cu un set de func\ii maiperformante =i mai simple ]n exploatare.

Modernizarea re\elei de calculatoare din Agen\ie a oferit utilizatorilor =iadministratorilor de sisteme noi facilit[\i de programare =i utilizare, a contribuit laconsolidarea sistemului de protec\ie, la unificarea sistemelor opera\ionale, precum =i la

crearea bazei pentru noi proiecte de informatizare.Direc\iile principale ale activit[\ii de

informatizare au fost:1. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare a

procedurilor de examinare M[rci – crearea bazei de datena\ionale.

2. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare aprocedurilor de examinare Inven\ii – crearea bazelor dedate:

2.1 Cereri de brevet de inven\ie;2.2 Brevete de inven\ie acordate;2.3 Registrul solicitan\ilor;2.4 Registrul inventatorilor;2.5 Registrul titularilor.3. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare a

procedurilor de examinare Modele de Utilitate – creareabazei de date na\ionale.

4. Elaborarea sistemului de automatizare aprocedurilor de examinare Design Industrial – crearea

bazei de date na\ionale.5. Sistemul de cercetare documentar[ pe discuri optice.6. Sistemul de cercetare documentar[ ]n bazele de date din exteriorul oficiului cu

utilizarea resurselor re\elei INTERNET.7. Sistemul de eviden\[ a fondului bibliotecar =i de automatizare a procedurilor de

gestionare a fondului de literatur[.Toate sistemele enumerate au fost deja proiectate =i elaborate, ele, pe parcursul

exploat[rii, perfec\ion`ndu-se ]n conformitate cu necesit[\ile utilizatorilor.}n ce prive=te asigurarea cu tehnic[ de calcul, trebuie men\ionat faptul c[ toate

posturile din Agen\ie sunt dotate cu tehnic[ modern[ =i dispun de sistemele necesare pentrusimplificarea unor proceduri de lucru, efectuarea cercet[rilor documentare etc.

Colaboratorii sec\iei baze de date.Collaborators of the Database Division.Ñîòðóäíèêè îòäåëà áàçû äàííûõ.

Page 33: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



The main directions of information technologicalactivity of the AGEPI in 1993-1997 were: the informa-tion technology of the examination procedures ofinventions, trademarks and appellations of origin,industrial designs, processing of information data,automation of the working systems, sending of the datathrough paper and electronic carriers, implementationand exploitation of searching system in order to ensurethe applicants access to patent information, and tonational and foreign databases.

With reference to the projection and elaboration ofthe information technological system there have beenmade considerable efforts by the AGEPI Experts. Animportant support in this activity constituted thecooperation with the Experts from foreign organizationsand offices (WIPO, EPO, OBI from Greece, SOIT fromRomania etc).

The new information technologies which are inconstant development have influenced the modernizationof the whole system of computers both the hardware andthe software.

Particularly, new operational systems with a set ofmore performed and more simple for exploitationfunctions were implemented.

The upgrading of the computer network of theAgency had offered to the consumers and administratorsof systems new programming and utilization facilities. Itcontributed to consolidation of the protection system, tothe unification of operational systems as well as to thecreation of a new base for information projects.

The main directions of the information activityhave been related to :

1. Elaboration of the automation system of theexamination procedures for trademarks, setting up of thenational database “Trademarks”;

2. Elaboration of the automation system of theexamination procedures for inventions, setting up thenational database “Inventions”:

2.1. Patent applications;2.2. Granted patents for inventions;2.3. Applicants Register;2.4. Inventors Register;2.5. Owners Register.3. Elaboration of the automation system of the

examination procedures for utility models, setting up ofthe national database “Utility models”;

4. Elaboration of the automation system of theexamination procedures for industrial designs, settingup of the national database “Industrial designs”;

Òåõíè÷åñêîå îáåñïå÷åíèå ïî ïðîöåäóðàìýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèé, òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ èíàèìåíîâàíèé ìåñò ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ, ïðîìûøëåííûõîáðàçöîâ, îáðàáîòêà èíôîðìàöèè è àâòîìàòèçàöèÿðàáî÷èõ ïðîöåññîâ, ïðåîáðàçîâàíèå äàííûõ è èõïåðåäà÷à ñ ïîìîùüþ áóìàæíûõ è ýëåêòðîííûõíîñèòåëåé èíôîðìàöèè, âíåäðåíèå è èñïîëüçîâàíèåñèñòåìû ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà ñ öåëüþ îáåñïå÷åíèÿäîñòóïà çàÿâèòåëåé ê ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè, à òàêæåäðóãèå ðàáîòû ïî àâòîìàòèçàöèè, ïîçâîëèëèñôîðìèðîâàòü îñíîâó ãëàâíûõ íàïðàâëåíèéèíôîðìàòèçàöèè òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ AGEPI,ïðîèçîøåäøèõ çà 1993-1997 ãã.

 öåëÿõ ïðîåêòèðîâàíèÿ è ðàçðàáîòêèèíôîðìàöèîííîé ñèñòåìû ñïåöèàëèñòû AGEPIïðèëîæèëè âñåâîçìîæíûå óñèëèÿ, à òàêæå áîëüøóþðîëü â ýòîì ñûãðàëî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñî ñïåöèàëèñòàìèçàðóáåæíûõ âåäîìñòâ, òàêèõ êàê ÂÎÈÑ, ÅÏÂ,ïàòåíòíûå âåäîìñòâà Ãðåöèè, Ðóìûíèè è äð.

Íîâûå èíôîðìàöèîííûå òåõíîëîãèè,íàõîäÿùèåñÿ â ïîñòîÿííîì ðàçâèòèè, ñïîñîáñòâîâàëèìîäåðíèçàöèè êîìïüþòåðíîé ñèñòåìû â öåëîì êàê íàòåõíè÷åñêîì óðîâíå, òàê è íà óðîâíå ïðîãðàììíîãîîáåñïå÷åíèÿ, à ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì ñïîñîáñòâîâàëèâíåäðåíèþ íîâûõ îïåðàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì, ôóíêöèèêîòîðûõ ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàèáîëåå îáúåìíûìè è ïðîñòûìè âèñïîëüçîâàíèè.

Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ êîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè Àãåíòñòâàîòêðûëà ïîëüçîâàòåëÿì è àäìèíèñòðàòîðàì ñèñòåìíîâûå âîçìîæíîñòè ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ èèñïîëüçîâàíèÿ, ñûãðàëà ñâîþ íå ïîñëåäíþþ ðîëü âîêîí÷àòåëüíîì ñòàíîâëåíèè ñèñòåìû îõðàíû, âóíèôèöèðîâàíèè îïåðàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì, à òàêæå âôîðìèðîâàíèè áàçû íîâûõ ïðîåêòîâ ïîèíôîðìàòèçàöèè.

Îñíîâíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ ïî èíôîðìàòèçàöèèðàñïðåäåëèëèñü ñëåäóþùèì îáðàçîì:

1. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðýêñïåðòèçû òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - ñîçäàíèå íàöèîíàëüíîéáàçû äàííûõ.

2. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèé - ñîçäàíèå áàçû äàííûõ:

2.1 Çàÿâêè íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ;2.2 Âûäàííûå ïàòåíòû íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ;2.3 Ðåãèñòð çàÿâèòåëåé;2.4 Ðåãèñòð èçîáðåòàòåëåé;2.5 Ðåãèñòð ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëåé.3. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóð

ýêñïåðòèçû ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé - ñîçäàíèåíàöèîíàëüíîé áàçû äàííûõ.

4. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðýêñïåðòèçû ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ - ñîçäàíèåíàöèîíàëüíîé áàçû äàííûõ.

VI. Information Techno-logical Processing

VI. Èíôîðìàòèçàöèÿòåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ



The main directions of information technologicalactivity of the AGEPI in 1993-1997 were: the informa-tion technology of the examination procedures ofinventions, trademarks and appellations of origin,industrial designs, processing of information data,automation of the working systems, sending of the datathrough paper and electronic carriers, implementationand exploitation of searching system in order to ensurethe applicants access to patent information, and tonational and foreign databases.

With reference to the projection and elaboration ofthe information technological system there have beenmade considerable efforts by the AGEPI Experts. Animportant support in this activity constituted thecooperation with the Experts from foreign organizationsand offices (WIPO, EPO, OBI from Greece, SOIT fromRomania etc).

The new information technologies which are inconstant development have influenced the modernizationof the whole system of computers both the hardware andthe software.

Particularly, new operational systems with a set ofmore performed and more simple for exploitationfunctions were implemented.

The upgrading of the computer network of theAgency had offered to the consumers and administratorsof systems new programming and utilization facilities. Itcontributed to consolidation of the protection system, tothe unification of operational systems as well as to thecreation of a new base for information projects.

The main directions of the information activityhave been related to :

1. Elaboration of the automation system of theexamination procedures for trademarks, setting up of thenational database “Trademarks”;

2. Elaboration of the automation system of theexamination procedures for inventions, setting up thenational database “Inventions”:

2.1. Patent applications;2.2. Granted patents for inventions;2.3. Applicants Register;2.4. Inventors Register;2.5. Owners Register.3. Elaboration of the automation system of the

examination procedures for utility models, setting up ofthe national database “Utility models”;

4. Elaboration of the automation system of theexamination procedures for industrial designs, settingup of the national database “Industrial designs”;

Òåõíè÷åñêîå îáåñïå÷åíèå ïî ïðîöåäóðàìýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèé, òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ èíàèìåíîâàíèé ìåñò ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ, ïðîìûøëåííûõîáðàçöîâ, îáðàáîòêà èíôîðìàöèè è àâòîìàòèçàöèÿðàáî÷èõ ïðîöåññîâ, ïðåîáðàçîâàíèå äàííûõ è èõïåðåäà÷à ñ ïîìîùüþ áóìàæíûõ è ýëåêòðîííûõíîñèòåëåé èíôîðìàöèè, âíåäðåíèå è èñïîëüçîâàíèåñèñòåìû ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà ñ öåëüþ îáåñïå÷åíèÿäîñòóïà çàÿâèòåëåé ê ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè, à òàêæåäðóãèå ðàáîòû ïî àâòîìàòèçàöèè, ïîçâîëèëèñôîðìèðîâàòü îñíîâó ãëàâíûõ íàïðàâëåíèéèíôîðìàòèçàöèè òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ AGEPI,ïðîèçîøåäøèõ çà 1993-1997 ãã.

 öåëÿõ ïðîåêòèðîâàíèÿ è ðàçðàáîòêèèíôîðìàöèîííîé ñèñòåìû ñïåöèàëèñòû AGEPIïðèëîæèëè âñåâîçìîæíûå óñèëèÿ, à òàêæå áîëüøóþðîëü â ýòîì ñûãðàëî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñî ñïåöèàëèñòàìèçàðóáåæíûõ âåäîìñòâ, òàêèõ êàê ÂÎÈÑ, ÅÏÂ,ïàòåíòíûå âåäîìñòâà Ãðåöèè, Ðóìûíèè è äð.

Íîâûå èíôîðìàöèîííûå òåõíîëîãèè,íàõîäÿùèåñÿ â ïîñòîÿííîì ðàçâèòèè, ñïîñîáñòâîâàëèìîäåðíèçàöèè êîìïüþòåðíîé ñèñòåìû â öåëîì êàê íàòåõíè÷åñêîì óðîâíå, òàê è íà óðîâíå ïðîãðàììíîãîîáåñïå÷åíèÿ, à ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì ñïîñîáñòâîâàëèâíåäðåíèþ íîâûõ îïåðàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì, ôóíêöèèêîòîðûõ ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàèáîëåå îáúåìíûìè è ïðîñòûìè âèñïîëüçîâàíèè.

Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ êîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè Àãåíòñòâàîòêðûëà ïîëüçîâàòåëÿì è àäìèíèñòðàòîðàì ñèñòåìíîâûå âîçìîæíîñòè ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ èèñïîëüçîâàíèÿ, ñûãðàëà ñâîþ íå ïîñëåäíþþ ðîëü âîêîí÷àòåëüíîì ñòàíîâëåíèè ñèñòåìû îõðàíû, âóíèôèöèðîâàíèè îïåðàöèîííûõ ñèñòåì, à òàêæå âôîðìèðîâàíèè áàçû íîâûõ ïðîåêòîâ ïîèíôîðìàòèçàöèè.

Îñíîâíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ ïî èíôîðìàòèçàöèèðàñïðåäåëèëèñü ñëåäóþùèì îáðàçîì:

1. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðýêñïåðòèçû òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ - ñîçäàíèå íàöèîíàëüíîéáàçû äàííûõ.

2. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèé - ñîçäàíèå áàçû äàííûõ:

2.1 Çàÿâêè íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ;2.2 Âûäàííûå ïàòåíòû íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ;2.3 Ðåãèñòð çàÿâèòåëåé;2.4 Ðåãèñòð èçîáðåòàòåëåé;2.5 Ðåãèñòð ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëåé.3. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóð

ýêñïåðòèçû ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé - ñîçäàíèåíàöèîíàëüíîé áàçû äàííûõ.

4. Ðàçðàáîòêà ñèñòåìû àâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðýêñïåðòèçû ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ - ñîçäàíèåíàöèîíàëüíîé áàçû äàííûõ.

VI. Information Techno-logical Processing

VI. Èíôîðìàòèçàöèÿòåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ

Page 34: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Utilizarea CD-ROM ]n AGEPI

Sec\ia examinare inven\ii,dispun`nd de calculatoare dotate cudispozitive de citire CD-ROM, ofer[posibilitate examinatorilor s[ efectuezecercet[ri documentare pe discuri optice,Agen\ia av`nd o colec\ie bogat[ deasemenea discuri (Tabelul 5), care esteperiodic actualizat[ cu concursulOficiului Statelor Unite ale Americii,Oficiului European de Brevete, Oficiuluidin Japonia etc.

Examinatorii din sec\ia examinarem[rci, de asemenea, dispun de tehnicanecesar[, inclusiv de 4 sta\ii ROMARIN,cu ajutorul c[rora pot efectuaexaminarea at`t ]n baza de datena\ional[, c`t =i ]n cea ROMARIN.

Sub aspectul informatiz[rii, anul1997 pentru Agen\ie s-a remarcat prinurm[toarele evenimente:

1. Modernizarea echipamentuluitehnic al re\elei de calculatoare AGEPI-LAN;

2. Emiterea discului optic “Inven\iicreate ]n Republica Moldova ]n perioada1962-1993”;

3. Trecerea la un alt sistem dere\ea cu facilit[\i =i posibilit[\i noi;

4. }nc[rcarea bazelor de date“M[rci” =i “Inven\ii”;

5. Darea ]n exploatare a primeivariante a sistemelor de gestiune abazelor de date “M[rci” =i “Inven\ii”;

6. Organizarea unui curs deinstruire a examinatorilor ]n vedereautiliz[rii sistemelor de efectuare adocument[rii pe discuri optice;

7. Preg[tirea personalului sec\ieiinformatic[ ]n vederea implement[riire\elei INTERNET ]n cadrul AGEPI;

8. Modernizarea parcului decalculatoare al sectorului editorial.

Tabelul 5



ESPACE-ACCESS OEB 1978 - la zi - up-to-day



OEB 1975 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - EPA OEB 1978 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

ESPACE - WORLD OEB 1978 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - DE OEB 1994 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

ESPACE - AT OEB 1993 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - CH OEB 1994 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

ESPACE - SI OEB 1993 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - OAPI OEB 1994 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

DEPAROM - COMPACT Oficiul Germande Brevete

1994 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвDEPAROM - ACT Oficiul German

de Brevete1995 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

DEPAROM - U Oficiul Germande Brevete

1995 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвCASSIS-BIB Oficiul de Brevete

=i M[rci al SUA1980 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

CASSIS-ASIGN Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA

1969 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвCASSIS-ASIST Oficiul de Brevete

=i M[rci al SUA-

CASSIS-SNAP Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA


CASSIS-CLASS Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA


USAPAT Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA

1994 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвPAJ/CD-ROM Oficiul Japonez

de Brevete1976 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

JMSCD4 Oficiul Japonezde Brevete

1994 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвIPC:Class Arcanum -




Utilizarea CD-ROM ]n AGEPI

Sec\ia examinare inven\ii,dispun`nd de calculatoare dotate cudispozitive de citire CD-ROM, ofer[posibilitate examinatorilor s[ efectuezecercet[ri documentare pe discuri optice,Agen\ia av`nd o colec\ie bogat[ deasemenea discuri (Tabelul 5), care esteperiodic actualizat[ cu concursulOficiului Statelor Unite ale Americii,Oficiului European de Brevete, Oficiuluidin Japonia etc.

Examinatorii din sec\ia examinarem[rci, de asemenea, dispun de tehnicanecesar[, inclusiv de 4 sta\ii ROMARIN,cu ajutorul c[rora pot efectuaexaminarea at`t ]n baza de datena\ional[, c`t =i ]n cea ROMARIN.

Sub aspectul informatiz[rii, anul1997 pentru Agen\ie s-a remarcat prinurm[toarele evenimente:

1. Modernizarea echipamentuluitehnic al re\elei de calculatoare AGEPI-LAN;

2. Emiterea discului optic “Inven\iicreate ]n Republica Moldova ]n perioada1962-1993”;

3. Trecerea la un alt sistem dere\ea cu facilit[\i =i posibilit[\i noi;

4. }nc[rcarea bazelor de date“M[rci” =i “Inven\ii”;

5. Darea ]n exploatare a primeivariante a sistemelor de gestiune abazelor de date “M[rci” =i “Inven\ii”;

6. Organizarea unui curs deinstruire a examinatorilor ]n vedereautiliz[rii sistemelor de efectuare adocument[rii pe discuri optice;

7. Preg[tirea personalului sec\ieiinformatic[ ]n vederea implement[riire\elei INTERNET ]n cadrul AGEPI;

8. Modernizarea parcului decalculatoare al sectorului editorial.

Tabelul 5



ESPACE-ACCESS OEB 1978 - la zi - up-to-day

- нв



OEB 1975 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - EPA OEB 1978 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

ESPACE - WORLD OEB 1978 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - DE OEB 1994 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

ESPACE - AT OEB 1993 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - CH OEB 1994 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

ESPACE - SI OEB 1993 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвESPACE - OAPI OEB 1994 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

DEPAROM - COMPACT Oficiul Germande Brevete

1994 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвDEPAROM - ACT Oficiul German

de Brevete1995 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

DEPAROM - U Oficiul Germande Brevete

1995 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвCASSIS-BIB Oficiul de Brevete

=i M[rci al SUA1980 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

CASSIS-ASIGN Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA

1969 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвCASSIS-ASIST Oficiul de Brevete

=i M[rci al SUA-

CASSIS-SNAP Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA


CASSIS-CLASS Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA


USAPAT Oficiul de Brevete=i M[rci al SUA

1994 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвPAJ/CD-ROM Oficiul Japonez

de Brevete1976 - la zi

- up-to-day - нв

JMSCD4 Oficiul Japonezde Brevete

1994 - la zi - up-to-day

- нвIPC:Class Arcanum -


Page 35: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



5. The searching system on optical disks;6. The searching system in the foreign databases

using the INTERNET;7. The librarian stock evidence system and the

automation of the stock administration procedures. Allthe above mentioned system have been already projectedand elaborated. The system was improved according toconsumers needs.

As far as the supplying with hardware is con-cerned, it should be mentioned the fact that everyworking place is provided with modern equipment, withall necessary systems for facilitating the workingprocedures, especially the searches ones.

The Invention Examination Division have moderncomputers with CD-ROM drivers that offers the expertsthe possibility to carry out the search on optical disks.The Agency has rich collections of such CD-ROM diskswhich are periodically updated with the support of USPatent and Trademark Office, EPO, Patent Office ofJapan and others.

The experts from the Trademarks ExaminationDivision have all necessary equipment including 4ROMARIN Stations. With the help of them they cancarry out examination both in the national and interna-tional databases.

The following events were remarkable for theAgency in 1997:

1. Upgrading of the AGEPI-LAN computernetwork;

2. Publication of the optical disk “Inventionscreated in the Republic of Moldova in the period of1962-1993”;

3. Establishment of a new network system with agreat number of facilities and possibilities;

4. Loading of databases “Trademarks” and “Inven-tions”;

5. Exploitation of the databases “Trademarks” and“Inventions”;

6. Organization of training courses for experts onthe usage of CD-ROM’s disks in searching procedures;

7. Training of the Computer Division’s Employeeson the matters related to the implementation ofINTERNET network system within the AGEPI;

8. Upgrading the computer system of the EditorialDivision.

5. Ñèñòåìà ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà íà îïòè÷åñêèõäèñêàõ.

6. Ñèñòåìà ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà âî âíåâå–äîìñòâåííûõ áàçàõ äàííûõ ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ðåñóðñîâñåòè INTERNET.

7. Ñèñòåìà ó÷åòà áèáëèîòå÷íûõ ôîíäîâ èàâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðû óïðàâëåíèÿ ëèòåðàòóðíîãîôîíäà.

Âñå ýòè ñèñòåìû ñïðîåêòèðîâàíû è ðàçðàáîòàíûè íà ïðîòÿæåíèè èõ ïðèìåíåíèÿ ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ èõñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèå ïî íåîáõîäèìûì àñïåêòàìïîëüçîâàòåëåé.

×òî êàñàåòñÿ îáåñïå÷åíèÿ ñîòðóäíèêîâêîìïüþòåðíîé òåõíèêîé, òî ýòîò âîïðîñ ðåøèëñÿ âëó÷øóþ ñòîðîíó: âñå ðàáî÷èå ìåñòà Àãåíòñòâàñíàáæåíû ñîâðåìåííîé òåõíèêîé è îáåñïå÷åíûíåîáõîäèìûìè ñèñòåìàìè äëÿ óïðîùåíèÿ íåêîòîðûõðàáî÷èõ ïðîöåäóð, îñóùåñòâëåíèÿ ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà èäð. ïðîöåäóð.

Ñíàáæåíèå îòäåëà ýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèéêîìïüþòåðàìè ñ äèñêîâîäàìè ñ÷èòûâàíèÿ CD-ROMïîçâîëÿåò ýêñïåðòàì îñóùåñòâëÿòü ïàòåíòíûå ïîèñêèíà îïòè÷åñêèõ äèñêàõ, èìåþùèõñÿ â áîãàòîéêîëëåêöèè Àãåíòñòâà (òàáëèöà 5), êîòîðàÿïåðèîäè÷åñêè îáíîâëÿåòñÿ ìàòåðèàëàìè, ïîëó÷åííûìèîò âåäîìñòâà ÑØÀ, Åâðîïåéñêîãî ÏàòåíòíîãîÂåäîìñòâà, ÿïîíñêîãî è äð. âåäîìñòâ.

Ýêñïåðòû îòäåëà ýêñïåðòèçû òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâòàêæå îáåñïå÷åíû íåîáõîäèìîé òåõíèêîé, â ÷àñòíîñòè4 ñèñòåìàìè ïî ROMARIN, ïî êîòîðûì îíè ìîãóòîñóùåñòâëÿòü ýêñïåðòèçó íà îñíîâå áàçû äàííûõ è ïîROMARIN.

1997 ãîä îòìå÷åí ñëåäóþùèìè ñîáûòèÿìè:1. Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ òåõíè÷åñêîãî îáîðóäîâàíèÿ

êîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè AGEPI-LAN;2. Âûïóñê îïòè÷åñêîãî äèñêà “Èçîáðåòåíèÿ

ñîçäàííûå â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà çà 1962 - 1993 ãã.”;3. Ïåðåõîä ê äðóãîé ñåòåâîé ñèñòåìå. Ïîèñêè

íîâûõ ïóòåé è âîçìîæíîñòåé.4. Çàïîëíåíèå áàçû äàííûõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì

è èçîáðåòåíèÿì.5. Âíåäðåíèå ïåðâîãî âàðèàíòà ñèñòåìû

óïðàâëåíèÿ áàçû äàííûõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì èèçîáðåòåíèÿì.

6. Êóðñû îáó÷åíèÿ ýêñïåðòîâ ïî âîïðîñàìïðîâåäåíèÿ ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà íà îïòè÷åñêèõ äèñêàõ.

7. Ïîäãîòîâêà ïåðñîíàëà èíôîðìàöèîííîãîîòäåëà ïî âîïðîñàì âíåäðåíèÿ ñåòè INTERNET âAGEPI.

8. Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ èçäàòåëüñêîãî êîìïüþòåðíîãîïîëÿ.



5. The searching system on optical disks;6. The searching system in the foreign databases

using the INTERNET;7. The librarian stock evidence system and the

automation of the stock administration procedures. Allthe above mentioned system have been already projectedand elaborated. The system was improved according toconsumers needs.

As far as the supplying with hardware is con-cerned, it should be mentioned the fact that everyworking place is provided with modern equipment, withall necessary systems for facilitating the workingprocedures, especially the searches ones.

The Invention Examination Division have moderncomputers with CD-ROM drivers that offers the expertsthe possibility to carry out the search on optical disks.The Agency has rich collections of such CD-ROM diskswhich are periodically updated with the support of USPatent and Trademark Office, EPO, Patent Office ofJapan and others.

The experts from the Trademarks ExaminationDivision have all necessary equipment including 4ROMARIN Stations. With the help of them they cancarry out examination both in the national and interna-tional databases.

The following events were remarkable for theAgency in 1997:

1. Upgrading of the AGEPI-LAN computernetwork;

2. Publication of the optical disk “Inventionscreated in the Republic of Moldova in the period of1962-1993”;

3. Establishment of a new network system with agreat number of facilities and possibilities;

4. Loading of databases “Trademarks” and “Inven-tions”;

5. Exploitation of the databases “Trademarks” and“Inventions”;

6. Organization of training courses for experts onthe usage of CD-ROM’s disks in searching procedures;

7. Training of the Computer Division’s Employeeson the matters related to the implementation ofINTERNET network system within the AGEPI;

8. Upgrading the computer system of the EditorialDivision.

5. Ñèñòåìà ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà íà îïòè÷åñêèõäèñêàõ.

6. Ñèñòåìà ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà âî âíåâå–äîìñòâåííûõ áàçàõ äàííûõ ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ðåñóðñîâñåòè INTERNET.

7. Ñèñòåìà ó÷åòà áèáëèîòå÷íûõ ôîíäîâ èàâòîìàòèçàöèè ïðîöåäóðû óïðàâëåíèÿ ëèòåðàòóðíîãîôîíäà.

Âñå ýòè ñèñòåìû ñïðîåêòèðîâàíû è ðàçðàáîòàíûè íà ïðîòÿæåíèè èõ ïðèìåíåíèÿ ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ èõñîâåðøåíñòâîâàíèå ïî íåîáõîäèìûì àñïåêòàìïîëüçîâàòåëåé.

×òî êàñàåòñÿ îáåñïå÷åíèÿ ñîòðóäíèêîâêîìïüþòåðíîé òåõíèêîé, òî ýòîò âîïðîñ ðåøèëñÿ âëó÷øóþ ñòîðîíó: âñå ðàáî÷èå ìåñòà Àãåíòñòâàñíàáæåíû ñîâðåìåííîé òåõíèêîé è îáåñïå÷åíûíåîáõîäèìûìè ñèñòåìàìè äëÿ óïðîùåíèÿ íåêîòîðûõðàáî÷èõ ïðîöåäóð, îñóùåñòâëåíèÿ ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà èäð. ïðîöåäóð.

Ñíàáæåíèå îòäåëà ýêñïåðòèçû èçîáðåòåíèéêîìïüþòåðàìè ñ äèñêîâîäàìè ñ÷èòûâàíèÿ CD-ROMïîçâîëÿåò ýêñïåðòàì îñóùåñòâëÿòü ïàòåíòíûå ïîèñêèíà îïòè÷åñêèõ äèñêàõ, èìåþùèõñÿ â áîãàòîéêîëëåêöèè Àãåíòñòâà (òàáëèöà 5), êîòîðàÿïåðèîäè÷åñêè îáíîâëÿåòñÿ ìàòåðèàëàìè, ïîëó÷åííûìèîò âåäîìñòâà ÑØÀ, Åâðîïåéñêîãî ÏàòåíòíîãîÂåäîìñòâà, ÿïîíñêîãî è äð. âåäîìñòâ.

Ýêñïåðòû îòäåëà ýêñïåðòèçû òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâòàêæå îáåñïå÷åíû íåîáõîäèìîé òåõíèêîé, â ÷àñòíîñòè4 ñèñòåìàìè ïî ROMARIN, ïî êîòîðûì îíè ìîãóòîñóùåñòâëÿòü ýêñïåðòèçó íà îñíîâå áàçû äàííûõ è ïîROMARIN.

1997 ãîä îòìå÷åí ñëåäóþùèìè ñîáûòèÿìè:1. Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ òåõíè÷åñêîãî îáîðóäîâàíèÿ

êîìïüþòåðíîé ñåòè AGEPI-LAN;2. Âûïóñê îïòè÷åñêîãî äèñêà “Èçîáðåòåíèÿ

ñîçäàííûå â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà çà 1962 - 1993 ãã.”;3. Ïåðåõîä ê äðóãîé ñåòåâîé ñèñòåìå. Ïîèñêè

íîâûõ ïóòåé è âîçìîæíîñòåé.4. Çàïîëíåíèå áàçû äàííûõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì

è èçîáðåòåíèÿì.5. Âíåäðåíèå ïåðâîãî âàðèàíòà ñèñòåìû

óïðàâëåíèÿ áàçû äàííûõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì èèçîáðåòåíèÿì.

6. Êóðñû îáó÷åíèÿ ýêñïåðòîâ ïî âîïðîñàìïðîâåäåíèÿ ïàòåíòíîãî ïîèñêà íà îïòè÷åñêèõ äèñêàõ.

7. Ïîäãîòîâêà ïåðñîíàëà èíôîðìàöèîííîãîîòäåëà ïî âîïðîñàì âíåäðåíèÿ ñåòè INTERNET âAGEPI.

8. Ìîäåðíèçàöèÿ èçäàòåëüñêîãî êîìïüþòåðíîãîïîëÿ.

Page 36: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Una din cele mai importante direc\ii de activitate ale AGEPI este cea editorial[ -informa\ional[. }n cadrul ei sunt implicate practic toate subdiviziunile structurale aleAGEPI, ]ns[ principalele atribu\ii revin sec\iei standarde =i marketing, sec\iei edi\ii =itipografiei.

Procesul de ini\iere =i extindere a activit[\ii editoriale - informa\ionale a contribuit lacre=terea num[rului =i edi\iilor publica\iilor informative ale AGEPI. }n Tabelul 6 esteprezentat[ lista publica\iilor editate de AGEPI ]n perioada 1993 - 1997.

Publica\ii ale AGEPITabelul 6

(num[rul de publica\ii)

Pe l`ng[ faptul c[ ]n perioada men\ionat[ a crescut num[rul edi\iilor informativepublicate, s-au produs =i muta\ii pozitive ]n ceea ce prive=te calitatea lor. Astfel, materialelepublicate ]n 1993 - 1995 aveau menirea s[ asigure constituirea sistemului de protec\ie apropriet[\ii industriale =i func\ionarea eficient[ a acestuia. }n aceast[ perioad[ toat[ aten\iaa fost concentrat[ asupra edit[rii BOPI, regulamentelor provizorii ce reglementau aspectelejuridice ale protec\iei obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, instruc\iunilor privind redactarea=i depunerea cererilor de eliberare a titlurilor de protec\ie, rapoartelor anuale. Printreedi\iile unice pot fi men\ionate ca foarte importante “Glosarul de proprietate industrial[“ ]n5 limbi, Listele sistematizate ale obiectelor de proprietate industrial[ ]nregistrate =i aletitlurilor de protec\ie eliberate, Taxele pentru brevetarea inven\iilor =i ]nregistrareamodelelor de utilitate, m[rcilor, desenelor =i modelelor industriale, denumirilor de origine aproduselor etc.

}n anii 1996 - 1997 con\inutul noilor publica\ii a vizat acte normative, materiale depopularizare a activit[\ii AGEPI =i elucidare a problemelor stringente ]n domeniul protec\ieidrepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, studii analitice privind avantajele =iposibilit[\ile sistemului de brevetare ]n vigoare ]n Republica Moldova, rolul acestuia ]ndezvoltarea industriei ]n condi\iile economiei de pia\[.

Este important faptul c[ Legea privind brevetele de inven\ie =i Legea privind m[rcile=i denumirile de origine a produselor au fost editate ]n limbile rom`n[, rus[, englez[ =ifrancez[. Din alte edi\ii informative sunt de men\ionat urm[toarele: “Contracte de licen\[.Recomand[ri ]n vederea redact[rii lor”, materialele seminarelor interna\ionale “Evaluareapropriet[\ii industriale” =i “Protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale”, Catalogul oficial ‘96 “Aldoilea salon interna\ional al tineretului”, “Materiale metodice normative destinate agen\ilorde m[rci, desene =i modele industriale”, “Regulamentul cu privire la Comisia de Apel aAGEPI”, alte materiale =i buclete informativ-publicitare.

Titlurile publica\iilorThe titles of publicationsÍàèìåíîâàíèÿ ïóáëèêàöèé

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total: inclusiv:Total number:Âñåãî: â òîì ÷èñëå:

2 26 35 28 38

BOPI: 2 12 12 12 12Legi =i Regulamente de aplicare a legilorLaws and Regulations of Applying RulesÇàêîíû è Ïîëîæåíèÿ ïî ïðèìåíåíèþ çàêîíîâ

− − − 2 7

Instruc\iuniInstructionsÈíñòðóêòèâíûå ìàòåðèàëû

− 7 5 − −

Intellectus − − 4 4 4Bursa Inven\iilor − − − 2 4AGEPI Info, AGEPI Consult[ − − − − 4Raport AnualAnnual ReportÃîäîâîé îò÷åò

− 1 1 1 1

Alte publica\iiOther PublicationsДругие публикации

− 6 13 7 6

VII. Activitatea editorial[ - informa\ional[



Una din cele mai importante direc\ii de activitate ale AGEPI este cea editorial[ -informa\ional[. }n cadrul ei sunt implicate practic toate subdiviziunile structurale aleAGEPI, ]ns[ principalele atribu\ii revin sec\iei standarde =i marketing, sec\iei edi\ii =itipografiei.

Procesul de ini\iere =i extindere a activit[\ii editoriale - informa\ionale a contribuit lacre=terea num[rului =i edi\iilor publica\iilor informative ale AGEPI. }n Tabelul 6 esteprezentat[ lista publica\iilor editate de AGEPI ]n perioada 1993 - 1997.

Publica\ii ale AGEPITabelul 6

(num[rul de publica\ii)

Pe l`ng[ faptul c[ ]n perioada men\ionat[ a crescut num[rul edi\iilor informativepublicate, s-au produs =i muta\ii pozitive ]n ceea ce prive=te calitatea lor. Astfel, materialelepublicate ]n 1993 - 1995 aveau menirea s[ asigure constituirea sistemului de protec\ie apropriet[\ii industriale =i func\ionarea eficient[ a acestuia. }n aceast[ perioad[ toat[ aten\iaa fost concentrat[ asupra edit[rii BOPI, regulamentelor provizorii ce reglementau aspectelejuridice ale protec\iei obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, instruc\iunilor privind redactarea=i depunerea cererilor de eliberare a titlurilor de protec\ie, rapoartelor anuale. Printreedi\iile unice pot fi men\ionate ca foarte importante “Glosarul de proprietate industrial[“ ]n5 limbi, Listele sistematizate ale obiectelor de proprietate industrial[ ]nregistrate =i aletitlurilor de protec\ie eliberate, Taxele pentru brevetarea inven\iilor =i ]nregistrareamodelelor de utilitate, m[rcilor, desenelor =i modelelor industriale, denumirilor de origine aproduselor etc.

}n anii 1996 - 1997 con\inutul noilor publica\ii a vizat acte normative, materiale depopularizare a activit[\ii AGEPI =i elucidare a problemelor stringente ]n domeniul protec\ieidrepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate industrial[, studii analitice privind avantajele =iposibilit[\ile sistemului de brevetare ]n vigoare ]n Republica Moldova, rolul acestuia ]ndezvoltarea industriei ]n condi\iile economiei de pia\[.

Este important faptul c[ Legea privind brevetele de inven\ie =i Legea privind m[rcile=i denumirile de origine a produselor au fost editate ]n limbile rom`n[, rus[, englez[ =ifrancez[. Din alte edi\ii informative sunt de men\ionat urm[toarele: “Contracte de licen\[.Recomand[ri ]n vederea redact[rii lor”, materialele seminarelor interna\ionale “Evaluareapropriet[\ii industriale” =i “Protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale”, Catalogul oficial ‘96 “Aldoilea salon interna\ional al tineretului”, “Materiale metodice normative destinate agen\ilorde m[rci, desene =i modele industriale”, “Regulamentul cu privire la Comisia de Apel aAGEPI”, alte materiale =i buclete informativ-publicitare.

Titlurile publica\iilorThe titles of publicationsÍàèìåíîâàíèÿ ïóáëèêàöèé

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total: inclusiv:Total number:Âñåãî: â òîì ÷èñëå:

2 26 35 28 38

BOPI: 2 12 12 12 12Legi =i Regulamente de aplicare a legilorLaws and Regulations of Applying RulesÇàêîíû è Ïîëîæåíèÿ ïî ïðèìåíåíèþ çàêîíîâ

− − − 2 7

Instruc\iuniInstructionsÈíñòðóêòèâíûå ìàòåðèàëû

− 7 5 − −

Intellectus − − 4 4 4Bursa Inven\iilor − − − 2 4AGEPI Info, AGEPI Consult[ − − − − 4Raport AnualAnnual ReportÃîäîâîé îò÷åò

− 1 1 1 1

Alte publica\iiOther PublicationsДругие публикации

− 6 13 7 6

VII. Activitatea editorial[ - informa\ional[

Page 37: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Èíôîðìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü -îäíî èç âàæíåéøèõ íàïðàâëåíèé â ðàáîòå AGEPI.Âîïðîñàìè, ñâÿçàííûìè ñ ýòèìè íàïðàâëåíèÿìèçàíèìàþòñÿ ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñå ñòðóêòóðíûåïîäðàçäåëåíèÿ AGEPI, íî îñíîâíóþ íàãðóçêó íåñóòîòäåë ñòàíäàðòîâ è ìàðêåòèíãà, ðåäàêöèîííûé îòäåë,òèïîãðàôèÿ.

Ïðîöåññ ñòàíîâëåíèÿ è ðàñøèðåíèÿ èíôîð–ìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè îáåñïå÷èë ðîñòâûïóñêà ïóáëèêàöèé, èíôîðìàöèîííî-ñïðàâî÷íûõèçäàíèé AGEPI.  òàáëèöå 6 ïðèâåäåí ïåðå÷åíüíàèìåíîâàíèé ïóáëèêàöèé, èçäàííûõ â AGEPI çàïåðèîä ñ 1993 ã. ïî 1997 ã.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû íå òîëüêî óâåëè÷èëñÿïåðå÷åíü ïóáëèêóåìûõ èíôîðìàöèîííûõ èçäàíèé, íîêà÷åñòâåííî èçìåíÿëñÿ ñîñòàâ ïóáëèêàöèé. Òàê,ìàòåðèàëû, ïóáëèêóåìûå â 1993-1995 ãã.,îáåñïå÷èâàëè ïðîöåññ ñòàíîâëåíèÿ ñèñòåìû îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è åå íîðìàëüíîåôóíêöèîíèðîâàíèå.  ýòîò ïåðèîä îñíîâíîå âíèìàíèåáûëî ñîñðåäîòî÷åíî íà èçäàíèè BOPI, âðåìåííûõïîëîæåíèé, ðåãóëèðóþùèõ ïðàâîâûå âîïðîñû îõðàíûîáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, èíñòðóêöèé ïîñîñòàâëåíèþ è ïîäà÷å çàÿâîê íà âûäà÷ó îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ, ãîäîâûõ îò÷åòîâ. Ñðåäè ðàçîâûõïóáëèêàöèé âàæíîå çíà÷åíèå èìåëî èçäàíèå“Ãëîññàðèÿ òåðìèíîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”,íà 5 ÿçûêàõ, ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèõ è íóìåðàöèîííûõóêàçàòåëåé çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è âûäàííûõ îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ, ïîøëèí çà ïàòåíòîâàíèå èçîáðåòåíèé èðåãèñòðàöèþ ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé, òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ,ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé, íàèìåíîâàíèéìåñò ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ è äð.

Çà 1996-1997 ãã. ðîñò âûïóñêà íîðìàòèâíûõäîêóìåíòîâ, ìàòåðèàëîâ, ïîïóëÿðèçèðóþùèõ äåÿ–òåëüíîñòü AGEPI è îñâåùàþùèõ îñòðîòó ïðîáëåì âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðàâ íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïðåèìóùåñòâà è âîçìîæíîñòèïàòåíòíîé ñèñòåìû, äåéñòâóþùåé â ÐåñïóáëèêåÌîëäîâà, åå ðîëü â ðàçâèòèè ïðîèçâîäñòâà â óñëîâèÿõðûíî÷íîé ýêîíîìèêè, îïðåäåëèëè ñîäåðæàíèå íîâûõïóáëèêàöèé.

Âàæíî, ÷òî Çàêîíû“Î ïàòåíòàõ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ”è “Î òîâàðíûõ çíàêàõ è íàèìåíîâàíèÿõ ìåñò ïðîèñ–õîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ” áûëè âûïóùåíû íà ðóìûíñêîì,ðóññêîì, àíãëèéñêîì è ôðàíöóçñêîì ÿçûêàõ. Ñðåäèäðóãèõ èíôîðìàöèîííûõ èçäàíèé ñëåäóåò îòìåòèòü“Ëèöåíçèîííûå ñîãëàøåíèÿ. Ðåêîìåíäàöèè ïî èõïîäãîòîâêå”, ìàòåðèàëû ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñåìèíàðîâ ïî“Îöåíêå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè” è “Îõðàíåïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”, Îôèöèàëüíûéêàòàëîã’96 ã. “II ìåæäóíàðîäíûé ìîëîäåæíûé ñàëîí”,“Íîðìàòèâíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèå ìàòåðèàëû ïî òîâàðíûìçíàêàì, ïðîìûøëåííûì îáðàçöàì äëÿ àãåíòîâ”,“Ïîëîæåíèå îá Àïåëëÿöèîííîé êîìèññèè AGEPI”,ìåòîäè÷åñêèå, èíôîðìàöèîííî-ðåêëàìíûå ìàòåðèàëû,ëèñòêè è äð.

Íàèáîëåå âàæíûìè ïåðèîäè÷åñêèìè èçäàíèÿìèAGEPI ÿâëÿþòñÿ:

“Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrial[”(BOPI). Èçäàåòñÿ åæåìåñÿ÷íî ñ 1993 ã. Áþëëåòåíüñîäåðæèò èíôîðìàöèþ ïî ñëåäóþùèì ðàçäåëàì:

One of the main directions of the activity of theAGEPI is editorial - informational. All the departmentsof the AGEPI are implicated in this task but the mostactivity is done by Standard and Marketing Division,Editorial Division and Printing Works Division.

The process of initiating and extension of thisactivity contributed to increasing the number of theAGEPI publications. The table below gives the list ofpublications edited by the AGEPI in the period of 1993 -1997.

Besides the fact that in the mentioned time period,the number of the published informative editions wereincreased, there were some positive changes in themeaning of its quality. In this way the publishedmaterials in 1993 - 1995 were meant to assure theconstitution of the protection system for the industrialproperty and the efficient function of this system.During this period all attention was concentrated on thepublication of BOPI, on the Provisional Regulations thatregulated legal aspects of the protection of industrialproperty, the Instructions concerning the request forgranting the trademarks protection, on yearly reports.Among the single editions there are some to be men-tioned as very important like “Industrial PropertyGlossary” in 5 languages, the systematized lists of theregistered objects of industrial property and the grantedtitles of protection, the fees for patent for inventions andthe registration of the utility models, trademarks,industrial designs and appellations of origin of goods.

In the period between 1996 - 1997 the content ofthe new publications was referred to normative acts, thepopularization materials of the activity of the AGEPI,and to clearing up the urgent problems in the field ofprotection of the rights on industrial property objects,analytical studies concerning the advantages andpossibilities of the valid activity of patent system in theRepublic Moldova, its role in the development of industryin the terms of market economy.

One of the important fact is the publication of theLaw on Patent for Inventions, Law on Trademarks andAppellations of Origin in Romanian, Russian, Englishand French. Other informative editions can be mentioned,such as “License Treaties”, Recommendations Concerningtheir Elaboration”, Materials of International Seminars”,“Valuation of Industrial Property Assets” and “Protec-tion of Industrial Property”, “The Official Catalogue 96”,“The Second International Exhibition of Young People”,“Methodical and Standard Materials” destined for agentsfor trademarks, industrial designs’ registration”,Regulations concerning the Commission of Appeals of theAGEPI, other informative materials and booklets.

The most important periodical publications ofAGEPI are:

“The Official Bulletin of Industrial Property”(BOPI). Monthly edited since 1993. The Bulletin containsinformation structured in the following compartments”:

VII. The Editorial Infor-mational Activity

VII. Èíôîðìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü



Èíôîðìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü -îäíî èç âàæíåéøèõ íàïðàâëåíèé â ðàáîòå AGEPI.Âîïðîñàìè, ñâÿçàííûìè ñ ýòèìè íàïðàâëåíèÿìèçàíèìàþòñÿ ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñå ñòðóêòóðíûåïîäðàçäåëåíèÿ AGEPI, íî îñíîâíóþ íàãðóçêó íåñóòîòäåë ñòàíäàðòîâ è ìàðêåòèíãà, ðåäàêöèîííûé îòäåë,òèïîãðàôèÿ.

Ïðîöåññ ñòàíîâëåíèÿ è ðàñøèðåíèÿ èíôîð–ìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè îáåñïå÷èë ðîñòâûïóñêà ïóáëèêàöèé, èíôîðìàöèîííî-ñïðàâî÷íûõèçäàíèé AGEPI.  òàáëèöå 6 ïðèâåäåí ïåðå÷åíüíàèìåíîâàíèé ïóáëèêàöèé, èçäàííûõ â AGEPI çàïåðèîä ñ 1993 ã. ïî 1997 ã.

Çà ïðîøåäøèå ãîäû íå òîëüêî óâåëè÷èëñÿïåðå÷åíü ïóáëèêóåìûõ èíôîðìàöèîííûõ èçäàíèé, íîêà÷åñòâåííî èçìåíÿëñÿ ñîñòàâ ïóáëèêàöèé. Òàê,ìàòåðèàëû, ïóáëèêóåìûå â 1993-1995 ãã.,îáåñïå÷èâàëè ïðîöåññ ñòàíîâëåíèÿ ñèñòåìû îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è åå íîðìàëüíîåôóíêöèîíèðîâàíèå.  ýòîò ïåðèîä îñíîâíîå âíèìàíèåáûëî ñîñðåäîòî÷åíî íà èçäàíèè BOPI, âðåìåííûõïîëîæåíèé, ðåãóëèðóþùèõ ïðàâîâûå âîïðîñû îõðàíûîáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, èíñòðóêöèé ïîñîñòàâëåíèþ è ïîäà÷å çàÿâîê íà âûäà÷ó îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ, ãîäîâûõ îò÷åòîâ. Ñðåäè ðàçîâûõïóáëèêàöèé âàæíîå çíà÷åíèå èìåëî èçäàíèå“Ãëîññàðèÿ òåðìèíîâ ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”,íà 5 ÿçûêàõ, ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèõ è íóìåðàöèîííûõóêàçàòåëåé çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è âûäàííûõ îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ, ïîøëèí çà ïàòåíòîâàíèå èçîáðåòåíèé èðåãèñòðàöèþ ïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé, òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ,ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé, íàèìåíîâàíèéìåñò ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ è äð.

Çà 1996-1997 ãã. ðîñò âûïóñêà íîðìàòèâíûõäîêóìåíòîâ, ìàòåðèàëîâ, ïîïóëÿðèçèðóþùèõ äåÿ–òåëüíîñòü AGEPI è îñâåùàþùèõ îñòðîòó ïðîáëåì âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðàâ íà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïðåèìóùåñòâà è âîçìîæíîñòèïàòåíòíîé ñèñòåìû, äåéñòâóþùåé â ÐåñïóáëèêåÌîëäîâà, åå ðîëü â ðàçâèòèè ïðîèçâîäñòâà â óñëîâèÿõðûíî÷íîé ýêîíîìèêè, îïðåäåëèëè ñîäåðæàíèå íîâûõïóáëèêàöèé.

Âàæíî, ÷òî Çàêîíû“Î ïàòåíòàõ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ”è “Î òîâàðíûõ çíàêàõ è íàèìåíîâàíèÿõ ìåñò ïðîèñ–õîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ” áûëè âûïóùåíû íà ðóìûíñêîì,ðóññêîì, àíãëèéñêîì è ôðàíöóçñêîì ÿçûêàõ. Ñðåäèäðóãèõ èíôîðìàöèîííûõ èçäàíèé ñëåäóåò îòìåòèòü“Ëèöåíçèîííûå ñîãëàøåíèÿ. Ðåêîìåíäàöèè ïî èõïîäãîòîâêå”, ìàòåðèàëû ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñåìèíàðîâ ïî“Îöåíêå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè” è “Îõðàíåïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”, Îôèöèàëüíûéêàòàëîã’96 ã. “II ìåæäóíàðîäíûé ìîëîäåæíûé ñàëîí”,“Íîðìàòèâíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèå ìàòåðèàëû ïî òîâàðíûìçíàêàì, ïðîìûøëåííûì îáðàçöàì äëÿ àãåíòîâ”,“Ïîëîæåíèå îá Àïåëëÿöèîííîé êîìèññèè AGEPI”,ìåòîäè÷åñêèå, èíôîðìàöèîííî-ðåêëàìíûå ìàòåðèàëû,ëèñòêè è äð.

Íàèáîëåå âàæíûìè ïåðèîäè÷åñêèìè èçäàíèÿìèAGEPI ÿâëÿþòñÿ:

“Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrial[”(BOPI). Èçäàåòñÿ åæåìåñÿ÷íî ñ 1993 ã. Áþëëåòåíüñîäåðæèò èíôîðìàöèþ ïî ñëåäóþùèì ðàçäåëàì:

One of the main directions of the activity of theAGEPI is editorial - informational. All the departmentsof the AGEPI are implicated in this task but the mostactivity is done by Standard and Marketing Division,Editorial Division and Printing Works Division.

The process of initiating and extension of thisactivity contributed to increasing the number of theAGEPI publications. The table below gives the list ofpublications edited by the AGEPI in the period of 1993 -1997.

Besides the fact that in the mentioned time period,the number of the published informative editions wereincreased, there were some positive changes in themeaning of its quality. In this way the publishedmaterials in 1993 - 1995 were meant to assure theconstitution of the protection system for the industrialproperty and the efficient function of this system.During this period all attention was concentrated on thepublication of BOPI, on the Provisional Regulations thatregulated legal aspects of the protection of industrialproperty, the Instructions concerning the request forgranting the trademarks protection, on yearly reports.Among the single editions there are some to be men-tioned as very important like “Industrial PropertyGlossary” in 5 languages, the systematized lists of theregistered objects of industrial property and the grantedtitles of protection, the fees for patent for inventions andthe registration of the utility models, trademarks,industrial designs and appellations of origin of goods.

In the period between 1996 - 1997 the content ofthe new publications was referred to normative acts, thepopularization materials of the activity of the AGEPI,and to clearing up the urgent problems in the field ofprotection of the rights on industrial property objects,analytical studies concerning the advantages andpossibilities of the valid activity of patent system in theRepublic Moldova, its role in the development of industryin the terms of market economy.

One of the important fact is the publication of theLaw on Patent for Inventions, Law on Trademarks andAppellations of Origin in Romanian, Russian, Englishand French. Other informative editions can be mentioned,such as “License Treaties”, Recommendations Concerningtheir Elaboration”, Materials of International Seminars”,“Valuation of Industrial Property Assets” and “Protec-tion of Industrial Property”, “The Official Catalogue 96”,“The Second International Exhibition of Young People”,“Methodical and Standard Materials” destined for agentsfor trademarks, industrial designs’ registration”,Regulations concerning the Commission of Appeals of theAGEPI, other informative materials and booklets.

The most important periodical publications ofAGEPI are:

“The Official Bulletin of Industrial Property”(BOPI). Monthly edited since 1993. The Bulletin containsinformation structured in the following compartments”:

VII. The Editorial Infor-mational Activity

VII. Èíôîðìàöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêàÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòü

Page 38: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Cele mai importante publica\ii periodice aleAGEPI sunt:� “BULETINUL OFICIAL de PROPRIETATE

INDUSTRIAL{” (BOPI). Se editeaz[ lunar din 1993.Buletinul con\ine informa\ii structurate peurm[toarele compartimente:

1. Inven\ii - cereri de brevet, brevete deinven\ie acordate, lista brevetelor de inven\ieeliberate ]n ultima lun[ calendaristic[.

2. Modele de utilitate - cereri de ]nregistrare,modele de utilitate ]nregistrate.

3. M[rci - cereri de ]nregistrare, lista m[rcilor]nregistrate, lista m[rcilor re]nnoite.

4. Desene =i modele industriale - cereri de]nregistrare, desene =i modele industriale ]nregistrate.

5. Dreptul de autor =i drepturi conexe.6. Modific[ri intervenite ]n statutul juridic al obiectelor protejate.7. Monitor.8. Materiale de informare =i documentare din domeniul propriet[\ii industriale.9. Informa\ie interna\ional[.10. Publicitate.}n buletin se public[ noile acte legislative =i normative, intrate ]n vigoare ]n domeniul

propriet[\ii industriale, modific[rile =i complet[rile la ele, unele note explicative viz`ndaplicarea legilor, regulamentelor =i instruc\iunilor ]n vigoare, redactarea documentelorcererii =i altor documente. La BOPI se pot perfecta abonamente.� “INTELLECTUS”, revista metodico-=tiin\ific[ a inventatorilor =i cercet[torilor. Se

editeaz[ din 1995, trimestrial. }ntr-o perioad[ de trei ani s-au publicat peste 290 articole,25% din ele fiind scrise de c[tre colaboratorii AGEPI, 17% apar\in`nd reprezentan\ilorOMPI, OEB, oficiilor de brevete din str[in[tate, 58 % - savan\ilor de la Academia de+tiin\e, institu\iile de cercet[ri =tiin\ifice, institu\iile de ]nv[\[m`nt superior =iinventatorilor. }n revist[ sunt oglindite aspecte actuale ale protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale at`t ]n Republica Moldova, c`t =i ]n str[in[tate.� “BURSA INVEN|IILOR” este un supliment la revista “Intellectus”, apare o dat[

]n 2 luni. Se editeaz[ din 1996. }n el se public[ informa\ii detaliate despre cele maivaloroase inven\ii ale inventatorilor na\ionali ]n scopul promov[rii lor pe pia\a intern[ =iextern[, condi\iile de comercializare a drepturilor de exploatare. Ziarul ofer[ oamenilor deafaceri informa\ii utile, cu caracter general.

}n 1997 lista publica\iilor informative ale AGEPI a fost completat[ cu suplimentele larevista “Intellectus”: “AGEPI Consult[“, “AGEPI Info”, a fost conceput suplimentul“AGEPI Expo”. }n ele sunt examinate cele mai actuale probleme ale protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale, sunt reliefate posibilit[\ile imense pe care le ofer[ exploatarea eficient[ aobiectelor de proprietate industrial[ ]n industrie =i ]n activitatea de antreprenoriat, esteanalizat[ activitatea AGEPI ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale. Aceste publica\iisunt destinate at`t speciali=tilor din domeniu, c`t =i tuturor celor care au con=tientizatimportan\a propriet[\ii industriale =i doresc s[ beneficieze de avantajele ei.

Cre=terea num[rului de publica\ii oficiale ale AGEPI =i extinderea tirajelor sunt oconsecin\[ a cre[rii bazei poligrafice proprii.

Pe an ce trece activitatea editorial[ ia amploare. Numai ]n 1997 au fost editate 12numere BOPI ]n tiraj de 3000 exemplare, 4 numere ale revistei “Intellectus” ]n 600exemplare, 6 numere ale ziarului “Bursa Inven\iilor” ]n 1800 exemplare, precum =i 1500exemplare de “AGEPI Info” =i “AGEPI Consult[“, diverse materiale destinate difuz[rii ]nscopul de a propaga cuno=tin\ele despre proprietatea industrial[. Pentru necesit[\ile interneale subdiviziunilor structurale au fost efectuate ]n medie pe lun[ 25 mii xerocopii (file).

Consolidarea pie\ei de proprietate industrial[, asigurarea stabilit[\ii pentru agen\iieconomici, antreprenori =i businessmeni, desf[=urarea unei activit[\i antreprenoriale

Colaboratorii sec\iei edi\ii.Collaborators of the Editorial Division.Ñîòðóäíèêè îòäåëà ðåäàêöèè.



Cele mai importante publica\ii periodice aleAGEPI sunt:� “BULETINUL OFICIAL de PROPRIETATE

INDUSTRIAL{” (BOPI). Se editeaz[ lunar din 1993.Buletinul con\ine informa\ii structurate peurm[toarele compartimente:

1. Inven\ii - cereri de brevet, brevete deinven\ie acordate, lista brevetelor de inven\ieeliberate ]n ultima lun[ calendaristic[.

2. Modele de utilitate - cereri de ]nregistrare,modele de utilitate ]nregistrate.

3. M[rci - cereri de ]nregistrare, lista m[rcilor]nregistrate, lista m[rcilor re]nnoite.

4. Desene =i modele industriale - cereri de]nregistrare, desene =i modele industriale ]nregistrate.

5. Dreptul de autor =i drepturi conexe.6. Modific[ri intervenite ]n statutul juridic al obiectelor protejate.7. Monitor.8. Materiale de informare =i documentare din domeniul propriet[\ii industriale.9. Informa\ie interna\ional[.10. Publicitate.}n buletin se public[ noile acte legislative =i normative, intrate ]n vigoare ]n domeniul

propriet[\ii industriale, modific[rile =i complet[rile la ele, unele note explicative viz`ndaplicarea legilor, regulamentelor =i instruc\iunilor ]n vigoare, redactarea documentelorcererii =i altor documente. La BOPI se pot perfecta abonamente.� “INTELLECTUS”, revista metodico-=tiin\ific[ a inventatorilor =i cercet[torilor. Se

editeaz[ din 1995, trimestrial. }ntr-o perioad[ de trei ani s-au publicat peste 290 articole,25% din ele fiind scrise de c[tre colaboratorii AGEPI, 17% apar\in`nd reprezentan\ilorOMPI, OEB, oficiilor de brevete din str[in[tate, 58 % - savan\ilor de la Academia de+tiin\e, institu\iile de cercet[ri =tiin\ifice, institu\iile de ]nv[\[m`nt superior =iinventatorilor. }n revist[ sunt oglindite aspecte actuale ale protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale at`t ]n Republica Moldova, c`t =i ]n str[in[tate.� “BURSA INVEN|IILOR” este un supliment la revista “Intellectus”, apare o dat[

]n 2 luni. Se editeaz[ din 1996. }n el se public[ informa\ii detaliate despre cele maivaloroase inven\ii ale inventatorilor na\ionali ]n scopul promov[rii lor pe pia\a intern[ =iextern[, condi\iile de comercializare a drepturilor de exploatare. Ziarul ofer[ oamenilor deafaceri informa\ii utile, cu caracter general.

}n 1997 lista publica\iilor informative ale AGEPI a fost completat[ cu suplimentele larevista “Intellectus”: “AGEPI Consult[“, “AGEPI Info”, a fost conceput suplimentul“AGEPI Expo”. }n ele sunt examinate cele mai actuale probleme ale protec\iei propriet[\iiindustriale, sunt reliefate posibilit[\ile imense pe care le ofer[ exploatarea eficient[ aobiectelor de proprietate industrial[ ]n industrie =i ]n activitatea de antreprenoriat, esteanalizat[ activitatea AGEPI ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale. Aceste publica\iisunt destinate at`t speciali=tilor din domeniu, c`t =i tuturor celor care au con=tientizatimportan\a propriet[\ii industriale =i doresc s[ beneficieze de avantajele ei.

Cre=terea num[rului de publica\ii oficiale ale AGEPI =i extinderea tirajelor sunt oconsecin\[ a cre[rii bazei poligrafice proprii.

Pe an ce trece activitatea editorial[ ia amploare. Numai ]n 1997 au fost editate 12numere BOPI ]n tiraj de 3000 exemplare, 4 numere ale revistei “Intellectus” ]n 600exemplare, 6 numere ale ziarului “Bursa Inven\iilor” ]n 1800 exemplare, precum =i 1500exemplare de “AGEPI Info” =i “AGEPI Consult[“, diverse materiale destinate difuz[rii ]nscopul de a propaga cuno=tin\ele despre proprietatea industrial[. Pentru necesit[\ile interneale subdiviziunilor structurale au fost efectuate ]n medie pe lun[ 25 mii xerocopii (file).

Consolidarea pie\ei de proprietate industrial[, asigurarea stabilit[\ii pentru agen\iieconomici, antreprenori =i businessmeni, desf[=urarea unei activit[\i antreprenoriale

Colaboratorii sec\iei edi\ii.Collaborators of the Editorial Division.Ñîòðóäíèêè îòäåëà ðåäàêöèè.

Page 39: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



1. Inventions - Inventions applications, grantedpatents for inventions, the list of the patents forinventions, granted during the last month

2. Utility models, utility models applications,registered utility models.

3. Trademarks - applications for registrations oftrademarks, the list of registered trademarks, the list ofrenewed trademarks.

4. Industrial Designs - applications for registra-tions of industrial designs, the list of registered indus-trial designs.

5. Copyright and neighboring rights.6. Amendments of the legal status of the applica-

tions and titles of protection.7. Monitor.8. Informative and documentation material in the

field of industrial property.9. International Information.10. Publicity.11. The Bulletin publishes the new acting legisla-

tive and normative acts in the field of IndustrialProperty, modifications and explanatory notes concerningthe application of laws, acting regulations and instruc-tions, the elaboration of applications and other docu-ments. You can have subscriptions to BOPI.

“Intellectus”, a scientific - methodical journal forinventors and researchers. It has been edited since 1995quarterly. During 3 years, 290 article have beenpublished. 25% of them have been written by the AGEPIcontributors. 17% belongs to the re-presentatives ofWIPO, EPO, foreign patent offices and 58% to scientistsfrom Academy of Science, scientific researches institu-tions, higher educational institutions and inventors. Thejournal gives the current news in the field of industrialproperty protection in the Republic Moldova as well asabroad.

“Bursa Inventiilor” - a bimonthly supplement of thejournal “Intellectus”. It has been edited from 1996. Thejournal publishes detail information about the mostimportant inventions of the national inventors in order topromote them on the domestic and foreign markets,conditions of commercialization of exploiting rights.

The newspaper offers useful information withgeneral character to business people.

In 1997 the list of informative publications wascompleted with the supplements to the journal“Intellectus”, “AGEPI Consult[“, ”AGEPI Info” and“AGEPI Expo”. In these supplements the currentproblems of the protection of industrial property arediscussed, the immense possibilities are outlined whichare offered by the efficient exploration of objects ofindustrial property in industry and enterprise activity,the activity of the AGEPI in the field of industrialproperty protection.

These publications are destined for the specialistsin the field as well as for everybody who is conscientiousof the importance of industrial property and would liketo benefit from its advantages.

As a result of increasing number of officialpublications of the AGEPI and the extension of circula-tion we set up our own polygraphic base.

With the passing years the editorial activity isincreasing. Only in 1997, 12 issues of BOPI were editedwith the circulation of 3000 examples, 4 issues of thejournal “Intellectus” with 600 examples, 6 issues of the

1. Èçîáðåòåíèÿ - çàÿâêè íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ, èçî–áðåòåíèÿ, ïî êîòîðûì ïðèíÿòû ðåøåíèÿ î âûäà÷åïàòåíòîâ, ïåðå÷åíü ïàòåíòîâ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ, âûäàííûõçà ïîñëåäíèé êàëåíäàðíûé ìåñÿö.

2. Ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè - çàÿâêè íà ðåãèñòðàöèþïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé, çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëåçíûåìîäåëè.

3. Òîâàðíûå çíàêè - çàÿâêè íà ðåãèñòðàöèþòîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, ñïèñîê çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõòîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, ñïèñîê ïðîäëåííûõ òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ.

4. Ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè - çàÿâêè íàðåãèñòðàöèþ ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé,çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè.

5. Àâòîðñêîå ïðàâî è ñìåæíûå ïðàâà.6. Èçìåíåíèÿ â þðèäè÷åñêîì ñòàòóñå

îõðàíÿåìûõ îáúåêòîâ.7. Ìîíèòîð.8. Èíôîðìàöèîííûå ìàòåðèàëû èç îáëàñòè ïðî–

ìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.9. Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ.10. Ðåêëàìà. áþëëåòåíå ïóáëèêóþòñÿ íîâûå, âñòóïèâøèå â

ñèëó, çàêîíîäàòåëüíûå è íîðìàòèâíûå àêòû â îáëàñòèïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, äîïîëíåíèÿ èèçìåíåíèÿ ê íèì, îòäåëüíûå ðàçúÿñíåíèÿ ïî òåì èëèèíûì ïðîáëåìàì ïðèìåíåíèÿ äåéñòâóþùèõ çàêîíîâ,ïîëîæåíèé è èíñòðóêöèé, îôîðìëåíèÿ çàÿâî÷íûõäîêóìåíòîâ è äð., íà íåãî ìîæíî îôîðìèòü ïîäïèñêó;� íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèé æóðíàë èçîáðåòàòåëåé

è èññëåäîâàòåëåé “INTELLECTUS”. Èçäàåòñÿ ñ 1995 ã.åæåêâàðòàëüíî. Çà òðåõëåòíèé ïåðèîä â íåìîïóáëèêîâàíî ñâûøå 290 ñòàòåé, èç íèõ 25% íàïèñàíîñîòðóäíèêàìè AGEPI, 17% - ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿìè ÂÎÈÑ,ÅÏÂ, èíîñòðàííûõ ïàòåíòíûõ âåäîìñòâ, 58% -ó÷åíûìè Àêàäåìèè Íàóê, íàó÷íî-èññëåäîâàòåëüñêèõèíñòèòóòîâ, âûñøèõ ó÷åáíûõ çàâåäåíèé, èçîáðå-òàòåëÿìè.  æóðíàëå îñâåùàþòñÿ àêòóàëüíûå ïðîáëå-ìû, ñâÿçàííûå ñ îõðàíîé ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí-íîñòè êàê â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà, òàê è çà ðóáåæîì.� “Bursa Inven\iilor” - ãàçåòà, ÿâëÿþùàÿñÿ

ïðèëîæåíèåì ê æóðíàëó “INTELLECTUS”, èçäàåòñÿ ñ1996 ã. îäèí ðàç â äâà ìåñÿöà. Â íåé ïóáëèêóåòñÿïîäðîáíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ î íàèáîëåå èíòåðåñíûõèçîáðåòåíèÿõ íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé ñ öåëüþ èõïðîäâèæåíèÿ íà âíóòðåííèé è âíåøíèé ðûíêè,óñëîâèÿ êîììåðöèàëèçàöèè ïðàâ íà èõ èñïîëüçîâàíèå.Ãàçåòà ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò äåëîâûì ëþäÿì îáùóþèíôîðìàöèþ, êîòîðàÿ ïîëåçíà äëÿ âåäåíèÿ áèçíåñà.

 1997 ã. ïåðå÷åíü èíôîðìàöèîííûõ èçäàíèéAGEPI ïîïîëíèëñÿ ïðèëîæåíèÿìè ê æóðíàëó“Intellectus”: “AGEPI Consult[“, “AGEPI Info” èïåðâûìè íàáðîñêàìè “AGEPI EXPO”.  íèõ ðàñ–ñìàòðèâàþòñÿ íàèáîëåå àêòóàëüíûå ïðîáëåìû îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïîêàçûâàþòñÿâîçìîæíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ åå ýôôåêòèâíîãîèñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ñ öåëüþ ðàçâèòèÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà èàêòèâèçàöèè ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè,îòðàæàþòñÿ íàïðàâëåíèÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Ýòèèçäàíèÿ ðàññ÷èòàíû íà êîíêðåòíûõ ñïåöèàëèñòîâ.

Ðîñò ÷èñëà îôèöèàëüíûõ èçäàíèé AGEPI èìàñøòàáîâ èõ âûïóñêà ñâÿçàíû ñ ñîçäàíèåìñîáñòâåííîé ïîëèãðàôè÷åñêîé áàçû.

Ìàñøòàáû èçäàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè èç ãîäà âãîä âîçðàñòàþò. Òîëüêî â 1997 ã. âûïóùåíû 12íîìåðîâ BOPI îáùèì òèðàæîì 3000 ýêç., 4 íîìåðà“Intellectus”, 600 ýêç., 6 íîìåðîâ “Bursa Inven\iilor”,1800 ýêç., 1500 ýêç. “AGEPI Info” è “AGEPI Consult[“,



1. Inventions - Inventions applications, grantedpatents for inventions, the list of the patents forinventions, granted during the last month

2. Utility models, utility models applications,registered utility models.

3. Trademarks - applications for registrations oftrademarks, the list of registered trademarks, the list ofrenewed trademarks.

4. Industrial Designs - applications for registra-tions of industrial designs, the list of registered indus-trial designs.

5. Copyright and neighboring rights.6. Amendments of the legal status of the applica-

tions and titles of protection.7. Monitor.8. Informative and documentation material in the

field of industrial property.9. International Information.10. Publicity.11. The Bulletin publishes the new acting legisla-

tive and normative acts in the field of IndustrialProperty, modifications and explanatory notes concerningthe application of laws, acting regulations and instruc-tions, the elaboration of applications and other docu-ments. You can have subscriptions to BOPI.

“Intellectus”, a scientific - methodical journal forinventors and researchers. It has been edited since 1995quarterly. During 3 years, 290 article have beenpublished. 25% of them have been written by the AGEPIcontributors. 17% belongs to the re-presentatives ofWIPO, EPO, foreign patent offices and 58% to scientistsfrom Academy of Science, scientific researches institu-tions, higher educational institutions and inventors. Thejournal gives the current news in the field of industrialproperty protection in the Republic Moldova as well asabroad.

“Bursa Inventiilor” - a bimonthly supplement of thejournal “Intellectus”. It has been edited from 1996. Thejournal publishes detail information about the mostimportant inventions of the national inventors in order topromote them on the domestic and foreign markets,conditions of commercialization of exploiting rights.

The newspaper offers useful information withgeneral character to business people.

In 1997 the list of informative publications wascompleted with the supplements to the journal“Intellectus”, “AGEPI Consult[“, ”AGEPI Info” and“AGEPI Expo”. In these supplements the currentproblems of the protection of industrial property arediscussed, the immense possibilities are outlined whichare offered by the efficient exploration of objects ofindustrial property in industry and enterprise activity,the activity of the AGEPI in the field of industrialproperty protection.

These publications are destined for the specialistsin the field as well as for everybody who is conscientiousof the importance of industrial property and would liketo benefit from its advantages.

As a result of increasing number of officialpublications of the AGEPI and the extension of circula-tion we set up our own polygraphic base.

With the passing years the editorial activity isincreasing. Only in 1997, 12 issues of BOPI were editedwith the circulation of 3000 examples, 4 issues of thejournal “Intellectus” with 600 examples, 6 issues of the

1. Èçîáðåòåíèÿ - çàÿâêè íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ, èçî–áðåòåíèÿ, ïî êîòîðûì ïðèíÿòû ðåøåíèÿ î âûäà÷åïàòåíòîâ, ïåðå÷åíü ïàòåíòîâ íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ, âûäàííûõçà ïîñëåäíèé êàëåíäàðíûé ìåñÿö.

2. Ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè - çàÿâêè íà ðåãèñòðàöèþïîëåçíûõ ìîäåëåé, çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïîëåçíûåìîäåëè.

3. Òîâàðíûå çíàêè - çàÿâêè íà ðåãèñòðàöèþòîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, ñïèñîê çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõòîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ, ñïèñîê ïðîäëåííûõ òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ.

4. Ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè - çàÿâêè íàðåãèñòðàöèþ ïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé,çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè èìîäåëè.

5. Àâòîðñêîå ïðàâî è ñìåæíûå ïðàâà.6. Èçìåíåíèÿ â þðèäè÷åñêîì ñòàòóñå

îõðàíÿåìûõ îáúåêòîâ.7. Ìîíèòîð.8. Èíôîðìàöèîííûå ìàòåðèàëû èç îáëàñòè ïðî–

ìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.9. Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ.10. Ðåêëàìà. áþëëåòåíå ïóáëèêóþòñÿ íîâûå, âñòóïèâøèå â

ñèëó, çàêîíîäàòåëüíûå è íîðìàòèâíûå àêòû â îáëàñòèïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, äîïîëíåíèÿ èèçìåíåíèÿ ê íèì, îòäåëüíûå ðàçúÿñíåíèÿ ïî òåì èëèèíûì ïðîáëåìàì ïðèìåíåíèÿ äåéñòâóþùèõ çàêîíîâ,ïîëîæåíèé è èíñòðóêöèé, îôîðìëåíèÿ çàÿâî÷íûõäîêóìåíòîâ è äð., íà íåãî ìîæíî îôîðìèòü ïîäïèñêó;� íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêèé æóðíàë èçîáðåòàòåëåé

è èññëåäîâàòåëåé “INTELLECTUS”. Èçäàåòñÿ ñ 1995 ã.åæåêâàðòàëüíî. Çà òðåõëåòíèé ïåðèîä â íåìîïóáëèêîâàíî ñâûøå 290 ñòàòåé, èç íèõ 25% íàïèñàíîñîòðóäíèêàìè AGEPI, 17% - ïðåäñòàâèòåëÿìè ÂÎÈÑ,ÅÏÂ, èíîñòðàííûõ ïàòåíòíûõ âåäîìñòâ, 58% -ó÷åíûìè Àêàäåìèè Íàóê, íàó÷íî-èññëåäîâàòåëüñêèõèíñòèòóòîâ, âûñøèõ ó÷åáíûõ çàâåäåíèé, èçîáðå-òàòåëÿìè.  æóðíàëå îñâåùàþòñÿ àêòóàëüíûå ïðîáëå-ìû, ñâÿçàííûå ñ îõðàíîé ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí-íîñòè êàê â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà, òàê è çà ðóáåæîì.� “Bursa Inven\iilor” - ãàçåòà, ÿâëÿþùàÿñÿ

ïðèëîæåíèåì ê æóðíàëó “INTELLECTUS”, èçäàåòñÿ ñ1996 ã. îäèí ðàç â äâà ìåñÿöà. Â íåé ïóáëèêóåòñÿïîäðîáíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ î íàèáîëåå èíòåðåñíûõèçîáðåòåíèÿõ íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé ñ öåëüþ èõïðîäâèæåíèÿ íà âíóòðåííèé è âíåøíèé ðûíêè,óñëîâèÿ êîììåðöèàëèçàöèè ïðàâ íà èõ èñïîëüçîâàíèå.Ãàçåòà ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò äåëîâûì ëþäÿì îáùóþèíôîðìàöèþ, êîòîðàÿ ïîëåçíà äëÿ âåäåíèÿ áèçíåñà.

 1997 ã. ïåðå÷åíü èíôîðìàöèîííûõ èçäàíèéAGEPI ïîïîëíèëñÿ ïðèëîæåíèÿìè ê æóðíàëó“Intellectus”: “AGEPI Consult[“, “AGEPI Info” èïåðâûìè íàáðîñêàìè “AGEPI EXPO”.  íèõ ðàñ–ñìàòðèâàþòñÿ íàèáîëåå àêòóàëüíûå ïðîáëåìû îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, ïîêàçûâàþòñÿâîçìîæíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ åå ýôôåêòèâíîãîèñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ñ öåëüþ ðàçâèòèÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà èàêòèâèçàöèè ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè,îòðàæàþòñÿ íàïðàâëåíèÿ äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Ýòèèçäàíèÿ ðàññ÷èòàíû íà êîíêðåòíûõ ñïåöèàëèñòîâ.

Ðîñò ÷èñëà îôèöèàëüíûõ èçäàíèé AGEPI èìàñøòàáîâ èõ âûïóñêà ñâÿçàíû ñ ñîçäàíèåìñîáñòâåííîé ïîëèãðàôè÷åñêîé áàçû.

Ìàñøòàáû èçäàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè èç ãîäà âãîä âîçðàñòàþò. Òîëüêî â 1997 ã. âûïóùåíû 12íîìåðîâ BOPI îáùèì òèðàæîì 3000 ýêç., 4 íîìåðà“Intellectus”, 600 ýêç., 6 íîìåðîâ “Bursa Inven\iilor”,1800 ýêç., 1500 ýêç. “AGEPI Info” è “AGEPI Consult[“,

Page 40: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



La standul AGEPI.At AGEPI Stand.Ó ñòåíäà AGEPI.

eficiente =i protec\ia ]mpotriva concuren\ilor neloiali au determinat necesitatea de a acordaservicii corespunz[toare. }n consecin\[, AGEPI a organizat procesul de prestare a serviciilor,care cuprinde: cercet[ri de informare =i documentare, evalu[ri ale obiectelor de proprietateindustrial[, servicii juridice, consultative =i metodice, preg[tirea cadrelor =i ridicareanivelului de calificare al speciali=tilor ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale, precum =i alteservicii.

Drept surse de informare servesc fondurile Bibliotecii AGEPI, fondurile specializate alecolec\iei na\ionale de documente de brevete din \ar[ =i din str[in[tate, de literatur[ metodico-=tiin\ific[ din domeniul protec\iei juridice a propriet[\ii industriale, de publica\ii cu caracterinformativ, juridic etc. La ]nceputul anului 1998, fondul Bibliotecii con\inea 19,8 miiexemplare, inclusiv 3 mii exemplare pe discuri optice CD-ROM. Biblioteca are la dispozi\iediscuri optice din 7 \[ri (Austria, Belgia, Germania, Slovenia, SUA, Elve\ia, Japonia) =i de la2 organiza\ii interna\ionale (OMPI, OEB).

}n 1997, ]n cadrul schimbului bilateral de informa\ii AGEPI a primit buletine oficialedin 36 \[ri =i de la 3 organiza\ii interna\ionale, a expediat documente de brevet na\ionaledestinatarilor din 42 \[ri. }n acela=i an s-au ]nregistrat 295 noi beneficiari ai serviciilorBibliotecii =i circa 3 mii de vizite, s-au eliberat 29 mii de documente pe h`rtie =i 760 pe CD-ROMuri, s-au f[cut 600 copii de descrieri de inven\ii la cererea utilizatorilor =i s-au eliberat250 de note bibliografice.

Publica\iile oficiale ale AGEPI “Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrial[” =i“Intellectus” sunt expediate sistematic oficiilor de brevete =i organiza\iilor interna\ionale cucare sunt ]ncheiate contracte de colaborare, Bibliotecii Na\ionale, institu\iilor =tiin\ifice =ide ]nv[\[m`nt, centrelor de informare =i institu\iilor guvernamentale.

La ini\iativa AGEPI, ]n republic[ s-au instituit 4 centre de informare ]n domeniulpropriet[\ii industriale: la bibliotecile din ora=ele B[l\i, Cahul, Comrat =i Tighina, unde seexpediaz[, lunar, publica\ii ale Agen\iei, acte normative =i alte informa\ii.

Publica\iile “AGEPI Info” =i “AGEPI Consult[“ sunt expediate pe adresele a peste 180beneficiari. Num[rul abona\ilor la BOPI este de 66, iar la revista “Intellectus” - 24.

}n 1997 s-a intensificat activitatea de informare prin intermediul mass-media. }n totalpe parcursul anului s-au difuzat 145 materiale, inclusiv 50 reportaje =i interviuri cuparticiparea speciali=tilor AGEPI, OMPI, OEB =i inventatorilor la radio =i televiziune, 12emisiuni tematice televizate “Inventica”, s-au publicat circa 30 articole analitice ]n presarepublican[ (“Moldova Suveran[“, “Íåçàâèñèìàÿ Ìîëäîâà”, “Ëîãîñ-ïðåññ”, “Voceapoporului”, “Dialog”, “F[clia”).



La standul AGEPI.At AGEPI Stand.Ó ñòåíäà AGEPI.

eficiente =i protec\ia ]mpotriva concuren\ilor neloiali au determinat necesitatea de a acordaservicii corespunz[toare. }n consecin\[, AGEPI a organizat procesul de prestare a serviciilor,care cuprinde: cercet[ri de informare =i documentare, evalu[ri ale obiectelor de proprietateindustrial[, servicii juridice, consultative =i metodice, preg[tirea cadrelor =i ridicareanivelului de calificare al speciali=tilor ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale, precum =i alteservicii.

Drept surse de informare servesc fondurile Bibliotecii AGEPI, fondurile specializate alecolec\iei na\ionale de documente de brevete din \ar[ =i din str[in[tate, de literatur[ metodico-=tiin\ific[ din domeniul protec\iei juridice a propriet[\ii industriale, de publica\ii cu caracterinformativ, juridic etc. La ]nceputul anului 1998, fondul Bibliotecii con\inea 19,8 miiexemplare, inclusiv 3 mii exemplare pe discuri optice CD-ROM. Biblioteca are la dispozi\iediscuri optice din 7 \[ri (Austria, Belgia, Germania, Slovenia, SUA, Elve\ia, Japonia) =i de la2 organiza\ii interna\ionale (OMPI, OEB).

}n 1997, ]n cadrul schimbului bilateral de informa\ii AGEPI a primit buletine oficialedin 36 \[ri =i de la 3 organiza\ii interna\ionale, a expediat documente de brevet na\ionaledestinatarilor din 42 \[ri. }n acela=i an s-au ]nregistrat 295 noi beneficiari ai serviciilorBibliotecii =i circa 3 mii de vizite, s-au eliberat 29 mii de documente pe h`rtie =i 760 pe CD-ROMuri, s-au f[cut 600 copii de descrieri de inven\ii la cererea utilizatorilor =i s-au eliberat250 de note bibliografice.

Publica\iile oficiale ale AGEPI “Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrial[” =i“Intellectus” sunt expediate sistematic oficiilor de brevete =i organiza\iilor interna\ionale cucare sunt ]ncheiate contracte de colaborare, Bibliotecii Na\ionale, institu\iilor =tiin\ifice =ide ]nv[\[m`nt, centrelor de informare =i institu\iilor guvernamentale.

La ini\iativa AGEPI, ]n republic[ s-au instituit 4 centre de informare ]n domeniulpropriet[\ii industriale: la bibliotecile din ora=ele B[l\i, Cahul, Comrat =i Tighina, unde seexpediaz[, lunar, publica\ii ale Agen\iei, acte normative =i alte informa\ii.

Publica\iile “AGEPI Info” =i “AGEPI Consult[“ sunt expediate pe adresele a peste 180beneficiari. Num[rul abona\ilor la BOPI este de 66, iar la revista “Intellectus” - 24.

}n 1997 s-a intensificat activitatea de informare prin intermediul mass-media. }n totalpe parcursul anului s-au difuzat 145 materiale, inclusiv 50 reportaje =i interviuri cuparticiparea speciali=tilor AGEPI, OMPI, OEB =i inventatorilor la radio =i televiziune, 12emisiuni tematice televizate “Inventica”, s-au publicat circa 30 articole analitice ]n presarepublican[ (“Moldova Suveran[“, “Íåçàâèñèìàÿ Ìîëäîâà”, “Ëîãîñ-ïðåññ”, “Voceapoporului”, “Dialog”, “F[clia”).

Page 41: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


4 1

newspaper “Bursa Inven\iilor” with 1800 examples, aswell as 1500 examples of “AGEPI Info” and “AGEPIConsult[“, diverse materials were distributed in order topropagate knowledge about the industrial property. Forinternal needs of structural subdivisions 25000 copieswere made per month.

The consolidation of the market of industrialproperty, the ensurance of the stability for economicagents, contractors, businessmen, the development of anefficient enterprising activity, the protection againstrivals, all these lead to the formation of the adequateservices. Consequently, the AGEPI organized the serviceswhich includes searches of information and documenta-tion, valuation of industrial property objects, juridical,consultative and methodical services, training of thestaff personnel, improvement of qualification of thespecialists in the field of industrial property as well asother services.

As sources of information we have the AGEPIlibrary funds, the specialized funds of national collectionof patent documents from our country and abroad,scientific - methodical literature in the field of juridicalprotection of industrial property, the publications withinformative and juridical character etc.

At the beginning of the 1998 year the library fundcontained 19,8 thousand examples, including 3000examples on optical discs CD-ROM. The library has atits disposal optical discs from 7 countries (Austria,Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, USA, Switzerland, Japan)and from 2 international organizations (WIPO, EPO).

}n 1997 in the frame of bilateral exchange ofinformation the AGEPI received Official Bulletins from36 countries and from 3 international organizations, andsent patent national documents to addressees from 42countries. 295 applicants for library services wereregistered last year and about 3 thousand visits. 29000documents were released on paper and 760 on CD-ROM,600 copies of the descriptions of the inventions weremade at the request of consumers and 250 bibliographi-cal notes were released.

The official publications of the AGEPI “TheOfficial Bulletin of Industrial Property” and “Intellectus”are systematically send to the international organiza-tions, to the National Library, scientific and educationalinstitutions, information centers and Governmentalinstitutions.

At the AGEPI initiative, 4 information centers inthe field of industrial property were organized at thelibraries in towns: B[l\i, Cahul, Comrat and Tighinawhere the publications of the AGEPI, normative actsand other information are sent monthly.

Publications of “AGEPI Info” and “AGEPI Con-sult[“ are sent to 180 subscribers.

The numbers of subscribers to BOPI is 66 and tothe journal “Intellectus” - 24.

In 1997 the informative activity was intensifiedthrough mass - media agency. During the time year, 145materials have been broadcasted including 50 reports andinterviews with specialists of the AGEPI, WIPO, EPOand inventors for radio and TV. 12 topic broadcasts“Inventica”, 30 analytical articles were published in thepress (“Moldova Suveran[“, “Nezavisimaya Moldova”,“Logos press”, “Vocea Poporului”, “Dialog”, “F[clia”.

ðàçíîîáðàçíûé ðàçäàòî÷íûé ìàòåðèàë ïî ðàçëè÷íûìàñïåêòàì äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI è ïðîïàãàíäû çíàíèé îïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Äëÿ âíóòðåííèõïîòðåáíîñòåé ñòðóêòóðíûõ ïîäðàçäåëåíèé â ñðåäíåì çàìåñÿö äåëàëîñü 25 òûñ. êñåðîêîïèé.

Ñòàíîâëåíèå ðûíêà ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, îáåñïå÷åíèå ïðîìûøëåííèêàì,ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëÿì è áèçíåñìåíàì óñòîé÷èâîãîïîëîæåíèÿ è âåäåíèå ýôôåêòèâíîéïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè, çàùèòà îòíåäîáðîñîâåñòíûõ êîíêóðåíòîâ îáóñëîâèëè íåîá-õîäèìîñòü îêàçàíèÿ èì ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèõ óñëóã. Âñâÿçè ñ ÷åì AGEPI îðãàíèçîâàëî îêàçàíèå óñëóã,êîòîðûå âêëþ÷àþò ïàòåíòíî-èíôîðìàöèîííûåèññëåäîâàíèÿ, îöåíêó ñòîèìîñòè îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, þðèäè÷åñêèå óñëóãè,ìåòîäè÷åñêèå è êîíñóëüòàöèîííûå óñëóãè, ïîäãîòîâêóêàäðîâ è ïîâûøåíèå êâàëèôèêàöèè ñïåöèàëèñòîâ âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è äð. óñëóãè.

Èñòî÷íèêàìè èíôîðìàöèè ÿâëÿþòñÿ ôîíäûáèáëèîòåêè AGEPI, ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûå õðàíèëèùàíàöèîíàëüíîé êîëëåêöèè îòå÷åñòâåííîé è èíîñòðàííîéïàòåíòíîé äîêóìåíòàöèè, ïàòåíòíî-ïðàâîâîé è íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîé ëèòåðàòóðû, ñïðàâî÷íûõ,èíôîðìàöèîííûõ, þðèäè÷åñêèõ è äð. èçäàíèé. Íàíà÷àëî 1998 ã. áèáëèîòå÷íûé ôîíä ñîñòàâèë 19,8 òûñ.ýêç., â òîì ÷èñëå 3 òûñ. ýêç. íà îïòè÷åñêèõ äèñêàõ CD-ROM. Áèáëèîòåêà ðàñïîëàãàåò îïòè÷åñêèìè äèñêàìèèç 7 çàðóáåæíûõ ñòðàí (Àâñòðèÿ, Áåëüãèÿ, Ãåðìàíèÿ,Ñëîâåíèÿ, ÑØÀ, Øâåéöàðèÿ, ßïîíèÿ) è îò 2ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ îðãàíèçàöèé (ÂÎÈÑ, ÅÏÂ).

 1997 ã. â ðàìêàõ äâóñòîðîííåãî îáìåíàèíôîðìàöèåé ïîëó÷åíû ïàòåíòíûå áþëëåòåíè èç 36ñòðàí è 3-õ ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ îðãàíèçàöèé, àíàïðàâëåíû îòå÷åñòâåííûå ïàòåíòíûå äîêóìåíòû â 42çàðóáåæíûå ñòðàíû.  ýòîì æå ãîäó óñëóãàìèáèáëèîòåêè ñòàëè ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ 295 âíîâüçàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ ÷èòàòåëåé, îòìå÷åíî ïî÷òè 3 òûñ.ïîñåùåíèé, âûäàíî 29 òûñ. äîêóìåíòîâ íà áóìàæíûõíîñèòåëÿõ è 760 íà CD-ROMàõ, èçãîòîâëåíî ïîòðåáîâàíèþ ÷èòàòåëåé 600 êîïèé îïèñàíèé èçîáðåòå-íèé è âûäàíî 250 áèáëèîãðàôè÷åñêèõ ñïðàâîê.

Îôèöèàëüíûå èçäàíèÿ AGEPI “BOPI” è “Intel-lectus” ðåãóëÿðíî âûñûëàþòñÿ â ïàòåíòíûå âåäîìñòâàè ìåæäóíàðîäíûå îðãàíèçàöèè, ñ êîòîðûìè çàêëþ÷åíûäîãîâîðû î ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå, â íàöèîíàëüíóþ áèáëèî-òåêó, íàó÷íûå è ó÷åáíûå çàâåäåíèÿ, èíôîðìàöèîííûåöåíòðû, ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííûå ó÷ðåæäåíèÿ.

Ïî èíèöèàòèâå AGEPI â ðåñïóáëèêå ñîçäàíî 4èíôîðìàöèîííûõ öåíòðà â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè â áèáëèîòåêàõ ãîðîäîâ Áýëöü, Êàõóë,Êîìðàò, Òèãèíà, êóäà åæåìåñÿ÷íî îòïðàâëÿþòñÿèçäàíèÿ AGEPI, íîðìàòèâíûå àêòû è èíàÿèíôîðìàöèÿ.

Èíôîðìàöèîííûå èçäàíèÿ “AGEPI Info” è“AGEPI Consult[“ âûñûëàëèñü áîëåå 180 àäðåñàòàì.Êîëè÷åñòâî ïîäïèñ÷èêîâ íà îôèöèàëüíûé áþëëåòåíüBOPI ñîñòàâèëî 66 àäðåñàòîâ, à íà æóðíàë “Intellectus”- 24 àäðåñàòà.

 1997 ã. àêòèâèçèðîâàëàñü èíôîðìàöèîííàÿäåÿòåëüíîñòü ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ðàäèî è òåëåâèäåíèÿ.Âñåãî çà ãîä áûëî âûïóùåíî 145 ìàòåðèàëîâ, â òîì÷èñëå ïî ðàäèî è òåëåâèäåíèþ 50 ðåïîðòàæåé èèíòåðâüþ ñïåöèàëèñòîâ AGEPI, ÂÎÈÑ, ÅÏ èèçîáðåòàòåëåé, îêîëî 30 àíàëèòè÷åñêèõ ñòàòåé,îïóáëèêîâàííûõ â ðåñïóáëèêàíñêèõ ãàçåòàõ “MoldovaSuveran[”, “Íåçàâèñèìàÿ Ìîëäîâà”, “Ëîãîñ-ïðåññ”,“Vocea poporului”, “Dialog”, “F[clia”.


4 1

newspaper “Bursa Inven\iilor” with 1800 examples, aswell as 1500 examples of “AGEPI Info” and “AGEPIConsult[“, diverse materials were distributed in order topropagate knowledge about the industrial property. Forinternal needs of structural subdivisions 25000 copieswere made per month.

The consolidation of the market of industrialproperty, the ensurance of the stability for economicagents, contractors, businessmen, the development of anefficient enterprising activity, the protection againstrivals, all these lead to the formation of the adequateservices. Consequently, the AGEPI organized the serviceswhich includes searches of information and documenta-tion, valuation of industrial property objects, juridical,consultative and methodical services, training of thestaff personnel, improvement of qualification of thespecialists in the field of industrial property as well asother services.

As sources of information we have the AGEPIlibrary funds, the specialized funds of national collectionof patent documents from our country and abroad,scientific - methodical literature in the field of juridicalprotection of industrial property, the publications withinformative and juridical character etc.

At the beginning of the 1998 year the library fundcontained 19,8 thousand examples, including 3000examples on optical discs CD-ROM. The library has atits disposal optical discs from 7 countries (Austria,Belgium, Germany, Slovenia, USA, Switzerland, Japan)and from 2 international organizations (WIPO, EPO).

}n 1997 in the frame of bilateral exchange ofinformation the AGEPI received Official Bulletins from36 countries and from 3 international organizations, andsent patent national documents to addressees from 42countries. 295 applicants for library services wereregistered last year and about 3 thousand visits. 29000documents were released on paper and 760 on CD-ROM,600 copies of the descriptions of the inventions weremade at the request of consumers and 250 bibliographi-cal notes were released.

The official publications of the AGEPI “TheOfficial Bulletin of Industrial Property” and “Intellectus”are systematically send to the international organiza-tions, to the National Library, scientific and educationalinstitutions, information centers and Governmentalinstitutions.

At the AGEPI initiative, 4 information centers inthe field of industrial property were organized at thelibraries in towns: B[l\i, Cahul, Comrat and Tighinawhere the publications of the AGEPI, normative actsand other information are sent monthly.

Publications of “AGEPI Info” and “AGEPI Con-sult[“ are sent to 180 subscribers.

The numbers of subscribers to BOPI is 66 and tothe journal “Intellectus” - 24.

In 1997 the informative activity was intensifiedthrough mass - media agency. During the time year, 145materials have been broadcasted including 50 reports andinterviews with specialists of the AGEPI, WIPO, EPOand inventors for radio and TV. 12 topic broadcasts“Inventica”, 30 analytical articles were published in thepress (“Moldova Suveran[“, “Nezavisimaya Moldova”,“Logos press”, “Vocea Poporului”, “Dialog”, “F[clia”.

ðàçíîîáðàçíûé ðàçäàòî÷íûé ìàòåðèàë ïî ðàçëè÷íûìàñïåêòàì äåÿòåëüíîñòè AGEPI è ïðîïàãàíäû çíàíèé îïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Äëÿ âíóòðåííèõïîòðåáíîñòåé ñòðóêòóðíûõ ïîäðàçäåëåíèé â ñðåäíåì çàìåñÿö äåëàëîñü 25 òûñ. êñåðîêîïèé.

Ñòàíîâëåíèå ðûíêà ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè, îáåñïå÷åíèå ïðîìûøëåííèêàì,ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëÿì è áèçíåñìåíàì óñòîé÷èâîãîïîëîæåíèÿ è âåäåíèå ýôôåêòèâíîéïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè, çàùèòà îòíåäîáðîñîâåñòíûõ êîíêóðåíòîâ îáóñëîâèëè íåîá-õîäèìîñòü îêàçàíèÿ èì ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèõ óñëóã. Âñâÿçè ñ ÷åì AGEPI îðãàíèçîâàëî îêàçàíèå óñëóã,êîòîðûå âêëþ÷àþò ïàòåíòíî-èíôîðìàöèîííûåèññëåäîâàíèÿ, îöåíêó ñòîèìîñòè îáúåêòîâïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, þðèäè÷åñêèå óñëóãè,ìåòîäè÷åñêèå è êîíñóëüòàöèîííûå óñëóãè, ïîäãîòîâêóêàäðîâ è ïîâûøåíèå êâàëèôèêàöèè ñïåöèàëèñòîâ âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè è äð. óñëóãè.

Èñòî÷íèêàìè èíôîðìàöèè ÿâëÿþòñÿ ôîíäûáèáëèîòåêè AGEPI, ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûå õðàíèëèùàíàöèîíàëüíîé êîëëåêöèè îòå÷åñòâåííîé è èíîñòðàííîéïàòåíòíîé äîêóìåíòàöèè, ïàòåíòíî-ïðàâîâîé è íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîé ëèòåðàòóðû, ñïðàâî÷íûõ,èíôîðìàöèîííûõ, þðèäè÷åñêèõ è äð. èçäàíèé. Íàíà÷àëî 1998 ã. áèáëèîòå÷íûé ôîíä ñîñòàâèë 19,8 òûñ.ýêç., â òîì ÷èñëå 3 òûñ. ýêç. íà îïòè÷åñêèõ äèñêàõ CD-ROM. Áèáëèîòåêà ðàñïîëàãàåò îïòè÷åñêèìè äèñêàìèèç 7 çàðóáåæíûõ ñòðàí (Àâñòðèÿ, Áåëüãèÿ, Ãåðìàíèÿ,Ñëîâåíèÿ, ÑØÀ, Øâåéöàðèÿ, ßïîíèÿ) è îò 2ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ îðãàíèçàöèé (ÂÎÈÑ, ÅÏÂ).

 1997 ã. â ðàìêàõ äâóñòîðîííåãî îáìåíàèíôîðìàöèåé ïîëó÷åíû ïàòåíòíûå áþëëåòåíè èç 36ñòðàí è 3-õ ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ îðãàíèçàöèé, àíàïðàâëåíû îòå÷åñòâåííûå ïàòåíòíûå äîêóìåíòû â 42çàðóáåæíûå ñòðàíû.  ýòîì æå ãîäó óñëóãàìèáèáëèîòåêè ñòàëè ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ 295 âíîâüçàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûõ ÷èòàòåëåé, îòìå÷åíî ïî÷òè 3 òûñ.ïîñåùåíèé, âûäàíî 29 òûñ. äîêóìåíòîâ íà áóìàæíûõíîñèòåëÿõ è 760 íà CD-ROMàõ, èçãîòîâëåíî ïîòðåáîâàíèþ ÷èòàòåëåé 600 êîïèé îïèñàíèé èçîáðåòå-íèé è âûäàíî 250 áèáëèîãðàôè÷åñêèõ ñïðàâîê.

Îôèöèàëüíûå èçäàíèÿ AGEPI “BOPI” è “Intel-lectus” ðåãóëÿðíî âûñûëàþòñÿ â ïàòåíòíûå âåäîìñòâàè ìåæäóíàðîäíûå îðãàíèçàöèè, ñ êîòîðûìè çàêëþ÷åíûäîãîâîðû î ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå, â íàöèîíàëüíóþ áèáëèî-òåêó, íàó÷íûå è ó÷åáíûå çàâåäåíèÿ, èíôîðìàöèîííûåöåíòðû, ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííûå ó÷ðåæäåíèÿ.

Ïî èíèöèàòèâå AGEPI â ðåñïóáëèêå ñîçäàíî 4èíôîðìàöèîííûõ öåíòðà â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè â áèáëèîòåêàõ ãîðîäîâ Áýëöü, Êàõóë,Êîìðàò, Òèãèíà, êóäà åæåìåñÿ÷íî îòïðàâëÿþòñÿèçäàíèÿ AGEPI, íîðìàòèâíûå àêòû è èíàÿèíôîðìàöèÿ.

Èíôîðìàöèîííûå èçäàíèÿ “AGEPI Info” è“AGEPI Consult[“ âûñûëàëèñü áîëåå 180 àäðåñàòàì.Êîëè÷åñòâî ïîäïèñ÷èêîâ íà îôèöèàëüíûé áþëëåòåíüBOPI ñîñòàâèëî 66 àäðåñàòîâ, à íà æóðíàë “Intellectus”- 24 àäðåñàòà.

 1997 ã. àêòèâèçèðîâàëàñü èíôîðìàöèîííàÿäåÿòåëüíîñòü ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ðàäèî è òåëåâèäåíèÿ.Âñåãî çà ãîä áûëî âûïóùåíî 145 ìàòåðèàëîâ, â òîì÷èñëå ïî ðàäèî è òåëåâèäåíèþ 50 ðåïîðòàæåé èèíòåðâüþ ñïåöèàëèñòîâ AGEPI, ÂÎÈÑ, ÅÏ èèçîáðåòàòåëåé, îêîëî 30 àíàëèòè÷åñêèõ ñòàòåé,îïóáëèêîâàííûõ â ðåñïóáëèêàíñêèõ ãàçåòàõ “MoldovaSuveran[”, “Íåçàâèñèìàÿ Ìîëäîâà”, “Ëîãîñ-ïðåññ”,“Vocea poporului”, “Dialog”, “F[clia”.

Page 42: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Participan\ii Academiei OMPI, februarie 1997.Participants of the WIPO Academy, February 1997.Ó÷àñòíèêè Àêàäåìèè ÂÎÈÑ, ôåâðàëü 1997.

}ntrevederea dlui Kamil Idris,Director General OMPI cu dlEugen Sta=cov, Director Generalal AGEPI .The meeting of Mr. EugenSta=cov, Director General of theAGEPI, with Mr. Kamil Idris,Director General of WIPO.Ïðèåì ÃåíåðàëüíûìÄèðåêòîðîì ÂÎÈÑ ã-íîìÊàìèëîì Èäðèñîì ÃåíåðàëüíîãîÄèðåêòîðà AGEPI, ã-íà ÅóæåíàÑòàøêîâà.

}n perioada de bilan\ AGEPI a desf[=urat o colaborare bilateral[ =i multilateral[fructuoas[ ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale cu organiza\iile interna\ionale =ioficiile de brevete din str[in[tate, baz`ndu-se pe aderarea =i semnarea de c[tre RepublicaMoldova a conven\iilor, aranjamentelor =i tratatelor (Anexa 14).

La sf`r=itul anului 1997 Republica Moldova era parte la 14 aranjamente interna\ionale]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale, la 4 ader`nd ]n 1997. Astfel, procesul deratificare =i aderare a Republicii Moldova la tratatele interna\ionale ]n vigoare ]n domeniulpropriet[\ii industriale de fapt se apropie de fini=. AGEPI, ]n calitate de reprezentant oficialal Republicii Moldova, a participat ]n 1993 - 1997 la conven\iile interna\ionale men\ionatecanalizate pe urm[toarele direc\ii:

VIII. Colaborarea =i cooperarea interna\ional[



Participan\ii Academiei OMPI, februarie 1997.Participants of the WIPO Academy, February 1997.Ó÷àñòíèêè Àêàäåìèè ÂÎÈÑ, ôåâðàëü 1997.

}ntrevederea dlui Kamil Idris,Director General OMPI cu dlEugen Sta=cov, Director Generalal AGEPI .The meeting of Mr. EugenSta=cov, Director General of theAGEPI, with Mr. Kamil Idris,Director General of WIPO.Ïðèåì ÃåíåðàëüíûìÄèðåêòîðîì ÂÎÈÑ ã-íîìÊàìèëîì Èäðèñîì ÃåíåðàëüíîãîÄèðåêòîðà AGEPI, ã-íà ÅóæåíàÑòàøêîâà.

}n perioada de bilan\ AGEPI a desf[=urat o colaborare bilateral[ =i multilateral[fructuoas[ ]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale cu organiza\iile interna\ionale =ioficiile de brevete din str[in[tate, baz`ndu-se pe aderarea =i semnarea de c[tre RepublicaMoldova a conven\iilor, aranjamentelor =i tratatelor (Anexa 14).

La sf`r=itul anului 1997 Republica Moldova era parte la 14 aranjamente interna\ionale]n domeniul protec\iei propriet[\ii industriale, la 4 ader`nd ]n 1997. Astfel, procesul deratificare =i aderare a Republicii Moldova la tratatele interna\ionale ]n vigoare ]n domeniulpropriet[\ii industriale de fapt se apropie de fini=. AGEPI, ]n calitate de reprezentant oficialal Republicii Moldova, a participat ]n 1993 - 1997 la conven\iile interna\ionale men\ionatecanalizate pe urm[toarele direc\ii:

VIII. Colaborarea =i cooperarea interna\ional[

Page 43: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



The AGEPI carries out multilateral and bilateralcooperation with international organizations and foreignpatent offices on the base of International Agreementsand Conventions in the field of industrial propertyprotection. The Republic of Moldova joined the rules ofinternational laws in the field of industrial propertyprotection and is a state member to 14 InternationalAgreements and Conventions in the said field.

In reality, the process of ratification and joining ofthe Republic of Moldova to International Treaties in thefield of industrial property is near completed. As officialrepresentative of the Republic of Moldova in the above-mentioned international agreements, the AGEPI carriedout the international activity in the period 1993-1997 inthe following major directions:

1. Cooperation in the Framework of theWorld Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)

The Republic of Moldova is a member to WIPOPermanent Committee for Development Cooperationrelated to Industrial Property and WIPO PermanentCommittee on Industrial Property Information andparticipated in the works of the 24-31 Series of Meetingsof the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO.

At the Thirty-First Series of Meetings of theMember States of the WIPO in 1997 the Republic ofMoldova was elected as full member of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Bern Union and became a member ofthe Coordination Committee.

In the framework of International Unions andCommittees the representatives of the AGEPI partici-pated in the most important meetings of the workinggroups, committees of experts and governing bodies andin other activities of the WIPO.

Members of the staff of the AGEPI activelyparticipated in the works of the PCIPI ExecutiveCoordination Committee and its working groups on maindirection connected with manufacture and distribution ofpatent information, management in the field of patentinformation, standardization, search information,information in the field of trademarks.

The influence of technical progress in the field ofelectronics on the intellectual property protection lead tothe development of new forms of cooperation with WIPOin 1997. On the invitation of the WIPO the representa-tives of the AGEPI participated in the works of the FirstSession of the Committee of Experts on TrademarkLicenses and at the First Session of the ConsultativeMeeting on Trademarks and Internet Domain Names.

Ìíîãîñòîðîííåå è äâóñòîðîííåå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñìåæäóíàðîäíûìè îðãàíèçàöèÿìè è çàðóáåæíûìèïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè AGEPI îñóùåñòâëÿëî íàîñíîâå ïðèñîåäèíåíèÿ è ïîäïèñàíèÿ ÐåñïóáëèêîéÌîëäîâà êîíâåíöèé, ñîãëàøåíèé è äîãîâîðîâ(Ïðèëîæåíèå 14).

Íà êîíåö 1997 ã. Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà ÿâëÿëàñüó÷àñòíèöåé 14 ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèé â îáëàñòèîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, â òîì ÷èñëå ê÷åòûðåì îíà ïðèñîåäèíèëàñü â 1997 ã. Òåì ñàìûìïðîöåññ ðàòèôèêàöèè è ïðèñîåäèíåíèÿ ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà ê äåéñòâóþùèì ìåæäóíàðîäíûì äîãîâîðàì âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ïðàêòè÷åñêèïîäõîäèò ê çàâåðøåíèþ. Êàê îôèöèàëüíûéïðåäñòàâèòåëü Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà AGEPI ïðèíèìàëîó÷àñòèå â îòìå÷åííûõ ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèÿõ çà1993-1997 ãã. ïî ñëåäóþùèì íàïðàâëåíèÿì:

1. Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî â ðàìêàõ ÂÎÈÑ:Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà ÿâëÿåòñÿ ÷ëåíîì

Ïîñòîÿííîãî êîìèòåòà ÂÎÈÑ ïî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâó âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â öåëÿõðàçâèòèÿ è ïîñòîÿííîãî êîìèòåòà ïî èíôîðìàöèè âîáëàñòè ÏÑ ÂÎÈÑ (ÏÊÈÏÑ), ó÷àñòâîâàëà â ðàáîòå 24-31 ñåðèè çàñåäàíèé Ðóêîâîäÿùèõ îðãàíîâ ÂÎÈÑ èÑîþçîâ, àäìèíèñòðàòèâíûå ôóíêöèè êîòîðûõâûïîëíÿåò ÂÎÈÑ.

 1997 ã. íà 31 ñåðèè Ðóêîâîäÿùèõ îðãàíîâÂÎÈÑ ðåñïóáëèêà èçáðàíà ïîëíûì ÷ëåíîìÈñïîëíèòåëüíîãî êîìèòåòà Áåðíñêîãî Ñîþçà è ñòàëà÷ëåíîì Êîîðäèíàöèîííîãî Êîìèòåòà ÂÎÈÑ.

 ðàìêàõ äåÿòåëüíîñòè Ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ Ñîþçîâè Êîìèòåòîâ ÂÎÈÑ ïðåäñòàâèòåëè Ìîëäîâûó÷àñòâîâàëè â ðàáîòå î÷åðåäíûõ, âíåî÷åðåäíûõ èñïåöèàëüíûõ ñîâåùàíèé ðàçëè÷íîãî óðîâíÿ,îðãàíèçóåìûõ ÂÎÈÑ. Ñîòðóäíèêè AGEPI ïðèíÿëèàêòèâíîå ó÷àñòèå â ðàáîòå Èñïîëíèòåëüíîãîêîîðäèíàöèîííîãî êîìèòåòà è ðàáî÷èõ ãðóïï ÏÊÈÏÑ,çàíèìàþùèõñÿ ïðîáëåìàìè ïðîèçâîäñòâà,ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèÿ, ñòàíäàðòèçàöèè è ìåíåäæìåíòà âîáëàñòè ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè; óäåëÿëè áîëüøîåâíèìàíèå âîïðîñàì, ñâÿçàííûì ñ ðàçðàáîòêîé Äîãîâîðàî ïàòåíòíûõ çàêîíàõ (ÏËÒ); ÿâëÿëèñüçàèíòåðåñîâàííûìè ó÷àñòíèêàìè ñîâåùàíèé ïîîáùåèçâåñòíûì òîâàðíûì çíàêàì.

Òðàäèöèîííîå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ ÂÎÈÑ ïîëó÷èëî â1997 ã. äàëüíåéøåå ðàçâèòèå â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ íîâûìèíàïðàâëåíèÿìè äåÿòåëüíîñòè ÂÎÈÑ, îáóñëîâëåííûìèâëèÿíèåì áûñòðîãî òåõíè÷åñêîãî ïðîãðåññà â îáëàñòèýëåêòðîíèêè íà îõðàíó èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîéñîáñòâåííîñòè. Ïî ïðèãëàøåíèþ ÂÎÈÑ ïðåäñòàâèòåëèAGEPI ïðèíÿëè ó÷àñòèå â ðàáîòå ïåðâîé ñåññèèÊîìèòåòà ýêñïåðòîâ ïî ëèöåíçèÿì íà òîâàðíûå çíàêèè â ïåðâîé ñåññèè Êîíñóëüòàòèâíîãî ñîâåùàíèÿ ïîòîâàðíûì çíàêàì è íàèìåíîâàíèÿì àäðåñîâINTERNET.

VIII. Internationalcooperation

VIII. Ìåæäóíàðîäíîåñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî è êîîïåðàöèÿ

The AGEPI carries out multilateral and bilateralcooperation with international organizations and foreignpatent offices on the base of International Agreementsand Conventions in the field of industrial propertyprotection. The Republic of Moldova joined the rules ofinternational laws in the field of industrial propertyprotection and is a state member to 14 InternationalAgreements and Conventions in the said field.

In reality, the process of ratification and joining ofthe Republic of Moldova to International Treaties in thefield of industrial property is near completed. As officialrepresentative of the Republic of Moldova in the above-mentioned international agreements, the AGEPI carriedout the international activity in the period 1993-1997 inthe following major directions:

1. Cooperation in the Framework of theWorld Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)

The Republic of Moldova is a member to WIPOPermanent Committee for Development Cooperationrelated to Industrial Property and WIPO PermanentCommittee on Industrial Property Information andparticipated in the works of the 24-31 Series of Meetingsof the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO.

At the Thirty-First Series of Meetings of theMember States of the WIPO in 1997 the Republic ofMoldova was elected as full member of the ExecutiveCommittee of the Bern Union and became a member ofthe Coordination Committee.

In the framework of International Unions andCommittees the representatives of the AGEPI partici-pated in the most important meetings of the workinggroups, committees of experts and governing bodies andin other activities of the WIPO.

Members of the staff of the AGEPI activelyparticipated in the works of the PCIPI ExecutiveCoordination Committee and its working groups on maindirection connected with manufacture and distribution ofpatent information, management in the field of patentinformation, standardization, search information,information in the field of trademarks.

The influence of technical progress in the field ofelectronics on the intellectual property protection lead tothe development of new forms of cooperation with WIPOin 1997. On the invitation of the WIPO the representa-tives of the AGEPI participated in the works of the FirstSession of the Committee of Experts on TrademarkLicenses and at the First Session of the ConsultativeMeeting on Trademarks and Internet Domain Names.

Ìíîãîñòîðîííåå è äâóñòîðîííåå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî âîáëàñòè îõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñìåæäóíàðîäíûìè îðãàíèçàöèÿìè è çàðóáåæíûìèïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè AGEPI îñóùåñòâëÿëî íàîñíîâå ïðèñîåäèíåíèÿ è ïîäïèñàíèÿ ÐåñïóáëèêîéÌîëäîâà êîíâåíöèé, ñîãëàøåíèé è äîãîâîðîâ(Ïðèëîæåíèå 14).

Íà êîíåö 1997 ã. Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà ÿâëÿëàñüó÷àñòíèöåé 14 ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèé â îáëàñòèîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, â òîì ÷èñëå ê÷åòûðåì îíà ïðèñîåäèíèëàñü â 1997 ã. Òåì ñàìûìïðîöåññ ðàòèôèêàöèè è ïðèñîåäèíåíèÿ ÐåñïóáëèêèÌîëäîâà ê äåéñòâóþùèì ìåæäóíàðîäíûì äîãîâîðàì âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ïðàêòè÷åñêèïîäõîäèò ê çàâåðøåíèþ. Êàê îôèöèàëüíûéïðåäñòàâèòåëü Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà AGEPI ïðèíèìàëîó÷àñòèå â îòìå÷åííûõ ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñîãëàøåíèÿõ çà1993-1997 ãã. ïî ñëåäóþùèì íàïðàâëåíèÿì:

1. Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî â ðàìêàõ ÂÎÈÑ:Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà ÿâëÿåòñÿ ÷ëåíîì

Ïîñòîÿííîãî êîìèòåòà ÂÎÈÑ ïî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâó âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè â öåëÿõðàçâèòèÿ è ïîñòîÿííîãî êîìèòåòà ïî èíôîðìàöèè âîáëàñòè ÏÑ ÂÎÈÑ (ÏÊÈÏÑ), ó÷àñòâîâàëà â ðàáîòå 24-31 ñåðèè çàñåäàíèé Ðóêîâîäÿùèõ îðãàíîâ ÂÎÈÑ èÑîþçîâ, àäìèíèñòðàòèâíûå ôóíêöèè êîòîðûõâûïîëíÿåò ÂÎÈÑ.

 1997 ã. íà 31 ñåðèè Ðóêîâîäÿùèõ îðãàíîâÂÎÈÑ ðåñïóáëèêà èçáðàíà ïîëíûì ÷ëåíîìÈñïîëíèòåëüíîãî êîìèòåòà Áåðíñêîãî Ñîþçà è ñòàëà÷ëåíîì Êîîðäèíàöèîííîãî Êîìèòåòà ÂÎÈÑ.

 ðàìêàõ äåÿòåëüíîñòè Ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ Ñîþçîâè Êîìèòåòîâ ÂÎÈÑ ïðåäñòàâèòåëè Ìîëäîâûó÷àñòâîâàëè â ðàáîòå î÷åðåäíûõ, âíåî÷åðåäíûõ èñïåöèàëüíûõ ñîâåùàíèé ðàçëè÷íîãî óðîâíÿ,îðãàíèçóåìûõ ÂÎÈÑ. Ñîòðóäíèêè AGEPI ïðèíÿëèàêòèâíîå ó÷àñòèå â ðàáîòå Èñïîëíèòåëüíîãîêîîðäèíàöèîííîãî êîìèòåòà è ðàáî÷èõ ãðóïï ÏÊÈÏÑ,çàíèìàþùèõñÿ ïðîáëåìàìè ïðîèçâîäñòâà,ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèÿ, ñòàíäàðòèçàöèè è ìåíåäæìåíòà âîáëàñòè ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè; óäåëÿëè áîëüøîåâíèìàíèå âîïðîñàì, ñâÿçàííûì ñ ðàçðàáîòêîé Äîãîâîðàî ïàòåíòíûõ çàêîíàõ (ÏËÒ); ÿâëÿëèñüçàèíòåðåñîâàííûìè ó÷àñòíèêàìè ñîâåùàíèé ïîîáùåèçâåñòíûì òîâàðíûì çíàêàì.

Òðàäèöèîííîå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ ÂÎÈÑ ïîëó÷èëî â1997 ã. äàëüíåéøåå ðàçâèòèå â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ íîâûìèíàïðàâëåíèÿìè äåÿòåëüíîñòè ÂÎÈÑ, îáóñëîâëåííûìèâëèÿíèåì áûñòðîãî òåõíè÷åñêîãî ïðîãðåññà â îáëàñòèýëåêòðîíèêè íà îõðàíó èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîéñîáñòâåííîñòè. Ïî ïðèãëàøåíèþ ÂÎÈÑ ïðåäñòàâèòåëèAGEPI ïðèíÿëè ó÷àñòèå â ðàáîòå ïåðâîé ñåññèèÊîìèòåòà ýêñïåðòîâ ïî ëèöåíçèÿì íà òîâàðíûå çíàêèè â ïåðâîé ñåññèè Êîíñóëüòàòèâíîãî ñîâåùàíèÿ ïîòîâàðíûì çíàêàì è íàèìåíîâàíèÿì àäðåñîâINTERNET.

VIII. Internationalcooperation

VIII. Ìåæäóíàðîäíîåñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî è êîîïåðàöèÿ

Page 44: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



1. Colaborarea ]n cadrul OMPIRepublica Moldova, fiind membru al Comitetului permanent al OMPI pentru colaborare

]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale ]n scopul dezvolt[rii =i al Comitetului permanent pentruinformare ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale al OMPI (PCIPI), a participat la lucr[rile celorde a 24 - 31-a serii de =edin\e ale Organelor de conducere a OMPI =i Uniunilor, ale c[rorfunc\ii administrative le execut[ OMPI.

}n 1997, la cea dea 31-a serie de =edin\e ale Organelor de conducere a OMPI, republicaa ob\inut statutul de membru plenipoten\iar al Comitetului executiv al Uniunii de la Berna =ia devenit membru al Comitetului de coordonare al OMPI.

}n cadrul activit[\ii Uniunilor interna\ionale =i Comitetelor OMPI reprezentan\iiRepublicii Moldova au participat la lucr[rile consf[tuirilor ordinare, extraordinare =i specialela diferite niveluri organizate de OMPI. Colaboratorii AGEPI au participat activ la reuniunileComitetului executiv de coordonare =i grupurilor de lucru ale PCIPI, ale c[ror atribu\ii

constau ]n solu\ionarea problemelor de procedur[,distribu\ie, standardizare =i management ]n domeniulinforma\iei de brevete; au acordat o deosebit[ aten\ieproblemelor ce \in de elaborarea Tratatului privindlegisla\ia ]n domeniul brevetelor (PLT); =i-au adusaportul la desf[=urarea consf[tuirilor referitoare lam[rcile notorii.

}n 1997 a continuat extinderea colabor[riitradi\ionale cu OMPI ]n conformitate cu noile direc\iiale activit[\ii OMPI, condi\ionate de influen\aprogresului tehnic rapid al electronicii asupraprotec\iei propriet[\ii intelectuale. La invita\ia OMPIreprezentan\ii AGEPI au participat activ la lucr[rileprimei sesiuni a Comitetului exper\ilor pentru licen\ede m[rci =i primei sesiuni a Consf[tuirii consultativeprivind m[rcile =i denumirile de adrese aleINTERNETului.

OMPI acord[ asisten\[ permanent[ ]n vederearidic[rii nivelului de calificare al colaboratorilor AGEPI ]n domeniul aplic[rii PCT =i]nregistr[rii interna\ionale a m[rcilor ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul =i Protocolul de laMadrid, ]n computerizarea procedurilor tehnologice interdepartamentale, ]n organizareaseminarelor, simpozioanelor, conferin\elor regionale.

2. Colaborarea cu OEBAGEPI a stabilit de la bun ]nceput contacte directe cu Oficiul European de Brevete. }n

ianuarie 1995 a intrat ]n vigoare Acordul privind colaborarea ]n domeniul schimbului deinforma\ie de brevete ]ntre OEB =i AGEPI. Acest acord a asigurat accesul solicitan\ilor =iinventatorilor na\ionali la un volum mai mare de informa\ie de brevete.

La propunerea Pre=edintelui OEB, Consiliul administrativ al OEB a luat decizia de areduce cu 75% taxele pentru documentare interna\ional[ =i examinare interna\ional[preliminar[ efectuate la OEB asupra cererilor interna\ionale depuse, ]n conformitate cu PCT,de c[tre solicitan\ii statelor din Europa Central[ =i de Est =i statelor-membre ale CSI. Acestfapt a asigurat solicitan\ilor din Republica Moldova posibilitatea de a ob\ine la tarifeaccesibile protec\ia inven\iilor lor peste hotare.

Colaborarea cu OEB se realizeaz[ at`t ]n cadrul rela\iilor bilaterale directe (schimb deinforma\ii, asisten\[ consultativ[, participare la seminare), c`t =i ]n cadrul programelormultilaterale: ICON, proiectul regional TACIS (preg[tire de speciali=ti, schimb de experien\[,cursuri de limb[ englez[, asisten\[ tehnic[). Fiind sus\inu\i de OEB, reprezentan\ii AGEPI auparticipat la 10 seminare interna\ionale.

Delega\ia AGEPI la Oficiul de Brevete din Marea Britanie.The Delegation of the AGEPI at the United KingdomPatent Office.Äåëåãàöèÿ AGEPI â Ïàòåíòíîì âåäîìñòâåÂåëèêîáðèòàíèè.



1. Colaborarea ]n cadrul OMPIRepublica Moldova, fiind membru al Comitetului permanent al OMPI pentru colaborare

]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale ]n scopul dezvolt[rii =i al Comitetului permanent pentruinformare ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale al OMPI (PCIPI), a participat la lucr[rile celorde a 24 - 31-a serii de =edin\e ale Organelor de conducere a OMPI =i Uniunilor, ale c[rorfunc\ii administrative le execut[ OMPI.

}n 1997, la cea dea 31-a serie de =edin\e ale Organelor de conducere a OMPI, republicaa ob\inut statutul de membru plenipoten\iar al Comitetului executiv al Uniunii de la Berna =ia devenit membru al Comitetului de coordonare al OMPI.

}n cadrul activit[\ii Uniunilor interna\ionale =i Comitetelor OMPI reprezentan\iiRepublicii Moldova au participat la lucr[rile consf[tuirilor ordinare, extraordinare =i specialela diferite niveluri organizate de OMPI. Colaboratorii AGEPI au participat activ la reuniunileComitetului executiv de coordonare =i grupurilor de lucru ale PCIPI, ale c[ror atribu\ii

constau ]n solu\ionarea problemelor de procedur[,distribu\ie, standardizare =i management ]n domeniulinforma\iei de brevete; au acordat o deosebit[ aten\ieproblemelor ce \in de elaborarea Tratatului privindlegisla\ia ]n domeniul brevetelor (PLT); =i-au adusaportul la desf[=urarea consf[tuirilor referitoare lam[rcile notorii.

}n 1997 a continuat extinderea colabor[riitradi\ionale cu OMPI ]n conformitate cu noile direc\iiale activit[\ii OMPI, condi\ionate de influen\aprogresului tehnic rapid al electronicii asupraprotec\iei propriet[\ii intelectuale. La invita\ia OMPIreprezentan\ii AGEPI au participat activ la lucr[rileprimei sesiuni a Comitetului exper\ilor pentru licen\ede m[rci =i primei sesiuni a Consf[tuirii consultativeprivind m[rcile =i denumirile de adrese aleINTERNETului.

OMPI acord[ asisten\[ permanent[ ]n vederearidic[rii nivelului de calificare al colaboratorilor AGEPI ]n domeniul aplic[rii PCT =i]nregistr[rii interna\ionale a m[rcilor ]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul =i Protocolul de laMadrid, ]n computerizarea procedurilor tehnologice interdepartamentale, ]n organizareaseminarelor, simpozioanelor, conferin\elor regionale.

2. Colaborarea cu OEBAGEPI a stabilit de la bun ]nceput contacte directe cu Oficiul European de Brevete. }n

ianuarie 1995 a intrat ]n vigoare Acordul privind colaborarea ]n domeniul schimbului deinforma\ie de brevete ]ntre OEB =i AGEPI. Acest acord a asigurat accesul solicitan\ilor =iinventatorilor na\ionali la un volum mai mare de informa\ie de brevete.

La propunerea Pre=edintelui OEB, Consiliul administrativ al OEB a luat decizia de areduce cu 75% taxele pentru documentare interna\ional[ =i examinare interna\ional[preliminar[ efectuate la OEB asupra cererilor interna\ionale depuse, ]n conformitate cu PCT,de c[tre solicitan\ii statelor din Europa Central[ =i de Est =i statelor-membre ale CSI. Acestfapt a asigurat solicitan\ilor din Republica Moldova posibilitatea de a ob\ine la tarifeaccesibile protec\ia inven\iilor lor peste hotare.

Colaborarea cu OEB se realizeaz[ at`t ]n cadrul rela\iilor bilaterale directe (schimb deinforma\ii, asisten\[ consultativ[, participare la seminare), c`t =i ]n cadrul programelormultilaterale: ICON, proiectul regional TACIS (preg[tire de speciali=ti, schimb de experien\[,cursuri de limb[ englez[, asisten\[ tehnic[). Fiind sus\inu\i de OEB, reprezentan\ii AGEPI auparticipat la 10 seminare interna\ionale.

Delega\ia AGEPI la Oficiul de Brevete din Marea Britanie.The Delegation of the AGEPI at the United KingdomPatent Office.Äåëåãàöèÿ AGEPI â Ïàòåíòíîì âåäîìñòâåÂåëèêîáðèòàíèè.

Page 45: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



WIPO is rendering permanent assistance inimprovement of professional qualification of the staffmembers of the AGEPI on the matters related to theapplication of PCT and international registration oftrademarks according to Madrid Agreement and ProtocolRelating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning theInternational Registration of Marks, in automatization ofinner-office technological process and in realization ofregional seminars, symposiums and conferences.

2. Cooperation with the European PatentOffice (EPO)

From the first days of establishment of the AGEPIdirect contacts were established with the EuropeanPatent Office. The Agreement on Cooperation in theField of Patent Information Exchange between the EPOand the AGEPI entered into force from January 1995.Owing to this Agreement national applicants andinventors have access to broad sources of patent informa-tion.

The Administrative Council of the EPO on theproposal of the President of the EPO adopted theDecision to reduce by 75% the EPO fees for internationalsearch and preliminary examination carried out oninternational applications filed by the nationals ofCentral and Eastern European states and members of theCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Cooperation with the EPO is carried out both onthe base of direct bilateral relations (patent informationexchange, consultative assistance, participation in theworks of seminars) and in the framework of differentprograms: ICON - and TACIS Programmes (training ofthe specialists, exchange of experiences, EnglishLanguage Courses and technical assistance). Owing to thepermanent assistance of the EPO, the representatives ofthe AGEPI have the possibility to attend ten Interna-tional Seminars.

3. Bilateral CooperationEstablishment of bilateral cooperation is carried

out in two main directions:1) cooperation with foreign patent offices according

to the provisions of the signed agreements;2) establishment of direct contacts with interna-

tional organizations, foreign companies that activate inthe field of industrial property protection. The AGEPIsigned bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field ofpatent information exchange with 37 patent offices ofthe world. Fruitful cooperation was established withPatent Offices of Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany,Greece, Poland, Romania, United States of America andUkraine.

ÂÎÈÑ îêàçûâàåò ïîñòîÿííóþ ïîääåðæêó âïîâûøåíèè êâàëèôèêàöèè ñîòðóäíèêîâ AGEPI ïîâîïðîñàì èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ÐÑÒ è ìåæäóíàðîäíîéðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ ñîãëàñíî Ìàäðèäñêîìóñîãëàøåíèþ è Ïðîòîêîëó, êîìïüþòåðèçàöèèâíóòðèâåäîìñòâåííûõ òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåäóð,ïðîâåäåíèè ðåãèîíàëüíûõ ñåìèíàðîâ, ñèìïîçèóìîâ,êîíôåðåíöèé.

2. Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ ÅÏÂÑ ïåðâûõ øàãîâ ñîçäàíèÿ AGEPI áûëè

óñòàíîâëåíû ïðÿìûå êîíòàêòû ñ ÅâðîïåéñêèìÏàòåíòíûì Âåäîìñòâîì.  ÿíâàðå 1995 ã. âñòóïèëî âñèëó Ñîãëàøåíèå î ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå â oáëàñòè îáìåíàïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèåé ìåæäó ÅÏ è AGEPI. Îíîîáåñïå÷èëî äîñòóï íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé èèçîáðåòàòåëåé ê áîëåå øèðîêîìó êðóãó ïàòåíòíîéèíôîðìàöèè.

Àäìèíèñòðàòèâíûé ñîâåò ÅÏÎ ïî ïðåäëîæåíèþÏðåçèäåíòà ÅÏÂ ïðèíÿë ðåøåíèå î ñíèæåíèè íà 75%

ïîøëèí çà ìåæäóíàðîäíûé ïîèñê è ìåæäóíàðîäíóþïðåäâàðèòåëüíóþ ýêñïåðòèçó, ïðîâîäèìûå ÅÏ ïîìåæäóíàðîäíûì çàÿâêàì ñîãëàñíî ÐÑÒ, ïîäàâàåìûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè ãîñóäàðñòâ öåíòðàëüíîé è âîñòî÷íîéÅâðîïû è ãîñóäàðñòâ-÷ëåíîâ ÑÍÃ. Ýòî îáåñïå÷èëîâîçìîæíîñòü ìîëäàâñêèì çàÿâèòåëÿì îñóùåñòâëÿòüçàùèòó ñâîèõ èçîáðåòåíèé çà ðóáåæîì ïî äîñòóïíûìòàðèôàì.

Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ ÅÏ ðåàëèçóåòñÿ êàê â îáúåìåïðÿìûõ äâóñòîðîííèõ ñâÿçåé (îáìåí èíôîðìàöèåé,êîíñóëüòàòèâíàÿ ïîìîùü, ó÷àñòèå â ñåìèíàðàõ), òàê èâ ðàìêàõ ìíîãîñòîðîííèõ ïðîãðàìì: ICON-ïðî–ãðàììû, ðåãèîíàëüíîãî TACIS – ïðîåêòà (ïîäãîòîâêàñïåöèàëèñòîâ, îáìåí îïûòîì, îáó÷åíèå àíãëèéñêîìóÿçûêó, òåõíè÷åñêàÿ ïîìîùü). Ïðè ïîääåðæêå ÅÏÂïðåäñòàâèòåëè AGEPI ó÷àñòâîâàëè â 10-òèìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñåìèíàðàõ.

3. Äâóñòîðîííèå ñâÿçèÐàçâèòèå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà íà äâóñòîðîííåé îñíîâå

îñóùåñòâëÿåòñÿ â äâóõ íàïðàâëåíèÿõ: 1) ñçàðóáåæíûìè ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè â ñîîòâåòñòâèèñ çàêëþ÷åííûìè äîãîâîðàìè, 2) óñòàíîâëåíèåìïðÿìûõ ñâÿçåé ñ îðãàíèçàöèÿìè è êðóïíûìèôèðìàìè, ðàáîòàþùèìè â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿAGEPI íà äîãîâîðíîé îñíîâå îñóùåñòâëÿåò îáìåíèíôîðìàöèåé ñ ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè 37 ñòðàíìèðà. Íàèáîëåå ïëîäîòâîðíî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâîðàçâèâàåòñÿ ñ ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè Àâñòðèè,Àíãëèè, Áîëãàðèè, Âåíãðèè, Ãåðìàíèè, Ãðåöèè,Ïîëüøè, Ðóìûíèè, ÑØÀ, Óêðàèíû.



WIPO is rendering permanent assistance inimprovement of professional qualification of the staffmembers of the AGEPI on the matters related to theapplication of PCT and international registration oftrademarks according to Madrid Agreement and ProtocolRelating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning theInternational Registration of Marks, in automatization ofinner-office technological process and in realization ofregional seminars, symposiums and conferences.

2. Cooperation with the European PatentOffice (EPO)

From the first days of establishment of the AGEPIdirect contacts were established with the EuropeanPatent Office. The Agreement on Cooperation in theField of Patent Information Exchange between the EPOand the AGEPI entered into force from January 1995.Owing to this Agreement national applicants andinventors have access to broad sources of patent informa-tion.

The Administrative Council of the EPO on theproposal of the President of the EPO adopted theDecision to reduce by 75% the EPO fees for internationalsearch and preliminary examination carried out oninternational applications filed by the nationals ofCentral and Eastern European states and members of theCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Cooperation with the EPO is carried out both onthe base of direct bilateral relations (patent informationexchange, consultative assistance, participation in theworks of seminars) and in the framework of differentprograms: ICON - and TACIS Programmes (training ofthe specialists, exchange of experiences, EnglishLanguage Courses and technical assistance). Owing to thepermanent assistance of the EPO, the representatives ofthe AGEPI have the possibility to attend ten Interna-tional Seminars.

3. Bilateral CooperationEstablishment of bilateral cooperation is carried

out in two main directions:1) cooperation with foreign patent offices according

to the provisions of the signed agreements;2) establishment of direct contacts with interna-

tional organizations, foreign companies that activate inthe field of industrial property protection. The AGEPIsigned bilateral agreements on cooperation in the field ofpatent information exchange with 37 patent offices ofthe world. Fruitful cooperation was established withPatent Offices of Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany,Greece, Poland, Romania, United States of America andUkraine.

ÂÎÈÑ îêàçûâàåò ïîñòîÿííóþ ïîääåðæêó âïîâûøåíèè êâàëèôèêàöèè ñîòðóäíèêîâ AGEPI ïîâîïðîñàì èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ ÐÑÒ è ìåæäóíàðîäíîéðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíûõ çíàêîâ ñîãëàñíî Ìàäðèäñêîìóñîãëàøåíèþ è Ïðîòîêîëó, êîìïüþòåðèçàöèèâíóòðèâåäîìñòâåííûõ òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåäóð,ïðîâåäåíèè ðåãèîíàëüíûõ ñåìèíàðîâ, ñèìïîçèóìîâ,êîíôåðåíöèé.

2. Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ ÅÏÂÑ ïåðâûõ øàãîâ ñîçäàíèÿ AGEPI áûëè

óñòàíîâëåíû ïðÿìûå êîíòàêòû ñ ÅâðîïåéñêèìÏàòåíòíûì Âåäîìñòâîì.  ÿíâàðå 1995 ã. âñòóïèëî âñèëó Ñîãëàøåíèå î ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâå â oáëàñòè îáìåíàïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèåé ìåæäó ÅÏ è AGEPI. Îíîîáåñïå÷èëî äîñòóï íàöèîíàëüíûõ çàÿâèòåëåé èèçîáðåòàòåëåé ê áîëåå øèðîêîìó êðóãó ïàòåíòíîéèíôîðìàöèè.

Àäìèíèñòðàòèâíûé ñîâåò ÅÏÎ ïî ïðåäëîæåíèþÏðåçèäåíòà ÅÏÂ ïðèíÿë ðåøåíèå î ñíèæåíèè íà 75%

ïîøëèí çà ìåæäóíàðîäíûé ïîèñê è ìåæäóíàðîäíóþïðåäâàðèòåëüíóþ ýêñïåðòèçó, ïðîâîäèìûå ÅÏ ïîìåæäóíàðîäíûì çàÿâêàì ñîãëàñíî ÐÑÒ, ïîäàâàåìûìèçàÿâèòåëÿìè ãîñóäàðñòâ öåíòðàëüíîé è âîñòî÷íîéÅâðîïû è ãîñóäàðñòâ-÷ëåíîâ ÑÍÃ. Ýòî îáåñïå÷èëîâîçìîæíîñòü ìîëäàâñêèì çàÿâèòåëÿì îñóùåñòâëÿòüçàùèòó ñâîèõ èçîáðåòåíèé çà ðóáåæîì ïî äîñòóïíûìòàðèôàì.

Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ ÅÏ ðåàëèçóåòñÿ êàê â îáúåìåïðÿìûõ äâóñòîðîííèõ ñâÿçåé (îáìåí èíôîðìàöèåé,êîíñóëüòàòèâíàÿ ïîìîùü, ó÷àñòèå â ñåìèíàðàõ), òàê èâ ðàìêàõ ìíîãîñòîðîííèõ ïðîãðàìì: ICON-ïðî–ãðàììû, ðåãèîíàëüíîãî TACIS – ïðîåêòà (ïîäãîòîâêàñïåöèàëèñòîâ, îáìåí îïûòîì, îáó÷åíèå àíãëèéñêîìóÿçûêó, òåõíè÷åñêàÿ ïîìîùü). Ïðè ïîääåðæêå ÅÏÂïðåäñòàâèòåëè AGEPI ó÷àñòâîâàëè â 10-òèìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñåìèíàðàõ.

3. Äâóñòîðîííèå ñâÿçèÐàçâèòèå ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà íà äâóñòîðîííåé îñíîâå

îñóùåñòâëÿåòñÿ â äâóõ íàïðàâëåíèÿõ: 1) ñçàðóáåæíûìè ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè â ñîîòâåòñòâèèñ çàêëþ÷åííûìè äîãîâîðàìè, 2) óñòàíîâëåíèåìïðÿìûõ ñâÿçåé ñ îðãàíèçàöèÿìè è êðóïíûìèôèðìàìè, ðàáîòàþùèìè â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.  íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿAGEPI íà äîãîâîðíîé îñíîâå îñóùåñòâëÿåò îáìåíèíôîðìàöèåé ñ ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè 37 ñòðàíìèðà. Íàèáîëåå ïëîäîòâîðíî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâîðàçâèâàåòñÿ ñ ïàòåíòíûìè âåäîìñòâàìè Àâñòðèè,Àíãëèè, Áîëãàðèè, Âåíãðèè, Ãåðìàíèè, Ãðåöèè,Ïîëüøè, Ðóìûíèè, ÑØÀ, Óêðàèíû.

Page 46: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



3. Rela\iile bilateraleDezvoltarea procesului de cooperare bilateral[ este axat[ pe dou[ direc\ii: 1) cu oficiile

de brevete din str[in[tate ]n conformitate cu acordurile ]ncheiate, 2) prin stabilirearela\iilor directe cu organiza\iile =i firmele importante specializate ]n protec\ia propriet[\iiindustriale. Actualmente AGEPI realizeaz[ pe baz[ contractual[ schimb de informa\ii cuoficii de brevete din 37 \[ri. Deosebit de eficient[ este cooperarea cu oficiile de brevete dinAustria, Anglia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Germania, Grecia, Polonia, Rom`nia, SUA, Ucraina.

4. Participarea la expozi\ii =i saloane interna\ionaleAGEPI a asigurat participarea colaboratorilor =i a contribuit la participarea

inventatorilor de valoare din republic[ la expozi\iile interna\ionale care au avut loc laPittsburgh (SUA), Budapesta (Ungaria), Bruxelles (Belgia), Viena (Austria), Casablanca(Maroc), Bucure=ti =i Ia=i (Rom`nia), Chi=in[u. Deosebitele realiz[ri ]nregistrate ]n Repu-blica Moldova ]n domeniul inventicii au fost distinse cu 27 medalii de aur, 11 medalii deargint =i 6 medalii de bronz ale expozi\iilor. Inventatorii celebri - V. Rudic, director alInstitutului de microbiologie al Academiei de +tiin\e, A. Gulea, profesor al Universit[\ii deStat, N. Taran, =ef de laborator la Institutul Na\ional al Viei =i Vinului =i I. Bostan, rectoral Universit[\ii Tehnice, au fost decora\i cu Medalii de Aur OMPI.

5. Participarea la seminare, simpozioane =i conferin\e interna\ionale19931. Simpozionul privind protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale, Rom`nia.2. Simpozionul “Noua lege privind brevetele =i rolul informa\iei de brevete ]n

dezvoltarea businessului ]n Bulgaria”, Bulgaria.3. Seminarul “Rolul statului ]n perioada tranzi\iei de la economia de comand[ la

economia de pia\[“, Germania.

19944. Conferin\a diplomatic[ consacrat[ ]ncheierii Tratatului privind legisla\ia ]n

domeniul m[rcilor (TLT), Elve\ia.5. Simpozionul “Tratatul de cooperare ]n domeniul brevetelor - un sistem eficient de

brevetare peste hotare”, Bulgaria.6. Simpozionul “Marca =i desenul industrial ]n economia de pia\[“, Rom`nia.7. Forumul “Rolul m[rcilor de produse ]n economia de pia\[“, Ungaria.

19958. Simpozionul privind informa\ia de brevete pe CD-ROMuri, Elve\ia.9. Simpozionul conduc[torilor oficiilor de brevete ale \[rilor CSI consacrat problemelor

de colaborare regional[ =i protec\ie a brevetelor, Belarus.

Seminarul regional OMPI privind evaluarea propriet[\iiindustriale. Chi=in[u, mai, 1997.

WIPO Regional Seminar on the Valuation of IndustrialProperty Assets. Kishinev, May, 1997.

Ðåãèîíàëüíûé ñåìèíàð ÂÎÈÑ ïî îöåíêåïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Êèøèíýó, ìàé, 1997.



3. Rela\iile bilateraleDezvoltarea procesului de cooperare bilateral[ este axat[ pe dou[ direc\ii: 1) cu oficiile

de brevete din str[in[tate ]n conformitate cu acordurile ]ncheiate, 2) prin stabilirearela\iilor directe cu organiza\iile =i firmele importante specializate ]n protec\ia propriet[\iiindustriale. Actualmente AGEPI realizeaz[ pe baz[ contractual[ schimb de informa\ii cuoficii de brevete din 37 \[ri. Deosebit de eficient[ este cooperarea cu oficiile de brevete dinAustria, Anglia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Germania, Grecia, Polonia, Rom`nia, SUA, Ucraina.

4. Participarea la expozi\ii =i saloane interna\ionaleAGEPI a asigurat participarea colaboratorilor =i a contribuit la participarea

inventatorilor de valoare din republic[ la expozi\iile interna\ionale care au avut loc laPittsburgh (SUA), Budapesta (Ungaria), Bruxelles (Belgia), Viena (Austria), Casablanca(Maroc), Bucure=ti =i Ia=i (Rom`nia), Chi=in[u. Deosebitele realiz[ri ]nregistrate ]n Repu-blica Moldova ]n domeniul inventicii au fost distinse cu 27 medalii de aur, 11 medalii deargint =i 6 medalii de bronz ale expozi\iilor. Inventatorii celebri - V. Rudic, director alInstitutului de microbiologie al Academiei de +tiin\e, A. Gulea, profesor al Universit[\ii deStat, N. Taran, =ef de laborator la Institutul Na\ional al Viei =i Vinului =i I. Bostan, rectoral Universit[\ii Tehnice, au fost decora\i cu Medalii de Aur OMPI.

5. Participarea la seminare, simpozioane =i conferin\e interna\ionale19931. Simpozionul privind protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale, Rom`nia.2. Simpozionul “Noua lege privind brevetele =i rolul informa\iei de brevete ]n

dezvoltarea businessului ]n Bulgaria”, Bulgaria.3. Seminarul “Rolul statului ]n perioada tranzi\iei de la economia de comand[ la

economia de pia\[“, Germania.

19944. Conferin\a diplomatic[ consacrat[ ]ncheierii Tratatului privind legisla\ia ]n

domeniul m[rcilor (TLT), Elve\ia.5. Simpozionul “Tratatul de cooperare ]n domeniul brevetelor - un sistem eficient de

brevetare peste hotare”, Bulgaria.6. Simpozionul “Marca =i desenul industrial ]n economia de pia\[“, Rom`nia.7. Forumul “Rolul m[rcilor de produse ]n economia de pia\[“, Ungaria.

19958. Simpozionul privind informa\ia de brevete pe CD-ROMuri, Elve\ia.9. Simpozionul conduc[torilor oficiilor de brevete ale \[rilor CSI consacrat problemelor

de colaborare regional[ =i protec\ie a brevetelor, Belarus.

Seminarul regional OMPI privind evaluarea propriet[\iiindustriale. Chi=in[u, mai, 1997.

WIPO Regional Seminar on the Valuation of IndustrialProperty Assets. Kishinev, May, 1997.

Ðåãèîíàëüíûé ñåìèíàð ÂÎÈÑ ïî îöåíêåïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè. Êèøèíýó, ìàé, 1997.

Page 47: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



4. Participation in International ExhibitionsThe AGEPI provided assistance to members of the

staff and to leading inventors of our Republic inparticipation in international exhibitions organized inPittsburgh (USA), Budapest (Hungary), Brussels(Belgium), Vienna (Austria), Casablanca (Maroc),Bucharest(Romania) and in Kishinev.

The great achievements of the Republic of Moldovain the fields of inventions were mentioned with 27 goldmedals, 11 - silver and 6 - bronze medals. The famousinventors Mr. V. Rudic, Director of the Institute ofMicrobiology of the Academy of Science, Mr. A. Gulea,Professor of the State University, Mr. N. Taran, Head ofSparkling Wines Laboratory at the National Wine andWine - making Institute and Mr. I. Bostan, Rector ofTechnical University of the Republic of Moldova wererewarded with golden medals.

5. Participation in International Seminars,Symposiums and Conferences:

19931. Symposium on the Valuation of Industrial

Property Assets, Romania.2. Symposium on the New Patent Law and the Role

of Patent Information for the Development of Business inBulgaria.

3. Seminar on the Role of the State in the Transi-tion from Commanding Economy to Market Economy,Germany.

19941. Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of the

Trademark Law Treaty, Switzerland.5. Symposium on the Patent Cooperation Treaty

(PCT) - Efficient System for Patenting Abroad, Bulgaria.6. Symposium on Trademark and Industrial Design

in the Market Economy, Romania.7. Forum the Role of the Brands in Market

Economies, Hungary.

19958. Symposium on Patent Information on CD-ROMs,

Switzerland.9. Symposium on Regional Cooperation in Patent

Protection, Republic of Belarus.

199610. Annual European Patent Information Confe-

rence PATLIB’96, United Kingdom.11. Seminar on the “Madrid Protocol and the New

Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement.12. Regional Seminar on “Enforcement of Indus-

trial Property Rights”, Ukraine.

4. Ó÷àñòèå â ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ âûñòàâêàõ èñàëîíàõ

AGEPI îáåñïå÷èëî ó÷àñòèå ñîòðóäíèêîâ è ñî–äåéñòâîâàëî âåäóùèì èçîáðåòàòåëÿì ðåñïóáëèêèó÷àñòèþ â ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ âûñòàâêàõ, ïðîõîäèâøèõ âÏèòñáóðãå (ÑØÀ), â Áóäàïåøòå (Âåíãðèÿ), â Áðþññåëå(Áåëüãèÿ), â Âåíå (Àâñòðèÿ), â Êàñàáëàíêå (Ìàðîêêî),â Áóõàðåñòå è ßññàõ (Ðóìûíèÿ), â Êèøèíýó. Âûñîêèåäîñòèæåíèÿ â îáëàñòè èçîáðåòàòåëüñòâà â ÐåñïóáëèêåÌîëäîâà îòìå÷åíû 27 çîëîòûìè ìåäàëÿìè, 11–ñåðåáðÿíûìè è 6 - áðîíçîâûìè ìåäàëÿìè âûñòàâîê.Èçâåñòíûå èçîáðåòàòåëè - äèðåêòîð Èíñòèòóòàìèêðîáèîëîãèè Àêàäåìèè íàóê Â. Ðóäèê, ïðîôåññîðÃîñóäàðñòâåííîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà À. Ãóëÿ, çàâåäóþùèéëàáîðàòîðèåé íàöèîíàëüíîãî Èíñòèòóòà âèíîäåëèÿ èâèíîãðàäàðñòâà Í. Òàðàí, ðåêòîð Òåõíè÷åñêîãîóíèâåðñèòåòà È. Áîñòàí íàãðàæäåíû çîëîòûìèìåäàëÿìè ÂÎÈÑ.

5. Ó÷àñòèå â ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñåìèíàðàõ,ñèìïîçèóìàõ, êîíôåðåíöèÿõ

1993 ã.1. Ñèìïîçèóì ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–

ñòâåííîñòè, Ðóìûíèÿ.2. Ñèìïîçèóì “Íîâûé ïàòåíòíûé çàêîí è ðîëü

ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè â ðàçâèòèè áèçíåñà âÁîëãàðèè”, Áîëãàðèÿ.

3. Ñåìèíàð “Ðîëü ãîñóäàðñòâà ïðè ïåðåõîäå îòêîìàíäíîé ýêîíîìèêè ê ðûíî÷íîìó õîçÿéñòâó”,Ãåðìàíèÿ.

1994 ã.4. Äèïëîìàòè÷åñêàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî

çàêëþ÷åíèþ Äîãîâîðà î çàêîíàõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì(TLT), Øâåéöàðèÿ.

5. Ñèìïîçèóì “Äîãîâîð î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè– ýôôåêòèâíàÿ ñèñòåìà ïàòåíòîâàíèÿ çà ðóáåæîì”,Áîëãàðèÿ.

6. Ñèìïîçèóì “Òîâàðíûé çíàê è ïðîìûøëåííûéîáðàçåö â ðûíî÷íîé ýêîíîìèêå”, Ðóìûíèÿ.

7. Ôîðóì “Ðîëü ôàáðè÷íûõ ìàðîê â ðûíî÷íîéýêîíîìèêå”, Âåíãðèÿ.

1995 ã.8. Ñèìïîçèóì ïî ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè íà CD-

ROMàõ, Øâåéöàðèÿ.9. Ñèìïîçèóì ðóêîâîäèòåëåé ïàòåíòíûõ âåäîìñòâ

ñòðàí ÑÍà ïî âîïðîñàì ðåãèîíàëüíîãî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâàè çàùèòå ïàòåíòîâ, Áåëîðóññèÿ.

1996 ã.10. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ PATLIB’96, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèÿ.11. Ñåìèíàð ïî âîïðîñàì èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ Îáùåé

èíñòðóêöèè ê Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ èÌàäðèäñêîìó ïðîòîêîëó, Øâåéöàðèÿ.

12. Ñåìèíàð ïî ðåàëèçàöèè ïðàâ íà îáúåêòûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Óêðàèíà.



4. Participation in International ExhibitionsThe AGEPI provided assistance to members of the

staff and to leading inventors of our Republic inparticipation in international exhibitions organized inPittsburgh (USA), Budapest (Hungary), Brussels(Belgium), Vienna (Austria), Casablanca (Maroc),Bucharest(Romania) and in Kishinev.

The great achievements of the Republic of Moldovain the fields of inventions were mentioned with 27 goldmedals, 11 - silver and 6 - bronze medals. The famousinventors Mr. V. Rudic, Director of the Institute ofMicrobiology of the Academy of Science, Mr. A. Gulea,Professor of the State University, Mr. N. Taran, Head ofSparkling Wines Laboratory at the National Wine andWine - making Institute and Mr. I. Bostan, Rector ofTechnical University of the Republic of Moldova wererewarded with golden medals.

5. Participation in International Seminars,Symposiums and Conferences:

19931. Symposium on the Valuation of Industrial

Property Assets, Romania.2. Symposium on the New Patent Law and the Role

of Patent Information for the Development of Business inBulgaria.

3. Seminar on the Role of the State in the Transi-tion from Commanding Economy to Market Economy,Germany.

19941. Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of the

Trademark Law Treaty, Switzerland.5. Symposium on the Patent Cooperation Treaty

(PCT) - Efficient System for Patenting Abroad, Bulgaria.6. Symposium on Trademark and Industrial Design

in the Market Economy, Romania.7. Forum the Role of the Brands in Market

Economies, Hungary.

19958. Symposium on Patent Information on CD-ROMs,

Switzerland.9. Symposium on Regional Cooperation in Patent

Protection, Republic of Belarus.

199610. Annual European Patent Information Confe-

rence PATLIB’96, United Kingdom.11. Seminar on the “Madrid Protocol and the New

Common Regulations under the Madrid Agreement.12. Regional Seminar on “Enforcement of Indus-

trial Property Rights”, Ukraine.

4. Ó÷àñòèå â ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ âûñòàâêàõ èñàëîíàõ

AGEPI îáåñïå÷èëî ó÷àñòèå ñîòðóäíèêîâ è ñî–äåéñòâîâàëî âåäóùèì èçîáðåòàòåëÿì ðåñïóáëèêèó÷àñòèþ â ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ âûñòàâêàõ, ïðîõîäèâøèõ âÏèòñáóðãå (ÑØÀ), â Áóäàïåøòå (Âåíãðèÿ), â Áðþññåëå(Áåëüãèÿ), â Âåíå (Àâñòðèÿ), â Êàñàáëàíêå (Ìàðîêêî),â Áóõàðåñòå è ßññàõ (Ðóìûíèÿ), â Êèøèíýó. Âûñîêèåäîñòèæåíèÿ â îáëàñòè èçîáðåòàòåëüñòâà â ÐåñïóáëèêåÌîëäîâà îòìå÷åíû 27 çîëîòûìè ìåäàëÿìè, 11–ñåðåáðÿíûìè è 6 - áðîíçîâûìè ìåäàëÿìè âûñòàâîê.Èçâåñòíûå èçîáðåòàòåëè - äèðåêòîð Èíñòèòóòàìèêðîáèîëîãèè Àêàäåìèè íàóê Â. Ðóäèê, ïðîôåññîðÃîñóäàðñòâåííîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà À. Ãóëÿ, çàâåäóþùèéëàáîðàòîðèåé íàöèîíàëüíîãî Èíñòèòóòà âèíîäåëèÿ èâèíîãðàäàðñòâà Í. Òàðàí, ðåêòîð Òåõíè÷åñêîãîóíèâåðñèòåòà È. Áîñòàí íàãðàæäåíû çîëîòûìèìåäàëÿìè ÂÎÈÑ.

5. Ó÷àñòèå â ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ ñåìèíàðàõ,ñèìïîçèóìàõ, êîíôåðåíöèÿõ

1993 ã.1. Ñèìïîçèóì ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–

ñòâåííîñòè, Ðóìûíèÿ.2. Ñèìïîçèóì “Íîâûé ïàòåíòíûé çàêîí è ðîëü

ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè â ðàçâèòèè áèçíåñà âÁîëãàðèè”, Áîëãàðèÿ.

3. Ñåìèíàð “Ðîëü ãîñóäàðñòâà ïðè ïåðåõîäå îòêîìàíäíîé ýêîíîìèêè ê ðûíî÷íîìó õîçÿéñòâó”,Ãåðìàíèÿ.

1994 ã.4. Äèïëîìàòè÷åñêàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ ïî

çàêëþ÷åíèþ Äîãîâîðà î çàêîíàõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì(TLT), Øâåéöàðèÿ.

5. Ñèìïîçèóì “Äîãîâîð î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè– ýôôåêòèâíàÿ ñèñòåìà ïàòåíòîâàíèÿ çà ðóáåæîì”,Áîëãàðèÿ.

6. Ñèìïîçèóì “Òîâàðíûé çíàê è ïðîìûøëåííûéîáðàçåö â ðûíî÷íîé ýêîíîìèêå”, Ðóìûíèÿ.

7. Ôîðóì “Ðîëü ôàáðè÷íûõ ìàðîê â ðûíî÷íîéýêîíîìèêå”, Âåíãðèÿ.

1995 ã.8. Ñèìïîçèóì ïî ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèè íà CD-

ROMàõ, Øâåéöàðèÿ.9. Ñèìïîçèóì ðóêîâîäèòåëåé ïàòåíòíûõ âåäîìñòâ

ñòðàí ÑÍà ïî âîïðîñàì ðåãèîíàëüíîãî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâàè çàùèòå ïàòåíòîâ, Áåëîðóññèÿ.

1996 ã.10. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ PATLIB’96, Âåëèêîáðèòàíèÿ.11. Ñåìèíàð ïî âîïðîñàì èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ Îáùåé

èíñòðóêöèè ê Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ èÌàäðèäñêîìó ïðîòîêîëó, Øâåéöàðèÿ.

12. Ñåìèíàð ïî ðåàëèçàöèè ïðàâ íà îáúåêòûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè, Óêðàèíà.

Page 48: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



199610. Conferin\a PATLIB ’96, Marea Britanie.11. Seminarul consacrat problemelor de aplicare a Instruc\iunii unice a Aranjamentului

de la Madrid =i a Protocolului de la Madrid, Elve\ia.12. Seminarul privind comercializarea drepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate

industrial[, Ucraina.13. Seminarul regional privind m[rcile =i indica\iile geografice, Georgia.14. Seminarul “Aspecte practice ale redact[rii =i depunerii cererilor conform unor

conven\ii interna\ionale ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale”, Republica Moldova.15. Seminarul privind protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale, Republica Moldova.

199716. Seminarul “Protec\ia soiurilor de plante ]n conformitate cu Conven\ia UPOV”,

Republica Ceh[.17. Conferin\a “PATINNOVA ‘97”, Austria.18. Seminarul “Proprietatea industrial[ a \[rilor ]n perioada de tranzi\ie”, Germania.19. Seminarul “Realizarea drepturilor asupra brevetelor =i m[rcilor”, Kazahstan.20. Seminarul “Folosirea informa\iei de brevete ]n cercet[ri =i elabor[ri. Implementarea

rezultatelor cercet[rilor universit[\ilor =i institu\iilor =tiin\ifice ]n industrie”, Ucraina.21. Simpozionul “Protec\ia indica\iilor geografice pe plan mondial”, Ungaria.22. Seminarul “Probleme de evaluare a propriet[\ii intelectuale”, Federa\ia Rus[.23. Seminarul “Evaluarea propriet[\ii industriale”, Republica Moldova.24. Conferin\a “Procedura de apel =i litigiile ]n domeniul brevetelor =i m[rcilor”,


6. Colaborarea cu \[rile CSI =i cu Organiza\ia Euroasiatic[ de BreveteConven\ia privind brevetul euroasiatic, semnat[ ]n 1994 de Republica Moldova =i

intrat[ ]n vigoare ]n 1995, a creat condi\ii pentru dezvoltarea proceselor de integraredesf[=urate ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale ]n \[rile CSI.

Lu`nd ]n considerare deosebita importan\[ a Conven\iei ]n calitate de instrument alproceselor de integrare, reprezentan\ii AGEPI au activat sistematic ]n cadrul diferitelororgane efective ale Conven\iei privind brevetul euroasiatic, particip`nd la =edin\ele:� Consiliului administrativ al Organiza\iei Euroasiatice de Brevete,� grupurilor de lucru speciale.}n martie 1995 la Chi=in[u s-a desf[=urat a cincea =edin\[ a Consiliului interstatal cu

participarea activ[ a AGEPI.Schimbul vast de informa\ie de proprietate industrial[ cu \[rile CSI (buletine oficiale,

descrieri de inven\ii, acte normative =i legislative) contribuie la men\inerea unor rela\iiconstructive =i la valorificarea experien\ei avansate.



199610. Conferin\a PATLIB ’96, Marea Britanie.11. Seminarul consacrat problemelor de aplicare a Instruc\iunii unice a Aranjamentului

de la Madrid =i a Protocolului de la Madrid, Elve\ia.12. Seminarul privind comercializarea drepturilor asupra obiectelor de proprietate

industrial[, Ucraina.13. Seminarul regional privind m[rcile =i indica\iile geografice, Georgia.14. Seminarul “Aspecte practice ale redact[rii =i depunerii cererilor conform unor

conven\ii interna\ionale ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale”, Republica Moldova.15. Seminarul privind protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale, Republica Moldova.

199716. Seminarul “Protec\ia soiurilor de plante ]n conformitate cu Conven\ia UPOV”,

Republica Ceh[.17. Conferin\a “PATINNOVA ‘97”, Austria.18. Seminarul “Proprietatea industrial[ a \[rilor ]n perioada de tranzi\ie”, Germania.19. Seminarul “Realizarea drepturilor asupra brevetelor =i m[rcilor”, Kazahstan.20. Seminarul “Folosirea informa\iei de brevete ]n cercet[ri =i elabor[ri. Implementarea

rezultatelor cercet[rilor universit[\ilor =i institu\iilor =tiin\ifice ]n industrie”, Ucraina.21. Simpozionul “Protec\ia indica\iilor geografice pe plan mondial”, Ungaria.22. Seminarul “Probleme de evaluare a propriet[\ii intelectuale”, Federa\ia Rus[.23. Seminarul “Evaluarea propriet[\ii industriale”, Republica Moldova.24. Conferin\a “Procedura de apel =i litigiile ]n domeniul brevetelor =i m[rcilor”,


6. Colaborarea cu \[rile CSI =i cu Organiza\ia Euroasiatic[ de BreveteConven\ia privind brevetul euroasiatic, semnat[ ]n 1994 de Republica Moldova =i

intrat[ ]n vigoare ]n 1995, a creat condi\ii pentru dezvoltarea proceselor de integraredesf[=urate ]n domeniul propriet[\ii industriale ]n \[rile CSI.

Lu`nd ]n considerare deosebita importan\[ a Conven\iei ]n calitate de instrument alproceselor de integrare, reprezentan\ii AGEPI au activat sistematic ]n cadrul diferitelororgane efective ale Conven\iei privind brevetul euroasiatic, particip`nd la =edin\ele:� Consiliului administrativ al Organiza\iei Euroasiatice de Brevete,� grupurilor de lucru speciale.}n martie 1995 la Chi=in[u s-a desf[=urat a cincea =edin\[ a Consiliului interstatal cu

participarea activ[ a AGEPI.Schimbul vast de informa\ie de proprietate industrial[ cu \[rile CSI (buletine oficiale,

descrieri de inven\ii, acte normative =i legislative) contribuie la men\inerea unor rela\iiconstructive =i la valorificarea experien\ei avansate.

Page 49: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



13. Ðåãèîíàëüíûé ñåìèíàð ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì èãåîãðàôè÷åñêèì íàèìåíîâàíèÿì, Ãðóçèÿ.

14. Ñåìèíàð “Ïðàêòè÷åñêèå àñïåêòû ïîäãîòîâêèè ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê ïî ðÿäó ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ äîãîâîðîâ âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè“, Ìîëäîâà.

15. Ñåìèíàð ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–ñòâåííîñòè, Ìîëäîâà.

1997 ã.16. Ñåìèíàð “Îá îõðàíå ñîðòîâ ðàñòåíèé â ñîîò–

âåòñòâèè ñ Êîíâåíöèåé ÓÏΓ, ×åõèÿ.17. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ “PATINÎVA’97“, Àâñòðèÿ.18. Ñåìèíàð “Ïðîìûøëåííàÿ ñîáñòâåííîñòü

ñòðàí, íàõîäÿùèõñÿ â ïåðåõîäíîì ïåðèîäå“, Ãåðìàíèÿ.19. Ñåìèíàð “Ðåàëèçàöèÿ ïðàâ íà ïàòåíòû è

òîâàðíûå çíàêè“, Êàçàõñòàí.20. Ñåìèíàð “Èñïîëüçîâàíèå ïàòåíòíîé

èíôîðìàöèè â èññëåäîâàíèÿõ è ðàçðàáîòêàõ. Ïåðåäà÷àðåçóëüòàòîâ èññëåäîâàíèé èç íàó÷íûõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé èóíèâåðñèòåòîâ â ïðîìûøëåííîñòü“, Óêðàèíà.

21. Ñèìïîçèóì “Îõðàíà ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèõóêàçàíèé â ìèðîâîì êîíòåêñòå“, Âåíãðèÿ.

22. Ñåìèíàð “Âîïðîñû îöåíêè èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîéñîáñòâåííîñòè“, Ðîññèÿ.

23.Ñåìèíàð “Îöåíêà ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè“, Ìîëäîâà.

24. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ “Àïåëëÿöèÿ è ñïîðû ïîïàòåíòàì è òîâàðíûì çíàêàì“, Ðóìûíèÿ.

6. Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñî ñòðàíàìè ÑÍà èÅâðàçèéñêîé ïàòåíòíîé îðãàíèçàöèåé

Ïîäïèñàíèå Ðåñïóáëèêîé Ìîëäîâà â 1994 ã.Åâðàçèéñêîé ïàòåíòíîé êîíâåíöèè è âñòóïëåíèå åå âñèëó â 1995 ã. ñîçäàëî ïðåäïîñûëêè äëÿ ðàçâèòèÿèíòåãðàöèîííûõ ïðîöåññîâ, ïðîèñõîäÿùèõ â îáëàñòèïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñòðàí ÑÍÃ.

Ó÷èòûâàÿ áîëüøîå çíà÷åíèå ÅÀÏÊ êàêèíñòðóìåíòà èíòåãðàöèîííûõ ïðîöåññîâ,ïðåäñòàâèòåëè AGEPI ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêè ïðèíèìàëèàêòèâíîå ó÷àñòèå â ðàìêàõ ÅÀÏÊ â ðàáîòå çàñåäàíèéäåéñòâóþùèõ îðãàíîâ ðàçëè÷íîãî óðîâíÿ:� Àäìèíèñòðàòèâíîãî ñîâåòà Åâðàçèéñêîé

ïàòåíòíîé îðãàíèçàöèè,� ðàáî÷èõ ãðóïï ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ïî ðàçëè÷íûì

íàïðàâëåíèÿì äåÿòåëüíîñòè. ìàðòå 1995 ã. â Êèøèíýó áûëî ïðîâåäåíî V

çàñåäàíèå Ìåæãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî ñîâåòà ïðè àêòèâíîìó÷àñòèè AGEPI.

Øèðîêèé îáìåí ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèåé ñîñòðàíàìè ÑÍÃ (ïàòåíòíûå áþëëåòåíè, îïèñàíèÿèçîáðåòåíèé, íîðìàòèâíûå è çàêîíîäàòåëüíûå àêòû)ïîçâîëÿþò ïîääåðæèâàòü ñâÿçè è îáìåíèâàòüñÿîïûòîì.

13. Regional Seminar on Trademark and Geographi-cal Indications, Georgia.

14. Regional Seminar on the Practical Aspects ofFiling Patent and Trademark Applications under CertainIndustrial Property Agreements.

15. Seminar on the Protection of IndustrialProperty, Republic of Moldova.

199716. UPOV Seminar on the Protection of Plant

Varieties.17. Conference “PATINNOVA’97”, Austria.18. Seminar on the Situation of Industrial Property

Offices of Countries in Transition, Germany.19. Seminar on Enforcement of Industrial Property

Rights: Patents and Trademarks, Kazakhstan.20. Seminar on the Use of Patent Information in

Researches and Elaborations”. Transfer of Results fromScientific Institutions and Universities to Industry,Ukraine.

21. Symposium on the Protection of GeographicalIndications in Worldwide Context, Hungary.

22. Seminar on the Matters Related to the Valua-tion of Intellectual Property, Russia.

23. Seminar on the Valuation of IndustrialProperty Assets, Republic of Moldova.

24. Conference on Patent and Trademark Appeals,Romania.

6. Cooperation with CIS Countries and withEurasian Patent Organization

Eurasian Patent Convention that entered into forcein 1995 and were signed by the Republic of Moldova in1994 created pre-conditions for development of integra-tion processes in the field of industrial property protec-tion in the CIS countries.

Taking into consideration the great importance ofthe EAPO as an instrument of integration processes, therepresentatives of the AGEPI took an active part in themeetings of the working groups at different levels:� Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent

Organization;� Working Groups of Experts in different fields of

activity.The Fifth Meeting of the Interstate Council was

held in Kishinev on March, 1995 with the activeparticipation of the AGEPI. The extensive exchange inthe field of patent information with the CIS countries(Official Bulletins, patent specifications, normative andlegislative acts) make it possible to maintain and toexpand cooperation and to share experiences in the saidfield of activity.



13. Ðåãèîíàëüíûé ñåìèíàð ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì èãåîãðàôè÷åñêèì íàèìåíîâàíèÿì, Ãðóçèÿ.

14. Ñåìèíàð “Ïðàêòè÷åñêèå àñïåêòû ïîäãîòîâêèè ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê ïî ðÿäó ìåæäóíàðîäíûõ äîãîâîðîâ âîáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè“, Ìîëäîâà.

15. Ñåìèíàð ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîá–ñòâåííîñòè, Ìîëäîâà.

1997 ã.16. Ñåìèíàð “Îá îõðàíå ñîðòîâ ðàñòåíèé â ñîîò–

âåòñòâèè ñ Êîíâåíöèåé ÓÏΓ, ×åõèÿ.17. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ “PATINÎVA’97“, Àâñòðèÿ.18. Ñåìèíàð “Ïðîìûøëåííàÿ ñîáñòâåííîñòü

ñòðàí, íàõîäÿùèõñÿ â ïåðåõîäíîì ïåðèîäå“, Ãåðìàíèÿ.19. Ñåìèíàð “Ðåàëèçàöèÿ ïðàâ íà ïàòåíòû è

òîâàðíûå çíàêè“, Êàçàõñòàí.20. Ñåìèíàð “Èñïîëüçîâàíèå ïàòåíòíîé

èíôîðìàöèè â èññëåäîâàíèÿõ è ðàçðàáîòêàõ. Ïåðåäà÷àðåçóëüòàòîâ èññëåäîâàíèé èç íàó÷íûõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé èóíèâåðñèòåòîâ â ïðîìûøëåííîñòü“, Óêðàèíà.

21. Ñèìïîçèóì “Îõðàíà ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèõóêàçàíèé â ìèðîâîì êîíòåêñòå“, Âåíãðèÿ.

22. Ñåìèíàð “Âîïðîñû îöåíêè èíòåëëåêòóàëüíîéñîáñòâåííîñòè“, Ðîññèÿ.

23.Ñåìèíàð “Îöåíêà ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåí–íîñòè“, Ìîëäîâà.

24. Êîíôåðåíöèÿ “Àïåëëÿöèÿ è ñïîðû ïîïàòåíòàì è òîâàðíûì çíàêàì“, Ðóìûíèÿ.

6. Ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñî ñòðàíàìè ÑÍà èÅâðàçèéñêîé ïàòåíòíîé îðãàíèçàöèåé

Ïîäïèñàíèå Ðåñïóáëèêîé Ìîëäîâà â 1994 ã.Åâðàçèéñêîé ïàòåíòíîé êîíâåíöèè è âñòóïëåíèå åå âñèëó â 1995 ã. ñîçäàëî ïðåäïîñûëêè äëÿ ðàçâèòèÿèíòåãðàöèîííûõ ïðîöåññîâ, ïðîèñõîäÿùèõ â îáëàñòèïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè ñòðàí ÑÍÃ.

Ó÷èòûâàÿ áîëüøîå çíà÷åíèå ÅÀÏÊ êàêèíñòðóìåíòà èíòåãðàöèîííûõ ïðîöåññîâ,ïðåäñòàâèòåëè AGEPI ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêè ïðèíèìàëèàêòèâíîå ó÷àñòèå â ðàìêàõ ÅÀÏÊ â ðàáîòå çàñåäàíèéäåéñòâóþùèõ îðãàíîâ ðàçëè÷íîãî óðîâíÿ:� Àäìèíèñòðàòèâíîãî ñîâåòà Åâðàçèéñêîé

ïàòåíòíîé îðãàíèçàöèè,� ðàáî÷èõ ãðóïï ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ïî ðàçëè÷íûì

íàïðàâëåíèÿì äåÿòåëüíîñòè. ìàðòå 1995 ã. â Êèøèíýó áûëî ïðîâåäåíî V

çàñåäàíèå Ìåæãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî ñîâåòà ïðè àêòèâíîìó÷àñòèè AGEPI.

Øèðîêèé îáìåí ïàòåíòíîé èíôîðìàöèåé ñîñòðàíàìè ÑÍÃ (ïàòåíòíûå áþëëåòåíè, îïèñàíèÿèçîáðåòåíèé, íîðìàòèâíûå è çàêîíîäàòåëüíûå àêòû)ïîçâîëÿþò ïîääåðæèâàòü ñâÿçè è îáìåíèâàòüñÿîïûòîì.

13. Regional Seminar on Trademark and Geographi-cal Indications, Georgia.

14. Regional Seminar on the Practical Aspects ofFiling Patent and Trademark Applications under CertainIndustrial Property Agreements.

15. Seminar on the Protection of IndustrialProperty, Republic of Moldova.

199716. UPOV Seminar on the Protection of Plant

Varieties.17. Conference “PATINNOVA’97”, Austria.18. Seminar on the Situation of Industrial Property

Offices of Countries in Transition, Germany.19. Seminar on Enforcement of Industrial Property

Rights: Patents and Trademarks, Kazakhstan.20. Seminar on the Use of Patent Information in

Researches and Elaborations”. Transfer of Results fromScientific Institutions and Universities to Industry,Ukraine.

21. Symposium on the Protection of GeographicalIndications in Worldwide Context, Hungary.

22. Seminar on the Matters Related to the Valua-tion of Intellectual Property, Russia.

23. Seminar on the Valuation of IndustrialProperty Assets, Republic of Moldova.

24. Conference on Patent and Trademark Appeals,Romania.

6. Cooperation with CIS Countries and withEurasian Patent Organization

Eurasian Patent Convention that entered into forcein 1995 and were signed by the Republic of Moldova in1994 created pre-conditions for development of integra-tion processes in the field of industrial property protec-tion in the CIS countries.

Taking into consideration the great importance ofthe EAPO as an instrument of integration processes, therepresentatives of the AGEPI took an active part in themeetings of the working groups at different levels:� Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent

Organization;� Working Groups of Experts in different fields of

activity.The Fifth Meeting of the Interstate Council was

held in Kishinev on March, 1995 with the activeparticipation of the AGEPI. The extensive exchange inthe field of patent information with the CIS countries(Official Bulletins, patent specifications, normative andlegislative acts) make it possible to maintain and toexpand cooperation and to share experiences in the saidfield of activity.

Page 50: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului



Acte normativePentru aplicarea Legii privind brevetele

de inven\ie;Pentru aplicarea Legii privind m[rcile

=i denumirile de origine a produselor;Pentru aplicarea Legii privind protec\ia

desenelor =i modelelor industriale;Cu privire la ]nregistrarea contractelor

de licen\[ referitor la obiectele propriet[\iiindustriale;

Cu privire la aplicarea taxelor pentruservicii ]n domeniul protec\iei obiectelorpropriet[\ii industriale;

Cu privire la examinarea cererilor debrevet de inven\ie =i eliberarea brevetelorde inven\ie ]n baza certificatelor de autor;

Cu privire la Registrul Na\ional almandatarilor autoriza\i;

Cu privire la re]nnoirea ]nregistr[riim[rcii;

Cu privire la modificarea materialelorcererii ]n Registrul Na\ional de m[rci =idenumiri de origine a produselor;

Cu privire la Comisia de Apel;Cu privire la Cursurile de Stat ale

Republicii Moldova pentru perfec\ionareaspeciali=tilor ]n protec\ia propriet[\iiindustriale;

Cu privire la recep\ionarea,]nregistrarea, publicarea, examinareacererilor =i eliberarea titlurilor de protec\ie,precum =i la alte activit[\i referitoare laprotec\ia obiectelor propriet[\ii industriale;

Cu privire la redactarea =i depunereacererii de ]nregistrare a modelului deutilitate;

Cu privire la corectarea gre=elilor ]nregistre =i la eliberarea duplicatelortitlurilor de protec\ie;

Statutele publica\iilor BOPI =i“Intellectus”.

Standardand Legislative Acts

Regulations on the Application of theLaw on Patents for Inventions;

Regulations on the Application of theLaw on Trademark and Appellations ofOrigin;

Regulations on the Application of theLaw on Industrial Design;

Regulations on the Registration ofLicense Agreements in the Field ofIndustrial Property;

Regulations on the Application of Feesfor Services in the Field of IndustrialProperty Protection;

Regulations on the Creation of NationalRegister of Patent Attorneys;

Regulations on the Renewal Registra-tion of Trademarks

Regulations on the Introduction ofAmendments in the Application Documentsin the National Register for Trademarksand Appellations of Origin;

Regulations on Commission of Appeal;Regulation on State Courses of the

Republic of Moldova on Improvement ofProfessional Skills of the Specialists on theMatters Related to Industrial PropertyProtection;

Regulation on Reception, Registration,Publication, Examination and Issuance ofTitles of Protection and Other Activity inthe Field of Industrial Property Protection;

Regulations on the Filing of Applica-tions for the Registration of Utility Model;

Regulations on the Corrections ofErratum in Registers and Issuance ofDuplicates to Patent Owners;

Statutes of the publications “BOPI” and“Intellectus”.

Íîðìàòèâíûå àêòû“Î ïðèìåíåíèè Çàêîíà î ïàòåíòàõ íà

èçîáðåòåíèÿ”.“Î ïðèìåíåíèè Çàêîíà î òîâàðíûõ

çíàêàõ è íàèìåíîâàíèÿõ ìåñòïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ”.

“Î ïðèìåíåíèè Çàêîíà îá îõðàíåïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé”.

“Î ðåãèñòðàöèè ëèöåíçèîííûõäîãîâîðîâ â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

“Î ïðèìåíåíèè òàêñ çà óñëóãè âîáëàñòè îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

“Îá ýêñïåðòèçå çàÿâîê íà âûäà÷óïàòåíòà íà èçîáðåòåíèå íà îñíîâåàâòîðñêèõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâ è î âûäà÷åïàòåíòà”.

“Î ñîçäàíèè íàöèîíàëüíîãî Ðåãèñòðàïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ”.

“Î ïðîäëåíèè ñðîêà äåéñòâèÿðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíîãî çíàêà”.

“Î âíåñåíèè èçìåíåíèé â ìàòåðèàëûçàÿâêè â Íàöèîíàëüíîì ðåãèñòðå ïîòîâàðíûì çíàêàì è íàèìåíîâàíèÿì ìåñòïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ”.

“Îá Àïåëëÿöèîííîé êîìèññèè”. “Î Ãîñóäàðñòâåííûõ êóðñàõ

Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïî ïîâûøåíèþêâàëèôèêàöèè ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ïî ïðîáëåìàìîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

“Î ïðèåìå, ðåãèñòðàöèè, ïóáëèêàöèè,ýêñïåðòèçå çàÿâîê è âûäà÷å îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ, à òàêæå äðóãîé äåÿ–òåëüíîñòè â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

Ïî ñîñòàâëåíèþ è ïîäà÷å çàÿâêè íàðåãèñòðàöèþ ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè.

Ïðàâèëà èñïðàâëåíèÿ îøèáîê âðåãèñòðå è âûäà÷è äóáëèêàòîâ îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ.

Óñòàâû èçäàíèé “BOPI” è“Intellectus”.

Anexa 1 � Annex 1 � Ïðèëîæåíèå 1



Acte normativePentru aplicarea Legii privind brevetele

de inven\ie;Pentru aplicarea Legii privind m[rcile

=i denumirile de origine a produselor;Pentru aplicarea Legii privind protec\ia

desenelor =i modelelor industriale;Cu privire la ]nregistrarea contractelor

de licen\[ referitor la obiectele propriet[\iiindustriale;

Cu privire la aplicarea taxelor pentruservicii ]n domeniul protec\iei obiectelorpropriet[\ii industriale;

Cu privire la examinarea cererilor debrevet de inven\ie =i eliberarea brevetelorde inven\ie ]n baza certificatelor de autor;

Cu privire la Registrul Na\ional almandatarilor autoriza\i;

Cu privire la re]nnoirea ]nregistr[riim[rcii;

Cu privire la modificarea materialelorcererii ]n Registrul Na\ional de m[rci =idenumiri de origine a produselor;

Cu privire la Comisia de Apel;Cu privire la Cursurile de Stat ale

Republicii Moldova pentru perfec\ionareaspeciali=tilor ]n protec\ia propriet[\iiindustriale;

Cu privire la recep\ionarea,]nregistrarea, publicarea, examinareacererilor =i eliberarea titlurilor de protec\ie,precum =i la alte activit[\i referitoare laprotec\ia obiectelor propriet[\ii industriale;

Cu privire la redactarea =i depunereacererii de ]nregistrare a modelului deutilitate;

Cu privire la corectarea gre=elilor ]nregistre =i la eliberarea duplicatelortitlurilor de protec\ie;

Statutele publica\iilor BOPI =i“Intellectus”.

Standardand Legislative Acts

Regulations on the Application of theLaw on Patents for Inventions;

Regulations on the Application of theLaw on Trademark and Appellations ofOrigin;

Regulations on the Application of theLaw on Industrial Design;

Regulations on the Registration ofLicense Agreements in the Field ofIndustrial Property;

Regulations on the Application of Feesfor Services in the Field of IndustrialProperty Protection;

Regulations on the Creation of NationalRegister of Patent Attorneys;

Regulations on the Renewal Registra-tion of Trademarks

Regulations on the Introduction ofAmendments in the Application Documentsin the National Register for Trademarksand Appellations of Origin;

Regulations on Commission of Appeal;Regulation on State Courses of the

Republic of Moldova on Improvement ofProfessional Skills of the Specialists on theMatters Related to Industrial PropertyProtection;

Regulation on Reception, Registration,Publication, Examination and Issuance ofTitles of Protection and Other Activity inthe Field of Industrial Property Protection;

Regulations on the Filing of Applica-tions for the Registration of Utility Model;

Regulations on the Corrections ofErratum in Registers and Issuance ofDuplicates to Patent Owners;

Statutes of the publications “BOPI” and“Intellectus”.

Íîðìàòèâíûå àêòû“Î ïðèìåíåíèè Çàêîíà î ïàòåíòàõ íà

èçîáðåòåíèÿ”.“Î ïðèìåíåíèè Çàêîíà î òîâàðíûõ

çíàêàõ è íàèìåíîâàíèÿõ ìåñòïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ”.

“Î ïðèìåíåíèè Çàêîíà îá îõðàíåïðîìûøëåííûõ ðèñóíêîâ è ìîäåëåé”.

“Î ðåãèñòðàöèè ëèöåíçèîííûõäîãîâîðîâ â îáëàñòè ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

“Î ïðèìåíåíèè òàêñ çà óñëóãè âîáëàñòè îõðàíû îáúåêòîâ ïðîìûøëåííîéñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

“Îá ýêñïåðòèçå çàÿâîê íà âûäà÷óïàòåíòà íà èçîáðåòåíèå íà îñíîâåàâòîðñêèõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâ è î âûäà÷åïàòåíòà”.

“Î ñîçäàíèè íàöèîíàëüíîãî Ðåãèñòðàïàòåíòíûõ ïîâåðåííûõ”.

“Î ïðîäëåíèè ñðîêà äåéñòâèÿðåãèñòðàöèè òîâàðíîãî çíàêà”.

“Î âíåñåíèè èçìåíåíèé â ìàòåðèàëûçàÿâêè â Íàöèîíàëüíîì ðåãèñòðå ïîòîâàðíûì çíàêàì è íàèìåíîâàíèÿì ìåñòïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ òîâàðîâ”.

“Îá Àïåëëÿöèîííîé êîìèññèè”. “Î Ãîñóäàðñòâåííûõ êóðñàõ

Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà ïî ïîâûøåíèþêâàëèôèêàöèè ñïåöèàëèñòîâ ïî ïðîáëåìàìîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

“Î ïðèåìå, ðåãèñòðàöèè, ïóáëèêàöèè,ýêñïåðòèçå çàÿâîê è âûäà÷å îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ, à òàêæå äðóãîé äåÿ–òåëüíîñòè â îáëàñòè îõðàíûïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè”.

Ïî ñîñòàâëåíèþ è ïîäà÷å çàÿâêè íàðåãèñòðàöèþ ïîëåçíîé ìîäåëè.

Ïðàâèëà èñïðàâëåíèÿ îøèáîê âðåãèñòðå è âûäà÷è äóáëèêàòîâ îõðàííûõäîêóìåíòîâ.

Óñòàâû èçäàíèé “BOPI” è“Intellectus”.

Anexa 1 � Annex 1 � Ïðèëîæåíèå 1

Page 51: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


5 1

Cereri depuse: reparti\ia peobiectele de proprietate

industrial[ =i tipul de procedur[

Distribution of the Filed Applica-tion on Industrial Property Objects

According to the Procedure

Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîêíà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé

cîáñòâåííîñòè èïðîöåäóðå

Titluri de protec\ie ale RepubliciiMoldova eliberate ]n 1994 - 1997

Titles of Protection Granted in theRepublic of Moldova in1994—1997

Âûäà÷à îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà çà1994—1997 ãã.

Cereri de brevete ale RepubliciiMoldova (depuse ]n 1993 - 1997)

Patent Applications Filed in theRepublic of Moldova

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê íà ïàòåíòûÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà

n Obiectele de proprietate industrial[u Industrial Property Objectsl Îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total depuseTotalÂñåãî ïîäàíî

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå: 727 12448 3021 3975 4933inven\iiinventionsèçîáðåòåíèÿ

103 534 299 424 347

m[rcitrademarksòîâàðíûå çíàêè

616 11723 2470 3138 4125

desene =i modele industrialeindustrial designsïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè

6 180 246 404 456

modele de utilitateutility modelsïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

2 11 6 9 5

Conform procedurii na\ionaleAccording to the national procedureÏî íàöèîíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå

727 4403 1068 1376 1760

}n conformitate cu aranjamentele interna\ionale la careRepublica Moldova este parteUnder the International Agreements to which theRepublic of Moldova is a state member ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ìåæäóíàðîäíûìè ñîãëàøåíèÿìè,ó÷àñòíèöåé êîòîðûõ ÿâëÿåòñÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà

− 8045 1953 2599 3173

Indicii l Indexes l Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total cereri depuseTotal Applications FiledÏîäàíî çàÿâîê — âñåãî

103 534 299 424 347

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:de la solicitan\i na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìède la solicitan\i str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè











din ele: of them: èç íèõ:conform procedurii PCTfiled under the PCT procedureïî ïðîöåäóðå ÐÑÒ

− 5 12 128 41

Obiectele de proprietate industrial[Industrial Property ObjectsÎáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

1994 1995 1996 1997

Total eliberate:Total granted:Âñåãî âûäàíî:

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:

446 1823 2242 1433

brevete de inven\iepatents for inventionsïàòåíòû íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ

39 227 235 229

certificate de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor de produse =i m[rcilor de serviciitrademarks certificates grantedñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè è çíàêè îáñëóæèâàíèÿ

383 1581 1969 1136

certificate de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industrialeindustrial designs certificates grantedñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè

21 9 34 64

certificate de ]nregistrare a modelelor de utilitateutility models certificatesñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

3 6 4 4

Anexa 4 Annex 4 Ïðèëîæåíèå 4

Anexa 3 Annex 3 Ïðèëîæåíèå 3

Anexa 2 Annex 2 Ïðèëîæåíèå 2


5 1

Cereri depuse: reparti\ia peobiectele de proprietate

industrial[ =i tipul de procedur[

Distribution of the Filed Applica-tion on Industrial Property Objects

According to the Procedure

Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîêíà îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé

cîáñòâåííîñòè èïðîöåäóðå

Titluri de protec\ie ale RepubliciiMoldova eliberate ]n 1994 - 1997

Titles of Protection Granted in theRepublic of Moldova in1994—1997

Âûäà÷à îõðàííûõ äîêóìåíòîâÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà çà1994—1997 ãã.

Cereri de brevete ale RepubliciiMoldova (depuse ]n 1993 - 1997)

Patent Applications Filed in theRepublic of Moldova

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê íà ïàòåíòûÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà

n Obiectele de proprietate industrial[u Industrial Property Objectsl Îáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total depuseTotalÂñåãî ïîäàíî

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå: 727 12448 3021 3975 4933inven\iiinventionsèçîáðåòåíèÿ

103 534 299 424 347

m[rcitrademarksòîâàðíûå çíàêè

616 11723 2470 3138 4125

desene =i modele industrialeindustrial designsïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè

6 180 246 404 456

modele de utilitateutility modelsïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

2 11 6 9 5

Conform procedurii na\ionaleAccording to the national procedureÏî íàöèîíàëüíîé ïðîöåäóðå

727 4403 1068 1376 1760

}n conformitate cu aranjamentele interna\ionale la careRepublica Moldova este parteUnder the International Agreements to which theRepublic of Moldova is a state member ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ìåæäóíàðîäíûìè ñîãëàøåíèÿìè,ó÷àñòíèöåé êîòîðûõ ÿâëÿåòñÿ Ðåñïóáëèêà Ìîëäîâà

− 8045 1953 2599 3173

Indicii l Indexes l Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Total cereri depuseTotal Applications FiledÏîäàíî çàÿâîê — âñåãî

103 534 299 424 347

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:de la solicitan\i na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìède la solicitan\i str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè











din ele: of them: èç íèõ:conform procedurii PCTfiled under the PCT procedureïî ïðîöåäóðå ÐÑÒ

− 5 12 128 41

Obiectele de proprietate industrial[Industrial Property ObjectsÎáúåêòû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè

1994 1995 1996 1997

Total eliberate:Total granted:Âñåãî âûäàíî:

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:

446 1823 2242 1433

brevete de inven\iepatents for inventionsïàòåíòû íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ

39 227 235 229

certificate de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor de produse =i m[rcilor de serviciitrademarks certificates grantedñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè è çíàêè îáñëóæèâàíèÿ

383 1581 1969 1136

certificate de ]nregistrare a desenelor =i modelelor industrialeindustrial designs certificates grantedñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà ïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè

21 9 34 64

certificate de ]nregistrare a modelelor de utilitateutility models certificatesñâèäåòåëüñòâà íà ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

3 6 4 4

Anexa 4 Annex 4 Ïðèëîæåíèå 4

Anexa 3 Annex 3 Ïðèëîæåíèå 3

Anexa 2 Annex 2 Ïðèëîæåíèå 2

Page 52: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


5 2

Anexa 5 Annex 5 Ïðèëîæåíèå 5

Cereri de la solicitan\i str[ini din 10 \[ri- cele mai active conform num[rului decereri depuse ]n 1993 – 1997Patent Applications Filed by ForeignApplicants from 10 Countries Leaders in1993-1997Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿ–âèòåëÿìè èç 10 íàèáîëåå àêòèâíûõñòðàí ñ íàèáîëüøèì êîëè÷åñòâîìçàÿâîê çà 1993-1997 ãã.

Eliberarea =i valabilitatea brevetelorRepublicii Moldova

Patents of the Republic of MoldovaGranted and Validated

Âûäà÷à è äåéñòâèå ïàòåíòîâÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà

Num[rul brevetelor eliberate conformdatelor de la finele anului 1997Patents Granted at the end of 1997Êîëè÷åñòâî ïàòåíòîâ âûäàííûõ íàêîíåö 1997 ã.

n Indicii n Indexes l Ïîêàçàòåëè 1994 1995 1996 1997Total brevete eliberateTotal patents grantedÂûäàíî ïàòåíòîâ – âñåãî

39 227 235 229

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:titularilor na\ionalinational patenteesíàöèîíàëüíûì ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëÿìtitularilor str[iniforeign patenteesèíîñòðàííûì ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëÿì









Din num[rul total: From the total: Èç îáùåãî èòîãà:eliberate ]n schimbul certificatelor de autor ale U.R.S.S.in exchange for the USSR author’s certificatesâûäàíî â îáìåí íà àâòîðñêèå ñâèäåòåëüñòâà ÑÑÑÐ 8 34 113 31Brevete ]n vigoare la sf`r=itul anuluiPatents in force at the end of the yearÄåéñòâîâàëî ïàòåíòîâ íà êîíåö ãîäà 39 266 501 730

|[rile din care au fost depuse cereriCountriesÑòðàíû ïðèíàäëåæíîñòè çàÿâîê


Ratingul (pozi\ia ]n clasament) ]n anul:Rating in

Ðåéòèíã (çàíèìàåìîå ìåñòî) â:1993 - 1997 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

SUA US 128 1-2 1 3-7 1 1

Elve\ia CH 61 1-2 3 1 5 −

Germania DE 56 4 2 3-7 2-3 −

Marea Britanie GB 48 7-10 5 3-7 4 2

Fran\a FR 36 − 4 8-12 9-12 5-11

Austria AT 28 7-10 6 − 14-26 12-15

Federa\ia Rus[ RU 25 5-6 10 2 7-8 5-11

Ungaria HU 25 − 7 − 9-12 −

Japonia JP 24 3 9 8-12 7-8 −

Olanda NL 20 7-10 17 3-7 2-3 5-11Alte \[riOther CountriesÎñòàëüíûå ñòðàíû

97 x x x x x

Total Total Âñåãî 548 x x x x x

Nr. crt.Nr.¹ ï/ï

|[ri de\in[toare de brevete (]n ordineadescre=terii num[rului de brevete)Countries of origin of patenteesÑòðàíû ïàòåíòîâëàäåëüöû (â ïîðÿäêåóáûâàíèÿ êîëè÷åñòâà ïàòåíòîâ)

Num[rul debreveteNumberÊîëè÷åñòâî

]n % fa\[ de total% to the totalâ % ê èòîãó

1 Elve\ia CH 32 14,82 Fran\a FR 26 12,03 SUA US 26 12,04 Germania DE 23 10,65 Marea Britanie GB 21 ,76 Ungaria HU 21 9,77 Austria AT 20 9,38 Japonia JP 15 7,09 Federa\ia Rus[ RU 11 5,110 Italia IT 7 3,211 China CN 2 0,912 Danemarca DK 2 0,913 Spania ES 2 0,914 Polonia PL 2 0,915 Olanda NL 1 0,516 Norvegia NO 1 0,517 Africa de Sud ZA 1 0,518 Iran IR 1 0,519 Ucraina UA 1 0,520 Suedia SU 1 0,5

Total: l Total: l Èòîãî: 216 100

Anexa 7 Annex 7 Ïðèëîæåíèå 7

Anexa 6 Annex 6 Ïðèëîæåíèå 6


5 2

Anexa 5 Annex 5 Ïðèëîæåíèå 5

Cereri de la solicitan\i str[ini din 10 \[ri- cele mai active conform num[rului decereri depuse ]n 1993 – 1997Patent Applications Filed by ForeignApplicants from 10 Countries Leaders in1993-1997Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê èíîñòðàííûìè çàÿ–âèòåëÿìè èç 10 íàèáîëåå àêòèâíûõñòðàí ñ íàèáîëüøèì êîëè÷åñòâîìçàÿâîê çà 1993-1997 ãã.

Eliberarea =i valabilitatea brevetelorRepublicii Moldova

Patents of the Republic of MoldovaGranted and Validated

Âûäà÷à è äåéñòâèå ïàòåíòîâÐåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà

Num[rul brevetelor eliberate conformdatelor de la finele anului 1997Patents Granted at the end of 1997Êîëè÷åñòâî ïàòåíòîâ âûäàííûõ íàêîíåö 1997 ã.

n Indicii n Indexes l Ïîêàçàòåëè 1994 1995 1996 1997Total brevete eliberateTotal patents grantedÂûäàíî ïàòåíòîâ – âñåãî

39 227 235 229

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:titularilor na\ionalinational patenteesíàöèîíàëüíûì ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëÿìtitularilor str[iniforeign patenteesèíîñòðàííûì ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëÿì









Din num[rul total: From the total: Èç îáùåãî èòîãà:eliberate ]n schimbul certificatelor de autor ale U.R.S.S.in exchange for the USSR author’s certificatesâûäàíî â îáìåí íà àâòîðñêèå ñâèäåòåëüñòâà ÑÑÑÐ 8 34 113 31Brevete ]n vigoare la sf`r=itul anuluiPatents in force at the end of the yearÄåéñòâîâàëî ïàòåíòîâ íà êîíåö ãîäà 39 266 501 730

|[rile din care au fost depuse cereriCountriesÑòðàíû ïðèíàäëåæíîñòè çàÿâîê


Ratingul (pozi\ia ]n clasament) ]n anul:Rating in

Ðåéòèíã (çàíèìàåìîå ìåñòî) â:1993 - 1997 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

SUA US 128 1-2 1 3-7 1 1

Elve\ia CH 61 1-2 3 1 5 −

Germania DE 56 4 2 3-7 2-3 −

Marea Britanie GB 48 7-10 5 3-7 4 2

Fran\a FR 36 − 4 8-12 9-12 5-11

Austria AT 28 7-10 6 − 14-26 12-15

Federa\ia Rus[ RU 25 5-6 10 2 7-8 5-11

Ungaria HU 25 − 7 − 9-12 −

Japonia JP 24 3 9 8-12 7-8 −

Olanda NL 20 7-10 17 3-7 2-3 5-11Alte \[riOther CountriesÎñòàëüíûå ñòðàíû

97 x x x x x

Total Total Âñåãî 548 x x x x x

Nr. crt.Nr.¹ ï/ï

|[ri de\in[toare de brevete (]n ordineadescre=terii num[rului de brevete)Countries of origin of patenteesÑòðàíû ïàòåíòîâëàäåëüöû (â ïîðÿäêåóáûâàíèÿ êîëè÷åñòâà ïàòåíòîâ)

Num[rul debreveteNumberÊîëè÷åñòâî

]n % fa\[ de total% to the totalâ % ê èòîãó

1 Elve\ia CH 32 14,82 Fran\a FR 26 12,03 SUA US 26 12,04 Germania DE 23 10,65 Marea Britanie GB 21 ,76 Ungaria HU 21 9,77 Austria AT 20 9,38 Japonia JP 15 7,09 Federa\ia Rus[ RU 11 5,110 Italia IT 7 3,211 China CN 2 0,912 Danemarca DK 2 0,913 Spania ES 2 0,914 Polonia PL 2 0,915 Olanda NL 1 0,516 Norvegia NO 1 0,517 Africa de Sud ZA 1 0,518 Iran IR 1 0,519 Ucraina UA 1 0,520 Suedia SU 1 0,5

Total: l Total: l Èòîãî: 216 100

Anexa 7 Annex 7 Ïðèëîæåíèå 7

Anexa 6 Annex 6 Ïðèëîæåíèå 6

Page 53: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


5 3

n Sec\iunile CIBu I P Cl Ðàçäåëû ÌÏÊ


1994 1995 1996 1997x)

Necesit[\i curente ale vie\iiHuman necessitiesÓäîâëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõïîòðåáíîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà

297 / 41,5 21 / 53,8 100 / 44,1 103 / 43,8 73 / 34,1

Tehnici industriale diverse; transportPerforming operations; TransportingÐàçëè÷íûå òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèå ïðîöåññû;òðàíñïîðò

64 / 9,0 2 / 5,1 13 / 5,7 22 / 9,4 27 / 12,6

Chimie =i metalurgieChemistry and MetallurgyÕèìèÿ; ìåòàëëóðãèÿ

232 / 32,4 15 / 38,5 99 / 43,6 67 / 28,5 51 / 23,8

Textile =i h`rtieTextiles and PaperÒåêñòèëü; áóìàãà

8 / 1,1 − 3 / 1,3 5 / 2,1 −

Construc\ii; mineritFixed ConstructionsÑòðîèòåëüñòâî; ãîðíîå äåëî

22 / 3,1 − 5 / 2,2 13 / 5,5 4 / 1,9

Mecanic[. Iluminat. }nc[lzire. Motoare=i pompe etc.Mechanical Engineering; Lighting;Heating; Weapons; Blasting and etc.Ìåõàíèêà; îñâåùåíèå; îòîïëåíèå;äâèãàòåëè è íàñîñû è äð.

33 / 4,6 1 / 2,6 4 / 1,8 14 / 6,0 14 / 6,5


40 / 5,6 − 2 / 0,9 6 / 2,6 32 / 15,0


19 / 2,7 − 1 / 0,4 5 / 2,1 13 / 6,1

Total: Total: Èòîãî: 715 / 100 39 / 100 227 / 100 235 / 100 214 / 100

Indicii � Indexes � Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Cereri depuseApplications filedÏîäàíî çàÿâîê

2 11 6 9 5

de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

2 9 6 8 5

de c[tre solicitan\ii str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

− 2 − 1 −

Certificate de ]nregistrare a modelelor de utilitate eliberateUtility models certificates grantedÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè x 3 6 4 4titularilor na\ionalito national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

x 3 6 4 3

titularilor str[inito foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

x x − − 1

Certificate ]n vigoare la sf`r=itul anuluiUtility model certificates in force at the end of the yearÄåéñòâîâàëî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà êîíåö ãîäà

x 3 9 13 17

Anexa 8 Annex 8 Ïðèëîæåíèå 8

Reparti\ia brevetelor eliberate ]n 1994 - 1997 conform sec\iunilor CIB (num[rul / ]n % fa\[ de total)

Distribution of Patents Granted in 1994-1997 According to the IPC Sections (number/ in %)

Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïàòåíòîâ, âûäàííûõ â 1994-1997 ãã. ïî ðàçäåëàì ÌÏÊ (êîëè÷åñòâî/â % ê èòîãó)

x) sunt luate ]n considerare doar brevetele eliberate titularilor na\ionalix) Patents granted to national patentees onlyõ) ó÷òåíû ïàòåíòû âûäàííûå òîëüêî íàöèîíàëüíûì ïàòåíòîâëàäåëüöàì

Dinamica depunerii cererilor =ieliber[rii certificatelor de]nregistrare a modelelor deutilitate

Dynamics of Utility ModelsApplications Filed and GrantedCertificates

Äèíàìèêà ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê èâûäàííûõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íàïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

Anexa 9 Annex 9 Ïðèëîæåíèå 9


5 3

n Sec\iunile CIBu I P Cl Ðàçäåëû ÌÏÊ


1994 1995 1996 1997x)

Necesit[\i curente ale vie\iiHuman necessitiesÓäîâëåòâîðåíèå æèçíåííûõïîòðåáíîñòåé ÷åëîâåêà

297 / 41,5 21 / 53,8 100 / 44,1 103 / 43,8 73 / 34,1

Tehnici industriale diverse; transportPerforming operations; TransportingÐàçëè÷íûå òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèå ïðîöåññû;òðàíñïîðò

64 / 9,0 2 / 5,1 13 / 5,7 22 / 9,4 27 / 12,6

Chimie =i metalurgieChemistry and MetallurgyÕèìèÿ; ìåòàëëóðãèÿ

232 / 32,4 15 / 38,5 99 / 43,6 67 / 28,5 51 / 23,8

Textile =i h`rtieTextiles and PaperÒåêñòèëü; áóìàãà

8 / 1,1 − 3 / 1,3 5 / 2,1 −

Construc\ii; mineritFixed ConstructionsÑòðîèòåëüñòâî; ãîðíîå äåëî

22 / 3,1 − 5 / 2,2 13 / 5,5 4 / 1,9

Mecanic[. Iluminat. }nc[lzire. Motoare=i pompe etc.Mechanical Engineering; Lighting;Heating; Weapons; Blasting and etc.Ìåõàíèêà; îñâåùåíèå; îòîïëåíèå;äâèãàòåëè è íàñîñû è äð.

33 / 4,6 1 / 2,6 4 / 1,8 14 / 6,0 14 / 6,5


40 / 5,6 − 2 / 0,9 6 / 2,6 32 / 15,0


19 / 2,7 − 1 / 0,4 5 / 2,1 13 / 6,1

Total: Total: Èòîãî: 715 / 100 39 / 100 227 / 100 235 / 100 214 / 100

Indicii � Indexes � Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Cereri depuseApplications filedÏîäàíî çàÿâîê

2 11 6 9 5

de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

2 9 6 8 5

de c[tre solicitan\ii str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

− 2 − 1 −

Certificate de ]nregistrare a modelelor de utilitate eliberateUtility models certificates grantedÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà ïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè x 3 6 4 4titularilor na\ionalito national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

x 3 6 4 3

titularilor str[inito foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

x x − − 1

Certificate ]n vigoare la sf`r=itul anuluiUtility model certificates in force at the end of the yearÄåéñòâîâàëî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà êîíåö ãîäà

x 3 9 13 17

Anexa 8 Annex 8 Ïðèëîæåíèå 8

Reparti\ia brevetelor eliberate ]n 1994 - 1997 conform sec\iunilor CIB (num[rul / ]n % fa\[ de total)

Distribution of Patents Granted in 1994-1997 According to the IPC Sections (number/ in %)

Ðàñïðåäåëåíèå ïàòåíòîâ, âûäàííûõ â 1994-1997 ãã. ïî ðàçäåëàì ÌÏÊ (êîëè÷åñòâî/â % ê èòîãó)

x) sunt luate ]n considerare doar brevetele eliberate titularilor na\ionalix) Patents granted to national patentees onlyõ) ó÷òåíû ïàòåíòû âûäàííûå òîëüêî íàöèîíàëüíûì ïàòåíòîâëàäåëüöàì

Dinamica depunerii cererilor =ieliber[rii certificatelor de]nregistrare a modelelor deutilitate

Dynamics of Utility ModelsApplications Filed and GrantedCertificates

Äèíàìèêà ïîäàííûõ çàÿâîê èâûäàííûõ ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íàïîëåçíûå ìîäåëè

Anexa 9 Annex 9 Ïðèëîæåíèå 9

Page 54: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


5 4

Anexa 10 Annex 10 Ïðèëîæåíèå 10

Cereri de la solicitan\i str[ini din 10 \[ri - cele maiactive conform num[rului de cereri

depuse ]n 1993 – 1997

Applications Filed from 10 Countries - Leaders in1993-1997

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê èç 10 ñòðàí ñ íàèáîëüøèìêîëè÷åñòâîì çàÿâîê çà 1993-1997 ãã.

Dinamica depunerii cererilor =i eliber[riicertificatelor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor

Dynamics of Trademarks ApplicationsFiled and Granted Trademarks Certifi-cates

Äèíàìèêà ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê è âûäà÷àñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè

n |[rile de origine a cererilorn Countriesn Ñòðàíû ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ


Ratingul (pozi\ia ]n clasament) ]n anul:RatingÐåéòèíã (çàíèìàåìîå ìåñòî) â

çàÿâîê 1993 - 1997 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997SUA US 2406 1 1 1 1 1Marea Britanie GB 678 2 2 2 3 2Germania DE 481 5 3 11-15 2 8-9Japonia JP 448 4 4 3 5 3Fran\a FR 315 3 5 11-15 10-12 13Elve\ia CH 187 17-20 6 11-15 10-12 8-9Danemarca DK 131 10-11 7 25-31 4 12Italia IT 101 12-16 8 11-15 13 −

Olanda NL 83 7 11 4 6 14-15Federa\ia Rus[ RU 74 9 12 16-18 9 5-6Alte \[riOthersÎñòàëüíûå ñòðàíû

694 x x x x x

Total: Total: Èòîãî: 5598 x x x x x

Indicii l Indexes l Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 19971. Total cereri depuse

Applications filedÏîäàíî çàÿâîê - âñåãî

6 180 246 404 456

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

6 10 9 35 62

de c[tre solicitan\ii str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

- 170 237 369 394

din ele: of them: èç íèõ:direct la AGEPIwith the AGEPIíåïîñðåäñòâåííî â AGEPI

- 13 1 7 7

conform Aranjamentului de la Hagaunder the Hague Agreementïî Ãààãñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ

- 157 236 362 387

2. Total certificate eliberateCertificates grantedÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ - âñåãî

- 21 9 34 64

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:titularilor na\ionalito national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

- 13 6 31 50

titularilor str[inito foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

- 8 3 3 14

Desene =i modele industriale: cereri depuse =icertificate de ]nregistrare eliberate ]n anii1993 – 1997

Industrial Designs: Applications Filed, GrantedCertificates in 1993-1997

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê è âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íàïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè çà 1993-1997 ãã.

Anexa 12 Annex 12 Ïðèëîæåíèå 12

Anexa 11 Annex 11 Ïðèëîæåíèå 11

Nr. crt.Nr.¹ ï/ï

Indicii � Indexes � Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

1 Total cereri depuseTotal applications filedÏîäàíî çàÿâîê - âñåãî

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìède c[tre solicitan\ii str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

din ele: of them: èç íèõ:]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul de la Madridunder the Madrid Agreementâ ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ìàäðèäñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì




















2 Total certificate eliberateTotal granted certificatesÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ - âñåãî

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:titularilor na\ionalito national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿìtitularilor str[inito foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì













3 Certificate ]n vigoare la sf`r=itul anuluiCertificates in force at the end of the yearÍà êîíåö ãîäà äåéñòâîâàëî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

− 383 1964 3933 5069



5 4

Anexa 10 Annex 10 Ïðèëîæåíèå 10

Cereri de la solicitan\i str[ini din 10 \[ri - cele maiactive conform num[rului de cereri

depuse ]n 1993 – 1997

Applications Filed from 10 Countries - Leaders in1993-1997

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê èç 10 ñòðàí ñ íàèáîëüøèìêîëè÷åñòâîì çàÿâîê çà 1993-1997 ãã.

Dinamica depunerii cererilor =i eliber[riicertificatelor de ]nregistrare a m[rcilor

Dynamics of Trademarks ApplicationsFiled and Granted Trademarks Certifi-cates

Äèíàìèêà ïîäà÷è çàÿâîê è âûäà÷àñâèäåòåëüñòâ íà òîâàðíûå çíàêè

n |[rile de origine a cererilorn Countriesn Ñòðàíû ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ


Ratingul (pozi\ia ]n clasament) ]n anul:RatingÐåéòèíã (çàíèìàåìîå ìåñòî) â

çàÿâîê 1993 - 1997 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997SUA US 2406 1 1 1 1 1Marea Britanie GB 678 2 2 2 3 2Germania DE 481 5 3 11-15 2 8-9Japonia JP 448 4 4 3 5 3Fran\a FR 315 3 5 11-15 10-12 13Elve\ia CH 187 17-20 6 11-15 10-12 8-9Danemarca DK 131 10-11 7 25-31 4 12Italia IT 101 12-16 8 11-15 13 −

Olanda NL 83 7 11 4 6 14-15Federa\ia Rus[ RU 74 9 12 16-18 9 5-6Alte \[riOthersÎñòàëüíûå ñòðàíû

694 x x x x x

Total: Total: Èòîãî: 5598 x x x x x

Indicii l Indexes l Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 19971. Total cereri depuse

Applications filedÏîäàíî çàÿâîê - âñåãî

6 180 246 404 456

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

6 10 9 35 62

de c[tre solicitan\ii str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

- 170 237 369 394

din ele: of them: èç íèõ:direct la AGEPIwith the AGEPIíåïîñðåäñòâåííî â AGEPI

- 13 1 7 7

conform Aranjamentului de la Hagaunder the Hague Agreementïî Ãààãñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ

- 157 236 362 387

2. Total certificate eliberateCertificates grantedÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ - âñåãî

- 21 9 34 64

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:titularilor na\ionalito national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

- 13 6 31 50

titularilor str[inito foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì

- 8 3 3 14

Desene =i modele industriale: cereri depuse =icertificate de ]nregistrare eliberate ]n anii1993 – 1997

Industrial Designs: Applications Filed, GrantedCertificates in 1993-1997

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê è âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ íàïðîìûøëåííûå ðèñóíêè è ìîäåëè çà 1993-1997 ãã.

Anexa 12 Annex 12 Ïðèëîæåíèå 12

Anexa 11 Annex 11 Ïðèëîæåíèå 11

Nr. crt.Nr.¹ ï/ï

Indicii � Indexes � Ïîêàçàòåëè 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

1 Total cereri depuseTotal applications filedÏîäàíî çàÿâîê - âñåãî

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:de c[tre solicitan\ii na\ionaliby national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìède c[tre solicitan\ii str[iniby foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûìè çàÿâèòåëÿìè

din ele: of them: èç íèõ:]n conformitate cu Aranjamentul de la Madridunder the Madrid Agreementâ ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ Ìàäðèäñêèì ñîãëàøåíèåì




















2 Total certificate eliberateTotal granted certificatesÂûäàíî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ - âñåãî

inclusiv: including: â òîì ÷èñëå:titularilor na\ionalito national applicantsíàöèîíàëüíûì çàÿâèòåëÿìtitularilor str[inito foreign applicantsèíîñòðàííûì çàÿâèòåëÿì













3 Certificate ]n vigoare la sf`r=itul anuluiCertificates in force at the end of the yearÍà êîíåö ãîäà äåéñòâîâàëî ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

− 383 1964 3933 5069


Page 55: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


5 5


Cereri depuseFiled ApplicationsÏîäà÷à çàÿâîê

Certificate eliberateGranted CertificatesÂûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

Elve\ia CH 45,3 50,2Germania DE 22,0 22,1Spania ES 1,1 1,4Fran\a FR 22,1 18,4Italia IT 2,9 3,9Polonia PL 3,6 2,4Alte \[riOthersÎñòàëüíûå ñòðàíû

3,0 1,6


100 100

Nr. crt.Nr.¹ ï/ï

Denumirea conven\iei, aranjamentului, tratatuluiName of Agreement, Convention, TreatyÍàèìåíîâàíèå êîíâåíöèè, ñîãëàøåíèÿ, äîãîâîðà

Data intr[rii ]n vigoareDate of enactmentÄàòà âñòóïëåíèÿ â ñèëó

1 Conven\ia pentru instituirea OMPI (1967)Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property OrganizationÊîíâåíöèÿ ïî ó÷ðåæäåíèþ ÂÎÈÑ (1967)


2 Conven\ia de la Paris pentru protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale (1883)Paris Convention (1883) for the Protection of Industrial PropertyÏàðèæñêàÿ êîíâåíöèÿ ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè (1883)


3 Aranjamentul de la Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ a m[rcilor (1891)Madrid Agreement (1891) Concerning the International Registration of MarksÌàäðèäñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ðåãèñòðàöèè çíàêîâ (1891)


4 Tratatul de cooperare ]n domeniul brevetelor (PCT, 1970)Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970)Äîãîâîð î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè (ÐÑÒ, 1970)


5 Tratatul de la Budapesta privind recunoa=terea interna\ional[ a depozitului microorganismelor ]nscopul asigur[rii protec\iei prin brevete (1977)Budapest Treaty (1977) on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for thePurposes of Patent ProcedureÁóäàïåøòñêèé äîãîâîð î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì ïðèçíàíèè äåïîíèðîâàíèÿ ìèêðîîðãàíèçìîâ äëÿ öåëåéïàòåíòíîé ïðîöåäóðû (1977)


6 Tratatul de la Nairobi privind protec\ia simbolului olimpic (1981)Nairobi Treaty (1981) on the Protection of the Olympic SymbolÍàéðîáñêèé äîãîâîð îá îõðàíå îëèìïèéñêîãî ñèìâîëà (1981)


7 Aranjamentul de la Haga privind depozitul interna\ional de desene =i modele industriale (1925)Hague Agreement (1925) Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsÃààãñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì äåïîíèðîâàíèè ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ (1925) 14.03.1994

8 Conven\ia privind Brevetul Euroasiatic (1994)Eurasian Patent Convention of (1994)Åâðàçèéñêàÿ ïàòåíòíàÿ êîíâåíöèÿ (1994)


9 Tratatul privind legisla\ia ]n domeniul m[rcilor (1994)Trademark Law Treaty (1994)Äîãîâîð î çàêîíàõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì (1994)


10 Protocolul referitor la Aranjamentul de la Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ a m[rcilor(1989)Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks(1989)Ïðîòîêîë ê Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ î ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ðåãèñòðàöèè çíàêîâ (1989)


11 Aranjamentul de la Nisa privind clasificarea interna\ional[ a produselor =i serviciilor ]n scopul]nregistr[rii m[rcilor (1957)Nice Agreement (1957) Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for thePurposes of the Registration of MarksÍèööêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè òîâàðîâ è óñëóã äëÿ ðåãèñòðàöèè çíàêîâ(1957)


12 Aranjamentul de la Viena privind instituirea clasific[rii interna\ionale a elementelor figurative alem[rcilor (1973)Vienna Agreement (1973) Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements ofMarksÂåíñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå îá ó÷ðåæäåíèè Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè èçîáðàçèòåëüíûõ ýëåìåíòîâçíàêîâ (1973)


13 Aranjamentul de la Locarno privind instituirea clasific[rii interna\ionale a desenelor =i modelelorindustriale (1968)Locarno Agreement (1968) Establishing an International Classification for Industrial DesignsËîêàðíñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå îá ó÷ðåæäåíèè Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ(1968)


14 Aranjamentul de la Strasbourg privind clasificarea interna\ional[ de brevete (1971)Strasbourg Agreement (1971) Concerning the International Patent ClassificationÑòðàñáóðãñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïàòåíòíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè (1971)


Anexa 13 Annex 13 Ïðèëîæåíèå 13

Cereri depuse =i certificate eliberate ]n anii 1994 - 1997x)

Applications Filed and Certificates Granted in 1994-1997x)

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê è âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ çà 1994-1997 ãã.õ)

(]n % fa\[ de total) (in % to the total) ( â % ê èòîãó)

x) f[r[ anul 1997x) without 1997õ) áåç 1997 ã.


=i tratateinterna\ionale

la careRepublica

Moldova esteparte

InternationalConventions,Treaties andAgreements

State-memberof which

is the Republicof Moldova


ñîãëàøåíèÿ èäîãîâîðû,



Anexa 14 Annexe 14 Ïðèëîæåíèå 14


5 5


Cereri depuseFiled ApplicationsÏîäà÷à çàÿâîê

Certificate eliberateGranted CertificatesÂûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ

Elve\ia CH 45,3 50,2Germania DE 22,0 22,1Spania ES 1,1 1,4Fran\a FR 22,1 18,4Italia IT 2,9 3,9Polonia PL 3,6 2,4Alte \[riOthersÎñòàëüíûå ñòðàíû

3,0 1,6


100 100

Nr. crt.Nr.¹ ï/ï

Denumirea conven\iei, aranjamentului, tratatuluiName of Agreement, Convention, TreatyÍàèìåíîâàíèå êîíâåíöèè, ñîãëàøåíèÿ, äîãîâîðà

Data intr[rii ]n vigoareDate of enactmentÄàòà âñòóïëåíèÿ â ñèëó

1 Conven\ia pentru instituirea OMPI (1967)Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property OrganizationÊîíâåíöèÿ ïî ó÷ðåæäåíèþ ÂÎÈÑ (1967)


2 Conven\ia de la Paris pentru protec\ia propriet[\ii industriale (1883)Paris Convention (1883) for the Protection of Industrial PropertyÏàðèæñêàÿ êîíâåíöèÿ ïî îõðàíå ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè (1883)


3 Aranjamentul de la Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ a m[rcilor (1891)Madrid Agreement (1891) Concerning the International Registration of MarksÌàäðèäñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ðåãèñòðàöèè çíàêîâ (1891)


4 Tratatul de cooperare ]n domeniul brevetelor (PCT, 1970)Patent Cooperation Treaty (1970)Äîãîâîð î ïàòåíòíîé êîîïåðàöèè (ÐÑÒ, 1970)


5 Tratatul de la Budapesta privind recunoa=terea interna\ional[ a depozitului microorganismelor ]nscopul asigur[rii protec\iei prin brevete (1977)Budapest Treaty (1977) on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for thePurposes of Patent ProcedureÁóäàïåøòñêèé äîãîâîð î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì ïðèçíàíèè äåïîíèðîâàíèÿ ìèêðîîðãàíèçìîâ äëÿ öåëåéïàòåíòíîé ïðîöåäóðû (1977)


6 Tratatul de la Nairobi privind protec\ia simbolului olimpic (1981)Nairobi Treaty (1981) on the Protection of the Olympic SymbolÍàéðîáñêèé äîãîâîð îá îõðàíå îëèìïèéñêîãî ñèìâîëà (1981)


7 Aranjamentul de la Haga privind depozitul interna\ional de desene =i modele industriale (1925)Hague Agreement (1925) Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial DesignsÃààãñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î ìåæäóíàðîäíîì äåïîíèðîâàíèè ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ (1925) 14.03.1994

8 Conven\ia privind Brevetul Euroasiatic (1994)Eurasian Patent Convention of (1994)Åâðàçèéñêàÿ ïàòåíòíàÿ êîíâåíöèÿ (1994)


9 Tratatul privind legisla\ia ]n domeniul m[rcilor (1994)Trademark Law Treaty (1994)Äîãîâîð î çàêîíàõ ïî òîâàðíûì çíàêàì (1994)


10 Protocolul referitor la Aranjamentul de la Madrid privind ]nregistrarea interna\ional[ a m[rcilor(1989)Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks(1989)Ïðîòîêîë ê Ìàäðèäñêîìó ñîãëàøåíèþ î ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ðåãèñòðàöèè çíàêîâ (1989)


11 Aranjamentul de la Nisa privind clasificarea interna\ional[ a produselor =i serviciilor ]n scopul]nregistr[rii m[rcilor (1957)Nice Agreement (1957) Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for thePurposes of the Registration of MarksÍèööêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè òîâàðîâ è óñëóã äëÿ ðåãèñòðàöèè çíàêîâ(1957)


12 Aranjamentul de la Viena privind instituirea clasific[rii interna\ionale a elementelor figurative alem[rcilor (1973)Vienna Agreement (1973) Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements ofMarksÂåíñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå îá ó÷ðåæäåíèè Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè èçîáðàçèòåëüíûõ ýëåìåíòîâçíàêîâ (1973)


13 Aranjamentul de la Locarno privind instituirea clasific[rii interna\ionale a desenelor =i modelelorindustriale (1968)Locarno Agreement (1968) Establishing an International Classification for Industrial DesignsËîêàðíñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå îá ó÷ðåæäåíèè Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè ïðîìûøëåííûõ îáðàçöîâ(1968)


14 Aranjamentul de la Strasbourg privind clasificarea interna\ional[ de brevete (1971)Strasbourg Agreement (1971) Concerning the International Patent ClassificationÑòðàñáóðãñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå î Ìåæäóíàðîäíîé ïàòåíòíîé êëàññèôèêàöèè (1971)


Anexa 13 Annex 13 Ïðèëîæåíèå 13

Cereri depuse =i certificate eliberate ]n anii 1994 - 1997x)

Applications Filed and Certificates Granted in 1994-1997x)

Ïîäà÷à çàÿâîê è âûäà÷à ñâèäåòåëüñòâ çà 1994-1997 ãã.õ)

(]n % fa\[ de total) (in % to the total) ( â % ê èòîãó)

x) f[r[ anul 1997x) without 1997õ) áåç 1997 ã.


=i tratateinterna\ionale

la careRepublica

Moldova esteparte

InternationalConventions,Treaties andAgreements

State-memberof which

is the Republicof Moldova


ñîãëàøåíèÿ èäîãîâîðû,



Anexa 14 Annexe 14 Ïðèëîæåíèå 14

Page 56: Raport Anual 1997 - Annual Report 1997 - Годовой отчёт 1997agepi.gov.md/sites/default/files/bopi/ra_1997.pdf · au fost propuse solu\ii adecvate viz`nd automatizarea procesului


5 6

Colegiul de redac\ie:Eugen STA+COV (pre=edinte), Ion DANILIUC, Boris SCHI|CO, Victor SOSNOVSCHI, Vitalie PATLATI, GhermanMAMEDOV (responsabil), Andrei MOISEI, Eudochia CHILARI, Nadina PRIPA, Veaceslav CRECETOV, OxanaPANASENCO, Maria CERNOBROVCIUC, Ecaterina MARANDICI (redactor-=ef adjunct), Lucia GORDIL{, VictoriaANDRIU|{, Vitalie COJOCARU, Mihai VICOL.

Tehnoredactare =i machetare: Zinaida BONDARI, Miroslava BUTNARU; Coperta: Ina DENER Pre-press servicii: Eugen BOICO

Imprimat la tipografiaã Toate drepturile sunt rezervate AGEPI. Aceast[ publica\ie nu va putea fi reprodus[ ]n tot sau ]n parte, ]n nici un

mod, f[r[ autoriza\ie prealabil[.

Discul 3Legisla\ia Republicii Moldova ]n domeniul protec\ieipropriet[\ii industriale.

Laws of the Republic of Moldova in the field ofindustrial property protection.

Çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâî Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà â îáëàñòèîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.

Discul 1Inven\ii create ]n Republica Moldova ]n anii 1963

- 1992 Index bibliografic.

The Inventions created in the Republic ofMoldova 1963 - 1992 Bibliografic index.

Êîëëåêöèÿ èçîáðåòåíèé ñîçäàííûõ âÐåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà â 1963 - 1992.

Discul 2Inven\ii ]nregistrate ]n Republica Moldova ]n anii 1993-1997(Cereri de brevet de inven\ie, Brevete de inven\ie acordate, Brevetede inven\ie eliberate).

Inventions registered in the Republic of Moldova 1993 -1997(Patent Applications, Granted Patents for Inventions, Issued Patentsfor Inventions).

Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå èçîáðåòåíèÿ â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà â1993 - 1997.(Çàÿâêè íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ, èçîáðåòåíèÿ ïî êîòîðûì ïðèíÿòûðåøåíèÿ î âûäà÷å, âûäàííûå ïàòåíòû).


5 6

Colegiul de redac\ie:Eugen STA+COV (pre=edinte), Ion DANILIUC, Boris SCHI|CO, Victor SOSNOVSCHI, Vitalie PATLATI, GhermanMAMEDOV (responsabil), Andrei MOISEI, Eudochia CHILARI, Nadina PRIPA, Veaceslav CRECETOV, OxanaPANASENCO, Maria CERNOBROVCIUC, Ecaterina MARANDICI (redactor-=ef adjunct), Lucia GORDIL{, VictoriaANDRIU|{, Vitalie COJOCARU, Mihai VICOL.

Tehnoredactare =i machetare: Zinaida BONDARI, Miroslava BUTNARU; Coperta: Ina DENER Pre-press servicii: Eugen BOICO

Imprimat la tipografia Toate drepturile sunt rezervate AGEPI. Aceast[ publica\ie nu va putea fi reprodus[ ]n tot sau ]n parte, ]n nici un

mod, f[r[ autoriza\ie prealabil[.

Discul 3Legisla\ia Republicii Moldova ]n domeniul protec\ieipropriet[\ii industriale.

Laws of the Republic of Moldova in the field ofindustrial property protection.

Çàêîíîäàòåëüñòâî Ðåñïóáëèêè Ìîëäîâà â îáëàñòèîõðàíû ïðîìûøëåííîé ñîáñòâåííîñòè.

Discul 1Inven\ii create ]n Republica Moldova ]n anii 1963

- 1992 Index bibliografic.

The Inventions created in the Republic ofMoldova 1963 - 1992 Bibliografic index.

Êîëëåêöèÿ èçîáðåòåíèé ñîçäàííûõ âÐåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà â 1963 - 1992.

Discul 2Inven\ii ]nregistrate ]n Republica Moldova ]n anii 1993-1997(Cereri de brevet de inven\ie, Brevete de inven\ie acordate, Brevetede inven\ie eliberate).

Inventions registered in the Republic of Moldova 1993 -1997(Patent Applications, Granted Patents for Inventions, Issued Patentsfor Inventions).

Çàðåãèñòðèðîâàííûå èçîáðåòåíèÿ â Ðåñïóáëèêå Ìîëäîâà â1993 - 1997.(Çàÿâêè íà èçîáðåòåíèÿ, èçîáðåòåíèÿ ïî êîòîðûì ïðèíÿòûðåøåíèÿ î âûäà÷å, âûäàííûå ïàòåíòû).