r•ou• - home | eisenhower presidential library · lodg• volunt..ta r. h. • ro•e...

:0 ... 8t!6 0 .. :S5 am Th s :OO n. 9;37 - i0:04 10!04 - lhZ2 am 11122 - l hll ant 11 :30, ... 12: Ho 11•1 ... 12. 0 lt ( LUNCH) e t off c .. acco · a.nt · by c: uls. • P r•ou• ·au tc l1 la• illc rty e to t the Wee . Si ea Leznon., n.. . H 4 motor to mry Club.

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Post on 29-Jul-2020




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:0 ... 8t!6 0 •

.. :S5 am ~ on. Th

s • :OO


9;37 - i0:04

10!04 - lhZ2 am

11122 - l hll ant

11:30, ... 12:


11•1 ... 12. 0

lt (LUNCH)


e t off c .. acco · a.nt · by c: uls.

• P r•ou• ·au

tc l1

la• illc

• rty

e to

t the Wee.

Si •

ea Leznon., n... ~colm H • 4 motor to

mry Club.

Page 2: r•ou• - Home | Eisenhower Presidential Library · Lodg• Volunt..Ta r. H. • Ro•e X4C:UtiV" S~c.tet -'11 i ~ ePQl)lica.a AdriaO.l'y .and Palicy Conmd.*4! r. Jehn nho ea, St



1~02 .. 5:00


5:S5 pm

1, 19 - Pac• 2

Arrived at urni Te •

Th .. 18 h-ol • of aolf ith

1'1' &t e ouae.

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1: s

:00 Arri:



:4 6' 1 :1

9: s .. 1


· rboroe tor York. The

' .


ala •

Cent r .

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10:45 .. 11:15 am

lh2S ·

l :Si

hl ... 1 .27

z. 1960

The r ai ent oo• elt F iel

by helicopter to

r .

lly at

irport. Here

· ei:ha~Uan

public n. Chairman

etchester Re:pubHe

in ol y

rs. R.ob rt rry

ster County Volutiteer

rt .

.. lDENT

eatchesterCounty n ... to

· ll'rive at 30th r -e eUport.

haid nt • rty rted y motorcade for HeJ"ald .quare .

rived at

dre• •• . :y r oe efeller,

ne dent is pa·rty depart• e•e.l Square to t e ~ dorf storta ff tel.

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:40 pm




'f:45 p

.,~, ,


• 1 0 P gel

y P.K.; • y.

llac Le

at t o hi• ~ _te.


Tbe re•idellt n H<l • el•on a ckefeller depUtH: the P 9i nt1

• •uite and w• to the Lo is XVI Suite in Hotel.

ov• r ocbf •llel" mad.ct tape ee for tce'l ~ton..

The re tde t re u


T & ¥e d or


!' • •

• and Mr•. Lodge acbl lleT

al _ •f A•toria Hotel or Coli•eum.

w YoJ'k CoU•eum for political -..11,..

ent t>ri•ed t th dori ~ectly ht• •\lite.

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• •


U: - h21 •


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U: • 11: 7

11 :42 • 11:5

l: • lZ.:01

12:01 - l : 3


1:0 p

2;00 p

a:1 - 2t.U

2:44 .. 4:0 p




H _


Pr et nt w nt

creta?'y of air•

:a • 2

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:Z2... :30

:32 .. 8:50 :m

:52 - :5 am

r16 .. 9t.l9 .. .

:ZA - 9:30 am

9:35 -


GA. l'lll t1 B.

G ral Oma.r

rig. G tal Andre J. Good ute.r

Lt. Colonel Jo Ei•e h.ower

Ho • ·1to

T part the t• Bou• Orou.nd• y T T nnt 1 for fli to Cleveland,


eC. yder

Preei • t and hb p rty were air rne fxom MATS Terminal for ru t; to Cln-eland•Hopkin• Airport, Clev la • Ohio.


Arri a Cl v J.and.. opkina Ai ori. re1i n.t wa.• greet by

r. and r•. a orge Humphrey r . Ray liaa .... theri11

epubllcan ational Committeewoman ~. Anthony C lebrezze, ayor of Cleveland r . Courtney ~rtQn

Chairman~ i ce Co-m.mittee

(co:ntinue )

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L FIUDAY, l'tOVE,.,._..__.,R 4 . l9bQ Pa.gt i CLEVZLANX>, OHIO

1 l ':.34 am. 11 &t c(:mtinue.d ose wl\o greeted the

U:l am

ll!ZO ... 12 ;30 , rn

nt C v lan -Hop.kb!. , _.<\ir rt: r . .il.tard lli-cwn

Ch lrm • C\ly&hQii!. Lake Comtnltt.e ... ·a.publican '""in aACll Committee

lform~r ~enator John. w _ rick1rr r. G1en m.ith

- i rman, lt ubUc Advii;cty .a.ad Policy C0nmit e

Mze. C rl e OltUUJ n c -Chalnn&•. Nh«m-Loas VoluataeT•

• · H a:rd Hyo~ Co-Cbai:r~. Nixon ... Lodg• Volunt..Ta

r. H. • Ro•e X4C:UtiV" S~c.tet -'11 i ~ ePQl)lica.a AdriaO.l'y

.and Palicy Conmd.*4! r. Jehn nho ea, St te A ifoi•

Mr. T• t>o • • ta~ oi State Cong s ont'-'11 Fi-anc s P . Zolwn Coa res nian. ,.,..illi"'·m !.'. 1.-Un•llall · r. Le u.tt4 Q~ Ridtt•.-

Candid.ate - Zoth Con res tonal District Mr. W iUiam 0 , · lke r ~ ....... al•t Coag:r•••tonal Di1trict

The Pre•ideat and !\a party w•i-• •bbo•ce .from-. Clev•J.and ... ffopkin• Airport y helice>pter for La.Jt.£r0llt

·ct.pal Airpoi-t,

Tb Pn• ent aad ht• pa.tfty departed. by motoJ'cade fo-r the Public Square,. adja-cent er.at<>h·Cl•v•lacd Hot•l.


'tu Pl'endent •pa""4 Pul>lie Squre •ad &UMti ae1"91• tAe: •tTee1 to the rat9!l•Clov-e1nd Hotel.

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FlUDAY, OVE ER 4. 1960 Page 3

12:40 pm

1:15 ... 2: 0 pm

2:1 ... 2:22 t>m

2:22 pm


3:00 pm.

3:15 pm.

3:..0 pm

4~1S pm


The Pre •id nt ar riv in bi• .uite otel. He 4&W the followt.ua:

Ra bi (D.r. ba Hillel Silver Templ ., Cleveland, Ohio

P esident ha. lunch · is suite.

:r. right rya.n. r . Louia Qeltzer. r . Presto olfe,

Cleveland Plaba O.ale-r: Cle'9'eland Pre•• Columb • (~io) Dhpatch

The Preaident dropped by a epublican Men'• L'1tlc-heon in the ed wood roo , aa mad a. few reniark•. He ••• intl'oduce

r . John Pr • · ent. eatern eeerve UmveJ>aity and Chairman, Ni•on-Lod e VolUftteel'e Comm.Ute

'Ihe Pr eident to the hit hall oom and made a £e remark• to th epublican omen theJ."e. He a.• inti'oduced by

Mrs. uth o orny Chairman. epublicm omen'• Diviaion

Pre aiden d parted the h raton-.Clevelaitd Hotel Ul motore.d to th• .Lakebont uni<:ipal Airpor't.

Arrived at La.kefront unicipa.1 Airport and oardecl heltcopt r for Cle•eland-Hopldn• Airport.

i.rborne fr<>m Cleveland·Hopld.n• Airport for :Pitteburgh. Pa.


Arrived at the Pittabur h Airport and wa.• gl!'eet.ed by tor and. • · Hugh ott aftd Mr•. ye r •

• and 1"8. Jo• ph G. mith Mr. an ..-.. Ch rle• 1. Orabam Mr. ra. Thoma.a P . Johnaon

• and Mra. Gilwin. Price Mr. Edward L . Flaherty, Allegheny County Chairman

• · Nell• G. Dreaaler, Alleghetly County Chaitwom~ r . E . • oore, U. S. eel

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4:1 p

4:25 pm

7~ ... 9; 0

TT 11 OH, :A.

Li• continue t-;o revio a .1•: re. laie H~an ra. lnadd

Q rt

ye~•. Ca.ndidat• for Conar••• Mr. Arthur O.. hAttl'Ql).. Candi ~· foll' Ce>ngre•f B. • nd J. a. Harri•

ayn 11• tson.. N tional CommitteewoaL&n "!' Pr aident d pa.Ite <lr•ater Pitt..-rglt Aiipon &ad

ot r t'O Pitta ur h Hilti otel. Here he wa• areeted by




H. Zu a•~ eneral a•r Of Kilt n Hot 1

.LAJ:uwr of he All•aheoy· xecutive Co ittee tn in. itt:sbul'-gb

. • l'• at th heacl ta' la!

th. T'l'ea.v.rel' of .Finance Committee ny County re••l•r • ic C innaJ:t

Page 12: r•ou• - Home | Eisenhower Presidential Library · Lodg• Volunt..Ta r. H. • Ro•e X4C:UtiV" S~c.tet -'11 i ~ ePQl)lica.a AdriaO.l'y .and Palicy Conmd.*4! r. Jehn nho ea, St

7:0 - : 0 .

9:00 .. 9:10

9:10 • 9cl0 pm


l :OO .


11:10 Pftl

i• con


r .

BY Co ty

Page 5


tio al Committeewoman

T, at the Dinn r of. the Executive Cammitt e

The Pr id nt re :ae<.t m tlle Ballroom and vi•wed. the c:ampfrl n fihn of the Depublica..n candid.ates .

The r ci at motor to the

rriv at

at t


. Slll QTON, • C.


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:0 ... 8:32 a

:32 .. :35

:35 ... 8·).$

9:14 ... 9:1

9:4S a

11:0.2 am

1: 0 pm



accompanie y

on. ;g id nd.all rig. eneral ", dr...: J . Ooodpaater

.-1 • .,. c ·ral tidre J. Goodpa.fter

Ha. . <'te ens

Hol. et"

lti nho r

Lt. CQl

P DA'VlD, D.

( r• . ....t enh.o •:t 111ot - .t•d tu p Dav 'd, !'l'ivin: thet"e at 11:1 pm, aceo led y ra., C.org · • .Allen.

i- • Alfred G.tu ~r. a.rut h-L. Joel C.dsoa,),,

The Pre t:d dfle t a

F a rm. il


".'::be Preu· nt a d r. ~eorie Aile e •P~ il l :30 pin ..

Arriv d at ~ mp .uav· , ! ... 'J. l.

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1: O am





.rri.v • a.t tho

t• • ••rric:es, cA•kill.


n ep.arte tot Unit


0 TT SBU O, P: •

r· Cb h •

•id nt ad r . AUcn map ctod th• cattle.


&t the 1

to Camp David,. cl.

E i11e .ow r l oua •

JnNCjTO r, D. C.

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Q •

8:30 .. 1 :14

Pre ai ent arriv · 'n. th• office a.ccornpanied ry ri L. &hub.


t Jr.

• Kletiak •ky Jr.



lO:lS ... 10:23 a n.

10:13 - 10:30 tn

H ann Hon. r on Gray Hon. rl Harr, Jr.

on. Livingeton ere a: t Oenet'al Lyman L. Lemllit ei-

0 n ral Lym.an Lem.nit e -ri, • 0 n ral • Co paste.r

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?>. .. D Y • OV :'.'M

10;55 - 11:18 ain

11:1 - 12:-19

12:0 ... lZ:lO p

12:11 .... hOS

1:0 m

1:00 p

2t 3

3c40 - 4:15 pm

2;S - •:15 p

4uJ .. 4:39 pm

:. 0 p



1lt 0% pm

7, 1 60 Page 2

o • ory ou hton U. mb ad~Y' to Er n

Hon. !<: vin cCann

on. !Uton B. · racns

ri •

D $Oil

Allied Comm

The ..... ai "nt nt t.-> the i ' uion.

H •

r . .. ,.ra •

• Tho



rri'W'ed t

ff ice.

C nn


Hon. JamtUl &gerty ciqa.rted


:meto ct to roadea•t Jio\H , TOP .... ywl · e treeta.

Tn. Pre•t eat wu met y im i ~ Lob:by


· sm NT .. nationwt •·

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7s am

7:SO a

:11 ... 8:1 ant

;30 - 9: li

159 ... 9:12

Amv r .

eparted the te Hou•• 01'owda flew to Geny•bur.g. -ennaylvanb~

iollo• com aided binu j r O•nenl o ar Me<:. yder

Ho • J •• H erty Captat cVU P . Av.r Lt. Col l J otm Eiaenho er

• rs. Jo Mo y

r .


ser AGaDla Co\U'aty' e


a TTYS· U . • ~.

!'ire Ho•••· •fdent . i• •othi .

•• alao r••te4 0-y

ent and his ty de. rt &ar 'fowttaht -Flr Hauee au ard•d b.elioopt·er and flew to th•

hite- -···

rrlv on t • euse Ground•.

etumed to ~ office.

Lt. Colonel J hn i•enhowe:r

Gray) Sten ~t'Ch-3l1t) 0

(Hon. Biaaell) 0 F THE ( r . Edwar

(Joi • ta 1ia. ClA)

:30 gr )

pa.ate ·




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T SD • 9: 12 - '}:3

9:32. .. 10: .am

lO:OS - 10:3

l ;33 .. lhO

11:0 • l h30 a.m.

ll:l2 - 12:1

12: pnl





• l


ff'W J.

enaon on bi• r . cen\ trl t

all) )

cGone) 0 THE



Colonel J Im l•enbo er)

Hon. •

Lt. C lonel l

1 ndre J. odpaster

The reei t • to th• auulo · ~

(L CH)

etutne to office.

Hon. J rty

to the

Th Preside t ea Ha. e ty •parted • it Hou• an motore to the Sheraton Park Hotel.

at u n in.a oft r to Par HQtel et d by

th ar"t suite


or e ,. Job.neon ana.1 r of the Ho 1

eiltrult:e. enator Thruton B~ ortoo. Pl'e •ide aucl e•eorted im. to oom. 700A, tM

H nry Cabot 1 • Tbe PnaW.nt •it• with rty orker•• ataff, and Ca t Membera.

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Te.57 .. :OS


At the •• et y

th• VIP 101m1• Mfor• goin to · •r• he waa met by

itteew man

-Y THE RESIDENT, ta the GJ'u.d a.to Park Hotel, on Election Night.

The ••ideot an . Jame• Ha erty epa.rted the erat A Park HOtel and motor d to the White Hou•.

ArriYed at th it• Ho ••~

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; '

.:03 .. :13

:3"' - ;-43 am

8:55 .. 8:58

9:1S .. 9t30

9:53 • l ;O

11: 3 .. 11:15

Colonel o Lt. Col


Ho • •tt

Lt. ol on

on. J



0 • a..c:compaiai

Colo 1 John


· ·~\

isenhowe r


rt •i ent efore -~

alter •pe ln •everal


a.ater (until 11 :05 arn)


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9 . l 60 Pae 2

U·l • 11:1 ur

11;2 re

11 :30 - 12:

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WEDNES.t> ' OVEMJ3E 9. 1960 Pa

12.t29 .. 12:4S pm

l2:SO p,

12;55 pm



Hon. Christian A. Mer l'

Bri • Oen.era.I Andrew J. Goo aater

The followtn joine ·:reta.ry Hert•l": on. Tborna. • • Gat •, Jr ..

Hon. John A . McCo111t

The iollowi also joine cfttaJ:Y Merteri Hon. TlU'uston Mortou

on. ilton • P~n·•-Qn•

The r-e1ident departed th-e White Houn nd motor d to TS T ?r:nhia1.

Ar:rtv d t T Tei- inal.

The P~ ident and hia party er• airborne fcn: A U•tc}• G~o1.rf i-•· R. The followin accompanied:

~... (; a ord . oben• · r. Villiam Robin.on Mr. llia Slater Mr. Jay Gould Hon. Thomas • phe.AI Hon. James Ha erty Mrs. Ann Whitman Mias Mary Caffr y Captain Olive Mareh gt .. John oaney

At.TOUSTA, GEORGIA Arrive at Su.ah Field, Auguftaj Oeo.riia. The Pr~eident wae gre tee by:

Brig. Ciene!'al Howard Hob1t:Jn Poee C~ · ~. Fort Gordo;a

r . .Jullan Robert• Mr. lbert Peabody Mr. Jerome Franklin Mii. J . Hampton nnitlg, .Manager. Buab Pi•ld. eve~en.<l Leonar d J.,.. Boato.n

r e atdeat, Minlst erla.l Aeaocia.tion; of Augu.111ta Church -•

Pepaned auah ield lay helieoptei-.

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Jt50 pm

542.0 pll'l


DAY, OV'EM - E 9. 1960


The Pre ident pl y d l& b.Plea of gulf with. r . Elba tell'

Mr. Clifford oberts

eturnu:d to th~ cott gc

The President had upper .t t Club with Mr. Clifford oberts Mr. Elli

_ etu.rl'l~d to the cott

o further cti,,ity this date.

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f s ... 9~1• ..



to bl• rt _ ....

rt• 1.- c.ottaa• _ - -

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:3 am

:32 - l0t24 am

1 :25 am

1:21 J;Wn

1:3! ... •~20 pm

THE ~To NT\: A Fonrr E -TS F A • NOV hi ~ 11. 60


T e *sident e rte his c tta. e and ent y 1olf c t t hb c!lle •

e eaident rke in hia olltce.

The Presld t pat'te bit!L quarter• Mt went to the 1oU eourae.

T r ai ent Y• l oolea of &olf With CUI.ford Robel"t•

h ater J ian ot>e t't•

etlU'l1.e to the cottaa•·

o further activity l'ecor • ihi• elate.


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8:10 - 9:30 m

18:05 am

1():10 - l :05

5:20 .. 6 :30 pm

6130 pm

7:45 .. 9:00



T R lZ , 1960


esident worked in hb ofiic

To the golf course.

T e e ident played 18 hole• of golf with r . Hlliarn Ro inaon

Mr. Uli Kerr r. Frank ! illud

Th Pre11ident returned to hL cott ge.

The inn r at th C!.ub with Ar. Robinson, lv l" • .Ellis Slater an .-J'. Cllffor Roberts.

e:turned to cottage.

The esident wa in th& Club Houae "11th r. ilU.arn Ro in.•Oll r . llie Slater r. Cliff rd Roberta.

o lurth r activity 1·eegrde

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A GU A, G..:..O 01I

7: _ .. : I m '-' e ;resi nt worked in he Clfftc· •

l?.1 3


). a.jor

1 :2S

l :30 rs. iaenho er rt ed ' r ... ~ th ·..-ol ~ in ni d y

· r. J'oel C.arla

esi en r t dy

12tJ7 e e 1 ent and ld d m otored t

1&~57 rrive atlou.l oU Cl •

ole• oJ &olf with

turne to th cot g ,.. no flft"th•r •ctbity thl• 4ate.

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7~50 .. :45



The at the

et ent r tu e



liee t

•• irth y rty

' co ta1 fo~

further activity t i• da.t •

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3:05.. :3


The •i ent u Lt. Colonel Jo i• ower departed th cottaa alb to the oU!e •

ent met with t following du-riu the

turn d to th co t . e

on. Hon.

r •

(At :3 nd

pos £ r hot ra :ra}

r sident. ci-etary erecu, ate• poa for ptetur •)


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T .ENT l ~ 1960

10:00 ... J~OO •of ~Uwith

3')0 ... St4S .14 p~ •• ~nieR ht the

( J:

th l\1c oteL

Pr •i eat ta. th.4 .. ichmond Hotel and. PlOtQr

t'Qna.1 Golf Club.

rd. eel at t ~ Ctu •

The resident play 1 9 ale• of. 7/. Clifford o n•

Mr. ,r. l • r"ulch i-

l.il' . Je rom J ranldin

Retui:•etl to th cotta I"/ •

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9:00 - lhOO un

llt45 am


1:1 pm

JslO pm,


5:10 p

6:32 .. 0

61SO p

' P1'1.. l :N""'r l';)OlNT ~ · OV ,M ' ~ 17. 1960. THUJtS .....



Hon. H Ho ~

H~ Ho.: , Hon, fton.

• ~ rte.r a t ., J~.

G c ral ytnan LennU.t1 1' Hon, Oor on ray Hon. ,eor··o • Ki•tiako'Weky

ri • """eneral Andrew S. Go aater Hon. John lrwin. on~ th

- on. Ja •• , y Lt. Colonel John Ei enhower

h Pre id nt went to th~ Club ouae for Lunch. abov group a.leo had b.i11eh at the Club.

P ~i nt ,.n · d to th fir•t te• and tclled 1 Goo p te , Colonel Ei•eta.ho-wer. Ml". Oard.on

1r. Ge etout t off for their golf game. en d to to~ r hop.

c h cctta e .

io nt a,l e-d to the 18th. re~n iUld. watched. v m <:ntioned four~ e tee off.

eturned to i quar er •

Tbe re •ident w lked to t office

• 'ihomaa E . re they met

tephen1 (the artist) r . • Alton Jone •

Viatte the ea.bin of r . CUUo Robert•.

o c ~ta. e . o further activity r cortled thi•

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1: - pm

H . P ·ro · NT'S APPOJN MEN1' . ID Y, . 0 ..!·>.· 13, 1960-

The Pr side.nt d ... r • · Ela nho. A sta N ticnal CoU Cl: a d

•h Ft ld.

rd pt.rt otore to

i•e rw-.er, wh -rYllJ•Tiu tc ~ • ·ugt &bo&r the Columl>iil••

elicopter for fight bM:k 1t Cl.a •

National _ oU C1u

Pr aident play of o with .M. • Cliffo o erts

·fr . • Alton Jone r . Gene ~to t

( a.in precl .. • !ui:-th ·~· c tivi-ty rccor. d this ate.

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AtlGtt . A • OEOROlA

The Pre sic.tent rlc~d \n his office.

Th :re•id•at played. 9 hole• of goll with Mr. 'illiam ltobinsoa • . '.tr. · • l~Oll Jon g

r . Oeol"A".. Allen

turned to t e eottag~.

No furth~r cU~ty report tbii y.

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a~1 - 9t35 ·

11: · n

11:0 m

12:15 pm


:12 • 3:45

6 :15 pm.


A U"""tJ T , G 0 GIA

·orke in. ·a ff c .

t mo rial Cbu't'ch. T e r-e aident


r . Charle

d to his pew by r

resident •nd

as co te. to 11· car y ibboney . Minister.

Before l ~tin th c urcn, the P resident abco handa w th v _ ~nd Gf' kl -· • o:;;;elri.gg, Minister of Educatio of t ht R · emGri&l Cburcb .

rrived ti01*1 lf Cl b .

The Pr aident pla.yed 9 ol of olf ith


or en lfred Gruent er

e ta r . tional o Hotel. Au

eor • eu eparted t motored to th4t King11

•ta, O.or la.


r nk Cancellare (Pre•• A•aociation epreeehtattvea)

th diJliq room.

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6tl0 - 7:10 pm

7:13 pm

7:25 pm.

20. 1960 age Z -The Pre aident attended the party iven, by the 'hite Houee Pre•• and Photographer• in hono-r of Mr. Jame• agerty.

Wormal ntertainment aw provided by iWam Knighton

r. elix Belair r. Joe teiner

Th following profea•ion&l entertait;.era }H:r!onned: Robert 7altere John Peters Michael Honeycutt Nic:holaa Calamae Hel n La••

Th Pr •ident and Mr. Oeorg en departed the Richmond Hotel and retul'ned to the Auguata

ati-onal Golf Club.

rived at Au at National Golf Club.

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:20 .. 9 •30 am

10:40 - 1 :IS pm

3:55 pm

3:S8 .. 4 :05 pm

4;05 pm

5:28 pm



21. 1960


The Preai nt ork din hie offic •

Th Pr sident pla.y d 18 ol •of olf with Cieo ... g llen

-e e tout

The re iclt"nt an Mr. Ge 1'

Pre aident' a offk • llen lked t.U th

Pl" id nt nd Ml'. Augueta . Oeor ia. nd C rolina.

ot&• Allee departed otored to Ailten, outh



The Pre •ident made no etopa in ik•n ..... juat motored there and back to Au ata.. Ga.


rri"ied at th Au uet tional Golf Club.

o further ctivity this dat•.

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7:05 am

7: m

7:14. am

8:12 am

:20 a.m

8:30 am


r. Oeor1e e , and Major n r departed the Club and 1 co ter i e ..

rrive board~

The r •id nt and hi• party . 5 for fli ht to Albany, 0 orgia..


Hon. ia

r. George All n. Ho • Jame• Tu r Air Foree aee and flew lue prin1 la.ntation, own d y

ton Jonea.


.prin Plantation. e re •ldent e. lton Jone•.

e eai n ant on uail hunt. The follow accompan ed him:

• Alto Jone• Mr. G or e Allen Ho • J m• a rty (uni "r. Lee Al ell (Joi th

Cle ral Howard S yder 9: 2 am) hunt at 9:Sa am)

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2:1 pm

6:00 pm

Z, 1960 Page 2 ,,


e folio in persone~ ace pani d the resident a.ud r up on hunt:

A , .. - d og tr in l'

m Ellis, he d dog tr in r Lot 1:.•trvw ,.,.n, dJ'iVi r v. t r Phillips, driver ~ · lomon ?ayt n, h rs ho er Johnny Green, ora holder Ro r Le ' ia. o fe der

The bunti party topped at lue , ring for a pie ic lunch. They 11er join by

on. Jam s agerty Mr. n Mr•. Richar Tift

Th Pr sid nt n hia par y ent · nti a an.

~turned to th r sldenee.

o fu ·ther ctivhy U ls cl ,..

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:lt am

lZ:Jv o<J

l:lS - 3:35 pm

3:45 pin

):5i pm

4.:00 pm

4:07 prn

6:lS pm

6;36 pm

6:48. p%n

AP OIN TS VE -E 1960

BLtT .. r.-p Ir M Pl..1-l T TlON ALBANY• OEOROIA

Th? Pr'!9t e.1t a1~d Mrs. lton .Ton a d part .d Cl r · . ence . n d nt to th• tabl • They r j o i.n.ed by

M... . ell

r .

t ~en of th r oup.

T e Pre., · il!nt . n ,u i ht t.

a r ty st- rted out o

(Photo r r • ollQwe alon and took pictures)

n•in party toppet1 off t :Slu pr-i n tf:nl.c ! ... l unch . Th. y ""re joiflcd y

Mr. and .! r s . Ti r. J " •• Hane


eturned t

Tl:e rc ... i m • .. ·r. O't"tloy d part d t"'

at d fl t o T r n r

ent oua.il hunt_ a ain.

Ceorge Allen. a d r. Jam.~• Jcnes• reaidenc: by helicopt ~ 'r ore ee.

rriv at T rnu .Air F orce Baae.


Ai-rived at MATS TeriniAat. -.ahington, D. C.

P"'rt d T T nntna.l and motored to the bite Houae.

Arriv~d ~ t tho ;Jiite Houae.

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't t APPOINTMENT ov. .a 24, 196

The l?re•ident •pent a <aui•t day at the \ ,.bite Ola~.

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ltOO a.m in tM oft •-aec~•d ,-,

dlula .. ~ 5'

:1.S ... ltll ,.,. o4pu.ter

;32 ... M ff Davtcl all

8:-tt .. ;30 • .

••r ,~,, f 3 ... tni. J. • t~3S - 9;45 QJ1. . udall

9:45 ... ,, a "•· J. ••tel'

- 10.:0T c r. J1'.} OF T

... l :1

• 1 :$ •

Uh .. 1103am O'f

11:. S ... 1l:l7 am

... p

p ·

!hli p

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:27 ... 8 .:3

:30 - 8.:

1!: 3

1:00 pm


( U. CH)

:fteJ: All


re•id t • movie at the

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. :00 ... 9:5

:57 am

10;02 .



12:30 .. 1:15 pm

T El-':"' ... NTM NTS &a a1. it6

e t depart d . uth 01"'ouad• -of ee aod o o!"~ to UJ... PJ"eebyted.U

rdved at the


rvtc •·

Um.al Pre1byte~ian ite Houff.

a.ned t tu Houae and mo orff CollMttieut A enue where Mr. O.Or-ge .A.UeSl

T. y coatioua n to ~ ing Tree

· Pr •i a.t at the Club.

le• if ao1f with

Mr. Ceorge Allen d•pa.rte 4 motored to th •rt.ton Park

l !t ih• :Preaideat.

at the · hite '1••.

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SilZ am

: SO• 9: 4 am


T E T 2 ' l 60

The President rrived in the offic • accompanied by Colonel bert L . hub~.

T official• ho a.r in the United tate• for eours a, called on the P.r aident~

Lui• eri

Julio Edu rdo It

V•nt ra. P 0-Acuna uel Angel 0 5-Ar valo

Abelar o OTQ.Jerqllin aul ZAMB 0- leei •

Oil l'to RUIZ-........ ._ . ..,.__ onao SOLO ZANO--Ouite rrez

Hum erto MAYA.Hurtado Annando FLO - - Oareia J'o-se ACEDO- Gon al a.

a.imundo QA CIA- tto Nicola.a C TILLO .... Jbarr-a. Natividad AL - Gonzalez

Th followin acco :panied a ove group:

Jame• L. Henne••Y xecutiv •tiatant to th Conuni••itm.er

tm l.gration a. a.turalization Servic • W shin ton, D. C aymond artoell

A•eociate Commi••io er. Mana ment Im.mipation a.nd aturalization rvic • aehin to • D. C.

ciwa.rd A. Lou hr n A••ociat Comrniaaioner, Management lmmi ration and at ralization me

Jam.e1 F . Green ••i•tant Commi••ion r . nforcernent

h:nmigr tion an Naturalization el'Vice


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MO DAY. OV MB is, 1960

9:04 - 9: 18 am Li•t continued from previoua pa e: The following eerv~d a ~sccrte and int rp~eter•: · yn , • Feller ''illiam • Davi,a

Joa p F. H y. • ithey

·age 2

Fallo in th th Pi-ealdent iIJ the office, he roup nt to the oae Garden where th y were

ph4!t graphed ith th.- re•ident. Hon. Thom.a• I':' ep ene a.cco nied. th . roup.

9:20 ... 9:45 am Hon. Wilton _. Per ons

9:45 - 10:1 am Hon. Arthur l:"'lemrnin Hon. R bex-t -'el'riam

10:1 ':" 10:2Sl am Hon. pin

l0:3S "' l l :46 am Hon. Robert Hon. C. Hon.

derson llon

• Per on erty (j ine at 11:06 am) ndrev. J . Goodpaster

. E'llrop.ean trip)

11:48 - 11:5• am Hon. Thom.a• ephe.n•

ll:SS am.

11: 9

The Preaident departed the bite Houae and motored. to the Army Navy Cl b to atten a 1tpublica.Ji ppointeea Luncheon.

Ar1'·ved t t e Army avy Club. The :resident wa.s reet d by illiam • Crawford. Manage• of thci Club

ec , deral owet' Cormnt1u1ion , Na. ion.al Mediation oa.rd

The President a.e esco~ d tot room wb rtt Luncheon watJ b.el •

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iO .. D "•


8, 196

Pr at enti 1 Navy Club:


intee L nc


e 3

n a th rmy

3ame • inne an Charle• C . Finu.<;a.n

rederick Ford Robert Foreythe

illta ranke

e it H. Hansen oy A. Ha.r y. Jr. illiam • Holt

C !'le• H. i i-1 • Kintner

J;r •

ArthuJ' Alden imbaJl rthur ine

Ro ert Kunz'. Latham

o:rothy McCWlough Lee oyd Le dom ranklln • Lincoln .• Jr. vid • Lin.de


iacom.b r, Jr.

• Morton ills

Jame• T . O'Connell e :rl Carter Pac

'""''-'" 'A "" J'),,.;-. ..

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lZ:lS pm re•ideatial Appointee• c1leon at the rny Navy

lZ:lZ - lZ:45 Pfl:l

Club - liat continued from previous page: J. L nkin

lb rt . rtson y dgers • Rog :t•

ie as r eric tu ck

· rthur umme rfl•bi dward C. Sw eney alter hl' tber

vage l'i ner. Jr . cri e1'

pi.egel a.I ot

• Tiff y • Tyl r. 1r .

Dallas • TowtUI n eun~th • Tu gle iffrid • Unander

T . Oraydon -Upton Ja.l"l1e• Henry W akelin ArthUT atkin• Robe.rt ilaon. Jesse aine olcott John H. tnehell BTyon D .


Charle• A. 5UIXU1 r G . hitti l"

J . •lte r Y ea.gley


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lZt 0


T lf on

5:2, 0

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:35 ... :4 m

:46 • :50 am

9:00 - 9: m

9:49 ..,, 10: i am

10:0 - 10;12 rn

10:2 11:11 a

11 :06 - 12:00 Noon

lZ:OO - 12: 10

12:03 • lZ:O pn1

12tl0 • 12:15 pm

12:1S • 12:26 pm


l :OlJ p

T'S AP 01 T -NT OVE '.BER Zf, 1960

ace np rue by L. c u •

Hon. -uto B. Person• Hon. Jam s. Ha rty

Hon. vid Ke d 11

( r. ilUam • P y) 0 F THE R~CO D

( on. OFF THE . CORD er t ry of A'r'my

Bri • Oen l Andre J . Goo pa.a ~

a ne:ral Lym n C rman,

Brig. G r l ~

Hon. Gordo Oray

Hon. Th a.a

Brig . uen.eral

Hon. Thom&.&


J . GoQ puter

Pre •id t nt to the nlion.

(L Cf)



The Preeide'Ot de fled the bite House a motored t urnin T Co r-y Clu. •

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2:08 pm

2:26 - 3:15 pm

3:39 - 4:22 p

4:SS pm

5t2Z pm

29, 1960 Paa• 2

Th Preaident and Lt. Colonel John lMnhower arrived at Burnin Tree Country Cl

T Preaident Lt. Colon l isenhowei-accompanied by Colonel Thom.a• eleh• be golf game. but to di•continue b cause 0£ rain.

an olf a ain,. but rain caue d them to diacontinu •

D part d Burning Tre and motored to the ite Houae.

Arrive at the ~ ~bite Hou•e . The Preaichnt ent to offic •

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8:00 am

8:22 .. 8:Z4 am

8:Z8 ... 9:10

:10 .. 9!12 e.m

9~12 - 9:45 am

9:4'5 .. 10:06 a

10:06 • 10:30 am

10:30 - 10:53 am

10:55 - 11:11 am

11 :11 - 11 :30

11 :39 .. l 1;40


T 30, 1960

The Pre aident arrived i the office, accompanied by Colonel obert L. chulz.

r. • Hopkins

on- Ro rt de rson Hon. C. l>oU@la• Dillon Hon. audc tan• Ron. ilton B. eraona Lt. Colonel John Eie nhow r

Lt. Colonel J hn ·i ••nb.ower

( r . Dou l • ac ) OF THE ECORD (Lt. Colonel John Ei•enho ttr)

on. John V lpe Gov rnelr-elect of a•sachu••tt•

Hon. o rt rriam ( icture taken)

(Oenei-al win Clark) 0 F THE RECO l)

The everend Chiaan Koho Chief bbot of the - o Zen. ...ect of Japan

Mr. To hil"o himanouchi Coun elor r the J pane•e mba•sy for Public ffa.irs

· r. David Di eto"' of OUice of Near a.et Aei.an Affairs

partm nt of tate (Picture taken)

Hon. Arthur wm:n dield

Hon. 1 ilton • P r on 8 1

Mr. obert V. ~ 1 min , Sr.

The President, accom anied by r. obert 'l. ~1eming. r. , depal"te th hit ou•e and motored to th

Pr sbyteria.o Home, 5133 road ranch Road. N.

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1960 Page 2.

12:00 Noon

lZ:lO pm

12:30 pm

12:52 pm

1:45 pm

1:45 pm

2:52 pm

3:00 - 4:15 pm

4:15 - 4:26 pm

The Pre ei dent and Mr . Robe rt V. Fleming, Sr. arrived at the Presbyterian Home. He was greeted by

Mrs. Frances B. Allen Justice Thomas Clark Dr. George Docherty Dr. Edward L. • Elson

r. amuel R. Huey_ Judge arnuel E . hitaker Dr. Melville . Grosvenor

The President was then presented to the twenty members of the Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Home.

The President participated in the Dedication of the Presbyterian Home. Cl. home for elderly people.

Follo ing the Dedica.tm, Mr . A . C. Oliphant presented a silver trowel to the President.

The President and Mr. Robe rt V. Fleming, Sr . , Cha rman of the Board of Trustees of the Presbyterian Home, departed the Presbyterian Ho~e and motored to the White House.

Arrived at the hite House. the Mansion.

The President went to

The Pre eident returned to the office, and with Dr. Milton Eisenhower and Mr. Edgar Eisenhower went to the White House Meas for Lunch.

LUNCH, in the rhite House Mees with Dr. Milton Eisenhower and Mr. Edgar Eisenhower.

The President and Mr. Edgar Eisenhower returned to the office.

(Mr. Douglas Black) OFF THE RECORD (Mr. Ben Hibbs) (Mr. Kenneth McCormick) (Lt. Colonel John Eieenhower)

Brig. General Andrew J. Goodpaster

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