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Post on 23-Dec-2014




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Ramaprasanna is the Founder / CEO of GoToPal. GoToPal is into the 'Cloud based Personal Assistant' space and their first product is called 'Smart Voicemail'. This app is a marriage between the last-trendy Smartphone app concepts & old boring Voicemails.


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Who am I ?

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On BuddyHomeBuddyHome is my favorite out of all. With few of my friends, I made a set of Robots to take care of my home and me. There were Robots for Cooking, Cleaning, waking me up. One of the walls at home is my computer screen and I used to interact with my computer through gestures.

To know more on BuddyHome check out this video http://youtu.be/ncwTJ7A59dw

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When Google announced ‘Gmail Motion’ – a April fool prank, I was working on Kinect at Microsoft. Given my background, I felt it was very much possible to bring it to reality. With 60 lines of code, with 2 hrs of coding I made that April fool prank a reality. I also made it work on Windows Live mail. It was fun…


Gmail (loose)Motion (a jab at Google’s April fool idea when I was at Microsoft)

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It was in a movie called ‘Jeans’, Aishwarya Rai dances with a Skeleton. I was a school boy at that time. I made it a reality after 10 years at my own home with my own laptop & Kinect. It was loads of fun.


My Kinect Hack –

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TINATINA stands for The Intelligent Next-generation Agent. My wife still doubts if that was a real acronym or a girl’s name. I did this project at WIPRO. It was the vision of Sree at WIPRO, to have robots in Hospitality & Retail space. TINA can speak 7 different languages, See, hear people. It can change TV channels, set heater temparature, control lights, fans, drapes, etc. When instructed it can connect people to 911 on emergency & give you medicines. It was loads of fun building it.

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TINAMaking of TINA…

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It’s a simple hack, where I took out the OEM system and replaced it with Windows Media center, connected to Internet, Night vision camera, Video & Audio processing with the night vision, etc…


On Winfotain = Windows + Information + Entertainment System

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Mr. AstrobotThis was a fun project that I did along with a bunch of college kids. It was deployed at Microsoft Signature building, 4th floor for a brief amount of time. When you are thirsty, you can open a webpage and ‘click’ on ‘Get me Water’ & this robot will bring water to your desk.

It was loads of fun !!


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‘Microsoft Sam’It was fun. I was fascinated by the movie ‘Surrogate’ and decided to do build one myself. This Robot that you see on right was my surrogate. I can talk through it, I can see through it & can connect to it. I left this at office one day, went home, connected to it & was roaming in Microsoft cafeteria talking to people. The best was when I asked a girl, ‘howz Roti’ when she was eating ‘Roti’ and she went crazy. <actually scared>.

I also went around knocking at few Director’s rooms & it was loads of fun.

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On ‘News Nuts’A free service that I created when I was a student to send News alerts as SMS to subscribers. This was when SMS was paid and cellphones was an expensive affair. I used a simple hack to send mass SMS for FREE via carriers. Yuppie, via the same carriers who charge for SMSes.

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On DASWhen Tsunami attacked TamilNadu, India, the very same beach were I used to play beach football with my cousin was turned upside down. I was a student that time, with a small pocket money. Instead of donating money, I jumped into to create a software system to predict Natural Disasters and alert people. Most of the data were from USGS. I won’t say it’s a perfect system, but it worked.

Engineers should think on how to make the world a better place using their talent. That’s what engineers do !!

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Few more…

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On ‘News Nuts’On News Nuts in ‘The New Indian Express’

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On DASOn DAS in Deccan Chronicle

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On BuddyHomeThis was by Guruprasad, a Chennai based blogger. BTW, I am a big fan of ‘Rajinikanth’.

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On BuddyHome in Jade

On BuddyHome

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On my dancing RobotsIt was boring one Sunday & my friends and me were all set to have fun. We created a dancing Robot which can dance for pre-set tunes esp ‘Humma Hummma’ by AR Rahman.

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On BuddyHomeOn BuddyHome in Man’s World

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Funsuk Banguru LOLFunsuk Banguru?? Me ?? LOL. That character is my inspiration.

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On BuddyHome by CNN IBN


On BuddyHome

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On BuddyHome in Bloomberg | UTV


On BuddyHome

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On BuddyHome in Live India


On BuddyHome

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On BuddyHome

On BuddyHome in <Oops. I can’t read Hindi>

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On BuddyHome by News 9


On BuddyHome

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On Ramaprasannain News 9


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[email protected]



Twitter : @ramaprasanna

Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ramaprasanna