rajasthan - 2011 census of india series-09 part xii -b district census handbook bundi village and...


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Census of India 2011









Directorate of Census Operations RAJASTHAN



The fort of Bundi or the Taragarh Fort is set within the horse shoe shaped fold of the Aravalli Hills. The palace complex, lakes and water reservoirs are located at the base of the fort. It is said to have been built by Rao Raja Bar Singh in 1354 A.D. It is an important tourist attraction in the district.

The town of Bundi is 35 km. from Kota and 200 km. from Jaipur. It is famous for its beautiful mural paintings and Baoris.


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(i) 16

(ii) 21

(iii) 29

(iv) 41

(v) 49

(vi) 57

(vii) 167

10 Section –II Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural/Urban) at District and Sub-District level.

(i) Table -1: Households by Ownership status and by Number of Dwellingrooms occupied in the District, 2011 189

History and Scope of the District Census Handbook

Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract

Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA)

Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

District Primary Census Abstract

Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes andScheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise

Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC)

Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract


Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST)

Administrative Setup

Important Statistics

District Highlights - 2011 Census

Brief History of the District




(ii) Table -2: Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent,Semi permanent and Temporary houses, 2011 190

(iii) Table -3: Number and Percentage of Households by main source ofDrinking water, 2011 192

(iv) Table -4: Number and Percentage of Households by main source ofLighting, 2011 194

(v) Table -5: Number and Percentage of Households by type of Latrinefacility, 2011 196

(vi) Table -6: Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainageconnectivity for waste water outlet, 2011 198

(vii) Table -7: Number and Percentage of Households by availability ofKitchen facility, 2011 199

(viii) Table -8: Number and Percentage of Households by type of fuel used forCooking, 2011 200

(ix) Table -9:Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and number of Households having each of the specified Assets in, 2011




The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the Census Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of urban and rural areas for each District. The Census data provide information on demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each Village and Town and ward of the District. The Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data including data on household amenities collected during 1st.phase of the Census i.e. House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented in the DCHB is in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various infrastructure facilities available in the village and town viz; education, medical, drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph, electricity, banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were closed by the Government of India on 15th. July, 2013. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grass-root level.

2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District,administrative statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory, Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, District Census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory were added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD Block) level presentation of Village Directory and PCA data instead of the traditional Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation.

4. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory wasimproved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.


5. The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widenedby including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly added amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College, Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School for Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic, Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree, Traditional Practitioner and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet in the Village, Community Bio- gas, Sub Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone Coverage, Internet Cafes/ Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals, Village connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, and Other District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village, ATM, Self-Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market, Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS), Anganwadi Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of Towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census.

6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-Acontains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.

7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled andcomputerized under the supervision of Mrs. Shubhra Singh, the then Joint Secretary & Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl.RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General, (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall supervision of Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA). The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to bring out this publication in time.

C. Chandramouli Registrar General &

Census Commissioner, India New Delhi. Dated:- 16-06-2014



It is my pleasure to present this publication pertaining to the Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract of the District as per Census 2011. It is a synopsis of the development made by the District in the past decade and the challenges ahead.

Rajasthan is the largest State in the country, with difficult terrain comprising desert, forests, mountains, tribal belt, ravines and a long international border. It also has typical hard to reach population groups. The mandate of universal coverage for census was a challenge in the State. I am deeply indebted to the State Government of Rajasthan for their unstinted support and cooperation at all stages of Census Operations of 2011. I am grateful to Shri Salahuddin Ahmad, the then Chief Secretary of Government of Rajasthan for his prompt response, guidance and cooperation given to the Census Organization. He infused a sense of urgency and seriousness in the minds of District Collectors and Officers of the District Administration, which geared up the entire administrative machinery. I also thank the Principal Secretary, GAD who liaisoned with the Directorate of Census Operations on behalf of the State Government. The GAD pursued pending action points pertaining to the different Departments of the State Government and ensured prompt response to the repeated requests made by the Directorate. I am also thankful to other Departments like Departments of School and Sanskrit Education, Home, Finance, Revenue, Planning, Public Relations, Local Self-government and Personnel Department for extending their full cooperation.

The Supervisors and Enumerators, the basic census field functionaries worked ceaselessly in the entire period of fieldwork to make Census 2011 successful.

I am deeply grateful to Dr. C.Chandramouli, Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India for his unstinted support and spontaneous, unfailing guidance throughout our endeavours and bringing out this publication. My grateful thanks to Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl. RGI, Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar General (SS), Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General (Map), Shri M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP), Shri A.K. Arora, Joint Director (EDP) and their colleagues at the headquarter office for their ever willing, helping hand and thoughtful suggestions for putting together and shaping the volumes in their present form.


The Joint Secretary & Director of Census Operations, Rajasthan, Ms. Shubhra Singh, under whose guidance the entire operations were carried out deserves all credit for its success, but she was repatriated to the Government for taking up some other important assignment before this volume could be made available for the release.

Shri Avinash Sharma, Assistant Director, incharge of Primary Census Abstract, who was ably assisted by his team of dedicated workers, deserves all praise for their perseverance and dedication in finalization of PCA. The contribution of Shri G.B. Goswami, Assistant Director (Data Centre), Shri K.C. Gupta, Assistant Director and Shri Puneet Mehrotra, Assistant Director is also memorable in finalization of PCA, Census, 2011.

Dr. Pulkesh Sharma, Assistant Director, incharge of Village & Town Directories and District Census Handbooks, coordinated the work with his team of devoted workers; contributed immensely with determination and dedication to the cause of digitization, validation and finalization of Village and Town Directories and preparation of District Census Handbooks, Census, 2011 in the stipulated time limit, deserves all appreciation.

The members of the staff in the Map Section did a commendable job under the guidance of Shri R.S. Tyagi, R.O. (Map) in bringing out various maps.

In view of the increasing demand of the publications in electronic format, it has been decided to release the DCHB Part-B in electronic format also.

Jaipur R.R.Meena Dated:-16.06.2014 Joint Director of Census 0perations




OVERALL SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE Shri R.R. Meena Joint Director & Controlling Officer


Shri S.R. Singhal Deputy Director Shri Mukesh Kumar Bhargava Assistant Director Shri Avinash Sharma Assistant Director Shri Puneet Mehrotra Assistant Director Shri Kailash Chand Gupta Assistant Director Dr. Pulkesh Sharma Assistant Director Smt. Meena Gupta Assistant Director Shri R. S. Tyagi Research Officer (Map) Smt. Charu Mathur Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Kunj Bihari Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-I

VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SECTION Shri Mahendra Singh Bhati Deputy Director Dr. Pulkesh Sharma Assistant Director Smt. Charu Mathur Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Kunj Bihari Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Gajendra Sharma Senior Consultant Shri B.L. Lugaria S.I. Grade-II (Retd.) Shri Ramji Lal Tripathi Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Mahaveer Kumar Jain Statistical Investigator Grade-II Smt. Upasana Giri Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Rajendra Kumar Nagar Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Mani Kant Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Bachittar Singh Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Kumer Chand Meena Senior Technical Assistant (Printing) Shri Nemi Chand Kumawat Senior Compiler Shri Vinod Kumar Gupta Senior Compiler Shri Swatantra Kumar Ajmera Senior Compiler Shri Chhuttan Lal Meena Senior Compiler Shri R.C. Bairwa Compiler Smt. Asha Saxena Compiler Shri Ravindra Nath Dubey Compiler Shri Uma Shankar Compiler Smt. Asha Awasthi Assistant Compiler Shri Komal Singh M.T.S.



Shri Avinash Sharma Assistant Director Shri Puneet Mehrotra Assistant Director Shri Kailash Chand Gupta Assistant Director Shri Bagul Sagar Padmakar Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Arun Kumar Jain Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Satish Kumar Chaturvedi Statistical Investigator Grade-I Shri Vishal Garg Statistical Investigator Grade-II Kum. Bhavya M.K. Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Hajari Lal Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-II Smt. Kamlesh Sharma Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Kailash Chand Gupta Statistical Investigator Grade-II Shri Suresh Chandra Sharma Senior Compiler Shri Ramesh Chand Gupta Senior Compiler Shri Yogesh Kumar Bajaj Compiler

DDE SECTION Shri Purshottam Narain Mathur Senior Supervisor Smt. Binu Rani Data Entry Operator Grade-B Smt. Manju Jain Data Entry Operator Grade-B Smt. Pratibha Jain Data Entry Operator Grade-B Shri Ramesh Chandra Jat Data Entry Operator Grade-B Smt. Pramila Kanwar Data Entry Operator Grade-B Smt. Sudha Nagar Data Entry Operator Grade-B Smt. Shashi Bala Joshi Data Entry Operator Grade-B Smt. Vandana Agarwal Data Entry Operator Grade-B

MAP SECTION Shri R.S. Tyagi Research Officer (Map) Shri B.L. Meena Senior Draughtsman Shri Nand lal Senior Draughtsman Shri Deepak Sood Senior Draughtsman


ORGI- Data Processing Division

Shri Jaspal Singh Lamba Deputy Director (EDP) Ms. Usha Assistant Director (EDP) Shri Anurag Gupta Data Processing Assistant Grade-A Shri Mukesh Kumar Mahawar Data Processing Assistant Grade-A Ms. Shagufta Nasreen Bhat Data Processing Assistant Grade-A Shri Khem Verma Jadon Senior Consultant Shri Yashwant Singh Senior Consultant Shri Shailender Kumar Vats Junior Consultant Shri Pawan Kumar Sharma Junior Consultant

Shri Anuj Kumar Junior Consultant



The need of data at the grass root level for the administrative and planning purposes at sub micro level as well as academic studies prompted the innovation of District Census Handbook. District Census Handbook is a unique publication from the Census organization which provides most authentic details of census and non-census information from village and town level to district level. The District Census Handbook was firstly introduced during the 1951 Census. It contains both census and non census data of urban as well as rural areas for each district. The census data contain several demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each village and town and ward of the district. The non census data comprise of data on availability of various civic amenities and infrastructural facilities etc. at the town and village level which constitute Village Directory and Town Directory part of the DCHB. The data of DCHB are of considerable importance in the context of planning and development at grass-root level.

In 1961 census DCHB provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and village and town directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was published in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

The pattern of 1981 census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block


(CD Block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation.

As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers & magazines and ‘most important commodity’ manufactured in a village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier censuses. In Town Directory, the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.

The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the data of each town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of towns,(ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities, (iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)- Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 census as presented in earlier census. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.



The region of Bundi has a glorious past. Early man lived here, as is evident by the discovery of early Stone Age tools. Material remains of the pre-Christian times from Keshoraipatan as well as the sculptural heritage from the same site belonging to post-Gupta and subsequent period speak of the glorious by-gone days. The remains of the mediaeval temples in the area are examples of fine art and architecture Inscribed stone tablets, scattered throughout the district tell the history of the region. With the inception of the princely state in Bundi by Hadas, a branch of the celebrated Chauhans, Rajput monuments in the forms of fort and palaces came into existence. Bundi artists have played a prominent role in the evolution of early Rajasthani paintings. The mural tradition as preserved in the Chitrashala of the places here are specimen of artistic excellence.

Bundi is located in a narrow valley called Bandu- ka-Nal and is said to have been named after Bunda, a Meena chieftain. Around 1342 AD Rao Dewa (Devi Singh) Hada is reported to have conquered this territory from the Meenas and named it 'Hadoti' (Haroti). He established his kingdom here by erecting the city of Bundi in the centre of the valley. Rao Dewa (Devi Singh) was the founder of present Bundi, who was followed by 24 rulers in the erstwhile princely state who ruled over the territory.

In the year 1947, soon after independence Bundi was merged into the Indian Union. In March 1948 along with the other south eastern states of Rajasthan merged into the then United States of Rajasthan. In 1950 it was integrated into the present State of Rajasthan after which it was given the status of a full-fledged district and placed under the administrative control of a Collector and District Magistrate.

Bundi is one of the few places in India which can lay its claim to an authentic School of painting. "The Bundi School." The splendid paintings in the Chitrashala in the Bundi fort and also in the fort at Dugari are par excellence and can be compared with probably the best anywhere in the world.



Bundi district is one of the four districts, those comes under Kota division. District Collector is head of the district for revenue, Law and order matters. District Collector & District Magistrate is the head of District Administration.

For administration and development, the district is divided in Sub-Divisions and tehsils (sub-districts). The District Bundi has 5 sub-divisions. Each of the sub-divisions is headed by a Sub-divisional Officer (SDOs) / Magistrates, the officers are responsible for implementation of law and order matters in their respective sub-divisions.

There are 5 Tehsil headquarters in Bundi district and each one has a Tehsildar as an administrative officer who works in accordance with the Land Record System to serve for the rural farmers and land holders and is responsible for maintaining the revenue matters in their respective tehsils.

For the purpose of the implementation of rural development projects/ Schemes under Panchayati Raj System, the district is divided in the 5 Panchayat Samitis (Blocks). Block Development Officer or Vikas Adhikari is the Controlling Officer of each of the Panchayat Samiti to serve as extension and developmental executive at block level. The compositions of Panchayat Samities are as follows:

Sl. No.

Name of Panchayat samiti

No. of Gram Panchayat

No. of Villages

Tehsil(s) (No. of Villages)

Census Towns

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Hindoli 41 184 Hindoli (184) 2 Nainwa 34 190 Nainwa (190) 3 Keshorai

patan 46 232 Indragarh (119),

Keshorai patan (113) Sumerganj Mandi (CT)

4 Bundi 30 163 Bundi (163) 5 Talera 31 104 Bundi (104) Talera (CT),

Budhpura (CT) Total 182 873 3 Census Towns

There are six statutory towns viz. Bundi (M), Indragarh (M), Kaprain (M), Keshoraipatan (M), Lakheri (M) and Nainwa (M) in the Bundi district.



Bundi district ranks 30th in terms of population, 22nd in terms of areaand 22nd in terms of population density.

Bundi district has five tehsils, in which Bundi tehsil has the highestnumber of villages (267) whereas Keshoraipatan tehsil has lowestnumber of villages (113).

Bundi district has 873 villages, out of them 867 villages are inhabitedand 6 villages are uninhabited. In Bundi district 27 new villages and 2new census towns have created as compared to 2001 Census.

In Bundi district, Dei (Tehsil: Nainwa) is the most populous (12,884persons) village; and Chakmoheepura (Tehsil: Bundi) is the leastpopulous (02 persons) village.

Bundi district consists 80.0 percent rural and 20.0 percent urbanpopulation whereas the State percent of rural and urban population is75.1 and 24.9 respectively.

The sex ratio of Bundi district (925) is lower than the State sex ratio(928).

The literacy rate in Bundi district is 61.5 percent which is lower thanthe State Average (66.1 percent) and it ranks 24th among the otherdistricts of the state. Gender Gap of the literacy rate is 28.8 percent inthe district.

The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population in Bundi districtis 19.0 percent and 20.6 percent respectively whereas the Statepercent of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population is 17.8and 13.5 respectively.

The economy of Bundi district is mainly dependent on agriculture as68.8 percent workers in the district are either cultivators oragricultural labourers. However the district percent of such workers ishigher than the state average of 62.1 percent.

Work participation rate (WPR) of Bundi district has recorded 47.4percent and gender gap in WPR is 14.9 percent points.

In Bundi district among the workers the percentage of cultivators,agricultural labourers, workers in household industry and otherworkers (category of workers) are 47.6, 21.2, 2.1 and 29.1 percentrespectively.

Number of Villages Total 44,672 873 Inhabited 43,264 867 Uninhabited 1,408 6

Number of Towns Statutory 185 6 Census 112 3 Total 297 9

Number of Households Normal 1,26,51,423 2,19,521 Institutional 22,382 236 Houseless 37,341 1,011

Population Total Persons 6,85,48,437 11,10,906 Males 3,55,50,997 5,77,160 Females 3,29,97,440 5,33,746

Rural Persons 5,15,00,352 8,88,205 Males 2,66,41,747 4,61,734 Females 2,48,58,605 4,26,471

Urban Persons 1,70,48,085 2,22,701 Males 89,09,250 1,15,426 Females 81,38,835 1,07,275

Percentage Urban Population 24.87 20.05

Number Percentage Number Percentage

Persons 1,20,41,249 21.31 1,48,286 15.40

Males 61,30,986 20.84 72,342 14.33

Females 59,10,263 21.82 75,944 16.59

Area (in sq Km.) 342239 5776.00

200 192

Sex Ratio Total 928 925 (Number of females per 1000 males) Rural 933 924

Urban 914 929


Important Statistics

Decadal Population Growth 2001-2011

Density of Population (Persons per sq Km.)



Important Statistics

Number Percentage Number Percentage

Literates Persons 3,82,75,282 66.11 5,85,044 61.52Males 2,36,88,412 79.19 3,71,705 75.44Females 1,45,86,870 52.12 2,13,339 46.55

Scheduled Castes Persons 1,22,21,593 17.83 2,10,788 18.97Males 63,55,564 17.88 1,09,333 18.94Females 58,66,029 17.78 1,01,455 19.01

Scheduled Tribes Persons 92,38,534 13.48 2,28,549 20.57Males 47,42,943 13.34 1,19,454 20.70Females 44,95,591 13.62 1,09,095 20.44

Workers and Non-WorkersPersons 2,98,86,255 43.6 5,26,091 47.36Males 1,82,97,076 51.47 3,14,806 54.54Females 1,15,89,179 35.12 2,11,285 39.59

(i) Main Workers Persons 2,10,57,968 30.72 3,61,070 32.50Males 1,52,43,537 42.88 2,59,200 44.91Females 58,14,431 17.62 1,01,870 19.09

(ii) Marginal Workers Persons 88,28,287 12.88 1,65,021 14.85Males 30,53,539 8.59 55,606 9.63Females 57,74,748 17.5 1,09,415 20.50

Non-Workers Persons 3,86,62,182 56.4 5,84,815 52.64Males 1,72,53,921 48.53 2,62,354 45.46Females 2,14,08,261 64.88 3,22,461 60.41

(i) Cultivators Persons 1,36,18,870 45.57 2,50,453 47.61Males 75,18,486 41.09 1,46,321 46.48Females 61,00,384 52.64 1,04,132 49.29

(ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons 49,39,664 16.53 1,11,388 21.17Males 21,32,669 11.66 46,143 14.66Females 28,06,995 24.22 65,245 30.88

Persons 7,20,573 2.41 11,172 2.12Males 4,35,561 2.38 6,451 2.05Females 2,85,012 2.46 4,721 2.23

(iv) Other Workers Persons 1,06,07,148 35.49 1,53,078 29.10Males 82,10,360 44.87 1,15,891 36.81Females 23,96,788 20.68 37,187 17.60

Total Workers (Main and Marginal)

Category of Workers (Main & Marginal)

(iii)Workers in household industry

State District


Section - I

Primary Census Abstract (PCA)


Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract

Introduction: The Indian Census has the reputation of being one of the best in the world. The first Census in India was conducted in the year 1872. This was conducted at different points of time in different parts of the country. In 1881 a Census was taken for the entire country simultaneously. Since then, Census has been conducted every ten years, without a break. Thus, the Census of India 2011 was the fifteenth in this unbroken series since 1872, the seventh after independence and the second census of the third millennium and twenty first century. The census has been uninterruptedly continued despite of several adversities like wars, epidemics, natural calamities, political unrest, etc.

The Census of India is conducted under the provisions of the Census Act 1948 and the Census Rules, 1990. In Censuses until 1931, a synchronous de-facto method was adopted wherein the Census was conducted throughout the country on a single night. This being a very costly affair and involved the deployment of very large force at one point of time was given up in 1941. Since then the same methodology has been followed in all the Censuses. It is a gigantic operation and considered to be the single largest, complex, peace time administrative exercise in the world.

The Census Operation in India is carried out in two distinct but inter connected phases - the House listing and Housing Census followed by the Population Enumeration. During the first phase of Census 2011 i.e., House listing and Housing Census, the buildings, census houses and households were identified and systematically listed in the House Listing and Housing Census Schedule during the period April to September, 2010 in different States/Union Territories. Apart from listing of houses, some useful data on the amenities available to the households was also collected for assessing condition of human settlements, housing deficits etc.

Censuses prior to Census 2001 had the system of collecting the information through Individual Slip which was a key schedule for every individual. The information collected through slip was then compiled for a household. Some information was also collected in addition to this for the household. During 2001 Census a comprehensive Household Schedule was adopted replacing the individual slip concept. In 2011 Census also similar household schedule was used for canvassing. The scope of demographic, socio-economic parameters has been widened in every census.

2. Population Enumeration - Census 2011:

The field work of the second phase i.e. Population Enumeration was carried out during February-March, 2011. One of the essential features of Population Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time.


The Census moment and the reference date for the Census of India 2011 was 00:00 hours of 1st March, 2011. The enumeration was conducted from 9th February to 28th February, 2011 along with a revisional round from 1st March, 2011 to 5th March, 2011 synchronously all over the country except for few specific areas of the Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states that remain snowbound in February. In these locations the population enumeration was done from 11th September, 2010 to 30th September, 2010 along with a revisional round from 1st October, 2010 to 5th October, 2010. The reference date for the census in snow bound non-synchronous areas of these states was 00.00 hours of the first day of October, 2010. In addition to the coverage during House listing & Housing Census, the enumeration of the Houseless population was carried out on the night of 28th February, 2011, as has been the usual practice. For the purpose of Census, certain areas where the access of the civilian enumerators was not permissible due to security reasons termed as ‘Special Charges’ such as the Defence and strictly Military/Para-Military areas, including operational areas were also covered. Such areas were not covered during the House listing & Housing Census. In addition to the defence/para-military areas, Special Charges also included certain factory areas, certain colonies, sensitive areas, scientific establishments, etc. These also formed Special Charges as these were not accessible by the usual census enumerator.

3. Quality Assurance:

A Task Force for Quality Assurance (TFQA) functioned under the chairmanship of the RG & CCI. Experienced officers of the different divisions of the organization i.e. Heads and senior officers of the Census Division, Data Processing Division, Map Division, Demography Division and Social Studies Division comprised the TFQA. The Directors of Census Operations were co-opted as members whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their States/Union territories. The main objective of constituting the TFQA was to subject the data to stringent validation checks and ensure its quality before release as it was expedient to be satisfied itself about the quality of data before putting the same in public domain.

The Directors and their senior officers were involved at all levels with respect to the quality and the coverage of their states/Uts. The TFQA intensively scrutinized coverage and content parameters including edit and imputation logic. The most important aspect of the data quality was to ensure complete coverage of all geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct geographical linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of the quality control, especially for small area population statistics. The content was scrutinized mainly through the process of internal consistency, comparison with similar data in the past and also through validation with likewise data if available, from external sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception was looked at to understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of


population distribution and characteristics. A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism was put in place to objectively examine the preliminary Census 2011 Population Enumeration results and finally clear them for use. The population data was cleared only after the full possible satisfaction of the TFQA.

The entire work relating to the data validation and scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union territories under the overall supervision and monitoring of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active cooperation and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and Map Division.

4. Primary Census Abstract:

The Primary Census Abstract which is important publication of 2011 Census gives basic information on Area, Total Number of Households, Total Population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Population, Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main Workers and Marginal Workers classified by the four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural Labourers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, and (iv) Other Workers and also Non-Workers. The characteristics of the Total Population include Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and Houseless Population and are presented by sex and rural-urban residence.

In 1981 census main workers were presented into four categories. As regards 1991 Census, the nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has been given in the Primary Census Abstract. One of the important features of the Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census was the presentation of population of the age group 0-6 which is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. All the children of age 6 years or less have been treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a school and may have picked up reading and writing. This will help the data users in better analysis and understanding of the literacy data as the literacy rate is calculated with 7 years and above population and it is referred as effective literacy rate. In 2001 and 2011 census four categories of main workers have been given in the Primary Census Abstract.

5. Level of Presentation of PCA data in District Census Handbooks:

The format of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) adopted in the DCHB of 2001 Census has been continued for 2011 Census as the data on four categories of works have been presented similar to 2001 census. The Primary Census Abstract data in different PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of presentation of Primary Census Abstracts in DCHB is as under:

1. District Primary Census Abstract -District/C.D. Block/Town.2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- District/C.D. Block/Town.3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes -District/C.D. Block/Town.4. Village Primary Census Abstract -C.D. Block/Village wise.5. Urban Primary Census Abstract- Town/Ward level.


The PCA Data for villages was presented C.D. Block wise for the first time

in 1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. The term ‘Total Population’ includes the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless populations. An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract has also been furnished showing urban enumeration block-wise particulars on Total Population, the Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled Tribes Population for each town. 6. Area Figures: The area figures supplied by local revenue authorities of the district in respect of tahsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are given in square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have been converted and shown in hectares. The area figures of the C.D. Block are the total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block. The area figures for the district are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at the national level.


District Primary Census Abstract



Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

121 Bundi - District Total 5,776.00 2,20,768 11,10,906 5,77,160 5,33,746 1,59,884 84,431 75,453 Rural 5,596.31 1,77,150 8,88,205 4,61,734 4,26,471 1,31,693 69,494 62,199 Urban 179.69 43,618 2,22,701 1,15,426 1,07,275 28,191 14,937 13,254

0168 Hindoli Total 1,339.29 45,311 2,21,601 1,15,099 1,06,502 33,074 17,332 15,742 Rural 1,339.29 44,990 2,19,968 1,14,242 1,05,726 32,787 17,182 15,605 Urban 0.00 321 1,633 857 776 287 150 137

800587Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

Urban NA 321 1,633 857 776 287 150 137

0169 Nainwa Total 1,142.34 35,758 1,76,585 92,236 84,349 26,253 14,144 12,109 Rural 1,142.34 35,758 1,76,585 92,236 84,349 26,253 14,144 12,109 Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 1,308.18 40,057 1,99,311 1,03,541 95,770 27,567 14,473 13,094 Rural 1,307.18 39,386 1,95,678 1,01,660 94,018 27,108 14,226 12,882 Urban 1.00 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 1.00 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212 0171 Bundi Total 934.93 28,982 1,48,640 77,187 71,453 22,313 11,729 10,584

Rural 934.93 28,982 1,48,640 77,187 71,453 22,313 11,729 10,584 Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 942.02 30,470 1,59,607 82,787 76,820 25,054 13,151 11,903 Rural 931.28 28,034 1,47,334 76,409 70,925 23,232 12,213 11,019 Urban 10.74 2,436 12,273 6,378 5,895 1,822 938 884

094556 Talera (CT) Urban 4.10 1,372 7,203 3,724 3,479 954 497 457 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 6.64 1,064 5,070 2,654 2,416 868 441 427

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 27.79 20,555 1,04,919 54,485 50,434 12,642 6,768 5,874 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 8.50 3,612 19,485 10,098 9,387 2,570 1,376 1,194 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 15.00 1,458 7,444 3,901 3,543 1,040 557 483 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 25.00 6,111 29,572 15,222 14,350 3,844 2,029 1,815

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 1.00 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 25.90 4,720 24,627 12,703 11,924 3,066 1,562 1,504 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 64.00 4,055 20,748 10,758 9,990 2,748 1,460 1,288 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 4.10 1,372 7,203 3,724 3,479 954 497 457 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 6.64 1,064 5,070 2,654 2,416 868 441 427

Location code

numberDistrict/ CD Block/


Total/ Rural/ Urban

Area in Square

KilometreNumber of households

Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

2,10,788 1,09,333 1,01,455 2,28,549 1,19,454 1,09,095 5,85,044 3,71,705 2,13,339 Total Bundi - District1,68,317 87,314 81,003 2,17,005 1,13,315 1,03,690 4,33,518 2,83,572 1,49,946 Rural

42,471 22,019 20,452 11,544 6,139 5,405 1,51,526 88,133 63,393 Urban41,057 21,133 19,924 41,022 21,369 19,653 1,01,658 67,048 34,610 Total Hindoli40,293 20,728 19,565 40,557 21,133 19,424 1,01,357 66,846 34,511 Rural

764 405 359 465 236 229 301 202 99 Urban

764 405 359 465 236 229 301 202 99 UrbanDalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

32,216 16,789 15,427 41,142 21,762 19,380 83,977 56,530 27,447 Total Nainwa32,216 16,789 15,427 41,142 21,762 19,380 83,977 56,530 27,447 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban36,730 19,022 17,708 58,234 30,364 27,870 1,08,304 69,611 38,693 Total Keshorai Patan36,249 18,772 17,477 57,950 30,213 27,737 1,05,609 68,053 37,556 Rural

481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Urban

481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT)31,663 16,438 15,225 41,514 21,704 19,810 71,844 46,748 25,096 Total Bundi31,663 16,438 15,225 41,514 21,704 19,810 71,844 46,748 25,096 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban31,472 16,426 15,046 37,020 19,127 17,893 77,303 49,368 27,935 Total Talera27,896 14,587 13,309 35,842 18,503 17,339 70,731 45,395 25,336 Rural3,576 1,839 1,737 1,178 624 554 6,572 3,973 2,599 Urban2,169 1,101 1,068 175 91 84 4,684 2,699 1,985 Urban Talera (CT)1,407 738 669 1,003 533 470 1,888 1,274 614 Urban Budhpura (CT)

URBAN15,892 8,268 7,624 4,364 2,334 2,030 74,903 42,402 32,501 Urban Bundi (M + OG)

2,645 1,383 1,262 501 276 225 12,750 7,636 5,114 Urban Nainwa (M)1,732 925 807 194 124 70 4,621 2,792 1,829 Urban Indragarh (M)9,321 4,763 4,558 941 492 449 19,777 11,847 7,930 Urban Lakheri (M)

481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT)4,767 2,484 2,283 604 323 281 16,987 9,942 7,045 Urban Keshoraipatan (M)4,057 2,107 1,950 3,478 1,815 1,663 13,221 7,983 5,238 Urban Kaprain (M)2,169 1,101 1,068 175 91 84 4,684 2,699 1,985 Urban Talera (CT)1,407 738 669 1,003 533 470 1,888 1,274 614 Urban Budhpura (CT)

Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population LiteratesTotal/ Rural/ Urban

District/ CD Block/ Town




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

121 Bundi - District Total 5,26,091 3,14,806 2,11,285 3,61,070 2,59,200 1,01,870 1,90,117 1,29,122 60,995 Rural 4,50,555 2,55,318 1,95,237 2,97,740 2,06,247 91,493 1,85,660 1,25,324 60,336 Urban 75,536 59,488 16,048 63,330 52,953 10,377 4,457 3,798 659

0168 Hindoli Total 1,23,116 67,205 55,911 77,828 53,046 24,782 53,654 34,644 19,010 Rural 1,22,565 66,755 55,810 77,597 52,851 24,746 53,651 34,642 19,009 Urban 551 450 101 231 195 36 3 2 1


Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

Urban 551 450 101 231 195 36 3 2 1

0169 Nainwa Total 88,775 48,349 40,426 57,487 37,849 19,638 39,609 25,209 14,400 Rural 88,775 48,349 40,426 57,487 37,849 19,638 39,609 25,209 14,400 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 92,949 55,110 37,839 56,002 43,522 12,480 31,760 26,092 5,668 Rural 91,722 54,134 37,588 55,022 42,648 12,374 31,670 26,009 5,661 Urban 1,227 976 251 980 874 106 90 83 7

094175Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 1,227 976 251 980 874 106 90 83 7

0171 Bundi Total 79,120 44,131 34,989 55,793 36,134 19,659 36,192 22,680 13,512 Rural 79,120 44,131 34,989 55,793 36,134 19,659 36,192 22,680 13,512 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 72,990 45,405 27,585 55,988 40,043 15,945 24,785 16,968 7,817 Rural 68,373 41,949 26,424 51,841 36,765 15,076 24,538 16,784 7,754 Urban 4,617 3,456 1,161 4,147 3,278 869 247 184 63

094556 Talera (CT) Urban 2,494 1,943 551 2,231 1,806 425 140 110 30 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 2,123 1,513 610 1,916 1,472 444 107 74 33

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 34,995 28,341 6,654 31,057 25,979 5,078 807 694 113 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 6,770 4,961 1,809 5,203 4,118 1,085 651 394 257 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 2,542 1,939 603 1,722 1,517 205 105 68 37 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 9,667 7,735 1,932 8,575 7,031 1,544 273 196 77

094175Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 1,227 976 251 980 874 106 90 83 7

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 8,370 6,599 1,771 6,729 5,746 983 576 535 41 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 7,348 5,481 1,867 4,917 4,410 507 1,708 1,644 64 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 2,494 1,943 551 2,231 1,806 425 140 110 30 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 2,123 1,513 610 1,916 1,472 444 107 74 33

CultivatorsDistrict/ CD Block/ Town

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total workers Main workers

Industrial categoryLocation

code number




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2

45,911 26,927 18,984 7,088 4,812 2,276 1,17,954 98,339 19,615 Total Bundi - District43,738 25,392 18,346 4,504 3,136 1,368 63,838 52,395 11,443 Rural2,173 1,535 638 2,584 1,676 908 54,116 45,944 8,172 Urban7,486 4,331 3,155 1,144 845 299 15,544 13,226 2,318 Total Hindoli7,479 4,327 3,152 1,140 841 299 15,327 13,041 2,286 Rural

7 4 3 4 4 - 217 185 32 Urban

7 4 3 4 4 - 217 185 32 UrbanDalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

5,808 2,985 2,823 1,106 659 447 10,964 8,996 1,968 Total Nainwa5,808 2,985 2,823 1,106 659 447 10,964 8,996 1,968 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban12,335 7,553 4,782 934 716 218 10,973 9,161 1,812 Total Keshorai Patan12,314 7,536 4,778 887 675 212 10,151 8,428 1,723 Rural

21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Urban

21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT)9,145 5,202 3,943 821 555 266 9,635 7,697 1,938 Total Bundi9,145 5,202 3,943 821 555 266 9,635 7,697 1,938 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban9,042 5,370 3,672 605 442 163 21,556 17,263 4,293 Total Talera8,992 5,342 3,650 550 406 144 17,761 14,233 3,528 Rural

50 28 22 55 36 19 3,795 3,030 765 Urban48 26 22 47 28 19 1,996 1,642 354 Urban Talera (CT)2 2 - 8 8 - 1,799 1,388 411 Urban Budhpura (CT)

URBAN471 355 116 1,417 900 517 28,362 24,030 4,332 Urban Bundi (M + OG)270 169 101 274 197 77 4,008 3,358 650 Urban Nainwa (M)10 6 4 22 16 6 1,585 1,427 158 Urban Indragarh (M)52 29 23 105 78 27 8,145 6,728 1,417 Urban Lakheri (M)

21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT)658 499 159 574 332 242 4,921 4,380 541 Urban Keshoraipatan (M)641 432 209 90 76 14 2,478 2,258 220 Urban Kaprain (M)48 26 22 47 28 19 1,996 1,642 354 Urban Talera (CT)2 2 - 8 8 - 1,799 1,388 411 Urban Budhpura (CT)

Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workersTotal/ Rural/ Urban

District/ CD Block/ Town

of main workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

121 Bundi - District Total 1,65,021 55,606 1,09,415 60,336 17,199 43,137 65,477 19,216 46,261 Rural 1,52,815 49,071 1,03,744 59,893 17,017 42,876 63,098 18,453 44,645 Urban 12,206 6,535 5,671 443 182 261 2,379 763 1,616

0168 Hindoli Total 45,288 14,159 31,129 23,591 6,885 16,706 12,778 3,531 9,247 Rural 44,968 13,904 31,064 23,583 6,877 16,706 12,768 3,524 9,244 Urban 320 255 65 8 8 - 10 7 3

800587Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

Urban 320 255 65 8 8 - 10 7 3

0169 Nainwa Total 31,288 10,500 20,788 11,807 3,327 8,480 13,149 4,018 9,131 Rural 31,288 10,500 20,788 11,807 3,327 8,480 13,149 4,018 9,131 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 36,947 11,588 25,359 9,942 2,508 7,434 20,431 6,015 14,416 Rural 36,700 11,486 25,214 9,941 2,508 7,433 20,333 6,012 14,321 Urban 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95 0171 Bundi Total 23,327 7,997 15,330 9,494 2,893 6,601 9,374 3,003 6,371

Rural 23,327 7,997 15,330 9,494 2,893 6,601 9,374 3,003 6,371 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 17,002 5,362 11,640 5,105 1,417 3,688 7,482 1,897 5,585 Rural 16,532 5,184 11,348 5,068 1,412 3,656 7,474 1,896 5,578 Urban 470 178 292 37 5 32 8 1 7

094556 Talera (CT) Urban 263 137 126 7 1 6 6 - 6 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 207 41 166 30 4 26 2 1 1

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 3,938 2,362 1,576 75 39 36 130 74 56 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 1,567 843 724 128 36 92 111 34 77 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 820 422 398 41 26 15 25 2 23 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 1,092 704 388 19 11 8 32 6 26

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 1,641 853 788 29 19 10 473 112 361 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 2,431 1,071 1,360 113 46 67 1,502 531 971 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 263 137 126 7 1 6 6 - 6 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 207 41 166 30 4 26 2 1 1

Location code

numberDistrict/ CD Block/


Total/ Rural/ Urban

Industrial category

Agricultural labourersMarginal workers Cultivators




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1

4,084 1,639 2,445 35,124 17,552 17,572 5,84,815 2,62,354 3,22,461 Total Bundi - District 1213,273 1,354 1,919 26,551 12,247 14,304 4,37,650 2,06,416 2,31,234 Rural

811 285 526 8,573 5,305 3,268 1,47,165 55,938 91,227 Urban721 261 460 8,198 3,482 4,716 98,485 47,894 50,591 Total Hindoli 0168720 260 460 7,897 3,243 4,654 97,403 47,487 49,916 Rural

1 1 - 301 239 62 1,082 407 675 Urban

1 1 - 301 239 62 1,082 407 675 UrbanDalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)


850 345 505 5,482 2,810 2,672 87,810 43,887 43,923 Total Nainwa 0169850 345 505 5,482 2,810 2,672 87,810 43,887 43,923 Rural- - - - - - - - - Urban731 351 380 5,843 2,714 3,129 1,06,362 48,431 57,931 Total Keshorai Patan 0170691 328 363 5,735 2,638 3,097 1,03,956 47,526 56,430 Rural40 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Urban

40 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 094175792 327 465 3,667 1,774 1,893 69,520 33,056 36,464 Total Bundi 0171792 327 465 3,667 1,774 1,893 69,520 33,056 36,464 Rural- - - - - - - - - Urban231 101 130 4,184 1,947 2,237 86,617 37,382 49,235 Total Talera 0172220 94 126 3,770 1,782 1,988 78,961 34,460 44,501 Rural11 7 4 414 165 249 7,656 2,922 4,734 Urban10 7 3 240 129 111 4,709 1,781 2,928 Urban Talera (CT) 0945561 - 1 174 36 138 2,947 1,141 1,806 Urban Budhpura (CT) 094557

URBAN334 126 208 3,399 2,123 1,276 69,924 26,144 43,780 Urban Bundi (M + OG) 800587209 45 164 1,119 728 391 12,715 5,137 7,578 Urban Nainwa (M) 80058217 - 17 737 394 343 4,902 1,962 2,940 Urban Indragarh (M) 80058347 19 28 994 668 326 19,905 7,487 12,418 Urban Lakheri (M) 800584

40 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 094175112 40 72 1,027 682 345 16,257 6,104 10,153 Urban Keshoraipatan (M) 80058541 25 16 775 469 306 13,400 5,277 8,123 Urban Kaprain (M) 80058610 7 3 240 129 111 4,709 1,781 2,928 Urban Talera (CT) 0945561 - 1 174 36 138 2,947 1,141 1,806 Urban Budhpura (CT) 094557

Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers

of marginal workersTotal/ Rural/ Urban

District/ CD Block/ Town

Location code



Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise

Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0200 SUB-EB No.01 847 508 199

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0200 SUB-EB No.02 786 256 266

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 523 113 10

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 379 9 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 338 75 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 604 6 47

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 307 12 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 314 - -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000700 297 3 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 451 19 2

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 293 7 4

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 413 175 2

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 436 214 8

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 496 260 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 351 - 2

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 320 - 9

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 608 - 4

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 231 - -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 255 2 3

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 556 14 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 268 - -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 576 32 3

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 229 24 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 235 - 2

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 298 35 21

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 651 315 6

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002500 709 19 84

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 329 180 3

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002700 240 168 6

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002800 671 187 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002900 206 2 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003000 375 122 17

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003100 628 16 36

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003200 396 117 5

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003300 741 119 62

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003400 557 58 43

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003500 692 112 -

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-004400 558 62 13

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003600 532 14 32

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003700 877 39 35

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003800 412 4 10

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003900 310 - 1

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004000 476 102 19

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004100 500 - -



Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004200 609 8 1

800582 Nainwa (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004300 238 1 11

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 504 249 17

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 494 138 20

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 701 15 8

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 929 422 49

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000400 477 294 7

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000500 448 15 6

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000600 486 78 18

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000700 526 48 36

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-000800 402 129 1

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-000900 516 114 1

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001000 409 13 18

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001100 437 - 10

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001200 296 5 -

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-001300 426 1 3

800583 Indragarh (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001400 393 211 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 380 - -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 486 12 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 596 19 22

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 298 3 4

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 202 - 4

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 353 - -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 541 25 7

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000700 624 29 14

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.01 670 156 59

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.02 478 204 5

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000900 802 425 41

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 570 31 11

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001100 755 15 18

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 488 32 21

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001300 795 281 42

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 560 227 30

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001500 343 263 7

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001600 286 286 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001700 747 134 76

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001800 597 428 69

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001900 358 119 70

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 416 175 15

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 403 253 1

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-900100 396 50 9

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-900200 699 145 15

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-900300 576 67 1

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-900400 309 125 6


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-900500 110 22 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002100 710 161 49

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002200 538 25 15

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002300 783 22 27

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002400 444 48 1

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002500 493 18 7

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002600 493 43 16

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002700 610 78 8

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002800 547 108 10

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-900600 690 376 12

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-900700 461 304 8

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-900800 435 431 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-900900 632 342 4

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-901000 400 40 48

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-9011 SUB-EB No.01 510 264 19

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-9011 SUB-EB No.02 325 177 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-901200 691 200 62

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-901300 616 219 26

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-901400 327 138 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-901500 734 440 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-901600 694 240 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-901700 551 73 4

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-901800 303 222 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-901900 464 220 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002900 513 429 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003000 353 117 7

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-003100 556 74 50

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.01 314 63 21

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.02 498 449 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-003300 387 32 -

800584 Lakheri (M) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-003400 662 442 -

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 152 3 -

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 447 247 32

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 450 105 14

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 402 - 39

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 494 33 49

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 236 17 38

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 463 23 71

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 446 22 30

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 396 - 3

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 147 31 8

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 713 161 55

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 766 201 38

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 212 93 -


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 653 120 67

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 586 68 20

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 519 116 52

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 871 7 25

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.03 330 23 10

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 488 8 11

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 610 25 7

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000700 609 33 24

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 616 23 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 309 20 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 471 - -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 482 135 12

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 508 16 5

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 338 29 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 572 8 5

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 710 150 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 724 10 8

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 180 - -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 249 - 3

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 748 423 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 771 222 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 398 15 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 269 - -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 708 4 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 428 - -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 427 4 6

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002500 367 17 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 394 8 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002700 561 5 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.01 470 10 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.02 480 39 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002900 512 5 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003000 468 44 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003100 517 209 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003200 289 204 -

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.01 488 431 1

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.02 421 414 1

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003400 519 275 8

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003500 533 403 11

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.01 469 119 5

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.02 434 235 37

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003700 863 194 87

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003800 414 31 14

800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-003900 500 100 71


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800585 Keshoraipatan (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004000 663 110 21

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 511 71 210

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 374 36 85

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 692 157 21

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 669 27 415

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 360 99 150

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 390 139 48

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 293 171 91

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 528 22 49

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 407 46 9

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 760 49 140

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 603 60 43

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 372 - 32

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 372 49 33

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 231 - 3

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 400 16 10

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 428 98 18

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 834 442 30

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 686 258 267

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 350 291 -

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 701 549 1

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 347 - 8

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 328 21 10

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 658 9 4

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 388 - 30

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 772 66 127

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 520 48 38

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002500 351 28 17

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 530 104 -

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002700 527 - 54

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002800 377 5 9

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002900 568 112 4

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003000 438 398 -

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003100 645 42 11

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-003200 397 93 30

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003300 595 131 289

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-003400 291 - 37

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003500 372 35 242

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-003600 447 9 413

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003700 386 169 215

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003800 781 150 224

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-003900 684 28 47

800586 Kaprain (M) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-004000 385 29 14

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 337 37 -


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 301 15 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 642 261 5

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 604 39 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 549 121 72

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000600 799 209 128

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 811 129 51

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 343 122 14

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000800 410 90 6

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000900 338 161 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001000 477 288 35

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001100 550 180 41

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 787 120 30

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 100 39 6

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001300 227 55 50

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001400 330 121 25

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-001500 438 58 149

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-001600 350 40 20

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-001700 597 87 13

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-020200 422 106 42

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001800 92 30 9

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-001900 734 16 15

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-002000 676 25 6

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-002100 592 51 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0201 SUB-EB No.01 802 21 33

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0201 SUB-EB No.02 170 22 8

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002200 654 65 15

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002300 399 53 11

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002400 578 74 30

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-002500 344 45 7

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 805 184 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 105 22 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002700 99 5 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002800 299 82 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002900 473 2 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003000 503 73 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003100 196 25 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003200 532 15 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003300 142 3 2

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003400 477 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003500 338 10 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003600 308 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-003700 529 14 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 824 - 3

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 92 - -


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-003900 505 9 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-004000 553 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-004100 644 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-004200 439 4 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-004300 393 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-004400 389 10 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-004500 463 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-004600 362 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-004700 228 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-004800 545 80 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 833 440 5

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 34 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-005000 739 195 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-005100 13 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-005200 495 32 11

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-005300 485 133 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0054 SUB-EB No.01 815 289 37

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0054 SUB-EB No.02 82 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-005500 433 1 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-005600 379 103 3

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-005700 727 93 6

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-005800 334 67 3

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-005900 347 22 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-006000 641 12 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-006100 418 14 13

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-006200 513 65 24

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-006300 319 45 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-006400 228 45 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006500 328 - 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006600 398 6 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-006700 425 36 7

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-006800 385 25 2

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-006900 739 17 9

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.01 770 54 38

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.02 499 4 5

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-007100 719 5 21

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-007200 284 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-007300 412 26 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-007400 569 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-007500 287 7 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-007600 653 262 35

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.01 813 36 30

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.02 112 43 19

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0078 SUB-EB No.01 772 36 17


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-0078 SUB-EB No.02 401 256 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-007900 561 26 16

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008000 276 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008100 761 325 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008200 333 112 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008300 349 246 6

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008400 530 464 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008500 357 163 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008600 720 561 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-008700 395 378 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-008800 399 9 12

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-008900 383 228 21

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-009000 636 11 5

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-009100 227 26 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-020300 391 2 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-009300 79 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-009400 775 17 2

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-009500 375 2 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-009600 485 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009700 556 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009800 628 2 3

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009900 434 5 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0100 SUB-EB No.01 795 3 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0100 SUB-EB No.02 241 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010100 274 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010200 786 - 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010300 245 - 1

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010400 643 17 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010500 338 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010600 486 19 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010700 227 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010800 442 25 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-010900 204 4 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-011000 88 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-011100 219 7 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-011200 596 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-011300 665 28 12

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-011400 418 27 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-011500 475 67 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-011600 395 73 17

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-011700 560 342 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-011800 759 85 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-0119 SUB-EB No.01 771 3 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-0119 SUB-EB No.02 349 - -


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-012000 158 31 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-012100 367 6 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-012200 809 20 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-012300 473 28 43

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-012400 305 3 9

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-012500 327 - 11

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-012600 502 28 15

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-012700 400 35 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-012800 700 25 48

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-012900 674 200 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0130 SUB-EB No.01 773 114 3

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0130 SUB-EB No.02 85 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-013100 590 76 5

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-013200 173 - 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-013300 436 40 33

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-013400 443 6 26

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-013500 487 60 6

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-013600 415 109 45

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-013700 271 68 2

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.01 902 212 194

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.02 443 90 82

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-013900 556 - 34

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014000 382 31 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014100 550 23 18

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014200 542 12 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014300 641 17 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014400 499 9 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014500 649 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014600 659 22 54

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014700 798 28 14

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014800 118 18 21

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-014900 733 31 31

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-015000 633 127 106

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0151 SUB-EB No.01 765 51 34

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0151 SUB-EB No.02 247 30 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-015200 757 61 72

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.01 790 104 29

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.02 229 14 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-015400 544 32 38

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-015500 338 75 7

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-015600 707 136 70

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-015700 516 54 58

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.01 771 11 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.02 134 12 10


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-015900 611 141 110

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-016000 442 130 14

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016100 654 75 68

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016200 824 89 135

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016300 241 10 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016400 309 10 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016500 600 279 48

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016600 351 38 44

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-016700 810 327 50

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-016800 658 345 48

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-016900 675 74 127

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-020400 497 233 56

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-020500 800 209 49

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-017000 492 373 8

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-017100 392 44 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-017200 174 5 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-017300 632 37 29

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-017400 492 14 36

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-020600 483 237 43

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-020700 509 16 27

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-017500 566 380 38

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-017600 97 32 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0177 SUB-EB No.01 739 15 52

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0177 SUB-EB No.02 153 - 17

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-017800 817 177 115

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-018000 714 166 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-018100 248 21 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-018200 203 43 46

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-018300 548 51 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-018400 455 164 3

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-018500 222 5 133

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-018600 292 22 55

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-018700 220 37 94

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-018800 254 8 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-018900 240 55 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-019000 679 91 2

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-019100 348 25 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-019200 351 6 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-019300 339 4 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-019400 416 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-019500 458 11 4

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019600 362 119 -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019700 466 - -

800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019800 211 85 -


Location Code

Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / EB Number

Total Population

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


800587 Bundi (M + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019900 228 12 -

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 380 143 -

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 433 219 -

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 522 109 -

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 567 40 28

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 423 177 6

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 736 70 46

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 571 75 9

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 678 161 34

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 505 258 15

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 414 254 12

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 617 292 11

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 215 191 -

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 805 131 13

094556 Talera (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 337 49 1

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 499 117 -

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 454 12 21

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 429 78 2

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 854 350 286

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 732 254 132

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 636 190 73

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 831 336 265

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 302 5 18

094557 Budhpura (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 333 65 206


Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC)



Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121 Bundi - District Total 42,163 2,10,788 1,09,333 1,01,455 31,846 16,716 15,130 Rural 33,693 1,68,317 87,314 81,003 26,019 13,639 12,380 Urban 8,470 42,471 22,019 20,452 5,827 3,077 2,750

0168 Hindoli Total 8,369 41,057 21,133 19,924 6,545 3,314 3,231 Rural 8,220 40,293 20,728 19,565 6,403 3,239 3,164 Urban 149 764 405 359 142 75 67

0169 Nainwa Total 6,436 32,216 16,789 15,427 5,016 2,707 2,309 Rural 6,436 32,216 16,789 15,427 5,016 2,707 2,309 Urban - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 7,403 36,730 19,022 17,708 5,400 2,821 2,579 Rural 7,309 36,249 18,772 17,477 5,337 2,787 2,550 Urban 94 481 250 231 63 34 29

0171 Bundi Total 6,329 31,663 16,438 15,225 4,982 2,628 2,354 Rural 6,329 31,663 16,438 15,225 4,982 2,628 2,354 Urban - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 6,125 31,472 16,426 15,046 4,815 2,552 2,263 Rural 5,399 27,896 14,587 13,309 4,281 2,278 2,003 Urban 726 3,576 1,839 1,737 534 274 260

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 3,128 15,892 8,268 7,624 2,151 1,146 1,005 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 479 2,645 1,383 1,262 344 178 166 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 335 1,732 925 807 250 137 113 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 1,925 9,321 4,763 4,558 1,250 652 598

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 94 481 250 231 63 34 29 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 976 4,767 2,484 2,283 651 340 311 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 807 4,057 2,107 1,950 584 316 268 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 418 2,169 1,101 1,068 327 169 158 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 308 1,407 738 669 207 105 102

Location code

numberDistrict/ CD Block/


Total/ Rural/ Urban

Number of households with SC as


Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

1,00,632 65,489 35,143 1,10,156 43,844 66,312 1,00,254 59,358 40,896 Total Bundi - District75,666 50,008 25,658 92,651 37,306 55,345 85,705 48,274 37,431 Rural24,966 15,481 9,485 17,505 6,538 10,967 14,549 11,084 3,465 Urban16,563 11,035 5,528 24,494 10,098 14,396 22,691 12,152 10,539 Total Hindoli16,420 10,940 5,480 23,873 9,788 14,085 22,446 11,948 10,498 Rural

143 95 48 621 310 311 245 204 41 Urban14,412 9,708 4,704 17,804 7,081 10,723 16,314 8,914 7,400 Total Nainwa14,412 9,708 4,704 17,804 7,081 10,723 16,314 8,914 7,400 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban18,052 11,830 6,222 18,678 7,192 11,486 17,679 10,271 7,408 Total Keshorai Patan17,746 11,634 6,112 18,503 7,138 11,365 17,459 10,136 7,323 Rural

306 196 110 175 54 121 220 135 85 Urban13,488 8,923 4,565 18,175 7,515 10,660 16,447 9,316 7,131 Total Bundi13,488 8,923 4,565 18,175 7,515 10,660 16,447 9,316 7,131 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban15,475 9,957 5,518 15,997 6,469 9,528 14,419 8,967 5,452 Total Talera13,600 8,803 4,797 14,296 5,784 8,512 13,039 7,960 5,079 Rural1,875 1,154 721 1,701 685 1,016 1,380 1,007 373 Urban

URBAN9,561 5,804 3,757 6,331 2,464 3,867 5,155 4,101 1,054 Urban Bundi (M + OG)1,597 1,003 594 1,048 380 668 905 652 253 Urban Nainwa (M)

994 639 355 738 286 452 557 428 129 Urban Indragarh (M)5,826 3,637 2,189 3,495 1,126 2,369 3,053 2,412 641 Urban Lakheri (M)

306 196 110 175 54 121 220 135 85 UrbanSumerganj Mandi (CT)

2,748 1,715 1,033 2,019 769 1,250 1,730 1,248 482 Urban Keshoraipatan (M)2,059 1,333 726 1,998 774 1,224 1,549 1,101 448 Urban Kaprain (M)1,253 733 520 916 368 548 769 571 198 Urban Talera (CT)

622 421 201 785 317 468 611 436 175 Urban Budhpura (CT)

District/ CD Block/ Town

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total workersLiterates Illiterates




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

121 Bundi - District Total 63,675 45,859 17,816 25,802 17,608 8,194 14,107 8,902 5,205 Rural 52,465 36,671 15,794 25,368 17,214 8,154 13,569 8,476 5,093 Urban 11,210 9,188 2,022 434 394 40 538 426 112

0168 Hindoli Total 13,273 9,099 4,174 8,047 5,199 2,848 2,262 1,400 862 Rural 13,169 9,014 4,155 8,047 5,199 2,848 2,257 1,396 861 Urban 104 85 19 - - - 5 4 1

0169 Nainwa Total 9,589 6,346 3,243 5,423 3,443 1,980 1,673 952 721 Rural 9,589 6,346 3,243 5,423 3,443 1,980 1,673 952 721 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 9,688 7,454 2,234 3,713 3,160 553 3,645 2,377 1,268 Rural 9,553 7,332 2,221 3,706 3,154 552 3,640 2,373 1,267 Urban 135 122 13 7 6 1 5 4 1

0171 Bundi Total 10,696 7,146 3,550 5,196 3,267 1,929 3,000 1,837 1,163 Rural 10,696 7,146 3,550 5,196 3,267 1,929 3,000 1,837 1,163 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 10,657 7,758 2,899 3,053 2,194 859 3,015 1,925 1,090 Rural 9,458 6,833 2,625 2,996 2,151 845 2,999 1,918 1,081 Urban 1,199 925 274 57 43 14 16 7 9

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 4,420 3,611 809 32 22 10 74 60 14 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 571 432 139 29 19 10 5 2 3 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 286 248 38 7 6 1 1 - 1 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 2,626 2,152 474 6 5 1 6 2 4

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 135 122 13 7 6 1 5 4 1 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 1,207 1,003 204 64 62 2 238 198 40 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 766 695 71 232 231 1 193 153 40 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 649 504 145 37 33 4 16 7 9 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 550 421 129 20 10 10 - - -

District/ CD Block/ Town

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Industrial category

Agricultural labourersMain workersLocation

code number





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

1,012 654 358 22,754 18,695 4,059 36,579 13,499 23,080 Total Bundi - District702 463 239 12,826 10,518 2,308 33,240 11,603 21,637 Rural310 191 119 9,928 8,177 1,751 3,339 1,896 1,443 Urban163 108 55 2,801 2,392 409 9,418 3,053 6,365 Total Hindoli163 108 55 2,702 2,311 391 9,277 2,934 6,343 Rural- - - 99 81 18 141 119 22 Urban178 92 86 2,315 1,859 456 6,725 2,568 4,157 Total Nainwa178 92 86 2,315 1,859 456 6,725 2,568 4,157 Rural- - - - - - - - - Urban126 92 34 2,204 1,825 379 7,991 2,817 5,174 Total Keshorai Patan125 91 34 2,082 1,714 368 7,906 2,804 5,102 Rural

1 1 - 122 111 11 85 13 72 Urban122 97 25 2,378 1,945 433 5,751 2,170 3,581 Total Bundi122 97 25 2,378 1,945 433 5,751 2,170 3,581 Rural- - - - - - - - - Urban135 85 50 4,454 3,554 900 3,762 1,209 2,553 Total Talera114 75 39 3,349 2,689 660 3,581 1,127 2,454 Rural21 10 11 1,105 865 240 181 82 99 Urban

URBAN130 90 40 4,184 3,439 745 735 490 245 Urban Bundi (M + OG)33 25 8 504 386 118 334 220 114 Urban Nainwa (M)5 3 2 273 239 34 271 180 91 Urban Indragarh (M)

20 14 6 2,594 2,131 463 427 260 167 Urban Lakheri (M)

1 1 - 122 111 11 85 13 72 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT)96 45 51 809 698 111 523 245 278 Urban Keshoraipatan (M)4 3 1 337 308 29 783 406 377 Urban Kaprain (M)

20 9 11 576 455 121 120 67 53 Urban Talera (CT)1 1 - 529 410 119 61 15 46 Urban Budhpura (CT)

of main workers

Other workersHousehold industry workers Marginal workersTotal/ Rural/ Urban

District/ CD Block/ Town




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

121 Bundi - District Total 8,563 2,560 6,003 18,282 5,956 12,326 653 266 387 Rural 8,534 2,550 5,984 17,368 5,645 11,723 550 210 340 Urban 29 10 19 914 311 603 103 56 47

0168 Hindoli Total 3,728 1,031 2,697 3,427 1,034 2,393 106 42 64 Rural 3,728 1,031 2,697 3,423 1,032 2,391 106 42 64 Urban - - - 4 2 2 - - -

0169 Nainwa Total 1,599 553 1,046 3,302 1,098 2,204 240 85 155 Rural 1,599 553 1,046 3,302 1,098 2,204 240 85 155 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 959 250 709 5,483 1,863 3,620 91 30 61 Rural 959 250 709 5,414 1,862 3,552 91 30 61 Urban - - - 69 1 68 - - -

0171 Bundi Total 1,640 544 1,096 2,980 1,023 1,957 88 44 44 Rural 1,640 544 1,096 2,980 1,023 1,957 88 44 44 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 620 173 447 2,253 630 1,623 27 10 17 Rural 608 172 436 2,249 630 1,619 25 9 16 Urban 12 1 11 4 - 4 2 1 1

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 4 1 3 23 11 12 48 32 16 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban - - - 13 6 7 28 11 17 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 2 1 1 3 1 2 - - - 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 3 3 - 6 2 4 7 2 5

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban - - - 69 1 68 - - - 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 1 - 1 205 31 174 10 6 4 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 7 4 3 591 259 332 8 4 4 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 5 - 5 4 - 4 2 1 1 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 7 1 6 - - - - - -

Cultivators Household industry workersLocation

code number

District/ CD Block/ Town

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Agricultural labourers

Industrial category of




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1

9,081 4,717 4,364 1,10,534 49,975 60,559 Total Bundi - District 1216,788 3,198 3,590 82,612 39,040 43,572 Rural2,293 1,519 774 27,922 10,935 16,987 Urban2,157 946 1,211 18,366 8,981 9,385 Total Hindoli 01682,020 829 1,191 17,847 8,780 9,067 Rural

137 117 20 519 201 318 Urban1,584 832 752 15,902 7,875 8,027 Total Nainwa 01691,584 832 752 15,902 7,875 8,027 Rural

- - - - - - Urban1,458 674 784 19,051 8,751 10,300 Total Keshorai Patan 01701,442 662 780 18,790 8,636 10,154 Rural

16 12 4 261 115 146 Urban1,043 559 484 15,216 7,122 8,094 Total Bundi 01711,043 559 484 15,216 7,122 8,094 Rural

- - - - - - Urban862 396 466 17,053 7,459 9,594 Total Talera 0172699 316 383 14,857 6,627 8,230 Rural163 80 83 2,196 832 1,364 Urban

URBAN660 446 214 10,737 4,167 6,570 Urban Bundi (M + OG) 800587293 203 90 1,740 731 1,009 Urban Nainwa (M) 800582266 178 88 1,175 497 678 Urban Indragarh (M) 800583411 253 158 6,268 2,351 3,917 Urban Lakheri (M) 800584

16 12 4 261 115 146 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 094175307 208 99 3,037 1,236 1,801 Urban Keshoraipatan (M) 800585177 139 38 2,508 1,006 1,502 Urban Kaprain (M) 800586109 66 43 1,400 530 870 Urban Talera (CT) 09455654 14 40 796 302 494 Urban Budhpura (CT) 094557

District/ CD Block/ Town

Location code

numberOther workers Non-workers

Total/ Rural/ Urban

marginal workers


Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST)



Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121 Bundi - District Total 47,017 2,28,549 1,19,454 1,09,095 34,899 18,452 16,447 Rural 44,561 2,17,005 1,13,315 1,03,690 33,225 17,551 15,674 Urban 2,456 11,544 6,139 5,405 1,674 901 773

0168 Hindoli Total 8,879 41,022 21,369 19,653 6,386 3,369 3,017 Rural 8,789 40,557 21,133 19,424 6,303 3,324 2,979 Urban 90 465 236 229 83 45 38

0169 Nainwa Total 8,683 41,142 21,762 19,380 6,079 3,345 2,734 Rural 8,683 41,142 21,762 19,380 6,079 3,345 2,734 Urban - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 11,903 58,234 30,364 27,870 7,934 4,165 3,769 Rural 11,843 57,950 30,213 27,737 7,900 4,150 3,750 Urban 60 284 151 133 34 15 19

0171 Bundi Total 8,255 41,514 21,704 19,810 6,579 3,441 3,138 Rural 8,255 41,514 21,704 19,810 6,579 3,441 3,138 Urban - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 7,251 37,020 19,127 17,893 6,623 3,427 3,196 Rural 6,991 35,842 18,503 17,339 6,364 3,291 3,073 Urban 260 1,178 624 554 259 136 123

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 958 4,364 2,334 2,030 608 326 282 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 107 501 276 225 67 42 25 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 38 194 124 70 19 8 11 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 206 941 492 449 132 81 51

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 60 284 151 133 34 15 19 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 123 604 323 281 82 47 35 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 704 3,478 1,815 1,663 473 246 227 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 40 175 91 84 18 6 12 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 220 1,003 533 470 241 130 111

Location code

numberDistrict/ CD Block/


Total/ Rural/ Urban

Number of households with ST as


Total population (including institutional and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

1,07,478 72,403 35,075 1,21,071 47,051 74,020 1,18,283 64,868 53,415 Total Bundi - District1,01,146 68,356 32,790 1,15,859 44,959 70,900 1,14,076 61,930 52,146 Rural

6,332 4,047 2,285 5,212 2,092 3,120 4,207 2,938 1,269 Urban18,370 12,378 5,992 22,652 8,991 13,661 23,519 12,448 11,071 Total Hindoli18,341 12,359 5,982 22,216 8,774 13,442 23,355 12,324 11,031 Rural

29 19 10 436 217 219 164 124 40 Urban19,002 13,483 5,519 22,140 8,279 13,861 22,459 11,362 11,097 Total Nainwa19,002 13,483 5,519 22,140 8,279 13,861 22,459 11,362 11,097 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban32,584 21,464 11,120 25,650 8,900 16,750 27,727 15,725 12,002 Total Keshorai Patan32,371 21,333 11,038 25,579 8,880 16,699 27,646 15,664 11,982 Rural

213 131 82 71 20 51 81 61 20 Urban18,565 12,580 5,985 22,949 9,124 13,825 23,685 12,577 11,108 Total Bundi18,565 12,580 5,985 22,949 9,124 13,825 23,685 12,577 11,108 Rural

- - - - - - - - - Urban13,041 8,730 4,311 23,979 10,397 13,582 17,457 10,340 7,117 Total Talera12,867 8,601 4,266 22,975 9,902 13,073 16,931 10,003 6,928 Rural

174 129 45 1,004 495 509 526 337 189 UrbanURBAN

2,385 1,523 862 1,979 811 1,168 1,418 1,107 311 Urban Bundi (M + OG)315 207 108 186 69 117 157 110 47 Urban Nainwa (M)144 107 37 50 17 33 45 39 6 Urban Indragarh (M)582 348 234 359 144 215 295 216 79 Urban Lakheri (M)

213 131 82 71 20 51 81 61 20 UrbanSumerganj Mandi (CT)

369 228 141 235 95 140 200 149 51 Urban Keshoraipatan (M)2,150 1,374 776 1,328 441 887 1,485 919 566 Urban Kaprain (M)

95 65 30 80 26 54 73 51 22 Urban Talera (CT)79 64 15 924 469 455 453 286 167 Urban Budhpura (CT)

District/ CD Block/ Town

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total workersLiterates Illiterates




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

121 Bundi - District Total 79,233 53,391 25,842 56,526 37,929 18,597 9,309 5,153 4,156 Rural 76,028 50,805 25,223 55,799 37,263 18,536 9,027 5,008 4,019 Urban 3,205 2,586 619 727 666 61 282 145 137

0168 Hindoli Total 15,387 9,959 5,428 12,391 7,788 4,603 1,072 578 494 Rural 15,321 9,901 5,420 12,391 7,788 4,603 1,072 578 494 Urban 66 58 8 - - - - - -

0169 Nainwa Total 14,116 8,943 5,173 12,127 7,689 4,438 829 382 447 Rural 14,116 8,943 5,173 12,127 7,689 4,438 829 382 447 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 16,644 12,781 3,863 12,561 10,122 2,439 2,380 1,312 1,068 Rural 16,573 12,721 3,852 12,549 10,110 2,439 2,380 1,312 1,068 Urban 71 60 11 12 12 - - - -

0171 Bundi Total 17,262 10,407 6,855 13,041 7,743 5,298 2,552 1,429 1,123 Rural 17,262 10,407 6,855 13,041 7,743 5,298 2,552 1,429 1,123 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 13,196 9,156 4,040 5,720 3,947 1,773 2,196 1,309 887 Rural 12,756 8,833 3,923 5,691 3,933 1,758 2,194 1,307 887 Urban 440 323 117 29 14 15 2 2 -

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 1,141 947 194 30 25 5 80 55 25 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 145 106 39 41 23 18 8 3 5 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban 34 30 4 1 1 - 2 1 1 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 272 205 67 14 14 - 4 3 1

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban 71 60 11 12 12 - - - - 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban 166 126 40 21 18 3 41 24 17 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 936 789 147 579 559 20 145 57 88 094556 Talera (CT) Urban 62 47 15 - - - 2 2 - 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 378 276 102 29 14 15 - - -

CultivatorsMain workersLocation

code number

District/ CD Block/ Town

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Industrial category

Agricultural labourers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

414 228 186 12,984 10,081 2,903 39,050 11,477 27,573 Total Bundi - District401 220 181 10,801 8,314 2,487 38,048 11,125 26,923 Rural13 8 5 2,183 1,767 416 1,002 352 650 Urban36 27 9 1,888 1,566 322 8,132 2,489 5,643 Total Hindoli36 27 9 1,822 1,508 314 8,034 2,423 5,611 Rural

- - - 66 58 8 98 66 32 Urban136 59 77 1,024 813 211 8,343 2,419 5,924 Total Nainwa136 59 77 1,024 813 211 8,343 2,419 5,924 Rural- - - - - - - - - Urban87 62 25 1,616 1,285 331 11,083 2,944 8,139 Total Keshorai Patan87 62 25 1,557 1,237 320 11,073 2,943 8,130 Rural

- - - 59 48 11 10 1 9 Urban104 43 61 1,565 1,192 373 6,423 2,170 4,253 Total Bundi104 43 61 1,565 1,192 373 6,423 2,170 4,253 Rural- - - - - - - - - Urban38 29 9 5,242 3,871 1,371 4,261 1,184 3,077 Total Talera38 29 9 4,833 3,564 1,269 4,175 1,170 3,005 Rural

- - - 409 307 102 86 14 72 UrbanURBAN

9 5 4 1,022 862 160 277 160 117 Urban Bundi (M + OG)1 - 1 95 80 15 12 4 8 Urban Nainwa (M)

- - - 31 28 3 11 9 2 Urban Indragarh (M)1 1 - 253 187 66 23 11 12 Urban Lakheri (M)

- - - 59 48 11 10 1 9 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT)1 1 - 103 83 20 34 23 11 Urban Keshoraipatan (M)1 1 - 211 172 39 549 130 419 Urban Kaprain (M)

- - - 60 45 15 11 4 7 Urban Talera (CT)- - - 349 262 87 75 10 65 Urban Budhpura (CT)

Household industry workers Marginal workersTotal/ Rural/ Urban

District/ CD Block/ Town

of main workers

Other workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

121 Bundi - District Total 19,122 5,468 13,654 14,506 3,730 10,776 534 199 335 Rural 19,060 5,442 13,618 14,115 3,658 10,457 526 195 331 Urban 62 26 36 391 72 319 8 4 4

0168 Hindoli Total 5,254 1,607 3,647 2,014 508 1,506 34 12 22 Rural 5,254 1,607 3,647 2,013 508 1,505 34 12 22 Urban - - - 1 - 1 - - -

0169 Nainwa Total 4,671 1,267 3,404 2,853 743 2,110 187 68 119 Rural 4,671 1,267 3,404 2,853 743 2,110 187 68 119 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0170 Keshorai Patan Total 4,538 1,170 3,368 5,161 1,230 3,931 140 43 97 Rural 4,538 1,170 3,368 5,154 1,229 3,925 140 43 97 Urban - - - 7 1 6 - - -

0171 Bundi Total 3,344 1,070 2,274 2,196 723 1,473 136 59 77 Rural 3,344 1,070 2,274 2,196 723 1,473 136 59 77 Urban - - - - - - - - -

0172 Talera Total 1,270 331 939 1,901 456 1,445 30 13 17 Rural 1,253 328 925 1,899 455 1,444 29 13 16 Urban 17 3 14 2 1 1 1 - 1

URBAN800587 Bundi (M + OG) Urban 3 2 1 9 3 6 4 3 1 800582 Nainwa (M) Urban 4 1 3 1 - 1 - - - 800583 Indragarh (M) Urban - - - - - - - - - 800584 Lakheri (M) Urban 1 - 1 3 - 3 1 - 1

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) Urban - - - 7 1 6 - - - 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) Urban - - - 8 3 5 - - - 800586 Kaprain (M) Urban 37 20 17 361 64 297 2 1 1 094556 Talera (CT) Urban - - - - - - - - - 094557 Budhpura (CT) Urban 17 3 14 2 1 1 1 - 1

Location code

numberDistrict/ CD Block/


Total/ Rural/ Urban

Agricultural labourers

Industrial category of

Cultivators Household industry workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1

4,888 2,080 2,808 1,10,266 54,586 55,680 Total Bundi - District 1214,347 1,830 2,517 1,02,929 51,385 51,544 Rural

541 250 291 7,337 3,201 4,136 Urban830 362 468 17,503 8,921 8,582 Total Hindoli 0168733 296 437 17,202 8,809 8,393 Rural97 66 31 301 112 189 Urban

632 341 291 18,683 10,400 8,283 Total Nainwa 0169632 341 291 18,683 10,400 8,283 Rural- - - - - - Urban

1,244 501 743 30,507 14,639 15,868 Total Keshorai Patan 01701,241 501 740 30,304 14,549 15,755 Rural

3 - 3 203 90 113 Urban747 318 429 17,829 9,127 8,702 Total Bundi 0171747 318 429 17,829 9,127 8,702 Rural- - - - - - Urban

1,060 384 676 19,563 8,787 10,776 Total Talera 0172994 374 620 18,911 8,500 10,411 Rural66 10 56 652 287 365 Urban

URBAN261 152 109 2,946 1,227 1,719 Urban Bundi (M + OG) 800587

7 3 4 344 166 178 Urban Nainwa (M) 80058211 9 2 149 85 64 Urban Indragarh (M) 80058318 11 7 646 276 370 Urban Lakheri (M) 800584

3 - 3 203 90 113 Urban Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 09417526 20 6 404 174 230 Urban Keshoraipatan (M) 800585

149 45 104 1,993 896 1,097 Urban Kaprain (M) 80058611 4 7 102 40 62 Urban Talera (CT) 09455655 6 49 550 247 303 Urban Budhpura (CT) 094557

Non-workersTotal/ Rural/ Urban

marginal workers

District/ CD Block/ Town

Location code

numberOther workers


Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0168 Hindoli (Total) 1,33,928.80 45,311 2,21,601 1,15,099 1,06,502 33,074 17,332 15,742 0168 Hindoli (Rural) 1,33,928.80 44,990 2,19,968 1,14,242 1,05,726 32,787 17,182 15,605 0168 Hindoli (Urban) 0.00 321 1,633 857 776 287 150 137

RURAL093681 Basni 536.00 392 1,994 1,030 964 327 178 149 093682 Deva Ka Khera 361.47 170 787 392 395 103 56 47 093683 Paprala 419.30 229 1,074 549 525 152 71 81 093684 Beel Ka Khera 129.87 23 106 56 50 20 11 9 093685 Pech Ki Baori 294.00 325 1,631 828 803 193 101 92 093686 Kala Mal 190.00 147 771 382 389 120 65 55 093687 Batwari 295.00 185 858 457 401 137 82 55 093688 Umar 2,220.00 529 2,431 1,251 1,180 355 190 165 093689 Maliyon Ki Jhoonpariyan 808.00 174 857 456 401 149 80 69 093690 Huwalya 244.00 190 844 455 389 113 61 52 093691 Khajoor Ka Nala 1,051.00 138 629 311 318 62 26 36 093692 Pagara 1,574.00 248 1,093 571 522 166 88 78 093693 Odhandha 1,351.00 198 903 459 444 134 63 71 093694 Durgapura 1,494.00 217 949 512 437 160 88 72 093695 Gothra 1,789.00 1,297 6,321 3,305 3,016 916 490 426 093696 Roneeja 1,705.00 629 3,236 1,667 1,569 548 281 267 093697 Dhardhari 1,746.00 169 859 457 402 113 61 52 093698 Kumharla 359.00 169 866 448 418 149 69 80

093699Chhabariyon Ka Naya Gaon 572.00 189 1,022 522 500 159 81 78

093700 Brahmanon Ka Luhariya 360.00 159 712 348 364 103 45 58 093701 Peepalwasa 206.00 117 577 300 277 104 54 50 093702 Sarsod 401.00 176 955 462 493 165 81 84 093703 Ren 1,552.00 469 2,372 1,234 1,138 378 205 173 093704 Akoliya 553.00 88 427 217 210 40 21 19 093705 Bhawanipura 874.00 214 1,129 596 533 133 72 61 093706 Tanka Ki Jhonpariyan 233.00 93 480 261 219 85 45 40 093707 Shankarpura 114.00 285 1,468 715 753 379 178 201 093708 Gorsya Ka Khera 662.00 153 761 401 360 128 73 55 093709 Sukhpura 713.00 249 1,206 647 559 177 84 93 093710 Kachnariya 790.00 216 1,045 549 496 169 92 77 093711 Mendi 1,299.00 284 1,414 735 679 227 122 105 093712 Ganeshganj 766.00 228 1,140 600 540 187 101 86 093713 Kachhola 1,647.00 479 2,208 1,154 1,054 339 196 143 093714 Baori Khera 386.00 114 501 276 225 73 45 28 093715 Kabri 551.00 232 1,057 563 494 142 81 61 093716 Kishanganj 496.00 110 492 257 235 107 66 41 093717 Rosanda 748.00 253 1,202 636 566 183 103 80 093718 Deo Doongri 226.00 167 710 383 327 108 56 52 093719 Swaroop Garh 428.00 159 693 373 320 80 39 41 093720 Harna 491.00 176 772 411 361 98 46 52 093721 Beekaran 209.00 54 226 109 117 36 14 22 093722 Motipura 254.00 127 667 353 314 127 72 55 093723 Bheemganj 662.00 164 769 408 361 108 67 41 093724 Tonkra 1,484.00 407 1,992 1,021 971 295 150 145 093725 Taradkya 165.75 180 826 436 390 121 70 51 093726 Chainpuriya 395.00 97 503 270 233 74 41 33

093727Brahmanon Ki Jhopariyan 584.00 125 577 289 288 69 28 41

093728 Raghunathpura 579.00 75 340 174 166 45 23 22 093729 Gokulpura 947.00 473 2,084 1,104 980 298 174 124 093730 Gordhanpura 409.00 148 574 281 293 115 55 60 093731 Bishanpura 417.00 144 674 350 324 121 62 59 093732 Fatehgarh 225.00 169 733 400 333 124 74 50 093733 Phalenda 954.00 204 896 466 430 129 53 76 093734 Ralayata 161.00 69 303 157 146 45 21 24

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

41,057 21,133 19,924 41,022 21,369 19,653 1,01,658 67,048 34,610 Hindoli (Total)40,293 20,728 19,565 40,557 21,133 19,424 1,01,357 66,846 34,511 Hindoli (Rural)

764 405 359 465 236 229 301 202 99 Hindoli (Urban)RURAL

609 307 302 914 470 444 1,137 729 408 Basni106 49 57 657 330 327 494 301 193 Deva Ka Khera243 124 119 726 374 352 656 403 253 Paprala

1 1 - 105 55 50 53 38 15 Beel Ka Khera417 217 200 265 146 119 1,056 610 446 Pech Ki Baori

2 1 1 5 4 1 377 237 140 Kala Mal38 23 15 664 346 318 466 323 143 Batwari

420 210 210 1,773 908 865 1,200 832 368 Umar46 21 25 397 207 190 304 233 71 Maliyon Ki Jhoonpariyan52 27 25 - - - 321 249 72 Huwalya15 8 7 608 298 310 370 240 130 Khajoor Ka Nala

344 179 165 185 101 84 433 307 126 Pagara230 111 119 287 157 130 376 251 125 Odhandha

6 3 3 933 504 429 386 259 127 Durgapura1,033 539 494 473 254 219 2,987 1,970 1,017 Gothra

486 242 244 413 212 201 1,295 878 417 Roneeja279 148 131 - - - 332 215 117 Dhardhari222 105 117 26 14 12 325 238 87 Kumharla

360 180 180 18 11 7 439 296 143 Chhabariyon Ka Naya Gaon

195 107 88 57 28 29 370 225 145 Brahmanon Ka Luhariya575 299 276 - - - 234 175 59 Peepalwasa482 228 254 4 3 1 351 222 129 Sarsod818 420 398 7 4 3 862 574 288 Ren

1 1 - - - - 176 118 58 Akoliya186 98 88 78 43 35 507 356 151 Bhawanipura

1 1 - 114 60 54 210 151 59 Tanka Ki Jhonpariyan1,464 712 752 - - - 377 274 103 Shankarpura

123 61 62 - - - 328 222 106 Gorsya Ka Khera326 174 152 107 56 51 547 384 163 Sukhpura87 43 44 201 109 92 491 307 184 Kachnariya

102 50 52 109 57 52 552 372 180 Mendi240 128 112 106 56 50 430 294 136 Ganeshganj405 212 193 191 100 91 851 579 272 Kachhola22 13 9 223 123 100 265 190 75 Baori Khera

145 75 70 912 488 424 504 341 163 Kabri148 69 79 344 188 156 198 136 62 Kishanganj92 46 46 688 360 328 499 366 133 Rosanda

181 93 88 529 290 239 287 212 75 Deo Doongri19 11 8 661 354 307 388 272 116 Swaroop Garh

291 146 145 94 53 41 325 218 107 Harna1 - 1 224 109 115 87 66 21 Beekaran

156 86 70 297 153 144 281 193 88 Motipura15 7 8 518 279 239 383 264 119 Bheemganj

549 274 275 679 353 326 1,028 655 373 Tonkra97 48 49 - - - 265 190 75 Taradkya74 37 37 58 32 26 215 153 62 Chainpuriya

50 27 23 277 142 135 322 202 120 Brahmanon Ki Jhopariyan

- - - 340 174 166 169 107 62 Raghunathpura401 212 189 1,656 877 779 937 648 289 Gokulpura

1 - 1 492 242 250 253 161 92 Gordhanpura89 46 43 585 304 281 324 222 102 Bishanpura

104 56 48 481 266 215 273 185 88 Fatehgarh138 74 64 703 367 336 375 264 111 Phalenda

1 1 - 297 153 144 132 87 45 Ralayata

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0168 Hindoli (Total) 1,19,943 48,051 71,892 1,23,116 67,205 55,911 77,828 53,046 24,782 0168 Hindoli (Rural) 1,18,611 47,396 71,215 1,22,565 66,755 55,810 77,597 52,851 24,746 0168 Hindoli (Urban) 1,332 655 677 551 450 101 231 195 36

RURAL093681 Basni 857 301 556 1,012 590 422 664 492 172 093682 Deva Ka Khera 293 91 202 355 208 147 332 202 130 093683 Paprala 418 146 272 519 278 241 383 260 123 093684 Beel Ka Khera 53 18 35 64 34 30 38 33 5 093685 Pech Ki Baori 575 218 357 695 417 278 566 348 218 093686 Kala Mal 394 145 249 407 208 199 151 121 30 093687 Batwari 392 134 258 482 235 247 288 173 115 093688 Umar 1,231 419 812 1,269 654 615 681 570 111 093689 Maliyon Ki Jhoonpariyan 553 223 330 585 317 268 191 184 7 093690 Huwalya 523 206 317 514 279 235 387 234 153 093691 Khajoor Ka Nala 259 71 188 355 177 178 355 177 178 093692 Pagara 660 264 396 645 332 313 536 296 240 093693 Odhandha 527 208 319 550 291 259 388 261 127 093694 Durgapura 563 253 310 469 296 173 345 261 84 093695 Gothra 3,334 1,335 1,999 3,025 1,741 1,284 2,040 1,411 629 093696 Roneeja 1,941 789 1,152 1,678 900 778 825 634 191 093697 Dhardhari 527 242 285 493 291 202 307 209 98 093698 Kumharla 541 210 331 421 219 202 370 186 184

093699Chhabariyon Ka Naya Gaon 583 226 357 493 260 233 364 212 152

093700 Brahmanon Ka Luhariya 342 123 219 440 230 210 125 113 12 093701 Peepalwasa 343 125 218 323 149 174 220 146 74 093702 Sarsod 604 240 364 540 256 284 320 193 127 093703 Ren 1,510 660 850 1,126 612 514 756 541 215 093704 Akoliya 251 99 152 255 125 130 152 110 42 093705 Bhawanipura 622 240 382 630 331 299 457 263 194 093706 Tanka Ki Jhonpariyan 270 110 160 415 228 187 118 107 11 093707 Shankarpura 1,091 441 650 839 421 418 357 247 110 093708 Gorsya Ka Khera 433 179 254 456 226 230 241 167 74 093709 Sukhpura 659 263 396 655 360 295 369 222 147 093710 Kachnariya 554 242 312 404 281 123 388 268 120 093711 Mendi 862 363 499 845 444 401 248 225 23 093712 Ganeshganj 710 306 404 650 318 332 284 251 33 093713 Kachhola 1,357 575 782 1,225 638 587 901 555 346 093714 Baori Khera 236 86 150 305 159 146 253 137 116 093715 Kabri 553 222 331 569 298 271 531 285 246 093716 Kishanganj 294 121 173 379 189 190 80 37 43 093717 Rosanda 703 270 433 692 349 343 684 341 343 093718 Deo Doongri 423 171 252 437 229 208 377 204 173 093719 Swaroop Garh 305 101 204 632 343 289 422 212 210 093720 Harna 447 193 254 538 291 247 200 179 21 093721 Beekaran 139 43 96 132 62 70 60 58 2 093722 Motipura 386 160 226 379 195 184 378 194 184 093723 Bheemganj 386 144 242 460 224 236 320 197 123 093724 Tonkra 964 366 598 1,166 652 514 662 429 233 093725 Taradkya 561 246 315 649 341 308 469 255 214 093726 Chainpuriya 288 117 171 312 175 137 225 157 68

093727Brahmanon Ki Jhopariyan 255 87 168 283 159 124 269 152 117

093728 Raghunathpura 171 67 104 232 127 105 188 100 88 093729 Gokulpura 1,147 456 691 1,353 692 661 1,045 568 477 093730 Gordhanpura 321 120 201 331 168 163 324 163 161 093731 Bishanpura 350 128 222 362 188 174 241 165 76 093732 Fatehgarh 460 215 245 403 222 181 393 219 174 093733 Phalenda 521 202 319 473 258 215 414 238 176 093734 Ralayata 171 70 101 157 90 67 85 78 7

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

53,654 34,644 19,010 7,486 4,331 3,155 1,144 845 299 15,544 13,226 2,318 Hindoli (Total)53,651 34,642 19,009 7,479 4,327 3,152 1,140 841 299 15,327 13,041 2,286 Hindoli (Rural)

3 2 1 7 4 3 4 4 - 217 185 32 Hindoli (Urban)RURAL

368 256 112 83 62 21 47 23 24 166 151 15 Basni221 107 114 18 10 8 1 - 1 92 85 7 Deva Ka Khera249 165 84 85 47 38 - - - 49 48 1 Paprala24 21 3 2 2 - - - - 12 10 2 Beel Ka Khera

175 73 102 86 42 44 48 27 21 257 206 51 Pech Ki Baori65 44 21 2 2 - 3 3 - 81 72 9 Kala Mal

218 113 105 16 11 5 3 1 2 51 48 3 Batwari433 372 61 97 65 32 3 2 1 148 131 17 Umar142 138 4 17 17 - - - - 32 29 3 Maliyon Ki Jhoonpariyan337 190 147 5 3 2 1 1 - 44 40 4 Huwalya349 173 176 - - - - - - 6 4 2 Khajoor Ka Nala393 209 184 120 66 54 10 10 - 13 11 2 Pagara340 220 120 16 13 3 - - - 32 28 4 Odhandha260 204 56 24 9 15 1 - 1 60 48 12 Durgapura

1,128 733 395 192 91 101 39 30 9 681 557 124 Gothra597 456 141 72 43 29 16 13 3 140 122 18 Roneeja266 175 91 9 5 4 1 1 - 31 28 3 Dhardhari310 145 165 37 24 13 3 2 1 20 15 5 Kumharla

247 136 111 71 41 30 1 1 - 45 34 11 Chhabariyon Ka Naya Gaon

82 78 4 16 16 - - - - 27 19 8 Brahmanon Ka Luhariya192 124 68 2 1 1 - - - 26 21 5 Peepalwasa277 165 112 6 3 3 1 1 - 36 24 12 Sarsod577 419 158 102 70 32 15 9 6 62 43 19 Ren113 88 25 15 1 14 2 2 - 22 19 3 Akoliya372 203 169 41 22 19 22 21 1 22 17 5 Bhawanipura102 96 6 1 - 1 - - - 15 11 4 Tanka Ki Jhonpariyan315 218 97 10 6 4 - - - 32 23 9 Shankarpura188 133 55 26 13 13 - - - 27 21 6 Gorsya Ka Khera308 176 132 25 21 4 - - - 36 25 11 Sukhpura277 178 99 63 46 17 4 4 - 44 40 4 Kachnariya166 155 11 20 16 4 - - - 62 54 8 Mendi207 196 11 46 29 17 - - - 31 26 5 Ganeshganj760 443 317 19 14 5 - - - 122 98 24 Kachhola182 103 79 46 15 31 4 2 2 21 17 4 Baori Khera494 263 231 32 20 12 - - - 5 2 3 Kabri77 36 41 - - - - - - 3 1 2 Kishanganj

638 312 326 15 7 8 9 4 5 22 18 4 Rosanda324 173 151 24 9 15 - - - 29 22 7 Deo Doongri368 174 194 27 14 13 2 2 - 25 22 3 Swaroop Garh151 143 8 10 6 4 1 1 - 38 29 9 Harna58 56 2 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - Beekaran

332 169 163 36 16 20 1 - 1 9 9 - Motipura215 159 56 81 17 64 - - - 24 21 3 Bheemganj512 299 213 20 15 5 3 2 1 127 113 14 Tonkra355 171 184 74 49 25 - - - 40 35 5 Taradkya92 72 20 46 15 31 6 6 - 81 64 17 Chainpuriya

251 137 114 - - - - - - 18 15 3 Brahmanon Ki Jhopariyan

187 99 88 - - - - - - 1 1 - Raghunathpura978 523 455 7 5 2 5 5 - 55 35 20 Gokulpura318 160 158 1 1 - - - - 5 2 3 Gordhanpura202 141 61 12 7 5 - - - 27 17 10 Bishanpura321 163 158 38 30 8 5 3 2 29 23 6 Fatehgarh345 183 162 10 6 4 - - - 59 49 10 Phalenda70 65 5 5 5 - - - - 10 8 2 Ralayata

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0168 Hindoli (Total) 45,288 14,159 31,129 23,591 6,885 16,706 12,778 3,531 9,247 0168 Hindoli (Rural) 44,968 13,904 31,064 23,583 6,877 16,706 12,768 3,524 9,244 0168 Hindoli (Urban) 320 255 65 8 8 - 10 7 3

RURAL093681 Basni 348 98 250 67 23 44 269 68 201 093682 Deva Ka Khera 23 6 17 15 3 12 6 3 3 093683 Paprala 136 18 118 120 10 110 8 2 6 093684 Beel Ka Khera 26 1 25 25 1 24 - - - 093685 Pech Ki Baori 129 69 60 20 8 12 62 36 26 093686 Kala Mal 256 87 169 197 55 142 11 3 8 093687 Batwari 194 62 132 166 41 125 7 3 4 093688 Umar 588 84 504 444 59 385 104 13 91 093689 Maliyon Ki Jhoonpariyan 394 133 261 327 107 220 42 15 27 093690 Huwalya 127 45 82 96 28 68 19 9 10 093691 Khajoor Ka Nala - - - - - - - - - 093692 Pagara 109 36 73 25 7 18 80 27 53 093693 Odhandha 162 30 132 136 25 111 14 3 11 093694 Durgapura 124 35 89 71 14 57 25 9 16 093695 Gothra 985 330 655 318 61 257 406 142 264 093696 Roneeja 853 266 587 276 65 211 309 104 205 093697 Dhardhari 186 82 104 68 34 34 51 16 35 093698 Kumharla 51 33 18 27 17 10 17 10 7

093699Chhabariyon Ka Naya Gaon 129 48 81 115 39 76 3 1 2

093700 Brahmanon Ka Luhariya 315 117 198 1 - 1 7 6 1 093701 Peepalwasa 103 3 100 100 3 97 1 - 1 093702 Sarsod 220 63 157 106 43 63 37 9 28 093703 Ren 370 71 299 20 7 13 331 58 273 093704 Akoliya 103 15 88 80 8 72 16 3 13 093705 Bhawanipura 173 68 105 105 39 66 64 25 39 093706 Tanka Ki Jhonpariyan 297 121 176 296 120 176 - - - 093707 Shankarpura 482 174 308 326 123 203 134 34 100 093708 Gorsya Ka Khera 215 59 156 204 53 151 7 5 2 093709 Sukhpura 286 138 148 73 32 41 206 100 106 093710 Kachnariya 16 13 3 5 4 1 7 5 2 093711 Mendi 597 219 378 411 130 281 127 67 60 093712 Ganeshganj 366 67 299 62 11 51 298 53 245 093713 Kachhola 324 83 241 226 63 163 19 2 17 093714 Baori Khera 52 22 30 30 14 16 21 8 13 093715 Kabri 38 13 25 8 5 3 29 8 21 093716 Kishanganj 299 152 147 281 143 138 17 8 9 093717 Rosanda 8 8 - 4 4 - 2 2 - 093718 Deo Doongri 60 25 35 1 1 - 56 23 33 093719 Swaroop Garh 210 131 79 196 123 73 8 6 2 093720 Harna 338 112 226 86 38 48 184 56 128 093721 Beekaran 72 4 68 4 1 3 67 3 64 093722 Motipura 1 1 - - - - - - - 093723 Bheemganj 140 27 113 107 23 84 27 2 25 093724 Tonkra 504 223 281 336 154 182 123 39 84 093725 Taradkya 180 86 94 159 79 80 18 4 14 093726 Chainpuriya 87 18 69 55 11 44 8 2 6

093727Brahmanon Ki Jhopariyan 14 7 7 - - - 14 7 7

093728 Raghunathpura 44 27 17 44 27 17 - - - 093729 Gokulpura 308 124 184 295 121 174 1 - 1 093730 Gordhanpura 7 5 2 - - - 4 2 2 093731 Bishanpura 121 23 98 5 - 5 25 3 22 093732 Fatehgarh 10 3 7 - - - 3 3 - 093733 Phalenda 59 20 39 26 4 22 13 7 6 093734 Ralayata 72 12 60 54 2 52 18 10 8

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

721 261 460 8,198 3,482 4,716 98,485 47,894 50,591 Hindoli (Total) 0168720 260 460 7,897 3,243 4,654 97,403 47,487 49,916 Hindoli (Rural) 0168

1 1 - 301 239 62 1,082 407 675 Hindoli (Urban) 0168RURAL

1 1 - 11 6 5 982 440 542 Basni 093681- - - 2 - 2 432 184 248 Deva Ka Khera 093682- - - 8 6 2 555 271 284 Paprala 093683- - - 1 - 1 42 22 20 Beel Ka Khera 093684

5 3 2 42 22 20 936 411 525 Pech Ki Baori 0936852 1 1 46 28 18 364 174 190 Kala Mal 0936862 1 1 19 17 2 376 222 154 Batwari 093687

- - - 40 12 28 1,162 597 565 Umar 093688- - - 25 11 14 272 139 133 Maliyon Ki Jhoonpariyan 093689- - - 12 8 4 330 176 154 Huwalya 093690- - - - - - 274 134 140 Khajoor Ka Nala 093691

3 1 2 1 1 - 448 239 209 Pagara 0936921 - 1 11 2 9 353 168 185 Odhandha 093693

- - - 28 12 16 480 216 264 Durgapura 09369414 6 8 247 121 126 3,296 1,564 1,732 Gothra 09369510 1 9 258 96 162 1,558 767 791 Roneeja 09369621 14 7 46 18 28 366 166 200 Dhardhari 093697

- - - 7 6 1 445 229 216 Kumharla 093698

- - - 11 8 3 529 262 267 Chhabariyon Ka Naya Gaon 093699

1 - 1 306 111 195 272 118 154 Brahmanon Ka Luhariya 093700- - - 2 - 2 254 151 103 Peepalwasa 093701

2 1 1 75 10 65 415 206 209 Sarsod 0937025 3 2 14 3 11 1,246 622 624 Ren 0937031 - 1 6 4 2 172 92 80 Akoliya 093704

- - - 4 4 - 499 265 234 Bhawanipura 093705- - - 1 1 - 65 33 32 Tanka Ki Jhonpariyan 093706- - - 22 17 5 629 294 335 Shankarpura 093707- - - 4 1 3 305 175 130 Gorsya Ka Khera 093708

2 1 1 5 5 - 551 287 264 Sukhpura 093709- - - 4 4 - 641 268 373 Kachnariya 093710- - - 59 22 37 569 291 278 Mendi 093711

1 1 - 5 2 3 490 282 208 Ganeshganj 093712- - - 79 18 61 983 516 467 Kachhola 093713

1 - 1 - - - 196 117 79 Baori Khera 093714- - - 1 - 1 488 265 223 Kabri 093715- - - 1 1 - 113 68 45 Kishanganj 093716- - - 2 2 - 510 287 223 Rosanda 093717- - - 3 1 2 273 154 119 Deo Doongri 093718

2 1 1 4 1 3 61 30 31 Swaroop Garh 0937192 - 2 66 18 48 234 120 114 Harna 093720

- - - 1 - 1 94 47 47 Beekaran 093721- - - 1 1 - 288 158 130 Motipura 093722- - - 6 2 4 309 184 125 Bheemganj 093723

4 3 1 41 27 14 826 369 457 Tonkra 093724- - - 3 3 - 177 95 82 Taradkya 093725

3 2 1 21 3 18 191 95 96 Chainpuriya 093726

- - - - - - 294 130 164 Brahmanon Ki Jhopariyan 093727

- - - - - - 108 47 61 Raghunathpura 0937285 1 4 7 2 5 731 412 319 Gokulpura 093729

- - - 3 3 - 243 113 130 Gordhanpura 093730- - - 91 20 71 312 162 150 Bishanpura 093731

7 - 7 - - - 330 178 152 Fatehgarh 093732- - - 20 9 11 423 208 215 Phalenda 093733- - - - - - 146 67 79 Ralayata 093734

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

093735 Nehri 400.00 112 586 298 288 97 43 54 093736 Owan 1,271.29 301 1,308 681 627 151 70 81 093737 Nehdi Ki Jhonpariyan 527.05 113 469 248 221 69 41 28 093738 Chawandiya 496.55 166 743 374 369 97 51 46 093739 Rigardi 237.00 56 281 141 140 50 23 27 093740 Negarh 576.00 233 1,021 525 496 144 78 66 093741 Ladu 522.00 165 726 402 324 92 45 47 093742 Bhawanipura 157.00 45 179 91 88 19 7 12 093743 Jetpura 208.00 92 362 181 181 36 18 18 093744 Bhootpuriya 310.00 64 248 134 114 31 20 11 093745 Bandha Ka Khera 502.00 258 1,144 577 567 175 86 89 093746 Amarpura 94.00 133 683 343 340 120 58 62 093747 Gurjanya 216.00 131 548 264 284 100 53 47 093748 Khejara 415.00 83 360 193 167 72 35 37 093749 Marari 928.00 142 692 364 328 95 45 50 093750 Taloda 801.00 73 378 187 191 54 23 31 093751 Nadhawa 410.00 32 165 85 80 26 9 17 093752 Vijaigarh 1,276.00 543 2,737 1,456 1,281 414 222 192 093753 Thana 1,348.00 444 2,131 1,105 1,026 256 138 118 093754 Salawlya 910.00 266 1,273 660 613 165 86 79 093755 Sahaspuriya 377.00 137 681 376 305 100 52 48 093756 Singhari 635.00 338 1,821 940 881 311 147 164 093757 Rampuriya 284.00 95 475 244 231 68 37 31 093758 Sukhpura 390.28 118 575 307 268 66 38 28 093759 Hindoli 1,586.00 1,983 9,601 4,929 4,672 1,228 616 612 093760 Balola 1,720.00 215 1,073 573 500 175 94 81 093761 Payra 95.00 124 587 320 267 99 57 42 093762 Luhariya 623.00 161 713 370 343 101 47 54 093763 Amartya 925.00 310 1,512 733 779 219 100 119 093764 Net 950.00 278 1,159 597 562 147 77 70 093765 Dhowara 864.00 649 3,089 1,609 1,480 411 225 186 093766 Khantaron Ka Bada 220.00 108 499 256 243 67 32 35 093767 Dhagariya 608.00 281 1,430 751 679 210 122 88 093768 Cheta 880.00 548 2,831 1,462 1,369 453 244 209 093769 Panidal 196.30 69 334 168 166 59 28 31 093770 Karadkheri 267.75 96 473 229 244 84 41 43 093771 Aklor 333.40 186 919 471 448 134 68 66 093772 Chatarganj 473.43 392 2,023 1,038 985 309 175 134 093773 Dhanpuriya 207.36 229 1,139 595 544 187 104 83 093774 Mangli Khurd 153.56 116 707 373 334 112 59 53 093775 Raghunathpura 306.00 176 950 479 471 132 75 57 093776 Mangli Kalan 404.00 283 1,551 818 733 243 135 108 093777 Barwas 424.30 172 896 468 428 125 72 53 093778 Deroli 459.00 132 660 345 315 85 43 42 093779 Tahla 428.00 306 1,417 764 653 174 93 81 093780 Borkhera 201.00 171 796 417 379 108 55 53 093781 Gurha 995.00 175 918 460 458 127 64 63 093782 Jahazpuriya 941.00 138 756 389 367 117 55 62 093783 Dheganya 385.00 104 486 258 228 65 36 29 093784 Bandi Ka Khera 841.00 114 518 265 253 90 37 53 093785 Sarodara 1,103.00 40 194 93 101 36 10 26 093786 Basoli 3,761.00 530 2,331 1,221 1,110 348 184 164 093787 Bhojgarh 2,082.00 290 1,309 650 659 238 102 136 093788 Abwar 948.00 223 995 513 482 181 92 89 093789 Kherkhata 343.00 228 992 504 488 126 69 57 093790 Gopalpura 96.00 54 246 139 107 31 19 12 093791 Mardiya 267.00 100 412 227 185 52 33 19 093792 Jakholi Khurd 242.00 111 594 320 274 80 40 40 093793 Seetla Ka Khera 142.00 98 425 220 205 60 28 32 093794 Rampuriya 160.00 53 231 125 106 37 18 19




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

64 33 31 - - - 157 124 33 Nehri262 137 125 177 82 95 677 455 222 Owan28 12 16 - - - 140 98 42 Nehdi Ki Jhonpariyan

235 114 121 4 2 2 232 156 76 Chawandiya81 38 43 - - - 109 68 41 Rigardi53 27 26 86 39 47 406 273 133 Negarh62 35 27 331 182 149 249 173 76 Ladu

- - - - - - 56 34 22 Bhawanipura191 100 91 - - - 169 106 63 Jetpura23 12 11 - - - 96 60 36 Bhootpuriya

494 252 242 39 22 17 432 255 177 Bandha Ka Khera208 105 103 174 77 97 214 140 74 Amarpura21 12 9 464 223 241 197 129 68 Gurjanya

118 60 58 - - - 122 77 45 Khejara248 132 116 74 42 32 277 198 79 Marari31 19 12 15 7 8 148 101 47 Taloda39 20 19 15 7 8 45 34 11 Nadhawa

377 207 170 2,198 1,171 1,027 1,085 745 340 Vijaigarh657 352 305 616 317 299 1,096 697 399 Thana61 34 27 19 12 7 357 270 87 Salawlya

175 97 78 1 - 1 366 251 115 Sahaspuriya170 84 86 - - - 871 592 279 Singhari52 28 24 - - - 184 132 52 Rampuriya

- - - 22 13 9 228 154 74 Sukhpura1,487 764 723 275 151 124 5,810 3,567 2,243 Hindoli

14 3 11 23 12 11 437 313 124 Balola- - - - - - 182 128 54 Payra97 51 46 26 14 12 285 186 99 Luhariya22 4 18 25 - 25 720 463 257 Amartya

143 75 68 930 476 454 559 377 182 Net637 323 314 4 2 2 1,639 1,042 597 Dhowara67 35 32 104 49 55 226 149 77 Khantaron Ka Bada

172 91 81 198 101 97 698 446 252 Dhagariya661 350 311 72 34 38 1,348 885 463 Cheta- - - - - - 119 70 49 Panidal261 132 129 - - - 211 130 81 Karadkheri264 131 133 - - - 394 267 127 Aklor482 253 229 10 6 4 864 594 270 Chatarganj182 93 89 1 1 - 496 340 156 Dhanpuriya44 22 22 - - - 407 260 147 Mangli Khurd

214 109 105 - - - 453 285 168 Raghunathpura358 199 159 243 127 116 749 509 240 Mangli Kalan256 132 124 7 2 5 401 251 150 Barwas23 10 13 10 6 4 351 220 131 Deroli

362 186 176 54 22 32 686 439 247 Tahla100 50 50 16 6 10 347 247 100 Borkhera383 193 190 - - - 506 310 196 Gurha

5 2 3 8 4 4 275 191 84 Jahazpuriya120 70 50 - - - 163 120 43 Dheganya354 180 174 13 6 7 186 131 55 Bandi Ka Khera- - - 95 41 54 62 41 21 Sarodara391 203 188 629 344 285 1,154 737 417 Basoli67 41 26 985 493 492 547 358 189 Bhojgarh

173 88 85 412 219 193 355 247 108 Abwar89 43 46 10 5 5 475 298 177 Kherkhata32 20 12 - - - 131 93 38 Gopalpura88 49 39 3 2 1 217 141 76 Mardiya

127 66 61 - - - 270 182 88 Jakholi Khurd- - - - - - 203 131 72 Seetla Ka Khera72 40 32 - - - 100 65 35 Rampuriya




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

093735 Nehri 429 174 255 313 162 151 118 102 16 093736 Owan 631 226 405 668 397 271 488 321 167 093737 Nehdi Ki Jhonpariyan 329 150 179 294 140 154 225 116 109 093738 Chawandiya 511 218 293 430 208 222 196 181 15 093739 Rigardi 172 73 99 134 61 73 47 27 20 093740 Negarh 615 252 363 587 317 270 438 263 175 093741 Ladu 477 229 248 580 331 249 441 242 199 093742 Bhawanipura 123 57 66 92 54 38 62 50 12 093743 Jetpura 193 75 118 239 123 116 136 101 35 093744 Bhootpuriya 152 74 78 176 93 83 73 72 1 093745 Bandha Ka Khera 712 322 390 619 315 304 298 266 32 093746 Amarpura 469 203 266 440 227 213 130 123 7 093747 Gurjanya 351 135 216 305 150 155 236 132 104 093748 Khejara 238 116 122 203 110 93 74 64 10 093749 Marari 415 166 249 340 198 142 331 195 136 093750 Taloda 230 86 144 312 157 155 109 109 - 093751 Nadhawa 120 51 69 132 72 60 51 49 2 093752 Vijaigarh 1,652 711 941 1,768 932 836 719 690 29 093753 Thana 1,035 408 627 955 589 366 718 510 208 093754 Salawlya 916 390 526 939 482 457 595 325 270 093755 Sahaspuriya 315 125 190 507 286 221 296 201 95 093756 Singhari 950 348 602 1,316 691 625 458 396 62 093757 Rampuriya 291 112 179 362 190 172 135 132 3 093758 Sukhpura 347 153 194 396 210 186 250 168 82 093759 Hindoli 3,791 1,362 2,429 4,430 2,693 1,737 2,833 2,152 681 093760 Balola 636 260 376 851 452 399 376 270 106 093761 Payra 405 192 213 487 261 226 200 167 33 093762 Luhariya 428 184 244 402 230 172 155 123 32 093763 Amartya 792 270 522 854 473 381 577 390 187 093764 Net 600 220 380 979 509 470 402 261 141 093765 Dhowara 1,450 567 883 2,137 1,170 967 770 616 154 093766 Khantaron Ka Bada 273 107 166 343 172 171 206 108 98 093767 Dhagariya 732 305 427 881 436 445 780 393 387 093768 Cheta 1,483 577 906 1,721 872 849 839 701 138 093769 Panidal 215 98 117 232 119 113 186 107 79 093770 Karadkheri 262 99 163 276 138 138 199 128 71 093771 Aklor 525 204 321 604 316 288 249 224 25 093772 Chatarganj 1,159 444 715 1,121 569 552 1,005 534 471 093773 Dhanpuriya 643 255 388 518 314 204 311 296 15 093774 Mangli Khurd 300 113 187 318 202 116 236 172 64 093775 Raghunathpura 497 194 303 508 236 272 447 224 223 093776 Mangli Kalan 802 309 493 825 428 397 342 323 19 093777 Barwas 495 217 278 674 358 316 268 231 37 093778 Deroli 309 125 184 362 191 171 174 160 14 093779 Tahla 731 325 406 823 438 385 526 382 144 093780 Borkhera 449 170 279 576 299 277 226 205 21 093781 Gurha 412 150 262 504 282 222 268 236 32 093782 Jahazpuriya 481 198 283 498 260 238 326 206 120 093783 Dheganya 323 138 185 283 143 140 229 137 92 093784 Bandi Ka Khera 332 134 198 322 167 155 139 116 23 093785 Sarodara 132 52 80 116 64 52 38 36 2 093786 Basoli 1,177 484 693 1,302 688 614 1,058 607 451 093787 Bhojgarh 762 292 470 862 427 435 408 320 88 093788 Abwar 640 266 374 526 284 242 372 256 116 093789 Kherkhata 517 206 311 583 308 275 383 255 128 093790 Gopalpura 115 46 69 96 72 24 34 34 - 093791 Mardiya 195 86 109 199 134 65 105 91 14 093792 Jakholi Khurd 324 138 186 363 188 175 271 171 100 093793 Seetla Ka Khera 222 89 133 251 129 122 136 106 30 093794 Rampuriya 131 60 71 131 64 67 60 58 2




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

114 101 13 2 - 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 Nehri325 189 136 11 7 4 3 3 - 149 122 27 Owan197 97 100 4 - 4 - - - 24 19 5 Nehdi Ki Jhonpariyan153 148 5 25 16 9 3 3 - 15 14 1 Chawandiya20 19 1 - - - - - - 27 8 19 Rigardi

361 201 160 12 6 6 1 1 - 64 55 9 Negarh441 242 199 - - - - - - - - - Ladu30 23 7 5 2 3 - - - 27 25 2 Bhawanipura

105 74 31 5 4 1 - - - 26 23 3 Jetpura46 46 - 1 1 - - - - 26 25 1 Bhootpuriya

173 160 13 73 65 8 3 2 1 49 39 10 Bandha Ka Khera114 111 3 1 1 - - - - 15 11 4 Amarpura183 96 87 15 6 9 - - - 38 30 8 Gurjanya62 54 8 2 2 - - - - 10 8 2 Khejara

250 139 111 25 13 12 1 - 1 55 43 12 Marari108 108 - - - - - - - 1 1 - Taloda46 45 1 5 4 1 - - - - - - Nadhawa

649 626 23 12 12 - 1 1 - 57 51 6 Vijaigarh440 265 175 49 39 10 23 23 - 206 183 23 Thana550 293 257 8 3 5 1 1 - 36 28 8 Salawlya228 146 82 22 14 8 1 1 - 45 40 5 Sahaspuriya260 230 30 55 35 20 1 1 - 142 130 12 Singhari117 115 2 - - - - - - 18 17 1 Rampuriya212 135 77 10 5 5 1 1 - 27 27 - Sukhpura

1,074 661 413 225 136 89 68 55 13 1,466 1,300 166 Hindoli278 206 72 70 42 28 - - - 28 22 6 Balola181 153 28 5 5 - 2 2 - 12 7 5 Payra120 104 16 23 10 13 - - - 12 9 3 Luhariya346 209 137 87 56 31 1 1 - 143 124 19 Amartya392 256 136 4 2 2 - - - 6 3 3 Net413 307 106 192 177 15 23 18 5 142 114 28 Dhowara192 99 93 10 5 5 - - - 4 4 - Khantaron Ka Bada765 384 381 1 - 1 2 1 1 12 8 4 Dhagariya572 482 90 87 64 23 9 9 - 171 146 25 Cheta161 88 73 2 2 - - - - 23 17 6 Panidal139 81 58 7 2 5 1 1 - 52 44 8 Karadkheri135 123 12 4 1 3 22 19 3 88 81 7 Aklor717 340 377 136 64 72 11 6 5 141 124 17 Chatarganj194 187 7 31 30 1 13 10 3 73 69 4 Dhanpuriya156 109 47 36 24 12 1 1 - 43 38 5 Mangli Khurd378 173 205 16 9 7 12 9 3 41 33 8 Raghunathpura269 262 7 3 1 2 - - - 70 60 10 Mangli Kalan174 147 27 20 17 3 - - - 74 67 7 Barwas137 130 7 4 3 1 18 16 2 15 11 4 Deroli376 299 77 111 53 58 1 1 - 38 29 9 Tahla186 171 15 5 5 - - - - 35 29 6 Borkhera213 189 24 5 4 1 - - - 50 43 7 Gurha280 171 109 4 1 3 - - - 42 34 8 Jahazpuriya226 135 91 3 2 1 - - - - - - Dheganya103 90 13 11 7 4 1 1 - 24 18 6 Bandi Ka Khera18 18 - 8 7 1 2 2 - 10 9 1 Sarodara

716 387 329 203 106 97 5 5 - 134 109 25 Basoli259 201 58 40 25 15 - - - 109 94 15 Bhojgarh312 209 103 12 6 6 - - - 48 41 7 Abwar269 164 105 20 15 5 14 10 4 80 66 14 Kherkhata27 27 - 6 6 - - - - 1 1 - Gopalpura51 44 7 7 6 1 - - - 47 41 6 Mardiya

201 136 65 46 17 29 2 2 - 22 16 6 Jakholi Khurd105 79 26 1 1 - - - - 30 26 4 Seetla Ka Khera41 41 - - - - - - - 19 17 2 Rampuriya




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

093735 Nehri 195 60 135 5 4 1 188 56 132 093736 Owan 180 76 104 49 14 35 19 3 16 093737 Nehdi Ki Jhonpariyan 69 24 45 30 7 23 26 11 15 093738 Chawandiya 234 27 207 2 - 2 150 15 135 093739 Rigardi 87 34 53 68 27 41 - - - 093740 Negarh 149 54 95 93 28 65 15 5 10 093741 Ladu 139 89 50 136 88 48 - - - 093742 Bhawanipura 30 4 26 16 1 15 11 2 9 093743 Jetpura 103 22 81 54 10 44 2 1 1 093744 Bhootpuriya 103 21 82 2 2 - 1 1 - 093745 Bandha Ka Khera 321 49 272 241 31 210 64 13 51 093746 Amarpura 310 104 206 204 58 146 - - - 093747 Gurjanya 69 18 51 56 18 38 10 - 10 093748 Khejara 129 46 83 93 22 71 2 - 2 093749 Marari 9 3 6 4 - 4 - - - 093750 Taloda 203 48 155 203 48 155 - - - 093751 Nadhawa 81 23 58 81 23 58 - - - 093752 Vijaigarh 1,049 242 807 1,021 234 787 21 4 17 093753 Thana 237 79 158 50 7 43 72 23 49 093754 Salawlya 344 157 187 291 128 163 25 11 14 093755 Sahaspuriya 211 85 126 186 80 106 21 4 17 093756 Singhari 858 295 563 756 260 496 81 28 53 093757 Rampuriya 227 58 169 220 58 162 - - - 093758 Sukhpura 146 42 104 90 18 72 35 12 23 093759 Hindoli 1,597 541 1,056 517 186 331 347 91 256 093760 Balola 475 182 293 412 165 247 15 1 14 093761 Payra 287 94 193 274 89 185 5 2 3 093762 Luhariya 247 107 140 108 63 45 130 39 91 093763 Amartya 277 83 194 157 38 119 12 3 9 093764 Net 577 248 329 555 238 317 22 10 12 093765 Dhowara 1,367 554 813 338 134 204 799 300 499 093766 Khantaron Ka Bada 137 64 73 121 59 62 8 1 7 093767 Dhagariya 101 43 58 87 34 53 8 4 4 093768 Cheta 882 171 711 653 91 562 79 15 64 093769 Panidal 46 12 34 32 5 27 - - - 093770 Karadkheri 77 10 67 50 8 42 14 1 13 093771 Aklor 355 92 263 245 50 195 19 8 11 093772 Chatarganj 116 35 81 36 9 27 58 8 50 093773 Dhanpuriya 207 18 189 125 7 118 66 3 63 093774 Mangli Khurd 82 30 52 28 6 22 48 21 27 093775 Raghunathpura 61 12 49 43 7 36 6 1 5 093776 Mangli Kalan 483 105 378 2 2 - 471 97 374 093777 Barwas 406 127 279 356 107 249 16 4 12 093778 Deroli 188 31 157 8 2 6 9 2 7 093779 Tahla 297 56 241 123 33 90 139 8 131 093780 Borkhera 350 94 256 332 87 245 8 - 8 093781 Gurha 236 46 190 223 45 178 8 - 8 093782 Jahazpuriya 172 54 118 158 47 111 2 - 2 093783 Dheganya 54 6 48 39 3 36 10 1 9 093784 Bandi Ka Khera 183 51 132 120 19 101 39 16 23 093785 Sarodara 78 28 50 3 1 2 64 19 45 093786 Basoli 244 81 163 22 14 8 175 37 138 093787 Bhojgarh 454 107 347 266 82 184 176 17 159 093788 Abwar 154 28 126 121 10 111 20 10 10 093789 Kherkhata 200 53 147 75 16 59 33 6 27 093790 Gopalpura 62 38 24 2 2 - 57 35 22 093791 Mardiya 94 43 51 32 8 24 27 16 11 093792 Jakholi Khurd 92 17 75 25 4 21 54 10 44 093793 Seetla Ka Khera 115 23 92 - - - 1 - 1 093794 Rampuriya 71 6 65 6 2 4 - - -




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 2 - 2 273 136 137 Nehri 093735- - - 112 59 53 640 284 356 Owan 093736- - - 13 6 7 175 108 67 Nehdi Ki Jhonpariyan 093737- - - 82 12 70 313 166 147 Chawandiya 093738- - - 19 7 12 147 80 67 Rigardi 093739

3 2 1 38 19 19 434 208 226 Negarh 093740- - - 3 1 2 146 71 75 Ladu 093741- - - 3 1 2 87 37 50 Bhawanipura 093742- - - 47 11 36 123 58 65 Jetpura 093743

2 - 2 98 18 80 72 41 31 Bhootpuriya 0937442 - 2 14 5 9 525 262 263 Bandha Ka Khera 093745

- - - 106 46 60 243 116 127 Amarpura 093746- - - 3 - 3 243 114 129 Gurjanya 093747- - - 34 24 10 157 83 74 Khejara 093748- - - 5 3 2 352 166 186 Marari 093749- - - - - - 66 30 36 Taloda 093750- - - - - - 33 13 20 Nadhawa 093751

1 1 - 6 3 3 969 524 445 Vijaigarh 09375211 4 7 104 45 59 1,176 516 660 Thana 0937537 5 2 21 13 8 334 178 156 Salawlya 093754

- - - 4 1 3 174 90 84 Sahaspuriya 093755- - - 21 7 14 505 249 256 Singhari 093756- - - 7 - 7 113 54 59 Rampuriya 093757- - - 21 12 9 179 97 82 Sukhpura 09375848 18 30 685 246 439 5,171 2,236 2,935 Hindoli 093759

- - - 48 16 32 222 121 101 Balola 093760- - - 8 3 5 100 59 41 Payra 093761

1 - 1 8 5 3 311 140 171 Luhariya 093762- - - 108 42 66 658 260 398 Amartya 093763- - - - - - 180 88 92 Net 09376477 34 43 153 86 67 952 439 513 Dhowara 093765

- - - 8 4 4 156 84 72 Khantaron Ka Bada 0937662 1 1 4 4 - 549 315 234 Dhagariya 093767

15 1 14 135 64 71 1,110 590 520 Cheta 093768- - - 14 7 7 102 49 53 Panidal 093769- - - 13 1 12 197 91 106 Karadkheri 09377016 5 11 75 29 46 315 155 160 Aklor 0937713 2 1 19 16 3 902 469 433 Chatarganj 0937726 1 5 10 7 3 621 281 340 Dhanpuriya 093773

- - - 6 3 3 389 171 218 Mangli Khurd 0937745 - 5 7 4 3 442 243 199 Raghunathpura 093775

- - - 10 6 4 726 390 336 Mangli Kalan 093776- - - 34 16 18 222 110 112 Barwas 093777

5 - 5 166 27 139 298 154 144 Deroli 0937787 5 2 28 10 18 594 326 268 Tahla 0937791 1 - 9 6 3 220 118 102 Borkhera 0937801 - 1 4 1 3 414 178 236 Gurha 093781

- - - 12 7 5 258 129 129 Jahazpuriya 093782- - - 5 2 3 203 115 88 Dheganya 093783- - - 24 16 8 196 98 98 Bandi Ka Khera 093784

4 3 1 7 5 2 78 29 49 Sarodara 09378515 5 10 32 25 7 1,029 533 496 Basoli 093786

- - - 12 8 4 447 223 224 Bhojgarh 093787- - - 13 8 5 469 229 240 Abwar 093788

7 1 6 85 30 55 409 196 213 Kherkhata 093789- - - 3 1 2 150 67 83 Gopalpura 093790- - - 35 19 16 213 93 120 Mardiya 093791- - - 13 3 10 231 132 99 Jakholi Khurd 093792

1 1 - 113 22 91 174 91 83 Seetla Ka Khera 0937932 - 2 63 4 59 100 61 39 Rampuriya 093794




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

093795 Jakholi Kalan 1,524.00 98 487 252 235 80 43 37 093796 Kheenya 6,139.00 618 2,972 1,542 1,430 473 248 225 093797 Khanderiya 554.00 19 93 51 42 19 11 8 093798 Datoonda 4,269.00 315 1,520 829 691 245 134 111 093799 Narayanpur 903.29 348 1,535 778 757 244 121 123 093800 Bahadur Pura 86.00 76 410 213 197 72 38 34 093801 Turkari 196.00 146 681 349 332 94 50 44 093802 Bara Naya Gaon 1,341.44 926 4,868 2,509 2,359 690 358 332 093803 Ashok Nagar 215.50 405 2,147 1,135 1,012 301 158 143 093804 Ramee Ki Jhonpariyan 349.00 212 1,022 526 496 197 107 90 093805 Chohra 250.00 106 554 295 259 79 49 30 093806 Jar Ka Nayagaon 272.09 118 504 263 241 67 38 29 093807 Khati Khera 98.16 124 508 260 248 74 34 40 093808 Rughnathpura 208.00 173 1,023 534 489 161 85 76 093809 Beechri 436.00 142 858 416 442 134 49 85 093810 Bahadurpura 122.00 86 519 268 251 65 29 36 093811 Kala Bhata 255.00 149 706 366 340 128 68 60 093812 Alod 755.00 892 4,380 2,222 2,158 599 303 296 093813 Kabul 216.00 150 847 429 418 129 60 69 093814 Nandgaon 222.00 302 1,364 730 634 204 117 87 093815 Ramchandraji Ka Khera 285.00 173 834 439 395 114 60 54 093816 Dhanao 251.00 217 1,081 559 522 193 107 86 093817 Rajpura 297.00 132 598 322 276 71 34 37 093818 Dabla 346.00 303 1,643 854 789 233 128 105 093819 Balapura 387.00 265 1,279 671 608 193 96 97 093820 Anantganj 271.00 191 951 502 449 139 80 59 093821 Ramniwas 919.00 174 804 427 377 128 72 56 093822 Khatawada 473.00 245 1,367 716 651 166 88 78 093823 Mundgasa 371.00 228 1,139 563 576 138 68 70 093824 Raghunathpura 194.00 144 773 400 373 106 53 53

093825Dhabhaiyon Ka Naya Gaon 458.00 289 1,494 770 724 199 115 84

093826 Lodha Ki Jhonpariyan 568.00 193 984 533 451 114 71 43 093827 Holaspura 796.00 312 1,476 789 687 215 120 95 093828 Dablana 1,318.00 768 3,764 1,968 1,796 508 284 224 093829 Soohri 1,025.00 358 1,546 812 734 252 138 114 093830 Bal 635.00 258 1,191 622 569 172 93 79 093831 Ranipura 1,110.12 679 3,454 1,752 1,702 479 250 229 093832 Rishanda 276.00 165 843 425 418 89 50 39 093833 Harmali Ka Khera 353.00 193 1,027 519 508 142 67 75 093834 Soran 970.00 391 1,820 934 886 258 133 125 093835 Badodiya 385.00 117 531 266 265 57 27 30 093836 Khorhi 401.00 149 677 341 336 108 52 56 093837 Sanwatgarh 863.00 407 2,109 1,086 1,023 292 150 142 093838 Nimod 686.00 179 929 485 444 165 85 80 093839 Bargaon 2,716.00 372 1,765 929 836 295 149 146 093840 Vishdhari 1,731.00 299 1,348 738 610 206 123 83 093841 Dabeta 1,271.00 370 1,928 1,015 913 268 134 134 093842 Dara Ka Naya Gaon 1,078.00 286 1,414 761 653 254 144 110 093843 Samarwadi 971.00 125 607 312 295 123 60 63 093844 Borda 736.00 193 961 516 445 165 94 71 093845 Fazalpura 488.00 62 269 154 115 29 16 13 093846 Siyana 868.00 286 1,368 738 630 180 103 77 093847 Bherpura Antri 2,568.00 241 937 484 453 155 77 78 093848 Keshopura 769.00 133 569 297 272 102 52 50 093849 Akoda 1,340.00 242 1,241 678 563 192 108 84 093850 Borkhera 230.00 81 440 227 213 76 41 35 093851 Jainiwas 543.00 87 409 221 188 68 38 30 093852 Theekarda 1,379.00 772 4,011 2,063 1,948 575 306 269 093853 Rampuriya 345.31 20 83 48 35 9 5 4




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

186 97 89 4 1 3 156 102 54 Jakholi Kalan635 318 317 582 297 285 1,206 797 409 Kheenya- - - 1 1 - 31 21 10 Khanderiya219 122 97 557 292 265 484 359 125 Datoonda629 322 307 119 59 60 538 340 198 Narayanpur- - - - - - 136 100 36 Bahadur Pura141 71 70 3 2 1 351 219 132 Turkari996 500 496 368 192 176 2,503 1,577 926 Bara Naya Gaon162 90 72 374 199 175 1,198 769 429 Ashok Nagar309 157 152 139 72 67 355 237 118 Ramee Ki Jhonpariyan80 45 35 106 62 44 220 139 81 Chohra

- - - 502 262 240 225 154 71 Jar Ka Nayagaon76 40 36 305 153 152 265 167 98 Khati Khera81 48 33 13 8 5 507 334 173 Rughnathpura

173 82 91 - - - 438 289 149 Beechri487 251 236 4 3 1 227 160 67 Bahadurpura16 10 6 20 7 13 363 229 134 Kala Bhata

345 172 173 254 128 126 2,486 1,519 967 Alod11 5 6 828 419 409 441 285 156 Kabul

119 62 57 1,149 615 534 609 414 195 Nandgaon272 143 129 58 32 26 373 250 123 Ramchandraji Ka Khera15 6 9 - - - 435 291 144 Dhanao

327 167 160 - - - 264 161 103 Rajpura282 149 133 42 22 20 996 593 403 Dabla22 10 12 39 22 17 660 437 223 Balapura

137 70 67 1 - 1 415 296 119 Anantganj- - - 1 1 - 314 225 89 Ramniwas259 127 132 1 - 1 705 470 235 Khatawada299 145 154 474 237 237 646 403 243 Mundgasa240 124 116 - - - 328 210 118 Raghunathpura

650 339 311 1 1 - 723 478 245 Dhabhaiyon Ka Naya Gaon

14 10 4 11 7 4 497 326 171 Lodha Ki Jhonpariyan304 162 142 13 6 7 731 503 228 Holaspura698 359 339 28 21 7 2,058 1,319 739 Dablana382 192 190 - - - 650 447 203 Soohri403 228 175 161 82 79 566 357 209 Bal693 326 367 203 111 92 1,536 987 549 Ranipura79 43 36 - - - 459 282 177 Rishanda

316 163 153 146 77 69 464 317 147 Harmali Ka Khera351 180 171 312 163 149 756 507 249 Soran155 72 83 373 192 181 249 170 79 Badodiya60 30 30 480 235 245 268 180 88 Khorhi

266 133 133 260 134 126 963 640 323 Sanwatgarh187 105 82 280 147 133 280 211 69 Nimod477 248 229 119 64 55 764 530 234 Bargaon43 25 18 106 57 49 481 352 129 Vishdhari

160 87 73 116 59 57 657 459 198 Dabeta188 91 97 31 24 7 661 448 213 Dara Ka Naya Gaon220 119 101 341 169 172 170 128 42 Samarwadi86 47 39 - - - 306 213 93 Borda

- - - - - - 123 83 40 Fazalpura358 197 161 10 6 4 554 397 157 Siyana36 18 18 227 117 110 290 199 91 Bherpura Antri18 5 13 - - - 197 134 63 Keshopura

270 141 129 - - - 567 399 168 Akoda46 23 23 394 204 190 154 111 43 Borkhera29 14 15 120 66 54 168 113 55 Jainiwas

480 252 228 19 10 9 1,936 1,268 668 Theekarda- - - 7 3 4 44 31 13 Rampuriya




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

093795 Jakholi Kalan 331 150 181 298 171 127 203 141 62 093796 Kheenya 1,766 745 1,021 1,601 914 687 1,117 712 405 093797 Khanderiya 62 30 32 44 24 20 40 22 18 093798 Datoonda 1,036 470 566 944 510 434 608 344 264 093799 Narayanpur 997 438 559 986 534 452 751 407 344 093800 Bahadur Pura 274 113 161 275 144 131 170 109 61 093801 Turkari 330 130 200 397 210 187 186 153 33 093802 Bara Naya Gaon 2,365 932 1,433 2,308 1,403 905 1,770 1,318 452 093803 Ashok Nagar 949 366 583 891 591 300 831 579 252 093804 Ramee Ki Jhonpariyan 667 289 378 501 269 232 216 192 24 093805 Chohra 334 156 178 289 149 140 151 146 5 093806 Jar Ka Nayagaon 279 109 170 305 160 145 267 145 122 093807 Khati Khera 243 93 150 224 136 88 116 100 16 093808 Rughnathpura 516 200 316 499 268 231 348 264 84 093809 Beechri 420 127 293 479 242 237 255 218 37 093810 Bahadurpura 292 108 184 349 188 161 117 106 11 093811 Kala Bhata 343 137 206 421 212 209 398 201 197 093812 Alod 1,894 703 1,191 2,081 1,224 857 1,395 993 402 093813 Kabul 406 144 262 475 247 228 196 163 33 093814 Nandgaon 755 316 439 577 360 217 553 345 208 093815 Ramchandraji Ka Khera 461 189 272 550 284 266 113 105 8 093816 Dhanao 646 268 378 593 303 290 392 207 185 093817 Rajpura 334 161 173 370 192 178 368 190 178 093818 Dabla 647 261 386 785 462 323 394 323 71 093819 Balapura 619 234 385 743 383 360 331 285 46 093820 Anantganj 536 206 330 706 366 340 360 232 128 093821 Ramniwas 490 202 288 574 298 276 203 195 8 093822 Khatawada 662 246 416 752 385 367 675 371 304 093823 Mundgasa 493 160 333 659 326 333 549 271 278 093824 Raghunathpura 445 190 255 518 266 252 455 230 225

093825Dhabhaiyon Ka Naya Gaon 771 292 479 838 412 426 705 390 315

093826 Lodha Ki Jhonpariyan 487 207 280 559 277 282 363 193 170 093827 Holaspura 745 286 459 831 435 396 441 312 129 093828 Dablana 1,706 649 1,057 1,792 1,043 749 1,105 715 390 093829 Soohri 896 365 531 958 473 485 658 394 264 093830 Bal 625 265 360 649 316 333 308 299 9 093831 Ranipura 1,918 765 1,153 1,769 946 823 1,263 875 388 093832 Rishanda 384 143 241 405 240 165 261 206 55 093833 Harmali Ka Khera 563 202 361 573 279 294 327 225 102 093834 Soran 1,064 427 637 976 496 480 502 407 95 093835 Badodiya 282 96 186 283 134 149 153 120 33 093836 Khorhi 409 161 248 365 193 172 92 73 19 093837 Sanwatgarh 1,146 446 700 1,061 560 501 875 516 359 093838 Nimod 649 274 375 527 261 266 349 236 113 093839 Bargaon 1,001 399 602 1,004 545 459 622 482 140 093840 Vishdhari 867 386 481 956 512 444 589 367 222 093841 Dabeta 1,271 556 715 1,321 712 609 933 556 377 093842 Dara Ka Naya Gaon 753 313 440 771 415 356 451 318 133 093843 Samarwadi 437 184 253 389 213 176 357 193 164 093844 Borda 655 303 352 594 316 278 319 196 123 093845 Fazalpura 146 71 75 136 74 62 100 65 35 093846 Siyana 814 341 473 821 429 392 365 352 13 093847 Bherpura Antri 647 285 362 658 342 316 486 259 227 093848 Keshopura 372 163 209 423 224 199 334 175 159 093849 Akoda 674 279 395 765 450 315 404 315 89 093850 Borkhera 286 116 170 260 135 125 225 120 105 093851 Jainiwas 241 108 133 207 107 100 202 106 96 093852 Theekarda 2,075 795 1,280 1,826 1,107 719 1,240 872 368 093853 Rampuriya 39 17 22 40 22 18 32 21 11




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

127 79 48 1 1 - - - - 75 61 14 Jakholi Kalan804 453 351 67 39 28 12 9 3 234 211 23 Kheenya31 16 15 1 1 - - - - 8 5 3 Khanderiya

525 288 237 33 15 18 4 1 3 46 40 6 Datoonda534 281 253 84 39 45 1 - 1 132 87 45 Narayanpur154 95 59 - - - - - - 16 14 2 Bahadur Pura122 105 17 15 6 9 - - - 49 42 7 Turkari

1,028 726 302 243 144 99 29 19 10 470 429 41 Bara Naya Gaon202 146 56 143 39 104 120 96 24 366 298 68 Ashok Nagar134 125 9 38 29 9 - - - 44 38 6 Ramee Ki Jhonpariyan147 144 3 3 1 2 - - - 1 1 - Chohra211 108 103 9 4 5 - - - 47 33 14 Jar Ka Nayagaon89 77 12 13 12 1 - - - 14 11 3 Khati Khera

194 124 70 25 16 9 - - - 129 124 5 Rughnathpura101 90 11 43 35 8 9 5 4 102 88 14 Beechri82 76 6 6 5 1 5 4 1 24 21 3 Bahadurpura

321 156 165 57 29 28 2 1 1 18 15 3 Kala Bhata607 381 226 262 168 94 60 40 20 466 404 62 Alod163 140 23 8 5 3 1 1 - 24 17 7 Kabul485 300 185 24 9 15 3 3 - 41 33 8 Nandgaon54 52 2 25 25 - 1 1 - 33 27 6 Ramchandraji Ka Khera

269 120 149 19 8 11 40 24 16 64 55 9 Dhanao367 189 178 - - - - - - 1 1 - Rajpura200 155 45 40 31 9 20 18 2 134 119 15 Dabla138 127 11 29 15 14 11 10 1 153 133 20 Balapura301 188 113 21 14 7 2 1 1 36 29 7 Anantganj157 153 4 10 10 - 11 10 1 25 22 3 Ramniwas509 240 269 54 28 26 3 3 - 109 100 9 Khatawada442 198 244 40 17 23 5 5 - 62 51 11 Mundgasa413 204 209 13 8 5 1 1 - 28 17 11 Raghunathpura

463 268 195 171 68 103 5 5 - 66 49 17 Dhabhaiyon Ka Naya Gaon

330 171 159 10 2 8 2 2 - 21 18 3 Lodha Ki Jhonpariyan312 237 75 40 10 30 5 5 - 84 60 24 Holaspura628 367 261 172 85 87 17 15 2 288 248 40 Dablana527 310 217 75 36 39 2 2 - 54 46 8 Soohri253 250 3 49 47 2 - - - 6 2 4 Bal800 545 255 193 89 104 14 11 3 256 230 26 Ranipura96 89 7 116 74 42 - - - 49 43 6 Rishanda

277 186 91 15 9 6 - - - 35 30 5 Harmali Ka Khera346 277 69 60 46 14 8 6 2 88 78 10 Soran149 118 31 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 2 - Badodiya73 59 14 - - - - - - 19 14 5 Khorhi

663 374 289 71 30 41 - - - 141 112 29 Sanwatgarh324 219 105 14 8 6 1 1 - 10 8 2 Nimod458 384 74 79 32 47 19 13 6 66 53 13 Bargaon546 331 215 6 3 3 1 1 - 36 32 4 Vishdhari843 500 343 58 29 29 8 5 3 24 22 2 Dabeta249 173 76 71 35 36 5 5 - 126 105 21 Dara Ka Naya Gaon198 107 91 95 47 48 - - - 64 39 25 Samarwadi301 183 118 7 4 3 - - - 11 9 2 Borda64 44 20 13 7 6 - - - 23 14 9 Fazalpura

255 251 4 33 32 1 6 6 - 71 63 8 Siyana346 174 172 72 38 34 14 10 4 54 37 17 Bherpura Antri291 142 149 6 2 4 - - - 37 31 6 Keshopura196 129 67 5 5 - 19 10 9 184 171 13 Akoda218 115 103 - - - - - - 7 5 2 Borkhera165 84 81 - - - 27 13 14 10 9 1 Jainiwas500 349 151 213 120 93 77 47 30 450 356 94 Theekarda

9 9 - 2 1 1 - - - 21 11 10 Rampuriya




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

093795 Jakholi Kalan 95 30 65 72 20 52 - - - 093796 Kheenya 484 202 282 191 74 117 166 78 88 093797 Khanderiya 4 2 2 - - - - - - 093798 Datoonda 336 166 170 222 102 120 16 8 8 093799 Narayanpur 235 127 108 197 104 93 20 9 11 093800 Bahadur Pura 105 35 70 102 35 67 1 - 1 093801 Turkari 211 57 154 180 39 141 10 4 6 093802 Bara Naya Gaon 538 85 453 264 24 240 179 41 138 093803 Ashok Nagar 60 12 48 7 2 5 18 3 15 093804 Ramee Ki Jhonpariyan 285 77 208 23 15 8 240 50 190 093805 Chohra 138 3 135 1 - 1 136 3 133 093806 Jar Ka Nayagaon 38 15 23 4 - 4 - - - 093807 Khati Khera 108 36 72 2 1 1 98 31 67 093808 Rughnathpura 151 4 147 116 2 114 11 2 9 093809 Beechri 224 24 200 98 8 90 92 10 82 093810 Bahadurpura 232 82 150 143 64 79 38 10 28 093811 Kala Bhata 23 11 12 11 5 6 11 5 6 093812 Alod 686 231 455 93 28 65 353 95 258 093813 Kabul 279 84 195 140 39 101 133 45 88 093814 Nandgaon 24 15 9 10 7 3 3 1 2 093815 Ramchandraji Ka Khera 437 179 258 8 5 3 407 156 251 093816 Dhanao 201 96 105 63 22 41 30 8 22 093817 Rajpura 2 2 - - - - 2 2 - 093818 Dabla 391 139 252 19 7 12 267 97 170 093819 Balapura 412 98 314 26 5 21 353 77 276 093820 Anantganj 346 134 212 278 108 170 65 24 41 093821 Ramniwas 371 103 268 330 89 241 19 10 9 093822 Khatawada 77 14 63 35 2 33 34 7 27 093823 Mundgasa 110 55 55 37 14 23 42 18 24 093824 Raghunathpura 63 36 27 7 6 1 4 1 3

093825Dhabhaiyon Ka Naya Gaon 133 22 111 38 7 31 72 7 65

093826 Lodha Ki Jhonpariyan 196 84 112 6 3 3 162 65 97 093827 Holaspura 390 123 267 44 14 30 94 22 72 093828 Dablana 687 328 359 146 66 80 97 27 70 093829 Soohri 300 79 221 166 40 126 84 26 58 093830 Bal 341 17 324 144 4 140 196 12 184 093831 Ranipura 506 71 435 340 33 307 82 16 66 093832 Rishanda 144 34 110 101 12 89 34 17 17 093833 Harmali Ka Khera 246 54 192 211 45 166 28 5 23 093834 Soran 474 89 385 202 33 169 227 42 185 093835 Badodiya 130 14 116 123 14 109 7 - 7 093836 Khorhi 273 120 153 145 55 90 23 11 12 093837 Sanwatgarh 186 44 142 24 5 19 133 23 110 093838 Nimod 178 25 153 147 15 132 24 5 19 093839 Bargaon 382 63 319 190 34 156 153 18 135 093840 Vishdhari 367 145 222 334 133 201 16 5 11 093841 Dabeta 388 156 232 284 115 169 68 24 44 093842 Dara Ka Naya Gaon 320 97 223 95 17 78 191 60 131 093843 Samarwadi 32 20 12 24 15 9 8 5 3 093844 Borda 275 120 155 206 84 122 66 33 33 093845 Fazalpura 36 9 27 3 2 1 13 2 11 093846 Siyana 456 77 379 315 31 284 115 36 79 093847 Bherpura Antri 172 83 89 82 46 36 51 18 33 093848 Keshopura 89 49 40 81 46 35 6 1 5 093849 Akoda 361 135 226 222 86 136 4 1 3 093850 Borkhera 35 15 20 26 11 15 6 4 2 093851 Jainiwas 5 1 4 5 1 4 - - - 093852 Theekarda 586 235 351 81 4 77 174 51 123 093853 Rampuriya 8 1 7 - - - - - -




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 23 10 13 189 81 108 Jakholi Kalan 0937957 4 3 120 46 74 1,371 628 743 Kheenya 093796

- - - 4 2 2 49 27 22 Khanderiya 0937972 1 1 96 55 41 576 319 257 Datoonda 0937981 - 1 17 14 3 549 244 305 Narayanpur 093799

- - - 2 - 2 135 69 66 Bahadur Pura 0938001 1 - 20 13 7 284 139 145 Turkari 0938018 1 7 87 19 68 2,560 1,106 1,454 Bara Naya Gaon 0938024 1 3 31 6 25 1,256 544 712 Ashok Nagar 093803

- - - 22 12 10 521 257 264 Ramee Ki Jhonpariyan 093804- - - 1 - 1 265 146 119 Chohra 093805- - - 34 15 19 199 103 96 Jar Ka Nayagaon 093806

3 1 2 5 3 2 284 124 160 Khati Khera 093807- - - 24 - 24 524 266 258 Rughnathpura 09380812 1 11 22 5 17 379 174 205 Beechri 0938093 1 2 48 7 41 170 80 90 Bahadurpura 093810

- - - 1 1 - 285 154 131 Kala Bhata 09381126 10 16 214 98 116 2,299 998 1,301 Alod 093812

- - - 6 - 6 372 182 190 Kabul 0938131 1 - 10 6 4 787 370 417 Nandgaon 0938141 1 - 21 17 4 284 155 129 Ramchandraji Ka Khera 093815

28 9 19 80 57 23 488 256 232 Dhanao 093816- - - - - - 228 130 98 Rajpura 09381745 12 33 60 23 37 858 392 466 Dabla 09381811 1 10 22 15 7 536 288 248 Balapura 0938191 1 - 2 1 1 245 136 109 Anantganj 093820

15 2 13 7 2 5 230 129 101 Ramniwas 093821- - - 8 5 3 615 331 284 Khatawada 093822

7 4 3 24 19 5 480 237 243 Mundgasa 0938233 2 1 49 27 22 255 134 121 Raghunathpura 093824

4 3 1 19 5 14 656 358 298 Dhabhaiyon Ka Naya Gaon 093825

3 1 2 25 15 10 425 256 169 Lodha Ki Jhonpariyan 0938266 1 5 246 86 160 645 354 291 Holaspura 093827

60 25 35 384 210 174 1,972 925 1,047 Dablana 09382819 8 11 31 5 26 588 339 249 Soohri 093829

- - - 1 1 - 542 306 236 Bal 09383011 1 10 73 21 52 1,685 806 879 Ranipura 093831

- - - 9 5 4 438 185 253 Rishanda 093832- - - 7 4 3 454 240 214 Harmali Ka Khera 093833

4 1 3 41 13 28 844 438 406 Soran 093834- - - - - - 248 132 116 Badodiya 093835

1 - 1 104 54 50 312 148 164 Khorhi 093836- - - 29 16 13 1,048 526 522 Sanwatgarh 093837- - - 7 5 2 402 224 178 Nimod 093838- - - 39 11 28 761 384 377 Bargaon 093839

7 - 7 10 7 3 392 226 166 Vishdhari 0938401 1 - 35 16 19 607 303 304 Dabeta 0938411 - 1 33 20 13 643 346 297 Dara Ka Naya Gaon 093842

- - - - - - 218 99 119 Samarwadi 0938431 1 - 2 2 - 367 200 167 Borda 093844

- - - 20 5 15 133 80 53 Fazalpura 0938451 1 - 25 9 16 547 309 238 Siyana 093846

12 7 5 27 12 15 279 142 137 Bherpura Antri 093847- - - 2 2 - 146 73 73 Keshopura 093848

7 5 2 128 43 85 476 228 248 Akoda 093849- - - 3 - 3 180 92 88 Borkhera 093850- - - - - - 202 114 88 Jainiwas 09385131 8 23 300 172 128 2,185 956 1,229 Theekarda 093852

- - - 8 1 7 43 26 17 Rampuriya 093853




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

093854 Borkhandi 858.00 334 1,631 841 790 240 127 113 093855 Trishulya 549.00 260 1,290 687 603 215 111 104 093856 Barodiya 945.00 810 4,328 2,242 2,086 602 291 311 093857 Nadhahet 161.00 97 479 249 230 82 45 37 093858 Danta 267.00 226 1,159 610 549 196 107 89 093859 Dhakni 411.00 186 968 482 486 137 63 74 093860 Solaki Jhonpariyan 250.00 98 542 279 263 79 45 34 093861 Sathoor 3,182.00 828 4,127 2,160 1,967 572 320 252 093862 Haripura 573.00 157 843 432 411 146 70 76 093863 Nathawa 718.23 171 870 460 410 125 66 59 093864 Talab Gaon 929.00 461 3,001 1,528 1,473 664 341 323


800587Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

321 1,633 857 776 287 150 137




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

169 83 86 96 51 45 790 539 251 Borkhandi534 283 251 362 198 164 565 391 174 Trishulya573 295 278 314 153 161 2,224 1,447 777 Barodiya189 100 89 158 80 78 199 135 64 Nadhahet152 82 70 468 243 225 612 386 226 Danta127 57 70 314 158 156 588 357 231 Dhakni

6 2 4 128 67 61 259 184 75 Solaki Jhonpariyan503 254 249 381 198 183 2,099 1,370 729 Sathoor83 47 36 101 52 49 415 267 148 Haripura20 10 10 485 259 226 380 247 133 Nathawa

565 305 260 179 100 79 1,337 858 479 Talab GaonURBAN

764 405 359 465 236 229 301 202 99 Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

093854 Borkhandi 841 302 539 935 489 446 636 401 235 093855 Trishulya 725 296 429 755 392 363 433 330 103 093856 Barodiya 2,104 795 1,309 2,123 1,250 873 1,587 1,109 478 093857 Nadhahet 280 114 166 254 126 128 133 124 9 093858 Danta 547 224 323 594 298 296 420 229 191 093859 Dhakni 380 125 255 524 285 239 300 228 72 093860 Solaki Jhonpariyan 283 95 188 410 213 197 167 148 19 093861 Sathoor 2,028 790 1,238 1,929 1,226 703 1,456 1,078 378 093862 Haripura 428 165 263 468 251 217 318 181 137 093863 Nathawa 490 213 277 463 260 203 258 240 18 093864 Talab Gaon 1,664 670 994 1,016 738 278 775 687 88


800587Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

1,332 655 677 551 450 101 231 195 36




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

277 160 117 63 19 44 3 2 1 293 220 73 Borkhandi227 165 62 60 28 32 1 1 - 145 136 9 Trishulya777 477 300 310 196 114 33 25 8 467 411 56 Barodiya98 96 2 10 7 3 - - - 25 21 4 Nadhahet

298 149 149 71 33 38 4 4 - 47 43 4 Danta118 80 38 66 50 16 - - - 116 98 18 Dhakni80 68 12 - - - - - - 87 80 7 Solaki Jhonpariyan

611 425 186 254 142 112 16 13 3 575 498 77 Sathoor254 133 121 - - - - - - 64 48 16 Haripura97 90 7 1 1 - - - - 160 149 11 Nathawa

135 90 45 55 44 11 7 4 3 578 549 29 Talab GaonURBAN

3 2 1 7 4 3 4 4 - 217 185 32 Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

093854 Borkhandi 299 88 211 142 34 108 51 10 41 093855 Trishulya 322 62 260 50 16 34 241 22 219 093856 Barodiya 536 141 395 181 27 154 189 61 128 093857 Nadhahet 121 2 119 83 - 83 37 2 35 093858 Danta 174 69 105 112 52 60 59 15 44 093859 Dhakni 224 57 167 26 1 25 158 49 109 093860 Solaki Jhonpariyan 243 65 178 214 57 157 2 - 2 093861 Sathoor 473 148 325 200 39 161 69 23 46 093862 Haripura 150 70 80 75 20 55 4 2 2 093863 Nathawa 205 20 185 120 3 117 1 - 1 093864 Talab Gaon 241 51 190 52 8 44 62 10 52


800587Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)

320 255 65 8 8 - 10 7 3




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

9 4 5 97 40 57 696 352 344 Borkhandi 0938542 - 2 29 24 5 535 295 240 Trishulya 093855

12 2 10 154 51 103 2,205 992 1,213 Barodiya 093856- - - 1 - 1 225 123 102 Nadhahet 093857- - - 3 2 1 565 312 253 Danta 093858

1 - 1 39 7 32 444 197 247 Dhakni 093859- - - 27 8 19 132 66 66 Solaki Jhonpariyan 093860

8 5 3 196 81 115 2,198 934 1,264 Sathoor 0938611 1 - 70 47 23 375 181 194 Haripura 0938621 - 1 83 17 66 407 200 207 Nathawa 0938631 - 1 126 33 93 1,985 790 1,195 Talab Gaon 093864


1 1 - 301 239 62 1,082 407 675 Dalelpura (OG) WARD NO.-0041 (Rural MDDS CODE:093865)





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0169 Nainwa (Total) 1,14,233.69 35,758 1,76,585 92,236 84,349 26,253 14,144 12,109 0169 Nainwa (Rural) 1,14,233.69 35,758 1,76,585 92,236 84,349 26,253 14,144 12,109 0169 Nainwa (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -

RURAL093866 Khaspuriya 637.00 204 1,140 607 533 166 88 78 093867 Gambheera 1,115.00 308 1,613 874 739 213 113 100 093868 Bheroopura 147.00 65 341 177 164 57 30 27 093869 Rampuriya 213.00 93 475 253 222 66 29 37 093870 Nahri 439.00 72 383 184 199 70 34 36 093871 Chawandpura 509.00 176 862 472 390 130 85 45 093872 Sameedhi 1,796.00 576 2,956 1,549 1,407 377 207 170 093873 Jagdishpura 425.00 32 185 93 92 26 14 12 093874 Manpura 234.00 59 441 228 213 74 41 33 093875 Rughnathganj 541.00 83 436 228 208 72 40 32 093876 Sandeela 618.00 134 677 360 317 108 59 49 093877 Gambheeri 403.00 80 503 252 251 84 36 48 093878 Aranya 673.00 191 976 514 462 139 75 64 093879 Bambooli 946.00 337 1,607 812 795 218 108 110 093880 Ralri 343.00 80 382 209 173 60 41 19 093881 Rajlawata 911.00 312 1,555 818 737 221 126 95 093882 Chhotiparap 251.00 122 675 353 322 105 54 51 093883 Bhaopura 508.00 138 747 396 351 84 45 39 093884 Dhanoogaon 914.00 206 1,099 572 527 182 89 93 093885 Pandoola 549.00 140 792 414 378 127 62 65 093886 Dheerpur 299.00 81 376 191 185 61 30 31 093887 Peeparwala 116.00 39 172 84 88 21 10 11 093888 Sunthli 592.95 243 1,180 614 566 213 111 102 093889 Kholara 537.00 162 825 438 387 139 78 61 093890 Suwanya 398.90 141 709 361 348 101 52 49 093891 Beejalwa 455.00 161 764 391 373 122 63 59 093892 Chainpuriya 411.00 82 349 180 169 43 21 22 093893 Deopura 152.00 65 269 150 119 29 20 9 093894 Ugen 432.00 96 429 213 216 79 40 39 093895 Surgali 364.00 71 352 169 183 30 13 17 093896 Bhainson Ka Nayagaon 120.00 78 316 150 166 54 28 26 093897 Bachhola 1,527.00 475 2,413 1,264 1,149 377 190 187 093898 Khori 759.39 332 1,773 940 833 317 188 129 093899 Bheemganj 342.00 136 591 315 276 91 49 42 093900 Korma 678.00 211 991 499 492 162 83 79 093901 Diyali 293.00 79 384 201 183 46 21 25 093902 Topa 304.00 89 394 211 183 58 33 25 093903 Seesola 909.00 317 1,627 869 758 216 120 96 093904 Mahaveerpura 648.00 110 443 235 208 62 33 29 093905 Jajawar 3,752.29 861 4,291 2,238 2,053 651 354 297 093906 Takla 856.34 361 1,609 855 754 272 171 101 093907 Suwansara 781.50 127 706 369 337 112 64 48 093908 Gobalya 147.00 124 489 249 240 64 33 31 093909 Balapura 332.00 199 736 392 344 107 55 52 093910 Dugari 2,393.00 992 4,629 2,403 2,226 696 378 318

093911Kumahariya Gaon @ Laxmi Pura 362.00 127 615 326 289 89 49 40

093912 Raghunathpura 392.00 161 729 381 348 119 76 43 093913 Khanpura 909.00 548 2,504 1,312 1,192 417 220 197 093914 Deori Barwa 149.00 75 321 172 149 50 31 19 093915 Aon Ka Khera 526.00 97 514 236 278 123 63 60 093916 Manpura 260.00 210 1,059 560 499 143 76 67 093917 Pai 445.63 140 714 378 336 126 69 57 093918 Mena 320.00 127 599 303 296 88 45 43 093919 Laxmipura 266.00 265 1,240 659 581 213 121 92 093920 Haripura 223.00 102 505 263 242 94 40 54

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

32,216 16,789 15,427 41,142 21,762 19,380 83,977 56,530 27,447 Nainwa (Total)32,216 16,789 15,427 41,142 21,762 19,380 83,977 56,530 27,447 Nainwa (Rural)

- - - - - - - - - Nainwa (Urban)RURAL

127 72 55 811 426 385 537 399 138 Khaspuriya299 154 145 801 438 363 723 564 159 Gambheera22 9 13 - - - 186 122 64 Bheroopura

- - - 260 138 122 275 188 87 Rampuriya60 29 31 224 108 116 203 125 78 Nahri

169 96 73 20 10 10 338 257 81 Chawandpura519 260 259 709 381 328 1,709 1,108 601 Sameedhi- - - 170 86 84 89 66 23 Jagdishpura97 53 44 15 8 7 223 161 62 Manpura

- - - 436 228 208 186 121 65 Rughnathganj34 17 17 579 307 272 273 199 74 Sandeela33 19 14 430 213 217 255 164 91 Gambheeri

196 106 90 717 375 342 482 343 139 Aranya192 98 94 - - - 824 568 256 Bambooli179 99 80 9 1 8 135 100 35 Ralri181 96 85 7 3 4 795 532 263 Rajlawata22 11 11 - - - 368 232 136 Chhotiparap

108 63 45 35 16 19 370 263 107 Bhaopura382 204 178 462 238 224 464 329 135 Dhanoogaon84 44 40 - - - 375 263 112 Pandoola

189 88 101 - - - 178 113 65 Dheerpur- - - - - - 87 51 36 Peeparwala192 105 87 492 253 239 631 432 199 Sunthli221 117 104 395 209 186 341 248 93 Kholara161 81 80 - - - 349 250 99 Suwanya113 51 62 601 312 289 323 234 89 Beejalwa39 17 22 50 25 25 170 129 41 Chainpuriya

- - - 266 149 117 136 100 36 Deopura138 59 79 282 150 132 187 127 60 Ugen119 54 65 - - - 226 138 88 Surgali- - - 316 150 166 136 81 55 Bhainson Ka Nayagaon393 202 191 220 115 105 1,105 722 383 Bachhola227 111 116 - - - 582 436 146 Khori155 86 69 - - - 276 209 67 Bheemganj264 137 127 42 20 22 509 324 185 Korma

5 3 2 25 12 13 183 121 62 Diyali42 25 17 - - - 140 107 33 Topa

518 283 235 75 41 34 745 521 224 Seesola- - - 269 144 125 199 145 54 Mahaveerpura946 499 447 78 43 35 1,780 1,162 618 Jajawar488 262 226 5 3 2 546 368 178 Takla41 25 16 33 14 19 376 264 112 Suwansara1 1 - 470 236 234 265 174 91 Gobalya

72 34 38 532 280 252 354 246 108 Balapura1,135 600 535 503 259 244 2,345 1,538 807 Dugari

- - - 298 157 141 241 171 70 Kumahariya Gaon @ Laxmi Pura

313 162 151 377 198 179 217 174 43 Raghunathpura195 104 91 9 6 3 1,060 760 300 Khanpura- - - 188 102 86 137 96 41 Deori Barwa41 17 24 8 3 5 123 79 44 Aon Ka Khera

273 145 128 50 24 26 474 322 152 Manpura46 20 26 605 325 280 339 231 108 Pai54 29 25 - - - 280 186 94 Mena

161 87 74 729 392 337 531 385 146 Laxmipura- - - 223 116 107 242 164 78 Haripura

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0169 Nainwa (Total) 92,608 35,706 56,902 88,775 48,349 40,426 57,487 37,849 19,638 0169 Nainwa (Rural) 92,608 35,706 56,902 88,775 48,349 40,426 57,487 37,849 19,638 0169 Nainwa (Urban) - - - - - - - - -

RURAL093866 Khaspuriya 603 208 395 611 309 302 155 132 23 093867 Gambheera 890 310 580 849 403 446 364 275 89 093868 Bheroopura 155 55 100 146 78 68 128 66 62 093869 Rampuriya 200 65 135 260 124 136 256 121 135 093870 Nahri 180 59 121 204 97 107 202 97 105 093871 Chawandpura 524 215 309 473 251 222 437 238 199 093872 Sameedhi 1,247 441 806 1,247 727 520 1,139 678 461 093873 Jagdishpura 96 27 69 85 41 44 65 38 27 093874 Manpura 218 67 151 240 115 125 213 109 104 093875 Rughnathganj 250 107 143 187 110 77 183 107 76 093876 Sandeela 404 161 243 375 177 198 288 165 123 093877 Gambheeri 248 88 160 285 129 156 265 121 144 093878 Aranya 494 171 323 511 250 261 487 240 247 093879 Bambooli 783 244 539 660 420 240 457 382 75 093880 Ralri 247 109 138 219 110 109 219 110 109 093881 Rajlawata 760 286 474 763 375 388 706 352 354 093882 Chhotiparap 307 121 186 284 187 97 166 121 45 093883 Bhaopura 377 133 244 409 214 195 307 208 99 093884 Dhanoogaon 635 243 392 589 300 289 410 213 197 093885 Pandoola 417 151 266 441 222 219 236 203 33 093886 Dheerpur 198 78 120 204 100 104 100 88 12 093887 Peeparwala 85 33 52 96 49 47 48 45 3 093888 Sunthli 549 182 367 424 269 155 240 208 32 093889 Kholara 484 190 294 440 231 209 296 196 100 093890 Suwanya 360 111 249 407 202 205 401 200 201 093891 Beejalwa 441 157 284 415 185 230 257 171 86 093892 Chainpuriya 179 51 128 214 102 112 121 87 34 093893 Deopura 133 50 83 151 74 77 117 67 50 093894 Ugen 242 86 156 181 96 85 88 85 3 093895 Surgali 126 31 95 202 92 110 118 70 48 093896 Bhainson Ka Nayagaon 180 69 111 152 71 81 53 50 3 093897 Bachhola 1,308 542 766 1,247 664 583 929 585 344 093898 Khori 1,191 504 687 1,021 512 509 714 373 341 093899 Bheemganj 315 106 209 320 162 158 159 151 8 093900 Korma 482 175 307 572 287 285 413 218 195 093901 Diyali 201 80 121 204 107 97 175 92 83 093902 Topa 254 104 150 225 113 112 205 106 99 093903 Seesola 882 348 534 748 461 287 558 407 151 093904 Mahaveerpura 244 90 154 224 110 114 210 104 106 093905 Jajawar 2,511 1,076 1,435 2,085 1,177 908 1,592 1,034 558 093906 Takla 1,063 487 576 777 428 349 367 322 45 093907 Suwansara 330 105 225 375 192 183 270 139 131 093908 Gobalya 224 75 149 274 137 137 127 119 8 093909 Balapura 382 146 236 394 196 198 386 194 192 093910 Dugari 2,284 865 1,419 2,052 1,164 888 1,371 942 429

093911Kumahariya Gaon @ Laxmi Pura 374 155 219 334 173 161 76 75 1

093912 Raghunathpura 512 207 305 594 300 294 162 158 4 093913 Khanpura 1,444 552 892 1,253 645 608 734 445 289 093914 Deori Barwa 184 76 108 136 76 60 36 33 3 093915 Aon Ka Khera 391 157 234 183 102 81 30 27 3 093916 Manpura 585 238 347 603 342 261 441 299 142 093917 Pai 375 147 228 382 202 180 161 115 46 093918 Mena 319 117 202 194 131 63 185 126 59 093919 Laxmipura 709 274 435 676 349 327 232 198 34 093920 Haripura 263 99 164 216 127 89 110 105 5

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

39,609 25,209 14,400 5,808 2,985 2,823 1,106 659 447 10,964 8,996 1,968 Nainwa (Total)39,609 25,209 14,400 5,808 2,985 2,823 1,106 659 447 10,964 8,996 1,968 Nainwa (Rural)

- - - - - - - - - - - - Nainwa (Urban)RURAL

92 86 6 - - - - - - 63 46 17 Khaspuriya271 206 65 29 23 6 10 4 6 54 42 12 Gambheera115 60 55 4 2 2 1 1 - 8 3 5 Bheroopura244 114 130 - - - 6 2 4 6 5 1 Rampuriya86 67 19 109 26 83 4 2 2 3 2 1 Nahri

427 231 196 5 3 2 - - - 5 4 1 Chawandpura863 460 403 44 21 23 42 37 5 190 160 30 Sameedhi50 31 19 7 2 5 5 2 3 3 3 - Jagdishpura

162 78 84 28 12 16 5 3 2 18 16 2 Manpura168 96 72 2 1 1 - - - 13 10 3 Rughnathganj267 150 117 10 8 2 2 2 - 9 5 4 Sandeela260 119 141 2 2 - - - - 3 - 3 Gambheeri464 229 235 - - - 8 3 5 15 8 7 Aranya317 265 52 32 27 5 14 8 6 94 82 12 Bambooli216 109 107 1 - 1 - - - 2 1 1 Ralri636 312 324 26 6 20 16 7 9 28 27 1 Rajlawata57 46 11 12 9 3 7 5 2 90 61 29 Chhotiparap

254 172 82 35 19 16 5 5 - 13 12 1 Bhaopura222 103 119 105 51 54 15 11 4 68 48 20 Dhanoogaon145 126 19 - - - 5 2 3 86 75 11 Pandoola53 44 9 6 5 1 4 4 - 37 35 2 Dheerpur30 29 1 1 1 - - - - 17 15 2 Peeparwala

120 98 22 22 19 3 - - - 98 91 7 Sunthli182 93 89 14 11 3 1 1 - 99 91 8 Kholara367 174 193 8 4 4 5 3 2 21 19 2 Suwanya166 112 54 70 41 29 - - - 21 18 3 Beejalwa92 62 30 12 11 1 - - - 17 14 3 Chainpuriya

103 57 46 3 3 - 2 2 - 9 5 4 Deopura66 66 - 4 3 1 - - - 18 16 2 Ugen88 49 39 23 14 9 - - - 7 7 - Surgali50 47 3 2 2 - - - - 1 1 - Bhainson Ka Nayagaon

413 294 119 286 127 159 27 20 7 203 144 59 Bachhola438 303 135 265 62 203 1 1 - 10 7 3 Khori141 140 1 4 2 2 3 3 - 11 6 5 Bheemganj306 162 144 52 22 30 1 - 1 54 34 20 Korma147 70 77 3 2 1 - - - 25 20 5 Diyali174 91 83 24 9 15 - - - 7 6 1 Topa386 268 118 12 8 4 7 6 1 153 125 28 Seesola185 85 100 1 1 - - - - 24 18 6 Mahaveerpura903 525 378 407 274 133 35 28 7 247 207 40 Jajawar254 224 30 82 72 10 5 5 - 26 21 5 Takla106 90 16 - - - 158 46 112 6 3 3 Suwansara117 110 7 2 2 - 1 1 - 7 6 1 Gobalya353 168 185 1 1 - - - - 32 25 7 Balapura746 496 250 233 127 106 19 12 7 373 307 66 Dugari

66 66 - 3 3 - 1 1 - 6 5 1 Kumahariya Gaon @ Laxmi Pura

150 148 2 9 7 2 - - - 3 3 - Raghunathpura397 207 190 70 23 47 13 4 9 254 211 43 Khanpura29 26 3 1 1 - - - - 6 6 - Deori Barwa26 24 2 - - - 4 3 1 - - - Aon Ka Khera

216 168 48 118 42 76 9 5 4 98 84 14 Manpura148 107 41 5 3 2 1 1 - 7 4 3 Pai29 29 - 86 35 51 1 1 - 69 61 8 Mena

172 146 26 13 8 5 1 1 - 46 43 3 Laxmipura55 53 2 1 1 - - - - 54 51 3 Haripura

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0169 Nainwa (Total) 31,288 10,500 20,788 11,807 3,327 8,480 13,149 4,018 9,131 0169 Nainwa (Rural) 31,288 10,500 20,788 11,807 3,327 8,480 13,149 4,018 9,131 0169 Nainwa (Urban) - - - - - - - - -

RURAL093866 Khaspuriya 456 177 279 396 126 270 13 7 6 093867 Gambheera 485 128 357 191 65 126 234 48 186 093868 Bheroopura 18 12 6 2 1 1 10 8 2 093869 Rampuriya 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - - 093870 Nahri 2 - 2 1 - 1 - - - 093871 Chawandpura 36 13 23 28 10 18 7 3 4 093872 Sameedhi 108 49 59 9 1 8 56 19 37 093873 Jagdishpura 20 3 17 3 - 3 12 3 9 093874 Manpura 27 6 21 17 5 12 3 1 2 093875 Rughnathganj 4 3 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 093876 Sandeela 87 12 75 4 - 4 79 9 70 093877 Gambheeri 20 8 12 20 8 12 - - - 093878 Aranya 24 10 14 17 7 10 3 1 2 093879 Bambooli 203 38 165 80 7 73 98 18 80 093880 Ralri - - - - - - - - - 093881 Rajlawata 57 23 34 12 3 9 44 19 25 093882 Chhotiparap 118 66 52 3 2 1 17 10 7 093883 Bhaopura 102 6 96 1 - 1 101 6 95 093884 Dhanoogaon 179 87 92 26 11 15 78 32 46 093885 Pandoola 205 19 186 192 11 181 2 1 1 093886 Dheerpur 104 12 92 81 5 76 21 7 14 093887 Peeparwala 48 4 44 45 2 43 3 2 1 093888 Sunthli 184 61 123 77 20 57 61 28 33 093889 Kholara 144 35 109 42 26 16 87 1 86 093890 Suwanya 6 2 4 4 1 3 1 - 1 093891 Beejalwa 158 14 144 80 3 77 76 10 66 093892 Chainpuriya 93 15 78 74 11 63 18 3 15 093893 Deopura 34 7 27 9 1 8 25 6 19 093894 Ugen 93 11 82 82 2 80 6 5 1 093895 Surgali 84 22 62 14 6 8 68 14 54 093896 Bhainson Ka Nayagaon 99 21 78 66 9 57 30 9 21 093897 Bachhola 318 79 239 50 13 37 139 6 133 093898 Khori 307 139 168 12 7 5 267 107 160 093899 Bheemganj 161 11 150 159 10 149 1 - 1 093900 Korma 159 69 90 46 20 26 63 19 44 093901 Diyali 29 15 14 8 4 4 13 6 7 093902 Topa 20 7 13 1 - 1 19 7 12 093903 Seesola 190 54 136 111 10 101 9 5 4 093904 Mahaveerpura 14 6 8 5 1 4 - - - 093905 Jajawar 493 143 350 77 34 43 302 53 249 093906 Takla 410 106 304 25 4 21 361 89 272 093907 Suwansara 105 53 52 25 21 4 - - - 093908 Gobalya 147 18 129 131 12 119 10 4 6 093909 Balapura 8 2 6 - - - 1 1 - 093910 Dugari 681 222 459 214 38 176 258 67 191

093911Kumahariya Gaon @ Laxmi Pura 258 98 160 42 35 7 202 53 149

093912 Raghunathpura 432 142 290 9 9 - 419 132 287 093913 Khanpura 519 200 319 299 109 190 139 37 102 093914 Deori Barwa 100 43 57 4 2 2 92 40 52 093915 Aon Ka Khera 153 75 78 2 2 - 150 73 77 093916 Manpura 162 43 119 4 1 3 74 32 42 093917 Pai 221 87 134 206 79 127 11 5 6 093918 Mena 9 5 4 - - - 4 2 2 093919 Laxmipura 444 151 293 135 71 64 240 44 196 093920 Haripura 106 22 84 22 4 18 11 4 7

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

850 345 505 5,482 2,810 2,672 87,810 43,887 43,923 Nainwa (Total) 0169850 345 505 5,482 2,810 2,672 87,810 43,887 43,923 Nainwa (Rural) 0169- - - - - - - - - Nainwa (Urban) 0169

RURAL- - - 47 44 3 529 298 231 Khaspuriya 09386634 2 32 26 13 13 764 471 293 Gambheera 093867

- - - 6 3 3 195 99 96 Bheroopura 093868- - - - - - 215 129 86 Rampuriya 093869

1 - 1 - - - 179 87 92 Nahri 0938701 - 1 - - - 389 221 168 Chawandpura 093871

12 6 6 31 23 8 1,709 822 887 Sameedhi 0938723 - 3 2 - 2 100 52 48 Jagdishpura 0938737 - 7 - - - 201 113 88 Manpura 093874

- - - 2 2 - 249 118 131 Rughnathganj 0938751 - 1 3 3 - 302 183 119 Sandeela 093876

- - - - - - 218 123 95 Gambheeri 0938772 1 1 2 1 1 465 264 201 Aranya 0938788 1 7 17 12 5 947 392 555 Bambooli 093879

- - - - - - 163 99 64 Ralri 093880- - - 1 1 - 792 443 349 Rajlawata 09388134 18 16 64 36 28 391 166 225 Chhotiparap 093882

- - - - - - 338 182 156 Bhaopura 0938839 5 4 66 39 27 510 272 238 Dhanoogaon 0938841 - 1 10 7 3 351 192 159 Pandoola 093885

- - - 2 - 2 172 91 81 Dheerpur 093886- - - - - - 76 35 41 Peeparwala 093887- - - 46 13 33 756 345 411 Sunthli 093888- - - 15 8 7 385 207 178 Kholara 093889- - - 1 1 - 302 159 143 Suwanya 093890- - - 2 1 1 349 206 143 Beejalwa 093891- - - 1 1 - 135 78 57 Chainpuriya 093892- - - - - - 118 76 42 Deopura 093893- - - 5 4 1 248 117 131 Ugen 093894- - - 2 2 - 150 77 73 Surgali 093895- - - 3 3 - 164 79 85 Bhainson Ka Nayagaon 09389612 2 10 117 58 59 1,166 600 566 Bachhola 0938973 3 - 25 22 3 752 428 324 Khori 0938981 1 - - - - 271 153 118 Bheemganj 093899

- - - 50 30 20 419 212 207 Korma 0939001 1 - 7 4 3 180 94 86 Diyali 093901

- - - - - - 169 98 71 Topa 093902- - - 70 39 31 879 408 471 Seesola 093903- - - 9 5 4 219 125 94 Mahaveerpura 09390437 19 18 77 37 40 2,206 1,061 1,145 Jajawar 0939054 1 3 20 12 8 832 427 405 Takla 093906

60 18 42 20 14 6 331 177 154 Suwansara 093907- - - 6 2 4 215 112 103 Gobalya 093908- - - 7 1 6 342 196 146 Balapura 093909

2 1 1 207 116 91 2,577 1,239 1,338 Dugari 093910

5 1 4 9 9 - 281 153 128 Kumahariya Gaon @ Laxmi Pura 093911

3 1 2 1 - 1 135 81 54 Raghunathpura 0939127 3 4 74 51 23 1,251 667 584 Khanpura 093913

- - - 4 1 3 185 96 89 Deori Barwa 093914- - - 1 - 1 331 134 197 Aon Ka Khera 093915

5 2 3 79 8 71 456 218 238 Manpura 093916- - - 4 3 1 332 176 156 Pai 093917- - - 5 3 2 405 172 233 Mena 09391849 24 25 20 12 8 564 310 254 Laxmipura 093919

- - - 73 14 59 289 136 153 Haripura 093920

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

093921 Bhajneri 1,046.00 559 2,700 1,414 1,286 398 218 180 093922 Cheeton Ki Jhonpariya 370.00 200 925 472 453 153 78 75 093923 Balapura 471.00 160 793 407 386 156 80 76 093924 Delpura 539.16 243 1,058 565 493 165 90 75 093925 Gurjaniyan 274.91 95 442 219 223 83 45 38 093926 Phuleta 807.72 299 1,657 866 791 258 142 116 093927 Nathri 246.00 108 491 255 236 76 45 31 093928 Nathra 147.00 73 397 204 193 82 39 43 093929 Bagera 430.00 57 311 156 155 53 28 25 093930 Kheroona 439.00 160 837 443 394 134 68 66 093931 Dalelpura 213.00 130 588 324 264 88 44 44 093932 Nainwa(Rural) 324.00 92 512 277 235 95 49 46 093933 Bari Parap 916.00 196 950 501 449 168 90 78 093934 Lalganj 478.00 101 658 337 321 96 52 44 093935 Bamangaon 2,293.00 524 2,541 1,313 1,228 346 197 149 093936 Heerapur 179.00 114 651 343 308 94 50 44 093937 Borda 544.95 121 587 327 260 99 59 40 093938 Kareeri 475.00 161 771 408 363 121 69 52 093939 Chak Bhawanipura 34.66 6 36 20 16 4 1 3 093940 Bhompura 358.00 78 391 213 178 54 32 22 093941 Bhawanipura 273.10 53 241 129 112 41 21 20 093942 Gaonri 509.40 104 547 290 257 90 49 41 093943 Rethoda 1,143.21 224 1,282 673 609 184 93 91 093944 Naharganj 921.85 165 871 448 423 145 83 62 093945 Balapura 539.00 111 550 272 278 61 35 26 093946 Batawati 1,395.81 239 1,346 715 631 174 92 82 093947 Soonsa 845.40 281 1,461 749 712 177 83 94 093948 Shreepura 301.00 126 551 308 243 83 57 26 093949 Kushalipura 206.00 25 111 58 53 14 7 7 093950 Kashipura 217.00 74 338 180 158 67 38 29 093951 Bishanpura 451.00 149 745 385 360 162 90 72 093952 Kumhariya 325.00 95 436 228 208 77 38 39 093953 Mani 699.00 257 1,381 742 639 250 142 108 093954 Kethooda 867.89 257 1,406 745 661 192 108 84 093955 Sagatpura 443.18 112 655 340 315 91 47 44 093956 Fatehganj 833.22 154 873 462 411 117 69 48 093957 Jarkhoda 1,195.12 533 2,728 1,395 1,333 372 208 164 093958 Malera 360.99 97 501 268 233 79 43 36 093959 Deopura 205.00 53 285 138 147 52 25 27 093960 Gadarya 294.00 87 377 185 192 60 34 26 093961 Kolahera 520.00 202 1,049 544 505 161 85 76 093962 Gurhadeoji 1,077.30 396 2,051 1,051 1,000 315 166 149 093963 Dei 2,957.00 2,534 12,884 6,627 6,257 1,679 887 792 093964 Nayagaon @ Ratanganj 290.00 212 766 392 374 86 42 44 093965 Dewariya 209.00 203 941 472 469 159 85 74 093966 Dakoon 909.00 232 1,233 620 613 181 92 89 093967 Dodi 637.00 288 1,440 779 661 220 125 95 093968 Pandoola 303.00 61 304 142 162 38 19 19 093969 Bansi 1,711.53 816 4,603 2,354 2,249 647 331 316 093970 Ramganj 478.00 194 947 489 458 140 73 67 093971 Bhandera 345.00 192 882 454 428 134 78 56 093972 Goojarya Khera 428.00 199 900 483 417 152 81 71 093973 Sadera 859.00 227 1,071 568 503 168 94 74 093974 Moondli 277.00 168 763 393 370 128 74 54 093975 Kalanala 827.00 196 876 496 380 118 63 55 093976 Phalasthooni 634.00 130 595 312 283 111 61 50 093977 Maran 349.00 136 601 323 278 95 50 45 093978 Fatehpura 287.00 126 625 333 292 108 51 57 093979 Bhamar 215.00 102 446 238 208 79 45 34 093980 Manpura 186.00 121 585 311 274 81 52 29




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

506 266 240 451 238 213 1,144 786 358 Bhajneri88 42 46 388 212 176 361 248 113 Cheeton Ki Jhonpariya6 2 4 59 33 26 221 160 61 Balapura

67 36 31 851 459 392 478 330 148 Delpura- - - 189 100 89 200 133 67 Gurjaniyan361 185 176 27 14 13 761 505 256 Phuleta- - - 212 108 104 242 159 83 Nathri116 54 62 - - - 128 97 31 Nathra

4 3 1 44 27 17 135 88 47 Bagera197 103 94 241 137 104 315 220 95 Kheroona19 10 9 521 285 236 295 223 72 Dalelpura

172 90 82 1 1 - 142 114 28 Nainwa(Rural)133 62 71 159 90 69 357 265 92 Bari Parap31 16 15 1 - 1 305 215 90 Lalganj

474 242 232 5 2 3 1,159 775 384 Bamangaon236 128 108 165 83 82 313 224 89 Heerapur191 102 89 276 156 120 245 183 62 Borda168 84 84 25 11 14 329 226 103 Kareeri- - - 6 3 3 23 17 6 Chak Bhawanipura

6 2 4 - - - 97 78 19 Bhompura71 36 35 155 86 69 86 61 25 Bhawanipura15 8 7 134 73 61 210 150 60 Gaonri

103 56 47 617 322 295 665 471 194 Rethoda201 112 89 90 50 40 431 300 131 Naharganj66 27 39 - - - 209 145 64 Balapura

209 106 103 608 326 282 599 432 167 Batawati480 238 242 - - - 749 504 245 Soonsa286 166 120 - - - 238 169 69 Shreepura- - - - - - 55 36 19 Kushalipura- - - 337 179 158 151 111 40 Kashipura31 19 12 24 11 13 247 182 65 Bishanpura67 33 34 287 151 136 148 113 35 Kumhariya

177 93 84 1,081 576 505 611 458 153 Mani852 455 397 14 8 6 620 442 178 Kethooda46 21 25 1 1 - 245 185 60 Sagatpura

105 50 55 52 33 19 513 356 157 Fatehganj639 322 317 15 7 8 1,241 819 422 Jarkhoda168 82 86 19 12 7 271 181 90 Malera- - - 265 128 137 130 83 47 Deopura20 10 10 336 164 172 186 117 69 Gadarya

208 105 103 764 400 364 475 346 129 Kolahera315 153 162 1 1 - 974 674 300 Gurhadeoji

2,690 1,408 1,282 1,356 719 637 8,158 4,861 3,297 Dei34 18 16 694 351 343 418 295 123 Nayagaon @ Ratanganj5 3 2 850 425 425 492 310 182 Dewariya

159 84 75 7 4 3 634 426 208 Dakoon214 123 91 1,121 600 521 657 475 182 Dodi- - - 241 118 123 154 100 54 Pandoola

1,087 551 536 26 16 10 2,578 1,607 971 Bansi184 90 94 - - - 417 272 145 Ramganj209 113 96 1 1 - 439 278 161 Bhandera84 43 41 343 182 161 404 282 122 Goojarya Khera

393 220 173 - - - 452 306 146 Sadera82 39 43 435 223 212 297 206 91 Moondli

122 67 55 704 401 303 294 213 81 Kalanala6 3 3 - - - 153 102 51 Phalasthooni6 2 4 228 123 105 314 210 104 Maran

321 170 151 - - - 248 180 68 Fatehpura252 128 124 72 41 31 162 116 46 Bhamar13 8 5 443 236 207 253 177 76 Manpura




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

093921 Bhajneri 1,556 628 928 1,417 754 663 520 363 157 093922 Cheeton Ki Jhonpariya 564 224 340 514 238 276 208 155 53 093923 Balapura 572 247 325 464 224 240 159 133 26 093924 Delpura 580 235 345 631 329 302 182 165 17 093925 Gurjaniyan 242 86 156 196 103 93 107 77 30 093926 Phuleta 896 361 535 836 471 365 539 338 201 093927 Nathri 249 96 153 253 124 129 202 103 99 093928 Nathra 269 107 162 196 104 92 63 58 5 093929 Bagera 176 68 108 187 89 98 161 80 81 093930 Kheroona 522 223 299 472 252 220 331 201 130 093931 Dalelpura 293 101 192 275 161 114 261 154 107 093932 Nainwa(Rural) 370 163 207 299 153 146 274 139 135 093933 Bari Parap 593 236 357 457 245 212 234 197 37 093934 Lalganj 353 122 231 322 176 146 319 174 145 093935 Bamangaon 1,382 538 844 1,090 644 446 965 601 364 093936 Heerapur 338 119 219 435 227 208 163 100 63 093937 Borda 342 144 198 345 180 165 296 160 136 093938 Kareeri 442 182 260 445 219 226 254 185 69 093939 Chak Bhawanipura 13 3 10 18 9 9 8 8 - 093940 Bhompura 294 135 159 270 133 137 81 79 2 093941 Bhawanipura 155 68 87 140 69 71 56 55 1 093942 Gaonri 337 140 197 278 147 131 236 123 113 093943 Rethoda 617 202 415 637 334 303 439 312 127 093944 Naharganj 440 148 292 476 235 241 278 194 84 093945 Balapura 341 127 214 340 153 187 264 143 121 093946 Batawati 747 283 464 693 348 345 680 343 337 093947 Soonsa 712 245 467 730 361 369 494 327 167 093948 Shreepura 313 139 174 277 138 139 276 137 139 093949 Kushalipura 56 22 34 59 30 29 59 30 29 093950 Kashipura 187 69 118 159 79 80 159 79 80 093951 Bishanpura 498 203 295 318 167 151 127 86 41 093952 Kumhariya 288 115 173 249 120 129 245 116 129 093953 Mani 770 284 486 784 371 413 764 357 407 093954 Kethooda 786 303 483 687 376 311 382 282 100 093955 Sagatpura 410 155 255 383 183 200 137 126 11 093956 Fatehganj 360 106 254 423 235 188 365 206 159 093957 Jarkhoda 1,487 576 911 1,233 712 521 900 624 276 093958 Malera 230 87 143 293 147 146 290 145 145 093959 Deopura 155 55 100 166 77 89 87 53 34 093960 Gadarya 191 68 123 216 102 114 80 55 25 093961 Kolahera 574 198 376 594 298 296 314 194 120 093962 Gurhadeoji 1,077 377 700 895 539 356 422 302 120 093963 Dei 4,726 1,766 2,960 4,503 3,244 1,259 3,595 2,882 713 093964 Nayagaon @ Ratanganj 348 97 251 402 207 195 319 187 132 093965 Dewariya 449 162 287 449 228 221 372 204 168 093966 Dakoon 599 194 405 691 340 351 674 335 339 093967 Dodi 783 304 479 785 401 384 359 339 20 093968 Pandoola 150 42 108 179 94 85 138 69 69 093969 Bansi 2,025 747 1,278 2,073 1,200 873 1,299 918 381 093970 Ramganj 530 217 313 463 249 214 242 131 111 093971 Bhandera 443 176 267 448 244 204 168 139 29 093972 Goojarya Khera 496 201 295 482 258 224 351 221 130 093973 Sadera 619 262 357 563 326 237 450 298 152 093974 Moondli 466 187 279 393 199 194 258 139 119 093975 Kalanala 582 283 299 472 279 193 472 279 193 093976 Phalasthooni 442 210 232 351 195 156 279 163 116 093977 Maran 287 113 174 286 162 124 219 124 95 093978 Fatehpura 377 153 224 284 155 129 270 150 120 093979 Bhamar 284 122 162 275 141 134 180 92 88 093980 Manpura 332 134 198 343 174 169 281 133 148




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

324 216 108 54 35 19 11 7 4 131 105 26 Bhajneri136 131 5 16 9 7 2 2 - 54 13 41 Cheeton Ki Jhonpariya126 108 18 8 6 2 - - - 25 19 6 Balapura149 139 10 12 9 3 - - - 21 17 4 Delpura80 57 23 4 2 2 7 4 3 16 14 2 Gurjaniyan

348 200 148 93 63 30 1 1 - 97 74 23 Phuleta195 97 98 2 1 1 - - - 5 5 - Nathri50 49 1 3 3 - - - - 10 6 4 Nathra

150 71 79 2 1 1 - - - 9 8 1 Bagera315 192 123 8 4 4 - - - 8 5 3 Kheroona226 128 98 2 1 1 2 1 1 31 24 7 Dalelpura247 123 124 3 1 2 2 1 1 22 14 8 Nainwa(Rural)169 140 29 5 3 2 - - - 60 54 6 Bari Parap276 145 131 2 2 - 2 2 - 39 25 14 Lalganj758 462 296 75 33 42 19 12 7 113 94 19 Bamangaon119 69 50 30 19 11 - - - 14 12 2 Heerapur174 109 65 81 22 59 17 12 5 24 17 7 Borda202 153 49 19 5 14 - - - 33 27 6 Kareeri

8 8 - - - - - - - - - - Chak Bhawanipura60 59 1 21 20 1 - - - - - - Bhompura42 42 - 13 12 1 - - - 1 1 - Bhawanipura

214 109 105 14 8 6 1 1 - 7 5 2 Gaonri307 223 84 81 55 26 19 15 4 32 19 13 Rethoda228 152 76 33 30 3 2 2 - 15 10 5 Naharganj236 133 103 17 6 11 1 1 - 10 3 7 Balapura495 269 226 88 20 68 11 6 5 86 48 38 Batawati430 279 151 13 6 7 3 3 - 48 39 9 Soonsa270 133 137 5 3 2 - - - 1 1 - Shreepura59 30 29 - - - - - - - - - Kushalipura

156 77 79 2 1 1 - - - 1 1 - Kashipura81 50 31 10 6 4 - - - 36 30 6 Bishanpura

223 102 121 1 1 - 1 1 - 20 12 8 Kumhariya726 331 395 5 4 1 3 1 2 30 21 9 Mani274 189 85 5 4 1 - - - 103 89 14 Kethooda94 94 - 21 12 9 2 1 1 20 19 1 Sagatpura

322 172 150 13 8 5 2 1 1 28 25 3 Fatehganj632 419 213 78 35 43 20 17 3 170 153 17 Jarkhoda172 124 48 104 10 94 5 5 - 9 6 3 Malera81 47 34 3 3 - - - - 3 3 - Deopura71 48 23 2 2 - - - - 7 5 2 Gadarya

248 166 82 45 9 36 7 7 - 14 12 2 Kolahera267 154 113 6 5 1 6 6 - 143 137 6 Gurhadeoji

1,159 805 354 95 62 33 89 58 31 2,252 1,957 295 Dei275 162 113 21 7 14 - - - 23 18 5 Nayagaon @ Ratanganj277 150 127 50 15 35 2 1 1 43 38 5 Dewariya616 291 325 15 7 8 3 3 - 40 34 6 Dakoon274 271 3 32 23 9 9 9 - 44 36 8 Dodi135 66 69 1 1 - - - - 2 2 - Pandoola544 354 190 165 73 92 28 19 9 562 472 90 Bansi218 113 105 2 2 - - - - 22 16 6 Ramganj107 95 12 7 6 1 1 1 - 53 37 16 Bhandera277 169 108 36 23 13 5 5 - 33 24 9 Goojarya Khera274 173 101 12 3 9 1 1 - 163 121 42 Sadera214 109 105 8 6 2 - - - 36 24 12 Moondli422 253 169 35 16 19 2 - 2 13 10 3 Kalanala

1 - 1 255 150 105 3 1 2 20 12 8 Phalasthooni200 111 89 3 2 1 - - - 16 11 5 Maran256 142 114 - - - 3 2 1 11 6 5 Fatehpura112 53 59 57 30 27 - - - 11 9 2 Bhamar261 121 140 4 2 2 5 2 3 11 8 3 Manpura




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

093921 Bhajneri 897 391 506 86 15 71 697 323 374 093922 Cheeton Ki Jhonpariya 306 83 223 27 11 16 182 27 155 093923 Balapura 305 91 214 43 6 37 235 73 162 093924 Delpura 449 164 285 50 48 2 297 63 234 093925 Gurjaniyan 89 26 63 6 1 5 33 6 27 093926 Phuleta 297 133 164 4 - 4 261 116 145 093927 Nathri 51 21 30 5 3 2 42 15 27 093928 Nathra 133 46 87 97 26 71 36 20 16 093929 Bagera 26 9 17 10 2 8 6 4 2 093930 Kheroona 141 51 90 128 43 85 10 5 5 093931 Dalelpura 14 7 7 2 - 2 4 - 4 093932 Nainwa(Rural) 25 14 11 11 8 3 9 5 4 093933 Bari Parap 223 48 175 86 4 82 83 16 67 093934 Lalganj 3 2 1 1 1 - - - - 093935 Bamangaon 125 43 82 9 6 3 86 16 70 093936 Heerapur 272 127 145 64 18 46 136 57 79 093937 Borda 49 20 29 5 3 2 37 12 25 093938 Kareeri 191 34 157 113 10 103 43 11 32 093939 Chak Bhawanipura 10 1 9 9 1 8 1 - 1 093940 Bhompura 189 54 135 17 11 6 167 41 126 093941 Bhawanipura 84 14 70 6 6 - 77 7 70 093942 Gaonri 42 24 18 11 4 7 28 19 9 093943 Rethoda 198 22 176 14 3 11 169 16 153 093944 Naharganj 198 41 157 126 28 98 29 7 22 093945 Balapura 76 10 66 42 9 33 32 - 32 093946 Batawati 13 5 8 2 1 1 4 1 3 093947 Soonsa 236 34 202 6 2 4 204 8 196 093948 Shreepura 1 1 - - - - - - - 093949 Kushalipura - - - - - - - - - 093950 Kashipura - - - - - - - - - 093951 Bishanpura 191 81 110 52 26 26 130 51 79 093952 Kumhariya 4 4 - 1 1 - - - - 093953 Mani 20 14 6 6 3 3 1 1 - 093954 Kethooda 305 94 211 30 14 16 160 32 128 093955 Sagatpura 246 57 189 9 7 2 201 19 182 093956 Fatehganj 58 29 29 - - - 50 22 28 093957 Jarkhoda 333 88 245 55 28 27 223 41 182 093958 Malera 3 2 1 1 1 - - - - 093959 Deopura 79 24 55 72 22 50 3 1 2 093960 Gadarya 136 47 89 135 46 89 1 1 - 093961 Kolahera 280 104 176 122 52 70 142 41 101 093962 Gurhadeoji 473 237 236 158 95 63 307 136 171 093963 Dei 908 362 546 216 35 181 164 59 105 093964 Nayagaon @ Ratanganj 83 20 63 23 7 16 51 5 46 093965 Dewariya 77 24 53 29 10 19 42 10 32 093966 Dakoon 17 5 12 13 4 9 3 1 2 093967 Dodi 426 62 364 352 34 318 53 15 38 093968 Pandoola 41 25 16 41 25 16 - - - 093969 Bansi 774 282 492 59 19 40 399 107 292 093970 Ramganj 221 118 103 101 48 53 32 14 18 093971 Bhandera 280 105 175 198 55 143 27 9 18 093972 Goojarya Khera 131 37 94 19 10 9 83 10 73 093973 Sadera 113 28 85 32 2 30 7 - 7 093974 Moondli 135 60 75 20 7 13 33 16 17 093975 Kalanala - - - - - - - - - 093976 Phalasthooni 72 32 40 4 2 2 36 17 19 093977 Maran 67 38 29 50 27 23 14 8 6 093978 Fatehpura 14 5 9 10 3 7 1 1 - 093979 Bhamar 95 49 46 33 17 16 54 26 28 093980 Manpura 62 41 21 8 5 3 35 23 12




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

52 27 25 62 26 36 1,283 660 623 Bhajneri 09392112 9 3 85 36 49 411 234 177 Cheeton Ki Jhonpariya 0939223 1 2 24 11 13 329 183 146 Balapura 0939234 1 3 98 52 46 427 236 191 Delpura 093924

16 5 11 34 14 20 246 116 130 Gurjaniyan 0939256 1 5 26 16 10 821 395 426 Phuleta 0939261 1 - 3 2 1 238 131 107 Nathri 093927

- - - - - - 201 100 101 Nathra 093928- - - 10 3 7 124 67 57 Bagera 093929

1 1 - 2 2 - 365 191 174 Kheroona 093930- - - 8 7 1 313 163 150 Dalelpura 093931- - - 5 1 4 213 124 89 Nainwa(Rural) 093932

1 - 1 53 28 25 493 256 237 Bari Parap 093933- - - 2 1 1 336 161 175 Lalganj 093934

2 2 - 28 19 9 1,451 669 782 Bamangaon 0939359 4 5 63 48 15 216 116 100 Heerapur 0939362 2 - 5 3 2 242 147 95 Borda 0939372 1 1 33 12 21 326 189 137 Kareeri 093938

- - - - - - 18 11 7 Chak Bhawanipura 0939392 1 1 3 1 2 121 80 41 Bhompura 093940

- - - 1 1 - 101 60 41 Bhawanipura 093941- - - 3 1 2 269 143 126 Gaonri 093942

9 2 7 6 1 5 645 339 306 Rethoda 09394340 5 35 3 1 2 395 213 182 Naharganj 093944

- - - 2 1 1 210 119 91 Balapura 093945- - - 7 3 4 653 367 286 Batawati 093946- - - 26 24 2 731 388 343 Soonsa 093947

1 1 - - - - 274 170 104 Shreepura 093948- - - - - - 52 28 24 Kushalipura 093949- - - - - - 179 101 78 Kashipura 093950

1 - 1 8 4 4 427 218 209 Bishanpura 093951- - - 3 3 - 187 108 79 Kumhariya 093952

1 - 1 12 10 2 597 371 226 Mani 0939531 - 1 114 48 66 719 369 350 Kethooda 0939546 4 2 30 27 3 272 157 115 Sagatpura 0939551 1 - 7 6 1 450 227 223 Fatehganj 0939563 2 1 52 17 35 1,495 683 812 Jarkhoda 0939571 - 1 1 1 - 208 121 87 Malera 0939581 1 - 3 - 3 119 61 58 Deopura 093959

- - - - - - 161 83 78 Gadarya 0939603 2 1 13 9 4 455 246 209 Kolahera 0939612 2 - 6 4 2 1,156 512 644 Gurhadeoji 093962

21 6 15 507 262 245 8,381 3,383 4,998 Dei 093963- - - 9 8 1 364 185 179 Nayagaon @ Ratanganj 093964- - - 6 4 2 492 244 248 Dewariya 093965- - - 1 - 1 542 280 262 Dakoon 093966

6 2 4 15 11 4 655 378 277 Dodi 093967- - - - - - 125 48 77 Pandoola 093968

8 5 3 308 151 157 2,530 1,154 1,376 Bansi 0939697 6 1 81 50 31 484 240 244 Ramganj 0939702 2 - 53 39 14 434 210 224 Bhandera 093971

- - - 29 17 12 418 225 193 Goojarya Khera 093972- - - 74 26 48 508 242 266 Sadera 093973- - - 82 37 45 370 194 176 Moondli 093974- - - - - - 404 217 187 Kalanala 093975

2 1 1 30 12 18 244 117 127 Phalasthooni 093976- - - 3 3 - 315 161 154 Maran 093977

1 - 1 2 1 1 341 178 163 Fatehpura 093978- - - 8 6 2 171 97 74 Bhamar 093979- - - 19 13 6 242 137 105 Manpura 093980




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

093981 Uransi 326.00 144 703 386 317 111 65 46 093982 Beejanta 166.00 103 462 230 232 62 30 32 093983 Kalamal 413.00 170 691 375 316 99 57 42 093984 Jeewanpura 202.00 70 306 165 141 47 24 23 093985 Deopura 437.00 131 607 329 278 80 46 34 093986 Jagmunda 332.00 113 520 263 257 79 40 39 093987 Leelda 128.00 122 577 308 269 77 52 25 093988 Gurha Gopalji 457.00 101 456 244 212 77 43 34 093989 Mohabbatpura 183.00 113 511 263 248 83 44 39 093990 Medhakpura 163.00 74 356 188 168 50 26 24 093991 Modsa 839.33 225 1,090 552 538 163 81 82 093992 Hapolai 467.32 193 916 470 446 135 73 62 093993 Murdiya 325.00 135 619 326 293 108 52 56 093994 Ganeshpura 429.35 126 603 322 281 103 56 47 093995 Bansoli 625.00 227 1,106 564 542 179 91 88 093996 Baori 475.00 199 1,072 530 542 177 84 93 093997 Khajoori 1,193.00 280 1,549 803 746 228 134 94 093998 Shahan 915.10 260 1,405 728 677 187 106 81 093999 Biharipura 258.95 63 292 138 154 49 20 29 094000 Shivdanpura 138.92 44 237 139 98 36 26 10 094001 Phatookara 202.00 61 308 162 146 59 30 29 094002 Arjunpura 259.00 78 359 187 172 53 28 25 094003 Peeparwala 430.00 190 953 505 448 130 74 56 094004 Khajoora 577.00 152 755 406 349 102 58 44 094005 Kalmiya 539.85 134 586 311 275 82 41 41 094006 Kankariya 309.18 77 372 203 169 45 21 24 094007 Karwar 2,467.00 1,200 6,522 3,387 3,135 877 460 417 094008 Heerapur 332.00 56 285 150 135 45 31 14 094009 Kalyani Khera 229.00 93 506 264 242 71 38 33 094010 Boodhkarwar 270.00 90 455 232 223 76 37 39 094011 Kanakpura 179.00 39 169 88 81 20 10 10 094012 Kotri 598.22 59 257 146 111 55 35 20 094013 Kemla 487.20 84 425 228 197 70 41 29 094014 Bansi 522.00 104 419 231 188 59 31 28 094015 Ariyali 1,157.00 127 573 286 287 100 48 52 094016 Arnetha 964.00 260 1,438 740 698 184 100 84 094017 Antarda 851.98 299 1,479 779 700 202 112 90 094018 Sangram Ganj 374.34 72 388 190 198 55 26 29 094019 Devpura 257.54 95 502 257 245 83 43 40 094020 Kedara Ki Jhopdiyan 479.00 133 607 314 293 111 59 52 094021 Kheri 494.32 226 1,089 569 520 125 65 60 094022 Khuri 598.82 127 778 417 361 110 61 49 094023 Shivpura 537.25 173 848 440 408 116 57 59 094024 Khanika @ Deopura 500.25 334 1,576 803 773 304 149 155 094025 Dhadhoon 840.00 120 515 263 252 90 46 44 094026 Kishanganj 154.00 57 272 147 125 28 15 13 094027 Soorli 211.00 70 366 192 174 57 32 25 094028 Lamba Barda 441.00 298 1,450 770 680 232 128 104 094029 Nandgaon 860.00 110 498 266 232 76 39 37 094030 Gurha Sadavartian 1,705.00 191 859 457 402 99 58 41 094031 Ramgarh 4,199.00 1 7 7 - - - - 094032 Manak Chowk 793.00 61 254 141 113 35 16 19 094033 Luharpura 221.00 193 943 509 434 133 80 53 094034 Sabalpura 1,190.00 211 936 505 431 134 77 57 094035 Motipura 611.00 263 1,084 582 502 125 75 50 094036 Peepalya 1,515.38 449 2,326 1,198 1,128 334 182 152 094037 Jetpur 461.95 173 869 447 422 115 54 61 094038 Tumbipura 106.82 72 301 164 137 45 31 14 094039 Meenon Ki Jhonparyan 914.00 137 712 379 333 102 50 52 094040 Soonsadiya 231.82 105 633 335 298 102 50 52




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

120 62 58 230 134 96 311 227 84 Uransi30 16 14 69 35 34 240 153 87 Beejanta61 32 29 471 257 214 295 209 86 Kalamal73 39 34 228 123 105 147 104 43 Jeewanpura87 47 40 356 194 162 290 208 82 Deopura12 7 5 194 95 99 244 157 87 Jagmunda2 2 - 572 305 267 287 192 95 Leelda

138 71 67 256 137 119 205 142 63 Gurha Gopalji76 41 35 - - - 252 167 85 Mohabbatpura

- - - - - - 159 107 52 Medhakpura446 215 231 113 64 49 572 367 205 Modsa47 23 24 - - - 396 256 140 Hapolai

150 63 87 - - - 268 185 83 Murdiya272 148 124 19 12 7 394 240 154 Ganeshpura168 81 87 661 342 319 511 376 135 Bansoli219 113 106 43 21 22 430 315 115 Baori229 117 112 1,014 519 495 630 437 193 Khajoori154 81 73 306 155 151 706 447 259 Shahan76 37 39 - - - 95 55 40 Biharipura

- - - 237 139 98 104 77 27 Shivdanpura34 19 15 188 99 89 142 100 42 Phatookara

155 86 69 185 94 91 162 113 49 Arjunpura24 9 15 813 439 374 509 359 150 Peeparwala

102 63 39 516 270 246 342 252 90 Khajoora147 81 66 - - - 308 211 97 Kalmiya92 52 40 19 12 7 144 104 40 Kankariya

1,257 655 602 135 84 51 3,903 2,426 1,477 Karwar- - - 244 126 118 144 95 49 Heerapur- - - 32 20 12 189 136 53 Kalyani Khera41 20 21 387 200 187 228 149 79 Boodhkarwar

127 68 59 31 15 16 77 56 21 Kanakpura4 3 1 - - - 57 40 17 Kotri

24 12 12 - - - 107 81 26 Kemla35 19 16 2 1 1 220 152 68 Bansi46 23 23 225 117 108 166 123 43 Ariyali

231 120 111 - - - 646 430 216 Arnetha412 220 192 9 5 4 823 521 302 Antarda70 30 40 318 160 158 155 103 52 Sangram Ganj

- - - 23 13 10 200 141 59 Devpura198 98 100 267 145 122 304 217 87 Kedara Ki Jhopdiyan280 142 138 576 300 276 598 376 222 Kheri10 6 4 295 160 135 262 197 65 Khuri

215 110 105 77 39 38 341 251 90 Shivpura530 270 260 - - - 329 271 58 Khanika @ Deopura- - - 265 139 126 263 173 90 Dhadhoon42 25 17 1 1 - 106 78 28 Kishanganj

130 71 59 149 69 80 159 116 43 Soorli110 63 47 - - - 537 410 127 Lamba Barda93 48 45 - - - 204 144 60 Nandgaon

125 61 64 150 83 67 367 257 110 Gurha Sadavartian- - - 6 6 - 7 7 - Ramgarh

4 2 2 247 137 110 96 78 18 Manak Chowk68 30 38 399 220 179 455 323 132 Luharpura10 5 5 810 435 375 475 334 141 Sabalpura45 30 15 973 513 460 528 369 159 Motipura

680 357 323 168 91 77 1,240 787 453 Peepalya105 58 47 71 37 34 402 274 128 Jetpur93 53 40 - - - 109 82 27 Tumbipura

123 66 57 520 278 242 354 239 115 Meenon Ki Jhonparyan17 9 8 - - - 353 234 119 Soonsadiya




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

093981 Uransi 392 159 233 408 217 191 215 132 83 093982 Beejanta 222 77 145 244 117 127 207 102 105 093983 Kalamal 396 166 230 404 200 204 217 183 34 093984 Jeewanpura 159 61 98 165 84 81 83 78 5 093985 Deopura 317 121 196 340 173 167 130 81 49 093986 Jagmunda 276 106 170 272 135 137 266 131 135 093987 Leelda 290 116 174 294 153 141 208 115 93 093988 Gurha Gopalji 251 102 149 251 127 124 240 126 114 093989 Mohabbatpura 259 96 163 251 130 121 83 75 8 093990 Medhakpura 197 81 116 210 96 114 55 53 2 093991 Modsa 518 185 333 580 293 287 377 187 190 093992 Hapolai 520 214 306 392 236 156 187 173 14 093993 Murdiya 351 141 210 356 180 176 80 76 4 093994 Ganeshpura 209 82 127 295 153 142 247 125 122 093995 Bansoli 595 188 407 505 278 227 174 160 14 093996 Baori 642 215 427 606 283 323 275 248 27 093997 Khajoori 919 366 553 1,076 553 523 762 377 385 093998 Shahan 699 281 418 720 357 363 553 318 235 093999 Biharipura 197 83 114 161 85 76 78 66 12 094000 Shivdanpura 133 62 71 117 55 62 76 48 28 094001 Phatookara 166 62 104 262 140 122 56 41 15 094002 Arjunpura 197 74 123 305 158 147 55 45 10 094003 Peeparwala 444 146 298 525 247 278 205 189 16 094004 Khajoora 413 154 259 519 267 252 180 160 20 094005 Kalmiya 278 100 178 342 175 167 208 108 100 094006 Kankariya 228 99 129 223 112 111 220 110 110 094007 Karwar 2,619 961 1,658 2,402 1,744 658 1,612 1,345 267 094008 Heerapur 141 55 86 151 64 87 103 56 47 094009 Kalyani Khera 317 128 189 296 142 154 227 136 91 094010 Boodhkarwar 227 83 144 262 129 133 230 124 106 094011 Kanakpura 92 32 60 105 51 54 88 45 43 094012 Kotri 200 106 94 138 71 67 130 70 60 094013 Kemla 318 147 171 230 114 116 220 111 109 094014 Bansi 199 79 120 257 134 123 77 70 7 094015 Ariyali 407 163 244 264 132 132 106 72 34 094016 Arnetha 792 310 482 757 451 306 456 323 133 094017 Antarda 656 258 398 732 438 294 550 364 186 094018 Sangram Ganj 233 87 146 230 106 124 116 74 42 094019 Devpura 302 116 186 281 131 150 144 102 42 094020 Kedara Ki Jhopdiyan 303 97 206 286 145 141 255 138 117 094021 Kheri 491 193 298 794 414 380 390 234 156 094022 Khuri 516 220 296 445 206 239 175 169 6 094023 Shivpura 507 189 318 446 210 236 243 178 65 094024 Khanika @ Deopura 1,247 532 715 853 450 403 343 292 51 094025 Dhadhoon 252 90 162 292 143 149 142 85 57 094026 Kishanganj 166 69 97 150 81 69 71 71 - 094027 Soorli 207 76 131 190 92 98 86 84 2 094028 Lamba Barda 913 360 553 902 467 435 280 249 31 094029 Nandgaon 294 122 172 300 164 136 117 108 9 094030 Gurha Sadavartian 492 200 292 437 259 178 265 218 47 094031 Ramgarh - - - 7 7 - 7 7 - 094032 Manak Chowk 158 63 95 161 85 76 64 61 3 094033 Luharpura 488 186 302 569 299 270 237 196 41 094034 Sabalpura 461 171 290 563 299 264 229 203 26 094035 Motipura 556 213 343 602 295 307 284 247 37 094036 Peepalya 1,086 411 675 1,156 619 537 840 500 340 094037 Jetpur 467 173 294 438 245 193 339 210 129 094038 Tumbipura 192 82 110 169 91 78 168 90 78 094039 Meenon Ki Jhonparyan 358 140 218 303 173 130 294 169 125 094040 Soonsadiya 280 101 179 372 191 181 279 155 124




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

161 93 68 - - - - - - 54 39 15 Uransi199 98 101 - - - 2 2 - 6 2 4 Beejanta175 153 22 2 1 1 - - - 40 29 11 Kalamal58 58 - 2 2 - - - - 23 18 5 Jeewanpura

114 67 47 - - - - - - 16 14 2 Deopura206 100 106 48 22 26 - - - 12 9 3 Jagmunda193 105 88 1 1 - 1 1 - 13 8 5 Leelda114 106 8 - - - 117 13 104 9 7 2 Gurha Gopalji68 64 4 2 1 1 - - - 13 10 3 Mohabbatpura50 48 2 - - - - - - 5 5 - Medhakpura

232 152 80 116 22 94 7 3 4 22 10 12 Modsa109 101 8 20 15 5 12 12 - 46 45 1 Hapolai45 44 1 3 3 - - - - 32 29 3 Murdiya

227 110 117 3 1 2 3 2 1 14 12 2 Ganeshpura93 90 3 53 44 9 - - - 28 26 2 Bansoli

183 171 12 13 11 2 2 2 - 77 64 13 Baori695 332 363 13 6 7 - - - 54 39 15 Khajoori511 290 221 8 3 5 - - - 34 25 9 Shahan73 64 9 - - - - - - 5 2 3 Biharipura74 47 27 - - - - - - 2 1 1 Shivdanpura41 29 12 - - - 6 5 1 9 7 2 Phatookara45 35 10 4 4 - 1 1 - 5 5 - Arjunpura

174 161 13 2 2 - - - - 29 26 3 Peeparwala137 123 14 26 25 1 - - - 17 12 5 Khajoora190 95 95 - - - 1 1 - 17 12 5 Kalmiya210 104 106 7 3 4 - - - 3 3 - Kankariya543 429 114 199 146 53 69 57 12 801 713 88 Karwar99 52 47 - - - - - - 4 4 - Heerapur

183 93 90 - - - - - - 44 43 1 Kalyani Khera212 111 101 5 4 1 - - - 13 9 4 Boodhkarwar88 45 43 - - - - - - - - - Kanakpura93 43 50 5 4 1 - - - 32 23 9 Kotri

146 63 83 19 12 7 - - - 55 36 19 Kemla47 46 1 5 4 1 - - - 25 20 5 Bansi76 59 17 24 8 16 - - - 6 5 1 Ariyali

400 272 128 18 17 1 7 7 - 31 27 4 Arnetha187 123 64 91 55 36 18 12 6 254 174 80 Antarda103 68 35 9 6 3 4 - 4 - - - Sangram Ganj93 72 21 24 8 16 - - - 27 22 5 Devpura

181 99 82 61 29 32 - - - 13 10 3 Kedara Ki Jhopdiyan280 165 115 74 40 34 6 3 3 30 26 4 Kheri144 141 3 1 - 1 - - - 30 28 2 Khuri158 117 41 41 27 14 2 2 - 42 32 10 Shivpura111 104 7 2 2 - 7 7 - 223 179 44 Khanika @ Deopura88 46 42 37 26 11 1 1 - 16 12 4 Dhadhoon62 62 - - - - - - - 9 9 - Kishanganj70 70 - 2 2 - - - - 14 12 2 Soorli

201 178 23 16 16 - 5 3 2 58 52 6 Lamba Barda76 72 4 1 1 - - - - 40 35 5 Nandgaon

231 188 43 - - - 4 3 1 30 27 3 Gurha Sadavartian- - - - - - - - - 7 7 - Ramgarh53 52 1 6 6 - - - - 5 3 2 Manak Chowk

155 150 5 56 21 35 5 5 - 21 20 1 Luharpura198 180 18 14 6 8 4 4 - 13 13 - Sabalpura246 212 34 6 4 2 2 2 - 30 29 1 Motipura516 272 244 46 17 29 33 23 10 245 188 57 Peepalya161 88 73 137 89 48 2 2 - 39 31 8 Jetpur165 89 76 - - - - - - 3 1 2 Tumbipura152 90 62 112 58 54 4 4 - 26 17 9 Meenon Ki Jhonparyan208 106 102 12 6 6 15 11 4 44 32 12 Soonsadiya




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

093981 Uransi 193 85 108 128 42 86 12 6 6 093982 Beejanta 37 15 22 12 6 6 25 9 16 093983 Kalamal 187 17 170 173 17 156 2 - 2 093984 Jeewanpura 82 6 76 73 5 68 2 - 2 093985 Deopura 210 92 118 147 58 89 5 1 4 093986 Jagmunda 6 4 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 093987 Leelda 86 38 48 16 5 11 65 30 35 093988 Gurha Gopalji 11 1 10 - - - - - - 093989 Mohabbatpura 168 55 113 88 10 78 - - - 093990 Medhakpura 155 43 112 137 29 108 2 - 2 093991 Modsa 203 106 97 146 78 68 32 12 20 093992 Hapolai 205 63 142 8 6 2 187 48 139 093993 Murdiya 276 104 172 207 51 156 6 1 5 093994 Ganeshpura 48 28 20 12 8 4 3 1 2 093995 Bansoli 331 118 213 78 5 73 232 96 136 093996 Baori 331 35 296 255 27 228 35 2 33 093997 Khajoori 314 176 138 285 163 122 5 1 4 093998 Shahan 167 39 128 102 16 86 62 22 40 093999 Biharipura 83 19 64 49 8 41 32 11 21 094000 Shivdanpura 41 7 34 34 7 27 7 - 7 094001 Phatookara 206 99 107 31 17 14 7 5 2 094002 Arjunpura 250 113 137 86 37 49 30 16 14 094003 Peeparwala 320 58 262 307 48 259 4 3 1 094004 Khajoora 339 107 232 297 94 203 37 9 28 094005 Kalmiya 134 67 67 84 36 48 25 11 14 094006 Kankariya 3 2 1 - - - 1 - 1 094007 Karwar 790 399 391 34 30 4 463 223 240 094008 Heerapur 48 8 40 48 8 40 - - - 094009 Kalyani Khera 69 6 63 69 6 63 - - - 094010 Boodhkarwar 32 5 27 30 4 26 2 1 1 094011 Kanakpura 17 6 11 17 6 11 - - - 094012 Kotri 8 1 7 - - - - - - 094013 Kemla 10 3 7 - - - 4 2 2 094014 Bansi 180 64 116 4 3 1 92 29 63 094015 Ariyali 158 60 98 4 3 1 154 57 97 094016 Arnetha 301 128 173 19 12 7 209 70 139 094017 Antarda 182 74 108 24 13 11 76 29 47 094018 Sangram Ganj 114 32 82 97 25 72 13 4 9 094019 Devpura 137 29 108 2 2 - 116 23 93 094020 Kedara Ki Jhopdiyan 31 7 24 1 - 1 21 - 21 094021 Kheri 404 180 224 292 129 163 103 46 57 094022 Khuri 270 37 233 261 29 232 - - - 094023 Shivpura 203 32 171 115 18 97 66 13 53 094024 Khanika @ Deopura 510 158 352 220 52 168 31 7 24 094025 Dhadhoon 150 58 92 29 14 15 104 42 62 094026 Kishanganj 79 10 69 74 7 67 1 - 1 094027 Soorli 104 8 96 96 7 89 - - - 094028 Lamba Barda 622 218 404 235 48 187 268 106 162 094029 Nandgaon 183 56 127 86 22 64 - - - 094030 Gurha Sadavartian 172 41 131 148 30 118 2 1 1 094031 Ramgarh - - - - - - - - - 094032 Manak Chowk 97 24 73 78 12 66 15 8 7 094033 Luharpura 332 103 229 93 9 84 226 87 139 094034 Sabalpura 334 96 238 139 22 117 183 68 115 094035 Motipura 318 48 270 177 19 158 121 11 110 094036 Peepalya 316 119 197 40 11 29 196 77 119 094037 Jetpur 99 35 64 28 8 20 71 27 44 094038 Tumbipura 1 1 - - - - - - - 094039 Meenon Ki Jhonparyan 9 4 5 2 - 2 7 4 3 094040 Soonsadiya 93 36 57 12 4 8 19 6 13




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 53 37 16 295 169 126 Uransi 093981- - - - - - 218 113 105 Beejanta 093982- - - 12 - 12 287 175 112 Kalamal 093983- - - 7 1 6 141 81 60 Jeewanpura 093984- - - 58 33 25 267 156 111 Deopura 093985

1 1 - 3 2 1 248 128 120 Jagmunda 093986- - - 5 3 2 283 155 128 Leelda 09398710 - 10 1 1 - 205 117 88 Gurha Gopalji 093988

- - - 80 45 35 260 133 127 Mohabbatpura 093989- - - 16 14 2 146 92 54 Medhakpura 093990

1 1 - 24 15 9 510 259 251 Modsa 093991- - - 10 9 1 524 234 290 Hapolai 093992

1 1 - 62 51 11 263 146 117 Murdiya 093993- - - 33 19 14 308 169 139 Ganeshpura 093994

4 2 2 17 15 2 601 286 315 Bansoli 0939953 - 3 38 6 32 466 247 219 Baori 093996

- - - 24 12 12 473 250 223 Khajoori 093997- - - 3 1 2 685 371 314 Shahan 093998- - - 2 - 2 131 53 78 Biharipura 093999- - - - - - 120 84 36 Shivdanpura 09400090 30 60 78 47 31 46 22 24 Phatookara 09400186 35 51 48 25 23 54 29 25 Arjunpura 094002

- - - 9 7 2 428 258 170 Peeparwala 094003- - - 5 4 1 236 139 97 Khajoora 094004

3 2 1 22 18 4 244 136 108 Kalmiya 094005- - - 2 2 - 149 91 58 Kankariya 094006

8 7 1 285 139 146 4,120 1,643 2,477 Karwar 094007- - - - - - 134 86 48 Heerapur 094008- - - - - - 210 122 88 Kalyani Khera 094009- - - - - - 193 103 90 Boodhkarwar 094010- - - - - - 64 37 27 Kanakpura 094011- - - 8 1 7 119 75 44 Kotri 094012- - - 6 1 5 195 114 81 Kemla 094013- - - 84 32 52 162 97 65 Bansi 094014- - - - - - 309 154 155 Ariyali 094015

3 1 2 70 45 25 681 289 392 Arnetha 0940164 2 2 78 30 48 747 341 406 Antarda 0940174 3 1 - - - 158 84 74 Sangram Ganj 094018

- - - 19 4 15 221 126 95 Devpura 0940193 2 1 6 5 1 321 169 152 Kedara Ki Jhopdiyan 0940203 1 2 6 4 2 295 155 140 Kheri 094021

- - - 9 8 1 333 211 122 Khuri 094022- - - 22 1 21 402 230 172 Shivpura 094023

3 3 - 256 96 160 723 353 370 Khanika @ Deopura 0940243 2 1 14 - 14 223 120 103 Dhadhoon 094025

- - - 4 3 1 122 66 56 Kishanganj 094026- - - 8 1 7 176 100 76 Soorli 09402721 19 2 98 45 53 548 303 245 Lamba Barda 0940281 - 1 96 34 62 198 102 96 Nandgaon 094029

- - - 22 10 12 422 198 224 Gurha Sadavartian 094030- - - - - - - - - Ramgarh 094031

1 1 - 3 3 - 93 56 37 Manak Chowk 0940327 4 3 6 3 3 374 210 164 Luharpura 0940333 1 2 9 5 4 373 206 167 Sabalpura 0940341 1 - 19 17 2 482 287 195 Motipura 094035

24 4 20 56 27 29 1,170 579 591 Peepalya 094036- - - - - - 431 202 229 Jetpur 094037

1 1 - - - - 132 73 59 Tumbipura 094038- - - - - - 409 206 203 Meenon Ki Jhonparyan 09403912 3 9 50 23 27 261 144 117 Soonsadiya 094040




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094041 Sasti 201.00 68 328 166 162 48 25 23 094042 Mandpur 422.80 192 839 435 404 153 77 76 094043 Chipalta 236.60 74 378 203 175 63 37 26 094044 Rashali 370.00 55 265 139 126 46 22 24 094045 Deopura 199.00 182 727 388 339 98 56 42 094046 Sangoda 529.00 96 408 215 193 44 26 18 094047 Phuleta @ Lachhmiganj 176.00 30 108 61 47 9 5 4 094048 Nayagaon @ Ramganj 259.00 69 287 150 137 42 23 19 094049 Gudali 223.00 76 311 167 144 46 30 16

094050Bhanwarkhol @ Arjunpura 380.00 52 274 147 127 39 20 19

094051 Neem Khera 411.00 162 734 399 335 82 52 30 094052 Banthali 420.00 115 410 226 184 53 32 21 094053 Talwas 2,768.00 528 2,346 1,250 1,096 321 175 146 094054 Sheriya 525.00 24 92 52 40 17 11 6 094055 Hirapur 832.00 68 321 167 154 46 19 27




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

34 20 14 - - - 135 88 47 Sasti363 188 175 - - - 347 239 108 Mandpur181 99 82 - - - 132 94 38 Chipalta43 24 19 - - - 88 59 29 Rashali

724 387 337 1 - 1 443 274 169 Deopura- - - - - - 130 99 31 Sangoda27 13 14 - - - 47 29 18 Phuleta @ Lachhmiganj62 30 32 - - - 109 71 38 Nayagaon @ Ramganj

- - - 56 29 27 150 92 58 Gudali

- - - - - - 138 94 44 Bhanwarkhol @ Arjunpura

7 3 4 331 185 146 356 250 106 Neem Khera- - - 97 55 42 214 144 70 Banthali777 414 363 6 5 1 1,532 944 588 Talwas- - - 13 7 6 31 23 8 Sheriya18 9 9 - - - 127 91 36 Hirapur




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094041 Sasti 193 78 115 181 88 93 175 83 92 094042 Mandpur 492 196 296 481 248 233 410 229 181 094043 Chipalta 246 109 137 204 107 97 187 100 87 094044 Rashali 177 80 97 135 77 58 93 51 42 094045 Deopura 284 114 170 377 217 160 47 32 15 094046 Sangoda 278 116 162 208 106 102 202 102 100 094047 Phuleta @ Lachhmiganj 61 32 29 57 32 25 57 32 25 094048 Nayagaon @ Ramganj 178 79 99 145 78 67 145 78 67 094049 Gudali 161 75 86 244 125 119 73 67 6

094050Bhanwarkhol @ Arjunpura 136 53 83 219 121 98 72 66 6

094051 Neem Khera 378 149 229 407 222 185 68 64 4 094052 Banthali 196 82 114 257 129 128 125 122 3 094053 Talwas 814 306 508 918 624 294 641 480 161 094054 Sheriya 61 29 32 39 27 12 25 25 - 094055 Hirapur 194 76 118 133 83 50 91 83 8




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

167 78 89 1 - 1 - - - 7 5 2 Sasti356 190 166 4 3 1 - - - 50 36 14 Mandpur179 96 83 - - - 1 1 - 7 3 4 Chipalta92 51 41 - - - - - - 1 - 1 Rashali28 19 9 2 1 1 - - - 17 12 5 Deopura93 76 17 108 26 82 - - - 1 - 1 Sangoda35 25 10 22 7 15 - - - - - - Phuleta @ Lachhmiganj69 60 9 69 12 57 - - - 7 6 1 Nayagaon @ Ramganj58 54 4 2 2 - - - - 13 11 2 Gudali

59 55 4 1 - 1 - - - 12 11 1 Bhanwarkhol @ Arjunpura

64 61 3 1 1 - - - - 3 2 1 Neem Khera122 120 2 2 2 - - - - 1 - 1 Banthali172 143 29 122 51 71 24 17 7 323 269 54 Talwas13 13 - 8 8 - - - - 4 4 - Sheriya47 43 4 29 27 2 - - - 15 13 2 Hirapur




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094041 Sasti 6 5 1 6 5 1 - - - 094042 Mandpur 71 19 52 37 8 29 15 6 9 094043 Chipalta 17 7 10 - - - 15 5 10 094044 Rashali 42 26 16 1 - 1 41 26 15 094045 Deopura 330 185 145 164 84 80 126 65 61 094046 Sangoda 6 4 2 - - - 6 4 2 094047 Phuleta @ Lachhmiganj - - - - - - - - - 094048 Nayagaon @ Ramganj - - - - - - - - - 094049 Gudali 171 58 113 130 42 88 27 3 24

094050Bhanwarkhol @ Arjunpura 147 55 92 119 36 83 8 2 6

094051 Neem Khera 339 158 181 115 115 - 211 33 178 094052 Banthali 132 7 125 1 - 1 131 7 124 094053 Talwas 277 144 133 7 3 4 88 51 37 094054 Sheriya 14 2 12 - - - - - - 094055 Hirapur 42 - 42 - - - - - -




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - - - - 147 78 69 Sasti 094041- - - 19 5 14 358 187 171 Mandpur 094042- - - 2 2 - 174 96 78 Chipalta 094043- - - - - - 130 62 68 Rashali 094044- - - 40 36 4 350 171 179 Deopura 094045- - - - - - 200 109 91 Sangoda 094046- - - - - - 51 29 22 Phuleta @ Lachhmiganj 094047- - - - - - 142 72 70 Nayagaon @ Ramganj 094048- - - 14 13 1 67 42 25 Gudali 094049

3 3 - 17 14 3 55 26 29 Bhanwarkhol @ Arjunpura 094050

8 5 3 5 5 - 327 177 150 Neem Khera 094051- - - - - - 153 97 56 Banthali 094052

6 2 4 176 88 88 1,428 626 802 Talwas 094053- - - 14 2 12 53 25 28 Sheriya 094054- - - 42 - 42 188 84 104 Hirapur 094055




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0170 Keshorai Patan (Total) 1,30,817.95 40,057 1,99,311 1,03,541 95,770 27,567 14,473 13,094

0170 Keshorai Patan (Rural) 1,30,717.95 39,386 1,95,678 1,01,660 94,018 27,108 14,226 12,882

0170 Keshorai Patan (Urban) 100.00 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212 RURAL

094056 Sumerpura 87.00 26 108 59 49 22 13 9 094057 Sangramganj 47.00 31 140 76 64 22 10 12 094058 Bohariya Gaon 288.00 97 481 240 241 81 42 39 094059 Kailashpuri 65.00 61 290 149 141 42 22 20 094060 Chandra Ganj 302.77 139 697 351 346 92 52 40 094061 Belanganj 387.67 120 695 340 355 115 57 58 094062 Babai 1,495.42 443 2,237 1,123 1,114 338 170 168 094063 Moti Nagar 291.00 81 390 204 186 51 29 22 094064 Balapura 150.33 95 457 235 222 82 44 38 094065 Sherganj 194.81 100 423 219 204 54 25 29 094066 Gudha 631.52 145 685 352 333 125 64 61 094067 Ramnagar 200.44 85 401 208 193 68 35 33 094068 Rampuriya 126.00 45 266 138 128 34 17 17 094069 Kemalaya 419.00 117 589 307 282 113 62 51 094070 Peechoopura 105.90 1 4 2 2 - - - 094071 Nanta 511.99 105 611 324 287 95 52 43 094072 Kolaspura 403.43 148 715 376 339 105 58 47 094073 Papra 1,899.00 213 1,033 564 469 179 94 85 094074 Gendapura 75.98 47 289 145 144 52 25 27 094075 Shivganj 94.94 50 292 153 139 39 17 22 094076 Abhaipur 180.86 114 632 329 303 98 52 46 094077 Laxmipura 172.18 63 319 171 148 35 18 17 094078 Keshopura 77.32 109 593 324 269 88 52 36 094079 Nawalpura 415.21 238 1,038 560 478 152 90 62 094080 Tokaspura 233.31 101 487 240 247 82 42 40 094081 Nayagaon 294.39 128 715 373 342 130 74 56 094082 Rooppura 86.18 27 123 65 58 20 10 10 094083 Lalpura 255.00 41 158 78 80 33 19 14 094084 Mohanpura 1,695.24 756 3,820 1,960 1,860 588 323 265 094085 Jainagar 388.00 168 715 382 333 89 48 41 094086 Ramajpura 413.00 136 728 398 330 122 69 53 094087 Jainiwas 187.12 85 379 194 185 55 27 28 094088 Sundar Nagar 115.88 67 341 180 161 49 28 21 094089 Shyodanpura 394.60 116 618 325 293 102 55 47 094090 Jheera 472.79 116 587 309 278 66 36 30 094091 Daramataji 187.09 87 461 236 225 63 31 32 094092 Chhatrapura 221.47 220 1,075 558 517 149 82 67 094093 Kherli Mafi 107.00 148 785 398 387 123 62 61 094094 Mooi 194.00 229 1,360 688 672 199 99 100 094095 Heerapur 74.51094096 Mahapura 80.83 54 277 142 135 34 17 17 094097 Chakkherli 92.00 140 724 368 356 152 83 69 094098 Sunari 264.26 111 473 237 236 100 53 47 094099 Anghora 351.00 270 1,320 693 627 188 102 86 094100 Bishanpura 381.00 44 206 109 97 26 15 11 094101 Sakhawada 680.00 75 353 182 171 64 29 35 094102 Deopura 259.20 106 483 240 243 77 34 43 094103 Kanwarpura 357.93 115 559 298 261 63 36 27

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

36,730 19,022 17,708 58,234 30,364 27,870 1,08,304 69,611 38,693 Keshorai Patan (Total)

36,249 18,772 17,477 57,950 30,213 27,737 1,05,609 68,053 37,556 Keshorai Patan (Rural)

481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Keshorai Patan (Urban)

RURAL- - - 108 59 49 39 33 6 Sumerpura

1 1 - 137 74 63 51 44 7 Sangramganj- - - 481 240 241 242 159 83 Bohariya Gaon- - - - - - 127 92 35 Kailashpuri- - - 684 346 338 323 217 106 Chandra Ganj13 5 8 578 281 297 380 243 137 Belanganj

570 294 276 371 189 182 1,099 699 400 Babai352 179 173 38 25 13 169 126 43 Moti Nagar63 32 31 - - - 206 134 72 Balapura21 10 11 354 181 173 228 155 73 Sherganj69 36 33 25 14 11 296 202 94 Gudha

289 151 138 4 2 2 201 147 54 Ramnagar171 90 81 51 27 24 121 73 48 Rampuriya13 9 4 351 177 174 216 144 72 Kemalaya

- - - - - - 2 1 1 Peechoopura- - - 230 127 103 300 211 89 Nanta- - - 452 233 219 345 219 126 Kolaspura201 111 90 82 47 35 510 355 155 Papra99 52 47 - - - 139 99 40 Gendapura44 23 21 - - - 130 86 44 Shivganj

- - - 124 61 63 393 240 153 Abhaipur- - - 307 165 142 191 131 60 Laxmipura239 133 106 348 190 158 322 222 100 Keshopura148 78 70 340 192 148 580 391 189 Nawalpura- - - 431 209 222 191 131 60 Tokaspura10 6 4 524 269 255 313 247 66 Nayagaon13 8 5 110 57 53 53 36 17 Rooppura5 2 3 28 13 15 61 42 19 Lalpura

1,156 577 579 13 7 6 1,955 1,273 682 Mohanpura- - - 34 15 19 442 274 168 Jainagar262 148 114 444 240 204 324 236 88 Ramajpura48 25 23 258 131 127 168 117 51 Jainiwas

331 175 156 5 2 3 211 134 77 Sundar Nagar33 22 11 247 136 111 306 214 92 Shyodanpura63 31 32 317 170 147 273 180 93 Jheera16 9 7 10 6 4 319 192 127 Daramataji

- - - - - - 636 421 215 Chhatrapura6 3 3 14 6 8 479 295 184 Kherli Mafi

138 66 72 50 26 24 862 500 362 MooiHeerapur

38 19 19 137 69 68 153 101 52 Mahapura686 348 338 - - - 297 202 95 Chakkherli- - - - - - 170 116 54 Sunari159 91 68 69 34 35 741 484 257 Anghora- - - 50 25 25 101 68 33 Bishanpura19 12 7 63 35 28 149 99 50 Sakhawada62 26 36 - - - 151 115 36 Deopura

208 117 91 33 18 15 290 184 106 Kanwarpura

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0170 Keshorai Patan (Total) 91,007 33,930 57,077 92,949 55,110 37,839 56,002 43,522 12,480

0170 Keshorai Patan (Rural) 90,069 33,607 56,462 91,722 54,134 37,588 55,022 42,648 12,374

0170 Keshorai Patan (Urban) 938 323 615 1,227 976 251 980 874 106 RURAL

094056 Sumerpura 69 26 43 53 26 27 53 26 27 094057 Sangramganj 89 32 57 57 29 28 56 29 27 094058 Bohariya Gaon 239 81 158 201 98 103 192 94 98 094059 Kailashpuri 163 57 106 143 64 79 121 61 60 094060 Chandra Ganj 374 134 240 331 153 178 271 147 124 094061 Belanganj 315 97 218 304 147 157 289 137 152 094062 Babai 1,138 424 714 1,183 623 560 914 516 398 094063 Moti Nagar 221 78 143 230 103 127 79 74 5 094064 Balapura 251 101 150 133 126 7 112 109 3 094065 Sherganj 195 64 131 220 104 116 84 57 27 094066 Gudha 389 150 239 352 169 183 256 156 100 094067 Ramnagar 200 61 139 102 100 2 99 97 2 094068 Rampuriya 145 65 80 79 71 8 61 60 1 094069 Kemalaya 373 163 210 279 146 133 129 101 28 094070 Peechoopura 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 094071 Nanta 311 113 198 321 160 161 195 123 72 094072 Kolaspura 370 157 213 344 187 157 209 141 68 094073 Papra 523 209 314 349 268 81 209 198 11 094074 Gendapura 150 46 104 101 73 28 53 48 5 094075 Shivganj 162 67 95 66 59 7 60 55 5 094076 Abhaipur 239 89 150 294 162 132 134 121 13 094077 Laxmipura 128 40 88 154 85 69 3 2 1 094078 Keshopura 271 102 169 313 168 145 211 147 64 094079 Nawalpura 458 169 289 407 282 125 252 229 23 094080 Tokaspura 296 109 187 114 111 3 114 111 3 094081 Nayagaon 402 126 276 254 170 84 170 135 35 094082 Rooppura 70 29 41 38 35 3 33 32 1 094083 Lalpura 97 36 61 82 42 40 57 38 19 094084 Mohanpura 1,865 687 1,178 1,501 973 528 1,236 939 297 094085 Jainagar 273 108 165 409 211 198 380 195 185 094086 Ramajpura 404 162 242 357 166 191 347 166 181 094087 Jainiwas 211 77 134 177 90 87 170 88 82 094088 Sundar Nagar 130 46 84 149 98 51 88 65 23 094089 Shyodanpura 312 111 201 185 164 21 144 130 14 094090 Jheera 314 129 185 340 180 160 196 149 47 094091 Daramataji 142 44 98 121 108 13 108 98 10 094092 Chhatrapura 439 137 302 483 294 189 425 275 150 094093 Kherli Mafi 306 103 203 426 204 222 196 185 11 094094 Mooi 498 188 310 483 332 151 338 313 25 094095 Heerapur094096 Mahapura 124 41 83 95 67 28 72 66 6 094097 Chakkherli 427 166 261 296 177 119 141 133 8 094098 Sunari 303 121 182 137 118 19 83 70 13 094099 Anghora 579 209 370 623 380 243 439 339 100 094100 Bishanpura 105 41 64 112 57 55 105 56 49 094101 Sakhawada 204 83 121 107 102 5 95 91 4 094102 Deopura 332 125 207 221 124 97 104 103 1 094103 Kanwarpura 269 114 155 278 166 112 158 146 12

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

31,760 26,092 5,668 12,335 7,553 4,782 934 716 218 10,973 9,161 1,812 Keshorai Patan (Total)

31,670 26,009 5,661 12,314 7,536 4,778 887 675 212 10,151 8,428 1,723 Keshorai Patan (Rural)

90 83 7 21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Keshorai Patan (Urban)

RURAL24 24 - 29 2 27 - - - - - - Sumerpura27 27 - 27 - 27 - - - 2 2 - Sangramganj

180 83 97 - - - 2 1 1 10 10 - Bohariya Gaon94 46 48 17 6 11 - - - 10 9 1 Kailashpuri

247 137 110 14 3 11 2 1 1 8 6 2 Chandra Ganj266 120 146 2 1 1 1 1 - 20 15 5 Belanganj607 359 248 178 73 105 39 30 9 90 54 36 Babai78 73 5 - - - - - - 1 1 - Moti Nagar32 32 - - - - - - - 80 77 3 Balapura61 43 18 12 5 7 1 1 - 10 8 2 Sherganj

151 87 64 10 5 5 3 3 - 92 61 31 Gudha94 92 2 1 1 - - - - 4 4 - Ramnagar44 44 - 15 14 1 - - - 2 2 - Rampuriya85 84 1 31 7 24 - - - 13 10 3 Kemalaya1 1 - - - - - - - - - - Peechoopura

168 106 62 10 5 5 1 1 - 16 11 5 Nanta170 114 56 6 2 4 1 1 - 32 24 8 Kolaspura131 128 3 29 27 2 1 1 - 48 42 6 Papra23 23 - - - - - - - 30 25 5 Gendapura59 54 5 1 1 - - - - - - - Shivganj

122 114 8 6 4 2 - - - 6 3 3 Abhaipur- - - - - - - - - 3 2 1 Laxmipura177 122 55 6 6 - - - - 28 19 9 Keshopura178 174 4 13 7 6 1 - 1 60 48 12 Nawalpura106 104 2 - - - - - - 8 7 1 Tokaspura102 99 3 42 13 29 - - - 26 23 3 Nayagaon33 32 1 - - - - - - - - - Rooppura28 28 - 20 3 17 - - - 9 7 2 Lalpura

162 151 11 251 126 125 14 12 2 809 650 159 Mohanpura29 14 15 324 167 157 6 3 3 21 11 10 Jainagar

294 159 135 47 4 43 1 - 1 5 3 2 Ramajpura127 65 62 21 9 12 4 2 2 18 12 6 Jainiwas62 43 19 4 2 2 - - - 22 20 2 Sundar Nagar83 75 8 9 7 2 - - - 52 48 4 Shyodanpura69 54 15 6 3 3 19 13 6 102 79 23 Jheera8 7 1 - - - 7 6 1 93 85 8 Daramataji

195 94 101 14 6 8 2 2 - 214 173 41 Chhatrapura87 84 3 11 11 - 1 1 - 97 89 8 Kherli Mafi

120 117 3 6 6 - 19 15 4 193 175 18 MooiHeerapur

22 21 1 2 2 - - - - 48 43 5 Mahapura9 9 - 9 9 - 13 7 6 110 108 2 Chakkherli

35 33 2 1 1 - 1 1 - 46 35 11 Sunari167 133 34 57 31 26 14 9 5 201 166 35 Anghora81 32 49 - - - - - - 24 24 - Bishanpura53 53 - 18 18 - 2 2 - 22 18 4 Sakhawada28 28 - 21 21 - 3 3 - 52 51 1 Deopura75 74 1 11 4 7 - - - 72 68 4 Kanwarpura

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0170 Keshorai Patan (Total) 36,947 11,588 25,359 9,942 2,508 7,434 20,431 6,015 14,416

0170 Keshorai Patan (Rural) 36,700 11,486 25,214 9,941 2,508 7,433 20,333 6,012 14,321

0170 Keshorai Patan (Urban) 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95 RURAL

094056 Sumerpura - - - - - - - - - 094057 Sangramganj 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 094058 Bohariya Gaon 9 4 5 9 4 5 - - - 094059 Kailashpuri 22 3 19 12 - 12 4 1 3 094060 Chandra Ganj 60 6 54 39 2 37 10 1 9 094061 Belanganj 15 10 5 2 1 1 13 9 4 094062 Babai 269 107 162 159 62 97 103 39 64 094063 Moti Nagar 151 29 122 147 27 120 1 - 1 094064 Balapura 21 17 4 - - - 1 1 - 094065 Sherganj 136 47 89 31 16 15 105 31 74 094066 Gudha 96 13 83 15 1 14 10 1 9 094067 Ramnagar 3 3 - 3 3 - - - - 094068 Rampuriya 18 11 7 - - - 1 1 - 094069 Kemalaya 150 45 105 7 3 4 99 18 81 094070 Peechoopura 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 094071 Nanta 126 37 89 5 1 4 119 35 84 094072 Kolaspura 135 46 89 33 7 26 23 4 19 094073 Papra 140 70 70 4 1 3 7 4 3 094074 Gendapura 48 25 23 - - - - - - 094075 Shivganj 6 4 2 1 - 1 3 2 1 094076 Abhaipur 160 41 119 2 - 2 136 20 116 094077 Laxmipura 151 83 68 140 76 64 3 2 1 094078 Keshopura 102 21 81 3 2 1 82 12 70 094079 Nawalpura 155 53 102 6 4 2 113 35 78 094080 Tokaspura - - - - - - - - - 094081 Nayagaon 84 35 49 2 - 2 56 12 44 094082 Rooppura 5 3 2 4 2 2 - - - 094083 Lalpura 25 4 21 2 2 - 23 2 21 094084 Mohanpura 265 34 231 3 3 - 214 16 198 094085 Jainagar 29 16 13 - - - 24 14 10 094086 Ramajpura 10 - 10 5 - 5 5 - 5 094087 Jainiwas 7 2 5 - - - 6 2 4 094088 Sundar Nagar 61 33 28 1 - 1 44 24 20 094089 Shyodanpura 41 34 7 5 2 3 20 18 2 094090 Jheera 144 31 113 1 - 1 122 21 101 094091 Daramataji 13 10 3 - - - 8 7 1 094092 Chhatrapura 58 19 39 1 - 1 23 2 21 094093 Kherli Mafi 230 19 211 1 1 - 222 13 209 094094 Mooi 145 19 126 4 1 3 127 8 119 094095 Heerapur094096 Mahapura 23 1 22 - - - 21 - 21 094097 Chakkherli 155 44 111 4 2 2 13 2 11 094098 Sunari 54 48 6 7 5 2 2 - 2 094099 Anghora 184 41 143 87 14 73 27 3 24 094100 Bishanpura 7 1 6 6 1 5 - - - 094101 Sakhawada 12 11 1 - - - 10 9 1 094102 Deopura 117 21 96 17 5 12 19 4 15 094103 Kanwarpura 120 20 100 - - - 115 16 99

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

731 351 380 5,843 2,714 3,129 1,06,362 48,431 57,931 Keshorai Patan (Total) 0170

691 328 363 5,735 2,638 3,097 1,03,956 47,526 56,430 Keshorai Patan (Rural) 0170

40 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Keshorai Patan (Urban) 0170RURAL

- - - - - - 55 33 22 Sumerpura 094056- - - - - - 83 47 36 Sangramganj 094057- - - - - - 280 142 138 Bohariya Gaon 094058- - - 6 2 4 147 85 62 Kailashpuri 094059

9 3 6 2 - 2 366 198 168 Chandra Ganj 094060- - - - - - 391 193 198 Belanganj 094061- - - 7 6 1 1,054 500 554 Babai 094062- - - 3 2 1 160 101 59 Moti Nagar 094063

1 1 - 19 15 4 324 109 215 Balapura 094064- - - - - - 203 115 88 Sherganj 094065

3 - 3 68 11 57 333 183 150 Gudha 094066- - - - - - 299 108 191 Ramnagar 094067- - - 17 10 7 187 67 120 Rampuriya 094068

1 - 1 43 24 19 310 161 149 Kemalaya 094069- - - - - - 2 1 1 Peechoopura 094070

2 1 1 - - - 290 164 126 Nanta 0940711 - 1 78 35 43 371 189 182 Kolaspura 0940729 7 2 120 58 62 684 296 388 Papra 094073

- - - 48 25 23 188 72 116 Gendapura 094074- - - 2 2 - 226 94 132 Shivganj 094075- - - 22 21 1 338 167 171 Abhaipur 094076- - - 8 5 3 165 86 79 Laxmipura 094077- - - 17 7 10 280 156 124 Keshopura 094078

2 1 1 34 13 21 631 278 353 Nawalpura 094079- - - - - - 373 129 244 Tokaspura 094080

5 5 - 21 18 3 461 203 258 Nayagaon 094081- - - 1 1 - 85 30 55 Rooppura 094082- - - - - - 76 36 40 Lalpura 094083

1 - 1 47 15 32 2,319 987 1,332 Mohanpura 0940841 - 1 4 2 2 306 171 135 Jainagar 094085

- - - - - - 371 232 139 Ramajpura 094086- - - 1 - 1 202 104 98 Jainiwas 094087- - - 16 9 7 192 82 110 Sundar Nagar 094088- - - 16 14 2 433 161 272 Shyodanpura 094089- - - 21 10 11 247 129 118 Jheera 094090- - - 5 3 2 340 128 212 Daramataji 094091- - - 34 17 17 592 264 328 Chhatrapura 094092- - - 7 5 2 359 194 165 Kherli Mafi 094093

1 - 1 13 10 3 877 356 521 Mooi 094094Heerapur 094095

- - - 2 1 1 182 75 107 Mahapura 0940964 2 2 134 38 96 428 191 237 Chakkherli 094097

- - - 45 43 2 336 119 217 Sunari 0940981 - 1 69 24 45 697 313 384 Anghora 094099

- - - 1 - 1 94 52 42 Bishanpura 094100- - - 2 2 - 246 80 166 Sakhawada 094101

1 - 1 80 12 68 262 116 146 Deopura 094102- - - 5 4 1 281 132 149 Kanwarpura 094103

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094104 Amli Khera 121.50 68 327 167 160 51 31 20 094105 Rakaspura 152.23 49 284 156 128 43 21 22 094106 Dhakar Kheri 215.69 79 443 230 213 76 44 32 094107 Hardo Ganj 335.73 90 461 237 224 69 34 35 094108 Daulatpura 334.68 166 809 430 379 109 71 38 094109 Kanpur 103.83 19 98 54 44 17 11 6 094110 Amarpura 146.53 19 77 43 34 13 8 5 094111 Arnya 184.21 68 308 159 149 33 18 15 094112 Balwan 2,056.96 277 1,326 709 617 161 86 75 094113 Kishanganj 99.37094114 Chanda Kalan 617.59 138 673 356 317 108 52 56 094115 Murjad Pura 95.06094116 Chanda Khurd 380.88 149 682 347 335 123 71 52 094117 Kherli Khurd 189.86 96 448 238 210 65 38 27 094118 Kishanpura 139.91 90 445 235 210 74 41 33 094119 Kherli Kalan 187.53 18 89 47 42 6 2 4 094120 Dobarli 342.72 80 428 238 190 68 38 30 094121 Shahanpur 425.69 46 203 119 84 19 9 10 094122 Baswara 1,043.65 271 1,111 580 531 141 69 72 094123 Pali 595.35 106 436 234 202 56 35 21 094124 Kankra Mej 614.72 109 549 295 254 86 40 46 094125 Kareeriya 307.47 99 447 238 209 68 35 33 094126 Bargaon 358.00 117 503 268 235 82 36 46 094127 Bhand Guwar 433.00 200 831 434 397 129 66 63 094128 Bala Pura 383.00 83 361 193 168 60 35 25 094129 Lakheri (Rural) 3,560.00 281 1,301 680 621 195 96 99 094130 Chamawali 526.00 182 852 440 412 121 61 60 094131 Kankra Doongar 562.00 195 884 463 421 139 80 59 094132 Utrana 1,129.00 220 977 513 464 173 99 74 094133 Kherli Deoji 656.00 115 571 300 271 95 50 45 094134 Nayagaon (Papri) 496.00 138 647 323 324 109 55 54 094135 Papri 1,185.00 238 1,112 585 527 150 88 62 094136 Jarla 389.00 172 735 378 357 61 27 34 094137 Bara Khera 2,552.00 875 4,322 2,254 2,068 594 306 288 094138 Chak Makheeda 59.00 1 5 2 3 1 - 1 094139 Peepalda (Thag) 922.00 178 748 388 360 114 47 67 094140 Makheeda 1,249.00 226 1,086 569 517 159 76 83 094141 Khakata 516.00 160 727 387 340 101 55 46 094142 Bahrawali 848.00 230 1,037 553 484 116 65 51 094143 Bagli 564.00 141 680 374 306 110 57 53 094144 Guhatha 1,426.00 376 1,916 988 928 250 140 110 094145 Labaan 1,446.00 689 3,179 1,657 1,522 388 206 182 094146 Ramganj 131.00 76 356 189 167 38 18 20 094147 Kharayta 1,012.00 255 1,326 699 627 224 121 103 094148 Dapta 1,007.00 233 1,033 567 466 145 88 57 094149 Dadwara 854.00 156 730 390 340 120 66 54 094150 Pratapgarh 868.74 124 549 292 257 67 36 31 094151 Theekri 669.00 47 242 119 123 36 14 22 094152 Dhagariya 547.92 154 790 395 395 88 44 44 094153 Maliyon Ki Badiya 71.34 77 370 182 188 54 22 32 094154 Chhappanpura 89.97 123 567 287 280 78 35 43 094155 Paparli 547.00 97 458 229 229 68 37 31 094156 Boodhel 478.00 79 370 209 161 43 23 20 094157 Dangaheri 1,726.00 126 558 291 267 88 46 42 094158 Rebarpura 530.00 189 852 443 409 124 61 63






Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

- - - 327 167 160 154 106 48 Amli Khera- - - 110 62 48 197 122 75 Rakaspura- - - 398 209 189 226 153 73 Dhakar Kheri88 49 39 319 160 159 205 154 51 Hardo Ganj17 9 8 726 385 341 383 291 92 Daulatpura

- - - 75 40 35 39 31 8 Kanpur- - - 47 25 22 25 21 4 Amarpura70 38 32 - - - 149 99 50 Arnya

199 102 97 5 3 2 752 467 285 BalwanKishanganj

93 45 48 380 204 176 335 232 103 Chanda KalanMurjad Pura

181 87 94 320 165 155 323 197 126 Chanda Khurd55 27 28 29 18 11 174 111 63 Kherli Khurd1 1 - 20 12 8 161 106 55 Kishanpura

- - - 62 32 30 34 25 9 Kherli Kalan- - - 194 113 81 217 147 70 Dobarli42 26 16 126 72 54 89 64 25 Shahanpur30 17 13 856 443 413 621 400 221 Baswara

- - - 319 172 147 204 135 69 Pali1 - 1 429 228 201 277 192 85 Kankra Mej

340 183 157 34 18 16 254 168 86 Kareeriya157 88 69 - - - 250 184 66 Bargaon

2 1 1 110 49 61 426 275 151 Bhand Guwar41 23 18 - - - 151 92 59 Bala Pura

323 158 165 473 250 223 607 404 203 Lakheri (Rural)83 44 39 257 127 130 424 285 139 Chamawali

193 101 92 353 190 163 380 249 131 Kankra Doongar153 82 71 534 283 251 431 299 132 Utrana- - - 356 185 171 324 207 117 Kherli Deoji129 67 62 161 86 75 298 186 112 Nayagaon (Papri)31 14 17 689 367 322 630 417 213 Papri

133 68 65 398 198 200 415 283 132 Jarla833 438 395 315 159 156 2,029 1,363 666 Bara Khera- - - - - - 3 2 1 Chak Makheeda224 117 107 329 175 154 360 249 111 Peepalda (Thag)93 48 45 309 157 152 605 389 216 Makheeda

126 70 56 532 280 252 329 235 94 Khakata12 7 5 836 451 385 575 380 195 Bahrawali14 9 5 78 45 33 351 263 88 Bagli

303 158 145 649 329 320 1,021 640 381 Guhatha287 159 128 1,985 1,019 966 1,814 1,184 630 Labaan44 25 19 166 90 76 143 104 39 Ramganj

291 151 140 522 286 236 655 443 212 Kharayta185 97 88 569 324 245 526 376 150 Dapta106 52 54 272 143 129 298 216 82 Dadwara253 129 124 17 9 8 305 201 104 Pratapgarh- - - 50 27 23 108 72 36 Theekri166 79 87 108 55 53 532 293 239 Dhagariya- - - - - - 157 105 52 Maliyon Ki Badiya17 6 11 422 215 207 265 175 90 Chhappanpura17 8 9 14 6 8 187 116 71 Paparli

- - - 365 206 159 203 133 70 Boodhel- - - 61 34 27 190 116 74 Dangaheri152 75 77 182 93 89 476 313 163 Rebarpura






Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094104 Amli Khera 173 61 112 193 85 108 184 80 104 094105 Rakaspura 87 34 53 148 82 66 136 81 55 094106 Dhakar Kheri 217 77 140 223 106 117 105 93 12 094107 Hardo Ganj 256 83 173 252 117 135 99 97 2 094108 Daulatpura 426 139 287 387 186 201 97 86 11 094109 Kanpur 59 23 36 41 17 24 1 1 - 094110 Amarpura 52 22 30 35 26 9 13 12 1 094111 Arnya 159 60 99 121 86 35 49 42 7 094112 Balwan 574 242 332 529 363 166 320 279 41 094113 Kishanganj094114 Chanda Kalan 338 124 214 264 145 119 136 131 5 094115 Murjad Pura094116 Chanda Khurd 359 150 209 362 182 180 116 116 - 094117 Kherli Khurd 274 127 147 241 129 112 97 93 4 094118 Kishanpura 284 129 155 207 137 70 79 78 1 094119 Kherli Kalan 55 22 33 47 25 22 17 17 - 094120 Dobarli 211 91 120 233 123 110 104 95 9 094121 Shahanpur 114 55 59 134 78 56 129 74 55 094122 Baswara 490 180 310 544 334 210 301 293 8 094123 Pali 232 99 133 251 118 133 113 112 1 094124 Kankra Mej 272 103 169 331 174 157 124 120 4 094125 Kareeriya 193 70 123 261 139 122 142 137 5 094126 Bargaon 253 84 169 372 202 170 158 144 14 094127 Bhand Guwar 405 159 246 435 259 176 415 252 163 094128 Bala Pura 210 101 109 200 119 81 186 113 73 094129 Lakheri (Rural) 694 276 418 661 388 273 595 362 233 094130 Chamawali 428 155 273 436 250 186 193 147 46 094131 Kankra Doongar 504 214 290 407 247 160 91 83 8 094132 Utrana 546 214 332 435 257 178 194 161 33 094133 Kherli Deoji 247 93 154 301 170 131 133 126 7 094134 Nayagaon (Papri) 349 137 212 260 169 91 73 69 4 094135 Papri 482 168 314 525 313 212 234 203 31 094136 Jarla 320 95 225 345 214 131 219 192 27 094137 Bara Khera 2,293 891 1,402 1,525 1,167 358 1,203 1,030 173 094138 Chak Makheeda 2 - 2 4 2 2 2 2 - 094139 Peepalda (Thag) 388 139 249 427 220 207 168 163 5 094140 Makheeda 481 180 301 578 325 253 402 290 112 094141 Khakata 398 152 246 438 230 208 8 4 4 094142 Bahrawali 462 173 289 480 325 155 325 298 27 094143 Bagli 329 111 218 424 236 188 68 64 4 094144 Guhatha 895 348 547 1,022 555 467 474 308 166 094145 Labaan 1,365 473 892 1,695 885 810 609 488 121 094146 Ramganj 213 85 128 123 98 25 70 64 6 094147 Kharayta 671 256 415 616 381 235 395 295 100 094148 Dapta 507 191 316 538 301 237 286 238 48 094149 Dadwara 432 174 258 238 205 33 189 180 9 094150 Pratapgarh 244 91 153 282 172 110 112 98 14 094151 Theekri 134 47 87 129 71 58 102 56 46 094152 Dhagariya 258 102 156 369 225 144 259 185 74 094153 Maliyon Ki Badiya 213 77 136 161 110 51 91 86 5 094154 Chhappanpura 302 112 190 235 166 69 141 139 2 094155 Paparli 271 113 158 127 123 4 124 120 4 094156 Boodhel 167 76 91 96 90 6 92 89 3 094157 Dangaheri 368 175 193 327 167 160 180 145 35 094158 Rebarpura 376 130 246 302 240 62 245 192 53






Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

175 74 101 - - - - - - 9 6 3 Amli Khera122 71 51 8 4 4 - - - 6 6 - Rakaspura83 76 7 3 2 1 - - - 19 15 4 Dhakar Kheri70 70 - - - - - - - 29 27 2 Hardo Ganj40 37 3 2 1 1 11 11 - 44 37 7 Daulatpura

- - - - - - - - - 1 1 - Kanpur8 8 - 4 4 - - - - 1 - 1 Amarpura

30 29 1 16 11 5 - - - 3 2 1 Arnya83 69 14 58 45 13 7 7 - 172 158 14 Balwan

Kishanganj134 129 5 - - - - - - 2 2 - Chanda Kalan

Murjad Pura115 115 - - - - 1 1 - - - - Chanda Khurd85 81 4 3 3 - 1 1 - 8 8 - Kherli Khurd60 60 - 6 6 - - - - 13 12 1 Kishanpura13 13 - 2 2 - - - - 2 2 - Kherli Kalan68 63 5 16 14 2 - - - 20 18 2 Dobarli97 51 46 15 9 6 - - - 17 14 3 Shahanpur

248 245 3 17 16 1 3 3 - 33 29 4 Baswara95 94 1 11 11 - - - - 7 7 - Pali99 98 1 10 9 1 - - - 15 13 2 Kankra Mej

130 130 - 9 5 4 - - - 3 2 1 Kareeriya61 56 5 1 1 - - - - 96 87 9 Bargaon

219 123 96 78 22 56 1 - 1 117 107 10 Bhand Guwar26 19 7 4 3 1 2 1 1 154 90 64 Bala Pura

143 131 12 220 70 150 62 33 29 170 128 42 Lakheri (Rural)80 65 15 20 11 9 4 3 1 89 68 21 Chamawali70 68 2 4 2 2 - - - 17 13 4 Kankra Doongar

138 137 1 33 10 23 2 2 - 21 12 9 Utrana117 116 1 - - - 6 3 3 10 7 3 Kherli Deoji38 37 1 3 2 1 3 3 - 29 27 2 Nayagaon (Papri)

141 135 6 17 16 1 2 2 - 74 50 24 Papri112 106 6 18 15 3 1 1 - 88 70 18 Jarla565 509 56 251 163 88 37 33 4 350 325 25 Bara Khera

1 1 - 1 1 - - - - - - - Chak Makheeda111 111 - 25 24 1 1 1 - 31 27 4 Peepalda (Thag)233 171 62 114 75 39 11 8 3 44 36 8 Makheeda

2 1 1 1 1 - - - - 5 2 3 Khakata161 154 7 82 69 13 5 4 1 77 71 6 Bahrawali36 35 1 17 17 - 4 4 - 11 8 3 Bagli

331 206 125 91 60 31 4 4 - 48 38 10 Guhatha455 373 82 57 35 22 12 9 3 85 71 14 Labaan11 11 - 21 20 1 - - - 38 33 5 Ramganj

189 164 25 78 44 34 15 13 2 113 74 39 Kharayta184 178 6 41 22 19 5 3 2 56 35 21 Dapta144 139 5 38 35 3 - - - 7 6 1 Dadwara78 73 5 18 15 3 - - - 16 10 6 Pratapgarh96 53 43 6 3 3 - - - - - - Theekri73 69 4 123 61 62 6 6 - 57 49 8 Dhagariya67 66 1 10 8 2 - - - 14 12 2 Maliyon Ki Badiya

102 101 1 24 24 - - - - 15 14 1 Chhappanpura108 108 - 5 1 4 - - - 11 11 - Paparli83 83 - 4 1 3 - - - 5 5 - Boodhel

111 92 19 50 39 11 11 9 2 8 5 3 Dangaheri126 99 27 47 33 14 1 1 - 71 59 12 Rebarpura






Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094104 Amli Khera 9 5 4 9 5 4 - - - 094105 Rakaspura 12 1 11 - - - 10 1 9 094106 Dhakar Kheri 118 13 105 106 9 97 6 2 4 094107 Hardo Ganj 153 20 133 145 15 130 2 1 1 094108 Daulatpura 290 100 190 180 69 111 27 2 25 094109 Kanpur 40 16 24 25 15 10 2 - 2 094110 Amarpura 22 14 8 - - - 18 13 5 094111 Arnya 72 44 28 4 3 1 65 38 27 094112 Balwan 209 84 125 11 3 8 50 25 25 094113 Kishanganj094114 Chanda Kalan 128 14 114 1 - 1 - - - 094115 Murjad Pura094116 Chanda Khurd 246 66 180 - - - - - - 094117 Kherli Khurd 144 36 108 4 - 4 30 18 12 094118 Kishanpura 128 59 69 65 14 51 28 18 10 094119 Kherli Kalan 30 8 22 22 2 20 6 4 2 094120 Dobarli 129 28 101 53 12 41 75 15 60 094121 Shahanpur 5 4 1 3 3 - - - - 094122 Baswara 243 41 202 8 - 8 234 41 193 094123 Pali 138 6 132 5 - 5 132 5 127 094124 Kankra Mej 207 54 153 11 4 7 194 48 146 094125 Kareeriya 119 2 117 2 1 1 117 1 116 094126 Bargaon 214 58 156 73 13 60 4 - 4 094127 Bhand Guwar 20 7 13 1 1 - 18 5 13 094128 Bala Pura 14 6 8 2 - 2 - - - 094129 Lakheri (Rural) 66 26 40 13 11 2 44 9 35 094130 Chamawali 243 103 140 12 6 6 33 2 31 094131 Kankra Doongar 316 164 152 5 5 - 23 9 14 094132 Utrana 241 96 145 12 11 1 223 84 139 094133 Kherli Deoji 168 44 124 - - - - - - 094134 Nayagaon (Papri) 187 100 87 27 21 6 9 4 5 094135 Papri 291 110 181 97 29 68 98 43 55 094136 Jarla 126 22 104 64 2 62 12 5 7 094137 Bara Khera 322 137 185 80 32 48 77 26 51 094138 Chak Makheeda 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2 094139 Peepalda (Thag) 259 57 202 84 7 77 150 31 119 094140 Makheeda 176 35 141 10 1 9 162 32 130 094141 Khakata 430 226 204 291 209 82 137 17 120 094142 Bahrawali 155 27 128 44 4 40 66 15 51 094143 Bagli 356 172 184 35 30 5 316 138 178 094144 Guhatha 548 247 301 64 23 41 427 192 235 094145 Labaan 1,086 397 689 259 57 202 771 307 464 094146 Ramganj 53 34 19 11 11 - 29 17 12 094147 Kharayta 221 86 135 17 8 9 161 51 110 094148 Dapta 252 63 189 33 8 25 159 31 128 094149 Dadwara 49 25 24 4 3 1 4 3 1 094150 Pratapgarh 170 74 96 71 29 42 17 12 5 094151 Theekri 27 15 12 1 - 1 - - - 094152 Dhagariya 110 40 70 4 3 1 102 34 68 094153 Maliyon Ki Badiya 70 24 46 32 15 17 28 6 22 094154 Chhappanpura 94 27 67 57 15 42 26 9 17 094155 Paparli 3 3 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 094156 Boodhel 4 1 3 3 - 3 1 1 - 094157 Dangaheri 147 22 125 65 10 55 80 11 69 094158 Rebarpura 57 48 9 8 5 3 17 14 3






Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - - - - 134 82 52 Amli Khera 094104- - - 2 - 2 136 74 62 Rakaspura 094105- - - 6 2 4 220 124 96 Dhakar Kheri 094106- - - 6 4 2 209 120 89 Hardo Ganj 09410717 9 8 66 20 46 422 244 178 Daulatpura 094108

- - - 13 1 12 57 37 20 Kanpur 094109- - - 4 1 3 42 17 25 Amarpura 094110- - - 3 3 - 187 73 114 Arnya 094111

3 3 - 145 53 92 797 346 451 Balwan 094112Kishanganj 094113

1 1 - 126 13 113 409 211 198 Chanda Kalan 094114Murjad Pura 094115

2 1 1 244 65 179 320 165 155 Chanda Khurd 0941161 - 1 109 18 91 207 109 98 Kherli Khurd 0941173 3 - 32 24 8 238 98 140 Kishanpura 094118

- - - 2 2 - 42 22 20 Kherli Kalan 094119- - - 1 1 - 195 115 80 Dobarli 094120- - - 2 1 1 69 41 28 Shahanpur 094121- - - 1 - 1 567 246 321 Baswara 094122- - - 1 1 - 185 116 69 Pali 094123- - - 2 2 - 218 121 97 Kankra Mej 094124- - - - - - 186 99 87 Kareeriya 094125

1 1 - 136 44 92 131 66 65 Bargaon 094126- - - 1 1 - 396 175 221 Bhand Guwar 094127- - - 12 6 6 161 74 87 Bala Pura 094128

2 1 1 7 5 2 640 292 348 Lakheri (Rural) 09412931 5 26 167 90 77 416 190 226 Chamawali 09413034 9 25 254 141 113 477 216 261 Kankra Doongar 0941311 - 1 5 1 4 542 256 286 Utrana 0941321 1 - 167 43 124 270 130 140 Kherli Deoji 0941335 1 4 146 74 72 387 154 233 Nayagaon (Papri) 094134

- - - 96 38 58 587 272 315 Papri 094135- - - 50 15 35 390 164 226 Jarla 094136

6 3 3 159 76 83 2,797 1,087 1,710 Bara Khera 094137- - - - - - 1 - 1 Chak Makheeda 094138- - - 25 19 6 321 168 153 Peepalda (Thag) 094139- - - 4 2 2 508 244 264 Makheeda 094140- - - 2 - 2 289 157 132 Khakata 094141- - - 45 8 37 557 228 329 Bahrawali 094142

3 3 - 2 1 1 256 138 118 Bagli 09414316 9 7 41 23 18 894 433 461 Guhatha 09414410 3 7 46 30 16 1,484 772 712 Labaan 094145

- - - 13 6 7 233 91 142 Ramganj 0941465 3 2 38 24 14 710 318 392 Kharayta 094147

10 4 6 50 20 30 495 266 229 Dapta 0941489 6 3 32 13 19 492 185 307 Dadwara 0941496 3 3 76 30 46 267 120 147 Pratapgarh 094150

- - - 26 15 11 113 48 65 Theekri 094151- - - 4 3 1 421 170 251 Dhagariya 094152- - - 10 3 7 209 72 137 Maliyon Ki Badiya 094153- - - 11 3 8 332 121 211 Chhappanpura 094154- - - 1 1 - 331 106 225 Paparli 094155- - - - - - 274 119 155 Boodhel 094156- - - 2 1 1 231 124 107 Dangaheri 094157

3 2 1 29 27 2 550 203 347 Rebarpura 094158






Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094159 Pacheepla 922.00 227 977 506 471 173 81 92 094160 Kheriya Man 846.00 107 493 257 236 84 45 39 094161 Kheriya Durjan 508.00 176 872 458 414 135 68 67 094162 Dharwan 606.42 209 898 455 443 124 62 62 094163 Chak Malikpura 139.32 1 18 11 7 4 3 1 094164 Raghunathpura 344.36 115 541 278 263 86 50 36 094165 Notara 1,089.00 300 1,365 722 643 171 84 87 094166 Laxmipura 678.00 84 337 171 166 54 29 25 094167 Dei Khera 1,019.73 625 3,157 1,639 1,518 375 190 185 094168 Kota Khurd 1,347.00 352 1,632 835 797 230 111 119 094169 Chaheencha 656.46 192 1,014 579 435 145 89 56 094170 Jhapayta 680.35 294 1,186 609 577 186 92 94 094171 Ghat Ka Barana 900.96 427 2,046 1,100 946 276 159 117 094172 Malikpura 367.89 179 890 461 429 113 58 55 094173 Kotri 594.13 184 844 435 409 103 53 50 094174 Baldeopura 790.28 80 345 186 159 51 31 20 094176 Beerampur 187.00 28 129 72 57 18 8 10 094177 Gopalpura 749.00 87 452 249 203 58 29 29 094178 Kuwagaon 579.00 111 487 264 223 51 30 21 094179 Jahooriya 281.00 36 162 75 87 19 8 11 094180 Pholai 362.00 190 900 478 422 68 29 39 094181 Gothra 626.00 110 491 262 229 75 40 35 094182 Morkhoondana 230.00 127 596 297 299 134 58 76 094183 Jagannathpura 366.00 125 630 332 298 81 40 41 094184 Bhainskhera 405.00 51 238 125 113 25 14 11 094185 Lohli 239.00 23 112 59 53 11 7 4 094186 Gendoli Kalan 1,053.00 52 283 155 128 27 17 10

094187Nayagaon @ Bohra Kajorji Ki Jhonpariya 564.00 62 313 157 156 41 22 19

094188 Gendoli Khurd 905.00 526 2,479 1,287 1,192 332 183 149

094189Gendoli Khurd Ki Jhonpariyan 511.00 96 483 248 235 84 39 45

094190 Goontha 886.00 119 540 288 252 70 41 29 094191 Mahuwa 389.00 72 330 177 153 56 28 28 094192 Jhadol 504.00 67 318 171 147 41 18 23 094193 Dheengsi 287.00 81 352 192 160 37 19 18 094194 Borda Kachhiyan 919.00 118 604 318 286 102 50 52 094195 Jalera 243.00 44 253 133 120 34 19 15 094196 Amarpura 235.12 86 463 241 222 58 27 31 094197 Kanwarpura 285.64 87 502 263 239 76 43 33 094198 Isarda 366.30 68 356 171 185 60 24 36 094199 Chautra Ka Khera 598.23 237 1,269 677 592 163 77 86 094200 Jhalaji Ka Baran 2,440.30 972 4,924 2,544 2,380 722 375 347 094201 Barani 322.54 83 397 215 182 62 39 23 094202 Menoli 824.43 260 1,257 644 613 201 100 101 094203 Karwala Ki Jhonparyan 660.73 247 1,104 582 522 139 65 74 094204 Korkiya Balaji 726.94 201 888 458 430 103 48 55 094205 Peelda (Samel) 232.53 39 187 92 95 26 13 13 094206 Dotana 448.00 159 867 448 419 123 66 57 094207 Ohari 371.00 76 374 195 179 56 32 24 094208 Jaithal 2,305.00 698 3,631 1,909 1,722 472 260 212 094209 Baldara 401.34 105 555 278 277 76 37 39 094210 Chhoreda 529.15 94 541 286 255 68 36 32 094211 Chawachh 555.68 95 525 279 246 62 32 30 094212 Baniyani 415.25 93 440 229 211 66 36 30




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

29 13 16 23 14 9 446 297 149 Pacheepla8 5 3 314 167 147 214 138 76 Kheriya Man

47 25 22 484 258 226 418 281 137 Kheriya Durjan372 194 178 113 54 59 533 320 213 Dharwan- - - - - - - - - Chak Malikpura135 66 69 118 65 53 299 197 102 Raghunathpura483 249 234 333 175 158 658 436 222 Notara130 59 71 114 59 55 165 104 61 Laxmipura217 112 105 1,429 763 666 1,913 1,218 695 Dei Khera376 187 189 815 422 393 892 557 335 Kota Khurd20 12 8 805 452 353 608 420 188 Chaheencha

227 119 108 246 120 126 637 434 203 Jhapayta801 424 377 355 194 161 1,282 809 473 Ghat Ka Barana159 87 72 41 22 19 549 348 201 Malikpura45 23 22 469 241 228 489 322 167 Kotri24 12 12 31 16 15 161 111 50 Baldeopura24 13 11 - - - 54 38 16 Beerampur34 22 12 249 136 113 220 157 63 Gopalpura

125 68 57 110 55 55 248 163 85 Kuwagaon19 11 8 55 26 29 69 40 29 Jahooriya43 27 16 87 48 39 556 367 189 Pholai

109 62 47 136 76 60 256 165 91 Gothra- - - - - - 118 100 18 Morkhoondana161 84 77 95 47 48 371 234 137 Jagannathpura13 6 7 31 19 12 78 48 30 Bhainskhera3 1 2 - - - 44 31 13 Lohli

- - - 7 3 4 161 106 55 Gendoli Kalan

182 94 88 62 32 30 172 106 66 Nayagaon @ Bohra Kajorji Ki Jhonpariya

741 389 352 239 123 116 1,258 792 466 Gendoli Khurd

1 - 1 179 97 82 239 157 82 Gendoli Khurd Ki Jhonpariyan

55 28 27 127 67 60 243 173 70 Goontha80 45 35 20 11 9 64 49 15 Mahuwa

- - - 179 93 86 177 113 64 Jhadol15 8 7 46 27 19 190 130 60 Dheengsi7 4 3 135 73 62 257 179 78 Borda Kachhiyan

- - - 176 93 83 127 80 47 Jalera72 39 33 - - - 235 149 86 Amarpura41 21 20 274 139 135 288 186 102 Kanwarpura74 30 44 110 61 49 149 99 50 Isarda

453 240 213 4 2 2 770 482 288 Chautra Ka Khera1,182 609 573 906 476 430 2,635 1,672 963 Jhalaji Ka Baran

- - - 182 101 81 159 108 51 Barani121 67 54 28 13 15 432 290 142 Menoli126 68 58 746 397 349 551 391 160 Karwala Ki Jhonparyan217 109 108 174 84 90 435 284 151 Korkiya Balaji35 21 14 151 70 81 91 57 34 Peelda (Samel)

213 110 103 - - - 378 250 128 Dotana- - - 159 75 84 171 108 63 Ohari648 341 307 329 177 152 2,108 1,278 830 Jaithal88 46 42 131 70 61 307 191 116 Baldara29 14 15 426 221 205 275 182 93 Chhoreda

104 52 52 166 91 75 253 169 84 Chawachh25 11 14 291 154 137 270 163 107 Baniyani




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094159 Pacheepla 531 209 322 519 299 220 147 143 4 094160 Kheriya Man 279 119 160 273 145 128 194 128 66 094161 Kheriya Durjan 454 177 277 289 247 42 282 240 42 094162 Dharwan 365 135 230 453 242 211 196 187 9 094163 Chak Malikpura 18 11 7 7 3 4 7 3 4 094164 Raghunathpura 242 81 161 280 152 128 198 151 47 094165 Notara 707 286 421 634 413 221 247 234 13 094166 Laxmipura 172 67 105 111 107 4 72 71 1 094167 Dei Khera 1,244 421 823 1,676 906 770 987 691 296 094168 Kota Khurd 740 278 462 873 465 408 573 423 150 094169 Chaheencha 406 159 247 535 292 243 281 212 69 094170 Jhapayta 549 175 374 651 342 309 241 204 37 094171 Ghat Ka Barana 764 291 473 1,054 590 464 453 370 83 094172 Malikpura 341 113 228 423 218 205 137 128 9 094173 Kotri 355 113 242 477 251 226 167 119 48 094174 Baldeopura 184 75 109 135 91 44 73 71 2 094176 Beerampur 75 34 41 64 34 30 27 27 - 094177 Gopalpura 232 92 140 226 123 103 117 111 6 094178 Kuwagaon 239 101 138 233 152 81 114 102 12 094179 Jahooriya 93 35 58 82 47 35 29 25 4 094180 Pholai 344 111 233 499 262 237 231 223 8 094181 Gothra 235 97 138 320 168 152 151 147 4 094182 Morkhoondana 478 197 281 264 137 127 72 67 5 094183 Jagannathpura 259 98 161 376 205 171 174 154 20 094184 Bhainskhera 160 77 83 149 78 71 90 66 24 094185 Lohli 68 28 40 62 32 30 33 29 4 094186 Gendoli Kalan 122 49 73 79 72 7 54 53 1

094187Nayagaon @ Bohra Kajorji Ki Jhonpariya 141 51 90 136 80 56 66 60 6

094188 Gendoli Khurd 1,221 495 726 1,142 680 462 670 525 145

094189Gendoli Khurd Ki Jhonpariyan 244 91 153 214 129 85 106 97 9

094190 Goontha 297 115 182 283 154 129 133 127 6 094191 Mahuwa 266 128 138 166 97 69 59 57 2 094192 Jhadol 141 58 83 106 96 10 102 96 6 094193 Dheengsi 162 62 100 123 117 6 121 117 4 094194 Borda Kachhiyan 347 139 208 327 171 156 223 157 66 094195 Jalera 126 53 73 141 69 72 114 65 49 094196 Amarpura 228 92 136 276 140 136 189 125 64 094197 Kanwarpura 214 77 137 218 133 85 216 131 85 094198 Isarda 207 72 135 204 109 95 204 109 95 094199 Chautra Ka Khera 499 195 304 606 389 217 232 219 13 094200 Jhalaji Ka Baran 2,289 872 1,417 2,223 1,328 895 1,237 913 324 094201 Barani 238 107 131 232 119 113 97 95 2 094202 Menoli 825 354 471 749 380 369 307 293 14 094203 Karwala Ki Jhonparyan 553 191 362 624 309 315 281 239 42 094204 Korkiya Balaji 453 174 279 473 253 220 155 136 19 094205 Peelda (Samel) 96 35 61 98 51 47 46 41 5 094206 Dotana 489 198 291 494 246 248 169 165 4 094207 Ohari 203 87 116 194 101 93 193 100 93 094208 Jaithal 1,523 631 892 1,587 1,046 541 992 873 119 094209 Baldara 248 87 161 166 152 14 155 146 9 094210 Chhoreda 266 104 162 269 157 112 144 141 3 094211 Chawachh 272 110 162 228 151 77 148 143 5 094212 Baniyani 170 66 104 225 121 104 147 113 34




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

63 63 - 73 73 - - - - 11 7 4 Pacheepla134 97 37 48 21 27 1 1 - 11 9 2 Kheriya Man215 192 23 39 30 9 8 6 2 20 12 8 Kheriya Durjan150 146 4 29 27 2 - - - 17 14 3 Dharwan- - - 7 3 4 - - - - - - Chak Malikpura130 108 22 52 31 21 - - - 16 12 4 Raghunathpura198 189 9 38 36 2 3 3 - 8 6 2 Notara65 65 - 1 1 - - - - 6 5 1 Laxmipura

362 316 46 379 188 191 39 27 12 207 160 47 Dei Khera319 251 68 211 135 76 9 9 - 34 28 6 Kota Khurd175 166 9 90 30 60 3 3 - 13 13 - Chaheencha91 79 12 68 51 17 - - - 82 74 8 Jhapayta

189 151 38 116 85 31 2 2 - 146 132 14 Ghat Ka Barana91 90 1 14 13 1 1 - 1 31 25 6 Malikpura87 78 9 59 27 32 10 6 4 11 8 3 Kotri61 61 - - - - - - - 12 10 2 Baldeopura17 17 - 1 1 - - - - 9 9 - Beerampur96 94 2 7 7 - - - - 14 10 4 Gopalpura57 56 1 6 4 2 11 8 3 40 34 6 Kuwagaon18 16 2 4 4 - - - - 7 5 2 Jahooriya

139 137 2 7 7 - 5 5 - 80 74 6 Pholai140 139 1 10 8 2 - - - 1 - 1 Gothra51 50 1 6 6 - - - - 15 11 4 Morkhoondana80 75 5 19 13 6 6 4 2 69 62 7 Jagannathpura68 52 16 11 6 5 1 - 1 10 8 2 Bhainskhera30 26 4 - - - - - - 3 3 - Lohli44 44 - 2 2 - - - - 8 7 1 Gendoli Kalan

29 27 2 29 26 3 - - - 8 7 1 Nayagaon @ Bohra Kajorji Ki Jhonpariya

280 220 60 92 51 41 34 29 5 264 225 39 Gendoli Khurd

38 36 2 60 57 3 - - - 8 4 4 Gendoli Khurd Ki Jhonpariyan

91 89 2 3 3 - - - - 39 35 4 Goontha22 21 1 2 2 - - - - 35 34 1 Mahuwa66 65 1 5 4 1 1 1 - 30 26 4 Jhadol

103 102 1 2 2 - - - - 16 13 3 Dheengsi137 109 28 47 18 29 1 1 - 38 29 9 Borda Kachhiyan100 60 40 6 - 6 - - - 8 5 3 Jalera173 116 57 12 8 4 - - - 4 1 3 Amarpura151 86 65 40 28 12 1 1 - 24 16 8 Kanwarpura148 80 68 39 20 19 8 3 5 9 6 3 Isarda171 166 5 38 37 1 - - - 23 16 7 Chautra Ka Khera505 394 111 326 170 156 46 34 12 360 315 45 Jhalaji Ka Baran90 90 - 1 1 - - - - 6 4 2 Barani

261 251 10 31 30 1 - - - 15 12 3 Menoli173 155 18 38 26 12 - - - 70 58 12 Karwala Ki Jhonparyan119 106 13 12 12 - 1 - 1 23 18 5 Korkiya Balaji39 34 5 - - - - - - 7 7 - Peelda (Samel)

158 156 2 1 1 - - - - 10 8 2 Dotana130 66 64 60 33 27 1 - 1 2 1 1 Ohari475 455 20 348 274 74 36 34 2 133 110 23 Jaithal120 118 2 25 23 2 - - - 10 5 5 Baldara117 117 - 8 6 2 1 1 - 18 17 1 Chhoreda137 135 2 1 - 1 - - - 10 8 2 Chawachh124 97 27 13 10 3 - - - 10 6 4 Baniyani




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094159 Pacheepla 372 156 216 89 29 60 258 116 142 094160 Kheriya Man 79 17 62 48 6 42 21 5 16 094161 Kheriya Durjan 7 7 - 5 5 - 2 2 - 094162 Dharwan 257 55 202 158 22 136 93 28 65 094163 Chak Malikpura - - - - - - - - - 094164 Raghunathpura 82 1 81 56 1 55 24 - 24 094165 Notara 387 179 208 15 9 6 370 169 201 094166 Laxmipura 39 36 3 - - - 27 24 3 094167 Dei Khera 689 215 474 304 76 228 197 41 156 094168 Kota Khurd 300 42 258 191 14 177 105 27 78 094169 Chaheencha 254 80 174 91 8 83 157 68 89 094170 Jhapayta 410 138 272 16 3 13 320 97 223 094171 Ghat Ka Barana 601 220 381 33 13 20 538 192 346 094172 Malikpura 286 90 196 157 17 140 119 64 55 094173 Kotri 310 132 178 17 8 9 179 70 109 094174 Baldeopura 62 20 42 15 6 9 5 5 - 094176 Beerampur 37 7 30 1 - 1 24 - 24 094177 Gopalpura 109 12 97 1 - 1 101 6 95 094178 Kuwagaon 119 50 69 2 1 1 85 31 54 094179 Jahooriya 53 22 31 - - - 35 9 26 094180 Pholai 268 39 229 4 3 1 246 21 225 094181 Gothra 169 21 148 3 1 2 165 20 145 094182 Morkhoondana 192 70 122 2 2 - 186 64 122 094183 Jagannathpura 202 51 151 133 30 103 65 18 47 094184 Bhainskhera 59 12 47 7 3 4 52 9 43 094185 Lohli 29 3 26 - - - 29 3 26 094186 Gendoli Kalan 25 19 6 3 3 - 11 8 3

094187Nayagaon @ Bohra Kajorji Ki Jhonpariya 70 20 50 4 2 2 64 16 48

094188 Gendoli Khurd 472 155 317 82 26 56 258 70 188

094189Gendoli Khurd Ki Jhonpariyan 108 32 76 1 1 - 107 31 76

094190 Goontha 150 27 123 119 17 102 26 5 21 094191 Mahuwa 107 40 67 44 8 36 59 28 31 094192 Jhadol 4 - 4 - - - - - - 094193 Dheengsi 2 - 2 - - - 1 - 1 094194 Borda Kachhiyan 104 14 90 83 6 77 11 2 9 094195 Jalera 27 4 23 3 - 3 21 3 18 094196 Amarpura 87 15 72 5 - 5 80 14 66 094197 Kanwarpura 2 2 - 1 1 - - - - 094198 Isarda - - - - - - - - - 094199 Chautra Ka Khera 374 170 204 58 56 2 299 106 193 094200 Jhalaji Ka Baran 986 415 571 121 25 96 497 165 332 094201 Barani 135 24 111 70 6 64 64 18 46 094202 Menoli 442 87 355 106 22 84 321 60 261 094203 Karwala Ki Jhonparyan 343 70 273 86 11 75 153 21 132 094204 Korkiya Balaji 318 117 201 112 26 86 147 64 83 094205 Peelda (Samel) 52 10 42 29 4 25 19 4 15 094206 Dotana 325 81 244 4 1 3 181 70 111 094207 Ohari 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - 094208 Jaithal 595 173 422 79 21 58 441 102 339 094209 Baldara 11 6 5 - - - 5 2 3 094210 Chhoreda 125 16 109 21 1 20 103 15 88 094211 Chawachh 80 8 72 2 - 2 68 6 62 094212 Baniyani 78 8 70 71 6 65 5 - 5




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 25 11 14 458 207 251 Pacheepla 094159- - - 10 6 4 220 112 108 Kheriya Man 094160- - - - - - 583 211 372 Kheriya Durjan 094161

1 - 1 5 5 - 445 213 232 Dharwan 094162- - - - - - 11 8 3 Chak Malikpura 094163- - - 2 - 2 261 126 135 Raghunathpura 094164

1 1 - 1 - 1 731 309 422 Notara 094165- - - 12 12 - 226 64 162 Laxmipura 09416648 14 34 140 84 56 1,481 733 748 Dei Khera 0941671 - 1 3 1 2 759 370 389 Kota Khurd 094168

- - - 6 4 2 479 287 192 Chaheencha 0941691 1 - 73 37 36 535 267 268 Jhapayta 094170

- - - 30 15 15 992 510 482 Ghat Ka Barana 0941711 1 - 9 8 1 467 243 224 Malikpura 094172

60 27 33 54 27 27 367 184 183 Kotri 094173- - - 42 9 33 210 95 115 Baldeopura 094174- - - 12 7 5 65 38 27 Beerampur 094176- - - 7 6 1 226 126 100 Gopalpura 094177

6 1 5 26 17 9 254 112 142 Kuwagaon 0941783 1 2 15 12 3 80 28 52 Jahooriya 094179

- - - 18 15 3 401 216 185 Pholai 0941801 - 1 - - - 171 94 77 Gothra 094181

- - - 4 4 - 332 160 172 Morkhoondana 094182- - - 4 3 1 254 127 127 Jagannathpura 094183- - - - - - 89 47 42 Bhainskhera 094184- - - - - - 50 27 23 Lohli 094185- - - 11 8 3 204 83 121 Gendoli Kalan 094186

- - - 2 2 - 177 77 100 Nayagaon @ Bohra Kajorji Ki Jhonpariya 094187

14 3 11 118 56 62 1,337 607 730 Gendoli Khurd 094188

- - - - - - 269 119 150 Gendoli Khurd Ki Jhonpariyan 094189

- - - 5 5 - 257 134 123 Goontha 094190- - - 4 4 - 164 80 84 Mahuwa 094191- - - 4 - 4 212 75 137 Jhadol 094192- - - 1 - 1 229 75 154 Dheengsi 094193- - - 10 6 4 277 147 130 Borda Kachhiyan 094194- - - 3 1 2 112 64 48 Jalera 094195

1 - 1 1 1 - 187 101 86 Amarpura 094196- - - 1 1 - 284 130 154 Kanwarpura 094197- - - - - - 152 62 90 Isarda 094198

1 - 1 16 8 8 663 288 375 Chautra Ka Khera 094199156 124 32 212 101 111 2,701 1,216 1,485 Jhalaji Ka Baran 094200- - - 1 - 1 165 96 69 Barani 094201- - - 15 5 10 508 264 244 Menoli 094202

4 3 1 100 35 65 480 273 207 Karwala Ki Jhonparyan 0942038 6 2 51 21 30 415 205 210 Korkiya Balaji 094204

- - - 4 2 2 89 41 48 Peelda (Samel) 0942055 3 2 135 7 128 373 202 171 Dotana 094206

- - - - - - 180 94 86 Ohari 09420719 9 10 56 41 15 2,044 863 1,181 Jaithal 094208

- - - 6 4 2 389 126 263 Baldara 094209- - - 1 - 1 272 129 143 Chhoreda 094210- - - 10 2 8 297 128 169 Chawachh 094211- - - 2 2 - 215 108 107 Baniyani 094212




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094213 Karwala 1,118.23 362 1,773 924 849 240 125 115 094214 Raghunathpura 357.09 101 497 270 227 64 40 24 094215 Kanihera 461.50 110 595 295 300 92 39 53 094216 Jhuwansa 401.24 188 976 507 469 140 72 68 094217 Chharakwara 896.20 251 1,319 663 656 186 95 91 094218 Kodija 573.83 206 1,021 529 492 114 69 45 094219 Mayaja 606.83 388 1,960 996 964 275 152 123

094220 Banjaron Ki Jhonpariyan 164.00 186 1,039 514 525 241 132 109 094221 Lesarda 1,402.31 577 2,862 1,441 1,421 351 164 187 094222 Halihera 337.00 159 888 439 449 131 74 57 094223 Neemoda 442.00 170 903 464 439 116 55 61 094224 Chitawa 706.67 496 2,490 1,258 1,232 323 151 172 094225 Gudla 580.00 126 778 404 374 105 63 42 094226 Vijaynagar 305.00 125 695 347 348 95 47 48 094227 Gurli 407.00 356 1,875 915 960 221 114 107 094228 Patolya 307.00 148 805 411 394 87 48 39 094229 Rangpuriya 434.14 252 1,475 752 723 205 105 100 094230 Ishwarnagar 411.00 333 1,687 884 803 243 143 100 094231 Keshonagar 408.00 136 844 432 412 101 49 52 094232 Lakheri Khurd 559.00 194 1,019 516 503 134 68 66 094233 Soonagar 877.00 328 1,660 842 818 160 78 82 094234 Neemotha 751.00 189 1,036 557 479 107 58 49 094235 Kherli 403.50 87 446 217 229 42 19 23 094236 Baleetha 822.57 196 1,012 526 486 148 63 85 094237 Jagnatha 457.97 57 287 142 145 43 23 20 094238 Madhorajpura 766.84 328 1,943 1,032 911 229 119 110 094239 Indrapuriya 422.29 225 1,196 645 551 163 96 67 094240 Bheeya 1,254.00 507 2,707 1,389 1,318 308 174 134 094241 Jakhroon 319.87 60 291 143 148 45 19 26 094242 Notara 404.00 90 474 267 207 70 41 29 094243 Beeraj 747.00 73 390 203 187 54 26 28 094244 Pipaldda Hariji 931.00 88 453 237 216 60 32 28 094245 Kherli Vyasan 338.00 77 366 192 174 54 30 24 094246 Bhaopura 143.78 3 14 6 8 1 - 1 094247 Lachhmipura 222.88 73 325 166 159 36 12 24 094248 Shreepura 391.00 123 639 325 314 68 29 39 094249 Anatpura 168.00 123 645 331 314 93 47 46 094250 Sarsala 789.00 227 1,139 584 555 136 64 72 094251 Samadpuriya 315.00 174 899 457 442 115 57 58 094252 Rangrajpura 377.00 143 664 334 330 113 57 56 094253 Arnetha 1,544.73 854 4,367 2,227 2,140 518 282 236 094254 Radi 550.35 141 864 439 425 93 45 48 094255 Hathanapur 309.89 74 420 207 213 67 30 37 094256 Keshoraipatan (Rural) 2,461.31 156 850 445 405 140 80 60 094257 Chari 618.78 307 1,572 814 758 218 119 99 094258 Kamolar 305.03 97 482 256 226 57 24 33 094259 Padra 630.18 213 1,131 580 551 129 59 70 094260 Boodhya 291.37 204 1,041 537 504 156 79 77 094261 Jaloda 681.87 353 1,791 945 846 220 124 96 094262 Kherli Mehta 181.20 140 694 349 345 102 54 48 094263 Bhindi 274.63 149 861 427 434 117 57 60 094264 Balkasa 590.29 466 2,553 1,307 1,246 316 174 142 094265 Rampuriya 333.73 24 121 62 59 16 7 9 094266 Bordamal 639.38 276 1,491 790 701 188 95 93




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

242 127 115 1,053 545 508 895 585 310 Karwala- - - - - - 268 171 97 Raghunathpura97 50 47 340 166 174 263 156 107 Kanihera

162 84 78 215 115 100 533 339 194 Jhuwansa187 98 89 798 395 403 711 428 283 Chharakwara353 185 168 28 13 15 613 359 254 Kodija308 150 158 695 357 338 1,091 669 422 Mayaja

- - - - - - 280 175 105 Banjaron Ki Jhonpariyan

746 373 373 11 5 6 1,740 1,061 679 Lesarda29 14 15 640 312 328 501 302 199 Halihera

102 57 45 640 327 313 554 366 188 Neemoda635 314 321 1,472 746 726 1,461 919 542 Chitawa159 86 73 98 53 45 466 268 198 Gudla398 198 200 297 149 148 433 256 177 Vijaynagar327 151 176 31 14 17 1,174 703 471 Gurli133 72 61 593 296 297 544 331 213 Patolya549 266 283 - - - 887 566 321 Rangpuriya364 183 181 1,061 573 488 967 629 338 Ishwarnagar94 48 46 - - - 518 315 203 Keshonagar87 50 37 264 138 126 604 382 222 Lakheri Khurd

293 147 146 171 91 80 1,077 654 423 Soonagar290 156 134 429 230 199 660 406 254 Neemotha88 47 41 307 146 161 286 174 112 Kherli

192 95 97 570 293 277 564 390 174 Baleetha61 31 30 156 83 73 124 77 47 Jagnatha

419 228 191 49 25 24 1,179 760 419 Madhorajpura1,134 610 524 1 - 1 709 469 240 Indrapuriya

704 345 359 516 265 251 1,705 1,035 670 Bheeya17 5 12 274 138 136 121 76 45 Jakhroon65 33 32 306 177 129 275 189 86 Notara59 27 32 97 54 43 205 137 68 Beeraj

217 115 102 - - - 257 169 88 Pipaldda Hariji6 4 2 72 40 32 191 123 68 Kherli Vyasan

- - - 14 6 8 11 6 5 Bhaopura77 40 37 92 45 47 193 122 71 Lachhmipura

149 80 69 9 5 4 407 262 145 Shreepura167 88 79 - - - 375 237 138 Anatpura331 167 164 50 26 24 697 430 267 Sarsala274 135 139 329 172 157 455 302 153 Samadpuriya55 30 25 566 282 284 385 234 151 Rangrajpura

1,276 642 634 31 15 16 2,728 1,680 1,048 Arnetha186 94 92 106 54 52 593 353 240 Radi11 5 6 387 192 195 237 145 92 Hathanapur

324 163 161 165 87 78 425 261 164 Keshoraipatan (Rural)604 308 296 547 271 276 920 560 360 Chari45 28 17 333 167 166 310 203 107 Kamolar

245 114 131 185 91 94 677 430 247 Padra66 33 33 632 321 311 579 376 203 Boodhya

218 114 104 628 342 286 944 632 312 Jaloda30 13 17 477 245 232 349 217 132 Kherli Mehta

195 103 92 424 208 216 512 322 190 Bhindi638 329 309 510 254 256 1,603 1,006 597 Balkasa89 47 42 - - - 67 44 23 Rampuriya

238 131 107 69 35 34 911 604 307 Bordamal




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094213 Karwala 878 339 539 965 552 413 471 439 32 094214 Raghunathpura 229 99 130 288 147 141 146 132 14 094215 Kanihera 332 139 193 319 163 156 165 157 8 094216 Jhuwansa 443 168 275 480 270 210 256 217 39 094217 Chharakwara 608 235 373 730 375 355 348 334 14 094218 Kodija 408 170 238 584 307 277 283 262 21 094219 Mayaja 869 327 542 985 540 445 671 466 205

094220 Banjaron Ki Jhonpariyan 759 339 420 524 263 261 522 263 259 094221 Lesarda 1,122 380 742 960 760 200 741 617 124 094222 Halihera 387 137 250 303 208 95 164 156 8 094223 Neemoda 349 98 251 280 227 53 274 225 49 094224 Chitawa 1,029 339 690 912 662 250 888 647 241 094225 Gudla 312 136 176 367 216 151 255 198 57 094226 Vijaynagar 262 91 171 352 172 180 140 117 23 094227 Gurli 701 212 489 725 473 252 359 263 96 094228 Patolya 261 80 181 418 221 197 177 157 20 094229 Rangpuriya 588 186 402 550 370 180 398 300 98 094230 Ishwarnagar 720 255 465 591 437 154 482 417 65 094231 Keshonagar 326 117 209 424 248 176 192 164 28 094232 Lakheri Khurd 415 134 281 571 296 275 229 215 14 094233 Soonagar 583 188 395 766 483 283 524 436 88 094234 Neemotha 376 151 225 593 303 290 245 234 11 094235 Kherli 160 43 117 209 118 91 60 55 5 094236 Baleetha 448 136 312 684 358 326 229 221 8 094237 Jagnatha 163 65 98 173 89 84 83 78 5 094238 Madhorajpura 764 272 492 950 569 381 692 499 193 094239 Indrapuriya 487 176 311 682 360 322 209 189 20 094240 Bheeya 1,002 354 648 1,351 799 552 722 669 53 094241 Jakhroon 170 67 103 154 72 82 46 44 2 094242 Notara 199 78 121 374 209 165 184 141 43 094243 Beeraj 185 66 119 196 111 85 54 51 3 094244 Pipaldda Hariji 196 68 128 211 117 94 68 65 3 094245 Kherli Vyasan 175 69 106 186 101 85 66 63 3 094246 Bhaopura 3 - 3 5 3 2 5 3 2 094247 Lachhmipura 132 44 88 115 89 26 101 82 19 094248 Shreepura 232 63 169 331 166 165 224 157 67 094249 Anatpura 270 94 176 323 187 136 96 84 12 094250 Sarsala 442 154 288 643 345 298 630 339 291 094251 Samadpuriya 444 155 289 454 228 226 102 87 15 094252 Rangrajpura 279 100 179 389 191 198 353 182 171 094253 Arnetha 1,639 547 1,092 1,657 1,142 515 1,088 902 186 094254 Radi 271 86 185 305 235 70 262 218 44 094255 Hathanapur 183 62 121 206 104 102 130 84 46 094256 Keshoraipatan (Rural) 425 184 241 521 267 254 128 125 3 094257 Chari 652 254 398 828 412 416 647 362 285 094258 Kamolar 172 53 119 135 121 14 52 47 5 094259 Padra 454 150 304 599 303 296 590 299 291 094260 Boodhya 462 161 301 512 266 246 333 247 86 094261 Jaloda 847 313 534 935 488 447 764 443 321 094262 Kherli Mehta 345 132 213 323 179 144 319 178 141 094263 Bhindi 349 105 244 393 219 174 340 195 145 094264 Balkasa 950 301 649 1,058 661 397 725 572 153 094265 Rampuriya 54 18 36 47 30 17 47 30 17 094266 Bordamal 580 186 394 831 442 389 668 383 285




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

254 243 11 123 113 10 12 12 - 82 71 11 Karwala115 105 10 13 10 3 - - - 18 17 1 Raghunathpura108 106 2 41 38 3 - - - 16 13 3 Kanihera161 154 7 35 21 14 11 10 1 49 32 17 Jhuwansa327 318 9 9 9 - - - - 12 7 5 Chharakwara147 143 4 65 60 5 3 3 - 68 56 12 Kodija401 275 126 116 52 64 8 7 1 146 132 14 Mayaja

34 24 10 485 238 247 - - - 3 1 2 Banjaron Ki Jhonpariyan

523 427 96 95 75 20 21 20 1 102 95 7 Lesarda152 147 5 1 1 - 1 1 - 10 7 3 Halihera163 151 12 83 49 34 1 1 - 27 24 3 Neemoda406 333 73 350 207 143 4 3 1 128 104 24 Chitawa158 120 38 54 44 10 8 1 7 35 33 2 Gudla125 108 17 14 8 6 - - - 1 1 - Vijaynagar195 141 54 82 61 21 2 1 1 80 60 20 Gurli119 113 6 17 12 5 1 - 1 40 32 8 Patolya239 202 37 121 62 59 7 7 - 31 29 2 Rangpuriya272 257 15 142 100 42 7 6 1 61 54 7 Ishwarnagar127 106 21 15 15 - - - - 50 43 7 Keshonagar140 132 8 34 33 1 - - - 55 50 5 Lakheri Khurd273 249 24 211 152 59 - - - 40 35 5 Soonagar231 224 7 4 4 - 1 1 - 9 5 4 Neemotha49 48 1 3 3 - - - - 8 4 4 Kherli

209 207 2 12 10 2 - - - 8 4 4 Baleetha70 67 3 12 11 1 - - - 1 - 1 Jagnatha

378 249 129 190 133 57 1 1 - 123 116 7 Madhorajpura123 108 15 41 41 - - - - 45 40 5 Indrapuriya423 412 11 142 122 20 2 1 1 155 134 21 Bheeya35 33 2 9 9 - 2 2 - - - - Jakhroon

142 109 33 20 15 5 - - - 22 17 5 Notara41 41 - 3 3 - - - - 10 7 3 Beeraj62 62 - 1 1 - - - - 5 2 3 Pipaldda Hariji38 37 1 3 3 - - - - 25 23 2 Kherli Vyasan5 3 2 - - - - - - - - - Bhaopura

17 17 - 34 19 15 20 17 3 30 29 1 Lachhmipura160 114 46 46 29 17 - - - 18 14 4 Shreepura65 62 3 2 1 1 - - - 29 21 8 Anatpura

280 149 131 322 174 148 4 2 2 24 14 10 Sarsala95 83 12 1 1 - - - - 6 3 3 Samadpuriya

290 159 131 55 18 37 - - - 8 5 3 Rangrajpura512 473 39 272 160 112 24 22 2 280 247 33 Arnetha126 122 4 70 41 29 3 3 - 63 52 11 Radi117 75 42 3 2 1 - - - 10 7 3 Hathanapur83 82 1 42 41 1 - - - 3 2 1 Keshoraipatan (Rural)

418 241 177 172 77 95 7 4 3 50 40 10 Chari40 40 - 3 3 - 1 1 - 8 3 5 Kamolar

157 108 49 424 186 238 1 - 1 8 5 3 Padra188 178 10 107 40 67 4 3 1 34 26 8 Boodhya294 220 74 406 178 228 3 2 1 61 43 18 Jaloda222 119 103 84 49 35 2 2 - 11 8 3 Kherli Mehta219 126 93 94 56 38 13 4 9 14 9 5 Bhindi355 318 37 276 171 105 14 13 1 80 70 10 Balkasa

6 6 - 39 22 17 1 1 - 1 1 - Rampuriya554 313 241 69 34 35 8 4 4 37 32 5 Bordamal




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094213 Karwala 494 113 381 245 56 189 233 48 185 094214 Raghunathpura 142 15 127 135 15 120 6 - 6 094215 Kanihera 154 6 148 67 2 65 78 2 76 094216 Jhuwansa 224 53 171 120 25 95 96 23 73 094217 Chharakwara 382 41 341 351 29 322 30 12 18 094218 Kodija 301 45 256 138 18 120 121 14 107 094219 Mayaja 314 74 240 171 33 138 123 28 95

094220 Banjaron Ki Jhonpariyan 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2 094221 Lesarda 219 143 76 32 7 25 35 26 9 094222 Halihera 139 52 87 73 29 44 52 12 40 094223 Neemoda 6 2 4 - - - 1 1 - 094224 Chitawa 24 15 9 7 4 3 9 4 5 094225 Gudla 112 18 94 86 7 79 16 6 10 094226 Vijaynagar 212 55 157 6 1 5 205 54 151 094227 Gurli 366 210 156 84 32 52 233 138 95 094228 Patolya 241 64 177 3 1 2 205 60 145 094229 Rangpuriya 152 70 82 5 3 2 130 53 77 094230 Ishwarnagar 109 20 89 3 - 3 90 8 82 094231 Keshonagar 232 84 148 48 7 41 104 48 56 094232 Lakheri Khurd 342 81 261 192 27 165 112 36 76 094233 Soonagar 242 47 195 19 8 11 210 32 178 094234 Neemotha 348 69 279 135 13 122 208 52 156 094235 Kherli 149 63 86 35 28 7 85 29 56 094236 Baleetha 455 137 318 417 121 296 37 15 22 094237 Jagnatha 90 11 79 75 8 67 13 2 11 094238 Madhorajpura 258 70 188 110 33 77 148 37 111 094239 Indrapuriya 473 171 302 40 5 35 429 163 266 094240 Bheeya 629 130 499 421 78 343 192 43 149 094241 Jakhroon 108 28 80 54 12 42 50 15 35 094242 Notara 190 68 122 179 67 112 9 1 8 094243 Beeraj 142 60 82 76 28 48 64 30 34 094244 Pipaldda Hariji 143 52 91 1 1 - 142 51 91 094245 Kherli Vyasan 120 38 82 - - - 92 15 77 094246 Bhaopura - - - - - - - - - 094247 Lachhmipura 14 7 7 - - - 12 6 6 094248 Shreepura 107 9 98 13 5 8 90 4 86 094249 Anatpura 227 103 124 - - - 147 58 89 094250 Sarsala 13 6 7 3 1 2 9 5 4 094251 Samadpuriya 352 141 211 105 18 87 243 120 123 094252 Rangrajpura 36 9 27 5 1 4 30 8 22 094253 Arnetha 569 240 329 26 6 20 452 199 253 094254 Radi 43 17 26 1 - 1 16 4 12 094255 Hathanapur 76 20 56 52 9 43 19 9 10 094256 Keshoraipatan (Rural) 393 142 251 98 8 90 282 128 154 094257 Chari 181 50 131 14 8 6 147 33 114 094258 Kamolar 83 74 9 16 16 - 67 58 9 094259 Padra 9 4 5 4 3 1 4 1 3 094260 Boodhya 179 19 160 1 1 - 176 16 160 094261 Jaloda 171 45 126 20 7 13 121 21 100 094262 Kherli Mehta 4 1 3 - - - 3 1 2 094263 Bhindi 53 24 29 23 13 10 20 7 13 094264 Balkasa 333 89 244 144 45 99 176 38 138 094265 Rampuriya - - - - - - - - - 094266 Bordamal 163 59 104 62 13 49 83 37 46




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

4 1 3 12 8 4 808 372 436 Karwala 094213- - - 1 - 1 209 123 86 Raghunathpura 094214- - - 9 2 7 276 132 144 Kanihera 094215- - - 8 5 3 496 237 259 Jhuwansa 094216- - - 1 - 1 589 288 301 Chharakwara 094217

6 1 5 36 12 24 437 222 215 Kodija 0942182 2 - 18 11 7 975 456 519 Mayaja 094219

- - - - - - 515 251 264 Banjaron Ki Jhonpariyan 0942203 2 1 149 108 41 1,902 681 1,221 Lesarda 0942212 1 1 12 10 2 585 231 354 Halihera 094222

- - - 5 1 4 623 237 386 Neemoda 094223- - - 8 7 1 1,578 596 982 Chitawa 094224

4 1 3 6 4 2 411 188 223 Gudla 0942251 - 1 - - - 343 175 168 Vijaynagar 094226

- - - 49 40 9 1,150 442 708 Gurli 09422725 - 25 8 3 5 387 190 197 Patolya 0942284 3 1 13 11 2 925 382 543 Rangpuriya 0942299 5 4 7 7 - 1,096 447 649 Ishwarnagar 0942301 1 - 79 28 51 420 184 236 Keshonagar 0942311 - 1 37 18 19 448 220 228 Lakheri Khurd 094232

- - - 13 7 6 894 359 535 Soonagar 0942332 2 - 3 2 1 443 254 189 Neemotha 0942343 2 1 26 4 22 237 99 138 Kherli 094235

- - - 1 1 - 328 168 160 Baleetha 0942361 - 1 1 1 - 114 53 61 Jagnatha 094237

- - - - - - 993 463 530 Madhorajpura 0942381 - 1 3 3 - 514 285 229 Indrapuriya 094239

- - - 16 9 7 1,356 590 766 Bheeya 0942402 - 2 2 1 1 137 71 66 Jakhroon 094241

- - - 2 - 2 100 58 42 Notara 094242- - - 2 2 - 194 92 102 Beeraj 094243- - - - - - 242 120 122 Pipaldda Hariji 094244- - - 28 23 5 180 91 89 Kherli Vyasan 094245- - - - - - 9 3 6 Bhaopura 094246- - - 2 1 1 210 77 133 Lachhmipura 094247- - - 4 - 4 308 159 149 Shreepura 094248- - - 80 45 35 322 144 178 Anatpura 094249- - - 1 - 1 496 239 257 Sarsala 094250- - - 4 3 1 445 229 216 Samadpuriya 094251- - - 1 - 1 275 143 132 Rangrajpura 09425213 1 12 78 34 44 2,710 1,085 1,625 Arnetha 0942532 2 - 24 11 13 559 204 355 Radi 0942541 - 1 4 2 2 214 103 111 Hathanapur 094255

- - - 13 6 7 329 178 151 Keshoraipatan (Rural) 0942566 1 5 14 8 6 744 402 342 Chari 094257

- - - - - - 347 135 212 Kamolar 094258- - - 1 - 1 532 277 255 Padra 094259

2 2 - - - - 529 271 258 Boodhya 0942605 5 - 25 12 13 856 457 399 Jaloda 094261

- - - 1 - 1 371 170 201 Kherli Mehta 0942627 3 4 3 1 2 468 208 260 Bhindi 0942633 - 3 10 6 4 1,495 646 849 Balkasa 094264

- - - - - - 74 32 42 Rampuriya 0942659 4 5 9 5 4 660 348 312 Bordamal 094266




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094267 Nayagaon 609.79 173 933 493 440 123 68 55 094268 Haripura 532.97 229 1,045 567 478 118 69 49 094269 Higoniya 894.49 294 1,430 744 686 202 121 81 094270 Garjani 324.00 171 866 440 426 120 63 57 094271 Chadhgaon 458.70 159 860 446 414 133 73 60 094272 Chardana 524.06 265 1,293 661 632 166 100 66 094273 Arniya 302.02 125 546 284 262 76 41 35 094274 Ardana 326.09 172 809 430 379 119 59 60 094275 Banjharli 335.50 220 1,039 560 479 147 79 68 094276 Ajanda 1,120.46 355 1,762 919 843 225 106 119 094277 Kherli Bandha 423.87 83 407 214 193 68 32 36 094278 Kodkya 1,310.57 369 1,824 956 868 235 117 118 094279 Boya Khera 292.48 157 853 449 404 137 74 63 094280 Deopura 94.69 12 51 26 25 10 5 5 094281 Dheekoli 620.00 76 355 201 154 51 31 20 094282 Deoli 371.00 58 301 165 136 44 25 19 094283 Jharanya 388.00 68 349 174 175 52 22 30 094284 Roteda 1,639.00 602 3,152 1,640 1,512 425 240 185 094285 Chak Hadiya Khera 16.00094286 Balod 652.00 160 733 392 341 65 36 29 094287 Jagdari 863.00 66 251 130 121 28 12 16 094288 Dolar 1,043.00 203 996 521 475 149 77 72

URBAN094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 100.00 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

397 211 186 324 172 152 598 374 224 Nayagaon295 157 138 85 44 41 592 402 190 Haripura239 128 111 694 363 331 867 531 336 Higoniya139 79 60 705 350 355 532 331 201 Garjani124 66 58 237 119 118 502 318 184 Chadhgaon245 132 113 418 217 201 771 481 290 Chardana134 70 64 22 13 9 284 186 98 Arniya62 35 27 629 330 299 453 301 152 Ardana95 58 37 802 433 369 619 413 206 Banjharli

118 59 59 693 369 324 918 620 298 Ajanda12 6 6 - - - 203 134 69 Kherli Bandha

340 178 162 137 72 65 932 593 339 Kodkya86 47 39 328 176 152 393 266 127 Boya Khera

- - - 51 26 25 17 10 7 Deopura12 10 2 - - - 177 122 55 Dheekoli30 21 9 - - - 157 106 51 Deoli32 13 19 - - - 186 126 60 Jharanya

561 277 284 4 3 1 1,884 1,152 732 RotedaChak Hadiya Khera

101 53 48 592 318 274 462 295 167 Balod- - - - - - 127 80 47 Jagdari348 185 163 1 1 - 486 314 172 Dolar

URBAN481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Sumerganj Mandi (CT)





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094267 Nayagaon 335 119 216 367 235 132 196 162 34 094268 Haripura 453 165 288 566 307 259 347 270 77 094269 Higoniya 563 213 350 563 342 221 362 283 79 094270 Garjani 334 109 225 429 219 210 316 198 118 094271 Chadhgaon 358 128 230 421 229 192 412 223 189 094272 Chardana 522 180 342 550 322 228 304 287 17 094273 Arniya 262 98 164 307 169 138 67 64 3 094274 Ardana 356 129 227 199 192 7 180 174 6 094275 Banjharli 420 147 273 428 285 143 208 199 9 094276 Ajanda 844 299 545 803 470 333 593 410 183 094277 Kherli Bandha 204 80 124 134 108 26 24 18 6 094278 Kodkya 892 363 529 762 506 256 518 419 99 094279 Boya Khera 460 183 277 322 222 100 207 192 15 094280 Deopura 34 16 18 23 12 11 11 10 1 094281 Dheekoli 178 79 99 226 121 105 127 120 7 094282 Deoli 144 59 85 178 97 81 95 93 2 094283 Jharanya 163 48 115 196 100 96 75 71 4 094284 Roteda 1,268 488 780 1,375 825 550 1,001 748 253 094285 Chak Hadiya Khera094286 Balod 271 97 174 282 198 84 246 194 52 094287 Jagdari 124 50 74 69 68 1 69 68 1 094288 Dolar 510 207 303 484 275 209 224 198 26

URBAN094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 938 323 615 1,227 976 251 980 874 106





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

141 123 18 35 22 13 - - - 20 17 3 Nayagaon199 166 33 113 72 41 3 3 - 32 29 3 Haripura257 205 52 86 64 22 4 3 1 15 11 4 Higoniya171 118 53 127 67 60 1 - 1 17 13 4 Garjani302 155 147 94 54 40 1 1 - 15 13 2 Chadhgaon181 173 8 57 55 2 5 5 - 61 54 7 Chardana10 10 - 25 25 - 1 1 - 31 28 3 Arniya72 72 - 84 80 4 - - - 24 22 2 Ardana

127 120 7 59 59 - 2 2 - 20 18 2 Banjharli113 110 3 424 253 171 5 3 2 51 44 7 Ajanda

9 9 - 6 3 3 1 1 - 8 5 3 Kherli Bandha260 252 8 181 95 86 3 3 - 74 69 5 Kodkya138 129 9 44 41 3 1 1 - 24 21 3 Boya Khera11 10 1 - - - - - - - - - Deopura90 89 1 32 29 3 - - - 5 2 3 Dheekoli75 73 2 18 18 - - - - 2 2 - Deoli70 68 2 3 3 - - - - 2 - 2 Jharanya

419 330 89 271 192 79 55 34 21 256 192 64 RotedaChak Hadiya Khera

192 144 48 46 43 3 3 3 - 5 4 1 Balod61 60 1 6 6 - - - - 2 2 - Jagdari

141 126 15 37 30 7 - - - 46 42 4 DolarURBAN

90 83 7 21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Sumerganj Mandi (CT)





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094267 Nayagaon 171 73 98 4 3 1 162 66 96 094268 Haripura 219 37 182 133 16 117 84 20 64 094269 Higoniya 201 59 142 90 17 73 101 37 64 094270 Garjani 113 21 92 41 5 36 67 14 53 094271 Chadhgaon 9 6 3 - - - 5 2 3 094272 Chardana 246 35 211 32 5 27 206 24 182 094273 Arniya 240 105 135 121 58 63 91 24 67 094274 Ardana 19 18 1 2 2 - 17 16 1 094275 Banjharli 220 86 134 31 31 - 187 53 134 094276 Ajanda 210 60 150 5 2 3 195 54 141 094277 Kherli Bandha 110 90 20 10 10 - 97 78 19 094278 Kodkya 244 87 157 33 15 18 179 48 131 094279 Boya Khera 115 30 85 52 3 49 35 6 29 094280 Deopura 12 2 10 10 1 9 2 1 1 094281 Dheekoli 99 1 98 1 - 1 97 - 97 094282 Deoli 83 4 79 - - - 83 4 79 094283 Jharanya 121 29 92 - - - 121 29 92 094284 Roteda 374 77 297 43 9 34 263 37 226 094285 Chak Hadiya Khera094286 Balod 36 4 32 31 1 30 4 2 2 094287 Jagdari - - - - - - - - - 094288 Dolar 260 77 183 33 5 28 206 56 150

URBAN094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 5 4 1 566 258 308 Nayagaon 094267- - - 2 1 1 479 260 219 Haripura 094268

3 2 1 7 3 4 867 402 465 Higoniya 094269- - - 5 2 3 437 221 216 Garjani 094270- - - 4 4 - 439 217 222 Chadhgaon 094271- - - 8 6 2 743 339 404 Chardana 094272

2 - 2 26 23 3 239 115 124 Arniya 094273- - - - - - 610 238 372 Ardana 094274- - - 2 2 - 611 275 336 Banjharli 094275- - - 10 4 6 959 449 510 Ajanda 094276

1 - 1 2 2 - 273 106 167 Kherli Bandha 094277- - - 32 24 8 1,062 450 612 Kodkya 094278

1 - 1 27 21 6 531 227 304 Boya Khera 094279- - - - - - 28 14 14 Deopura 094280- - - 1 1 - 129 80 49 Dheekoli 094281- - - - - - 123 68 55 Deoli 094282- - - - - - 153 74 79 Jharanya 09428322 2 20 46 29 17 1,777 815 962 Roteda 094284

Chak Hadiya Khera 094285- - - 1 1 - 451 194 257 Balod 094286- - - - - - 182 62 120 Jagdari 094287- - - 21 16 5 512 246 266 Dolar 094288

URBAN40 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 094175





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0171 Bundi (Total) 93,492.74 28,982 1,48,640 77,187 71,453 22,313 11,729 10,584 0171 Bundi (Rural) 93,492.74 28,982 1,48,640 77,187 71,453 22,313 11,729 10,584 0171 Bundi (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -

RURAL094289 Shahpura 573.00 154 794 422 372 161 87 74 094290 Umarthoona 710.00 141 762 384 378 114 51 63 094291 Kheroona 704.00 209 1,089 590 499 185 104 81 094292 Kanti 677.00 155 742 395 347 123 65 58 094293 Astoli 630.00 243 1,215 653 562 169 95 74 094294 Kanjri Silor 592.00 168 915 466 449 157 77 80 094295 Raghuveer Pura 316.00 107 517 277 240 76 43 33 094296 Seelor 1,706.42 795 4,317 2,249 2,068 607 343 264 094297 Hattipura 450.00 170 868 446 422 131 73 58 094298 Daulat Pura 289.00 100 518 264 254 99 49 50

094299Bhawani Pura @ Bangamata 280.00 600 2,796 1,443 1,353 564 284 280

094300 Ramnagar 685.00 115 544 272 272 69 41 28 094301 Bhalsanawa 137.00 34 156 86 70 22 12 10 094302 Teekhabada 191.74 70 377 193 184 45 29 16 094303 Mangal 402.84 107 567 289 278 61 30 31 094304 Gudha Nathawatan 1,534.00 690 3,420 1,760 1,660 463 246 217 094305 Bisanpura 798.00 195 1,029 521 508 166 69 97 094306 Neem Ka Khera 1,315.00 687 3,501 1,828 1,673 566 292 274 094307 Onarji Ki Jhonpariyan 243.00 106 461 240 221 89 47 42

094308Megharawat Ki Jhonpariyan 1,163.00 212 922 464 458 169 86 83

094309 Motipura 995.00 143 650 336 314 106 53 53 094310 Mohanpura 825.00 220 1,078 541 537 173 86 87 094311 Gopalpura 217.72 189 872 443 429 137 74 63 094312 Ulera 736.60 297 1,500 772 728 218 121 97 094313 Khunetiya 247.30 105 523 266 257 72 37 35 094314 Seenti 276.96 76 366 195 171 55 31 24 094315 Seenta 293.95 183 967 504 463 137 75 62 094316 Roopnagar 78.38 102 554 288 266 84 52 32 094317 Garnara 447.68 125 633 335 298 85 43 42 094318 Shrinagar 235.93 105 527 279 248 82 44 38

094319Hazari Bhiroon Ki Jhopariyan 98.69 61 337 179 158 42 22 20

094320 Bheem Ka Khera 144.50 61 269 136 133 46 27 19 094321 Salariya 205.00 67 332 172 160 57 28 29 094322 Mahrampura 216.00 133 636 344 292 104 53 51 094323 Lakha Ki Jhopariyan 56.94 37 173 88 85 21 10 11 094324 Rampuriya 95.00094325 Karjoona 151.00 99 554 300 254 72 37 35 094326 Bheempuriya 187.30 80 421 215 206 77 34 43 094327 Kalpuriya 216.00 158 878 442 436 137 64 73 094328 Dhola Ki Jhonpariyan 260.00 132 808 404 404 127 65 62 094329 Sankarda 205.00 123 738 374 364 105 48 57 094330 Rayata 534.00 192 1,056 565 491 177 98 79 094331 Umrach 345.00 185 1,021 524 497 168 92 76 094332 Chapras 225.00 108 433 222 211 52 31 21 094333 Bhanwarda 452.00 133 753 398 355 103 51 52 094334 Itoda 116.00 58 286 144 142 55 25 30 094335 Dolara 441.00 397 1,848 974 874 230 126 104 094336 Ramganj 362.00 352 1,583 816 767 238 122 116 094337 Nanakpuriya 184.00 133 692 358 334 102 59 43 094338 Beebanwa 251.00 105 518 253 265 95 43 52 094339 Bahadurpura 282.00 134 690 369 321 83 51 32 094340 Balapura 174.40 13 58 25 33 14 5 9 094341 Kunwarti 578.59 271 1,263 641 622 198 113 85

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

31,663 16,438 15,225 41,514 21,704 19,810 71,844 46,748 25,096 Bundi (Total)31,663 16,438 15,225 41,514 21,704 19,810 71,844 46,748 25,096 Bundi (Rural)

- - - - - - - - - Bundi (Urban)RURAL

119 66 53 395 209 186 240 169 71 Shahpura45 24 21 443 228 215 391 264 127 Umarthoona

194 102 92 - - - 467 328 139 Kheroona80 43 37 29 15 14 408 277 131 Kanti68 37 31 551 298 253 593 422 171 Astoli35 16 19 654 342 312 373 239 134 Kanjri Silor80 42 38 44 26 18 285 184 101 Raghuveer Pura

593 313 280 123 65 58 2,211 1,434 777 Seelor135 74 61 5 4 1 465 301 164 Hattipura14 6 8 13 8 5 197 121 76 Daulat Pura

2,786 1,435 1,351 2 2 - 517 398 119 Bhawani Pura @ Bangamata

150 73 77 7 4 3 276 177 99 Ramnagar14 8 6 23 12 11 60 36 24 Bhalsanawa33 19 14 51 26 25 192 127 65 Teekhabada31 15 16 7 3 4 385 235 150 Mangal

651 334 317 398 194 204 1,891 1,187 704 Gudha Nathawatan72 38 34 842 426 416 534 348 186 Bisanpura

700 363 337 548 288 260 1,485 986 499 Neem Ka Khera12 6 6 174 97 77 172 117 55 Onarji Ki Jhonpariyan

59 30 29 251 126 125 339 227 112 Megharawat Ki Jhonpariyan

89 45 44 408 211 197 267 180 87 Motipura168 84 84 125 65 60 355 240 115 Mohanpura82 47 35 133 66 67 373 238 135 Gopalpura

350 182 168 42 22 20 719 450 269 Ulera- - - 100 52 48 298 173 125 Khunetiya

3 2 1 363 193 170 174 114 60 Seenti162 87 75 7 5 2 500 323 177 Seenta87 53 34 438 221 217 260 169 91 Roopnagar85 47 38 71 38 33 283 193 90 Garnara32 18 14 495 261 234 228 153 75 Shrinagar

2 1 1 328 174 154 163 115 48 Hazari Bhiroon Ki Jhopariyan

- - - 7 5 2 111 70 41 Bheem Ka Khera- - - 7 4 3 128 82 46 Salariya343 189 154 261 139 122 263 192 71 Mahrampura

1 1 - 166 82 84 89 54 35 Lakha Ki JhopariyanRampuriya

1 - 1 330 175 155 277 189 88 Karjoona72 32 40 246 129 117 170 116 54 Bheempuriya

327 162 165 7 3 4 439 278 161 Kalpuriya446 222 224 323 165 158 423 251 172 Dhola Ki Jhonpariyan69 38 31 23 11 12 416 263 153 Sankarda

172 97 75 85 44 41 540 358 182 Rayata266 144 122 80 42 38 559 348 211 Umrach136 66 70 40 24 16 206 131 75 Chapras14 7 7 559 290 269 406 274 132 Bhanwarda

143 70 73 38 21 17 139 84 55 Itoda373 205 168 415 213 202 1,112 704 408 Dolara330 168 162 136 69 67 863 536 327 Ramganj

4 1 3 18 12 6 346 212 134 Nanakpuriya33 16 17 19 11 8 269 162 107 Beebanwa

320 173 147 213 109 104 337 224 113 Bahadurpura14 6 8 26 11 15 26 15 11 Balapura

380 201 179 216 112 104 603 377 226 Kunwarti

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0171 Bundi (Total) 76,796 30,439 46,357 79,120 44,131 34,989 55,793 36,134 19,659 0171 Bundi (Rural) 76,796 30,439 46,357 79,120 44,131 34,989 55,793 36,134 19,659 0171 Bundi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -

RURAL094289 Shahpura 554 253 301 436 228 208 435 227 208 094290 Umarthoona 371 120 251 383 202 181 236 135 101 094291 Kheroona 622 262 360 565 330 235 548 318 230 094292 Kanti 334 118 216 395 209 186 387 203 184 094293 Astoli 622 231 391 819 436 383 691 354 337 094294 Kanjri Silor 542 227 315 480 276 204 451 266 185 094295 Raghuveer Pura 232 93 139 252 156 96 219 153 66 094296 Seelor 2,106 815 1,291 2,134 1,194 940 1,058 804 254 094297 Hattipura 403 145 258 353 241 112 320 231 89 094298 Daulat Pura 321 143 178 148 127 21 147 127 20

094299Bhawani Pura @ Bangamata 2,279 1,045 1,234 1,419 771 648 795 482 313

094300 Ramnagar 268 95 173 274 164 110 149 138 11 094301 Bhalsanawa 96 50 46 65 46 19 53 42 11 094302 Teekhabada 185 66 119 245 110 135 244 109 135 094303 Mangal 182 54 128 313 163 150 258 147 111 094304 Gudha Nathawatan 1,529 573 956 1,568 946 622 1,418 876 542 094305 Bisanpura 495 173 322 564 299 265 390 258 132 094306 Neem Ka Khera 2,016 842 1,174 1,826 1,093 733 1,435 969 466 094307 Onarji Ki Jhonpariyan 289 123 166 227 131 96 20 17 3

094308Megharawat Ki Jhonpariyan 583 237 346 466 267 199 352 236 116

094309 Motipura 383 156 227 348 183 165 123 91 32 094310 Mohanpura 723 301 422 502 302 200 346 244 102 094311 Gopalpura 499 205 294 573 290 283 460 243 217 094312 Ulera 781 322 459 825 461 364 533 355 178 094313 Khunetiya 225 93 132 314 167 147 193 140 53 094314 Seenti 192 81 111 186 101 85 67 64 3 094315 Seenta 467 181 286 497 269 228 386 258 128 094316 Roopnagar 294 119 175 310 151 159 307 148 159 094317 Garnara 350 142 208 362 202 160 144 119 25 094318 Shrinagar 299 126 173 336 176 160 324 170 154

094319Hazari Bhiroon Ki Jhopariyan 174 64 110 224 127 97 141 95 46

094320 Bheem Ka Khera 158 66 92 181 94 87 85 72 13 094321 Salariya 204 90 114 167 93 74 135 78 57 094322 Mahrampura 373 152 221 341 173 168 230 145 85 094323 Lakha Ki Jhopariyan 84 34 50 107 52 55 70 48 22 094324 Rampuriya094325 Karjoona 277 111 166 438 243 195 259 132 127 094326 Bheempuriya 251 99 152 244 126 118 237 122 115 094327 Kalpuriya 439 164 275 444 238 206 376 211 165 094328 Dhola Ki Jhonpariyan 385 153 232 483 248 235 306 185 121 094329 Sankarda 322 111 211 490 258 232 257 158 99 094330 Rayata 516 207 309 785 426 359 432 282 150 094331 Umrach 462 176 286 464 291 173 300 242 58 094332 Chapras 227 91 136 312 156 156 136 80 56 094333 Bhanwarda 347 124 223 411 205 206 387 195 192 094334 Itoda 147 60 87 176 94 82 67 61 6 094335 Dolara 736 270 466 858 571 287 469 420 49 094336 Ramganj 720 280 440 567 447 120 511 434 77 094337 Nanakpuriya 346 146 200 387 203 184 301 166 135 094338 Beebanwa 249 91 158 260 151 109 232 138 94 094339 Bahadurpura 353 145 208 336 198 138 170 158 12 094340 Balapura 32 10 22 30 16 14 13 13 - 094341 Kunwarti 660 264 396 768 400 368 446 287 159

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

36,192 22,680 13,512 9,145 5,202 3,943 821 555 266 9,635 7,697 1,938 Bundi (Total)36,192 22,680 13,512 9,145 5,202 3,943 821 555 266 9,635 7,697 1,938 Bundi (Rural)

- - - - - - - - - - - - Bundi (Urban)RURAL

220 137 83 194 74 120 4 3 1 17 13 4 Shahpura157 77 80 8 3 5 2 1 1 69 54 15 Umarthoona346 189 157 142 78 64 4 3 1 56 48 8 Kheroona288 137 151 44 23 21 5 5 - 50 38 12 Kanti563 279 284 38 14 24 6 4 2 84 57 27 Astoli235 135 100 47 14 33 - - - 169 117 52 Kanjri Silor80 40 40 19 8 11 4 1 3 116 104 12 Raghuveer Pura

538 400 138 209 132 77 13 9 4 298 263 35 Seelor99 62 37 11 8 3 23 12 11 187 149 38 Hattipura70 64 6 47 36 11 2 2 - 28 25 3 Daulat Pura

710 412 298 51 39 12 1 1 - 33 30 3 Bhawani Pura @ Bangamata

86 84 2 16 12 4 7 7 - 40 35 5 Ramnagar34 26 8 - - - - - - 19 16 3 Bhalsanawa

236 106 130 4 1 3 - - - 4 2 2 Teekhabada170 89 81 27 4 23 2 1 1 59 53 6 Mangal785 433 352 251 118 133 20 20 - 362 305 57 Gudha Nathawatan296 197 99 68 39 29 1 1 - 25 21 4 Bisanpura748 458 290 287 178 109 19 14 5 381 319 62 Neem Ka Khera13 11 2 2 2 - - - - 5 4 1 Onarji Ki Jhonpariyan

226 134 92 11 4 7 1 - 1 114 98 16 Megharawat Ki Jhonpariyan

82 58 24 17 11 6 - - - 24 22 2 Motipura225 146 79 54 37 17 - - - 67 61 6 Mohanpura353 188 165 100 51 49 - - - 7 4 3 Gopalpura376 245 131 95 56 39 2 2 - 60 52 8 Ulera90 71 19 57 34 23 1 - 1 45 35 10 Khunetiya63 61 2 - - - 1 1 - 3 2 1 Seenti

210 183 27 129 34 95 5 4 1 42 37 5 Seenta257 121 136 42 20 22 - - - 8 7 1 Roopnagar95 78 17 18 17 1 - - - 31 24 7 Garnara

278 145 133 41 21 20 - - - 5 4 1 Shrinagar

109 68 41 - - - - - - 32 27 5 Hazari Bhiroon Ki Jhopariyan

48 40 8 1 1 - - - - 36 31 5 Bheem Ka Khera102 52 50 6 1 5 - - - 27 25 2 Salariya200 123 77 11 9 2 - - - 19 13 6 Mahrampura54 35 19 8 6 2 - - - 8 7 1 Lakha Ki Jhopariyan

Rampuriya209 98 111 24 10 14 - - - 26 24 2 Karjoona217 109 108 13 8 5 1 1 - 6 4 2 Bheempuriya261 135 126 62 34 28 - - - 53 42 11 Kalpuriya214 129 85 85 52 33 - - - 7 4 3 Dhola Ki Jhonpariyan216 129 87 11 5 6 1 1 - 29 23 6 Sankarda285 176 109 113 75 38 - - - 34 31 3 Rayata174 138 36 31 29 2 2 1 1 93 74 19 Umrach102 55 47 15 12 3 - - - 19 13 6 Chapras212 132 80 104 24 80 3 1 2 68 38 30 Bhanwarda47 46 1 2 2 - - - - 18 13 5 Itoda

171 161 10 130 120 10 36 30 6 132 109 23 Dolara77 60 17 67 52 15 31 29 2 336 293 43 Ramganj

195 101 94 57 30 27 10 5 5 39 30 9 Nanakpuriya122 69 53 82 46 36 - - - 28 23 5 Beebanwa79 75 4 26 24 2 1 - 1 64 59 5 Bahadurpura8 8 - 5 5 - - - - - - - Balapura

225 135 90 168 109 59 2 2 - 51 41 10 Kunwarti

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0171 Bundi (Total) 23,327 7,997 15,330 9,494 2,893 6,601 9,374 3,003 6,371 0171 Bundi (Rural) 23,327 7,997 15,330 9,494 2,893 6,601 9,374 3,003 6,371 0171 Bundi (Urban) - - - - - - - - -

RURAL094289 Shahpura 1 1 - - - - - - - 094290 Umarthoona 147 67 80 14 5 9 64 13 51 094291 Kheroona 17 12 5 1 1 - 4 3 1 094292 Kanti 8 6 2 1 1 - - - - 094293 Astoli 128 82 46 2 - 2 13 5 8 094294 Kanjri Silor 29 10 19 20 7 13 3 - 3 094295 Raghuveer Pura 33 3 30 - - - 15 - 15 094296 Seelor 1,076 390 686 202 57 145 556 157 399 094297 Hattipura 33 10 23 12 - 12 2 - 2 094298 Daulat Pura 1 - 1 - - - - - -

094299Bhawani Pura @ Bangamata 624 289 335 247 113 134 362 163 199

094300 Ramnagar 125 26 99 24 18 6 4 - 4 094301 Bhalsanawa 12 4 8 1 - 1 - - - 094302 Teekhabada 1 1 - - - - - - - 094303 Mangal 55 16 39 41 13 28 6 - 6 094304 Gudha Nathawatan 150 70 80 33 15 18 46 19 27 094305 Bisanpura 174 41 133 7 3 4 150 24 126 094306 Neem Ka Khera 391 124 267 182 71 111 76 12 64 094307 Onarji Ki Jhonpariyan 207 114 93 53 49 4 152 63 89

094308Megharawat Ki Jhonpariyan 114 31 83 71 12 59 12 6 6

094309 Motipura 225 92 133 67 24 43 52 20 32 094310 Mohanpura 156 58 98 43 9 34 99 38 61 094311 Gopalpura 113 47 66 95 45 50 17 2 15 094312 Ulera 292 106 186 138 34 104 113 45 68 094313 Khunetiya 121 27 94 55 9 46 14 5 9 094314 Seenti 119 37 82 81 10 71 33 24 9 094315 Seenta 111 11 100 1 1 - 109 9 100 094316 Roopnagar 3 3 - 3 3 - - - - 094317 Garnara 218 83 135 15 4 11 131 33 98 094318 Shrinagar 12 6 6 9 5 4 3 1 2

094319Hazari Bhiroon Ki Jhopariyan 83 32 51 46 11 35 1 1 -

094320 Bheem Ka Khera 96 22 74 34 3 31 9 2 7 094321 Salariya 32 15 17 10 7 3 14 2 12 094322 Mahrampura 111 28 83 70 15 55 38 11 27 094323 Lakha Ki Jhopariyan 37 4 33 28 1 27 7 1 6 094324 Rampuriya094325 Karjoona 179 111 68 154 94 60 14 8 6 094326 Bheempuriya 7 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 094327 Kalpuriya 68 27 41 27 12 15 31 8 23 094328 Dhola Ki Jhonpariyan 177 63 114 135 43 92 41 20 21 094329 Sankarda 233 100 133 172 67 105 25 11 14 094330 Rayata 353 144 209 328 137 191 21 7 14 094331 Umrach 164 49 115 1 - 1 59 15 44 094332 Chapras 176 76 100 87 36 51 87 39 48 094333 Bhanwarda 24 10 14 10 3 7 7 4 3 094334 Itoda 109 33 76 64 18 46 9 1 8 094335 Dolara 389 151 238 1 1 - 91 41 50 094336 Ramganj 56 13 43 7 4 3 4 1 3 094337 Nanakpuriya 86 37 49 1 - 1 76 31 45 094338 Beebanwa 28 13 15 12 4 8 9 3 6 094339 Bahadurpura 166 40 126 90 11 79 42 4 38 094340 Balapura 17 3 14 11 2 9 6 1 5 094341 Kunwarti 322 113 209 24 7 17 288 98 190

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

792 327 465 3,667 1,774 1,893 69,520 33,056 36,464 Bundi (Total) 0171792 327 465 3,667 1,774 1,893 69,520 33,056 36,464 Bundi (Rural) 0171- - - - - - - - - Bundi (Urban) 0171

RURAL1 1 - - - - 358 194 164 Shahpura 094289

- - - 69 49 20 379 182 197 Umarthoona 094290- - - 12 8 4 524 260 264 Kheroona 094291

1 1 - 6 4 2 347 186 161 Kanti 09429219 13 6 94 64 30 396 217 179 Astoli 094293

- - - 6 3 3 435 190 245 Kanjri Silor 0942942 - 2 16 3 13 265 121 144 Raghuveer Pura 094295

15 5 10 303 171 132 2,183 1,055 1,128 Seelor 094296- - - 19 10 9 515 205 310 Hattipura 094297- - - 1 - 1 370 137 233 Daulat Pura 094298

- - - 15 13 2 1,377 672 705 Bhawani Pura @ Bangamata 094299

3 3 - 94 5 89 270 108 162 Ramnagar 094300- - - 11 4 7 91 40 51 Bhalsanawa 094301- - - 1 1 - 132 83 49 Teekhabada 094302

1 1 - 7 2 5 254 126 128 Mangal 09430310 6 4 61 30 31 1,852 814 1,038 Gudha Nathawatan 0943043 1 2 14 13 1 465 222 243 Bisanpura 0943059 1 8 124 40 84 1,675 735 940 Neem Ka Khera 0943062 2 - - - - 234 109 125 Onarji Ki Jhonpariyan 094307

- - - 31 13 18 456 197 259 Megharawat Ki Jhonpariyan 094308

- - - 106 48 58 302 153 149 Motipura 094309- - - 14 11 3 576 239 337 Mohanpura 094310- - - 1 - 1 299 153 146 Gopalpura 09431110 4 6 31 23 8 675 311 364 Ulera 0943123 - 3 49 13 36 209 99 110 Khunetiya 0943132 1 1 3 2 1 180 94 86 Seenti 094314

- - - 1 1 - 470 235 235 Seenta 094315- - - - - - 244 137 107 Roopnagar 094316

4 4 - 68 42 26 271 133 138 Garnara 094317- - - - - - 191 103 88 Shrinagar 094318

- - - 36 20 16 113 52 61 Hazari Bhiroon Ki Jhopariyan 094319

- - - 53 17 36 88 42 46 Bheem Ka Khera 094320- - - 8 6 2 165 79 86 Salariya 094321- - - 3 2 1 295 171 124 Mahrampura 094322- - - 2 2 - 66 36 30 Lakha Ki Jhopariyan 094323

Rampuriya 094324- - - 11 9 2 116 57 59 Karjoona 094325

1 1 - 2 1 1 177 89 88 Bheempuriya 094326- - - 10 7 3 434 204 230 Kalpuriya 094327- - - 1 - 1 325 156 169 Dhola Ki Jhonpariyan 094328- - - 36 22 14 248 116 132 Sankarda 094329

1 - 1 3 - 3 271 139 132 Rayata 094330- - - 104 34 70 557 233 324 Umrach 094331- - - 2 1 1 121 66 55 Chapras 094332- - - 7 3 4 342 193 149 Bhanwarda 094333- - - 36 14 22 110 50 60 Itoda 094334189 55 134 108 54 54 990 403 587 Dolara 094335

4 - 4 41 8 33 1,016 369 647 Ramganj 0943362 2 - 7 4 3 305 155 150 Nanakpuriya 094337

- - - 7 6 1 258 102 156 Beebanwa 094338- - - 34 25 9 354 171 183 Bahadurpura 094339- - - - - - 28 9 19 Balapura 094340- - - 10 8 2 495 241 254 Kunwarti 094341

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094342 Baldeopura 239.72 109 684 356 328 137 73 64 094343 Shivshakti Ka Khera 407.82 257 1,362 726 636 197 105 92 094345 Lalpura 398.00 228 1,122 579 543 159 80 79 094346 Bagda 564.00 220 1,256 654 602 222 114 108 094347 Jalera 299.00 83 503 262 241 86 40 46 094348 Matoonda 1,789.00 965 5,015 2,569 2,446 666 337 329 094349 Gandhigram 292.00 156 797 424 373 125 58 67 094350 Shyopuriya Ki Baori 370.00 337 1,579 813 766 284 148 136 094351 Ganpatpura 442.00 108 501 271 230 72 41 31 094352 Katunara 143.00 54 310 160 150 46 18 28 094353 Dayalpura 195.00 34 190 95 95 38 18 20 094354 Gordhanpura 180.00 115 556 297 259 97 57 40 094355 Jaoti Kalan 643.00 278 1,519 803 716 222 134 88 094356 Raghunathpura 188.00 67 299 160 139 43 23 20 094357 Ganeshpura 127.51 129 674 343 331 103 56 47 094358 Kundaliya 495.00 136 684 366 318 100 49 51 094359 Jharbala Pura 1,262.00 92 466 241 225 57 26 31 094360 Nayagaon 172.00 86 484 268 216 55 26 29 094361 Narsingh Pura 67.00 244 1,282 648 634 207 114 93 094362 Haripura 245.50 169 872 453 419 127 60 67 094363 Barwas 520.00 113 481 254 227 68 33 35 094364 Akher 391.00 161 841 427 414 103 53 50 094365 Rajwas 303.00 114 574 294 280 68 37 31 094366 Gulkheri 656.71 70 378 208 170 45 26 19 094367 Khatiyari 335.00 145 803 420 383 111 62 49 094368 Baldeopura 175.00 7 25 14 11 1 1 - 094369 Khatkar 1,282.00 934 4,628 2,385 2,243 612 328 284 094370 Gudhamakdooka 832.64 91 409 221 188 59 30 29

094371Haripura @ Jawara Ki Jhopariyan 776.20 172 812 433 379 124 68 56

094372 Jawaran 1,185.44 146 651 362 289 103 63 40 094373 Bheemganj 213.57 123 648 354 294 91 43 48 094374 Baradhudhala 1,264.00 26 122 72 50 11 7 4 094375 Kharibara 206.00 82 420 231 189 46 20 26 094376 Kesarpura 536.00 64 290 155 135 43 20 23 094377 Rampuriya(Dholaka) 478.00 280 1,508 775 733 234 118 116 094378 Guwari 583.04 154 816 430 386 111 66 45 094379 Samarba 179.07 126 678 354 324 115 63 52 094380 Bhairoopura Ojha 553.71 202 1,044 529 515 132 71 61 094381 Onkarpura 387.86 241 1,355 696 659 184 100 84 094382 Nandpura 211.00 127 725 360 365 94 43 51 094383 Jaoti Khurd 321.00 135 740 383 357 121 63 58 094384 Moti Pura 103.00 49 301 163 138 31 16 15 094385 Kishanpura 298.20 88 606 304 302 83 43 40 094386 Sangawada 384.00 176 974 518 456 152 85 67 094387 Bambori 929.00 261 1,342 681 661 201 102 99 094388 Gobariya 264.00 24 104 59 45 18 9 9 094389 Raithal 1,044.00 369 1,866 974 892 248 131 117 094390 Ajeta 1,030.00 520 2,566 1,324 1,242 367 199 168 094391 Delunda 668.00 380 1,956 998 958 307 142 165 094392 Lohali 262.00 127 601 299 302 104 43 61 094393 Rihana 681.00 263 1,268 672 596 181 117 64 094394 Bagli 270.00 72 343 172 171 62 25 37 094395 Khyawada 829.00 308 1,466 757 709 171 91 80 094396 Chhaparda 452.00 107 513 284 229 96 51 45 094397 Hanotya 373.00 97 431 235 196 59 34 25 094398 Beechari 453.00 69 334 184 150 41 22 19 094399 Bhatonka Khera 229.00 30 126 66 60 17 7 10 094400 Chhawani 652.00 243 1,176 607 569 185 92 93 094401 Gogpura 343.00 130 619 322 297 102 56 46




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

139 75 64 8 3 5 325 215 110 Baldeopura734 383 351 - - - 698 461 237 Shivshakti Ka Khera176 92 84 737 379 358 641 414 227 Lalpura82 41 41 672 348 324 553 372 181 Bagda35 24 11 - - - 250 157 93 Jalera

1,431 741 690 73 35 38 2,846 1,751 1,095 Matoonda640 329 311 25 15 10 353 248 105 Gandhigram

1,044 540 504 168 89 79 650 430 220 Shyopuriya Ki Baori71 41 30 357 191 166 239 168 71 Ganpatpura33 17 16 235 121 114 159 111 48 Katunara

105 55 50 59 31 28 74 45 29 Dayalpura4 2 2 499 267 232 289 192 97 Gordhanpura

351 192 159 277 146 131 808 512 296 Jaoti Kalan76 37 39 169 95 74 164 112 52 Raghunathpura53 27 26 502 256 246 373 234 139 Ganeshpura23 12 11 585 310 275 277 190 87 Kundaliya

156 84 72 13 8 5 247 167 80 Jharbala Pura75 40 35 84 45 39 278 202 76 Nayagaon

516 269 247 31 13 18 561 348 213 Narsingh Pura209 102 107 478 249 229 444 297 147 Haripura208 112 96 241 129 112 212 153 59 Barwas395 198 197 126 56 70 419 267 152 Akher287 158 129 266 127 139 312 204 108 Rajwas

7 2 5 87 50 37 245 154 91 Gulkheri248 127 121 368 195 173 469 302 167 Khatiyari

2 1 1 10 6 4 9 5 4 Baldeopura1,561 805 756 341 183 158 2,659 1,626 1,033 Khatkar

69 37 32 1 1 - 90 73 17 Gudhamakdooka

13 6 7 408 225 183 417 261 156 Haripura @ Jawara Ki Jhopariyan

119 63 56 428 237 191 313 213 100 Jawaran7 4 3 252 141 111 282 194 88 Bheemganj1 - 1 - - - 78 52 26 Baradhudhala

42 19 23 355 198 157 290 190 100 Kharibara1 1 - 82 45 37 134 95 39 Kesarpura

453 237 216 547 281 266 744 465 279 Rampuriya(Dholaka)68 39 29 664 349 315 421 285 136 Guwari

104 58 46 443 230 213 399 252 147 Samarba221 114 107 58 32 26 633 403 230 Bhairoopura Ojha271 138 133 58 26 32 738 470 268 Onkarpura45 21 24 487 240 247 388 244 144 Nandpura

111 56 55 530 277 253 361 250 111 Jaoti Khurd299 161 138 - - - 156 110 46 Moti Pura21 9 12 - - - 369 235 134 Kishanpura

418 220 198 1 1 - 402 267 135 Sangawada332 159 173 238 126 112 638 409 229 Bambori15 8 7 59 35 24 47 37 10 Gobariya

186 95 91 1,027 539 488 942 612 330 Raithal583 296 287 694 358 336 1,374 867 507 Ajeta403 200 203 569 292 277 855 587 268 Delunda- - - - - - 223 158 65 Lohali208 115 93 - - - 616 404 212 Rihana- - - - - - 111 72 39 Bagli473 243 230 216 115 101 726 486 240 Khyawada- - - 53 27 26 188 135 53 Chhaparda- - - 255 135 120 176 122 54 Hanotya66 40 26 133 73 60 136 103 33 Beechari

- - - - - - 79 47 32 Bhatonka Khera59 33 26 704 364 340 625 410 215 Chhawani1 - 1 589 307 282 293 201 92 Gogpura




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094342 Baldeopura 359 141 218 319 168 151 174 158 16 094343 Shivshakti Ka Khera 664 265 399 715 394 321 483 308 175 094345 Lalpura 481 165 316 426 322 104 308 263 45 094346 Bagda 703 282 421 647 327 320 416 234 182 094347 Jalera 253 105 148 215 160 55 140 135 5 094348 Matoonda 2,169 818 1,351 2,503 1,473 1,030 2,084 1,286 798 094349 Gandhigram 444 176 268 459 240 219 241 226 15 094350 Shyopuriya Ki Baori 929 383 546 585 424 161 457 375 82 094351 Ganpatpura 262 103 159 239 139 100 234 136 98 094352 Katunara 151 49 102 145 82 63 144 81 63 094353 Dayalpura 116 50 66 104 52 52 59 29 30 094354 Gordhanpura 267 105 162 351 173 178 344 172 172 094355 Jaoti Kalan 711 291 420 677 396 281 448 339 109 094356 Raghunathpura 135 48 87 147 76 71 144 74 70 094357 Ganeshpura 301 109 192 344 174 170 342 174 168 094358 Kundaliya 407 176 231 427 226 201 235 148 87 094359 Jharbala Pura 219 74 145 153 125 28 122 108 14 094360 Nayagaon 206 66 140 257 132 125 161 124 37 094361 Narsingh Pura 721 300 421 564 313 251 251 183 68 094362 Haripura 428 156 272 358 246 112 308 238 70 094363 Barwas 269 101 168 255 132 123 136 104 32 094364 Akher 422 160 262 502 262 240 252 231 21 094365 Rajwas 262 90 172 375 189 186 191 127 64 094366 Gulkheri 133 54 79 330 181 149 244 130 114 094367 Khatiyari 334 118 216 452 221 231 205 191 14 094368 Baldeopura 16 9 7 16 8 8 7 7 - 094369 Khatkar 1,969 759 1,210 2,373 1,384 989 1,712 1,129 583 094370 Gudhamakdooka 319 148 171 241 124 117 218 114 104

094371Haripura @ Jawara Ki Jhopariyan 395 172 223 616 325 291 562 295 267

094372 Jawaran 338 149 189 346 191 155 326 188 138 094373 Bheemganj 366 160 206 500 272 228 328 195 133 094374 Baradhudhala 44 20 24 97 56 41 61 35 26 094375 Kharibara 130 41 89 239 116 123 158 91 67 094376 Kesarpura 156 60 96 190 97 93 100 57 43 094377 Rampuriya(Dholaka) 764 310 454 902 461 441 783 411 372 094378 Guwari 395 145 250 447 219 228 442 215 227 094379 Samarba 279 102 177 384 183 201 268 147 121 094380 Bhairoopura Ojha 411 126 285 520 295 225 381 237 144 094381 Onkarpura 617 226 391 724 377 347 697 359 338 094382 Nandpura 337 116 221 385 181 204 151 147 4 094383 Jaoti Khurd 379 133 246 393 203 190 391 203 188 094384 Moti Pura 145 53 92 181 100 81 94 58 36 094385 Kishanpura 237 69 168 343 170 173 162 159 3 094386 Sangawada 572 251 321 415 259 156 280 225 55 094387 Bambori 704 272 432 447 342 105 344 304 40 094388 Gobariya 57 22 35 50 31 19 18 15 3 094389 Raithal 924 362 562 1,005 523 482 787 485 302 094390 Ajeta 1,192 457 735 1,205 657 548 841 608 233 094391 Delunda 1,101 411 690 1,115 579 536 943 521 422 094392 Lohali 378 141 237 338 170 168 11 7 4 094393 Rihana 652 268 384 680 346 334 404 270 134 094394 Bagli 232 100 132 184 96 88 105 89 16 094395 Khyawada 740 271 469 771 427 344 370 314 56 094396 Chhaparda 325 149 176 336 179 157 190 111 79 094397 Hanotya 255 113 142 253 143 110 209 120 89 094398 Beechari 198 81 117 203 110 93 203 110 93 094399 Bhatonka Khera 47 19 28 62 41 21 53 40 13 094400 Chhawani 551 197 354 827 468 359 435 313 122 094401 Gogpura 326 121 205 346 179 167 185 150 35




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

103 98 5 32 23 9 - - - 39 37 2 Baldeopura283 188 95 88 44 44 - - - 112 76 36 Shivshakti Ka Khera204 193 11 48 30 18 6 3 3 50 37 13 Lalpura262 155 107 90 50 40 - - - 64 29 35 Bagda88 87 1 17 16 1 2 2 - 33 30 3 Jalera

822 534 288 570 294 276 68 48 20 624 410 214 Matoonda52 52 - 38 33 5 11 11 - 140 130 10 Gandhigram18 13 5 21 15 6 2 2 - 416 345 71 Shyopuriya Ki Baori

126 65 61 29 15 14 3 3 - 76 53 23 Ganpatpura126 70 56 8 4 4 - - - 10 7 3 Katunara46 23 23 13 6 7 - - - - - - Dayalpura

332 165 167 10 5 5 - - - 2 2 - Gordhanpura261 231 30 91 54 37 3 3 - 93 51 42 Jaoti Kalan82 43 39 57 27 30 - - - 5 4 1 Raghunathpura

295 144 151 16 9 7 2 1 1 29 20 9 Ganeshpura83 72 11 134 62 72 4 3 1 14 11 3 Kundaliya

106 96 10 10 8 2 - - - 6 4 2 Jharbala Pura97 78 19 38 22 16 2 2 - 24 22 2 Nayagaon

178 127 51 30 23 7 1 1 - 42 32 10 Narsingh Pura194 145 49 31 22 9 10 8 2 73 63 10 Haripura86 66 20 12 9 3 - - - 38 29 9 Barwas89 87 2 14 13 1 - - - 149 131 18 Akher68 48 20 104 66 38 - - - 19 13 6 Rajwas

235 123 112 1 1 - 2 2 - 6 4 2 Gulkheri165 155 10 14 13 1 - - - 26 23 3 Khatiyari

1 1 - 6 6 - - - - - - - Baldeopura559 373 186 598 277 321 37 22 15 518 457 61 Khatkar182 102 80 25 5 20 1 - 1 10 7 3 Gudhamakdooka

459 239 220 32 19 13 16 10 6 55 27 28 Haripura @ Jawara Ki Jhopariyan

315 181 134 - - - - - - 11 7 4 Jawaran184 149 35 14 13 1 123 28 95 7 5 2 Bheemganj17 15 2 7 7 - 26 5 21 11 8 3 Baradhudhala

115 71 44 35 15 20 - - - 8 5 3 Kharibara79 43 36 16 10 6 1 1 - 4 3 1 Kesarpura

545 269 276 163 74 89 5 3 2 70 65 5 Rampuriya(Dholaka)437 211 226 1 1 - - - - 4 3 1 Guwari225 131 94 35 9 26 - - - 8 7 1 Samarba256 152 104 48 23 25 - - - 77 62 15 Bhairoopura Ojha492 239 253 150 78 72 2 1 1 53 41 12 Onkarpura132 132 - 9 9 - - - - 10 6 4 Nandpura380 197 183 10 6 4 - - - 1 - 1 Jaoti Khurd56 34 22 32 20 12 - - - 6 4 2 Moti Pura

151 149 2 1 1 - - - - 10 9 1 Kishanpura191 171 20 53 22 31 - - - 36 32 4 Sangawada266 233 33 45 41 4 5 5 - 28 25 3 Bambori16 14 2 - - - - - - 2 1 1 Gobariya

627 377 250 88 54 34 14 9 5 58 45 13 Raithal300 259 41 264 136 128 13 12 1 264 201 63 Ajeta558 302 256 235 113 122 1 1 - 149 105 44 Delunda

3 3 - 3 3 - - - - 5 1 4 Lohali289 200 89 79 43 36 2 2 - 34 25 9 Rihana87 74 13 3 1 2 - - - 15 14 1 Bagli

193 160 33 93 75 18 - - - 84 79 5 Khyawada185 109 76 3 2 1 - - - 2 - 2 Chhaparda168 96 72 22 10 12 - - - 19 14 5 Hanotya200 109 91 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 Beechari48 36 12 2 2 - - - - 3 2 1 Bhatonka Khera

355 255 100 51 33 18 - - - 29 25 4 Chhawani125 101 24 52 44 8 4 2 2 4 3 1 Gogpura




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094342 Baldeopura 145 10 135 104 5 99 38 4 34 094343 Shivshakti Ka Khera 232 86 146 59 16 43 95 26 69 094345 Lalpura 118 59 59 3 3 - 97 40 57 094346 Bagda 231 93 138 136 54 82 43 26 17 094347 Jalera 75 25 50 43 12 31 18 6 12 094348 Matoonda 419 187 232 52 29 23 270 118 152 094349 Gandhigram 218 14 204 7 4 3 205 7 198 094350 Shyopuriya Ki Baori 128 49 79 3 - 3 57 17 40 094351 Ganpatpura 5 3 2 1 - 1 2 1 1 094352 Katunara 1 1 - - - - - - - 094353 Dayalpura 45 23 22 - - - 45 23 22 094354 Gordhanpura 7 1 6 1 - 1 - - - 094355 Jaoti Kalan 229 57 172 100 20 80 116 35 81 094356 Raghunathpura 3 2 1 1 - 1 - - - 094357 Ganeshpura 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - - 094358 Kundaliya 192 78 114 9 6 3 162 60 102 094359 Jharbala Pura 31 17 14 2 - 2 10 5 5 094360 Nayagaon 96 8 88 66 2 64 22 - 22 094361 Narsingh Pura 313 130 183 13 6 7 258 90 168 094362 Haripura 50 8 42 16 4 12 24 2 22 094363 Barwas 119 28 91 71 6 65 18 7 11 094364 Akher 250 31 219 90 7 83 56 - 56 094365 Rajwas 184 62 122 33 11 22 143 50 93 094366 Gulkheri 86 51 35 31 19 12 20 11 9 094367 Khatiyari 247 30 217 77 - 77 156 22 134 094368 Baldeopura 9 1 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 094369 Khatkar 661 255 406 159 47 112 353 125 228 094370 Gudhamakdooka 23 10 13 4 1 3 15 5 10

094371Haripura @ Jawara Ki Jhopariyan 54 30 24 14 8 6 3 - 3

094372 Jawaran 20 3 17 13 2 11 4 - 4 094373 Bheemganj 172 77 95 5 2 3 5 3 2 094374 Baradhudhala 36 21 15 - - - 5 1 4 094375 Kharibara 81 25 56 56 18 38 25 7 18 094376 Kesarpura 90 40 50 17 6 11 39 18 21 094377 Rampuriya(Dholaka) 119 50 69 57 24 33 53 19 34 094378 Guwari 5 4 1 4 3 1 - - - 094379 Samarba 116 36 80 6 - 6 88 23 65 094380 Bhairoopura Ojha 139 58 81 29 3 26 94 41 53 094381 Onkarpura 27 18 9 12 11 1 4 1 3 094382 Nandpura 234 34 200 148 10 138 84 24 60 094383 Jaoti Khurd 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 094384 Moti Pura 87 42 45 12 10 2 74 31 43 094385 Kishanpura 181 11 170 173 10 163 5 - 5 094386 Sangawada 135 34 101 1 - 1 134 34 100 094387 Bambori 103 38 65 34 1 33 68 36 32 094388 Gobariya 32 16 16 6 1 5 26 15 11 094389 Raithal 218 38 180 157 20 137 58 18 40 094390 Ajeta 364 49 315 27 5 22 309 30 279 094391 Delunda 172 58 114 110 41 69 52 11 41 094392 Lohali 327 163 164 39 30 9 287 133 154 094393 Rihana 276 76 200 108 12 96 152 51 101 094394 Bagli 79 7 72 28 5 23 51 2 49 094395 Khyawada 401 113 288 219 44 175 174 61 113 094396 Chhaparda 146 68 78 3 1 2 142 66 76 094397 Hanotya 44 23 21 20 8 12 23 14 9 094398 Beechari - - - - - - - - - 094399 Bhatonka Khera 9 1 8 7 - 7 2 1 1 094400 Chhawani 392 155 237 344 132 212 46 21 25 094401 Gogpura 161 29 132 100 20 80 58 7 51




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 3 1 2 365 188 177 Baldeopura 094342- - - 78 44 34 647 332 315 Shivshakti Ka Khera 094343

8 7 1 10 9 1 696 257 439 Lalpura 094345- - - 52 13 39 609 327 282 Bagda 094346

1 - 1 13 7 6 288 102 186 Jalera 09434733 11 22 64 29 35 2,512 1,096 1,416 Matoonda 094348

- - - 6 3 3 338 184 154 Gandhigram 094349- - - 68 32 36 994 389 605 Shyopuriya Ki Baori 094350- - - 2 2 - 262 132 130 Ganpatpura 094351- - - 1 1 - 165 78 87 Katunara 094352- - - - - - 86 43 43 Dayalpura 094353- - - 6 1 5 205 124 81 Gordhanpura 094354- - - 13 2 11 842 407 435 Jaoti Kalan 094355- - - 2 2 - 152 84 68 Raghunathpura 094356- - - - - - 330 169 161 Ganeshpura 094357

9 4 5 12 8 4 257 140 117 Kundaliya 0943581 1 - 18 11 7 313 116 197 Jharbala Pura 0943591 - 1 7 6 1 227 136 91 Nayagaon 0943601 1 - 41 33 8 718 335 383 Narsingh Pura 0943612 - 2 8 2 6 514 207 307 Haripura 0943621 1 - 29 14 15 226 122 104 Barwas 094363

- - - 104 24 80 339 165 174 Akher 094364- - - 8 1 7 199 105 94 Rajwas 094365

3 2 1 32 19 13 48 27 21 Gulkheri 0943661 1 - 13 7 6 351 199 152 Khatiyari 094367

- - - - - - 9 6 3 Baldeopura 09436853 28 25 96 55 41 2,255 1,001 1,254 Khatkar 094369

- - - 4 4 - 168 97 71 Gudhamakdooka 094370

- - - 37 22 15 196 108 88 Haripura @ Jawara Ki Jhopariyan 094371

1 1 - 2 - 2 305 171 134 Jawaran 094372152 69 83 10 3 7 148 82 66 Bheemganj 09437330 19 11 1 1 - 25 16 9 Baradhudhala 094374

- - - - - - 181 115 66 Kharibara 0943751 1 - 33 15 18 100 58 42 Kesarpura 0943762 1 1 7 6 1 606 314 292 Rampuriya(Dholaka) 094377

- - - 1 1 - 369 211 158 Guwari 094378- - - 22 13 9 294 171 123 Samarba 094379- - - 16 14 2 524 234 290 Bhairoopura Ojha 094380

3 - 3 8 6 2 631 319 312 Onkarpura 094381- - - 2 - 2 340 179 161 Nandpura 094382- - - - - - 347 180 167 Jaoti Khurd 094383- - - 1 1 - 120 63 57 Moti Pura 094384- - - 3 1 2 263 134 129 Kishanpura 094385- - - - - - 559 259 300 Sangawada 094386- - - 1 1 - 895 339 556 Bambori 094387- - - - - - 54 28 26 Gobariya 094388- - - 3 - 3 861 451 410 Raithal 094389

8 5 3 20 9 11 1,361 667 694 Ajeta 094390- - - 10 6 4 841 419 422 Delunda 094391- - - 1 - 1 263 129 134 Lohali 094392

1 1 - 15 12 3 588 326 262 Rihana 094393- - - - - - 159 76 83 Bagli 094394

1 1 - 7 7 - 695 330 365 Khyawada 094395- - - 1 1 - 177 105 72 Chhaparda 094396- - - 1 1 - 178 92 86 Hanotya 094397- - - - - - 131 74 57 Beechari 094398- - - - - - 64 25 39 Bhatonka Khera 094399- - - 2 2 - 349 139 210 Chhawani 094400

2 1 1 1 1 - 273 143 130 Gogpura 094401




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094402 Jakhana 697.00 235 1,151 599 552 154 67 87 094403 Manditya 260.00 39 215 111 104 31 15 16 094404 Peeplya 537.00 198 981 523 458 142 79 63 094405 Ebra 899.00 266 1,262 675 587 163 89 74 094406 Banka Khera 400.00 84 500 261 239 60 33 27 094407 Anthara 1,410.00 411 1,998 1,044 954 235 126 109 094408 Bathwara 449.00 139 606 317 289 87 47 40 094412 Jarkhoda 399.00 251 1,295 679 616 191 101 90 094414 Mangli 266.00 103 526 276 250 79 44 35 094415 Gumampura 359.00 293 1,465 722 743 215 106 109 094416 Sanwal Pura 187.00 95 471 249 222 62 37 25 094417 Kotkhera 373.00 183 946 497 449 125 68 57 094418 Barkhera 281.00 92 514 260 254 78 42 36 094419 Khankhera 220.00 128 736 377 359 110 60 50 094420 Gadegal 180.00 178 1,132 602 530 178 98 80 094421 Andher 480.00 178 978 501 477 163 79 84 094422 Bawadi Khera 360.00 177 918 461 457 165 80 85 094423 Gopalniwas 324.00 119 640 345 295 101 58 43 094424 Kumhariya 66.00 78 413 222 191 47 24 23 094425 Vyas Baori 93.00 33 192 102 90 27 14 13 094426 Pakal Puriya 181.00 64 345 164 181 50 18 32 094427 Amli 202.00 176 867 460 407 108 68 40 094428 Bijnawar 191.00 207 1,138 573 565 163 83 80 094429 Mandawara 371.00 186 1,042 530 512 154 75 79 094430 Mandawari 586.00 89 459 239 220 74 39 35 094431 Sarwan Ki Jhonpariyan 203.28 71 480 259 221 82 49 33 094432 Bhairoopura Barad 477.00 173 995 514 481 143 69 74 094433 Banki 608.00 46 258 133 125 39 23 16 094434 Anoppura 1,653.00 70 373 189 184 84 39 45 094435 Parana (Bheelonwala) 788.00 46 216 107 109 41 24 17 094436 Golpur 1,476.73 100 535 281 254 115 61 54 094437 Kewariya 2,340.37 175 858 437 421 172 87 85 094438 Holaspura 1,139.00 127 629 334 295 93 50 43 094439 Loicha 1,826.04 286 1,489 762 727 271 145 126 094440 Sundarpura 225.49 108 542 283 259 59 35 24 094441 Malipura 264.00 123 711 368 343 103 53 50 094442 Prempura 452.00 113 676 343 333 105 53 52 094443 Namana 2,260.44 915 4,876 2,558 2,318 676 377 299 094444 Hari Pura 332.72 160 881 472 409 125 59 66 094445 Kishanpura 582.44 140 780 399 381 123 55 68 094446 Shyamoo 1,077.93 145 726 390 336 138 77 61 094452 Bhanwriya Kua 749.00 127 639 329 310 92 47 45 094453 Dhanatari 559.00 197 1,042 551 491 166 88 78 094455 Bharta Baori 438.00 223 1,122 584 538 140 80 60 094458 Beelooba 84.00 33 160 93 67 17 11 6 094460 Alkodiya 352.00 247 1,350 687 663 223 119 104 094461 Moheepura 99.00 108 500 255 245 71 34 37 094465 Chakmoheeepura 96.00 1 2 1 1 - - - 094522 Palka 3,678.91 83 430 229 201 68 36 32 094523 Guwar 4,185.46 338 1,803 927 876 343 181 162 094524 Gardara 5,068.00 497 2,555 1,305 1,250 430 227 203




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

343 174 169 46 21 25 573 383 190 Jakhana- - - 180 96 84 105 67 38 Manditya13 6 7 858 462 396 504 340 164 Peeplya

165 84 81 723 390 333 656 435 221 Ebra91 50 41 1 1 - 258 158 100 Banka Khera

234 130 104 11 4 7 1,154 705 449 Anthara27 14 13 - - - 315 202 113 Bathwara

627 316 311 310 174 136 558 392 166 Jarkhoda164 88 76 31 18 13 258 167 91 Mangli418 201 217 678 331 347 804 510 294 Gumampura105 54 51 304 160 144 279 173 106 Sanwal Pura325 174 151 1 1 - 493 311 182 Kotkhera96 45 51 10 5 5 238 149 89 Barkhera

216 105 111 84 42 42 377 229 148 Khankhera555 301 254 63 27 36 510 358 152 Gadegal135 67 68 410 217 193 405 245 160 Andher160 81 79 151 73 78 304 200 104 Bawadi Khera- - - 608 327 281 302 208 94 Gopalniwas

1 - 1 311 174 137 181 133 48 Kumhariya- - - 192 102 90 98 71 27 Vyas Baori- - - 318 154 164 172 107 65 Pakal Puriya

1 - 1 673 357 316 487 314 173 Amli1,064 535 529 20 8 12 602 392 210 Bijnawar

647 326 321 - - - 564 358 206 Mandawara83 44 39 108 54 54 256 156 100 Mandawari7 4 3 - - - 161 109 52 Sarwan Ki Jhonpariyan

109 59 50 35 18 17 331 232 99 Bhairoopura Barad6 4 2 252 129 123 113 75 38 Banki6 5 1 220 112 108 101 79 22 Anoppura1 1 - 208 103 105 53 32 21 Parana (Bheelonwala)3 1 2 335 183 152 160 108 52 Golpur

10 5 5 824 419 405 227 176 51 Kewariya- - - 175 90 85 241 175 66 Holaspura127 63 64 942 486 456 518 375 143 Loicha35 22 13 139 75 64 296 191 105 Sundarpura

116 65 51 - - - 371 248 123 Malipura37 18 19 6 1 5 309 192 117 Prempura

799 436 363 1,016 540 476 2,820 1,738 1,082 Namana21 14 7 577 314 263 521 340 181 Hari Pura85 43 42 459 233 226 389 242 147 Kishanpura

- - - 662 355 307 206 149 57 Shyamoo169 86 83 274 142 132 280 165 115 Bhanwriya Kua107 56 51 451 244 207 413 273 140 Dhanatari229 114 115 718 381 337 572 360 212 Bharta Baori46 24 22 44 24 20 90 62 28 Beelooba

244 120 124 95 44 51 712 456 256 Alkodiya45 21 24 336 179 157 256 171 85 Moheepura2 1 1 - - - - - - Chakmoheeepura

34 19 15 25 14 11 225 162 63 Palka28 15 13 1,229 630 599 615 441 174 Guwar

302 161 141 854 437 417 790 543 247 Gardara




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094402 Jakhana 578 216 362 640 358 282 466 287 179 094403 Manditya 110 44 66 150 80 70 113 59 54 094404 Peeplya 477 183 294 571 303 268 471 272 199 094405 Ebra 606 240 366 669 353 316 455 292 163 094406 Banka Khera 242 103 139 273 153 120 88 68 20 094407 Anthara 844 339 505 634 537 97 521 485 36 094408 Bathwara 291 115 176 266 168 98 123 119 4 094412 Jarkhoda 737 287 450 527 355 172 385 310 75 094414 Mangli 268 109 159 323 188 135 150 141 9 094415 Gumampura 661 212 449 779 417 362 396 308 88 094416 Sanwal Pura 192 76 116 263 143 120 108 96 12 094417 Kotkhera 453 186 267 479 268 211 448 259 189 094418 Barkhera 276 111 165 292 155 137 235 135 100 094419 Khankhera 359 148 211 507 259 248 207 190 17 094420 Gadegal 622 244 378 546 317 229 244 233 11 094421 Andher 573 256 317 533 275 258 266 214 52 094422 Bawadi Khera 614 261 353 542 286 256 398 254 144 094423 Gopalniwas 338 137 201 458 240 218 269 168 101 094424 Kumhariya 232 89 143 236 112 124 178 96 82 094425 Vyas Baori 94 31 63 113 56 57 90 50 40 094426 Pakal Puriya 173 57 116 191 99 92 155 85 70 094427 Amli 380 146 234 737 379 358 443 228 215 094428 Bijnawar 536 181 355 813 415 398 638 313 325 094429 Mandawara 478 172 306 461 268 193 425 255 170 094430 Mandawari 203 83 120 279 137 142 195 133 62 094431 Sarwan Ki Jhonpariyan 319 150 169 252 123 129 230 119 111 094432 Bhairoopura Barad 664 282 382 676 359 317 522 267 255 094433 Banki 145 58 87 125 65 60 122 63 59 094434 Anoppura 272 110 162 173 99 74 170 98 72 094435 Parana (Bheelonwala) 163 75 88 140 64 76 125 59 66 094436 Golpur 375 173 202 330 158 172 297 153 144 094437 Kewariya 631 261 370 497 249 248 332 224 108 094438 Holaspura 388 159 229 339 179 160 190 158 32 094439 Loicha 971 387 584 760 401 359 513 291 222 094440 Sundarpura 246 92 154 314 161 153 312 161 151 094441 Malipura 340 120 220 370 191 179 323 169 154 094442 Prempura 367 151 216 312 174 138 262 162 100 094443 Namana 2,056 820 1,236 2,338 1,445 893 1,724 1,203 521 094444 Hari Pura 360 132 228 661 356 305 456 253 203 094445 Kishanpura 391 157 234 469 233 236 467 233 234 094446 Shyamoo 520 241 279 468 254 214 403 221 182 094452 Bhanwriya Kua 359 164 195 346 182 164 345 182 163 094453 Dhanatari 629 278 351 570 303 267 456 261 195 094455 Bharta Baori 550 224 326 689 359 330 250 230 20 094458 Beelooba 70 31 39 72 46 26 47 38 9 094460 Alkodiya 638 231 407 724 367 357 420 321 99 094461 Moheepura 244 84 160 437 226 211 216 116 100 094465 Chakmoheeepura 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 094522 Palka 205 67 138 214 121 93 108 64 44 094523 Guwar 1,188 486 702 1,065 541 524 869 472 397 094524 Gardara 1,765 762 1,003 1,154 713 441 774 616 158




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

247 143 104 100 55 45 8 6 2 111 83 28 Jakhana96 49 47 13 7 6 - - - 4 3 1 Manditya

435 251 184 19 9 10 2 2 - 15 10 5 Peeplya298 199 99 125 67 58 - - - 32 26 6 Ebra56 42 14 10 6 4 1 1 - 21 19 2 Banka Khera

397 375 22 65 56 9 8 7 1 51 47 4 Anthara90 89 1 10 9 1 - - - 23 21 2 Bathwara

117 115 2 16 15 1 17 16 1 235 164 71 Jarkhoda39 38 1 24 23 1 16 16 - 71 64 7 Mangli

246 191 55 58 43 15 2 2 - 90 72 18 Gumampura79 74 5 17 13 4 - - - 12 9 3 Sanwal Pura

291 155 136 101 55 46 - - - 56 49 7 Kotkhera193 110 83 29 16 13 - - - 13 9 4 Barkhera153 145 8 38 32 6 1 1 - 15 12 3 Khankhera181 177 4 27 26 1 - - - 36 30 6 Gadegal121 117 4 135 89 46 - - - 10 8 2 Andher270 166 104 37 23 14 1 1 - 90 64 26 Bawadi Khera253 154 99 6 5 1 3 3 - 7 6 1 Gopalniwas168 91 77 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 3 3 Kumhariya89 50 39 1 - 1 - - - - - - Vyas Baori

151 82 69 - - - - - - 4 3 1 Pakal Puriya429 217 212 1 - 1 1 - 1 12 11 1 Amli566 276 290 52 20 32 - - - 20 17 3 Bijnawar286 163 123 66 39 27 - - - 73 53 20 Mandawara192 130 62 - - - - - - 3 3 - Mandawari230 119 111 - - - - - - - - - Sarwan Ki Jhonpariyan472 237 235 2 1 1 5 5 - 43 24 19 Bhairoopura Barad113 56 57 5 3 2 - - - 4 4 - Banki85 45 40 71 40 31 - - - 14 13 1 Anoppura

118 58 60 3 - 3 2 1 1 2 - 2 Parana (Bheelonwala)271 134 137 9 6 3 5 5 - 12 8 4 Golpur299 202 97 5 2 3 1 1 - 27 19 8 Kewariya132 127 5 31 8 23 1 - 1 26 23 3 Holaspura282 145 137 161 88 73 2 2 - 68 56 12 Loicha295 150 145 1 - 1 1 1 - 15 10 5 Sundarpura296 153 143 16 9 7 5 4 1 6 3 3 Malipura210 125 85 19 10 9 - - - 33 27 6 Prempura686 407 279 466 305 161 135 113 22 437 378 59 Namana352 193 159 97 58 39 - - - 7 2 5 Hari Pura447 223 224 14 7 7 1 1 - 5 2 3 Kishanpura320 175 145 75 41 34 - - - 8 5 3 Shyamoo248 130 118 93 51 42 - - - 4 1 3 Bhanwriya Kua258 153 105 169 86 83 - - - 29 22 7 Dhanatari183 176 7 23 18 5 - - - 44 36 8 Bharta Baori28 23 5 15 12 3 - - - 4 3 1 Beelooba

283 226 57 63 44 19 1 1 - 73 50 23 Alkodiya202 108 94 12 6 6 - - - 2 2 - Moheepura- - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 1 - Chakmoheeepura55 36 19 42 23 19 8 4 4 3 1 2 Palka

780 406 374 9 7 2 4 2 2 76 57 19 Guwar251 189 62 49 29 20 11 8 3 463 390 73 Gardara




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094402 Jakhana 174 71 103 64 25 39 64 19 45 094403 Manditya 37 21 16 35 20 15 - - - 094404 Peeplya 100 31 69 84 26 58 14 4 10 094405 Ebra 214 61 153 69 14 55 135 41 94 094406 Banka Khera 185 85 100 94 54 40 77 22 55 094407 Anthara 113 52 61 28 22 6 70 22 48 094408 Bathwara 143 49 94 14 3 11 125 42 83 094412 Jarkhoda 142 45 97 3 2 1 21 8 13 094414 Mangli 173 47 126 3 - 3 94 16 78 094415 Gumampura 383 109 274 157 29 128 136 47 89 094416 Sanwal Pura 155 47 108 100 27 73 42 11 31 094417 Kotkhera 31 9 22 18 5 13 10 3 7 094418 Barkhera 57 20 37 48 15 33 8 5 3 094419 Khankhera 300 69 231 248 57 191 47 11 36 094420 Gadegal 302 84 218 233 41 192 28 4 24 094421 Andher 267 61 206 176 35 141 90 25 65 094422 Bawadi Khera 144 32 112 71 3 68 11 1 10 094423 Gopalniwas 189 72 117 181 70 111 7 1 6 094424 Kumhariya 58 16 42 53 15 38 5 1 4 094425 Vyas Baori 23 6 17 22 5 17 - - - 094426 Pakal Puriya 36 14 22 33 12 21 1 - 1 094427 Amli 294 151 143 288 151 137 3 - 3 094428 Bijnawar 175 102 73 156 96 60 19 6 13 094429 Mandawara 36 13 23 7 2 5 20 5 15 094430 Mandawari 84 4 80 83 3 80 - - - 094431 Sarwan Ki Jhonpariyan 22 4 18 15 2 13 3 - 3 094432 Bhairoopura Barad 154 92 62 14 8 6 4 - 4 094433 Banki 3 2 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 094434 Anoppura 3 1 2 1 - 1 2 1 1 094435 Parana (Bheelonwala) 15 5 10 4 1 3 11 4 7 094436 Golpur 33 5 28 7 - 7 26 5 21 094437 Kewariya 165 25 140 150 22 128 5 - 5 094438 Holaspura 149 21 128 5 1 4 141 17 124 094439 Loicha 247 110 137 16 3 13 196 92 104 094440 Sundarpura 2 - 2 1 - 1 - - - 094441 Malipura 47 22 25 2 1 1 38 15 23 094442 Prempura 50 12 38 21 3 18 19 8 11 094443 Namana 614 242 372 228 101 127 146 49 97 094444 Hari Pura 205 103 102 171 85 86 33 17 16 094445 Kishanpura 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - - 094446 Shyamoo 65 33 32 40 19 21 25 14 11 094452 Bhanwriya Kua 1 - 1 - - - - - - 094453 Dhanatari 114 42 72 84 28 56 26 11 15 094455 Bharta Baori 439 129 310 386 115 271 32 7 25 094458 Beelooba 25 8 17 15 4 11 7 1 6 094460 Alkodiya 304 46 258 234 23 211 45 10 35 094461 Moheepura 221 110 111 24 8 16 195 101 94 094465 Chakmoheeepura - - - - - - - - - 094522 Palka 106 57 49 7 2 5 67 34 33 094523 Guwar 196 69 127 172 54 118 7 4 3 094524 Gardara 380 97 283 60 15 45 104 18 86




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

4 3 1 42 24 18 511 241 270 Jakhana 094402- - - 2 1 1 65 31 34 Manditya 094403

1 - 1 1 1 - 410 220 190 Peeplya 0944045 3 2 5 3 2 593 322 271 Ebra 0944054 3 1 10 6 4 227 108 119 Banka Khera 0944061 - 1 14 8 6 1,364 507 857 Anthara 0944072 2 - 2 2 - 340 149 191 Bathwara 094408

87 18 69 31 17 14 768 324 444 Jarkhoda 09441217 4 13 59 27 32 203 88 115 Mangli 0944144 2 2 86 31 55 686 305 381 Gumampura 094415

- - - 13 9 4 208 106 102 Sanwal Pura 094416- - - 3 1 2 467 229 238 Kotkhera 094417- - - 1 - 1 222 105 117 Barkhera 094418- - - 5 1 4 229 118 111 Khankhera 094419- - - 41 39 2 586 285 301 Gadegal 094420- - - 1 1 - 445 226 219 Andher 094421

3 2 1 59 26 33 376 175 201 Bawadi Khera 0944221 1 - - - - 182 105 77 Gopalniwas 094423

- - - - - - 177 110 67 Kumhariya 094424- - - 1 1 - 79 46 33 Vyas Baori 094425- - - 2 2 - 154 65 89 Pakal Puriya 094426- - - 3 - 3 130 81 49 Amli 094427- - - - - - 325 158 167 Bijnawar 094428- - - 9 6 3 581 262 319 Mandawara 094429- - - 1 1 - 180 102 78 Mandawari 094430

4 2 2 - - - 228 136 92 Sarwan Ki Jhonpariyan 0944311 - 1 135 84 51 319 155 164 Bhairoopura Barad 094432

- - - 1 1 - 133 68 65 Banki 094433- - - - - - 200 90 110 Anoppura 094434- - - - - - 76 43 33 Parana (Bheelonwala) 094435- - - - - - 205 123 82 Golpur 094436- - - 10 3 7 361 188 173 Kewariya 094437- - - 3 3 - 290 155 135 Holaspura 094438- - - 35 15 20 729 361 368 Loicha 094439- - - 1 - 1 228 122 106 Sundarpura 094440

5 4 1 2 2 - 341 177 164 Malipura 094441- - - 10 1 9 364 169 195 Prempura 09444222 7 15 218 85 133 2,538 1,113 1,425 Namana 094443

- - - 1 1 - 220 116 104 Hari Pura 094444- - - - - - 311 166 145 Kishanpura 094445- - - - - - 258 136 122 Shyamoo 094446- - - 1 - 1 293 147 146 Bhanwriya Kua 094452- - - 4 3 1 472 248 224 Dhanatari 094453- - - 21 7 14 433 225 208 Bharta Baori 094455- - - 3 3 - 88 47 41 Beelooba 094458

6 4 2 19 9 10 626 320 306 Alkodiya 094460- - - 2 1 1 63 29 34 Moheepura 094461- - - - - - - - - Chakmoheeepura 09446521 11 10 11 10 1 216 108 108 Palka 0945221 1 - 16 10 6 738 386 352 Guwar 0945236 4 2 210 60 150 1,401 592 809 Gardara 094524




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0172 Talera (Total) 94,201.75 30,470 1,59,607 82,787 76,820 25,054 13,151 11,903 0172 Talera (Rural) 93,127.75 28,034 1,47,334 76,409 70,925 23,232 12,213 11,019 0172 Talera (Urban) 1,074.00 2,436 12,273 6,378 5,895 1,822 938 884

RURAL094344 Karad Ka Baradha 276.87 121 597 317 280 74 44 30 094409 Leelera Vyasan 453.00 173 912 478 434 110 57 53 094410 Peepalda Hadon Ka 1,008.00 196 1,036 510 526 145 72 73 094411 Theekariya Charnan 534.81 239 1,261 652 609 165 89 76 094413 Kothya 324.71 188 1,090 574 516 132 74 58 094447 Dulhepura 1,120.00 108 630 331 299 158 92 66 094448 Chanda Ka Talab 1,399.00 104 611 302 309 129 55 74 094449 Kalyanpura 2,501.00 80 446 236 210 82 47 35 094450 Amthoon 121.00 70 363 181 182 79 40 39 094451 Laxmi Pura 1,271.00 516 2,762 1,433 1,329 478 250 228 094454 Baroondhan 1,409.00 864 4,588 2,338 2,250 610 326 284 094456 Gagos 521.91 197 1,002 515 487 224 104 120 094457 Alfanagar 813.75 109 481 249 232 98 41 57 094459 Seeta Pura 710.76 453 2,861 1,571 1,290 312 181 131 094462 Leelera Charnan 303.85 318 1,615 841 774 295 147 148 094463 Sapteeja 208.92 90 445 236 209 55 30 25 094464 Jaloda 396.00 84 483 259 224 75 43 32 094466 Aktasa 601.00 498 2,679 1,444 1,235 348 207 141 094467 Khurar 266.00 147 769 401 368 85 49 36 094468 Nainda 347.00 86 444 236 208 69 40 29 094469 Jalodi 603.00 295 1,601 831 770 222 110 112 094470 Theekariyan Kalan 1,269.10 347 1,999 1,041 958 259 133 126 094471 Satheli 617.00 226 1,224 663 561 138 67 71 094472 Bhoomakhera 1,063.00 235 1,319 678 641 157 87 70 094473 Ladpur 1,000.00 547 2,615 1,354 1,261 342 188 154 094474 Khaloonda 605.77 206 1,197 635 562 134 72 62 094475 Ganeshpura 106.00094476 Suwasan 1,337.24 728 3,801 1,972 1,829 425 233 192 094477 Badoonda 996.06 354 1,858 948 910 260 135 125 094478 Bajar 812.30 353 1,792 921 871 210 105 105 094479 Chandanheli 262.00 107 562 299 263 78 40 38 094480 Sedari 341.00 122 624 332 292 81 41 40 094481 Bhawanipura 287.00 255 1,413 725 688 157 76 81 094482 Gamach 955.00 383 2,024 1,058 966 256 137 119 094483 Kanan 233.00 146 800 407 393 117 58 59 094484 Teerath 1,385.62 766 4,212 2,108 2,104 523 268 255 094485 Dehit 1,136.00 613 3,271 1,692 1,579 431 239 192 094486 Meharana 771.00 449 2,330 1,192 1,138 313 164 149 094487 Seenta 450.00 334 1,859 929 930 235 105 130 094488 Sanwar 274.00 144 766 399 367 102 52 50 094489 Vinayaka 294.87 245 1,428 735 693 194 113 81 094490 Deloonda 795.78 367 2,017 1,035 982 277 144 133 094491 Bakshpura 399.38 158 886 454 432 143 74 69 094492 Daglawda 455.00 187 750 383 367 106 60 46 094493 Teetarwasa 233.10 181 830 417 413 124 68 56 094494 Chhapawda 540.00 465 2,180 1,128 1,052 307 163 144 094495 Chatkherla 49.00 2 7 3 4 1 - 1 094496 Jameetpura 496.00 798 4,781 2,415 2,366 783 409 374 094497 Kherla 272.00 153 922 478 444 150 77 73 094498 Notara 817.18 409 2,198 1,144 1,054 310 169 141 094499 Bhopat Pura 411.86 172 970 484 486 153 73 80 094500 Kheroli 201.95 138 747 401 346 91 60 31 094501 Lamba Peepal 165.30 125 745 396 349 113 61 52 094502 Raghunathpura 265.00 215 1,122 585 537 127 80 47 094503 Sandri 201.00 127 659 346 313 53 26 27 094504 Mandri 156.00 81 518 255 263 75 34 41

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

31,472 16,426 15,046 37,020 19,127 17,893 77,303 49,368 27,935 Talera (Total)27,896 14,587 13,309 35,842 18,503 17,339 70,731 45,395 25,336 Talera (Rural)3,576 1,839 1,737 1,178 624 554 6,572 3,973 2,599 Talera (Urban)

RURAL145 79 66 - - - 339 213 126 Karad Ka Baradha341 178 163 16 9 7 529 341 188 Leelera Vyasan137 73 64 76 35 41 567 342 225 Peepalda Hadon Ka212 114 98 154 75 79 748 465 283 Theekariya Charnan210 115 95 189 101 88 618 407 211 Kothya83 43 40 360 184 176 158 98 60 Dulhepura2 1 1 350 172 178 169 122 47 Chanda Ka Talab5 3 2 94 47 47 174 125 49 Kalyanpura

- - - 4 3 1 169 109 60 Amthoon510 273 237 386 206 180 1,134 742 392 Laxmi Pura

1,681 858 823 461 238 223 2,746 1,674 1,072 Baroondhan200 102 98 552 277 275 392 253 139 Gagos14 9 5 275 137 138 176 121 55 Alfanagar

537 329 208 165 101 64 2,029 1,283 746 Seeta Pura557 285 272 276 145 131 668 462 206 Leelera Charnan10 7 3 368 189 179 222 139 83 Sapteeja57 30 27 259 142 117 261 178 83 Jaloda

522 280 242 190 105 85 1,584 1,012 572 Aktasa69 35 34 399 203 196 451 284 167 Khurar

- - - 14 6 8 171 119 52 Nainda344 188 156 55 28 27 813 521 292 Jalodi484 259 225 93 47 46 1,019 669 350 Theekariyan Kalan259 146 113 395 213 182 633 430 203 Satheli464 226 238 503 264 239 712 449 263 Bhoomakhera566 283 283 1,588 824 764 1,366 860 506 Ladpur192 101 91 326 180 146 779 482 297 Khaloonda

Ganeshpura1,530 784 746 319 158 161 2,492 1,507 985 Suwasan

477 237 240 385 190 195 1,122 687 435 Badoonda426 223 203 669 340 329 1,060 663 397 Bajar

2 2 - 494 259 235 350 222 128 Chandanheli148 73 75 344 187 157 393 259 134 Sedari260 136 124 70 40 30 921 572 349 Bhawanipura559 300 259 195 106 89 1,247 760 487 Gamach

5 4 1 - - - 400 263 137 Kanan209 106 103 1,923 964 959 2,428 1,514 914 Teerath750 395 355 640 341 299 1,875 1,167 708 Dehit558 287 271 1,274 656 618 1,398 853 545 Meharana577 281 296 257 130 127 1,221 720 501 Seenta35 17 18 418 224 194 441 286 155 Sanwar

365 198 167 729 376 353 831 515 316 Vinayaka261 135 126 282 148 134 1,164 729 435 Deloonda439 231 208 18 9 9 456 290 166 Bakshpura352 179 173 - - - 402 240 162 Daglawda91 43 48 - - - 369 240 129 Teetarwasa

1,034 535 499 229 116 113 1,141 721 420 Chhapawda- - - 2 1 1 3 2 1 Chatkherla

1,072 548 524 45 27 18 2,803 1,674 1,129 Jameetpura56 29 27 23 14 9 594 343 251 Kherla

742 401 341 213 110 103 1,208 756 452 Notara19 7 12 59 30 29 468 316 152 Bhopat Pura

104 52 52 55 31 24 450 278 172 Kheroli194 96 98 5 2 3 363 243 120 Lamba Peepal287 145 142 636 335 301 639 385 254 Raghunathpura165 82 83 16 9 7 473 292 181 Sandri- - - 91 46 45 237 146 91 Mandri

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

0172 Talera (Total) 82,304 33,419 48,885 72,990 45,405 27,585 55,988 40,043 15,945 0172 Talera (Rural) 76,603 31,014 45,589 68,373 41,949 26,424 51,841 36,765 15,076 0172 Talera (Urban) 5,701 2,405 3,296 4,617 3,456 1,161 4,147 3,278 869

RURAL094344 Karad Ka Baradha 258 104 154 294 158 136 291 157 134 094409 Leelera Vyasan 383 137 246 437 260 177 339 239 100 094410 Peepalda Hadon Ka 469 168 301 529 321 208 413 288 125 094411 Theekariya Charnan 513 187 326 852 448 404 357 319 38 094413 Kothya 472 167 305 446 283 163 313 245 68 094447 Dulhepura 472 233 239 353 180 173 309 167 142 094448 Chanda Ka Talab 442 180 262 375 183 192 235 144 91 094449 Kalyanpura 272 111 161 314 162 152 277 140 137 094450 Amthoon 194 72 122 217 114 103 185 92 93 094451 Laxmi Pura 1,628 691 937 1,398 769 629 1,084 641 443 094454 Baroondhan 1,842 664 1,178 2,237 1,291 946 1,132 893 239 094456 Gagos 610 262 348 531 314 217 406 287 119 094457 Alfanagar 305 128 177 278 162 116 150 139 11 094459 Seeta Pura 832 288 544 1,326 704 622 803 593 210 094462 Leelera Charnan 947 379 568 912 508 404 871 492 379 094463 Sapteeja 223 97 126 246 128 118 162 103 59 094464 Jaloda 222 81 141 320 173 147 250 135 115 094466 Aktasa 1,095 432 663 1,311 783 528 746 568 178 094467 Khurar 318 117 201 406 210 196 389 201 188 094468 Nainda 273 117 156 277 138 139 267 134 133 094469 Jalodi 788 310 478 558 453 105 386 358 28 094470 Theekariyan Kalan 980 372 608 1,155 576 579 728 490 238 094471 Satheli 591 233 358 511 346 165 364 307 57 094472 Bhoomakhera 607 229 378 525 348 177 365 280 85 094473 Ladpur 1,249 494 755 1,358 752 606 720 600 120 094474 Khaloonda 418 153 265 585 321 264 333 299 34 094475 Ganeshpura094476 Suwasan 1,309 465 844 1,499 999 500 1,088 900 188 094477 Badoonda 736 261 475 575 499 76 488 448 40 094478 Bajar 732 258 474 739 506 233 605 476 129 094479 Chandanheli 212 77 135 306 158 148 156 139 17 094480 Sedari 231 73 158 375 199 176 154 147 7 094481 Bhawanipura 492 153 339 400 386 14 395 382 13 094482 Gamach 777 298 479 1,005 589 416 888 558 330 094483 Kanan 400 144 256 497 254 243 253 169 84 094484 Teerath 1,784 594 1,190 2,174 1,174 1,000 1,348 956 392 094485 Dehit 1,396 525 871 1,323 855 468 836 682 154 094486 Meharana 932 339 593 1,082 707 375 972 671 301 094487 Seenta 638 209 429 891 529 362 452 426 26 094488 Sanwar 325 113 212 400 214 186 273 174 99 094489 Vinayaka 597 220 377 400 353 47 363 342 21 094490 Deloonda 853 306 547 841 559 282 529 504 25 094491 Bakshpura 430 164 266 519 257 262 491 243 248 094492 Daglawda 348 143 205 328 205 123 301 196 105 094493 Teetarwasa 461 177 284 536 266 270 243 192 51 094494 Chhapawda 1,039 407 632 1,114 606 508 563 479 84 094495 Chatkherla 4 1 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 094496 Jameetpura 1,978 741 1,237 2,099 1,289 810 1,879 1,215 664 094497 Kherla 328 135 193 287 261 26 279 260 19 094498 Notara 990 388 602 1,165 629 536 984 591 393 094499 Bhopat Pura 502 168 334 596 293 303 307 251 56 094500 Kheroli 297 123 174 439 241 198 160 132 28 094501 Lamba Peepal 382 153 229 296 226 70 263 224 39 094502 Raghunathpura 483 200 283 500 307 193 366 259 107 094503 Sandri 186 54 132 185 173 12 165 158 7 094504 Mandri 281 109 172 266 128 138 234 119 115

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

24,785 16,968 7,817 9,042 5,370 3,672 605 442 163 21,556 17,263 4,293 Talera (Total)24,538 16,784 7,754 8,992 5,342 3,650 550 406 144 17,761 14,233 3,528 Talera (Rural)

247 184 63 50 28 22 55 36 19 3,795 3,030 765 Talera (Urban)RURAL

213 108 105 39 22 17 6 1 5 33 26 7 Karad Ka Baradha142 119 23 144 79 65 8 5 3 45 36 9 Leelera Vyasan296 209 87 65 35 30 3 2 1 49 42 7 Peepalda Hadon Ka164 162 2 110 82 28 - - - 83 75 8 Theekariya Charnan198 155 43 36 23 13 6 4 2 73 63 10 Kothya213 111 102 81 46 35 10 8 2 5 2 3 Dulhepura192 114 78 35 25 10 3 2 1 5 3 2 Chanda Ka Talab232 118 114 38 18 20 2 1 1 5 3 2 Kalyanpura168 78 90 2 1 1 - - - 15 13 2 Amthoon705 391 314 188 96 92 13 12 1 178 142 36 Laxmi Pura647 514 133 184 119 65 24 21 3 277 239 38 Baroondhan119 94 25 201 130 71 11 7 4 75 56 19 Gagos40 40 - 80 75 5 9 6 3 21 18 3 Alfanagar

574 401 173 73 54 19 4 4 - 152 134 18 Seeta Pura382 195 187 22 9 13 47 28 19 420 260 160 Leelera Charnan130 78 52 9 5 4 1 1 - 22 19 3 Sapteeja210 108 102 26 15 11 1 1 - 13 11 2 Jaloda360 279 81 97 65 32 20 15 5 269 209 60 Aktasa320 165 155 49 22 27 5 4 1 15 10 5 Khurar160 77 83 67 32 35 - - - 40 25 15 Nainda275 262 13 84 73 11 - - - 27 23 4 Jalodi503 405 98 204 68 136 - - - 21 17 4 Theekariyan Kalan256 212 44 42 41 1 12 10 2 54 44 10 Satheli331 257 74 13 6 7 4 4 - 17 13 4 Bhoomakhera422 397 25 220 165 55 6 6 - 72 32 40 Ladpur212 199 13 80 64 16 - - - 41 36 5 Khaloonda

Ganeshpura325 288 37 418 312 106 5 4 1 340 296 44 Suwasan425 390 35 46 44 2 1 1 - 16 13 3 Badoonda352 333 19 190 87 103 11 11 - 52 45 7 Bajar76 67 9 66 63 3 1 1 - 13 8 5 Chandanheli81 81 - 46 45 1 - - - 27 21 6 Sedari

325 319 6 42 39 3 2 2 - 26 22 4 Bhawanipura469 283 186 247 131 116 18 13 5 154 131 23 Gamach138 98 40 69 28 41 - - - 46 43 3 Kanan792 587 205 364 207 157 17 13 4 175 149 26 Teerath543 448 95 161 117 44 7 7 - 125 110 15 Dehit669 444 225 159 105 54 10 7 3 134 115 19 Meharana149 145 4 112 106 6 9 9 - 182 166 16 Seenta239 160 79 17 4 13 2 1 1 15 9 6 Sanwar241 234 7 46 45 1 1 1 - 75 62 13 Vinayaka294 288 6 117 108 9 6 5 1 112 103 9 Deloonda205 119 86 280 119 161 - - - 6 5 1 Bakshpura96 78 18 167 90 77 - - - 38 28 10 Daglawda

156 146 10 67 32 35 - - - 20 14 6 Teetarwasa307 271 36 97 79 18 9 8 1 150 121 29 Chhapawda

2 1 1 1 1 - - - - - - - Chatkherla961 567 394 411 199 212 4 2 2 503 447 56 Jameetpura70 68 2 81 77 4 - - - 128 115 13 Kherla

459 282 177 399 215 184 4 2 2 122 92 30 Notara269 217 52 21 19 2 1 1 - 16 14 2 Bhopat Pura63 53 10 3 3 - - - - 94 76 18 Kheroli

123 122 1 127 90 37 - - - 13 12 1 Lamba Peepal171 147 24 43 34 9 - - - 152 78 74 Raghunathpura96 94 2 19 19 - - - - 50 45 5 Sandri

231 117 114 2 1 1 - - - 1 1 - Mandri

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

0172 Talera (Total) 17,002 5,362 11,640 5,105 1,417 3,688 7,482 1,897 5,585 0172 Talera (Rural) 16,532 5,184 11,348 5,068 1,412 3,656 7,474 1,896 5,578 0172 Talera (Urban) 470 178 292 37 5 32 8 1 7

RURAL094344 Karad Ka Baradha 3 1 2 2 - 2 - - - 094409 Leelera Vyasan 98 21 77 15 3 12 76 12 64 094410 Peepalda Hadon Ka 116 33 83 59 6 53 20 5 15 094411 Theekariya Charnan 495 129 366 271 76 195 196 40 156 094413 Kothya 133 38 95 14 6 8 96 21 75 094447 Dulhepura 44 13 31 29 6 23 14 6 8 094448 Chanda Ka Talab 140 39 101 69 17 52 67 19 48 094449 Kalyanpura 37 22 15 36 21 15 - - - 094450 Amthoon 32 22 10 32 22 10 - - - 094451 Laxmi Pura 314 128 186 42 16 26 147 47 100 094454 Baroondhan 1,105 398 707 265 84 181 781 271 510 094456 Gagos 125 27 98 48 18 30 59 7 52 094457 Alfanagar 128 23 105 5 1 4 106 16 90 094459 Seeta Pura 523 111 412 434 81 353 63 16 47 094462 Leelera Charnan 41 16 25 11 6 5 9 1 8 094463 Sapteeja 84 25 59 74 22 52 8 2 6 094464 Jaloda 70 38 32 65 37 28 5 1 4 094466 Aktasa 565 215 350 194 66 128 257 79 178 094467 Khurar 17 9 8 5 2 3 8 4 4 094468 Nainda 10 4 6 8 4 4 1 - 1 094469 Jalodi 172 95 77 4 4 - 32 11 21 094470 Theekariyan Kalan 427 86 341 101 25 76 315 56 259 094471 Satheli 147 39 108 21 8 13 42 10 32 094472 Bhoomakhera 160 68 92 7 4 3 126 43 83 094473 Ladpur 638 152 486 112 26 86 455 112 343 094474 Khaloonda 252 22 230 25 5 20 223 15 208 094475 Ganeshpura094476 Suwasan 411 99 312 38 2 36 188 47 141 094477 Badoonda 87 51 36 3 1 2 77 43 34 094478 Bajar 134 30 104 17 1 16 102 20 82 094479 Chandanheli 150 19 131 1 - 1 144 14 130 094480 Sedari 221 52 169 150 38 112 66 11 55 094481 Bhawanipura 5 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 094482 Gamach 117 31 86 14 6 8 70 21 49 094483 Kanan 244 85 159 168 52 116 71 29 42 094484 Teerath 826 218 608 472 94 378 264 76 188 094485 Dehit 487 173 314 116 57 59 301 70 231 094486 Meharana 110 36 74 50 21 29 50 13 37 094487 Seenta 439 103 336 171 19 152 171 32 139 094488 Sanwar 127 40 87 23 10 13 68 6 62 094489 Vinayaka 37 11 26 1 - 1 23 4 19 094490 Deloonda 312 55 257 136 27 109 160 22 138 094491 Bakshpura 28 14 14 8 5 3 20 9 11 094492 Daglawda 27 9 18 6 3 3 13 3 10 094493 Teetarwasa 293 74 219 169 53 116 123 21 102 094494 Chhapawda 551 127 424 80 11 69 436 91 345 094495 Chatkherla - - - - - - - - - 094496 Jameetpura 220 74 146 101 29 72 74 15 59 094497 Kherla 8 1 7 5 - 5 - - - 094498 Notara 181 38 143 7 3 4 166 32 134 094499 Bhopat Pura 289 42 247 181 12 169 86 22 64 094500 Kheroli 279 109 170 164 56 108 88 37 51 094501 Lamba Peepal 33 2 31 - - - 33 2 31 094502 Raghunathpura 134 48 86 34 10 24 65 18 47 094503 Sandri 20 15 5 1 1 - 18 13 5 094504 Mandri 32 9 23 21 5 16 11 4 7

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

231 101 130 4,184 1,947 2,237 86,617 37,382 49,235 Talera (Total) 0172220 94 126 3,770 1,782 1,988 78,961 34,460 44,501 Talera (Rural) 017211 7 4 414 165 249 7,656 2,922 4,734 Talera (Urban) 0172

RURAL1 1 - - - - 303 159 144 Karad Ka Baradha 0943442 2 - 5 4 1 475 218 257 Leelera Vyasan 094409

18 9 9 19 13 6 507 189 318 Peepalda Hadon Ka 09441014 6 8 14 7 7 409 204 205 Theekariya Charnan 0944115 - 5 18 11 7 644 291 353 Kothya 0944131 1 - - - - 277 151 126 Dulhepura 0944472 2 - 2 1 1 236 119 117 Chanda Ka Talab 094448

- - - 1 1 - 132 74 58 Kalyanpura 094449- - - - - - 146 67 79 Amthoon 09445016 3 13 109 62 47 1,364 664 700 Laxmi Pura 09445115 5 10 44 38 6 2,351 1,047 1,304 Baroondhan 094454

- - - 18 2 16 471 201 270 Gagos 0944562 2 - 15 4 11 203 87 116 Alfanagar 094457

- - - 26 14 12 1,535 867 668 Seeta Pura 094459- - - 21 9 12 703 333 370 Leelera Charnan 094462- - - 2 1 1 199 108 91 Sapteeja 094463- - - - - - 163 86 77 Jaloda 09446420 10 10 94 60 34 1,368 661 707 Aktasa 0944661 1 - 3 2 1 363 191 172 Khurar 094467

- - - 1 - 1 167 98 69 Nainda 0944681 - 1 135 80 55 1,043 378 665 Jalodi 094469

- - - 11 5 6 844 465 379 Theekariyan Kalan 0944707 5 2 77 16 61 713 317 396 Satheli 0944715 5 - 22 16 6 794 330 464 Bhoomakhera 0944722 - 2 69 14 55 1,257 602 655 Ladpur 0944732 1 1 2 1 1 612 314 298 Khaloonda 094474

Ganeshpura 094475- - - 185 50 135 2,302 973 1,329 Suwasan 094476- - - 7 7 - 1,283 449 834 Badoonda 094477

1 - 1 14 9 5 1,053 415 638 Bajar 094478- - - 5 5 - 256 141 115 Chandanheli 094479- - - 5 3 2 249 133 116 Sedari 094480- - - 2 2 - 1,013 339 674 Bhawanipura 094481

4 - 4 29 4 25 1,019 469 550 Gamach 094482- - - 5 4 1 303 153 150 Kanan 094483

8 4 4 82 44 38 2,038 934 1,104 Teerath 094484- - - 70 46 24 1,948 837 1,111 Dehit 094485

2 - 2 8 2 6 1,248 485 763 Meharana 0944867 - 7 90 52 38 968 400 568 Seenta 0944873 1 2 33 23 10 366 185 181 Sanwar 094488

- - - 13 7 6 1,028 382 646 Vinayaka 0944891 - 1 15 6 9 1,176 476 700 Deloonda 094490

- - - - - - 367 197 170 Bakshpura 094491- - - 8 3 5 422 178 244 Daglawda 094492- - - 1 - 1 294 151 143 Teetarwasa 094493

7 6 1 28 19 9 1,066 522 544 Chhapawda 094494- - - - - - 4 1 3 Chatkherla 094495- - - 45 30 15 2,682 1,126 1,556 Jameetpura 094496

1 - 1 2 1 1 635 217 418 Kherla 094497- - - 8 3 5 1,033 515 518 Notara 09449813 6 7 9 2 7 374 191 183 Bhopat Pura 0944992 2 - 25 14 11 308 160 148 Kheroli 094500

- - - - - - 449 170 279 Lamba Peepal 094501- - - 35 20 15 622 278 344 Raghunathpura 094502- - - 1 1 - 474 173 301 Sandri 094503- - - - - - 252 127 125 Mandri 094504

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Village

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless

population)Area of

Village in hectares

Number of households

C D Block -

Population in the age-group 0-6

094505 Motuka 168.73 44 201 104 97 35 18 17 094506 Naya Bardha 469.15 269 1,491 794 697 250 143 107 094507 Ballop 341.72 247 1,320 676 644 230 121 109 094508 Govindpur Baori 323.34 194 1,092 546 546 153 74 79 094509 Jakhmoond 1,755.08 514 2,742 1,417 1,325 408 223 185 094510 Peetambpura 183.03 74 374 191 183 47 29 18 094511 Tulsi 515.09 183 901 489 412 155 87 68 094512 Kethooda 830.04 217 1,237 635 602 156 75 81 094513 Jal Ki Jhonpariyan 180.04 119 682 350 332 135 77 58 094514 Balapura 427.15 58 338 176 162 79 37 42 094515 Talab Bardha 1,399.00 233 1,202 637 565 206 107 99 094516 Devariya 2,440.00 418 2,088 1,064 1,024 403 203 200 094517 Rampuriya (Tulsi) 1,676.00 85 531 276 255 97 58 39 094518 Jaloti 1,315.91 148 802 438 364 202 106 96 094519 Shyopuriya 987.50 76 456 253 203 64 37 27 094520 Dora 2,120.96 194 897 478 419 144 80 64 094521 Kachhaliya 2,630.62 333 1,587 831 756 230 123 107 094525 Parana (Karadonka) 1,296.26 332 1,615 847 768 256 130 126 094526 Fatehpura 402.40 111 488 245 243 101 51 50 094527 Deogarh 340.12 66 342 170 172 81 34 47 094528 Laxmipura 314.82 87 462 247 215 75 46 29 094529 Gopalpura (Barad) 427.28 201 1,011 523 488 185 103 82 094530 Dhorela 1,342.66 132 769 398 371 147 76 71 094531 Gordhanpura 381.53 42 245 110 135 28 13 15 094532 Barfoo 1,604.68 273 1,325 670 655 256 129 127 094533 Peepalda 469.69 125 576 291 285 97 43 54 094534 Ratanpura 75.48 26 146 77 69 33 17 16 094535 Lambakhoh 1,580.48 824 3,910 1,993 1,917 690 351 339 094536 Ganeshpura 369.14 329 1,643 836 807 317 170 147 094537 Chhant Ka Khera 413.77 37 179 96 83 40 26 14 094538 Naroli 743.73 41 279 140 139 72 35 37 094539 Rajpura 1,211.23 601 3,077 1,614 1,463 596 294 302 094540 Bakchanch 2,619.00 37 191 102 89 35 19 16 094541 Gudha 656.32 276 1,330 711 619 256 135 121 094542 Dasalya 691.74 223 1,178 583 595 234 116 118 094543 Daboosar 149.25 47 217 103 114 61 29 32 094544 Beodiya 195.23 209 1,067 534 533 258 125 133 094545 Dabi 2,840.35 1,999 9,818 5,183 4,635 1,792 947 845 094546 Thari 982.78 215 1,161 605 556 259 132 127 094547 Sootra 849.00 595 3,117 1,608 1,509 568 292 276 094548 Bhawani Pura 438.00 64 389 193 196 63 33 30

094549Bhagwanpura @Chainpuriya 303.00 204 1,020 559 461 165 87 78

094550 Kanwarpura 2,550.00 342 1,880 980 900 372 197 175 094551 Bijari 1,589.36 238 1,299 668 631 263 132 131 094552 Dhaneshwar 5,891.00 992 5,010 2,637 2,373 937 503 434 094553 Karondi 1,559.00 294 1,731 916 815 358 185 173 094554 Jawahar Sagar 3,059.00 340 1,542 795 747 205 115 90 094555 Khadipur 5,173.00 252 1,274 673 601 268 141 127

URBAN094556 Talera (CT) 410.00 1,372 7,203 3,724 3,479 954 497 457 094557 Budhpura (CT) 664.00 1,064 5,070 2,654 2,416 868 441 427




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of VillageLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

12 8 4 123 61 62 90 60 30 Motuka209 115 94 108 53 55 749 504 245 Naya Bardha260 137 123 805 404 401 636 396 240 Ballop192 94 98 255 128 127 659 394 265 Govindpur Baori990 518 472 58 38 20 1,380 868 512 Jakhmoond243 121 122 46 25 21 217 138 79 Peetambpura11 7 4 312 168 144 378 273 105 Tulsi

116 65 51 33 17 16 784 470 314 Kethooda30 13 17 5 3 2 262 172 90 Jal Ki Jhonpariyan41 21 20 67 31 36 138 92 46 Balapura

103 51 52 200 98 102 463 328 135 Talab Bardha823 411 412 376 189 187 746 540 206 Devariya16 10 6 269 141 128 142 98 44 Rampuriya (Tulsi)22 10 12 408 221 187 226 176 50 Jaloti

- - - - - - 216 165 51 Shyopuriya117 71 46 225 111 114 289 212 77 Dora107 56 51 225 119 106 390 326 64 Kachhaliya260 131 129 351 185 166 423 297 126 Parana (Karadonka)- - - 251 119 132 131 84 47 Fatehpura- - - 240 121 119 69 48 21 Deogarh68 36 32 53 31 22 255 173 82 Laxmipura

308 161 147 145 73 72 285 203 82 Gopalpura (Barad)48 26 22 274 135 139 285 185 100 Dhorela73 34 39 - - - 127 75 52 Gordhanpura

250 131 119 136 66 70 410 286 124 Barfoo54 33 21 264 128 136 238 163 75 Peepalda

- - - 32 20 12 32 29 3 Ratanpura739 373 366 951 476 475 1,778 1,096 682 Lambakhoh20 9 11 1,437 730 707 438 350 88 Ganeshpura7 4 3 52 30 22 66 38 28 Chhant Ka Khera7 4 3 64 35 29 82 55 27 Naroli

982 532 450 792 399 393 1,011 697 314 Rajpura- - - 191 102 89 55 39 16 Bakchanch67 34 33 468 248 220 423 286 137 Gudha22 11 11 412 219 193 357 232 125 Dasalya

- - - 217 103 114 52 29 23 Daboosar- - - 70 40 30 273 200 73 Beodiya

1,465 807 658 2,156 1,096 1,060 4,559 2,896 1,663 Dabi26 13 13 762 400 362 449 285 164 Thari

224 122 102 880 442 438 995 725 270 Sootra- - - 388 193 195 190 131 59 Bhawani Pura

144 80 64 49 30 19 429 308 121 Bhagwanpura @Chainpuriya

43 21 22 863 453 410 318 272 46 Kanwarpura- - - 290 147 143 166 152 14 Bijari

1,106 593 513 2,330 1,238 1,092 1,796 1,209 587 Dhaneshwar12 7 5 547 285 262 367 252 115 Karondi

337 165 172 133 61 72 941 557 384 Jawahar Sagar24 9 15 590 311 279 390 288 102 Khadipur

URBAN2,169 1,101 1,068 175 91 84 4,684 2,699 1,985 Talera (CT)1,407 738 669 1,003 533 470 1,888 1,274 614 Budhpura (CT)




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Village

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

094505 Motuka 111 44 67 139 71 68 73 60 13 094506 Naya Bardha 742 290 452 692 410 282 644 398 246 094507 Ballop 684 280 404 668 371 297 505 320 185 094508 Govindpur Baori 433 152 281 403 294 109 374 279 95 094509 Jakhmoond 1,362 549 813 1,049 748 301 700 579 121 094510 Peetambpura 157 53 104 250 119 131 245 116 129 094511 Tulsi 523 216 307 521 276 245 509 269 240 094512 Kethooda 453 165 288 649 347 302 590 316 274 094513 Jal Ki Jhonpariyan 420 178 242 205 163 42 201 161 40 094514 Balapura 200 84 116 143 86 57 142 85 57 094515 Talab Bardha 739 309 430 696 355 341 518 271 247 094516 Devariya 1,342 524 818 1,275 652 623 1,069 558 511 094517 Rampuriya (Tulsi) 389 178 211 285 163 122 281 162 119 094518 Jaloti 576 262 314 459 253 206 110 80 30 094519 Shyopuriya 240 88 152 248 127 121 248 127 121 094520 Dora 608 266 342 548 291 257 257 212 45 094521 Kachhaliya 1,197 505 692 1,139 594 545 814 447 367 094525 Parana (Karadonka) 1,192 550 642 746 467 279 677 456 221 094526 Fatehpura 357 161 196 223 130 93 210 125 85 094527 Deogarh 273 122 151 186 88 98 186 88 98 094528 Laxmipura 207 74 133 299 148 151 273 143 130 094529 Gopalpura (Barad) 726 320 406 511 299 212 475 293 182 094530 Dhorela 484 213 271 318 205 113 308 200 108 094531 Gordhanpura 118 35 83 149 70 79 35 34 1 094532 Barfoo 915 384 531 498 339 159 463 321 142 094533 Peepalda 338 128 210 313 164 149 285 147 138 094534 Ratanpura 114 48 66 64 38 26 63 38 25 094535 Lambakhoh 2,132 897 1,235 1,480 1,107 373 1,348 1,048 300 094536 Ganeshpura 1,205 486 719 860 471 389 566 404 162 094537 Chhant Ka Khera 113 58 55 68 51 17 62 47 15 094538 Naroli 197 85 112 135 71 64 125 66 59 094539 Rajpura 2,066 917 1,149 1,239 890 349 1,185 882 303 094540 Bakchanch 136 63 73 109 68 41 95 61 34 094541 Gudha 907 425 482 590 405 185 584 401 183 094542 Dasalya 821 351 470 538 342 196 422 316 106 094543 Daboosar 165 74 91 93 55 38 88 52 36 094544 Beodiya 794 334 460 406 277 129 364 268 96 094545 Dabi 5,259 2,287 2,972 3,480 2,760 720 3,313 2,678 635 094546 Thari 712 320 392 430 291 139 402 279 123 094547 Sootra 2,122 883 1,239 1,388 871 517 1,279 850 429 094548 Bhawani Pura 199 62 137 119 91 28 118 91 27

094549Bhagwanpura @Chainpuriya 591 251 340 512 338 174 480 312 168

094550 Kanwarpura 1,562 708 854 746 493 253 606 468 138 094551 Bijari 1,133 516 617 514 350 164 407 332 75 094552 Dhaneshwar 3,214 1,428 1,786 2,184 1,427 757 1,843 1,347 496 094553 Karondi 1,364 664 700 860 510 350 657 432 225 094554 Jawahar Sagar 601 238 363 566 425 141 320 238 82 094555 Khadipur 884 385 499 789 439 350 409 302 107

URBAN094556 Talera (CT) 2,519 1,025 1,494 2,494 1,943 551 2,231 1,806 425 094557 Budhpura (CT) 3,182 1,380 1,802 2,123 1,513 610 1,916 1,472 444




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

CultivatorsName of Village

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workers

20 17 3 51 42 9 - - - 2 1 1 Motuka466 281 185 124 72 52 5 3 2 49 42 7 Naya Bardha299 183 116 52 33 19 3 1 2 151 103 48 Ballop176 111 65 47 31 16 17 13 4 134 124 10 Govindpur Baori290 252 38 92 46 46 - - - 318 281 37 Jakhmoond237 112 125 2 1 1 - - - 6 3 3 Peetambpura287 149 138 201 102 99 - - - 21 18 3 Tulsi458 237 221 102 57 45 1 1 - 29 21 8 Kethooda117 115 2 72 37 35 - - - 12 9 3 Jal Ki Jhonpariyan96 54 42 38 25 13 - - - 8 6 2 Balapura

433 225 208 67 31 36 - - - 18 15 3 Talab Bardha828 415 413 106 54 52 4 4 - 131 85 46 Devariya222 128 94 58 33 25 - - - 1 1 - Rampuriya (Tulsi)76 50 26 3 2 1 - - - 31 28 3 Jaloti

247 127 120 - - - - - - 1 - 1 Shyopuriya192 159 33 14 9 5 1 1 - 50 43 7 Dora309 189 120 496 251 245 2 2 - 7 5 2 Kachhaliya36 31 5 298 172 126 10 7 3 333 246 87 Parana (Karadonka)71 29 42 4 2 2 - - - 135 94 41 Fatehpura

142 53 89 1 - 1 - - - 43 35 8 Deogarh121 51 70 53 7 46 - - - 99 85 14 Laxmipura129 94 35 68 12 56 3 1 2 275 186 89 Gopalpura (Barad)126 69 57 35 21 14 4 1 3 143 109 34 Dhorela- - - - - - - - - 35 34 1 Gordhanpura181 123 58 54 27 27 2 2 - 226 169 57 Barfoo190 91 99 26 5 21 - - - 69 51 18 Peepalda42 25 17 2 - 2 - - - 19 13 6 Ratanpura

317 161 156 33 16 17 9 9 - 989 862 127 Lambakhoh120 86 34 145 74 71 6 3 3 295 241 54 Ganeshpura14 11 3 17 10 7 - - - 31 26 5 Chhant Ka Khera22 19 3 56 18 38 5 4 1 42 25 17 Naroli

283 206 77 15 7 8 10 7 3 877 662 215 Rajpura5 4 1 3 1 2 - - - 87 56 31 Bakchanch

149 93 56 36 17 19 22 18 4 377 273 104 Gudha97 67 30 54 15 39 14 10 4 257 224 33 Dasalya

- - - 48 17 31 - - - 40 35 5 Daboosar14 11 3 41 30 11 1 - 1 308 227 81 Beodiya

321 193 128 52 23 29 78 49 29 2,862 2,413 449 Dabi105 61 44 246 171 75 3 3 - 48 44 4 Thari535 273 262 51 14 37 16 11 5 677 552 125 Sootra81 61 20 - - - - - - 37 30 7 Bhawani Pura

264 110 154 2 1 1 1 - 1 213 201 12 Bhagwanpura @Chainpuriya

148 66 82 13 7 6 - - - 445 395 50 Kanwarpura81 68 13 69 43 26 3 3 - 254 218 36 Bijari

383 216 167 26 9 17 24 20 4 1,410 1,102 308 Dhaneshwar13 11 2 12 8 4 - - - 632 413 219 Karondi4 2 2 - - - 3 3 - 313 233 80 Jawahar Sagar

- - - - - - - - - 409 302 107 KhadipurURBAN

140 110 30 48 26 22 47 28 19 1,996 1,642 354 Talera (CT)107 74 33 2 2 - 8 8 - 1,799 1,388 411 Budhpura (CT)




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of VillageMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial category Location

code number

094505 Motuka 66 11 55 21 8 13 42 2 40 094506 Naya Bardha 48 12 36 6 - 6 41 11 30 094507 Ballop 163 51 112 4 1 3 4 2 2 094508 Govindpur Baori 29 15 14 7 2 5 10 1 9 094509 Jakhmoond 349 169 180 22 8 14 65 9 56 094510 Peetambpura 5 3 2 5 3 2 - - - 094511 Tulsi 12 7 5 10 5 5 - - - 094512 Kethooda 59 31 28 12 1 11 44 27 17 094513 Jal Ki Jhonpariyan 4 2 2 1 1 - 3 1 2 094514 Balapura 1 1 - - - - - - - 094515 Talab Bardha 178 84 94 47 18 29 66 23 43 094516 Devariya 206 94 112 77 35 42 72 23 49 094517 Rampuriya (Tulsi) 4 1 3 2 - 2 - - - 094518 Jaloti 349 173 176 165 77 88 170 82 88 094519 Shyopuriya - - - - - - - - - 094520 Dora 291 79 212 156 36 120 127 39 88 094521 Kachhaliya 325 147 178 132 69 63 192 78 114 094525 Parana (Karadonka) 69 11 58 3 - 3 22 4 18 094526 Fatehpura 13 5 8 - - - - - - 094527 Deogarh - - - - - - - - - 094528 Laxmipura 26 5 21 1 - 1 22 3 19 094529 Gopalpura (Barad) 36 6 30 - - - 17 - 17 094530 Dhorela 10 5 5 1 1 - 2 1 1 094531 Gordhanpura 114 36 78 48 17 31 62 17 45 094532 Barfoo 35 18 17 7 3 4 18 7 11 094533 Peepalda 28 17 11 3 - 3 9 4 5 094534 Ratanpura 1 - 1 - - - - - - 094535 Lambakhoh 132 59 73 10 2 8 47 23 24 094536 Ganeshpura 294 67 227 118 3 115 94 18 76 094537 Chhant Ka Khera 6 4 2 1 - 1 1 1 - 094538 Naroli 10 5 5 3 2 1 6 2 4 094539 Rajpura 54 8 46 14 4 10 7 4 3 094540 Bakchanch 14 7 7 - - - 1 - 1 094541 Gudha 6 4 2 1 - 1 - - - 094542 Dasalya 116 26 90 - - - 54 6 48 094543 Daboosar 5 3 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 094544 Beodiya 42 9 33 5 1 4 24 3 21 094545 Dabi 167 82 85 17 8 9 5 1 4 094546 Thari 28 12 16 8 4 4 17 6 11 094547 Sootra 109 21 88 15 3 12 40 2 38 094548 Bhawani Pura 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -

094549Bhagwanpura @Chainpuriya 32 26 6 12 7 5 - - -

094550 Kanwarpura 140 25 115 3 1 2 72 10 62 094551 Bijari 107 18 89 16 1 15 83 12 71 094552 Dhaneshwar 341 80 261 22 7 15 22 2 20 094553 Karondi 203 78 125 - - - 13 1 12 094554 Jawahar Sagar 246 187 59 4 1 3 - - - 094555 Khadipur 380 137 243 - - - 4 1 3

URBAN094556 Talera (CT) 263 137 126 7 1 6 6 - 6 094557 Budhpura (CT) 207 41 166 30 4 26 2 1 1




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of VillageOther workers Non-workers

of marginal workers

- - - 3 1 2 62 33 29 Motuka 094505- - - 1 1 - 799 384 415 Naya Bardha 094506

1 1 - 154 47 107 652 305 347 Ballop 094507- - - 12 12 - 689 252 437 Govindpur Baori 094508- - - 262 152 110 1,693 669 1,024 Jakhmoond 094509- - - - - - 124 72 52 Peetambpura 094510- - - 2 2 - 380 213 167 Tulsi 094511- - - 3 3 - 588 288 300 Kethooda 094512- - - - - - 477 187 290 Jal Ki Jhonpariyan 094513- - - 1 1 - 195 90 105 Balapura 094514- - - 65 43 22 506 282 224 Talab Bardha 094515

2 - 2 55 36 19 813 412 401 Devariya 094516- - - 2 1 1 246 113 133 Rampuriya (Tulsi) 094517

1 1 - 13 13 - 343 185 158 Jaloti 094518- - - - - - 208 126 82 Shyopuriya 094519- - - 8 4 4 349 187 162 Dora 094520- - - 1 - 1 448 237 211 Kachhaliya 094521

3 1 2 41 6 35 869 380 489 Parana (Karadonka) 094525- - - 13 5 8 265 115 150 Fatehpura 094526- - - - - - 156 82 74 Deogarh 094527- - - 3 2 1 163 99 64 Laxmipura 094528

2 - 2 17 6 11 500 224 276 Gopalpura (Barad) 094529- - - 7 3 4 451 193 258 Dhorela 094530- - - 4 2 2 96 40 56 Gordhanpura 094531

2 2 - 8 6 2 827 331 496 Barfoo 094532- - - 16 13 3 263 127 136 Peepalda 094533

1 - 1 - - - 82 39 43 Ratanpura 094534- - - 75 34 41 2,430 886 1,544 Lambakhoh 094535

7 2 5 75 44 31 783 365 418 Ganeshpura 094536- - - 4 3 1 111 45 66 Chhant Ka Khera 094537- - - 1 1 - 144 69 75 Naroli 094538

2 - 2 31 - 31 1,838 724 1,114 Rajpura 094539- - - 13 7 6 82 34 48 Bakchanch 094540

1 1 - 4 3 1 740 306 434 Gudha 0945417 5 2 55 15 40 640 241 399 Dasalya 094542

- - - 3 3 - 124 48 76 Daboosar 094543- - - 13 5 8 661 257 404 Beodiya 094544

7 2 5 138 71 67 6,338 2,423 3,915 Dabi 094545- - - 3 2 1 731 314 417 Thari 094546

1 - 1 53 16 37 1,729 737 992 Sootra 094547- - - - - - 270 102 168 Bhawani Pura 094548

- - - 20 19 1 508 221 287 Bhagwanpura @Chainpuriya 094549

4 1 3 61 13 48 1,134 487 647 Kanwarpura 094550- - - 8 5 3 785 318 467 Bijari 094551

8 2 6 289 69 220 2,826 1,210 1,616 Dhaneshwar 0945527 3 4 183 74 109 871 406 465 Karondi 094553

- - - 242 186 56 976 370 606 Jawahar Sagar 0945541 1 - 375 135 240 485 234 251 Khadipur 094555

URBAN10 7 3 240 129 111 4,709 1,781 2,928 Talera (CT) 0945561 - 1 174 36 138 2,947 1,141 1,806 Budhpura (CT) 094557


Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract



Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

800587 Bundi (M + OG) 27.79 20,555 1,04,919 54,485 50,434 12,642 6,768 5,874 0001 Ward No. 1 402 1,884 1,016 868 196 122 74 0002 Ward No. 2 1,197 5,721 3,040 2,681 899 496 403 0003 Ward No. 3 397 1,807 944 863 247 132 115 0004 Ward No. 4 616 3,066 1,580 1,486 306 169 137 0005 Ward No. 5 514 2,885 1,445 1,440 373 194 179 0006 Ward No. 6 335 1,570 778 792 189 89 100 0007 Ward No. 7 471 2,326 1,215 1,111 209 103 106 0008 Ward No. 8 740 3,839 1,921 1,918 479 233 246 0009 Ward No. 9 189 1,053 539 514 122 72 50 0010 Ward No. 10 340 2,164 1,109 1,055 280 149 131 0011 Ward No. 11 184 980 490 490 169 94 75 0012 Ward No. 12 771 4,176 2,167 2,009 451 247 204 0013 Ward No. 13 212 1,060 553 507 124 62 62 0014 Ward No. 14 146 726 378 348 92 47 45 0015 Ward No. 15 297 1,549 792 757 201 108 93 0016 Ward No. 16 791 4,193 2,183 2,010 534 289 245 0017 Ward No. 17 496 2,659 1,381 1,278 338 185 153 0018 Ward No. 18 728 3,721 1,912 1,809 438 231 207 0019 Ward No. 19 408 2,036 1,032 1,004 214 108 106 0020 Ward No. 20 296 1,714 886 828 211 114 97 0021 Ward No. 21 863 4,602 2,404 2,198 538 289 249 0022 Ward No. 22 338 1,697 883 814 166 95 71 0023 Ward No. 23 389 1,986 1,018 968 195 114 81 0024 Ward No. 24 705 3,834 1,983 1,851 461 261 200 0025 Ward No. 25 329 1,587 825 762 133 76 57 0026 Ward No. 26 752 4,051 2,084 1,967 502 261 241 0027 Ward No. 27 748 3,570 1,882 1,688 407 212 195 0028 Ward No. 28 1,172 6,127 3,181 2,946 803 414 389 0029 Ward No. 29 840 3,965 2,086 1,879 325 182 143 0030 Ward No. 30 315 1,561 835 726 166 93 73 0031 Ward No. 31 369 1,958 1,038 920 292 153 139 0032 Ward No. 32 751 3,789 1,962 1,827 491 263 228 0033 Ward No. 33 552 2,630 1,415 1,215 361 195 166 0034 Ward No. 34 631 3,174 1,664 1,510 402 229 173 0035 Ward No. 35 483 2,372 1,261 1,111 256 145 111 0036 Ward No. 36 208 1,165 584 581 168 77 91 0037 Ward No. 37 356 1,737 908 829 211 99 112 0038 Ward No. 38 308 1,521 791 730 141 71 70 0039 Ward No. 39 329 1,564 803 761 136 72 64 0040 Ward No. 40 266 1,267 660 607 129 73 56 0041 Ward No. 41 321 1,633 857 776 287 150 137 800582 Nainwa (M) 8.50 3,612 19,485 10,098 9,387 2,570 1,376 1,194 0001 Ward No. 1 181 902 464 438 119 57 62 0002 Ward No. 2 169 942 499 443 134 71 63 0003 Ward No. 3 132 621 328 293 77 41 36 0004 Ward No. 4 147 748 367 381 93 48 45 0005 Ward No. 5 131 706 361 345 83 43 40 0006 Ward No. 6 151 932 481 451 116 65 51 0007 Ward No. 7 122 671 346 325 75 40 35 0008 Ward No. 8 133 839 442 397 99 52 47 0009 Ward No. 9 154 811 425 386 99 48 51 0010 Ward No. 10 156 844 436 408 91 47 44 0011 Ward No. 11 95 464 228 236 56 29 27 0012 Ward No. 12 310 1,658 885 773 239 131 108 0013 Ward No. 13 117 569 266 303 77 35 42 0014 Ward No. 14 140 877 468 409 93 68 25 0015 Ward No. 15 196 1,003 519 484 114 58 56 0016 Ward No. 16 209 1,137 601 536 175 99 76 0017 Ward No. 17 346 1,807 956 851 253 132 121

Name of Town/ Ward

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless


Area in Square


Number of households

Population in the age-group 0-6




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

15,892 8,268 7,624 4,364 2,334 2,030 74,903 42,402 32,501 Bundi (M + OG)352 194 158 7 4 3 1,424 831 593 Ward No. 1

1,635 863 772 468 253 215 2,990 1,909 1,081 Ward No. 2291 155 136 224 114 110 1,159 696 463 Ward No. 3165 79 86 81 42 39 2,625 1,383 1,242 Ward No. 4443 215 228 63 32 31 2,068 1,110 958 Ward No. 5187 96 91 4 3 1 1,168 611 557 Ward No. 642 23 19 6 4 2 2,006 1,090 916 Ward No. 723 9 14 7 4 3 2,855 1,537 1,318 Ward No. 8

- - - - - - 872 452 420 Ward No. 9715 363 352 5 4 1 1,302 737 565 Ward No. 10165 83 82 11 5 6 563 318 245 Ward No. 11601 314 287 76 40 36 3,194 1,771 1,423 Ward No. 12155 77 78 25 14 11 829 466 363 Ward No. 13

6 4 2 5 3 2 522 297 225 Ward No. 1478 40 38 18 8 10 1,196 655 541 Ward No. 15

358 178 180 99 57 42 2,848 1,710 1,138 Ward No. 16397 209 188 82 47 35 1,811 1,042 769 Ward No. 17

2,249 1,149 1,100 17 10 7 2,387 1,420 967 Ward No. 18276 143 133 48 24 24 1,619 871 748 Ward No. 1919 11 8 2 2 - 1,121 625 496 Ward No. 2027 14 13 5 3 2 3,340 1,918 1,422 Ward No. 2148 23 25 - - - 1,437 772 665 Ward No. 2262 31 31 12 6 6 1,627 857 770 Ward No. 23

607 312 295 17 5 12 2,793 1,580 1,213 Ward No. 2451 24 27 52 29 23 1,403 736 667 Ward No. 25

478 246 232 86 39 47 2,809 1,635 1,174 Ward No. 26585 309 276 392 200 192 2,516 1,470 1,046 Ward No. 27191 112 79 176 109 67 4,274 2,429 1,845 Ward No. 28419 222 197 283 156 127 3,301 1,821 1,480 Ward No. 29265 157 108 135 72 63 1,239 719 520 Ward No. 30294 158 136 134 75 59 1,176 695 481 Ward No. 31828 432 396 355 177 178 2,768 1,582 1,186 Ward No. 32861 452 409 280 167 113 1,693 1,067 626 Ward No. 33726 387 339 151 82 69 2,350 1,310 1,040 Ward No. 34604 320 284 232 128 104 1,877 1,028 849 Ward No. 35230 110 120 46 24 22 849 475 374 Ward No. 36279 134 145 285 151 134 1,070 634 436 Ward No. 37179 92 87 6 3 3 1,237 693 544 Ward No. 3821 13 8 4 2 2 1,331 718 613 Ward No. 39

216 110 106 - - - 953 530 423 Ward No. 40764 405 359 465 236 229 301 202 99 Ward No. 41

2,645 1,383 1,262 501 276 225 12,750 7,636 5,114 Nainwa (M)122 68 54 10 6 4 532 330 202 Ward No. 181 38 43 47 24 23 467 321 146 Ward No. 212 6 6 - - - 464 269 195 Ward No. 322 9 13 2 1 1 543 295 248 Ward No. 4

182 101 81 6 4 2 481 284 197 Ward No. 5474 244 230 8 5 3 584 353 231 Ward No. 6- - - 11 3 8 497 291 206 Ward No. 7- - - 4 1 3 670 379 291 Ward No. 816 6 10 3 3 - 556 334 222 Ward No. 932 17 15 3 - 3 634 358 276 Ward No. 1024 13 11 2 1 1 267 164 103 Ward No. 11

369 201 168 111 67 44 951 612 339 Ward No. 12348 161 187 9 6 3 333 202 131 Ward No. 13189 104 85 - - - 635 365 270 Ward No. 14138 73 65 53 28 25 746 440 306 Ward No. 15236 127 109 67 38 29 710 455 255 Ward No. 16232 124 108 56 31 25 1,085 651 434 Ward No. 17

Name of Town/ WardLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

800587 Bundi (M + OG) 30,016 12,083 17,933 34,995 28,341 6,654 31,057 25,979 5,078 0001 Ward No. 1 460 185 275 605 536 69 575 510 65 0002 Ward No. 2 2,731 1,131 1,600 1,776 1,512 264 1,638 1,438 200 0003 Ward No. 3 648 248 400 581 501 80 555 487 68 0004 Ward No. 4 441 197 244 1,004 851 153 973 830 143 0005 Ward No. 5 817 335 482 836 722 114 776 685 91 0006 Ward No. 6 402 167 235 528 416 112 466 376 90 0007 Ward No. 7 320 125 195 805 661 144 726 619 107 0008 Ward No. 8 984 384 600 1,363 1,027 336 1,033 876 157 0009 Ward No. 9 181 87 94 338 312 26 317 300 17 0010 Ward No. 10 862 372 490 766 579 187 660 517 143 0011 Ward No. 11 417 172 245 386 250 136 374 246 128 0012 Ward No. 12 982 396 586 1,473 1,145 328 1,324 1,065 259 0013 Ward No. 13 231 87 144 388 312 76 314 279 35 0014 Ward No. 14 204 81 123 204 190 14 168 160 8 0015 Ward No. 15 353 137 216 484 416 68 449 385 64 0016 Ward No. 16 1,345 473 872 1,194 1,078 116 1,143 1,052 91 0017 Ward No. 17 848 339 509 795 709 86 722 650 72 0018 Ward No. 18 1,334 492 842 1,301 1,029 272 1,210 979 231 0019 Ward No. 19 417 161 256 688 569 119 607 513 94 0020 Ward No. 20 593 261 332 562 487 75 496 435 61 0021 Ward No. 21 1,262 486 776 1,598 1,287 311 1,481 1,226 255 0022 Ward No. 22 260 111 149 523 461 62 492 444 48 0023 Ward No. 23 359 161 198 755 598 157 647 524 123 0024 Ward No. 24 1,041 403 638 1,527 1,096 431 1,179 964 215 0025 Ward No. 25 184 89 95 544 453 91 476 408 68 0026 Ward No. 26 1,242 449 793 1,265 1,030 235 1,196 990 206 0027 Ward No. 27 1,054 412 642 1,319 983 336 952 758 194 0028 Ward No. 28 1,853 752 1,101 2,304 1,699 605 2,208 1,654 554 0029 Ward No. 29 664 265 399 1,356 1,091 265 1,277 1,036 241 0030 Ward No. 30 322 116 206 428 369 59 411 356 55 0031 Ward No. 31 782 343 439 559 490 69 507 459 48 0032 Ward No. 32 1,021 380 641 1,148 989 159 1,036 908 128 0033 Ward No. 33 937 348 589 716 636 80 633 590 43 0034 Ward No. 34 824 354 470 1,010 792 218 939 741 198 0035 Ward No. 35 495 233 262 652 557 95 588 500 88 0036 Ward No. 36 316 109 207 461 319 142 395 287 108 0037 Ward No. 37 667 274 393 656 496 160 546 428 118 0038 Ward No. 38 284 98 186 570 461 109 490 403 87 0039 Ward No. 39 233 85 148 525 427 98 459 389 70 0040 Ward No. 40 314 130 184 451 355 96 388 317 71 0041 Ward No. 41 1,332 655 677 551 450 101 231 195 36 800582 Nainwa (M) 6,735 2,462 4,273 6,770 4,961 1,809 5,203 4,118 1,085 0001 Ward No. 1 370 134 236 357 243 114 268 191 77 0002 Ward No. 2 475 178 297 281 223 58 265 212 53 0003 Ward No. 3 157 59 98 213 168 45 192 154 38 0004 Ward No. 4 205 72 133 246 193 53 193 158 35 0005 Ward No. 5 225 77 148 281 184 97 242 171 71 0006 Ward No. 6 348 128 220 278 219 59 64 46 18 0007 Ward No. 7 174 55 119 249 198 51 201 167 34 0008 Ward No. 8 169 63 106 285 220 65 190 174 16 0009 Ward No. 9 255 91 164 307 217 90 256 193 63 0010 Ward No. 10 210 78 132 361 213 148 163 153 10 0011 Ward No. 11 197 64 133 183 115 68 135 104 31 0012 Ward No. 12 707 273 434 690 437 253 618 399 219 0013 Ward No. 13 236 64 172 158 130 28 116 104 12 0014 Ward No. 14 242 103 139 277 228 49 77 66 11 0015 Ward No. 15 257 79 178 287 249 38 249 225 24 0016 Ward No. 16 427 146 281 389 280 109 315 261 54 0017 Ward No. 17 722 305 417 658 449 209 559 408 151

Name of Town/ Ward

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

807 694 113 471 355 116 1,417 900 517 28,362 24,030 4,332 Bundi (M + OG)13 13 - - - - 4 4 - 558 493 65 Ward No. 110 9 1 12 8 4 31 27 4 1,585 1,394 191 Ward No. 246 35 11 15 15 - 7 7 - 487 430 57 Ward No. 35 5 - 6 5 1 19 17 2 943 803 140 Ward No. 4

11 11 - - - - - - - 765 674 91 Ward No. 55 5 - - - - 12 8 4 449 363 86 Ward No. 69 8 1 - - - 48 37 11 669 574 95 Ward No. 72 2 - 7 5 2 47 25 22 977 844 133 Ward No. 81 1 - 1 1 - 44 43 1 271 255 16 Ward No. 91 1 - - - - 28 21 7 631 495 136 Ward No. 10

- - - 1 1 - 8 6 2 365 239 126 Ward No. 1121 20 1 2 1 1 32 12 20 1,269 1,032 237 Ward No. 127 6 1 - - - 51 44 7 256 229 27 Ward No. 13

- - - 1 1 - - - - 167 159 8 Ward No. 146 6 - 4 2 2 21 21 - 418 356 62 Ward No. 15

228 207 21 61 51 10 29 26 3 825 768 57 Ward No. 1640 40 - 16 16 - 42 39 3 624 555 69 Ward No. 172 2 - - - - 37 20 17 1,171 957 214 Ward No. 188 6 2 1 1 - 15 9 6 583 497 86 Ward No. 195 5 - 30 25 5 32 19 13 429 386 43 Ward No. 207 7 - 4 3 1 134 83 51 1,336 1,133 203 Ward No. 21

10 10 - - - - 20 17 3 462 417 45 Ward No. 223 2 1 - - - 5 5 - 639 517 122 Ward No. 232 1 1 2 2 - 96 50 46 1,079 911 168 Ward No. 241 1 - 4 4 - 10 9 1 461 394 67 Ward No. 25

179 130 49 87 46 41 15 14 1 915 800 115 Ward No. 2645 35 10 108 80 28 18 15 3 781 628 153 Ward No. 2719 18 1 5 4 1 203 76 127 1,981 1,556 425 Ward No. 288 8 - 3 3 - 18 15 3 1,248 1,010 238 Ward No. 29

14 11 3 8 6 2 23 20 3 366 319 47 Ward No. 306 6 - 2 2 - 12 9 3 487 442 45 Ward No. 31

26 26 - 14 13 1 51 43 8 945 826 119 Ward No. 327 6 1 6 6 - 2 2 - 618 576 42 Ward No. 332 1 1 - - - 14 10 4 923 730 193 Ward No. 34

12 12 - 3 3 - 10 9 1 563 476 87 Ward No. 353 2 1 - - - 28 7 21 364 278 86 Ward No. 36

33 27 6 42 29 13 78 27 51 393 345 48 Ward No. 375 5 - 2 2 - 98 59 39 385 337 48 Ward No. 38

- - - 4 4 - 14 12 2 441 373 68 Ward No. 392 2 - 13 12 1 57 29 28 316 274 42 Ward No. 403 2 1 7 4 3 4 4 - 217 185 32 Ward No. 41

651 394 257 270 169 101 274 197 77 4,008 3,358 650 Nainwa (M)82 39 43 - - - 7 7 - 179 145 34 Ward No. 186 62 24 26 21 5 11 5 6 142 124 18 Ward No. 214 7 7 2 1 1 19 15 4 157 131 26 Ward No. 321 15 6 - - - 19 13 6 153 130 23 Ward No. 441 21 20 - - - 59 53 6 142 97 45 Ward No. 52 2 - - - - 3 3 - 59 41 18 Ward No. 6

11 7 4 - - - - - - 190 160 30 Ward No. 74 3 1 1 1 - 3 3 - 182 167 15 Ward No. 82 2 - - - - 1 - 1 253 191 62 Ward No. 95 5 - 4 3 1 7 6 1 147 139 8 Ward No. 10

17 11 6 8 2 6 - - - 110 91 19 Ward No. 11135 66 69 152 88 64 69 42 27 262 203 59 Ward No. 12

1 1 - 2 1 1 - - - 113 102 11 Ward No. 13- - - - - - 14 11 3 63 55 8 Ward No. 14

6 6 - 2 - 2 4 2 2 237 217 20 Ward No. 1526 19 7 17 6 11 8 5 3 264 231 33 Ward No. 1681 48 33 24 18 6 13 6 7 441 336 105 Ward No. 17

Name of Town/ Ward

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workersCultivators




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

800587 Bundi (M + OG) 3,938 2,362 1,576 75 39 36 130 74 56 0001 Ward No. 1 30 26 4 - - - - - - 0002 Ward No. 2 138 74 64 1 1 - 9 - 9 0003 Ward No. 3 26 14 12 1 1 - - - - 0004 Ward No. 4 31 21 10 2 - 2 1 1 - 0005 Ward No. 5 60 37 23 - - - - - - 0006 Ward No. 6 62 40 22 2 1 1 - - - 0007 Ward No. 7 79 42 37 - - - - - - 0008 Ward No. 8 330 151 179 - - - 2 1 1 0009 Ward No. 9 21 12 9 - - - - - - 0010 Ward No. 10 106 62 44 4 2 2 - - - 0011 Ward No. 11 12 4 8 - - - - - - 0012 Ward No. 12 149 80 69 - - - 1 - 1 0013 Ward No. 13 74 33 41 1 - 1 - - - 0014 Ward No. 14 36 30 6 2 1 1 10 9 1 0015 Ward No. 15 35 31 4 - - - - - - 0016 Ward No. 16 51 26 25 8 1 7 16 5 11 0017 Ward No. 17 73 59 14 5 1 4 6 4 2 0018 Ward No. 18 91 50 41 - - - 1 1 - 0019 Ward No. 19 81 56 25 - - - - - - 0020 Ward No. 20 66 52 14 - - - 15 8 7 0021 Ward No. 21 117 61 56 1 - 1 1 1 - 0022 Ward No. 22 31 17 14 1 1 - 1 1 - 0023 Ward No. 23 108 74 34 1 1 - 1 1 - 0024 Ward No. 24 348 132 216 1 - 1 1 - 1 0025 Ward No. 25 68 45 23 4 1 3 1 1 - 0026 Ward No. 26 69 40 29 1 1 - 6 2 4 0027 Ward No. 27 367 225 142 3 3 - 33 21 12 0028 Ward No. 28 96 45 51 6 2 4 - - - 0029 Ward No. 29 79 55 24 - - - - - - 0030 Ward No. 30 17 13 4 1 1 - 3 2 1 0031 Ward No. 31 52 31 21 2 1 1 - - - 0032 Ward No. 32 112 81 31 4 1 3 5 5 - 0033 Ward No. 33 83 46 37 1 1 - 4 1 3 0034 Ward No. 34 71 51 20 3 3 - - - - 0035 Ward No. 35 64 57 7 6 6 - 1 1 - 0036 Ward No. 36 66 32 34 2 1 1 - - - 0037 Ward No. 37 110 68 42 - - - 1 1 - 0038 Ward No. 38 80 58 22 - - - - - - 0039 Ward No. 39 66 38 28 - - - 1 1 - 0040 Ward No. 40 63 38 25 4 - 4 - - - 0041 Ward No. 41 320 255 65 8 8 - 10 7 3 800582 Nainwa (M) 1,567 843 724 128 36 92 111 34 77 0001 Ward No. 1 89 52 37 10 7 3 16 7 9 0002 Ward No. 2 16 11 5 6 3 3 1 - 1 0003 Ward No. 3 21 14 7 1 - 1 2 - 2 0004 Ward No. 4 53 35 18 4 1 3 2 - 2 0005 Ward No. 5 39 13 26 5 1 4 9 3 6 0006 Ward No. 6 214 173 41 - - - 2 1 1 0007 Ward No. 7 48 31 17 1 1 - 1 - 1 0008 Ward No. 8 95 46 49 2 - 2 3 2 1 0009 Ward No. 9 51 24 27 13 5 8 5 1 4 0010 Ward No. 10 198 60 138 1 1 - 8 5 3 0011 Ward No. 11 48 11 37 1 - 1 8 - 8 0012 Ward No. 12 72 38 34 2 1 1 10 3 7 0013 Ward No. 13 42 26 16 - - - - - - 0014 Ward No. 14 200 162 38 1 - 1 1 1 - 0015 Ward No. 15 38 24 14 1 1 - 7 2 5 0016 Ward No. 16 74 19 55 1 1 - 1 1 - 0017 Ward No. 17 99 41 58 5 3 2 17 4 13

Name of Town/ WardMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial categoryLocation

code number




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

334 126 208 3,399 2,123 1,276 69,924 26,144 43,780 Bundi (M + OG) 800587- - - 30 26 4 1,279 480 799 Ward No. 1 000116 5 11 112 68 44 3,945 1,528 2,417 Ward No. 2 0002

- - - 25 13 12 1,226 443 783 Ward No. 3 00035 4 1 23 16 7 2,062 729 1,333 Ward No. 4 00043 1 2 57 36 21 2,049 723 1,326 Ward No. 5 00054 3 1 56 36 20 1,042 362 680 Ward No. 6 0006

13 6 7 66 36 30 1,521 554 967 Ward No. 7 000790 14 76 238 136 102 2,476 894 1,582 Ward No. 8 00086 2 4 15 10 5 715 227 488 Ward No. 9 00094 1 3 98 59 39 1,398 530 868 Ward No. 10 00102 1 1 10 3 7 594 240 354 Ward No. 11 00112 - 2 146 80 66 2,703 1,022 1,681 Ward No. 12 00124 3 1 69 30 39 672 241 431 Ward No. 13 0013

- - - 24 20 4 522 188 334 Ward No. 14 00143 3 - 32 28 4 1,065 376 689 Ward No. 15 0015

- - - 27 20 7 2,999 1,105 1,894 Ward No. 16 0016- - - 62 54 8 1,864 672 1,192 Ward No. 17 001710 6 4 80 43 37 2,420 883 1,537 Ward No. 18 00183 1 2 78 55 23 1,348 463 885 Ward No. 19 00195 3 2 46 41 5 1,152 399 753 Ward No. 20 0020

36 2 34 79 58 21 3,004 1,117 1,887 Ward No. 21 0021- - - 29 15 14 1,174 422 752 Ward No. 22 002215 10 5 91 62 29 1,231 420 811 Ward No. 23 002319 8 11 327 124 203 2,307 887 1,420 Ward No. 24 00247 6 1 56 37 19 1,043 372 671 Ward No. 25 0025

- - - 62 37 25 2,786 1,054 1,732 Ward No. 26 002622 12 10 309 189 120 2,251 899 1,352 Ward No. 27 00278 3 5 82 40 42 3,823 1,482 2,341 Ward No. 28 00286 2 4 73 53 20 2,609 995 1,614 Ward No. 29 0029

- - - 13 10 3 1,133 466 667 Ward No. 30 00301 - 1 49 30 19 1,399 548 851 Ward No. 31 00317 2 5 96 73 23 2,641 973 1,668 Ward No. 32 00324 2 2 74 42 32 1,914 779 1,135 Ward No. 33 00331 1 - 67 47 20 2,164 872 1,292 Ward No. 34 0034

14 12 2 43 38 5 1,720 704 1,016 Ward No. 35 0035- - - 64 31 33 704 265 439 Ward No. 36 0036

7 4 3 102 63 39 1,081 412 669 Ward No. 37 00377 3 4 73 55 18 951 330 621 Ward No. 38 00382 - 2 63 37 26 1,039 376 663 Ward No. 39 00397 5 2 52 33 19 816 305 511 Ward No. 40 00401 1 - 301 239 62 1,082 407 675 Ward No. 41 0041

209 45 164 1,119 728 391 12,715 5,137 7,578 Nainwa (M) 8005827 1 6 56 37 19 545 221 324 Ward No. 1 0001

- - - 9 8 1 661 276 385 Ward No. 2 00023 2 1 15 12 3 408 160 248 Ward No. 3 00032 - 2 45 34 11 502 174 328 Ward No. 4 00047 3 4 18 6 12 425 177 248 Ward No. 5 00054 3 1 208 169 39 654 262 392 Ward No. 6 0006

- - - 46 30 16 422 148 274 Ward No. 7 00073 - 3 87 44 43 554 222 332 Ward No. 8 0008

10 4 6 23 14 9 504 208 296 Ward No. 9 0009133 11 122 56 43 13 483 223 260 Ward No. 10 0010- - - 39 11 28 281 113 168 Ward No. 11 001112 6 6 48 28 20 968 448 520 Ward No. 12 00124 - 4 38 26 12 411 136 275 Ward No. 13 00139 9 - 189 152 37 600 240 360 Ward No. 14 0014

- - - 30 21 9 716 270 446 Ward No. 15 00154 1 3 68 16 52 748 321 427 Ward No. 16 0016

10 5 5 67 29 38 1,149 507 642 Ward No. 17 0017

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of Town/ WardOther workers

of marginal workers





Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Town/ Ward

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless


Area in Square


Number of households

Population in the age-group 0-6

0018 Ward No. 18 266 1,409 740 669 185 104 81 0019 Ward No. 19 229 1,198 609 589 169 84 85 0020 Ward No. 20 228 1,347 677 670 223 124 99 800583 Indragarh (M) 15.00 1,458 7,444 3,901 3,543 1,040 557 483 0001 Ward No. 1 336 1,699 899 800 306 167 139 0002 Ward No. 2 166 929 492 437 164 80 84 0003 Ward No. 3 99 477 256 221 70 41 29 0004 Ward No. 4 78 448 229 219 60 28 32 0005 Ward No. 5 94 486 244 242 57 31 26 0006 Ward No. 6 104 526 277 249 52 22 30 0007 Ward No. 7 87 402 212 190 42 28 14 0008 Ward No. 8 98 516 273 243 71 38 33 0009 Ward No. 9 82 409 211 198 40 16 24 0010 Ward No. 10 81 437 220 217 42 26 16 0011 Ward No. 11 68 296 153 143 40 16 24 0012 Ward No. 12 92 426 233 193 52 35 17 0013 Ward No. 13 73 393 202 191 44 29 15 800584 Lakheri (M) 25.00 6,111 29,572 15,222 14,350 3,844 2,029 1,815 0001 Ward No. 1 180 866 451 415 116 63 53 0002 Ward No. 2 219 1,096 565 531 111 69 42 0003 Ward No. 3 313 1,518 789 729 213 111 102 0004 Ward No. 4 450 1,950 1,036 914 301 145 156 0005 Ward No. 5 255 1,325 682 643 211 106 105 0006 Ward No. 6 249 1,283 653 630 188 83 105 0007 Ward No. 7 251 1,189 609 580 149 89 60 0008 Ward No. 8 273 1,344 680 664 207 110 97 0009 Ward No. 9 265 1,177 637 540 159 85 74 0010 Ward No. 10 250 1,095 578 517 129 68 61 0011 Ward No. 11 233 995 535 460 106 61 45 0012 Ward No. 12 247 1,248 648 600 130 73 57 0013 Ward No. 13 247 1,227 619 608 137 71 66 0014 Ward No. 14 203 986 509 477 125 67 58 0015 Ward No. 15 230 1,157 597 560 179 99 80 0016 Ward No. 16 254 1,151 568 583 129 71 58 0017 Ward No. 17 214 1,067 540 527 155 74 81 0018 Ward No. 18 261 1,235 648 587 171 92 79 0019 Ward No. 19 244 1,307 629 678 173 99 74 0020 Ward No. 20 230 1,061 541 520 116 65 51 0021 Ward No. 21 239 1,245 629 616 159 83 76 0022 Ward No. 22 163 767 377 390 79 40 39 0023 Ward No. 23 151 866 446 420 115 62 53 0024 Ward No. 24 260 1,368 706 662 160 84 76 0025 Ward No. 25 230 1,049 550 499 126 59 67

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 1.00 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212 0001 Ward No. 1 671 3,633 1,881 1,752 459 247 212 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) 25.90 4,720 24,627 12,703 11,924 3,066 1,562 1,504 0001 Ward No. 1 301 1,479 761 718 183 87 96 0002 Ward No. 2 272 1,451 761 690 190 98 92 0003 Ward No. 3 567 2,818 1,476 1,342 326 185 141 0004 Ward No. 4 235 1,225 634 591 189 105 84 0005 Ward No. 5 222 1,262 657 605 160 77 83 0006 Ward No. 6 181 846 427 419 91 53 38 0007 Ward No. 7 223 1,282 634 648 139 73 66 0008 Ward No. 8 158 904 467 437 99 57 42 0009 Ward No. 9 195 997 511 486 132 68 64 0010 Ward No. 10 235 1,169 595 574 160 82 78 0011 Ward No. 11 175 977 492 485 100 40 60 0012 Ward No. 12 164 855 416 439 97 43 54 0013 Ward No. 13 150 761 401 360 74 40 34




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of Town/ WardLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

53 35 18 67 33 34 1,031 597 434 Ward No. 18106 51 55 30 18 12 723 456 267 Ward No. 19

9 5 4 12 7 5 841 480 361 Ward No. 201,732 925 807 194 124 70 4,621 2,792 1,829 Indragarh (M)

402 215 187 45 18 27 629 435 194 Ward No. 1422 229 193 49 38 11 519 331 188 Ward No. 2294 162 132 7 5 2 275 181 94 Ward No. 315 8 7 6 4 2 326 190 136 Ward No. 478 40 38 18 7 11 341 195 146 Ward No. 548 24 24 36 33 3 420 242 178 Ward No. 6

129 69 60 1 - 1 291 168 123 Ward No. 7114 58 56 1 1 - 382 221 161 Ward No. 813 8 5 18 11 7 346 194 152 Ward No. 9

- - - 10 5 5 353 184 169 Ward No. 105 4 1 - - - 171 114 57 Ward No. 111 1 - 3 2 1 291 176 115 Ward No. 12

211 107 104 - - - 277 161 116 Ward No. 139,321 4,763 4,558 941 492 449 19,777 11,847 7,930 Lakheri (M)

12 6 6 - - - 600 351 249 Ward No. 122 12 10 30 15 15 858 481 377 Ward No. 254 27 27 21 8 13 911 594 317 Ward No. 3

785 403 382 105 74 31 1,036 706 330 Ward No. 446 24 22 29 20 9 786 503 283 Ward No. 5

313 157 156 63 28 35 748 489 259 Ward No. 6776 402 374 37 18 19 805 479 326 Ward No. 7562 277 285 145 75 70 807 492 315 Ward No. 8547 293 254 86 45 41 722 475 247 Ward No. 9195 100 95 24 13 11 890 502 388 Ward No. 10214 116 98 7 5 2 708 423 285 Ward No. 11186 92 94 64 37 27 949 546 403 Ward No. 1270 33 37 28 17 11 889 496 393 Ward No. 1361 31 30 23 13 10 702 413 289 Ward No. 14

186 97 89 18 9 9 796 457 339 Ward No. 15680 333 347 20 11 9 765 444 321 Ward No. 16773 394 379 4 2 2 631 390 241 Ward No. 17481 249 232 67 33 34 814 510 304 Ward No. 18419 213 206 88 29 59 877 465 412 Ward No. 19578 288 290 - - - 799 465 334 Ward No. 20313 172 141 4 2 2 896 510 386 Ward No. 21442 214 228 - - - 518 300 218 Ward No. 22546 275 271 7 4 3 556 328 228 Ward No. 23586 302 284 71 34 37 958 568 390 Ward No. 24474 253 221 - - - 756 460 296 Ward No. 25

481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Sumerganj Mandi (CT)481 250 231 284 151 133 2,695 1,558 1,137 Ward No. 1

4,767 2,484 2,283 604 323 281 16,987 9,942 7,045 Keshoraipatan (M)362 179 183 93 51 42 1,057 628 429 Ward No. 1281 147 134 87 45 42 932 569 363 Ward No. 2179 104 75 105 48 57 2,091 1,192 899 Ward No. 356 29 27 24 15 9 776 471 305 Ward No. 4

155 83 72 12 6 6 743 480 263 Ward No. 545 25 20 5 3 2 676 364 312 Ward No. 6

158 78 80 5 2 3 985 541 444 Ward No. 710 6 4 8 6 2 677 386 291 Ward No. 8

423 214 209 3 2 1 657 382 275 Ward No. 9237 123 114 - - - 787 455 332 Ward No. 10

4 2 2 - - - 752 426 326 Ward No. 114 3 1 6 4 2 711 366 345 Ward No. 12

25 13 12 - - - 599 349 250 Ward No. 13




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Town/ Ward

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

0018 Ward No. 18 378 143 235 453 353 100 398 326 72 0019 Ward No. 19 475 153 322 450 312 138 358 289 69 0020 Ward No. 20 506 197 309 367 330 37 344 317 27 800583 Indragarh (M) 2,823 1,109 1,714 2,542 1,939 603 1,722 1,517 205 0001 Ward No. 1 1,070 464 606 719 441 278 396 346 50 0002 Ward No. 2 410 161 249 249 235 14 113 107 6 0003 Ward No. 3 202 75 127 195 128 67 102 97 5 0004 Ward No. 4 122 39 83 135 115 20 129 114 15 0005 Ward No. 5 145 49 96 153 119 34 111 98 13 0006 Ward No. 6 106 35 71 133 114 19 126 109 17 0007 Ward No. 7 111 44 67 104 95 9 87 80 7 0008 Ward No. 8 134 52 82 170 133 37 90 83 7 0009 Ward No. 9 63 17 46 123 113 10 120 111 9 0010 Ward No. 10 84 36 48 127 116 11 117 108 9 0011 Ward No. 11 125 39 86 172 112 60 129 84 45 0012 Ward No. 12 135 57 78 137 121 16 136 120 16 0013 Ward No. 13 116 41 75 125 97 28 66 60 6 800584 Lakheri (M) 9,795 3,375 6,420 9,667 7,735 1,932 8,575 7,031 1,544 0001 Ward No. 1 266 100 166 312 242 70 244 196 48 0002 Ward No. 2 238 84 154 354 289 65 311 263 48 0003 Ward No. 3 607 195 412 502 385 117 393 310 83 0004 Ward No. 4 914 330 584 874 569 305 783 549 234 0005 Ward No. 5 539 179 360 485 353 132 450 329 121 0006 Ward No. 6 535 164 371 511 370 141 497 362 135 0007 Ward No. 7 384 130 254 366 284 82 180 147 33 0008 Ward No. 8 537 188 349 452 319 133 379 272 107 0009 Ward No. 9 455 162 293 400 314 86 387 305 82 0010 Ward No. 10 205 76 129 340 313 27 329 303 26 0011 Ward No. 11 287 112 175 347 310 37 347 310 37 0012 Ward No. 12 299 102 197 382 322 60 363 311 52 0013 Ward No. 13 338 123 215 348 308 40 314 282 32 0014 Ward No. 14 284 96 188 327 262 65 273 232 41 0015 Ward No. 15 361 140 221 349 289 60 324 276 48 0016 Ward No. 16 386 124 262 387 307 80 330 278 52 0017 Ward No. 17 436 150 286 327 244 83 312 230 82 0018 Ward No. 18 421 138 283 352 315 37 329 295 34 0019 Ward No. 19 430 164 266 377 333 44 355 317 38 0020 Ward No. 20 262 76 186 319 282 37 315 279 36 0021 Ward No. 21 349 119 230 390 325 65 267 234 33 0022 Ward No. 22 249 77 172 212 185 27 207 181 26 0023 Ward No. 23 310 118 192 240 217 23 233 212 21 0024 Ward No. 24 410 138 272 392 323 69 383 316 67 0025 Ward No. 25 293 90 203 322 275 47 270 242 28

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 938 323 615 1,227 976 251 980 874 106 0001 Ward No. 1 938 323 615 1,227 976 251 980 874 106 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) 7,640 2,761 4,879 8,370 6,599 1,771 6,729 5,746 983 0001 Ward No. 1 422 133 289 500 429 71 331 288 43 0002 Ward No. 2 519 192 327 436 387 49 429 383 46 0003 Ward No. 3 727 284 443 968 737 231 831 666 165 0004 Ward No. 4 449 163 286 485 322 163 317 294 23 0005 Ward No. 5 519 177 342 549 367 182 506 355 151 0006 Ward No. 6 170 63 107 255 213 42 224 189 35 0007 Ward No. 7 297 93 204 340 324 16 313 298 15 0008 Ward No. 8 227 81 146 301 257 44 286 246 40 0009 Ward No. 9 340 129 211 280 264 16 270 256 14 0010 Ward No. 10 382 140 242 373 310 63 314 285 29 0011 Ward No. 11 225 66 159 318 268 50 301 255 46 0012 Ward No. 12 144 50 94 250 218 32 242 211 31 0013 Ward No. 13 162 52 110 225 215 10 216 208 8




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Name of Town/ Ward

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workersCultivators

27 19 8 2 1 1 2 1 1 367 305 62 Ward No. 1890 61 29 26 23 3 16 12 4 226 193 33 Ward No. 19

- - - 4 4 - 19 13 6 321 300 21 Ward No. 20105 68 37 10 6 4 22 16 6 1,585 1,427 158 Indragarh (M)18 15 3 5 3 2 4 3 1 369 325 44 Ward No. 15 5 - - - - 1 1 - 107 101 6 Ward No. 2

10 10 - 4 2 2 - - - 88 85 3 Ward No. 32 2 - - - - - - - 127 112 15 Ward No. 42 2 - - - - 5 4 1 104 92 12 Ward No. 52 1 1 - - - 7 4 3 117 104 13 Ward No. 61 1 - - - - 2 2 - 84 77 7 Ward No. 7

- - - - - - 2 1 1 88 82 6 Ward No. 86 6 - - - - - - - 114 105 9 Ward No. 94 4 - - - - - - - 113 104 9 Ward No. 10

51 18 33 1 1 - 1 1 - 76 64 12 Ward No. 112 2 - - - - - - - 134 118 16 Ward No. 122 2 - - - - - - - 64 58 6 Ward No. 13

273 196 77 52 29 23 105 78 27 8,145 6,728 1,417 Lakheri (M)16 16 - 3 2 1 3 3 - 222 175 47 Ward No. 116 11 5 1 - 1 6 4 2 288 248 40 Ward No. 239 25 14 3 2 1 9 9 - 342 274 68 Ward No. 312 9 3 8 4 4 5 2 3 758 534 224 Ward No. 429 18 11 1 - 1 5 3 2 415 308 107 Ward No. 559 33 26 1 1 - 8 4 4 429 324 105 Ward No. 61 1 - 1 1 - 5 4 1 173 141 32 Ward No. 7

12 11 1 2 1 1 12 10 2 353 250 103 Ward No. 813 7 6 3 1 2 6 6 - 365 291 74 Ward No. 93 3 - - - - 1 1 - 325 299 26 Ward No. 109 9 - - - - - - - 338 301 37 Ward No. 117 7 - 3 - 3 7 6 1 346 298 48 Ward No. 126 6 - 17 11 6 2 1 1 289 264 25 Ward No. 13

18 15 3 5 3 2 13 10 3 237 204 33 Ward No. 1420 14 6 1 1 - 2 1 1 301 260 41 Ward No. 151 1 - 1 - 1 6 5 1 322 272 50 Ward No. 161 - 1 2 2 - - - - 309 228 81 Ward No. 171 1 - - - - 2 1 1 326 293 33 Ward No. 182 1 1 - - - 3 3 - 350 313 37 Ward No. 19

- - - - - - 1 - 1 314 279 35 Ward No. 20- - - - - - 2 1 1 265 233 32 Ward No. 21- - - - - - - - - 207 181 26 Ward No. 22- - - - - - 1 1 - 232 211 21 Ward No. 23

1 1 - - - - 6 3 3 376 312 64 Ward No. 247 7 - - - - - - - 263 235 28 Ward No. 25

90 83 7 21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Sumerganj Mandi (CT)90 83 7 21 17 4 47 41 6 822 733 89 Ward No. 1

576 535 41 658 499 159 574 332 242 4,921 4,380 541 Keshoraipatan (M)16 12 4 2 2 - 43 37 6 270 237 33 Ward No. 158 58 - 37 28 9 32 22 10 302 275 27 Ward No. 279 76 3 35 25 10 81 27 54 636 538 98 Ward No. 317 17 - 62 54 8 26 17 9 212 206 6 Ward No. 477 75 2 112 41 71 39 5 34 278 234 44 Ward No. 521 17 4 1 1 - 31 28 3 171 143 28 Ward No. 649 49 - 9 9 - - - - 255 240 15 Ward No. 740 20 20 1 1 - 8 6 2 237 219 18 Ward No. 812 12 - 53 51 2 - - - 205 193 12 Ward No. 93 3 - - - - 28 17 11 283 265 18 Ward No. 109 8 1 - - - 58 32 26 234 215 19 Ward No. 118 8 - - - - - - - 234 203 31 Ward No. 12

27 27 - - - - 4 4 - 185 177 8 Ward No. 13




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of Town/ WardMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial categoryLocation

code number

0018 Ward No. 18 55 27 28 12 3 9 2 - 2 0019 Ward No. 19 92 23 69 62 8 54 15 4 11 0020 Ward No. 20 23 13 10 - - - 1 - 1 800583 Indragarh (M) 820 422 398 41 26 15 25 2 23 0001 Ward No. 1 323 95 228 7 2 5 10 - 10 0002 Ward No. 2 136 128 8 1 1 - - - - 0003 Ward No. 3 93 31 62 - - - 14 1 13 0004 Ward No. 4 6 1 5 - - - - - - 0005 Ward No. 5 42 21 21 - - - 1 1 - 0006 Ward No. 6 7 5 2 - - - - - - 0007 Ward No. 7 17 15 2 - - - - - - 0008 Ward No. 8 80 50 30 - - - - - - 0009 Ward No. 9 3 2 1 1 1 - - - - 0010 Ward No. 10 10 8 2 - - - - - - 0011 Ward No. 11 43 28 15 32 22 10 - - - 0012 Ward No. 12 1 1 - - - - - - - 0013 Ward No. 13 59 37 22 - - - - - - 800584 Lakheri (M) 1,092 704 388 19 11 8 32 6 26 0001 Ward No. 1 68 46 22 - - - - - - 0002 Ward No. 2 43 26 17 4 2 2 3 - 3 0003 Ward No. 3 109 75 34 - - - 3 1 2 0004 Ward No. 4 91 20 71 1 - 1 - - - 0005 Ward No. 5 35 24 11 - - - 1 - 1 0006 Ward No. 6 14 8 6 3 1 2 - - - 0007 Ward No. 7 186 137 49 - - - 1 1 - 0008 Ward No. 8 73 47 26 1 1 - 3 - 3 0009 Ward No. 9 13 9 4 - - - - - - 0010 Ward No. 10 11 10 1 1 1 - - - - 0011 Ward No. 11 - - - - - - - - - 0012 Ward No. 12 19 11 8 2 1 1 5 - 5 0013 Ward No. 13 34 26 8 3 3 - 4 - 4 0014 Ward No. 14 54 30 24 2 - 2 4 2 2 0015 Ward No. 15 25 13 12 - - - 2 1 1 0016 Ward No. 16 57 29 28 - - - 6 1 5 0017 Ward No. 17 15 14 1 - - - - - - 0018 Ward No. 18 23 20 3 1 1 - - - - 0019 Ward No. 19 22 16 6 1 1 - - - - 0020 Ward No. 20 4 3 1 - - - - - - 0021 Ward No. 21 123 91 32 - - - - - - 0022 Ward No. 22 5 4 1 - - - - - - 0023 Ward No. 23 7 5 2 - - - - - - 0024 Ward No. 24 9 7 2 - - - - - - 0025 Ward No. 25 52 33 19 - - - - - -

094175 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95 0001 Ward No. 1 247 102 145 1 - 1 98 3 95 800585 Keshoraipatan (M) 1,641 853 788 29 19 10 473 112 361 0001 Ward No. 1 169 141 28 1 - 1 14 8 6 0002 Ward No. 2 7 4 3 - - - 3 1 2 0003 Ward No. 3 137 71 66 5 1 4 23 6 17 0004 Ward No. 4 168 28 140 - - - 145 16 129 0005 Ward No. 5 43 12 31 - - - 18 4 14 0006 Ward No. 6 31 24 7 1 1 - 3 1 2 0007 Ward No. 7 27 26 1 - - - 5 5 - 0008 Ward No. 8 15 11 4 4 4 - - - - 0009 Ward No. 9 10 8 2 4 4 - - - - 0010 Ward No. 10 59 25 34 1 - 1 25 1 24 0011 Ward No. 11 17 13 4 - - - 1 1 - 0012 Ward No. 12 8 7 1 - - - - - - 0013 Ward No. 13 9 7 2 - - - - - -




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of Town/ WardOther workers

of marginal workers


- - - 41 24 17 956 387 569 Ward No. 18 0018- - - 15 11 4 748 297 451 Ward No. 19 0019

1 - 1 21 13 8 980 347 633 Ward No. 20 002017 - 17 737 394 343 4,902 1,962 2,940 Indragarh (M) 8005834 - 4 302 93 209 980 458 522 Ward No. 1 0001

- - - 135 127 8 680 257 423 Ward No. 2 00022 - 2 77 30 47 282 128 154 Ward No. 3 00031 - 1 5 1 4 313 114 199 Ward No. 4 0004

- - - 41 20 21 333 125 208 Ward No. 5 0005- - - 7 5 2 393 163 230 Ward No. 6 0006- - - 17 15 2 298 117 181 Ward No. 7 0007- - - 80 50 30 346 140 206 Ward No. 8 0008- - - 2 1 1 286 98 188 Ward No. 9 0009- - - 10 8 2 310 104 206 Ward No. 10 0010- - - 11 6 5 124 41 83 Ward No. 11 0011- - - 1 1 - 289 112 177 Ward No. 12 001210 - 10 49 37 12 268 105 163 Ward No. 13 001347 19 28 994 668 326 19,905 7,487 12,418 Lakheri (M) 8005842 - 2 66 46 20 554 209 345 Ward No. 1 00012 2 - 34 22 12 742 276 466 Ward No. 2 0002

- - - 106 74 32 1,016 404 612 Ward No. 3 00032 - 2 88 20 68 1,076 467 609 Ward No. 4 00041 1 - 33 23 10 840 329 511 Ward No. 5 00052 - 2 9 7 2 772 283 489 Ward No. 6 0006

- - - 185 136 49 823 325 498 Ward No. 7 00075 1 4 64 45 19 892 361 531 Ward No. 8 0008

- - - 13 9 4 777 323 454 Ward No. 9 0009- - - 10 9 1 755 265 490 Ward No. 10 0010- - - - - - 648 225 423 Ward No. 11 0011

2 1 1 10 9 1 866 326 540 Ward No. 12 0012- - - 27 23 4 879 311 568 Ward No. 13 0013

9 5 4 39 23 16 659 247 412 Ward No. 14 00148 2 6 15 10 5 808 308 500 Ward No. 15 00154 3 1 47 25 22 764 261 503 Ward No. 16 0016

- - - 15 14 1 740 296 444 Ward No. 17 0017- - - 22 19 3 883 333 550 Ward No. 18 0018

1 1 - 20 14 6 930 296 634 Ward No. 19 00191 1 - 3 2 1 742 259 483 Ward No. 20 00206 1 5 117 90 27 855 304 551 Ward No. 21 0021

- - - 5 4 1 555 192 363 Ward No. 22 0022- - - 7 5 2 626 229 397 Ward No. 23 0023- - - 9 7 2 976 383 593 Ward No. 24 0024

2 1 1 50 32 18 727 275 452 Ward No. 25 0025

40 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Sumerganj Mandi (CT) 09417540 23 17 108 76 32 2,406 905 1,501 Ward No. 1 0001

112 40 72 1,027 682 345 16,257 6,104 10,153 Keshoraipatan (M) 8005851 1 - 153 132 21 979 332 647 Ward No. 1 0001

- - - 4 3 1 1,015 374 641 Ward No. 2 000211 5 6 98 59 39 1,850 739 1,111 Ward No. 3 00038 2 6 15 10 5 740 312 428 Ward No. 4 00041 - 1 24 8 16 713 290 423 Ward No. 5 00052 2 - 25 20 5 591 214 377 Ward No. 6 00061 - 1 21 21 - 942 310 632 Ward No. 7 00074 3 1 7 4 3 603 210 393 Ward No. 8 0008

- - - 6 4 2 717 247 470 Ward No. 9 00093 2 1 30 22 8 796 285 511 Ward No. 10 00101 1 - 15 11 4 659 224 435 Ward No. 11 0011

- - - 8 7 1 605 198 407 Ward No. 12 00121 - 1 8 7 1 536 186 350 Ward No. 13 0013




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name of Town/ Ward

Location code


Total population (including institutional and houseless


Area in Square


Number of households

Population in the age-group 0-6

0014 Ward No. 14 267 1,511 765 746 203 108 95 0015 Ward No. 15 162 980 497 483 135 61 74 0016 Ward No. 16 179 806 412 394 95 36 59 0017 Ward No. 17 299 1,428 747 681 202 108 94 0018 Ward No. 18 272 1,436 739 697 212 111 101 0019 Ward No. 19 240 1,277 682 595 136 62 74 0020 Ward No. 20 223 1,163 629 534 143 68 75 800586 Kaprain (M) 64.00 4,055 20,748 10,758 9,990 2,748 1,460 1,288 0001 Ward No. 1 310 1,577 810 767 270 136 134 0002 Ward No. 2 191 1,029 512 517 124 70 54 0003 Ward No. 3 135 683 357 326 105 57 48 0004 Ward No. 4 344 1,695 876 819 196 101 95 0005 Ward No. 5 189 975 506 469 119 62 57 0006 Ward No. 6 118 603 313 290 63 32 31 0007 Ward No. 7 158 828 420 408 85 44 41 0008 Ward No. 8 320 1,520 815 705 186 113 73 0009 Ward No. 9 188 1,051 552 499 134 70 64 0010 Ward No. 10 136 675 345 330 69 36 33 0011 Ward No. 11 212 1,046 542 504 129 69 60 0012 Ward No. 12 227 1,292 659 633 220 114 106 0013 Ward No. 13 190 881 456 425 115 54 61 0014 Ward No. 14 170 904 475 429 112 61 51 0015 Ward No. 15 191 1,006 508 498 131 67 64 0016 Ward No. 16 212 1,042 548 494 143 80 63 0017 Ward No. 17 164 886 469 417 149 78 71 0018 Ward No. 18 167 819 431 388 119 59 60 0019 Ward No. 19 237 1,167 601 566 170 98 72 0020 Ward No. 20 196 1,069 563 506 109 59 50 094556 Talera (CT) 4.10 1,372 7,203 3,724 3,479 954 497 457 0001 Ward No. 1 1,372 7,203 3,724 3,479 954 497 457 094557 Budhpura (CT) 6.64 1,064 5,070 2,654 2,416 868 441 427 0001 Ward No. 1 1,064 5,070 2,654 2,416 868 441 427




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

Name of Town/ WardLiteratesScheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population

54 31 23 - - - 1,080 600 480 Ward No. 1449 26 23 - - - 683 401 282 Ward No. 15

413 209 204 - - - 507 316 191 Ward No. 161,120 582 538 10 5 5 819 519 300 Ward No. 17

757 386 371 53 28 25 762 447 315 Ward No. 18225 131 94 101 59 42 922 567 355 Ward No. 19210 113 97 92 49 43 771 483 288 Ward No. 20

4,057 2,107 1,950 3,478 1,815 1,663 13,221 7,983 5,238 Kaprain (M)264 147 117 316 157 159 814 504 310 Ward No. 1126 63 63 565 283 282 688 409 279 Ward No. 2310 165 145 139 74 65 382 248 134 Ward No. 3117 54 63 198 100 98 1,217 709 508 Ward No. 460 30 30 75 43 32 705 410 295 Ward No. 549 28 21 36 21 15 487 277 210 Ward No. 6

114 57 57 28 18 10 585 350 235 Ward No. 7700 375 325 297 161 136 859 574 285 Ward No. 8840 437 403 1 - 1 539 361 178 Ward No. 921 8 13 18 11 7 548 304 244 Ward No. 109 7 2 34 12 22 750 431 319 Ward No. 11

114 57 57 165 87 78 735 450 285 Ward No. 12132 68 64 17 9 8 504 320 184 Ward No. 13

5 3 2 63 33 30 650 376 274 Ward No. 14510 252 258 4 2 2 664 386 278 Ward No. 15135 66 69 41 22 19 653 410 243 Ward No. 16131 62 69 326 178 148 396 267 129 Ward No. 1744 25 19 655 345 310 472 305 167 Ward No. 18

319 172 147 439 224 215 708 420 288 Ward No. 1957 31 26 61 35 26 865 472 393 Ward No. 20

2,169 1,101 1,068 175 91 84 4,684 2,699 1,985 Talera (CT)2,169 1,101 1,068 175 91 84 4,684 2,699 1,985 Ward No. 11,407 738 669 1,003 533 470 1,888 1,274 614 Budhpura (CT)1,407 738 669 1,003 533 470 1,888 1,274 614 Ward No. 1




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Name of Town/ Ward

Location code

numberIlliterates Total workers Main workers

0014 Ward No. 14 431 165 266 585 395 190 329 269 60 0015 Ward No. 15 297 96 201 360 276 84 311 259 52 0016 Ward No. 16 299 96 203 218 193 25 109 101 8 0017 Ward No. 17 609 228 381 605 390 215 260 243 17 0018 Ward No. 18 674 292 382 512 396 116 475 376 99 0019 Ward No. 19 355 115 240 387 316 71 342 278 64 0020 Ward No. 20 392 146 246 423 322 101 323 286 37 800586 Kaprain (M) 7,527 2,775 4,752 7,348 5,481 1,867 4,917 4,410 507 0001 Ward No. 1 763 306 457 541 415 126 388 360 28 0002 Ward No. 2 341 103 238 359 256 103 349 250 99 0003 Ward No. 3 301 109 192 194 177 17 101 97 4 0004 Ward No. 4 478 167 311 494 421 73 378 348 30 0005 Ward No. 5 270 96 174 321 267 54 275 234 41 0006 Ward No. 6 116 36 80 168 156 12 167 155 12 0007 Ward No. 7 243 70 173 257 208 49 165 154 11 0008 Ward No. 8 661 241 420 698 429 269 272 272 - 0009 Ward No. 9 512 191 321 355 295 60 262 237 25 0010 Ward No. 10 127 41 86 202 183 19 169 156 13 0011 Ward No. 11 296 111 185 292 252 40 224 211 13 0012 Ward No. 12 557 209 348 370 326 44 222 215 7 0013 Ward No. 13 377 136 241 302 240 62 272 224 48 0014 Ward No. 14 254 99 155 330 230 100 272 218 54 0015 Ward No. 15 342 122 220 301 239 62 179 163 16 0016 Ward No. 16 389 138 251 413 286 127 225 221 4 0017 Ward No. 17 490 202 288 406 248 158 163 158 5 0018 Ward No. 18 347 126 221 497 252 245 250 218 32 0019 Ward No. 19 459 181 278 490 302 188 282 241 41 0020 Ward No. 20 204 91 113 358 299 59 302 278 24 094556 Talera (CT) 2,519 1,025 1,494 2,494 1,943 551 2,231 1,806 425 0001 Ward No. 1 2,519 1,025 1,494 2,494 1,943 551 2,231 1,806 425 094557 Budhpura (CT) 3,182 1,380 1,802 2,123 1,513 610 1,916 1,472 444 0001 Ward No. 1 3,182 1,380 1,802 2,123 1,513 610 1,916 1,472 444




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

Name of Town/ Ward

Household industry workersAgricultural labourers

Industrial category of main workers

Other workersCultivators

2 1 1 1 1 - 84 54 30 242 213 29 Ward No. 1411 11 - 5 3 2 69 29 40 226 216 10 Ward No. 1520 20 - 40 37 3 14 13 1 35 31 4 Ward No. 1622 22 - 49 47 2 14 8 6 175 166 9 Ward No. 1712 12 - 116 90 26 21 13 8 326 261 65 Ward No. 1848 42 6 20 11 9 18 16 2 256 209 47 Ward No. 1945 45 - 115 98 17 4 4 - 159 139 20 Ward No. 20

1,708 1,644 64 641 432 209 90 76 14 2,478 2,258 220 Kaprain (M)223 212 11 85 78 7 6 6 - 74 64 10 Ward No. 1152 149 3 160 65 95 7 7 - 30 29 1 Ward No. 261 61 - 2 2 - 2 2 - 36 32 4 Ward No. 390 89 1 5 4 1 3 3 - 280 252 28 Ward No. 430 30 - 11 4 7 2 2 - 232 198 34 Ward No. 538 38 - 1 1 - - - - 128 116 12 Ward No. 630 30 - 28 18 10 11 11 - 96 95 1 Ward No. 7

191 191 - 3 3 - 1 1 - 77 77 - Ward No. 833 33 - 90 79 11 4 - 4 135 125 10 Ward No. 926 25 1 1 1 - 9 9 - 133 121 12 Ward No. 1029 25 4 5 5 - 1 1 - 189 180 9 Ward No. 1180 80 - 36 34 2 7 7 - 99 94 5 Ward No. 1299 93 6 54 24 30 - - - 119 107 12 Ward No. 1374 58 16 36 26 10 16 8 8 146 126 20 Ward No. 1416 16 - 2 2 - 1 1 - 160 144 16 Ward No. 1553 53 - 13 13 - 4 3 1 155 152 3 Ward No. 16

129 125 4 9 9 - 1 1 - 24 23 1 Ward No. 17180 172 8 15 10 5 - - - 55 36 19 Ward No. 1878 78 - 78 48 30 - - - 126 115 11 Ward No. 1996 86 10 7 6 1 15 14 1 184 172 12 Ward No. 20

140 110 30 48 26 22 47 28 19 1,996 1,642 354 Talera (CT)140 110 30 48 26 22 47 28 19 1,996 1,642 354 Ward No. 1107 74 33 2 2 - 8 8 - 1,799 1,388 411 Budhpura (CT)107 74 33 2 2 - 8 8 - 1,799 1,388 411 Ward No. 1




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Name of Town/ WardMarginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Industrial categoryLocation

code number

0014 Ward No. 14 256 126 130 1 1 - - - - 0015 Ward No. 15 49 17 32 2 - 2 - - - 0016 Ward No. 16 109 92 17 1 - 1 46 36 10 0017 Ward No. 17 345 147 198 - - - 146 10 136 0018 Ward No. 18 37 20 17 1 1 - 2 1 1 0019 Ward No. 19 45 38 7 7 7 - 12 11 1 0020 Ward No. 20 100 36 64 1 - 1 30 11 19 800586 Kaprain (M) 2,431 1,071 1,360 113 46 67 1,502 531 971 0001 Ward No. 1 153 55 98 29 9 20 102 34 68 0002 Ward No. 2 10 6 4 - - - 7 5 2 0003 Ward No. 3 93 80 13 - - - 80 72 8 0004 Ward No. 4 116 73 43 - - - 42 16 26 0005 Ward No. 5 46 33 13 2 1 1 13 8 5 0006 Ward No. 6 1 1 - - - - - - - 0007 Ward No. 7 92 54 38 3 2 1 67 33 34 0008 Ward No. 8 426 157 269 9 3 6 295 52 243 0009 Ward No. 9 93 58 35 - - - 74 39 35 0010 Ward No. 10 33 27 6 - - - 3 - 3 0011 Ward No. 11 68 41 27 4 3 1 14 7 7 0012 Ward No. 12 148 111 37 4 3 1 70 52 18 0013 Ward No. 13 30 16 14 5 1 4 17 11 6 0014 Ward No. 14 58 12 46 12 5 7 36 4 32 0015 Ward No. 15 122 76 46 - - - 104 69 35 0016 Ward No. 16 188 65 123 19 4 15 95 28 67 0017 Ward No. 17 243 90 153 2 1 1 217 71 146 0018 Ward No. 18 247 34 213 12 11 1 119 - 119 0019 Ward No. 19 208 61 147 3 2 1 134 28 106 0020 Ward No. 20 56 21 35 9 1 8 13 2 11 094556 Talera (CT) 263 137 126 7 1 6 6 - 6 0001 Ward No. 1 263 137 126 7 1 6 6 - 6 094557 Budhpura (CT) 207 41 166 30 4 26 2 1 1 0001 Ward No. 1 207 41 166 30 4 26 2 1 1




Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

Location code

numberHousehold industry workers

Name of Town/ WardOther workers

of marginal workers


38 10 28 217 115 102 926 370 556 Ward No. 14 001426 3 23 21 14 7 620 221 399 Ward No. 15 00154 4 - 58 52 6 588 219 369 Ward No. 16 00166 4 2 193 133 60 823 357 466 Ward No. 17 0017

- - - 34 18 16 924 343 581 Ward No. 18 00183 1 2 23 19 4 890 366 524 Ward No. 19 00192 2 - 67 23 44 740 307 433 Ward No. 20 0020

41 25 16 775 469 306 13,400 5,277 8,123 Kaprain (M) 8005861 1 - 21 11 10 1,036 395 641 Ward No. 1 00012 - 2 1 1 - 670 256 414 Ward No. 2 00022 - 2 11 8 3 489 180 309 Ward No. 3 00034 3 1 70 54 16 1,201 455 746 Ward No. 4 0004

- - - 31 24 7 654 239 415 Ward No. 5 0005- - - 1 1 - 435 157 278 Ward No. 6 0006

2 1 1 20 18 2 571 212 359 Ward No. 7 00073 - 3 119 102 17 822 386 436 Ward No. 8 00081 1 - 18 18 - 696 257 439 Ward No. 9 00093 3 - 27 24 3 473 162 311 Ward No. 10 00101 1 - 49 30 19 754 290 464 Ward No. 11 0011

14 12 2 60 44 16 922 333 589 Ward No. 12 0012- - - 8 4 4 579 216 363 Ward No. 13 0013

6 1 5 4 2 2 574 245 329 Ward No. 14 0014- - - 18 7 11 705 269 436 Ward No. 15 0015

1 1 - 73 32 41 629 262 367 Ward No. 16 0016- - - 24 18 6 480 221 259 Ward No. 17 0017- - - 116 23 93 322 179 143 Ward No. 18 0018- - - 71 31 40 677 299 378 Ward No. 19 0019

1 1 - 33 17 16 711 264 447 Ward No. 20 002010 7 3 240 129 111 4,709 1,781 2,928 Talera (CT) 09455610 7 3 240 129 111 4,709 1,781 2,928 Ward No. 1 00011 - 1 174 36 138 2,947 1,141 1,806 Budhpura (CT) 0945571 - 1 174 36 138 2,947 1,141 1,806 Ward No. 1 0001


Section – II

Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets

(Rural /Urban) at District and Sub-District level

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Owned No exclusive room 7,007 6,311 696 1,309 1,187 122 1,667 1,625 42One room 90,301 80,634 9,667 21,310 18,405 2,905 21,571 20,943 628Two rooms 63,343 53,112 10,231 11,878 9,529 2,349 14,191 13,523 668Three rooms 21,712 16,069 5,643 3,004 2,190 814 4,241 3,971 2703+ rooms 20,338 12,324 8,014 1,704 945 759 3,146 2,791 355

Rented No exclusive room 562 311 251 131 82 49 69 53 16One room 7,988 4,111 3,877 2,020 1,143 877 1,298 988 310Two rooms 3,598 1,358 2,240 634 286 348 393 235 158Three rooms 713 225 488 90 47 43 66 40 263+ rooms 437 131 306 39 15 24 40 24 16

Others No exclusive room 334 275 59 75 66 9 76 70 6One room 2,621 1,999 622 632 465 167 709 660 49Two rooms 791 491 300 156 95 61 141 117 24Three rooms 193 101 92 29 17 12 23 15 83+ rooms 133 73 60 23 17 6 13 11 2

Total No exclusive room 7,903 6,897 1,006 1,515 1,335 180 1,812 1,748 64One room 1,00,910 86,744 14,166 23,962 20,013 3,949 23,578 22,591 987Two rooms 67,732 54,961 12,771 12,668 9,910 2,758 14,725 13,875 850Three rooms 22,618 16,395 6,223 3,123 2,254 869 4,330 4,026 3043+ rooms 20,908 12,528 8,380 1,766 977 789 3,199 2,826 373

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

District - Bundi


Table -1: Households by Ownership Status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011

Name of district

Number of householdsTotal Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes

Ownership status

Number of dwelling rooms


Permanent Semi permanent Temporary Permanent

1 2 3 4 5 61 Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622) 33,760 (74.99%) 8,581 (19.06%) 2,353 (5.23%) 33,760 (74.99%)

2 Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623) 26,012 (64.91%) 11,049 (27.57%) 2,835 (7.07%) 22,921 (62.77%)

3 Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624) 13,599 (52.01%) 10,815 (41.36%) 1,691 (6.47%) 6,344 (34.95%)

4 Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625) 10,912 (36.84%) 15,939 (53.81%) 2,704 (9.13%) 5,144 (24.35%)

5 Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626) 54,192 (68.42%) 20,892 (26.38%) 3,686 (4.65%) 33,047 (58.27%)

District - Bundi (08121) 138,475 (62.92%) 67,276 (30.57%) 13,269 (6.03%) 101,216 (57.02%)

Note : 1.Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Permanent : Permanent houses refer to those houses whose walls & roofs are made of pucca materials, i.e., where burnt bricks, G.I. Sheets or other metal sheets, stone, cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles, slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, lime and stone and RBC/RCC concrete are used for roof.

Semi Permanent : Semi permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials.

Temporary : Temporary houses refer to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials, i.e., where, grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo, mud and unburnt bricks are used for the construction of walls and grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo thatch, mud, unburnt bricks and wood etc. are used for roofs.

Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent, Sl. No. Name of Sub - District Total


Semi permanent Temporary Permanent Semi permanent Temporary

7 8 9 10 11 28,581 (19.06%) 2,353 (5.23%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

10,680 (29.25%) 2,742 (7.51%) 3,091 (86.87%) 369 (10.37%) 93 (2.61%) Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

10,287 (56.68%) 1,499 (8.26%) 7,255 (90.73%) 528 (6.6%) 192 (2.4%) Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

13,872 (65.66%) 2,080 (9.85%) 5,768 (67.91%) 2,067 (24.33%) 624 (7.35%) Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

19,930 (35.14%) 3,386 (5.97%) 21,145 (93.99%) 962 (4.28%) 300 (1.33%) Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

63,350 (35.69%) 12,060 (6.79%) 37,259 (87.57%) 3,926 (9.23%) 1,209 (2.84%) District - Bundi (08121)

Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011Urban Name of Sub-DistrictRural


Tap water from treated source

Tap water from untreated source

Covered well Un-covered well

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Total 45,022 2,908 (6.46%) 849 (1.89%) 128 (0.28%) 3,118 (6.93%)

Rural 45,022 2,908 (6.46%) 849 (1.89%) 128 (0.28%) 3,118 (6.93%)Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 5,581 (13.93%) 784 (1.96%) 135 (0.34%) 1,078 (2.69%)Rural 36,516 3,052 (8.36%) 725 (1.99%) 129 (0.35%) 989 (2.71%)Urban 3,558 2,529 (71.08%) 59 (1.66%) 6 (0.17%) 89 (2.5%)

3 Total 26,146 7,150 (27.35%) 939 (3.59%) 138 (0.53%) 1,076 (4.12%)Rural 18,150 2,060 (11.35%) 541 (2.98%) 65 (0.36%) 838 (4.62%)Urban 7,996 5,090 (63.66%) 398 (4.98%) 73 (0.91%) 238 (2.98%)

4 Total 29,621 7,694 (25.97%) 2,264 (7.64%) 107 (0.36%) 914 (3.09%)Rural 21,127 2,250 (10.65%) 1,346 (6.37%) 55 (0.26%) 851 (4.03%)Urban 8,494 5,444 (64.09%) 918 (10.81%) 52 (0.61%) 63 (0.74%)

5 Total 79,208 20,428 (25.79%) 2,424 (3.06%) 297 (0.37%) 4,205 (5.31%)Rural 56,710 2,660 (4.69%) 1,575 (2.78%) 255 (0.45%) 3,908 (6.89%)Urban 22,498 17,768 (78.98%) 849 (3.77%) 42 (0.19%) 297 (1.32%)Total 2,20,071 43,761 (19.88%) 7,260 (3.3%) 805 (0.37%) 10,391 (4.72%)Rural 1,77,525 12,930 (7.28%) 5,036 (2.84%) 632 (0.36%) 9,704 (5.47%)Urban 42,546 30,831 (72.47%) 2,224 (5.23%) 173 (0.41%) 687 (1.61%)

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No.

Name of Sub-District Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total Number of households

Number and percentage of Household

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

District - Bundi (08121)


Handpump Tubewell/borehole

Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ lake

Other Sources

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 225,582 (56.82%) 11,223 (24.93%) 1 (0%) 19 (0.04%) 727 (1.61%) 467 (1.04%) Total25,582 (56.82%) 11,223 (24.93%) 1 (0%) 19 (0.04%) 727 (1.61%) 467 (1.04%) Rural

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban20,751 (51.78%) 10,100 (25.2%) 1 (0%) 15 (0.04%) 382 (0.95%) 1,247 (3.11%) Total19,965 (54.67%) 10,035 (27.48%) 1 (0%) 12 (0.03%) 365 (1%) 1,243 (3.4%) Rural

786 (22.09%) 65 (1.83%) 0 (0%) 3 (0.08%) 17 (0.48%) 4 (0.11%) Urban14,513 (55.51%) 2,032 (7.77%) 1 (0%) 106 (0.41%) 8 (0.03%) 183 (0.7%) Total12,843 (70.76%) 1,572 (8.66%) 0 (0%) 99 (0.55%) 3 (0.02%) 129 (0.71%) Rural1,670 (20.89%) 460 (5.75%) 1 (0.01%) 7 (0.09%) 5 (0.06%) 54 (0.68%) Urban17,536 (59.2%) 686 (2.32%) 0 (0%) 149 (0.5%) 85 (0.29%) 186 (0.63%) Total

15,762 (74.61%) 559 (2.65%) 0 (0%) 130 (0.62%) 80 (0.38%) 94 (0.44%) Rural1,774 (20.89%) 127 (1.5%) 0 (0%) 19 (0.22%) 5 (0.06%) 92 (1.08%) Urban

39,544 (49.92%) 10,590 (13.37%) 16 (0.02%) 147 (0.19%) 628 (0.79%) 929 (1.17%) Total37,961 (66.94%) 9,359 (16.5%) 8 (0.01%) 94 (0.17%) 428 (0.75%) 462 (0.81%) Rural

1,583 (7.04%) 1,231 (5.47%) 8 (0.04%) 53 (0.24%) 200 (0.89%) 467 (2.08%) Urban117,926 (53.59%) 34,631 (15.74%) 19 (0.01%) 436 (0.2%) 1,830 (0.83%) 3,012 (1.37%) Total112,113 (63.15%) 32,748 (18.45%) 10 (0.01%) 354 (0.2%) 1,603 (0.9%) 2,395 (1.35%) Rural

5,813 (13.66%) 1,883 (4.43%) 9 (0.02%) 82 (0.19%) 227 (0.53%) 617 (1.45%) Urban

by main source of Drinking water, 2011.Name of Sub-Districthaving following source of drinking water Total/

Rural/ Urban

District - Bundi (08121)

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)


Electricity Kerosene Solar

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Total 45,022 22,956 (50.99%) 21,294 (47.3%) 60 (0.13%)

Rural 45,022 22,956 (50.99%) 21,294 (47.3%) 60 (0.13%)Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 17,850 (44.54%) 21,719 (54.2%) 61 (0.15%)Rural 36,516 15,156 (41.51%) 20,896 (57.22%) 56 (0.15%)Urban 3,558 2,694 (75.72%) 823 (23.13%) 5 (0.14%)

3 Total 26,146 15,742 (60.21%) 10,110 (38.67%) 41 (0.16%)Rural 18,150 8,661 (47.72%) 9,245 (50.94%) 40 (0.22%)Urban 7,996 7,081 (88.56%) 865 (10.82%) 1 (0.01%)

4 Total 29,621 19,459 (65.69%) 9,668 (32.64%) 106 (0.36%)Rural 21,127 12,468 (59.01%) 8,292 (39.25%) 100 (0.47%)Urban 8,494 6,991 (82.31%) 1,376 (16.2%) 6 (0.07%)

5 Total 79,208 60,962 (76.96%) 17,052 (21.53%) 106 (0.13%)Rural 56,710 39,627 (69.88%) 16,112 (28.41%) 93 (0.16%)Urban 22,498 21,335 (94.83%) 940 (4.18%) 13 (0.06%)Total 2,20,071 136,969 (62.24%) 79,843 (36.28%) 374 (0.17%)Rural 1,77,525 98,868 (55.69%) 75,839 (42.72%) 349 (0.2%)Urban 42,546 38,101 (89.55%) 4,004 (9.41%) 25 (0.06%)

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No.

Name of Sub-District Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total number of households

Number and Percentage of households

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

District - Bundi (08121)


Other oil Any other No lighting

8 9 10 3 2192 (0.43%) 158 (0.35%) 362 (0.8%) Total192 (0.43%) 158 (0.35%) 362 (0.8%) Rural

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban213 (0.53%) 80 (0.2%) 151 (0.38%) Total209 (0.57%) 66 (0.18%) 133 (0.36%) Rural

4 (0.11%) 14 (0.39%) 18 (0.51%) Urban50 (0.19%) 25 (0.1%) 178 (0.68%) Total43 (0.24%) 11 (0.06%) 150 (0.83%) Rural7 (0.09%) 14 (0.18%) 28 (0.35%) Urban

67 (0.23%) 64 (0.22%) 257 (0.87%) Total54 (0.26%) 16 (0.08%) 197 (0.93%) Rural13 (0.15%) 48 (0.57%) 60 (0.71%) Urban

216 (0.27%) 250 (0.32%) 622 (0.79%) Total165 (0.29%) 203 (0.36%) 510 (0.9%) Rural51 (0.23%) 47 (0.21%) 112 (0.5%) Urban

738 (0.34%) 577 (0.26%) 1,570 (0.71%) Total663 (0.37%) 454 (0.26%) 1,352 (0.76%) Rural75 (0.18%) 123 (0.29%) 218 (0.51%) Urban

Name of Sub-Districtby main source of Lighting, 2011. having following main source of lighting Total/

Rural/ Urban

District - Bundi (08121)

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)


Pit Piped sewer

systemSeptic tank Other system With

slab/Ventilated improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Total 45,022 318 (0.71%) 2,864 (6.36%) 322 (0.72%) 244 (0.54%)

Rural 45,022 318 (0.71%) 2,864 (6.36%) 322 (0.72%) 244 (0.54%)Urban 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 267 (0.67%) 3,557 (8.88%) 140 (0.35%) 37 (0.09%)Rural 36,516 185 (0.51%) 2,005 (5.49%) 41 (0.11%) 25 (0.07%)Urban 3,558 82 (2.3%) 1,552 (43.62%) 99 (2.78%) 12 (0.34%)

3 Total 26,146 217 (0.83%) 4,617 (17.66%) 78 (0.3%) 104 (0.4%)Rural 18,150 85 (0.47%) 769 (4.24%) 25 (0.14%) 8 (0.04%)Urban 7,996 132 (1.65%) 3,848 (48.12%) 53 (0.66%) 96 (1.2%)

4 Total 29,621 835 (2.82%) 4,280 (14.45%) 252 (0.85%) 108 (0.36%)Rural 21,127 219 (1.04%) 1,406 (6.65%) 118 (0.56%) 66 (0.31%)Urban 8,494 616 (7.25%) 2,874 (33.84%) 134 (1.58%) 42 (0.49%)

5 Total 79,208 3,162 (3.99%) 16,745 (21.14%) 563 (0.71%) 240 (0.3%)Rural 56,710 505 (0.89%) 4,469 (7.88%) 266 (0.47%) 140 (0.25%)Urban 22,498 2,657 (11.81%) 12,276 (54.56%) 297 (1.32%) 100 (0.44%)Total 2,20,071 4,799 (2.18%) 32,063 (14.57%) 1,355 (0.62%) 733 (0.33%)Rural 1,77,525 1,312 (0.74%) 11,513 (6.49%) 772 (0.43%) 483 (0.27%)Urban 42,546 3,487 (8.2%) 20,550 (48.3%) 583 (1.37%) 250 (0.59%)

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

District - Bundi (08121)

Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households Sl. No.

Name of Sub-District Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total number of households

Flush/Pour latrine Number and percentage of households



slab/open pitNight soil

removed by human

Night soil serviced by


Public Latrine Open

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2113 (0.25%) 82 (0.18%) 0 (0%) 31 (0.07%) 52 (0.12%) 40,996 (91.06%) Total113 (0.25%) 82 (0.18%) 0 (0%) 31 (0.07%) 52 (0.12%) 40,996 (91.06%) Rural

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban17 (0.04%) 162 (0.4%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.05%) 183 (0.46%) 35,690 (89.06%) Total15 (0.04%) 106 (0.29%) 0 (0%) 11 (0.03%) 24 (0.07%) 34,104 (93.39%) Rural2 (0.06%) 56 (1.57%) 0 (0%) 10 (0.28%) 159 (4.47%) 1,586 (44.58%) Urban

10 (0.04%) 104 (0.4%) 0 (0%) 13 (0.05%) 253 (0.97%) 20,750 (79.36%) Total6 (0.03%) 24 (0.13%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.04%) 21 (0.12%) 17,204 (94.79%) Rural4 (0.05%) 80 (1%) 0 (0%) 5 (0.06%) 232 (2.9%) 3,546 (44.35%) Urban58 (0.2%) 651 (2.2%) 0 (0%) 147 (0.5%) 171 (0.58%) 23,119 (78.05%) Total8 (0.04%) 36 (0.17%) 0 (0%) 121 (0.57%) 24 (0.11%) 19,129 (90.54%) Rural

50 (0.59%) 615 (7.24%) 0 (0%) 26 (0.31%) 147 (1.73%) 3,990 (46.97%) Urban84 (0.11%) 1,595 (2.01%) 0 (0%) 44 (0.06%) 624 (0.79%) 56,151 (70.89%) Total24 (0.04%) 80 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 28 (0.05%) 239 (0.42%) 50,959 (89.86%) Rural60 (0.27%) 1,515 (6.73%) 0 (0%) 16 (0.07%) 385 (1.71%) 5,192 (23.08%) Urban

282 (0.13%) 2,594 (1.18%) 0 (0%) 256 (0.12%) 1,283 (0.58%) 176,706 (80.29%) Total166 (0.09%) 328 (0.18%) 0 (0%) 199 (0.11%) 360 (0.2%) 162,392 (91.48%) Rural116 (0.27%) 2,266 (5.33%) 0 (0%) 57 (0.13%) 923 (2.17%) 14,314 (33.64%) Urban

District - Bundi (08121)

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

by type of Latrine facility, 2011Name of Sub-District

No latrine within premisesNight Soil disposed into

open drain

Service Latrine having following type of latrine facility Total/

Rural/ Urban


Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 71 Total 45,022 1,129 (2.51%) 8,917 (19.81%) 34,976 (77.69%)

Rural 45,022 1,129 (2.51%) 8,917 (19.81%) 34,976 (77.69%)Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 1,612 (4.02%) 9,778 (24.4%) 28,684 (71.58%)Rural 36,516 1,405 (3.85%) 7,173 (19.64%) 27,938 (76.51%)Urban 3,558 207 (5.82%) 2,605 (73.22%) 746 (20.97%)

3 Total 26,146 1,711 (6.54%) 9,912 (37.91%) 14,523 (55.55%)Rural 18,150 635 (3.5%) 4,136 (22.79%) 13,379 (73.71%)Urban 7,996 1,076 (13.46%) 5,776 (72.24%) 1,144 (14.31%)

4 Total 29,621 1,559 (5.26%) 10,783 (36.4%) 17,279 (58.33%)Rural 21,127 593 (2.81%) 5,388 (25.5%) 15,146 (71.69%)Urban 8,494 966 (11.37%) 5,395 (63.52%) 2,133 (25.11%)

5 Total 79,208 6,810 (8.6%) 25,438 (32.12%) 46,960 (59.29%)Rural 56,710 2,347 (4.14%) 11,835 (20.87%) 42,528 (74.99%)Urban 22,498 4,463 (19.84%) 13,603 (60.46%) 4,432 (19.7%)Total 2,20,071 12,821 (5.83%) 64,828 (29.46%) 142,422 (64.72%)Rural 1,77,525 6,109 (3.44%) 37,449 (21.1%) 133,967 (75.46%)Urban 42,546 6,712 (15.78%) 27,379 (64.35%) 8,455 (19.87%)

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011 Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/

Rural/ Urban

Total number of households

Number and Percentage of households by type of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

District - Bundi (08121)


Has kitchen Does not have kitchen

Has kitchen Does not have kitchen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 Total 45,022 4,208 (9.35%) 30,604 (67.98%) 516 (1.15%) 9,618 (21.36%) 76 (0.17%)

Rural 45,022 4,208 (9.35%) 30,604 (67.98%) 516 (1.15%) 9,618 (21.36%) 76 (0.17%)Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 4,479 (11.18%) 28,187 (70.34%) 463 (1.16%) 6,873 (17.15%) 72 (0.18%)Rural 36,516 2,931 (8.03%) 26,448 (72.43%) 435 (1.19%) 6,637 (18.18%) 65 (0.18%)Urban 3,558 1,548 (43.51%) 1,739 (48.88%) 28 (0.79%) 236 (6.63%) 7 (0.2%)

3 Total 26,146 4,898 (18.73%) 17,781 (68.01%) 198 (0.76%) 3,181 (12.17%) 88 (0.34%)Rural 18,150 1,438 (7.92%) 13,948 (76.85%) 158 (0.87%) 2,579 (14.21%) 27 (0.15%)Urban 7,996 3,460 (43.27%) 3,833 (47.94%) 40 (0.5%) 602 (7.53%) 61 (0.76%)

4 Total 29,621 4,616 (15.58%) 22,518 (76.02%) 261 (0.88%) 2,153 (7.27%) 73 (0.25%)Rural 21,127 1,561 (7.39%) 17,856 (84.52%) 120 (0.57%) 1,558 (7.37%) 32 (0.15%)Urban 8,494 3,055 (35.97%) 4,662 (54.89%) 141 (1.66%) 595 (7%) 41 (0.48%)

5 Total 79,208 20,339 (25.68%) 44,304 (55.93%) 1,823 (2.3%) 12,553 (15.85%) 189 (0.24%)Rural 56,710 6,240 (11%) 37,127 (65.47%) 1,651 (2.91%) 11,566 (20.39%) 126 (0.22%)Urban 22,498 14,099 (62.67%) 7,177 (31.9%) 172 (0.76%) 987 (4.39%) 63 (0.28%)Total 2,20,071 38,540 (17.51%) 143,394 (65.16%) 3,261 (1.48%) 34,378 (15.62%) 498 (0.23%)Rural 1,77,525 16,378 (9.23%) 125,983 (70.97%) 2,880 (1.62%) 31,958 (18%) 326 (0.18%)Urban 42,546 22,162 (52.09%) 17,411 (40.92%) 381 (0.9%) 2,420 (5.69%) 172 (0.4%)

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011Sl. No.

Name of Sub-District

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total number of households

Number and Percentage of households having kitchenCooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli


Sub-District - Nainwa


Sub-District - Indragarh


Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

District - Bundi (08121)


Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/ charcoal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 Total 45,022 41,012 (91.09%) 795 (1.77%) 455 (1.01%) 39 (0.09%)

Rural 45,022 41,012 (91.09%) 795 (1.77%) 455 (1.01%) 39 (0.09%)Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 25,550 (63.76%) 7,161 (17.87%) 4,014 (10.02%) 13 (0.03%)Rural 36,516 23,603 (64.64%) 7,002 (19.18%) 3,977 (10.89%) 13 (0.04%)Urban 3,558 1,947 (54.72%) 159 (4.47%) 37 (1.04%) 0 (0%)

3 Total 26,146 19,055 (72.88%) 1,632 (6.24%) 1,154 (4.41%) 11 (0.04%)Rural 18,150 14,732 (81.17%) 1,586 (8.74%) 1,142 (6.29%) 3 (0.02%)Urban 7,996 4,323 (54.06%) 46 (0.58%) 12 (0.15%) 8 (0.1%)

4 Total 29,621 19,172 (64.72%) 323 (1.09%) 5,520 (18.64%) 7 (0.02%)Rural 21,127 14,677 (69.47%) 229 (1.08%) 5,009 (23.71%) 2 (0.01%)Urban 8,494 4,495 (52.92%) 94 (1.11%) 511 (6.02%) 5 (0.06%)

5 Total 79,208 46,696 (58.95%) 1,638 (2.07%) 9,599 (12.12%) 64 (0.08%)Rural 56,710 40,844 (72.02%) 1,301 (2.29%) 9,476 (16.71%) 43 (0.08%)Urban 22,498 5,852 (26.01%) 337 (1.5%) 123 (0.55%) 21 (0.09%)Total 2,20,071 151,485 (68.83%) 11,549 (5.25%) 20,742 (9.43%) 134 (0.06%)Rural 1,77,525 134,868 (75.97%) 10,913 (6.15%) 20,059 (11.3%) 100 (0.06%)Urban 42,546 16,617 (39.06%) 636 (1.49%) 683 (1.61%) 34 (0.08%)

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Number and percentage of households bySl. No.

Name of Sub-District Total/ Rural/ Urban

Total number of households

Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)

District - Bundi (08121)


Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 248 (0.11%) 2,410 (5.35%) 11 (0.02%) 44 (0.1%) 132 (0.29%) 76 (0.17%) Total48 (0.11%) 2,410 (5.35%) 11 (0.02%) 44 (0.1%) 132 (0.29%) 76 (0.17%) Rural

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban130 (0.32%) 3,082 (7.69%) 12 (0.03%) 22 (0.05%) 18 (0.04%) 72 (0.18%) Total

38 (0.1%) 1,778 (4.87%) 9 (0.02%) 15 (0.04%) 16 (0.04%) 65 (0.18%) Rural92 (2.59%) 1,304 (36.65%) 3 (0.08%) 7 (0.2%) 2 (0.06%) 7 (0.2%) Urban

188 (0.72%) 3,987 (15.25%) 16 (0.06%) 12 (0.05%) 3 (0.01%) 88 (0.34%) Total25 (0.14%) 619 (3.41%) 5 (0.03%) 9 (0.05%) 2 (0.01%) 27 (0.15%) Rural

163 (2.04%) 3,368 (42.12%) 11 (0.14%) 3 (0.04%) 1 (0.01%) 61 (0.76%) Urban204 (0.69%) 4,265 (14.4%) 2 (0.01%) 25 (0.08%) 30 (0.1%) 73 (0.25%) Total

21 (0.1%) 1,116 (5.28%) 1 (0%) 19 (0.09%) 21 (0.1%) 32 (0.15%) Rural183 (2.15%) 3,149 (37.07%) 1 (0.01%) 6 (0.07%) 9 (0.11%) 41 (0.48%) Urban

1,217 (1.54%) 19,662 (24.82%) 18 (0.02%) 75 (0.09%) 50 (0.06%) 189 (0.24%) Total206 (0.36%) 4,639 (8.18%) 14 (0.02%) 34 (0.06%) 27 (0.05%) 126 (0.22%) Rural

1,011 (4.49%) 15,023 (66.77%) 4 (0.02%) 41 (0.18%) 23 (0.1%) 63 (0.28%) Urban1,787 (0.81%) 33,406 (15.18%) 59 (0.03%) 178 (0.08%) 233 (0.11%) 498 (0.23%) Total

338 (0.19%) 10,562 (5.95%) 40 (0.02%) 121 (0.07%) 198 (0.11%) 326 (0.18%) Rural1,449 (3.41%) 22,844 (53.69%) 19 (0.04%) 57 (0.13%) 35 (0.08%) 172 (0.4%) Urban

by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011 availability of fuel used for cooking Name of Sub-DistrictTotal/

Rural/ Urban

District - Bundi (08121)

Sub-District - Hindoli (0812100622)

Sub-District - Nainwa (0812100623)

Sub-District - Indragarh (0812100624)

Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi (0812100626)


Radio/ Transistor Television Computer/ laptop- With Internet

Computer/ laptop- Without Internet

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 Total 45,022 37,234 (82.7%) 3,836 (8.52%) 9,672 (21.48%) 148 (0.33%) 1,183 (2.63%)

Rural 45,022 37,234 (82.7%) 3,836 (8.52%) 9,672 (21.48%) 148 (0.33%) 1,183 (2.63%)Urban 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)

2 Total 40,074 33,566 (83.76%) 4,519 (11.28%) 8,681 (21.66%) 112 (0.28%) 979 (2.44%)Rural 36,516 31,265 (85.62%) 3,932 (10.77%) 6,658 (18.23%) 74 (0.2%) 652 (1.79%)Urban 3,558 2,301 (64.67%) 587 (16.5%) 2,023 (56.86%) 38 (1.07%) 327 (9.19%)

3 Total 26,146 19,109 (73.09%) 3,113 (11.91%) 9,044 (34.59%) 139 (0.53%) 707 (2.7%)Rural 18,150 13,849 (76.3%) 2,101 (11.58%) 3,561 (19.62%) 14 (0.08%) 341 (1.88%)Urban 7,996 5,260 (65.78%) 1,012 (12.66%) 5,483 (68.57%) 125 (1.56%) 366 (4.58%)

4 Total 29,621 20,492 (69.18%) 3,853 (13.01%) 12,416 (41.92%) 128 (0.43%) 659 (2.22%)Rural 21,127 15,354 (72.67%) 2,869 (13.58%) 7,345 (34.77%) 31 (0.15%) 320 (1.51%)Urban 8,494 5,138 (60.49%) 984 (11.58%) 5,071 (59.7%) 97 (1.14%) 339 (3.99%)

5 Total 79,208 52,073 (65.74%) 10,936 (13.81%) 38,879 (49.08%) 865 (1.09%) 2,785 (3.52%)Rural 56,710 37,111 (65.44%) 7,494 (13.21%) 21,845 (38.52%) 182 (0.32%) 1,260 (2.22%)Urban 22,498 14,962 (66.5%) 3,442 (15.3%) 17,034 (75.71%) 683 (3.04%) 1,525 (6.78%)Total 2,20,071 162,474 (73.83%) 26,257 (11.93%) 78,692 (35.76%) 1,392 (0.63%) 6,313 (2.87%)Rural 1,77,525 134,813 (75.94%) 20,232 (11.4%) 49,081 (27.65%) 449 (0.25%) 3,756 (2.12%)Urban 42,546 27,661 (65.01%) 6,025 (14.16%) 29,611 (69.6%) 943 (2.22%) 2,557 (6.01%)

Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and Total

number of


Total number of households

availing banking services

Number and percentage of households Sl. No.

Name of Sub-District

Total/ Rural/ Urban

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Sub-District - Hindoli


Sub-District - Nainwa


Sub-District - Indragarh


Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi


District - Bundi (08121)


Land line Telephone

Mobile Telephone

Both Land line and


Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Cycle/ Moped

Car/ Jeep/ Van None of the specified asset

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2722 (1.6%) 23,878 (53.04%) 1,006 (2.23%) 19,649 (43.64%) 8,702 (19.33%) 811 (1.8%) 11,435 (25.4%) Total722 (1.6%) 23,878 (53.04%) 1,006 (2.23%) 19,649 (43.64%) 8,702 (19.33%) 811 (1.8%) 11,435 (25.4%) Rural

0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) Urban595 (1.48%) 24,165 (60.3%) 1,011 (2.52%) 15,521 (38.73%) 8,222 (20.52%) 480 (1.2%) 9,537 (23.8%) Total460 (1.26%) 21,858 (59.86%) 794 (2.17%) 14,108 (38.64%) 6,938 (19%) 349 (0.96%) 9,065 (24.82%) Rural135 (3.79%) 2,307 (64.84%) 217 (6.1%) 1,413 (39.71%) 1,284 (36.09%) 131 (3.68%) 472 (13.27%) Urban355 (1.36%) 16,202 (61.97%) 460 (1.76%) 9,753 (37.3%) 5,157 (19.72%) 465 (1.78%) 5,893 (22.54%) Total224 (1.23%) 10,477 (57.72%) 154 (0.85%) 5,798 (31.94%) 2,776 (15.29%) 203 (1.12%) 5,061 (27.88%) Rural131 (1.64%) 5,725 (71.6%) 306 (3.83%) 3,955 (49.46%) 2,381 (29.78%) 262 (3.28%) 832 (10.41%) Urban654 (2.21%) 19,209 (64.85%) 967 (3.26%) 10,063 (33.97%) 8,767 (29.6%) 856 (2.89%) 5,707 (19.27%) Total324 (1.53%) 13,504 (63.92%) 431 (2.04%) 7,336 (34.72%) 6,050 (28.64%) 501 (2.37%) 4,597 (21.76%) Rural330 (3.89%) 5,705 (67.17%) 536 (6.31%) 2,727 (32.11%) 2,717 (31.99%) 355 (4.18%) 1,110 (13.07%) Urban

2,103 (2.66%) 47,699 (60.22%) 4,407 (5.56%) 31,824 (40.18%) 27,407 (34.6%) 3,175 (4.01%) 14,213 (17.94%) Total1,183 (2.09%) 33,517 (59.1%) 1,311 (2.31%) 22,143 (39.05%) 17,195 (30.32%) 1,478 (2.61%) 12,273 (21.64%) Rural

920 (4.09%) 14,182 (63.04%) 3,096 (13.76%) 9,681 (43.03%) 10,212 (45.39%) 1,697 (7.54%) 1,940 (8.62%) Urban4,429 (2.01%) 131,153 (59.6%) 7,851 (3.57%) 86,810 (39.45%) 58,255 (26.47%) 5,787 (2.63%) 46,785 (21.26%) Total2,913 (1.64%) 103,234 (58.15%) 3,696 (2.08%) 69,034 (38.89%) 41,661 (23.47%) 3,342 (1.88%) 42,431 (23.9%) Rural1,516 (3.56%) 27,919 (65.62%) 4,155 (9.77%) 17,776 (41.78%) 16,594 (39%) 2,445 (5.75%) 4,354 (10.23%) Urban

number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011 having each of the following specified assets Name of Sub-

DistrictTotal/ Rural/ Urban

District - Bundi (08121)

Sub-District - Hindoli


Sub-District - Nainwa


Sub-District - Indragarh


Sub-District - Keshoraipatan (0812100625)

Sub-District - Bundi



ORGI-RAJASTHAN English – (10-2011)

Directorate of Census Operations, Rajasthan

Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Janganana Bhawan 6-B, Jhalana Dungri

Jaipur-302 004

Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.censusindia.gov.in