rain forest power point

Maeve Mr. Robinson A Block Social Studies 11/28/11

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Page 1: Rain forest power point


Mr. Robinson

A Block Social Studies


Page 2: Rain forest power point

Worlds largest rainforest, “Lungs of the Earth”

Cattle Ranchers vs. natives; to cut or not to cut

Although the way the way that the cattle ranchers use the Amazon rain forest’s land and resources is important, the way that the native Amazonians use the resources are more important because their methods better help preserve the Amazon rainforest.

Page 3: Rain forest power point

To make the Amazon rainforest a big cattle farm

“We help support Brazils economy” “We are using our resources”

It destroys the already threatened rainforests

Page 4: Rain forest power point

To live peacefully in the rainforest

“We have been here for a long time and we have never harmed, we simply live beside.”

They don’t destroy the rainforest, they unlock the mysteries within. That is their home.

Page 5: Rain forest power point

Cattle ranchers are harming the rainforest, where they don’t even belong. Natives are simply living there not harming

Although the way the way that the cattle ranchers use the Amazon rain forest’s land and resources is important, the way that the native Amazonians use the resources are more important because their methods better help preserve the Amazon rainforest.

What is the broader significance of your ideas and/or Why should someone care about this topic?

Page 6: Rain forest power point

"Rain Forest." Http://whitmer.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Rain+Forest-+Cattle+Ranchers. Whitmer, 21 Apr. 2009. Web.

"Rainforest Cattle Ranchers." Http://whitmer.wikis.birmingham.k12.mi.us/Rain+Forest+-+Native+Amazonians1. 21 Apr. 2009. Web.

"Cattle in the Rainforest." Mongabay. 2004. Web. <http://kids.mongabay.com/elementary/301.html>.

"Rainforest People." Mongabay. Creative Common License, 2004. Web. <http://kids.mongabay.com/elementary/504.html>.