railway signalling based on wireless sensor networks

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  • 8/4/2019 Railway Signalling Based on Wireless Sensor Networks


    Railway Signalling Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    From the Desk of

    Sandeep Patalay

    Railway Signalling Using Wireless Sensor Networks

    Sandeep Patalay

    Senior Systems Engineer, CMC Ltd

    [email protected]


    Railway Signalling is safety critical domain, where still traditional technologyis in use. There are many reasons for using traditional technology; one of the main

    reasons being the proven Safety performance of the older systems (Relay Based). As

    the rail traffic is increasing and with higher speed of trains there is an acute need for

    modernization of Railway Signalling Technology. Even with the advent of

    Microprocessor based technology, the problems have not been solved. This article

    proposes the use of Wireless sensor networks in Railway Signaling domain which

    combines the Ground base signalling and the OnBoard Signalling, which is suitable

    for high Speed Railway Traffic. The article gives brief idea of the architectures of a

    Sensor Node, Driver node, Gateway Node and Base Station. It discusses the network

    Architectures and the Routing algorithms to be used in the sensor networks. It also

    discusses the design of Control laws (Interlocking Logic) for safe movement of trains

    and also the failsafe techniques to be used in the design of such Technology. Thearticle also describes the challenges in using the Concept of Wireless Sensor

    Networks in Railway Signalling Domain.

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    1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................3

    1.1. ABOUT INDIAN RAILWAYS .....................................................................................................31.2. SIGNALLING SYSTEMS............................................................................................................31.3. SIGNALLING CONCEPTS..........................................................................................................4

    1.3.1. Route Relay Interlocking ..................................................................................................4

    1.3.2. Solid State Interlocking (SSI) or Computer Interlocking System (CIS) ............. ............ ... 5


    2.1. ROUTE RELAY INTERLOCKING (RRI).....................................................................................72.2. COMPUTER BASED INTERLOCKING SYSTEM (SSI) ..................................................................8

    2.2.1. Challenges faced by Computer based Interlocking Systems.............................................9


    3.1. WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS ............................................................................................113.1.1. Sensor Node....................................................................................................................113.1.2. Gateway Node.................................................................................................................123.1.3. Base Station ....................................................................................................................12 3.1.4. Driving Node ..................................................................................................................14

    3.2. NETWORK ARCHITECTURE...................................................................................................14

    3.2.1. Routing Algorithms.........................................................................................................16 Flat routing algorithm ......................................................................................................... TinyOS beaconing .............................................................................................................. Pulse routing algorithm .......................................................................................................17

    4. FAILSAFE TECHNIQUES.......................................................................................................19

    4.1. FAIL SAFE TECH USED IN THE DESIGN OF CONTROL LAWS (INTERLOCKING LOGIC) ............204.1.1. Geographical Method.....................................................................................................204.1.2. Boolean Equation Method..............................................................................................20

    5. CHALLENGES IN USING WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS IN RAILWAYSIGNALLING ......................................................................................................................................21

    6. FUTURE WORK AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................23

    6.1. GLOSSARY OF TERMS...........................................................................................................24

    List of FiguresFIGURE 1:TYPICAL RELAY CIRCUIT .........................................................................................................5FIGURE 2:ATYPICAL SOLID STATE INTERLOCKING SYSTEM IN A STATION YARD ...................................6FIGURE 3:TYPICAL RRIINSTALLATION....................................................................................................8FIGURE 4:TYPICAL SSIINSTALLATION.....................................................................................................9FIGURE 5:TYPICAL ARCHITECTURE OF A SENSOR NODE ........................................................................12FIGURE 6:TYPICAL ARCHITECTURE OF A BASE STATION........................................................................13FIGURE 7:TYPICAL ARCHITECTURE OF A DRIVING NODE .......................................................................14FIGURE 8:FUTURISTIC MODEL USING SENSOR NETWORKS IN RAILWAY SIGNALLING ............................15FIGURE 9:ROUTING TREES .....................................................................................................................16FIGURE 10:FAILSAFE HARDWARE FOR SENSOR NODE............................................................................19

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    1. IntroductionThe railway signalling domain is a safety critical domain, where safety is

    given utmost importance. The railway signalling domain is mostly operated using

    traditional technology, which is considered safe and time proven. The New advancesin technology have not been able to solve age old problems of safety and reliability.

    Here we give brief of the signalling domain and signalling concepts

    1.1. About Indian RailwaysRailways traverse through the length and breadth of the country covering 63,140

    route kms, comprising broad gauge (45,099 kms), meter gauge (14,776 kms) and

    narrow gauge (3,265 kms). As the principal constituent of the nation's transport

    system, Indian Railways own a fleet of 2, 16,717 wagons (units), 39,236 coaches and

    7,739 number of locomotives and manage to run 14,444 trains daily, including about

    8,702 passenger trains. They carry more than a million tonne of freight traffic and

    about 14 million passengers covering 6,856 number of stations daily.

    Harnessing the potential of these vast and widespread assets to meet the growing

    traffic needs of developing economy is no easy task and makes Indian Railways a

    complex cybernetic system. Over the years, Railways have built up an elaborate and

    well established manual information system to help them monitoring their moving

    assets. Supported by a dedicated voice communications network, it collects and

    transmits information from the remotest corners of the country to control centres, at

    the highest level. The size and complexity of their operations, growing traffic and

    changing technologies, placed inevitably a heavy burden on this manual information

    system. Need for its modernization was therefore felt for sometime.

    1.2. Signalling SystemsThe most important part of the railways to carry out operations like safe

    movement of trains and communications between different entities is Signalling. The

    Railway signalling is governed by a concept called Interlocking. A railway

    interlocking system controls the traffic in a railway station, and between adjacent

    stations. The control includes train routes, shunting moves and the movements of all

    other railway vehicles in accordance with railway rules, regulations and technological

    processes required for the operation of the railway station.

    The are different types of Interlocking Systems available like cabin Interlocking

    System (Mechanical Interlocking), Panel Interlocking System (PI), Route Relay

    Interlocking System (RRI) and Solid Sate Interlocking System (SSI) also known as

    Computer Interlocking System (CIS). The cabin Interlocking system is obsolete andthe Panel interlocking is slowing becoming obsolete. The Route Relay Interlocking

    System is the widely used system. In the present age of Information technology, the

    relay based technology is slowly being phased out and replaced with SSIs, but there

    are operational issues with Computer based interlocking systems.

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    1.3. Signalling ConceptsA station yard consists of Signals, Track Circuits and Points. These elements

    are the deciding factors in the safe movement of trains. For Safe movement of trains,

    some of the factors such as the track on which the train travels is unoccupied until a

    safe distance, no Conflicting Movement with any other train(s) Etc. are considered..

    The presence of the train on certain portion of the track is detected by a device calledTrack Circuit. The object which gives the information to the train driver is the signal.

    The Object used to divert the direction or set the direction of the train is a point. All

    these objects such as Signals, track Circuits and points etc form input to a Centralized

    system, which monitor the state of these devices and based on the Interlocking rules

    and Commands given by the station master decide the safe movement of trains inside

    a station yard. So all the elements in the yard are interlocked with one another, thus

    the term INTERLOCKING comes in to existence. The Control laws or better known

    as Interlocking rules which decide the safe movements of trains have evolved over a

    period of 150 years of experience gained in operating trains. These Controls laws are

    extremely complex.

    1.3.1. Route Relay InterlockingIn Route Relay Interlocking or popularly known as RRI, the Control Rules are

    implemented using Relays. These relay based circuits implement all types of Logic

    and take inputs from Signals, Points and Track Circuits Etc. in the form of relays. The

    Command to set and clear the route for the train is taken in the form of button form

    the Station masters console (Control cum Indication panel). When a command is

    given the RRI checks if the command given is safe and takes necessary action, but if

    the command given by the station master is invalid and unsafe it does not execute it.

    The output of the Interlocking Logic is also a relay, which in turn drive the

    signals and Point Machines associated with points. RRI till date is the safest system

    implemented, because it implements the proven interlocking rules and also since theRelays used in RRI are inherently failsafe, they (Contacts) drop to safe state due to

    gravity even when power supply is not available or in any kind of malfunction.

    The relays circuits are build using the station Control Table as the input

    document and the interlocking rules as the Logic. The Control table decides the

    possible movements of the train inside a station yard and its relationship with other


    Example of Typical Control law or Interlocking Equation:

    ASSIGN ~59EMTEZ * (L60HS * 59NWC + L60AHS * 59RWC + ~59TPS *

    R62VS) TO R62VS;

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    Implementation of the above equation using relays:

    Figure 1: Typical Relay Circuit

    1.3.2. Solid State Interlocking (SSI) or Computer Interlocking System (CIS)An Interlocking System When built using Electronics replacing traditional

    Mechanical Levers and Electro mechanical relays is called as Solid state Interlocking

    System. The Same Interlocking rules or control equations used in RRI form the basis

    here also. The relays used to form the logic circuits in RRI are replaced by software

    variables. The field inputs are collected using digital input cards and outputs are

    given using digital output cards. The processing is done by a processor where the

    virtual relays (Software Variables) are evaluated using the Interlocking equations,

    which are now in digitized form either as Algorithms, Boolean equations or state

    charts in the processor memory. These algorithms now being executed by the

    processing unit take appropriate action.

    SSIs are required to replace the existing RRI and PI Systems Since the

    traditional systems are very expensive and difficult to maintain because of the huge

    number of relays and mechanical levers used. SSIs are a better solution to the older

    systems since they are costing only the cost of RRI or PI and the maintenance cost

    is negligible and are easy to maintain.

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    Figure 2: A Typical Solid State Interlocking System in a Station Yard

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    2. Existing Interlocking systems and their LimitationsHere we discuss the existing systems used for railway traffic control and their

    system architectures. We also list out the limitations these systems have in the current


    2.1. Route Relay Interlocking (RRI)In traditional RRI (Route Relay Interlocking) systems the interlocking logic is

    implemented through electromechanical relays. In a typical four road station the

    number of relays used to implement this type of logic would in the order of 1000

    relays and wiring is so complex that the time taken to install and commission a RRI is

    very long. The testing of the system requires the total station to be setup and testing

    done during normal train operation. The maintenance of RRI systems is costly and

    complex. So the need for a better system which would reduce the number of relays

    and maintenance was needed.

    A brief list of issues that explain why RRIs are not suitable in the present age ofInformation technology

    1. The Relays used to build the logic circuits are bulky and take a lot of space2. The relay wiring is very huge and it may take years to complete an installation3. The wiring from the field object such as Signals, Points and tracks to the

    Relay Room and entire relay wiring is done using copper cables, which is

    expensive and it amounts to 50% of the RRI installation cost

    4. The testing of RRI is still an informal process that take months to verify andvalidate the installation

    5. Any change to the station yard such as adding an additional line requires mostor entire RRI wiring to be changed or replaced, which take years to complete

    6. Maintenance of the system is very difficultDue to the above listed reasons, we conclude that RRI is not acceptable to present day

    scenarios where traffic needs are growing continuously and the demand for speed of

    trains in continuously going up

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    Figure 3: Typical RRI Installation

    2.2. Computer based Interlocking System (SSI)In SSI system the relays used to implement the interlocking logic in RRI

    would be simulated by software variables and only the final Output driving relays are

    needed, so the number of relays is reduced to of the total RRI relays. The

    Installation time is also greatly reduced to 1/5 of the RRI installation time and the

    testing can be simulated and be done even at the factory. Thus the need for a SSI

    System aroused. The Control Laws or the Interlocking equations are modified as

    software algorithms and are stored in the embedded system memory. The control

    table of the station yard which gives the possible movements of the trains in the yard

    is stored as look up tables in software.

    Advantages of SSI over RRI:

    1. The space taken by SSI system is minimal when compared to RRI2. Entire logic circuits are simulated in software, no need of Bulky relays3. Relay wiring cost is saved4. Installation time comes down drastically to months5. Verification and Validation of Software is a formal documented process6. Any change to the Station yard can be quickly addressed by changing the look

    up tables and can virtually be done in a matter of hours

    7. Maintenance of the system is very easy

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    Figure 4: Typical SSI Installation

    2.2.1. Challenges faced by Computer based Interlocking Systems1. The wiring from the field object such as Signals, Points and tracks to the SSI

    Rack is still done using Copper cables which amounts to huge costs

    2. The hardware reliability and availability factor is low compared to the systemavailability given by RRI


    The fail safe mechanisms employed in processor based equipment is notstandard and often get untested during V&V activities

    4. Lack of formal methods in developing the control algorithms (InterlockingLogic)

    5. Lack of domain Knowledge in Signalling and Traditional Route RelayInterlocking Systems, This creates a technological gap between the software

    programmers and the Domain consultants. This leads to Errors in software,

    which might lead to unsafe failures of the system

    6. Extending the working scope of the Interlocking systems for monitoring andother non-Interlocking functions, which leads to degraded performance of the


    7. Employing Non-Formal Interlocking principles instead of traditional RRIPrinciples leads to software complexity. For Ex: The Geographical method

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    needs every system that is installed for new Yard needs validation, which is

    not practicable.

    8. Since the software and hardware is so complex, complete test of the system isnot possible and most of the faults are revealed at the field Installation stage or

    during normal working of the system in field.

    9. The software is to be changed for every yard, the software structure should bein a generic form, but we seldom see a generic form and at this stage errors

    creep in.

    10.The lack of standardization in the railway working principles and the coreInterlocking principles, the software developers are forced to do changes in the

    software for every yard in Different railway zones.

    11.Increase in the complexity of the software leads to difficulty in testing, sincemost of the Interlocking systems are sequential machines they are error prone

    and are very difficult to test.

    12.With Increasing speed of trains, there needs to be a direct communication withthe on board computer of the train (Engine), so that there is less human

    involvement and thus less human errors. But Interlocking systems are mostly

    not capable of sending commands to the on board computer of the train


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    3. Proposed Architecture of Signalling Systems in RailwaysAs Discussed in the above chapter, the existing systems used for signalling in

    railways have limitations in terms of Operations and Technology. These systems have

    not used the latest advances in the field of Information Technology. There is need to

    upgrade the existing Railway Signalling Infrastructure and addition of newtechnologies like fail safe wireless communications which shall combine both the

    ground based signalling (Interlocking Systems) and the Locomotives (On Board

    Computers of the train), so that the operation speed of the trains can be increased and

    thus leading to safe systems with very low accident probability, better utilization of

    the track and increased profits to railways. In this chapter we shall propose the

    futuristic model of signalling in railways using the most recent advance in the

    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). We shall also propose a formal approach to be

    taken in making Control Algorithms for safe movement of trains

    3.1. Wireless Sensor NetworksA wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of

    spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor

    physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure,

    motion or pollutants, at different locations. The development of wireless sensor

    networks was originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield

    surveillance. However, wireless sensor networks are now used in many civilian

    application areas, including environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare

    applications, home automation, and traffic control.

    3.1.1. Sensor NodeEach node in a sensor network is typically equipped with a radio transceiver orother wireless communications device, a small microcontroller, and an energy source,

    usually a battery. The envisaged size of a single sensor node can vary from shoebox-

    sized nodes down to devices the size of grain of dust, although functioning 'motes' of

    genuine microscopic dimensions have yet to be created. The cost of sensor nodes is

    similarly variable, ranging from hundreds of dollars to a few cents, depending on the

    size of the sensor network and the complexity required of individual sensor nodes.

    Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes result in corresponding constraints on

    resources such as energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth.

    As per the above definition of a sensor node, sensor node can be used in

    railway signalling scenario to detect the presence of train, serving the purpose of track

    circuits, to detect the aspect of the signal and its health and detect the position ofpoints and alsodetect the presence of vehicles at level crossing gates etc. When the

    sensors detect the event being monitored (Presence of train, Change of aspect in a

    signal, Movement in a point, Movement near a Level Crossing gate etc), the event

    needs to be reported to one of the base stations, which can take appropriate action.

    Depending on the exact application, different objective functions will require different

    data-propagation strategies, depending on things such as need for real-time response,

    redundancy of the data (which can be tackled via data aggregation techniques), need

    for security, etc.

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    Apart form the above discussed points, a sensor node can also be installed in

    on board systems like train engine to monitor the different aspects like speed, brake

    pressure etc. so that these can be used by the ground based equipment (Interlocking

    Systems) to process the data and take appropriate action in case of abnormal


    Sensor nodes communicate with each other by wireless means, using the IEEE802.11b wireless technology. The deployed network has typical inter-nodal distances

    of 400m, and the furthest reliable communications range we have achieved in the field

    is about 600m, therefore nodes at the edges of the network must use nodes between

    themselves and the gateway as data relays when communicating with the gateway. To

    fulfill this requirement, the nodes form an ad hoc network, where each node aims to

    form as many communications links to other nodes in the network, where possible.

    Figure 5: Typical Architecture of a Sensor Node

    3.1.2. Gateway NodeGateway nodes are important elements in a sensor network since they provide

    the ability to establish long range reach-back communication in order to retrieve

    critical data to remote locations. Gateways connect sensor clusters to wired networks.

    All communication with the user within the sensor network goes through the gateway

    node. The data is then transmitted to the base station where all the processing of the

    data takes place

    3.1.3. Base StationThe Base station receives the data from all the sensor nodes through the

    gateway and processes them. The base station in a railway signalling scenario consistsof wired network connection to the gateway(s). It consists of a processing unit which

    is responsible for executing the Control algorithms (Interlocking Rules) and the

    station specific data to allow safe movement of trains. As opposed to the traditional

    interlocking systems, the base station here can be used to communicate to the onboard

    computer of the train and facilitate safe speeds and proper braking distance without

    manual intervention. This base station can also be use to know the geographical

    location of trains and send to it to the central office where all traffic can be monitored

    efficiently. The base station logs all the events in its memory eliminating the need for

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    an external data logger as in the case of traditional interlocking systems. Since the

    Base station is connected to Internet, any authorized person can monitor the station

    yard sitting in a remote location.

    In case of Remote train control or driverless trains, the Information from

    sensor nodes must participate in algorithms which result in commands to tractionmotors, brakes, and doors Etc. One of the safety-critical applications for sensors in

    railroading is separation management. Current train control systems -- freight or

    passenger, manual or automatic -- rely on 'block signalling,' by which separation is

    assured under the online influence of a centralized authority arranged to allow only

    one train at a time to occupy a given block (a segment of track of fixed length).

    Information about the location of trains is crudely quantized based on train length and

    the size of each block.

    All of the requisite sensors, signalling, and processing devices are derived

    from proven failsafe technologies, as are the accompanying software methodologies.

    Sensor nodes, some with built-in intelligence, play an important role in the

    architecture of autonomic train separation. Furthermore, there are daunting safetyrequirements that characterize railroading applications. Railway vehicles with their

    traditional wiring harnesses suffer limitations in supporting vital control functions.

    Figure 6: Typical Architecture of a Base Station


    Processing Unit


    Unit for Gateway


    Data Logging Unit


    Unit for Internet


    Console unit




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    3.1.4. Driving NodeA driving node is similar to a Sensor node, the only difference is that it drives

    the objects in the station yard and the on-board systems, based on the commands

    received from the base station through gateway node. The driving node consists of a

    radio transceiver or other wireless communications device, a small microcontroller,

    and an energy source, usually a battery and driving channels that generate signals todrive the field objects. The driving node is used to drive the DC motors of point,

    Glow a Signal Aspect and also operate Level Crossing gates.

    Figure 7: Typical Architecture of a Driving Node

    3.2. Network ArchitectureAvailability of data is the most critical part of the Railway Signalling system.

    Therefore a reliable architecture of Sensor Network shall be used. Mesh networking

    is a way to route data between nodes. It allows for continuous connections and

    reconfiguration around broken or blocked paths by hopping from node to node until

    the destination is reached. A mesh network whose nodes are all connected to each

    other is a fully connected network. Mesh networks differ from other networks in that

    the component parts can all connect to each other via multiple hops, and they

    generally are not mobile. Mesh networks can be seen as one type of ad hoc network.

    Mesh networks are self-healing: the network can still operate even when a node

    breaks down or a connection goes bad. As a result, a very reliable network is formed.

    This concept is applicable to wireless networks, wired networks, and software


    Wireless mesh networks is the most topical application of mesh architectures.

    Wireless mesh was originally developed for military applications, but have undergone

    significant evolution in the past decade. Wireless mesh networking has seen three

    distinct radio configurations of mesh technology, each incorporating iterative

    improvements allowing for greater reliability and versatility. As the cost of radios

    plummeted, single radio products evolved to support more radios per mesh node with










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    the additional radios providing specific functions- such as client access, backhaul

    service or scanning radios for high speed handover in mobility applications. The mesh

    node design also became more modular - one box could support multiple radio cards -

    each operating at a different frequency. As a result, a whole new set of applications

    are being enabled by third generation mesh networking technology. These include real

    time video surveillance, border security or voice communication inside underground


    Figure 8: Futuristic Model using Sensor Networks in Railway Signalling

    In Figure 8, it can be seen that how wireless sensor networks are used to

    perform railways signalling. The Sensor nodes are used to detect the presence of train,

    aspect of the signals, Position of points, speed of the train etc. The sensor network

    normally constitutes a Wireless ad-hoc network, meaning that it each sensor supports

    Sensor Node Sensor NodeSensor Node

    Sensor Node Sensor Node




    Output Channels

    Driving Node

    Train Engine

    Sensor Node

    1T 2T

    S1 S2





    Driving Node

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    a multi-hop routing algorithm (several nodes may forward data packets to the base


    3.2.1. Routing AlgorithmsA number of routing protocols for sensor networks have been proposed in the

    literature over the last few years. Many of the protocols draw inspiration from similar

    protocols for wireless ad-hoc networks. Since the challenges for sensor networks aredifferent from those of ad-hoc networks, several interesting variations are introduced.

    In addition, many novel routing mechanisms have been proposed specially for sensor

    networks. The following lists some of the sensor network routing algorithms suitable

    for Railway Signalling Scenario. Flat routing algorithmFlat routing protocols are similar to the conventional multihop ad-hoc routing

    protocols. Each sensor node determines its parent node(s) to forward data packets.

    The nodes are not organized into hierarchical clusters as is done in the hierarchical

    protocols. The advantage of this approach is that all the nodes can reach the base

    station irrespective of their position.

    The most common way of routing in a sensor networks is routing trees (multi

    hop routing). A routing tree is a collection of sensor nodes with the base station as the

    root of the tree. Sensor A is the parent for sensors B and C. Sensor nodes

    transmit all there results to there parent nodes only. It is the responsibility of the

    parent node for forwarding them to the base station. A child can keep track of several

    parent nodes, and depending on the power levels or the quality of the communication

    links a child node can change its parent node.

    Figure 9: Routing Trees

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    Routing structures such as routing trees is well suited when there are only a

    few number of nodes in the network. A data gathering schedule is a way the data

    packets are collected from all the sensors and routed to the base station with

    maximum lifetime. The main assumption of this algorithm is that the location of the

    sensors, base station and energy values of the sensor nodes are known priori. In this

    model the lifetime of the system is intrinsically connected to the data gathering

    schedule. During each round a sensor will collect its own, neighbors data andpossibly aggregate it and send it to the base station. TinyOS beaconingThe TinyOS embedded sensor network platform employs a very simple ad-hoc

    routing protocol. The base station periodically broadcasts a route update beacon

    message to the network. The beacon message is received by a few nodes that are in

    the vicinity of the base station. These nodes mark the base station as their parent and

    rebroadcast the beacon to their neighbours. The algorithm proceeds recursively with

    nodes progressively propagating the beacon to their neighbours; each node marks the

    first node that it hears from as its parent. The beacon is thus flooded throughout the

    network, setting up a breadth-first spanning tree rooted at the base station. This

    process is repeated at periodic intervals known as epochs.

    Each network node periodically reads its sensor data and transmits the data

    packet to its parent in the spanning tree. The parent node in turn forwards the packet

    to its parent and soon. This process is repeated until the data finally reaches the base

    station. The attractive feature of TinyOS beaconing is its simplicitynodes do not

    have to maintain large routing tables or other complicated data structures. Each node

    needs to remember only its parent node in the path to the base station. By combining

    the beaconing with a MAC layer scheduling scheme such as TDMA, the nodes can

    conserve power by keeping their radio off most of the time. In spite of its attractive

    features, the beaconing protocol suffers from one main disadvantage: it is not resilient

    to node failures. If a parent node fails, then its entire subtree is cut off from the base

    station during the current epoch. Moreover, the protocol results in uneven power

    consumption across network nodes. The nodes nearer to the base station consume a

    lot of power in forwarding packets from all the nodes in their subtree, whereas the leaf

    nodes in the spanning tree do not have to perform any forwarding at all and consume

    the least power. Pulse routing algorithmThe Pulse protocol addresses the three topics of routing, energy consumption

    and time synchronization in sensor networks. It uses a periodic pulse signal generated

    and flooded by a pulse source to provide routing paths and synchronization to the

    network. As the pulse propagates through the network nodes, a spanning tree rooted atthe pulse source is constructed. Node traffic follows the paths along this spanning

    tree. A node that wants to communicate packets sends a reservation packet to the

    pulse source. The reservation packet contains the address of the node sending the

    packet and is used to set up reverse routes for data packets. Thus, active nodes need to

    keep sending reservation packets in response to the periodic pulse signals to keep the

    routes fresh. Idle nodes that do not have data to communicate and that are not needed

    for forwarding packets can switch off their radios till the next pulse signal arrives and

    thereby save energy. To further reduce energy consumption, the Pulse protocol is

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    modified to incorporate intermediate wake-up periods. The motivation behind this

    modification is that the routes in the network are established by the flooding of the

    pulse signal, which is an expensive process. Instead, nodes are permitted to send

    reservation packets during intermediate wake-up periods which can occur several

    times between two pulse floods. This enables faster path activations with lesser

    energy expenditure.

    The Pulse protocol is similar to the beaconing protocol if the pulse source is

    considered to be the base station. Thus it has similar merits and demerits as the

    beaconing protocol. One area of improvement in the Pulse protocol is to provide a

    path deactivation feature. This feature would allow nodes to deactivate paths and

    conserve energy even if the intervals between wake-up periods are arbitrarily long.

    This would of course trade off the fast path activation for power efficiency.

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    4. Failsafe TechniquesRailway Signalling is a safety critical domain and all the equipment used here

    shall be Fail Safe. The Existing failsafe techniques used in the design of hardware is

    listed in Error! Reference source not found.. The table gives the advantages and

    disadvantages of each type of technique. In this section we propose a new safetytechnique to be used in the design of hardware applicable for Sensor node, Driver

    Node and Base station.

    Figure 10: Failsafe Hardware for Sensor Node

    In the above figure (Figure 10), two processors are used to process the inputs

    from the sensors, the two processors are of the same configuration, but have different

    softwares implemented on each one. The two softwares are written in such a manner

    that both use different algorithms to process the data. The Software Voter takes the

    output generated by two softwares and compares it. The final level of checking is



    Software 1

    Software 2

    Processor 1

    Software 1

    Software 2

    Processor 2












    OutputsIdentical Hardware

    Identical Hardware

    Supervisor and

    diagnostic Module



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    done by Hardware Comparator called Voter to compare the results given by two

    processing units. If the results are matching the data is transmitted to the base station

    other wise appropriate action is taken to make the system Fail Safe. Above all this the

    Supervisor and the diagnostic module monitors the performance of the two processing

    units, such as Voltage, Error checking Etc. The same architecture can be used in the

    design of a Base Station. The above architecture is unique since there are two voters

    ensuring safety i.e. First level checking is done by a Software Voter and the final levelchecking is done by a Hardware Voter. By adopting the above described architecture,

    both failsafe operation and high reliability is ensured.

    4.1. Fail Safe Tech used in the design of Control Laws (Interlocking Logic)As Discussed in earlier sections the Railway Signalling Control Laws or

    Interlocking Rules form the basis for Safe movement of trains. There are different

    methods by which these Interlocking rules can be implemented in software. Here we

    discuss the existing methods for design of Interlocking Rules in Software.

    4.1.1. Geographical MethodIn the Geographical method the input to the Interlocking systems is given as

    the position of the signals, points, tracks Circuits and Slots. The Interlocking is

    implemented based on the generic rules such as no part of the track are shared by the

    two routes at a time, Conflicting routes should not be set at a time etc. This type of

    implementation requires a great knowledge of the Yard Elements and the

    interconnection between them. In this method the software does not have one to one

    relation ship to the relay circuits used for RRI and is very difficult validate, so this

    method has failed to create the necessary confidence in the railway operators

    4.1.2. Boolean Equation MethodThe Boolean equation method is the implementation of the traditional relay

    interlocking principles. In this method the relay circuits are implemented as Booleanequations, so there is one to one relation ship between the relay circuits and the

    software variables. Since there is a one to one relation ship between the software and

    the RRI Relay circuits, Railway operator can easily validate the software entrees

    made and this method gives him sufficient confidence. This method theoretically has

    very high safety performance, since the Control laws once written remains constant

    and only the station data is changed for every yard, but the actual implementation of

    this method has limitations like the control laws are not fully tested and they are not

    generic, Boolean equations are written for every yard Etc. Typically these boolean

    equation are in huge numbers and very difficult to verify these equations.

    As Discussed above both the methods have limitations in practical

    applications, so a new method in which the control laws are generic and applicable forall the yards is yet to be designed. In Railway Signalling using sensor networks

    scenario these Control laws need modification and with merging of Ground based

    signalling and ON-Board Signalling (On Train), a new set of Control laws have to be

    proposed which ensure the safe movement of trains.

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    5. Challenges in using Wireless Sensor Networks in RailwaySignallingThe use of Wireless Sensor Networks in a safety critical Domain like Railways

    signalling poses challenges in implementation and Operation. Some of the issues and

    challenges are discussed in this chapter.

    1. Sensor network communications must prevent disclosure and undetectedmodification of exchanged messages. Due to the fact that individual sensor

    nodes are anonymous and that communication among sensors is via wireless

    links, sensor networks are highly vulnerable to security attacks.

    2. The gateway nodes are prone to failures just like any sensor node, and theyconsume significantly more energy since they transmit over longer distances

    compared with sensor-to-sensor links. Failure of a Gateway node results to

    catastrophic results because, there not information regarding the yard status to

    the base station

    3. Sensor nodes have limited computing power and memory sizes. This restrictsthe amount of intermediate result a node can hold, also the type of data

    processing algorithm on a Sensor node.

    4. Signals detected at physical sensors might have errors. Malfunction sensorsmight repeatedly generate false signals, also there could be bias caused by the

    placement of the sensor.

    5. Sensor Nodes, Driver Node and Gate Way node have to work in High EMIEnvironment. Since sensor networks can be deployed in different situations,

    wireless medium can be greatly affected by noisy environments, and thus thesignal attenuates in regard to the noise. Note that an adversary can

    intentionally interfere and cause enough noise to affect the communication. It

    is vital to ensure that communication is on time to respond to emergencies.

    6. Wireless sensor networks at times may add delay in sending data to the basestation due to the routing algorithms, etc, but Railway Signalling is very time

    critical job, any delay in receiving the data leads to Catastrophic results.

    7. If a sensor node fails due to a technical problem or consumption of its battery,the rest of the network must continue its operation without a problem.

    Researchers must design adaptable protocols so that new links are established

    in case of node failure or link congestion. Furthermore, appropriatemechanisms should be designed to update topology information immediately

    after the environment changes so as to minimize unnecessary power


    8. The network should be scalable and flexible to the enlargement of thenetworks size. The communication protocols must be designed in such a way

    that deploying more nodes in the network does not affect routing and

    clustering. Rather, the protocols must be adapted to the new topology and

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    behave as expected. In other words, the network must preserve its stability.

    Furthermore, introducing more nodes into the network means that additional

    communication messages will be exchanged, so that these nodes are integrated

    into the existing network. This must be done in a way that a minimum number

    of messages need to be exchanged among the sensor nodes, and thus battery is

    not wasted unreasonably.

    9. As in Wireless Sensor Networks Both Ground based signalling (Way SideSignalling) and On-Board Signalling (Cab Signalling) get merged, so there is

    the complexity of linking the ground based control laws to the inputs received

    from the On-Board Sensors in the train

    10.Design and development of failsafe, fault tolerant and energy saving networkrouting algorithms is a complex design

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    6. Future Work and ConclusionsThe use of Wireless Sensor Networks in railway signalling domain was

    proposed in the earlier chapters. The work ahead is of proving the concept and

    making in it to reliable technology that can be implemented. The proof of concept will

    require design and development of Fail Safe and Fault tolerant Sensor Node, DriverNode, Gateway Node and the Base station and the design of network architecture that

    combines both ground based and On-Board Signalling. As far as the Software in

    considered, design of network routing algorithm which is Fail Safe and Fault Tolerant

    and at the same time energy efficient and the design of fail safe Control laws for safe

    movement of trains.

    In this article I covered the major advantages of using Wireless Sensor

    Networks in Railway Signalling domain. The hostile and remote environment at

    which sensor nodes are often deployed and the limited computational and energy

    power along the limited storage are the factors that drive the adoption of security

    solutions. Since the limited resources affect the types of security algorithms and

    protocols that can be implemented in a WSN.I also discussed some challenging

    directions that need special attention. Focus should be placed on designing protocols

    that are scalable, flexible, fault tolerant and adaptable to dynamic changes. However,

    the main challenge for researchers is to balance the trade off between resources spent

    for security and the protection offered. The target is to have a spherical security

    strategy with solutions that compensate each others vulnerabilities, and provide an

    enhanced protection to railway signalling Network.


    1. An Adaptive and Fault-Tolerant Gateway Assignment in Sensor Networks, William W. Su,Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Anaheim, CA 92806

    2. Cooperation and Routing in Multi-Hop Networks, Elzbieta Beres and Raviraj Adve, Dept.of Elec. and Comp. Eng. University of Toronto10 Kings College Road, Toronto

    3. Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications, Dagstuhl Seminar, Alois Ferscha1, StephanOlariu and Tom Pfeifer, Univ. Linz, AU

    4. M. Verma and V. Chandra/The Design and Development of a Fail-Safe Interlocking SystemUsing Microprocessors for Indian Railways," Proc. Region Ten IEEE Conf., IEEE Press, New

    York, 1989, pp.511-514.

    5. The Current Status of Signal Control Systems, and Research and Development, YoshinoriKon , Advanced Railway System Development Center, Research and Development Center of

    JR East Group

    6. Microprocessor-Based Railway Interlocking Control with Low Accident Probability, V.PURNACHANDRA RAO AND P. A. VENKATACHALAM, IEEE TRANSACTIONS OS


    7. http://www.irfca.org/faq/faq-signal4.html#general

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    6.1. Glossary of TermsWSN: Wireless Sensor Network, or WSN, is a network of RF transceivers, sensors,

    machine controllers, microcontrollers, and user interface devices with at least twonodes communicating by means of wireless transmissions.

    Hard Real Time System or Mission critical System: A real-time computer system

    must react to inputs from controlled object and from the operator. The instant at

    which a result must be produced is called a deadline. If by missing a firm deadline a

    catastrophe could happen, then the deadline is called hard. A real-time computer

    system that must meet at least one hard deadline is called a hard real-time computer

    system or a safety-critical real-time computer system.

    Railway Interlocking System: A railway interlocking system controls the traffic in a

    railway station, and between adjacent stations. The control includes train routes,

    shunting moves and the movements of all other railway vehicles in accordance withrailway rules, regulations and technological processes required for the operation of the

    railway station.

    Interlocking Logic: A term used for the logical relationships between physical

    entities in the railway yard such as points, signals, track circuits, and so on. In SSI,

    this is programmed in the Software; in relay-based interlocking this is hardwired into

    the relay circuitry, and in ground-frame interlocking it is manifest in the mechanical

    linkages between physical components.

    Mechanical interlocking System: An Interlocking System When built using

    mechanical linkages between Levers (Physical Entities) is called Ground-frame

    interlocking System.

    Panel Interlocking System: A system similar to RRI, but multiple commands are

    needed to set and Lock a route for safe movement of trains

    Route Relay Interlocking System (RRI): An Interlocking System When built

    completely using Electro mechanical relays is called as Route Relay Interlocking


    Solid State Interlocking System (SSI): An Interlocking System When built using

    Electronics replacing traditional Mechanical Levers and Electro mechanical relays is

    called as Solid State Interlocking System.

    Reliability: The reliability can be defined as the ability of an item to perform a

    required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time.

    Redundancy: The existence of more than one means of accomplishing a given

    function. Each means of accomplishing the function need not be necessarily identical.

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    Hardware (Software Diversity): Two or more different Versions of Hardware

    (Software) working in a system to achieve a same result.

    Failure: The termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function.

    Maintainability: The ability of an item, under stated conditions of use, to be retained

    in, or restore to, a state in which it can perform its required function, whenmaintenance is performed under stated conditions and using prescribed procedure and


    Availability: The ability of an item (Under combined aspects of its reliability,

    maintainability, and maintenance support) to perform its required function over a

    stated period of time.

    Wayside Signalling: Ground Based Interlocking Systems used to drive the objects

    located in the station yard

    TinyOS: TinyOS is an open-source operating system designed for wireless embedded

    sensor networks. It features a component-based architecture which enables rapidinnovation and implementation while minimizing code size as required by the severe

    memory constraints inherent in sensor networks.