ragnarok ds walktrought

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  • 7/29/2019 Ragnarok Ds Walktrought






    Game startIn the dungeon, look for the map (should be pretty close to you) after the tutorial.

    Once you get that, move to the bottomleft part of the dungeon. Try grind a bit on

    Porings here. Cutscene kicks in after you reach the bottomleft part. BOSS FIGHT!

    Oh wait, 3 Masterings, and they're MUCH weaker than PC version. Kill them for a

    cutscene. Use your "Novice Attack" well to push them away. Leave the dungeon.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Look for the map, then move to the warp on the right side to enter Prontera.

    - Prontera

    After the cutscene, go to the Knight's Guild.

    - Prontera Knight's Guild

    Cutscene here again. Lucifi joins your party.

    - Prontera

    Do some buy/sell and sleep in the Inn if necessary. Having some Red Potions here

    will be helpful, though Shera could probably handle all the healing. Leave the


    - East Prontera Forest

    Go to the south warp for a cutscene, after which you'll end up inside the Prontera


    - Prontera Culvert

    Here, put Shera on "Do whatever" (bottom option) and Lucifi on "Guard the back"

    (second option from the top) and you're all set. Find the map (it's not too far away

    from where you start) and make your way across the entire place to the platformimmediately to the right of the platform where you started. Remember to stock up

    on some Tarou Cards, but make sure you leave one of them unslotted. You need

    that for a sidequest later. Once you're at the final platform, cutscene, the BOSS

    FIGHT! Giant Drainliar, good thing it doesn't hurt as much as you think it would

    be. Kill it for a cutscene. You can't progress further here (well, you could, but it'll

    hurt a LOT) so leave the dungeon.

  • 7/29/2019 Ragnarok Ds Walktrought


    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to Prontera. You know your way right?

    - Prontera

    Head to the Knight's Guild to be accepted to the team. After the cutscenes, head to

    the bar for more cutscenes. After the cutscenes, do your buy/sell/sleep/save (I

    should call it "BSSS" from now on?) and head out of town.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Make your way to the warp on the west part of the map.

    - West Prontera Forest

    (The map is a bit farther away from where you start.) You're looking for a little kid

    who runs around in the forest. Follow where the kid's running off to and eventuallyyou'll end up near the north part of the map. Cutscene, the BOSS FIGHT! Giant

    Elder Willow isn't too hard, but make sure you spread your party out, or one Fire

    Bolt from that piece of tree could burn your entire party to crisp. Defeat it for

    another cutscene, then head back east. (There's a warp to the south but it's blocked

    now, so just head back to Prontera)

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head east back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head to the pub for more cutscenes. There are now sidequests posted for you to do,

    and you can do them whenever you like. (Memory is blurry here) Your next

    destination is Geffen. So do your BSSS and head out of town.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head to West Prontera Forest.

    - West Prontera Forest

    Some weird Blacksmith runs past you as you enter. Ignore him for now. Head tothe south exit, where the road is blocked. Talk to the NPC there, and he'll ask you

    to find that Blacksmith who just ran past. Head east back to East Prontera Forest.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head north into that little circle area with a spring in it. You'll find the Blacksmith

    there, and he'll just run off. Head back to West Prontera Forest.

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    - West Prontera Forest

    The blocked way is now open, so go through the warp to enter Geffen.

    - Geffen (WTF @ BGM. Can someone say LAZY!!?)

    Cutscene kicks in and you get involved in another quest to find Agil's treasures.

    After the cutscene, do your BSSS (make sure to grab a Fly Wing no matter how

    broke you are) and leave town to Geffen Bridge.

    - Geffen Bridge

    Here, look around and try to gather one of each of: "Poison Mushroom Spore",

    "Wooden Plank" and "Stem". IIRC the map is to your south. If you see

    Mandragoras, which you should if you go north before crossing the bridge, try to

    get a Card or two. Also, try to get as many Roda Frog Cards as you can. Once you

    think you're ready, make your way across the bridge and go north. Talk to the NPCthere and the blue-haired Thief will tell you that he can clear the way for you, but

    he needs you to find "Poison Mushroom Spore", "Wooden Plank" and "Stem".

    Hmm, why does that sound familiar? Talk to the NPC once you have the items and

    the way shall be cleared. Proceed to enter Mt. Mjolnir area.

    - East Mt. Mjolnir

    The map is to the south of this area. If you're playing a Thief, stealing Battle Axes

    off of the Orc Warriors is a nice way to give you some money after you head back

    to town. Otherwise just kill them. And be careful with Bigfoots, they're much

    harder to kill than their PC counterparts. Make your way to the centre part of the

    map, at the top of the mountain, and cross the bridge.

    - West Mt. Mjolnir

    Great, you've climbed the mountain up to hit the bridge, now you have to walk all

    the way down. Grind your way to the west warp. Save at the Kafra and head into

    the warp.

    - Coal Mine 1F

    Cutscene ensues. Once you regain control, look for the map (IIRC it's to yourright) and make your way to the warp on the topleft part of the map. Try to get

    some Opals and Cursed Rubies from the Zombies here for some extra cash.

    - Coal Mine 2F

    I hate this map. Hate it hate it hate it. Anyway, trace the map for your route to the

    bottomleft warp. Oh, remember to stock up on Skel Worker Cards.

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    - Coal Mine 3F

    Cutscene, then navigate your way to the bottomleft part of the map. Cutscene,

    BOSS FIGHT! Agil takes the shape of Dracula, but fortunately he's really,

    REALLY easy to kill. But then, Lucifi passes out (...... Who would've expected

    that he's scared of ghosts......) and Viseruk (that blue-haired Thief) comes in and

    joins your party for the fight. Just set Shera on "Concentrate on Healing" (top

    option) and attack away at Agil. He'll eventually fall. After the fight, Lucifi comes

    around and rejoins the party while Viseruk leaves. Leave the Coal Mine and head

    back to Geffen. See why I said to bring Fly Wings now? Use it and you'll be out of

    the dungeon right away.

    - West Mt. Mjolnir

    Trace your way back to East Mt. Mjolnir.

    - East Mt. Mjolnir

    Trace your way back to Geffen Bridge.

    - Geffen Bridge

    Just head back to Geffen.

    - Geffen

    Head to the Hideout. Cutscene ensues and..... Whoa, that does NOT look good.

    After all cutscenes are done, BSSS and leave the town to West Prontera Forest.

    - West Prontera Forest

    Head back east.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Here, head back to the Knight's Guild to take the Culvert Clearout quest. Do BSSS

    if necessary, and head back out to East Prontera Forest.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to the Culvert. Don't tell me you forgot where it is already.

    - Prontera Culvert 1F

    Cutscene, after which just head back to the platform where you fought the Giant

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    Drainliar before. Enter the warp there.

    - Prontera Culvert 2F

    Really linear (and I mean it), so follow the road to the last warp.

    - Prontera Culvert 3F

    Yet again, really linear. Follow the road to the last warp.

    - Prontera Culvert 4F

    Now things look pretty messy. Explore around until you hear a scream, after which

    a cutscene will show you none other than the Golden Thief Bug. Head back to the

    central platform and kill it...... NOT. It runs away!? Go after it!

    - Prontera Culvert 3F

    Run towards the warp back to 2F and you'll meet up with GTB again. Fight itagain and kill it..... NOT! Again! It runs away yet again, so chase after it!

    - Prontera Culvert 2F

    I could really just say "see above". Either way, you're not done yet, so head to 1F.

    - Prontera Culvert 1F

    Final GTB battle here. Pissed off at how much it runs? Show it. After the cutscene,

    leave the Culvert.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head to the Knight's Guild for a cutscene, after which Lucifi leaves your team (so

    strip him of his equipments if you have anything important on him) and Viseruk

    tells you that he knows of someone who knows about the Emperium. He then

    requests you to help him get his Caravan past the Sograt Desert to Morocc, while

    his friend Aldo says he won't share the information unless you bring him

    Phreeoni's Tear. So do your BSSS and leave the town.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head towards the southwestern warp, which takes you to the Sograt Desert.

    - North Sograt Desert

    The map is to your left. After you find it, head to the little encircled area near the

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    south edge of this map. You see the Caravan and a girl Mage being attacked by

    multiple Sandmen, so save them! After the cutscene, head south.

    - South Sograt Desert

    I..... Forgot if you need another map here. If you do, well.... Look for it. See that

    stretch near the north edge of the map? Go to the deepest part of that stretch. I'm

    sure you'll appreciate what you find there. Also try to get some Desert Wolf Cards

    and Pecopeco Cards, as they're quite useful. Head south to the Lost Desert.

    - Lost Desert

    No map for this area for now. The soldier here tells you it's easy to get lost if you

    go west or east, so head south into Morocc.

    - Morocc

    Here you see the Caravan arrived safely to Morocc, with the Mage girl, Rishiru (Ijust go with Rishiel.....). Viseruk leaves your party while Rishiel hops in after

    hearing that you're going after Phreeoni. Seems like she's got something against

    it....... Do your BSSS and head back out of town.

    - Lost Desert

    Head back north.

    - South Sograt Desert

    Nothing much to see here, but try to familiarize yourself with having two spell-

    casters in your team. Rishiel's fire spells are pretty good for things in the desert

    AND in Ant Hell, so play around a bit while heading north.

    - North Sograt Desert

    Head to the northwestern corner and hop into the warp there.

    - Ant Hell 1F

    The map is one map to the right and to the topright corner. Grab it and make your

    way to the southeastern corner.

    - Ant Hell 2F

    Head to the central part of the map. Ew, that Phreeoni thing is ugly, let's end its

    ugly existance. BOSS FIGHT! Try to lure Phreeoni into Rishiel's Fire Wall for

    some nice damage. After the fight, leave the place via the same warp you came in


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    - Ant Hell 1F

    Head out by taking the topleft warp.

    - North Sograt Desert

    Head back north via the northeastern warp.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head to the Pub for a looooong cutscene involving Aldo's past. Funny, why didn't

    the Acolyte just throw the Warp Portal to transfer them all out?_>

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    You get your first job request as a Guild now. Head out of town after BSSS.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head southwest to Sograt Desert.

    - North Sograt Desert

    Head to the Ant Hell again.

    - Ant Hell 1F

    Cutscene and Ares notices footprints on the ground. Trace the map to the

    bottomleft circular area for a cutscene. Golden Eagle (your rival Guild) comes in

    and takes the dog away. Apparently the girl double-booked the quest and Ares

    decided that as long as the girl gets what she wants, it doesn't matter who brought

    it back. Leave Ant Hell.

    - North Sograt Desert

    Head northeast back to Prontera Forest.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head to the Inn where the girl awaits. After the cutscene, return to the Guild


    - Prontera Guild Castle

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    Cutscene here. Go to the Kafra and switch Lucifi into your party, then head out.

    - Prontera

    Head to the Knight's Guild.

    - Knight's Guild

    More cutscene here, and you get another request from the Knight's Guild. The

    soldier said he'll discuss rewards with you, so Lucifi waits outside. Seems like this

    request is actually an attempt to "fix" Lucifi's problem with ghosts...... Your next

    destination is *sighs* Coal Mine. Oh dear.

    - Prontera

    BSSS may not be necessary here, but do it anyway if you need to. Just grab some

    Butterfly Wings and Fly Wings if you don't have any left. Head out.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head west.

    - West Prontera Forest

    Head south into Geffen.

    - Geffen

    Just leave the town to Geffen Bridge.

    - Geffen Bridge

    Head northwest to Mt. Mjolnir.

    - East Mt. Mjolnir

    Miss this area? I sure don't. Head to the top of the mountain to cross the bridge.

    - West Mt. Mjolnir

    Head down the mountain and to the west warp.

    - Coal Mine 1FHonestly, this area I totally do NOT miss..... Oh well. Head down to 2F.

    - Coal Mine 2F

    Yeah, you guessed it. Head down to 3F.

    - Coal Mine 3F

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    Remember where you fought Agil before? Yeah, head there. Cutscene happens

    and..... Whoa, that's one huge Whisper. Lucifi kicks his fear aside and faces the

    Whisper with you. Notice that Shera won't be in the party for this particular fight.

    If you managed to get an Immaterial Sword or two from Sohees before, give that to

    whoever can use it (Lucifi and Ares if he's swordman class) and the Giant Whisper

    will fall in no time. Head out after the cutscene. (Personally I just Fly Wing'd)

    - West Mt. Mjolnir

    I don't know about you, but I just tossed down a Butterfly Wing and returned to

    Prontera in a flash.

    - Prontera

    Head to the Knight's Guild.

    - Knight's GuildTalk to the soldier for a cutscene and 3000z. After which just laugh at the cutscene.

    Once you're done, head back out.

    - Prontera

    Go back to your Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    Cutscene showing Rishiel acting weird and running out. Follow her.

    - Prontera

    BSSS if necessary, otherwise head out of town.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Follow Rishiel to Sograt Desert.

    - North Sograt Desert

    Hmm, Rishiel went off to the Ant Hell. Follow her.

    - Ant Hell 1FHead towards the warp to 2F for a cutscene, after which you'll fight Phreeoni

    again. Pray for a Card or something (my friend got it and I didn't). Note that

    Rishiel is knocked out, so you're fighting Phreeoni with whoever is in your party.

    After the fight, cutscene showing Rishiel talking to her parents (who got killed by

    Phreeoni on that exact spot) before heading out. Leave the Ant Hell.

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    - North Sograt Desert

    Head northeast back to Prontera Forest.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head to your Guild Castle again.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    This time, cutscene involving Viseruk and his old friends. After the cutscene,

    switch Viseruk into your party and leave the Castle.

    - Prontera

    Buy and sell if necessary. Otherwise head out of town.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head south to the Prontera Culvert.

    - Prontera Culvert 1F

    Just head down to 2F, then 3F, then 4F. I'm getting lazy with the labelling.

    - Prontera Culvert 4F

    Approach the topleft square for a cutscene and a "boss fight" against a Mobster.

    Pray for a Card. Defeat him for another cutscene, which is nice enough to take you

    straight back to Prontera Knight's Guild.

    - Prontera Knight's Guild

    Here you "hand in" the real criminal and saves Viseruk's old friend. Exit the

    Knight's Guild after the cutscene.

    - Prontera

    Head to the Pub.

    - Prontera Pub

    Talk to Viseruk's friend for a cutscene, after which you can just return to your

    Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    I'm not sure if it's automatic or your Guild's fame level has to be higher, but by this

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    time, Edwin, Golden Eagle's Guild Leader, should burst into your Guild Castle

    again to inform you of this "black knight" who is looking for "a girl with a special

    hairpin". Hmm, why does that sound familiar? Either way, Golden Eagle's

    members were all slaughtered and the Guild retreated to a temporary disbanding,

    so you're requested to do a quick quest for them. Exit the Guild Castle when the

    cutscene is over.

    - Prontera

    BSSS if necessary, and leave the town when you're ready. No fighting this time

    around though.

    - East Prontera Forest

    I got lazy and just Butterfly Wing'd my way to Geffen. You can walk if you want

    to though.

    - Geffen

    Cutscene involving Ares, Lucifi and Shera. Aw, Shera's not happy because Ares

    and Lucifi are sidetracked. Once they're done, head over to Geffen Toolshop.

    - Geffen Toolshop

    Another cutscene, during which you actually see Shera being aggressive in talking

    to others and sounding mildly angry (omg emotions) at Ares and Lucifi. Once the

    cutscene is done, leave the shop.

    - Geffen

    Don't see if BSSS is necessary. Leave town to West Prontera Forest when you're

    done, anyway.

    - West Prontera Forest

    Again, I just Butterfly Wing'd back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head back to your Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    Another cutscene involving Lucifi pissing Rishiel off. Rishiel runs off on her own

    and Lucifi chases after her. Reform your party (I had Ares, Shera and Viseruk at

    this point) and leave Guild Castle.

    - Prontera

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    BSSS then leave town.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head to Geffen..... However you do that.

    - Geffen

    Cutscenes before this point should hint you that Rishiel ran off to Coal Mine to

    look for a dropped pendant (which wasn't really lost, just the guy couldn't find it in

    his pocket for the moment) and Lucifi went after her. Go after them. Leave town to

    Geffen Bridge.

    - Geffen Bridge

    Great, ready for climbing Mt. Mjolnir again? Head northwest to Mt. Mjolnir.

    - East Mt. MjolnirAs you may have suspected..... Just head to the Coal Mine. Though, you may want

    to collect some Bear Footskins here, as you will need them later. Five of them

    should suffice.

    - Coal Mine 1F

    Cutscene, after which you get into a "boss fight" against a Munak...... Which is

    actually quite strong compared to the ones you encountered in the dragon's den.

    Defeat it for a cutscene. Leave the place once you're done.

    - West Mt. Mjolnir

    Butterfly Wing back to Geffen for the reward for your work (I think? Blurry

    memory here), then head back to Prontera.

    - Prontera

    Head back to your Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    If you don't get any cutscenes here, just do some requests until your fame level is

    high enough for the next plot request kicks in. A merchant from Morocc runs inand tells Viseruk that there are strange happenings in Morocc and children are

    suddenly catching fever one after another. Let's go investigate. Head over to

    Morocc. (NOTE: At this point, you MAY want to start training an Acolyte.....

    You'll see why later. And oh, for visual preferences, it may be a good idea to train

    up a female Acolyte than a male one..... Let's just say male Priests have huge asses

    that's REALLY obvious under that robe.)

  • 7/29/2019 Ragnarok Ds Walktrought


    - Morocc

    When you enter, Viseruk identifies the problem as something happens relatively

    often and tells the merchant that the kids will recover after a few days. But the

    problem seems to be more serious than usual, so Viseruk requests for your help to

    investigate. Leave town to Lost Desert.

    - Lost Desert (Highlighted for obviously FAQ)

    Remember when the guard told you it's dangerous to go east or west on this map?

    Well, too bad, 'cause we gotta do that now. I have simplified it for you guys. From

    the map with the guard: LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, UP

    (treasure chest here), DOWN, LEFT, UP, UP. "Boss fight" against.... A bunch of

    Mandragoras. Make quick work of them and Fly Wing back to Morocc.

    - MoroccAfter the cutscene, head back to your Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    More plot requests pop up. People who travel to East Prontera Forest have been

    having nightmares. Investigate the causes. Head to East Prontera Forest.

    - East Prontera Forest

    Head to that little circular area near the entrance to Prontera Culvert for a cutscene.

    Oh crap, these things hurt a LOT in PC ver. They..... Ran away? After them! Go to

    that same spot where you found the purple-haired Blacksmith before and your

    entire team gets put into nightmares of their worst fear in the past...... Except

    Shera, who blasted the enemies. Once the cutscene is over, Boss fight vs Succubus

    and Incubus. Defeat them for another cutscene. Viseruk seems to be suspecting

    something about Shera...... Oh well, back to Guild Castle!

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    Just as your team is enjoying a peaceful time, some researcher guy bursts in. He

    seems to know Shera, and is on pretty good terms with her.... Which of course

    doesn't make Ares too happy. Aww, little Ares is feeling insecure. Or just jealous.Either way, our researcher friend requests the Guild to look for this Card Key that

    opens the door to the Biological Lab, and the key is in the hands of this person in

    Juno Refinery. Viseruk seems to have some investigations of his own to do, so he's

    out. Ares tells Shera to remain in the Guild Castle in case if the Black Knight

    comes looking for her again. (Uh, can't he teleport?) Head out to Prontera after the


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    - Prontera

    Above the "Leave Town" option, a new option called "Airship Airport" is

    unlocked. Just go there and you'll end up in Juno after the cutscene.

    - Juno

    YES! FINALLY new town music! Do your BSSS as weapon store here have new

    items in stock. Oh, in case if you're wondering, this weapon shop requests for 5

    Bear Footskins as the quest for you to be BFF with the store owner. See why you

    should've just grabbed them back in Mt. Mjolnir? Once you're done with BSSS,

    head to the Refinery.

    - Juno Refinery

    Cutscene. Guy asks us to find him a High Orc Helm. Ares asks him where we

    could find that. Guy tells us that High Orcs have them. No duh? After the talk,head out to the town. (This Refinery specializes in armors, so upgrade them here if

    you find it necessary. Also, in case if you missed it, Prontera Refinery specializes

    in one-handed weapons and Morocc Refinery specializes in two-handed weapons.)

    - Juno

    Head out of town to North Elmeth Plateau.

    - North Elmeth Plateau

    The map is one map to your right. You want to head to the big opening in the east

    side of the map, where you get a cutscene involving..... Four High Orcs and a

    Pecopeco. Hmm. After the cutscene, kill all four High Orcs to get the High Orc

    Helm. Oh, it's a Key Item, so don't bother trying to equip it. The Kobalds here

    drops Cards that any crit-based jobs would want, so try spending some time

    collecting them. Head back to Juno Refinery when you're ready.

    - Juno Refinery

    High Orc Helm was traded for Card Key and the collector guy leaves. Head back

    to your Guild Castle once you're ready. (Obviously, you need to take the airship.)

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    You see Shera having a good time with the researcher guy while Viseruk is still

    gone. Researcher guy asks Ares to find "F File" from the Biological Lab from

    Lighthalzen. Yeef, I still have nightmares about that place. Ares just turns and

    leaves without a word. Totally jealous, I say. Head over to Juno.

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    - Juno

    Leave the town to North Elmeth Plateau. Head over to the southwest warp which

    leads to Lighthalzen.

    - Lighthalzen

    Once here, you could do the BSSS as needed. Once you're ready, head to the

    Biological Lab.

    - Lighthalzen Bio Lab

    Cutscene here. You can totally tell that the guard is planning something. Once you

    head inside, explore around. I personally haven't found the map yet, but just keep

    progressing to the east and north. Eventually you'll get a cutscene. Apparently

    we're sold out by someone and now they released two Minotaurs on us. Bastards.

    Take the Minotaurs out and Fly Wing out of this place. (There's a treasure chest

    here that contains a Fire-elemental Book with one slot. Hardly worth it.)

    - Lighthalzen

    Leave the town and Butterfly Wing back to Juno.

    - Juno

    Hurry onto the Airship.

    - Airship

    Rishiel is impatiently pacing back and forth, Ares is lost in thought...... And

    WHAM we got company. Owl Baron? Wao, they got the good monsters to go after

    us. Kill it. WHAM, this time the airship crashed.

    - Forest Near Mt. Mjolnir

    Ares wakes up and helps Lucifi and Rishiel up. (How the hell did they survive

    THAT?) An mysterious old man appears and tells them that they could reach

    Mjolnir by going south. (I'm suspecting the map to be slightly to the north.....

    Didn't look north before running south myself) So do that. There are Grizzlies and

    Cramps here, and Cramps hold the Sapphire you need to complete the weapon

    shop upgrade quest in Morocc, so try to get one before you leave. Keep goingsouth. The path splits I took were RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT (dead end with

    treasure chest), back, LEFT, and it's all straight path from there. The warp at the

    end leads to East Mt. Mjolnir.

    - East Mt. Mjolnir

    Save yourself some pain and just Butterfly Wing back to Prontera.

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    - Prontera

    SBBB is not necessary here as there's no upcoming boss fights. Just hurry back to

    your Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    Cutscene. Viseruk is back from his investigation and he found no one in the Guild

    Castle as he came in, and Ares & co. came in shortly after. Eventually everyone

    decided to look for Shera at the Lighthalzen Biological Lab. If you have been

    training your Acolyte, she (hopefully a she. I HATE the look of male Priests in

    RO) should be a good Lv.50ish by now, and became your "good friend", so job

    change her to a Priestess (downright the sexiest class in RO) if you want.

    - Prontera

    Hop onto the Airship again. Yes, just ignore the whole "we just survived a crash onthis exact same thing" part.

    - Juno

    Nothing much to do here. Just head to Lighthalzen.

    - Lighthalzen

    Here is when things get complicated. Obviously you can't just barge into the

    Biological Lab like last time, so you have to find an alternative entrance. Viseruk

    suggests asking around in the Slums. Take a look at the map. Slums includes the

    Pub and... Item Shop, IIRC. Don't quite remember. Head to the Pub.

    - Lighthalzen Pub

    You see an Assassin and the Info guy here. Talk to the Assassin and he'll ignore

    you. Talk to the Info guy and he tells you something about the Assassin, not all

    that important. Talk to the Assassin again and he'll STILL ignore you. Now talk to

    the Info guy again, and he'll tell you that the keyword to speaking to the Assassin

    and his group is "Trust". Talk to the Assassin a few times until he mentions another

    guy in the Weapon Shop. Head over there.

    - Lighthalzen Weapon Shop

    Talk to the man in the shop. He'll ask you if you know the keyword. DON'T

    answer "yes" here, as their communication is based on "trust" instead of

    "keywords". Answer "no" and he'll redirect you to the Inn.

    - Lighthalzen Inn

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    Head upstairs and talk to the man there. Again, answer no. He'll redirect you to the

    Tool Shop.

    - Lighthalzen Tool Shop

    Talk to the Info guy, and this time, answer yes. DING! He changes into the

    Assassin. After the cutscene, Lucifi will temporarily leave your party to distract the

    guards so you can sneak into the Biological Lab from the back entrance. If Lucifi

    was in the party, you'll get a chance to choose another person to join your party.

    - Lighthalzen Biolab 1F

    The same place you came into last time, except you're at the back entrance now.

    The guards are distracted, but seems like they went and released monsters on you.

    Bastards. The map is to your left. Grab that and trace the map to the northwestern

    warp which leads to Biolab 2F. NOTE: Enemies here have really nice Cards,

    especially ones like Mobster (Crit+6% in Weapons, anyone?) and Mimic (Monsteritem drop chance +2%). Also Mimics are pretty much your only hope (very slim

    but not zero) to find a 3-Carat Diamond for Prontera Weapon Shop.

    - Lighthalzen Biolab 2F

    MUCH nicer compared to the PC version. After the cutscene, fend off the Giant

    Remover. Cutscene again. After the cutscene, go down to south part of the room to

    grab the map, then just head into any of the 5 warps connected to the central room

    (NOT the one to the north, that leads back to 1F). Fend off the Giant Remover (if

    you went into the warps on the left side) or Giant Ghoul (if you went right).

    Cutscene again, and now you have to go into the rest of the warps and kill the

    Giant monsters in there. New warp appears after you light up all six lights. Hop in.

    - Lighthalzen Biolab 3F

    And again, much smaller (and with much easier monsters, *shudder*) than the PC

    ver. Find the map (it's pretty close to you) and trace the map to the big room at the

    north part of the map to find Shera and the other man. Shera is taken away to Glast

    Heim by the man (who was disguised by the blue-haired Wizard you saw in an

    cutscene earlier, btw) and the Wizard sends a Gemini-S58 on you. Cheating

    bastard. Dispatch of the Gemini-S58 quickly (it's much weaker than the PC ver,fortunately) and the Wizard escapes. Lucifi makes it to this point as well, but Shera

    is gone. Everyone decides to retreat back to the Guild Castle.

    - Prontera Guild Castle

    Viseruk returns from his investigations and tells you that Glast Heim is to the south

    of East Mt. Mjolnir. Prepare your party and head out.

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    - Prontera

    Do your usual BSSS and head off to Geffen.

    - Geffen

    There's a girl in the Inn whom, if you answered "yes" to ALL of her questions,

    she'll open up a direct route between West Prontera Forest and Geffen Bridge.

    Other than that, just buy whatever you need, 'cause this may be your last chance

    to...... Naw, just kidding, there's always Fly Wings anyway.

    - Geffen Bridge

    You may notice a new warp has appeared in the southwest part of this map.

    Approach that warp and you'll get a cutscene. After that, head into the warp.

    - Forest MazeWait, wasn't this thing north of Prontera instead of..... HERE? Oh well. That old

    lady we met outside earlier tells you that this is a sacred forest and there are

    monsters eating away at its health. What do we do? Kill them, of course! Grab the

    map so you don't feel as lost (not that it matters), then just start randomly hopping

    into warps. There are three enemies hidden on the 14 "blocks" other than the one

    you started on and the topleft "block" which leads to Glast Heim, so look for them.

    After you kill all three enemies, the old lady teleports you to the topleft block.

    Enter the warp there.

    - Glast Heim Sewers

    I swear, this is more like "Glast Heim Castle". Once you're inside, follow the left

    path all the way up to claim the map, then trace your way to the topleft warp (lots

    of warp hopping, so be patient and try to explore all areas).

    - Glast Heim

    Finally, some fresh air. Your next destination should be the warp right in front of

    you, but let's take a look around. Northeast corner has a treasure chest that contains

    5 Yggdrasil Berries, so claim that if you have space. Approach the northwest

    corner for a cutscene, but you can't do much here just yet, so just hop into themiddle warp.

    - Inside Glast Heim

    When you come into this area, you'll notice that the map is already displayed. Nice.

    Before you rush head first into the left part of the map, let's take the right route to

    claim a Solar God Helm (answers the question someone asked about "pro Japanese

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    player" I guess?). Keep tracing that route to the end to find.... A Diabolic that's the

    same size as Ares. Nice. Dispatch of it, and watch a gate open. Now head to the

    left route. Trace it and eventually you'll see a locked gate. Ignore it for now and go

    right. You then run into another Giant Diabolic. Take it out. Now the locked gate

    you saw earlier is open, go in there.... And find a Wanderman TWICE as tall as

    Ares. Scary. But kill it. Before you run for the last door, head up from this room

    and you'll find a s. Magic Coat. Now, head back to the top area to fight yet another

    Giant Wanderman. After it goes down, the entrance you saw in the cutscene earlier

    is now activated. Walk out (as I'm not sure how far Fly Wings would teleport

    you...... I'm sure you don't want to re-walk the Sewers).

    - Glast Heim

    Head over to the topleft warp.

    - Inside Glast HeimThe map looks REALLY simple here. Trace the route to the end to find.... Shera!?

    Oww oww, fire. Noo, Shera, come back! Wait, why is "he" saving us? The

    cutscene will reveal to you who the Dark Knight really is. But you KNOW it won't

    end like this. Dark Knight loses control and turns into a.... Holy Crap, Dark Lord!?

    Kill it and another long cutscene involving Ares crying and Rishiel slapping the

    crap outta him. Either way, after the cutscene, another warp appears at the topleft

    corner of this map. Prepare your party and hop in.

    - Freya's Altar

    Here you see the real Shera on the altar, about to be sacrificed. The final boss

    whines about his past and decides to fight you. Unlike other bosses in this game,

    this boss is ALL about magic. First form uses Storm Gust, Meteor Storm, Lord of

    Vermillion and Heaven's Drive, as well as this black hole thing you've seen the

    Dark Knight pulling on you. Kill him...... NOT. Like a good final boss, he pulls out

    his second form..... Eww, that's ugly. Be very, VERY careful if you're not one with

    good magical defense. If you see his "wings" separate from himself and come back

    in, start running in circles, or the blackhole it creates could just drain you to death

    in one run. And if you game over here, you have to restart from the last place you

    saved. NOT fun. Get rid of this boss (and hope your Priest isn't as stupid as mineand puts SANCTUARY on the boss...... Ugh) and that's it for the main plotline!

    Well, there goes the entire walkthrough. It's actually a lot shorter than I expected.



  • 7/29/2019 Ragnarok Ds Walktrought


    Posted byNikko at 2:32 AMNo comments:


    Here is the Main Quest Guide For RODS made by the FIND EAT SHARE





    [1-1] Start of Adventure

    Go to Yushidora Cave and

    get the Precious Stone.

    [1-2. From the Cave to Outside

    Leave Yushidora Cave.

    [1-3]First Time in Prontera

    Leave yushidora Cave and go south to prontera.

    [1-4]Prontera Chivalry

    Ask the Chivalry about

    the culvert mishap.

    [1-5] Squad Entry Exam

    Go to the Culvert and get the Dog Tags.

    #go to Prontera Sewer (warp point in the south). then just follow the road. defeat

    Drainliar and back to Chivalry

    [1-6] Deliver the Dog tags

    Deliver Dog Tags to theProntera Chivalry.

    [2-1] Where is the Old Man?The Old man seems to have gone to the Pub.

    Go to the Pub.

    [2-2] Parent and Child

    Find his Missing son.

    Search for him in Prontera Forest

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    #Go to Prontera Forest (West). Follow the road heading to northwest corner.

    Defeat Elder Willow, then back to Pub.

    [2-3] Return the Child

    Corum was safely found, Take him to Olav at the Pub.

    [2-4] To Geffen, City of Magic

    Olav told us to check out Geffen, the City of Magic, for what we need.

    #go to prontera forest (west), ask man in front of gate to Geffen.

    [2-5] Road to Geffen

    The gate to Geffen isn't finished! Seems the boss has gone to the Pub.

    [2-6] Search for Boss!

    Seems the Boss went to the lake in Prontera Forest (East). Find him!#Go to Northwest Corner, the lake is there.

    [3-1] To Geffen

    The road to Geffen is now open! Lets go to Geffen.

    [3-2.Great Thief's Treasure

    Go search for the Great Thief Agel's Treasure in Mjolnir Abandoned Mine

    #go heading Northwest from geffen bridge

    [3-3] Road to Mount Mjolnir

    Get Poison Spore, Trunk and Stem for Viselc to clear the landslide.

    #if you have collect them all talk to Ottar

    [3-4] To Mjolnir Coal Mine

    The Road is now clear! Go to the Mjolnir Abandoned Mines.

    [3-5] Search for the Treasure!

    The Treasure seems to be inside Mjolir Abandoned Mine. Let's go inside

    [3-6] The Price of Lying

    Agel's treasure was not there! seize and interrogate Lugail

    [4-1] Is there an Emperium?

    Seems a man at the Pub in Prontera knows the location of an emperium

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    [4-2] To the Chivalry

    Prepare for "Operation Monster Sweeping" then go to the Chivalry.

    [4-3] Monster Sweeping!

    Preparations are done! Defeat the monster who's hidden in the Culvert!

    #go to Culvert B4F, heading northwest and follow the instruction.

    [4-4] Run Away Boss

    The boss escaped! After him before he gets outside!

    [4-5] Sweeping Operation End!

    The boss was defeated without any problem. Report to the Chivalry.

    [4-6] Hidden Desert Puzzle

    Defeat the monsters that attacked a party while crossing Sograt Dessert.#you'll see new warp point in Prontera Forest

    [5-1] To Morroc

    Monsters that attacked the caravan party are defeated. Go to Morroc.

    [5-2] Phreeoni's Tear?

    Go to Anthell to find a monster called Phreeoni.

    [5-3] Phreeoni's Tear

    Phreeoni's Tear was obtained. Take it to Aldo.

    # He is waiting in the Prontera's Pub

    [5-4] Yushidora Dragon

    The Emperium is located in Yushidora Cave. Also, a dragon lives there.

    # Follow the road heading Northwest, there will be new warp point. Defeat

    Detardeurus and back to Prontera (watch out! dont equip Solar Sword!, or you will

    be wrinkled)

    [5-5] Obtain the Emperium!Defeat the dragon and got Emperium. Deliver the letter to Aldo.

    [5-6] To Guild Establishment

    Go to Chivalry to establish a guild!

    [6-1] Manhunt?

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    Yoland's family member, Popi, Vanished near Ant Hell. Find him soon...

    # Go to Anthell B1F and heading to west border (see the map, room below warp

    point). and move around corner there.

    [6-2] Precious Family

    Popi was Found! Report to Yoland.

    # She is witing in Prontera's Inn.

    [6-3] To Guild

    Completed Yoland's request. Return to the guild at once.

    [6-4] To the Chivalry

    Summoned to Chivalry. Report to the Chivalry along with Lucifi.

    [6-5] Chivalry's RequestHelp Lucifi overcome his fear of ghosts by going to the Mjolnir Mines.

    [6-6] Lucifi Ghastly Past

    Lucifi managed to defeat the ghost. Return to the Chivalry.

    [7-1] Without Any Result

    Lucifi didn't conquer his fear of ghost... Return to the Chivalry.

    # Just back to Guild HQ if you did'nt put lucifi in your party.

    [7-2] Lisir Going Out pt1

    Lisir acting strange. She went into Prontera Forest. Follow her.

    # She went to Sograt Desert.

    [7-3. Lisir Going Out pt2

    Lisir went to the Sograt Desert. Follow her!

    #Heading Northwest to Anthell.

    [7-4] Lisir Going Out pt3

    Lisir went to Anthell. Look for her there.# Go to B2F's warp point

    [7-5] Let's Mind Our Manners

    After all that following there was nothing... Return to the Guild.

    [7-6] Old Friends Reunion

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    Go to Prontera Pub with Viselc to receive an old friend's request.

    # you must bring Viselc in your party.

    [8-1] Rescue an Old Friend!

    Find the real culprit in Prontera Culvert to save Viselc's old friend!

    # go to CUlvert B4F, then heading northwest to the corner and defeat Mobster.

    [8-2] Rescue Success!

    Return to Putto at the pub now that the real criminal was captured.

    [8-3] Phantom Thief Captured!

    Viselc's old friend was safelly rescued. Return to the Guild

    [8-4] Make the Guild Famous!

    Take on requests to earn a reputation and make the Guild famous.# its only need about 3 different side quest (or less) to cange guild reputation into


    [8-5] To the Rumor Guild

    Hndling requests like this might start rumors. Return to the Guild.

    [8-6] Edwin's Request Agency

    Go to Geffen's Item Shop to handle Edwin's request.

    [9-1] Request End

    Completed Edwin's request. Return to the Guild.

    [9-2] Sword and Magic

    Worried abot Lisir going out. Hurry to Mjolnir Abandoned Mine.

    [9-3] Return to the Guild

    Safely joined up with Lisir. Return to the Guild.

    [9-4] Let's Be More Famous!Take on requests to earn a reputation and make the Guild more Famous!

    # take request until guild reputation change to Competent Guild (its only need 6 or

    more different side quest)

    [9-5] To a Competent Guild

    Handling request like this should be enought. Return to the Guild.

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    [9-6] Cause of the Illness

    Request from a merchant. Head to Morroc to find the Cause of sickness!

    [10-1] Oasis of Illusion

    Find the Oasis in the Desert of Illusion to rescue Morroc.

    # first, move to your right side (east) until you move field. then follow this

    direction: up, Right, Down, Left, if you found a field full of Hode, move straight to

    north (up) 3 times, the Oasis is there.

    [10-2] Seccessful Removal!

    Cause of the desease was sucsessfully eradiated. Return to Morroc.

    [10-3] Return to the Guild!

    Safely taken care of the request. Return to the Guild.

    [10-4] Dream of a Dream-Eater

    Find and Eliminate cause of the incident in Prontera Forest (East).

    # first go to the center of the map. then heading to the lake in northwest corner.

    [10-5] Incident Resolution!

    Cause of the incident Eliminated. Report to the Chivalry.

    [10-6] End Task & go to Guild

    Successfully reported. Return to the GUild.

    [11-1] To Yuno

    Meet Schol at Yuno's Blacksmith to obtain the Key Card.

    # you can go to Juno via Airship Platform from Prontera.

    [11-2] Obtain an Orcish Helm from the High Orc at El Mes Plateau.

    # First, go to southeast corner, after that move up to the East of the map.

    [11-3] Obtain HelmOrcish Helm Obtained!. Take it to Schol at Yuno.

    [11-4] Obtain the Key Card

    Got the Key Card! Return to the Guild & ask Claus about the Research.

    [11-5] Recover the F File!

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    Sneak into Lighthalzen Bio Labs and recover the F File!

    # Sorry, but seems like in this quest there are no map. (you will get the map in the

    2nd quest) so, just go around by yourself.

    11-6] Trap

    IT'S A TRAP! Siera is in Danger! Hurry back to the Guild.

    [1[2-1] The Targeted Airship

    The Airship has crashed. This road seems to lead to the kingdom.

    # Move to south, at the first branch of road, choose right (east) path. after that

    always choose left path. you will get throught to Mt. Mjolnir.(PS: I dont know if

    there were a map or not in mjolnir hidden path, if you found it please tell me)

    [12-2] Hurry to the Guild!

    The road returned us back to kingdom. Hurry back to the GUild.

    [12-3] Disappearing Girl

    No sign of Siera... They seem to have gone to the Bio Labs...

    #just go to Lighthalzen's Bio Lab.

    [12-4] Backdoor of the lab pt1

    there seems to be a backdoor in the Lighthalzen Bio Labs. Let's find it.

    # ask a man with green hat in the Lighthalzen Pub, then ask the Assasin in the

    corner, and ask green hat guy again. after he leaving pub, ask assasin again until he

    ask you. answer "OK" and go to Weaponshop.

    [12-5] Backdoor of the lab pt2

    Lucci said to talk to the man at the weapon shop.

    # talk to the man in the corner and answer "no". (watch out, or you have to repeat

    quest from pt1)

    [12-6] Backdoor of the lab pt3

    We have to talk to a person at the Inn this time.

    # go to inn, ask a thief in the 2nd floor and answer "OK" for the 1st and "no" forthe 2nd question.

    [13-1] Backdoor of the lab pt4

    It seems like a man is waiting for us at the Item Shop.

    # ask green hat guy, then answer "OK". he will give you a way to the Bio Labs.

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    [13-2] Discovered Backdoor!

    The backdoor was found! Let's go inside!

    [13-3] Bio Labs

    Snuck into the Bio Labs. Where is Siera?

    # go to main chamber at B3F.

    [13-4] Determination

    We must rescue Siera! Let's go to the Guild to locate Glast Heim.

    [13-5.To Glast Heim

    Location of Glast Heim found. Let's hurry and rescue Siera!

    # go to Geffen Bridge (there will be a new warp point in southwest)

    [13-6] Road to Glast HeimDue to a disaster in the Lost Wood, the road to Glast Heim is blocked.

    #Just go through warp point, then move around through warp to another warp and

    defeat 3 Isilla (but if you want to glast heim after this mission, here's the clue:

    when you just enter lostwood map, then choose your left warp point (west) 3 times.

    the when you arrive at + shape like field, choose north warp point)

    [14-1] Opened Road

    The disaster has been resolved. We can go to Glast Heim now!

    [14-2] Glast Heim Search

    This is Glast Heim... Where is Siera?

    # go to glast heim 1 (warp point infront of you). Follow the road heading to east.

    after this you wont need instruction.

    [14-3] To Glast Heim Interior

    The number of paths has increased. Let's advance to the interior.

    # you see a new warp point in the outside? there you should go.

    [14-4]FatherFather has changed in to a...! Dammit!! Is there anything I can do!?

    [14-5]To the Altar & the Girl

    I'll definitely save Siera! Let's hurry to the altar.

    [14-6] Last battle

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    Freya has nothing to do with this! I'll stop you and the free Siera!

    [15-1] To Adventure

    Onward, to adventure! Because we are adventurers!!

    Source: Find Eat Share Blog

    Posted byNikko at 2:32 AMNo comments:

    Ragnarok DS Maps



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    Source: Find Eat Share Blog

    Posted byNikko at 2:29 AMNo comments:


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