radio electronics magazine 05 may 1982


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MODEL 3400$125MODEL3450$150When you'reshoppingfor diqltals,besuretocheckout these TriplettDigital Multi meters. They'r e loadedwithextrasthat extendmulti meterlifeandmakeyour j obalot easierandsaf er.STATE _ _ ZIP _CIRCLE 30ONFREEINFORMATIONCARDCIRCLE 31FORin-Pl ant DemonstrationTriplett performance. . .atough act to followTriplettCorpo rat ion , Bl ufft on, OH45817(419) 358-5015, TWX(810) 490-2400

o .. CI)J... 7S _ TR I P LET TMODEL 3400 . . . Overload protectedto600voltsonALL ranges, Typical DC accuracy 0.2%,Hi /LowPowerOhms, Typica l batt ery life500hours with lowbatteryindication. Priceonly $125.MODEL 3410 . .. Overloadprotectedto1000 voltsonvoltsandohmswithno fuseblow, Typical DCaccuracy0. 2%, othe r featuressimilar toModel 3400. Priceonly$140.MODEL 3450 . . . Audible continuity pl us actualresistance read ing, Overloadprotectedto1000 volts onvoltsandohmswithno fuseblow, Typical DC accuracy0.15 %, Hi / LowPower Ohms, Typical battery life 500hours wit hlowbatteryindication. Only$150.Triplett's over 75 yea rs experience is evident in theengineering firs ts included in these digital testers.Plus afull ONEYEARWARRANTY. For afreeno-obligationdemonstration, contact your Triplett distributor, Mod-Centeror Representative.NAME _COMPANYADDRESSCITYTO: Model 3400SeriesRebate OfferTriplett CorporationBluffton, OH45817ADDITIONALTERMSRebaterequestsmustbepostma rkedby July1,1982 , or returned refused. Offer good only inU.S.A. and void where prohibited, taxed orrest ricted by law. Distributors not eligible forr ebate.Allow6-8weeks for yourrebatecheck.1. Distributor identified, dated salesreceipt (Non-returnable)SEND 2. Warranty Card fromback ofInstruc-tionManual.3. Thiscompletedform.Purchaseone of the Model 3400Series DMMbetweenMarch15, 1982 and June 15, 1982 andreceivea $10.00rebate.TORECEIVEREBATE,YOUMUSTThe satellites are there. And all you need is anearthstation to put the signals to workfor you .We have a complete new selection of packages-dishes, electronics,associated MATV equipment,and all -that you can sell and install wherever you'veput inMATV systems. Hotels. Motels. Nursing homes.Hospitals. Condos. Apartments.Thepackages are priced very attractively.It'sa very real opportunity for youand yourcustomers to makea goodprofit.If it sounds good, call us toll-free for moreinformation.800-631-5491~ ~ ~ : ; ! ~ yBlonder-TongueLaboratoriesIncorporatedOne Jake Brown RoadOld Bridge, NJ 08857s::- respective functions identi fied by dif-breakthrough made possible by using up-to- 9161R Deering Ave.,Cratsworth,CA91311ferent colors. This convenience-orient-date production techniques anda design ed designforusers improvesdailybacked up byover20 years of _ ORDER TOLLFREE423-5922controllabilityand drastically reducesoscil loscope experience. -- CA, AK, HI CALL (213)7095464 WIIoI operatingerrors.TERMSu s VISA, MC, BAC. Check.' Money Order, U,S. FundsOnly. CAresidents add6%SalesTax. I. CLUDE$15.00 fDI EACH DSCIUDl CDPEforUPSsunace Shippingand Handling. Just incase, includeyour phone number.Pri cessubject tochangeWithoutnotrce.WeWill doourbest tomaintainthese prices tlvough Aphl. 1982. Forcomplete specifications. see our 60page catalDo intheNovember issue ofBYTEorsend 51.00foryourcopy, today. SalePrices are lor prepaidorders only ('IA('IONr..6RD7~zoa:t-oW....JW6za:8Ever.lbody:s making moneys e l l i n ~ microcomputers.Somebodysgoing tomake moneyservicing them.New NRI Home-Study CourseShows You Howto Make Money Servicing, Repairing,and Programming Personal and SmallBusiness ComputersFree Catalog... Mail CardNo Salesman Will CallSendthepostage-paid card forour IOO-page catalog showing allcourses with equipment and completelesson plans. There's no obligation otherthanto yourself. Seehow NRI can helpyou grow with the mostexcitingandimportant newfield of the80's. If cardhas been removed, pleasewriteto us.IgiNRI SCHOOLSMcGraw-Hill ContinuingJ J Education Centert i ~ 3939WisconsinAve.I. nI. Washington, DC 20016We' ll give you tomorrow.Become theComplete Computer PersonYou're also trained inwritinganddebugging bothBASICandadvancedmachine languageprograms ...gainhands-on experience intheoperationand application ofcomputers to busi-ness and personal jobs. You'retrainedtobecome thefullyrounded, new breedof technicianwhocaninterface withtheoperational, programming, andservice facets of today's computers.You're readytotakeyourplace inthenew electronic age.Other OpportunitiesNRI has been givingambitiouspeoplenew electronic skills since 1914.Ioday'sofferings alsoinclude TV/Audio/Video Systems servicingwithtrainingon our exclusive computer-programmable 25"diagonal colorTV. ..Communications Electronics forservicing andinstalling microwave,broadcast, CB, radar, etc...andotherstate-of-the-art courses.(TRS-80is a trademarkofthe RadioShackdivision of TandyCorp.)partment of Labor projects over 100%increase in job openingsfor thedecadethrough1985. Most of them new jobscreated bytheexpanding worldof thecomputer.Learn at Homein Your Spare TimeNRI cantrain you for thisexci t-ing, rewardingfield. Train you at hometo service not onlymicrocomputers, butword processorsanddataterminals, too.Train you at your convenience, withclearlywritten "bite-size" lessonsthatyou do evenings or weekends, withoutgoingto classesor quittingyour presentjob.Your training is built around thelatest model of the world's most popularcomputer. It's theamazing TRS-80ModelIII, withcapabilitiesandfeaturesto perform a hostof personal andbusi-ness functions. Noother small computerhas so muchsoftware availablefor it, no otherisused andrelied on bysomanypeople.And it'syourstokeep for personal orbusiness use.You get plenty ofpractical experi-ence. Using the NRI DiscoveryLabthatalso comes as part of your course, youbuild and study circuits rangingfromthe simplest to the mostadvanced. Youanalyze andtroubleshoot usingthe pro-fessional BeckmanLCDdigital mul-timeter you keep to uselater inyourwork. Then youuse the lab andmetertoactually access the interior of special circuits and writeprogramstocontrol them. You "see"yourcomputer at work anddemonstrateits power.Training Includes thenewTRS-80 Model III microcompu-ter, 6-functlon LCD Beckman multlmeter, andtheNRI Discovery Lab with hundreds oftestsand experiments.Seems like everytime you tumaround, somebody comes along withanew computer for home orbusinessuse. And what's madeit all possi-ble istheamazingmicroprocessor,the tinylittle chip that'sacomputerinitself.Using this new technology,the industryis offeringcompact,affordable computers that handlethings like payrolls, billing, inven-tory, and otherjobs for businessesof everysize...performhouseholdfunctions includingbudgeting,environmental systems control,indexing recipes. And thousandsof hobbyists are alreadyowners, experimentingand developingtheirown programs.GrowingDemandfor ComputerTechniciansThis is onlyoneof the growth factors in-fluencingthe increasingopportunities for qualifiedcomputertechnicians. TheU. S. De-11WHAT'S NEWScontinued fro mpage 6AN RCA SATCOM, withthevarious partsidentifitld.HEARTOF GE'SNEW CIRCUITfor detectingradiosignalsthroughextremeInterference Is a pair of 128-polnt binary-analogcomputers In the central partof thechi p. That chipwasdevelopedbyscientists at theGE Research andDevelopment Centerat Schenectady, NY.3M'svideodisc plantisnow inoperation3Mhas opened acomp letevideodisc mastering and repli-cation facility in Menomo nie,WI, (about 50 mi les from thecompany's St. Paul headquar-ters.) The plant was in a modifiedstart-up mode for several monthsbefore t he opening, whiletest ingthesophisticatedequip-ment used in3M's proprietaryreplicationprocess.The discs are compat ible withMagnavox, Pioneer , Sony, andDiscovisionplayers. R-Esometobe an approach towa rdtheautomaticroadcont rolsys-temof thefuture. The MessageCenter is part of the standard in-strument panel on the new Con-t inental. Another version, t he" Tripminder," is opt ional on theMercury-Marq uis, Cougar XR-7,andFordLTD and Thunderbird.The opt ional " TripComputer "will be available on the EuropeanFordGranada.All three wi ll showthe day,date, elapsed t rip time, distancetravels, averagespeed, andin-stantaneous and average'fuelconsumption. The Cont inental'sMessage Center can also beprogrammedtoshowtheesti-mated time of arrival anddis-tance to destination. It alsoshowsthedistancet hatcanbetrave ledon the fuel remainingin the tank, as does t he TripComputer.Thesystemsare produced byPhi lco-Ford of Canada Ltd., useNational Semiconductor's8050microprocessors.of the IEEEin San Francisco,General Elect ri c scientists de-scr ibed mi croelect roni cdevicet hat imp roves radio communi -cat ions where there's extremenoise or interference.The devi ce-call ed a surface-charge correlator-isintendedfor mil itary applications. It wi llalloweffective communicationunder combat condit ions wheret hef requenci esarejammedbyt he enemy.Theti ny(0.110x 0.265 inch)circ uit chip wi ll recognizeandamp li fyspecia lly-coded signalscontaining voice ' communica-tions, while discardingjammingnoise. Itdoesthat by a series ofmult ipl ying and adding opera-tions-at t herateof overa bi l-lion calc ulat ions a second.Throughthosecalculations, t hedevicecanjudge thedegreeofcorrelation betweenincoming sig-nals and a specia l code pro-gram medintoitsmemory.Ifthedegree of correlat ionishigh, t he deviceconcludesthat.t he radio signa l contai ns thedesired voicedata. Signalswithalowdegreeof correlationaredismissed as noise. The desireddata, contai ningthevoice ma-terial, is amplified andpassedon to a decoder, which reas-semblesthemintorecognizablewords.Fordmoving towardsemiautomatic travel?Thisyear selectedcar model sin t heFordlineup wi ll carrythecompany's second -generationMessage Center that seemstoc::;:>EARTHNORTH'ifHORIZONT ALPOLARIZATIONREFLE CTORSdomestic satellites in orb it. Li keitspredecessors, Satcoms, I,II,and Il l-R, Satco m IV has 24channels, each of which cancarry 1,400voice ci rcuits, oneFM/color-TV transmission, or 64megab itsof computer datapersecond.Thesatel lites, cover all50 statesandPuertoRico.Wit hSatco mIV, RCA Ameri-comhas twosatellites dedicatedto cableTV.Theyhaveacom-bi nedprogrammi ngcapac ity ofmoret han1,000hours perday.There arenow22milli servedby cable TV, andnearly all of them receive atleast onesatellite-relayed chan-nel of programs.Interference cutbynewGE deviceAt t he recent Internati onalSolidStateCircuits ConferenceAPOGEEMOTOANOZZLEPLUMESHIEL DSINC LI NATIONCONTROLTHRUS TERSPLUMESHI ELDSL A U ~ ; ~ l ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ - -::JI' I-A/'1lLONGI TUDECONTROLTHR USTERSIE&W}PASSIV ENUTA TIONDAMPERDomesticsatellitesnow number fourteenWith the launchi ngof RCA'sSatcomIV onJanuary14, therewere the equivalent of 14U.S.SUNInteri mStandard No.2, whichreplacedIHF-A-202 pub lished in1978 by the Institute of HighFidelity . Copiesare $8.00 each.RS-475, " Generic Specifica-tio ns for Fiber Optic Connec-tors ," coversall f iber-optic con-nector types. Price is $7.00each.Copies of al l the aboveareavai lable from the StandardSales Office, Electronic . lndus-tr iesAssociation, 2001EyeSt.NW. , Washington, DC 20006. Afreecatalogof EIA andJEDECstandards and engineering pub-l icationsis also available.(/)ozoc:l-oLU..JLUo15-cc:1213TC201

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In fact, allor mostof every CIECareerCourseis directlycreditable towards theAssociate Degree."If you're going to learnelectronics, you might as welllearn it right:'JohnCunninghamSenior Technical DirectorAge Phone (area code) _Checkbox for OJ.Bill bulletin on Educational Benefits : DVeteranDYES... I want to learnfromthe specialists in electronics - CIE. Send me my FREECIEschool catalog... including detailsabout the AssociateDegree program... plus myFREEpackageofhome studyinformation.Print Name _Your FCC Licensecan impressemployers.For some electronics jobs, you musthave your FCC License. For others,employers usually consider it a mark inyourfavor. Either way, your License isgovernment-certified proof of yourknowledge and skills. More than halfof CIE's courses prepare you to passthis exam. Surveys show that some80070 of CIE graduates who taketheexam are successful.Step-by-step, learningincludes"hands-on ' training.The kind of professional you want to beneeds more thantheory. That's whysome of our courses include thePersonal Training Laboratory, whichhelps you put lesson theory into actualpractice . Other courses train you to usetools of the trade such as a 5MHztriggered-sweep, solid-state oscilloscopeyou build yourself-and use to practicetroubleshooting. Or a Digital LearningLaboratory to let you apply the digitaltheory that's essential todayfor anyonewho wants to keep pace with electronicsin the eighties.r--_-_1l1'! C I EClevelandIn t:lt:ut:eofElect:ronlcs. Inc.I 1776 East 17th Street, Cleveland, Ohio44114 AccreditedMember National Home StudyCouncilI Address Apt. _City _State Zip _ MAIL TODAYICleveland Institute of Electronics is thelargest independent home study schoolin the world that specializes exclusivelyin electronics. Although "big" does notalways mean "best:' it is evidence thatCIE is a strong, successful institutionwith the people andresources to helpyou succeed.NOW, IF YOU AGREE cmTRAINING CAN WORKFOR YOU, HOW ELSECAN ere HELP YOU?Be honest with yourself. Arethe reasons really excuses? Youalready know enough aboutelectronics tobe interested inreading thismagazine.So whynot learn more? If you needencouragement, read onandsee how excuses can be turnedinto results.You don't have the time. Be realistic.All you have in life is a period of time.Use it. Try to know more tomorrowthan you do today. That's the provenway to success. CIE studies require justabout 12hours of your time a week, twohours a day. You probably do have thetime.Electronics sounds like it may be hardto learn. You already know somethingabout electronics or you wouldn't bereading this. Now, build on that. CIEAuto-Programmed\!)Lessons help youlearn. Topics are presented in simple,logical sequence. All text is clear andconcise for quick, easy understanding.You learn step by step, at your ownpace. No classes to attend. Nobodypressures you. You can learn.You can't afford any more education.Actually, you can't afford NOT togain the skills that can put you aheadofthe others. You know what inflation isdoing to you now. Education-learninga skill-is an inflation-fighter that canbe yours. If you are not able to pay fulltuition now, CIE will lend you funds ona monthly payment plan.You have a family now. All the morereasonwhy you have the responsibilityto advance yourself. For the sake ofyour family. Do you want them to havewhat you had or have more than youhad? The choice is yours. Electronics isa rewarding career choice. CIE can helpyou to get started on that career.You're there. We're here. How doesCIE help you learn?First, we want youto succeed: You may study at home, butyou are not alone. When you have aquestion about a lesson, a postagestamp gets you your answer fast. Youmay find this even better thanhaving aclassroom teacher. CIE understandspeople need to learn at their own pace.When CIE receives your completedlesson before noon any day of the week,it will be graded andmailed back thesame day with appropriate instructionalhelp. Your satisfaction with yourprogress comes by returnmail. That'show CIE helps you learn.21SATELLITE/TELETEXT NEWSGARYARLENCONTRIBUTINGEDITORenoZoa:t3w...JW6o 3.3 MHz. Actually, that spec isfo r horizontal lin es, not resoluti on ;hori-zonta l li nesmake upver tical resolution,and340-350is a typi cal pi ctu re.C.C. WHITNEY,Miami , FLThearticle that youarereferring toisentit led " The Home Entertainment Cen-ter" that appearedin theJanua ry 1982issue. The 8-MHz bandwidth specif ica-tion, aspointedout in the ar ticle, wasbasedon the assumptionthat sincetheProfeel mon i toriscapableof displ aying80characters-per-li neasopposedtothe40 cha racter-per-line capability of thestandardTVset, thebandwidth capabi l i tyof the Profeel monitoristwi cethat of astandard TV receiver-or 8 MHz. The8-MHzbandwidthspecificationwascon-firmedinaconversationwithaSonyen-gineer in vol vedintheProf eel proj ect .ART KLEIMANEditorOOOOOOPS!(/JoZoa:t-oW...JW6is

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