radio electronics magazine 03 march 1983


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SOFT TOUCHFULL-LOGICCONTROLSDUAL INDEPENDENTTIMEBASE (15900NLYJ------ - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - -CALIBRATEDDELAYEDSWEEP4 VERTICALINPUT CHANNELSPhone Toll-Free 800843-3338Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and SOcall collectat (605)339-0100CIRCLE 6 ON FREE INFORMATION CARDCIRCLE89FORDEMONSTRATIONSE:I'JCOFlE:3200 SencoreDrive, Si oux Falls, SO 57107leads, piles of probe s or danglingcords. The SC61 is an entire servicebench in one unit.You can't getneater than that.Cut your service time in half:When we say the SC61will cutyour service time in half, we're beingconservative. We know of caseswhere the SC61has saved muchmore time than that. Every situationis diff erent , however, so try anSC61and judge for yourself. Here'sour offer.Money back guarantee: If theSC61does not at least cut yourpresent service time in half duringthe first thirty days, you mayreturn it for a full refund, includingfreight both ways.Call today. Get the entire SC61Waveform Analyzer story. Call toll-free today, and ask for our eightpage color brochur e. It could be themost time-saving call you makethis year!scopesas well, for measurement syou can trust in today's highpreci sion circuit s.Plus havingeverything youwant to knowabout a test point, atthe push of a button, eliminatesguesswork andbackt rackingA special Delta functi on even letsyou intensify any part of a wave-form and digit ally measure thePPV, time or frequency for just thatwaveform section. This reallyspeeds VCRalignment and calibra-tion procedures.And it's neat:No more tangl edSQN C O F=t1iiiil$3275If you use a general purposeosc illoscope for troub leshoot ing wecancut yourpresentservice timein half with theSC61WaveformAnalyzer.It's ten times faster-ten timesmore accurate:The SC61is thefi rst and onIy instrument to integrate'the speed and accuracyof adig ital readout with the viewingcapabi lity of a high performance 60MHz scope. Connect only. one{2Tobeand you canview any wave-form to 60 MHz. Then, just pusha button to read DCV, PPV, fre-quencyand time.There are no graticulesto count or calcul ationsto make so everymeasurementis 10to 100 times fasterthan before.The digital read-out is 10to 10,000times more acc uratethan conventionalCIRCLE7ONFREEINFORMATION CARD854 Phoenix 0Box 1002 0AnnArbor, Michigan 48106 U.S.A.Cell TOLL-FREE (800) 521-4414 or outside U.S.A. (313) 994-4444Products Division

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SSDDSoft Sect orFli ppy Disk (useboth sides ) M18A 2.795'14" SSDD10HardSector w/ HubRing M43A 1.895'14" SSDD16HardSect or w/ HubRing M53A 1.895'14" DSDDSoft Sect orw/HubRing M14A 2.795'14" DSDD10HardSect orw/HubRing M44A 2.795V. ,DSDD16HardSector w/ HubRing M54A 2.795'14" SSQDSoft Sectorw/ HubRing (96TPI) M15A 2.695'14" DSQDSoft Sectorw/HubRing (96TPI) M16A 3.79SSSD=SingleSided Si ngle Densi ty; SSDD =Singl e Sided Dou bl e Densi t y;DSDD =Double Side d Double Densit y; SSQD=Singl e Sided Quad Density;DSQD= Double Sided QuadDensit y;TPI = Track s per in ch.Buy with ConfidenceTo get thefastest delivery from CE of your Wabashcomputerproducts,sendorphone yourorderdirectlytoourComputerProducts Division. Be sure to calculate your price using the CEprices in this ad. Michigan residents please add 4%sales tax orsupply your tax 1.0. number. Written purchaseorders are accep-tedfromapproved government agenciesand most well ratedfirms at a30%surchargefor net 30 billing. All salesaresubject toavailability, acceptanceandverification. All salesarefinal. Prices,terms andspecifications aresubject to changewithout notice. Allprices are inU.S. dollars. Out of siockitems will be placed onbackorder automatically unlessCfi is instructed differently. Min-imumprepaid order $50.00. Minimumpurchaseorder $200.00.International ordersareinvitedwitha$20.00surchargeforspecial handling in addition to shipping charges. All shipmentsare F.O.B. Ann Arbor, Michigan. No COD'splease. Non-certifiedand foreign checks require bank clearance.For shippingchargesadd $8.00per case or partial-case of100 8-inch discs or $6.00 per case or partial-caseof 100 S'/4-inchmini-discs forU.P.S. ground shipping and handling in thecon-tinental United States.Mail" ordersto: CommunicationsElectronics,Box1002,Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 U.S.A. If you have a Master Cardor Visa card, you may call and place acredit card order. Ordertoll-free in the U.S. Dial 800-521-4414. If you are outs ide theU.S. or in Michigan, dial 313-994-4444. Order your Wabashdiskettes fromCommunications Electronics today.Copyright Communi cati ons Electronics" Ad# 110582[ffillZJ(fJ1Order Toll-Free! wabash800-521-4414InMichigan 313-994-4444 diskettesNow... Get High Quality at aLow PriceWabashmeans quality products that youcandepend on.For ove r 16years, Wabashhasbeen making high qualitycomputer products. Wabash diskettes are made to provideerror-freeperformanceonyour computer system. EveryWabash diskette is individually tested and is 100% certifiedtoi nsure premiumperformance.Why WabashisSpecialThequalityof Wabashdiskettesisstressedthroughoutthe entire manufacturing process. After coating, all Wabashdiskettesgothroughauniqueburnishingprocessthatgives each diskette a mirror-smooth appearance. Wabashthencarefullyappliesalubricant that isspeciallyform-ulatedto increasediskettelife. Thissavesyou money,since your discs may last longer. It also assists your diskdrivesi nmaintainingconstant speedwhichcan reducereadandwriteerrors.Special Sea!. . . Helps Prevent ContaminationTo keep out foreign particles, a unique heat sealbonds thejacket and linert oget her.Aspecial thermal seal whichavoids contamination from adhesives, is then used to foldand sea l thejacket. Thisresultsinoutstandingperfor-manceandtruereliability. Wabashthenpackages eachdiskette, (except bulkpack) inasuper strongand tearresistant Tyvek" evelope. The final Wabash product isthenshrink-wrappedtoinsurecleanlinessand reducecontamination duri ngshipment.EachDiskettei s 100% Critically TestedSinceeachstepint heWabashdiskettemanufacturingprocess is subject to strict quality control procedures, youcan besure Wabashdiskettes will perform for you. Andevery Wabash diskette meets t he ultra-high standards ofANSI, ECMA, IBM andISO in addition to the many criticalquality control t estsperformed by Wabash. Wabash doesall of thistest ing to provideyouwithconsistentlyhighquality diskettes. Reliabilityand dataintegrity- that'swhat Wabashqual ityis all about.Flexible DiscQuant ity Discounts AvailableWabash diskettes arepacked 10 discs to a carton and10cartonstoacase. Theeconomybulk packispackaged100 discstoa case wi thoutenvelopesor labels.Pleaseorder onlyinincrementsof 100unitsforquantity100prici ng. Wi t ht he exc eption of bulk pack, we arealsowillingtoaccommodateyoursmallerorders. Quantitiesless t han 100 uni ts are available in increments of 10 unitsat a10%surcharge. Quant ity discounts arealsoavail-able. Order 500 or more discs at the same time and deduct1%; 1,000 or more saves you2%; 2,000 or more saves you3%; 5, 000ormore savesyou4%; 10,000 or more savesyou5%; 25,000or moresaves you6%; 50,000or moresaves you 7% and 100,000 or more discs earns youan 8%discount off oursuperlowquantity 100price. Almost allWabash di skettes are immediately available from CEo Ourwarehouse facil ities areequ ipped to help us get you thequali typroduct you need, whenyouneedit. If youneedfurt her assistance t o fi nd the fle xibledisc that'sright foryou,call th eWabashdiskett e compatibil ityhotline. Dialt oll-fr ee800-323- 9868 and ask for your compatibilityrep resentati ve. In Il linois or outside the United States dial31 2-593-6363between 9AM to4PMCentral Time.wabasHdiskettes,$1.39 each!2(f)oZoa:


a:THEMAGAZINE FOR NEWIDEAS IN ELECTRONICSElectronicspublisherssince 1908 MARCH1983 Vol. 54 NO.3DEPARTMENTS 134 AdvertisingIndex10 AdvertisingandSalesOffices10 Editorial135 Free InformationCard24 Letters94 COMPUTER CORNERChoosing a printer. LesSpindle28 VoicetechIndustries Speech -Synthesizer Kit32 AndersModel CM100CapacitanceInst rument38 Trio-KenwoodR1000 CommunicationsReceivers::0oIRadio-Elect ron i cs, (ISSN0033-7862)Published monthlyby GernsbackPublications, Inc..200Park Avenue South.New York. NY 10003. Second-Class Postage Paid at NewYork. N.Y. andadditional mailing oflices. One-year subscrip-tionrate: U.S.A.andU.S. possessions. $14.97, Canada,$17.97. Other countries, $22.47 (cash orders only, payablein U.S.A. currency.) Single copies $1.50.1;' 1983 by Gerns-back Publicalions, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SUbscription Ser vic e: Mail all subscription orders.changes, correspondenceandPostmasterNoticesot un-deliveredcopies (Form3579) toRadio-ElectronicsSub-scription Service. Box 2520. Boulder. CO 80322.Astampedself-addressedenvelopemust accompanyallsubmitted manuscripts and/or artwork or photographs if theirreturn is desired should they be rejected. We disclaim anyresponsibility for the loss or damage of manuscripts andlorartwork or photographs whilein our possessionor otherwise.105 Market Center103 NewBooks40 NewProducts6 What'sNewsSERVICE CLINICThermal problems and how to correct them. Jack DarrSERVICE QUESTIONSR-E's service editor solves technicians'problems.ALLABOUTVLF ACTIVE ANTENNASPart 2. Some practical VLF active antennas for wideband andnarrowband operation. R.W.BurhansHOW TO DESIGNANAL OG CIRCUITSAudio power-amplifier circuits. MannieHorowitzNEW IDEASControl your household appliances using a clock radio.HOBBYCORNEROur readers solve the light-switchpuzzle.Earl " Doc: ' Savage, K4SDSTHE DRAWING BOARDAdding a digit select to the BCD encoder. RobertGrossblattVIDEO ELECTRONICSTomorrow's news and technology in this quickly changing indus-try. DavidLachenbruc hSATELLITEiTELETEXTNEWSThe latest happenings in communications technology.GaryH. Ar lenVIDEOGAMESA new stand-alone system and two game-cartridge reviews.DannyGood manINSIDE A 757/767 COCKPITPart 2. A look at the Boeing 757/767'scomputerand automated-flight systems. MarcSternSTATE OF SOLIDSTATEA new IC for use in a professional-quality compressor, expander,or compandor. RobertF. ScottDIGITAL IC TESTERPart 3. A versatile device that puts IC's through their paces andindicates how they function. GaryMcClellanTWO COMPACTDVM'STwo inexpensiveDVM circuits for your workbench.Clement S.Pepper56 HOW TOREPAIR ANTIQUE RADIOSThe ins and outs of restoring an oldradio'sappearance and per-formance. Richard0, Fitch98 COMMUNICATIONS CORNERCommunications and the computer. HerbFriedman49 POCKET-SIZED ANDPORTABLESHORTWAVERECEIVERSA look at the newest "small"shortwave receivers. Their featuresoften rival those of older top-of-the-line table models.DannyGoodmanRADIOEQUIPMENTREPORTSCOMPUTERSBUILDTHIS 5359TECHNOLOGY 412144390CIRCUITSAND 65COMPONENTS73788082VIDEO 8688SPECIALFEATUREAsa service toreaders, Radio-ElectronicspUblishes availableplans or informationrelatingtonewsworthyproducts,techniquesandscientific andtechnological developments.Because of possible variances in thequality andcondition of materials andworkmanship usedbyreaders, Radio-Electronics disclaimsany responsibility for the safe and properfunction ingof reader-built projects baseduponor fromplans or InformationpubllshedInthismagazine.(0coco3VIDEO ELECTRONICSDAVIDLACHENBRUCHCONTRIBUTINGEDITOR(J)S:2zoa:I-aui-lWoo

7continued fr om page 6WHAT'S NEWSTHESELF-CONVERGING PICTURE-TUBE system. Imagebeamsfromeach of the threetubesfollow carefully engineeredpaths through preci-sion acrylic lenses, whichweigh about half as much as glasslenses. TheImages are thenreflectedby twoglassmirrors that reflect more than94percent of thelight that strikes them.(J)oZoa:bUJ..JUJoo~a:8school students in math and scien-ce courses.The report-available fromEIA-gives informat ionontech-nical educat ion in the UnitedStatesand itsimportance tohightechnology; the balance of supplyanddemandinvarioustechnicalfields, andjob opportunities inelectronics.The EIAhopesto reachlocalschool systems-whoare mostimportant in making decisions ab-out early science and matheducation-with thereport, and isorganizingacampaigntodoso."The problem is to be addressed,"says EIA president Peter McClos-key, "at the local level with volun-teer employees-at all levels-from our member companies."Copies of the report may beobtained by contacting the EIA Hu-man Resources Council, 2001 EyeSt., N.W., Washington, DC 20006(phone 202-457-4925).Self-convergingtubesforprojection TVTheproblemof convergingthethree images of a color projectionTV,formerlyattempted with com-plex electronic circuitry and adjust-able consumer controls is nowsolved, reports Zenith.Thepatentedsolutionisin thetubes themselves. In acon-ventional projectioncolor-TVset,three tubes-red, green, andblue-aremounted side-by-side.Onlythemiddle(green) tubecanbe aimedsquarelyatthescreen.The others aretilted slightly in-ward. That distorts their images onthe screen, and the picture has tobe converged manually.Zenith'ssolutionwastotiltthefaceplates ontheredand bluetubes slightly. That distorts the im-age projected on the screen. Thedistort ionproduced bythetiltedface place is in the opposite direc-tion to the distortion caused by theoff-center mounting of the outsidetubes. Thetwodistort ions thuscancel eachother, resultinginaperfectly "self-converged" picture.Since the correction is built into thetubesthemselves, controls andelectronic parts are eliminated,andcorrect convergence becomesautomatic.Another improvement in the newtubesis aspecialbipotentialgundesigned to maintain resolution athigh brightness levels. Inmanyconventional tubes, thedots ofco lor on the screen tend to"bloom" whenever the tube is driv-en to provide a bright picture, pro-ducinga fuzzy image. Brightnessmust bereducedbefore thedotsreturn to normal size.Thenew electron gun operateson a fixed DC voltage, and is de-signedtoholdthedotsassharpcolored pointsat high brightness.Theresult issharperdetail at alllevels of brightness.BiblenowpublishedonvideodiscNoting the strong consumer re-sponse to such videodisc pro-g rams as "T he Ten Com-mandments," RCAhaslicensedfivevolumesof TheNewMediaBible, avideotranslationof theBible by the Genesis Project. RCAalso has options on the additional27 volumes for use in its videodiscsystem.SethWillensonof RCAVideo-disc notes that "TheTen Com-mandments" has sold about30,000copies, whichamountstomore than $1million at retai lprices."We arebringingspiritualvalues intothe home in an historic-al, realistic,andentertaining waythat appeals to all the family,"Mr.Willenson said. "To those parentswho areconcerned about whattheir children watch on television,the videodisc permits themtoselect fromawide variety of family-oriented programs."Alaskansatelli teinorbitSatcom V, is a 2,385-pound ad-vanced domestic communicationssatellitethat was launchedlastOctober . It will provide long-distance communications withinthe State of Alaska, and betweenAlaska and therest of the UnitedStates. The craft will also carry thestate'srural area, television,andemergency medical networks.RCA A mer i can C0 m-munications will operate thespacecraft asjoint licenseewiththe owner, Alascom, Inc., the long-lines carrier for the state of Alaska.RCASatcomVisthefirst all-solid-statecommunications sat-ellite, and is the first of a series ofadvanced spacecraft. They willprovideuptoa 50percent increaseinvoice/datacapacityover theirpredecessors, while remainingcompatible with present in-orbitSatcom satellites, and with terres-trial facilities.New CBS-Columbiagrouptomarket softwareA new unit, CBS Software, hasbeenformed todevelop,license,and market game, education, andhome-management software forpersonal home computers.EdmundR. Auer, Senior VicePresident of the Columbia Group,reports that concurrently withes-tablishment of theCBS Softwareunit, alicenseagreement hasbeensignedwithK-Bytefor theexclu-sive worldwide marketing and dis-tribution rights to K-Byte computergames, including those that will bedeveloped during thenext fouryears.CBSSoftware will initially offerthe K-Byte games for the Atari 400and 800 systems, and is evaluat-ingseveral other formatsforthegames.For $35.50Here's your best YOMvalue.It's compact, drop-proof (3feet) andprovides 21color-coded ranges-volts, milliamps, ohms,temperature scale and decibels. True quality instru-ment foryour portable applications. Tough, accur-ate, taut-bandmeter, fuse-protected. Sensitivity20,000 ohms/Volt DC. High-impact case, coloredbright orange. Snap action, dual-detent rangeswitch. Rangelimits: 1000V DCandAC, 250mADC, one megohm, +200C. BatteryTest provision.MeterOFFposition. Temperaturescale(specialprobe optional).WV-547D. Sameinstrument inimpact-resistantcarrying case. Handle converts to tilt stand.539.95Want full technical details and a demonstration?Call toll-free, 1-800-523-3696, fortheVIZ distributor near you .Look to VIZfor value" quality" availability.Over 70 instruments in the line- PLUS full accessories.VIZMfg. Co., 335E. Price St.,Philadelphia, PA 19144CIRCLE73ONFREEINFORMATIONCARDenozoa:tw-JW6o~10EDITORIALElectronicsIn MedicineElectronicshas a greatimpact on our day-to-daylives. It placesatremendousamount of informationat our fingertips, reducesour day-to-daychores, improvesthe"quality"of life, and providesa virtuallyunlimitedsupplyof entertainment right in ourlivingrooms.In fact, it we stoppedto thinkaboutit for a moment, we couldnamemanybenefits that electronicsmakespossible.But after we finished,howmany of us wouldhaveincludedmedicinein ourlistings.I'mnot thinkingof the electronicthermometer, either. Basicresearchcontinuestoinvestigatenew applicationsof electronics. For example,researchersareimplantingelectrodesin theinner ears of deaf peopletohelp themhear. So far, successhas beenmodest-patientshearmedium-to-Ioudsounds only-butprogressis continuing. Whenthattechniqueis perfected, researchersenvisiona "bionic"ear.Along thesamelines,researchersareinvestigatinga techniqueforattachinganelectroniccameradirectlyto the brain; theywill be using surgicallyim-plantedelectrodes.Researchersare also investigatingthe effectsof electricfieldsonbone growth. Placinga fractureinto an electric fieldhas speededthehealingof boneinjuries that have proven tobe difficult tomend ontheirown.Out of theUniversityofPennsylvaniacomesa pair of electricbracesthatresearchersbelievewillcut in half thetimerequired tostraightenteeth.Ona completelydifferentfront, a researcher fromtheUniversityofFloridahas developeda device that shatterskidneystones.Thepatient lies in a bathtubandis subjectedtoshock wavescreatedbyhigh-voltagedischarges. The shockwavesare what breakup thekid-ney stones.And thoseare justsomehighlightsof theintensiveinvestigationofelectronicsapplicationsin medicine. Thebionichumanis no longerjusta fictional fantasyandmay be children'sreading comparedtowhatis still to come. Thepromiseof electronicsandits limitationsarestill somewherefarin the distanceand it'sgoing tobe a true-lifeexpe-rience as we live throughthenext few years.ARTKLEIMANEditoradi8-IleDlrBlliDSHugoGernsback (1884-1967) founderM. Harvey Gernsback,editor-in-chiefLarry Steckler,CET, publisherArthur Kleiman, editorJosef Bernard, K2HUF, technical editorCarl Laron, WB2SLR, associate editorBrianC. Fenton, assistant editorJack Darr, CET, service editorRobert F. Scott,semiconductor editorHerbFriedman,communicationseditorGaryH. Arlen, contributingeditorDavidLachenbruch,contributingeditorEarl "Doc"Savage, K4SDS, hobby editorDannyGoodman, contributingeditorDan Rosenbloom, production managerRobert A.W. Lowndes,productionassociateStefanIe A.Mas,production assistantJoanRoman, circulation directorArlineR. Fishman,advertising coordinatorCoverphotoby Robert LewisRadio-Electronics is indexed inApplied Sci-ence&Technology Indexand ReadersGuide to Periodical Literature.GernsbackPublications, Inc.200ParkAve. S., New York, NY10003President: M. HarveyGernsbackVicePresident; LarryStecklerADVERTISING SALES212-777-6400LarryStecklerPublisherEASTStanleyLevitanRadio-Electronics200ParkAve. SouthNew York, NY10003212-777-6400MIDWESTfTexas/ArkansaslOkla.RalphBergenTheRalphBergenCo., Inc.540FrontageRoad-Suite 325Northfield, Illinois60093312-446-1444PACIFIC COASTMountainStatesMarvinGreenRadio-Electronics413 So. La BreaAve.Los Angeles , Ca90036213938 '01667 .SOUTHEASTPaul McGinnisPaul McGinnisCompany60 East 42ndStreetNew York, N.Y. 10017212-490-1021~'gI(List Price$299\SALE!$13900(when youbuy 6 tape programs at sale prices) WeLoveOur CustomersOur PricesandServiceProve It! OneDayDelivery ExpressMail Commodore64ProgrammersReferenceGuidesFreeWithPurchase Over 500Programs ToChooseFrom Free CatalogsAddress _City _15 DAY FREE TRIAL,. .......................... ....DON'T MISSTHIS SALEORDER NOWoC.O.D.VIC2O for only$139. plus$59. for6 pack ofprogrsmsSpecifypack wanted 33KVIC foronly$199.41KVIC foronly$249.49KVIC foronly$299.TractorFrictionPrinter$399.Super 10' Printer $499.60K Memory Expander $79.aameLoader-Alarl $79.Credit Card No.ExpirationDateState -.LZlp Codeo VISA 0 MASTERCARDoAdd $10.00 for shipping, handling and In-surance. illinois residents please add 6%tax. Add $20.00 forCANADA, PUERTO RICO,HAWAII orders. WEDONOTEXPORTTOOTHERCOUNTRIES.Enclose Cashiers Check, Money Order or.Personal Check. Allow14 days fordelivery, 7days for phone orders, 1dayexpress:mall! ..:Weship C.O.D. andhonor VisaandMasterCard.Name _o1 0oooooIMMEDIATEREPLACEMENT WARRANTYIf your computer falls because of warrantydefect withi n90daysfromdateof purchase,you simply send your computer to us viaUnited Parcel Service prepaid. Wewi ll " lrn-mediately" sendyouareplacement computerat no charge via UnitedParcel Service prepaid.This warranty appli estoall productswesellbecause WELOVEOURCUSTOMERS!!WOWII Plug In our new "GAMELOADER" andyoucanplay all ATARI videogame cartridges,Actl vlslon, Imaglc M-Network onyour VIC20computer. List $99. Sale $79.LOW COST PLUGIN EXPANSION&OK MEMORYEXPANDER$79WE HAVETHE LOWESTPRICESWesell direct tocustomers andyousave theprofit margi n normall y made by computerstores, department storesanddistributors, weare willingtotake a smallermargin todevelopvol ume.WELOVE OUR CUSTOMERS- OURPRICESPROVEIT!Accessories plug Indirect to this computer,extra RAMmemory, datacassett e, telephonemodem $99.00, deluxe 80 column pri nter$399.00, 170Kdisk drive$349.00all plug Indirect! Youdonot havetobuyanexpensiveexpansion Interface!!PLAYATARI GAMESON VIC20$79Allows memory expansi on to 60Ktotal (20KROM and40K RAM). Hassixslots toaddsi xcartridg es- youcanswi tchselect anycom-blnatlon of memory or programs. Stop andstart anyprogramwithreset butt on, youdon'thaveto remove cartridges or turn off com-puter. ThisexpanderIs a must toget themostout of your VIC-20Computer!TRACTORFRICTIONPRINTER$399This all newCOMSTARdel uxe line printer,prints 8't." x11" letterquali tyfull size, singlesheet, roll or fanfoldcomputer paper, labels,etc. 40, 66, 80, 132 columns. Impact dot matrix,bl-dlrectlonal, 80CPS. Includes special cablethatplugsdir ectIntotheVIC2O printerport -no other costl y Interface Is neededI List$599.00Sale $399.00.SUPE.R 10 COMSTARPRINTER$499Has all thefeaturesof theCOM STAR printershownabove, PLUS! 10' carriage100 CPS, Dotaddressablebit Imagegraphics, 2.3buffer, 18character sets, 40, 48, 66, 80, 96, 132 columns,prints true descender, super and subscript,underlining. Includesspecial cabletoplugIn-to the VIC2O printer port . List $699. Sale1499.You get the COMMODOREVIC20Computerforonly$139.00 when youbuy 6 tape programsonsale foronly$59.00. These 6 tape programslistfor$96.00 to$132.001You can chooseoneof t hesethree tape programpacks: 6GAMEprogrampack $59.00(Allen Invasion, TargetCommand, Artillery, Chase, SnakeOut, CattleRoundUp).6HOME' FINANCEprogrampack$59.00 (CheckBook, Calculator, TheBudgeter,HomeInventory, Income Tax, Utili tyBill Saver).6SMALLBUSINESS programpack$59.00 (Accountant, Accounts Receivable and Payable,Inventory, Order Tracker, Estimating andBidding, Appointments).33KCOMMODORE VIC$199WITH 2%TIMES MORE POWERFor only $199.00you get the COMMODOREVIC-2OComputer ph.. WEADD8,000BYTESOF USERMEMORYto give you 2'1. TIMESMOREPROGRAMMINGPOWERI This power-ful fullslzed extrafeaturedcomputer Includesthe6502 microprocessor (UKEAPPLE) 20,000bytes ROMwith a 16Kextended LEVEL IIMicrosoft BASIC,13,000 bytesRAM, a total of33,000bytes memory, plug Inexpandable to60,000 bytes,66 key typewriter professional ex-panded keyboard with graphic symbol s onkeys, color command keys, high resolut iongraphics, 512 displayable characters, textdisplay Is22lines 23characters, sound andmusic, realtime, upper lower casejuuscreeneditingcursor, floatingpoint decimal andtrigfunc tions, stringarrays, scrolling, multi state-ment lines, lIIe management, PEEK ANDPOKE. Assembly machi ne language Isavailable. Wehaveeasyto useself teachingbooksand programs. AcceptsTAPEDISKANDPLUGINCARTRIDGES, connects toany TV,Includes ADadaptor, R.F. modul ator , switchbox, self teachingInstructi on book, comes In abeaut iful console case.41K COMMODORE VIC $249WITH FOURTIMES MOREPOWERFor only $249.00 you"get the 41K COMMODORE VICwith4OO%..MORE PROGRAMMING POWERTHAN VIC201 We add 16,000bytes user memory to' the VIC-2O. Youget atotal of 41,000 bytes memory (20,000bytesROM,21,000 bytes RAMandextendedLEVELII BASIC)plus all the extra features l isted!49KCOMMODORE VIC $299WITH SIX TIMES MORE POWERFor only $299.00 you get the SUPERPOWERED49KCOMMODORE VICwith600%MOREPROGRAMMINGPOWERthanVIC201We add 24,600 bytes user memory to theVIC20. You get a total of 49,000 bytesmemory(20,000 bytes ROM, 29,000 bytesRAMandex-tended LEVEL II BASIC) plus all the extrafeatures li sted!

>::IJoI11PRDTE CTDENTERPRIZES(FACTORY DIRECT)BOX550, BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS60010Phone31213825244toorderCIRCLE92 ON FREEINFORMATION CARDGET $150 FREE SOFTWAREWHENYOU BUY ACOMMODORE 64 COMPUTER! !SATELLITE/TELETEXT NEWSGARYARLENCONTRIBUTING EDITOR(/)ozoa:I-oW...JWoCi-ca:12NATIONALBUSINESSTELETEXTTWONEWSATELLITEPROJECTSTELETEXTNEWSBRIEFSSatellite Network Delivery Corp., a new information-distribution firm, plans to beam teletext-typedataandvideomaterial throughout theU.S.viaahybridsatellitesignal thatwill beretransmitted by local TV stations. SND's service, due to start in Apri l, will include two primaryfeatures: Business TeletextNetwork will carry about 100 medium-speeddata channels, andT-Sat will use digital technologyto send commercialsand other videoprogrammingto TVstations. The teletext service will use the vertical blanking- interval lines of a satellite trans-ponder; SND plans to use thenew North AmericanBroadcastTeletext Standard(NABTS)technology; that isthe hybridformat combining FrenchAntiope andCanadianTelidonstandards. SNDdataservicewon't beformattedasconventional page-by-pageteletextframes; rather the data will be "sliced" into 100 channels within the VBI, with data moving at3,000 charactersper second. All transmissions will be addressedand encoded so that onlydesignated customers will have access to the services. At presst ime, SND was still negotiat-ing for satellite space; the assumptionis that it will find transponder room aboard a Westarbird.NASA is puttingnew emphasison two activities that couldlead to a sizeable new effortinsatellitecommunications. TheAdvanced CommunicationsTechnology Satellite(ACTS)programwill developmultiple-beamsatellitesthat dotheir ownswitching, operateinthe30/20-GHz range, and have fixedscanning as well as spotbeams. The ACTS birds wouldalso have the capacity to handle system networking and would offer data speeds of up to 500megabytes-per-second. The ACTS project had been shelved in recent U.S. budget cutbacks,but NASA is trying to bring it back to life, goaded in part by new Japanese activity to develophigh-techsatellitesof thesametype.The other newNASAeffortcomesin thedynamicbusinessofmobilecommunicat ions,hooked into satell ite networks. TheMobile Satellite Experiment (MSat-X)would offer thin-route mobile communicationsformobile phonesandothertransportab le communicationssystems. NASA is trying to develop a two-by-four-foot horizontal patch antenna which wouldcost under$500and could downli nk mobile communications fromatopa truck.NASAis encouraging the participation of private companies in both projects, part of the neweffort todevelop joi nt venturesbetweengovernment andbusiness.TheNational Capt ioningInstitute, whichpreparesclosedcaptionsusingline 21of thevertical-blankinginterval, andBritishVideotex-Teletext, theU.S. marketingagencywhichchampions UK-format teletext, recentlydemonst ratedahybridsystemwhichdecodesline-21 captions into the teletext format. That would permit captions to be sent simultaneouslyviaeither system, andwould assurethat the60,000homes nowequippedwithSearsTeleCapt ion decoders (a number likely to grow) won't be stuck with obsolete equipment whenteletext catches on.TimeInc. hasincludedseveral novelfeaturesinitsfull-channe l satellite-cableteletextservicenowbeingtested inSanDiegoandOrlando. TimeTeletext includesanaudiosoundtrack(primarily backgroundmusic), stemming from Time'sbelief that viewers using aTV text service will feel more comfortable if there's an audio factor accompanying the screenimages. TheTimeservicealsohasa sizeablecapacityfordownloadingdata; theZenithdecoder used in the testhas the ability to allow users to formatmaterial in order to retrievespecific information. For example, users can ask for data, such as "moviesto be shown onTuesday,"and the terminal will collect and displayinformation(titles, description, ratings)about filmsfeatured on that day.WGBH- TV, Boston Channel 2, has begun its "Scoop" teletext experiment, using Antiopetechnology. The100-pageteletext magazineincludesconsiderableeducational andlocalinformation and is available at special receivers in public sites, such as libraries and schools.More cable TV teletext servicesare springing up, among thema sophisticatedpackagedelivered by Cablevision Systems in Long Island, NY, developed in cooperat ion with News -daynewspaper. ThesystemusesTelidongraphicsandistheprecursor ofanadvancedinteractive videotex service which the cable and newspaper companieswant to introduce inthenear future. TheNewsdayChannel,duetobeginserviceinApril, will includenews,weather, advertising,and a daily videonewscast. R-E1225Lis t $16.9 514 74List $15.951332List$16.95VideoElectronicsTechnologyTAlLIS.rOIlJlULASTAiLES Iru l1LAS1128Li st $ 11. 95338List $14 .951337List $9.9514 65Li st $15. 951113List $10.9514 73Lis t $18.95UnderstandingElectronICS118 3List $14.95

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