r9 ieee foundation committee

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6–9 R9 IEEE Foundation Committee Eng. Ruben Barrera-Michel R9 FC Chair

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Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6–9

R9 IEEE Foundation Committee

Eng. Ruben Barrera-MichelR9 FC Chair

What is the IEEE Foundation Committee?

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

IEEE Foundation Committee

The activities in Regions 8 to 10 need to be organizedand implemented, taking advantage of the IEEEstructure in the countries covered by such regions. Asthe Foundation President says, “the continuing increasein membership outside of the US requires that weexpand our breath of activities”.

To implement Foundation activities in regions 8 to 10, inassociation with local sections and the industry, in orderto foster the accomplishment of Foundation missionworldwide, to increment fundraisings, grants andprojects, to educate local volunteer leaders inFoundation activities.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

IEEE Foundation Committee


To meet this challenge, it is suggested the IEEE Foundation to establish, in 2008, a pilot project in one of the regions (8, 9 and 10), in order to check results and the viability to apply them in other regions.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9


The action plans are supposed to replicatemain Foundation activities in the sectionsinvolved, such as fundraising, funding projectsand others suggested activities, in the scopeof the Foundation. Priority must be given tothe education of local section volunteers inFoundation activities, such as to raise localfunds, review local projects/grants and follow-up the projects

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

Focus Areas


Education is the cornerstone of technologicaladvancement. The IEEE Foundation supportsprojects that expand and enhanceengineering, science and technology educationopportunities for students of all ages throughmid-career professionals to positively impactworkforce development and involvement inIEEE.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9


Achieving the promise technology holds fortomorrow requires an understanding of therole it plays in our lives today and how itchanged "yesterday". The IEEE Foundationsupports projects that increase awareness ofthe impact and influence of early technologyon the present and future among the generalpublic. Projects primarily aimed at preservingor studying the history of technology mustinclude plans to disseminate the results.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9


Progress to a better tomorrow is dependentupon the investment of time, talent,knowledge and resources to improve thehuman condition. Within its humanitarianfocus area, the IEEE Foundation supportsprojects that implement or disseminatereplicable, sustainable, technology-basedsolutions for humanitarian issues inunderserved and underprivileged areas.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6–9


Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

Our Participation

IEEE Foundation endorsed IEEE Colombiaand Ecuador Sections business plansduring its 15 June 2012 meeting.The Ecuador and Colombia Sections accomplished such task and presented their grant applications to the IEEE Foundation using the online grant management system by 24 July 12.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

Projects approved 2012

“Telemedicine Network Connecting Rural areas”

“Young Scientists”.

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

Areas without supportGrants to individuals Operational, overhead, general & administrative or indirect costs Ongoing activities of the applicant Lobbying or electioneering Commercial promotion activities Research & development, including prototypes Construction or building renovations Endowments, scholarships or loans Participation of specific/individual teams at competitions Disaster reliefProjects in excess of 5 years in duration

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

ScopeWork closely with the R9 NIC & IndustryRelationship for submitting projects.Mexico City, Puerto Rico and Caribbean Area,Costa Rica, Argentina, South Brazil, Chile and Peru( Candidates to work with )Endeavour for the presentation of at least twoprojects to the IEEE Foundation

Deadline: Funding Decision by:15 March 2013 31 July 20136 August 2013 13 December 2013

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

R9 FC Members

Gustavo Giannattasio– R9 Director

Norberto Lerendegui – R9 Strategic Planning Committee Chair

Antonio Bastos – IEEE Foundation Contact

Carlos Andres Lozano – R9 New Initiatives Committee Chair

Reunión Regional / Regional Meeting 2013, March 6-9

Thank you for your attention

R9 FOUNDATION [email protected]