rø&¬4 cÄ%m6w

∊勸⚬㐅䏄╍㙗㰊㬽 % %:/".*$ -"4&3 ."3,*/( ⊪⣅⋎勑 *OUSPEVDUJPO 搌䤬㭓㦝 .BUFSJBMT 27 3K LASER 3K LASER 㬯㬽搌⠌⊑㌪歬滢塂ㇱ䪈∊勸⊪⣅櫟☿琳㠱掅∊捼㞫☺睒"9*4睓嗯䤵㞫☺䔪懥琳⬫⋾⍘㍦䚺∋⭊⟳滢僂 ㊩☿❴琳⟳㊗⠈䷑橀㲲歬琳⾡䞴⠈䷑㍦䚺䪈㧤ㇱ☯㙗㰊ѭ☋㝦忆⾝〴⟳㊗∎⠐⊪⣅䪈䔪懥Ѭ⍐即⢐㍦䚺⟜✚ѭ 㧤權䷿⚬⋹❷⟳⾏㘔☋㝦⍟ѭ⟳搓䤬 % 㫵歬㰊☿Ѭ䅲櫟Ѭ巍巐⾝⍐僿勣Ѭ⚬㐅䅅䀸勃㙗㰊位ⴝ䷑⚣唂ѭ This machine is suitable for three-dimensional product engraving with large arc surface height drop. It is equipped with three-axis control "3-AXIS" to control the focal length freely. It can be printed with high preci- sion in any shape. It can cope with various step surfaces and realize various shapes. Differential marking. Switch settings to handle changes in focus, position and shape for different products. Switching can be done without moving the workpiece. 3D surface marking, embossing, visual positioning system, dynamic pipeline marking and many other functions are available. 搌䤬⊑∊勸㫵歬䪈⠈䷑旛ち㘚歨旛ち⊪⣅ Applicable to Metal, alloy and its oxide, ABS, epoxy resin, printing ink, etc. ㊗䤬屑∛ "QQMJDBUJPO ㊂䃟㊗䤬⊑㙏㬽☺搪Ѭ仏⍖䤹懷Ѭ✿䦛⩬㲳Ѭ㸤╻Ѭ$䤹⽓Ѭ䂁据欀擲⋹Ѭ䤹⽓搤德位屑∛⊪⣅䪈䏄╍∊勸㙗㰊ѭ Widely used in industries which demand finer effects,higher speed and greater depth, such as electronics components, electrical appliances, jewelry, glasses, hardware, auto parts, communications products, plastic buttons, integrated circuit (IC) and so on. 㐫唂 ⮎⟻ 㬃㉶⭊⚣䞋 㰊徸圈⫷ ▻❸㦽㌒ 䏄╍䃦榉 ╍㭢愰旙 㙗㰊㦽㌒ ⎞䤹䤹䊔 1FSGPSNBODFNPEFM .BY"WFSBHF QPXFS .BSLJOH TDPQF $PPMJOH 8BWFMFOHUI #FBN RVBMJUZ .BSLJOH NPEF 1PXFS TVQQMZ 4,%' 8 NN 嗸 NN 泗▻ 'BO ON 9:; ∊捼⚬㐅呟䔪 9:; UISFFBYJT EZOBNJD GPDVT 7p琳)[ 4,%' 8 4,%$ 8 4,%$ 8 ON 忆ⴊ䙽䒽 'FBUVSF ύ 滢僂㊩䪈∊勸⾝⍐㚄㬲琳滢搩呟䔪∏㙯㟓僿勣琳䏄╍╍㭢⯽㸤Ѭ䯱唎▶Ѭ滢ン⚣䞋Ѭ滢旗ⴐ沚䞋ѭ ύ ∊勸⬁㍦ⴇ䠊㚄㬲琳搌䤬⊑ EYGѬQMUѬDODѬTUFQѬJHFT 位ⴝ䷑㰿㌒㦋⋹ѭ ύ ∎⠐滢㊩㉶歬㰊徸⢐䅲櫟⚣唂 㙗㰊搩㊩㏯琳㟔滢⚤㥌䞋ѭ ύ High precision of 3D positioning technology, high-speed focusing and scanning system, short pulse, high-peak power and High Pulse Repetition Frequency. ύ 3D graphics processing technology, it is suit for many file formats, such as dxf, plt, cnc, step, iges, etc; ύ Different height flat marks and embossing functions,fast marking speed and high processing efficiency. 䀸▻ 8BUFS

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Post on 15-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Rø&¬4 CÄ%M6W


This machine is suitable for three-dimensional product engraving with large arc surface height drop. It is

equipped with three-axis control "3-AXIS" to control the focal length freely. It can be printed with high preci-

sion in any shape. It can cope with various step surfaces and realize various shapes. Differential marking.

Switch settings to handle changes in focus, position and shape for different products. Switching can be done

without moving the workpiece. 3D surface marking, embossing, visual positioning system, dynamic pipeline

marking and many other functions are available.

Applicable to Metal, alloy and its oxide, ABS, epoxy resin, printing ink, etc.

Widely used in industries which demand finer effects,higher speed and greater depth, such as electronics

components, electrical appliances, jewelry, glasses, hardware, auto parts, communications products, plastic

buttons, integrated circuit (IC) and so on.

High precision of 3D positioning technology, high-speed focusing and scanning system, short pulse, high-peak power and High Pulse Repetition Frequency.

3D graphics processing technology, it is suit for many file formats, such as dxf, plt, cnc, step, iges, etc;

Different height flat marks and embossing functions,fast marking speed and high processing efficiency.