qut harvard referencing dec09 ppt lr

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D I V I S I O N O F T E C H N O L O G Y , I N F O R M A T I O N A N D L E A R N I N G S U P P O R T

QUT Harvard Referencing

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QUT Harvard is one of the official referencing styles used at QUT...

...based on the Chicago Manual of Style

If you’re not sure which referencing style to use, ask your lecturer or tutor!

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APA + Harvard... What’s the difference?Not much!

• Some differences in punctuation and formatting, but the goals are the same! Referencing styles have traditionally been aligned with different disciplines. Harvard, for example, has typically been used by scholars in the humanities.

Know your style, and stick with it!

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Referencing is...

• Providing information about the sources you used in your work.• Part of the writing process, not something you think about an hour

before finishing your assignment• Part of mastering referencing is learning to take effective notes as you read


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You reference in order to...

• support your ideas using expert facts• give credit to other people’s ideas you have used• help other readers find the original facts and ideas• avoid plagiarism.

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To make referencing easier...

• Keep notes for what you read, and where• Go to the Cite|Write website for notetaking templates• Turn on your borrowing history!

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There are two parts to a reference...

• The in text citation• The reference list entry

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1. The in text citation

• Located in the text of your essay where you have quoted, paraphrased or summarised an author

2. The reference list entry

• Located at the end of your essay

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1. The in text citation

• Includes some of the details of your sourceauthor + year (+ page numbers where you paraphrase or quote)

2. The reference list entry

• Includes all the details of the sourceauthor + year + title + place of publication + publisher

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1. The in text citation

• Includes some of the details of your sourceauthor + year (+ page numbers where you paraphrase or quote)

Flannery (2005, 140) refers to...

2. The reference list entry

• Includes all the details of the sourceauthor + year + title + place of publication + publisher

Flannery, T. 2005. The weather makers: The history and future impact of climate change.

Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company.

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Gamson, W. A. 1992. The social psychology of collective action. In Frontiers in social movement theory, edited by A. Morris and C. McClung Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Klandermans, B. 1997. Social psychology of protest. Boston: Blackwell.

McAdam, D., J. D. McCarthy and M. N. Zald. 1996. Introductions, opportunities, mobilizing structures, and forming processes: Toward a synthetic comparative perspective on social move-ments. In Comparative perspectives on social movements,, J. D. McCarthy and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Noonan, R. 1997. Women against the state. In Social movements: Readings on their emergence, mobi-lization, and dynamics, ed. D. McAdam and D. Snow. Los Angeles: Roxbury.


2Reference list

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Direct quote



Note: the direct quote and the paraphrase require page numbers.

1. In-text

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Gamson, W. A. 1992. The social psychology of collective action. In Frontiers in social movement theory, edited by A. Morris and C. McClung Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Klandermans, B. 1997. Social psychology of protest. Boston: Blackwell.

McAdam, D., J. D. McCarthy and M. N. Zald. 1996. Introductions, opportunities, mobilizing structures, and forming processes: Toward a synthetic comparative perspective on social move-ments. In Comparative perspectives on social movements,, J. D. McCarthy and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Noonan, Rita. 1997. Women against the state. In Social movements: Readings on their emergence, mobi-lization, and dynamics, ed. D. McAdam and D. Snow. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Alphabetical by author family name

Indent the lines Under the first (half an inch)

Italicise the title of the source

2. Reference list

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Gamson, W. A. 1992. The social psychology of collective action. In Frontiers in social movement theory, edited by A. Morris and C. McClung Mueller. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Klandermans, B. 1997. Social psychology of protest. Boston: Blackwell.

McAdam, D., J. D. McCarthy and M. N. Zald. 1996. Introductions, opportunities, mobilizing structures, and forming processes: Toward a synthetic comparative perspective on social move-ments. In Comparative perspectives on social movements,, J. D. McCarthy and M. N. Zald. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Noonan, R. 1997. Women against the state. In Social movements: Readings on their emergence, mobi-lization, and dynamics, ed. D. McAdam and D. Snow. Los Angeles: Roxbury.

Every reference in the text of the essay....

... Must have a corresponding entry in the full reference list

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In referencing, you use different bits of information to describe different sources...


Almost all sources have an author and a year published- this is why they’re used in text. Plus they’re generally shorter than the title!

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Other bits of information can be specific to particular types of sources...

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Before you reference a source, decide what it is! Then you’ll have all the information you’ll need later

• Books have a publisher and a place of publication

• For a Book chapter you’ll have two titles, an author and

usually, an editor. Plus you’ll need the page numbers!

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Before you reference a source, decide what it is! Then you’ll have all the information you’ll need later

• Journal articles appear in a particular volume + issue of a journal.

Electronic articles will also need the URL and access date!

• Most freely available things you find online are best referenced as

Websites, aside from electronic journal articles and multimedia

resources. Again, URL + access date are needed.


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A book...• To reference it, we need:

– Title– Author– Year– Publisher– City of publication

– And page numbers if you quote or paraphrase

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• 2. Reference list

• Family name (year, page number of information cited)

• Family name, Initial/s. Year. Title . City of publication: Publisher.

Flannery, T. 2005. The weather makers: The history and future impact of climate change.

Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company.

... as argued by Flannery (2005).

Flannery (2005, 65) stated that “..

...climate change (Flannery 2005)...

1. Intext citation

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From the book...

Flannery, T. 2005. The weather makers: The history and future impact of climate change. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company.

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From the QUT Library Catalogue...Flannery, T. 2005. The weather makers: The history and future impact of climate change. Melbourne: The Text Publishing Company.

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An article... • To reference it, we need:

– Title– Author– Year– Journal Title– Volume– Number– Page numbers

• If Online, we need:– URL– Date accessed

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Matthews, M., B. Doherty, J. Sharry and C. Fitzpatrick. 2008. Mobile phone mood charting for adolescents. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 36 (2): 113-129. http://web. ebscohost,com.ezp02.library.qut.edu.au/eh ost/pdf?vid=3&hid=9&sir104 (accessed May 5, 2009).

• 2. Reference list

• Family name (year, page number of information cited)

• Family name, Initial/s. Year. Article title. Journal title Volume (Issue): page numbers. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

... as argued by Matthews, Doherty and Sharry (2008).

Matthews, Doherty and Sharry (2008, 65) state that “..

...mobile phones (Matthews, Doherty and Sharry 2005)...

1. Intext citation

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From the article

Matthews, M., B. Doherty, J. Sharry and C. Fitzpatrick. 2008. Mobile phone mood charting for adolescents. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 36 (2): 113-129. http://web. ebscohost,com.ezp02.library.qut.edu.au/eh ost/pdf?vid=3&hid=9&sir104 (accessed May 5, 2009).

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A website...• To reference it, we need:

– Title– Author... In this

example, a group author

– Year– URL– Date accessed

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• 2. Reference list• Group author (year,

page number/ paragraph number/ subheading)

• Group author. Year. Title. URL (accessed Month Day, Year).

... as argued by World Heath Organization (2009).

World Heath Organization (2009, para. 4) state that “..

...influenza (World Heath Organization 2009)...

1. Intext citation

World Health Organization. 2009. Influenza-like illness in the United States and Mexico.

http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_04_24/en/index.html (accessed May 5, 2009).

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A website...

World Health Organization. 2009. Influenza-like illness in the United States and Mexico.

http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_04_24/en/index.html (accessed May 5, 2009).

Note: the title is not italicised

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CRICOS No.00213J

Division of Technology Information and Learning Support


Cite|Write: your guide to QUT Harvard

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You can find many more formats online...

Let’s have a look at http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/

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But what if... To master referencing, you must problem solve! Some common problems include....

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Multiple authors?The rule can change depending on the number of authors

• Count- how many authors?

• QUT Harvard Referencing examples Books http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/harvard/ – Single author – Two authors – Three to five authors – Six or more authors

Even if the source is NOT a book, the rule for multiple authors stay the same

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One author quoted within another?Two options are listed. Use the option for undergraduate students

• QUT Harvard Referencing examples Books http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/harvard/ – Author(s) quoted in another work

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No author?First… look for a corporate author!

In text:

World Health Organization data suggests… (2009). (World Health Organization, 2009).

Reference list:

World Health Organization. 2009. Influenza-like illness in the United States and Mexico. http://www. who.int/csr/don/2009_04_24/en/index.html (accessed May 5, 2009).

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Still no author?Rule: use the title in place of the authors name

• QUT Harvard Referencing examples Books http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/harvard/ – No author

Even if the source is NOT a book, the rule for no author is the same

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No year?Rule: use n.d. to show “no date”

• QUT Harvard Referencing examples Books http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/harvard/ – No year of publication

Even if the source is NOT a book, the rule for no year is the same

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No page numbers?Rule: use a paragraph number or a subheading to help the reader locate the original information

• QUT Harvard Referencing examples Periodicals http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/cite/harvard/ – Full text articles- without pagination

Even if the source is NOT a journal article, the rule for no page numbers is the same

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When in doubt... •Have a good look through Cite|Write... there are lots of examples•If you can’t find an exact match, combine rules from different examples as needed

Just remember to be consistent

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Questions?You can find help...

•Face-to-face at library help desks

•Over the phone

•By email

•By webchat
