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    In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

    Begin to


    A SHORT COURSE for Beginners

    A simple yet effective course of 8 hours to teach you 100 wordswhich occur approx. 40,000 times (out of a total of approx.

    78000 or 50% of total words) in the Quran using DailyRecitations and other selections.

    Only basic meanings of the words are taught in this course.

    Objectives: (1) To prove that the Quran is easy to learn; (2) To encourage youto study the Qur'an with meanings; (3) To teach how to interact with the Quran

    Taught byDr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem

    Director, Understand Quran Academy

    Understand Al-Quran Academy Hyderabad, INDIAwww.understandquran.com

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    In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

    You are free to copy, print, and/or distribute.

    For contacts, please visit our website at: www.understandquran.com

    or send an email to: [email protected]

    Publishers: Guidance International Publishers

    455, Purani Haveli, Hyderabad 500002, India

    Tel. 040-2451-4892; 040-2441-1637

    email:[email protected]

    Distributors: Huda Book Distributors

    455, Purani Haveli, Hyderabad 500002, India

    Tel. 040-2451-4892; 040-2441-1637

    email:[email protected]

    Fourth Revised Edition: Oct. 2008

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    In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

    Table of Contents




    1. Introduction

    2. Surah Al-Fatihah

    3. Surah Al-Fatihah

    4. Why Understand the Quran?

    5. Why is it easy?

    6. How to learn it?

    7.Surah Al-Asr

    4 tips on proposition8. Surah Al-Nasr9. Surah Al-Ikhlaas

    10. Surah Al-Falaq

    11. Surah An-Naas

    12. Surah Al-Kafiroon

    13. Azkar of Wudu

    14. Iqamah

    15. Sana Ruku, Sjd

    16. Tshd

    17. Praying for the Prophet pbuh

    18. Praying for the Prophet pbuh

    19. Before Ending Salah

    20. Supplications: Sleeping

    21. Supplications: Eating

    22. Quranic Supplications

    23. Miscellaneous-1

    24. Miscellaneous-2

    25. Miscellaneous- RevisionFrequent Words

    After this course?

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    Prerequisite: You should be able to read Arabictext.

    Duration: 9 hours (Preferably in 2 to 3 sessioss)Some Guidelines for using the Short Course


    We will learn with love, smiles, and relaxation.

    This is a thoroughly interactive short coursetherefore listen attentively, and participatecontinuously.

    We are practicing so there is no problem evenif you do mistakes. Nobody learns without firstcommitting mistakes.

    The one who practices more will get more evenif he/she commits mistake.

    Remember the golden rule:

    I listen, I forget. I see, I remember.

    I practice, I learn.

    Remember the 3 levels of learning:

    o Listening (without paying attention). Yourear hears noises.

    o Listening carelessly or with doubt.

    o Listening interactively; listening with

    HEART; responding immediately to thepoints.

    Space after MOTIVATIONAL AND LEARNINGTIPS is left blank for you to take notes and addother things to it based on your experience. Ifthe space is not enough, you may use back sideof the paper.

    Each lesson is followed by Grammar. Grammarcontents is not directly related with the mainlesson simply because it will be too complicatedto analyze grammatical aspects of the lesson in

    the first class. It may require separateGrammar teaching before we start studyingSurahs. Therefore, Grammar lessons build upyour Arabic Grammar in parallel to vocabularythat you learn in the main lesson.


    And MOST IMPORTANT of all: Dont forget tocarry that vocabulary sheet in your pocket/purseand refer to it at least 5 times during a day.

    The 7 Homeworks are:

    Two for Tilawat:

    1. At least FIVE minutes recitation (for thebeginner) of the Qur'an from the Mushaf.

    2. At least FIVE minutes recitation of the Qur'anfrom memory during activities such as walking.

    Two for Study:

    3. At least FIVE minutes study of the Word-for-Word translation (or from this book, for thebeginners).

    4. 30 seconds study of the vocabulary booklet orsheet, preferably before or after every Salah or

    any other suitable intervals. ALWAYS carry thevocabulary booklet with you till you completethe course.

    Two for Listening and talking to others:

    5. Listening to a tape which contains theserecitations with word-by-word meanings (inyour car while driving and at your home whiledoing household chores). You can record thecontents of this course yourselves into a tape,in case a recorded tape is not available.

    6. Talking to your colleague for 1 minute every

    day regarding the lesson (if you are studying itin a class).

    The last one for using it:

    7. Recitation of the last 14 Surahs in rotation inthe Sunan and Nawafil of daily Salah.

    And two more homeworks on Du'aa (i) for self

    ; and (ii) for others that Allah helps us all

    to fulfill our duties towards Qur'an.

    The best way to learn is to teach, and the best wayto teach someone is to turn him into a teacher.

    Try to use the logo (as one of the simpleways) to bring Quran into our life:

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    Lesson 1 Introduction

    Objectives of the Short Course Convince that Quran is easy to learn

    Encourage to recite Quran again and again with understanding Help in interacting with the Quran (to bring it into our lives) To pray Salah effectively To generate the team spirit

    Understanding Quran vs. Learning Arabic Language (4 Major Differencesin our approach)

    Start from Salah (Why use any other text, when you want to understand the Quran) Focus on Reception (listening and reading More Focus on Vocabulary More Focus on Sarf and less on Nahw

    GRAMMAR: Learn these words using TPI (Total Physical Interaction) as explained in the left box below:

    When you say (He), point the index finger of the right handtowards your right as if that person is sitting on your right. Whenyou say (They), point all the four fingers of your right handtowards your right. In a class, both the teacher and thestudent should practice this together.

    When you say (You), point the index finger of your right handtowards your front. When you say (All of you), point all the fourfingers of your right hand towards your students. In a class, theteacher should point his fingers towards the students and the

    students should point their fingers towards the teacher.

    When you say (I), point the index finger of your right handtowards yourself. When you say (we) point all the four fingersof your right hand towards yourself.

    Detached / Personal Pronouns No.Per-


    he sr.

    3rdthey pl.

    you sr.

    2ndyou all pl

    I sr.



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    You alonewe worshipand You alonewe ask for help.Guide us(to) the path,the straight.

    (The) path(of) thoseYou (have) bestowedon them;not(of) those who earned (Your) wrathon them[and] nor ofthose who go astray.

    GRAMMAR: In the last class, you learnt the words for he, they, you, you all, I and we. In this lesson, we will learnthe words for his, their, your, your, my, and our. In fact, they are not words in Arabic. They come as part of a word.We therefore learn these forms by attaching them to a noun (Lord; sustainer and cherisher).


    No. Person

    His Lord His


    3rdTheir Lord Their -- pl.

    Your Lord Your --- sr.2nd

    Your Lord Your --- plMy Lord My --- sr.

    1stOur Lord Our ---



    Note: The Grammar lessons are not directly related with the Surah that you study. It will be too complicatedto analyze the grammatical aspects of the verses before we learn important rules. We are teaching simple

    rules in each of the class in parallel to vocabulary that you learn from the Surahs. As we proceed, we can thenbe able to see the application of these grammar rules to the Arabic text.

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    Lesson 7 SURAH 103: AL-ASR

    By the time,Indeed,mankindis [surely] inloss,Exceptthose whohave believedand donerighteous / good deeds

    and advised each otherto the truth,and advised each otherto [the] patience.GRAMMAR (4 tips on Prepositions):

    1. Same thing is expressed in different languages using different prepositions. For example:

    I believed in Allah; (in urdu)

    The above 3 sentences in 3 different languages express the same fact, i.e., I believed, but the preposition ineach language is different in their basic meanings.

    For the same language, a preposition may be or may not be required depending upon the verb being used.Example: I said to him; I told him.

    2. Sometimes, a preposition may be there in Arabic but not required in English (or any other) language. Forexample,

    entering the religion of Allah

    Forgive me

    3. Sometimes, a preposition may not be there in Arabic but required in English.

    I ask forgiveness of Allah

    and have mercy on me

    4. Change of preposition leads to change in the meanings.


    In English: get; get in; get out; get off; get on

    In Arabic:

    1. By the time,

    2. Indeed, mankind is[surely] in loss,

    3. Except those who havebelieved and donerighteous deeds andadvised each other to thetruth and advised eachother to patience.

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    Lesson 8 SURAH 110: AN-NASR



    Whencomesthe Help of Allah,and the Victory,(2)

    And you seethe peopleentering into(the) religion of Allahin crowds / troops,

    Then glorifywith (the)(of) your Lordand ask forgiveness of Him.(3)

    Indeed, HeisOft-forgiving.

    GRAMMAR (Revision of what you learnt in Lesson 6): We have learnt earlier thatin Arabic, word can be one of

    the three types.

    7. (Noun): Name ( ) or an attribute ( )

    8. (Verb): Indicates the action ( )

    9. (Letter): Joins nouns and/or verbs ( )

    Let us study verb in this lesson. Arabic has only two tenses: (Perfect tense: indicating the action which isdone); and (Imperfect tense: indicating the action which is not done yet).

    Most of the words in Arabic are made of 3 letters called root letters, for example: etc. We willlearn how to make different forms of using the three letters: .

    1. When you say (He has done), point the index finger ofthe right hand towards your right as if that person is sittingon your right. When you say (They did), point all thefour fingers of your right hand towards your right. In aclass, both the teacher and the student should practice thistogether.

    2. When you say (You did), point the index finger ofyour right hand towards your front. When you say(All of you did), point all the four fingers of your right handtowards your students. In a class, the teacher should pointhis fingers towards the students and the students shouldpoint their fingers towards the teacher.

    3. When you say (I did), point the index finger of your

    right hand towards yourself. When you say (we did)point all the four fingers of your right hand towards yourself.

    Perfect Tense Person

    He did.

    3rdThey all did.

    You did.

    2ndYou all did.

    I did.

    1stWe did.


    Depending upon the person (3rd, 2nd, or 1st), gender (masculine or feminine), and number (singular or plural), endingwords of the corresponding forms of the past tense change. By this change we know whether this verb (past tense) issingular or plural, 3rd, 2nd or 1st person, and feminine or masculine. To remember this feature, here is an example. Ifyou are standing on a road, you can see the backside of a departed car, truck or jeep. A look at the backside is enough

    for you to tell which type of car has gone. So, remember the endings for past tense forms: ( -- ).

    Lesson 9 SURAH 112: AL-IKHLAAS

    1. When the Help of

    Allah and the Victorycomes,

    2.And you see thepeople entering thereligion of Allah incrowds / troops,

    3. Then glorify with thepraise of your Lordand ask forgiveness ofHim. Indeed, He isOft-forgiving.

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    (1)Say,He(is) Allah,[who is] One.


    Allah,the Self-Sufficient.(3)

    He did neither begetand noris He begotten,(4)

    And (there) is notunto Himcomparableanyone.GRAMMAR: In the last lesson, we learnt (Perfect: the action which is done). Let us learn(Imperfect: the action which is not done yet) in this lesson. The action which is not done yet implies that it is beingdone or will be done.

    The same procedure of fingers pointing can be used forpracticing the different conjugations of Imperfect tenseverbs also. To distinguish between the past tense andthe present tense, you may pronounce all the past tenseforms and move your right hand at a lower level whilepointing towards right, in front, or yourself. For presenttense, raise your right hand at a higher level andpronounce the present tense verbs with a higher pitch.

    Imperfect tense Person

    He does.He will do.

    3rdThey do.They will do.

    You do.You will do.

    2ndYou all do.You all will do.

    I do.I will do.


    We do.We will do.

    1. Say, He is Allah, [Whois] One.

    2.Allah, the Self-Sufficient.

    3. He did neither begetand nor is He begotten,

    4.And there is nonecomparable unto Him.

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    Lesson 10 SURAH 113: AL-FALAQ



    Say,I seek refugein (the) Lord(of) the daybreak,(2)

    From(the) evil(of) that whichHe created;(3)

    And from(the) evil(of) darknesswhenit becomes intense,(4)

    And from (the) evil(of) those who blowin the knots,(5)

    And from the evil(of) the envierwhenhe envies.

    GRAMMAR: Let us revise what we have learnt in the last two lessons.

    Imperfecttense Past Tense Person

    He does.He will do.

    He did.

    3rdThey do.

    They will do.They all did.

    You do.You will do.

    You did.

    2ndYou all do.You all will do.

    You all did.

    I do.I will do.

    I did.

    1stWe do.We will do.

    We did.


    1. Say, I seek refuge inthe Lord of the daybreak

    2. From the evil of thatwhich He created;

    3. And from the evil ofdarkness when it isintense,

    4.And from the evil ofthose who blow in theknots,

    5.And from the evil of theenvier when he envies.

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    Lesson 11 SURAH 114: AN-NAAS



    Say,I seek refugein the Lord(of) mankind,(2)(3)

    (The) King(of) Mankind,(The) God of Mankind,(4)

    From (the) evil(of) the whisperer,the one who withdraws after whispering(5)

    WhoWhispersinto the chests / hearts(of) mankind(6)

    Fromamong Jinnand mankind.GRAMMAR: In this lesson, let us learn two rules.

    1. The rules for making imperative and prohibitive forms of a verb.

    When you say , point the index finger of your righthand in front of you and move your hand down from araised position as if you are giving a command tosomebody standing in front of you. When you say ,the same action can be repeated by all the four fingers ofthe right hand.

    When you say , point the index finger of your righthand in front of you and move your hand from left to rightas if you are directing somebody not to do something.When you say , the same action can be repeatedwith the four fingers of the right hand instead of just one.

    Prohibitive Imperative

    Dont do! Do!Dont (you

    all) do!Do (you all)!

    2. When attached pronouns come with a verb, they become objects. Below is an example with a verb. Notice thechange for me.

    He (Allah) created Attached/Possessive pronouns No. Person

    created him him ---- sr.3rd

    created them them ---- pl.

    created you you --- sr.2nd

    created you all you --- plcreated me me --- sr.

    1stcreated us us ---



    1. Say, I seek refuge in

    the Lord of mankind,

    2. The King of Mankind,3. The God of Mankind,

    4. From the evil of thewhisperer, the one whowithdraws afterwhispering

    5. Who whispers into thechests / hearts ofmankind

    6. From among Jinn and


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    Lesson 1 Supplications

    ***** Before eating *****or if one forgets to

    say in the start,thenIn the name (of) Allahin its beginningand its end.***** At the end of meal *****

    All praise and thanksgiving(be) to AllahWhofed usand gave us to drink,and made usfrom amongthe Muslims.


    We are learning special cases of trilateral verbs. In this lesson, we will learn those verbs whose second letter of the 3

    root letters is a weak letter (one of the 3 letters: ). A weak letter gets tired quickly so it does not survive in all

    forms of the verb (past, imperfect, imperative, etc). It either disappears or sends another weak letter in its place! The

    good thing is that the three weak letters support each other to overcome their weakness! Let us take1719


    said) as an example. In the past tense (Root letters: ) has alif in the middle which gets replaced by waawin and gets replaced by yaa in (it is said; the passive voice; not shown here). In some cases, it just

    disappears as in (say). The different forms of follow the pattern of .

    * In the name of Allah

    * In the name of Allah atits beginning and its end.

    * All praise andthanksgiving be to AllahWho fed us and gave usto drink, and made usfrom among theMuslims.

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    And strivewith your wealthand your selvesin the path of Allah.GRAMMAR:

    The words have come 2286 times in theQuran.

    Practice them using TPI.

    Point one finger to something near you to a book, floor, or table and say .

    Point four fingers in the same direction and say .

    Point one finger towards someone at a distance and say . Point four

    fingers in the same direction and say .

    You have already learnt and . They are given here just for

    completing the list of pronouns.

    Demonstrative and Relative Pronouns





    the one who

    those who

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    Lesson 25 Miscellaneous-3

    This isfrom / by / ofthe graceof my Lord.

    Actions are but(based) on intentions.Ifopensthe act of satan.The prayer isbetter thanthe sleep.Peace be upon you all.May Allah be pleased with him

    Who is your Lord?What is your religion?How is your condition?IfAllah wills.How much / How manyRiyals (is)with you?How much is this?The angel of death.

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    After this course ... An Example

    New words are only which are underlined. You have learnt the rest in this course!!! Alhamdulillah, now youknow more than 50% of words on almost every page of the Qur'an.

    Allah!(There is) no godbut He,The Ever-LivingThe Sustainer and Protector (of all that exists).Does not overtake Himslumbernor sleep.

    To Him belongswhatever is inthe heavensand whatever(is) on the earth.Whois he that(can) intercedewith Himexceptwith His permission?

    He knowsthat which (is)within their own handsand that whichis behind them;and they will never encompassanythingofHis knowledgeExceptthat which He wills.

    His chair encompassesthe heavensand the earthand He feels no fatigue inguarding and preserving both of them.And He(is) the Most High,the Supreme.

    Total Words : 50, New Words : 1 (3 % or just 1/3 rd) !!!

    So, be ready for the next level.(In just 200 hours of teaching, you can understand the

    complete Quran, inshaAllah)

    255.Allah! There is nogod but He, The Ever-Living, the Sustainerand Protector (of allthat exists).

    Slumber does notovertake Him norsleep.

    To Him belongswhatever is in theheavens and whateveris on the earth.

    Who is he that can

    intercede with Himexcept with Hispermission?

    He knows that which iswithin their own handsand that which isbehind them;

    and they will neverencompass anything ofHis knowledge exceptthat which He wills.

    His chair encompassesthe heavens and theearth,

    and He feels no fatiguein guarding andpreserving both ofthem.

    And He is the Most High,the Supreme.

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