quo dollar a t®ap. - lowellledger.kdl.orglowellledger.kdl.org/lowell...

L O W E L L J O U R N A L S ^ . T h i r t s - 0 ^ . ^ 4 7 . lOWTOIi. m C K . . MA7_13. ^ 9 6 HOLMES IS HANGED. Pays the Penalty to Philadelphia for Hia Orimea L'ANSE DESTROYED. FROM WASHINGTON, B* Declare* on the BonffoM Th»t He V m BeHponnlblo for But Two Death®, Mid W m Innocent of the Plt- •el Murrtrr. PhiladolphiR. May 8.—Herman W. Mndgett, alias II. IL Holmes, waa tanged In the priBon here at 10:12 ye»- lor the murder of Benjamin F. on September 2, 1804. On th« "H M ^ f o l d H o l m e s Hold he wuh not guilty of taking the Ih-es of any of the Pitaal faK(£y, the three children or father, BeDjamln F. Pitzel, and said that the of his wrong-doings in taking life coneiBted hi the death* «t Btmnnary of the Dally Proceed, ings In Oongress. of Importnnee Th»t Are C * dor ConBlderatJon In the Mennte »nA the Boase-Bnin •nd K«*- olntlonH P«BW«d. Washington. M a y 6 . - I n the ^ yesterday an hour waa devoted to the Consideration of the nver and harbor Mil and then the PefTer bond resolution wiuk^np and Senator Hill iini^ed bis speech in opposition to the measure and Senator Pettigrew vor A resolution waa introdnoed re Fire Make# a Clean Swoop and Wipe* 0«t the Town. L'Anse, May U.-The fire which swept through this place Saturday aftr .moon and night and burned itself out at midnight. The entire town, wc- oept a few scattered houses, waa de- stroyed. Fifty families, numbering about 800 persona, are homeless., T^e loss Is roughly estimated at from $500,- 000 to $750,000. The homeless people ..re living in sheds hastily erected or haw found refuge at Baraga, tu-rossthe hav. Saloons are in operation in the oiM-n air. dry goods Iwxes being used ae linrs The heaviest individual losses are __ tho^e of the L'Anse Lumber company, vor. a idpnt ^ protest .ta,, on mill and 4 . . « < ^ of lumber; South Shore & Atlantic Bail- g ^ oe tbe gchooner Com- way c o m p a n y , $4S.OOO on ore d"cks» by a Spanish gunboat. TwenQr- Buppee Son. store and contenta, $40,- P* blllB were passed. 000; Lloyd hotel. $25,000. Washinffton, May 7.-The bond reso- The fire started in the lumber com- further discussed in the •«»- pany's mill in an unaooountnble man- Zr. The mill had been idle for several M a y 8 . - B y a vote of 61 days owing to a strike among employe^ ^ c ^ yeBtordfty inaugurated There are many who surmise that some lllVeBtipation, to be conducted by hot-headed striker applied the torch. ^ committee on finance. Into Baraga and Pequaming sent over all <actH Bna c i rt . U nistances connected that could be sparwl from their firede- ^ Hnle 0 f United States bonds by partment. btit the flames were *oon h tfll _. 0 f the treasurj-during the beyond control, and. fanned by a stiff he ^«tan bonthwest breeee, were driven ^across W8a hington, May 9.—In t h e " e n " ^ the old ore dock, through the lumber a a to prohibit the issue of , piles and into the business center. >. 8 tflte4i bonds without author Marquette, May 12.-NO ^oon^ wasit U n i ^ ^ ^ introduced by Sen- I known that outside aid was needed for <7 The river and hax- 1 the sufferers by the L'Anse Are than J^r « vnq completed with the ex^p- relief committees were made up m of thc j ten) 1ar a deep sea harbor 1 every town In the upper J*""'?. on th e Pacific coast. Contributions of money, clothing, food I strike for Klght Horn*. THE METHODISTS Detroit, Mich.. May 12.—Over 500 General Oooferenee of the Chnrch In t**- ^ion carpenters asse i.' 1 ed in Central Hlon in Cleveland. | j^^r Union hall Monday morning in- Cleveland, O, May 8^-The Methodist j o{ work. The strike general conference yesterday by a vote follow8 the action of last Friday nigjit, of 426 to 96 adopted the report of tbe whenitwafi unanimously determined to Quo Dollar a T®ap. COWtStiffiSiXf . i MTr^n. IxmKlX, MICH. »2C.OOO.OC OI WO W I'D committee on eligibility and referred the woman question back to the churches to be voted on agairu T woman lay delegates, meanwhile, re- tain their seats in the conference. Cleveland, O. May 9. - At the Meth- odist general conference yesterday it was recommended that the American flag fiy from the steeple of every Methr odist church in the country. Cleveland, 0. May IL-WshopNtode presided at Saturday of the general conference of ^ e M e l - odist Episcopal church, Hev Mr. thers, of Kansas, introduced tlon asking that all Metvjdlrts be asked to abstain from using ^ > a 0 C 0 '^^ no Sunday school teacher « Epworth tourue president® or other £ elated who used tobacco. Beferred to committee on temperance. Cleveland, 0., May 12.-In the Meth- odist general conference yesterdaj a . . f4.Tin01inC1Tl(r strike for eight hours a day at 25 oenti per hour. The bosses are willing to make a minimum wage of 20 cents an hour, and promise to concede t h e eight- hour day January I next. Edttor of -•Pofk- Bead, New York, May 12. -Henry Cnyler Banner, editor of Puck, died at his honM in KntJey, N. J.. Monday afternoon of consumption. After Mr. Bunner*® re- turn from California, where he went in search of health, he failed steadily. Mr. Banner has been editor of Puck since 1677, baring suooeeded the first editor of that paper within ft few months of tbe time the publication was begun. He was born in Oswego i n 188&. Francis KtnR. T'reBKleni. Hhas Moffcrty, Vice President- M C. Qrlswold. flashier. DIRECTORS: Francis Kinc Robert Hardy Geo H. Force L-J 1 ^ M. C. Grtswold A General Banklne BusineRR TranBacted. Money Loaned on Real Estate $7 TEETH $7 We are makln* a Specialty of Fine Plate Work •Equal in ever* respect to any twelve dollar m node ID this state We have the finest and best equipped offlow Qtn Servlne fcrN-nded. i We have the Hnest ana wmt - Washington, May 9.—The pre«Wmit I In Michigan for this work and ln.ow we Issued an orderres^rday extending ®e ( please you and save yoo money. , v ., — j - . cWl-serrice rules to the interstate com- al conference yesterday a | cOTmniwrton, m a k i n g a total of i v^'us referred announcing . . 86.800 government positions now cenerai j •. jjyent coTniniB»i""i '"e ^ resolution W referred announcing ^ ^ (foremment positions now that the Methodist church Tecogirtw* ln the dril sen-Ice. J. Z. HUSBAND, D. D. S., Dental Oftloes: Qra nd R«P ld «- letbodlst church recogniws abided in the civil sen-ice. not to be c o n r i ^ d d ^ ! *,000.000, has been —IE NATIONAL GAME. , ' nlz ^ ln this city to operate L000,- W the Week' 000 Bcrefi of oil territory in the Osage ^ , Indian reservation in Oklahoma. Following is the standing of the teams May Keep Open in the Beventl lea^tM* to date; 1 Q u i ^ . H I , May 11-16 Porter Blk.cor. Monroe aim Division Sts. MichljtBH Ouincv. * a y i».— preme court hae decided that the Cody ! V m H. H. HOLMES. two women, they having died at Ma bands as the result of criminal surgieal operations. History of Holtnee" Crimea. Herman W. Mudgett. better known asH. irt WnltnoB was one of the roost consplcU" ^ S k i r " mod™ .l m » . J i d » "murderer's con#^slon8 which he has written can only P ar,la, ' y h ^,JS 1 e t ^' ( £ 1 S^ils. ^s C dl8prtwed. 0 partly, at least, hy^Sie appearance of several of the so- called victims; but Holmes object In mak- ing the confession was r ealliipd--the od- •nhilmr of a sum said to bo fJ.SOO. and which amount Is said to hsve Heen *ttWfl upon the criminal s is-year-old wn. WhUo the^'confesalons" hove served to Increase the sensationalism of the case, the only capital crime for which Holmes hudtoan- swer waa the killing In this city. on Beptem- ber 2. 1894. of Benjamin Pltzel. ^s fellow -nn«nirator The murder was committed ZlS. dwelling. N o . 1816 CallowhlllstrMt Wnhnes' conviction of murder In the flr«t Jijuirrir the afBrmatlon by the Pennsylvania miiwwme wnirt of the verdict, and the SSTSrtjSl of Gov. Hastings to grantj ^ J l t ^ T s o weUknown that a narraJoE of these facts Is unnecessary. WAS captured In Boston, Maam., Worth Tes.. where he was wanted for SSt^llng and for larceny. M that time offlctals of the in dellty Mutual Life asBOolatloa, of Fnua rf-lnhlo. were hot on Holmes' trail for de- freudlnglh™ concern out of «n oon- I,Action with PltKel's rteuth. the latter be- C ""•rv, o7r>iined believed horse-stealing to be ft •He expressed a wllllncness to be tried here on the conspiracy charge |npre^rence ^t^n^hl/SU'hlsVriri for ^n- •voided ^o'ng i^. Noboay be ^ A children «- wmmm llhmle h(ivt) an adver- IXJUTnDUT'IUIIO Ul « — O' and other neceaaaries were forwarded with dispatch In generous quantities. The Duluth. South Shore & Atlantic railway has offered to carry all contri- butions free. One oar of supplies was made up here Monday morning within one hour. Over $500 In caah has been subscribed in Marquette. CONDITION OF CROPS Owing to Favorable Weather Everything Making Progress. Lansing. May 9.—The May crop port issued by the secretary of state nays that the weather in April was favoroble and that crops of all kitida made good progress. Not more than two or three per cent, of the wheat rtowed will be plowed up. With few exceptions the report shows no damage by Insects. The average condition of wheat at this time of the year is better than for several seasons past. In the southern cotinties 30 per cent., and in the state an average of 20 per cent, of the meadows will be plowed tip. Owing to the drought, the seeding of last year wus generally lost, and there are few clover meadows in the state. Timothy meadows are making fine growth. The average condition of meadows Is 81 in the southern counties. 01 in the central, !»5 i n t h e nnrthern and S5 for the state. OBEY OAPT. PECK'S REQUEST. .U .... 11 i the raciuc cubku. imjbiou Washington, May n . - T ^ l « P"- J graph -of t h e river and harbor bill fo cl n Cl nnatl "H | S p river harbor at Santa Monioa bay. BaUlmo* j wws not completed by th Ti~v/,irivn . deep rrver n o r w , . .v* California, wms not completed b y t h e senate on Saturday, the entire session being taken up In discusslngthe item. Washington, May 12. - cussion of the river and ha-rborbm occupied the time of the aenate j^ter- day. Senator Teller (rep.. Col.) re- ported a substitute tor the jouse bank- ruptcy bill, and Senator Mitchell (rep. Ore.) presented the views of the minor- ity of the judicial committee favoring the house bill. " S i . T '-T STctetag barter .bop. on 9un(tar. Philadelphia g .6(77 i g oncoastitutionaL .Ml .HJ9 Tenness«^s OentonKhfl. S Nashrille, Tenn., May ll.-^he T«- 23 neasee Centennial exposition, to cele- bratc the end of the first c e n t u i r of^e state's history, will open m this dty m on June 1. On that day the centenn W exercises will be held and the cxport- tct. tion win be foi-mally maugurated. The "Sg exposition will continoe through six I months to November l- THK BODS*. Cleveland B Brooklyn \ Western league; CLtms. Detrtot -ii". - 'S 7 Kansas City - A 9L Paul .... 2 g Indianapolis - « Minneapolis S « Milwaukee i. Z Columbus ^ y Grand Rapids ........ * Western association: Clubs. Won - ^ Bills TntrfXlncMl -ndPetltloos and latlona Preaented. Washington. May - The naval bill was further discussed in the house yee- terday and the measure was finally s e n t to conference. Washington, May 7.—In the Jiotwe vesterday a resolution was adopfed for final ^lournment oi^y 18- A - M e " I " " ™ Bes Molnea 18 Peoria ~""-n Hockford DUhtique Hurllngton | Qulncy .7M 8 i Bohhed and Btiro«d. Kalamazoo, May 10.-The^ clothing store of Jake Levj- was plundered b y , thieves early Saturday morning and the store completely saturated with | kerosene and fired. About $200 wwth , of goods stolen and $2,000 damage from ! fire. Insurance, 86,000. Burry Pry and wife, living over tbe store, had a oar. TOW escape. iiiit 0 Fits. Inch denleni of price Sold by Aurora, 111. BOILERS EXPLODE, i asks for aa Aoooantlng. 1 -—T - vuMtm oa Kalamazoo, May 10.—Lucy C. Wanw*., E, ^ ,,n Pe t , ^ , i 1 2X»i Blvei. widem- of Lovett Eamea, who died tor j final adiournment onuaay io. a n v^hniw Miss.. May 12.—Eleven tember 0. has begun suit tor able report was made on the biH teln- ^ and more than a dozen j counting. She haa had Chw^H^^ crease the pensions of I * tbe ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ "!5!^^ZiJ l 8 P O r t n g ^ M ^ n anrindianwarsand theirwld- owe from eight to twelve aollB " ® month. Seventy-two ^hate pension bills were passed. Washington. May 8.—In the bouse yeaterday no business of Importance ^ ^ r. 6 , p— d in wiled outright, or by drowning; ^-es ^ 1 STet 1" reetrahied from disposing of i ^ ™lucd « $100^ Brown at a point about 25 miles soutt | Wunts Her to PreBoh. of here at midnight Sunday nlghLHo ^ Bui ley, a Con- terrific was the fo«ce of t h % c ^ d ,^ gregutinnalpreacher.recentlyheldmeet that the boat waa torn at Snohomish. Wash.. in which ail 1 - — Tht ' yha ' 6 8,,,m Hodr ol l>e»d Ship Owuer Carried Places Dear to Dim In Life. 1 '(** Indians Detroit, May 12.—Capt E. M. Peck, ® th tate 0 f Montana, and another the millionaire vessel owner, died laat from the state ox i PHday. Monday night his n-molns were shipped on the steamer E.M. Peck to Cleveland, where the interment will take place. Before he died Capt. Peck asked that after his death his body be passed In the house yesterday to ap* * outiieht, or by drowning: proprlate $6,000 for the Pilot Norman; Driver O e o r g e ^ B . * ^ the Canadian refugee Cree Indiana 8tMrsinau William from the state of Montana, and another the chlef engineer, name unknown M nin^iro fnr the chairmen of Annie Herd, chambermaid, T^Juob^ ine ennruuer uu..v^.. ^ decided to hold regular union service* uud have invited Mrs. Bailey to preach for them. BUY O r THE FACTORY. C l i f f o r d P l ^ n o w fmm M 1 xrm ITS CtI*B m 1 A i m 1 * 8 ^CVKK To THE EDITOR >-\ have an ataoTute remedy for Consumption. By totinwywe thousands of hopeless cases ^ e J^, n iv a ' r ^f y I permanently cured. So proof-positive am I bf its power that I consider it my duty to send two boltln fru to those of y ottr '^y" who have Consumption.ThroJ^ & o i ^ i a l « Lung Trouble, If they will write me their express and postoffice addrKS. Sincerely. T A. SLOCITK. V . C., 183 P e t r i 8 t „ * w T O * . «- The Editorial tub Paper Gusnuitco thin gsnorom iTopouuoa. Write and see what they sell for at the Factory Illustrated Catalogue free 'The Mnn ftrbor 0rfl«n Ca- Ann ft^boi. Wleh MTf'HTfiILN MINTNti SCHOOL A i S J ^ S t o t e W c h n l c a l school. PnuJtl cnl work Elective system Bummer counwi. r" nrxriflXrVt I)Sr.HOOGHTbK; MICHIGAN. ^ 3SE arwuuam Kelley. ^ WasW^n. May IB. - The ^Folliwi^ ta a ttst of BBKeu innv uiw ..... v.. ... - -w „B«Bed several bills of minor impor- )t can be obtained at preaeri _ v r ~ « frequent. Monday aft erno<m the coffin ^ ^ anothCT b r o ^ ^ ^ fl^,y ^ e d and , -|-B l n + O r H wb« placed on a long and cool P*""® upled by blm as repreaentatlve from ably die. . j to ^unt for overlooking the buay districtofOeorgia. contest- ; Capt. a There the body rested until t h e t U w , tr- tt Pnitoti ffusion), were the explosion. T came to remove It to the boat. The n»e Dr. Miles' Nbkvx I'l^paas for SPrSlJL WEAKNESS. All drugglstesell em forgo. Is the Most Popular Rapubrican Nevv^r^ n f t h e West and*Has the . l ^ g e g t ^ ^ n . Cones werv located In a , mra'B ohasr^ no" ^mgton. Ind.. ; covered. Ho1 "^ " f ren«y. anil be burled came mj ivmurw •• — — funeral party oeoupied cabins on the steamer, which was draped in mourning from bow to stern. SAW A WATERSPOUT. people of 8t. Joseph Witness u Bar. Thenomenon During b Htorm- gt, Joseph. May 12.—During a wind .. i* ,\w\ b v W.H. Fe..ou ^ ^ ^ ) o l T ^ , 8 S I J ^ 'uX of Columbia business. GREATER NEW Y O R K A S S U R E D . , VICTIMS OF FIRE. BUI to KHeot Coi»oUdaMoi. Is 81gi>«d by i Gov. Morton. I The SawmiU DIstrlot of AshUnd, Wtan N y Mtt y 13—Gov. Morton T ^SSTed-Tbroe Lives Lost. ^ v l /l^tar New York bill Mon- Ashland, Wta.. May l l . - A l m o s t h a l f rigned the^Oreater New h ^ e r w L & told he Know nothing of ' toUt ^rffale Tbe partially consumed girl h fate. ^ ^ in t h t j c b!cago cas- ^ ^ ^ n ' r ^ ^ o f T o m e of « ^ ^ T t K w T a t t o ? Holmes was - Mr , arahatu lost o t y ' s ofBoo to confeti. « a ^tt repo. jjjatlenco w'th h.m. fal8ehoc ^ 8 . Ho tltlon of his P' c h t ""^ rlcl attorney a verl- laccually Pitr"l fnm'ly snd ttaWe "jolly" rira The limnle WUllams * j y dramatic, acenc that Catholic faith Ashlano, »vi»., oi~ —j •• tniillon dollars' worth of milling prop- oay. . vm nil the and rainstorm here Monday a'tornoon lumber went up ^ ^moke In ^ndej the to ^ this city Saturday. The Shores 'Lum- municipal oorporetio^^ ^ ^ ber company's mill, the largest o n C h ^ county of Kinp. the q „a me g 0 n b. y , i » ' ol mch^ond. th? ruins, together with several toovaUM cou ty ol New ToW a, feetof |umberwharve «,uponwhlehwas Isla^l Clty.^ part of the oiled 18,000,000 feet of lumber. Peter Fluan hb . Queen counto, Engeman, John N o ^ r and Ole Olson ^ wwn^o^^^ ^ ^ municipal were burned to death. > corporations known M mayor, alder- men and'commonalty of the city of Nev. an Immense waterspout sprung up in Lake Michigan. It was followed b y a fierce squall, and for awhile it was feared that the city might be endan- gered. Water was sent whirling up In great volumes high into the air, fall- ing back like a continuous cloudburst The waterspout disturbed the water for many yards about It. and left, a long path of foam-whitened, seething wa- ter. This phenomenon traveled with wonderful rapidity for several miles, finally breaking. It is the largest wa- terspout ever seen here, and is the first one In many years. Whewt Jmproviog. Washington, May 12.—The May re- .. . turns of the statistical division of the NEW TRANSIT COMPANY. i go MP- V ' H i * i i: •«<* ** ^ v 1 Ufcutuu Hnrbor. Benton Harbor, May ft—The Benton leieu io ma fi y imnrlBonment Benton nurwr, . i |Ms trial | 2 t , 1 S r S S n t i t n S ^ nonoha- \ t^rbor t Extern Transit Company haa organized by 1 The oomnnnv will build a new railway, . i and xviii tunnel under the dty a dls- Tlen "Ts^n. May l£- C o ^ Read, 1 tance of one mile. One hundred mllee chairman of the Chengtu commifl- of roed wU1 ^ buJlt and w ill connect S I bad succeeded in securing pay wHll aI1 the nia i n lines. The company TSi in full of the Baptist Mi^.onury | wlll al80 run 6 llnc of st e u m e r s toCbica- Tnion claims for property losses in the Bnd MlhvuuUee . The city eounoU SSwn riots. Thus uli the American f tftd a franc bi S e for the tunnel Ssha^been settled in a UI1 der tbe city. The capital st^lc of the C,a _ n.i, , naying the whole , new compai , y iB n.000,000. Work will liegln at once. ti Chi.-. amouut demanaed. T T^Mlv W "-Thr UhU ofM^liam B ^ f o r " lth day evening in the olrcultcourt. Klre at Alpena. turns ox— ^ This consolidation, however, d«»»ot department of agriculture on the con- into efTeot until Januarj 1.18W. In dition of winter wheatabow an Increase ^ nieallt , rae .bowever,tbp hill of 6.0 poiute above the April average for a eommlsBion to frame SMitable laws being 82.7. against 77.1 laM month, and for ^ of the municipal 82..' In May. 1^96. The condition of ( . 0 t{oni «, *ba' '• maf b* winter rye n ' w'.b ' pe: caut.s lnlf 1 tAd . „ the . Rb, Of barley. s^rng p-otuie. 93.2^ itL i m meadows. 01A. The proportion ot\ . lMWi spring plowing sccompliah^ I 0 A F w l l n a n d ftcho- thle season was rather above ^ ^ 1 ^ the Am^ean erage. being 79.6 per o e n ^ 1-0 poin^ , -oat- above that of an average y«r. j SSklnff orer his property to uenfh Of WUiasm MmsroM. neohfw Hago BohlomaobeT, and At- Chicago, May 12.—WUltom A- Slajr j \ j ^ AAogsM. of «bte dty. ter srott, ex-president of the Switehme^s ^ ^ cmiitors. The assets. Mutual union, a national o r ^" l z ^ n , wh j ch conBl8 t of 11.000^00 in American which collapsed a yaar aao, died Moo- ^ oommgxj stock, other alml» daj- night at his home ln ^ iR 1 c 'J y - 0 1 and real estate, ^ould wa^ years ago Simsrott embewled j ^ ^ was a market lor belong! uy to the union. He was caught ' ^ Uabilitisa will reaoh 31tB00y- ln Boston, but was never prosecuted. | ^ e m . ma TERMS ©v MA.TTL. $4.00 pet y C W DAILY (without Sunday) | - DAILY (v/ith Sunday) $ fitOO The Weekly inter Ocean— = As n N :wGpap«r TM OCEMI k e ^ ^ "nslnuaT ALL T H E ^ W A N T W E ^ LITERATURE. T h e V N ^ e e U f I n l c r Ocear.^ As a Fatfiily Paper Is ^.xcg.^u > v [ E^V ooth"S 0 ^A E™^ of THE WEEKLY IKTEK C JEAN is ONLV ONE COLLAR 0 C E A N . ChiCS^ Fonnd In ChHmgo. Chicago, 111., M a y 12.—After a a arch of nearly two months Detective Farns- worth Monday afternoon arrested Flora Lewi*, at No. 1818 Wabash avenue, on a charge of being a fugitive from Jus- tloe She is wanted In Kalamaroo, Mich., on a charge of perjury. Showas turned over to Deputy Sheriff Hell, of Kalamazoo. in IXJBwUs V*%*v g The loss of the funds broke up the or- canlzation, and numbers of widows who should have received f2,000 eech at the death of their huahaads got nothing. OB a L o " f Providence, B. L, May IL—C. W juoomln^fd forCon ^forSUthT^e. Aurora. Ill, May 12,-Hon. Albert J. Bopkins, of Aurora, waa renominated for oongreas by * * republloans of the — - . - MttV -.r. w i Biffhth Illinois distxiot Monday for the, Provldenoe. B. L, May IL-^W., BW .^ecatlvT time. His Mmina- n i b a « . S A WON'T RUB OFF. Will Pipir Is Unsanltat*. KalsomiBB is len- poran, rots, rubs off ami Scales. AUBASTIHE E r - , forms a pure and permanent coating and does ) not requlrr t< • b e taken off to r e n e w from t i m e to time. IK a d r y powder. The lateat make being adanted to mix, ready for use, with Cold Water. Canbeeasilybrush^on by anj one. Made In white and twelve M U o n u n I tlDta. AL ASASTINE is adapted to all style. | of plain and relief decorating. FOR SALE BY ALL FWST-CLASS PAINT DEALERS. ^ * 8K i r 0 U R P * M , T 0 E * LER CARD 0F •SSSSZm

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L O W E L L J O U R N A L S ^ . T h i r t s - 0 ^ . ^ 4 7 . l O W T O I i . m C K . . M A 7 _ 1 3 . ^ 9 6


P a y s t h e P e n a l t y to P h i l a d e l p h i a

f o r H i a O r i m e a


B * Declare* on the BonffoM Th»t He V m BeHponnlblo for But Two Death®,

Mid W m Innocent of the Plt-•el Murrtrr.

Phi ladolphiR. May 8 .—Herman W. M n d g e t t , a l ias II. IL H o l m e s , w a a tanged In t h e priBon h e r e at 10:12 ye»-

l o r t h e m u r d e r of B e n j a m i n F . o n S e p t e m b e r 2, 1804. On t h «

"H M ^ f o l d H o l m e s Hold h e wuh not g u i l t y o f taking t h e Ih-es of a n y of the P i taa l faK(£y , t h e t h r e e c h i l d r e n or f a t h e r , B e D j a m l n F . P i t ze l , a n d said t h a t t h e

o f h i s w r o n g - d o i n g s in t a k i n g l i f e coneiBted hi the dea th* « t

B t m n n a r y o f t h e D a l l y P r o c e e d , i n g s In O o n g r e s s .

of Importnnee Th»t Are C * dor ConBlderatJon In the Mennte

»nA t h e B o a s e - B n i n • n d K«*-olntlonH P«BW«d.

W a s h i n g t o n . May 6 . - I n t h e ^ y e s t e r d a y an h o u r w a a d e v o t e d t o t h e Cons iderat ion of t h e n v e r a n d harbor M i l and t h e n t h e PefTer b o n d r e s o l u t i o n w i u k ^ n p and S e n a t o r Hi l l i i n i ^ e d

b i s s p e e c h in o p p o s i t i o n t o t h e m e a s u r e

a n d S e n a t o r P e t t i g r e w v o r A r e s o l u t i o n w a a i n t r o d n o e d r e

Fire Make# a Clean Swoop and Wipe* 0 « t t h e Town.

L'Anse , May U . - T h e fire w h i c h s w e p t t h r o u g h t h i s p lace S a t u r d a y aftr . m o o n and n i g h t and b u r n e d i t se l f out at m i d n i g h t . T h e e n t i r e t o w n , wc-oept a f e w s c a t t e r e d h o u s e s , waa de-s t royed . F i f t y f a m i l i e s , n u m b e r i n g a b o u t 800 persona , are h o m e l e s s . , T ^ e l o s s Is r o u g h l y e s t i m a t e d a t f r o m $500,-000 t o $750,000. T h e h o m e l e s s p e o p l e ..re l iv ing in s h e d s h a s t i l y e r e c t e d or h a w f o u n d r e f u g e at B a r a g a , tu - ros s the h a v . S a l o o n s are in o p e r a t i o n in t h e oiM-n air. dry g o o d s I w x e s b e i n g u s e d ae l inrs T h e h e a v i e s t ind iv idua l l o s s e s a r e __ tho^e of t h e L 'Anse L u m b e r c o m p a n y , vor . a i d p n t ^ protes t

. t a , , on mi l l and 4 . ™ . ™ « < ^ of l u m b e r ; S o u t h Shore & A t l a n t i c B a i l - g ^ o e t b e g c h o o n e r Com-

w a y c o m p a n y , $4S.OOO on ore d"cks» b y a S p a n i s h g u n b o a t . TwenQr-B u p p e e Son. s tore and c o n t e n t a , $40,- P * b l l l B w e r e p a s s e d .

000; L l o y d h o t e l . $25,000. W a s h i n f f t o n , M a y 7 . - T h e b o n d r e s o -T h e fire s t a r t e d in t h e l u m b e r c o m - f u r t h e r d i s c u s s e d i n t h e • « » -

pany's mi l l in an u n a o o o u n t n b l e m a n -Z r . T h e m i l l h a d b e e n i d l e f o r s evera l M a y 8 . - B y a v o t e o f 61 d a y s o w i n g t o a s t r i k e a m o n g e m p l o y e ^ ^ c ^ y e B t o r d f t y i n a u g u r a t e d

T h e r e are m a n y w h o s u r m i s e t h a t s o m e l l l V eBt ipa t ion , t o b e c o n d u c t e d b y h o t - h e a d e d s t r iker a p p l i e d t h e t o r c h . ^ c o m m i t t e e o n f i n a n c e . Into B a r a g a and P e q u a m i n g s e n t over all < a c t H B n a c i r t . U n i s t a n c e s c o n n e c t e d that could b e sparwl f r o m t h e i r firede- ^ H n l e 0 f U n i t e d S t a t e s b o n d s b y p a r t m e n t . btit t h e flames w e r e *oon h t f l l _ . 0 f t h e t r e a s u r j - d u r i n g t h e b e y o n d contro l , and. f a n n e d b y a s t i f f h e ^ « t a n

b o n t h w e s t breeee , w e r e dr iven ^acros s W 8 a h i n g t o n , M a y 9 .—In t h e " e n " ^ t h e old ore dock, t h r o u g h t h e l u m b e r a a t o p r o h i b i t t h e i s s u e o f

, p i l e s and i n t o t h e b u s i n e s s c e n t e r . > . 8 t f l t e 4 i b o n d s w i t h o u t a u t h o r Marque t t e , M a y 1 2 . - N O ^ o o n ^ w a s i t U n i ^ ^ ^ i n t r o d u c e d b y S e n -

I k n o w n t h a t o u t s i d e aid w a s n e e d e d f o r <7 T h e r i v e r a n d h a x -

1 the s u f f e r e r s b y the L ' A n s e Are t h a n J ^ r « v n q c o m p l e t e d w i t h t h e e x ^ p -rel ief c o m m i t t e e s w e r e m a d e up m o f t h c j t e n ) 1 a r a d e e p s e a h a r b o r

1 every t o w n In the u p p e r J * " " ' ? . o n t h e P a c i f i c c o a s t . C o n t r i b u t i o n s of m o n e y , c l o t h i n g , f o o d

I s tr ike for Klght Horn*. T H E M E T H O D I S T S D e t r o i t , Mich. . May 12.—Over 500

General Oooferenee of t h e Chnrch In t**- ^ i o n c a r p e n t e r s a s s e i.' 1 e d in Centra l Hlon in Cleveland. | j ^ ^ r U n i o n ha l l M o n d a y m o r n i n g i n -

Cleve land , O , M a y 8 ^ - T h e M e t h o d i s t j o { w o r k . T h e s t r i k e g e n e r a l c o n f e r e n c e y e s t e r d a y by a v o t e f o l l o w 8 t h e a c t i o n of las t F r i d a y n i g j i t , of 426 t o 96 a d o p t e d t h e r e p o r t of t b e w h e n i t w a f i u n a n i m o u s l y d e t e r m i n e d t o

Q u o D o l l a r a T ® a p .

COWtStiffiSiXf . i MTr^n. I x m K l X , MICH.

» 2 C . O O O . O C

OI WO W I'D — • c o m m i t t e e o n e l i g i b i l i t y and r e f e r r e d t h e w o m a n q u e s t i o n b a c k t o t h e c h u r c h e s t o be v o t e d o n agairu T ^ ® w o m a n lay d e l e g a t e s , m e a n w h i l e , re-

ta in t h e i r s e a t s i n t h e c o n f e r e n c e . Cleve land, O . May 9. - A t t h e M e t h -

o d i s t g e n e r a l c o n f e r e n c e y e s t e r d a y i t w a s r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t t h e A m e r i c a n flag fiy f r o m t h e s t e e p l e of e v e r y Methr

o d i s t c h u r c h i n t h e c o u n t r y . Cleve land, 0 . May I L - W s h o p N t o d e

pres ided a t S a t u r d a y of t h e g e n e r a l c o n f e r e n c e of ^ e M e l -o d i s t E p i s c o p a l c h u r c h , Hev Mr. thers , of K a n s a s , i n t r o d u c e d t l o n a s k i n g t h a t a l l M e t v j d l r t s b e a s k e d

t o a b s t a i n f r o m u s i n g ^ > a 0 C 0 ' ^ ^ no S u n d a y s choo l t e a c h e r « E p w o r t h

tourue pres ident® or o t h e r £ e l a t e d w h o u s e d tobacco . B e f e r r e d to

c o m m i t t e e o n temperance. Cleve land, 0 . , M a y 1 2 . - I n t h e Meth-

od i s t g e n e r a l c o n f e r e n c e y e s t e r d a j a . . f4.Tin01inC1Tl(r

s t r i k e f o r e i g h t h o u r s a d a y a t 25 o e n t i p e r h o u r . T h e b o s s e s are w i l l i n g t o m a k e a m i n i m u m w a g e of 20 c e n t s a n h o u r , and p r o m i s e t o c o n c e d e t h e e i g h t -

h o u r d a y J a n u a r y I n e x t .

Edttor of -•Pofk- Bead, N e w York, May 12. - H e n r y C n y l e r

B a n n e r , e d i t o r of P u c k , died at h i s honM i n KntJey , N . J. . M o n d a y a f t e r n o o n of c o n s u m p t i o n . A f t e r Mr. Bunner*® re-t u r n f r o m Cal i fornia , w h e r e h e w e n t in s e a r c h of h e a l t h , h e fa i led s t e a d i l y . Mr. B a n n e r h a s b e e n ed i tor of P u c k s i n c e 1677, b a r i n g suooeeded t h e first e d i t o r o f t h a t p a p e r w i t h i n ft f e w m o n t h s of t b e t i m e t h e p u b l i c a t i o n w a s b e g u n . H e w a s b o r n i n O s w e g o i n 188&.

Francis KtnR. T'reBKleni. Hhas Moffcrty, Vice President-

M C. Qrlswold. flashier.

DIRECTORS: Francis Kinc Robert Hardy Geo H. Force L-J 1 ^

M. C. Grtswold

A General Banklne BusineRR TranBacted. Money Loaned on Real Estate

$7 TEETH $7 We are makln* a

Specialty of Fine Plate Work •Equal in ever* respect to any twelve dollar m

node ID this state We have the finest and best equipped offlow Q t n Servlne fcrN-nded. i We have the Hnest ana wmt -

W a s h i n g t o n , M a y 9 .—The pre«Wmit I In Michigan for this work and ln.ow we I s sued an o r d e r r e s ^ r d a y e x t e n d i n g ® e ( please you and save yoo money.

, v . , — j — - . c W l - s e r r i c e r u l e s t o t h e i n t e r s t a t e c o m -a l c o n f e r e n c e y e s t e r d a y a | cOTmniwrton, m a k i n g a t o t a l of i v 'us re f erred a n n o u n c i n g . . 86.800 g o v e r n m e n t p o s i t i o n s n o w

c e n e r a i j •. j j y e n t coTniniB»i""i '"e ^ r e s o l u t i o n W re ferred a n n o u n c i n g ^ ^ ( f o r e m m e n t p o s i t i o n s n o w

t h a t t h e M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h Tecogir tw* l n t h e d r i l sen-Ice .

J . Z. H U S B A N D , D. D. S . ,

Dental Oftloes: Qrand R«Pld«-

l e t b o d l s t c h u r c h r e c o g n i w s a b i d e d i n t h e civil s en - i ce .

n o t t o b e c o n r i ^ d d ^ ! * ,000 .000 , h a s b e e n

— I E N A T I O N A L G A M E . , ' n l z ^ l n t h i s c i ty t o o p e r a t e L000,-

W the W e e k ' 000 Bcrefi of o i l territory in t h e Osage ^ , I n d i a n r e s e r v a t i o n in O k l a h o m a .

F o l l o w i n g i s t h e s t a n d i n g of t h e teams May Keep Open

i n t h e Beventl lea^tM* t o d a t e ; 1 Q u i ^ . H I , M a y

11-16 Porter Blk.cor. Monroe aim Division Sts.


O u i n c v . * a y i» .— p r e m e c o u r t h a e dec ided t h a t t h e Cody !




t w o w o m e n , t h e y h a v i n g died a t M a b a n d s as t h e r e s u l t o f cr iminal s u r g i e a l

o p e r a t i o n s . History of Holtnee" Crimea.

Herman W. Mudgett. better known a s H . irt WnltnoB was one of the roost consplcU" • ^ S k i r " m o d ™ . l m » . J i d » "murderer's con#^slon8 which he has written can only P a r , l a , ' y

h ^ , J S 1e

t ^ ' ( £ 1

S ^ i l s . ^ s Cdl8prtwed.0 partly, at least , hy^Sie appea rance of several of the so-called v i c t ims ; but Holmes object In m a k -ing t h e confession w a s realliipd--the od-•nhilmr of a sum said to bo fJ.SOO. and which a m o u n t Is said to h sve Heen *t tWfl upon the c r imina l s is-year-old w n . WhUo the^'confesalons" hove served to Increase the s ensa t iona l i sm of the case, the only cap i t a l c r ime for which Holmes h u d t o a n -swer waa the killing In this city. on Beptem-ber 2. 1894. of Benjamin Pltzel. ^ s fe l low -nn«nirator The murder was commi t t ed Z l S . dwelling. No. 1816 C a l l o w h l l l s t r M t Wnhnes' convict ion of murder In the flr«t Jijuirrir the a fBrmat lon by the Pennsy lvan i a miiwwme wnirt of the verdict, and the S S T S r t j S l of Gov. Hastings to g r a n t j ^ J l t ^ T s o weUknown that a narraJoE of these facts Is unnecessary.

WAS captured In Boston, Maam.,

Worth Tes. . where he was wanted for S S t ^ l l n g and for larceny. M that time offlctals of the i n dellty Mutual Life asBOolatloa, of Fnua rf-lnhlo. were hot on Holmes' trail for de-f r e u d l n g l h ™ concern out of «n oon-I,Action with PltKel's rteuth. the latter be-

C " " • r v , o7r>iined believed horse-stealing to be ft

•He expressed a wll l lncness to be tried here on the conspiracy charge | n p r e ^ r e n c e

^ t ^ n ^ h l / S U ' h l s V r i r i for ^ n -

•vo ided ^o'ng i^. Noboay b e

^ A children « -

wmmm l l h m l e h ( i v t ) a n adver-

IXJUTnDUT'IUIIO Ul « — O' and o t h e r neceaaaries w e r e f o r w a r d e d w i t h d i s p a t c h In g e n e r o u s q u a n t i t i e s . T h e D u l u t h . S o u t h S h o r e & A t l a n t i c ra i lway h a s o f f ered t o c a r r y all c o n t r i -b u t i o n s f r e e . One oar of s u p p l i e s w a s m a d e up h e r e M o n d a y m o r n i n g w i t h i n one hour . Over $500 In caah h a s b e e n

s u b s c r i b e d in M a r q u e t t e .


Owing to Favorable Weather Everyth ing 1« Making Progress .

L a n s i n g . M a y 9 .—The M a y crop port i s sued b y t h e s e c r e t a r y of s t a t e nays t h a t t h e w e a t h e r in Apri l w a s favorob le and t h a t c r o p s of all k i t ida m a d e good p r o g r e s s . N o t m o r e t h a n t w o or t h r e e per c e n t , of t h e w h e a t rtowed w i l l b e p l o w e d up. W i t h f e w e x c e p t i o n s t h e r e p o r t s h o w s no d a m a g e b y Insec t s . T h e a v e r a g e c o n d i t i o n of w h e a t a t t h i s t i m e of t h e y e a r i s b e t t e r t h a n for several s e a s o n s pas t . I n t h e s o u t h e r n c o t i n t i e s 30 p e r cent . , a n d i n t h e s t a t e a n a v e r a g e of 20 per cen t , o f t h e m e a d o w s wi l l b e p l o w e d tip. O w i n g t o t h e d r o u g h t , t h e s e e d i n g of las t y e a r w u s g e n e r a l l y los t , and t h e r e are f e w c lover m e a d o w s in t h e s ta t e . T i m o t h y m e a d o w s are m a k i n g fine g r o w t h . T h e a v e r a g e c o n d i t i o n of m e a d o w s Is 81 in t h e s o u t h e r n c o u n t i e s . 01 in the c e n t r a l , !»5 in t h e n n r t h e r n a n d S5 f o r t h e s t a t e .

O B E Y O A P T . P E C K ' S R E Q U E S T .

.U ....11 i t h e r a c i u c cubku. imjbiou

W a s h i n g t o n , M a y n . - T ^ l « P " - J g r a p h -of t h e river and h a r b o r b i l l f o c l n C l n n a t l "H | S p river h a r b o r a t S a n t a M o n i o a b a y . B a U l m o * j

wws n o t c o m p l e t e d b y t h Ti~v/,irivn . d e e p rrver n o r w , . .v* Ca l i forn ia , wms n o t c o m p l e t e d b y t h e s e n a t e on S a t u r d a y , t h e e n t i r e s e s s i o n b e i n g t a k e n u p In d i s c u s s l n g t h e i t e m .

W a s h i n g t o n , M a y 12. -c u s s i o n of t h e river a n d h a - r b o r b m o c c u p i e d t h e t i m e of t h e a e n a t e j ^ t e r -d a y . S e n a t o r T e l l e r (rep. . Col.) re -p o r t e d a s u b s t i t u t e t o r t h e j o u s e b a n k -r u p t c y bi l l , and S e n a t o r M i t c h e l l ( r e p . Ore.) p r e s e n t e d t h e v i e w s of t h e m i n o r -i ty of t h e judic ia l c o m m i t t e e f a v o r i n g

t h e h o u s e b i l l .

" S i . T ' - T S T c t e t a g b a r t e r . b o p . on 9un( tar . Philadelphia g .6(77 ig o n c o a s t i t u t i o n a L


.HJ9 Tenness«^s OentonKhfl.

S N a s h r i l l e , T e n n . , M a y l l . - ^ h e T « -2 3 neasee C e n t e n n i a l e x p o s i t i o n , t o ce le-. § b r a t c t h e e n d of t h e first c e n t u i r o f ^ e

s t a t e ' s h i s t o r y , wi l l o p e n m t h i s d t y m on J u n e 1. On t h a t d a y t h e c e n t e n n W

exerc i se s w i l l be he ld a n d t h e cxport-t c t . t i o n w i n b e fo i -mal ly m a u g u r a t e d . T h e

"Sg e x p o s i t i o n w i l l c o n t i n o e t h r o u g h s i x

I m o n t h s t o N o v e m b e r l -

THK B O D S * .

Cleveland B Brooklyn \

W e s t e r n l e a g u e ; CLtms.

Detrtot - i i " . - ' S 7 Kansas City - A 9L P a u l . . . . 2 g Indianapolis - « Minneapolis S « Milwaukee i . Z Columbus ^ y Grand R a p i d s . . . . . . . . *

W e s t e r n a s s o c i a t i o n :

C lubs . W o n - ^

Bi l l s TntrfXlncMl - n d P e t l t l o o s and latlona Preaented.

W a s h i n g t o n . M a y - T h e naval b i l l w a s f u r t h e r d i s c u s s e d in t h e h o u s e y e e -terday and the m e a s u r e w a s finally s e n t

to c o n f e r e n c e . Washington, M a y 7 .—In t h e J i o t w e

v e s t e r d a y a r e s o l u t i o n w a s a d o p f e d f o r

final ^ l o u r n m e n t o i ^ y 18- A

- M e " I " " ™

B e s Molnea 18 Peoria ~""-n Hockford DUhtique Hurllngton | Qulncy


8 i

Bohhed and Btiro«d. K a l a m a z o o , May 1 0 . - T h e ^ c l o t h i n g

s t o r e of J a k e Levj- w a s p l u n d e r e d b y , t h i e v e s e a r l y S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g and t h e s t o r e c o m p l e t e l y s a t u r a t e d w i t h | k e r o s e n e and fired. A b o u t $200 w w t h , o f g o o d s s t o l e n a n d $2,000 d a m a g e f r o m ! f ire . I n s u r a n c e , 86,000. B u r r y P r y and w i f e , l i v i n g over t b e s tore , h a d a o a r .

TOW e s cape .

iiiit 0 F i t s . I n c h

denleni of price

Sold by

Aurora, 111.

B O I L E R S E X P L O D E , i a s k s for a a Aoooantlng. 1 - — T - v u M t m o a K a l a m a z o o , May 10 .—Lucy C. Wanw*. ,

E , ^ , , n P et

, ^ , i 1 2 X » i B lve i . widem- of L o v e t t E a m e a , w h o d i e d tor j

final a d i o u r n m e n t o n u a a y io . a v « n v ^ h n i w Miss . . May 12 .—Eleven t e m b e r 0. h a s b e g u n s u i t t o r able r e p o r t w a s m a d e on t h e biH teln- ^ and m o r e t h a n a d o z e n j c o u n t i n g . S h e haa h a d C h w ^ H ^ ^

c r e a s e t h e p e n s i o n s of I * t b e ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ " ! 5 ! ^ ^ Z i J l 8 P O r t n g ^ M ^ n a n r i n d i a n w a r s a n d t h e i r w l d -

o w e f r o m e i g h t t o t w e l v e a o l l B " ® m o n t h . S e v e n t y - t w o ^ h a t e p e n s i o n

b i l l s w e r e pas sed . W a s h i n g t o n . M a y 8 .—In t h e b o u s e

y e a t e r d a y no b u s i n e s s of I m p o r t a n c e

^ ^ r . 6 , p — d i n w i l e d o u t r i g h t , o r b y d r o w n i n g ;

^ - e s ^ 1 S T e t 1 " r e e t r a h i e d f r o m d i s p o s i n g of

i ^ ™ l u c d « $ 1 0 0 ^

B r o w n a t a po in t a b o u t 25 m i l e s s o u t t | Wunts H e r to PreBoh. of h e r e a t m i d n i g h t S u n d a y n l g h L H o ^ Bui ley , a Con-

terr i f i c w a s t h e fo«ce of t h % c ^ d , ^ g r e g u t i n n a l p r e a c h e r . r e c e n t l y h e l d m e e t t h a t t h e b o a t w a a torn a t S n o h o m i s h . W a s h . . in w h i c h ai l

1 - — — Tht'yha'6 8,,,m

Hodr ol l>e»d Ship Owuer Carried Places Dear to D i m In Life. 1 ' ( * * I n d i a n s

D e t r o i t , M a y 1 2 . — C a p t E. M. P e c k , ® t h t a t e 0 f M o n t a n a , a n d a n o t h e r t h e m i l l i ona i re vesse l o w n e r , d ied laat f r o m the s t a t e ox i

P H d a y . M o n d a y n i g h t h i s n - m o l n s w e r e s h i p p e d on t h e s t e a m e r E . M . P e c k to Cleve land, w h e r e t h e i n t e r m e n t w i l l t a k e place . B e f o r e he d ied Capt . P e c k a s k e d t h a t a f t e r h i s d e a t h h i s b o d y be

p a s s e d In t h e h o u s e y e s t e r d a y to ap* * outiieht, or b y d r o w n i n g :

p r o p r l a t e $6,000 f o r t h e Pilot Norman; Driver O e o r g e ^ B . * ^ t h e Canadian r e f u g e e Cree I n d i a n a 8 t M r s i n a u Will iam f r o m the s t a t e of M o n t a n a , a n d a n o t h e r t h e c h l e f engineer , name unknown M

nin^iro fnr t h e c h a i r m e n of Annie Herd, c h a m b e r m a i d , T ^ J u o b ^

i n e ennruuer uu..v^.. ^ dec ided to hold regular u n i o n service* uud h a v e inv i ted Mrs. B a i l e y to preach

for t h e m .

BUY O r THE FACTORY. C l i f f o r d P l ^ n o w

fmm M 1 xrm I T S C t I * B m 1 A i m 1 * 8 ^ C V K K

T o THE EDITOR >-\ have an ataoTute remedy for Consumption. By totinwywe thousands of hopeless cases ^ e J ^ , n

i va ' r ^ f y

I permanently cured. So proof-positive am I bf its power that I consider it my duty to send two boltln fru to those of y o t t r ' ^ y " who have Consumption.ThroJ^ & o i ^ i a l « Lung Trouble, If they will write me their express and postoffice addrKS. Sincerely. T A. SLOCITK. V . C., 183 Petri 8 t „ * w T O * .

« - The Editorial tub Paper Gusnuitco thin gsnorom iTopouuoa.

Write and see what they sell for at the Factory

Illustrated Catalogue free 'The Mnn ftrbor 0rfl«n Ca-

Ann ft^boi. Wleh

M T f ' H T f i I L N M I N T N t i S C H O O L A i S J ^ S t o t e W c h n l c a l school. PnuJtl

cnl work Elective system Bummer counwi.

r" nrxriflXrVt I)Sr.HOOGHTbK; MICHIGAN. ^ 3 S E a r w u u a m Kelley.

^ W a s W ^ n . M a y IB. - T h e ^ F o l l i w i ^ ta a ttst o f BBKeu innv u i w . . . . .v . . . . . - -w „B«Bed severa l b i l l s of m i n o r i m p o r - ) t c a n b e o b t a i n e d a t preaeri _

vr ~ «

f r e q u e n t . Monday a f t erno<m t h e cof f in ^ ^ a n o t h C T b r o ^ ^ ^ fl^,y ^ e d and , - | - B l n + O r H

wb« p laced on a l o n g and cool P*""® u p l e d b y b l m as r e p r e a e n t a t l v e f r o m ably die. . j to ^ u n t f o r o v e r l o o k i n g t h e b u a y d i s t r i c t o f O e o r g i a . c o n t e s t - ; Capt . a

T h e r e t h e b o d y r e s t e d unt i l t h e t U w , tr- t t Pnitot i f f u s i o n ) , w e r e t h e e x p l o s i o n . T c a m e to r e m o v e It to t h e b o a t . T h e

n»e Dr. Miles' Nbkvx I ' l ^ p a a s for SPrSlJL WEAKNESS. All drugglstesell em f o r g o .

Is the Most Popular Rapubrican Nevv^r^

n f t h e W e s t a n d * H a s t h e . l ^ g e g t ^ ^ n .

Cones werv located In a , m ra'B o h a s r ^ no" ^ m g t o n . Ind.. ;

covered. H o 1 " ^ " f ren«y. anil be burled

c a m e mj ivmurw • • — — f u n e r a l p a r t y o e o u p i e d c a b i n s o n t h e s t e a m e r , w h i c h w a s d r a p e d i n m o u r n i n g

f r o m b o w t o s t e r n .

S A W A W A T E R S P O U T .

p e o p l e of 8t. Joseph Witness u B a r . Thenomenon During b Htorm-

gt , J o s e p h . M a y 12 .—Dur ing a w i n d • .. i* ,\w\

b v W . H . F e . . o u ^ ^ ^ ) o lT ^ , 8 S I J ^ ' u X

of C o l u m b i a b u s i n e s s . G R E A T E R N E W Y O R K A S S U R E D . ,

V I C T I M S O F FIRE. BUI to KHeot Coi»oUdaMoi. I s 81gi>«d by i Gov. Morton. I

T h e SawmiU DIstrlot of AshUnd, Wtan N y M t t y 13—Gov. M o r t o n T ^ S S T e d - T b r o e Lives Lost. ^ v l / l ^ t a r N e w York bil l Mon-

Ash land , Wta.. M a y l l . - A l m o s t ha l f rigned the^Oreater N e w

h ^ e r w L & told he Know nothing of ' t o U t ^ r f f a l e Tbe partially consumed

girl h fate. ^ ^ i n t h t j c b ! c a g o cas-^ ^ ^ n ' r ^ ^ o f T o m e of

« ^ ^ T t K w T a t t o ? H o l m e s was - M r , arahatu lost o t y ' s ofBoo to confet i . « a ^ tt repo. jjjatlenco w'th h.m. f a l 8 e h o c ^ 8 . Ho t l t lon of his P ' c

ht " " ^ r l c l attorney a verl-

laccually Pitr"l fnm'ly snd ttaWe "jolly" rira T h e

l i m n l e WUllams * jy dramatic, acenc that Catholic faith

Ash lano , »vi»., oi~ — j — •• „ tni i l lon do l lar s ' w o r t h of m i l l i n g p r o p - o a y . . v m nil t h e

and r a i n s t o r m h e r e M o n d a y a ' t o r n o o n l u m b e r w e n t u p ^ ^ m o k e In ^ n d e j t h e to ^

t h i s c i t y S a t u r d a y . T h e S h o r e s 'Lum- m u n i c i p a l o o r p o r e t i o ^ ^ ^ ^

b e r c o m p a n y ' s m i l l , t h e l a r g e s t o n C h ^ c o u n t y of K i n p . t h e

q „ a m e g 0 n b . y , i » ' o l m c h ^ o n d . t h ? ru ins , t o g e t h e r w i t h severa l toovaUM c o u t y o l N e w T o W a , f e e t o f | u m b e r w h a r v e « , u p o n w h l e h w a s I s l a ^ l C l t y . ^ p a r t of t h e

o i l e d 18,000,000 f e e t o f l u m b e r . P e t e r F l u a n h b . Queen c o u n t o , E n g e m a n , J o h n N o ^ r and Ole O l s o n ^ w w n ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m u n i c i p a l

w e r e b u r n e d to d e a t h . > c o r p o r a t i o n s k n o w n M m a y o r , a lder -

m e n a n d ' c o m m o n a l t y of t h e c i t y o f Nev.

a n I m m e n s e w a t e r s p o u t s p r u n g u p in L a k e M i c h i g a n . It w a s f o l l o w e d b y a fierce squa l l , a n d for a w h i l e i t w a s f e a r e d t h a t t h e c i t y m i g h t b e endan-g e r e d . W a t e r w a s s e n t w h i r l i n g u p In g r e a t v o l u m e s h i g h i n t o t h e air, fall-i n g back l i k e a c o n t i n u o u s c l o u d b u r s t T h e w a t e r s p o u t d i s t u r b e d t h e w a t e r for m a n y y a r d s a b o u t It. a n d left, a l o n g p a t h of f o a m - w h i t e n e d , s e e t h i n g w a -ter . T h i s p h e n o m e n o n t r a v e l e d w i t h w o n d e r f u l r a p i d i t y for s evera l m i l e s , finally b r e a k i n g . I t i s t h e l a r g e s t w a -terspout e v e r s e e n here , a n d i s t h e first

o n e In m a n y y e a r s .

Whewt Jmproviog.

W a s h i n g t o n , M a y 12.—The M a y re- . . . t u r n s of t h e s t a t i s t i c a l d i v i s i o n of t h e


go MP- V ' H i * i i: •«<* ** ^ v 1

Ufcutuu Hnrbor. B e n t o n H a r b o r , May ft—The B e n t o n l e i eu io ma f i y imnrlBonment B e n t o n n u r w r , — . i

|Ms trial | 2 t , 1 S r S S n t i t n S ^ nonoha- \ t ^ r b o r t E x t e r n T r a n s i t C o m p a n y haa o r g a n i z e d b y

— 1 T h e o o m n n n v wi l l b u i l d a n e w r a i l w a y , . i a n d xviii t u n n e l u n d e r t h e d t y a d l s -

T l e n "Ts^n. May l£- C o ^ R e a d , 1 t a n c e of o n e m i l e . One h u n d r e d m l l e e c h a i r m a n of t h e C h e n g t u commifl- o f r o e d w U 1 ^ b u J l t a n d w i l l c o n n e c t

S I bad s u c c e e d e d in s e c u r i n g p a y w H l l a I 1 t h e n i a i n l ine s . T h e c o m p a n y T S i in fu l l of t h e Bapt i s t M i ^ . o n u r y | w l l l a l 8 0 r u n 6 l l n c o f s t e u m e r s toCbica-T n i o n c l a i m s for property l o s s e s in t h e B n d M l h v u u U e e . T h e c i t y e o u n o U S S w n riots. T h u s uli t h e A m e r i c a n f t f t d a f r a n c b i S e f o r t h e t u n n e l

S s h a ^ b e e n se t t l ed in a U I 1 d e r tbe c i t y . T h e cap i ta l s t ^ l c of t h e C , a _ n . i , , n a y i n g the w h o l e , n e w c o m p a i , y i B n .000 ,000 . Work w i l l

l i eg ln a t o n c e .


Chi . - .

a m o u u t d e m a n a e d .

T T ^ M l v W " - T h r UhU o f M ^ l i a m

B ^ f o r " l t h

d a y e v e n i n g i n t h e o l r c u l t c o u r t .

Klre at Alpena.

t u r n s o x — ^ T h i s c o n s o l i d a t i o n , h o w e v e r , d « » » o t d e p a r t m e n t of a g r i c u l t u r e o n t h e con- i n t o e f T e o t un t i l J a n u a r j 1 . 1 8 W . I n d i t i o n of w i n t e r w h e a t a b o w a n Increase ^ n i e a l l t , r a e . b o w e v e r , t b p hi l l of 6.0 p o i u t e a b o v e t h e Apri l a v e r a g e f o r a e o m m l s B i o n to f r a m e SMitable l a w s b e i n g 82.7. a g a i n s t 77.1 laM m o n t h , a n d f o r ^ o f t h e m u n i c i p a l 82..' In M a y . 1^96. T h e c o n d i t i o n of ( . 0 t { o n i « , *ba' '• m a f b*

w i n t e r r y e n ' w' .b ' pe: caut .s l n l f1

t A d . „ t h e .R .» b , • Of b a r l e y . s ^ r n g p - o t u i e . 9 3 . 2 ^ i t L i m

m e a d o w s . 01A. T h e p r o p o r t i o n o t \ — . l M W i

s p r i n g p l o w i n g s c c o m p l i a h ^ I 0A F w l l n a n d ftcho-

t h l e s e a s o n w a s r a t h e r a b o v e ^ ^ 1 ^ t h e A m ^ e a n erage . b e i n g 79.6 p e r o e n ^ 1-0 p o i n ^ , - o a t -

a b o v e t h a t of an a v e r a g e y « r . j S S k l n f f o r e r h i s p r o p e r t y to

u e n f h Of WUiasm MmsroM. n e o h f w H a g o BohlomaobeT, a n d At-Chicago , May 12 .—WUltom A- Slajr j \ j ^ A A o g s M . of «bte d t y . ter

srot t , e x - p r e s i d e n t o f t h e S w i t e h m e ^ s ^ ^ c m i i t o r s . T h e a s s e t s .

Mutual u n i o n , a n a t i o n a l o r ^ " l z ^ n , w h j c h c o n B l 8 t of 11.000^00 in A m e r i c a n w h i c h c o l l a p s e d a y a a r aao , d i e d M o o - ^ o o m m g x j s t o c k , o t h e r a l m l »

daj- n i g h t a t h i s h o m e l n ^ i R1

c ' J y - 0 1 a n d real e s ta te , ^ o u l d w a ^ y e a r s a g o S i m s r o t t e m b e w l e d j ^ ^ w a s a m a r k e t l o r b e l o n g ! uy t o t h e u n i o n . He w a s c a u g h t ' ^ Uabi l i t i sa w i l l r e a o h 31tB00y-ln B o s t o n , b u t w a s n e v e r p r o s e c u t e d . | ^ e m . m a

T E R M S © v MA .TTL. $4.00 pet y C W D A I L Y ( w i t h o u t S u n d a y ) | -

D A I L Y ( v / i t h S u n d a y ) $ fitOO

The Weekly inter Ocean— =

As n N :wGpap«r T M O C E M I k e ^ ^ " n s l n u a T

A L L T H E ^ W A N T W E ^ L I T E R A T U R E .

T h e V N ^ e e U f I n l c r O c e a r . ^ A s a F a t f i i l y P a p e r Is ^ . x c g . ^ u > v

[ E ^ V o o t h " S 0 ^ A E ™ ^

of T H E W E E K L Y IKTEK C J E A N is

ONLV ONE C O L L A R 0 C E A N . C h i C S ^

Fonnd In ChHmgo. Chicago , 111., M a y 12 .—After a a a r c h

of near ly t w o m o n t h s D e t e c t i v e F a r n s -w o r t h M o n d a y a f t e r n o o n a r r e s t e d F l o r a Lewi* , a t N o . 1818 W a b a s h a v e n u e , o n a c h a r g e o f b e i n g a f u g i t i v e f r o m Jus-t loe S h e i s w a n t e d In K a l a m a r o o , Mich. , on a c h a r g e of p e r j u r y . S h o w a s t u r n e d over to D e p u t y Sher i f f He l l , o f

K a l a m a z o o .

i n IXJBwUs V*%*v g T h e l o s s of t h e f u n d s b r o k e u p t h e or-c a n l z a t i o n , a n d n u m b e r s of w i d o w s w h o s h o u l d have r e c e i v e d f2 ,000 e e c h a t t h e d e a t h of t h e i r h u a h a a d s g o t n o t h i n g .

OB a L o " f P r o v i d e n c e , B . L, M a y I L — C . W

juoomln^fd f o r C o n ^ f o r S U t h T ^ e . A u r o r a . I l l , May 1 2 , - H o n . A l b e r t J .

B o p k i n s , o f A u r o r a , w a a r e n o m i n a t e d f o r o o n g r e a s b y * * r e p u b l l o a n s of t h e

— - . - M t t V - . r . w i B i f f h t h I l l i n o i s d i s tx io t M o n d a y for the, Prov ldenoe . B . L , M a y I L - ^ W . , B W . ^ e c a t l v T t i m e . H i s M m i n a -

n i b a «

. S A

WON'T RUB OFF. W i l l Pipir Is Unsanltat*.

KalsomiBB i s l e n -

p o r a n , r o t s , r u b s

off ami S c a l e s .

A U B A S T I H E E r ™ - , forms a pure a n d permanent coating a n d does ) n o t r e q u l r r t< • b e t a k e n off t o r e n e w from t i m e t o t i m e . IK a d r y powder . T h e l a t e a t m a k e b e i n g a d a n t e d t o m i x , ready f o r use , w i t h Cold Water. Canbeeasilybrush^on by a n j o n e . M a d e In w h i t e a n d t w e l v e M U o n u n I tlDta. AL AS ASTINE is adapted to all s ty le . | of plain and relief decorating.


— ^ * 8 K i r 0 U R P * M , T 0 E * L E R C A R D 0 F


01 the Breast. Mr. A. H . Crausby, of 158 Kerr S t ,

Uemph i s , Tenn . , says t h a i Lis wife paid no Attention to a M&BII l amp which appeared in he r breast, bnt it socn de-veloped in to a cancer of t h e worst l y p ^ and no twi ths tanding t h e t reatment ri t h e best physicifins, it cont inued O spread a n d grow rapidly , eat ing two holes in he r b r e a s t The doctoia

s o o n pronounced he r incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat-ed her, but she con-t inued t o grow worse and when infoimed t ha t both her a u n t and grandmother h a d

.d ied f r o m cancer h e are t h e case n p a s

hopeless . Someone t h e n re-

commended S.S.S. ami t hough l i t t le hope ran&ined, she begun it, and an improrcment was no-ticed. T h e cancer commenced to hea l a n d when s h e had t aken s e r e a l bott les i t d isappeared ent i rely, a n d a l though se r -eral years have elapsed, not a s ign of t h e disease h a s e r e r r e t a ined .

A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. (guaramtocd pwrdy w&debic)

Mood remedy, a n d never fai ls

L O W E L L J O U R N A L .


O W B L L , K B N T C O . , M I C H

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

i t tfer I\wt Offloe at LomU. Michigaa, t wcood class man* .

S u b a o r i p U o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .

is a rea l to cure Cancer, FDrrraia. Rheumat i sm Scrofula, o r any o the r b lood disease.

O a r b o o k s will b e mai led f ree t o a n y ad-d r e s s . S w i f t Specific Co.,

i Q a .

ouier o iooa aiscmse.

sss Br. V w KflofiMoiltF *

••sefnTly jimiMiroi fiomeARK, wofl f.* j w « fe jwwaw «ifl for n w •flMrtj- ywkw *|t- At

pprgiV mWi «marp •hiwpbk. K w t »anffle • ^wdW ojn* !<«• Che juoiMii.

l - I V r r r * . "CVmpwamm, iBflcniTTUitSM*., M V-VTanam Worm WVran cuaic.— M S - T m k i n s ; Offllc, •Ory^ Wjifl-LlMW M. t - J M a r r t r a . 'ClhTlflrm or AflnTw. . « V - O e e * e . Orilflh, Sr.-niriJatH; *21 S-XMrralsta , TWidiunhft, ratvinOin . t j •-BcwAuArK. Sink nmludbft. Tnrdpo- JUl

I S TTJllfmKTKWv OfiDHajucJnL. .-ftl H-JSeswiwwrJ or Ptrlwte.. . .23 M - W W l w s 1P«W rMffw JVniofl* J U IS-CTMIS L«n«£i r tK EW.hodm* J U I t - lSa l l Qarnffi. EoTiSiwOafi, Ermiaonn., JS]

TOimnrarflc I « M J U M—Haiaria. nhilK, Vi*-er »ai Xft* JtM IB-Oamrr t i . liiUncnna, CKOfi to Hit Bnad. Jfti

r««c% v t r n KMMT - — J U • S - S e m m m-billts •• — l ^ i M - C r i t t r y J U Si-<Serp't%rw*i. 'OUhiij-.TnwffiBrfWhrnjIUJI

wuwpwtjeys' # f IHISW SPEOfFllC TOR 1

IWturlliBnuiH ih-trrtw <S jflmmw/t jxillrtJs J M ® ynnrvoK jwikfll.

arilB IftrnccNW. «t wi.t (TCHUI wt. wrtlr® t« lOMk Va 'Btaunm.-VK' BaWItm. niupm.iUMMii.

a m wnn»»*u.i


1 Items S crata per Use cadi Ic

(ileal advNtiMMMS at m r a t e priora. Owds of Tbaaks SB wi ts cadi, nca tdkat *t wanaberof DM*. all iMau Intxodtd to bmeAt aar OM"! bari-nivl l lbecbaisvd forat adrenM&c ratca. •taaotatfoM otooaMeiKW. tLSO. aa i r t^a , death aad birth a a d w i fwe. a r t s la Urratarj Column, t l par lla« per

mt. jirSaof l b . l a Dirtcaory,fSper j r a r .

lta-lai««r adwitlMBieala BMdc known

T H E R E P U B L I C A N S .

Dane a t Their

W e d n e s d a y , M a y 6 , 1 8 9 6 .

S E N A T O R V E S r S C H A R G E .

B * SMNW SOvhlgM Drmocrao-Dtrfcbk-aoaNi Rvpty.

Waahlnglon. D. C-, May S.—In t h e sena te T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n , d u r i n g t h e deba te on the bond resolu t ion . Sena tor V f a t idem.. Mo.) declared t ha t t he of -

tK hat WM

Detroit , May 8.—The Michigan re -pnb l i ran s t a t e convention on T h u r s d a y elected fou r delegate* a t l a rge and a l -t e r n a t e s to t h e republ ican na t iona l con-vention, t w o president ia l e lectors a t : lanre , president ia l e lectors r e p r e s e n t - ! i n g the 12 congress ional d i s t r i c t s of j t h e s ta te a n d a new cha i rman of t h e s t a t e cent ra l commit tee , l ion. D. M. 1 F e r r y , of D e t r o i t Much en thus i a sm ' w a s mani fes ted f o r McKlnley, and . a s w a s expected, t h e convent ion ins t rnc t -ed Its de legates a t l a rge t o vote fo r j Ohio's favor i te sou so l ong as h is n a m e should r ema in before the St . Louis ,

W O M A N ' S W O U L D .



EnclUi OowtacM—Amcrtaaa and En(lUh Wome The Xrw Wotuna-

tion. She is t he daughter of t h e venera ble Genera Casslns Morce lhu Cl*y, w h o gained an internat ional reputat ion

n M , n . , as an aboli t icnist before the w a r and M j Uni ted Statoa min i s te r to Russia dur ing

For d ^ t e , . 1 tov to t b , i ^ ^ ^ IL A A l j r . r . o t Dr-tmil; ^ . U * . D . E " ^ .

Tl iomss 7. 0 ^ R - p k K ! ^

H—Ida Majr Spencer. Women of Sweden.

8aa*anable Htota and Timely OowOp.

One of the most noted women to

^ C k y . president j ^ b e f e T T o ' h^ve teen' conten't w i th K ® ^ 5

B ( 1 Q . a l ^ R i ? h . t ? a 8 8 0 C ' J a* the ki tchen rather than to have aspired to the superior social eminence which

known what i t is to want a cook and a governess wi l l supply the answer t o tha t question wi th sufficient accuracy. Bn t w h a t a serious indictment against co r social system does this advertise-ment prefer I To be a governess—even t o be a nursery Roverut^is—a young woman mus t have suuie pretensions— more or less plausible—to education and to gent i l i ty .

Probably there is not one among all those TOC v.;.o would not b? indignant a t the Buggeetion that she would have

enti t les her tc be addressed a s " m i s s . " And jus t because she has had tha t aspi-ration. and because she has acquired t ha t smat ter ing of education which has unfit ted her for domestic servioe, she is condemited to disoorer t ha t nobody wan t s her. Our philauthropista migh t

and J o h n Duncan, of Calumet , were ^ worse than apply themselves to the elected b y s c d a m a t i o n . and Mark a r " T * C } f 7 tolution of the pnibleui wha t to do wi th B r e u e r , of Pbnt lac , w»s elected as t h e famil ies , and as a clear th inker . ^ j ] voung women, of whom those 700 a re f o u r t h de lega te a f t e r t w o baHota had ^ s b e r t a n d s with- - f - . n 4 n f l , 1 1 1 « r i m . i i , .m«l l f ract ion.— been t aken . ° ° l a ^ S b e . ^ * > . * ? ' K t n M

X J «f r^aiKmm f r o m al lowing a p ic ture of herratf to be J . Kelsey, of Calhoun c o u n t y ; . . . . . . . . . .

acclamation. * ^ . . . . J . C. Gray , of Ka lkaska , aixl K. W. . . AHhoagh one rf the b n r f e t WOCKP in

- Gilchrist , of Alpena, were elected a s ^ *?***' M U . C h y j n b m i t t e d to an floe holders a n d pos tmas te r s in M k h i - prrvident ia l e lectors a t l a rge w i t h o u t 1 B t e i T i e w . » ^ which she t reata in her g a n controlled the late democra t i c con- . a cont re t . clear, logicaljMyle of u e needs of the

vent ion and fo rmed a gold p lank in t h e i The f e a t u r e s of t h e convent ion w e r e i 0 1 l l o d*J ' p l a t f o r m . H e said t h a t t h e r e w a s no t t h e addres s of H o n . Cbaunoey M. De-t h e least doub t but t h a t t h e democra t ic I pew. who dropped In on t h e de lega tes p a r t y of t ha t s t a t e w a s f o r f r e e s i l ee r . ! n n e \ | ^ e t e d l y and m a d e a ringing r e -T h e act km of t h e officeholders, he de- publican speech, and t h e victory of t h e d a r e d , was a disgrace t o the American peciple.

Detroi t , May 11.—The K r e n i n g News )tub!isbee a n in terview wi th Don M. Dickinsnn. r ep ly ing t o Sena to r Ves t a n d o t h e r f r e e silxer m e n a s t o t h e al* k g e d co r rup t ioa of t h e la te democra t ie s t a t e oaoventton b y offioeholders. Mr . DtckiDsoc denies t ha t Mr. S tevrnson , DickinsAn-s law p a r t n e r , o r anybody

silver m e n in fo rc ing t h e adopt ion of t h e financial p l ank of t h e Minneapol is cr>nvention of 1W®. T h e " b a r d m o n e y " n*rn had con t fb l of t h e commi t t ee o n rcsoiutMos, there b e i n g b u t t w o ad -vocate* of t h e wh i t e me ta l on i t . T h e minor i ty , however , b r o u g h t the f i g h t w hich they had been unab le t o se t t l e in eoimniMee in to t h e convent ion . T h e y deelared t h a t t h e convent ion should a t

and of the benefits which sbe t h i n k s wi l l follow t h e en-t ranchtsemeot of women.

" W h a t caused you to beoome a n ad -vocate of equa l r i g h t s for women f " the reporter asked.

" W h i l e I w a s s t i l l i n m y t eens , " d i e replied, " e v e n m y l imited t ioo of l i fe t a u g h t m e t ha t have greater financial independence, and b race greater indust r ia l opportunit ies, to obtain ti>e f reedom necessary fo r men-t a l and mora l s t rength . Dependent be-

a n p . i R

S P E C I F I C S r M t «MJE &T BOrS'BR tt SOK £ IV'G !<X*

eBse ifis-.wd a n y c i rcu la r t o offioehoJdeaa • least reaff i rm t h e p lank of t h e las t na -ic wnnect imn wi th t h e convent ion, tional rvpubl ican convent ion, and o n

• ^ b r o u g b f ree sal*er oo&grcssaien. h e ; thi« bas is they won the i r liight a f t e r say% f ree silver men were p u t in a l l . ba t t l i ng f o r an h o u r . Aside f r o m t h i s t h e offices in t he i r d i s t r i c t s , a n d in b o t h ( episode a n d the contes t over t h e e k e -oonn ty and s : a t e conxen t ioas o u t n u m - 1 tiou of t h e d e k g a t e s a t l a rge t h e con-bered the o the r s t w o on one . Accord- 1 ventnon w a s en t i i e ly h a r m o n i o u s i n g to t h e law, he says , t h e places of | T h e p l a r f o n n a s adopted i n s t r u c t s d e k g a t c s could not be filkd b y proxies , j t h e de legates t o t h e na t iona l conven-a s s ta ted b y Sena tor Ves t . T h e s ix teen ^ tiow w use all honorab le m e a n s t o se-t o ooe men never had a m a j o r i t y of t h e 1 c u r e the nommat ron of Hon. Wi l l iam delegates elected, a n d t h e ta lk of t h e j McKmley a s t h e republ ican c a n d i d a t e •ase of nxtney is ""pure a n d adnl tera twd | for p res iden t ; reaf f i rms the poisition dbinder and lies." I f a n y money w a s 1 t a k e n o n the i&nancial ques t ion b y t h e MHtd, Mr . D k t i M o a says , at w a s in be- ' pHatforna adopted a t Minneapolss in ha l f of a f roe -silver ^ y n d k a t e , o r r a n - J1S5C; f avors a r e t u r n t o t h e pol icy i w d a n d ex i s t ing ou t s ide of t h e s t a t e , of Washing ton a n d -Hamil ton, w h i c h , a n d fliimiishing n w o e y t o o a n y o n t h e b y diacainainating d u t i e s In f avor of oampaagn in t h e s t a r e .

H E A T C A U S E S F O R E S T F I R E S .

s w e r ' s

l u i f e r K a i i o n a l i O i C ( i * * v k a r y

Or tin , SdbooHjZsaf! fiiintimnrirffllthB • CrLbrjijfitid."'

fnvnAtn^l t f tlte4

. (MtK'U ilVlim-H it 'WrTiw.. nam H'.iS.

'' niwuHr afll ttSie* •; m'.ii.tloi.;..

V.;--mu-Tf •enm-Im- iScttie,

! > natallaiSiciiiKiitm. rd SUflintfti, anil, rtflwr iMnaAan ifl-. uiuim wIUImiul main-, Bufis

T * K e c s r P C « E V Z r Y T C C Y ' St 1 Zi Ic eiiw tfai Ulr " •fflii- wnr!! %-.<intten.

Wnrlli.Bit^iiviuri'.eli' '.M iililliiiliuticuljiluom.] omfli im.'iMiciiiiiini:'i: iinurnQlli.

a nwy t s 13j.rjr; n » t TirnnmidlWSon. Itladly ni'i lifi hi:; • .• ::>liiHiin«dliMi]bodkM.

> K it- itsmn- tu tr ice - "Tr^th ' u; •vurt. 1 anipireuniiildui. i'- fii!".. nOHInMirrfi'n il!imniti-« liigK life ulvun in sWIiR- ti<<lrvi>lii|iiiium.,

tiir 3iihi. i/c 'learn j-.flic": -T-nnili The fliinnlllniir nr- fli- • li nnll lilU, udB , aud]i!l»cuiiuiliifll linriKeiiiiniteiimnieruiUi.

' w o i a a i L j f f o e u rMaavt*, SQtriveOolil. (T.^ JL.

AA Speclmon .PUPM. Mo., .TDIIMIH miilllaitinn. !W0CK~0--i

Vartwii LantSiog, Modlu, May DIL—Destrottive

forest fires are"Reported Broon several por ts oms off t h e u p p e r peminnQHa. The w o r s t so Ear ie repor ted ffraoa Ontoo-age® oeranty, w h e r e several! taaahe* oaanps have beea dos t ro jyd a n d g r o a t ufBJintntiies of o a t a n d s tandnng t i m b e r dflsnagod.

Maaqiaette. May I t -—Tbe oog'/teoe-demted ho#- w e a t h e r a n d dtxragfct h a s c rea ted a very d a n g e r o n s oowditMB of

;| a f f a i r s aid over t b e oj-per pesHnsaHa. j T h e r e a r e m a n y t n g fores t fires, arod t h e | ! Wlaae h a s been aoenaicang tJbe 3>ew (Umn | | of M a n i a n g , Alger ocrantty. f o r several1

'j l a y s . Only ha rd a n d oroitwinmus Ifigttit-' teg b a s waved t h e t o w n , t h e g r o e n d lt»e-

moem hdlp_ w a s oaJftod for a n d a special tatainn w a s ' s e n t d o w n w i t h a fire emgfeie f r o m Xegairmee a n d hose Ifrocn Mar-

I'^neWe- nbe(flreSsrepoirtiedtolbea»eat*-• nnderoomtrol .

C A U G H T IN N E W Y O R K .

Amer ican b b t t n — s secured W pe r c e n t of o a r oair^ySng t r a d e t o A m e r x a a rthips. and wOudh, If n o w res to red , wxmld aga in revive o u r s h i p p i n g a n d cause Anncrirahn f r e i g h t s to be paid t o A m e r -tea.

T h e rfispJutacne a lso expressed sym-p a t h y w i t h t h e peopte of Cuba In t he i r s t rnggJe for l ibe r ty . An addi t ional re®-oSalion w a s presen ted b y t h e ooannait-t ee expoeaeSng r e g r r t a t ?he r e t i r e o e n t off Sewator JTanoea McMillan f r o m t b e chairmaarship of t h e s t a t e o m t r a l caan-•I t tBlJ .

J E W S M E E T .

OeM« IjoArr mt V w a l Bnrtca l a S — t o a a t jPt ta l iaaaa .

Ralannaawa, May 111—-"The 2<tth S2D-nna l sessran of' t h e gravid Sodge of B^nai V r i t h , oonspcMartg t b e s t a t e s of Moclngan. lUinoas. Uiaooiasiin. l e v a a n d

bring- he3d in t h i s c i t y .


Sngs erldentity m u s t bft. m o t e or less, mere ref f iec tkm off those tapen whees t b r - lepend. Ustrefoire, t f wensen a l -low UKmselveis t o owe m e n o b l i g a t k n s groater t h i n m e n ' s racqarocal obUga-COLS to t hem, th^y canst assume a weak menta l and raaoal a t t i tnde , b r i sk ing tin atxaadast ev^ls opjia t h e wbode cf so-ciety. for h o w e r e r h igh ly cjeo' ,s jndg-naeat and oimsakcKe m a y be developed

eanzurt assonae wcaaen1^ r e ^ c o d -Sjaliries, so whatever d w a r f s WQsaen'fe develcfcaant i n j e r e s sodkfly. A f t e r I s aw tha t WCEKO icnght to have evjpal r i g l l ^ w i t h caaii no edneat toaal and in-

adrantaigeB 1 d id not a t •am* pesoedve cieiaxiy skat they t h v s i i e a j o y the- sasne pol i t ical rights, t h a i tbe idea,

d ^ 9 . , J t o T ^ > r t ™ k v b W H m t k » < i . j . ^ f - O f t o r r s ^ I W ^ ^

4 . . U Ifc ^ tar»a»«.»JUw c o n . to Ike p o l l .

p r w a d e n t , B. Gufiachnqg. De t ro i t ; s e f o n d vsoe p r e a d e n t J n d g e PfclWp Caueugo; g e n e r a l coraini t tee : J n o g e PHrflip Stean aflid 1L SdfMsnian, Caaetago. fieeikefied:


- lESTBUKR a t your moif^b.-rihoafl this season

P U ^ T O ^ a r i

rill 'df -wihidh are -described anfl IIHUB-ttrated itn our beairtfful an& entirrilv j N e w Catzflnyaie f a r 1 ^ 6 . A mew tfeature this season ite the P r o a de- l lltverv'Oif 5^e&: aliCuuiloEueipriacEttol any Post'Office. HlHis^WewOato- j l o g u e " -we will rrmD'onTecflipl'df a |

I Stamp, or1! 3llhQse_w^ho,Willl'3 •wihare liteyfiawitiii^ admaisaniant.tlhe [

I Oataiogiie •v/ill Ihrunailefl P roe l l

i P O ' a : m t m k |S£M8'OAICLA3I8TST^*,EWTODK.I


Dr. O W Holmes | BeyH tflutt umtBicofi un PV(ir-H0VQrQi|»n

p nniipc '

VmnMi Vnaer JknynC «ar ®*ij an

Xem Yoirtt, X, May i . — F a n n y j ILnmjnaa-n, who as suiiid toy t h e polfioe j t o he k n o w n a l so b y tlbe masnes Mo-| Gee^ Eaag a n d iGoodaE. was | amneMed THbuirBd^y a t MB Wes t j TTswenttji'-^ixth s t r e e t 'on tifae {ftiaage | of a-tiduoaring t h e grandscoi <off ' Mrs. GoodaHl. .of Vausar, Mikh. U b e a r -re«ft wins anode a t <&e reques t >of Marshall JWhn S e n ^ b , off X<egaitaM«. Madb. Dfae laJh&Qdt&an lie siuifl to have italken pUaoej t w o y e a r s ago. TTbe h o y as n o w tqglWt] y e a r s oQfl, a n d as n a m e d Eddie. T b e wtonnan f ays h e Ss h e r son , totrt h e ide> id ares t h a t iAe hzm IBroni ftsis home . S b e travefled abmr t t h i s ocmntry wstfti h im. h e se id , a n d too3c hiian to SoeAllaaid, a n d Qibtai hbdk to 3Cew YadL. TObe wom-a n uowestod veheanenitlly t h a t tJbe hey' to hen- son . fibe sa id -f&e llefftt t h e boy wMh h e r tmotiben; Mrs . GoodaHH, Qnst «ftc

i totflc t h e <dbBd a w t ^ f r o m h e r ta royaaau

i . ^ ' I S W T O V E R A M A S T O O O M .

w a s derqgateny to wcanaulty deBosry, wihadh was wortifay t o be prcOectod even hy t h e saarafikie) uaf w h a t w a s indsqiBU-hHy a n abs t rac t n g h t Baft f so ther ob-serratacm jj^d reifiecttnan soon oenrinoed

Sccnetary, Jwfigr BL C J t o h n r r t a r J " ^ f L - I Z L ^ K Z I r ^ J . , c sa l thcwnes and the wxaght «f cstgual

laws, mie^ua l because n a d e caaHy KU6Q, ossantaal w a u a B -ddaoacy a n d

i w m i h were csntanaalLily sacrifioed, a n d | t h a t notihing ocmUdarail topraseflt Wfltca-janhocid ifipccn s sda dangers esoegA f o r

fMoaipo: tretasnwer, Ul FWSv, r h w e g o : aergeantHat-amaa, Sol B e g a n , O t t a w a , UL

A ipnMsc aneetiing w a s hehB a t t b e A<tif denny off Mwtfe, a n a d d r e s s by lESahhe E . G. Bihsrib. off CTMoagvi. Ibiefing t h e , | ^ . . . .,,1, •n- .,,'-, , nw, iCfaHCTHnaanas w c n e B fcanHy to c la im TT!T)fTiT*Li remnase. i m w e a r e Brivi w o e - ' . - . ^ n - . „

•Amt g t k e r e i i s e i . IVi mauaHHy h e fa a n

httbn. And so 'H s , tfiumk fa r sore spirits. Bnt f a r tbe adbi^ [pahuj anfl -weufcneasos of (fits 'body TFiilmHon's MBaSanna Flaster ishflt-ten. i t soatibes, warns , oomiartii

lanfihaQs. I tseoks a a t t b e i t b t t r o n W t andBHtealxjgbt. I tonn- , I l ams 'vntues idlfl m UliBtay, yet never , hdftire so oomTrinefl as t o he of t b e irigbeBt pranticiul dficaty. Sate tSht*

'iBed'Oraae onaJltbcjennniB. ' MIKSmS!« arOHKMtfs '

BaniflBanttac iChamtett. How Ttrit-;

• % % % % » % % % % % % % % % % > •

•amed-ln Idea WbDam

9t*C. *tam Bant Waonw venjooo 9ram « KaUlwaiB.

JUaanm^. OIL—A mat- mm tsma-unenoed i n t h e Qjiy^bum inimpirij locnnt 'flnnrrdny wibidb wull 'deftenrmine t h e

Jvalhie otf t h e dkeltfton off a ouat todua. 1 BfoS. •Jwm IK o f t , fff tibis ciirty, iis oam* jjJWfcBBrt ngatrist nibelLafce S h o w Jb iiiladldgan % ^ n h e m JEualroud lopngaigy !llhj'®n nf tSnn fOT^^mimntdmiapes to vaB-

ige^q^tea^aipeoimeins w M d h w e a e h e n r e ^ q m TOUW, 'O^aai^wftiiidlj,, " _ i-ere hud^j- naed iin ftran-

B e aSqgas i b u t t b e skbiet^ai off t b e Btmstodon ^ a a J t h e onoet per ted t in «sr Sidenoe anfl aJburf J twtaf-danmged tt t t iba octerf t .off (&Q{WHk.

— Wfitiami I ' J n a aOanih.

f o n i i a t , ^ iEJwaflt B w i d a a n , F i r s t l a e n t . 3 ^ y a n d ' Set* •and sLient. Sflvert ibaroe, iBtaideutt a t | t b e ttfkihiBan MaHtary noadeany alt 'Or-idbard JLidte, b w e an o a m m a n d a oom-frnx# d t 40 oada t s w i o a r e pnepa r ing Sdr a tnud iot t b e mardbfa jg reomd ho* tmeun t h e aaadex^y a n d TTTba •fl^stanoe as 30 mrfles, a n d thegveaen t rfi». « i d Hewn asaf la '^uaater h o u r s . Hiie'woin-


o r w b aiimliwi

BdBmfl . llr—THbe t i i r e e ^ a m y ibrick wagon imannf aclkgy UtogirtM' Jfe EBenhwis a t 2feea«nd w a s t o i a % ide>j

• *„ - , % ifire a t n e o n S u n d a y , wiJA iSwi»2Smfc! 1 V831* ^ t o ocwor t h e tfltetaiaje ibij

' The teas « a s t t e ^ w n h n a , s ix hours .

Aaner fam a n d twtfnsed to fceOoirse t h a t M s reI5g6»ns ffaath h a d anytMxg- to da w m hw TnrtifmaJHy..

• m i • • n • p 1 • n i m m . Ontca^goR. J i a y WL—ftoe •dowwa'ol

ftaa«e t H o t i»wj kMnffittgHbaase hdtmg^g to tfce mtrnrnii M a t c h o a m -l u i n y - a p d a l j a f f t t t h c n i a i n l w o w n e d

tlbat oompaaiy. JBpr a w h ^ e t b e ide-«4B«caton ed tfee a d B i J H d «u«iwutiui

t a m d a e d fodt a< l i a w l a g a f l i e taw o a a t s KPCEJPT <ane WWE ftnamed. F rn t r TAWMTAI WASCITOTMHM % the TFiriiin Titiniiii ilwiiaaiwiii. HifTinnn

avowed a^y d id

Maryneito," V- ]&. 'Cocjbru: «me .(jff fibe pi 9n t h e njuper ocnranondeay, JCa^gtes •dnoting 'tt,

^ST^mespd of " i^ens^pon w a s

vvtsr heUS

- ^ l e ^ » a y f

lalce. a watatt nre I1j»e£ wittb ttnd hiJnegiQa.

* W | U i i « l J t % g t o " ^ i e HWBT " ths t 'dynaanJ te

iflff •mftta ea hart, '.of >deed h a s s

•ca-we lis a anys ie iy . nave Iboen <oam-

Wjingoamiied S a m e


a n a a V ^ ""How long have yem

th is w a r t y -IDbciqgb v t ay ea r fy

InitBef to legnaS • a t p a i i t aoe to t t m i i i i n i g t M m ^ i f l e l t o B e s B W f i i d e e taffl

1 l a^pad t o MsacaatMn i s

a s tftie s a m e yea r t h e _ H I w a r

cDeated ott g inaadetonnd have baaa r e -•ehidtedoadhyearsiinpa. I h e xAglecft mf ghe aaecKuutiiaii as (So advanoe t h e Sndns-taial, ieftnmrtrinyiJ" and fejgll n ^ b t s eff wcnoim a u d aeonre t h e C r e n ^ s e to ifibtaL lly .if^piffliriAe mtafte and n ^ a p a l lugirilatacm.—Ijtaingtan Oat . LcaamlBe Cknmier-JannnaL

TDbe putbofi d ! aflvertMamexas Is n o t ocmfizied t o w h a t a r e pqpalsr^y known a s t b e a g a ^ Odbnons <of t be dsilty pa -pBrs. T o t h e tbonf l r t f t i l m ind fibene iis W B r s a t a v g e s i ^ B a x d l aoanstunt i t t re imi iff s n f f a n ^ g a n d eff tftufthcipe dedanred aribidh anifcarib thelbBait iadk to h e fcnmfl aa t b e aggiibinamrmf tfar«m-j ikyanont t y afll B a t s m i d oandStKms-of adwuilMBiJL A n o n f t A e and tyTtoaScw-w q i a e off t t t e ttBnftile rea l f ty c f f b o fltrnggle f t r ItiSe lfi te b e daBoarmei iin a rnoeaA nrrci&nirion 8n a 'daaHy pspar t y 5he w t J e d f a w d H k n o w n m a n «ff te-tots. H b e Batty i n ajnertnem. afiner irtaftang tbut ^ j e iiafl s ^ i ^ t e d a uranwry geworn-issfi, we t f t t an t o S n r f o m i t h e W b <«&»«• nanda dates t h e jifaotngrajibs w i t h wtodh dtampn w e r e aeift w i n

Seron handradenharoandidatee!! A n d hownia iysgiFt t i ta toaDj w a a M t h e flady h a v e rsKEvefi fiff site h a d adi«jriMBd f a r

bat an infiuilesimally smal l fraction.-London Graphic.

MUNY0N T h e S u c c e s s o f His I m p r o v e d

H o m c e o p a h i e R e m e d i e s H a s M a d e His N a m e

A Household Word

W i t h T h e s e W o n d e r f u l S p e e i f l e s in

t h e House You Can

BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR Have Tour D r n n t r t P a t Ten Up a FSaally

Cbcst mt Miuoroal B«nc«UM, Study Manyon'a Galdr to Heal ta and Ton Can Save Hundred# of Dollar* In Doctor 'a

Mr*. Plckrr*ir» Cfianw.

Tbe latest move on the pa r t of woman is t c secure the street cleaning. Mrs. Mary XL PrrVeroll of Denver has ob-ta ined t h? ccntr icr V.y d i k i n g a bid $6,000 Jess than that of her prtdccossor. I t has been claimed and claimed again t ha t wuiuku's experienoe as housekeeper should moke her especially valuable in t h i s field. I t re!uain5 for Mrs. Pickerell to vindicate her own and her sex ' s r igh t t o t be repotat ion of economists.—Ex-ohange.

*'1 burned my dngete very had'.y Tbe pain was ' i n l r m e Dr . Thomas ' Elcctr ic Oil brought relief in Ihn e m i n - PJ""® . . . . . n tes . I t was almost magical I never r o r ™ « W<«ney « saw a n y t h i n g like it.."* Amelia Swords, S a n n d m a i l l e , O.

A Groot Oonbinnt loa Offler.

We have :uade a special arrangt m e n t

which enables u s to of fer T b e Mlciiiiean Par tner , t b e leading Agncul turn l . Live

S tock a n d FkmUy journa l of this coon-t ry , and tbe J o r R 5 A i , both papers ooe

year , fo r only f 1 T5. The Michigan Fa rmer is a IC p jue , 6 ! co lumn weekly.

every way ab!e, enterprising, reliable, and p u r e in both reading a n d advert is-ing colomns. I t a ims to b J p make the

f a r m pay. For f ree s amp le copy send address on postal t o Hichtgan Fkrmer,

Detroit . Mich.



First , ge( a wife : seoaod, be p a t i e n t You m a y have great t r ia ls and perplex-ities in ycor busness . ho t do not there-fore. c a n y t o your home a d o a d y . or contracted brow. Y o u r w i f e may have trials, which, though of loss magni tude , m a y be hard fo r he r t o bear . A kind word, a tender look, will d o wouders in chas ing f t o m he r b row all clouds of rfoom.—To Ibis we m a y add . a lways keep a hottie of C h a m b e r i a o f t O u g h Setuedy in t be bonse. I t is t h e best and =a cure to be needed sooner or later. Y o n r w i f e will t h e n know t h a t you ireaUv ca re for ho- heal th . For sale ' b y L BL H u n t ft f fo.. d racgHte .

Mr Saul Su t ton , Oragon, UL, saya: " I w a s a o had wi th rheumat i sm I could Hcaroely use m j b a n d s or anna . Very of ten m y a r m s and shoulders were 00 lame I could not raise my hand t o m y month . I never f o u n d a n y t h i n g t o r e -fteve m e unt i l Munyoo's Rheumat i sm Cure w a s tried. I f o u n d immedia te re-lief. N o w I am completely cured a f t e r using only t w o v i a b of the pllla.

Munynn's Rheumat ism Cure never fai ls t o relieve in I t o 3 hours, a n d curea in a f ew daya. P n c e . 25c.

Munynn ' s Djrspepda Cure la g u a r a n -teed t o cure all f o rms of indigeetion s a d s tomach troubles. Price, 25c.

Mnnyon 's Catar rh Remedies posi t ively cure . Pr ice, 25c. each .

Munvon 's Kidney Cure speedily cures uns in t h e hack, loins and groins , a n d

M n e y d n a a t e . P r i ce , 86c. I U n n j o n ' s Female Remedwe a re a bc-on t o all women. Pnce , SSe.

A s t h m a Cure, w i th As thma Herbs , | 1 0 0 .

MnnyctTt Se rve Cure stops nervous-neas a n d build u p t b e sys tem. Price, 25c

Munynn 's Headache Cure s tops head* ache in three minutes . Price, 25 cents.

MunyotiS Pi le Ointment posit ively cu r e s all fornw of piles. P r i ce , S ic .

Munynn ' s Blood Cure eradicta tes a l l impur i t ies of t be blood. P n c e , 25c.

Munyon ' s Vt ta l i ier restores lost pow-ers t o weak men. Price, f t 00.

A separa te c u r e f o r each disease. ' A t all druggis ts , 2Sc. a bottle. | " .v-

Peraonal let ters t o I t e f . Munyen,150S Arch s t reet . Ph i l addp lna , Pa . , answered wi th I res medical advice f o r a n y dia-

L a d i e s K your dealer h a s n ' t it, send

$ 1 0 5 t o n s


The " G r e s c o


JONO, SHOI tT a n d n E o m n U E N O m

T H E H K H I G A H C O R S E T a x » JACKSON.



SziMMMr«aC3»r£ ajrwt,


asfl EraEite ®gmd;grg Work

Please Call Before Porcfaasing All Work Guaranteed.

KEm wwrnm rv* Tt



ffinrauiifUji lUnwffl, WU(fli.,ay MIUMUIUK & StWC.


Great Battle


P r e s i d e n t of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s t S T O B E E L E C T E D , A N D TW W:

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Win, ef a7w«y«. he faawi i a t h e ttiefcit Of t b e «gkB, h n U f l a c «%nnflnf(5y farSSMUND BVBDCESB PRLSCtPUBS, wbadh a n f l h r ing PSOSPERTTT T O T H E NASTON.

T H E XEW-YORK W E E K L Y 1 K I B U X E h n a t ow|y tbe h a d -usjg Reptfti&caai pajpar a f tte o n a B b y . b n t as P B E - B M B E N I L Y A N A T I O N A L FAMILY N E W S P A P E S .

o s w d i ^ K K . All aflie «iew« <cS 8 t e d a y , Flanagn ClamqpnBinDO&. AcnoalibiBal

U^uotunenit, ttaatett BqpGBtta, Sbreit Straroen mennfflefle m t m h tL'amiKir,, Ocmuf PuataneR, PaAatno Pttsites watfc eflshcirate idescnp-

aaema, a n d a wwneiy <eS i t ame«f ktanaAsM DBfienBata aaafca n p ASt I D E A L FAMILY P A P E R .

W e f a r a g f r - T f c e JNAUNNL-AATD-SCTE Ywrfc W e e U y T i r t b — e r i ( b « f c n ^ i i i \


AdS-afiS alD orflsri to

T h e I & o w e l l J o u r n a l .

Ihen igwntenn i i a f tannlly t d f c w t o l b a w s

Write; i t to G e n . BEAFLU&W Yr bnne BUILDING. SOAR YNAFC G « Y , aad m oory «i the xe vr YOKK wwelt T K I B U S E w i n w © d t n ;

• F a r m e r ' s !

W e haye put a new depar tment in the

JOURKAL wholly m the interest of the fanners . I t is headed "Fa rmers Wants" and ax it is intended solely for farmers,

U« it-t iticir L r u h e r faruiera know . \uat they have for sale, want to buy , or have to e x c h i n g e Tor soruothintc "Ise, we

have luaaw a special rale for iiifse ads. Consult it this week for bargains and

for terms of advertisements and if you have anyth ing to sell, or exchange, or

wants to buy anything f rom pickets, cornstalks or s t raw, to a f a rm, t ry this

column. We think that being classified and set apar t so it will he easily found

and the convenience of this column as a means of exchange, will he appreciated,


Down the Rlrer.

Burwell Kellogg is the possessor of a fine new carriage which he purchased in Lowell last Tuesday.

Mrs Woodcock spent Sunday visiting he r mother , and other friends near Sara-

Mrs Chas. Hillman, of Sherman City, is visiting her a u n t Mrs J n o . Englea and o the r relatives in this vicinity.

Mrs Oay, of South Butler, N. Y., vW-

ted Mr and Mis Chas. Carter , last F r i -day.

Those who have set new peach or -chards are—Mrs Kellogg, 1,000 trees,

Mr Eorfc, 1.500 trees, Mr Pan t , 1,500 trees, J . C. Ttain, 1,100 trees and sev-eral others have added to their already large orchards.

A suit worth fO.OO, now |5.00, a t A . L. Coons'.

For sale or exchange: Berry plants will take maple sugar , hay or grain of

a n y kind, or wood. Clinton Snow, (tf)

Baled hay and s traw a t lowest r a t e s C. H. Wesbrook.


Charley Booth is home again.

Mr and Mrs Scott visited in Gra t tan

over Sunday.

Mrs Converse visited a t Mrs Holden's Sunday .

H e n r y Pallas was np f r o m G'd Rapids

last week and had eight m e n sett ing ou t peach trees.

F tona Boning spent Sunday with her brother, Peter .

I r a Pottruff has heen laid up wi th a l a m e hack.

Rev. Armst rong and wi fe were in G'd

Rapids b a t week.

Mrs Leroy Sayles and daughter . Ruby

v in ted a t Mr Hall's and a t B e n Rich-m o o d s las t week.

Wil l Bexfotd a n d wi fe visaed bis f a t h e r last Fr iday .

T b e in fan t child of Mr and Mrs Leroy

S a y b a has been very sick the past week,

bn t is improving.

Mr a n d Mr? Will T r e d e n k k visited

over Sunday wi th her parents, Mr a n d Mr? Geo. Taylor, in LowelL

E lmer Rich moon a n d wi fe s p e r t Sun-d a y a t M. CL Denny*.

Bridge work and all denta l operations

a t Dr . J . H . Rkker t ' e .

All wxnlsui la Cor ISLOO, wor th double,

a t Coons'.

Tbe F u n o u a Ohio cnlt ivator has never

been beaten. I t take* t b e lend eve ry where . l i g h t , durable, perfect .

B r o w n & Sebler .

Wkloe*)TiU* t u w s

Mrs A n n a S a y k s of Lowell, w a s t b e gnest of Mas Was. K i a a n s Fr iday.

M n W. a n d Mrs F . J . Street** spent

Saturday wi tb tbe f o n n e r t dangh te r .

Mra L . C R a t b b a m . of Cbledoua .

Mis W m . P u t e t n o n Is spending a coapls of weaka wi th fr iaads in Grand

Mis Km! was t b e gnes t of Mrs W.

Snne tc r E n d a y .

M n Cbaa. T a n Aasbn t s , wbo haa been apendiBK t b e p n * f e w weeka w i t b he r

sao t faa , M n McGregcr, mtonaed t o he r

boaM a t Cdedceisa FMdsy.

M a s M f r n t a Wood, worfctec i a G t a a i Rapids for tbe pas t t w o a o a t h c , u v w i u a g her p a n a le , I k

A . Wood and wi fe .

MUsiI i n a i T r-'iii w b o b n e been vw-i t i ag r d a i n a s a a d b i e n d e bere fo r tfce

pas t tb ree wkSls, r ^ t o m e d to b e r boaae i a Taflsday, ber aoas , Mrs

Edward Oasapsa . noooabpsnied b a t

Saoday scaow w a s c s ^ s a u n d S n n d s y

w a h tbe foBarwiag Sap- . B.. B-Deaa: AsaL Sapt , Mass P ta r l Basea; Sec., K m Milllan TmeaR.. M^w N e f c Mc-

C T o n O f * i f c - « r a D. G. BSoot

I s i e L . A.S i s Mjis. D. C. fitoadlB

l l n n i d a y waf weU anec t ied .

Dr. ChimbeETs g o U fiMags stts cr DO

f a y .

Have j n a t i e o a w a d a f a S u s i f i l j otf

JnaR. bsar a s S otmrtc-!. JSHX GinL£5 & Co .

A . L. Owa» at « I S a g aB wwdl msu

f c r f k

sr«*-; uuik*.

W e a r e s c c r i t a t i e liLu SS SCUBW®

« w . w v a t A T e r y bad , rogaanng o a o a a n t a t -


J . R Baswrd ty kac geme t® w>c*k f o r


OhcKeiae Wiiau^c. w a l w a r s J . &

Eaffleirfiiiy'f f s m l i a s Samaaer ,

j E a h a a a J a v wffl rttanm bsmte to-

d s y .

There will be a leap year ice c ream social a t H . Peters ' in the near f u t u r e .

E lmer Bostoff, of Ionia, visited his cousin, E m m a Bostoff. Sunday .

Last Sunday, Elder Findlay, baptized

four new members of his church by


Little Clarence Mclntyre is Improving

D. L. Sterling visited his daugh te r ,

Mrs Thos. Stowe, Fr iday.

Ar ihu r Green is out . a f t e r a severe illness. He has had a tough pull.

Gabe. Onau is still laid up with b is

shoulder and a rm which were hur t in the r u n a w a y a short t ime ago.

Charles Green has organized a S u n d a y

school a t the South Lowell U. B. church .

There will be a leap year social W e d -

nesday eve.. May 80, a t the home of Mrs H . Peters, of Wes t Lowell. Ice cream and cake will be served a t i c a dish.

Everyone come and en joy a pleasant evening.

Preaching a t West Lowell schoolhouse nex t Sunday a t 3 p. m., by Rev. J . J .

Finley, of Cascade. Preaching every

other Sunday . Sunday School every Sunday a t 2:00.

Teachers Meeting at H. Easterbrook's

nex t F r iday .

| 5 .00 Sui t Sale at Coons'.

I n the spr ing the housewife 's f ancy t u r n s to wall paper and paint . Her stepe should t u r n to W . 8 . Wlnegar . H e has t h e goods a t right prices.

If you w a n t a watch, no mat te r w h a t price, I can sui t . C . B. WILLIAMS.

Bergin makes a specialty of the finest


White 's B r U s e B;

Geo. Phe lps of Chicago, arr ived a t A. J . Ring's last Fr iday and will help su-p e n n t e n d the new dam.

Claude Westbrook of Lowell, now

working on the dam for the electric l ight p lant , and U. B. Shear spent Sun -day in Tergennes .

O. W h i t e of Alton, was in this vicini-ty Saturday gathering news.

Stephen Reed of Freemont, is work-ing for D. B. Shear this summer .

Wal te r Hiler and wi fe of Vergennes,

spent t w o days of last week wi th rela-tive* here .

We noticed last week t ha t t h e Cor.

f r o m Alton wished to know where the W h i t e s Bridge Breezes were . We

th ink they have gone to Al ton, as t be Cor. f r o m tha t p l a j e has been here gath-er ing t b e news .

Carl E n g l i s t of LowaU, was u p view-

ing the d a m one day las t week.

G. W h i t e of So. Boston, is visit ing a t Chas. Cowlee.

Miss I r a Comptoo of Gra t t an , spent

Sunday a t home.

P l an t i ng c o m Is now the order of the day. ^

I m p r o r e your opportuni ty by buying a sui t of Coons at his | 5 etiit sale.

Superior qual i ty of wall paper in all pa t t e rns a t W . S. Winegar 's .

Cedar Fence ports, peeled, f r o m To. np a t W . J E c k e r * Son's.

G r u t a a Gmihcnnst .

Mass O U Pond enter ta ined Greenville f r iends Randay.

Born t o Emory Story and wife, a son.

May M L

Mr and Mrs E. L. Brooks were a t Greenville Sa turday .

M k s E m m a Miller, t eacher in t b e Leariter drictrict , was in Lowell Sa tu r -d a y .

A small b a m o n J . Foy'a plaos nea r t h e Center b m n e d S a t u r d a y . Game of fire unknown . Tbe wind waa right t o keep tbe fire f r o m t b e bocse .

Etaner Braaka and wi fe v ia t ed ber

pa rec t s , C . North w a y s a d wife, of Smyrna , over S u n d a y .

A goodly n a a b e r of f a n n e r s h a r e set

o u t peach trees thas spr ing. P . Keat fag a n d s o n 1,000. and J . L a d n e r stall more, a scamplea .

M a s Ktftae Weekas b a t Grand Rapida s t o d y m g stencgrap&y. and no t woefcxag

in a " s t r a w Cadtory"* a s e la ted by t b e P a n a d l Oar. Im* week.

f P u n e S was all rigbi, b a t t b e devil , orapnocMKelftc, was to bSasae for the

error.—Ed j

CXande E 'ko t - rf t b i i ptecc and Mtsa Sstae TaDy of Oakfieid, were a n n i e d May tib by E. i c n e a Eat), of Oakf idd .

Mr* llsat L&^ul : j f OakfieSd Cca te r . w*? m q w i s n l by a »srpe ooaapaay of

ycc i -g p t c f i t S i c c r i a y , moetly b e r

scboSars in aiE-'ic. i t b o n g be r b i r tbday . T b f r e ? r* ' * i«t>aJSTif«^ arv-wnX a

- - E. r-Z ; " bBcSirfncfcaiis. tJt« work cfl zt* girts. G c U s u . «** weil s^aauLhtd.

J o a abcwi tiofc t ime W t yea r w e bad

a & a s ! £no>w i t e r s asid s e r e n ! Lard f r e e z e sxiw e f e i y i i - b g Sccass like J a n e .

Tfce a i r ha* faM ctf ffalfang f r a i l i&jmxnB az-a Ob* f r a i l as * « .

I b e Ifciartt ctf i e * W . it- C. wdl gare a I otmi tew a t nae bseme d Mrs FJUTBS

D a w w o F n d a y . May ! l«h . All b . f w f ctf t b e Oarpsa re r^'aef3it«l to be }i««eaL

E . M-Cfis; Pres .

I b e D a a i s ^ itewis: ao f a r this y e a r B r r w c & Sefcier have tcAd se r eo ty D a o m g bsBda? aswi wwnrei*. Ball s o d

reaar ^ e a m g f »68»et a .

H a r e j m |a(«riBd yeo^ if D o t « « t b o s e

c b e a p g d k a a t WzuesM*.

Ccxms i t o f l « r ^ g g n a t targairtf ua his

f S s s a safe, begins tbas week.


Program of Exerdaca for tbe Services.

The following is t he list of officers and

order of exercises for Memorial Day ser- ] vices:

President—M. Clayton Greene.

Vice Presidents—E. J . Booth. Kobert Hunter J r . , Cbas. Wisner , Wil l S. Wine- j

gar, Lowell; E. E. Church , Boston; W . J H. Stone, Bowne; E. L. Bennet t , Ver - , gennes; W. M, Andrews, Keene; Orrin

Ford, Gra t tan . Orator—W, N, Ferris, of F e n i s Indus- ,

trial School, Big Rapids, Mich. Chaplain—Rev. M. Graybiel . Reader—Ellis Faulkner . Marshal—Com. Ben j . Morse. Asst. Marshal—Capt. J . D. Crawford . The procession will form a t the Public

Park a t 1 o'clock sharp , and in the fol-lowing order march to the cemetery:


Lowell City Band.

Joseph Wilson Poet , No. 87, G. A. & and o ther comrades and old soldiers.

C. R. Pe r ry Camp, No. 9, S . of V . Pupils of ou r Publ ic Schools. Joseph Wilson Worn ens Belief Corps,

No. 49.


President of the Day and Orator .

Chaplain and Reader . Quartette. Common Council .

Citizens in carriages and on foot . On arr iving a t t h e cemetery t h e f o l -

lowin* program will be carr ied o u t : Music—Lowell City Band . Prayer—Bev. M. Graybiel.

Singing—Quartette. Recitation—Ellis Fau lkne r . Singing—Quartette. Oration—W. N. Ferris .

Singing—Quartet te. Decorat ing the Graves. G. A. R. services in honor of the u n -

known dead. Salut ing the dead by Camp No. 9. 8 .

of V . Singing—America—Quartette and au-

dience. Benediction.

The commit tee Jwould he pleased to have all busmess places closed dur ing exercises.

Should the' d a y be ra iny the exercises will be held a t Musks Hall .



Commit tee .

TaFarmen—A. Chaaca for Experiment .

K e n y o n L . Butterf ield, Super in tend-e n t of Farmers ' Inst i tutes , wr i tes us

t h a t t he Agr icul tura l College has pre-pared some suggestions fo r experiments t ha t m a y be carr ied o n by mem b e n of

ou r county f a rmer s ' ins t i tute society in

connection wi th inst i tute work. These e x p e n m e n t s a r e of several kinds, and

will he of interest to t b e f a rmers of th i s county . If t be members of the county

ins t i tu te society * 4 0 call on o r address t b e secretary. W . K . Munson, of Grand Rapids, Mich., t hey can secure a c i rcu-lar g iving fu l l informat ion. T b e y ought

to apply a t o a c e if t bey wash to h a r e t b e chance t o m a k e any of the expert-

Ida Slay Spencer.

There lives in Edgerton, Wis., a young woman, Ida May Spencer, who is an export jeweler. She is in partner-ship with her father, the sign reading, " J o h n Sponcer & Daughter, Jewelers aud Opt ic ians ."

Having determined to adopt the jewel-ry business as a ptufession, she (ntered in the fa l l of 1687 the Horolugical school ut La Porte, Ind. While there she competed wi th some of the veterans in the business for a prize, a gold med-al, to be given to the one turniug the best balance staff in the shortest time. She won the medal. T w o of the judges were f rom New York and one from Chi-caga Her teacher told her that , in all probability, if they had known she was a woman they would not have awarded her the prize. He also remarked that , though fa i r ly entit led to i t , ho feared i t would not be a good advert isement for the school After learning the trade, her coworkers feared she would not be able to get a si tuation on account of her sex. However, the teachers, knowing she was fu l l y competent, gave her rec-ommendations. Dur ing the summer of 1893 she studied to beoomo an optician, at tending lectures in Boston. This branch she has found very profitable. A t the t ime Miss Spencer took op the work there were probably not more than a half doaen women engaged in the occupation.—Woman's J o u r n a l

Mortgage Sale. 'TVEPAULT baring been made In the condl-U tlon« of a cenain indenture of Mqrttrage executed bv Harmon Cobnrn his wife, of the township of executed by Harmon Cobarn and Alice Coburn

. )f Tyrone. County of K«ut and Slate of Slichigan, to Issacbar N. itob

STATB or Oaio, Oirv or Touoo, ). LVCAI COCTfTT- 1

FBAKX J. C a n x t r makes oath that be

CO.. or partner oft l doing baslneas

Is tbe

la tbe Oty ot Toledo County and State afoneaid. and that u idf lnn will pay tbe nun of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS tor «acb and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared br tbe use of HalTs Catarrh Core.

FRANK J.CHEBNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my

prtNence, this, 6thday of December, A. D. 1886 ' A , W. OLEASOJi,

Notary Public,

HalHi Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly oa the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send or testimonials free.

F, i . CHEENET, £ CO., foledo, O. Sold by all drmsUtsn ceats. Hall's Family PlUs are Ute best.

PROBATE ORDER.-State of Michigan. Coon ty of Krat, ss. At a aeaston oftbe Probate

Court for said County of Kent, held at the Pr» bate Offloe, ia the City of Omad Rapids, on th> id day of May in tbe year one Hionsanrt eight May in 1 hundred aad nlnetr six.

Present, Cyrus E. Perkins, Judge of Probate. . In tbe matter of tbe estate of


Chauncey Townsend baring filed in this Court his peUtion praying this Court to adjudicate and determine wno were at tbe date of her death or are now tbe lawful heirs of saM deceased and eaUtlal by law to laberit tbe real estate of said deceased therein deacribed.

It is Ordered, that Mosmr. rax FIRST DAT or J e n , 1868,

at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Probate Office, be appointed for bearing said petidoo.

And it is Further Ordered, that a copy of this order be published three saco-cdve weeks pre-rtoas to said day of beariag, in tbe Lowau. Joea-tAL, a newspaper printed and circalating in said

CYRUS E. PERKINB. Judge of Probate.

Reenter. S 4 *

eoontyof ( A m * copy.)

HaaarD. Javox ,

iROBATE ORDER—Mate ot 3t>cnigan, county _ of Keat^t. Ala st erinn of tbe Probate Coort for said oomty of Kent, held at the Probate Of ace, la tbe Oty of Oread Rapids, oa the £ t h dff of Apnl m tbe year oae thousand eight buadiad mi aiaeCT sir

Preaeat Cyras E. Fertins, Judge of Probate, la tbs matter of the estate of


AD Mrnmewt ia wxitir g purportiag to be tbe last wiO aad testamsat ot aald deccaaed bartag been filed la this Oban for ProOate,

It is Ordered, that FaiBAt.raxSDaATorMAT. 1M.

at tea o'clock in the taceswoa. at said Probate OSoe, be appolated for proriac said InstnimcaL

i rortber Ordered. That a copy of this Aad it Is 1 order be pabiisbed three saocessirewvekspren I oea to ssid day ot heariagJn tbe Lovau. Joca l s^L. a newnaper priated aad drcnlatiag la said Oooaty of Kleat. CTRU» E. PERKLVg.

Notice to o a r poUcy holders and the pobhc i n g e n r r a L W e « r i f b t o a l a t a t | | a t are have t r a n a f e n e d t h e agency of the Westchester Fi re Ina. Co., to t b e

of C. Guy Pe r ry , who ia o u r authorized

agen t for LoweU a a d v i d a i t y . T h a a k -Ing you fo r paat favosa a a d so l id t ing a ooa t inuaace of y o u r hui in ies w e a i a

THE W a a t u i M n a F B B IS*. CO. New York,

By D. C. Tillotaoo, Special AgL

" I have aaed Burdock Blood Bitters i a m y fomfly fo r t w o years . I t ia t h e

I ever used. I t

(Atraaoopy.) Judge of Probatr HaaavD. J r w i u . Raekter. 4-9-96

1 tyefKsat.ss, At a seadoa of Oowt for tbaaidCooaty of Kent, held at the Probata OOCSL la tba Oty of Graad Rapids, oa the Sth day o( May. in the year oee taoosaad eorfu hundred and abwty six.

Preaeat, Cyras B. Peritaa. Jadge of Probata. Ia the matter cf the eatate r '

JAMES ALDRT' ued. * sorting to ba id deceaaed. ••bate.

tbe last wm aad teatsn hariag be«a filed in this cu.

It b ordered that MoxoAT.raa 1st axrov J i k,18BS.

at tea o'clock ia tbe fotaaeoo. at aaid Prohatt COoe, be " Bee, be appointed for prpTicg said iiiininiisal.

Aad it to ffartbsr Ordrnd. That a copy of this i three saccessire weeks pre-

T«oas to a id day ot beartag, in the LoweU JoyaaL^aew^ager priated a td drralsHac ia

S t t S a e o w f CTR08 B. PERKINS, Haaar D. J swau , Jadge of Probata

BecMsr. SMS

All kinds of j o b pr int ing on short no-ttoe a t t he Journa l Office. Call a t oooa.

wa rd . Laurel Hill , F a j a c t e C o . , Pa . -


J e a a e S w a m , Hai tvi l la . Ohio, refatea a a expcriesKe all t h e more wonder fu l hscaaas h e ia a o w aear iy seventy. H a says : " I wooldn ' t t ake flOO for the good Dr . W h e d e r t Nerve V l i a l u e r has d o a a f a r m a . 1 a l w a y s worked hard a a d waa c a n k a a a b o a t a l i t t le s tomach t r o a h i a l h a d . a a d rinalimiiiii, which 1 sappoae aocoanta fo r t h e a s rvoaa l t rouble Wh5cb s t r a e k m e a b o u t f ou r r e a r s agoi U m h s o f my r igh t t ide go t so I ooo lda ' tooa t ro l t h r m ; a t tunes I,, oouldn't hold a c u p i a ear h a a d to dr ink f r o m it, a a d i a a c rowd would ui d o o d y h i t pecfde wi th m y j e rk ing n g h t a n a . t a e d o c t a s a rai led i t a c s -vosis Forsljeas a a d assd t ha t a t my age, I oou-da i be c a r e d . I aaw Dr . Wbteter 'a N e n e ritaljuDex attvestased i a the Be-podtosy, a a d got a asmpSe bott le of i t , w L k h I tLco^fct helped ace. ao taught » bostle,. I h a r e u*^ 8 •k '--—c.. - r i t f t * • * . i . . - - 1 ci me. I have not f d t a s w d l in four , yearf , aad I a m «IC improvicg . W h y . for two y e a n I c o o k i n t d r i ve a nai l '^ | Mr Gesdliager. in whoas s tore t h e in ter- I view took piaoe, fo l ly o o m i b o m e d Mr Swam'csaae>IE«nt, i a y i n g hie cure waa a w i p n a e t o all w b o k n e w of the caae. We are antbGdaed t o say t ha t th i s ottiiSdoe f o r c o a t r d a a d c u r t of all c * n e moiables, • ao&d by D. O . Look uhi Hamtitr it SOB.

S p r i n g Medicine

Your blood la Spring b a ! s » s t certs hi to be (all o( impari t ies—the accamula-tkm of the p l a t e r moaths . Bad ven-tilation of slaepiag rooas , impoie air Indwellings, tsctorics and shops, ovsr-eating, heavy, i m p r o p a foods, failure of t heUdoeys s a d liver properly to do extra work tbes t h r c £ - . od :benif ars t h e p d n e csoaes of this ccrdi t ion. I t ie of the utmost importaac* that you


inson, then of Newaygo, Michigan, on the 21th day of July. A. D. li-81. and recorded in the of-fice of tin- Register of Deeds for the County of Kent, in tbe utate of Michigan, on the 15th day of September, A. D. 18M. in Liber 110 of Mon-frag»>*. on pape I9i. by which the power of sale therein contained becomes operative on which mortgace there is claimed tone due at the date of this noiice for the principal sura secured by said mortKage, and tbe Inie-est, taxes aad iusurance covensntcd to be p<id in ail. the sum of One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars ($115), together with an Attorney or Solicitor's fee of Fifteen Doilarv. prorided in said mortgage, in case any proceedings should bo taken to foreclose the same, and no proceeding-! haring been institut ed to recover said sums or any part thereof:

Notice is therefore iiereby givta that on Tues day. the tth day of August, A. D. 1890 at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of tbe Court House in the City of Grand Kapids, in said Cbuntr (that being the place of holrnng the Circuit Court in said County), tald mortgSKe will be foreclosed by virtue of the power of sale thtrein contained by a sale at Public Auction to the highest bidder of the mortRacred premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be sufllcient to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage, viz: "AH that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Town-ship of Tyrone. County of Kent, and State of Michigan, and described as follows, to wit: The South half (H) of the #outh half (M)of the North West quarter (VJi of Section three (S) in Town ten (10) North of Uange twelre (12) West, and containing forty («) Acres of land."

Dated May 2d, A D. 1894. ISSACHAR N. ROBINSON,

M. J. SKturr. Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee.

Mor tgage Sale.

Kent County, Michigan, to Sylvester P. Hicks of the same place, to secure the payment of the sum of £WU with nte-iest at 4 per cent per an -nnm sixty days after the death of said Sophia Winans. and recorded in the office of the Reeis U-r of Deeds, Kent County, Michigan. September 27th, 1893. at eight o'clock A. M.. ia Liber 219 of Mortgages, on pagee 607 and 608 on which mort-gage there is claimed to be due at the date of thia notice the sum of Four Hundred Pony One and 65-100 Dollars principal and interest: And more than sixty days baring elapsed since the death of said Sophia Winans whereby the whole of said mortgage, both principal aad interest, has become and is due: And no suit or proceed inx at law or in eqaiiy having been iastituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or

ty part thereof. Now therefore, i

virtue of the power sad in pursuance ot the statute in such caae made and provided said mortgage will be fore closed by a sale of tbe mortgaged premises at Public Auction to the highest bidder on

Fsuur, TBE Sin DAT or JOLT, A. D. 1806, at 10 o'clock ia the forenoon, at the north front door of the County Court House, In the dty of

<iow therefore, no ice is hereby given that by of ssle therein contained

Grand Rapids, that being the place for r.tut Court for said County. 1

premises are described as follows and premises situated in the Town and

Village of Lowell, County of Kent and State of Michigan: "Land Commencing at the north ter-minus of Jefferson street on Avery's place on the west line of said street; thence north ten (10) rods; thence westerly ten (IB) rods; thence south-erly ten (10) rods; thence easterl. to the place of beginning, being the entire ot the real estate owned by the first party in tbs Village of Low-ell.*'

Dated Lowell. Michlgaa. May Sth, 1801 STLVESTERP. HICKS.

5-«-K Mortgagee.


Ettate o f JOHN DEVOE, deceased. OTICE TO CREDITORS—State of

county of Kent, ss. Notice is . „ that by an order of the Probate Cooft for the County of Kent, made on the 6th day of April, A. D. ISM. six months frocn that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estate of

JOHN DEVOE, late of said County, deceaaed, and that an cred-itors of said deceaaed are r»|oired to prasaat their claims to asld Probate Ocwn, at the Probate office, in tbe city of Grand Rapids, for examina-Uon and allowance, oa or before the 8th day ot October next, aad that saeb claims wQl bs heard before said Court oa

Tacasaav, raa Sra aar o* Ocrossa axxz, at ten o'clock ia the forenoon ot that day.

Dated, G/aad Rapids, Mldu. April 8th. A. D. IKS. CITRUS E.

li-4 91 Jotgeof

PROBATE ORDER. StateoT of Ksat, as. At a siiaitcn

Goon for ssid Coocty of Kent, held at the Pro-bate Offlc* la the City of Grand Rapids, oa t to A h day of •April, ia the year ooe tboasawl sight hundred and ninety six.

Pi m a t , Cyras E. Perttas, Judge of Probsts, la the matter of the estate of


Ftaacas O'Harrow. Executor of the last will aad testament of said dscsased hariag rendered to this Oovt bis lasl adminMralioo account a ^ g t y ^ far a>e dlsttftqttoa s t sstd esSsta.

Moaaar. rax rtasr aav oe J m , 196, at tan a'dock ia tbs foreoooa, at ssid Probsts Office, be appointed for the eraminarton aadal-lawaacaof said aceouat aad hsaiiag ssid peU-

Aad It is rurtber Orderslthat a oopy ot tUs or der be pobilibed thres nootMire weeks pre-itoas to aaw day oi bsartag. la tbe LOWHL Joca *ai» a asweapsr petaead sad Cooaty of Kent.

(A 1 Haaar

CTR08 E. PERKINS, Judge of Probatei

I M l

ti, KCur pave

i fUdnu/3

Headache Destroys Health Ilesuiting iu poor memory, irrliabillty, uer-

vousncaa auil iulclieotaal e.tiiaustlon. I t induces otht-T f(-ra;.-i of disease, such asepl-I t ; .ifur t discaso. apupioxy, insanity,etc.

Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures.

Mrs. Chas. A.tMycrs. 2DI Hanaa St., Port Wayne, Ind., writes Oct. 7, ISM: "1 suffered terribiy with scvero headacnes, dizziness, backache and nervousness, gradually grow-ing worse until my life was despaired of. and try what we would, 1 found no relief until 1 commenced using Dr. Miles' Nervine. I nave taken five bottles and believe 1 am a well woman, and I have taken great com-fort in recommending all of my friends to use Nervine. You may publish this letter If you wish, and I hope it may be the mesas of saving some other sick mother's life, ss It did mine."

On sale by all druggists. Book on Heart and Nerves sent FUEE. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.

Dr. lies' Rpiflfdiw Restore MIL



Patent Practitioners 3) years, 180 Broadway, New York, will send Free upon request of the readers of this paper, our " Hints to LO-ventora," also Patent Guide and a selected " List of Valuable Invendons Wanted."'

ULITED STATES AND POREIOI PAI-EHT8 quickly procured on LOWEST LIB-ERAL TERMS. Expert service guaranteed. Clients' patents sold without charge. Advice FREE. |CW T8II it THE 4ILT PLAN Tf SEIL PATEUTI. Gen. Rufus King pertoo-ofly superintends our Selling Department.

Address, OLAEK, DEEMER & 00., Soliciton cf Patents, Main Office 189 BBOAOWAT. HEW Y0R1. Branches: Wash'n and Phila.

NOTE: All orders to procure patsntare-ceived from readers of this paper are entitled to 0SE TEAE'B subscription FREE.

• % CklcfcotM'A EmtfUm IMISMS BrsaS. I

PENNYROYAL PILLS • OrlglaalaaSOaly CeawtM, A

•***. linn rriltUt tAQitm

krt 'W. t « A » > y

. slwan DrcoM Hr Cltciafrs ,

. mM wilt MM I

The COAST LI.Nd lev MACKINAC • > • » TAKE T H C - T I • •




CHICAGO 2 New Sted Passesger Sfeaoen . T h e Ore i t set Pcttetlea yetattalasi is | M fceestrectie-I —Laxeriutt EIATPSEAT. ARSSS P M l s k i w . Decsratloa m 4 E W d s t Ssrvlaa, imsaricg the highest degree of COTIPORT. S P E E D AND SAFETY.

Fowa TFC*J rta Wta Btrmttm

Toledo, Detroit Mackinac KTOSKEY, "THE SCO." MAfNMIETTf.

AND CULUTH. TATES to Plctaresqae Miilrtsir a a i


Between Detroit and Clevdnl Coneectiag at Ckvelaad with Earliest Ttri—

fcrallpoinla Bast, Sooth and Sooth west aad al Detroit for aU paints Kbtth and Northwest. M q T r t s J s a s . f c i f c X a g u t s a i Sestswbsr

EVER* DAY BETWEEN C l e v e l a n d , P s t - i s - B s r J T o M s Send for niusrated Pamphlet. Address

A. A. SCHANTZ, « . m. DBTaotT, M M .

T n u m t t i » . i t

S . O . L l ' l T J - i E F I B L i D ,


Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Work, Tin Roofing u Ewe Trougfcing. ALL IGas of Repairing.

Opposite Music Hall Block. - Lowell, Michigan.


Yuu. S!^od Dbaibi a in Lumber, Lain & Siiin ies A51> MASUFACNTBBBS OP

Exhibition and Shipping Coops, Dried Apple Boxes, E t c , 1) W o r k .

Mr D. P- Davis, a ptDenioc-Q: l i v « y -m n , fffiwebajpt. off G o t b f t , V».,

ibis tofiaj-oolhfcSBabject off it>«iiiBA a taraa; - I t ak» plaaroic- in recoouiMod- ' iatf C h a a t b e d a i a b P a i s Bafan fo r tfaesi-'

a»s 1 k»owr from pmooa! ex-' pmemsx t h a t i t will d o all t lud is d a o a e d f o r i t . A r e a r ago th i s spr ing — j brother v a a laid p p in bed wi th i n -flaViTMlory f f c f i s i t i m a p d a u f l e r e d i n -wcatejy. t l a r fine apphcatWD off Cham-bar ia ics F u n Ba lm e w d t b e ( a i n and & e of ooe bct t le eouatetefy cored fciao. F o r sale b r L. EL H u n t & Co. .

Sow, as arbec araraer wokZU: wsnea and j t he too5c eSect o t cold b r a r i a ; air Is i gone, yocr weak, th in , !aipate blood, Sxsh , D o o r s , Bl inds , D o o r a n d W i n d o w F r a m e s a n d S c r e e n s , M o o l d l a ^ will cot fc rafeh nectsa i r r « re=gth-Tbst t i red fccilfif. ?o»cf app«! t« , will open t b s w a r for ceriocs disease, ra i sed BE*tits, or b r ea i fng oat of b a m o n and Sapsrft ies . To MAKE pore, rich, red bltocd Hood's AM^ARIUS s tands un-eqaalied. TBOCIIAAD* TEAAIRY to tss ! merits. McUions l ak t h s* their J a J . fTBURCH

M i t c h i n g , R e s a i n g a n d J o b W o o d e n E a v e t r o n g h s .

! L o w e l l . M l c t i i g a n *

Spring Medicine. Get Hood's, bwac^e

Hood's S a r s a p a r i l l a

bttH Oat Trot Baaod P te&r . A3dr^p£«^ f t . P^tfond «qi! by C. L Heed A Oou. Mam.


Hood's Pills joe si* -nTj ;l2» :>t-

0 . J. CHURCH A SON, L O W E L L , I w H O H .


D o e s a G e n e i r a l B a n k i n g B a s i n t

X x t t j Ums*S oa Baa! Estate or Rantahfo Paper. loterast Paid oa 1 ixetaogeg AraflaMe ta All ifc* Own mmtIsl Otoes ot tbe World st Oai m i 1


To The L a d j Who Wears

Fine Shoes! A nice fitting shoe is a 1

thing of Beauty and a joy


We have always been '

to the front with fine shoes |

and this year we are show- 1

ing a still finer line than i

ever before, a t prices no i

! higher than formerly.

If you need anything

in fine footwear, we con- (

not help but please you, I

both in regard ' to style, j

quality or price.

Our Children shoes are

strictly up to-date,

Yours to serve

Geo. Winegar

Ooncrogatlonal Church.


Divine Worabin a t 10:80 a. m. Sabbath School a t noon. Jun io r Cbrietian Endeavor 8:80 p. m . Senior CbriBtiau Eortpavor 6:00 p. m. Veeper Service, Sabbath, 7:80 p. m . P r a t e r meeting T h u r e d a j , 7:30 p rn. All are cordially invited to a t tend the

eervicee. •

HetbudUt Eplncnpal Churon.

KIT A. r. XOORf, rilTOR.

S u n d a j morning services 10:30 o'clock. Sunday school 12 m. Epworth League meeting 6:80 p. m . Evening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30. Every ono is invited.

South Lowall and Sooth Boston M. E. Church.

South Lowell H . E. church—Preach-ing a t 2:80 p. m . Sunday school a t IKK)

p. m . Epworth League a t 7:80 p. m .

South Boston M. E. church—Preach-ing a t 10:80 a , m . Sunday school a t 12 m. Epworth League a t 7:80 p . m.

Everybody invited to these meetings.

REV, E. W . Dav |S , Pastor .

Epworth League and Sunday School Convention.

The joint convent ion.o t t he E p w o r t h League and Sunday School of the

Ionia Dist. Mich. Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be

held a t Lowell on Tuesday, Wednesday

and Thursday, April 7th, 8th and Oih, 1896. Following isiprogrHm:

Don't borrow t h e JOURNAL f r o m y o u r neighbors any longer, but send in your

dollar now. Three great one dollar o f -fers. First , t he JOURNAL one yea r $1,

cash; second, the JOURNAL to J a n . n e x t and the Inter Ocean ono year $1, cash; th i rd , the JouitNAL to Jnn . nex t and the New Yr.rk Tribune one year $1, cash.

Try the Journa l ' s Fine J o b Pr in t ing .

Satisfaction guaranteed.

B I T o r miTCIIKEl

on your tea table served with the tea, will lend additional

charm t o the afternoon call. You can have " r i p e " fragrant

fruit cake always on hand, with-out trouble or expense, by using


I t makes a sorpassingly rich, y e t

wholesome cake, with a f ru i ty flavor that can not be equalled. Get the genuine. Sold every-

where. Take no substitutes. Bad TOUT sdirtM, mmlnf thU B«p«. M* w«

«UI •ena TMlfrce » book. "Mr.. fopUai- 7bu,ki-girlnt." br one of U>e moct popular bnoorotu vrlten of Iba dtj. MXBBEIX-SOULE OO^ Brramuw. 1(.T.


DENTAL PARLORS. am"cxtractIo w i t h o u t pain

Vitalized Air-Free . Teeth Extracted-ZSc

Bold Filling—*1.00 and iw

Teeth Extracted

Bllver FlIllngB—Wc to Si .00 White Cement Killing—59c to | 1

icted Free of CharRe When Plates are ordered.

Gold Crowns - Po-Mlain Crowns - Bridge Work

BEST SET OF TEETH, $ 8 . 0 0 , Warranted


Ccr. ML.!, and Hudeon 8ts ,

OpenEveniiioi- LOWKLL, MICH,

W e d n e s d a y , M a y 1 3 , 1 8 0 0 .

H E R E A N D T H E R E -

IS euit eale a t Cooos'.

"Spcx" repaired a t U, B. Williams'.

Don't overlook Geo. B. Craw'enew ad.

See McConnell's tine Mahogony chairs.

Bergln has a line line of canned goods

Dr. Rickert, Dentist, over Church's


A suit worth $0, now | 5 , a t A. L .

Coons'. *

Last night 's ra in was jus t w h a t was

needed here,

Sherman Avery went to Pen twate r today on business.

Good set of teeth for $5 a t Dra. Snyder

& Van Kammen 's .

A. L. Coons is selling all wool suits for ffl.OO.

H. B. A Id rich's handsome cottage is rapidly near ing completion.

R. J , Enos and daugh te r , Hiss Kate ,

a r e visiting relatives a t F l in t .

The decorators on M. C. Griswold's residence will finish this week.

| S buys a sui t for a man or boy, worth 16.50. |7.50, $8, $9 a t Coons'.

Dr. Cambell makes artificial teeth

tha t are warranted to fit.

The Lowell Cut ter Co. shut down Sa t -urday for a couple of weeks.

Rev, Clarence Deal, of Cl imax, filled the U. E. pulpit laat Sunday .

Coons in ottering great bargains in hia $5 Suit Sale begins this week.

Regular services will be held a t t he Catholic church next Sunday .

Mrs Hale's Ten will meet with Mrs

Reutelrterz Fr iday af te rnoon.

Geo. Headwor th of Grand Rapids,

spent Sunday with his mother .

Improve your oppor tuni ty by buy ing

a suit of Coons a t hia | 5 Sui t Sale.

Born, to U r and Mrs B. E. Quick, Tuesday , . l iay 12th, a ten pound girl .

John H a t b e w s Sr. of Grand Rapids, is visiting1 relatives in and a round Lowell.

Mrs J . H. Adams has re tu rned f rom a two weeks visit with relatives a t Hast -inga.

The ^ o o d Rim Co, ia r unn ing i ts shops over t ime to meet t h e orders they have.

Miaa Bessie McCarty w a s in Sa ranac

Monday the gues t of Miss Beaa C h a p -man.

Clair Al then cought t h e fineat fifteen t rout Monday, t aken in thia section th i s year.

Ice Cream Soda, your choice of f l av-oring, a delicious d n n k a t L, H, H u n t

A Co.'a

Mru Geo. Cheetham, of Sunfield, viai-tsd her parents , Mr and Mrs M. J . P a i n -ter, laat week.

One dollar cash gets the Inter-Ocean one year and the Lowell J o u r n a l to next J a n u a r y .

The mis take of your l ife will be m a d e by fai l ing to look a t Winegar ' s Wall Paper before buying.

Mrs F r a n k B. d a r k will enter ta in Band No. 2. Cong'l ladies, Thursday af ternoon. May 14th.

You will make a mistake if you do not get W. S. Winegar 's prices on wal l paper bofore purchasing.

Mrs Francis King and daughter . Miss

Helen, lef t Monday for a visit wi th rela-tives and frienda a t and near Fl in t .

Next Sunday is quarter ly meet ing a t the M. E; Church. Rev. J . I. Buel. Presiding Elder, will not be present.

Frank E. Sayles has moved to Grand

Rapids and taken a cont rac t to do the teaming fo r the Worden Grocery Co.

The n e x t meet ing of the Lowell Teachers' Association will be held at t he Central building Sa turday , May 16th.

The Vergennes L. A. S. will meet w i th

Mrs L u t e Bailey Wednesday, May 80. A cordial invi tat ion ia extended t o all.

H e r m . Zeigler ia laid u p f r o m t h e a c -cidental contac t of a n adz with hia knee

cap. H e is around bu t unable to work .

Coons ia aelling suits fo r $5, wor th one-third to one-half more. Good aizes.

Dr. J . E . Hunter was in town Monday in t roducing his f r iend and probable sue*

oeseor. Dr . Watson, to his m a n y f r i ends here.

Fred L. Fa.las is pu t t ing u p t w o very pre t ty n e w houses on his lota north of

A. W , Weekes' . H e will occupy one himself .

L . H . H u n t A Co. have got a n e w Soda Founta in and opened u p the aeaaon in good shape. Their Ice Cream Soda is delicious.

Dr . L. D. Wood of Grand Rapids, bought twen ty acres of f r u i t land f r o m

L. J . Post and N. P . Hosted & Co. a re p lant ing it for h im.

All wool suits for | 5 , wor th double, a t Coons'.

Carl English is settled in his old home and has his exper imenta l shop in run -

n ing order again. Carl is exper iment -ing wi th apparatus for the production ot the Cathode, or X ray .

Robert White received a First G r a d e

certificate as a reward for his struggles a t the Teacher's examinat ions held a t

Grand Rapids last Match. Robert was the only successful applicant for first grade. •

Miss Aggie Wiley came up f rom

Grand Rapids last Fr iday and m a d e her mother , Mrs W, Pul lcn, a four days

visit .

Miss Ber tha Robinson made he r sis ters, Mrs C, M. Shaw, and Miss Lizzie Robinson, of Muskegon, a two days visit last week.

A specu l mcetinK of tbe VorgenneH

\V. C. T. U. will be hold a l the home of Mrs Frank Fox Thursday p. m., May 21.

R u b v A. Fox , Sec.

Lost, Saturday between Ada and

Lowell, a Kold scarf pin, four leaf clover with set In center of loaf. Finder please leave a t this office and receive reward .

Mrs A. Levit t a n d daugh te r , Mrs F rankford , of Grand Rapids, spept last

Thursday wi th A. Levi t t here, ce lebra t -ing the 25tb anniversary of the i r mar-riage.

Wool opena here a t f r o m 0 to 8 cents for fine unwashed a n d 8 to 12 cents for coarse unwashed and 8 to 12 cents for

fine washed and 10 to 14 cents f o r coarse washed,

Che new hall of t he Forea era ia com-pleted and ia about as neat a n d cosy as any f r a t e rna l hall in town. -New furni-

ture aud new fittings throughouti, make i t very pleasant.

Clair Althen, H a r r y Lee, F red Mc-Williama, Fred Mclntyre , F. Sli ter , Ed

Kinnie a n d Claude I r ish came u p f rom Grand Rapids on the i r wheels Sunday and apent the day here.

Eber Moffat ia p u t t i n g u p a two atory

wooden building, aheated wi th aheet iron, on the bridge eaat of J . EL Lee's bu i ld ing . I t will be used as a p h o t o

graphic studio on the ground fioor with residence above.

The s ta tement of the c o n a t i o n of the Lowell State Bank, pub lUhin i p another

column, discloses a s ta te of arfat ts tha t m u s t be very g ra t i fy ing to both atock-holdera and depositors and challenges a

o m p a r i a o n wi th a n y aimilar inat i tut ion in the s tate .

A Rebeccah Lodge was organized Monday evening, w i th a cha r t e r m e m -bership of twenty one, by G. P r e s , of

Mich., Mrs Carpenter . The n e w society a l ready has eleven applicationa for

membership to be acted upon a t t he n e x t meet ing.

Tbe Par l i ament of the Dominion of Canada has recently passed a n act a u -

thorizing a portion of the Reserve Fund ,

of t h e I n d e r e n d e n t Order of Foresters, to be deposited in the United States and

a port ion of t ha t f u n d haa been placed in Uni ted States securities a n d depoeited in Michigan.

A " f i f t y cen t " silver dollar or a " h u n -dred cen t " gold dollar or even a " p a p e r " dollar will get you the Lowell Journa l

t o J a n u a r y '97 a n d the New York Tri-bune or Chicago In te r Ocean a year .

Br ing them right into t h e Journa l office. Eve ry th ing goes hu t potatoes, havn ' t got room to s tore t hem.

J , C. Wood, a prominent real es ta te

m a n , a n d wife a n d Miss Sila Hibbard drove u p f rom Grand Rapids Sa tu rday

r e tu rn ing Monday. Mr and Mrs Wood atopped a t Hotel Ir ish and visited the i r

old t ime fr iends. Landlord a n d Mra Ir ish, Misa Hibbard viaited wi th Mrs E. B.

Craw, who accompanied t h e m t o Grand Rapids on the i r re turn ,

Charley Wat te r s shipped e ight of h i s

runners to Wiodsor laat Thursday .

They are Todd S. oh. g. 6 y r s . , Nana s. m , 4 yrs. , Turnique oh. s. 8 yrs . , Nellie

Bland b. f. 8 yrs . , Cobmosa a. g . 2 yrs . , Negaunae ch . f . 2 yrs. , Leonae blk. f . 2

yrs . , Ninde s. f . 2 yrs. H e had intended

to send R. P . , bu t a t t be laat m o m e n t l e f t him a t h o m e on account of a al ight


The Segwun Union S u n d a y schoul re-organized last Sunday . There was a

good a t tendance and a lively Interest

manifes ted . T h e officers and teachers a re a s follows: A . U. Buck, Sup t . ; E .

Cole, Aaat. Sup t . ; I da Hogan, Sec.;

Clara Walker, Treas. ; Robert Jones, Li-b ra r i an : Ed i th Mange, Ocganist . F o r

teachers: W . A. .Ludwig , E. Cole, Mr a n d Mrs R. D. Bancroft , Louesa Barber ,

Llbbie Rolf, E d i t h Mange a n d Effle Mc-Diarmid. Regular lesson n e x t S u n d a y

a t 8:80 p.- m . All are welcome to come.

Fif teen members of Lowell lodge I . O . O. F . went t o Saranao last Wednesday

to a t tend the funera l of J . T. Brown, a n old and esteemed resident of t h a t place,

w h o had been a n honored member of t h a t f ra te rn i ty f o r fifty-three years . H e as-

sisted in the o r g u & a t i o n of the old H a r -mony Lodge, of this place, years ago .

The Lowell pa r ty was composed of J . C. Ball , J . K . Fisher, J . W . Broadbent , J . O. Sage, Chas . McCarty, F . T. King , H .

H . Hunter , O . V . McConnell, J , H . Nick-l in , C. H . Wesbrook, W . F . Howk, Wi l l

Ennis , R. P . Morse, J . W . Crawford a n d A. W. Burne t t .

A leading dealer in wool said recent ly :

"There is no t enough demand for wool f r o m manufac tu re r s to m a k e a m a r k e t . A n y one wan t ing a l i t t le lot comes in

a n d buys i t a t a price he can uae i t a t a n d goea home. The larger mills are

wait ing, be ing in no has te and ind i f fe r -ent , as they have no d e m a n d for gooda

and a sufficient aupply of wool for pres-

e n t needa. B u t few agenciea have been appointed to take the new clip, and w h a t to pay for , or w h a t to do wi th the

wool when bought . Is a n nnsolved prob-lem. The markets eaet were never so

dull. Every lof t is crowded and indif -ference prevails, whe the r they buy or

not ." F rom the above one would infer t ha t "F ree Wool" is p re t ty near ly a fact . Well, there is only abou t a year more of


A Mow Firm.

J. B. Yeiter , who has been in the F u r n i t u r e and Under tak ing busineos hero the past two years, has asooclnted wi th himself, Mr E. O. Wadswor th , and the business will be conducted by the firm of Yeiter & Wadsworth ,

Mr Wadswor th bos been engaged in the Furn i tu re and Under tak ing busi-

ness the past ton years, first a t Saranac, and Inter a t Gladwin, where ho lived

nearly seven j ears. He Is thoroughly conversant with all the duties of an

under taker , scientific embalming and

the proper conduct of the funera l . They will keep a fine line of caskets and fittings and a ful l stock of all grades of

Furn i ture . Mr Wadswor th is not un -known to the major i ty of our citizens, and we speak for the new firm an in -creased patronage.

'Dolph Save* Hli Sixth,

•Ve-terday as Byron Goodsell, son of J. B. Goodsell, was playing on the d a m a t the shute, he lost his balance fell into

the water and was carried over the shu te into tbe swi f t water below. Allen

Buck, who was also playing there, gave the a la rm and a crowd rushed to the reacue, 'Dolph Van Dyke being one of t h e first to respond. Probably on a c -

c o u n t of hia experience, 'Dolph knew jua t wha t to do and he ran down below

t h e mill and entered the r iver there , ca tch ing the boy juat as he waa going

down the thi rd t ime. This ia the alxth

boy 'Dolph baa saved f r o m drowning.

t e n a Mary Benaon,

Daughte r of F rank and Sarah Benaon,

w a s born in Fal lasburg Aug. 26, 1879, a n d died a t Wildwood, Mar. 25, 1896.

W e are in receipt of a very well wri t ten obituary which lack of apace p re ren ta our publishing. She was a girl of re-

markable christ ian character and her influence will be long fel t in her home

neighborhood. The many old f r i ends of

the family both here and a t Fal lasburg sympathize wi th the bereaved parents in their g rea t loss.

U. B. B. O, A.

Company B. Third Mich. Regt. , Uni t -ed Boys Brigade of America, will hold a

apeciaj service a t the Congregational

church in So. Boston, next Sunday evening. May 17th, a t 7:80.i The com-

pany l i u m b e n about forty membera aud is one of the fineat m the atate. The

Boya will appear in mil l i tary un i fo rm under the command of Capt R. Wolcott , of Freeport .

M. E. Church.

Quarterly meet ing aervices nex t Sun-

day morning, 17th inat. Lovefeast a t 9:80. Sacramenta l aervice a t 10:80.

The evening hour of worship will be

under the auapicea of the Epwor th League.

Miaa Carrie E. Moors will read a pa-

per on New Mexico, and Charlea Quick will deliver an address on Old Mexico.

I t ia earnest ly desired tha t t he en t i re

membership will be present a t thia ser-vice. i

A convention of the Lowell Township

Sunday School Association, will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church ,

Lowell, on Friday, May 22<l, 1896. PROGRAM—AFTERNOON SESSION

2:00—Devotional Service, led by Rev. J a m e s Provan.

2:20—Statement of Work , County Field Secretary.

2:40—Topic: " P r i m a r y Sunday School W o r k : " What?—Mrs C. L. Blakeslee; How?—Mrs Emily Merriman. Dlacussion, opened by Wealey Johnson.

8:20—Conference on House to Houae Visitation, led b y E K . Mohr.

4:00—Election of officers and buainesa.


7:00—Song Service, led by W. J . Hull .

7:20—"Our 1896 Rally." Marsh H. Sorrick.

8:00—-'The Need of Aggressive Sun -day acbool Work . " Hot Shot by Pas -toru. Snper intendants and othera, five minutes each.

All f r iendo of the Sunday school in-

vited. Br ing your bibles, and note hooka and get and give new ideaa.

E n t e r t a i n m e n t will be provided.

To Whom It May Concern,

This is t o not i fy business m e n and the Public t ha t m y daughter , Lydia Kime,

aged nineteen years , has l e f t m y home wilful ly and wi thout cause; Tha t I have requested he r t o r e tu rn h o m e and

I would clothe, main ta in and support

her, bu t she refuses to do ao. Therefore I do hereby w a r n all per -

aons against harboring or t ru s t ing her on m y account , aa I shall pay no bills of

her making , whi le remaining a w a y f r o m

home. Dated, Campbell, Mich., May 6, 1806.

46 4 8 E . S . KIME.

All k inds of job pr in t ing on shor t no-tice a t t h e Journa l Office. Call a t once.

Awarded Highest Honors—World's Pair.




A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pnx from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.


TIME HAS DEMONSTRATED That Shaker 'Paint is the most durable and economical

paint on the market to day. W e sell it on a positive

guarantee to make it satisfactory to the consumers.

Over 500 gallons sold in Lowell in 1895 and not a com-


Sot™tof 3c Wall Paper 8 stock

D. G. L o o k , The Druggist, L o w e l l

S t i l l i n

Carpets, Carpets Now is the time to buy

N E W C A R P E T S • A full line of

I N G R A I N S , from the cheapest to the best grades, and an elegant line of

Brussels, Moqulels and Axminster^ W e can save you money if you want a fine Carpet ,

W e C a n S a v e Y o u M o n e y

if you want a fine Carpet.

W e would also call your attention to the celebrated

Henderson Corset SURE T O FIT.

Whenever you see an elegantly fitting dress you may safely

conclude that it is worn over the

HENDERSON CORSET, For Sale only by

E. R C O L L A R For every qunrtpr in a man'a pocket

tbe re are a dozen UHM; and to use each one in such a way aa to derive tbe great-est benefit ia a question everyone muat solve for bimself . W e believe, however , t ha t no better use could be m a d e of one of theee quarters, than to exchange It fo r a bottle of Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera, und Diarroeha Remedy, a medi-cine tha t every family ought to be pro-vided wi th . For sale by L, H. H u n t & Ao. druggists .



LOWELL STATE B A N K at IXJWCU, Uichigau, M the cioteof busineM

MAY 7TM, 1806.


Money to Loan, VOTOJ.mmIU*..

W e W a n t ^ r S u S J c a R . S : highwt market prioe. Oito. B. Oaiw. ^

Ax grinding w'


Louu uddUeonnta,

Stoclu, bonds, mortgages, etc

Banking house, furniture and flxturea,...

Due from banks In reserve cltlei

Cheeks and cash items

NIckles and cenU

Gold coin,

Silver coin,

U. 8. and National Bank Notes,

T o t a l , • 1 8 6 , 0 5 7 . 6 5











Cedar Parker Earl Straw-For SflljB 15000 ixhtt p i m u »t

par IOCS. Address W. W. Klnyon, Lowell, Mtc

IMQUO Ewgreen Sweet Com sod Early . 5 1 ® ' " Minnesota Corn forieed which 1 will

sell for $1 per bo. measure. Also a team, good work bones, wagon, and harness, nearly new, for sale cheap. TEQ. Booth.

Jersey Do/4 boar, thoroughbred, reglster-n e O ed.Syesrs old. ^ o r s a l e .

Enquire of A. P. Burr, Elmdale, Mich.

LUBIUTISS. Capital Stock paid In

Surplus fund . . $25,000.00

. . 1,350.00

Undivided profits, less current ezpaoses Interest and taxes paid,


Total, . .


. . . 159,898.52

• 1 8 6 , 9 5 7 . 6 5

STATE OP MTOBKUN, County of Kent.s.s. L H. O. Grlswold, Cashier of the above named

Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

M. C. GBISWOLD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day

of May 1896. FIUHOIS KINO,

Notary Public. Correct, attest: FKA-SCIS KINO,


A. E. Cambell , D.D.S. , Dsntiitry in AlUti Branchei.

Grown, Bridge a«« Pla te Work.

So* Administered.

Office Office Hours Over Boylan's Store. 9 to 12 A M; 1 to 6 PM



•II . BanltM-tmn la now open * — — Allformtof CHRONIC DISEASES.

DISEASES. Send for Journal.

Hotel Waverly, LowoU, Friday all day, Jnnel8.

in for the cure of attention

Honey talks and a dollar in hand will tell us to send yon the Lowell J o u r n a l

to J anua ry n e x t and the New York

Tribune or Chicago In ter -Ocean one year .






List of Onolnlmed Le t t e r s

Bemaining in the Post Office a t Lowell Mich., week ending May 0,18015:


Mrs Lucinda Bltley.


T. W. Bowors. C. W. Burnett . Jno, Denton, Sylvester Tracy.

Persons claiming the above will please

•ay "Adver t i sed" aud give date of thif l i s t , MARTIN N . HINE, P . M.

Cunl of ' l l iunks.

We wish to express our heartfel t grat-i tude to our many friends who have shown thoughtfulnees for us in such a substantial mnnner and who have help-ed us in so mnny wnys.

M R AND MRS R . A . B A R K P I T .

We wish to state tha t we ate very much pleased with the ad jus tment of our low by the Rockfoid Insurance Co., of Rockford, III,, for whom R. D. Stock-

ing IB agent . No reduction being asked f r o m ful l amount of insurance and we

feel it our duty to reccommend the above named company in the highnst t e r m s . MR AND MRS H. A. BARRETT.

THE MONEY question is a live issue in the Republican par ty this year. At the

convention at Detroit last week, the ma-jor i ty report, favoring a single gold

s tandard , was defeated and the ilnancial . p lank of 1803 adopted. The silverites ^ c la im a victory.

J o h n Breenahan, of Grat tan, arrested o n the ohargo of careless use of fire

a rms , prefered by his brother, P. Bres-n a h a n , was dismissed by Just ice Watt yesterday, the teetimony offered failing

t o Bustain the charge.—Grand Rapids Herald.

v Notice.

For the following ninety days or until f u r t h e r notice will give vitalized air free.

, No charge for extract ing teeth when plates are ordered.


Corner Hudson and Main sts.

Helen Oonld'a Charities.

Miss Helen Gould 's inheritance from her fa ther has certainly bceu mental as wel l as finunciul. The "business abil-i t y " which he possessed is shown by his daughter in her oharitios, which are conducted wi th the same fidelity aud lys tem wi th which her brother George looks af ter bis vast interests or her brother Edwin manufactures matches. Woody Crest, the day unrseiiea and the Sunday school treats which hundreds of l i t t le children associate wi th her name have passed into history, and st i l l flour-Ish l ike any well established insti tutiou made to l a s t Miss Gould 's latest act of tmsinesslike generosity Is the sending of a check for $8,000 to Vassar college. I t Will be used to found a scholarship in memory of Miss Gould's mother.—Home Journa l .

Why Not?

" T h e women of Missouri ," says the Phi ladelphia Telegraph, " a r e circulat-ing a petit ion to the governor of the s ta te asking him to appoiut only mar-r ied men as resident physicians in the insane asylums of the s t a t e . " But why not appoint women physicians to look a f t e r the women who are confined in the itasane asylums of the state? This is the policy which has beeu adopted ia South Oarolina, and i t might wel l be followed by the other stated. The South Carolina

f experiment has been most successful, and, under Dr. Sarah Allan, the unfor-tuna te women in the hospital for the insane at Columbia have never had bet-te r and more satisfactory t r e a t m e n t — Charleston News and Courier.

She Makes I t Pay.

Mrs. Frances Fisher Wood has taken n p an entirely unique study and is mak-ing profit therefrom. She has always been interested in oriental mutters, aud has now so far advanced in the Japa-nese language os to be uu uuthuhty on poetry aud all sorts of art treasures. {She is the ono woman in this city who can read the mystic symbols, aud is known aud recognized by every dealer in Japanese curios. Furthermore, Mrs. Wood is often iu demand at the custom house when an expert opinion is needed, and she has built up a most lucrative business. Her own collection is valued a t $40,000,- but serves i ts best use as a model for less knowing buyers.—New York J o u r n a l

The Woman Who Lawgha.

The woman who langhs is the latest craze of the vondeville world. Miss Al-ice Atherton has won f ame in l iondon through the music and the infections qual i ty of her " h a ! ha I" In spite of t be t ime honored theory that one should never laugh at his own jokes, thisj-oung woman ' s success seems due to her abil-i ty to s tart the andienoe into the wild-est fits of merriment. She tells funny stories In a funny way, but it is her own laugh, heard at the close of each, that baa made her fame.—Exchange.

If a small bottle of Shaker Digestive Cordial does you no good, don't buy a large one.

"P rove all things; hold fast t ha t which is good." It'B not good for every body, only for the th in , pale, sick, weak and weary. For those who ase s tarving for w a n t of digested food. For those who cannot get fa t or s trong because their stomachs do not work as they ought to.

These a re the people, millions of them whom Shaker Digestive Cordial will cure. , . .

Food makes s trength, muscle, brain, blood, energy—after it is digested. If not digested it will do you no good.

Shaker Digestive Cordial helps your Btomach to digeet your food and cures irdigestion permanently. When you ve tried a small bottle you can tell.

Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10c.

C R A C K I N G B I L L I A R D B A L L S .

Freakish Resnlta of Itllcr.nrd Weather on t h e I v o r y OIOIM-S.

Dudley Kavanogh, the champion of bil l iards in tho days of the suproraacy of the old four ball American game, ta lking tho other night about the liabil-ity of ivory bill iard bailH to crack if not cnrofnlly protected from cold drafts , re-cited thin amusing incidont :

" A b o u t K0 yours HRO, when I kept a bil l iard room in Ful ton street, I got out a box of ivories w e winter morning to do some practicing before my customerB would arrive. I had been playing for about five minutes, when I undertook to make a slnirp drive wi th tbe spot ball. I struck it fa i r ly in tho middle, the cue goirlg lean through tho ball, knocking out what the exports cal l the 'hear t ' or center of the ball. I t got chilled and had cracked a l l around tho center. The ball was ruined for regular playing pur-poses, but I bad heaps of fun wi th i t af terward. I explained to certain of my customers, who were jovial sort of fel-lows, fond of a joke, t h a t w e c o u l d make a Joker of tbe cracked ball.

" I found when I replaced the 'hear t ' thot the ball had all tho appearance of a Bound one, and that the ' hea r t ' would remain in place unt i l the ball was struck sharply. These customers, who were aware of the secret, wou ld come in oc-casionally wi th other f r iends aud s ta r t a game. When the proper t ime came, the man who had been selected as the victim of the joke wonld bo engaged In oonvereation wi th one of the players, whi le another wonld slyly remove one of the sound balls when the victim wasn ' t looking and replace i t wi th the cracked Ivory.

" ' I t ' s your turn, George, ' ono of tho jokers would cry out, and then the vic-t im played. Sometimes on the very first stroke the player wonld knock tbe loose ' hea r t ' out of place, aud pinion tho ball on the t ip of bis cue. The sliut generally astonished the spectatora Then they wonld roar w i th laughter and applaud wi th enthusiasm. The maker of the mysterious shot was a lways the most be-wildered m a n in the es tabl i shment H e would examine tho pinioned ball closely and then sorntinize the dislodged ' b e a r t '

" ' Well, George, ' they told h im laugh-ingly, ' there isn ' t a professional al ive who could beat tha t s h o t I t ' s the great-est on record. '

" I t was many, m a n y months before that cracked ball ceased to be a source of wonder and amnsemont to the down town business m e n . "

Since Dudley 's daya in Ful ton s treet , the same aooident has occasionally hap-pened, and Sexton, T im Flynn, George Slosson aud Maurice Daly each have "hear t less " billiard balls, which they keep as curiosities. F l y n n ' s specimen bad the " h e a r t " knocked out of I t In a game of 16 ball pool, where tbe player burst the pyramid in the effort to pooket three balls or more ou the opening s t r o k e — N e w York Sun.

The Elder Mr. Bnsh's Great Day.

He is an elderly gent leman of means. He has a s tanding h igh in the church

and has contributed to charities. In tho business wdrld be has soourod an honor-ed place fo r hia firm.

Having resided in Chicago for so many years and having contributed gen-erously, al though modestly, to its up-building, i t wonld seem that ho shonld have a reputation. And ho did have a reputation. The comparative few who knew h i m held h im in great respect

But be never rea l ly tasted tho sweets of popularity un t i l h is son made a touch-down.

Never un t i l hia son became a public character, wi th bis pictdro iu all sorts of publications and the glory of hie deeda put into display type, did the f a the r know w h a t i t was to hear people whia-pering to one ano the r : " D o you see t ha t pld gentleman? Well, he ' s Mr. Ruab, fa-ther of the great half back . "

Never before did he have people cal l him on the 'phono und say: "Congra tu-lations, Mr. Rush. Thia has been a great d a y . "

If he happens in a t tho athlet ic club, enthnsiastio men, young and old, seize him by the hand aud tell him how he ought to be euvied, and want to know if he had anyvhiug up on the game.

Greatness has been thrus t upou him. The name which lay hidden in tbe

directory for years has suddenly become a household word.

All of a sndden the fa ther finds h im-self b l ink ing in a glare of reflected glory.

His son has made a touchdown. He doesn' t know how or why the

touch down was made, and secretly he baa no ooocern aa t o the condition of •hia son's g a m e ankle, but he finds t ha t whereas he was nobody he ia now the fa ther of a half buck.—Chicago Record.

Inanltod Over tho Wire.

A telegraph operator ou one of the morning papers recently told me a good atory of how he got r id of a too f requent viaitor, whose nightly, calls dur iug busi-ness hours had come to be a nuisance. The in t ruder was also au operator, but was temporari ly out of a job. Ono eveu-ing he came in as usual and planted himself in a chair. Receiving no an-swers to his quostions, he lapsed into silence and listened to the steady olick of the instrument. Suddenly a look of disgnstorossed his face. H e arose, glared at t he operator, who kept ou wri t ing, turned on his heel and walked o u t This happened a week ago, and he has not called since. What was the canee of his andden departure? That is easily an-swered. In response to a previous re-quest, the operator a t the other end of the l ine sent this message, " I s that- idiot w i th you again tonight?"—Syracuse Pos t

A New Woman of Oreeoit.

A bustl ing woman hotel kooper of Burns, Or., who is credited wi th being j one of the best looking as wel l as most i successful hotel keepers in eastern Oie-1 gon, advertises iu a recent issue of tbe j tocal newspaper that she wi l l not be re-sponsible hereafter for any debts con-tracted by her husband or her sou.


A N D A R O U N D T H E C I T Y O F M E X I C O .

How Soiled Garments Are Laundr ied.

' f l ip Final lot; Oi'iilctiA ai-tl tli .System.

Sticet Cur

Sunday a f t e rn ron our little parly of six, who didn' t a t tend the bull fight, on-

j o y f d the chaperonage of Mra Col. Green, of that ci ty. Colonel Green, al though a nat ive of the state of

New York (where wont you find " Y o r k Staters?") has live d in Mexico for ty years and is as much of a Mexican as you will find anywhere . H e ia a re-tired officer in the Mexican army and a

very prominent citizen. He was one of Mexico's commissioners to our own World's Fair and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Mexican In-ternational Expofi t ion. Col. Green baa much influence and our company is

deeply indebted to him and his c h a r m -ing wife for many favora. Mrs Green ia also f r o m New York, Geneseo, and ia a very cha rming woman. She knows

all th« things which will Interest an

American, aa she herself was an Ameri-can stranger only about ten years ago, and under her intelligent guidance, wo saw much tha t ^vas Interesting.

Af ter dinner, as the balance of tho par ty were s ta r t ing for the bull fight,

we Went down to the grand central plaza, a t t he Zocolo, and took the earn for the La Vega canal, a canal which

runs f rom the city to the mounta ins twenty milea away. I t is the last and

only one lef t of t he fine system of c a n -als in use a t the t ime of the "Monte-

zumas." I t is put to the same primi-tive uses sa It was hundreds of years

ago. The farmers , or t ruck gardners bring their produce to marke t In prlmi-tivo boats which arc poled by bare leg-

ged boatmen s tanding in the f ront end. The canal presents a pleasing and in te r -esting sight, boats of all kinds, f rom a

canoe, ten feet long and hardly wide

enough for the boatman 's two feet, and covered pleasure scows with seats along

both sides, loaded wi th merry laughing parties with gui tars and other musical

instruments , to the long dirt scows which bring loads of Adobe b n c k and

the sand for mor ta r to the city.

Our first stop was a t J ama ica , , (pro-nounced Ha-may-cab) a mile or so f rom the city IlmltB. This place is the

marke t fo r produce and we saw here many boats loaded wi th cabbage, cauli-

flower, radishes, celery, le t tuce and onions, the finest we ever saw. There is a magnificent museum here endowed by Rl Senor Don J u a n Corona, a renown-

bull fighter who died. The museum is

a t tached to a char i ty school or orphan asylum for girls, and a f t e r being shown

through you are led to a n urn si t t ing on a table and invited to deposit therein, your m i U towards t b e support of the

inst i tut ion. There is nothing more of in te 'es t a t J a m a i c a except the gaudily

painted "pu lque" shops, so we rake the cars for Santa Marleafl, six miles f rom the ci ty. Here we find the world f a m -

ous fli a t ing gardens, and pre t ty parka

with swings and dancing floors and the inevitable pulque shop.

The floating gardens are gardens about four b y ten rods square, surronn-

d^d b y canals about six feet wide f rom which the g rowing vegetables a re irri-gated. The i r r igat ing proews is per -formed by a m a n with a long dipper,

made f rom a gourd, he dips the water f rom the canal and wi th a simple twist he throws it so t ha t it sprays evenly to

the center of the garden. Here I tried to got a snap shot of a nat ive laundreso.

hut she WAS f r ightened, and grabbing up the dirtiest, worst looking specimen

of humani ty I ever saw and rushed into

a house near by. They do the i r wash-ing here In a w a y tha t would bring tears to tbe eyes of an American woman.

They t ake their d i r ty clothes to a brook

or canal and a f t e r wet t ing them, gather them In a bunch and beat them on a stone. They mus t have a cer tain n u m -

ber of t imes they do thia for in no other way can they know tha t t he clothes are

d e a n They m a y . use soap, bu t t he only soap w e saw in Mexico was t ha t

furnished in the bath houses, and even t ha t was ex t ra .

A t San ta Marteas was one of the most Interesting churches I saw in Mexico

and the yard which surrounds it con-tains the remRlns of its priests. The ohurch, though small , was very pret ty ,

the Interior decorations being in much

bet ter tas te t han in most of thom.besides It contained the most hideous images

of Christ , t he Virgin, and several saints t ha t we ever saw. Tbe church had no doors, but a few feet inside the opening

a cur ta in of coarse whi te cloth was hung, around which you had to pass to enter the bui lding.

Returning, we stopped a t Santa Ani-ta. another resort village, here all w a s

gaiety, immense quanti t ies of pulque were being consumed, and even t b e

venders of tortil las were hav ing a br isk trade. The swings were all occupied

and lovers sat on the hare earth and decked each o ther with wreaths a n d j garlands of poppies. The women w e a r '

no bs ts . hut when dressed up wear a i shawl "man t i l l a . " over their head or go ' bareheaded and wear the shnwl on their I

shouldprs. and when sober look v e r y '

nice wi th their wreathes of flowers!

resting on their coal black hair, bu t I

when intoxicated, and I saw mnny ao, they presont a most grotesque appear ance. with the wreath set rakislily on on" side and their comical efforts to ap-

pear sober. Here wo called on tho Mayor, a friend of Mrs Green's, who is the proprietor of several pulque shops and the r irbest man in the place. We were introddced to his wife and family

and were taken Into his house. I got a very good picture of hia wife aud two bright children.

The street cars of Mexico are drat^a by a four mule team wboee ordinary gait is a dead run, the driver has a littlo horn, like our toy trumpets, which he blows jus t before he arrives a t a corner

of the street. They have no bells on the mules or cars, and the warning is given in this way. The driver also has two whips, a short whip for tho wheel team and a long whip for the lead mulea and

ho d idn ' t use them sparingly either. The cars are of three classes with prices vary ing for each class and fo r tfie dis

tauce, If you pay six cents for first class fare, t he BPcond would be four cents and t h e third class two cents. Af te r

you g e t nicely seated a conductor comeR and collects your fa re giving you a '•Bolito" or t icket a f t e r you have been

riding a abort distance another conduc-tor cl imbs on the car and takes your

t icket If you stop In hia district. If you are going beyond hia district, he tears a corner out of your ticket and givea it

back and the nex t one who cornea, takes it up. Tbe t icket taker mounts t be car takea the tickets, drops off and takes

tbe t ickets for tbe care following—tho care r u n in groups of three, flrst, second and th i rd class,

There ia only a alngle t rack and they pasa ou aide t racks and run on schedule

t ime. They all s tar t from the center of the city and go in different directions to away beyond the city limits. A t the city of Mexico we did not go to the end

of any Hue. a l though we went , In some instances, six miles beyond tbe city, but

at Pueblo when we visited the Pyramid of Cholulu we came to the end of tha t line eight miles direct, bu t as tbe road

run , fourteen miles f rom the c i ty ; a l -

though we found many branches r u n -n ing f rom the main line t o villages ly-ing off in all directions and the church domes of which we could see. These

t r am railways are used for the transpor-tat ion of freight as well as passenger

traffic. These roads are all prosperous and paying good dividends to the stock-holders. The system in the city of Mex-

ico being sold since our re turn for | 8 ,* 000,000.00 gold or a t the ratio a t which

our money was exchanged, $5,550,000 00 Mexican money.

Af te r our re turn from the La Vega canal and we went out t he old cause-

way down which, you remember , Cortez and his flrst a rmy retreated. The Ca-thedral In the hear t of t he city is locat-

ed on the site of Cortez's camping place d u r i n g his sojourn in the city and the pa thway of his retreat is well known

and marked aa is tbe place of Alvarado's wonderfu l leap. We went out to the tree of "Noche Treste" which is the

spot where Cortez spent the n igh t in tears buwaillng bis ill fated r e t r e a t This t ree is guarded by an iron rai l ing

and you can see it, but can not get near enough to get even a splinter as a souve-nir .

We aUo visited the tomb of J u a r e z (Wah-roz) one of Mexico's early Presi-dents, who abolished the church par ty ,

suppressed the Monks and Nunneries, confu eating the immense properties they owned, Juarez was excommunicated by the Catholic church, but is one of i he popular heroes of Mexico. His tomb is profusely decorated wi th flowers and above his last resting place hangs tbu Masonic emblems, a large " G " and the "Square and Compa?8." From Juarez 's tomb we went back to-the hotel and listened to the lamentations of the bull fight party. Here we met a Rev. Mr Brown, a Presbytenan missionary and an old Ann Arbor boy,

" If Eric is in ro. bust health, and has slept well, and is at the top of his con-dition at bis depart-ure from Greenland, his ships will reach Newfoundland. But. take out Eric and p u t in a s t rong-er man —Biom or Thorf in and the ships with just as m u c h e a s e w i l l reach Labrador and New England."

E m e r s o n w a s 'right. The stronger a man Is the fuller his chest is, the sounder bis heart and brain and lungs are, the further he will sail on the ocean, the higher he will sail in his

balloon, and the deeper he will dive into the intricacies of his business or profes-sion. A man's glory is his strength. The world has small use for weaklings, and, It must be said, sickly people have little use for the world. But, sickness is generally an unnecessary evil. It Is almost a crime against nature to be ilL If yon are ill and 'feel repentant, anxious to undo the tnis-chiet take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical iDIscovery. Don't be despondent because 'your grandfather died of consumption or bronchitiB, or some other equally mghtfnl throat or lung trouble. There is no need of hereditary consumption. Purify your blood with Golden Medical ~ ' 'then tgke more of

Discovery," | ^ — It to thoroughly 'strengthen and build up your whole body through the purity ana strength of blood.


ling . "Discovery." It is a compound of cura-tives skillfully blended. It will cure 98 per cent of all cases of consumption It it is honestly used. | Would you know yourself? Send ar one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing onfy, and get Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. In the reading of this book of 1008 pages is u medical eaucation. It is a complete family doctor book, written in plain language that everybody can un-derstand, and profusely illuHtruted. Ad-d r e s s , WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL 'ASSOCIATION, 663 Main S t , Buffalo, N. Y .

Until June 1st

Bushel of Potatoes F R E E !

With Every Cash Purchase of Goods Amounting to $2.00.

NOTE THESE PRICES: 12 Boxes Parlor Matches 1 5c 1 Can Corn, 1 Can Peas, I Can Tomatoes

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Fresh Garden T r u c k ,

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at Lowest Prices.

Side Comb UIM.

Decidedly the side comb i» a valnable ally, and sightly in itself as wel l as convenient in causing a becoming ful l -ness, and holding in place tbe pret ty pomposity of tho pnff. For evening wear the hair is dressed high ou tho bead, whether or not the ripples cover the ears, while an nigret of whi te os-prey or of bri l l iants furnishes an able ornament . Variations of the P laxman knot, although modish no more, are s t i l l to be seen—und admired by the d iscr imina t ing ; bnt elaborate bows and pretzel-like twists s tand highest in fa-vor, to say nothing of an extremely dnl l arrangement of rolls set in dreary se-quence, for all the world like a terraoe of suburban villa rosidonces t ha t is so undeservedly popnlar.

Lax Social Cuatoma.

Don ' t let us say that we wouldn ' t t rus t our danghters and our sons any-where. Lot us keep our fai th whole and unbounded in thorn, but do let ns revise our ideas a little ns to wha t is r ight and proper iu our socif.l customs. If our social customs wore not so las, if young girls were not lef t alone wi th young men so ofton and for so long a t ime, there would be few daughters of respectable homes go astray. Mothers cannot longer close their eyes to this quest ion; tho souls of thoir daughters are in their hands, and they owe it to themselves, to their daughters and to society to throw every possible protec-tion around them.—Womankind.

Ayer's Pills are recommended by load-ing physicians and druggists, as t h e most prompt and efficient remedy fo r biliousness, nausea, coetivenem, indiges-tion, sluggishness of the liver, jaundice , and sick headache; also, t o relieve colds, fevers , neuralgia, and rheumat i sm.

Dr. Miles' Palu Pills stop Headache.

There is fun in the foam, and health in the cup of H I R E S Rootbeep—the g r e a t temperance dpink. Mulr onlr by Tbi Chit If. K. HIIM Co., PhUadelpliU. A Ue. ptougt nukes i (mllooi. Sold ererrwben.

DROBATE ORDER—State ot MicOigan, county IT of Kent,BP. At a session of the Probate Oonrt for said county of Kent, held at the Probate Of-fice. In the City of Grand Kapida, on the 7th d f y of Mav In the ywar one thousand eight hundred anu ninety six.

Present Cyrus E. Perkins, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of

FRANK C. KOPF, Insane.

John L. Kopf, guardian of said Ward, having rendered to this Court his final guardianship ac-count and tendered his resignation as such guar-dian, and praying that some suitable person be appointed as his successor.

It Is Ordered, that MONDAY, THE 8TH DAY OF JUKE, 1896,

at ten o'clock in the forenoon, a t said Probate Ofllco, be appointed for the examination and nllowaiice of snid account and hearlnR said pe-tition

And It is Furlher Ordered, That a copy of this order be published three successive weeks previ-ous t o said day of hearing.ln the LOWBI.L JOOK-NAU a newspaper printed and circulating In said County of Kent. CYRUS E. PERKINS.

(A true copy.) Judge of Prohatr BAHKY D. JFWKL' . Register. 5-13-9C

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The Only One T o Stand the Test .

Rpv. WilliHin Coup, whose father was a phyaician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who Iiimself •pen t many years preparing for flie piactice of medirine, but snbse-qnently entered the ministry of f i e i l . E. Church, writes: "1 am plad

, — ^ to testify that I have had analyzed all the

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[Copyright. 1895, by J. B. Llpplncott Co.]

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Julc went to the cupboard in the cor-ner, untl u few ininutes Inter left the room. Jed broke the hIIodcc which fol-lowed her departure. "1 done heard that Tom Ludlow'd put a gang to work-In" in the MeXabb np'in to-day," he fluid.

" I know hi t ," replied Jeff . "Wo-nll "11 give 'em a s'prise party 'boutto-mor-rer uight. I reckon they'll keep gyard up thnr, but t h a t ain't gwine do no good!"

Bttd shook his head. "No. they-ftll don' t know nothin ' about the crevice. Wonder if the city feller can hear 'em n-work in'?"

"I reckon so," replied Jeff. "'Mob* likely he's been a-hollerin* the top o* his hnid off nil day, a-tryin' to make out to raise somebody, t believe he was 'bout the worst senred-up feller I ever did

Mud laughed. "He shore was. He trem'Ifd jest like a pal when I was a tyln' his arms."

Jeff tilted his chnir aguinst the wall and smoked meditatively until his pipe went out. "D'yeknow, Buddy, Icayn ' t pet shet o' the ide" that I've done see that thar feller afore"—he knocked the ashes out of the pipe and dropped it into his pocket—"an' I jest cayn't ric'llct whar—By Hick'ry! I do ric' . lict, now!" The speaker brought his chair down with a crash, and the others looked up with astonishment a t his sud-den exclamation.

"Whar was hi t , Jeff?" asked Bud. "Hit was down a t Waco; that 's whar

hi t was"—he go t up and paced the floor excitedly—"that's jest, whar hit was. I done told you nil 'bout tha t t ha r ruction in the expresH oilice, when that plum fool messenger 'lowed to stan' we-all off with a gun; thar wasn't no time for to talk, an' jest ai> 1 fired I done saw a man comln' in a t the back do'—" Ho paused and then added, impressivelyt "Boys, hit wo® that thar city chap, on* he's down yere to get me."

An awed silence fell upon the group In the kitchen aftwr Jeff made this an» 1 nouncement. Bud put his gun together and loaded i t carefuly, s i t t ing quietly af terward wi th the weapon across h i t knees; and Jed came out of his dark corner to feel mechanically on the high mantel shelf for his pipe. The night hod closed In with storm signals flying in the western sky, and the rising wind began to sigh dismally through the trees, sending occasional puffs eddying down the ohhnney to scatter little clouds of l ight ashes from the expiring embers on the hearth. The mensured sob of the g rea t engine a t the furnace rose and fell on the breeze, mingling its tones with t h e hoarser mutterings of the approaching storm. At the head of the oovo there is a deep cleft in the perpendicular wall of rock, known to the dwellers in iJarmony Valley as "The Chimney." With the breath of the tempest, the fissure becomes the di-apason of nature 's great organ, and al-ready Its deep reedy voice could be beard, filling the cove with a sound like the rushing of the waves on a sandy beach, or like the distance-softened roar of a mighty cataract. Prom his watch tower in the bloated oak behind the barn, a g rea t owl added his mourn-ful call to the weird noises of the night, while all the shriller and cheerfuller vole«« of na ture were hushed and silent hi the presence of the storm-king. Jeff BynUm continued his monotonous walk np and down the narrow limits of the kitchen, stopping a t each torn to peer out of the windows Into the thickening gloom.

Bud was the first to speak. "What-all does ye Mow to do 'bout hit, Jef f?" be inquired.

The cider brother dropped into a chair and th rus t his hands deep irfto his pocket*. " I 'low I don't jest rightly know. Buddy—I don't, for a fact; thar cayn't be no mistake; I ain't nowise likely to forget that thar face; hi t 's been n harn t to me more'n one night sence 1 seed hi t ; hi t has, for shore."

Jed got up and threw another stick of wood on the fire. "Ye reckon ye're plum shore. Jeff?" he asked. "'Peari! like this yere feller's been mindin' bis own business tol'able clost sence he come to the settlement."

"No, Jed, he hain't; that 's what 's a-ruttlln' mc. He was u-pryin' round tVs • ?ro . * •iv ' v , ' v ui' .• 1 ' <•« vr tirtdy; i seed ium; an .mleshc took him up the mounting and p'inted him the way back from the McNabb."

"Jule!" "Yes, Jule . I Tow she didn't know

who 'r what he wat. She done lef t him standin' ufore the mouth of the tunnel. An" that ain't the mos'curiouscst pa r t o' hit ; he scrambled into the hole over the broken rocks, an' j.-Ht nl>oiit a min-ute af terwards he come a-pilin' out o' thar like he seed a harnt , an' the last I seed o' him he was s-makin*the longest kind o' trucks to'rdst the valley."

"What d ' ye reckon he seed in tha r?" "I'll nev' tell ye; bu t that hain' t the

question; hit looks mighty like he's a-sneakin' round yere to fin' out some-fh ln ' 'bout we-all, an* I reckon thar ' s got to be somethin' done.*

Bud glanced around into the gather-ing shadows in the room, and asked: -Whar ' s Ju le?"

' 1 •duruio," replied Jel l ; "gone to bald, I reckon,"

Bud stood his rifie In the chimney-corner and went out, coming back in a moment to say: "I reckon she has; leastways, thar 's no light."

Another interval of oppressive si-lence followed Bud's assurance. The three men sat around the hearth, each knowing the others ' thought, and each hoping tha t one of the others would put the pitiless suggestion Into words. While they waited the first great drops of rain pattered on the roof, and the soughing of the wind through the tree-tops and the louder growling of the thunder, drowned the roar of "The Chimhey." The dusky Interior of the kitchen grew more shadowy as the handful of fire on the hearth died down, and the darkness was intensified by un occasional (lash of lightning contrast-ing its glare with the twilight of the room. The red glow from the coals fell upon the faces of the three brothers grou]>ed about the fireplace and si t t ing In silent judgment upon a man whose only offense was his resemblance to some other man. Each of the three felt •hat there was a terrible margin of doubt, and yet each knew t h a t i t was only doubt and not certainty. If their prisoner and the single witness of Jeff 's crime were identical, there could be no safety for a t least one of them while the man lived; If not^-lf Jeff were mis-taken, af ter all — the alternative was sufficiently dreadfuj to moke them hes-itate to give it shape In speech.

The suggestion came finally from the one who was most deeply concerned. Jeff rose slowly and took down his rifie from its pegs over the mantel. " I reck-on hit 's got to be done, boys," he said, huskily. "I hate hit mighty bad, bu t I cayn ' t affo'd to take no chainces."

Bud joined him at once, but Jed hes-itated. "You don' t have to come, Jed," said the elder brother; "two of us is

Enough, an' I know ye a l n t afenrd." "I 'm goin' ' long with you-all, only

I hope yere pow'ful shore, Jeff ; seem like hit 's mighty tough to go an' shoot him like he 's a rat in a hole, less ye're p'lnt-blonk ccrtaln ye got to do h i t "

They went out noiselessly, so as not to awaken Jule, and Jeff led the way to the trail up which the womon had pi-loted Rlngbrand two days before. Th« wind had risen to a gale, and It was wringing and twist ing the trees above their heads; but the rain delayed and the storm seemed to be blowing over. When they reached the base of the eJIff, they le f t the path and turned shortly to the right, following the

handed the lamp to Uls brother aim took careful nlm nt the motionless form: his band trumbled ho that he could not hold the gun steady, and he gut down upon his knees and rested it against the side of the crevice. Rven then he was so long about It that Bud's nerve col-lapsed and the lamp fell from his shak-ing fingers; It did not go out, and us he held it up again he whispered: "Shoot —quick! I can't—"

A blindiug fiabh Illuminated the cavern, and the dead air of the place jarred with a concussion that put out the light and reverbrated like pent-up thunder In the a rcheso f the vault. The two men fell over each other In their f rant ic haste to reach the open nlr, fighting like caged wild beasts for precedence up the difilcult Htulrway; and when they emerged from the mouth of the smoky pit, the contagion of torror communi-cated itself to their passive accomplice, and the three men scattered In a mad flight toward the cove.

MS k m alowly aad took down his rtfla.

line of the rocky wall until they reached a narrow ledge affording a precarious passage up -to the table-land. Emerg-ing, a f te r a breathless scramble, upon the unsheltered mountain-top, where the wind had full sweep, they pushed on gasping until they stood in the small ravine under the lee of the bowlders marking the entrance to Rlngbrand's prison. Jeff uncoiled the rope he had brought, and v. ns preparing to desccnd, when Jed stopped him:

"Don't ye 'low that ' l l be sort o' resky? If tha t t ha r feller's wha t v . lone took

1 ' 'le fight, f o r i . . re uin't gwine a tan'.still an' 'low ye to shoot him In col' blood."

The caution brought back with ap-palling distinctness the ghastly horror of the deed they were about to do, and they paused in fearful hesitation. Then Bud proposed that they go down into the other cavern, using the narrow crevice for a loop-hole, and a few min-utes later be and Jeff were standing in the pitchy darkness of the subterranean chamber, while Jed watched at the aperture above. Jeff felt his way along one of the walls until he came to a niche where they kept a miner's lamp, and, l ighting this they cautiously recon-noitcred the adjoining cluunbor as well as they could by its inefficient help. The l ight f rom the lamp penetrated but a short distance beyond the narrow opening, bu t It answered the purpose, and they could see the shadowy outlines of t h e figure of a man stretched out upon the sandy floor of the cavn-n. Jeff

VIII. A BUnTERRANEAN METASIOHPIIOSIfl. When Rlngbrand opened his eyes he

found himself lying on his back In what appeared to be the bottom of a well; a t least, tha t was his second im-pression. With the first gleams of re-tu rn ing consciousness there was no recollection of the events Immediately preceding his fall, and for a moment he bad a vague Idea tha t he had stumbled and h u r t himself In the road, and that the clouds had covered all but the small patch of s l y directly over-head where the s tars were still visible. Then memory came back, and he re-called the details of the capture up to the sudden blank following the plunge into the hole between the bowlders. A sharp twinge of pain bridged the In-terval and reminded him that there were two present and pressing sources of discomfort In the gnarled log across which he was lying and In the vice-like pressure of the rope which still bound his a rms to his sides. To wriggle out of the uncomfortable position was easy, bu t looseningthe rope was another mat-ter, The knot had been drawn t ight by the jerk of his fall, and i t was an hour or more before he succeeded In working i t ground where It could be. reached; even when this was done. It was orily a beginning, and the first faint streaks of dawn were filtering through the aperture overhead when he finally rose stifily and swung his arms to start, t he suspended circulation.

In a little while it was light enough to enable him to see his sui'TOundingg. and he found tha t he was Imprisoned In a crevlce-cave much like the one he had explored two days before. I t occurred to him at once t h a t It might be a con-tinuation of the same cavern, or that/ possibly he might be In the very chamber Into which he had tried to penetrate; but th is seemed unlikely, for two reasons. One was tha t he could not make the locality of the McNabb tunnel agree with the general direction of bis wanderings of thenlghtprevious; and the other was even more convinc-ing, for, while his cell terminated a tone extremity In a narrow fissure like the one in which be had )pet the pick and the lamp, he could not find the missing articles, though he loat no t lmoln mak-ing a careful search for them. In do-ing this, however, he stumbled upon another discovery which was of much more Immediate importance: reaching down Into the crannies of the fissure, his bond found a pool of water, and he drank gratefully, dipping up the cool liquid by spoonfuls In his hollowed palm.

After this, he gave an hour to minute examination of the boundaries of his prison, scrutinizing the walls and care-fully weighing every possible chance of escape. At the end of this preliminary survey he sat down upon the log, which proved to be the t runk of a small tree hurled by some accident of wind or l ightning through the opening above, and began to go over t^e events of the past few days, in the hope of finding something to account for the mysteri-ous attack and Imprisonment, In this effort he racked his brain to little pur-pose, and, a f t e r repeatedly scouting the Idea as absurd, he finally accepted the conclusion that the Bynums hud in some mariner connected him with the fortunes of their enemlea, and had taken prompt measures to deprive the Latimers of a possible ally.

"If that 's the case," be mused, speak ing aloud for the sake of the companion-ship of his own voice, "what do they mean to do wi th me? If they hail wanted to kill me, they certainly had it all their owp way last night; a very small domestic ca t wouM have madi> a bet ter resistance t h i n t did. No, tha t isn ' t I t ; they don' t mean murder ; they're only tryuig to ge t m e out of the way for awhile. And the next th ing Is, for how long? Keeping In view the com' for t ing conclusion tha t they don ' t Intend making away with me, the ques tion will answer Itself in a few hours a t the most, for they haven't given me any th ing to eat . Which reminds me I that I'm pret ty hungry, now; "he looked I ruefully at his watch. "Tom Ludlow .ad .mk breakfast two houia ago. una

a t the present moment, I suppose, he's s i t t ing In his office with the comfort-able under-thought t h a t h ' l l be dinner-time before long. Lucky fellow, not to know what i t is to si t In a crack In the face of the earth, speculating on the doubtful possibilities of fu tu re meal times. Well, I presume the next thing Is to decide whether or no t F m to s i t here and wait for some one to come and pull mo out; and if I 'm not, what ' s the alternative? Let's have another look a t the resources."

After overhauling the rope and coll-ing It beside the log. he searched his pockets, bu t found nothing useful therein, except a small penknife. "Thore they are—say 40 feet of rope, a piece of wood six or seven fee t long, and a toy poeketknlfe; and this hole is about 30 f ee t deepv I should judge. There Isn't very much to work with, bu t I 've pulled many a hero ou t of worse scrapes than th is with much less,"

The humor of thf* enmparlson pro-voked a laugh, and then he wondered what had become of his depression of the previous day. The explanation rame suddenly v. lien he ran his solilo-quy back to the point where he bad con-cluded that his connection with the Latimers was the reason for the assault ii|mui him. It seemed in a way to bring liitu nearer to Hester, and for a time there was a cheerful enthusiasm in the thought that other and compelling hands bad pushed him over the dividing line between his pusllluniinous resolu-tion to runaway and an active partici-pation In the quarrel which involved her family. There was little comfort In the contemplation of the part he might be required to take In the feud; the battle was still to be fought with his weakness, nnd he had the fresh and hunilllnting example of a few hours be-fore to remind him tlmt he hud not yet made a beginning. The recollection of this discournged him again, i>nd ail the arguments t h a t bad presented themselves in defense of his plan of re-t rea t came back with redoubled empha-sis. He was not sure tha t Hester loved him; If She did, she would despise him when she found him outf It would bo Inexcusably wrong for him to win her love under false pretenses; she had told him only last n ight what she would ex-, pec t in theman ofhercholce. He pushed the tormenting thoughts aside, and brought himself down with a jerk to the present and Its demands. "I 'm not going to dispute with the weak-kneed devil any more," he muttered; "the first thing to do is to get out of here, an4 then I'll leave It with her; If she honors me enough to make me her defender, I'U make a shif t to fight her battles if I have to hire some one to hold me while I do I t "

Look after the Back: A Fall, 4 Strain, a Constant Sitting or Stooping Position Brings

Backache—Do Ten Know This Means the Eld*

nejs are Affected f How few people realize when their back

begins to ache that it Is a warning nro-vlacd by nature to tell you tlmt the kid' IT,. . neys are not working properly. .You have u surere full, you strain yourself llftlni perhaps you are compelled tomalnta1

i g (



Bells Her skin at a Dollar an laob. A yonng woman living on Mission

street mokes a living by selling her skin for grafting purposes. A year ago she first contributed a little skin to a friend who was in need of a whole hide, and, finding that she conld stand the pain and that her skin was partienlarly healthy, she concluded to profit by i t She sent a letter to nearly every pby-sioiau ond surgeon In this city and Oak-land, calling their attention to the fact that she had hnaltby skin for sola

Since then the young woman has had all the orders she conld fill at very rea-sonable rates. She charges 11 a square inob, and usually parts with 20 to 80 square inches nt a time. Altogether she has had nearly seven square feet of her skin removed from her body, and has now got nronnd to the second growth. She Ig probably the only woman on earth who has been flayed alive.—San Franoisoo Pos t

Dr. Wood's Norway Fine Syrup is pleasant to take, positively harmless to the most delicate constitution and ab-solutely sure to cure the most obstinate cough or cold, A household boon.

As the strength of a building depends upon the solidity of its foundation, bo health depends upon the condition of the blood. To expel impurities and cause the vital fluid to become vigorous and life giving, Ayer's Sarsapardla is the most powerful and effective medi-cine in use.

Miss Franc Baker of Morenci, Mlob., has written a history of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of the M. K church.

u severe fall, you strali perhaps you are comj. nlttlng or stooping position for long Inter-vals at a time, your back begins to ache, then your head, you become listless, tired and weary, but do you understand the real cause? Wo think not, else you would not use plasters and liniment on the back, which only relieve bat do not resch the cause. If you would rid younilf of the pain nnd cure the root of the trouble, at the same time save many years of sufffffW Ing and perhaps life Itself, you will iaRe a " kidney remedy that has been tried ahd proven that It will cilre.

Mr. John Robsolnof 661 Russell Street,. Detroit, says: " A s a result of exnosute during the war I have suffered ever since with rheumatism and kidney troubla Pains would start in my hip and go around to my back. Highly colored mine denoted kidney disorder. The pain in my back was often so bad 1 had to give up work until the aeverlty of the attack passed awav. I have used many linunenta and other things, but recelvea very little relief. Some time ago I started using Doan's Kidney Pills and they have worked a wonderful change in mo. My back is all right now and I owe It all to the almost magical influence of Doan's Kidney Puis."

Mr. Robsoin was a member of the Fifty-first Illinois Regiment, which nerved through the war with honor and dtstlno* [ tlon. Doan's Kidney Pills are for aale by ' all dealers—price, 60 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. sola agents for the U. 8. Remember the name, Doan's, and take no other.

California, Louisiana, Texas,

New Mexico, and

Arizona. 1


James L. Francis, Alderman,Chicago, says: " I regard Dr. King's New Dis-covery as an Ideal Panacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having us-ed it in my family for the last five years to the exclusion of physician's prescrip-tions or other prepsxations."

Rev. John Burgtu, Keokuk, Iowa, writes: " I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church for SO years or more, and have never found any-thing so beneficial, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr King's New Discov-ery." Try this Ideal Cough Remed now. Trial bottles free at Hunter Bon's Drug Store.



A prominent owner, with years of ex g ins

to bis arebltecte: '*1 have had perience, gave the following instructions

my ex perience with kalsominee and othHr goods claimed to be just as good as ANi-bastino. I want you to specify Alabae-tine on all my walls; do not put on any other manufacturers' dope, if they f n r -nish It for nothing. Alabastine is right, and when I cease to use it I shall cease to have confidence in myself or my own judgment."

Tbe Sontbem Pacific Gompaii; and Its Connections Operate the I

Best F i rs t a n d Second-Class Serv ice

from East to

L O S A N G E L E S ,

S A N F R A N C I S C O nnd InUrmedlat# PolnU.

Through Tourist Sleeping Cm leave Chicago, throughout tbe Fall, Spring and Winter every Wednesday night, and OInclnnaU, 0., every Monday and Thursday evenings, and ara run

Through to California without change and on fait mall tralnk. Pas-sengers holding second clan Uckets can seooro accommodations In the tourist sleeping oars, tbe first rates being from Chicago to Oallfomta points, SB; from Cincinnati to California points, 16.60; from New Orleans to California points, t6, per double berth. From New Orleans daQy through Pulman service is operated.

Lowest Rates , Best R o u t e '


M E X I C O , all points in

T e x a s , A r i z o n a ,

N e w M e x i c o

a n d C a l i f o r n i a .


For tion Ing

time tables, and farther infoma-to route and service, or regard, apply to

W. 0 . NEIMYEE, Qenl. Western Agent,

230 Clark St., Ch' igo, m. W. H. OONNOB,

Commercial Agent, So. Pao. Co.. 8. F. B. MO BSE, 01ncinnaU,0.

G. P. A T. A. 80. Pao. Co.. , New Orleana, La,

WE HAVE N O AGENTS W W • • • • W • • Kn, Mil ,K>

W A T C H E S ,

C L O C K S . S I L V E R W A R E

In the very latest designs for Bric-a-Brac, Clocks, 4c,.

W E D r M N O P R E S E N T S H O ? I D / ^ v

at prices you will concede to be reasonable .

H . A . S H E R M A N N . B . — r e p a i r i n g p r o m p t l y a n d n e a t l y d o n e .

G E O . W . R O U S E , Practical Horse Shoer,

F i r a t ' D o o r N o r t h o f Q l l e s f S t o r e , L t o m U

Onlj tbe Bast Wort Due. Failti is bit Cvnetti

-• i," T


Editor Morrison of Worthingtoii,Ind., "Bun." writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I din cheerfully recommend it for Con Stipotlon and Sick Headache, and a gen eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave , Chicago, was all run down, could not est nor dljrest fond, had a backache which never left her nnd felt tired nnd Weary, but six bottles of Electric Bitters restored her health and renewed her stiength. Price" 50 ct nls and 00. Get a Bottle nt Hunter & Son's Drug Store.

BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Beet Salve in the world for Cuts,

Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fe-vsr Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively curca Piles, or no pay re-quired, I t is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 86 cents per box. For sale by Hunter ft Son.

)body need havo Neuralgia. Oct Dr. Miles' tin Pills from druggists. "One cent a (lose."

MENACES TO THE UNION metropolis, and In the metropolifl a spirit of localization exists uioro dan-gerous than any form of outside or sec-

. r- ' tional provincialism. How hardly can Cities Tend to S e p a r a L i o n , roni i t]10 gront city coexist with republican

instltntionB 1 How well nigh impossi-the Common Body.


Bonds Cherl«l> N Chronic ni«ll!'e of T><>-moorncy—A Perpetual Iloiul nnd m Pnr-petiml Repnlillo Do Not Couttlut Tlilut;* That Are Favorable to Our Lun^uvlty.

[Copyright, IfiflO. by John Clark Rldixtth.] IX. '

Wendell Phillips said to mo one day: "Af ter nil, is It possible to preserve the Union? Will It not sooner or later fall asunder? Is i t not Inevitable that we

1 ble 1:! if to maintain in a great city a 1 goveni'iient that has even the semblance ' of h'!i:f'i ty and virtue, to say nothing of

fostering therein a sentiment of patriot-ic devotion to the nation at lurKel

. Where in America, or anywhere in tho world, is theru a great city tLut cares for aught but itself? Where is

1 there ono that finds an interest in any-' thing but itself or in some other city

like itself? The city as it becomes great departs more and uioro from that civil simplicity which constitutes the essence of a genuine democrucy. There is no great city in tho world that is truly democratic or genuinely republican


Internatloniil Lesson for May 17, 1808— I'arubloof the Pounds-Luke 10: 11-27.

[Arrurged from Peloubefs Notes.] Ooi.df.n Tkxt.—He thnt lo faithful In that

which Is least Is faithful also In much; and )i< that Is unjust In the least Ig unjust also In much.—Luke 16:10.

• Tnc SncrtoN Includes only 19: 1-28, be-oiiuso this Is all the record wo havo of tho brief time betwoon the glvif.g alghl to P-ar-tlmoua as he entered Jericho, nnd the ar-rival at Uethany, where our next lesson

T I M E T A U 1 . 1 3

GRAND TRUNK RY, SYSTEM Detroit & Milwaukee Division.

In effect May 4, ISM


ft. in.

ukee Jet

Pontlas 5 51 9 39 6 ffl 10 15 7 20

55 No S3

9 U

d WOSSO Jet Ionia

LowellH Grand Baplds Arl | . B . f t I . Jet Ar VsrrTBburgH o'd HaTenl iillwauked rowc*H a m-

psa>> .A lu .S


v r . t ^ . c

n 'n Lv. Milwaukee l«v. Chicago

Q'd Haven Lv

11 00, 11 45 rand Baplds Lowell

•\. m

or shall bo broken into many by tho con- j Every great city is imperial. Nearly fiict of interests?" I said, being yonng I o v e r y 0,',0 ig UU(ier the dominion of an and fired with patriotism from the war 1 emperor, In comparison with whose ab-t ime: "Yes. certainly; we ore ono, ond i Bolnlism tho rule of tho czar, tho mi-will be one forever. Estp porpetna I; Jjado or the shah is a model of frantic Nothing can break or rend us . " This j liberalism. The great city separates was In 1878. I itself more nnd more from tho country

Time has not finally auswerdd the | {q which i t is located. It develops a life great orator's question. I know not how | 0f jjg 0 W u. It isolates itself and comes deeply seated was his doubt about the j to look upon all tbu rest of tho world us perpetuity of tho Union. Ho may have ( tho outlying provinces- from which it is been using mo as a foil—bless his mem- ^ to draw its corn and wine. oryl—as if feeling for somo significant j The American republic has fostered pulse beating to tho rhythm of a possi- ! o n breast a form of municipal l ife billty that was in his mind. Alaska had | that has grown and fattened un thecom-beon purchased 11 years previously. By ^ n i o u iif0 0f the couutry to an alarming that act tho central north and south | degree. If tho process goes on for the meridian of onr country bad been at ono | U(,xt i iaif century as in the last, the over-remove transfened from eastern Kansas j whelming preponderance of population to San Francisco. Wo hod been convers-ing about Mr. Seward's purchase and the territorial and social results of It.

»» X 4 , will be found within the corporate lim-its of tho cities, and outside of that will bo found only a weak and unambitious

Ionia Qwosso Jot Dnrand

?Sf.o Allwaukee Jet Detroit Ar. ' fcyduur Ja r , BMffft Car oml Sleeping Oct

•astwardNo. 18, has Pullman Sleeper anf Boffet Car attached Chicago to Detroit dally JJa, 14 has Parlor Buffet Car attached Grand Haven to Detroit (extra charge. 2!1 cents). No 18 has Parlor Car attached (extra charge, tt oeDta). No R8 has sleeper to Detroit.

e rornvunui aim n«*»i«a a^. M.... ... | ¥ In the past 18 years many things havo , if u o t u sorvile peasantry, as unlike tho

happened, and some that have been re- 1 robust democrntic fanueft and mechan-assuring. One thing has been fixed in ics who made us and made this nation history, and that is the unequivocal 1 as though they were of another race, stretching of national authority over j The city is wholly unfavorable to the every foot of American soil. Tho civil preservation of a common civil life in war has brought its logical result. As o n r conntry. Tho German empire of tho to tho old doctrine of local sovereignly, ujiddle ages consisted of subordinate that has becomo a romlnlBccnoo. There kingdoms, electorates and free Imperial is hardly any longer an American so cities. Of these, Hamburg was the type. Immersed in the past as to do that doo- The tendonoy in America seems to indi-trine reverence. It belongs already to cate a retnrn to tho medireval condition, thot museum of sacred relics In which it has been openly snggosted in the the old biology nnd the Ptolemaic sys- niotropolltan press that in another ceu-tem of the universe are laid side by side tUry New York will be an independent with tho hell of Dante and the divine imperial municipality, having its own right of kings. There are men who still i a w B , and I suppose making its own beliovo that the earth is fiat, thut man treaties. appeared on Its surface 0,000 years ago. The city does not want community nnd that a state, without violating tho and diffusion, but desires accumulation constitution, may secede from tho Union and localized dominion. The city tends

But is the American republio safe to separation from the common body, ngniiist tho menace of disruption? Are and to independence socially, commor* wo so unified by the establishment of cially and politically. The city instino-national sovereignty as to be really tively strives to become an entity. It what we are ostensibly, one people, augments its own life more and more by with one destiny? Agreeing that those the absorption of tho life of all things peculiar causes which occasioned the elso soever. The city tends to become a t civil war and for a qnadrennium threat- the last an overgrown social and politi-ened us with an eternal break up have cal tnmor. It becomes proud and more expended themselves and are no longer provincial than any province. It organ-

nmono tho llvlna forces of so- izes its own intellootnal life, nnd do-

Westward No. 11 has Parlor Car attached fox Ira charge, 85 cents). No. 15 has Parlor Buff* Oar attached Detroit to Grand Haven (extro Ofc&rge. 26 cents). No. 17 has the finest of Pull man Sleeper and Buffet Car attached to Chlcagr daily. No 81 has sleeper to Grand Baplds.

City Ofllce first door east of the King Milling Co., where tickets are on sale for all through aad local points. Cpen 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bun-day, 4 to 6 p, m

Depot Ticket Offlce open for all trains excep' 11:50 p.m. east

CHAB. M. HAYES. E. I t HUGHES. I Oon. Mgr., Mom real P Q Ist Asst CPA, Chicago

W. W. DAVIR. A. O. HF.YDLAUFF. Q P A, Montreal P Q f^cal Vgio . Lowul

C h i c a g o & G r a n d T r u n k D i v . Trains leave Durand for Battle Creek, Chica

go and West at 0:U a. m., 1:32 p. m., 6:50 p. m.. aad 10:28 p. m. For Flint, Port Huron and all points east. 6:01 a m., 0:80 a. m.. 6:50 p. m., nnd 10:45 p. m.

Cincinnati, Baglr.aw ft Mackinaw B. R. train> leave Durand for Saginaw and Day City at 5:3 a. m., 9:40 a. m . and 8:50 0. m.

t K.H.HUGHES. 1st Asst. OP A, Chicago W. E. DAVIS, G P A. Montreal PQ

cietv are there uot others, unfoared velops its idiosyncrasiee into such vo clety, are mere u - h e i u j j j t manifestations thnt the sympa-

i '•in. I'imk.—Tho lust of March, A. D. 30. 1'iob-

ably Just after the healing of Bartlmcus. J 'n l wrrk before tho crucifixion.

I'i. ace —A street of Jericho and the house of ZaccheuB.

I.EShON NOTES. Jesus was now in Jericho, passing

throug-h the city, never to return thith-er aguin.Zoccheus immediately planned to see JeaiiK. Zaecheus wos a rich man. He had gained a considrffabio portion of his riches by extorlion and fraud. He could not enter God's kingdom and retain this mammon of unrighteous-ness. He promptly and completely dis-carded his old life, and made notmTly the required restitution, bu t more, nnd slew his lovo of money by giving half of his property to the poor. Tills day salvation come to his house. He trusted In Jesus and became His fol-lower. "For," said Jesus, " the Son of Man is come to seek and to save tha t which was lost," "As they heard these things" which Jesus had been saying in the house of Zaecheus, where He was a guest, "He odded and spake a par-

able." Jesus hnd repeatedly of late given the

impression t h a t the kingdom was com-ing, nnd tha t I l l s going to Jerusalem hud something to do with It, (See Luke 17:20, 30; 18:29, 30; Matt, 19:28.) Ami they thought tha t all their dreams about the kingdom were to be visibly realized Immediately and in their way. In fact, the great events necossary to its coming—the crucifixion and resur-rection—were soon to take place; and the rays of its dawn were to shine In the Pentecof-tal g i f t of the Holy Spirit, 1 but the disciples would not recognize these things, nor would the kingdom appear to them; nnd Its complete com-ing wos yet for away; nor would It e \er come In the. way they expected it. This nnrnble was to put them on tholr guard against disappointment; to teach them their t rue way of waiting. In faithful, patient service, for the com-ing of the kingdom; and t h a t a t some time, it would certainly come.

Tho following Is about as fair an in-terpretatlon of tbe preamble as our space will allow:

The man of noble birth representa Christ Himself, of royal blood and Dl-vi no descent. He wos t he. reollzotlon of the highest Ideal .of nobllfty, noble In ohoroeter, in power. In deeds. In nbility.

The far country represents Heaven, and the state of glory with Ills Father, where .Testis went a f te r His death and resurrection to remain unseen till the

.time of His appearing shall come. The kingdom He was to receive Is

the Messianic kingdom of God, holding

A Popnlar Sentiment. Governor Upbam of Wisconsin, in his

address of welcome to tho rooont conven-tion of the State Epworth leagnoat Mad-ison, said that ho Imped to seo tho time whon they would all vote, men and wmi-en. I h o sentiment was loudly applauded by tho host of yonng people and their leaders, the mluuturn of iho Moihutliiit Episcopal ohurch.

For Pin Worms, Eczema, Hives, in fact any of the vbiious torturin/ . itchy,

i iliHRaHOi of tho skin, Doan's Ointment is an instant and positive remedy. Got It from your dealer.


We are not to blamo for. Wo rannot he held responsible for the dispositions and tendencies which we derive from our ancestors, nor arc we respoiihible for the germs of disease which may manifest th^mrelvop in ot r Mood as a heritage from former generations. But we are responsible if we allow these Korms to develop Into serious diseases whicn will impair our usofulness and destroy our happinces. We are re-sponsible if we iiansmit to our descen dents the disease germs which it la pos sible to eradicate by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one trite blood purifier Th's medicine has power to make rich, red blood and establish perfect In place of disease.

AlwajBln •"•ason, Hopkln*' Steawvl Iny (Hulled Com). F W . - u - ' In • u


P A P i r a r r HAIR BAL8AIW

ClMCWt ttul bt.'Jl/l* Promote i InraiJirt fr"*®-Mevsr Talis to Ilrftorc f n y l Hair to U« Vouiurnl \ ,-,0± I Cunt K*;p «ll«»«« « h.it uune.

«fr.«La jl/*' at nnig'«U_


H I N D E R C T P N 8 TT'TTIYNW C M F.R Cora Stow al! mtn. VtV iri-v r- Ifc uOtufgWa

N o w I s T H K T ) M

T • Prejan t.. HulM F- .

THE BUCHANAN FENCE Is acknowledged lo HV only t!i c'.- nv.*. bill tho BEST FENCE ON J- 1 ItTft l» will no* cost oyer 15 cunts a rod for infi-rl'il exeeptlnpr posts and pickets. Only I po-t in r l'/. rods nm» 3 pickets per rod. Pickets Mioiild be made "t hard wood, 1J4 xlj^ In. \ I ft. ID In. long.

Anyone tlmt needs new or that winy want to sell fence will llii<l it to 'liflr Inin T*t to address or culi on

S C . V a r i d e r l i p , Agm' for Kttii

Who Is making hendqusrters

Al Fal'as L Clark's Ha'dw. e Slore, 1 avail

$100 IN CASH

G I V E N A W A Y The great curse of the American people is indigestion and

patlon. Tho best mcdiclno f ocuro thcia is C e l e r y T o n . nature's specific for net vousnoss, sick headache, ohronioco;;stiputlon, ness, kidney and liver complaint. I t will also produce a cle-' • for all who use it. To spread still more the wonderful popuh


etion and consti-It "

blllo cle'"1 complexioi' Till) I


• "

JO.OO $ 3 . 0 0

which Is the greatest nervine known, we publish the following RF.BI Pop its correct solution we will give 8100.00 in cosh,

Divided into 5! Cash Prizes, as follows; Flret CapltHf Prlzo # 2 0 . 0 0 ; Third Capi ta l Prize-S e c o n d Capi ta l P r i z e 910.001 f o u r t h Capital Prlzo •.

Also Thirty Prizes of $1.00 Each. Also lo Iho Person Sending us Ihe Last Corroci Answer will be hwardod Iho

Lao tCop l t a l Pr ize 910.00 Fi rs t F r o m Las t PrPzo 9 3 . 0 0 Ooccnd Fi-om Las t Pr ize !>3.00

Also 14 Prizes pi 5 .00 each, counting .rom Ihe lasl answer.

o f T ( I

Nov. 24, 1855. D e t r o i t , i f L a n s i n g & N o r t h e r n R . R

QOlXfl QgT. Lv Grand Baplds •' Elmdale Lr Lowell At Lowell Ar Lansing " Detroit i

A. u. p. *. P- M-7" 001 1 80 7 W 2 04

"8 00 *20I'M 6 15 11 --'OAII 8 54 3 18

11 40, 6 ») am P «

5 V « M

4 « 7 Sfi

10 1U P M

ica Is by no means a settled foot. Our political geography is still at sixes and sevens. In the last administration some Interested patriots were very eager to annex Hawaii. I t now appears thut the American eagle will soon come homo with Cuba in his claw. The dividing lino between us and Canada is a histor-

i t is in geography. On the southwest bordor there Is between us nnd Mexico a broad, shallow river, as big as the Wabash, but by no moans as voluminous as the Tennessee. Otherwise the seas are around us and tho sky overhead.

Another thing favorable to the Union is the splendid developmeut of the means of transportation. I t cannot be doubted that in tho last half coutnry the means of rapid transfer for both

people—the notion to whom such great Interests hnd been committed.

The pounds must denote something which Is the same to all, BO t h a t n o o n e a t the first can have more than another, nnd yet th is sometimes Is of such a sort tha t It caii be very differently em-ployed or Increased by each one, nofc bo much according to his ability as ac-cording to his faithfulness or industry.

and unforeseen by our predecessors, that beinent manifestations thnt tne sympu- ; "•« may gather head and shatter us Into thies between it and the country states i i t benign sway over all the earth, fragmentsf are cut off nnd obliterated. The city oh- ! The servants were God's^ professed

Tho territorial unity of North Amer- ' Ktruc'ls and annoys the Union and threat- ' 1

<•'18 its perpetuity. A second fact dangerous to the repub-

lic is the Bond. The city and the bona are in league and amity. The country as such'does uot know the bond, but feels it I The bond came with our calamity, and is so well pleased with its reoeption

lino Decween uh ium vuuuuu .o H as not to return I The bond and the leal and ethnical absurdity. Such a lino orown go well together, but not the ooralng to ni» iaiwuu.uooo Is as difficult to find in right reason as bond and the election. The bond oher- , ^"ch w e tbe words of God, the moans

' ishes o chronic dislike of all democracy, i o f ^ redemption In Jesus, t be If tho bond accepts republicanism, it is presence nnd power of the Holy Spirit, ouly that kind that wears a plume and , opportunities to be fai thful and tru«, haoka up against an arsenal ftiith, hojie, love, and all tho f ru i t s of

The bonded debt of tho United States , the Spirit, was intended to subserve a temporary j ^he citizens represent ell men over purpose in our economy, and then to go i "'hom He. is the rightful King, and who away by payment. Nobody wishes to re- i l i v e w l t W n t h o o i H 5 s kingdom, pudiate a debt, made necessary by the I w a s t o t l i e ^ n r country of peril of the nation. What the people Heaven fo r the purpose of obtaining

the means oi rupiu w ^ o . v . — want is payment, and what tbe bond • t ' ' ' 8 kingdom. But they rejected Him. property and man have been improved wants is eternal life! The bond knows , " n c came unto His own, and His own

timn cnminensuratoly with the that it has no permanent place among received him not. Especially did the *• • - Jews distinctly say: "We will not have this man reign over us." i

promotes - B _ . J Christ is coming again to reeeive His

? i unma

Z R o U l f c I

If oaranswer . n u n ht; People's

.. will be open till July 1st, 1880. All persons sutidlug in correct answer* printed list of the prire winners after tho distribution, which will take place July Ifltli, IHW.

REMEMBER, you get value received in tho Tea, and there are CI prizes In all. Try k, Cnt this advertisement out, as it may not appear again.

R h e u m a t i s m and Neuralgia Cured X by Ar-thro-phon-l-a. Sample bottle FREE on receipt of 2c stamp and name of this I paper. W. H. HILL CO.. Detroit, n i e h .

Lv Detroit... Laastng .

Ar Lowell Lv Lowell •' Elmdale...... Ar Grand Baplds

7 4r 10 21 p M 2 80

11 20 11 12 X PM

1 10 s 82

6 20 _4JJ0

4 43 5 20 PM

A 00 887

10 ,16 10 45 PM

^ Ida and Detroit, aeats 25 cent*. CHICAGO & WEST MICHIGAN RY.

r P " Trains leave Grand Baplds for Omcioo 8:00 a

S i ^ P f « ' l ! a V V » ^ ! uiJlii8ton. Traverae City and Petoekey, f:S0 a tn. and 5:80 p m.

GEO EkHAVEN, Gen. Pasr. Agt. W H. CUB*. Ageat. Grand Rapid*

free institutions. Tbe bond accordingly interests itself in the latest tactics. I t

armored ships and 16 inch • ---- - ^ . It circulates eulogiums of kingdom and to judge the world (Matt. o ....,1 1 25: 31-46).,Butnotonly then, butoften-

Bastings Railroad I E T A B L E .

lofeli T I M E

In effect Sunday, Dec. 29,1W5.


more than commensuratoly outspreading of the national domains. The avenues of life, stretching every-where, and tho circulation of tho vital forces are unobstructed. If the body has rifled oannon. grown, the veins and arteries and nerves tho English system of finance and of the have grown and developed also to the supreme court. As to the people, the remotest capillaries of this vast entity bond utters the same wish which one called the United States. 1 of onr distinguished financiers in New

Tho practical problems of governing, j York utterod about the publia The bond of administering, of sending out author- gays that it is a part of tbe national Ity and recovering revenue, of making honor, and that an honorable thing common tho civil life of the American j ought to live forever. people, are simpler and easier of soln- i The creation of a permanent fund-timi than they were at tbe establish- holding interest in a republic is inoon-

of the Union. They are muoh sistent with i t Tbe bond ia a part of than they were at the period of the monarchical apparatus, but to a na-

mio xuaxican war. In fact, the organic tion of freemen It is a thing of ill omen, life of the people is much more perfect | Once admitted into the republic, t he in every part than at any previous peri- ! bond discovers that the republio is not od in our history. The symptoms of strong enough for its purposes. Theoou-longevity are thus more distinctly seen , pons of a perpetual debt become annoy-tn the features and movements of our (iug, even to Christians and patriots, country than they were 40 years ago. j However silently'the coupons are clip-

Another "favorable fact in the great ped, and however patriotically they are organic whole of America is the com- | paid, the time comes when the payer . u„. I a iittu of tho Bemfannnal trlb-


tion than meut easier the Mexican

*0.8 mo. 6


/ Pratt Lai Khndale, Bmdato, ... Logan.....

K r O u .

0000 HOBTM.

oJ^ftapldB, ..

Bmdale. . . . Pratt Lake,. Lowell

7:00 AMlIl:aO A M 7.09 " 11:80 " 7:15 " 11:40 "

" 12:00 PM " 11:10 " " 12:20 " •• 12:80 "

8:54 A *1 8:16 " 11:40 " 1 5:40 "

4:S0 PM 4:80 -4:40 •• 4:45 " 4:65 " 5:05 " 5:20 ^

7 26 P P 1010 "

HO. 2 NO. 4 MO- «

'7:66 A

» 7:86 " 7:50 "

r 8:00 "

7:40 AH WAA " 1:10 PM l:8« "

I S : 2KB " 2:10 " 2530 "

r io r» 8 88 "

5 * '

S S ' -0 « " 1:12 ' 6«) "

been established in al oountry. The man of w — Passamaquoddy ! cans •will never shrink from the full dis-and the man of San Diego are little dis- ' charge of a debt that was coutraoted for tlngnishable in features, slightly dis- the proservution of the Union. It ia only tlnguisbable I n speech, and let ns believe when the holders of that debt propose to not at all distinguishable in patriotism. ' make it eternal and contrive that it shall The man of Tampa nnd the man of Du- 1 be paid in a standard " " ' — luth are of like similarities and identi- | for one, only when tbe I

It fs'true that the uniformity, the j ly increase^, ftftjp time

unit worth two

t i m e s there comes a day of judgment to notions and to individuals. The de-struction of Jerusalem wasoneof those times; so are Providential crises, the hour of revelation of crime long contin-ued In secret, and tbe hour of death. Every one has to give a strict account of all that God has intrusted to him .

At the close of this parable Jesus mnkes a statement of the principle: , **Unto everyone which hath shall be given; and from him thnt hath not, 1

even that he hath shall be taken away j fmm h im:" He has only true posses- |

• slon of a thing who uses Its i>oweraaDd I forces. Ht does not really "have** any-thing which he does not make a step-ping-stone to something better. Tbe opportunities pass oway, the abilities diminish, the powers wane.

And the fate of those who reject Christ is just as oertaln. There was a fulfillment of verse 87 at the destruc-tion of Jerusalem, 40 years later, when not a Christian perished, but more than a million Jews Were slain. But thatde-etructlon was but one example of the ruin which must follow a life of sin.

Trains arrive and depart from Front Stree Passenger Depot. W. H. CLARK, Traffic Manager.

s p p r o x i w a s ev


C . M. W A I T E R S , PROPR.

The Calls are collected from the H . tUtea o f t t U Wne 50 m . f ^ c ^ s f l i l e f o i

'not perfect or entire, but the ation is more noticeable than

ifore to be found in any conn-nioh of the world of like ex-riety. Distinctions of race

obliteration in Amer-type is fixing itself in

tbe United States, which there are good grounds for hoping will be one of the Stron^tot, most high minded and aspir-ing forms of human life ever known on the globe.

American institutions, and the Union m p^rticujar, have perils also. There are two facts in our structural life either one of which is suftioieut to cause alarm. Tbe first of ihoso is the gravita-tlon of the people into the cities. All thetlnlces of our populntio-i run city-

I ward. Every stream runs toward the

i s

republic uifestlyTCn dition Is can'

bo muiut cities tUll

The IJrnorance of early yootb, or later on a m i m - o ™ . ^ . tbeaeods for fu iu ro i-nflorlnc. S E L F A B U S E is a terrible sin o^.-iinat r j will bring a rich harvest. Blood and Private Disuses sap tho very Itfi am of the vlctfra. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will positively cr.to all t l mg JisotiMs:


I D E v n i l 0 NEnVOCSanddoepondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; no Q j ! M n C l U U ( ambition—lifeleM; metaory poor; easUy futigucd; excitable and irri- ou! table: eyes •onkon, rod and binned; pimple* on facc; droems nnd i-lght lo«<v«: rest- ft® Irae; bamiard looking; weak back, bone pains: hair loose; nlcers; sore throat; varico- U . cele; deposit in mine and drains nt stool; (listmstfnl; want of confidence: lack of » energy and B t r e n g t h - W * OAN CURE YOU OR ASK NO PA Y. H |


SNATCHED FROM THE GRIIVE. doctors ana nerve toaica by tho score wlUiontoenefit; emissions and ilniiiiMinrrea«€<l wreck. A mend who had lieen enred by Drs. Kwin.-dy A Kerga-Mviaad in* to trr thsm. 1 did ao and in two months was posl h c I become a nervous •

1 amnowulan lMand have two heslthy cb.ld-

"Varloocele made life mlserabjs

zen of ether

when tbe Am' means begins to izod, only when a't prepared which a standing army senals, that the begins to considi ance is worth the having. debt that grbVsJltfgeta It, a debt that bqb swal sources of the American years and still has as much purchasing power us ever, a debt that intronches it-self with false legWatioq and ipiquitons judicial decisions. Is a fact that may well bo mentioned In the litany with the usual words, "Prom this, also, good Lord, deliver us!" A perpetual bond and a perpetual republic do not oonslst 1


A bonded people aay

red the pie for


Bent. "That's a bright "boy of youfp." "Do you think so?" - I do." "Has he any particular bei "Yea. He ia bfflf most

over, a Texua Sift i i

—Tho problem of fencing farm land and qlty lots has received y ttjiblvo at-tention, there being no less thtfO 0,807 patents upon fencing devices uud'posts.

—The processes of grinding aod.pol-ishing surfaces of metal, a tone wood o r glass may be accelerated by tbe employ-ment of any one of 2,598 patents.

—The vision is not obscured by the act of winking, which takes place so quick-ly that the outer Image remain# Im-pressed upon tho retina


rrogu-or Pal-1088 oi », a r t 1.

.tongoe, enrsd o


K i d l thackt ion I eonaoited tiiem. No u-turn of the

17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 CURED. NO RISK H victim? Have son loet hope? Are yon contempUtinK 1/1




. an hoii'-el olden Monitor"

•NO NA TB. N o m

k tmant FRI con!

D. No n a m e s on boxes or en vel-'ahtlal. Q u e s t i o n l ist and cost of


.ISM: heart I had ronld icuts c and 3d bjr gave y e a n y lies, d all •vine d ai-wltb-



' •y. t of In-



« oo-t. « n

Mi: a

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n S y .

ic • i M K

d aa tt





M .•




Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report


1 «



i Bl wf ey to In d«.

A B & O M M t E W P U R E

There will be a Sabbath sohool cou-vpntion n f t r r Snbhuth pchool Bundny

May 21th. Everybody come, u good time is Biiticipinod.


.Soulh Lowell .

The memheiB of the Epworth Lt-agun have accrpted the mvitaliou to attend the annivereary exerciseB at South Bos-ton M. E . church Sunday evening.

J . Ribblo is reported to be failing.

Miss Addle O'Harrow is no better.

Mrs Chas. Yeiter had a rag bee Tues-

day .

. Po ta to bugs are out in full force tak-ing an inventory of the coming potato crop, which we hope will be diminished this season so that those who buy will be obliged to pay as much as 10 cents

per bushel.

We hear that Will Murphy a n d wife have moved to Grand Bapids, tha t he han the position of inotorman.

The social at C. O Hill's If reported a success, a large crowd, a good , time.

Receipt* $9.25.

Farmers are busy planting corn.

Coons is selling suits for | 5 , worth i

to i more. Good sizes.

Try Bergin for all green stuff.

Have those teeth bridged in by Dr.

Cam bell.

Wall paper from 3i to 25 cents per roll a t W. 8. Winegar's.

r«rnell Point*.

The bans of Dr. McAvoy and his pros-pective bride were called Sunday for the last time. He has a nea t little home all furnished ready for his bride. His many friends will gladly welcome

her to our midst.

TheGra t t an Sunday school cleared

$9.40 a t their ice cream social Friday evo. Dr. and Mrs Spencer paid for the ball.

The Road Commissioner, G . Doyle, laid out the new road last* Thursday. There were 121 freeholders t h a t opposed i t , while 16 were In favor, an appeal will be taken. The administratore of the Holmes estate will take it to t h e courts, before they will al low it to go through t h a t fine farm, and it Is said the old road can be fixed in fine,shape for f 150 which looks the cheapest for the tax payers .

Some farmern have corn up .

W m . Murphy, of St. Louis, visited at J o h n Murphy's last week.

Eliza Branogan, of Grand Rapids, v is i t td her father here Sunday.

Miss Kit t ie Weekes is home f rom the Val ley City.

T h e young people at Mr Gehan's gave a dancing party Friday eve.

Miss Maggie Driscoll is in G. Rapids, f o r a few days visiting fr iends.

Toeih extracted by the new painlees method by Dr. J . H. Rlckert.

I have the largest stock, careful ly se-lected, of wall paper in Lowell.


If your watch or clock has "gone wrong'" get it repaired at U . B. Wil l -i ams . All work guaranteed for one year .


F. W. Stark, nephew of G. P. and L. S ta rk , recently from Ohio, is aesistlng L e w Stark in the store.

Mrs C. L. Conger, of Chicago, is visit ing her sister, Mrs Chas. Frost.

Telephone poles are being delivered a long the angling road th rough Whi t -n e y ville and our village preparatory to erect a telephone line f rom Grand Ledge to Grand Rapids,

Mrs H. Weesbrook a n d C. Casper d ined with Mrs F. M. Thompson recent-ly

Dr. Hamilton has a new bicycle.

Isaac iSoble, night clerk of the New Eag le hotel, G. R., was in the village S u n d a y .

Mrs J u n e and little g rand-daugh te r h a v e returned to their home in the city, a f t e r several months s tay with her daugh te r , Mrs Zach Pat terson.

Mr and Mrs O. P. S ta rk and niece.

Fied Darling, of Parih, h i t en - id church in the villnge Sunday.

H . G. Holt, was quite sick the Iiim of the we^k.

Mrs Winnie Langs is fulTtriiij; from a severe at tack of pharytiKitU pre venting h t r joining her liUHlmiul ai Joliet, ill, as soon as she intend-ii.

R. Vanderhoof returned Thui>dnj from Tenncoce.

Mrs Thos. Browne, of the valley city, is visiting her mother, Mrs Geo. IUM>.

Wha t hna become of our Ada c*v V

Glenn Thompson, of ( jnunl Rapidr, s p m t Mon-iuy with bis mother, a t the fa rm.

Bern, to Mr and Mrn El wood Thomp-son, May 11, a son

Sea our three piece bed room suit for $12 50 a t McConnell's.

|6 .00 Buys a suit for a man or boy worth $0.50, $7.50, $8 00, ^U.OO at Coons

Our line of Wall Paper is of the finest paterns and a t lowest living prices. L. H. Hunt & Co.

Try the Columbian salmon, for sale a t C. Bergin's.


Hot! Hotter May weather , needing rain.

Joe. Helmer and wife, of Jackson, are visit ing her brother, Orrin Ford, and other relatives th is week,

About 20 men turned out last week to the bee and grubbed out everything clean in the cemetery and now our cemetery begins to look better though i t needs more work.

Jos. Hamil ton , of Lowell, was in the cemetery Thursday, pu t t ing up two markers.

The foundation for the Lowell Elec-t r i c light dam is, t h e 9th day, about two-thirds over the s t ream, 190 feet. The wheel p i t is being dug a n d par t of t h e flume f r a m e was raised Saturday eve. Curiosity led us to visit the Low-ell Electric power gravi ty d a m under E. R, Beardsley, of Chicago, w h o has t h e contract , and w h e n completed will n o doubt be one of t h e finest dams in t h e state, the style being absolutely safe upon quick sand or m u d bottoms and in i ts build is a f r iend to t h e water in-stead of an enemy. The wa te r holds the dam instead of the dam holding t h e water. Mr B. has had 50 years ex-perience in dam building and claims the gravi ty dam superior to all o ther styles. I n a f u t u r e Issue we may give the Journa l readers an idea of i ts style and build which is different f r o m a n y other we ever saw.

Born, to Mr and Mrs Chris Furney Sunday, a son.

Mrs Gregory, of Grand Rapids, Sun-dayed a t Mr Lewis', wi th her daughter , who is teacher ot the Barto school.

The Famous Ohio cultivator has no e iiiai. over 100,000 in use. You will find ihem at Brown & Sehler's.

Take vitalized a i r at Dr. Cambell 'sand have those tc< Hi extracted.

Mrs F rank Tarleton is visiting her sister, Mrs Earnest Godfrey this week.

Meedames *ggie and Essie Condon Bo wen's Sunday , attended Mr Lee's barn raising, in Keene last Thursday. There were 70 women besides the men present.

Mrs Geo. Converse, of Keene, visited her sisters, Mesdames W m . and Dell Condon, last week.

Thos. Condon and Mr Simmons went lishiug Friday and caught a 71b picker-el.

Geo. F. White, wife and daughter , Mrs Fannie Coons, of Lowell, • were in Alton Thursday, and took dinner with Warren Ford and wife.

Mrs Orrin Ford is growing weaker.

There is a black fiy and worm destroy-ing the peach limbs and if no remedy is found they will be seriously damaged.

W m . Condon re turned f rom Detroit, Saturday af ter a t tending the slate con-vention.

Mrs A. S. Holmes was through the South l ine ot Gra t tan with a remons-trance against a new road being laid through the Holmes fa rm beginning on the state road west, going and south to intersect with the road a t Mr Bresna-han's corner. Three petit ions a re be-

Keens Mows.

Ed Kennedy has moved onto the Liuipkins place.

Mrs Jas. Bowi-u'u health Is qui te poor,

Wm. Campbell has the foundation for h i ' n e w Idtchen completed. Carpenters this week.

Alibn Mina Bowen is working for Mrs Will l lui i t this season.

Mrs Willcinson called a t Mrs John L-mcks" and found her improving in lifallh Mra Fred Loucks and baby a re also doing nicely.

Elder Seymour a n d wife of Ionia, vis-ited her sister, Mrs Wm. Campbell, last week,

Mr Abbey is building a neat l i t t le house on his f a r m south of t h e Keene church.

Mrs A. W . Knee entertained t w o uncles this week, one from Stanton and the other, Jesse Holenshead, f rom Ohio. She had not seen her Ohio uncle for 35 years.

Mrs Wilkinson called on Mrs Jas. Tre-denick in Lowell last week. Mrs Tre-denick is still suffer ing f r o m her fall May 2d, and a t last reports was still confined to her bed.

Miss Carrie Moon is expected home this week to visit her parents.

H. N. Lee raised the f r ame of his barn last Thursday af ternoon, g iving a regu-lar old fashioned "raisin." The Saranao L. A, S. was invited and at tended in a body as did near ly every one else f r o m far and near . I s was est imated t h a t there were t w o hundred present, seven-ty of whom were ladies. Smith, t h e photographer , took the crowd a f te r which Mrs Lee served a del ightful sup-per. A splendid t ime was had by all.

Mr and Mrs W . Miller of Lowell, spent S u n d a y wi th the i r daughter , Mrs Boyai Riokert, and at tended the Keene church in the morning .

Mrs B. F . Wilkinson is quite l ame f rom a fall received by stepping through a hole in t h e woodshed floor.

Mrs D. D. Mason of G'd Rapids, is vis-i t ing Mrs Thos. Daniels.

The people of Potter 's corners, gave Mr and Mrs L u t e Taylor a farewell s u r -prise Tuesday. Mr Taylor is going to m o v e away .

Wil l Renwick, an old Keene boy, who has been in t h e grocery business a t Sar -anac , has sold ou t and will return to the old f a r m .

Mrs Blough of N. Keene, has two eis ters visi t ing her , one f r o m New York and one f r o m Indiana.

Rob't Sparks is improving the looks of his house by a coat of pa int .

Mrs Chas. Lampkin gave a delight-f u l tea to a number of he r lady fr iends Fr iday.

Elder Arms t rong resigned his pastor-ate a t the Keene church, but the people wouldn ' t h a v e i t so, and h e has decided to stay the balance of the year.

Bur t Bowen and wife visited at Emory

n \


• /

Grace Stark and grand-eon, Braddie , ! ing circulated and if t ha t don ' t stop the Gorliam, lef t Monday for Ohio, to look ' commissioner, perhaps an injunction a f t e r Mr S. farming interests t h e r e ; ' from the courts would, W i t h the cost • ' ley drove through w i th a covered i following, the town ^ o u l d feel the ex-

aitr Veaw.

Mr and Mrs G. H . Wheaton, Bruce and Flora spent Saturday a t Ionia with Mrs W. 's brother, Mr Smi th .

Charley M e m m a n of Vergennes, is visiting a t Chad Lee's.

Beauty in height and not in breadth alono can s tand fr i l ls , and only tall , l i the figures can cope with the broad, Iraped girdles and finffy waist arrange-ments now so popular. To Yvette Gnil-bert v e owe much of the craze for dec-orative belts—that is, bodices dressed very much a t the waist line, and which have the tendency to make a really slen-der, dainty figure look somewhat short and stubby. Short girls, beware of them 1

London Whee lwomen.

The Green Park club, formed a f e w years ago for the convenience of lady cyclists in Battersea park, is about to en te r upon the occnpation of handsome new premises in Grafton street, Picca-dilly. T h e list of members a t present includes the names of the Conntess of Londesborough and Mrs. William Court Gnlly. A hundred new members are about to be enrol led. —London Spectator.

- There is no excuse for any man to ap-pear in society with a grizzly beard since the introductlou of Buckingham's Dye, which colors natural brown or black.

A course of Hood's Sarsaparilla this anrirtr ivo.y h-» the of l e ap ing you

ie- ' all •

$1.00 cash, gets the Lowell Journal un t i l nex t J a n u a r y and the New York Tribune one year . Come quick, this is too good to last.

Preaidentlal Year.

The year of 1896 will be of the u tmost interest to our citizens on account, not alone of its being presidential year, bu t on account of the position we have tak-en among the nations of the world. No man can be too well posted so we have made a r rangements to furn ish in connection wi th the JOURNAL, to ail subsenbers w h o a r e paid in advance the Chicago Inter Ocean or the New York Tribune or both in connection with the JOURNAL a t a ye ry low rate . THB WEEKLY INTER OCEAN $1.00 THE LOWELL JOURNAL $1.00

Both for $1.35 Or

THE N . Y . WEEKLY TRIBUNE. . . . | 1 . 0 0 THE LOWELL JOURNAL — $1.00

Both for $1.35 Or


Three for $1.65


Wheat , white, $0.67 Whea t , red, 67 Barley 70 Corn 34 Oats, 84 Rye SO Flour, per h u n d r e d 2 00 Bran, per ton, 13 00 Middlings, pe r ton IS 00 Corn Meal, per ton.. 15 00 Com A Oats " 16 00 Butter , per lb 10-18 Chinkens '• 8-9 T'lrkeys '* 9-10 Pork " 4 Duck 9-10 Maple Sugar 7-8 Eggs, per doz 8 Potatoes, per bu 10-15 Onions, " 80-25 Beans. ' " 60-70 CabV ,-e. W . . . . S* -'.)


A f t e r T h i r t y Yvrcrw S i n u l l p u x CorraH S i i r ln i r I n t o L l f o F r o m W a l l P n p o r . Thi r ty yea r s atfo n person was sick of

smallpox In a f a rmhouse In the count ry town of Grotor.. across the Thames river from New I.-fi>lon. ami a f t e r the patient reoover'-d the dwcli tqg wan fumigftted nmt the room in which he had been 111 re-papored. I ra Ches ter and family now awell In the house, which Is on School

In Groton T a n k hnmlet, near the tall monument In memory of the For i Grldwold maRcacrc. The paper that was p l a c d on the walls of the room In which the smallpox pa t i en t was sick th i r ty year? apo was removed a week or ::o ago. and present ly Mr. Chester ' s seven-year-old dauKhtor was stricken with small-pox. In the opinion of the physician the germs of the disease were dormant hi the walls of the room, and when the paper w a s str ipped from them the dls>-••nse WR* eommnnlcnted to the child. In no o ther way Is her sickness to be ac-counted for, since she had not been otherwise exposed to the maladv.—Cin-cinnat i Enquirer .

It Is very sat isfactory to know that there is a preparat ion for walls and ceilings, made f rom a cemout base, a s permanent a s the wall itself.

Kalsomlnes have only been tolerated because people have either never had their at tention called to or used Ala-bastine. Cheap kalsomlnes. under whatever name (and all kalsomlnes are cheap, being made of whit ing, clays or some inert powder, and stuck on the wall with animal glue), rub and scale off and have to be washed and scrappd off before recoatlng, and In fact spoil any wall to wulch they arc applied. Alabastiqe, on the contrary, makes a pure and permanent coating, that can be coated and recoated In keeping walls in repair from time to time, and when applied sets on the wall, growing hard with age. Ala-bastlne has stood the test of t ime, Is reeommended by all sani tar ians . Is ready for use by addlnp water (the latest make can be mixed with cold water), and i>veryene using it is pleased with results.

Who wishes to spoil tholr walls with kalsomlne when they can set the dura-ble and sani tary Alabastlne?

O. G. B . & M. Ci ty Office.

For the convenience of those who wish to purchase their bus and railroad tickets together I have placed on sale a t ' he above office a fal l stock of t ickets to ill local and th rough points so tha t pas-lengers are ready to get on the t rain y h e c they reach the depot.

A. O . u (TFV,

Those Nettleton ©hoes.

A few still left at I2.00

We have other Bar-

gains just as good,


For Instance Y Gray Bros. Ladies Fine

Shoes (they are stan-

dard), usual price 55.00

This Bargain $2 $2.00 Buys lots of Good

Goods at

R, B, LOVEUHD'S West Side Shoe Store.

Fine J o b Pr in t ing of all k inds a t t h e JOURNAL Office.

T r y the Journal for advert is ing you will never regre t i t . J ob work s p e e M t r ,

200 S5.00 SUIT SALE

MENS AND YOTUHS Forier Prices 16.50, $1.50, $8,00 and $9,00 New Cmlsl Neil $5,001 Sizes Geol,

