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Quipú June of 2012








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This month we congratulate Andres Peralta in the Operations Area, he has stood out for his responsibility and effectiveness in carrying out his duties.

We emphasize his excellent attitude attending the different requirements of the area and the attention given to the clients he is in charge of.

He is noted for his excellent attitude, companionship, teamwork, responsibility and warmth in his interpersonal relationships.

Andrés PeraltaIngeniero Junior


A Andrés nuestro agradecimientoy una muy especialfelicitación

COLLABORATOR OF THE MONTHIn Ethos the commitment is a reality…

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June del 2012





Ethos commercial area has the function and the direct responsibility of the customers’ relations and the sales targets achieving which are the main sources of income in any company.

A critical success factor for companies is the development of the commercial area and the sales force to be able to achieve the predicted objectives. The sales’ team is one of the cornerstones of the organization, its mission is to maintain and expand the market as well as building customer loyalty; besides, contribute in maintaining the company’s profits by increasing productivity.

Our mission is to provide to our clients a personalized service suited to their growth and trade realities. We understand that setting up these details with innovation, quality service, agility, speed, creativity and dynamism in seeking solutions to their requirements and needs; we deliver excellent results that allow us to strengthen our commercial ties.

We have assembled an integrated team that allows us to monitor and uphold the customer needs, a committed team to the company objectives whose mainstay delivers quality and satisfaction.

We strive for the projection of our identity and corporate image passing it to our internal and external customers through timely and permanent communication that allows us to strengthen our corporate culture making it a differentiating factor that added value, permanence in time and memory of our target audience and allow us to grow daily and be more competitive in the market.

Market leadership is earned having the vision of new products, services, lifestyles and ways to raise living standards

Philip Kotler

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From May 28 to June 1 was held the Second Cooperative Summit of the Americas, at the Hotel Riu Plaza in Panama City, under the slogan “The Sustainable Development Cooperatives with Social Equity.” Over a thousand cooperatives in the Americas met to analyze, exchange and make proposals with respect to the cooperative enterprise and define the position and the Cooperatives challenges.





In this photo: Ricardo Henao, Commercial Vice President Ethos. Sergio Gomez, Novacomp.

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June del 2012



With the come into force of the FTA between Colombia and the United States, it will launch a series of activities planned by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Proexport, which aims to make more entrepreneurs expand or open new markets there.

More than 150 activities scheduled for 2012 in the 32 Colombian departments and in all 50 U.S. states. of that country. “We want to impact more than 1,500 Colombian exporters and 1,300 U.S. buyers. We will develop more than 15,000 business appointments, “says the president of Proexport Colombia, María Claudia Lacouture.

Business matchmaking Forum New York 2012

Among The U.S. stocks, there will be three Business matchmaking Forums with the participation of 250 exporters in each one: two multi-sectorial and one specialized in the Garment sector. The first Business multi-sectorial matchmaking will be held on 28 and 29 June in New York.

Ethos will participate in this Business matchmaking that will take place the next 28 and 29 June, in which we hope to gain more knowledge about this market and build business opportunities which are a great benefit to the company’s strategy and also in our office Silicon Valley.

“Within the internationalization processes on which we have been working for about two years we have as its focus the U.S. market. Through the Free Trade Agreement, we take the opportunity to reach the U.S. market with our product TD Workshop and our office located in Silicon Valley. It is an initial exploration and a work opportunity to know better the market as well as the potential customers for our products. “

John E. SusaPresident

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The last 15 and 16 May was held at the facilities of the International Business Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, located in Corferias, the first edition of the business conference organized by the Institute of Foreign Trade Promotion (IPEX) of castilla - La Mancha and sponsored by the innovation group, Fedesoft, Esi-sinertic, the Chamber of Commerce among others.

The announcement was made days ago, and involved more than 30 Colombian companies and about 10 Spanish companies: Abada Software, Capazita, Servinet and SICAMAN among others, in a variety of sectors as municipal management, custom development, application network security and more.




It was laid the foundation for future partnerships that will allow us to diversify our portfolio.

The next day was held the presentation of the different government actors on promotion issues of innovation and development in ICT, highlighting presentations of Vive Digital-Fiti, Changing Production Program, and Colciencias Innpulsa among others.

By: Ing. Daniel Fernando Cortés

As part of the celebration of the signing of the FTA between Colombia and USA, the last May 23 was held at the Hilton Hotel in Bogota, the Miami Dade exploratory mission organized by the Colombian-American Chamber of Commerce - AmCham, in order to explore new business opportunities for both countries.

It was noted the strong interest from law firms specializing in the processes of Visa transactions, as Weiss, Alden & Polo, Tauler Law Firm or Edam Law, which illustrated the process of obtaining business visas. There was also the presence of major technology firms such as Benseron or AccuBANKER.

By: Ing. Daniel Fernando Cortés

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June del 2012


Part of our corporate identity is our traditional Ethos Chocolate, which we held fortnightly and through which we seek to draw all our customers, providing a space for integration and knowledge about technical aspects of our system Cygnus. In the month of May was held the Causation training by the Engineer Edgar Susa. We have the participation of officials from Fincomercio, CoopUniminuto, Febor, Coopedac.


We reiterate our invitation to all our customers to make part of these trainings directed and organized in order to provide an added value to our service.

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From left. to right: Edgar Susa (Trainer), Nelly E. Shua (Fincomercio), Andres Neira (Fincomercio) Yanneth Ingrid Sotelo (Febor), Cecilia Toro (CoopUniminuto), Monica Mora (Febor), José Port (Coopedac).

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June del 2012




The cooperative is no irrelevant to education and on this important social subsector belongs 138 education cooperatives in the country, with a total of 62,765 teachers affiliated to them and a generation of 13,483 jobs; according to data provided by Clemencia Dupont, chief executive of the Confederation of Cooperatives in Colombia, Confecoop.

The number of cooperatives in the educative subsector varies by department. Bogota leads the ranking with 31 entities made up of teachers, followed by Antioquia with 21 cooperatives, Cundinamarca with 13, Valle with 10, Santander, Boyaca, Huila with 8, and Norte de Santander, Tolima and Cucuta with 6.

The Magisterial Cooperative, Codema, was born in 1963 with 33 teachers, in times when the cooperative was still a incipient movement. The effort then was irradiated in other parts of the country and Bogota was promoter of other unions and educators as Canapro Cotraecun, both of great experience and impact on the educational development of the capital.

Codema brings together 27 thousand officials educators of the district who are given the variety of services. For example, to December 31, 2011 granted 15,852 loans, totaling $ 363,017,000, of which 31,655,300 are for home loans. Note that the total assets of the loan portfolio represents 87%.

“Our loans are very different from the ones on the traditional financial sector, whereas there any delay is punished immediately; the cooperative listens to the associated and offers terms of up to six months to resume his payments. It is about helping them, it is a very different philosophy, “said Ismael Beltran Rodriguez, manager of Codema.

“Additionally, we have 17 reasons or solidarity services with our associated, which leave from their children’s birth to the death of any member of their families. We serve all kinds of needs that arise throughout life. We are delivering more than $ 7,000 million for these items. This is a differential of the cooperative sector with other organizations, added the cooperative leader.

The Growth of this cooperative has been at all levels. In the past year were associated with it 1,500 new teachers and in surplus it reached $ 22 billion, which is undoubtedly a very significant benefit not only for the associated but for the national educative sector.

Among the benefits the associated received there is one that stands out and it is the non formal training in various subjects like English, for example, which has a form of “traveling classroom” that allows students (teachers or families ) to perform internships in other countries like Canada, to improve the language.

Source: http://www.supersolidaria.gov.co/noticia.php?n=274






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The next 22 and 23 June was held in Corferias, Bogotá, The agreement for the prosperity on the charity (Cooperatives, Benefit Associations, Fund of employees, associations, foundations, corporations, community agencies, Volunteer Group).

This celebration was concluded between the President of the Republic, the High Council for the Regions and the Citizenship and Solidarity Organizations of Colombia, in order to present the results within the first year of transfor-mation of the institution in order to make the arrangements in the different working groups that contribute to the development and future of solidarity in Colombia.

On June 22, Friday, it will take place three the-matic panels in Pavilion 9 in Corferias in which it will be worked topics such as:



• Solidarity.Business development • Solidarity system, its regulation and supervi-sion.• Sources of funding: International cooperation and financing of productive projects

On June 23, Saturday, in the presence of the President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, it will be conducted the meeting of adquired com-mitments in each one of the tables.

To participate in this activity, you should be re-gistrated in Colombia Solidarity Organizations. For More information via Email

[email protected]

Source: http://ecosolidario.com.co/

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June del 2012




As part of the celebration of the International Year of Cooperatives 2012, declared by the United Nations Organization – UN, The Special Administrative Unit of Solidarity Organizations declared the interest in helding a Conference on, Cooperative, Public Policies and Local Development.

Additionally, the event coincides with the interest shown by UNESCO (Solidarity Studies Unit at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Colombia), EURICSE (European Institute for Research on Cooperatives and Social Enterprises) and Coopermondo-Confcooperative (Italy) to make an extension event (“Spin Off”) of the Conference “Promoting the Understanding of Cooperatives for A Better World” (Venice, March 15 and 16, 2012).

Objectives of the Meeting:

* To provide a comprehensive and unified setting that allows the construction and proposed policies for cooperatives, taking into account the criteria of the demanding public policies (cooperative), the bidders (governments) and the investigators contributions of the research centers and academia.

* To Build a regional proposal to show the proposed cooperative, the ability to mobilize, announcement and negotiation that can boost from their environments the cooperatives from local, regional and national.

* Define the lines of action with its routes and action plans (media, mobilization, incidence, legal action, political action, among others) for the formulation and implementation of public policies for the cooperatives in America.

Source: http:// www.confecoop.coop/


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La Alianza Cooperativa Internacional - ACI, dio comienzo a dos iniciativas importantes, una de ellas es el "World Co-operative Monitor" (antiguo Informe Global 300) y la otra, es el sitio web www.stories.coop, ambas creadas con el propósito de brindar más y mejor información sobre el sector cooperativo mundial.

Desde el 2006, la ACI comenzó la publicación del Informe Global 300, con el objetivo hacer visible el aporte e impacto del movimiento cooperativo a nivel mundial, recopilando información de las 300 cooperativas más grandes del mundo y sus principales cifras.

En este sentido, y conscientes de que el proyecto Global 300 debía crecer, la ACI hizo una alianza con el Instituto Europeo de Investigación sobre las Cooperativas y Empresas Sociales, Trento, Italia -Euricse, la cual consiste, primero, en la creación de un Comité de Pilotaje, conformado por expertos regionales que contribuirán a realzar el rigor metodológico de la recolección de información. Segundo, la ampliación de la base de datos del sector cooperativo mundial buscando recolectar información de cerca de 5000 cooperativas de diferentes subsectores.

La segunda iniciativa, es el sitio web stories.coop, el cual también se ha desarrollado con el apoyo de Euricse y pretende complementar la recolección de datos del proyecto mencionado anteriormente.

Si bien las cifras son esenciales para cuantificar el impacto del sector cooperativo en las economías de los países, es necesario complementarlas con "historias de vida", que describan su accionar diario, los aportes a la comunidad, la necesidad por la que surgen y cómo logran ser sostenibles.

Charles Gould, Director-General de la ACI, hace un llamado a todos los cooperativistas a comunicar las historias de vida que se generan alrededor de la conformación de una cooperativa, sus aportes y datos curiosos del día a día.

Las organizaciones que participen tendrán un acceso gratuito a las funciones de búsqueda que se están configurando en la página. Por su parte, las Asociaciones que tengan cooperativas afiliadas y postulen o envíen las historias de vida de algunas de estas, recibirán un informe con los datos de dichas entidades.

Fuente: http://www.confecoop.coop


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June del 2012



If there is a difficult moment for dealing in the workplace, it is undoubtedly the announcement of the dismissal. But second on that list, we find the time to call the attention to the employee who has left the lanes provided.

Power efectuarloIn order to perform it properly without affecting the workplace environment is the desire of each good boss. The call of atention should be treated as a learning instance, a warning touch, and certainly not as a threatening and empty future but a future of change and growth.

Below, 8 useful tips

1. Think on what you want to point out

If the reprimand is on the employee’s attitude toward the task, which will be questioned is if that the person is not contributing to the organization needs. In this case, ask yourself if the employee actually knew what was expected of his role and behavior, check the records you may have about it, as induction manuals, contracts. But if the reprimand is over the results should be analyzed thoroughly the causes and solutions. Assess the individual instance, but not losing the instance sight of teamwork that led to this situation.

2. Listen

It is a sign of respect to hear the version of events according to the employee. But do not do it for being respectful and nothing else, do it to implicate him in the analysis of the situation and finding the solutions that he should apply.

3. Take care of the details

Talk alone, in private. Take all necessary care in how to convey what he has to say, using conciliatory and positive words. Avoid interruptions by a phone call or a meeting already scheduled. His gesture will mark the dialogue style; do not confuse hard work with the stern expression.


4. The reason

Specify the reason for the talk from the beginning, from an objective; do not make it personal thus you will have more chances to achieve a positive reaction.

5. Do not get confused and will not confuse

Remember that your intention is not to appreciate the person, but to analyze facts or attitudes toward the task to be solved immediately.

6. Give a reprimand is not to annihilate

Your intention is to call the attention to a solution, for that, you must act with an educational sense, that is, direct, guide, provide suggestions for improving processes. If the employee notes that this is your intention, you can understand the situation and this is the first step to have your support and commitment.

7. Justice

Be equitable and fair to all employees. I have already mentioned that you must evaluate not only individual instances, but also group processes. Most of the jobs in most organizations, are made as a team. Before calling attention to the employee that will be the reason for this reprimand as thought you’re about to launch, evaluate whether it is really the only one who needs a call of attention.

8. The expected recognition

When you call attention, you should suggest strategies for solving the problem and you expects the commitment of the staff involved. It is equally keen to point out the recognition by the change that has expected. Recognize the employee who has amended his mistake, not only make good to the employee, also do well to the all the team.







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Innovation, talent and entertainment

Colombia Campus Party celebrates its fifth edition from 25 June to 1 July. The greatest interest is that each countryman who attends the party can live a unique experience where you can make friends, learn about the latest developments and technology trends, establish professional relationships and make projects together with other enthusiasts and experts.

This fifth edition has as a topic the “Citizen connected.” Within the areas of content will be displayed from different perspectives, how individuals and societies attach to the idea of “smart mobs” and how they transform science, innovation, digital culture and entertainment.

Corferias will be the home again for seven days to thousands of countrymen, who can fully immerse themselves in the latest trends and developments in technology and computing at the hands of our master, speakers and guests.

In the same way, Colombia Campus Party opens once again its doors of Expo Zone to the general public that wants to know our sponsors and take their first steps into the world of Internet opportunities hand in hand with Digital Inclusion program.

Source: http://www.campus-party.com.co/2012/edicion-2012.html






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June del 2012



Recommended Book

For the first time Robin Sharma,one of the most sought after leadership consultant internationally, shares with his readers his formula for success-fulfillment as the best in your field and at the same time, contribute with your talent to your company achieve the highest goals, something which we live in.


Source: http://books.google.es/

No matter the place you take in the organizational business nor your personal circumstances. The essential is that you have the ability to prove you’re a leader. Wherever you are in your career or your life, you should always give the maximum. This book will teach you to take possession of this extraordinary power while you transform your life and the world around you.

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Prometheus tells a great story that focus around the history of mankind, there are a group of intergalactic explorers that have unwittingly trying to discover some possible clues to explain the origin of humanity but for this, they have to take their intergalactic trip that lead them to unknown places and some not so, arriving to the most fearsome places of the universe.

Once they have come to make an end, they will have to fight at all costs not only to survive but also to save the human race of this new alien threat.

In theaters

Men in Back 3


Ice of Ace 4 Mi gente linda, mi gente bella

A dangerous method

The amazing spider-man

Dark shadows

Snow white and the Hunter



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June del 2012



Day Name EntityJune 03..........................................................June 08..........................................................June 13............................................................June 16............................................................June 26..........................................................

Víctor Henry KuhnClaudio HigueraHéctor ReyesEduardo MillanVanesa Acuña

FinanciarEmprenderUnimosComfamiliar RisaraldaFondecor

By: Ing. Camilo Yepes.

To cancel a money order disbursed it must be performed first this process,by turning and then querying for the cancellation of

operations. This last as long as you want to cancel the operation that caused the money order.

By: Ing. David Hernández.

In the case that the institution has the Web module, the system takes into account the general parameter 1661 to enable the Web

synchronization from the downloader (offices) program. If the parameter value is ‘1 ‘the system performs synchronization.



By: Ing. Katherin Pérez .

Punishment portfolio

Remember to consider the functionality “punishment Portfolio”, it enables to transfer the credit balances from existing credit line

before being considered as unrecoverable, to a credits punished line, which should be “marked” through the off programs discount functionality with the credit line parameter 320 (which identifies it as line of punishment), and not having the parameter 120 for purposes of classification, causation and provision in order to that credit line is not taken into account in these monthly processes.

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