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Quinta Comunicación Nacional de España. Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático Diciembre 2009 2010

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  • Quinta Comunicacin Nacional de Espaa.

    Convencin Marco de las Naciones Unidas

    sobre el Cambio Climtico

    Diciembre 2009


  • MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y MEDIO RURAL Y MARINO Secretaria General Tcnica: Alicia Camacho Garca. Subdirector General de Informacin al Ciudadano, Documentacin y Publicaciones: Jos Abelln Gmez. Director del Centro de Publicaciones: Juan Carlos Palacios Lpez. Jefa del Servicio de Produccin y Edicin: M Dolores Lpez Hernndez. Edita: Distribucin y venta Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino Paseo de la Infanta Isabel, 1 Secretara General Tcnica Telfono: 91 347 55 41 Centro de Publicaciones Fax: 91 347 57 22 Maquetacin, impresin y encuadernacin: Plaza San Juan de la Cruz, s/n Centro de Publicaciones Talleres del del MARM Telfono: 91 597 61 87 Fax: 91 597 61 86 Tienda virtual: www.marm.es e-mail: [email protected] NIPO: 770-10-008-0 Depsito Legal: M-3790-2010 Catlogo General de publicaciones oficiales: http://www.060.es (servicios en lnea / oficina virtual / Publicaciones) Datos tcnicos: Formato: 21x29,7 cm. Caja de texto: 15,5x24 cm. Composicin: una columna. Tipografa: Verdana a cuerpo 9. Encuadernacin: fresado. Papel: reciclado de 90 g. Cubierta en cartulina grfica de 250 g. Tintas: 4 /4. Impreso en papel reciclado libre de cloro. Foto portada: Plataforma Solcar de Abengoa Solar en Sevilla


  • La edicin de esta 5 Comunicacin Nacional de Espaa a la Convencin Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climtico ha sido coordinada por la Oficina Espaola de Cambio Cli-mtico del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. En su elaboracin han parti-cipado: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino

    DG de la Oficina Espaola de Cambio Cli-mtico DG de Calidad y Evaluacin Ambiental DG de Recursos Agrcolas y Ganaderos DG de Desarrollo Sostenible del Medio Ru-ral DG de Medio Natural y Poltica Forestal DG del Agua DG de Industria y Mercados Alimentarios AEMET CENEAM

    Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Co-operacin

    DG de Planificacin y Evaluacin de Polti-cas para el Desarrollo AECID

    Ministerio de Defensa INTA

    Ministerio de Economa y Hacienda DG de Tributos DG de Poltica Econmica DG de Financiacin Internacional DG de Anlisis Sectorial DG de Anlisis Macroeconmico y Econo-ma Internacional Instituto Nacional de Estadstica Consorcio de Compensacin de Seguros

    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin DG de Programas y Transferencia de Cono-cimiento DG de Investigacin y Gestin del Plan Na-cional de I+D+i DG de Planificacin y Coordinacin CDTI INIA CIEMAT IGME Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa CSIC

    Ministerio de Fomento Divisin de Prospectiva y Tecnologa del Transporte de la SE de Transportes DG de Planificacin DG de Transporte por carretera DG de la Marina Mercante AENA CEDEX Instituto Geogrfico Nacional Puertos de Estado

    Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Co-mercio

    DG de Poltica Energtica y Minas DG de Industria IDAE Instituto de Estudios Tursticos Instituto de Turismo de Espaa

    Ministerio de Sanidad y Poltica Social DG de Salud Pblica y Sanidad Exterior

    Ministerio de Vivienda DG de Arquitectura y Poltica de Vivienda

    Consejera de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andaluca

    Departamento de Medio Ambiente del Go-bierno de Aragn

    Consejera de Medio Ambiente, Ordenacin del Territorio e Infraestructuras del Princi-pado de Asturias

    Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Mobilitat de les Illes Balears

    Consejera de Medio Ambiente y Ordenacin Territorial de Canarias

    Consejera de Medio Ambiente de Cantabria

    Consejera de Industria, Energa y Medio Ambiente de Castilla-La Mancha

    Consejera de Medio Ambiente de Castilla y Len

    Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalua

    Consejera de Industria, Energa y Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Extremadura

    Consellera de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras de la Xunta de Galicia

    Consejera de Medio Ambiente, Vivienda y Ordenacin del Territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid

    Consejera de Agricultura y Agua de la Re-gin de Murcia

    Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Medio Ambiente de la Comunidad Foral de Na-varra

    Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planifica-cin Territorial, Agricultura y Pesca del Pas Vasco

    Consejera de Turismo, Medio Ambiente y Poltica Territorial de La Rioja

    Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urba-nisme i Habitatge de la Comunidad Valen-ciana

    Federacin Espaola de Municipios y Provincias

    Red Espaola de Ciudades por el Clima Universidad Politcnica de Madrid

    ETSI Industriales. Dep. de Ingeniera Qu-mica Industrial y del Medio Ambiente




    NDICE DEL DOCUMENTO ........................................................................................................I NDICE DE TABLAS ...............................................................................................................VI NDICE DE FIGURAS ............................................................................................................. IX

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 1

    A NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES....................................................................................... 1

    B GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES................................................................................ 2

    C POLICIES AND MEASURES.......................................................................................... 3

    D PROYECTIONS AND GLOBAL EFFECT OF POLITICS AND MEASURES .................................. 7

    E ASSESSMENT OF VULNERABILITY, IMPACTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION MEASURES............................................................................................................... 8

    F FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER .................................................. 9

    G SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH ...............................................................10

    H INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND AWARENESS-RAISING ................................................11

    I RESUMEN EJECUTIVO................................................................................................. 13

    I.A CIRCUNSTANCIAS NACIONALES.................................................................................13


    I.C POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS .............................................................................................16

    I.D PROYECCIONES Y EFECTO GLOBAL DE LAS POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS .................................20

    I.E EVALUACIN DE LA VULNERABILIDAD, EFECTOS DEL CAMBIO CLIMTICO Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIN ......................................................................................................21

    I.F RECURSOS FINANCIEROS Y TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGA ......................................23

    I.G INVESTIGACIN Y OBSERVACIN SISTEMTICA ..........................................................23

    I.H EDUCACIN, FORMACIN Y SENSIBILIZACIN PBLICA ...............................................25


    II.A ESTRUCTURA DE GOBIERNO......................................................................................27

    II.B PERFIL DEMOGRFICO..............................................................................................29

    II.C PERFIL GEOGRFICO................................................................................................31

    II.C.1 Orografa............................................................................................................31

    II.C.2 Suelos................................................................................................................32

    II.C.3 Hidrografa .........................................................................................................35

    II.C.4 Calidad del agua..................................................................................................36

    II.C.5 Litoral ................................................................................................................36

    II.D PERFIL CLIMTICO...................................................................................................37

    II.D.1 La temperatura ...................................................................................................37

    II.D.2 La precipitacin ...................................................................................................39

    II.D.3 La clasificacin climtica de Kppen........................................................................41

    II.E PERFIL ECONMICO .................................................................................................44

    II.E.1 El crecimiento de la economa espaola. .................................................................44

    II.E.2 Distribucin regional de la actividad .......................................................................45

    II.E.3 Evolucin reciente de la economa espaola.............................................................46

    II.F ENERGA ................................................................................................................46

    II.F.1 Demanda de energa final .....................................................................................47

    II.F.2 Demanda de energa primaria................................................................................48

    II.F.3 Produccin interior de energa primaria y grado de autoabastecimiento........................49



    II.G TRANSPORTE ..........................................................................................................50

    II.G.1 Evolucin del Transporte Interurbano. Reparto modal................................................51

    II.G.2 Evolucin del Transporte Urbano y Metropolitano......................................................52

    II.G.3 Carretera............................................................................................................52

    II.G.4 Ferrocarril ..........................................................................................................52

    II.G.5 Transporte martimo.............................................................................................53

    II.G.6 Transporte areo .................................................................................................54

    II.H INDUSTRIA Y CONSTRUCCIN...................................................................................56

    II.I RESIDUOS ..............................................................................................................57

    II.J TURISMO................................................................................................................58

    II.K AGRICULTURA .........................................................................................................58

    II.L BOSQUES ...............................................................................................................60


    III.A TABLAS RESUMEN....................................................................................................64

    III.B MEMORIA DESCRIPTIVA............................................................................................64

    III.C RESULTADOS DE LOS INVENTARIOS ...........................................................................64

    III.C.1 Anlisis Agregado............................................................................................64

    III.C.2 Anlisis por Gases ...........................................................................................65

    III.C.3 Anlisis por Sector de actividad .........................................................................69

    III.D SISTEMA NACIONAL, DE ACUERDO CON EL ARTCULO 5, PRRAFO 1, DEL PROTOCOLO DE KIOTO ...............................................................................................................73

    III.D.1 Nombre de la persona de contacto responsable a nivel nacional del inventario..........73

    III.D.2 Funciones y responsabilidades de las entidades que participan en la elaboracin del inventario......................................................................................................74

    III.D.3 Descripcin de la metodologa de elaboracin del inventario ..................................77

    III.D.4 Breve descripcin de las categoras clave ............................................................80

    III.D.5 Identificacin y registro de nuevos clculos .........................................................82

    III.D.6 Informacin sobre el plan de control y garanta de calidad.....................................82

    III.D.7 Procedimiento para la aprobacin del inventario...................................................85

    III.E REGISTRO NACIONAL...............................................................................................85

    III.E.1 Introduccin al registro nacional ........................................................................85

    III.E.2 Administracin del registro e informacin de contacto...........................................86

    III.E.3 Cooperacin con otras Partes en el mantenimiento de un sistema unificado .............87

    III.E.4 Estructura y capacidad de la base de datos .........................................................87

    III.E.5 Cumplimiento de las normas tcnicas para el intercambio de datos.........................89

    III.E.6 Procedimientos para reducir al mnimo las discrepancias .......................................89

    III.E.7 Medidas de seguridad para impedir manipulaciones no autorizadas y evitar los errores de los operadores .....................................................................................90

    III.E.8 Informacin accesible al pblico por la interfaz de usuario del registro ....................91

    III.E.9 Direccin en Internet .......................................................................................92

    III.E.10 Salvaguarda de datos y recuperacin en caso de catstrofe ...................................92

    IV POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS............................................................................................... 95


    IV.B PLANES, PROGRAMAS Y ACCIONES LEGISLATIVAS PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIN DEL PROTOCOLO DE KIOTO .............................................................................................96

    IV.B.1 Estrategia Espaola de Cambio Climtico y Energa Limpia, Horizonte 2007-2012-2020..................................................................................................................96

    IV.B.2 Plan de Medidas Urgentes .....................................................................................98

    IV.B.3 Lneas Estratgicas de lucha contra el Cambio Climtico. ......................................... 100

    IV.B.4 Ley de calidad del aire y proteccin de la atmsfera................................................ 102



    IV.B.5 Estrategia Espaola de Desarrollo Sostenible .........................................................102

    IV.B.6 Comercio de Derechos de Emisin........................................................................103

    IV.B.7 Mecanismos de Flexibilidad .................................................................................109

    IV.C POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS NACIONALES Y SUS EFECTOS .................................................114

    IV.C.1 Sector Energtico ..............................................................................................114

    IV.C.2 Sector Industrial................................................................................................129

    IV.C.3 Sector del Transporte .........................................................................................132

    IV.C.4 Sectores Residencial, Comercial e Institucional.......................................................138

    IV.C.5 Sector Agrario ...................................................................................................141

    IV.C.6 Sector Forestal ..................................................................................................146

    IV.C.7 Gestion de Residuos...........................................................................................151

    IV.C.8 Resumen de las polticas y medidas nacionales ......................................................154

    IV.D POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS AUTONMICAS .....................................................................158

    IV.D.1 Comisin de Coordinacin de Polticas de Cambio Climtico......................................158

    IV.D.2 MEDIDAS AUTONMICAS....................................................................................159

    IV.E MEDIDAS DESARROLLADAS POR LAS ENTIDADES LOCALES .........................................165

    IV.F POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS QUE HAN EXPIRADO O HAN SIDO DEROGADAS DURANTE EL PERIODO QUE ABARCA EL INFORME. ........................................................................167


    V.A PROYECCIONES .....................................................................................................169

    V.A.1 Resultados globales............................................................................................169

    V.A.2 Resultados sectoriales ........................................................................................172

    V.B SUPLEMENTARIEDAD EN RELACIN A LOS MECANISMOS DE LOS ARTCULOS 6, 12 Y 17 DEL PROTOCOLO DE KIOTO ................................................................................213


    V.C.1 Objetivo ...........................................................................................................215

    V.C.2 Informacin de base ..........................................................................................215

    V.C.3 Metodologa especfica de clculo de proyecciones ..................................................217

    V.C.4 Anlisis de sensibilidad .......................................................................................221

    V.C.5 Anlisis de incertidumbre ....................................................................................223

    V.C.6 Referencias e informacin adicional ......................................................................223

    VI EVALUACIN DE LA VULNERABILIDAD, EFECTOS DEL CAMBIO CLIMTICO Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIN....................................................................................... 225

    VI.A EFECTOS PREVISTOS DEL CAMBIO CLIMTICO...........................................................225


    VI.B.1Primer Programa de Trabajo del Plan Nacional de Adaptacin ...................................229

    VI.B.2Segundo Programa de Trabajo del Plan Nacional de Adaptacin ................................239


    VII.A CONTRIBUCIONES FINANCIERAS A FONDOS DE LA CMNUCC Y AL FONDO PARA EL MEDIO AMBIENTE MUNDIAL (FMAM).........................................................................247


    VII.B.1 Cuota correspondiente a la participacin en los Fondos del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio...............................................................................................248

    VII.B.2 Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo (AOD) Multilateral ....................................................248



    VII.C CONTRIBUCIONES FINANCIERAS BILATERALES DE AYUDA OFICIAL AL DESARROLLO EN MATERIA DE CAMBIO CLIMTICO ........................................................................ 251

    VII.D TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGAS.......................................................................... 253

    VIII INVESTIGACIN Y OBSERVACIN SISTEMTICA ..................................................... 259

    VIII.A INVESTIGACIN .................................................................................................... 259

    VIII.A.1 Investigacin en el marco del Plan Nacional de Investigacin Cientfica, Desarrollo e Innovacin tecnolgica (I+D+i) sobre el Clima ..................................... 259

    VIII.A.2 Participacin Espaola en proyectos de investigacin financiados en el marco de la Unin Europea ............................................................................................... 263

    VIII.A.3 Investigacin sobre el Clima y el Cambio Climtico en la Agencia Estatal de Meteorologa (AEMET) ........................................................................................ 264

    VIII.A.4 Instituciones con actividad investigadora y proyectos realizados........................... 266

    VIII.A.5 Actividades de capacitacin en pases en vas de desarrollo en materia de Investigacin y Observacin Sistemtica. .............................................................. 271

    VIII.B OBSERVACIN SISTEMTICA .................................................................................. 273

    IX EDUCACIN, FORMACIN Y SENSIBILIZACIN PBLICA......................................... 275

    IX.A INTRODUCCIN..................................................................................................... 275

    IX.B ACCESO A LA INFORMACIN ................................................................................... 275

    IX.B.1Registro Estatal de Emisiones y Fuentes Contaminantes (Registro PRTR-Espaa)......... 275

    IX.B.2Banco Pblico de Indicadores Ambientales............................................................. 276

    IX.B.3Bases de datos sobre productos energticamente eficientes..................................... 276

    IX.C DIVULGACIN Y SENSIBILIZACIN .......................................................................... 276

    IX.C.1 Coherencia institucional.................................................................................. 278

    IX.C.2 Directrices en materia de comunicacin y sensibilizacin ..................................... 278

    IX.C.3 Equipamientos divulgativos e interpretativos ..................................................... 279

    IX.D EDUCACIN FORMAL.............................................................................................. 280

    IX.D.1 Sistema educativo formal ............................................................................... 280

    IX.E FORMACIN.......................................................................................................... 281

    IX.F PARTICIPACIN CIUDADANA ................................................................................... 283

    IX.G INVESTIGACIN SOCIAL Y EDUCATIVA ..................................................................... 284

    IX.H PLANIFICACIN..................................................................................................... 286

    IX.I COOPERACIN ...................................................................................................... 287

    IX.J REDES ................................................................................................................. 287

    IX.J.1 Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climtico.............................................. 287

    IX.J.2 Red Espaola de Ciudades por el Clima ................................................................. 287

    IX.J.3 Red de Universidades por el Clima........................................................................ 287

    IX.J.4 Seminario permanente Respuestas desde la comunicacin y la educacin ante el cambio climtico .............................................................................................. 287

    IX.K PRINCIPALES CONCLUSIONES ................................................................................. 288

    APNDICE A: CUADROS DE RESUMEN DE LAS EMISIONES DE GASES DE EFECTO INVERNADERO ......................................................................................................... 289

    APNDICE B: INFORMACIN SUPLEMENTARIA REQUERIDA POR EL ARTCULO 7, PRRAFO 2 DEL PROTOCOLO DE KIOTO ................................................................... 345

    APNDICE C: POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS DE MITIGACIN DE LAS COMUNIDADES AUTNOMAS............................................................................................................. 349

    APNDICE D: POLTICAS Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIN DE LAS COMUNIDADES AUTNOMAS............................................................................................................. 425



    APNDICE E: OBSERVACIN SISTEMTICA....................................................................... 491

    APNDICE F: LISTA DE SIGLAS Y ACRNIMOS.................................................................. 505




    Tabla 1: Valor medio de las prdidas de suelo en distintos usos del suelo ......................................33

    Tabla 2: Participacin de las Comunidades Autnomas en el VAB a precios corrientes......................45

    Tabla 3: PIB per cpita. ndice Espaa=100..............................................................................45

    Tabla 4: Evolucin de los equilibrios macroeconmicos 2005-2008 ...............................................46

    Tabla 5: Km por tipo de carretera en el ao 2007. .....................................................................52

    Tabla 6: N de viajeros, viajes-km y recorrido medio/viajero.......................................................53

    Tabla 7: N de cabezas por tipo de ganado en 2007 (en miles de cabezas) ....................................59

    Tabla 8: Distribucin general del suelo por usos y aprovechamientos (miles de ha). Ao 2007..........60

    Tabla 9: Evolucin de los equilibrios macroeconmicos 2005-2008 ...............................................64

    Tabla 10: Emisiones por gas. Valores absolutos .........................................................................66

    Tabla 11: Emisiones por gas. Porcentajes de distribucin ............................................................66

    Tabla 12: Emisiones por gas. ndices de evolucin temporal (1)...................................................67

    Tabla 13: Evolucin de las emisiones por sectores .....................................................................70

    Tabla 14: Emisiones por grupo de actividad. ndices de evolucin temporal ...................................71

    Tabla 15: Resumen de la EECCyEL. Cambio Climtico.................................................................97

    Tabla 16: Resumen de la EECCyEL. Energa Limpia ....................................................................98

    Tabla 17: Resumen del Plan de Medidas Urgentes ......................................................................99

    Tabla 18: Emisiones y asignaciones promedio durante el perodo 2005-2007. Fuente: DGOECC-MARM..................................................................................................................................105

    Tabla 19: Asignacin a nuevos entrantes. Fuente: DGOECC-MARM .............................................105

    Tabla 20: Comparativa de la asignacin sectorial en los PNA 2005-2007 y 2008-2012...................107

    Tabla 21: Emisiones y asignaciones promedio durante el 2008...................................................108

    Tabla 22: Asignacin a nuevos entrantes. ...............................................................................108

    Tabla 23: Asignacin a nuevos entrantes por sectores. .............................................................109

    Tabla 24: Contribucin a Fondos de asistencia tcnica y de capacitacin en materia de mercados de carbono .......................................................................................................................113

    Tabla 25: Consumo de Energa Primaria Real y Previsto. Fuente: IDAE........................................116

    Tabla 26: Estructura de Generacin Elctrica (GWh) Real y Prevista. Fuente: IDAE .......................116

    Tabla 27: Parmetros Energtico-Econmicos Globales del Plan de Accin 2008-2012. Fuente: IDAE..................................................................................................................................117

    Tabla 28: E4 y Planes de Accin. Resumen de Objetivos e Inversiones y Apoyos Pblicos..............118

    Tabla 29: Parmetros Energtico-Econmicos Globales del Plan de Accin 2008-2012 ...................119

    Tabla 30: Medidas del Plan de Accin 2008-2012 (43). Excluidas Medidas Legislativas.................119

    Tabla 31: Estado de los Convenios IDAE CCAA de los PAE4.....................................................121

    Tabla 32: Avance E4 IDAE - CCAA.......................................................................................122

    Tabla 33: Medidas del Plan de Activacin 2008-201..................................................................123

    Tabla 34: Plan de Activacin 2008-2012. Parmetros Energtico Econmicos Globales................124

    Tabla 35: Situacin 2004 y objetivos PER 2005-2010 ...............................................................125

    Tabla 36: Produccin con Fuentes Renovables en 2008. Fuente: IDAE.........................................127

    Tabla 37: Grado de Desarrollo en 2007 en Trminos de Potencia/Energa ....................................128

    Tabla 38: Permisos de instalaciones existentes. .......................................................................130

    Tabla 39: Principales elementos a transponer del Reglamento europeo 842/2006. .......................131

    Tabla 40: Emisiones de GEI en la agricultura. Fuente: Inventario Nacional de Emisiones..............141

    Tabla 41: Resumen de las polticas y medidas nacionales..........................................................154

    Tabla 42: Polticas y medidas autonmicas. Marco de Referencia ................................................161

    Tabla 43: Distribucin de la RECC por tamao de poblacin.......................................................165

    Tabla 44: Polticas y Medidas expiradas durante el periodo que abarca la 5CN..............................167



    Tabla 45: Proyecciones de emisin de CO2 equivalente en los escenarios de proyeccin ................170

    Tabla 46. Emisiones del escenario "sin medidas" desglosadas por gas, expresadas en CO2 equivalente...................................................................................................................................171

    Tabla 47. Emisiones del escenario "con medidas" desglosadas por gas. .......................................171

    Tabla 48. Emisones del escenario "con medidas adicionales" desglosadas por gas.........................172

    Tabla 49: Proyecciones de emisin del grupo CRF-1 en los distintos escenarios de proyeccin. .......172

    Tabla 50. Emisiones del grupo CRF-1 en el escenario "sin medidas" desglosadas por gas. ..............174

    Tabla 51. Emisiones del grupo CRF-1 en el escenario "con medidas" desglosadas por gas. .............174

    Tabla 52. Emisiones del grupo CRF-1 en el escenario "con medidas adicionales" desglosadas por gas...................................................................................................................................175

    Tabla 53. Efecto de las medidas. Diferencia entre los escenarios "sin medidas" y "con medidas" para el sector "energa". ...........................................................................................................177

    Tabla 54. Efecto de las medidas adicionales. Diferencia entre los escenarios "con medidas" y "con medidas adicionales" para el sector "energa". ...................................................................177

    Tabla 55. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave en el sector de generacin de energa elctrica. ......................................................................................178

    Tabla 56. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave en el sector residencial....................................................................................................................181

    Tabla 57. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave en el sector combustin en la industria. .............................................................................................182

    Tabla 58. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave en el sector transporte por carretera. ................................................................................................183

    Tabla 59: Proyecciones de emisin del grupo CRF-2 en los distintos escenarios de proyeccin. .......184

    Tabla 60. Emisiones del grupo CRF-2 en el escenario "sin medidas" desglosadas por gas. ..............185

    Tabla 61. Emisiones del grupo CRF-2 en el escenario "con medidas" desglosadas por gas. .............186

    Tabla 62. Emisiones del grupo CRF-2 en el escenario "con medidas adicionales" desglosadas por gas...................................................................................................................................186

    Tabla 63. Efecto de las medidas. Diferencia entre los escenarios "sin medidas" y "con medidas" para "procesos industriales". ..................................................................................................188

    Tabla 64. Efecto de las medidas adicionales. Diferencia entre los escenarios "con medidas" y "con medidas adicionales" para "procesos industriales". .............................................................188

    Tabla 65. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave en el sector de produccin de aluminio...................................................................................................189

    Tabla 66. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave en el sector de equipos elctricos. .........................................................................................................192

    Tabla 67: Proyecciones de emisin del grupo CRF-3 en los distintos escenarios de proyeccin. .......193

    Tabla 68. Emisiones del grupo CRF-3 en el escenario "sin medidas" desglosadas por gas. ..............194

    Tabla 69. Emisiones del grupo CRF-3 en el escenario "con medidas" desglosadas por gas. .............195

    Tabla 70. Emisiones del grupo CRF-3 en el escenario "con medidas adicionales" desglosadas por gas...................................................................................................................................195

    Tabla 71. Efecto de las medidas. Diferencia entre los escenarios "sin medidas" y "con medidas" para "uso de disolventes". .....................................................................................................196

    Tabla 72: Proyecciones de emisin del grupo CRF-4 en los distintos escenarios de proyecin..........197

    Tabla 73. Emisiones del grupo CRF-4 en el escenario "sin medidas" desglosadas por gas. ..............198

    Tabla 74. Emisiones del grupo CRF-4 en el escenario "con medidas" desglosadas por gas. .............198

    Tabla 75. Emisiones del grupo CRF-4 en el escenario "con medidas adicionales" desglosadas por gas...................................................................................................................................199

    Tabla 76. Efecto de las medidas. Diferencia entre los escenarios "sin medidas" y "con medidas" para el sector "agricultura"........................................................................................................199

    Tabla 77. Efecto de las medidas adicionales. Diferencia entre los escenarios "con medidas" y "con medidas adicionales" para el sector "agricultura"................................................................200

    Tabla 78. Actividades SNAP pertenecientes al sector agrcola. ....................................................201

    Tabla 79. Parmetros a modificar en el sector agrcola/ganadero................................................201



    Tabla 80. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave. ................205

    Tabla 81: Proyecciones de emisin del grupo CRF-6 en los distintos escenarios de proyecin..........206

    Tabla 82. Emisiones del grupo CRF-6 en el escenario "sin medidas" desglosadas por gas. ..............207

    Tabla 83. Emisiones del grupo CRF-6 en el escenario "con medidas" desglosadas por gas. .............208

    Tabla 84. Emisiones del grupo CRF-6 en el escenario "con medidas adicionales" desglosadas por gas...................................................................................................................................208

    Tabla 85. Efecto de las medidas. Diferencias entre los escenarios "sin medidas" y "con medidas" para el sector "gestin de residuos". .......................................................................................209

    Tabla 86. Efecto de las medidas adicionales. Diferencias entre los escenarios "sin medidas" y "con medidas" para el sector "gestin de residuos"....................................................................209

    Tabla 87. Definicin de los rangos ms probables de variacin de los parmetros clave. ................211

    Tabla 88: Proyecciones de absorcin de CO2 por los sumideros..................................................211

    Tabla 89: Proyecciones de absorcin de CO2 por los sumideros tras la introduccin del PFE. ..........212

    Tabla 90.Principales proyecciones sectoriales consideradas en el escenario con medidas..............221

    Tabla 91: Principales sectores emisores segn el Inventario Nacional de Emisiones en 2006 y su contribucin al total nacional...........................................................................................222

    Figura 92: Estructura institucional de coordinacin propuesta en el Plan Nacional de Adaptacin.....228

    Figura 93: Esquema del Primer Programa de Trabajo del Plan Nacional de Adaptacin...................229

    Tabla 94: Resumen de las contribuciones realizadas de Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo en materia de Cambio Climtico 2005-2008. .........................................................................................246

    Tabla 95: Proyectos seleccionados en la ventanilla medioambiente y cambio climtico del Fondo ....249

    Tabla 96:: Ejemplos de programas y proyectos apoyados por el Gobierno de Espaa que implican una transferencia de tecnologas............................................................................................254

    Tabla 97: Inversin en proyectos de investigacin, por objetivos y anualidades, del Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2004-2007 .........................................................................................................260

    Tabla 98: Nmero de proyectos y cantidad concedida por subreas en el ao 2008.......................262

    Tabla 99. Estadsticas por pases en actividades financiadas ......................................................264

    Tabla 100. Proyectos CENIT en el mbito de la energa y el medio ambiente aprobados en CDTI. Periodo 2006- 2008. ......................................................................................................266

    Tabla 101. Proyectos aprobados por lnea de programa en el mbito de la energa. Periodo 2006-2008...................................................................................................................................266

    Tabla 102. Proyectos aprobados por lnea de programa en el mbito medioambiental. Periodo 2006-2008. ..........................................................................................................................267

    Tabla 103. Proyectos aprobados en el mbito aeroespacial: aplicaciones en telecomunicaciones, teledeteccin y navegacin por satlite.............................................................................267

    Tabla 104. Miembros de la Conferencia de Directores de SMHI ..................................................271

    Tabla 105. Miembros de la Conferencia de Directores de NO de frica ........................................272

    Tabla 106: Nmero de proyectos subvencionados cada ao y presupuesto dedicado a las subvenciones................................................................................................................277

    Tabla 107 : Cambios globales en el consumo de agua y energa en los hogares participantes en el programa Hogares Verdes en la provincia de Segovia .......................................................279

    Tabla 108 : informacin requerida (art 7. 2 Protocolo de Kioto).................................................347




    Figura 1. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el total nacional. ............................. 21 Figura 2: Mapa de las Comunidades Autnomas (CCAA) ............................................................ 27 Figura 3: Evolucin de la poblacin en Espaa. Densidad de poblacin por CCAA........................... 29 Figura 4: Densidad de poblacin por CCAA .............................................................................. 30 Figura 5: Pirmides de poblacin espaola y extranjera ............................................................. 30 Figura 6: Llegada de turistas internacionales a Espaa, 1998-2007 ............................................. 31 Figura 7: Mapa de Prdidas de suelo....................................................................................... 33 Figura 8: Mapa de Riesgo de Desertificacin ............................................................................ 34 Figura 9: Mapa de la red fluvial bsica y divisoria de las grandes cuencas..................................... 35 Figura 10: Temperatura media anual (C) (1971-2000) ............................................................. 38 Figura 11: Precipitacin media anual (mm) (1971-2000) ........................................................... 39 Figura 12: Precipitaciones medias anuales del periodo 1947-2008............................................... 40 Figura 13: Distribucin anual de las precipitaciones medias........................................................ 40 Figura 14: Clasificacin climtica de Kppen (1971-2000).......................................................... 41 Figura 15: Zonificacin de Espaa para caracterizar la evolucin climtica .................................... 42 Figura 16: Desviaciones de la temperatura anual respecto al valor medio 1961-1990.................... 43 Figura 17: Evolucin de la variabilidad interanual de la precipitacin............................................ 44 Figura 18: Intensidad energtica (energa primaria /PIB) ........................................................... 47 Figura 19: Consumo de energa final 2008............................................................................... 48 Figura 20: Evolucin del consumo de energa final en el periodo 2004-2008 ................................. 48 Figura 21: Consumo de energa primaria por fuentes, 2008........................................................ 49 Figura 22: Evolucin del consumo de energa primaria en el periodo 2004-2008............................ 49 Figura 23: Produccin nacional de energa, 2008 ...................................................................... 50 Figura 24: Evolucin de la produccin nacional de energa en el periodo 2004-2008. ..................... 50 Figura 25: Variacin anual acumulativa del transporte interurbano .............................................. 51 Figura 26: Reparto modal de transporte interurbano de viajeros y mercancas (2000-2007)............ 52 Figura 27: Evolucin del transporte ferroviario de viajeros (1998-2007)....................................... 53 Figura 28: Evolucin del transporte ferroviario de mercancas (1998-2007) .................................. 53 Figura 29: Trfico portuario total ............................................................................................ 54 Figura 30: Embarques ms Desembarques en cabotaje y exterior ............................................... 54 Figura 31: Trfico areo en los aeropuertos comerciales, 2007 ................................................... 55 Figura 32: PIB y VAB industrial. Tasa de variacin interanuales porcentaje. (1996-2008) ................ 56 Figura 33: Producto interior bruto. Componentes de la oferta a precios corrientes (datos corregidos de

    estacionalidad y calendario) ............................................................................................. 56 Figura 34: Intensidad energtica de la economa: Consumo de energa primaria/PIB a precios

    constantes de 1995 (ktep/1000). .................................................................................... 57 Figura 35: Gestin de Residuos Urbanos de origen domiciliario ................................................... 57 Figura 36: Superficie forestal de Espaa.................................................................................. 61 Figura 37: Inventario de gases de efecto invernadero de Espaa. Evolucin de las......................... 65 Figura 38: Inventario de gases de efecto invernadero de Espaa. Variacin interanual en porcentaje65 Figura 39: Contribucin por gases a las emisiones .................................................................... 68 Figura 40: ndices de evolucin de las emisiones por gases........................................................ 69 Figura 41: Contribucin por sectores a las emisiones................................................................. 72 Figura 42: Evolucin de las emisiones por grupo de actividad ..................................................... 73 Figura 43: Coordinacin de recursos por DGCEA para el SEI....................................................... 75 Figura 44: Grupos de trabajo interministeriales para Agricultura (GT-INV-AG)-Ganadera (GT-INV-

    GAN)........................................................................................................................... 75



    Figura 45: Grupo de trabajo interministerial para Cambios de usos del suelo...............................76 Figura 46: Grupo de Trabajo de Armonizacin de Inventarios de CCAA con Inventario Nacional ........76 Figura 47: Foro Contrastacin Desagregacin por CCAA del Inventario Nacional vs Inventarios

    autonmicos...................................................................................................................76 Figura 48: Participacin de departamentos ministeriales en el SEI................................................77 Figura 49: Plan de Accin 2008-2012. Origen de los Fondos de Apoyo Pblico..............................121 Figura 50: Seguimiento PER. Situacin 2008, objetivos al 2010 % .............................................127 Figura 51. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el total nacional. ..........................169 Figura 52. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el grupo CRF-1: Energa..............173 Figura 53. Variacin de las emisiones nacionales con la variacin de los parmetros analizados en el

    sector de generacin elctrica. ........................................................................................179 Figura 54. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales en relacin a la variacin ms probable de

    los parmetros del sector de generacin elctrica...............................................................179 Figura 55. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de los parmetros analizados en el sector

    residencial....................................................................................................................180 Figura 56. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales en relacin a la variacin ms probable de

    los parmetros del sector residencial................................................................................181 Figura 57. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de los parmetros analizados en el sector

    combustin en la industria. .............................................................................................181 Figura 58. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales en relacin a la variacin ms probable de

    los parmetros del sector combustin en la industria. .........................................................182 Figura 59. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del porcentaje de: a) movilidad de viajeros en

    turismos, autobuses, motocicletas y ciclomotores, b) movilidad de mercancas en vehculos ligeros y pesados, c) penetracin de la normativa EURO 5 en turismos y d) penetracin de la normativa EURO V en camiones. ....................................................................................................183

    Figura 60. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales en relacin a la variacin ms probable de los parmetros del sector transporte por carretera. ............................................................184

    Figura 61. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el grupo CRF-2: Procesos Industriales. ................................................................................................................185

    Figura 62. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de la produccin total de aluminio...............189 Figura 63. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales de PFCs en el rango ms probable de

    variacin de produccin de aluminio. ................................................................................189 Figura 64. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de la produccin total de clnker..................190 Figura 65. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales de CO2 y NOX en el rango ms probable de

    produccin de clnker. ....................................................................................................190 Figura 66. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del stock de HFCs y PFCs, en el sector de

    equipos de refrigeracin. ................................................................................................191 Figura 67. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales de HFCs y PFCs en el rango ms probable

    de los parmetros clave definidos para el sector de equipos de refrigeracin. .........................192 Figura 68. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del factor de emisin en equipos elctricos. ..192 Figura 69. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales de SF6 en el rango ms probable de los

    parmetros clave definidos para el sector de equipos elctricos. ...........................................193 Figura 70. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el grupo CRF-3: Uso de Disolventes.

    ..................................................................................................................................194 Figura 71. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el grupo CRF-4: Agricultura. ........197 Figura 72. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de la superficie agrcola. ............................202 Figura 73. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de la cantidad de fertilizante inorgnico aplicado.

    ..................................................................................................................................202 Figura 74. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del nmero de cabezas de vacuno de leche. .202 Figura 75. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del nmero de cabezas de vacuno de carne. .203 Figura 76. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del nmero de cabezas de porcino de engorde.

    ..................................................................................................................................203 Figura 77.Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del nmero de cabezas de cerdas reproductoras.




    Figura 78.Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del nmero de cabezas de ovino. .................204 Figura 79. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del nmero de gallinas ponedoras. ..............204 Figura 80. Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin del % de aplicacin de urea. ......................204 Figura 81. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales en el rango ms probable de los parmetros

    clave definidos para el sector agrcola/ganadero.................................................................205 Figura 82. Evolucin de las emisiones de CO2 equivalente para el grupo CRF-6: Gestin de Residuos.

    ..................................................................................................................................207 Figura 83 Variacin de las emisiones con la variacin de la tasa de generacin de residuos per cpita.

    ..................................................................................................................................210 Figura 84. Rango de variacin de las emisiones nacionales de metano en el rango ms probable

    definido para los parmetros clave del sector de gestin de residuos. .................................210 Figura 85: Proyecciones de absorcin de CO2 por los sumideros tras la introduccin del PFE...........213 Figura 87. Metodologa SEP para el clculo de proyecciones a nivel de actividad. ..........................219 Figura 88. Concepto de Macroescenario y proceso de integracin de resultados............................220 Figura 89. Estimacin de la incertidumbre del escenario con medidas para las emisiones de CO2

    equivalente. .................................................................................................................223 Figura 90. Distribucin porcentual de la inversin del Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2004-2007 en materia de

    clima y cambio climtico.................................................................................................261 Figura 91. Distribucin de los proyectos den rea de gestin por subrea. Concepto de Macroescenario

    y proceso de integracin de resultados. ............................................................................263 Figura 92.Conocimientos sobre el Cambio Climtico. ................................................................285 Figura 93.Grado de penetracin de las distintas iniciativas de sensibilizacin y capacitacin en Espaa.




  • PRESENTACIN Una vez ms tenemos la satisfaccin de presentar la Comunicacin Nacional de Espaa a la Convencin Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climtico (CMNUCC) en su 5 edicin, siguiendo lo establecido en el artculo 12 de la CMNUCC sobre transmisin de informacin acerca de las actuaciones de cumplimiento de los compromisos de cada uno de los pases fir-mantes. Estas Comunicaciones, que se elaboran con una periodicidad variable que oscila entre tres y cinco aos, son la fuente oficial de informacin que el Estado espaol facilita al Secretariado de la Convencin y constituyen un compendio de las iniciativas realizadas en materia de Cambio Climtico durante el periodo correspondiente: inventarios de gases de efecto inverna-dero, medidas adoptadas para reducir las emisiones, estudios de prospectiva, cooperacin con pases en desarrollo, investigacin y observacin sistemtica y actuaciones de sensibilizacin pblica, entre otras. Hasta la fecha se han publicado cuatro Comunicaciones Nacionales, la l-tima en marzo de 2006. Dada la transversalidad del Cambio Climtico y de sus polticas, la elaboracin de estas Co-municaciones no resulta posible sin la participacin de numerosos colaboradores, repartidos entre los distintos departamentos y entidades de la Administracin General del Estado, y las Administraciones Autonmicas y Locales. Se trata de un esfuerzo conjunto que hace posible cumplir con esta obligacin de reportar nuestras polticas de mitigacin y de adaptacin, el anlisis de los resultados las previsiones y, en definitiva, de ofrecer una visin general de la situacin de Espaa en esta materia. Espaa est afrontando con firmeza el compromiso adquirido con la comunidad internacional de luchar contra el cambio climtico en el marco de Naciones Unidas, aplicando e impulsando medidas que, desde los ms distintos mbitos, contribuyen a alcanzar los objetivos persegui-dos. Esta 5 Comunicacin Nacional refleja los logros ms visibles y sus resultados, entre los cuales cabe destacar la previsin de cumplimiento del Protocolo de Kioto, una vez que hemos entrado en el periodo de compromiso. En este sentido, las proyecciones prevn que las emisiones medias de gases de efecto inver-nadero durante el quinquenio 2008-2012 no superen un crecimiento del 36,6% sobre el ao base del Protocolo de Kioto, cumpliendo as con la senda que se haba marcado el Gobierno en el Plan Nacional de Asignacin 2008-2012. Tambin el Inventario Nacional de Emisiones de Contaminantes Atmosfricos de la serie 1990-2008, publicado recientemente, refleja el importante cambio de tendencia que estn si-guiendo las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, situndose en el ao 2008 en 405.048 Kilotoneladas CO2eq, un 7,7 % por debajo que en 2007, habindose producido este descenso en un entorno de crecimiento econmico del PIB del 0,9%. Este Inventario se ha finalizado y remitido a Bruselas en enero de 2010, por lo que no ha podido incluirse en esta Comunica-cin. Tanto los ltimos inventarios como las proyecciones reflejan el cambio significativo operado en el mix energtico que se caracteriza por un incremento del peso de las energas renova-bles, una mayor racionalizacin del consumo primario de energa y una mayor eficiencia de los sectores industriales. La intensidad energtica ha ido mejorando de forma continua desde 2005 y las proyecciones apuntan a un mantenimiento de esta tendencia, lo que marca un cla-ro desacoplamiento entre el crecimiento econmico y el consumo energtico en nuestro pas en los ltimos aos. Espaa est haciendo grandes progresos que son fruto del esfuerzo de toda la sociedad, sin embargo, an nos queda por recorrer un largo camino: Kioto es slo un primer paso al que seguirn futuros compromisos que van a requerir importantes cambios en nuestro sistema productivo y de consumo, e incluso, en nuestros hbitos y estilos de vida. Es un reto impor-tante que afrontamos con decisin y que, sin duda, ser asumido por la sociedad espaola, dentro de un enfoque sostenible de nuestra recuperacin econmica. Elena Espinosa Mangana Ministra de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino




    A NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES In recent years, Spain's Socio-economic Circumstances have been marked by significant

    population growth and rapid economic and social development.

    This population growth has mainly been due to inbound migratory flows. Between 2000 and 2008, over 4.5 million foreign immigrants entered Spain and at 1 January 2008 the country's resident population stood at 46,157,822. This brought an increase in the growth rate from 120,000 inhabitants per year in the 1990s to over 700,000 per year in 20002008. This extraordinarily dynamic growth was three times higher than the rate anticipated in demographic forecasts made in 1998, and accounted for over 30% of the increase in the EU-27's population during this period. Furthermore, projections through to 2015 by Spain's INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadstica National Statistics Institute) suggest that this trend will continue in coming years.

    The sharp increase in population has been one of the main stimuli behind Spain's strong economic growth over the last decade, details of which are given below. It has also driven an enormous increase in housing stock, demand for transport services, and waste generation.

    Since joining the European Economic Community in 1986, per capita income in Spain has increased considerably. Integration in the European Union, which was bolstered when the country joined the European Monetary Union in 1999, produced strong economic growth above the European average. Measured in terms of purchasing power parity, by 2008 per capita income had risen by 20 points to 93% of the EU-15 average and 103.9% of that for the EU-27. This trend is the result of a process of change underway in the Spanish economy, in which services, construction, and import and export of goods and services have increased their contributions to GDP, while those made by industry and agriculture have fallen slightly. Membership of the European Union increased Spain's competitiveness in foreign markets, which fostered greater integration in the international economy and produced a substantial rate of economic growth until the onset of the international financial crisis. The consequences of the worsening economic situation since 2008 have been particularly significant in the labour market and are reflected in retail price increases below the euro area average and a downturn in GDP growth.

    Analysis of trends in the economy by sector highlights three areas with an important influence on climate change in Spain industry, tourism and agriculture.

    Development of Spain's industrial sector is marked by the country's late industrialization last century, when periods of expansion in the 1960s and 1980s were followed by restructuring to adapt to the new competitive scenarios in Europe and the rest of the world. More recently, Spain enjoyed a long period of expansion and positive growth rates through to the second half of 2008. The subsequent change in trend was produced mainly by the slump in the construction and automobile manufacturing sectors, which had a knock-on effect on the cement and iron and steel industries, among others.

    The tourism sector makes a significant contribution to the Spanish economy and accounted for 10.7% of gross domestic product in 2007. Spain is a well-established tourist destination and is one of the sector's world leaders. This has significant positive effects on the Spanish economy, but leads to pressure on natural resources and the environment. There have been signs of change in the model in recent years as cultural tourism has grown in importance and geographical and seasonal distribution have been spread more evenly.

    As regards the agricultural sector, Spain has the second largest area under cultivation in the European Union after France (more than 24 million hectares given over to crops and pasture annually) and is the EU's fourth-ranking agricultural power, accounting for approximately 11% of the EU-27's total production, behind France (18%), Germany and Italy. Nevertheless, the agricultural sector's working population has gradually declined over the years and agricultures relative contribution to GDP has fallen steadily, dropping to 2.6% in 2006.

    In this socio-economic context, energy intensity (energy consumption per unit of GDP), which increased at a sustained rate from the late 1980s onwards, declined between 2004 and 2008, producing a substantial drop in the rate of increase in energy consumption. Other distinguishing features of Spains energy profile are its heavy dependence on foreign sources, which account for over 78% of primary energy consumed, oil's central role in primary energy consumption, and the increasingly important role played by natural gas.

    Transport accounts for more than 40% of total energy consumed in Spain and is one of the main causes of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Population and economic growth and changes in Spaniards' habits have led to a sharp rise in demand for both passenger and goods transport. Transport in Spain also has other features that distinguish it from that in neighbouring countries mountainous relief, heavy concentration of population and economic activity, and a considerable modal imbalance, in which road transport predominates.



    Waste generation has also increased in line with economic and population growth, although waste management in Spain has improved significantly. Nevertheless, the proportion of recycled waste is still low and 68% of waste collected is disposed of in landfill sites.

    Spain's Geophysical Circumstances are defined by the countrys variety and diversity, which constitute its basic features. Mainland Spain has a high average altitude (660 m) and mountainous relief, as well as very low water levels and low volumes of water in the countrys river network (with some exceptions in the north and north-west). Floods and droughts are an intrinsic part of its hydrological cycle and are particularly acute in the Mediterranean watershed. Soil erosion and the risks of desertification and salinization are also common factors.

    Spain's rugged terrain and geographic location produce substantial climate variability. Differences in annual average temperatures of over 18C are recorded at separate sites on the mainland, while average annual precipitation ranges from barely 150 mm to over 2500 mm. Another feature is the high level of year-on-year climate variability and the significant differences in maximum and minimum daily values. Rainfall variability is so great that coefficients of over 20% are recorded in the Mediterranean regions and Canary Islands, while sequences of consecutive days without rain can last longer than 4 months in the southern half of the country. Temperature trend analysis confirms that there has been a widespread rise in annual average temperature since the mid-1970s, with warming being more apparent in winter. Although changes in year-on-year rainfall distribution are observed, a clearly defined general trend in spatial distribution is not detectable.

    Average sea level on the Peninsula's north coast has risen since the mid-1940s. Direct observations have shown an increase in the temperature of waters on the Iberian Peninsula's continental shelf since the late 1980s. Meanwhile, on the Mediterranean coast this warming may have been occurring since as early as the beginning of the 20th century.

    Finally, as regards Political Circumstances, the Spanish Constitution establishes a highly decentralized model of government, in which Autonomous Communities' Regional Governments, and to a lesser extent local authorities, exercise significant powers in climate change-related areas, such as transport, industry and the environment, though these are shared with central government. Organizations created to foster co-ordination, co-operation and participation are particularly important in this context. These include the CCPCC (Comisin de Coordinacin de Polticas de Cambio Climtico Commission for Climate Change Policy Coordination), in which the Spanish Government, Regional Governments, the FEMP (Federacin Espaola de Municipios y Provincias Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces) and the CNC (Consejo Nacional del Clima National Climate Council) all participate along with key social partners, non-governmental organizations and research centres.

    B GREENHOUSE GAS INVENTORIES In Spain, greenhouse gas inventories draw on the CORINE-AIRE inventory base report (a

    translation of the European CORINAIR project, currently co-ordinated by the European Environment Agency.) The CORINE-AIRE inventory covers practically all the activities included in the latest version of the Selected Nomenclature for Air Pollution (SNAP) developed under the CORINAIR project and has been harmonized with the nomenclatures used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) run by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). In Spain's case, 1990 is taken as the base year for CO2, CH4 and N2O, while 1995 is taken as the base for fluorinated gases. The period covered runs from 1990 to 2007.

    The data reveal that total emissions in 2007 were 52.6% higher than the base year, though this figure drops to 48.6% when the average for the most recent five-year period (20032007) is compared against the base. Overall, the index shows a sustained rise over the inventoried period (the exceptions being 1993, 1996 and 2006, when declines were recorded in comparison with each preceding year), with the curve showing a more moderate climb in 19901996 than in 19962007. This variability appears to be punctually linked to annual peaks and troughs in hydroelectric power generation, with the implications this has for fossil fuel-generated electricity output, although additional factors, such as a widespread increase in fuel consumption and economic activity, have also influenced the variation observed between the two aforementioned sub-periods (19901996 and 19962007).

    Analysis by gas type reveals carbon dioxide to be the dominant component in terms of absolute weight (its weighted contribution is generally greater than 80%). Second and third place are occupied by methane and nitrous oxide, respectively. The variation in CH4 is small and oscillates by -1.1% over the duration of the two periods (recorded at 9.9% in 1990 and 8.8% in 2007). Meanwhile, N2O shows a greater percentage fall than CH4, dropping from 9.6% in 1990 to 6.9% in 2007. Fluorinated gases' overall proportion increased until the second half of the 1990s, after which it started to fall, decreasing to 1.5% in 2007 and to a 1.3% average for the last five



    years. In any case, fluorinated gases' contribution to total inventoried emissions has remained low over the period analysed.

    Analysis of trends over time reveals relative minimums in CO2 in 1993 and 1996, as well as an upturn on the changeover from the 19901996 to the 19962007 sub-period, a trend broadly reflected in the evolution of the aggregate index referred to above. The trend for CH4 over the entire period is more uniform. Nitrous oxide has evolved differently to the two previous gases; the average declined over 19901995 then rose again through to 2000, after which the average level during the period observed fell once more. As regards fluorinated gases, the stable/decreasing trend for PFCs (significant downturn in 20002001 and stability over 20012007) differs from that for HFCs and SF6 which, after convergence over 19901994 and parallel trends over 19952000, diverged in 20012007 when there was a sustained increase in SF6 and a sharp fall in HFCs (20002002).

    Analysis by economic sector reveals that the Energy group makes the greatest contribution (78.1%) and that this increased in the final period, rising in 2007 by 0.2% on the year before. In 2007, the Industrial Processes and Agriculture sectors accounted for 7.9% and 10.5%, representing respective falls over the period of 1.3% and 3.5%. At the end of the period, the Waste sector was responsible for 3.2%. This constitutes a significant increase on the 1990 figure (0.5%), although higher values were recorded in the interim. The Solvent and Other Product Use sector's share decreased slightly from 0.5% in 1990 to 0.4% in 2007, remaining a marginal emissions source in absolute terms when compared with the inventory as a whole.

    As regards trends over time by economic sector, it is possible to make a distinction between, on the one hand, the changes seen in the Waste and Energy sectors, in which emissions levels increased substantially (by 83% and 62.6%, respectively, comparing 2007 against 1990 levels) and, on the other, the more moderate changes in the Industrial Processes and Agriculture sectors, in which growth rates stood at 32.4% and 15.1%, respectively. The Solvent and Other Product Use sector, which recorded a 20.6% rise over the inventoried period has, as mentioned above, an almost null impact on the aggregate rate of change.

    According to Article 5 of the Kyoto Protocol, and to paragraph 30 of the Kyoto Protocol reporting guidelines, Spain has established a national system for the estimation of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol. Pursuant to Order MAM/1444/2006, of 9 May 2006, Spain's Directorate-General for Environmental Quality and Assessment of the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, is the national authority responsible for the country's National Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions.

    Lastly, in accordance with paragraph 32 of the guidelines for preparation of information as per paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Kyoto Protocol (Decision 15/CMP.1, Annex II), this document presents information on Spain's national registry. National Law 1/2005, of 9 March 2005, ascribes RENADE (Registro Nacional de Derechos de Emisin de Gases de Efecto Invernadero National Registry for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances) to the Ministry of the Environment (now the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs). More specifically, Royal Decree 1264/2005, of 21 October 2005, governing organization and operation of the National Registry for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances, ascribes RENADE to the OECC (Oficina Espaola de Cambio Climtico Spanish Climate Change Office), thus becoming the public authority competent for the registry administration.

    C POLICIES AND MEASURES Climate change represents a threat to sustainable development. During his investiture

    speech, the Spanish President put climate change at the top of the agenda. The Central Government, Autonomous Communities and Local Authorities have developed an increasing number of strategies, policies and measures to tackle this phenomenon during the past few years.

    In order to reinforce cooperation, several institutions were created: the Commission for Climate Change Policy Coordination (CCPCC), which intends to reinforce institutional cooperation between the State General Administration, the Autonomous Communities and Local Authorities; the National Climate Council (NCC) where, besides the Public Administration, the civil society is represented thought, inter alia, Social Agents, Non Governmental Organizations and experts; the Delegate Government Commission for Climate Change (CDGCC); the Interministerial Group for Climate Change, which is the coordination body of Climate Change Policies within the State General Administration; and Social Dialogue negotiation Tables, which were established in order to elaborate and monitor the National Allocation Plan and analyse the impact of mitigate measures in diffused sectors on competitiveness, stability and social cohesion.

    Due to the cross cutting nature of the mitigation measures and the long-term approach needed to implement them, there is a need to develop a strategic planning. During the last few years, the Spanish Administration has carried out the Spanish Strategy of Climate Change and




    Clean Energy (EECCEL), which allows the stability and coherence of Climate Change policies. The EECCEL defines the basic guidelines considering a medium-long term approach (2001-2012-2020), including a range of measures that entails a direct or indirect reduction of greenhouse gases and an adjustment to its effects.

    In this framework, some planning instruments have been developed, such as the Urgent Measures Plan, approved in 2007 which includes the Strategy for Energy Saving and Efficiency in Spain 2008-2012 (PA E4), the Strategic Lines against Climate Change, established by the CDGCC, and the Plans and Strategies set up by the Autonomous Communities.

    The Urgent Measures Plan includes additional actions in relation with others already implemented, like the Renewable Energies 2005-2010, the Technical Code for Building or the Action Plan 2005-2007, allowed estimating emissions for the period 2008-2012 in a stable scenario.

    Since 2008, the Spanish Administration has participated in the development of the Strategic Lines against Climate Change, which incorporates the priorities to fulfil the objective of curbing emissions in the most relevant sectors. These strategic lines involve a wide range of sectors such as transport, waste and dung procedures, residential, energy, forestry and innovation. Within this framework, we highlight the start up of the Strategy of Sustainable Mobility, the National Plan for Integral Waste (PNIR), the Bio digestion Plan of Animal Waste, the Strategy for Energy Saving and Efficiency in the Central Administration buildings or the works to set up a Energy Certified System for new and old buildings.

    To reduce emissions in the industrial and electricity sectors cost-effectively, the European Commission has established an Emissions Trading Scheme. The system went into operation in 2005 and currently applies to over a thousand Spanish installations, whose emissions account for almost 45% of the country's total greenhouse gas output. In a relatively short period of time, the necessary legal framework has been put in place to cover every aspect related to this novel instrument, including the Emissions Trading Scheme national law (Ley 1/2005), which has been amended twice to extend its scope of application; the National Allocation Plans; the National Registry for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances; the regulatory basis for emissions verification and monitoring, the instruments for the transposition of the new Community legislation in this field into national law; etc.

    One of the emissions trading scheme's central elements is the NAP (National Allocation Plan).The NAP 20052007 was the precursor to the current plan (20082012), approved by Royal Decree 1370/2006. This legal instrument establishes the number of allowances available and the rules for their distribution among those economic sectors included within its scope of application; the existence or otherwise of a reserve of allowances for new entrants into the scheme and the quantity of the same; usage expectations for the flexible mechanisms; and the country's compliance track.

    In addition to setting an overall reduction target, the plan also creates a Carbon emission allowances market, at the heart of which is the distribution of these allowances among registered operators of installations whose activities are listed in Annex I of Directive 2003/87/EC. According to this, by 2012 emissions should be no more than 37% above 1990 levels. This figure is reached by adding together the Kyoto Protocol target (+15%), estimated removals by sinks (a maximum of 2%) and credits obtained via Kyoto Protocol's flexible mechanisms (20%). The NAP 20082012 shares the compliance responsibility over the sectors included in Law 1/2005 (45%), as well as over those not included (55%), assigning these weights in proportion to each sector's contribution to national global emissions. Another essential element to proper operation of the emissions trading scheme is the National Registry for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances.(Renade Registro nacional de Derechos de Emisin). This registry ensures that information about emission allowances ownership and control is made public and kept constantly up to date. The RENADE has been in operation since June 2005.

    In its pursuit of compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, and in addition to implementing domestic reduction measures to combat climate change, the Spanish Government is making use of the Kyoto Protocol's flexible mechanisms, in particular the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The Spanish Government views the CDM as a key instrument for international co-operation in the fight against climate change as it promotes a low-carbon economy while generating wealth and prosperity among local communities. This perception of this opportunity defines the criteria guiding Spanish public investment in carbon markets, determining both the geographical areas chosen for investment (Latin America) and the projects selected (preference for energy and sustainable waste management schemes). Creation of the RIOCC (Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climtico Ibero-American Network of Climate Change Offices) constitutes the most significant political commitment to the region and is accompanied by considerable investment in carbon funds managed by multilateral financial institutions. In this regard, preference is shown for Latin America, use of foreign trade support instruments and bilateral relationships with Ibero-American countries' governments and designated national authorities, etc.



    As part of Spain's co-operation strategy, a series of Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) have been signed to promote the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development and Joint Implementation Mechanisms. To date, Spain has signed MoUs with 23 countries: 17 in Latin America (Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Uruguay, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Chile, Paraguay and El Salvador), 2 in North Africa (Morocco and Egypt), 3 in Europe (Serbia, Poland and Ukraine) and 1 in Asia (China). The aim is to establish a formal basis for co-operation to implement clean development mechanism projects that help signatories meet their Kyoto Protocol commitments under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. Some of the key objectives are to share information, support technology transfer, increase technical co-operation and foster bilateral work.

    To fulfil its commitments, the Spanish Government has also signed agreements to contribute to carbon funds managed by a range of multilateral financial institutions. The objective is to purchase carbon credits generated by project-based flexible mechanisms on international markets.

    To date, 404.8 million have been assigned to the following carbon funds administered by multilateral financial institutions: the Worlds Bank Spanish Carbon Fund, Biocarbon Fund and Community Development Carbon Fund; the Andean Development Corporation's Ibero-American Carbon Initiative; the Asian Development Bank's Asia-Pacific Carbon Fund; and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank's joint Multilateral Carbon Credit Fund.

    Since 2008, Spain has also been involved in the World Bank's Carbon Partnership Facility (CPF) and Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF), set up to purchase post-2012 credits.

    In parallel, the Spanish Government is supporting development of Green Investment Schemes associated with sale and purchase of AAUs. These fulfil the combined objectives of purchasing emission allowances at market prices, promoting transfer of clean technologies, developing responsible and environmentally sustainable schemes, promoting development of climate change mitigation sectors without access to other forms of subsidy (e.g., residential energy efficiency) and achieving compliance targets in both Spain and GIS host countries. All of this complies with Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol.

    Furthermore, the Spanish Government's various ministries have actively supported use of cross-functional instruments to promote foreign investment by Spanish companies as a means of supporting the CDM, providing technical assistance, additional funding and insurance; facilitating access to private banking; and incorporating a clause referring to the Protocol in debt conversion agreements, among other initiatives. Within this context, the support provided on the ground by Spanish embassies' Economic and Trade Offices is crucial, as is the promotion, information and communication provided by the ICEX (Instituto Espaol de Comercio Exterior Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade) via its website. Also noteworthy is the PIIEECC (Plan de Impulso a la Internacionalizacin de la Economa Espaola en los sectores asociados al Cambio Climtico Plan to Promote Internationalization of the Spanish Economy in Sectors Associated with Climate Change), drawn up jointly by the Secretariats of Trade, Economy, Foreign Affairs, Research and Climate Change.

    The Government's strategy in relation to the Kyoto Protocol's flexible mechanisms likewise demands consolidation of the most significant institutional elements. The first measure implemented in this regard was to create a Designated National Authority (DNA) under Royal Decree-Law 5/2004, of 27 August 2004. This interministerial commission is principally responsible for issuing letters of approval for Clean Development and Joint Implementation Mechanism projects. It is currently governed by two statutes: Law 1/2005, of 9 March 2005 (Emissions Trading Scheme Law); and Royal Decree 1031/2007, of 20 July 2007, establishing the framework for participation in the Kyoto Protocol's flexible mechanisms.

    The Spanish Energy Policy is based on three axes: Security supply, competitiveness and sustainability. The new Gas and Electricity Planning 2008-2016, aims to cover the greater involvement of renewable technologies and to meet the increased demand for gas, cogeneration and combined cycle. Besides, some plans are being performed with regard to savings and energy efficiency, renewable energies such as the Strategy for Energy Savings and Efficiency in Spain 2004-2012 (PER). Regarding Renewable Energies, Spain has the aim to meet at least 12,1% of the total primary energy demand in 2010. In this context, many efforts have been made, which sets Spain as a world reference regarding renewable energies.

    The investment effort in clean electric generation has been remarkable, both in cogeneration and renewable energies. The cogeneration installed power capacity has increased from 488 MW in 1991 to 6063 MW in 2007. Furthermore, the investment and support given to renewable sources have allowed that around 20% of the electricity generated, that is 7% of primary energy, comes from these renewable sources, which improves efficiency.



    Additionally the legal text that has the objective of fostering saving and energy efficiency and the promotion of energy coming from renewable energies is being devised. This will lead to an important reduction on carbon dioxide emissions and the reinforcement of the energy securit