questionnaires in geography

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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1. How to use Questionnaires and what sort of Questions to ask! How to complete land use surveys. Data Collection 2. What can you find out using a Questionnaire? How people perceive the impact of Tourism in Wellington. If they believe that Tourists cause congestion on the roads/damage the environment/causing crowding on public transport.. What sort of questions can you ask? Do they think Tourism benefits the Wellington region? What are the problems with this question? To big.. To many ways in which someone could answer. would take too long to answer. 3. What sort of questions can you ask? Closed questions those that you answer with a yes or no. e.g. Do you live in the Wellington region. Questions with a choice on answers. e.g. Do you use any of the following facilities in Wellington? Te Papa/i-sites/Museum of city and sea/Cable car.. Questions that allow people to rate their opinion on a scale. e.g. Do you believe Tourists cause traffic problems in the city during the summer? Rate on a scale of 1-5 0 3 5 No impact Some impact Large Impact 4. Think about who you want to ask and what you need to know about them! You may need to make sure that you ask people who live in Wellington and not tourists! You could put this on the questionnaire. You may wish to check you get a range of ages. If you only ask people your age you will only get the opinion of 16-18 year olds! Where are you going to collect the questionnaire? You could get some from family and friends but you will need to collect some in Wellington. Think about where you will collect them. 5. How many questions and how many questionnaires to complete! People will not want to spend to long answering questions so make it quick and easy to complete! You need a decent number of questionnaire so that your research is detailed enough. (At least 25-50 is a good number the more the better) 6. How to ask! Be politeand smile Explain briefly what you are doing. (Most people will be willing to stop for school/college kids so use that!) Pick the people you ask some people will be busy and working. Be willing to accept the no Im very busy You will not be on your own! 7. Other info to collect. Land Use Surveys Make a note of what the land/space is use for in the Wellington CBD. Take a map of the are and note down the uses of the main space within the city centre how much of it is actually used for Tourism? Categorise each use; Retail (shops) Restaurants/Fast Food Tourist Attractions = cable car/museums/botanic gardens/children's play areas Tourist facilities (i-sites/toilets..) Business (offices) 8. Label on the map R = Retail F = Restaurants/Fast Food T =Tourist Attractions F =Tourist facilities B = Business (offices) G =General facilities You can label these as you go around the city centre 9. Be realistic!!! You will not be able to do every street in Wellington it would take too long. Narrow down your focus area to one or two areas. Label the areas on the map using letters or colours as you go round you can tidy it up and do a neat copy later. You may be able to find some of this info online but I F F B R R R T 10. Photos These can be used to illustrate your findings. Tourist facility in the centre of Wellington . Often used by locals as well. 11. Willis Street - Wellington Willis Street contains mostly retail and banking facilities. There are a few shops specifically aimed at Tourists, There are advertisement s along the street highlighting upcoming events and Tourist attractions.