questionnaire for candidates

Page 1 of 13 VETTING QUESTIONNAIRE FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES By Rene Guerra, member of Santa Clara (CA) chapter --- September, 2011 The questionnaire at the bottom is an updated version of the questionnaire that the Santa Clara County Chapter used last year, 2010, to vet the Republican candidates to decide whether to support and campaign for them or not in the primaries and general elections. It would be idiotically pretentious to suggest that this questionnaire is perfect or complete; it is, however, something from where to start in the effort to gauge the Republican candidates for the 2012 primaries or any other elections from now to then. The questionnaire bites with --sharp and long fangs and the mandibles of a pit-bull-- for it goes to the medullar issues afflicting America now; no phony candidate posing as a grassroots conservative will be able to pass it. And it is now distributed nationwide to be used by local grassroots conservatives as a "cheat-sheet" to vet candidates running in the 2012 Republican primaries for public office at any level of government (i.e., city, district, county/parish/borough, state or federal-- and any instance of governance (i.e., legislative, judicial or executive) throughout the entire nation. The case is that we, --non-leftists (i.e., 80% of American voters vis-à-vis 20% leftists that include 17% liberals and 3% hardcore-Left militants from fascists to social- democrats to democratic-socialists to Marxists to Marxist-Leninists to anarcho- communists)-- must elect Americans that are across-the-board-solid grassroots- conservatives and from whom we will demand --and get-- effective help in the form of them mounting a savvy campaign, so as to specifically attract voters to accrue the mass we need to: 1- In particular, boot Obama out of the White House on election-day in 2012 2- In general, rescue America from the jaws of the Left and from the claws of RINOs and establishment Republicans, meaning first sacking them out of elected office all instances of governance (i.e., legislative, judicial and executive) at all levels of government (i.e., city, district, county/parish/borough, state, federal) across the nation, from sea to shining sea, and replacing them with solid grassroots- conservatives to the maximum, and then having those elected officers doing the job

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Questionnaire to vet Republican Candidates


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VETTING QUESTIONNAIRE FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES By Rene Guerra, member of Santa Clara (CA) chapter --- September, 2011

The questionnaire at the bottom is an updated version of the questionnaire that the Santa Clara County Chapter used last year, 2010, to vet the Republican candidates to decide whether to support and campaign for them or not in the primaries and general elections. It would be idiotically pretentious to suggest that this questionnaire is perfect or complete; it is, however, something from where to start in the effort to gauge the Republican candidates for the 2012 primaries or any other elections from now to then. The questionnaire bites with --sharp and long fangs and the mandibles of a pit-bull-- for it goes to the medullar issues afflicting America now; no phony candidate posing as a grassroots conservative will be able to pass it. And it is now distributed nationwide to be used by local grassroots conservatives as a "cheat-sheet" to vet candidates running in the 2012 Republican primaries for public office at any level of government (i.e., city, district, county/parish/borough, state or federal-- and any instance of governance (i.e., legislative, judicial or executive) throughout the entire nation. The case is that we, --non-leftists (i.e., 80% of American voters vis-à-vis 20% leftists that include 17% liberals and 3% hardcore-Left militants from fascists to social-democrats to democratic-socialists to Marxists to Marxist-Leninists to anarcho-communists)-- must elect Americans that are across-the-board-solid grassroots-conservatives and from whom we will demand --and get-- effective help in the form of them mounting a savvy campaign, so as to specifically attract voters to accrue the mass we need to: 1- In particular, boot Obama out of the White House on election-day in 2012 2- In general, rescue America from the jaws of the Left and from the claws of RINOs and establishment Republicans, meaning first sacking them out of elected office all instances of governance (i.e., legislative, judicial and executive) at all levels of government (i.e., city, district, county/parish/borough, state, federal) across the nation, from sea to shining sea, and replacing them with solid grassroots-conservatives to the maximum, and then having those elected officers doing the job

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of cleaning key non-elected posts from leftists, RINOs and establishment Republicans. And those replacements, particularly elected ones, must be entirely conscious of the eminently destructive nature of the Democrat Party of nowadays...actually, since the times of the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Wilson is the supreme patriarch of "progressivism", that gateway to the hardcore Left and a scourge of a mask of deception behind which even the most heinous and nocent hardcore leftists hide.

The core of those "progressive" miscreants pursues to make society regress to the primitive cave and hominid ages when socialism and communism were used by nascent human proto-societies.

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In those times of proto-societal organization, communistic life may have been adequate and fitting; but, given the overall advancement of human, returning now to such primitive stage would be akin to adult humans returning to crawling on the floor like infants, rather than walking and running as they do to for locomotion. Yes, it was since the times of Wilson that the DemocRat Party went astray from Americanism, to the point that, currently, the DemocRat Party is the core of anti-Americanism by way of having become the very incarnation of the domestic hardcore Left in America. And, to make it worse, they have help from complicit RINOs, accommodating establishment-Republicans, and even from aloft elitist-conservatives. That’s why we must send to elected-offices solid grassroots-conservatives that vow to, once elected, become our public servants, to serve us, We the People, and not to

seek, let alone to --utterly abusively-- become "our leaders"...for We the People do not need leaders, caudillos, maximum chiefs, or the like, who drag us from nose rings, like cattle...all in the --so misused, abused and prostituted-- name of "leadership".

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The case is that, in this constitutional effective-democracy of ours --the United States

of America-- supreme sovereign rests with us, We the People: in the United States

of America, We the People are the ones called to lead and the government, to follow.

Public servants, whom too many Americans idiotically refer to as "our leaders", have

spuriously arrogated upon themselves the role of masters, with us, We the People, their subjects, saddling us up as their mounts and them positioning themselves as the riders on our backs. But it's all the fault of Americans, who are so heavily addicted to that revolting and societally destructive sadomasochist fetish of "leaderism"; that is, yoking themselves with leaders of all kinds, particularly with the worst of them all, public servants. There is no country on earth where people of all walks of life drivel, crave, lust for subjugating themselves under the thumb and boot of "leaders" as do people in this

nation that touts being "...The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave"; they need leaders even to go to the lavatory to dump bowel-wastes. Of course, there are activities and entities wherein leadership fits very well, such as WITHIN the military, religions, cults, the mob, the U.S. Congress and their state counterparts, music groups, gangs, sports, business, the Boy and Girl Scouts, etc., but never, ever in the relationship from public servants, elected or not, toward us,

their masters, We the People.

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Of course, public servants must exert leadership among themselves and in the

relationships toward the bureaucracies that We the People place in charge of...for

the sole purpose to serve us, We the People, and to serve us well. In constitutional effective-democracy republics --such as, for instance, the United States of America-- governments are instituted among men, deriving their just, temporary and limited powers from the free, willful and premeditated consent of

their masters, We the People...and only for the particular purpose of serving us

We the People, and to serve us well, and never ever to govern, let alone to rule

over us, We the People, their only masters. Governments are only to govern over

the bureaucracies We the People place in charge of...just for the purpose of

serving us, We the People. Somewhere is written that "...popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people is the belief that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of all political power. It is closely associated to the social contract philosophers, among whom are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Benjamin Franklin expressed the concept when he wrote, 'In free governments the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns.'"

Thus, what We the People must expect, demand and accept from public servants

is, not any kind of leadership, but to SERVE us, We the People, with utmost honesty, selfishlessness, dedication, commitment, creativity, initiative, efficiency and effectiveness...that is, utmost "servantship"; and, when the post so demand it, utmost wisdom, sagacity, cogency, judgment, savvy, vision, foresight, ferrous resoluteness, highest wisdom, astuteness and sagacity...all wrapped up in utmost and un-quavering patriotism... that is, utmost statesmanship. So, let's cut that crap that Obama or any other public servant, elected or not, is "our leader"!!! Horribly, the destructive habit has permeated American society to its marrow. Even presumptively-to-be grassroots-conservative no-prisoners-taken epitomic iconoclasts, such as Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, don't stop calling our public servants "our leaders".

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That must be stopped, once and for all, for the societal health of this great nation

that is being destroyed with all kinds of "...flings and arrowes..." and under the very noses and in the face of the most egregiously disgusting impassivity of so many. And all those seeking the Republican nomination to run for the Presidency should immediately stop demanding "leadership" from Obama and, much more importantly, stop offering theirs. (By the way, Obama is practicing exceedingly well a particular kind of leadership..."leading" America to her utter destruction.)

Absolutely every single damned Republican candidate is offering us, We the People, his or her "leadership" "lead" us, We the nose mere cattle; for, exactly, that is what it all ends up translating into. "My leadership here", "my leadership there", "my leadership hither", "my leadership thither", "my leadership this", "my leadership that", all those Republicans, with no exception, don't stop cackling and bleating...including solid grassroots conservatives, such as Michele Bachmann, who should know better. To hell with them and with it! When on earth just a single one of them is going to offer us servantship and statesmanship? Are they so stupid that they haven't been able to grasp yet the essence of the Tea Party movement (TPM) and the essence of grassroots conservatism? Or is that they just pretend to be in sync with the TPM, when in reality they are the same type of opportunistic vermin that have been for decades occupying the most significant posts in government?

We want them to be our public servants and no more, and serve us, We the People, with their utmost servantship and, when the post so allow and demand it, utmost statesmanship. Yes, servantship and statesmanship is what we must expect, demand and accept from our public servants, elected or not...and those we must send to public office, elected or not, must commit to it.

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Hence the vital importance of this questionnaire in this particular historical juncture where the fate of America is at stake as never has been in her two hundred and thirty five years of existence, for the societally-mortal enemy to defeat is an enemy that operates from within: the Democrat Party (aided by RINOs and establishment Republicans), whose ideological marrow and operative apparatus have become the very embodiment of the domestic hardcore Left, a sworn enemy of the America that the Founders instituted: "America --despite its many imperfections and ugly defects-- the most powerful nation history has ever seen, yet the most generous and the first overall superpower ever in human history that liberates and even feeds peoples, and that stands out and excels as the world’s utmost inextinguishable beacon of freedom, everlasting fountain of effective democracy, inexpugnable bastion of individual rights, and inexhaustible mother lode of free entrepreneurism." We, of course, cannot harbor any illusions that there are not traitorous opportunist scoundrels among us that will attempt to pose as conservatives, and even as grassroots conservatives, to use us to ascend to positions of political power --via all sort of trickery-- for their own personal gain, be either ideological/political or financial; we must colander out those vermin too. A vivid example is that of Scott Brown, who votes with notorious RINOs such as Scott Brown , Richard Burr , Susan Collins , John Ensign , Mark Kirk , Lisa Murkowski , Olympia Snowe and George Voinovich. Let's bear in mind also that, on both sides of the ideological/political spectrum, or maybe belonging in their own sui generis class, there are the endemically and chronically severe apatrides et amoral in the parasitic nomenklatura of both the Democrat Party and the Republican party, who, as the perfect societal parasites they are, their only objective in life --and at all costs-- is them and only them... the rest of people being to them just fools to use either grotesquely --such as, for example, Bernard Maddoff, a lifelong Democrat, and the thousands of Democrat cronies encysted in all sorts of government agencies-- or less grossly, such as Republican Trent Lott, for years one of "our leaders" in Washington, and now an gluttonously avaricious lobbyist and publicly professed prostitutor of U.S. Congress Tea Party newies (i.e., "We don’t need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples; as soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them.”). Also, always keep in mind that --in many cases where circumstances of life may be too dire-- the pauper cannot afford to embrace morality and patriotism, and that --in many cases where circumstances may be too paradisiac-- the super-affluent doesn't give a damn about those two virtues; that is, it is us, the middle class and grassroots-conservatives, in particular --"suckers", as those two sectors call us-- mainly the ones with the burden of safeguarding morality and country.

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Hence the urgent need of helping create conditions where even the poorest pauper in America can --lawfully and ethically-- work his/her way up to prosperity and happiness, to middle class and upper class, that is, to achieve The American Dream. ...For the name of the game is not, as Marx taught Obama, "...spreading the wealth around..." for that amounts to spreading poverty, misery and pauperism.

What we, Americans, must do is "...create and nurture the conditions where all free individuals can have access to generating wealth according to their abilities, ambitions, intelligence and arduous, ethic-work...wealth that will take them to overall flourishing into happiness and affluence, and, in the aggregate, society, as well, flourishing to generalized happiness and generalized affluence..." as Adam Smith would have put it. The next picture compares 1- Obama's socialist model that all what it does is to spread, at best, national-economic-stagnancy and household-frugality (e.g., Western Europe) and, at worst, outright poverty (e.g., the defunct Soviet Union and its satellites, as well as Cuba, North Korea and Zimbabwe at this time); 2- the trickle-down model of Country-Club Republicans , which generated wealth in a acutely-

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tapered fashion and still with a large portion of the population under the poverty line; and 3- the trickle-up model that grassroots-conservatism adheres to, which allows for the generation of wealth by the vast majority of the people, and tends to minimizing the size of the population in poverty, with the goal of eliminating poverty --or at least, pauperism-- altogether. All that said, here goes the proposed questionnaire for you to adopt it entirely or, at least, partially:

(Cut and Print below this line)

On which side of the "versus" do you --as a Republican candidate-- stand? (Notice that some questions have more than two alternatives among which to choose; however the candidate must select only one.)

1- CONSTITUTIONALITY 1.1-- Stance regarding the U.S. and state Constitutions (choose one of the four: judicial activism versus strict constructionism versus textualism versus originalism) 1.2-- Adherence to and respect for the U.S. and state Constitutions (cavalier, dismissive treatment, e.g., "...a charter of negative liberties..." as Obama asserts or "...a tacky fetish..." as the Democrats and the rest of the hardcore Left, along with RINOs, deem it versus solid adherence and utmost respect) 1.3-- Compliance with Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution (keep status quo versus the adoption of the appropriate legislation to establish the mechanism to probe unambiguous and unequivocal compliance) Notice the current Line of succession to the Presidency of the United States of America ($$xa$$busc4.wais&start=43231&SIZE=7324&TYPE=TEXT)): # Office Current Officer 1 Vice President Joseph Biden 2 Speaker of the House John Boehner 3 President pro tempore of the Senate Daniel Inouye 4 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham

Clinton 5 Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner 6 Secretary of Defense Robert Gates 7 Attorney General Eric Holder 8 Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar 9 Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack 10 Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke 11 Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis

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12 Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius

13 Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan

14 Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood 15 Secretary of Energy Steven Chu 16 Secretary of Education Arne Duncan 17 Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki 18 Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano 1.4-- Citizenship of elected or non-elected government officials and employees (leave it as is versus the adoption of the appropriate legislation to the mechanism to probe unambiguous and unequivocal U.S. citizenship). 1-5-- Support for status quo regarding the federal government deficit versus effective support for a constitutional amendment to force balanced budgets. 1-6-- Support for raising the national public debt limit or keeping it as it is now versus acceleratedly lowering it to the practical minimum of no more than ten percent (10%) of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For reference, currently, the U.S.A. Debt/GDP ratio a destructive 58.9%, enormously higher that the ratio of countries with austere spending policies, such as, for example, Chile's is only 6.2% (Check it for yourself at

2- GOVERNANCE 2.1-- Attitude of elected and non-elected government officials and employees toward us We the People ruling over us, govern us and leading us, We the People versus 1- serve the people as their masters that We the People are, and, consequently, not subject to being ruled or lead by any kind of government officials or employees; 2- limit governance to governing, not us, We the People, but the tangible and intangible infrastructure of the state, for We the People are to be served not to be governed; and, 3- administer the bureaucracy they have been put in charge of by us, We the People, and do all of the preceding three numerals with utmost honesty, dedication, commitment, initiative, creativity, efficiency and other words, with utmost "servantship"...and, furthermore, when the post so allow and demand it, with utmost vision and foresight, ferrous resoluteness, highest wisdom, astuteness and sagacity, all of it wrapped in un-quavering patriotism, that is, with utmost statesmanship/stateswomanship..) 2.2--Taxation (high versus low taxation) 2.3- Size of government (large versus small government) 2.4-- Circumscription of government (intrusive versus non-intrusive government) 2.6-- Government spending (high-spending versus thrifty government) 2.7-- Regulating (high in regulation versus minimal regulation) 2.8-- Economy (choose one of the four: socialist versus fascist, i.e., corporatism and crony capitalism versus communalism/cooperative versus Keynesian versus free-enterprise within a

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harmonious conjugation of individualism, unfettered ingenuity, lawful and ethic competition, common sense, democratic practice and genuine national interests) 2.9-- Energy policy (choose one of the three: ramp up current status quo per "environmentalists" versus keep current status quo as it is now versus leave it up to the private sector --and depending also on genuine national security concerns-- to develop and exploit whatever source of energy can be tapped anywhere on American territory and abroad)

3- NATIONAL SECURITY, DEFENSE AND FOREIGN RELATIONS POLICY 3.1-- National defense power projection (isolationism versus rational and justified engagement abroad) 3.2-- Military action (retaliation only versus preemption in legitimate circumstances) 3.3-- National defense power-weight (disarmed a much as possible versus overall strong militarily) 3.4-- Rules of engagement (choose one of the three: more restrictive than currently versus leave them as restrictive as they currently are versus the summary abrogation of any absurdly restrictive existing rule of engagement and the adoption of rules providing our troops with the utmost effectiveness, efficiency, security and safety) 3.5-- Treatment of Islamism (police-like policies --i.e., treating Islamist attacks as if it were common-criminality versus war on America dealt with via a multi-pronged integrated approach across the globe, where military action is prominent in addition to other very important thrusts, i.e. diplomacy, financial pressure, propaganda/counter-propaganda, intelligence/counter-intelligence, etc.) 3.6-- Court treatment of Islamist Terrorists (civil courts versus military courts) 3.7-- Imprisonment for Islamist Terrorists (mainland prisons versus Guantanamo prison) 3.8-- Body of Laws to be used in America (Sharia law, or any Muslim Law, used in any form, directly or indirectly versus American Laws) 3.10-- Use of garments in pictures for passports, ID cards and the like and at places where individuals must show they ID body features (garments that in effect mask completely or partially the identity of the person such as some Muslim, Sikh or other kinds of garments versus definitely no use at all of anything that in effect masks completely or partially the identity of the person) 3.9-- Foreign Relations Policy (accommodating diplomacy versus assertive diplomacy) 3.10-- Use of democracy abroad (leave the world alone versus the proactive spread effective* democracy based on the successful paradigm of formerly historically-warmonger Germany and Japan, and the budding secular democracy in Iraq, as protection of America, for no effective democracy has ever committed aggression on America, or any other country, for that matter)

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*--- Effective democracy= Individual, free, secret, countable and private vote in transparent elections, along with participatory-democratic and representative form of governance in a constitutional republic where supreme sovereignty rests with the people.

4- MISCELLANEA 4.1-- Abortion (abortion of convenience aka abortion on demand versus absolute respect for innocent human-life since the very moment the human zygote forms, accepting abortion only in the special cases of 1- rape or incest [at very early stages of the pregnancy for the option of adoption exists for more advanced stages of pregnancies], and 2- medically triple-opined health circumstances where the life of the mother is imminently threatened) 4.2-- Embryonic stem-cell research (use of stem cells from any kind of human live or dead embryos versus use ONLY of non-embryonic stem cells that have already proved to be effective and efficient for medical purposes, such as, for example, umbilical chord blood, fat tissue, skin tissue, etc.) 4.3-- Obamacare (ramp up versus keep as is versus amend versus repeal) 4.4-- Healthcare and retirement (keep as is Medicare, Social Security and government controlled retirement plans and the like versus implementing real improvement of the existing private-enterprise based system by, for example, adopting a voluntary and optional system of individually owned, private health care and retirement investment (IOPHCARI) accounts like the very successful Chilean system that Milton Friedman’s "Chicago Boys" ( mounted in Chile led by José Piñera ( --- Co-chairman, Cato Institute’s Project on Social Security Choice) and as proposed by Richard McDonald at Those improvement measures would also include full access to buying health insurance across any state lines, decoupling health insurance from employers and coupling it only to people’s ability to pay through their IOPHCARI accounts. Furthermore, a drastic tort reform aimed at making disappear frivolous lawsuits and outrageous amounts of money paid to lawyers and plaintiffs. For people able to open their IOPHCARI accounts, conditions should exist across the nation for pervasive abundance of good sound jobs in the private sector stemming from the 4Ms: 1- minimalist taxation, 2- minimalist government intrusion in private enterprise, 3- minimalist size of government, and 4- minimalist expenditures by government. 4.5-- Education (government [taxpayer] funded public education only versus public plus vouched private-education, including homeschooling) 4.6-- Gender and marriage (any-gender marriage versus heterosexual marriage only) 4.7-- Numbers in marriage (polygamous versus monogamous marriage between consenting adults of the opposite sex only) 4.8-- Border security (open borders versus tightly secured borders) 4.9-- Illegal immigration (amnesty or any kind of laxness for illegals versus strict non-tolerance of illegal immigration.)

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4.10-- English language (Babel-Tower-language Balkanization of America versus English as the national official language) 4.11-- "Bilingual" education (Foreign languages as primary languages in education versus English as the primary language in education with full immersion in it for children of non-English-speaking immigrants) 4.12-- "Affirmative" Action (Racial quotas versus no racial discrimination of any kind at all) 4.13-- "Global Warming" now conveniently referred to as "Climate Change" (Human activity is the, or a prominent, cause of climate change versus the sun, the earth’s ecliptic and other non-human causes are the prominent drivers of climate change) 4.14-- Union membership (compulsory versus strictly voluntary with no pressure at all) 4.15-- Use of union dues for politically or ideologically aimed contributions of any kind (let union hierarchs decide versus members individually decide per multiple-choice format or better mechanism to implement individual choice) 4.16-- Guest Worker visas type H1-B, TN-1, L-1, E-3, H1-B1, W-1 (further adding visa types of similar kind and raising numbers of users versus keeping types of visas and numbers of users as is versus immediate or maybe phased elimination of them all, as they are based on false contentions of scarcity of Americans to take those jobs.) 4.17-- Voter ID use at the ballot box (no ID use versus compulsory use of the most reliable voter ID system available) 4.18-- Union membership (compulsory versus entirely voluntary per personal, individual and private decision) 4.19-- Union elections ("card-check" system versus voluntary, individual, free, secret and countable vote via ballot boxes) 4.20-- Union money use in political matters (to be decided by union hierarchs versus to be decided by union members via voluntary, individual, free, secret and countable vote via ballot boxes) 4.20-- Keeping the staffs of the wives of the President and Vice-President as they are now versus reducing them to one individual per staff. 4.21-- Keeping the current practice by the wives of the President and the Vice-President of meddling in national policy making or implementing versus legislating specifically to prohibit them from doing it. 4.22-- Keeping the current practice by the wives of the President and the Vice-President of splurging on taxpayer money versus legislating specifically to prohibit them from doing it.