questionnaire analysis

Questionnaire for a dance music magazine I asked this question in order to find out the age of my target audience. Age is an important to find out about my target audience because I will need to know what elements to include in my magazine that will be appropriate and relevant to appeal to them. For example if I was to find my results showed 9-13 year old would be reading my magazine I would need to ensure the language I use is understandable for their age and appropriate. In this case I would not use swear or crude words. Fortunately my results showed the age group I expected ( 16-18 year olds ). Now I know the age of my target audience I will make sure my magazine is informal and humours and include people of this age in my images. As well as using slang and terms that they would be familiar with e.g. cutting shapes. It came to no surprise that my This question was appropriate because different ethnicities have different morals and beliefs therefore I would not want to offend any of my readers. However I found out that the majority of people were white which the same ethnicity as me is so I will relate with them and will know what is appropriate and what is not. If I was to find that the majority of my target audience was Asian I Gender is a typical question to have as your opener on a questionnaire but this question is essential for me to find out the result. What gender I need to target my magazine to is very important because a lot depends on this when creating my magazine. This includes the colour scheme I decide on is it pink to stereotypically target females or is it blue to target males. Also which gender to include in the majority of my photos so the audience can relate to them. My results showed there Gender Female Male Age 16-18 19-21 22-25 25+ Ethnicity White Black Asian

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my questionnaire analysis


Questionnaire for a dance music magazine Gender is a typical question to have as your opener on a questionnaire but this question is essential for me to find out the result. What gender I need to target my magazine to is very important because a lot depends on this when creating my magazine. This includes the colour scheme I decide on is it pink to stereotypically target females or is it blue to target males. Also which gender to include in the majority of my photos so the audience can relate to them. My results showed there was not much difference between females and males preference to the dance music genre therefore I will decide on targeting my magazine on both female and male so my magazine is unisex because I know they are interested in my genre.

I asked this question in order to find out the age of my target audience. Age is an important to find out about my target audience because I will need to know what elements to include in my magazine that will be appropriate and relevant to appeal to them. For example if I was to find my results showed 9-13 year old would be reading my magazine I would need to ensure the language I use is understandable for their age and appropriate. In this case I would not use swear or crude words. Fortunately my results showed the age group I expected ( 16-18 year olds ). Now I know the age of my target audience I will make sure my magazine is informal and humours and include people of this age in my images. As well as using slang and terms that they would be familiar with e.g. cutting shapes. It came to no surprise that my chosen genre appealed to no one 25+ because at this age people start to settle down with their partner and children therefore would not have much disposable income to spend on going out to raves that is the dance music listeners lifestyle. However I did mostly ask this age group so next times I will mix up the age of people I ask to ensure my results are valid. This question was appropriate because different ethnicities have different morals and beliefs therefore I would not want to offend any of my readers. However I found out that the majority of people were white which the same ethnicity as me is so I will relate with them and will know what is appropriate and what is not. If I was to find that the majority of my target audience was Asian I would ensure that the clothes I have people in my images in were appropriate to them. So possibly include a girl in a headscarf show it shows diversity and not just people of one ethnicity.

These questions were very similar and they both came out with the same results. Most of my target audience occasionally go to dance music festivals and club night events. These results tell me that my target audience are passionate about dance music. They are spending their disposable income on festivals and club events. This will be something I will make sure I incorporate in my magazine. For example have my article as a review of a dance music festival or list upcoming festivals and events that would appeal to my audience.

I asked this question so my researched backed my chose masthead. None of the people I asked disliked the name so I will now 100% go forward with the masthead Warehouse for my magazine. If I was to have people say they dislike the name I would think about changing it to one of the other options of masthead I had thought about previously. Getting the masthead right is important as this will be my brand identity to readers and in the media so it needs to be appealing and appropriate to my music genre.

Lastly I asked this question so I know what exact price to have my magazine at so it is reasonable for my target audience to purchase. My results show that the appropriate price is 2.50-3.00. So I will price my magazine at 2.50. I asked this question to find out whether the stereotype of drugs in raves still exists. My results showed that the majority agree so therefore this stereotype still exists in society. In my magazine I am going to try hard to subvert this stereotype so my dance music genre doesnt have a bad reputation. So I will include negative articles about drugs to persuade drug usage in raves to end.

The results for this question showed that most people were familiar with the artist David Guetta. This tells me that he is the most iconic artist in the genre and my target audience are familiar with him. Going forward in my magazine I will ensure I name drop him in my cover lines because I am aware the target audience will recognise him and he will appeal to them making them want to read my magazine. Also shows me my target audience prefer iconic established artists rather than upcoming artists rather than upcoming artists likes Hannah Wants. The subgenre that most of the people I asked listens to was house music and then then drum and bass. So these results have helped me decide on which subgenre to focus on. Also which genre Im going to focus on in my article. In addition I will know what artists to include in cover lines and images that are relevant to the subgenre.This question was the most important question because if they didnt listen to the dance music subgenre then the rest of the questionnaire would be irrelevant and therefore time consuming as I would be receiving little information about my target audience (dance music listeners). Luckily only one person did not listen to dance music so I just dismissed him. Over all I came out with 13 peoples opinions on the genre that will help me create my magazine to appeal to them. The main reason I asked this question was in order to make a decision on who to have as my main image on my cover. My results showed 100% heterosexual. Going forward I know if use an attractive young male as my main image it will appeal to my female audience. Likewise if I was to have an attractive young girl as my main image I would be aware it would attract the male audience.