question one

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Question one

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: Question one

Front Cover: Use and development of forms and conventions of real media products

The use of a mast head uses the typical forms and conventions of real media products, it features in the at the top of the page as is typical in real media products. Although the use of this has been developed, using a thinner but wider font type gives a more modern image to the front cover. Also positioning the mast head over the head of the subject gives the brand of the magazine some importance.

The use of cover lines positioned around the subject of the front cover is also a typical convention. They focus on the contents of the magazine and both in my magazine and the example of the real media product feature names well known in the Hip-Hop industry.

Another convention of real media products is the use of bar code, price and issue number, featured usually in a bottom corner of the front page as is done on the real example of a media product and on the front cover of my magazine, they are usually quite small to keep the attention off them also.

The last use of a typical convention of a real media product is a mid-shot of a person dominating the page. Within typical conventions of real media products the image is usually central on the page with cover lines surrounding on both sides. I developed this convention and positioned the subject down the middle and right third of the page with the cover lines positioned around the subject. I did this to create an importance for the subject who is the main feature in the magazine whilst keeping importance of the brand of the magazine.

Page 3: Question one

Front Cover: Challenging of forms and conventions of real media products

To challenge the forms and conventions of real media products I used the image. Within real media products the main image usually uses costume which would relate to a Hip-Hop stars performing and uses expensive looking clothing. Within the main image for my media magazine I used a green parka with a fur hood. This shows the person in the image as relatable to my target audience. The use of a leopard print shirt gives an impression of expensive clothing which contrasts with the parka and again the fur hood also makes the clothing look expensive or designer yet the clothing would be easily affordable high street fashion. I used the contrast of expensive looking clothing and high street affordable clothing to give the impression that the subject on the front cover is relatable to the audience yet also gives the impression the subject is important.

Another way I challenged the typical conventions of a media magazine is through the use of copy. I used two colours similar to a typical convention of a media magazine but through the use of only one type of font I created a more consistent house style and more recognisable brand for the magazine.

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Contents Page:Use, development and challenging of forms and conventions of real media products

Using the typical conventions of a real media product I created the heading of the page, using bold font and the word “contents”. Although I developed this using a lard “B” to represent the brand of the magazine “Beat” using the heading contents under this. Also I used large font on each of the subheadings as well using the typical conventions of real media products such as the example on the vibe magazine contents page. Then similar to the example I listed the contents of the magazine down the left third of the page.

Another typical convention of a real media product I used is a main image down the centre and left third of the page similar to the example provided. Creating a house style and more focus on the main feature of the magazine.

To challenge the forms and conventions of real media products I added secondary images along the bottom of the page of other artists that would also be featured in the contents of the magazine, this helps allow the audience to form a relationship with these artists having seen them and therefore gives more of an interest into the rest of the contents of the magazine. Also I featured the same copy as seen on the front cover of the magazine to create a consistent house style across the images giving more of an interest into the contents and allowing the reader to gain interest about the stories the magazine will contain.

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Double Page Spread:Use, development and challenging of forms and conventions of real media products

To challenge the forms and conventions of real media products I used one main image across the entire double page spread that has a busy background. This gives the article a theme and draws attention to the reader through the bright background as in the example shown a plain background is used.

Through the use and development of forms and conventions of real media products I created the double page spread. I used a heading featuring the name of the subject and a quote from the interview. This is also used typically in real media products.

Another convention of a double page spread in real media products is a question and answer interview article of which I used in my double page spread. Using a different colour copy and a different front for the questions and answers to separate them creates a clear layout to the page and makes it simpler for the audience to read. A final convention of a double page spread I used is an introduction to the article to set the scene for the reader and give them a better relationship with the subject. I used a different copy and font size to make this stand out as is featured in real media products such as the example provided.