question 6

Question 6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Weebly This was the main source that I used to display all of my work on. It enabled me to display a lot of my ideas on with different fonts, backgrounds and style in how different pages looked. At first I found that Weebly was quite confusing to use as I didn’t know that a lot of the stuff available on it was there and could be used. Throughout the months of doing the work I changed my mind about how I wanted things to look as I felt certain pages needed a certain theme. For example on the ‘Contact sheets’ page I wanted it to be colourful as it’s where all of my photos which I’d taken were going too kept. As you can see from this photo, I had edited a colourful header with the name of my magazine on it in order to have a nice creative headline structure. I used Weebly to my advantage here as I wanted to make sure that everything looked creative and placed nicely. I’ve done this to every page that I have within this creative website maker. I used Weebly mainly to judge my progression throughout this piece of work on and so far it has been of great use to me. I found that if I needed specific guidance on certain this website I was able to find help if I searcher for it. When building my website the sett that would come up for each individual post would be this (as shown below) however I sometimes found it hard to use certain things or structure things how I’d want them to be structured as I didn’t always find it clear to use. Overall I found this technological device to be almost like the ultimate best one which I’ve developed to use over time as it’s the base of where all

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Post on 19-Nov-2015




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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Question 6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?WeeblyThis was the main source that I used to display all of my work on. It enabled me to display a lot of my ideas on with different fonts, backgrounds and style in how different pages looked. At first I found that Weebly was quite confusing to use as I didnt know that a lot of the stuff available on it was there and could be used. Throughout the months of doing the work I changed my mind about how I wanted things to look as I felt certain pages needed a certain theme. For example on the Contact sheets page I wanted it to be colourful as its where all of my photos which Id taken were going too kept. As you can see from this photo, I had edited a colourful header with the name of my magazine on it in order to have a nice creative headline structure. I used Weebly to my advantage here as I wanted to make sure that everything looked creative and placed nicely. Ive done this to every page that I have within this creative website maker. I used Weebly mainly to judge my progression throughout this piece of work on and so far it has been of great use to me. I found that if I needed specific guidance on certain this website I was able to find help if I searcher for it. When building my website the sett that would come up for each individual post would be this (as shown below) however I sometimes found it hard to use certain things or structure things how Id want them to be structured as I didnt always find it clear to use. Overall I found this technological device to be almost like the ultimate best one which Ive developed to use over time as its the base of where all my work is. FotorAnother technological device that I used was Fotor ( this was really useful for me when making the headlines to put onto my Weebly page and also for creating the photo strip on my double page spread. I discovered this site quite a while back before I started making the page so I already knew what it was capable of doing and how to use it properly in order to suite my magazine. I also used it to edit some of the photos on my magazine contents page to add different effects such as black and white or a nice vintage font which I couldnt create on photo shoot. I found that this source of technology really helped my photos to have that more colourful look to it. I was also able to crop out a lot of things that I didnt want in photos and export them back to the photo on Weebly.

FoldersThere have been quite a lot of different technology devices that Ive had to use in order to have all the things that Ive got on my Weebly page as Ive progressed throughout this whole piece a lot of simple ones however big are things like my USB stick that has a back up of all my work on it in case of losing it as well as holding all the data on it that I need. I also saved all of my work to both school and home with folders to ensure that all of my work had a good place to be in. The reason why I had two or more copies of my work was so that I was able to do work whilst I was at home as well as when I wasnt. This helped with my time management as it helped me to be up to date with all my work and so I had a nicely set routine which then further on helped my progress with things on my blog look even better than before.

Photo ShopI also used Photo shop to do the majority of my editing on for both my magazine and for my image effects. I had already previously used photo shop on a number of occasions however never with writing text or adding image just purely photo editing based so at first I did find changing certain fonts styles and having them set a certain way quite challenging. After watching several YouTube tutorials on where certain things were on Photoshop I began to make clear and positive decision on the construction process of my magazine. I found that this was important to me as it was where everything was produced on the magazine. This was one of the reasons why I had made such a drastic change on the look of my front cover of my magazine. I was able to use the certain things that I didnt before on how it was eventually going to look. I personally think that this had changed my work immensely from the time where I had made my first draft so Photo shop for me had become a very reliable source for me.

PreziTo share information on and make my presentations look a little more interesting I used a site named Prezi where I was able to create a slideshow which had all my information relevant to what I was addressing to. I liked the way Prezi had a movement of how the slides were formed I just thought it looked nice and did the job that I wanted it to do. I had already previously known about Prezi through other subjects that Id used it for so I was familiar with the way in how it worked which again saved a lot of time. I could use the embedded code after making my presentation to then upload on to my Weebly page.

As I used Weebly to upload all of my media course to I had to use another resource to get all of my work on there so I needed to upload it to something else and so I used a site called Scribd to convert the files so that they could be visible on my blog. This was good as Scribd also almost acted as a back up for me as it had all of the work that needed to be converted on it which was useful as well. This was quite an easy fast thing to do once you had the hang of it.