question 6

Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Premiere Pro

During the construction of my film opening premiere pro was the most important technology in which I used as in used it from the beginning to the end of my film production.

I used it to edit my films, from putting all my clips together and editing the clips. I also used it to add the effects, titles and music to my film opening.

I was able to put the music in to my film opening and add the reverse effect on premiere pro which was important as these were the parts of my film which the target audience liked the best and thought was the most effective and which fitted drama conventions the most.

My skills were improved on premiere pro and I felt confident in using it as I got a lot of practise using it from my preliminary task meaning when I came to do my film opening I knew exactly how to use it and had to ask for little help.

What I found the most difficult to use and get to terms with on premiere pro was being able to add titles over the film itself and for them to flow nicely in and out and in order to do this I did have to ask for some help. However, once it had been explained to me I was able to add the titles by myself.

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I used Slideshare during my pre production and evaluation of my film opening.

I used it during my pre production to present the word documents and PowerPoints which I created in a nice and attractive format.

I found Slideshare quite easy to come to terms with as it was explained clearly how to upload the document and how to download it into the new format making using Slideshare efficient.

However, one thing I did find when I was using Slideshare is that sometimes documents did take a while to upload which as a result made it frustrating when I was trying to change my documents ready to upload to my blog.

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Google Chrome

Google chrome was the web browser I used to research all the information I needed to for my pre production.

I used google chrome to find information out about drama film conventions and to get background information on ready made drama films so was able to link these conventions to my own film opening.

I use google chrome often at home as well as school and have used it for at least 2 years so I was able to use it easily and had no difficulties in using it.

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YouTubeYouTube was an important part in my film opening in both pre production, production and post production.

In pre production I used YouTube to watch clips and trailers from other drama films so I could witness first hand the different techniques in which they use to make the film effective and to follow the typical drama conventions.

I used YouTube during the production of my film as I downloaded the music that I had playing in the background of my film opening from YouTube. I searched royalty free romantic music for the first piece of music playing and royalty free suspense music for the second piece of music used.

My film opening and one of my evaluation questions were uploaded to YouTube to allow me to upload them to my blog which again made YouTube a big part for my film production.

Similarly to google chrome, I also use YouTube at home so I found no difficulties in using it during the production of my film opening.

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Blogger I used blogger in order to present all of my work in one place. I created my own blog and on my blog I uploaded everything from my preliminary task as well as all of my research for my post production as well as my planning for my film opening. I also uploaded my film opening itself and my evaluation questions.

Blogger also allowed me to add labels to each blog post I published so it was clear what each blog was for, for example; post production.

Before my preliminary task I had never used blogger before and was not sure how to use it, however once I had been taught how to use it I got the hang of what to do quite quickly and managed to do the rest without help. Due to the amount of practise I had on blogger during my preliminary task, by the time I got to my main film opening I knew exactly how to use blogger and had no difficulties with it. Therefore I made a lot of progress with using blogger.

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Microsoft Word

I didn’t use word very much during the process of my film opening, however it was a software I did use.

I mainly used Microsoft word to brainstorm and write my ideas to them put through slide share to share onto my blog. Although, sometimes I didn’t publish what I had written on word onto my blog, I just used it like a notepad to type up personal notes to help me with what and how I was going to do things.

Word is a software I have used throughout my whole school life so I didn’t have to learn how to use it.

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PowerPoint My sole use of PowerPoint was to display information for my pre production and 2 of my evaluation questions.

The reason I used PowerPoint is because I think that it is a good layout to display work and it makes it look clear and professional.

Again, I already knew how to use PowerPoint so didn’t have to learn how to use it during the production of my film and found no difficulties in using it.

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Prezi Similarly to PowerPoint, I found the sole use for me using Prezi was to display information for my pre production and evaluation.

I think Prezi’s look extremely professional when they are completed and are a good clear, way to present work.

I hadn’t previously used Prezi, so I had to learn how to use it. Once it had been explained to me how to use Prezi I didn't have to ask for any help as any problems I came up against I managed to figure out for myself how to overcome it and I taught myself further how to use Prezi.

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PowToonI only used Powtoon once and that was for one of my evaluation questions.

I had never used Powtoon before and I found it extremely difficult to find out how to work it. I tried to make my Powtoon by teaching myself but I kept making many mistakes. I then asked one of my friends who had used Powtoon many times before and it started to make more sense to me. Once my friend had explained to me how it worked I managed to create the Powtoon by myself, although I still did find it difficult. I think for me Powtoon was the most difficult and confusing software that I used.