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How did you attract/address your audience? For the film “Gone” by Athens Productions Presentation by Emma Chaplain-Payne

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How did you attract/address your audience?

For the film “Gone” by Athens Productions

Presentation by Emma Chaplain-Payne

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Audience Members

We interviewed some members of our target audience to receive feedback about what their favourite film genre was and why. As you can see in the video on my blog, they all considered Thriller to be one of their favourite film genres. The main reason for this was because of the mystery and tension created in Thriller films therefore, we ensured that our film “Gone” created suspense and had these effects on our audience. (You can also view the interview via this link

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What else would they find appealing in our film?

Elements in our film that a typical target audience member would find appealing are;

Mystery and tension. Representation of both genders. Age of the characters. The film genre.

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Mystery and Tension

The first two opening minutes of our film creates quite a lot of mystery and gradually builds the tension. Our opening doesn’t reveal much about the Stalker and why they are kidnapping these teenagers in particular; this would attract a typical Thriller fan. Also, the film starts by showing just an ordinary day for the teenaged boy (Brad) on his journey home from school. Then all of a sudden, the Stalker makes their attack and kidnaps him.

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Mystery and Tension

The next scene adds another surprise to the storyline by showing that his sister (Sophie) has also been kidnapped. This would keep the audience on edge as they wouldn’t know what to expect next; the opening hopefully raises a lot of questions for the audience that the film will later answer.

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Technical Elements

Not only does the storyline for “Gone” create mystery and tension, we have also used technical elements. Editing and sounds have been used to create more of an atmosphere whilst watching the film, which will add to the audience’s experience.

For example, our film uses a certain piece of tense music played on strings which became a motif for the stalker throughout the film. Therefore, when this music is played later on in the film, the audience will immediately recognise that the stalker is going to appear.

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Technical ElementsWe used deliberate cuts and fades in the editing process to create suspense. For example, the medium close-up shot of the Stalker approaching Brad on the swing shows the Stalker place their hand on Brad’s shoulder. Then the shot fades straight to the basement scene where the two teenagers are tied up; this creates more of an effect on the audience as it hints at violence but the audience don’t see it. This also adds more elements of mystery.

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Representation of both genders

The social groups represented in our film reflect the ages of our target audience members. Both genders are equally represented in the first two minutes of “Gone” which means the film would attract both males and female audience members because they would be able to relate to it.

The character of Brad subverts the stereotype that it’s usually teenaged girls that are more vulnerable however, this will cause the audience to feel empathy towards this character. Parents watching the film will feel this towards Brad and Sophie as they feel protective over children. Furthermore, the character of the Father conforms to the positive stereotype that males protect their family. Therefore, members of the audience that are Fathers may relate to the emotions that this character shows.

In addition, the character of the Stalker is a female represented in a negative way. This character subverts the stereotype that females have a motherly instinct; this may surprise female audience members.

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Age of the characters

As the film is rated a 15, our film represents teenagers and adults. The two teenagers, Brad and Sophie, represent the younger generation. Then the Father and Stalker represent the slightly older members of the audience.

As the film shows Brad and Sophie getting kidnapped, it could add a sense of fear for the teenagers watching the film or allow them to relate to the characters. Most teenagers would stereotypically hang out at the park on their way home from school. This would also create tension which is one of the factors that our target audience members found appealing.

The Father character represents older males and parents. They may be able to relate to the worry that this character is experiencing as they would worry about their own children being kidnapped.

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The Film Genre

The interview with some of the target audience members for “Gone” revealed that the Thriller genre is quite popular. We used the film “Taken” as an inspiration for our film, which allowed us to ensure that our film follows, develops and challenges some the conventions of a Thriller film.

Our film followed the conventions of the opening titles and using a male character as the protagonist or hero for example. By following some of the conventions, it makes the audience feel more comfortable when watching the film. They would be able to recognise some of the typical elements of a Thriller film.



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The Film GenreHowever, to make our film more unique and interesting for the audience, we developed and challenged some of the conventions. The developed convention was to place the film title “Gone” at the end of the opening. This would be the last thing the audience would see and therefore, the title would be more memorable.

Furthermore, the challenged conventions were the genders of the victim and stalker. The perpetrator is usually a male but we decided to subvert the stereotype and used a female character to be the Stalker. Also, young females are usually considered to be the victim but we used a young male character; this will hopefully be unexpected by the audience and surprising.

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We have to face many disadvantages compared to large established film studios when it comes to attracting an audience. Companies such as Universal and 20th Century Fox are able to employ famous actors, which will then attract a larger audience. Also, as their films have well established directors, they will immediately gain a reputation.

However, as we are considered a very small production company, we do not have the budget or contacts to guarantee a certain audience. If we were to distribute and market our film, it would have to be through Guerrilla marketing methods. This would mean advertising “Gone” in an unconventional way that used a low budget such as; posters and word-of-mouth. Whereas larger film studios are able to afford trailers and other more conventional methods of marketing