question 4


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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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In the production stage of ‘Rose’ Photoshop saw itself be used to produce the poster and magazine cover for ‘Rose’ and the ‘Total Horror’ cover feature of our film. Although I did not personally handle the product construction through Photoshop I do know that as a group we found some technical issues that hindered our progress, which resulted in my suggestion of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint being used as they are much simpler programs. However in the end the issues were resolved and Photoshop was used to complete our products. A specific example of the use of this program is on the magazine cover where the image of Rose is cut from the actual photo, that was taken during the Brownsover Hall shoot, to remove the background as shown below in the final product. Other features that were used from the software were used in order to change the colour of images in order to represent them how we wanted, as shownby the black and white appearance of Rose on the magazine cover and the actual rose on the poster.

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Throughout the research and construction of ‘Rose’ the software iMovie was used to edit together raw footage which suited purposes besides constructing our main project. One example of this is the usage of iMovie to edit together recorded footage of people from our target audience giving their opinion of which font they prefer for our movie poster. Once the editing process had been done on these videos, iMovie was used to export them into the correct file type in order for them to be uploaded to YouTube which is where our finished project and various research videos can be found. Within iMovie we also inserted titles into our footage along with sound effects and music. For both of these we had to first source the font and sound that we wanted to use from various online sources, we then (for the titles) had to consider what colours we wanted to use for the font that would suit the background that we would be using so that the titles would stand out and be readable. For the sound effects and music we had to correctly trim the length of certain clips so that the effects seemed natural and in order to make the music fit the pace of the overall video. In order to link together certain aspects and scenes of the trailer we used the available iMovie transitions to avoid having a lot of unnecessary jump cuts in between where one shot ends and another starts. To combat this in places we used a fade to black to make the transition from one scene to another appear more natural.

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In this years media course, video recordings had a bigger impact upon our production during its planning stages as we recorded much of our audience research. This along with drafts of our trailer and the final finished version were uploaded to global video sharing website YouTube, they were uploaded here so that they could be watched and in order to be embedded onto our personal blogs to evidence what we had done. We also used YouTube to research other movie trailers when we were first planning our base concept, during this period we used the platform to review trailers such as ‘Sinister’ and ‘The Woman In Black’ then proceeded to use the noticeable conventions in these trailers to form the structure of what would eventually become ‘Rose’.

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As with last years course, our coursework was to be presented on the Edublogs website which has been used since September 2015 to document the progression and development of ‘Rose’ from ideas on post-it notes to a fully filmed and edited trailer with a poster and magazine cover. The helpful feature on the website is the option to set categories for your blog posts which makes searching for certain posts easier, for instance if I needed to see if I had uploaded a draft version of our trailer then I could select the ‘Production’ category and see all of the posts that have that category. Edublogs also features a class system which was used to help track the progress of other in our group and class, it also made sharing information easier as everything was easily accessible.

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Slideshare is a website that has been very useful throughout the planning and production of ‘Rose’ as it enables PowerPoint presentations and Word documents to be embedded onto Edublogs in a convenient manner so that they can be easily viewed, rather than the regular embed of a document which would just leave a link to the file and not present the document. The simplicity of the website has come in handy throughout the production as I personally have used it to display the behind the scenes photos from our shoots and the reviews of said shoots. It is also being used to provide an embed code of this evaluation answer, it has also been used on over coursework documents such as the one shown below.